#falkenrath gorger
mtg-cards-hourly · 11 months
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Falkenrath Gorger
Artist: Anna Steinbauer TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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markrosewater · 3 years
In reference to you saying "I don’t think Red gets a vanilla 2/1 for R." Red has had that with an upside, Falkenrath Gorger, and plenty of those with downsides, Jackal Pup. What is preventing red from having something inbetween? Is Falkenrath Gorger considered a break/bend?
Let me clarify what I was saying. Common and uncommon are more focused on the power level of limited formats while rare and mythic rare are more focused on the power level of constructed formats. A red one-drop vanilla 2/1 is a bit strong in limited, so we don’t tend to make it at common and uncommon. The power level is acceptable in constructed formats, but at the higher rarities we tend not to do vanilla creatures, so it tends to have things added to it. That’s why it’s tricky to get a vanilla one-drop 2/1 in red.
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doctor-roman · 7 years
Before I make myself look stupid with a custom card design:
Would it be possible to give each instant and sorcery you own madness the same way Falkenrath Gorger gives vampires you own madness?
The biggest hurdle I’m having is making sure the card maintains madness throughout zone changes (from hand to exile). Falkenrath Gorger gets around this by saying each vampire you own that isn’t on the battlefield has madness. And since cards in hand and cards in exile both = not on the battlefield, madness works as intended from start to finish. 
But...that doesn’t work for instants and sorceries...for obvious reasons.
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housebeleren · 5 years
Commander 2019 New Commanders
Yeehaw new Commander cards! This is one of my favorite times of the year! For today, I’m going to review my thoughts on each of the new Legendary Creatures printed in this crop of Commander decks, and how good I think each of them are. Later, I’ll go through all the other new cards to see which ones have decent applications and which ones are flops. But for now, let’s get started.
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I’ll start with Kadena, since this was the first deck previewed. Sultai morphs is a super interesting deck concept, and I love that we get a Tarkir Naga to be the headliner for it. I like the abilities here, though the abilities are such that it’s a pretty obvious build. Which is good, honestly. It’s good to have some generals like this that are easy starting points for new players. The first major upgrades you’re going to want in this deck are cards like Leyline of Anticipation, to make sure you can cast a morph every turn with flash and keep drawing into more gas. It’s a good thing the deck comes with Seedborn Muse, since that’s also going to be a must in the Flash-Morph build for this. This is also probably the best home that Primordial Mist and Whisperwood Elemental will ever find, though it’s a shame Ugin, the Ineffable doesn’t work here. 
As a commander, I like Kadena quite a bit. It’s great that (assuming you have a Morph card in hand already), you can play Kadena and immediately put your first Morph down and draw a card, so even if she gets removed, there’s some value already. I doubt she’s competitive, but great for 75% players. I’ll ding her a bit for obviousness, but she’s probably my favorite of the face Commanders.
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Jeskai Flashback was not exactly what I was expecting (I was anticipating Grixis), but it does make me happy for a few reasons. First, we need more Jeskai commanders. Second, Jeskai Spellslinger is an archetype that has been woefully underrepresented, despite having so many amazing cards to contribute. Sevinne is pretty cool design space, and there are a few directions to go here. Obviously, the value from his Graveyard ability is awesome, so casting as many spells as possible from the Grave is a necessity. Note that it doesn’t specify Flashback, so Retrace spells work also. 
Given that his ability only triggers off the first spell cast from the Graveyard each turn, I don’t think there’s a truly competitive build here, which is a shame. The  75% build that is possible is Flashback/Retrace tribal, and will come together just by upping the quality of cards from the precon. One more off the wall idea is to also make use of his first ability to create some sort of Pariah lock. You’re in the colors to back it up with counters, so it’s not completely unreasonable to consider, though it’s definitely not competitive. All told, I like Sevinne, but he’s not my favorite, of the set or even of his deck. He doesn’t have immediate impact, and only sort of has protection, which keeps him from being amazing. But overall pretty good.
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I really like the idea of a Populate deck, and I really like Ghired. Adding Red to the typically Selesnya mechanic makes this a lot more aggro, which is very needed. Ghired himself is pretty cool, because he comes in with a pile of stats. You’ve gotta wait until he can attack to get any real value out of him, though, so I suspect Boots & Greaves will be must-haves for players of this deck. The real reason I like Ghired, though, is because of his hidden potential. 
Sure, there are some obvious things you can do like run Advent of the Wurm and go big & stompy. But there are some sneaky combos here as well. First up is Helm of the Host, which is absolutely insane, because the token it makes is non-Legendary, so it can be Populated and not die. So it goes: Create a copy of Ghired, which comes in with a 4/4 Rhino, then swing with both Ghireds to make two more copies of Ghired, each of which comes in with an additional Rhino. It shouldn’t be hard to get an out of control board state pretty quickly at that point. The second combo worth mentioning is to use Heat Shimmer or Twinflame (or similar) to make copies of either Combat Celebrant or Scourge of the Throne, then attack with the copy and Ghired, & Populate for infinite combat steps. So basically, there are options here. And that makes me like this guy.
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B/R Madness is a pretty straightforward theme, but there honestly aren’t enough good Madness cards to “win” with. So Anje is very cleverly designed in that she can enable multiple different decks, and as such, she is probably one of the most competitive-viable Commanders of the set. First step, if you do want to go all-in on the Madness build, is to fill your deck with Madness creatures (or build your own with a bunch of Vampires and Falkenrath Gorger), then use Anje & as many wheel effects as you can get your hands on to dump most of your deck into your Graveyard. From there, there are a number of ways to win, with my favorite being a giant Living Death for whatever combo you want. 
The other option is to go even faster reanimator, and use tutors to get your hands a Worldgorger Dragon in your grave, plus an Animate Dead or Dance of the Dead and combo off from there. Anje can rummage every time she reenters the Battlefield, so you’ll draw your deck and get infinite mana, which you can use to win with a giant Comet Storm or Torment of Hailfire or whatever your spell of choice is. Overall a very elegant design, but lacking a good 75% build. She will also see play in other decks looking for looters, Vampires, or (gasp!) both.
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Now we get to the secondary commanders. Volrath is interesting, and really has nothing to do with the “Morph” theme of the deck, but that’s a pretty narrow theme to begin with. I do like that this new version of Volrath pays homage to his character, with a mechanical link to Phyrexia in his first ability, and his shapeshifting in his second. It’s smart of them to make it usable off any counter, so the range of cards usable in this deck is much greater. 
That said, I don’t know exactly what you would do with this. 7 power seems like they want Commander damage to be a thing, so I suppose there’s some options to make him unblockable (Blighted Agent or Invisible Stalker maybe?) and win that way. My personal favorite idea is to make him a copy of Insidious Mist, at which point good luck dealing with him, since he keeps his P/T. There’s a build here somewhere, but unlike some of the others on this list, I don’t see much way to get it beyond 75%, unless you go full Sultai combo shenanigans, in which case why bother with Volrath at all? So, I guess... I kinda like him.
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I... really don’t understand Rayami. First, just from the flavor perspective, what is even going on here? He’s a Zendikari Vampire who... has picked up Green and Blue for... reasons? Even though no Zendikari Vampire has ever dabbled in any colors besides Black ever before? So in my head, there’s maybe some connection here to Yarok the Desecrated representing the fate of Bala Ged. Maybe? I’ll just tell myself that’s it and that Rayami is a super in-tune Vampire who’s totally one with the land. Yeah. That’s what I’ll tell myself to make me less angry with this.
Mechanically... I also don’t understand what’s going on here. So, this ability-sharing schtick has been on White (Odric & Concerted Effort), Green (Majestic Myriarch & Animus of Predation), and Black (Soulflayer & Cairn Wanderer). White tends to give it to other creatures, whereas Green & Black add it to themselves. Black also has the Graveyard/Exile element. Aaand Blue has general shapeshifting, so we’ll go with that? But that said, I don’t tend to like Commanders that feel like they have more colors than they really need. This could have been a mono Black card and it would function exactly the same. Also, the fact that its first ability isn’t a “may” trigger makes me a lot less excited, since it shuts down Sultai Graveyard shenanigans, which undermines a huge strength of the wedge. Sure, making a 5/4 Flying Hexproof Indestructible Double Strike Lifelink Vigilance Protection from Everything general sounds fun, but is that really going to happen very often? Probably not. Altogether, I think Rayami is one of the flops of the set, both flavorfully and mechanically. So basically, both my Vorthos & Mel sides are disappointed in this one.
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And just like that, they’re better. Elsha is fantastic, across the board. I said I wanted more Jeskai spellslinger support, and Elsha is here to serve that on a fabulous platter. First, just for flavor, I love that we get another Tarkir Djinn, since they’re one of my favorite creature designs of recent years. And that she’s practicing in front of the Mystic Monastery just makes this art perfection.
Mechanically, I love the inclusion of Prowess, hearkening back to the original Khans set mechanic. And adding a Future Sight + Leyline of Anticipation combo for Noncreatures is exactly the type of text I wanted to see here, and perfectly encapsulates the 3 colors. There are tons of builds possible with Elsha, including some that could very well be competitive. It also bears mentioning that Elsha and Kykar both play in the same space, and they each belong in the 99 of the other’s deck. 
Anyway, Elsha scales really well as a commander, from super casual to pretty damn powerful, and on top of the perfect flavor that makes her one of my very favorites from the set.
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My response to this is summed up in this one GIF:
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In all seriousness, now that we’ve done a Legendary Wall, can we just... not do it again for a while? Yes, I’m well aware that with this and Spark Double you can stop all combat. And doesn’t that sound like fun? Pramikon is pillowfort.dec, and that’s about the long and the short of it. Knock yourselves out, but this sounds incredibly un-fun to play against OR pilot, in which case what’s even the point? It’s trolling in deck form. Literally annoyance without substance.
On top of that, it’s basically a Legend with a complete and utter lack of sense of place, or flavor at all for that matter. If you want to build a Walls deck, just run Arcades the Strategist. I promise it’ll be more fun.
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I’m going to have such a hard time not calling her Atla Panini, because I am preoccupied with food. I really enjoy this design. She’s flavorful, has a sense of place and purpose that I understand, and is gorgeously illustrated. Mechanically, she functions something like a variant on Mayael of the Anima, but with fewer restrictions on what creature she can hit. Obviously, the flavor jackpot is to run a deck that’s all Dinosaurs, or at least things that can hatch from eggs, I suppose. She’s fun, she’s 75%, all she needs is a sac outlet to get the ball (egg?) rolling towards good times for all.
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Can I just say, I love that for the three Wedge/Shard decks, they included at least one character from the namesake? We don’t get enough Alara in our lives, so having an actual Naya Leonin makes me happy. Not quite as happy as having another Jeskai Djinn, but there you go.
Anyhoo, Marisi is designed to own combat and speed the game up while he’s at it. And what’s crazy is you don’t even have to hit with him to get the ball rolling. Any of your creatures will trigger the Goad, and that just seems like crazy fun. He definitely doesn’t seem competitive, but could be fun at casual tables.
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Ooooo baby. This is pretty sexy. It’s basically having Tortured Existence (One of the format’s most underrated cards, IMHO) in the Command Zone, and that is pretty sweet. Sure, it doesn’t help you cheat on costs, which would push this to competitive levels, but it allows for some pretty insane value loops. Chainer is a perfectly designed 75% Commander, and I love him for that.
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I’ve gotta say, the Madness deck might be the winner, when it comes to new cards. I like all three of the new R/B Commanders in this deck. Greven is clearly designed for Voltron-style Commander Damage wins, but with a unique method of getting there. He swings with literal Hatred, which is beyond fucking cute, so for this deck you’re going to want lots of sacrifice fodder and easy ways to pay life. In a tight build, it should be trivial to take out opponents with one hit, though you’re going to want to make sure you have ways to regain your lost life if you’re going that route. Building this deck seems like a fun puzzle, and I love cards that encourage that.
So that’s it for the primary & secondary Commanders. Next up are the tertiary extra new Commanders printed in each deck, and where better to start than here:
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Making new versions of both Greven and Gerrard was already a great idea, but whoever decided they should have the same beautiful stylized art was majorly inspired. Seriously, how fucking gorgeous is that? (And I’m not just talking about Gerrard himself, though full transparency... 100% would do. Also would do Sevinne while we’re on the topic, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Aaaaannnyhooo. This new design for Gerrard is phenomenal. It’s expanding the design space for Red/White, along the same lines as Tiana did from Dominaria, and I am here for it. What’s great about this is that it allows for card advantage, but is still solidly within Red/White, so it doesn’t feel like they’re just adding card draw or something that the colors shouldn’t do. This particular design rewards lots of board wipes, since it allows you to break parity on the otherwise symmetric effects. I’d look to build this deck with lots of board wipes, and lots of value creatures that have good ETB effects, since they’ll all trigger again on re-entry. I doubt there’s a super-competitive build here, but there should be lots of options for both casual and semi-tuned levels, and that makes me very happy.
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Okay, if Grismold isn’t from Eldraine, then I’m going to make like Miranda Priestly and be verrrry disappointed. Mechanically, he’s cute. He’s in the general sphere of existing Commanders like Ghave and Slimefoot, but with his own twist. Best bet here is to run lots of token producers and sacrifice outlets, and try to get Grismold up to big/big stats and start haymaking with him. Good news is that these colors have plenty of ways to loop & recur creatures for value, so you will also be able to throw in some typical Golgari shenanigans for alternate paths to victory. Seems great for casual & 75% builders.
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Whew, they really went hard on Weatherlight Saga characters didn’t they? Next year, I want new Orim, Hanna, Starke, and Rofellos cards, k?
Tahngarth is pretty sweet. You can have him join in any combat your opponents decide to initiate. I don’t like that he has to be tapped in order for his ability to trigger, but I do like that it’s optional, so you don’t have to send him to his doom if you don’t want to. It does encourage attacks, so that’s good. If I were building a Tahngarth deck, I’d want plenty of ways to Goad in it, since that seems like it would be necessary if your opponents end up being reluctant to attack. I’d also want some good equipment on him, since as-is, it takes him 5 hits to kill someone, so ideally you’d get that power up to 7. The Swords cycle seems really good here, as they’ll power him up and offer some protection, plus make him unblockable for certain opponents. It’s possible he ends up better than I expect, but my guess is he’ll end up on the casual side of 75%. Which is totally fine.
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And last, but certainly not least, we come to probably the single most impactful card from the entire set. K’rrik has competitive written all over him, and I expect he’ll be a go-to for Big Black decks going forward. Seriously, he comes down for 4 mana and 6 life, which is easy to accomplish on turn 2 or 3, and then he is crazy cost reduction for all your Black spells from then on. His Lifelink helps recup the loss, and he’ll get big enough to become really threatening pretty quick. 
Honestly, I think K’rrik is possibly the best mono-Black commander we’ve seen in years, and he’s also going to be a must-have for any heavy Black deck, and I can definitely see him making waves in even the competitive community.
So that’s that! All the new commanders from Commander 2019. Overall I’m pretty happy with this. There’s a variety of power levels and deck styles to build, and only a few that I actively dislike. Next up, I’ll go over the other new cards from the set, and see which ones might have an impact.
Oh, and if you didn’t get the Miranda Priestly reference earlier, A) Shame on you and B) Here:
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innistradcube · 5 years
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Izzet Madness? 2
We've talked about cards that let you discard, but where's all the Madness?? Well, some pay offs include Just the Wind, Circular Logic, Nagging Thoughts, Welcome to the Fold, Stromkirk Occultist, Fiery Temper, Avacyn's Judgment, Incorrigible Youths, Senseless Rage, and Falkenrath Gorger can turn any vampire into a Madness card!
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nightmarist · 7 years
Unfortunately I made a list of all my current MtG Decks. The only one incomplete right now is my Markov and I’m only missing a couple cards, which isnt bad. Imma get them and theyre relatively cheap. The rest of the Sorin-themed cards I want are 99% for novelty bc I love him
Also, Im super aggro with all my decks. I love control but only if its fast. 
Anyway here’s all my fuckin decks, good luck to mobile users
Markov Taxes
Orzhov Taxation with Field Wipe (while taxing the field wipe)
Main wincon - Destroy everything all the time and tax it.
Stars of the Show
Sorin Markov x1
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad x1
Sorin, Solemn Visitor x1
Sorin, Grim Nemesis x1
Anowon, the Ruin Sage x1
Blood Baron of Vizkopa x1
Obzedat, Ghost Council x1
Blood Artist x2
Bogbrew Witch x2
Crypt Ghast x2
Vampire Nighthawk x3
Child of Night x4
Fester Newt x4
Tithe Drinker x4
Fated Retribution x1
Day of Judgement x1
End Hostilities x1
Merciless Eviction x1
Debt to the Deathless x2
Campaign of Vengeance x2
Anguished Unmaking x2
Blood Tribute x2
Bubbling Cauldron x1
Land: 4 Isolated Chapels, 8 Swamps, 8 Plains
Death to the Nonbelievers
Gain Life for days. Kill everyone with said life. 
Main wincon - Sunbound on Wall of Limbs and pray. 
Stars of the Show
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts x1
Blood Baron of Vizkopa x1
Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter x1
Resolute Angel x1
Desolation Angel x1
Indulgent Tormenter x1
Herald of Torment x1
Wall of Omens x1
Wall of Essence x1
Ajani’s Pridemate x2
Blood Scriever x2
Tithe Drinker x2
Akroan Skygard x3
Boros Mastiff x3
Wall of Limbs x3
Angelic Wall x4
Whip of Erebos x1
Banishing Light x2
Pacifism x2
Font of Vigor x3
Sunbound x3
Land:  2 Scoured Barrens, 9 Plains, 9 Swamps
Madness and Blood
Sire as man vampires as physically possible before reality breaks. 
Main wincon - Aggro ping with vampires
Stars of the Show
Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded x1
Library of Leng x1
Call the Bloodline (Promo) x2
Olivia’s Bloodsworn x2
Rakish Heir x2
Elusive Tormenter x2
Falkenrath Gorger x2
Insolent Neonate x3
Heir of Falkenrath x3
Incorrigible Youths x3
Murder x2
Murderous Compulsion x2
Lightning Axe x2
Tormenting Voice x3
Alms of the Vein x4
Stensia Masquerade x2
Senseless Rage x2
Neglected Herloom x2
 Land: 10 Mountain, 10 Swamp
Abzan Phyrexians
Weaken their defenses and kill them slowly. 
Main wincon - Aggro ping with infect
Stars of the Show
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite x1
Phyrexian Unlife x1
Contagion Engine x1
Rot Wolf x2
Viridian Betrayers x2
Blight Mamba x3
Lost Leonin x3
Priests of Norn x3
Glistener Elf x3
Reap What Is Sown x1
Common Bond x1
Consume Strength x1
Grotesque Mutation x2
Profit/Loss x2
Titanic Growth x2
Awaken the Bear x2
Abzan Charm x3
Contagion Clasp x2
Oppressive Rays x2
Banishing Light x2
Land: 2 Evolving Wilds, 2 Llanowar wastes, 2 Scoured Barrens, 6 Plaines, 6 Forests, 2 Swamps
Aetherborn & Machinations
Create artifacts only to destroy them for power. 
Main wincon - Aggro ping with Yahenni
Stars of the Show
Yahenni, Undying Partisan x2
Night Market Aeronaut x2
Midnight Entourage x3
Weaponcraft Enthusiast x3
Lawless Broker x3
Gifted Aetherborn x4
Alley Strangler x4
Syndicate Trafficker x4
Daring Demolition x2
Live Fast x2
Die Young x2
Yahenni’s Expertise x2
Gonti’s Machinations x2
Servi Schematic x2
Augmented Automaton x4
Land: 20 Swamps
Darkwater Dreams
Mill for the sake of power. 
Control the board until you can fuck shit up. 
Stars of the Show
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver x1
Blue Sun Zenith x1
Traumatize x1
Deathgaze Cockatrice x1
Liliana’s Reaver x1
Avatar of Woe x2
Frost Lynx x2
Returned Centaur x2
Wall of Frost x2
Typhoid Rats x2
Quag Vampires x3
Child of Night x4
Vampire Nighthawk x4
Sleep x2
Voyage’s End x2
Unsommon x2
Disperse x2
Mind Rot x3
Tome Scour x4
Land: 10 Swamps, 10 Islands
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bub-the-voidling · 6 years
Custom Card Competition wk 17: Madness
(This is a post about a private Card Brewing competition. Entries were not open to the public)
This week, we’ve all collectively lost our minds and constructed our own interpretations of that madness!
In case you didn’t understand that, we’re making madness cards this week :P Think [Basking Rootwalla], [Basking Rootwalla], or maybe even [Falkenrath Gorger]. Without further ado, I’m Sami, I like [Guild Summit] [Forbid] control and this is week 17 of the custom card competition!
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This is just to keep you from peeping when I link the write up, I’ll come up with a better way to do this.
Anyway! Card time!
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Starting off the competition we have a brave soul, someone who dares delving into the scariest and deepest depths of a mad mind. A horrifying little line of text included that makes everyone quiver in fear. “at random.” Funny how much we fear that.
So, what do I have to say about it? This is one of the rare occasions where it’s handled actually well. I will complain about the card in just a minute, but please understand how impressive that little feat is. Someone made a card that randomly sacrifices and discards cards and did it well. That is worthy of praise.
Now, why if I like this card so much is it the first card and obviously not the winner? Because this is a madness competition, and while I agree that randomness is a mad thing what this does with madness is sadly lacking. It continues the card’s theme of making everyone sacrifice some sort of permanent but it kind of feels like it randomly chose planeswalkers and artifacts while adding an unfitting increased price.
What would I do then to improve this card? Actually, I have quite a bit of suggestions, the first one is that I would make the hard casting slightly weaker since it just seems better to hard cast it, it does a little bit of everything for cheaper. Land destruction, creature destruction, and the best kind of non-targeted discard. Maybe move one of them to the second part, like maybe the land destruction. You could also swap out the discard for the artifact, because no one wants to really pay extra to get to destroy someone’s artifacts. Second suggestion, keep the randomness for the madness cost. It’s a bit weird of a change at first, but maybe the card could be just the hard cast part, but once you madness it people lose the ability to choose. Third suggestion in case you don’t want to change the card because of the card identity is that you could simply reduce the cost of the madness part, because honestly it kind of stings paying 6 mana after discarding a card for just sacrifice one of everything.
Also making it just sac opponent’s stuff for madness could be another option, but hopefully you get my point. I really like it, but it’s not quite there.
7/10, someone get the oddly specific dice for our lands…
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What’s with you guys and submitting things a week late? >:/ This isn’t equipment week!
Joking aside this is an interesting card. It’s a [Hellbent], or [Heckbent] as it now is madness support card. That’s also an equipment. Now this is one heck of a card, so what does it do? It makes YOU discard cards when your creature deals damage. Now I can’t remember who told me this, but the card really makes me think about the saying “Every downside has some upside.” I’m fairly certain it wasn’t worded that way, but the point is that we’re using this obvious disadvantage in our favor since we’re playing a [madness] deck.
Interesting to note is that it’s not combat damage it triggers on, it triggers on any damage. So, if we equip this on [some] sort of [pinger]. We have a discard on demand, but if you would equip it on one of those two examples they would be effectively turned off until you want to discard cards. Which you usually do since this is a discard card for a discard deck, but you don’t always want to discard. Even if you have cheap spells such as [Fiery Temper] or [Asylum Visitor] you sometimes run out of mana or have to spend said mana on other things.
So, what’s my take on this madness support card? Although I can’t help but to love the weird equipment with its strong downside that tells you, it doesn’t ask it tells you to build around it. As much as I admire that I sadly must admit that this might be over some line in “This is too weak.” I love weakness, I honestly think people usually try to make things too strong without appreciating that it’s okay if a card doesn’t do everything. It’s better that cards have weaknesses than just being all upside. [Technically] [these] [have] [weaknesses], [but] [really]? So why am I saying all of this? Why do I think this is too weak? Wasn’t weakness a good thing thirty seconds ago? Yes, but if the downside is too great you end up with a [Tibalt] instead of a [supreme card that is the pinnacle of card design].
What do I want from the card? Simple, some way to reward you for using the card. Now that might sound really stupid since you’re supposed to use the card to discard other cards, that’s the whole reason to use it! I mean yes, but there has to be some carrot to this stick. Otherwise I would much rather use [Key to the City] to discard for free at will and then get the chance to draw it back again. Or maybe [some] [discards] for 2 mana that literally gives you back new cards. Hell, if you want to go blue [Forbid] is pretty darn cool. The last example might not be too tempting since it costs a lot but hopefully you get my point. You are supposed to get something in return for discarding cards, otherwise you will not use this in favor of something that doesn’t turn off your creatures and gives you some sort of upside.
What can be changed for it? Now, if you’re still reading this just know that I might just be talking out of my ass and that everything you just read might’ve been bullshit. But I believe that to turn this into something great the reward could be something like giving stats once heck/hellbent. But talking with the creator they had a worry that the text would simply be too much, so I have a second suggestion. Remove this little bit “you control.” Now what the hecko does that do? Well, if you discard the mask and pay for it… You can equip an opponent’s creature. Remember the comment about turning off a creature? Oh what I would do to turn off the opponent’s creature~ It’s a minor tweak that has large ramifications. Now the card can be used as an offensive tool that makes the opponent ask “Is it worth blocking or attacking? I’ll discard these if I do…” and so on. That’s at least my take on it.
6/10, lovely idea, just not quite there. (Holy moly that was a wall of text.)
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Originally, I wanted to have this card just before the winner because I like the card, but I wanted to talk more about it. But the last two are so ridiculously close that I don’t even know yet who will win. Well as I’m writing this, now that you’re reading this I’ve made up my mind.
Anyways! This seems like a simple card, no? A changed version of [Obsessive Search] which is good since just making better versions of cards is usually not too great. Unless we’re talking about a [Untamed Wilds] into [Rampant Growth] scenario. It’s not strictly better since you can’t cast it at all until you discard it (sorcery doesn’t mean anything). Although I like the idea of non-existent mana cards, the madness cost being absolutely free… It gnaws at me. Probably [breaks] [dredge] but I’m not too sure, dredge is a weird fellow xD But the problem with being a free discard is that it can go into any discard deck you want. If there’s enough [discard] then you can sure as hell just slam this one in to get some extra value, thin your deck or whatever you want. It’s free after all!
I’m going to break the pacing a little bit and throw over one of the ineligible cards here since it’s from the same person.
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If you didn’t run away because you saw Phyrexian mana, twice. Let tell you why I think this card is slightly better designed. It’s [well] [known] that a redraw is worth 2 life. A card could just be printed at a blue Phyrexian mana and only say “Draw a card.” at instant speed and be balanced. It would even almost be objectively worse than [Street Wraith] since wraith can be a creature for 5 mana. Something is always better than nothing. That also goes for drawbacks, something is always better than nothing, paying 2 life (or 1 blue mana) to draw the madness card is more balanced than just getting the redraw for free. It kind of goes along the lines of why we don’t play Street Wraith in all our decks. We all know that having smaller decks (IE 56 instead of 60) is better, so having a draw that only costs life should be essentially free. But it’s not, because life matters, even if it’s a constant resource like Energy, in that it doesn’t go away after each phase. That 8 life or even just 2 life simply is not worth it. And same would kind of go for this card, you wouldn’t just slam it into any discard deck because you wanted a free redraw and free discard. You would have to put some thought into it. Even though I’d speculate this would still be really popular because of the madness tag on it.
Also, with this version sorcery actually matters and is fitting.
Anyway, the card you submitted, I like it. But I honestly wish you’d keep your original submission.
7/10 the Phyrexian version is like half a point better, and since math is math it would be 8/10.
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The first entry I had this week, also one of the best, if not the best. Now what’s so special about this? Does it interact with madness in a new and interesting way? Does the madness trigger change how you play the game or even build a new deck around it? Kind of and not really. It does kind of interact with madness in a new way. But instead of making the madness on itself important, it applies it to all other madness cards.
So it’s a madness support card, and for the record I would’ve allowed it even if it didn’t have the madness tag for 3 mana. But now it can be cast earlier than T5 if you madness it. And the support it gives is exactly what you’d want in a fair madness deck. A reliable way to consistently get madness triggers. Yes it’s only at your upkeep, but worst case you get to loot deeper into your deck. Which your opponent also gets, not sure how I feel about that.
Anyway, once you do cast a card for its madness cost the madness never ends and you draw another card and discard a card, hopefully continuing the chain of madness. Now this can probably get broken somehow if you’re comfortable with playing a 3-mana enchantment to chain this madness combo. But what you could also do is play [Madness Creatures] or a vampire tribal thanks to [Falkenrath Gorger] and just fairly cast 2-3 or more creatures at the beginning of your upkeep with the madness chains. And that’s what I really wish from this card, that idea is making me love the card. I have this thought that this is like [Experimental Frenzy] in limited. Strong and fair, but honestly it might be broken somehow. Maybe with storms.
10/10, really great entry. Only thing I didn’t like was that it made the opponent draw and discard as well. Might be faulty judgement on my part, but that’s honestly how I feel.
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Fun little tidbit, the person who made this was originally not going to enter before they had drawn the artwork for the card, but they didn’t have time to finish it so I kind of forced them to enter without art. Sorry not sorry, this card is great.
This is exactly what I was hoping and looking forward to in this competition. A card that interacts with madness more than just being cast for madness, and this does it in a great way. Hard casting it, you have a worse [Merfolk Looter] as it has no power. And if you discard it and pay the flavorful red mana you might get it out for cheap, but its ability is swapped from looting to [Rummaging], the red version of going through your deck.
Seems well balanced as there’s some tradeoff for the discard effect rather than just making it a 1/1.
I don’t have a lot to say as this is exactly what I would ask from a looter/rummager with madness, even the cost is swapped for red as it should be as rummaging is a red ability, also a [mad ability].
I can’t even come up with anything I’d change, maybe the madness cost to 1R, but that’s probably not even needed. Unsurprisingly, this card is our winner 😊
10/10, we have a winner and he has protection from protection! Congratulations to Ape of Justice for winning this week’s custom card challenge!
I want to do a little update, but first let’s real quick show the ineligible entries this week.
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First off we have the person who made the prompt’s card! And… wow, this is interesting. Madness X on a creature (plus BR). This is… quite awesome, if you want the creature and not go minus in cards you’re going to have to pay 4 mana for it and get a 4/3 plus looting 2. But then the other options are really interesting, 2 mana for a 4/3 haste flier where you also discard 2 cards, it could in the [dream] [scenario] work out quite well for you or maybe even be what you intend to do later on in the game to madness some more. But really late game you can even use this as some weird ass card draw spell. Like a [Braingeyser] but with a creature on top of it.
But sadly, the card is a bit too pushed with one little thing. The 1/1 creatures. I honestly think having the 1/1 makes the card do a bit too much, I’m not too big of a fan when cards do everything. You can’t have a reasonable creature, card draw, a large army with relevant creature types, and haste them all. It’s the reverse problem of the helmet card from before.
8/10, teach me the meaning of that word you- Oh wait you can read this. <//-//<
And last off this week we have…
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A card you already know what I think of as I used it to compare one entry.
8/10, you know this already.
But this card brings up the point I was talking about earlier. Personally, I’m a slightly conflicted about the scoring system I’m currently using. I’m trying to get it as accurate as I perceive the cards but having flat numbers is kind of limiting. For example, the Tides of Insanity would’ve been 9.5 and the card above I would’ve given a 7.5, but because math works as it works it’s rounded up to 8. And if I would be allowed to go even wilder, I might’ve given it a 7.4 which would translate to a 7 in the current system. I know this all sounds like humbugs and you might not even really care. And that’s fine, in that case just go to the next prompt and good luck ^^ But if you’re still reading this, I want to hear your opinion. I want to know how you want my scoring system to continue, bellow this will be two links to two different polls, and I would like to ask you to please ask you to click ‘em and vote in them. Or just reach out to me and chat about the scoring system. It would help me out a lot.
[Poll 1]
[Poll 2]
Thanks for reading that little wall of text and thank you for being patient with this write up taking so long. Hopefully you guys and girls were enjoying the prerelease as well ^^ But without further ado, here’s the prompt that you already know!
Investor gadget! (Fuck you Ape, I’m keeping it.) We're flipflopping from being mad lads and lassies into being investigators! Make a card that revolves around the investigation mechanic. Examples of this are the one and only [Inspector Gadget!], [Tireless Tracker], [Confirm Suspicions], and since someone's going to ask, yes [Erdwal Illuminator].
Good luck everyone and have a wonderful week <3
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mtg-brokentoken · 6 years
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something Mobilized For War!
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Olivia has two versions, one preferring the more recent Madness theme from Innistrad, and the other having a way of turning things into Vampires (and getting them +1/+1 counters) and taking control of them.
Liliana helps the Madness cards by both allowing me to discard them and use her ultimate to return them (discarded or otherwise) to the battlefield. I also have Falkenrath Gorger to make sure my Vampires have Madness.
Mephidross Vampire makes each creature you control a Vampire that, when it deals combat damage to a creature, it gets a +1/+1 counter. Necropolis Agent (along with many Vampires from original Innistrad) gets (and essentially gives) a +1/+1 counter whenever a creature deals combat damage to a player. Stensia Masquerade leans well into both abilities, having Madness itself and giving Vampires counters when dealing combat damage to a player.
I don’t have Rage Forger in the deck, despite a rather strong link to +1/+1 counter themes, but the main thing I’m currently looking to add is the black Enchantment from newer Innistrad that gives 1/1 Vampires, as quite a few Vampires like to sacrifice other creatures.
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autumnlilymtg · 7 years
HOU standard thoughts, pre-RPTQ
With my RPTQ happening in a little over two hours I thought I’d list some of my thoughts on the format based on my last week or so of focused testing and talking with friends. Warning that this is less likely to be a cohesive piece of prose and more likely to be an info-dump of things on my mind.
I’d roughly rank the major decks in standard like so;
1. UR Gift, Temur Black
2. Ramunap Red, Zombaes
10. Mardu Vehicles
100000000. UR Control, GB Cards
UR Gift is likely to only be tier 1 for so long, that said I put up slightly unreal results when I ran it through a few leagues and it is capable of fighting through hate. Most importantly the deck is terrifying when everything comes together perfectly and surprisingly capable of jamming Baneslayer Angels at your face on turn 4.
For the time being I simply don’t believe people have enough hate though, nor are they practised enough against the deck. From the other side the deck can force hard decisions, most notably do you attack when the Gift player has a Gate in play? If you do then they just get to chump block and loot a bunch fuelling their graveyard to set up their combo, if you don’t then you’re giving the Gift player plenty of time to draw in to ways to set up the Gate of their own accord - realistically a lot of the time you’re probably dead either way by this point but it doesn’t make the play patterns any easier to get down. Whether to kill Minister of Inquiries or not is another tough point I’ve heard questions about and it really comes down to what your gameplan is with your hand - if you have a Negate or Abrade you’re well set up to deal with the Gate itself so the milling from the Minister is irrelevant, whereas if you only have a couple removal spells and threats your best bet is likely to kill the Minister and try and get your opponent dead before they can get a Gate online.
A lot of hating out this deck is dependent on how your deck lines up against theirs. Don’t play Dispossess if you’re going to lose to the dragons and Chandras they’ll have after board (which often means just don’t play Dispossess full stop). Likewise Crook is often as much a liability as a tool depending on how draws pan out and what your deck is weak to. I am a big fan of Scavenger Grounds - it doesn’t put you down a card in quite the same manner as the aforementioned sideboard options leaving you more able to beat Chandra and Glorybringer - Abrade, Negate. Basically good magic cards that serve some function beyond just trying to hate on your opponent. I think the big shift that will likely come against UR Gift is less likely to be about more hard sideboard hate and more likely to be about people trying to fit more Abrades and Scarab Gods in their deck.
Also, people playing Inspiring Vantage are like 80% to be wrong I think, looting in to taplands off of your Champion of Wits feels ~awful~ as the deck uses all its mana every turn.
If I was not so in love with Temur Black I would be registering UR Gift for the RPTQ today.
Temur Black I see as kind of the Jund of the format, in that it can beat basically anything it wants to by giving up percentage points elsewhere. This is the true strength of the deck - it has very, very few inherently bad match-ups and can be a strong favourite in any match-up it wants to be. I’ve heard the deck criticised for not having any good match-ups (which I think is somewhat false from the start - snakes dislike Glorybringers quite a bit), but the reality is that having good match-ups with the deck is reliant on you staying very up-to-date with standard and constantly tuning and refining your list based on recent metagame shifts. It’s ultimately just a mopey midrange deck a lot of the time, but it’s a mopey midrange deck that can beat almost anything if it wants to and the inclusion of The Scarab God has given the deck real fangs. This is the deck I intend to play.
re: Channeler Initiate vs Longtusk Cub, since this is an issue I’ve been vocal about (preferring Initiate) - I actually think it’s fine to play either card, both cards are highly mediocre but serve a nice role. I’ve heard people say you should just play Cub as it gives you free wins, but casting turn 3 Hydra in to turn 4 Glorybringer off of Initiate on the play is basically a free win also. Personally I like that the redundancy of mana dorks lets me play a slightly higher curve and gives more mana sources for The Scarab God, but really either 2 drop is fine.
Ramunap Red is excellent and can’t truly be hated out without making your deck awful against piles of reasonably magic cards. I don’t really have much to say other than you should continue respecting it as otherwise it ~will~ murder you. Personally I strongly prefer Village Messengers over Falkenrath Gorgers and fundamentally don’t understand why anyone would touch Gorger - both cards are bad, but Messenger has the chance of randomly dealing 6-8 damage to your opponent whereas Gorger’s upside is basically non-existent. I’m also a big fan of Warping Wail in the sideboard and think at least 2 copies should just be a requirement (big thanks to Charlotte Sable for this tech!).
Zombies is an incredibly flexible deck, and though it is probably the top deck that you can most easily fight on a reasonable basis with not-super-narrow sideboard cards it also has inbuilt protection from hate too as the top 10% of Zombies draws are just fundamentally unbeatable. Honestly if someone was in doubt what to take to a tournament I’d probably just tell them to take Zombies - the floor on the deck is so high, but you also gain a significant amount from the deck from playing well too. Don’t play less than 4 Masteries, play 2 Scavenger Grounds and 0 Westvale Abbeys, and consider going for a split of 2 Fatal Push and 4 Grasp of Darkness rather than the usual 3/3 split to make yourself better against Glorybringers (3 Push, 4 Grasp is also fine if you want to devote your final flex spot to another removal spell).
The only reasons Red and Zombies aren’t listed alongside Temur and Gift is I think both decks are somewhat unhappy to be playing against Temur or Gift, but they happily murder the rest of the format and are excellent choices.
I can’t criticise Mardu too much. I’ve considered it a bad deck ever since Felidar Guardian was banned, but I recognise that it just randomly runs people over when it draws perfectly and it is the one deck in the format where you can win games purely off of getting your opponent with sideboard plans. If you know the deck well enough then it is a fine but unexciting choice.
UR Control and GB Cards are both pretty bad. They have bad match-ups in the top tier (UR Control struggles against red and will lose to Temur if Temur wants to beat them; GB loses to Temur and Zombies and I have to imagine loses hard to Gift) and also just lose to random garbage too easily.
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alurenrecycle · 4 years
T League, Rd 9, Feature Match #2 - Necroskitter vs Vampire Madness
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We have another top 4 match up with Necroskitter at 6-1 and Vampires at 5-2. Can Vampires attack fast enough before Necroskitter gains control?
Game 1, a turn 3 Necroskitter was too much for Vampires. An Asylum Visitor got capped by Banewhip Punisher and stolen with Necroskitter. A Soul Snuffers shrunk Stromkirk Occultist and Insatiable Gorgers. The Punisher blocked the Gorgers and was sacrificed to kill the Occultist. With its board now empty, Vampires fell.
Game 2, a Putrify killed a Vampire Hounds. Soul Snuffers shrunk a Stromkirk Occultist and Heir of Falkenrath. Crumbling Ashes and Kulrath Knight stopped Vampires in their tracks. Necroskitter gets an easy win.
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foxysproxyscards · 4 years
Eddy Markov, Revamped
Edgar Markov Re-Vamped
Lets look at our deck piece by piece beginning with our Commander, Edgar Markov. First look gives us a 4/4 for 6 in Mardu. Not especially great truth be told. Haste and First Strike? Alright showing signs of improvement yet at the same time meh. +1/+1 to our different vamps in combat, still meh. Putting a 1/1 vamp into play with each cast vampire? Bingo, lets use that. That is fundamentally the best Vampire generator you could ever. Truly I need him safe in the Command Zone and don't generally expect putting him into play.
Mardu Mana
You would think that white, black, and red are the less likely colors to find ramp in so lets check out a few alternatives. Average Ramp first, we have Sol Ring, Signets, and Command Sphere. Wayfarer’s Bauble is an incredible bit of Ramp on the off chance that you don't have green in your deck. Cabal Coffers, Cabal Stronghold, and Urborg are our better lands for the deck. Phyrexian Altar, Ashnod's Altar, and Black Market work brilliantly for us as we will have a lot of Vampires to use for mana. I'm tossing K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth in here as well becuase he is fundamentally "free" mana for the remainder of our deck. Lastly, Herald’s Horn to lessen our vampire's cost and some of the time we get to draw an additional card each turn. I've never had an issue with casting my spells in this deck so I think this is an ideal amount of ramp.
Card Draw
The majority of our card draw will be in Black so it will cost us a little life yet, guess what? That’s all good for this deck! We have 40 life to start with and that is plenty. I'm typically quite down on Phyrexian Arena, however it can really help us here. Normally though, it’s a tad overused. Next up is Skullclamp. Pay 1 and lose a token to draw 2? All day, every day. Same for Vampiric Rights (additionally an absolute flavor win). Anje Falkenrath lets us run through our deck gradually except if we have a Falkenrath Gorger out. At that point the entirety of our vampires have Madness and we can churn through our deck as long as we have the Heart of the Cards on our side. Champion of Dusk is somewhat more contingent as he really needs heaps of vampires on the field when he comes in. Luckily will play boat loads of vampires! Smothering Abomination can be an absolute force of nature with in this deck so we will excuse it for not being a vampire. Our last two are simply bonkers we have Ad Nauseam and Necropotence. Typically I keep these hand until I'm looking to either win...or discover something to prevent me from biting the dust. I've additionally got Razaketh, the Foulblooded and Bolas' Citadel as pseudo-card draw.
Spread the Sickness
Here are our other vampire token makers. We don’t need a bunch as our Commander  makes a huge amount of vampire tokens for us. So all of our vampires consequently make us a vampire and Anointed Procession just over powers Edgar’s Eminence trigger. Bloodline Keeper and Pawn of Ulamog are the primary other Vampire generators for our deck.
Okay so you're playing for your 3rd hour and the Meren player continues making you sacrifice all your cool stuff. Well how about we simply play one massive turn and wipe everybody off the board so we can move to game two? First we need to find a way to deal damage to our opponent’s with something along the lines of Blood Artist, Falkenrath Noble, and Cruel Celebrant. Next we need Phyrexian Altar as well as K'rrik to let us play our one drops basically for free. Finally, we need to replay our one drops again and again and again. Here we have Enduring Renewal and Cloudstone Curio. With Enduring Renewal out we can sacrifice Quag Vampires (or any of our one drops) to Phyrexian Altar for one Black Mana. Quag Vampires (or insert random one drop) comes back to our hand, and now we have one Black mana left over and a 1/1 Token in play. Do this repeatedly and we end up with an endless number of Vampire Tokens. With any of our damage flinging vampires in play we wind up doing infinite damage to the table and killing them all. K'rrik can replace Phyrexian Altar in this case if we also have Anointed Procession in play to double up our tokens. If we have two life drainers we can gain 2 life each time to counterbalance paying life for our Black mana pip on our Quag Vampires. Cloudstone Curio replaces Enduring Renewal as long as we have two one drops out on the board.
Rounding Out the Deck
Clearly, this is anything but an entire 100 card deck. The remainder of my deck contains 8 pieces of removal; Two board wipes and 6 targeted. You're playing White and Black so take your pick! Everything from here on out is your decision, just look through your Vampire collection and pick the ones you love the most. Try and keep your casting cost nice and low (one and two drop vampires) as these are the easiest way for you to keep your Vampire militia adequately supplied.
On the off chance that you really need to teach your playgroup a lesson and want to toss your budget in the trast, here are a few upgrades you can throw in your deck. Notice the only tutor effect we have in here is Razaketh. I purposefully don't care for having many tutors in the deck since I feel they take too much of the variance out of the game. They do however make your decks significantly more reliable. Vampiric Tutor is totally on subject here and an awesome card to add. Diabolic Intent and Demonic Tutor are likewise fabulous alternatives for this deck. Furthermore, obviously Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond is a fantastic combo to insta-execute your table (and a flavor win for sure). Again I simply don't feel like that is a fun combo to win with and decided not to play it, but it is very effective.
Creature (39)      1x Anje Falkenrath      1x Blood Artist      1x Blood Burglar      1x Bloodcrazed Paladin      1x Bloodline Keeper Flip      1x Bold Impaler      1x Captivating Vampire      1x Champion of Dusk      1x Child of Night      1x Cruel Celebrant      1x Dark Impostor      1x Drana, Liberator of Malakir      1x Duskborne Skymarcher      1x Falkenrath Gorger      1x Falkenrath Noble      1x Guul Draz Vampire      1x Insolent Neonate      1x K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth      1x Kalastria Highborn      1x Malakir Bloodwitch      1x Markov Blademaster      1x Martyr of Dusk      1x Pawn of Ulamog      1x Pulse Tracker      1x Quag Vampires      1x Rakish Heir      1x Razaketh, the Foulblooded      1x Selfless Spirit      1x Shadow Alley Denizen      1x Smothering Abomination      1x Stromkirk Captain      1x Stromkirk Noble      1x Tithe Drinker      1x Vampire Cutthroat      1x Vampire Lacerator      1x Vampire Neonate      1x Vampire Nighthawk      1x Vicious Conquistador      1x Yahenni, Undying Partisan ​Land (35)      1x Arcane Lighthouse      1x Blood Crypt      1x Bojuka Bog      1x Cabal Stronghold      1x Command Tower      1x Dragonskull Summit      1x Evolving Wilds      1x Godless Shrine      1x Marsh Flats      6x Mountain      6x Plains      1x Scoured Barrens      11x Swamp      1x Terramorphic Expanse      1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth  Enchantment (7)      1x Anointed Procession      1x Black Market      1x Enduring Renewal      1x Necropotence      1x Phyrexian Arena      1x Phyrexian Reclamation      1x Vampiric Rites ​Sorcery (3)      1x Damnation      1x In Garruk's Wake      1x Vindicate  Artifact (10)      1x Ashnod's Altar      1x Bolas's Citadel      1x Cloudstone Curio      1x Commander's Sphere      1x Herald's Horn      1x Phyrexian Altar      1x Rakdos Signet      1x Skullclamp      1x Sol Ring      1x Wayfarer's Bauble  Instant (5)      1x Ad Nauseam      1x Anguished Unmaking      1x Final Payment      1x Mortify      1x Utter End
     For more Decks and Articles Check out our site HERE
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chiyukiakasuna · 7 years
so I took a slightly modified version of your Hazoret’s Monument vampires deck to FNM last week and...
it was completely stomped. I won maybe 3 games total (not matches), the last of which was both of us 0-3 so my deck just outsped his and it was more of a lucky break than anything. Ended up 1-3, I think? I didn’t even go up against any Ramunap Red or anything....
I did have one crazy play that almost made it worth it tho. Monument on the field, Olivia, Furyblade, and Bloodhall on the field. 2 cards in hand. Enter combat, Furyblade trigger, discard Bloodhall, cast Bloodhall, Olivia trigger, discard Fiery Temper, cast Temper. Bloodhall2 trigger, destroy a blocker; enter Declare attacks, both Bloodhalls trigger. I actually called a judge to stand next to me and make sure it all worked out hahah.
This was the final decklist:
3 Hazoret’s Monument 2 Olivia, Mobilized 3 Bloodhall Priest 4 Stromkirk Occultist 4 Falkenrath Gorger 4 Furyblade Vampire 3 Asylum Visitor 4 Insolent Neonate 3 Ravenous Bloodseeker 2 Flameblade Adept 2 Hazoret, the Fervent 4 Fiery Temper
3 Smoldering Marsh 2 Canyon Slough 10 Mountain 7 Swamp
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nightmarist · 8 years
My MtG Decks !
Just because im in the mood, here are some of my MtG decks ! My babies are Orzhov Vampires and Madness Vampires. I’m 10 bucks shy of my Aetherborn dream deck, but I think I can make that next week. 
Orzohv Vampires BW
Creatures 4x Festering Newt 2x Bogbrew Witch 4x Child of Night 4x Tithe Drinker 3x Vampire Nighthawk 2x Crypt Ghast 1x Obzedat, Ghost Council 1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa 1x Anowon, the Ruin Sage 1x Avatar of Woe 1x Felidar Sovereign 1x Gatekeeper of Malakir 2x Blood Artist
Instants/Sorceries 1x Day of Judgement 1x End Hostilities 1x Planar Outburst 1x Fated Retribution 2x Riot Control 2x Debt to the Deathless 1x Harsh Sustenance 1x Zealous Prosecution 1x Merciless Eviction 1x Death Grasp 1x Sorin’s Vengeance
Planeswalkers 1x Sorin, Solemn Visitor 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 1x Sorin Markov
Artifacts 1x Bubbling Cauldron
Lands 4x Isolated Chapel 8x Swamp 8x Plains
total 63 cards
Sideboard: 2x Crypt Ghast 1x Avatar of Woe 1x Vampire Nighthawk 1x Riot Control
Madness Vampires BR
Creatures 3x Quag Vampire 3x Insolent Neonate 3x Incorrigible Youths 2x Bloodmad Vampire 2x Child of Night 2x Vampire Nighthawk 2x Twins of Maurer Estate 2x Indulgent Tormenter 2x Heir of Falkenrath 1x Indulgent Aristocrat 1x Olivia’s Bloodsworn 1x Falkenrath Gorger 1x Rakish Heir
Instants/Sorceries 2x Tormenting Voice 2x Expedite 2x Murderous Compulsion 2x Lightning Bolt
Artifacts/Enchantments 2x Neglected Heirloom 1x Linrary of Leng 1x Goblin War Paint 1x Senseless Rage 1x Stensia Masquerade 1x Call of the Bloodline
Lands 9x Mountains 11x Swamps
Total 60 Cards, no sideboard
Life Sucks BW
Creatures 4x Angelic Wall 3x Wall of Limbs 3x Akroan Skyguard 3x Boros Mastiff 2x Tithe Drinker 2x Child of Night 2x Ajani’s Pridemate 2x Blood Scrivener  1x Wall of Omens 1x Wall of Essence 1x Herald of Torment 1x Indulgent Tormentor  1x Tesya, Envoy of Ghosts 1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa 1x Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter 1x Resolute Angel
Enchantments 3x Font of Vigor 3x Sunbound 2x Ordeal of Helios 2x Pacifism 2x Banishing Light 1x Whip of Erebos
Lands 18x Plains 18x Swamps 2x Scoured Barrens 
Total 62 cards, no sideboard
Boros Fuck Ups RW
Creatures 4x Imposing Sovereign 4x Hellrider 4x Boror Elite 4x Viashino Firstblade 3x Ogre Battledriver 2x Viashino Skanktail 2x Rubblebelt Maaka 2x Akroan Hoplite 2x Hellspark Elemental 1x Aurelia, the Warleader
Instants/Sorceries 3x Lightning Strike 3x Browbeat 3x Boros Charm
Enchantments 2x Assemble the Legion 1x Gleam of Battle
Lands 10x Plains 10x Mountains
Total 60 cards
Sideboard 1x Ogre Battledriver 1x Boros Charm 1x Scourge of Nobilis 1x Browbeat 1x Archetype of Aggression
Toxic Growth GW
Creatures 4x Blight Mamba 4x Glistener Elf 3x Lost Leonin 3x Priest of Norn 2x Tine Shrike 2x Rot Wolf 2x Satyr Grovedancer 2x Elvish Mystic 2x Ivylane Denizen 1x Patron of the Valiant 1x Elesh Norn
Instants/Sorceries 2x Ajani’s Presence 2x Inpired Charge 2x Awaken the Bear 2x Titanic Growth 2x Giant Growth 1x Common Bond 1x Reap What Is Sown
Enchantments 2x Ordeal of Nylea 2x Unflinching Courage 1x Phyrexian Unlife
Lands 11x Plains 9x Forest
Total 63 cards
Sideboard 2x Overgrown Battlement 2x Gatecreeper Vine
Aetherborn Revolt (Not purchased yet, saving up)
Creatures 4x Alley Strangler 4x Gifted Aetherborn 4x Weaponcraft Enthusiast 3x Lawless Broker 3x Midnight Entourage 2x Syndicate Trafficker 2x Yahenni, Undying Partisan
Instants/Sorceries 2x Battle at the Bridge 2xDaring Demolition 4x Live Fast 4x Die Young 1x Gonti's Aether Heart 2x Gonti's Machinations 2x Yahenni's Expertise
Artifacts 4x Augmenting Automaton 2x Servo Schematic
Lands 20 Swamps
Total 62 cards, no sideboard
Ahhh sorry for the long post but I figure if any of you know MtG this is a pretty cool way of getting to know someone 
As you can see I love black and white, I’m ~okay~ with red and green, and blue is a fuckall for me. I live in the moment, no time to think ahead. 
If you dont wanna look up cards individually, you should be able to plop them in deckstats ♥
9 notes · View notes
bub-the-voidling · 6 years
Custom Card Competition wk 16: Colored Equipment
(This is a post about a private Card Brewing competition. Entries were not open to the public)
Welcome one, welcome all to this new week of Custom Card Challenge! This week our prompt was to make a colorful armory~~
“This week we shall be doing equipment! But not just any equipment, colored equipment~~ Some examples of this is [Godsend], [Mage Slayer], and even [Unscythe, Killer of Kings] if you want to go crazy on us 😉”
Also, I was promised a 5C sword, so you better give it to me or heads will roll >:c
Starting off the week we have...
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[Gonti]. It’s Gonti again. I can’t say it’s not interesting with the menace and with combat [synergies], but it’s Gonti again. Yes, we all love Gonti and the effect is fun, but it’s [Gonti] again x3
Anyway, the effect is [Thief of Sanity]/[Nightveil Specter] for any creature. Closer to Nightveil but with the mana fixing but minus playing lands. Which means sometimes this thing doesn’t really do a lot, or anything if you’re unlucky. I would’ve preferred that it was either Thief of Sanity or that it’d allow you to play lands, but some people don’t think playing lands are fun smh.
 8/10, Just a good on flavor black equipment. Not much to say. [Gontiiiiiiiii]
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So, this is a legendary version of [Scythe of the Wretched], it’s even a Scythe! :D But, what does this do differently from it? Well for one it actually has deathtouch and doesn’t force you to reequip it on someone you might not want it on.
So, what makes this the Sultai weapon of choice? The green would be for reach and black would be for deathtouch and maybe the resurrection. But what is blue in this card? Sadly, that’s the miss in this card, the challenge was to make colored equipment so you want to capture the color identity in the weapon.
I would suggest swapping out the U for its other control friend, W. With white you could argue that both the caring about legendaries (aristocratic fuqs >:c) and the resurrection part are on flavor for the color. And if you’d want to make this equipment really bonkers, you’d make it give vigilance as well. Then you probably have to make the equipment cost higher, since we probably all agree that only having mana symbols in the casting cost is beautiful.
7/10 Good first entry friendo ^^ And thanks for the new artist to follow :P
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Next up we have a new little blade from Kamigawa, a blade that takes after the [Myojin of Night's Reach] itself!
Just like a blade from the legendary spirit should, it makes people discard, and discard haaaaard. A [Wit’s End] on a stick! How is that balanced when Wit’s End costs 7 to cast? A handful of reasons actually, one is that this costs a total of 8 mana, 6 of which must be black. The cost is separated into two bits, so you can pay half of it at one point and the other at another, that’s the strange thing with equipment. It costs more but they’re still cheaper since you can curve. Oh yeah and the second reason why this is balanced, it has to smack someone in the face.
With the deathtouch on the blade it makes it a bit more tempting to let it through. But people will just [chump block] at this point, unless they have so few cards in hand that they don’t care about discarding. Same problem Wit’s End faces actually.
So, it’s clearly not busted even though its ability appears so ridiculously strong, that’s amazing design right there. Sadly, I can’t really judge it on the lore all too much, I know this was made because the creator loves the Kamigawa lore but I simply haven’t read it. Sorry.
Oh yeah, pet peeve, this equipment doesn’t give stats, but maybe that’s for the best as it gives deathtouch and you want it for the effect. So… ignore my pet peeve?
Funnily this was the only card with color requirement to equip. Also the reason how this can be balanced :P
9/10, You could technically nut this at T4 with unblockable. Can you figure it out?
Next to the chopping block~~
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Cardsmith? DISQUALIFIED! THOSE CARDS LOOK BAD D:< Rawr, rawr, rawr! Rabble, rabble! >:c
Cough. But if we would look past the exterior and try to see the card on the inside… Not that we would. Maybe it is, kind of nice? Let’s see here, creating things when hurt… Yes, that’s definitely a green thing with cards like [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE] nest. Little things that deal damage, yes that’s red. Vigilance? That has to be wh- No wait, that’s a green’s secondary, and it synergizes with the rest of the weapon.
Okay, we have an interesting unique card that’s not busted with a good cost and fits its colors… Maybe the infinite is overpowered? >:D
The most efficient so you need the least amount of cards. [Darksteel Myr] + [Goblin Bombarment] + Well… this card… That’s a total of 9 mana plus 2 for equipping and you need to hurt the Darksteel the first time somehow as well. Okay, honestly that doesn’t sound anywhere near as effective/degenerate as [Storm] or [Hollowed One]. I encourage you all to click those links.
So… The card isn’t broken and the one way you would break it has [counter] [play] and is really slow.
What?! I can’t just judge the card on how the text formating looks?! The Cardsmith card isn’t just good, it’s great! How could this be?!
The only thing I can criticize is that the rose is a 0/2 instead of 0/1. I don’t think the rose should ever survive being [pinged] without buffs. The legendary clause makes it so you (sadly) can’t stack its effect, otherwise you’d have literally infinite chump blockers as with two blades one block creates two Roses. The equipping to Roses and always having a blocker might be enough reason to increase the equipment cost, but equipping costs 2 mana and is sorcery speed luckily, so the enemy can just play around it by having more creatures or killing the token before it equips. Unless they have no interaction, in which case you kind of deserve being blocked by a single Sword wielding Rose forever.
Also… Since the Rose token DOESN’T have defender…
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I had to commission [Azura] to draw this. Too worth it.
There’s nothing I can give this card but the big W in for this challenge. Congratulations :D
10/10, Rose with a sword.
(I noticed that it didn’t say creature token, check for such things next time.)
Congratulations to The Wandering Nightstalker for bringing us a Rose wielding a sword! (That phrase made me and Azura laugh so much)
But before I thank you all for entering and wishing you good luck we have three Ineligible entries to judge and stare angrily at. So let’s greet these three lovely cards. Always fun to see the person who made the prompt join ^^
Starting off, the Vampires are starting a cult! Again!
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Hey, DrKungFu. Tell your friend to just join the damn discord. This is 10/10 (9.5 rounded up to 10. Maybe I should start showing the half points as not rounded up…)
Yes, it’s a bit too strong, but it’s on flavor, on color, and just a damn fun card.
Also, flavor text. I love flavor text
Weak actual equipment with a reward if you complete its objective. Just how it should be when making these sort of flip cards. Maybe the objective should be slightly harder or the casting slightly higher (I’d say no because 2 symbols are beautiful), but hot damn this is a good card.
10/10, I want the against the odds where you have smol dudes to sac and big creatures to reanimate.
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We will never ever beat this card.
Only complaint is that the stick is hard to see, if that even is a complaint.
20/16, trample at least. Better than 30 Emrakuls.
(I forgot that this last card was an IE, so they got a full on write up. Incase you wonder why this will be long.)
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Oh my lordie, this was the first submission of this week and my first thought was “This will be a good week.” Needless to say, I was right. Flash with instant equip? Fuck yeah that’s some unique and interesting design, just what I wanted. I mean once I did some more research, I found out that [Grifter’s Blade] exists. But did anyone of you honestly know that it existed?
So, we know that I like the first two lines here and they’re really fitting for the colors you chose. Yeah, I know white isn’t supposed to be known for flash, but we’re all from a D&T lover’s discord. White flashing is nice. So, what do I think about the actual effects of the equipment? First strike and tapping a dude is nice and once again spot on for the color pairing you have. But indestructible? This makes the card a better version of [Indestructibility]. That saddens me as power creep isn’t really my forte. I really wish you chose something like Vigilance instead, that would even go nicely with the tap ability and annoy non-UW players in limited, and isn’t that what magic is all about?
Oh yeah, pet peeve, this equipment doesn’t give stats, but maybe that’s for the best as it has flash and first strike. So… ignore my pet peeve?
8/10, close, but indestructible cigar.
Thank you all for competing ^^ Hope you’ll have a wonderful week. Before I will take my leave, we shall travel to Sparta for our next prompt!
”Madness! Make an interesting madness card!”
A simple little prompt that reminds at least me about Kate’s first prompt :P Some examples of madess cards are [Basking Rootvalla], [Ichor Slick], [Welcome to the Fold] :^), and [Basking Rootvalla]. Oh and I’d count [Falkenrath Gorger] if you’re curious.
Also, no 5 color weapon :( [Hopefully this will do] <3
[Basking Rootvalla]
0 notes
thewisekitsune · 8 years
So due to growing demand here is my trade list:
·         Dual Colors
o   Everlasting Torment x1
o   Splitting image x 1
o   Mirrorweave x 1
o   Nightveil Specter x 1
o   Doomgape x 1
o   Djinn Illuminatus x 1
o   Biomass Mutation x 2
o   Cryptborn horror x 1
o   Azor’s elocutors x 2
o   Giant Solifuge x 1
o   Gleancrawler x 1
·         Foil Rares
o   Torrent Elelmental x 1
o   Distended Mindbender x 1
o   Deepfathom Skulker x 1
o   Architect of the untamed x 1
o   Saheeli’s Artistry x 2
o   Deathbringer Regent x 1
o   Nibilis of Frost x 1
o   Path of bravery x 1
o   Helm of the gods x 1
o   Chained to the rocks x 1
o   Trading post x 1
o   Hedron Alignment x 1
o   Wharf infiltrator x 1
o   Living lore x 1
o   Council of the absolute x 1
o   Sands of delirium x 1
o   Boros Battleshaper x 1
o   Foundry champion x 2
o   Plea for guidance x 1
o   Imprisoned in the moon x 1
o   Exava Rakdos Blood Witch x 1
o   Fated Infatuation x 1
o   Trait Doctoring x 1
o   Scourge of fleets x 1
o   Flamewake Phoenix x 1
o   Elder of laurels x 1
o   Thousand winds x 1
o   Celestial archon x 1
o   Rubblebelt raiders x 1
o   Phytotitan x 1
o   Simic manipulator x 1
o   Palisade Giant x 1
·         Promos
o   Squelching Leeches
o   Ogre Battledriver
o   Wharf infiltrator
o   Skarrg Goliath
o   Deadbridge Goliath
o   Emrakul’s Evangul
o   Xathrid Gorgon
o   Dictate of the Twin Gods
o   Necropolis Fiend
o   In Garruk’s Wake
o   Multiform Wonder
o   Fated Showdown
·         Lands
o   Concealed Courtyard
o   Drownyard Temple
o   Hanweir Battlements
o   Alchemist’s Refuge
o   Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
o   Temple of Abandon
o   Ally encampment
o   Ruins of Oran Rief
o   Sea Gate Wreckage
o   Inspiring Vantage
o   Blooming Marsh
o   Botanical Sanctum
o   Mirrorpool
o   Llanowar wastes
o   Sanctum of Ugin
o   Foreboding Ruins
o   Geier Reach Sanctum
o   Throne of the High City
o   Haven of the Spirit Dragon
o   Temple of Triumph
o   Temple of Silence
o   Grove of the Guardian
o   Paliano, the High City
o   Corrupted Crossroads
o   Stensia Bloodhall
o   Grim backwoods
o   Contested War zone
o   Exotic Orchard
o   Sunpetal Grove
o   Windbrisk Heights
·         Multi-Colored/eldrazi
o   Jor-Kadeen, The Prevailer
o   Sphinx summoner
o   Filigree Angel
o   Aura mutation
o   Crackling doom
o   Utter end
o   Dauntless escort
o   Iroas, god of victory
o   Artifact mutation
o   Heron’s grace champion
o   Conduit of ruin
o   Prized amalgam
o   The gitrog monster
o   Rubblehulk
o   Blood tyrant
o   Progenitor mimic
o   Etherium-horn sorcerer
o   Decimate
o   Merciless eviction
o   Master biomancer
o   Edric spymaster of trest
o   Jori en Ruin diver
o   Desolation twin
o   Distended mindbender
o   Kozilek, the great distortion
o   Grim flayer
o   Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger
o   Vorel of the hull clade
o   Adriana, captain of the guard
o   Altered ego
o   Breaking/entering
o   Eldrazi obligator
o   Endless one
o   Kheru lich lord
o   Biovisionary
o   Kambal consul of allocation
o   Villainous wealth
o   Avalanche tusker
o   Serpentine spike
o   Munda ambush leader
o   Brutal explosion
o   Dust stalker
o   Brago, King eternal
o   Blight herder
o   Veteran warleader
o   From beyond
o   Bring to light
o   March from the tomb
o   Brood butcher
o   Gruesome slaughter
o   Ojutai soul of winter
o   Deepfathom skulker
o   Sire of insanity
o   Angelic captain
o   Bloodhall priest
o   Smothering abomination
o   Temur ascendancy
o   Arashin sovereign
o   Silumgar’s command
o   Sagu mauler
o   Trap essence
o   Butcher of the horde
o   Anax and cymede
o   Savage knuckle blade
o   Fathom feeder
o   Selvala Explorer returned
o   Atarka World render
o   Simic sky swallower
o   Plasma capture
o   Boltwing marauder
o   Necromancer dragon
o   Kolaghan the storm’s fury
o   Reaper of the wilds
o   Deceiver of form
o   Revel of the fallen god
o   Eternal scourge
o   Duneblast
o   Dack’s duplicate
o   Council of the absolute
o   Polis crusher
o   Sage of the Inward eye
o   Invocation of saint traft
o   Magister of worth
o   Ayli eternal pilgrim
o   Ivorytusk fortress
o   Rakshaa vizier
o   Ankle shanker
o   Flying crane technique
o   Lavinia of the tenth
o   Render silent
o   Beck/call
o   Spark trooper
o   Fathom mage
o   Clan defiance
o   Abzan ascendency
o   Steam augury
o   Signal the clans
o   Mercurial chemister
o   Mardu ascendency
o   Boros battleshaper
o   Unexpected results
o   Dragonshift
o   Daxos of meletis
o   Tajic blade of the legion
o   Firemane angel
o   Vedalken heretic
o   Titanic ultimatum
o   Counterflux
o   Alms beast
o   Vile redeemer
o   Searing meditation
o   Psychic intrusion
o   Blazing specter
o   Aurelia’s fury
o   Corpsejack menace
o   Windreaver
o   Surrak, dragonclaw
o   Underworld cerebus
o   Melek, izzet paragon
o   Whispering madness
o   Firemane avenger
o   Loxodon hierarch
o   Mystic genesis
o   Firemind’s foresight
o   Hypersonic dragon
o   Carnival hellsteed
o   Archon of the triumvirate
o   Wayfaring temple
o   Ready/willing
o   Rakshasa deathdealer
o   Prophetic bolt
o   Glory of warfare
o   Obzedat’s aid
o   Soul ransom
o   Jarad’s orders
o   Foundry champion
o   Vulturous zombie
o   Invoke the firemind
o   Righteous authority
·         Black
o   Tree of perdition
o   Dark salvation
o   Voldaren pariah
o   Noxious gearhulk
o   Inquisition of kozilek
o   Demonic pact
o   Palace siege
o   Stromkirk condemned
o   To the slaughter
o   Magus of the will
o   Bane of the living
o   Languish
o   Guiltfeeder
o   Cruel entertainment
o   Curtain’s call
o   In garruk’s wake
o   Brutal horderchief
o   Collective brutality
o   Mardu strike leader
o   Guul draz specter
o   Asylum visitor
o   From under the floorboards
o   Custody lich
o   Harvester of souls
o   Nightmare
o   Oath of liliana
o   Sangromancer
o   Cranial extraction
o   Gonti lord of luxury
o   Moriok rigger
o   Marionette master
o   Eliminate the competition
o   Midnight oil
o   Demon of dark schemes
o   Syndicate trafficker
o   King macar, the gold cursed
o   Behold the beyond
o   Drakestown forgotten
o   Treacherous pit-dweller
o   Defiant bloodlord
o   Abhorrent overlord
o   Gild
o   Nighthowler
o   Indulgent tormentor
o   Markov dreadknight
o   Ever after
o   Tainted remedy
o   Infinite obliteration
o   Hedonist’s trove
o   Blood-chin fanatic
o   Corpseweft
o   Ghastly conscription
o   Grim haruspex
o   Call to the grave
o   Butcher of malakir
o   Pitiless horde
o   Puppeteer clique
o   Carnifex demon
o   Abyssal nocturnes
o   Archfiend of depravity
o   Priest of the blood rite
o   Kuro pitlord
o   Deathbringer regent
o   Despoiler of souls
o   Skirsdag high priest
o   Killing wave
o   Sewer nemesis
o   Dark hatchling
o   Fated return
o   Grim return
o   Fiend of the shadows
o   Repay in kind
o   Pestilence demon
o   Shimian specter
o   Drana’s chosen
o   Graveblade marauder
o   Ill-gotten gains
o   Underworld connections
o   Undercity plague
o   Necromancer’s stockpile
o   Mortivore
o   Fallen angel
o   Extractor demon
o   Skeletal vampire
o   Royal assassin
o   Champion of stray souls
o   Twilight’s call
o   Kyoki, sanity’s eclipse
o   Gloom surgeon
o   Elusive tormentor
o   Demonic rising
o   Dread slaver
o   Foul renewal
o   Unbreathing horde
o   Noosegraf mob
o   Blood scrivener
o   Wit’s end
o   Greater harvester
o   Painful truths
o   Nightmare
o   Curse of misfortune
o   Ogre slumlord
o   Ravenous demon
o   Mind shatter
o   Memoricide
o   Neverending torment
·         Red
o   Godo Bandit Warlord
o   Territorial Gorger
o   Hellkite tyrant
o   Hellkite igniter
o   Trash for treasure
o   Reforge the soul
o   Runehorn hellkite
o   Goblin spymaster
o   Impetuous devils
o   Bedlam reveler
o   Sin prodder
o   Devil’s playground
o   Lathnu hellion
o   Undying flames
o   Avacyn’s judgment
o   Tide of war
o   Soulblast
o   Dragon mage
o   Charging cinderhorn
o   Divergent transformations
o   Taurean mauler
o   Stalking vengeance
o   Alesha who smiles at death
o   Falkenrath gorger
o   Hanweir garrison
o   Breath of fury
o   Kumano master yamabushi
o   Oracle of bones
o   Felhide spellbinder
o   Akoum hellkite
o   Skyship stalker
o   Clash of realities
o   Liberating combustion
o   Fateful showdown
o   Flameshadow conjuring
o   Madcap experiments
o   Harmless offerings
o   Mindblaze
o   Goblin festival
o   Collective defiance
o   In the web of war
o   Satyr firedancer
o   Firedrinker satyr
o   Rageblood shaman
o   Goldnight castigator
o   Assembled alphas
o   Stromkirk occultists
o   Wolf of devil’s breach
o   Burn from within
o   Shivan dragon
o   Stranglehold
o   Harness the storm
o   Flameblade angel
o   Scourge wolf
o   Butcher orgg
o   Flayer of the hatebound
o   Flamewake phoenix
o   Dual casting
o   Skyline despot
o   Charmbreaker devils
o   Volcanic visions
o   Volatile chimera
o   Banefire
o   Fall of the titans
o   Kurkesh onakke ancient
o   Ashcloud phoenix
o   Hell’s thunder
o   Siege dragon
o   Howl of the horde
o   Jeering instigator
o   Ire shaman
o   Scab-clan berserker
o   Hellion eruption
o   Barrage tyrant
o   Mob rule
o   Magmaw
o   Berserker’s onslaught
o   Serpentine spike
o   Flame-wreathed phoenix
o   Awaken the ancient
o   Five-alarm fire
o   Ogre battledriver
o   Pyrewild shaman
o   Labyrinth champion
o   Whims of the fates
o   Molten primordial
o   Akoum firebird
o   Titan of eternal fire
o   Harness by force
o   Dictate of the twin gods
o   Instigator gang
o   Bearer of the heavens
o   Forgestoker dragon
o   Burning anger
o   Ignition team
o   Grenzo’s rebuttal
o   Wild evocation
o   Ember swallower
o   Oath of Chandra
o   Hoarding dragon
o   Mordant dragon
o   Hoard smelter dragon
o   Falkenrath marauders
o   Mondronen shaman
o   Wrecking ogre
o   Trained orgg
o   Zada hedron grinder
o   Ghitu fire
o   Galvanoth
o   Volley of boulders
o   Torchling
o   Flamerush rider
o   Heretic’s punishment
o   Vulshok battlemaster
o   Embermaw hellion
o   Devil’s play
o   Firewing phoenix
o   Curse of the stalked prey
o   Mindsparker
o   Alpha brawl
o   Burn at the stake
o   Rite of ruin
o   Chaos imps
o   Increasing vengeance
o   Slag fiend
o   Curse of the bloodletting
o   Hamletback goliath
o   Hound of griselbrand
o   Markov blademaster
o   Guild feud
o   Bloodfire colossus
·         Green
o   Bane of progress
o   Verdurous gearhulk
o   Verdant crescendo
o   Creeping renaissance
o   Nissa vital force
o   Selvala’s stampede
o   Realm seekers
o   Lurking predators
o   Traverse the ulvenwald
o   Terastodon
o   Architect of the untamed
o   Nissa’s renewal
o   Bristling hydra
o   Primeval protector
o   Emrakul’s evangel
o   Eldritch evolution
o   Beastcaller savant
o   Cryptolith rite
o   Oviya pashiri, sage lifecrafter
o   Scourge of skola vale
o   Seeds of renewal
o   Den protector
o   Managorger hydra
o   Thelonite hermit
o   Thunderfoot baloth
o   Beastmaster ascension
o   Mycoloth
o   Shamanic revelation
o   Stonehoof chieftan
o   Deathmist raptor
o   Meandering towershell
o   Honored hierarch
o   Ulvenwald observer
o   Splitting slime
o   Permeating mass
o   Inexorable blob
o   Oran-rief hydra
o   Caller of the untamed
o   Wildest dreams
o   Dubious challenge
o   Forgotten ancient
o   Regal behemoth
o   Deathcap cultivator
o   Cultivator of blades
o   Wild pair
o   Heroes’ bane
o   Mistcutter hydra
o   Life’s legacy
o   Sunbringer’s touch
o   Evolutionary leap
o   Mul daya channelers
o   Druids’ repository
o   Fated intervention
o   Dwynen, Gilt-leaf dean
o   Sandsteppe mastodon
o   Jedit ojanen of efrava
o   Frontier siege
o   Obscuring aether
o   Avatar of the resolute
o   Spirit of the hunt
o   Zendikar resurgent
o   Polukranos, world eater
o   Second harvest
o   Silverfur partisan
o   Kodama of the center tree
o   Reverent hunter
o   Skarrg goliath
o   Kessig cagebreakers
o   Nessian wilds ravager
o   Wolfbriar elemental
o   Splendid reclamation
o   Into the wilds
o   Anthousa setessan hero
o   Turntimber ranger
o   Trail of mastery
o   Heartwood storyteller
o   Renegade krasis
o   Deadbridge goliath
o   Hunter’s prowess
o   All sun’s dawn
o   Plated slagwurm
o   Daybreak ranger
o   Wolfbitten captive
o   Chancellor of the tangle
o   Wildcall
o   Predatory rampage
o   Feed the pack
o   Ooze flux
o   Splinterfright
o   Outland colossus
o   Lhurgoyf
o   Mana bloom
o   Wild beastmaster
o   Gaea’s revenge
o   Troll ascetic
o   Arbor colossus
o   Garruk’s horde
o   Phytotitan
o   Soul of the harvest
o   Animist’s awakening
o   Chameleon colossus
o   Gigantomancer
o   Reach of branches
o   Quirion dryad
o   Shaman of the forgotten ways
o   Lost in the woods
o   Sage of ancient lore
o   Doubling chant
o   Elder of laurels
o   Deranged outcast
o   Moldgraf monstrosity
o   Death’s presence
·         Blue
o   Coastal breach
o   Cloudhoof kirin
o   Geralf’s masterpiece
o   Mausoleum wanderer
o   Uyo silent prophet
o   Eternal dominion
o   Guardian tazeem
o   Confiscation coup
o   Manifold insights
o   Chasm skulker
o   Padeem, consul of innovation
o   Blessed reincarnation
o   Aeon chronicler
o   Swan song
o   Reins of power
o   Read the runes
o   Ethersworn adjudicator
o   Minds aglow
o   Desertion
o   Azami lady of scrolls
o   Stunt double
o   Spelltwine
o   Swirl of mists
o   Keeper of keys
o   Sphinx of chimes
o   Deadeye navigator
o   Sphinx of lost truths
o   Nibilis of frost
o   Aethersquall ancient
o   Saheeli’s artistry
o   Dictate of kruphix
o   Chisei heart of oceans
o   Kami of the crescent moon
o   Arcane servant
o   Followed footsteps
o   Convenant of minds
o   Insidious will
o   Coax from the blind eternities
o   Summary dismissal
o   Sphinx of maosi
o   Nephalia moondrakes
o   Forgotten creation
o   Displacement wave
o   Engulf the shore
o   epiphany at the drownyard
o   identity thief
o   docent of perfection
o   wharf infiltrator
o   imprisoned in the moon
o   heidar rimewind master
o   sharding sphinx
o   deep-sea kraken
o   mind’s dilation
o   exert influence
o   academy elite
o   willbreaker
o   curse of the swine
o   polymorphist’s jest
o   scourge of fleets
o   icefall regent
o   dragonlord’s prerogative
o   mirror mockery
o   confirm suspicions
o   welcome to the fold
o   overwhelming denial
o   scatter to the winds
o   ugin’s insight
o   prism array
o   shu yun, the silent tempest
o   mizzium meddler
o   thopter spy network
o   plea for power
o   hypnotic siren
o   chief engineer
o   kheru spellsnatcher
o   thousand winds
o   fate infatuation
o   perplexing chimera
o   whelming wave
o   mindreaver
o   living lore
o   shorecrasher elemental
o   stratus dancer
o   jeskai infiltrator
o   supplant form
o   sage-eye avengers
o   icy blast
o   aetherspouts
o   pearl lake ancient
o   mercurial pretender
o   bident of thassa
o   tromokratsis
o   stolen identity
o   simic manipulator
o   soulblade djinn
o   back from the brink
o   denizen of the deep
o   anthroplasm
o   devastation tide
o   aetherling
o   artisan of forms
o   cackling counterpart
o   elite aracanist
o   meletis charlatan
o   battlefield thaumaturge
o   riddlekeeper
o   memory erosion
o   captain of the mists
o   torrent elemental
o   void stalker
o   stolen goods
o   xenograft
o   stormtide leviathan
o   phyrexian ingester
o   lunar mystic
o   clone
o   dreamborn muse
o   infinite reflection
o   mind-spring
o   ephemeron
o   mind unbound
o   gravitational shift
o   selective memory
o   distant memories
o   rooftop storm
o   reweave
o   realwright
o   sphinx of uthuun
o   psychic surgery
o   djinn of wishes
o   geralf’s mindcrusher
o   spirit away
o   arcane melee
o   sturmgeist
o   hedron alignment
o   redirect
o   curse of echoes
o   exert influence
o   dimensional infiltrator
o   havengul runebinder
·         White
o   Wave of reckoning
o   Reverse the sands
o   Oblation
o   Thalia’s lieutenant
o   Blazing archon
o   Hoofprints of the stag
o   Toolcraft exemplar
o   Angel of invention
o   Selfless spirit
o   Duelist’s heritage
o   Sublime exhaustion
o   Selfless squire
o   Entrapment maneuver
o   Hanweir militia captain
o   Reborn hero
o   Hero of goma fada
o   Hallowed burial
o   Paliano vanguard
o   Spirit of the hearth
o   Captured by the consulate
o   Aetherstorm roc
o   Authority of the consul
o   Fumigate
o   Emeria shepherd
o   Master trinketeer
o   Dragonscale general
o   Geist-honored monk
o   Opal archangel
o   Hushwing gryff
o   Indestructibility
o   High sentinels of arashin
o   Hundred-handed one
o   Providence
o   Thalia’s lancers
o   Ordic Lunarch Marshal  
o   Sigarda’s aid
o   Deploy the gatewatch
o   Drogskol cavalry
o   Return to the ranks
o   Eerie interlude
o   Planar guide
o   Promise of bunrei
o   Protector of the crown
o   Parish
o   Intrepid hero
o   Faith’s reward
o   Path of bravery
o   Bruna the fading light
o   Sanctifier of souls
o   Kytheon’s irregulars
o   Dictate of heliod
o   Gustcloak savior
o   Relic seeker
o   Profound journey
o   Precinct captain
o   Arashin foremost
o   Hidden dragonslayer
o   Radiant purge
o   Citadel siege
o   Felidar sovereign
o   General tazri
o   Hold the line
o   Divine deflection
o   Munda’s vanguard
o   Storm herd
o   Angel of deliverance
o   Fated retribution
o   Aegis of the gods
o   Celestial archon
o   Custody soulbinders
o   Renounce the guilds
o   Frontline medic
o   Bygone bishop
o   Decide
o   Scion of vitu-ghazi
o   Resolute archangel
o   Imposing sovereign
o   Preeminent captain
o   Gideon’s phalanx
o   Master of pearls
o   Hero of iroas
o   Chained to the rocks
o   Rally the ancients
o   Mastery of the unseen
o   Skybind
o   Herald of war
o   Lantern scout
o   Galepowder mage
o   World queller
o   Silent sentinel
o   Mass calcify
o   Seraph of the sword
o   Increasing devotion
o   Silverblade paladin
o   Odric master tactician
o   Martial law
o   Auriok salvagers
o   Touch of the eternal
o   Archon of justice
o   Spirit of the labyrinth
o   Sudden disappearance
o   Cathar’s crusade
o   Captain of the watch
o   Call the gatewatch
o   Angel of flight alabaster
o   Aegis angel
o   Planar outburst
o   Marshal’s anthem
o   Mesa enchantress
o   Angelic skirmisher
o   Dearly departed
o   Planar cleansing
o   Dawnbringer charioteers
·         Artifact
o   Armory automaton
o   Trading post
o   Soul of new phyrexia
o   Blinkmoth urn
o   Bonehoard
o   Fleetwheel cruiser
o   Brain in a jar
o   Sunforger
o   Baku altar
o   Panharmonicon
o   Bomat courier
o   Moonring mirror
o   Myr battlesphere
o   Ghirapur orrery
o   Metalwork colossus
o   Crystalline crawler
o   Prismatic geoscope
o   Empyreal plate
o   Keening stone
o   Temple bell
o   Conqueror’s flail
o   Animation module
o   Boompile
o   Canal dredger
o   Dragon throne of tarkir
o   Lupine prototype
o   Tamiyo’s journal
o   Corrupted gravestone
o   Slayer’s plate
o   Stoneforge masterwork
o   Sticher’s graft
o   Soul separator
o   Long forgotten gohei
o   Imi statue
o   Uba mask
o   Deadlock trap
o   Slumbering tora
o   Psychosis crawler
o   Junkyo bell
o   Cultivator’s caravan
o   Multiform wonder
o   Jar of eyeballs
o   Pyxis of pandemonium
o   Colossus of arkos
o   Triskelavus
o   Myr welder
o   Altar of the brood
o   Tower of calamities
o   Pentavus
o   Throne of empires
o   Manor gargoyle
o   Akroan horse
o   Guardian of the ages
o   Cogwork grinder
o   Scroll of origins
o   Helm of the gods
o   Deal broker
o   Shield of the avatar
o   Heroes’ podium
o   Mage-ring responder
o   Otherworld atlas
o   Hedron matrix
o   Deathrender
o   Sphinx bone wand
o   Liar’s pendulum
o   Aether searcher
o   Druidic satchel
o   Hair-strung koto
o   Volatile rig
o   Gallows at willow hill
o   Steel hellkite
o   Glaring spotlight
o   Seer’s sundial
o   Haunted plate mail
o   Spellbinder worldslayer
0 notes
mtgbracket · 7 years
Round of 8192 - Batch 18
You can now vote in Batch 18!
Currently open batches:
Batch 18 Batch 17 Batch 16 Batch 15 Batch 14 Batch 13 Batch 12
Batch 11 results will be up shortly.
Feature card: The namer of wrath effects itself, Wrath of God, shows up to fight for a place in Round 3!
Full list of matchups:
Enthralling Victor vs Explosive Vegetation Phage the Untouchable vs Robber Fly Exuberant Firestoker vs Rings of Brighthearth Myojin of Night's Reach vs Restock Wrath of God vs Somberwald Sage Flowstone Overseer vs Night Dealings Words of Worship vs Giant Spider Insist vs Regal Behemoth Sun Droplet vs Cadaverous Knight Gaea's Anthem vs Dimir Infiltrator Field Marshal vs Furnace of Rath Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit vs Unexpectedly Absent Maw of Kozilek vs Glittering Wish Sphinx of Jwar Isle vs Grappling Hook Lurking Evil vs Expedite Brittle Effigy vs Riverwheel Aerialists Prophetic Prism vs Foundry of the Consuls Isochron Scepter vs Orcish Settlers Arbiter of Knollridge vs Falkenrath Gorger Ground Rift vs Heartbeat of Spring Arc Lightning vs Frost Titan Forgotten Ancient vs Greater Morphling Woodfall Primus vs Knight of the Reliquary Vengeful Archon vs Acidic Sliver Soul Manipulation vs Fairgrounds Trumpeter Dimir House Guard vs Order of the Sacred Torch Sky Hussar vs Nissa Revane Sigarda, Host of Herons vs Leaf-Crowned Elder Floodgate vs Keldon Champion Ghave, Guru of Spores vs Sinkhole Pack Hunt vs Chief of the Scale Aetherize vs Thornscape Familiar
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