#this one is not whumpy at all and im sorry ;-;
whumpflash · 1 year
Ashes, Ashes 5: To Market
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“You need what?”
“A necromancer. Or at the very least someone who works with life magic–”
“Ei, why—?”
“As a precaution! I refuse to risk losing my test subject. Come on, just call your girlfriend or something.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
Nyra mindlessly spooned oatmeal into her mouth as she listened to her sisters argue. Girlfriend or not, she wouldn’t mind if Faiza had Mabel over. It was nice to hang out with a woman who wasn’t her relative every now and then, and Mabel was a witch to boot, which made her that much cooler.
Once upon a time, Nyra had dreamed about learning magic. This was, of course, before she’d learned just how difficult it was for a human without Fae blood. Putting aside the fact that a hunter could be called to take out a rogue witch just as easily as a vampire.
“Call her anyway,” Eimaan was saying. “Maybe we can work on the whole ‘not your girlfriend’ angle.”
Faiza shook her head dismissively, but it was easy to see she was flustered. Nyra smiled to herself. A little romance would definitely liven up the daily routine.
“And what are you grinning about?”
So not entirely to herself. She did her best to drop it and not make eye contact.
“Don’t worry about her. Call Mabel. We’ll set up an appointment, and maybe you two can…” Eimaan cleared her throat. “Talk about killing things over a coffee?”
“Right.” Faiza was not amused.
“In the meantime…” She clapped Nyra on the shoulder. “Nyra and I are gonna head to the market.”
“For what?” Faiza asked, as if every new statement from Ei only brought more inconvenience. Being fair to her, they mostly did.
“I am?” Nyra asked.
“We need to have a chat,” Ei said under her breath, then flashed Nyra with an overly cheery grin. “Gotta find some magic weapons to test on the dragon.”
Faiza raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with the ones we have here?”
“I want more options,” Eimaan said. “This is research, Faiz. I need all the data I can gather.”
The older girl shook her head. “Fine. Fine, just don’t take too long. I don’t want Nyra hanging out with the dealers.”
“She’s a hunter now. Gotta get used to it eventually.”
“Alright, alright. Deal.” She nudged Nyra. “Let’s get going then.”
Nyra had to talk around a spoonful’s worth of oatmeal. “Now?”
Nyra swallowed and stood, taking the not-quite-empty bowl to the sink. Eimaan practically herded her out of the kitchen and towards the front door. She couldn't say she wasn't a little excited; her sisters went to the market all the time and came back with all sorts of interesting things. Protective charms, wooden stakes, silver bullets. It would be neat to see where everything came from.
“So,” Eimaan began once they were in the car, and Nyra knew immediately what their 'chat' would be about.
“Talking to dragon boy, huh?”
“Not that much," Nyra said. Eimaan pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction of town, not taking her eyes off the road as she spoke.
“He tell you anything?”
“Not… not really. His name is Rhys?”
Ei sighed. “You know he’s trying to manipulate you, right? Make you think he’s a friend?”
“I know,” Nyra said.
“He’s just looking for a way out. You can’t trust him.”
“I know,” Nyra repeated. “I left on my own, remember? I’m not stupid.”
“Hm,” Eimaan said, a ‘fair enough’ in her own way. “Why did you go downstairs in the first place?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“So you talk to the dragon?”
“It was because of the dragon. I was worried he’d wait until we let our guard down and attack, but…”
“But he can’t, can he?”
Eimaan nodded, looking satisfied with Nyra's conclusion. “That’s what I’m thinking. And I don’t know why. So I’m gonna need your help.”
Nyra shot her a confused look. “My help?”
“Let him think he got through to you. Let him think he’s charmed you, that you feel sorry for him.”
Nyra bit her lip. Won’t be that hard to fake, I almost do.
“---And find out why he hasn’t transformed. The real reason. Find out anything you can, really.” For a second, she glanced over at her, a bemused expression on her face. “Should be easy for you. I know you’ve gotta be curious about dragons in general, if you aren’t curious enough about this particular dragon already.”
"It… it would be kinda cool to learn more." And this indirect, talking approach would be good. She could help her family without having to actually hurt anyone.
"That's the spirit." 
The car came to a stop outside a long, low building. From the outside, it looked like a windowless strip mall. Nyra wondered if it would be similar inside; just a handful of individual shops, each with its own specialty. She knew a little about hunting markets, despite never actually having been to one. 
The quality kinda… varied. There were the huge corporate 'markets' that mostly serviced the Guilds, the home dealers that shipped out the more niche goods, and the run-of-the-mill town markets that got most of their profits from selling protective works to civilians.
She'd read about slightly more legally dubious markets too, where hunters would sell products made from the monsters they'd killed—or even the monsters themselves, still alive. Nyra seriously doubted the local one was anything like that, and as she followed her sister inside, she found herself to be correct.
It almost looked like a farmer's market, with tables and stalls lining a long, tiled hallway. Except instead of vegetables, there were weapons. Instead of homemade soaps and candles, there were bottled remedies and protective totems.
Nyra's head swiveled left and right as she tried to take in everything. She would have liked to stop, look at the wares, ask questions, but Eimaan was on a mission. Her sister marched all the way to the end, stopping at an empty booth and standing in front of it, arms folded.
"Ei, what are we—"
She held up a hand. "Sh. McGuire, I know you're there. Drop the act."
A small, spindly man appeared, seemingly out of thin air, and Nyra jumped back in shock.
"Ah-! How… what did you..?"
"Invisibility charm," the man said with a smile.
Nyra looked from him to her sister. "He's a witch?"
"With a capital 'b'," Eimaan muttered, and McGuire scowled at her, quickly turning his attention back to Nyra.
"No no, it's a literal charm." He held up his wrist, the flash of a silvery bracelet catching the light as he moved. A little eye-shaped pendant hung from it. "Three grand and it's yours."
Nyra's eyes widened. A real magic item? One not used strictly for the hunt? "How did you–?"
"We're not here for parlor tricks," Eimaan cut her off.
"You're no fun." He reached under the table, producing a notebook with what looked like a grocery list scrawled across its pages. "What are you after this time?"
Eimaan took the notebook from him, and Nyra hung over her shoulder, trying to read McGuire's scribbled handwriting.
Blessed blade, shielding charm, watching eye… More magic items.
"What are you looking for?" Nyra whispered, but Eimaan shushed her again, taking her own sweet time to scan the page.
"I don't think you have what I'm after," Eimaan said at last, tossing the notebook back to McGuire.
He seemed a little unhappy with her statement. "Maybe if I knew what you wanted–"
"That was your whole inventory, wasn't it?" Ei said. "You don't have it."
"Well if I don't have it, why are you still hanging around my stall?"
"I ask myself that question with every passing moment," Ei replied. "Oh well, I suppose we'll be going. I doubt you'd even be able to get your hands on one."
McGuire sighed, as if resigning himself to the conversation. "I wouldn't know. What with you being so generous with the details."
"Even if I did tell you, I'd be surprised if you knew," her sister said flippantly. "Such a weapon isn't often talked of in polite company."
"So suddenly I'm polite company?" He leaned back against the wall. "I don't suppose it's because such a weapon is too fiery for most?"
"Quite the opposite actually." Eimaan smiled. "Some find it handy for putting out particularly nasty fires."
Nyra looked back and forth between the two. What kind of roundabout deal was happening right now? Couldn't Ei just ask him for it like a normal person?
"Hm. While I certainly don't have the permits to sell such a fantastic hypothetical item…" McGuire let himself trail off. "You may stumble upon one in the back lot for the low price of five thousand dollars—"
"Five grand? You've got to be joking—" Eimaan took a breath, then continued with a forced politeness. "I was under the impression that this hypothetical item was a little cheaper."
McGuire snorted. "Not in this corner of the market, sweetheart." 
Nyra tuned them out as the pair continued to haggle, letting her attention wander to other nearby stalls.
Wolfsbane candles, silver jewelry to ward against vampires, iron tongue piercings for making safer deals with Fae, perfume made from holy water… the creativity of the sellers was honestly impressive. Maybe she could get into the protection business. Learn to craft and design instead of fight and kill.
As the conversation behind her began to wrap up, Nyra's eye was drawn to one of the many market patrons. He didn't seem to fit in with the crowd, dressed in a full suit and not paying much attention to the goods on display, his expression like he'd been taking a leisurely stroll through the park only to be suddenly inconvenienced by a random craft fair in his path.
Maybe he was just a curious civilian. Some businessman who wasn't entirely sold on the legitimacy of the charms and wards.
Eimaan tapped her on the shoulder. 
"Alright, deal's done. Back lot, let's go," the barely -concealed smile on her face told Nyra that she'd come out on the better end of the deal, and a glance back at McGuire's equally poorly concealed scowl confirmed it.
She gave the dealer a little wave. After a moment, he returned it, begrudgingly.
Eimaan made them wait by the car for ten minutes before going to pick up whatever it was she'd just bought. Something about 'plausible deniability'.
When they finally went to recover the item, stored in a plain cardboard box, Nyra couldn't help but be a little disappointed.
"What's so special about this one?" Nyra asked. For all its supposed magic, it looked about as grand as a kitchen knife, albeit a very sharp one.
"It's a Firebreak," said a low voice behind her, and she jumped in surprise, spinning around to see the man in the suit. His disdainful expression was gone, and up close his face seemed pleasant enough, but there was a certain coolness to his eyes that set her on edge.
"I'm surprised you didn't know that. You're a hunter, aren't you?"
Nyra shrugged sheepishly. "I suppose I am. Mr..?"
"Creed," Eimaan said, putting a hand on Nyra's shoulder. "She's still learning."
"Miss Khanh. Your sister, I presume?"
"Nyra," she said, offering her hand in a greeting before Eimaan could stop her. He shook it.
"Consider yourselves acquainted," Eimaan said. "Now, we should be going."
"And where is it that you're going with a Firebreak?" Creed said. "I haven't heard of any demons or djinn in the area."
"It's for research," Nyra offered.
"Really? What kind of research?"
"That's family business," Eimaan replied cooly. "And we'd better get back to it."
"So soon? You—"
"Have a wonderful day," her sister cut him off, steering Nyra back towards the parking lot.
"Who was that?" she asked once they'd made it to the car. "I take it you two aren't hunting buddies?"
"No way," Eimaan said, slipping behind the steering wheel. "Creed's a Guild hunter. Spends most of his time trying to steal our leads."
"I see." It was strange that a Guilded hunter would hang around a local market. They were government sponsored, and thus given access to all kinds of fancy stuff. 
"If you ever meet him again, say absolutely nothing about the dragon. That's a Khanh discovery."
"Obviously," Nyra said.
"And on the topic of not telling people things…"
"Don't tell Faiza I met him?"
"Nah, she can know that." Eimaan grinned. "Just don't tell her about the illegal knife."
tag list:
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hold-back-on-the-comfort
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go-to-the-mirror · 2 months
Tagged by @roxannepolice and @harrowq, it's my lucky day
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 published fics and see if there’s a pattern.
“Get out of the way,” the Master says, but the Doctor turns around, grabs him by his shoulders, looks him in the eyes.
I know that there's some kind of place ("The End of Time" AU, being miserable about Time Lords' fucked up little society)
“I thought I was gonna die.” Donna whispers it, like a confession.
welcoming you back home (the only one that you have ever known) (post-"Wild Blue Yonder," DoctorDonna)
The Doctor jolted back to full consciousness with ice cold water dumped on his head.
the kind of thing they did (during and post-The Nemonite Invasion, DoctorDonna)
he’s like a god the way he walks towards you, unafraid, unflinching, you want to hurt him.
god (during the wasteland scene in "The End of Time," tensimm, prose poetry)
“Isn't it beautiful, Doctor?”
I want your quiet, your screaming and thrashing (post-"The Last Line" AU, tenwar, ten's stuck in the time war)
The clock ticks in the corner, counting down every second of the silence.
The Blood-Dimmed Tide (Hermitcraft/Life SMP TMA AU, written for the Hermitshipping Big Bang)
They used to torture people here,” the Doctor with a bowtie — Eleven — says.
All these soldiers (Christmas gift for @bloopdydooooo, "Day of the Doctor" AU)
Jon feels sick after he reads Prentiss’ statement.
The Rotten Stone is a Mirror (my magnum opus, my last TMA fic, goes from MAG 32 -> MAG 160)
The Doctor's back arched and an agonised howl tore out of his mouth as soon as Dalek X activated the mind-probe.
i will pull it together (you can love me forever and ever) (post-Prisoner of the Daleks, DoctorDonna, read the whumpy bit and I was like. but what if friendship)
The Doctor stands on the edge of the building, looking out over it all.
The Last Laugh ("The Giggle" AU, please note that my views have Very Much Changed, i repeat it in the author's notes a whole bunch, im like hi hey guys uhm. i dont think the giggle was. bad. actually)
A pattern with my writing is usually starting with dialogue and then describing the scene, because I like it. It doesn't happen nearly as often as I thought it did.
Anyway, tagging: @bloopdydooooo, @mapleejay, uhhm... @cyeayt do you write fanfiction? i think you do? sorry i forgor
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heleizition · 4 months
Hi! OC anon here! The ones from your two most recent reblogs, sorry I don't know their names but I'd like to know about them! ☺️
their names are vik (ginger, white, heterochromia, the one in the whumpy rb whos being kissed in the second rb) and nell (blue hair, darker skin, yellow eyes, the one who is KISSING)
ive had these two for 5 years ! the first setting i had them in was . unvolontary world travellers : the story would follow them in different universes, hows they'd meet, fall in love over and over again, until one of them would start to remember their past lives but one of them would DIE (im dramatic)
It was an excuse for many aus lol which i'm still......... sort of doing lol
i have three main stories for them atm !
1 - the first one is an angel/demon story where the main characters (most of my ocs) come together to form a third party who basically . wants to fight god . nell is a demon who summons knives and vik is an angel who uses a bow :] (cupid hehehhehehe) he also turns out to be a secret spy for one of the antagonist. in this au they have lives from before they died as humans,,,, i've been very into the "past lives" things for someone who hates reincarnation aus LMAO
in this au they jumpstart the third party accidentally by cooperating, and die in each other's arms <3 i think they would have kissed just before the last battle........ my little meow meows
2 - the second one is basically a spooky stardew valley au aka the Farm Au (i played a lot of stardew for a few months AND i like horror so). It follows mainly nell, vik, belly (nell's twin sister), and jasper (the sweetheart of all sweethearts and belly's future husband) with belly being a farmer in a little village after she escaped her and nell's past, nell needs help and reaches out to her, ends up living with her and disocvering that there is more in life than living in ur past trauma.... except ofc the valley the village is is NOT an ordinary valley, with fantastical horror :3 some people melt. vik is once again sort of a "traitor" in this. its a running theme for him but like he's always an unwilling participant in it lol groomed into the situation ...
3 - third au is a naruto au bc after binge listening/watching the anime openings like 3 times in a day i realised i rly enjoyed the universe even if i did not care much abt the story lol. it's basically just . ninja au without the naruto characters, with backstory and fighting style and roles for most of my ocs,,,, yes vik is ROOT in this (groomed into being a bad guy)
ANYWAY i rly enjoy them and put them in the brain rotisserie oven with the flavor of the month wehehhe
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moons-cozy-corner · 1 year
It's Necessary
Holy crud its been MONTHS and I havent posted ANYTHING but IM BACK and with some whumpy sustenance for you!
TW: unskillful attempt at healing, restraints, mention of torture/implied past torture, crying, blood (as always, tell me if I've missed something!)
Whumper missed again, the cotton swab hitting only air as Whumpee squirmed once again out of their reach, falling onto their side this time. This had been going on for ten minutes now, and Whumper was getting seriously tired of it.
Instead they took a deep breath, grabbing the other by the ropes that bound their wrists and pulling them into a seated position again. You’d think Whumpee would just stay still, considering the couch was way softer than the old mattress was.
Whumpee eyed them, glared at them, as they reached for the peroxide, dabbing a bit more on the cotton swab before turning back to Whumpee. The poor thing had blood crusted in their hair, splattered all over their face and shirt. The bruises on their face weren’t even Whumper’s doing; Whumpee had fallen hard on the floor from struggling so hard, and couldn’t even put their hand in front of them to save themself.
"Can't you stay still for one minute? You really are stretching this out, Whumpee."
"Oh, I'm the one dragging this out?" Whumpee scoffed, dodging another of Whumpers attempts to help them. "And how long have you kept me here? Fucking over my life for something that isn't even my fault!" Tears now. Great. Just what Whumper needed.
Whumper groaned, throwing down the first aid supplies and standing, bringing Whumpee up with them. "You're nothing but an ingrateful piece of shit!" The entire room echoed with the thud of Whumpee's head banging off of the hardwood floor. Shit.
Whumper fell to the ground at their captives side, pulling them up slowly. The other let out a choked sob, tears falling from their unblinking eyes. "Whumpee, I'm..." No. This was their prisoner, not their friend. "Get up. If you're refusing treatment then we're going to continue."
Their gazes locked. "N- Whumper, please. Please, I'll stop being difficult. I don't want more, no more!" The whining was impossibly loud in the near empty room. Abandoned houses were meant to be quiet.
Whumper scowled, dragging the sobbing bleeding mess behind them as they walked back to the torture room. "Should have thought o' that before pissing me off." They threw Whumpee into the room before slamming the door. Whumper refused to enter with them. They kept telling themself it was necessary, that doing this was for the betterment of so many others. If they could just get what they needed…
But it had been months. Whumper sank to the floor with their back against the door to Whumpee’s room. Their chest racked with silent sobs, invisible tears tore down their cheeks. All they needed was to lure out Villain, or to get an answer out of Whumpee. But it was getting harder to believe Whumpee knew anything, and the hope that any of this would help was becoming hopeless.
Whumper knew that Villain deserved to deal with the loss of a child. That Whumpee should die just to make Villain suffer. That was what they’d believed, why they’d never stopped. But now…
A weak thud sounded from the door. “S-sir, please. Let me- lemme out… please, help me, I- I'm sorry, Sir, please-" A sob echoed the space around Whumpers head, that of their captors and nearly one of their own following. What would that make of Whumper, that they would cry at this? Weak. They can't give up their mission.
They wiped away their tears and stood. "If I let you out, you will let me tend to your wounds. One more slip-up from you today and-and... well let's hope it doesn't come to that." As Whumper pulled the door slowly open Whumpee fell to the floor. There were beads of sweat, tears, and blood running all over their cheeks. It was pitiful; it made Whumpee look like a-
Whumper sighed. "C'mon, kid, let's get you cleaned up."
Tag-list: @meandmy100blanketsagainstheworld @subval01 @bleeding-letters @whumpkinz @aswallowimprisoned @nicolepascaline
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starssabove · 1 year
HI! This part actually got too long so im sorry for the cut off! I will try to get the next part out as soon as i can! If you cant tell im feeling a lil whumpy lately lol :p so enjoy some more torment!
We are nearing the end of this series and i seriously cannot express how much i appreciate the support on this series! there will probably be about 2 more parts to this, depending on how the split up works. I promise youll get some comfort sometime soon ajkshdakjf.
Anyways, enjoy!
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 (this is part 8)
[Content Warnings- Once again, a severe chapter!! Mentions of torture, distrust/emotional manipulation/betrayal, mention of vomit, description of panic/shock, descriptions of injuries/pain. Please let me know if i missed anything!!]
Jay let out a small laugh before he set down his phone on the side table, turning his attention back to the small, quivering form that was Kai. He loved when they looked like this. Crumpled like discarded paper, absolutely shattered as they laid on the ground, unable to do anything but sob.
Nothing would ever replace this high. Nothing would ever be better than standing above a quivering mess, knowing he made them break.
And the work wasn't finished. Not when the only thing that could somehow shatter them even more was practically running to the job. 
Jay let a stupid smile find his lips. He didn't even have to do anything. He had planted all the seeds, and now the pain would practically make itself. But he did have a grand finale to plan.
—--- – - 
The floor was so cold. The whole room was so cold.
Perks of having ice powers, they guessed. 
They remembered when they had used that line just before cozying up to their enemy. They had felt so safe. Why had they felt so safe?
It's not like Villain had actually cared about them- the whole time it was a ruse just like every other connection they'd had in their life. But why had it felt so real?
Why did they crave that gentleness as they felt nothing but sheer pain from the purple blossoms that spread across their body. The little white lines that decorated their skin were now in contrast to fresh red ones, weirdly tinged yellow as infection gnawed at their skin; The bandages Seth had gently put on long torn to shreds, along with Kais heart.
Being a hero had had its days. There were days they had felt on top of the world. Unbeatable. And then there were days where they had hit every possible bump, wandered home tattered and beaten. They had always tried to justify the bad. Always tried to think “tomorrow could only go up”. But now they didnt know which way was “up”. And they didn't have the strength to find it.
They weren't a hero. They weren't a friend. Least of all not a lover. So were they anything? 
—---- - - 
The stitch in their side was excruciating. Seth had been running for 5 blocks. Panting and sweating, they arrived at the front of a building stupidly grand, the agency. It practically swarmed with heroes and other personnel- maybe they hadn't quite thought this all the way through-
In the back of their mind, they knew their power could take out the crowd in one move. They could gather the energy that crackled through their body, through their blood, and direct it outwards, light and pure energy that destroyed everything it touched. Their power terrified even them.
They barely ever used it- opted for knives or anything that helped them avoid using that. They hated feeling out of control, useless to stop the energy that escaped them and caused destruction all around them. It was too much. They had learned that so early on. 
They could let all of it out. Let out the fire that had simmered in their being for so long, untouched, unused, bubbling around in their blood, and set the area around them ablaze. The heroes, the agency, all with one careful exhale. 
But they refused to become any more of a villain. Not when Kai needed them.
If they saw themself as a monster, how would they let someone else love them?
That was all the reasoning it took. Think of a better way. No casualties, no fire. Just distract them, make chaos, slip in. 
Let it seep out. Let the energy separate from your blood where it had become so intertwined. 
Shit that hurt.
Exhale- Ah!
Energy burst out. Mostly where they had intended it, the empty street in front of the building- but some stray particles of purple energy hit the front ivory pillar of the agency. Apparently, not using your powers for years had its costs- Seths muscles ached, searing hot pain found their skin. It was overwhelming enough to make them want to crumple against the wall where they stood. 
But they had to keep going. They could rest when they had Kai in their arms, not before.
As heroes and personnel shuffled out of the building, hurriedly searching for the source of the destruction, Seth slipped in the side door. Now they just had to find Kai.
They had been turned in years ago. The building was a blurry haze, but they trusted their gut and their wits. They knew it had to be on the third floor, they remembered that much. Running up the stairs, ignoring the stitch in their side, and the ache and the white hot pain, they burst through the doors to the third floor corridor. 
“Get up!” 
They hear it from down the hall.
It makes their stomach turn.
If they weren't already sick, they practically vomit when they hear Kais scream. 
—---- – - 
“Villains coming in for a little fun, now, darling.” Jay says as they stare down at Kai, crumpled over their stomach following the kick he had planted there. After they process the other’s words, Kai raises their head.
Jay absolutely relishes the look on their face. The pure terror in their eyes.
They knew Seth would go in and explain to Kai what really happened- that they're not going to hurt them. That their ruse was up. Maybe this even meant that Seth would kill them. 
But they were going to enjoy the way both of them absolutely shattered when they first looked at each other. They were going to absolutely delight over the sight of Seth staring at their absolutely shattered lover, at the way Kai felt visceral terror towards the only person they had ever really trusted. Even if it was just for a moment.
With a last look at Kai, they opened the door and left the room, seeing Seth just down the hallway. 
Seth froze. Did they have to use their power again? Just how strong was this bastard? Would they be able to get through with just their knife? 
“Go on,” Jay said, an arm motioning to the door.
This had to be a trap. But they needed to get through.
Seth focused, taking deep breaths, pulling the energy from their blood. They could feel the heat rising to their skin. They moved their hand to their knife in its holster too, taking a few cautious steps forward. 
Jay made no move.
Seth walked closer. Just a step to the door, now. And they moved on leg in front of the other-
The heat in their skin died. Everything went cold. Their heart stopped pumping, the oxygen pushed from their lungs like they had just been pushed into a wall.
Seth stared at the crumpled figure in the middle of the room.
What happened to them?
They thought about turning straight around and killing Jay. Just like they had promised again and again. 
But Kai moved, tried to prop themself up, and failed. And Seth couldn't take it. 
“Kai!” Seth practically yelled as they hit the floor.
They took multiple steps forward, crouching down ready to help Kai up, to embrace them, to cry as they finally held their world in their hands again-
Kai had gone completely still.
There was no relief. No joy that Seth was there.
Something was very wrong.
As Kais head finally lifted from where they were on their knees, the only thing in their beautiful eyes was terror. 
This wasn't right. 
“Please don’t- please. I- I can't take anymore-” It was basically a whisper. A desperate plea that escaped quivering lips.
Seth had never felt anything like this. They had never felt this out of control. Their eyes were wild, in shock, tears pricking at the edges. Their hands started to shake. Everything spun, everything became unfocused. They were going to faint. White hot shock was in their chest, gnawing away at everything inside. It was so heavy. Their chest was so heavy. Their legs went cold, fuzzy, their arms and hands the same. 
Why was Kai telling them- begging them-
“Baby, I- I am here to rescue you, what-” Seth stuttered, tried to say before Kai cut them off,
“No! Don't get my hopes up again!” Kai truly yelled this time, tears streaming down their bruised cheeks. 
“Just do what you’re here to do.” they said, softer, completely resigned. 
“Kai- What?! I never- get your hopes up? I am so sorry i let him get you again- but i'm here to help you get away!”
“Let him?” kai let out a crude laugh, cut short by a flinch. “As if you didn't get paid for your whole endeavor- for acting like you loved me to get my hopes up”
“Paid?! I don't know what he told you Kai- but I never worked with that bastard! I do love you!” 
Seth was only met with a sharp glare from Kai as tears gushed down their face.
“We need to go, Kai-”
“Then why didn't you hear me scream Seth?! Why did I scream your name praying to a god I don't even believe in that you would come in the door and make him stop? That you'd clean me up just like you did in that godforsaken hotel and hold me again?!”
Kai came undone. Anything they had held back, all of it was coming out. Violent sobs shook their whole body. 
Seth reached out their hand, finding Kais cheek. They knew it wasn't the best idea considering that Kai thought they were going to hurt them, but it was all they could manage.
Kai flinched but didn't pull away. Seth lifted their head slightly so they looked each other in the eye.
“Kai. I've meant every word I've said to you. I've meant every touch, every kiss. I-” and their voice broke, tears spilling out and they dropped their head. Lifting it slowly back up, they looked Kai in their enchanting eyes.
“I am so sorry I couldn't help you. He drugged me before he found you-” and they turned their head to the side, showcasing the needle mark on the neck below their ear. It had developed into a gross bruise, yellow and purple muddled together. 
“That's a guilt i'll always live with. You don't have to trust me, you don't have to like me. But we have to get you away from that fucker.”
Something in Kais gaze shifted. They wanted to believe. So badly. They wanted to feel safe, wanted to escape the pain that encapsulated them. But they hesitated.
And how could they not, when everything they've ever trusted had failed them? Their parents, the agency, their “friend”, and now, it seemed, the person they loved.
“They're not lying, you know.” Jay chimed in from the doorway.
Seth immediately shifted themself fully in front of Kai. A cute effort, Jay thought.
“I'll kill you.” Seth shouted, hand going to their knife.
“I'm sure you will, sugar.”
Finally a Seth power reveal loll
Once again this got longer than i expected so sorry for the cutoff! Thank you for reading! Reblogs and likes are appreciated :D
Hope youre doing well!!
-anthony :7
Tag list! comment/ask/reblog if you want to be added or removed from the list :D - @doublericenobeans @roblingoblin285 @justmevoldemort @another-whump-sideblog @devilish-whump @a-place-to-put-poetry @syberianjade @cornflower-cowboy @blessupblessup @tedrakitty
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ten-cent-sleuth · 7 months
for the fic writees ask, 49? (im reading a galling yoke so i hope youll talk about the next chapter 😂😂) and also 15 33 and 41 bc im curios
What’s your favourite AU that you’ve written?
My best AUs are for Philinda lol. My favourite is Committed to the Cause, a POTUS/USSS one with Coulson as the president and May as his head of security.
If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
My ideal chapter length to write is 4–7k, which is also about my ideal chapter length to read. Maybe my reading ideal is on the shorter end, so more like 3–5k, but gfhjsgdhs that’s not too big a difference.
Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
There are a few that come to mind. The main ones are literally anything by @indilwenofmirkwood (but especially What Makes Her Tick, which can be read here on AO3 and here on FFN) and Kismet by @midnightlovestories (can be read here on AO3) for how they developed plot/romance, analysed my comfort character, and got some whumpy goodness snuck in there. The former is for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. while the latter is for The Addams Family.
Feel for You by @parksanddownton603 (can be read here on AO3) made me fall in love with a specific tone of AU and gave me the motivation to try my hand at writing an AU like they did (also for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). On the flipside, Defensive Wounds by @rebecca-in-blue (can be read here on FFN) is an in-universe fic but I greatly admire the characterisation in it and would love to know and honour my blorbos as well as they do. It’s for NCIS.
Another one for the Addamses, Human by @unhappychildhavingfun (can be read here on AO3) packs the kind of emotional, meaningful punch that I want my writing to throw. Though I also aspire to churn out numerous one-shots that just put my guys in situations the way @suallenparker does (if I must name particulars, the ones that affect me the most in this way have been Bulletproof, Lifeline, Safe and Sound, Liar, Mayism, Second Chances, and Being Someone Else, all for Philinda hfjsgdhhd).
And can’t play dead by @widespindriftgaze (can be read here on AO3) is…simply some of the best creative writing I’ve ever read. I love how they dabble in various, sometimes small/short-lived fandoms; I long to do that.
Welp, that was more than a few.
I hope the authors don’t mind being tagged—I wanted anyone who reads this post to be able to click onto your blog directly, but if you’d rather I not tag you, let me know and I’ll neutralise the ping right away. Sorry!!
(And of course, the one you’ve been waiting for, anon—)
What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I am currently working (well, focusing) on A Galling Yoke, my Sherlock Holmes x Reader exes-/friends-to-lovers casefic. (It was actually supposed to be enemies-to-lovers lolol.) I’m like a third or so into Part 12, and I’ve got like seventeen chapters planned total plus an epilogue. Exciting stuff!!
And hey, you want a few lines? >:P
“Mr Holmes, I cannot impose—”
“It shall not happen!”
You straightened in your seat, shoulders tensing. Sherlock groaned and dragged a hand down his face.
“I meant not to be…domineering,” he said. “But […] am I not to assume that you came here…for a reason?”
He and you looked at each other for a long, open moment.
I grabbed that out of the middle of a conversation for Maximum Suspense. I cut out […] because what I have written there currently is a bit of a placeholder. There was another part I wanted to share because it’s got a long quote from Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton”, but I figured that excerpt was a tad too spoilery. I’m sure you guys will prefer this romantic tension anyway. ;P
Thank you, and please feel free to send in more!
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whumpshaped · 4 months
Hey, hier ist der deutsche Anon von gestern!
I'm so sorry, I thought german was your native language — didn't want to passive-aggressively pressure you into picking up DuoLingo, of all things 😅😬 (the update that removed the skill tree made the appbso godawful..)
Sadly, I don't have any great german whump recommendations either - german writing onkine seems rare, I know a bunch of german creators but they all exclusively write and chat in english (which is why I mistook you for one, LOL).
The actual reason why I asked you, is because in my experience, reading unexpectedly whumpy stuff in your native language in a book for example just *completely* overruns you. I tend to feel more strongly when hearing/reading in my native language.
But on the other hand, german is notorious for having absolutely disgusting, unappealing dirty talk/sex words in general ('breast warts' for nipples and 'sheath' for vagina, urgh). So it's a fickle thing, ha ha.
Sorry for teasing and then not delivering! 😅 Maybe someone reading this *does* know good german whump that is meant as such!
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it is in fact not my native language, im hungarian :) but yeah theres a BUNCH of german whumpers here who all write in english, and from my experience u guys have a particular talent for it😭 its so good.
also this is super controversial but im loving all the updates theyre rolling out........ also no im glad u did. again, yesterday was the first day in maybe 5 yrs that i spoke any german and it rly reminded me how much i adored the language and wanted to pick it up anyway. then apparently by complete coincidence u sent that anon and my pattern seeking mammal brain was like this is a sign
i do love well written hungarian literature that has whump, but all the shit online makes me cringe so bad. and i know its in my head mostly (or the fact that im not looking in the right places?) but yeah. what usually gets me is poetry. hungarian poetry is extremely good. im still looking for that one poem of the guy listing off all the things he loves abt his muse and he goes into incredible detail and starts getting unhinged w it and starts going on abt how he loves her organs and her guts and etc etc. its visceral. literally. we have such good poetry and well all poets r depressed so its always a little whumpy /j
it definitely hits different. i mean, its my native language. that always hits different. i should rly read more hungarian stuff bc my vocab is honestly deteriorating-
IVE HEARD THE DIRTY WORD COMPLAINT BEFORE. i used to follow a german kink blog (it was all in english i found out later that the blogger was german) and she always said she doesnt even ever dirty talk bc its just Bad😭😭 rip. im very bad w any dirty words tbh in any language. thats why i dont write smut ever <3 IT JUST MAKES ME CRINGE I REACT TO HAVING TO SAY/WRITE THOSE WORDS LIKE A REPRESSED CHRISTIAN HOUSEWIFE. but! i think hungarian has decent words? idk! hungarians who have sex please sound off, is the dirty talk good? /j
bro that woman sounds awesome. i wish her the best forever and ever.
AND... what did i wanna say. wait. OH YEAH. i did go looking for german whump and .... i found tatort whump??? i mean hey.
bonus, i took the duolingo test and i skipped ahead a bunch bc apparently im still extremely good and talented and amazing /j bonus bonus, lily should mind her business. dont look at my suitcase
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catnykit · 7 months
im glad you enjoyed my post lol
youve answered all my questions so heres 17 I pulled from various ask games
Favorite whump fandom?
Favorite emotional whump trope?
Favorite whumpee & caretaker relationship (parent & child, lovers, etc)?
Do you have any IRL whump friends?
What was your whump awakening(s)?
What is your favourite type of whump?
What made you create this blog? Do you have any regrets/things you wish you did differently?
Opinion on whump without a whumper? Ex: Whumpee falling into an ice-cold river and getting hypothermia.
Do you listen to anything while writing/drawing whump? If it’s music, what genre do you typically listen to?
How did you discover the tumblr whump writing community?
How do you get inspiration for whump?
What's a favorite whump trope of yours?
Do you utilize whump to sleep?
What is your favorite nonhuman whumpee?
which setting does your whump generally fall into (fantasy, contemporary, medieval, etc)?
are there any writers/ artists you drew (or still draw) inspiration from?
are there any whumpy quotes that have stuck with you throughout the years?
(The full lists if you want them:
https://www.tumblr.com/whump-in-the-closet/722126157981548544?source=share )
1: Backrooms,Spooky jumpscare mansion I think I probabily have more but those are the mains
2:I dont have one??
3: human! Whumpee,Inhuman! Caretaker
I just- yes.
4:Sadly no :( but my crush loves gore!!🥰
5:Childhood series drama.
6:Psycological whump.
I love breaking them from inside 😊👹
7: I just did,I wanted to be on tumblr thanks pinterest screenshots <3 And I dont regret anything so far!!!!♡♡♡
8: NICE!!!!! Is just that Is not that dramatic I guess,So im in it but not that much
9: Breakcore/Weirdcore/Gorecore,Fleshcore/Rock
10:Pinterest screenshots. And I fell in love inmediatly
11: Almost everything LOL,Mostly games and rp's
12:Pet whump. I JUST- Yes. I love brainfuckery- I mean brainwash and stuff
And i sleep like a bb🤧💅
14: I would say alien??? Avian??? No-
15:Contemporary I think,Not always but yes.
16: I normally Get ideas on my own but no....Okay im on the warrior cats fandom😭
Okay I did it!!! IM SO SORRY,@stalecabbage BECAUSE I THOUGHT I PUT THIS ON A DRAFT BUT I ACCIDENTALY POST IT 😭😭😭😭 Im so sorry i was on a hurry
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Top 5 Colin moments!
5. Just today I was thinking about the goodbye scene in OUAT 5x20 "Firebird".
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God, we absolutely did not deserve Colin here (neither did the script but that's besides the point). The way you see that Hook's heart is shattering right in front of us yet he then tries to put on a smile so that Emma doesn't lose it too... It’s because of how real it feels. How sad and pained his smile later looks - while he’s still crying - that it feels so fucking raw and real. And so, despite the oppositions I have to this scene in regards to narration (like, why have such an emotional goodbye when everyone fucking knows y’all aren’t gonna keep them apart) it’s still an amazingly acted scene that Colin deserves awards for.
4. Any, and I mean any, moment of him + music is an instant fave for me. Considering his guitar and singing skills it’s an outright crime that outside the OUAT musical, the only time he’s showed those on screen was for The Dust Storm (Douxie technically doesn’t count because a) he doesn’t sing (as well as Colin does at least) and b) he’s animated, we don’t see Colin’s talent come to life), so Brennan it is.
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Like, sometimes people confuse “music” with “performance”. It’s one thing to be able to pick up an instrument and play something. But to be able to perform in front of an audience? I am a musician myself, but I am not a soloist performer. I mean, I could technically do it, but I’d get too stressed and nervous and in general it’s not my forte - nor my preference. Other things regarding music are that, and with my experience I have a much deeper respect for musicians who are good performers. And Colin is exactly that. He’s shy and reserved but once he picks up a guitar he turns into a wholly different human, and I love that.
3. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t choose a whumpy scene, and I think the one most showing of Colin’s talent is the one in 5x14, where he rejects Hades’ deal.
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It’s... wow. With a shit-ton of makeup on him, one of his eyes covered with that fake skin thing, and he still nails the portrayal of Hook’s emotions - his anger at Hades, his defiance, his pain, and most of all, his fear. Like, when he closes his eyes and winces, because he knows that with Hades getting angry, more pain is coming... god im safsfddgstersfgdfhg
2. The ending of What StiΙl Remains.
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Again, Peter is fully a problematic fave, I'd never condone or excuse anything he does in the film; but you very damn well understand why he turned that way. And in the end, he's just broken and lost and is just absolutely desperate to find something to give his life meaning. And Colin slays in this moment. How he portrays that feeling of emptiness and, at the same time, despair to find a footing. And even though you can’t help but hate him by the end, you also feel a bit (or a lot!) sorry about how his life and his circumstances have turned him into that kind of monster.
1. I think I’ll forever and always lose my fucking mind with the scene where Hook sings his mother’s lullaby to baby Alice.
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One of the gifsets I reblogged from that very moment, just a little while after I was done watching the episode, I had tagged as this:
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and I still kinda miss having a gif of it as my header. But seriously, especially considering that Colin has talked about how he loves this scene, because he was having fresh emotions from his own daughter’s birth as he was holding that baby, and you can just see how that bleeds into his acting of Hook as a father who’s immediately adoring his newborn daughter... I think it will legitimately stay with me forever.
Ask me my Top 5/Top 10 anything!
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not-poignant · 1 year
hi pia i saw this old post of yours (https://not-poignant.tumblr.com/post/190676283907/top-5-fandoms-you-want-to-write-for-but-whatever) and i just wanna tell u that if you wrote anything at all for natsume or 3gatsu i would spontaneously combust. (oh btw i don’t want to make this seem like pressurising sorry, im just thrilled that my fave author is in two of my fave tiny fandoms.) have a nice day!
Hi anon!
Man I still think about whumping Natsume so much though, and like, they really did give him some amazing potential candidates for hurt/comfort but also crunchy and difficult relationships.
Natsume's such an awesome character to daydream about on that front! No really clear story has ever presented itself to me, so maybe it will be a oneshot if I ever get around to it, but this show is so great and it makes me so happy it exists. (Also a lot of its music absolutely goes off, I feel like it's an anime that way too many people sleep on to be honest!)
And oh my god don't get me started on Rei Kiriyama, though the people I ship him with are people that almost no one else ships him with, so it's like hmmMMMM (Shimada or Hayashida, so big age gap for a start, and most people are too busy shipping Shimada x Hayashida which is also plenty valid, lmao).
I remember going into the fandoms and you know AO3 actually comes through with a few decent whumpy m/m fics for Natsume! But there's pretty much nothing I liked in 3Gatsu.
*vibrates in maybe I'll get to write about it one day*
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snaillamp · 10 months
Im so hyped to release the final three days of JOD almost a whole month late sorry lmao life happened but they are bangers. I thought I’d go full on for the last three days as a final send off the the fantastic challenge.
✨Also✨ interest was expressed for an extended version of day 13 so im gonna write that after I’ve finished JOD. This goes for anything, if you like a story/character/setting/storyline and want more of them, whether it be as a series or as a ‘hey i like this but i wish it was longer’ lmk cause I am more than happy to oblige :D
~Other news~
I’ve decided I’m definitely bringing back Enjar as an OC and he is getting his own series! A couple also expressed interest in Cameron as well, so if you’d like a Cam series too express interest here! Something about guys living mostly alone in the wilderness is so fun to write and apparently to read too! Probably comes from my own upbringing of living in isolated places.
I don’t have many classes this semester so I won’t make a schedule but at this point in time expect my shit to get posted on weekends and maybe even Thursdays and Fridays as a treat sometimes so come swing by for any updates.
~Other than that~
JOD brought so many new people to this blog and now i have people reading my stuff and actually really liking it! So uh, hi and welcome!
I have written countless stories as a kid and now having people read my stuff and enjoy it makes me so fucking happy! I’ve always wanted to be a published author and shit like this makes it feel a little more real and achievable. I love waking up to the notifs of people liking, reblogging especially the like like like follow like like like like pattern I keep seeing Ive even caught it happening live a couple times.
You guys are my motivation to post stuff some days and it’s so fulfilling knowing that it’s not just my close friends reading this stuff. I genuinely thank each and every one of you who’ve taken the time to read my sometimes incredibly long stories. I promise after JOD I’ll break them up into parts again, it’s just easier for me to organise/post challenge work in one long post. Also I’ll put continue reading breakers into them when I finish the challenge I forgot those are a thing ahahah im so sorry for making you all scroll
Anyway. You all rock, keep reading, writing and vibing my whumpy friends!
~ Snail <3
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whumpurr · 10 months
Hi, Zen!
I know that I’ve already made a lot of requests, and that you have internship, and you are probably busy…. Sooo I’m sorry for interrupting your work, really. I just wanted to share with you one great whumpy moment that you can use in your writing.(I honestly forgot about it until rereading your last responses). It has happened to me this year, and it maybe be gross, but you’ve mentioned that you are fine with that kind of stuff. So, the story:
I was sleeping on my back, until something interrupted my dreams. I rolled on my side, still half-asleep, before noticing a small stain on my pillow, even in the dark it contrasted with the fabric of the pillow. Luckily I quickly realised I was having a nosebleed (I get them really often, they are normal for me), so I dashed to the bathroom. I stopped it pretty quickly, but couldn’t return back to my bedroom, because all of the sudden I felt faint, and had to sit down. Eventually my sudden nausea did its job and I threw up a good amount of the blood that I had swallowed in my sleep. Then I went back to sleep.
Just imagine the horrified face of the caretaker, when ,in the middle of the night, the whumpee suddenly jolts up from their bed, runs in the bathroom, VOMITS BLOOD and then returns to bed like nothing happened :)
Sincerely yours, anon with whumperflies ;)
sdvknsdvknsdv man that mustve been quite a moment
-small emeto experience below- one time when i was younger i ate a fuck ton of raspberry sorbet and then threw up in the middle of the night and im just imagining a similar situation lololol
also ur not bothering me dont worryyyy i have So Much Downtime at work that ive just been using to write tbh, and its always nice to get asks bc if im being real, outside of ur asks, im not getting any other ones these days lol
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skadren · 2 years
"Why sephiroth portrayed as sad" anon it's got me thinking on the way people fill in the spaces of vague events with gratuitous detail of whump and maybe it's the woobiphobia but it's easy for it to put me off when the characters angst about it later on such a heavy level that it feels... odd. Like I notice this a lot and i love characters Going Through It but i feel like there's a line for when something becomes what id thinknof as whumpy that idk the specific threshold of only that it gets weird to me. The characters who've been Hojo's focus at one point or another get it the worst i think; you already explained the whole thing about Sephiroth's woobing, but sometimes I feel like I see it in Cloud and Vincent fics and I think it's bc theyre both a level of subdued and quiet that people dump a lot of this Stuff into their Lab Time almost in ways that don't make sense? Og is fairly nondescript with Hojo's messing and human experimentation shit is never never fun, but sometimes it's like. Really dreary. Like I always thought Vincent was dead throughout his experimentation and it was only when he woke up already completely different that he became conscious with Chaos as the key specifically and the demons along for the ride. Zack and Cloud can get weird too where it almost feels like the messing with of the project was directionless, which would be weird if they were abandoned eventually, and trauma changes people but sometimes I feel people crush characterization in a way that almost romanticizes it and idk what to make of that or if im crazy no fun allowed. sorry im dyisn
idk if this is your experience anon but at least for me personally, it's less about the actual amount of angsty backstory and more when it starts feeling like the character lacks any agency of their own. writing characters w extremely tragic backstories well is totally possible but it can't be their only defining characteristic if you want them to feel fleshed out. like, it's a matter of execution more than content
(i think i saw a tumblr post about this floating around not too long ago, saying that dwelling on the backstory doesn't actually work as well as dropping random hints about it in the character's behavior or dialogue, bc we tend to just sort of glaze over the dwelling and it can get tedious when spoonfed vs. actually registering the full impact when we have to think about it a little ourselves)
but yeah especially for characters like cloud or vincent whose entire character arcs revolve around healing and trauma resolution, it can feel pretty bad when all that growth gets walked backwards and they get reduced to only their trauma. they were heavily shaped by it, yes, and it still informs their actions, but it isn't what solely defines them. despite all their vulnerabilities they are incredibly resilient and there's a little more to exploring how to deal with trauma than just "sad and needs (to be forced into letting) people to take care of them"
another way of thinking about it is, what is the author actually trying to accomplish with the angst? does it tell us anything about the character themself other than what they went through? if it's just a device to make the audience (and usually other characters) feel bad for that character, then of course it can feel hollow and gratuitous. the character in question gets very little substance bc the angst is not there to develop them, it's there to be used by others
of course, the upside of fic is that it allows this much gratuitousness, whether people are exploring their own trauma, writing wish fulfillment, or just having fun. it's totally fine if you don't find this kind of thing compelling anon-- i really don't either-- but there's nothing inherently wrong with writing fic like this. i do wish there was a way to more effectively filter for it, but it is what it is
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I cant promise any sort of consintancy between length of things but idk man lets just go with it. I enjoy writing so im just gonna do it to any extent i please. I am probably going to make most of it whumpy because thats what i enjoy but feel free to request anything youd like. Of course there will be some absolute tooth rotting fluff here and there, like today's :) ((whopsy almost forgot my possesive apostrophe, my englishe teacher mother would have my kneecaps let me tell you(((speaking of which i have not proofread and have not checked any of the grammar or spelling, so sorry xxx)))
Have fun <3
Suptober promt #1: maze/maize.
~Destiel~(Cass and the Winchesters are buddies but cass isnt exactly clear on feelings and how feelings work.)
"CAS!" Dean called as suddenly cass appeared in front of him.
"Yes, dean what is it! What happened!" Cass questioned concerned and alert, ready for any threat that affronts him. His eyes shooting from sam to dean sitting in opposite chairs at the little table in the motel room trying to find the threat in need of defeating.
"What? Nothing, why?" Dean asked in response.
"You called for me?" He asked his voice dripping with confusion, his head turned to a tilt.
"Yes..." Sam inquired.
"You only call for me when you need something. Is something happening?" Cass asked. Sam and dean locked eyes guiltily realising only in that moment how true that statement really was. Sam decided to try and stear the conversation away from that point while dean was peicing himself together.
"Yeah buddy, everythings fine. We- we just-" sam started. Dean redonned his mask and jumped back into the conversation.
"Sam youre butchuring it." He said looking at sam before standing and making intense eye contact with cass. He put his hands on his shoulders and locked eyes eliciting a slight blush from cass who had been developing feelings for dean as much as it defied his angel wiring. He had come to terms that feelings were ok and that they were acceptable but he didnt come accross them naturally nor did he understand how they worked. Dean continued his thought with the same intensity "there is a very important event happening right here in town. There is nothing else on for a while so... will you, castiel, angel of the lord, come with us to... the MAZE MAIZE!?!?"
If anything Castiel's confused face intensified as his crinkled crows feet continued to develop.
"Its a corn maze they make em some times dean really made it sound much bigger than it is. Its fun though and we havent been to one since we were kids and hey, its nebraska there isnt a lot of places here where corn isnt. Its pretty much just a laugh but its a good part of human culture education so we thought why not? Deans pretty excited as you can see." Sam explained gesturing to dean who had not let go of cass nor broken eye contact.
"Yes i can see that. But to reiterate, why am i here?" Cass asked.
"Come with us man." Dean joked clapping him on the shoulder.
"Why?" Cass asked.
"Its fun cass! Come on, please, come with us?" Dean asked.
"Of course. Anything for Dean Winchester." He nodded not realising how flustered that made him.
"All right then." Sam clapped trying to cut through the sexual tension in the air with the sound. "We gonna go?" He asked standing and pushing the chair out from under him as he stood. Dean looked around at him.
"Yup, yup. Lets get going! Man i cant wait!" Dean said trying to distract himself from feelings he knew he shouldnt have. 'Hes an angel, he probably cant even feel love,' He told himself. 'And even if he could why would he love me im just an emotionally fucked human. He could totally fo better. And it wouldnt take much.' Dean told himself. He swiflty walked out the door holding it open for sam, who nodded his thanks, and cass who said, "thank you dean." Damn, holy, angel manners making him blush.
When they arrived at the corn feild cass looked at the sign,
"I dont understand the purpose of this." Cass said.
"Its just for fun, it dosent have a purpose is just something to do." Sam said. "Lets split up. Ill race ya!" Sam said before running off giggling. Dean thoigh it was him embracing the childishness of the activity and not allowing himself feel shame. Little did he know sam had expertly engineered the scenario to enable them to embrace each others feelings.
"Man, i love it when he gets to be a kid. No monsters, no responsibility just messin' around." He smiled before startling at what he had jusg said. "Sorry dude, you didnt want to hear that." He apologised looking sheepishly down at the autumnal floor. He heard footsteps crunching towards him the brown and orange leaves russtling, crushed by familiar black shoes.
Cass put a finger beaneath his chin lifting his head up with his hand.
"I like it when you are honest Dean. When you speak your mind. You dont get to enough." He smiled. Deans breath hitched, his eyelashes fluttered as he threw out a not even half confident,
"come on cass, personal space." As much as it killed him to say so. He knew he had to though, if he allowed himself truely admit these feelings he might never be able to close the flood gates.
Sheepishly cass stepped back hooping dean wouldnt notice his blush only to be releived when he found that deans matched his own.
"Come on," dean said suddenly, "or sam'll beat us with no competition!" He said trying to distract himself. He took his hand and lead him away from the sign,
"Wait, dean shouldnt we memorise the map?" Cass asked.
"No! Thats takes all the fun out of it!" Dean kidded dragging cass behind him, smile beaming, gleeful from the feeling of cass' hand in his. At a certain point following dean grew to meant running after him at full speed just to keep up but cass didnt mind honestly he was quite enjoying himself, just spending time with dean uninterupted. And he enjoyed the colours that came with autumn. The hundreds of shades of browns, oranges and greens each cruching beneath his feet, each one a sacrifice dawning space for next years yeild of leaves only for the process to repeat, to do itself over and over. The certainty of it seemed to minimise his problems, no matter what happens, no matter his own issues be himself alive or dead the seasons would continue and the leaves would fall only to begin again. Whatever thoughts cass had immediately exited his brain the second he saw deans giddy smile. In the golden light of the autumn sun catching deans grass green eyes, and illuminating his already shining smile. Cass was lost in his face with his gilded smile. Time slowed down as he examined the perfect freckles dotting his face, the pinkish blush dusting his cheeks in a child like joy. Dean had a kind of smile that was contagious in a way that lead to cass smiling too.
All too soon cass was brought out of the moment by deans sudden change is stature. He looked around to find whatever had rudely torn him from his perfect moment before noticing. They had reached the center. Dean had been happy, he had beaten sam in the race. Cass was happy too, not only had he tried something and won on the first time but dean looked ecstatic in that moment and that contagious smile infected him again. Infatuated with that perfect grin cass failed to notice that dean seemed equally infatuated by him.
Dean POV
Looking at cass in that moment dean could barely manage that perfect smile on that perfect face. The grin plastered onto his face from just winning some stupid game with sam, some stupid activity for kids but that angelic face and those bluer than blue eyes dean couldnt seem to stop himself. He leaned in and pressed his lips against castiel's who, to his surprise, kissed him back with the same passion and viguor. Equally if not more surprisingly cass was amazing at kissing he licked deans lips asking for entrance which he gladly gave, parting his lips slightly dean felt cass reach in with his tongue and sliding it accross his teeth like he was painting them. Dean locked his fingers in cass' hair running his fingertips along his scalp before promtly gripping his hair tightly between his fingers.
Suddenly cass split from dean roused from the moment by approaching footsteps but refusing to remove his hands from deans waist. He saw a familiar red and black plaid shirt approaching walking backwards. He tilted his head again in confusion.
"HA! TAKE THAT DEAN. I BEAT YOU! JUST LIKE I DID WHEN WE WERE-" at that point he had turned around revealing a very flushed dean and cass whose hands were stol wrapped around each other.
"YES!" He bellowed. "Even though i lost i still won!" He shouted and proceded to immediately whip out his phone dialing a number at incredible speeds.
"Yeah. I did it! It happened! And you know what that means!"
"Yes you owe me $20 and your 11th doctor original sonic screwdriver. Haha!" He said his voice slowly becoming quieter as he walked away. At which point deans chuckled became audible as he failed to tame them by biting his lip any longer. He leaned forward letting his forehead rest on castiel's chest as his shook with the laughter that reverberated through him and through cass' chest.
"What is it?" Cass inquired.
"Its nothing, it-- its the moracle of the maize maze." Dean chuckled as he looked up smiling at him again.
Cass leaned in again kissing him once more.
"Youre smile is the reson i rebelled." He said smiling.
"I could say the same." Dean said before leaning in once more.
(A year later because its alredy 00:01 at this point so why not take the story further?)
"I love you." Dean said. Kneeling down and pulling a box from his pocket. "Will you marry me?" Dean asked smilling.
Cass smilled a beaming smile looking at dean kneeling down on the crisp autumn leaves holdning the velvet box in his fingers, focusing mostly on that magical smile.
"Anything for that smile. Of course." He said gleefully. Dean stood up and kissed cass hard smilling happily.
"Just another miracle of the maize mase." Dean smiled.
(Another year later because again why not?)
"I do." Cass grinned happily blushing with pride and joy for dean standing opposite them. They had arranged a sort of wedding like thing given that castiel wasnt an actual person according to the law and dean had died a few times over according to the government, sam was officiating.
"Then i now pronounce you, human and angel, man and husband, hunter and etherial being." Sam said. They leaned in again and kissed each other hard before pulling away only slightly. And mumbling into each others lips,
"Just another miracle of the maize mase." They joked. Dean seemingly never removed his fingers from Cass' hair and cass holding onto his shirt tight. They smilled.
"Yeah, yeah. One more miracle of the maize mase and one of you is gonna end up pregnant." Sam joked from just behind them.
They chuckled together hugging each other tight and wrapping their arms around each other"s necks.
"I love you." They said at the same time. Eliciting one more smile from each of them. Before the story ended and the writer didnt know how to phrase it.
~I really didnt know what to do with this promt honestly and i woukd never have done anything like this otherwise. Also sorry its 00:21 and so technically not the fisrt of october. And i literally just fuckin noticed that its the second not the first so i was a day late anyway so fuck me but never mind i will catch up! Anyway hope you had fun <3 ~
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
Ok. Idk if you take submissions but…
Zero pressure. Seriously.
A whumpee that is neither defiant nor sumbissive? Kinda like Ethan, she’s already been through everything. She’s an forced assassin, conditioned at a young age (i did NOT take that from black widow). Just because I feel they have so much whumpy potential. And she just wants to be able to make up all the blood that she has shed.
SO. imagine. she joins a team. with a good mission, to save ransomed hostages, and she goes in and takes the biggest rusk to avoid casualties, and nearly dies herself. however. a few hours later, when they are doing a headcount and scoping the damage of wherever they just made it out of (collapsed building etc), and two are missing.
authorities are like, let it go, theyre probably dead. and our whumpee is just. no. they cannot be. i wont let them be. because this is just more blood that shes failed to save and if she cant even save two lives why should she get to live? shes just a monster who kills without meaning to. but it turns out…
its a trap. she gets captured and she gets whumped and she escapes all without finding the two innocentd. right when shes about to get back to freedom? the two innocents, held at gunpoint.
so whumpee has no choice and those two innocents become her top priority, so she complies to keep them alive and as unharmed as possible.
team assumes them all dead. year(s) later, caretaker is captured. same whumper. same organization. a dogtag is found on his unconcious body, one that reads his own name and one that reads whumpee’s. you can see the fun that whumper would have with that…
angst. crying. whumpee maybe brainwashed and doesnt remember caretaker? caretaker being in complete shock? whumpee forced to choose between whumper hurting her or this strange newcomer (alternatively, lover?!!)? or worse.. whumpee to choose between having to hurt one of the innocents or her lover?!
anyways rescue. yay. whumpee’s only loyalty is to the two innocents and caretaker now. nobody else. she just doesnt trust the people who didnt even look for her (they did)…
also this is equal parts idea and boredom as it is laziness to write something like this so instead im giving this to you to decide what to do with it.
thank you if you read to the end 💜💜
Ooooo I love this so much!!!!
I'm gonna leave it just as is and let others enjoy 🥰🥰🥰
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im sorry for coming up with another request so quickly but i've been watching bad and crazy and it was sooo whumpy (and funny!) i just cant help it. its only 12 episodes long.
and uh, if its possible, please do a whump list for all of the five main characters. i think they all fit different whump archetypes and it might appeal to different ppl. we have the classic sopping wet pathetic men with ambiguous morals, pure cinnamon roll who is the youngest but is the most defiant, dad-like dude who is done with everyone, a cool badass lady, and a guy who is completely off the rocks with no sense of self preservation at all.
but if you cant, its okay. just making a whump list for the first two is fine. thank you so much in advance!!!
I’m always happy for more requests and suggestions so I’m happy you’re back!
I’ve seen that one on some streaming platforms and some blogs around here! I can check it out and see how everything goes. I don’t see why I’d limit to just the two if there’s a bunch of guys getting whumped! I’ve had more than two on a list so why stop there?
Thank you so much! Please feel free to stop by again with more!
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