#faiza talks
taikanyohou · 8 months
no bc kouhei is insane he literally improvised "open your mouth. more." after seeing atsuki's face in that scene.
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mibexe · 1 year
Oh my god, your Martin design is exactly how I picture him? Your jmarts fill me with so much joy because that's Martin! That's him right there! It's so nice to see jmart how I picture them
THANK YOU!! I'm really glad to hear that.. I often worry that my Martin is a touch too far from canon. Here's a little diagram from July on how I draw him. I tend to fudge the details depending on the piece, but I try to keep these consistent.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
okay and what if i got inspired and make another vegaspete b&w ep 4 fits gifset
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whumpflash · 1 year
Ashes, Ashes 5: To Market
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“You need what?”
“A necromancer. Or at the very least someone who works with life magic–”
“Ei, why—?”
“As a precaution! I refuse to risk losing my test subject. Come on, just call your girlfriend or something.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
Nyra mindlessly spooned oatmeal into her mouth as she listened to her sisters argue. Girlfriend or not, she wouldn’t mind if Faiza had Mabel over. It was nice to hang out with a woman who wasn’t her relative every now and then, and Mabel was a witch to boot, which made her that much cooler.
Once upon a time, Nyra had dreamed about learning magic. This was, of course, before she’d learned just how difficult it was for a human without Fae blood. Putting aside the fact that a hunter could be called to take out a rogue witch just as easily as a vampire.
“Call her anyway,” Eimaan was saying. “Maybe we can work on the whole ‘not your girlfriend’ angle.”
Faiza shook her head dismissively, but it was easy to see she was flustered. Nyra smiled to herself. A little romance would definitely liven up the daily routine.
“And what are you grinning about?”
So not entirely to herself. She did her best to drop it and not make eye contact.
“Don’t worry about her. Call Mabel. We’ll set up an appointment, and maybe you two can…” Eimaan cleared her throat. “Talk about killing things over a coffee?”
“Right.” Faiza was not amused.
“In the meantime…” She clapped Nyra on the shoulder. “Nyra and I are gonna head to the market.”
“For what?” Faiza asked, as if every new statement from Ei only brought more inconvenience. Being fair to her, they mostly did.
“I am?” Nyra asked.
“We need to have a chat,” Ei said under her breath, then flashed Nyra with an overly cheery grin. “Gotta find some magic weapons to test on the dragon.”
Faiza raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with the ones we have here?”
“I want more options,” Eimaan said. “This is research, Faiz. I need all the data I can gather.”
The older girl shook her head. “Fine. Fine, just don’t take too long. I don’t want Nyra hanging out with the dealers.”
“She’s a hunter now. Gotta get used to it eventually.”
“Alright, alright. Deal.” She nudged Nyra. “Let’s get going then.”
Nyra had to talk around a spoonful’s worth of oatmeal. “Now?”
Nyra swallowed and stood, taking the not-quite-empty bowl to the sink. Eimaan practically herded her out of the kitchen and towards the front door. She couldn't say she wasn't a little excited; her sisters went to the market all the time and came back with all sorts of interesting things. Protective charms, wooden stakes, silver bullets. It would be neat to see where everything came from.
“So,” Eimaan began once they were in the car, and Nyra knew immediately what their 'chat' would be about.
“Talking to dragon boy, huh?”
“Not that much," Nyra said. Eimaan pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction of town, not taking her eyes off the road as she spoke.
“He tell you anything?”
“Not… not really. His name is Rhys?”
Ei sighed. “You know he’s trying to manipulate you, right? Make you think he’s a friend?”
“I know,” Nyra said.
“He’s just looking for a way out. You can’t trust him.”
“I know,” Nyra repeated. “I left on my own, remember? I’m not stupid.”
“Hm,” Eimaan said, a ‘fair enough’ in her own way. “Why did you go downstairs in the first place?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“So you talk to the dragon?”
“It was because of the dragon. I was worried he’d wait until we let our guard down and attack, but…”
“But he can’t, can he?”
Eimaan nodded, looking satisfied with Nyra's conclusion. “That’s what I’m thinking. And I don’t know why. So I’m gonna need your help.”
Nyra shot her a confused look. “My help?”
“Let him think he got through to you. Let him think he’s charmed you, that you feel sorry for him.”
Nyra bit her lip. Won’t be that hard to fake, I almost do.
“---And find out why he hasn’t transformed. The real reason. Find out anything you can, really.” For a second, she glanced over at her, a bemused expression on her face. “Should be easy for you. I know you’ve gotta be curious about dragons in general, if you aren’t curious enough about this particular dragon already.”
"It… it would be kinda cool to learn more." And this indirect, talking approach would be good. She could help her family without having to actually hurt anyone.
"That's the spirit." 
The car came to a stop outside a long, low building. From the outside, it looked like a windowless strip mall. Nyra wondered if it would be similar inside; just a handful of individual shops, each with its own specialty. She knew a little about hunting markets, despite never actually having been to one. 
The quality kinda… varied. There were the huge corporate 'markets' that mostly serviced the Guilds, the home dealers that shipped out the more niche goods, and the run-of-the-mill town markets that got most of their profits from selling protective works to civilians.
She'd read about slightly more legally dubious markets too, where hunters would sell products made from the monsters they'd killed—or even the monsters themselves, still alive. Nyra seriously doubted the local one was anything like that, and as she followed her sister inside, she found herself to be correct.
It almost looked like a farmer's market, with tables and stalls lining a long, tiled hallway. Except instead of vegetables, there were weapons. Instead of homemade soaps and candles, there were bottled remedies and protective totems.
Nyra's head swiveled left and right as she tried to take in everything. She would have liked to stop, look at the wares, ask questions, but Eimaan was on a mission. Her sister marched all the way to the end, stopping at an empty booth and standing in front of it, arms folded.
"Ei, what are we—"
She held up a hand. "Sh. McGuire, I know you're there. Drop the act."
A small, spindly man appeared, seemingly out of thin air, and Nyra jumped back in shock.
"Ah-! How… what did you..?"
"Invisibility charm," the man said with a smile.
Nyra looked from him to her sister. "He's a witch?"
"With a capital 'b'," Eimaan muttered, and McGuire scowled at her, quickly turning his attention back to Nyra.
"No no, it's a literal charm." He held up his wrist, the flash of a silvery bracelet catching the light as he moved. A little eye-shaped pendant hung from it. "Three grand and it's yours."
Nyra's eyes widened. A real magic item? One not used strictly for the hunt? "How did you–?"
"We're not here for parlor tricks," Eimaan cut her off.
"You're no fun." He reached under the table, producing a notebook with what looked like a grocery list scrawled across its pages. "What are you after this time?"
Eimaan took the notebook from him, and Nyra hung over her shoulder, trying to read McGuire's scribbled handwriting.
Blessed blade, shielding charm, watching eye… More magic items.
"What are you looking for?" Nyra whispered, but Eimaan shushed her again, taking her own sweet time to scan the page.
"I don't think you have what I'm after," Eimaan said at last, tossing the notebook back to McGuire.
He seemed a little unhappy with her statement. "Maybe if I knew what you wanted–"
"That was your whole inventory, wasn't it?" Ei said. "You don't have it."
"Well if I don't have it, why are you still hanging around my stall?"
"I ask myself that question with every passing moment," Ei replied. "Oh well, I suppose we'll be going. I doubt you'd even be able to get your hands on one."
McGuire sighed, as if resigning himself to the conversation. "I wouldn't know. What with you being so generous with the details."
"Even if I did tell you, I'd be surprised if you knew," her sister said flippantly. "Such a weapon isn't often talked of in polite company."
"So suddenly I'm polite company?" He leaned back against the wall. "I don't suppose it's because such a weapon is too fiery for most?"
"Quite the opposite actually." Eimaan smiled. "Some find it handy for putting out particularly nasty fires."
Nyra looked back and forth between the two. What kind of roundabout deal was happening right now? Couldn't Ei just ask him for it like a normal person?
"Hm. While I certainly don't have the permits to sell such a fantastic hypothetical item…" McGuire let himself trail off. "You may stumble upon one in the back lot for the low price of five thousand dollars—"
"Five grand? You've got to be joking—" Eimaan took a breath, then continued with a forced politeness. "I was under the impression that this hypothetical item was a little cheaper."
McGuire snorted. "Not in this corner of the market, sweetheart." 
Nyra tuned them out as the pair continued to haggle, letting her attention wander to other nearby stalls.
Wolfsbane candles, silver jewelry to ward against vampires, iron tongue piercings for making safer deals with Fae, perfume made from holy water… the creativity of the sellers was honestly impressive. Maybe she could get into the protection business. Learn to craft and design instead of fight and kill.
As the conversation behind her began to wrap up, Nyra's eye was drawn to one of the many market patrons. He didn't seem to fit in with the crowd, dressed in a full suit and not paying much attention to the goods on display, his expression like he'd been taking a leisurely stroll through the park only to be suddenly inconvenienced by a random craft fair in his path.
Maybe he was just a curious civilian. Some businessman who wasn't entirely sold on the legitimacy of the charms and wards.
Eimaan tapped her on the shoulder. 
"Alright, deal's done. Back lot, let's go," the barely -concealed smile on her face told Nyra that she'd come out on the better end of the deal, and a glance back at McGuire's equally poorly concealed scowl confirmed it.
She gave the dealer a little wave. After a moment, he returned it, begrudgingly.
Eimaan made them wait by the car for ten minutes before going to pick up whatever it was she'd just bought. Something about 'plausible deniability'.
When they finally went to recover the item, stored in a plain cardboard box, Nyra couldn't help but be a little disappointed.
"What's so special about this one?" Nyra asked. For all its supposed magic, it looked about as grand as a kitchen knife, albeit a very sharp one.
"It's a Firebreak," said a low voice behind her, and she jumped in surprise, spinning around to see the man in the suit. His disdainful expression was gone, and up close his face seemed pleasant enough, but there was a certain coolness to his eyes that set her on edge.
"I'm surprised you didn't know that. You're a hunter, aren't you?"
Nyra shrugged sheepishly. "I suppose I am. Mr..?"
"Creed," Eimaan said, putting a hand on Nyra's shoulder. "She's still learning."
"Miss Khanh. Your sister, I presume?"
"Nyra," she said, offering her hand in a greeting before Eimaan could stop her. He shook it.
"Consider yourselves acquainted," Eimaan said. "Now, we should be going."
"And where is it that you're going with a Firebreak?" Creed said. "I haven't heard of any demons or djinn in the area."
"It's for research," Nyra offered.
"Really? What kind of research?"
"That's family business," Eimaan replied cooly. "And we'd better get back to it."
"So soon? You—"
"Have a wonderful day," her sister cut him off, steering Nyra back towards the parking lot.
"Who was that?" she asked once they'd made it to the car. "I take it you two aren't hunting buddies?"
"No way," Eimaan said, slipping behind the steering wheel. "Creed's a Guild hunter. Spends most of his time trying to steal our leads."
"I see." It was strange that a Guilded hunter would hang around a local market. They were government sponsored, and thus given access to all kinds of fancy stuff. 
"If you ever meet him again, say absolutely nothing about the dragon. That's a Khanh discovery."
"Obviously," Nyra said.
"And on the topic of not telling people things…"
"Don't tell Faiza I met him?"
"Nah, she can know that." Eimaan grinned. "Just don't tell her about the illegal knife."
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@kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hold-back-on-the-comfort
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Hi! Happy Blorbo Blursday! (If you're doing it)
Who's your favorite OC you don't get to talk about much? Tell me about them?
--Joy (@italiangothicwriteblr)
Hey, Joy, thanks for the ask. :D I'm happy to ramble about OCs any day of the week.
An OC I haven't really posted much about in recent years (and who I think would get along pretty well with Novellia actually) is Faiza. She was bred to be a powerful sorcerer and born into a rather complicated political situation between her kingdom and another. Unfortunately, she's terrible at controlling her magic, partly because she's emotional and has no filter, partly just because it's a lot to handle. Thus, fists are her preferred method of resolving conflict, though circumstances force her into mastering her magic. Her adopted dad is a nightborn (a type of vampire) who has really high expectations of her, but also sort of lets her do whatever she wants because it pisses off his political rivals.
I hope to restart the drafts of her story I've done one day.
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crimechannels · 6 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Female Police Inspector killed by gunmen in Otupko Bank robbery incident, buried amid tears It was a torrent of tears and wailing in Okene, Kogi State when one of the policemen shot and killed by dare-devil armed robbers in Otukpo, Benue State was laid to rest on Monday evening. Female Inspector Adija Bello was caught by the robbers’ bullets when they attacked the Divisional Police Station in Otukpo as they simultaneously robbed five Banks in the area last Friday. Benue Police Command confirmed four of their officers, including the Divisional Police Officer, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)John Adikwu, dead in the attack. The corpse arrived Okene around 7pm on Monday after which it was taken to the cemetery for interment amid tears and sadness that enveloped the short burial ceremony. Eyewitnesses said Inspector Adija Bello, who was on afternoon duty on the fateful day did not have any idea of what fate awaited her in the office as she prepared to leave home for official duties. She was said to have taken her two daughters – Mejidat Abdulganiyu,7, and Faiza Abdulganiyu,2, to the home of one of her neighbours for safe keeping with the hope of picking them up on return from work. This was however not to be as she fell and passed away following the gun attack by the criminals. The husband of the deceased, Mr Abdulganiyu Omeiza, who is also a police officer attached to the Police Mobile Force (PMF) 54, Onitsha, Anambra State, lamented the gruesome murder of his wife while on official duty. He said his wife was everything to him and he would miss her dearly. He said the wife spoke to him on phone shortly before her untimely death in the hands of the robbers. Omeiza, who spoke on phone, said: “She was everything to me. I really miss her every day. Everyday before she goes to work or take the kids to school, I will call her to know how they are doing. “Even on that fateful day we spoke a night before and I told her I will be on night duty. From that night duty once I closed, I normally call her by 7am. “But I woke up by 8.00am and I called her. She said she did not want to disturb me because she knew since I was on night duty I would not be able to call them early. “So on that very day, around a few minutes to 3pm, she called me. We talked but I did not know that would be the last time I would speak with my wife.” A close friend to the deceased, Emma Yambasu, described her as a selfless personality who went out of her way often to make others happy. “She was a very good person, she had a heart of gold, she was so selfless and always put others before herself. There is nobody that don’t know her in Otukpo because of her kindness and friendly disposition. “I don’t know why they would do this. It’s not like they tried to stop them,” she said amid tears. #FemalePoliceInspectorkilledbygunmeninOtupkoBankrobberyincidentburiedamidtears
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artseducation2024 · 1 year
Art Education.
Faiza Ali
ART 15500 
Professor Gutierrez
May 17, 2023
This art education course was a very informational course. This class, in general, is very hands-on and has you excited to learn and create art even if it is 10 in the morning. Every day throughout this course we learned about different artists and their art styles and how their art form brings awareness to a current event and addresses a specific issue. We talked about racial, political, cultural, and many other topics, some of which may even seem controversial. I loved all the discussions we had.
I liked all the assignments and projects we did in this class but the one I liked the most was the Kehinde Wiley project. When we were discussing Kehinde Wiley, I enjoyed looking at how he used such unique and vibrant colors to surround a person, specifically a black person in the middle. I liked seeing the art side to side, classical art that was originally centered around white people, Kehinde altered with his own twist and drew a black person.  
Looking at the two paintings below, we can see the original photo on top, and on the bottom, we can see what Kehinde did and his twist on the original painting. He chose to create a completely different and vibrant background keeping the horse the same and placing a black man on the horse whereas the original had a white man on the horse. So I liked the way he added black representation on art that normally consisted of white people.
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When completing the project, I enjoyed being able to express myself. When the project was presented to us I immediately knew what I wanted to do. I got to express the way I think and the way I perceive life just through a simple project. I chose to use roses as my background symbol because of their color and what the roses represent to me. The colors red and green symbolize the colors of my flag and where my family is from. The roses symbolize the bittersweetness of life because with a beautiful flower comes painful thorns and this expresses my outlook on life.
Overall, this art class encouraged me to be a bit more creative in the way I express myself. I learned a lot in this class about what it means to be an educator and what it takes to work with students having them engage in your activities. I also learned the importance of using art as a form of spreading information and awareness on different issues. Art is more than just a painting; it comes in all different sizes, styles, mediums, and ways of expression. Art is an important part of our society, without it the world wouldn't be the same and this class really showed me how important it is. If I could take this class again I 100% would and I recommend everyone take it if they can.
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taikanyohou · 1 year
no one even comes CLOSE to aoki like:
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mibexe · 1 year
How much u love Martin >:)
VERY much. <3 I do not think I could make half the Martin-centric art I do without being a bit in love with him. If I'm being completely honest, he's probably gotten Jon beat as my favourite TMA character. I love asian people (hc) I love fat (SORTA hc. not really. you people just need to make this man fat more I swear to god) trans guys (hc) I love love. What is a Martin without some meat on his bones...
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faizablog1 · 1 year
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Your family doesn't know how much difficulties and pressure you go through in your daily life or in your job.
- And your work doesn't know the circumstances of your life and your home.
- Your colleagues, your friends, and loved ones will not understand the size of the new and old responsibilities that are above you.
- And your partner is always expecting unconditional love and support from you, she/he won't understand the amount of pressure you go through no matter how much you talk and explain to her/him.
No one will ever understand what you're really going through. You’re on your own. I wish more power to you!
Follow me on: Instagram:
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otakusmart · 2 years
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alias-aida · 2 years
Lost Cause
Today, Tonight I lost a friend. She called me her best friend. This is a lost cause. I'm a lost cause.
Faiza Osman, your home. Your roof has always helped me in the hardest stages of my life. I'll always be thankful to God for that.
My Bunny Boi, rolypoly, Rolypoly#7, rolypoly, 2u14n25, the password to all my important accounts and passwords in general. You came into my life when I had hit my adulthood prime. I got my first very own apartment and you were there, so i had made you a nickname: rolypoly— because you liked to roll so much on the floor lol. You eventually became the serotonin for me and i ended up capturing your nickname as my very first apartment password. Just like that— i came up with a better official nickname for you sunce you didnt like rolypoly— if was Bunny. And my Bunny boi, YOU have always been the ray of happiness in my ocean of sadness. A cute little younger brother bear of mine♡ I'll always be thankful for coming to the moments where I needed emotional support and help the most. For staying on call with me when I cried so much. Staying up on call with me. Staying there for me for the time I needed someone. For telling me I'll survive and live. And that something inside me is what I want to kill, not myself. I can't look at you while i am here for the last remaining few days. You have told me about yourself more than you would to other people and it made me feel special to have known you. And how innocent you are truly. There are things that most don't know between us but if i look at you i would probably cry a lot more than i need to. So i am going to avoid looking at you. At your eyes, and at the innocent presence of you. I don't think i can take it, if i look at you. You've been super kind to me since day 1. From your smoothies, mashed potatoes, mattress forts, to your time and envolvment with me during this year from February 15th, to the times that i needed someone the most you wete there for me. There is so much to say about you but I will not mention it or else I might just never be able to move on. But I am glad to have met such a kind cute kid. I hope you find a beautiful person to be with in the future. And you eventually grown into a good islamic man♡ in Sha Allah
Lo Sheng, you'll always be the gurl who made me feel like I wasn't years older than you. You talked to me like I was your classmate. The inside jokes we had made. You're a good gurl. Reliable teenager. It's odd to say that but truly, you're ahead of your years in some emotional cases. You'll be a great woman in the future. I'll never forget the moment when you massaged my head while I was down with the most heaviest fever. You kept on massaging until fever went down. Even faiza had left me alone, but you didn't. You stayed and massaged my head for sooooo long. It really touched me. And I'll never forget it. I felt like, that is how it must feel like to have a little sister. You'll achieve whatever you want in life, I pray for the best my love, In Sha Allah♡♡♡
Asma, the cutest sassiest kiddo ever. You're so little right now. I remember when I was your age. I was a quiet kid. Gloomy, sad, heartbroken kid. Looking at you made me realize that that's how little kids should be. Carefree and expressive. Unlike how I grew up. Sacred and surviving. Your love for putties, cats, art, bracelet making. And purses and chocolate Hahaha. I wore your bracelet when you gave it to me. But I don't think I can keep wearing it so I took it off. Or else I would be more heartbroken than I am right now. So I'll just keep your bracelet with me. But not wear it ever. I can presevr things very well. I hope you'll grow into a beautiful person in life. In Sha Allah ♡♡♡
And finally,
Siham Rose Osman. My OG main, default mode girl. You're the one I started this whole journey with— the Osman family and you're the one I am ending this journey with. In the middle of our friendship Faiza had become my right hand but at the end, she threw me away like a crumpled paper into the trash can. And in the end you understood my mind and heart. You asked me about my life and you cried with me. You cried for me. No one ever shed tears with me. Or for me. You tried to tell me that there is someone who will understand me out there. I appreciate you so much. I didn't think you would understand me this much. You even stood up trying to talk to faiza about why she didn't block her. You were so passionate ashen you asked her, it made me feel like you truly believed me and whatever I had to say to you. When we stood near thar window, with the beautiful breeze and sunset was in the sky, we stood there and talked about my pain. My childhood. You asked me. And the azan went on. I shared a moment of my pain with a person who truly cared for me there. I wish I could stay friends with you forever. But you'll never be able to truly take me as a friend because of how faiza is. She's the one who decided that I needed to be taken down. Thrown away. And if she's not going to take me I'm as her friend anymore then you can't ether consider me your friend properly. It's just how life works.
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taikanyohou · 9 months
found this super interesting. this person below is an acting coach and scriptwriter that's worked on/working on: kinnporsche (2022), only friends (2023), playboyy (2023) and mansruang (2023):
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taikanyohou · 8 months
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taikanyohou · 2 months
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excuse me what do you MEAN this got cut from the final ep and end credits??????
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taikanyohou · 5 months
h-h-hello .....
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