#fall under Disney property at this point he probably has a lot to choose from.
scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
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Scarlet Witch (2023) #7 preview [source], in stores 8/2
JOURNEY INTO OZ! Wanda swore to help anyone who walked through her door … but what happens when that person is a villain? When Nelson Gruber, aka Bookworm, comes through the Last Door seeking aid to kill wicked witches in a corner of Oklahoma that’s been transformed into the Emerald City, Wanda must choose between honoring her covenant and going against her own principles. Now the Scarlet Witch has attracted the attention of a dangerous new foe: Introducing NICOLA ZOSIMOS, aka HEXFINDER! PLUS: A bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman – WHO ARE THE G.O.D.S.?
I'm very intrigued by the Wicked Witch character here. Her design, and the creatures serving her, are actually fairly accurate to the Frank L. Baum novels, which is refreshing. I'm curious if she will be an actual autonomous character, or if she's just a construct of this illusory Oz world. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if she gets killed off by Hexfinder...
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divagonzo · 5 years
Many times I’ve seen comments about how the Harry Potter cast avoided the “child star curse” and I want your opinion on that because I don’t think those kids were being treated well and I always find it shocking how everyone thinks their childhoods in the spotlight were something magically wonderful. Also, I hate how people talk about child-stars gone wrong because the aim is always to mock or attack the kid instead of realizing their behavior is a consequence of trauma and abuse.
Mornin’ Nonnie. Wow. That’s a bucketful of questions this morning.
Lemme get a huge cuppa so I can put some coherent thought into this set of questions.
RE: The Child Star Curse…. you’ve hit on the enormous Pandora’s Box here with this topic. No lie there.
Triggering mentions are in the tags for those who blacklist and don’t want to read on such things on a Sunday morning.
I’m putting all of this under the cut since this got really, really long really fast.
How did the kids avoid it where so many got lost and lost their way growing into adulthood? If you notice (I will speak of Eyebrows separately because her situation is pretty different by comparison)…. most of the main kids had a terrific support net of family at home - who could be wise to keep their kids grounded (as in feet on the ground and not under discipline/punishment). Sure they all had some mis-steps - but then I’ve never known a teenager who hasn’t made a mistake or 10 while transitioning to adulthood.
Dan? Dan had a serious drinking problem ‘til he decided to sober up (and I really commend him for taking that enormous step. It’s hard as hell to choose at such a young age that you have an addictive personality and that you can’t moderate the drinking and it’s smarter/safer to do without. (And it’s much easier to walk away at the younger age than in your late 20′s  30s 40s more when more damage has been done.)
Rupert? If anyone had been the most grounded, I’d say it’s him. His parents are top bants there, with his siblings and friends keeping him from being too much of a git. (And also being so b* smart in investing his funds early into a property owner to have his wealth but also paying his taxes, too.)
Emma? I think her situation was more fishbowl than the others because of the growing objectification of her and also how rude, lude, and crass men were treating her (including the paparazzi). I also think that she took advantage of such for her benefit to try and tame it down, and while it was mostly on point, there were moments where it was painfully obvious that she was there primarily for the male gaze. O_O She did take advantage of her privilege, with the additional benefits, but considering how much she’s been under the spotlight and constant attention of media and more, she’s done pretty well. (I won’t get into the issue of tax avoidance from the Panama Papers since I disagree with the mindset that the uber-wealthy should pay out 90% to benefit everyone else when they are already shouldering much of the social support net for those who need the assistance)
As for Tom and Bonnie and Evanna and the others? I think they have done pretty darn well for avoiding the child star curse.
But I also think the biggest part of it has been that they weren’t necessarily in the California/Hollywood scene, where it’s pretty much a free-for-all with access to anything and everything you’d want to delve into - along with the really ugly dark side of the business. (Yes, I’m tip-toeing around that issue since it’s pretty nasty.)
But how they were treated? I’m sure that the trappings of their situation made it more difficult, with constant media scrutiny and having so many people involved to have them appearing…. more appealing. While I’m sure for every one person there would be 100 who would give their toes and fingers to have that opportunity, it’s truly a Gilded Cage, of all of the pretty trappings and benefits - but with the enormous loss of privacy and anonymity.
Secondly, and more importantly, you also broach a huge issue, one that is constantly overlooked and also attracted the issue of victim-blaming. The ones who have gone off the rails, the kids who got lost along the way, were put under such scrutiny and given so much opportunity with little to no parental discipline to prevent problems, that, once again, media blame falls on the kids rather than the responsibility of the adults who should be there to support, encourage, and if need be, protect the kids.
I’m gonna say it right here in plain words: Being a teenager is Bloody Fucking hard. It’s triple hard if you are in such a position of making money hand over fist and people become blinded by the greed, attention, and privilege from what they have in those moments.  How many horror stories do you hear of where a young actor or actress gets into drugs/alcohol/pills and then crashes and burns spectacularly? For every one success story, there are dozens that crash and burn.
Is it a self-medicating of ones who aren’t necessarily neurotypical? Or is it the craving of the validation that comes from the attention and when not receiving it, needs the self-medication? Coping with trauma behind the scenes? Trauma before getting into acting and using the benefits to dull the pain?
I’ll bring up 3 in particular, just to make the point here.
One is Cory Haim. He was a young actor back in the 80s, in quite a few films, and was one of the teenage hearthrob pin-up boys. While he may have never been an A-lister as an adult (and reading up on his film credits, was probably B lister) he was an A-lister as a teenager. But there are plenty of speculation, especially by his friend Corey Feldman, of abuse when he was a teenager. (I won’t get into it because that’s rumor, speculation, and more) When he quit being cute his roles dried up to C-list roles, in straight to video shows, tv shows and voice-over work in video games.
From one of his interviews:
I was working on The Lost Boys (1987) when I smoked my first joint. But a year before that, I was starting to drink beer on the set of the film Lucas (1986). I lived in Los Angeles in the ‘80s, which was not the best place to be. I did cocaine for about a year and a half, then it led to crack. I started on the downers which were a hell of a lot better than the uppers because I was a nervous wreck. But one led to two, two led to four, four led to eight, until at the end it was about 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking that much. And that was just the valium - I’m not talking about the other pills I went through. 
Did he get into drugs to dull the pain of trauma? Did he get into it out of boredom? We’ll never really know since he died back in 2010, penniless. His star burned out fast after he quit being cute/adorable/a money-maker. Was trauma involved? I sure think so (along with former child actor River Phoenix, who was also mentioned in the dark side of Hollywood, too.)
#2 is Justin Bieber. (Yes, I know. Bear with me.)
He got his break early on doing YT videos and got signed on - and took off like a rocket. But he (now that he’s older and hopefully a little wiser) now admits that he isn’t neurotypical and is pretty darn honest about his mental health struggles. (And yes, this also includes the few years before he was participating in bad boy behaviors, mistreating his girlfriends, etc.) Now? He found some stability in his life, able to admit he has problems and is getting help (and does have some support from his family including his new wife and her family.) (Let me also broach this here in plain language: Being Christian and having Grace doesn’t mean that you have zero problems from there on out. Far from it. It means that forgiveness is there with contrition. It means having a framework to work on being better.)
Will he still make mistakes? Oh sure. Being human means making mistakes. Wisdom is learning from them.
Lastly? Miley Cyrus. (Yes, I know. I’m mentioning those who are fun to laugh at. But these three are prime examples - but also with examples of coming through it all - or not.)
She’s been under the spotlight for decades, now. She’s in a show-business family. Godmother is Dolly “I love everyone and then some” Parton. And she’s one of the Disney Kids, including some spectacular failures on her part (and I’m lumping in her on/off again with her now-husband Liam.)
Did she lose her way for a while? I sure think so. But then the media spotlight x 100 made it harder, with every mistake under intense scrutiny. (This includes some questionable choices in a presentation of herself to the world. O_O)
Was she abused as one of the Disney Kids? Frankly? I think so. Disney isn’t all bright colors and silly shows and enormous paychecks. Rumours run amuck of behind the scenes abuse and mistreatment. Even having a famous father probably didn’t shield her completely from being mishandled by adults in her sphere of acknowledgment.
It’s the utter dark side of the business - that is an open opportunity for adults to take advantage of kids when they aren’t intensely protected and shielded from predator adults - straight and gay. There’s so many quiet mentions of adults abusing girls and boys in their charge - to disasterous results mostly.
But from 2 of the three here? They are examples of hope, where you can make mistakes, get lost along the way, feel the intense grip of imposter syndrome, of mediocre achievements and still succeed - and survive mistakes. They are a hope that whatever has happened, trauma and abuse wise, that you can survive it and, with serious professional help, get through it.
As I am prone to do, especially with those I mentor, is that I won’t tell you what to think - just that you do think. But if a mistake is made (or even a really p*ss poor choice made) I’ll help you survive it.
2 of the three had their family and support net available to help them survive the choices made, leading to wisdom on what not to do - how to cope/endure/survive what has happened.
These kids were probably victims of abuse and trauma, before and during their early acting careers. But 2 of the three are examples of not living a lifetime of being a victim - but a bad-fucking-ass survivor.
To those who have survived abuse and trauma as a child?
I’m gonna tell y’all who might be reading this, including my Kiddos:
It’s not your fault you were abused. Never. Full-stop.
It’s the responsibility of the ones who hurt you. They are to blame. And G_d as my witness I better never run into them. I have zero qualms burning a bitch for hurting a child.
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rickhorrow · 5 years
10 To Watch : Mayor’s Edition 9919
with Jacob Aere
1. NFL Network rolls out centennial celebrations on air. Thursday marked an historic occasion as the NFL's 100th season got under way with the 2019 NFL Kickoff. NFL Media has been building up to the occasion with a slate of NFL Network series and specials that celebrate the “memories, moments and people that have made the NFL an iconic brand for 100 seasons.” The league announced that “NFL 100 Greatest” and “NFL 100 All-Time Team” would be serving as the anchor series for the full lineup of NFL 100 programming, with additional series “NFL 100 Roundtables” and “NFL 100 Sessions” also showcased across the network this fall. NFL 100 Greatest debuts September 13, rolling out over 10 weeks with two one-hour episodes airing back-to-back every Friday night. NFL Films conducted more than 400 interviews with celebrities, current NFL stars, and legends that will air across 20, one-hour episodes. “NFL 100 Roundtables” debuts September 27 as a special eight-part series that connects some of the greatest to play the game by position. It’s also worth noting that Thursday’s NFL season kickoff on NBC scored 22 million viewers, a 16% jump over last year.
2. Nearly one-quarter of adults in the United States say they would bet on an NFL game this season if it were legal in their state, according to a recent survey commissioned by the American Gaming Association. An online poll conducted for the gambling trade association by Morning Consult last month found that 24% of adults would bet if they could do so legally, while 39% of avid NFL fans plan to bet on a game this season, legally or not. The survey also drew the now familiar correlation between betting and engagement. Three-fourths of NFL bettors said they are more likely to view a game when they wager on it, while 51% said they are more likely to watch pregame shows if they intend to bet. Based on the survey, the AGA projects that 38 million American adults will bet on NFL games this season – and you can bet the league will continue to monitor this scenario very closely.
3. Buffalo Wild Wings moves toward the sports gambling world alongside MGM. According to USA Today, the two giants released a mobile football game designed to let customers pick favorite NFL teams, choose weekly fantasy performers and make proposition picks. The name of the partnership is called Roar Digital, and it tries to offer a sports betting-style experience beginning with a free-to-play football game. Odds and point spreads will appear on screens at select Buffalo Wild Wings. The long term goal is to have Buffalo Wild Wings expand in states where sports betting is legal through a mobile app called BetMGM. Although there won’t be cash bets at first, players can win prizes such as trips to Las Vegas or to the Borgata casino in New Jersey to compete in the first BetMGM sports betting competition. This partnership looks to capitalize on the casual gamer and new sports bettors – a route that may find success on the back of Buffalo Wild Wings’ 1,200 restaurants across 10 countries, with abundant clientele to test the new venture.
4. Spaniard Rafael Nadal won the 2019 U.S. Open and his 19th Grand Slam title. Canadian Bianca Andreescu won her first Open and first Slam respectively. Both singles winners took home $3.85 million paychecks. But those winnings are a mere blip to the cash cow tennis tournament. According to Hashtag Sports, in 2018, the two-week-long U.S. Open generated $65 million in sponsorship deals alone. Tickets and broadcasting pulled in $120 million each; while concessions added $30 million. And in 2019, the annual tournament, put on by the nonprofit USTA, was on target to have the biggest year in its 51-year history. The U.S. Open is evolving, and becoming more brand-friendly, by design, and tennis is reaching a global audience at an unprecedented scale. The sponsors on the ground at Billie Jean King Tennis Center reflect the global appeal of the sport. Heineken is the official beer, not a domestic brew. Rolex replaced Citizen as the official timekeeper. Emirates is the official airline. And the spacious newly-renovated facility attracted 737,872 spectators this year, an all-time attendance record. If you build it, the brands, and the fans, will come.
5. Disney has completed the sale of its 80% stake in the YES Network for $3.47 billion to an investor group comprising the New York Yankees, Sinclair Broadcast Group, and Amazon. Sinclair acquired a majority stake in the YES Network as part of its $71.3 billion purchase of Fox assets in 2017, though it had to divest the property due to a Department of Justice order last summer, along with 21 other RSNs purchased by Sinclair for $10.6 billion. The YES Network, of which the Yankees already own a 20% share, broadcasts Yankees games and also those of the Brooklyn Nets. An announcement made by all parties on August 29 confirmed the transaction, which brings an end to a year of negotiations between Disney and prospective buyers for the 22 Fox RSNs. The networks were originally valued in the region of $20 billion, though have been sold for just over $14 billion. For Sinclair, the deal adds to its portfolio or regional sports rights while Amazon continues its push into sports broadcasting.
6. Oracle launches a new series of lower-tier professional tennis tournaments across the U.S. As the American leg of the global pro tennis circuit drew to a close, Larry Ellison’s company announced the Oracle Pro Series, comprising approximately 25 new women’s tournaments and 25 new men’s tournaments, with the intention of providing American players with a better route to the top-tier ATP and WTA tours. Most of the tournaments will be staged as combined events, with equal prize money and many will take place on college campuses. The prize funds will range from $25,000 to $108,000 per competition. Crucially, according to the New York Times, ATP and WTA ranking points will be up for grabs at each of the tournaments, which will enable players to step up to tennis’ elite men’s and women’s circuits. The new series is to be managed by InsideOut Sports & Entertainment, the New York-based event production company founded by former World Number One player Jim Courier. Seven combined events will take place later this year in California, Florida, and Texas before the series begins in full next year. 
7. Cleveland Indians pitcher Carlos Carrasco will donate $200 per strikeout for the rest of the season to childhood cancer research after just beating cancer himself. According to CBS Sports, Carrasco returned to the mound on September 3 for the first time since May 30 after he was diagnosed with leukemia. On top of being celebrated by his teammates for such a healthy and quick return, Carrasco came up with the new charity name to support his childhood cancer research: Punch Out Cancer with Cookie. As September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, it is only appropriate that Carrasco announced his charity during the final month of MLB’s regular season. Further, New Balance and other MLB partners play a role in donations to fight childhood cancer. The sporting goods company will even match donations made on punchoutcancerwithcookie.com to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital up to $200,000. After defeating his own form of cancer, it seems Carrasco isn’t taking any moment for granted and is already giving back to those similarly afflicted.
8. Former NFL player Mike Brown is using gaming as a way to modernize philanthropy. According to Black Enterprise, the former Colts linebacker created Win-Win after he observed an overall decline in the number of people donating to charity. Win-Win tackles this problem to help pro athletes, entertainers, and anyone with influence activate their fans to support causes they care about through games in which users pick winners for upcoming sporting events. After making picks, users donate to enter the competition and unlock unique perks and prizes like dinner with their favorite athlete – the activity becomes a mixture of gambling and philanthropy for a charity cause. To push his company to the next level, Brown recently launched an equity crowdfunding campaign for Win-Win to allow for fan investments. After exceeding his initial fundraising goal, he is now building the platform and launching new partnerships. By leveraging star power and the newest forms of technology into philanthropy, Brown looks to be a leader in sports philanthropy.
9.From an agency perspective, the NFL is moving in the right direction. Rick recently sat down with Arnold Wright, Executive Vice President and co-head of consulting for Octagon. Wright brings NFL team, league, and player deals to life for sponsors including Castrol, Delta, Bank of America, and others. “The league is obviously an incredible platform that leaps up year to year in terms of ratings and engagement,” Wright said. “The on field action is also as good as it’s ever been.” From a global perspective, Wright says, “The international piece in particular has been great for the league. You continue to see key markets like the UK, Mexico, and even Brazil growing internationally. It’s bringing other brands into the NFL ecosystem from a partner and promotional perspective.” As for the NFL’s 100th season platform, Wright says, “The league has done a lot of really great work in terms of positioning themselves, celebrating the history of the league from a player and a fan perspective. They have demonstrated a real savviness around their marketing and their connectivity to fans. The league several years ago probably would not have demonstrated that level of flexibility in terms of their marketing and what you could do with their platforms. But that’s certainly changed.”
10. The new Roc Nation and NFL partnership will donate $400,000 to Chicago charities. The two charities that will receive the support are the Better Boys Foundation Family Services organization and the Crusher’s Club. According to Variety, both groups are designed to present local at-risk youth with alternatives to gang violence and criminal activity. The donation is attached to a free concert in a “Songs of the Season” series that featured Meek Mill, Meghan Trainor, and Rapsody in Chicago. The three performers, along with Chicago rapper Vic Mensa, will visit the programs this week. The event is the first in a planned Inspire Change series that will make similar donations in each NFL city. Songs of the Season is an initiative that will run throughout the season in which selected musicians will create and deliver a song to be integrated in all NFL promotions each month and their songs’ proceeds will go toward Inspire Change. Although Jay-Z took heat for partnering with the NFL, it seems that through his collaboration he will be able to make a large impact on social injustices.
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geek-gem · 7 years
So Disney Bought Fox
Well basically it's not 20th Century Fox anymore it's 21st Century Fox....okay I'm gonna be honest and will tag this. I had found out about this information on Tumblr and liked some posts that I'll reblog after this. But I didn't wanna talk about it because of a therapist also even at one point told her Disney are slowly taking over everything and I think Disney bought Fox that's what I told her.
Yet I wanted to see a video by TheFilmJunkee and it's just fucking hilarious. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQN6aZdNgC4 I watched the video twice and well before the 2nd time I looked at some comments. Including before hand spoilers before I watched video I pressed the back button then I heard a song and clicked on the video again.
Including what's amazing the image seen in the video it's on Tumblr and it just makes me laugh now. Including rewinded just that part of him drinking and the song. Even after that I went didn't wanna watch videos but comments below a Hybrid Network video but not the biggest fan these days. Including trying to find out who wrote that Simpsons episode almost left the word Disney.
Turns out the guy who wrote the episode it's named, "When You Dish Upon A Star". The guy is still alive because seriously how in the hell are these predictions just what the fuck. I'm hearing Dave's voice from TheFilmJunkee reading this.
Yet okay I'll get to the main topic. But I wanna mention this and forgot to mention as the first thing. But I feel the other stuff is important. That joke yet actual concern from one of my posts. I said to myself twice the fear of Disney buying the rights to the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise in a way relates to this crap.
But just forgot stuff and.... basically I'll be more detailed and talk about my opinions on this.
Also seriously those comments trolls just can't let people fucking enjoy other shit that isn't the God damn MCU. I even yell at the comments and say you would be doing the same thing is Marvel was in DC's place. Just saying I like the DCEU while disappointed at Justice League because some shit done to the film just shook some seconds.
Also I remembered writing that paragraph now remember again. I was seriously thinking why was this December 14th date to buy Fox so close to Star Wars The Last Jedi close....listen contracts are different. Including this stupid idea I mean Disney has a lot of money so Star Wars can't make the amount of money if possible to pay I mean it's already payed. Yet read on those Tumblr posts it will be finalized.
Also the net neutrality guys I'll still talk about this too don't worry. I honestly wanna talk about this now I will get to the main subject of it.
I did not like the idea of Disney buying Fox. While I'm not the biggest fan of Fox. I've talked about stuff like competition and diversity in films like different genres. But basically competition I've heard helps.
But what sucks my friend okay I'll mention him @fatpinkraccoon423 just it seems like I couldn't word it right or be very meaningful about the idea. Yet he seems I forgot to like it or not care okay I forgot. Because I wanna be honest. Yet he said quite some critical things on the comic book movie genre.
Including I've had mention at times I seriously don't like Disney. This mainly started last year and increased this year. Because of Gravity Falls ending but it's creator choose to end the series but I never watched the finale.
Yet over time with Wander Over Yonder being cancelled before a season 3. My dislike towards Disney increased. While I enjoyed films like Zootopia, The Jungle Book, Moana, and the new Beauty And The Beast these two years or some shit.
Also my disliking towards the MCU and how it was handled. While just I sound stupid saying this about the DCEU but now I understand. It had problems including Warner Bros fucking up some of the films with Justice League being a very big case of that. Yet I like what those films are doing. Still haven't seen Suicide Squad have the movie and Justice League should have the Snyder cut.
I mean seriously the MCU films can be quite enjoyable. I'll say this I saw Spider-Man Homecoming three times this year and that was a MCU film but released under Sony's stuff.
Including all the shit people some MCU fans or just trolls can't just fucking accept some people don't like the MCU and how they approach their films. I will say they are doing a more safe route but I'm not on board with that shit.
Seriously I haven't gave a shit about cartoons like Star Vs The Forces Of Evil because I don't care sometimes after season 1 and possibly this happened close to Gravity Falls ending. While I enjoyed Milo Murphy's Law because of a post I've decided to not watch any Disney related channel unless it's on TV somewhere and I don't care, or when my cousin T's baby girl my niece basically is here.
I even haven't seen the new DuckTales reboot because I'm still pissed off and my thing of not watching any Disney related.
Even though I have thought a times should I watch it but no yet at times I think I forgot. I've even thought maybe liking the custom character in Sonic Forces might help me with that but no. Along with the other time I'll watch a Disney related channel if Wander Over Yonder is on. It only happened on a weekend and that sucks okay oh head I mean I should be grateful the fact we had three nights of episodes with Sunday basically being almost all day. But it just sucks I missed the first night.
But now to more important things. Despite I've seen thumbnails and read comments. I don't fucking want Disney to even try to mess certain properties.
The biggest ones being well I'm not the biggest fan of the X-Men franchise. Yet I did like Deadpool but any film that Marvel and is R rated don't mess with that crap.
But I did support the idea of Fantastic Four being in the MCU because after all the shit that happened. They need a better movie and I think the Fantastic Four are cool. Including they be better probably in the MCU.
Now wanna say before I talk about other franchises. I've thought to myself why bought Fox then I thought of that Streaming service they wanna do after departing from Netflix and shit. To own some tv shows and shit.
So now I'll talk about the other franchises. We have Avatar now. As in the film from 2009 and just a little note for Disney Infinity sorry to mention some concept art or something their were plans for some Avatar figures. Yet the franchise wasn't bought. Honestly I'm not the biggest fan. Really it's a franchise I don't care and Disney can have it possibly.
Then we have the Planet Of The Apes franchise, again not the biggest fan. Yet with the recent films I've haven't seen Dawn or War but seen Rise. I thought Rise was a good film saw that film three times yet well yeah with friends and shit. The other two sound great but haven't seen much of the originals but I guess some of the original film or I don't know if I've seen all of it. Honestly just it has it's fans and I don't know what to say. In fact I feel kind of bad about saying that Avatar just does it still have a fanbase. Seriously again I don't like the film much sorry okay I wanna get to this part.
The Alien and Predator franchises. Including yesterday I had talked about that gameplay video from Ghost Recon Wild Lands and that Predator stuff they added. I seriously praised it.
But it's those two I worry about and I haven't seen AVPGalaxy as of now. I looked on it some days ago. Their were no news about the Fox and Disney merging thing. I'm wondering if now they will talk about it.
These are two film franchises I like. I'm excited for the Predator film next year. But I'm worried and even saw a Hybrid Network video on this. My worst fears were they would cancel both series of films. I'm gonna say both franchises have their ups and downs. Yet just the addition of new films is sometimes nice. Including video games and such.
I'm gonna mention this the thumbnails and comments I mentioned I forgot saying they will still do R rated stuff okay now I looked I didn't mention it at that one part.
Including I don't know just if this official Fox has a lot of stuff. Is that they have DreamWorks which I was very surprised by. Unless I'm wrong correct me please. Also Blue Sky now I remember. Including was thinking of talking about this in a status update on Deviantart.
Looked at my last paragraph. Honestly I was thinking if it's the way I think and that God damn Simpsons prediction and shit. Is that 20th Century Fox or 21st Century Fox I wanna call them 20th Century instead of this weird shit I'm being stupid or whatever.
But if the films release under their banner yet their still connected to Disney also this talk about Touchstone films and some shit and others. I'm some what fine or....I don't want Disney interfering with this shit.
Including I just don't wanna everything to be God damn jokes and whatever. Sorry I just wanna make this and sometimes hear my own voice and now TheFilmJunkee's or whatever.
I'm just seriously don't want Disney to fuck shit up. Just thought Disney should of bought Sony yet thought oh shit PlayStation and shit.
Got tags done and they still have a 20th Century Fox tag nice I mean it wouldn't be gone. Also almost left tags as rags.
Just Disney don't fuck shit up. I mean okay these are my random opinions and I wanted to share these
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