#falling for the younger bratty one who annoys him on purpose
goodnightmoonvale · 2 years
don't let the sterek shippers get ahold of Roy Kent / Jamie Tartt
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rafescoke · 3 years
Older ; Rafe Cameron (Part 2)
#Part 2
#Part 1
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Maybe falling in love with a Maybank wouldn’t be too bad.
Warnings: Smut! (Reader is 17, Rafe is 19), substance, swearing, reader being an asshole
A/N: I do not condone doing any sexual activities if you’re underage and everything that I wrote are solely for entertainment purposes. Take care of yourself always <33
p.s; send requests!
“What the fuck!”
“Good, you’re awake,” Rafe groaned, rubbing his eyes with his palm against the bright sunlight. He sat up straight, trying to regain his bearings and sighed.
“I can’t remember anything.”
“You can, you just choose not to,” Rafe replied, walking towards the bathroom. He felt the morning breeze nipping at his skin from the open window, and blamed it on the uncertain weather of Obx. Last night, he would’ve stripped naked if it wasn’t for the girl sleeping right next to him.
“Oh my god, where are we?”
“A hotel,” he mumbled from the bathroom, leaning onto the sink before reaching for the toothbrush. “We didn’t do anything, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“I’m not thinking about that,” she grunted, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Do you have a phone?”
She grabbed for the red phone by the bedside table when he muttered the answer, dialling her brother’s phone number with trembling fingers. She sucked in a breath, waiting impatiently.
“JJ! I-”
“Save it. I heard everything. Are you really that fucking stupid, (Y/N)? Rafe fucking Cameron?”
“What?” She sat up straighter, her hair falling down to her shoulders. Rafe watched her from the mirror, his eyebrows raised and his eyes worried.
“Don’t play dumb with me, fuck,” he groaned, “Come back home now, or I won’t talk to you ever again.”
She sighed when JJ hit the end call, throwing the phone onto the bed exasperatedly. She understood why he was acting berserk at the thought of her and Rafe, but why would he even made this into a huge issue?
“You okay?” Rafe asked, wiping his lips with the towel. “Is it the brother?”
“Yes, it’s the brother, and he wants me home,” she grunted, pulling the covers off of her and standing up. She stumbled backwards, still feeling so light, but put her hand up when Rafe tried to help her. “Can you order an Uber for me? Please? I lost my phone.”
Rafe scoffed, putting the discarded shirt on the floor over him, “Don’t be stupid. Let me drive you home.”
“He’s gonna kill you,” she sighed, biting her lips. Rafe had to look away, pushing away all unwanted thoughts.
“Let him,” he mumbled, grabbing his car keys by the television and fixing his hair without even looking at the mirror. He huffed, thinking it must’ve been better, and waited for her by the door.
“Oh god, I look like we fucked,” she groaned, putting her head down as they walked quickly to the car. Rafe laughed, watching her beside him, and shrugged. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes, it’s a bad thing,” she widened her eyes, and waited for him to unlock the car. “We’re not the same, Rafe.”
“Really? I thought you didn’t care about the whole kook and pogues thing,” he asked, half-amused. He watched as she entered the car, not saying anything. He placed a hand on her lap, and watched as she grunted again.
“You were begging for it yesterday,” he smiled, igniting the engine before focusing on the rearview mirror. “Rafe! Please, just touch-”
“I did not say that.”
“You did,” he nodded, and laughed again. “Not exactly. But you did wanted me to fuck you.”
“That’s not me, that’s the alcohol.”
“Oh, does daddy know you drink?”
She stiffened, and Rafe cursed silently at the sight of her frown. He completely forgot how she had confessed to him yesterday, and took a glance at her before sighing.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean it like that.”
“Like what? What are you sorry for?”
“(Y/N), I forgot that-”
“I didn’t say shit to you, Rafe. Can you please shut up and just bring me home?” She yelled, her eyes flaring in anger and her chest heaving. Rafe stayed shut for a second, being caught off guard for just wanting to console her, but he decided to let the calm side of him took over.
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
The drive to the outskirts of The Cut was silent, and Rafe didn’t even bother to turn on the radio. He stopped at the gas station and asked her if she wanted anything, but she stayed silent as ever and looking out of the window at a random bald guy pumping his car.
“Fuck, you’re impossible,” he grunted when he entered the car again, placing a chocolate milk on her lap. She jerked at the cold temperature of the bottle, and gave him a glare.
Rafe couldn’t deny the sudden tug on his heart when he turned into the corner to the small house located at the end of the road, biting his lips and constantly glancing at the girl. He wasn’t scared of JJ, but he was dwelling on the possibility of Luke Maybank hitting (Y/N). He wished he could be with her, but even a crazy man would say that’s beyond impossible.
“Give me a call if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, stepping out of the vehicle before flinging the door shut. Rafe grunted at his door shutting roughly against his car, and wondered why girls would even do that when they’re mad.
He watched as the door opened to a furious JJ, his eyes bloodshot red and his hair frenzy. (Y/N) said something to him, and Rafe read the lines of ‘I don’t want to hear it’ and ‘not bringing you to a party anymore’ from his mouth, and before he could read anything else, JJ’s eyes met his.
“Yo, is there a problem, Cameron?” JJ yelled from his front porch, flailing his arms as he walked towards the car. Rafe cursed, fumbling with his break, all while listening to (Y/N) trying to hold her brother off.
He sped away, glancing at the rearview mirror as the small house became even smaller, and let out a tired sigh.
It must be fair, he guessed, for JJ to act like that with him. Rafe went absolutely crazy when he found out that Sarah was with John B, constantly thinking about how he wouldn’t treat her as good as anyone else. JJ must’ve been thinking the same way, but Rafe didn’t know how he could convince JJ that he would never hurt her in any way possible. He shook his head at the thought, thinking how they wouldn’t even be a thing, not when the only proper communication they could have is when she’s drunk.
The next few days were a blur to him. Everytime he went down to the restaurant to catch a glimpse of her, even the tiniest look, she would return back to the kitchen and a different server would come and serve him.
It was like she was trying to ignore him, and Rafe knew something happened. She didn’t have the usual glow with her, that smile she’ll put when she’s talking to the bratty customers, and she was even yelled at by the manager in front of everyone, to which she yelled something back before yelling ‘I quit!’ and running towards the exit.
Rafe wanted to run after her, but knew he would annoy her even more. The good thing from that was he wouldn’t have to spend more money eating the tasteless food now, but he didn’t know where to look for her anymore.
It had been 2 weeks now, and Rafe still hasn't seen her since the day in the restaurant.
“God, you’re fucking hooked.”
“No, I’m not,” Rafe shook his head, attempting to drink the cold drink to ignore his friend. Topper rolled his eyes, patting his back before sighing.
“And she’s a minor, too.”
“It’s just 17,” Rafe shrugged, “And I’m still 18. Technically.”
“19 next month,” Topper reminded him, “There’s a long list of girls who would die for you and you’re after a pogue?”
“Don’t say that,” he groaned, pushing the glass further from the edge of the table. “And I don’t like her. I just think about her.”
“Whatever,” he shook his head, “But tell you what. There’s a party tonight, and it’s going to be huge.”
“Not interested,” Rafe mumbled, thinking of a peaceful night of sleeping instead of out partying. He didn’t feel like meeting Dee too, who had been trying to contact him since the day of the bonfire night.
“Come on,” Topper groaned, “It’s only for a few hours. A few hours to let loose.”
“I’ll think about it,” he lied, wanting to end this conversation already. He didn’t feel like drinking or snorting anything, and he wasn’t even sure why. All his teenage years, Rafe had been a party animal, always there at every party in Obx and just enjoying his life.
He didn’t feel like that Rafe Cameron anymore.
“Maybe (Y/N) would be there.”
His head perked up, “No, she won’t.”
“She will,” Topper shrugged, “Everyone’s going to be there. Are you not desperate to see her or something?”
Rafe thought about the possibility of this, and even if she’s not at the party, he was sure he could find her friends and ask them about her.
He sighed, “Fine.”
“I’ll pick you up at 9. Relax, man. You look like your fucking father.”
Rafe laughed with Topper at that statement, his heart set on one thing; (Y/N).
. . .
The loud music thrummed against his eardrums as he tried to cloud his mind, his head already ringing from the amount of drinks he had tonight.
Topper and Kelce had told him that he was too worried about the uncertainties, and he had dwelled so much on that statement that he decided to down so many drinks one after another.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Topper mumbled to Kelce, watching as Rafe situated himself on the sofa, head back, grunting slightly. “But whatever works, I guess. He’s fucking hooked, I swear.”
“Fuck, is that (Y/N)?”
Topper widened his eyes at the sight of the younger girl with Carter entering the party, his arms around her shoulder as he greeted his friends. He thought about amazing she looked, and how he understood Rafe now, but he didn’t know she would come here with a plus one.
He couldn’t let Rafe see this.
“You wanna go back home?” He laughed awkwardly, placing himself beside Rafe and glancing at a giggling (Y/N) with Carter. He looked at Rafe nervously, and cleared his throat. “I’m tired, man. We should go home.”
“Nah, I’m okay,” Rafe replied, feeling his body relaxing. “You’re right, man. All I need is a party.”
“Ha-ha, yeah, now all you need is your bed.”
“What the fuck?” Rafe laughed, turning sideways to look at the state of Topper. He laughed again, “What’s wrong with you? Is Sarah here or something?”
He looked around, his mind woozing, and what greeted him felt like a smack across his face.
(Y/N) Maybank and fucking Carter.
“Oh, fuck,” Topper said to no one in particular, and grabbed Rafe’s hand before he could stand up. “Chill, man. They’re just talking.”
“He tried to touch her,” Rafe mumbled, his eyes flaring up. Why would (Y/N) even allow herself to be in the same room as that stupid boy? She ignored him for 2 weeks, and now this?
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Topper warned, knowing that this would bound to happen. He didn’t know it would be this quick, though.
“Is killing him stupid?”
“Jesus, Rafe, just don’t do anything, okay? If he tries to touch her again and she looks uncomfortable, then do-”
Rafe stood up before Topper could finish his sentence, walking to the pair with a frown settled on his face.
“Cameron,” Carter greeted, a smirk tugging on his lips as he pulled (Y/N) closer. “What’s the deal?”
“What are you doing?” Rafe hissed, looking straight at (Y/N) as she tried to look away. He turned to Carter again, “The bruise looks a little bit dull. Want me to colour it for you?”
Carter stepped up, to which (Y/N) quickly placed her hand against his chest, rolling her eyes. “Stop it. Carter, let’s just go.”
“Are you serious?”
“Rafe, just go,” she threw him a look before parting away with a smirking Carter, to which he groaned and cursed angrily.
“I need a drink,” he said to Topper, and Topper hesitated before handing him his glass. He watched him downed the remaining content of the glass, placing the bottle next to him before throwing his head back again. He tried to say something, but was halted when he saw Dee walking towards them.
“Hey, Rafe.”
Rafe looked up to her brown eyes and sighed, “What do you want?”
“Do you wanna talk? Like somewhere?”
“We can talk here.”
“I mean like privately.”
A sudden thought occurred to Rafe, and he formed a sly smile; if she could do this to him, he could do it back.
When (Y/N) tried to pull away from Carter, saying she needed the bathroom, she had come across a drunk Rafe flirting mindlessly with the same girl who had asked her to reheat her pasta. She watched from the corner, feeling some kind of an emotion in her, and went back to Carter, who was in the mid of a conversation with his boring friends.
“I need you.”
“Now?” Carter glanced at her, “We just arrived.”
“I need you,” she pulled him again, to which he quickly bid his goodbyes to his friends and following her to the extra rooms upstairs.
It was like a reflex; Rafe saw her pulling that obnoxious guy upstairs, and he didn’t think twice before going after her, leaving Dee alone again, all stressed out.
He felt a wave of anger as she laughed at something he said, his hands balling into a fist. Carter tried to kiss her, to which she flinched quickly that his lips had connected with her cheeks instead, and watched as she giggled.
“I can fuck you right here and right now,” Carter sighed, still so absorbed into the moment and the thought of touching her. (Y/N) laughed, pinning him against the wall, and whispered into his ear.
“In a few minutes.”
Rafe watched as he laughed, his hands around her waist now, and all he felt at the moment was to punch the shit out of that pogue for touching her.
“I need the toilet,” she held a finger up, and placed a soft kiss against Carter’s cheeks as he groaned, muttering a ‘in a minute’ before fleeing to the far end of the floor. Rafe glanced at Carter before walking towards the bathroom, his heart hammering against his chest.
“You’re satisfied now?”
(Y/N) looked up from the sink to the mirror, watching Rafe’s reflection before sighing. Her heart soared, and she felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach at the sight of the angry boy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I really don’t understand you,” Rafe said, walking closer towards her. “Why are you back with that guy?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, turning to look at him, to which he slowly filled the gap in between them. She gulped at him being too close to her, and she could feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“I can do whatever I want, Cameron.”
“So ignoring me for 2 weeks and making me jealous is your plan all along?”
“There’s no plan, and you know it,” she scoffed, and tried to push him away. She yelped when he tightened his fingers around her arms, keeping her in place.
She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.
“Is this your payback for me not fucking you?” He whispered, his eyes glancing down to his lips, and he thought about biting the pink lips and fucking her until the next morning. “Huh? Is that what you’re mad about?”
“Fuck off, Rafe,” she sighed, “I’m a minor, remember? Isn’t your reason as to you’re not fucking me is because I’m a minor?”
“Oh, I see it now,” he laughed, tilting his head backwards before inching closer to her lips. He could feel her temperature rising, and couldn’t push the amusement in his body for getting her all worked up. “It is because I don’t fuck you. Do you feel rejected?”
“Fuck off,” she said, trying to push him again, but to no avail. She hated how turned on she was in that moment, and wished she had had her priorities straight.
“Do you want me to fuck you now?” He asked slowly, his lips grazing against her cheeks. She held her breath, and watched as he laughed. “Now you won’t speak?”
“Rafe, I-”
“Do you want me to fuck you now?” He repeated, his breath heavy. He looked down to her lips again, noticing her biting it, and cursed silently. “Answer me.”
“Huh? I can’t hear you.”
“God, yes, yes,” she placed her forehead against his, and she could feel her core begging to be touched. She pushed her thighs together, finding some kind of friction for release.
Rafe trailed his fingers down to under her skirt, his mouth slightly apart and his breathing heavy as he watched her squirm, her eyes closed.
He bit her lips, “Open your eyes. Look at me.”
She opened her eyes, watching him intently as his fingers slipped into her panties, teasing her entrance and sending her in an euphoric state. She moaned lightly, and tugged on his wrist before he could continue.
“We’re still in the bathroom,” she said, her thighs trembling for his touch.
“I’ll fuck you in the living room if I have to,” he grunted, and before she could say anything, he turned her over so she could stare at herself in the big mirror.
She bit her lips, hearing him unbuckling his belt and positioning himself before her. She never imagined it to be like this; but she was sure anyways. She never wanted anyone so bad as much as Rafe.
“Patience,” he groaned, and looked at her through the mirror. He licked his teeth, “Beg for it.”
“Fucking hell, no,” she rolled her eyes, to which he quickly grabbed her face and forced her to look at him through the mirror again.
“I said beg for it.”
“Please,” she whispered, and pushed herself against him, to which he grunted at the sudden touch. He grabbed her waist, pulling her close, and slowly slid himself into her.
He watched as she closed her eyes as he pounded into her, holding his hand against her mouth to shut her moans. He grunted again, telling her to open her eyes, and she obliged quickly.
“Oh my god,” she moaned against his hand, feeling so good that she didn’t ever want to let go.
“Wrong name,” he muttered, trailing his hands down to her neck now, and watched as she clenched around him, sending him to complete stars.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” he expressed, feeling himself getting sloppier, and his hands dropped to the sink to stabilize himself. Her moans were getting louder now, and he didn’t care, because all of his wet dreams before were coming to life.
“I’m close,” she stuttered, feeling all of him inside her now, and she swore no one had done it the way he did. Her hands grabbed onto his, feeling so close now, and screamed as she released herself.
“Fuck,” he groaned, pulling himself out and turning away from her, feeling all kinds of shocks as he came, his chest heaving and his forehead clammy.
Before he could guess their next move, (Y/N) pushed him against the wall, lowering down to her knees and gazing up at him from her position.
Rafe groaned, feeling himself getting hard at just her look, and bit his lips. “Still so sensitive.”
“Oh my god,” he grunted, gripping onto her hair as she wrapped her lips around him, bobbing her head and Rafe had a sudden thought of how amazing she was. He felt the familiar feeling approaching again, and grunted again.
“You’re so good, baby.”
She hummed, sending vibrations throughout his whole body causing him to jerk forward, piling her hair up into a ponytail and helping her hit all of the spots to reach his end. He could feel her teeth grazing him, and he could’ve sworn he felt his heartbeat stopped.
“Fuck. You’re killing me,” he expressed, feeling so close now, and before she could prepare herself, the hot load hit the back of her throat, and she giggled as he pulled himself away.
“Holy fuck, you’re amazing.”
She showed him her tongue, all coated with his seed, and Rafe felt like kissing her and marking her as his forever. He didn’t ever want to let her go, now when she was like a precious gem to him.
She swallowed his load slowly, gazing at him with those eyes again, and Rafe had to turn away to stop himself from getting hard again. He placed a soft kiss against her cheek, pulling his jeans up and helping her dress down.
“We should do that again.”
“Oh, we will,” he smiled, turning the faucet open to wash his hands. He waited for (Y/N)’s turn and turned the faucet off before opening the door.
(Y/N) walked past him into the public, and before he could think of anything else he pulled her against his chest again.
“We still haven’t kissed,” he said, and watched as she blushed heavily. “Do you wanna kiss?”
“I don’t kiss older guys,” she huffed, her mouth forming into a smile. “Wait until I’m 18.”
“Are you serious?”
She laughed, pulling herself away from him, “I’ll think about it.”
“You know where to find me, Maybank.”
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Waiting for This [Damon Salvatore]
pairing - damon salvatore x fem!vampire!reader 
type - fluff, smut
note - hey, guys! this was a request. i had a lot of fun writing this, enjoy! i decided to make you a vampire :) elena is a little more bratty in this lol. also you are pretty sober when you two start doing stuff, i felt uncomfortable writing two drunk people have sex, even if they’re adults lol
summary - you and damon are best friends and one night after drinking, you two hook up. 
warnings - smut (sex, oral receiving, choking kink, praise kink, you and damon domming each other lol. this is getting hot and heavy luvs), language, frisky language lol, alcohol, you being a funny and sensitive drunk
*gif isn’t mine* 
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You strutted into The Grill, black ripped jeans on, a dark red, spaghetti-strapped blouse tucked into the jeans, and your hair blown out and voluminous. Your red painted lips were upturned into a smirk, eyes covered by your black sunglasses. 
Heads easily turned at the sight of you. Men and women’s mouths opened, catching flies. You looked around to see if you could spot your group of friends. You looked to see them playing pool. 
You had just moved here two weeks ago. You were getting tired of living in Chicago, since you had been living there for the past 10 years. Being a vampire, you usually stayed in a place for a decade or so before people noticed you weren't getting any older. You usually started at a place at 15 years old, using makeup and clothing to make yourself look younger since you were and have been 20 for a little over 2 centuries. 
You had decided to go to Mystic Falls, Virginia since there were rumours of other vampires here. You thought you might be able to see you friends, but you sadly didn’t. Instead, you found the infamous Salvatore brothers. The ones that one of your friends, Katherine Pierce, talked about. Katherine, sadly, was gone and was running from the Original hybrid, Klaus. You missed her, but you knew you would see her again soon. 
On your first day in Mystic Falls, you had gotten the attention of a petite, cute blonde named Caroline Forbes. You actually ran into her first at the high school she and her friends went to. You were playing the new girl and Caroline had kindly partnered up with you. You had actually planned on using her as a snack, but she quickly threw you against the wall and was about to snap your neck when you apologized for mistaking her as a human. You explained you have been a vampire since 1796, being turned from Katherine as a favor for giving her shelter and a place to hide. You loved being a vampire and you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
Next you met Elena, who was a new vampire, and Bonnie Bennet who was a witch and descendent of one of your old friends, Emily Bennet. Bonnie and you quickly became friends, too. You showing her the good side of being a vampire and that you weren’t all looking for trouble. 
Then, you met Stefan Salvatore. He was cute, like Katherine had mentioned. He also was helplessly in love with Elena, but they sadly had broken up a few weeks before you came. Now, Elena was pining over someone else, which led you to Damon Salvatore. 
Sexy, funny, and basically the male version of you, so Bonnie and Caroline say. Damon and you had a fun. playful relationship. You two acted like you hated each other because you were so alike, but also teasing each other to the point where you two are horny and face’s are red like firetrucks.
You had a huge ass crush on Damon. You couldn’t help it. From the first time you saw him, you fell in love. Yet, the last two weeks have just consisted of friendship for you. You wanted him so bad, but you couldn’t work up the nerve to kiss him, which was funny since you always seemed so confident. 
Elena was also head over heels for him, too, which pissed you off. Elena and you kept it pretty civil, but the way she looked at Damon made you want to snap her neck and kill her, but to your dismay, she was already dead and Stefan would never let you close enough to stake her. Like right now while they were playing pool, she was making goo-goo eyes at him. 
You rolled your eyes and took off your sunglasses, putting them in your back pocket.
“Wow, you desperate for attention or something? Can’t compel guys to screw you?” Elena blurted as you walked towards them. 
You raised your brows in amusement, smiling with it. “Wow, someone so jealous that they have to insult another woman?” 
Elena pouted and moved back, embarrassed. 
“She’s a new vampire, her emotions are still amplified and she’s learning to control it,” Stefan stuck up for her. 
“Stefan, don’t stick up for her. She's been a vampire for like, a month, according to you all. She should be able to control her emotions by now,” you said and moved next too Damon, who was looking you up and down. 
I personally like Y/n’s outfit,” Damon smirked. 
You blushed but looked down to hide your face. 
“Damon, you like anything walking with skin showing,” Stefan scoffed. 
You frowned at him. 
“I happen to like Y/n’s outfit, too. Really cute and sexy,” Caroline smiled. 
You smiled back at her. “Thank you. I’ll let you borrow my top sometime. Whenever Tyler comes back, you can wear it.” Caroline jumped up and down in excitement. You chuckled and grabbed a pool cute.
You went next to Damon, purposely brushing your arm on his. Butterflies shot down from your stomach to your core. Your skin tingled at the contact. Your eyes met with Damon’s icy blue ones. You felt heat gather between your thighs, and you looked away before your legs could give out from under you. 
“Something wrong, L/n?” Damon asked in a low tone. 
“Nope,” you breathed in. 
You made eye contact with Caroline, who was smirking at you, noticing the heavy sexual tension between you two. You ignored their stares and racked the balls. You took a shot and smiled triumphantly as an orange solid ball went into one of the holes. 
“Good one, L/n!” Damon smiled and shoved you to the side gently. 
You scoffed playfully, poking him with a the pool cue. He took a shot and go no balls in.
“Looks like you’re going down, Salvatore,” you laughed.”
“Shut up, L/n.”
You smirked, taking your turn. You got 2 balls in again. You fist-pumped Stefan as you and him enjoyed watching Damon be defeated. Stefan liked it because he currently was fighting with Damon. You liked it because Damon teased you and the annoyed/angry look on his face was so hot. 
“God, I’m gonna slam you against the wall if you keep up your streak,” Damon muttered in annoyance. 
Your stomach did cartwheels again as you imagined in slamming you against the wall. His hand on your neck, choking you, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. His free hand roaming your body and-
“Y/n? You good there?” Caroline’s voice interrupted your daydreaming. 
Your head snapped to her and your face flushed. “I-I’m fine.”
You saw Damon smirk in the corner of your eye. You looked at him and glared. “Shove it, Damon.”
“Oh, I’ll shove it in you, all right,” Damon smiled. 
“Woah, that's a new one. Working on your one-liners? Hoping to get laid, Salvatore?” You teased back.
“Not by your ass,” Damon scoffed quickly. 
“Hm, I wouldn't do you either. Who knows how many girls you've been with in your 170 plus years,” you said, bumping your hip with his to get him out of the way. 
“We are gonna go to the bar, want anything?” Caroline asked, obviously wanting to get away from you and Damon’s inappropriate jokes. 
“A round of shots!” You ordered. 
“For you and Damon?” Caroline asked, surprised.  “Yep. Winner gets to plan out the next mission to kill Klaus. Alcohol makes playing pool a lot harder,” you said, looking back and smiling at Damon.
He smiled back at you. A friendly, sweet smile. He couldn’t help it, even though he was teasing you and being playfully rude to you a few minutes ago. 
You were beautiful. Your ability to not give a shit about anyone’s opinions about you, being able to handle a joke, being secure in yourself. Joking around with him, sharing the same humor with him. The fact that you were literally drop dead gorgeous. Your perfect smile, your body that looked flattering in anything you wore - even big t-shirts and sweatpants. The way your eyes lit up when you got all excitedly, like now. You were just so perfect, it was unbelievable. 
You saw the way Damon was looking at you. Your smile got even wider and a blush arose on your cheeks. His pupils were dilated and a longing look replaced the mocking expression he had before. You looked away, looking to Caroline who was walking over with a tray of a dozen shots. 
“Thanks, Care,” you smiled and took the tray from her. You walked over to Damon and put the tray on a table nearby. 
“Alright, ready to lose, Salvatore?” You smirked and turned to Damon, setting your hand on your hip suggestively. 
“I think you said win wrong,” Damon smiled at you. 
You grinned and gave him a shot. You two downed it easy and set the cups down. You walked back to the pool table, bending down and lining up your pool cue. You took your shot, the white ball hitting a purple solid, but not with enough force. You huffed, stepping back and letting Damon take the stand. 
“Looks like the alcohol has already affected your aim,” Damon smirked. 
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes. 
Damon took position and took his shot. He managed to get 3 striped balls in. Your jaw fell in amazement. Damon turned back to you, chuckling at your expression. He looked you in the eyes and did his signature smirk. As he held eye contact with you, your knees buckles. You yelped as you fell, reaching out for the pool table ledge, but it was too far. Instead of falling, though, you were caught by Damon. 
You fell against his chest, your head ending up on his shoulder. You gasped as he caught you at the last second, quickly looking up into his eyes. His blue eyes were already staring down at you. He was looking at you with that loving look again. You returned the look, trying to let him know with your eyes that you were in love with him. His arms tightened around you, his hands resting on the small of your back. His touch felt warm and made you feel protected. 
He pulled you back up on your feet, which made your foreheads touch. You felt his breath on your lips, begging you to kiss them. Damon’s right hand moved from your back to the bare skin on your arm. He ran his fingertips up and down, making your body hot. Your stomach flipped at his touch and how close you both were. Never once in these two weeks have you ever gotten this close to him. 
It felt nice. Your bodies fit with each other perfectly. You knew that you could stay in his arms forever, if ever given the chance. 
You looked back up to his eyes, seeing him still staring at you. Your eyes flickered down to his lips and back up to his eyes again, working up the nerve to make a move. But as soon as you felt ready enough, he pulled away, leaving you cold and lonely. 
“Let’s get back to the game. I’m interested in planning to kill Klaus,” Damon said and took his pool cue in his hands. 
You coughed awkwardly and nodded. You went over to the shots, taking two and downing them. You went back to the pool table, taking your pool cue that fell on the floor. You took your turn, hitting a ball in. Damon took his turn next. 
You two drank shots and played pool in silence. The air between you two was heavy and awkward. You didn’t try to look him in the eye, afraid you might burst into tears or kiss him, and him rejecting you. You thought he liked you, but apparently, you were wrong.
An hour and a half later, you were absolutely wasted. You were playing pool, drinking more alcohol than your body could probably hold. 
“Okay, I think it’s time for you to go home, Y/n,” Damon said. 
“Nu-uh,” you shook your head and stumbled. Damon caught you once again. 
You looked into his eyes, admiring the blue. “You have pretty eyes.”
Damon blushed lightly, but rolled his eyes to cover that fact. “Okay, Missy, I’ll drive you home.”
“Fine,” you huffed. You held onto his bicep, stumbling as you walked to the door. Your grip on his bicep had butterflies swarming in his chest. Damon sighed and stopped walking. He put his arm under your legs and your back and scooped you up. 
Your heart fluttered and you giggled as a verbal response. Damon smiled softly at your laugh, it making his heart happy. He carried you to your car and had you hand your keys over. He set you on your passenger seat and buckled you in. He went over to the driver’s seat. He drove you back home. 
“Let’s go, sweetheart,” Damon said and scooped your up again. You put you around around his neck and cuddled into his chest. 
Damon held you close to him and unlocked your front door. He walked you to your bedroom, laying you down on your bed. 
“I’ll get you some water and coffee, okay?” Damon said. You nodded. groaning and turning around. 
Damon chuckled and went into your kitchen. While he was getting your beverages, you decided to get up and change into pjs. You slowly took off your shoes and shimmied out of your jeans. You sat back down on your bed and took your top off. While you were throwing your shirt in your laundry basket, Damon came in. 
“Woah!” Damon exclaimed and quickly turned around.  “Damon?” You asked and stood up. You walked into him, still in your underwear. 
“Are you dressed?” Damon asked while breathing in deeply. His jeans got tighter as he thought about you sitting in your lingerie. 
“No,” you stated. “Well, get dressed then,” Damon scoffed. 
You frowned, “You don’t like my body?”
Damon’s eyes widened, but he stayed turned around. “No! I... this is weird, Y/n. We are friends.”
Tears clouded in your eyes. “I.. I thought you would like my body. I workout and my ex boyfriends say I look hot. Why don’t you think I look hot?”
Damon sighed and turned around slowly. He eyed your body quickly before going back up to your eyes. 
“Y/n, you’re gorgeous. With and without clothes. You are hot, trust me. Let’s just get you sobered up, okay?” Damon said. 
Your tears disappeared and you smiled. You nodded and turned around. Damon checked your backside out, taking a deep, hard breath. He walked over to your nightstand and put the water bottles and cup of coffee on it. 
You quickly got into shorts and a big t-shirt. You sat down on the bed, taking one of the water bottles and downing the water because of the dehydration you felt from the alcohol. Damon sat down next to you. 
“How come you’re not drunk?” You asked. 
“Because I didn’t drink as much as you,” Damon said. 
“Oh,” you pouted and took a sip of coffee. “Ew, it’s so bitter.”
“Well, you need strong, black coffee to wake you up a little,” Damon smiled. 
You grumbled in agreement and drank more coffee. You two sat in a comfortable silence until you felt a little more awake and a lot less drunk. 
“Vampires sober up fast,” you laughed. 
“Mhm and you happen to be one,” Damon smiled and booped your nose. 
You smacked his hand away playfully. He took your hand and did something that you never thought he would. He intertwined his fingers with yours. Your face flushed and you looked into his eyes for an answer. 
“Damon?” You asked. 
He put his other hand on your cheek, moving his head closer to your lips. You started to breathe heavily and your dead heart felt alive again.
Your brain couldn’t process what was happening. “Damon? Do you know what you’re doing?”
Damon smiled at you. “I know.”
His lips got closer to you and you head got fuzzy. “Damon, are you sure?” You wanted nothing more than to kiss him and have the greatest, hottest sex with him, but you after tonight’s events, you weren’t sure if he was doing this because he liked you, or it was in the moment.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now, be quiet so I can kiss you,” Damon said softly.
You felt giddy inside as Damon finally pressed his lips against yours. 
The kiss started out slow, hesitant, but passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. Your eyes fluttered and closed in pure bliss. Damon scooted more on the bed and you followed. 
You laid down on your pillow, Damon crawling up on top of you. You two never broke the kiss while you moved. Damon did once he got settled, though. He looked in your eyes, smiling. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” you breathed out. “Me, too,” Damon said and kissed you cheek and went down to your neck.
He sucked on the sweet spot below your ear, making you moan and buck your hips at his. You felt his bulge and smirked. 
You took ahold of his shoulders, flipping you two with your vampire speed. You straddled his waist, putting your core right over his bulge. Damon groaned as you grinded against him, diving your head down to his neck. You licked around his ear, making him shiver underneath you. 
“Y/n,” Damon moaned and gripped your hips. You smirked against his skin, kissing and sucking down his neck. You set your hips back on his thighs, putting your hands on the hem of his shirt, but he was already one step ahead of you. 
He took his shirt off, throwing it haphazardly on the floor. You grinned and ran your hands down his chest, going down again to kiss his chest and go down to the top of his jeans. 
Damon let out a growl as you licked his hip bone. Damon took ahold of you neck and flipped you around against. You let out a surprised moan, loving the feeling of his hand around your throat. He bent down to your ear and whispered, “I’m in charge here, okay?”
You looked into his eyes, feeling wetness pool between in your legs. You nodded fast, “Yes, sir.”
Damon smirked and kept his grip on your neck and made eye contact with you as his other hand went down to your breasts. His fingertips grazed your hard nipples, leaving you whining and squirming. Damon smirked, putting his hand over one of your breasts, needing it. He rolled your nipple in between his thumb and middle finger. You choked on your breath, the ache in your pussy becoming  worse and worse with every move he made. 
“Hm, Damon,” you sighed, your voicing coming out choked because of his hand that had a hold on your neck. He switched breasts, his hand that was on your neck let go, trailing down past your breasts and to your dripping pussy. 
Damon glided his fingers over your slit, going in slightly, groaning at the feeling. “So wet, baby. I’ve barley done anything.”
You let out a yearning whine, your back arching off the bed. Damon chuckled and slid his middle finger in, your eyes closing in bliss. 
“Look at me, princess,” Damon said in a low tone. Your opened your eyes, seeing Damon’s mouth just above your clit, his hand entering your pussy painfully slow. 
You watched with wide, lustful eyes as he entered two fingers into your pussy, attaching his lips to your clit. You let out a loud cry, your back arching off the bed. Damon fingered you, curling his fingers inside of you, finding your spot. As he did his first lick over your clit, your hands flew to his hair, pulling hard. 
“Damon!” You shouted in pleasure, bucking your hips up to his face. He smirked, putting his lips over your clit, sucking on it. You whimpered at this, shutting your eyes in ecstasy. 
Damon's free hand went up to your stomach, pushing you down on the bed. You whined, looking at him. You got more wet as you saw his bright blue eyes staring at you. He had this predatory look in them that sent you throwing your head back again. Your thighs moved in on his head, holding him in place as he worked wonders on your pussy. 
“Tastes good,” you heard him mutter. The vibrations of his words made the knot in your stomach build more. As Damon’s fingers moved into you and his tongue swirling around your clit, spelling out the alphabet, you felt yourself coming close. 
“Damon I-I-I,” you cried out, getting stuck on your words. Damon chuckled quietly, enjoying seeing you writhe under him. Heaven knows he’s dreamt about this from the day you two met. 
“Damon!” You moaned, feeling your orgasm wash over you. Damon ran his tongue over your clit one last time, making sure to suck on the sensitive bud with pressure. 
As you rode out your high, your back collapsed on the bed, your chest heaving up and down. You looked at Damon, a thin cover of sweat lining your forehead. Damon took his fingers out of your pussy, sucking off the remaining juices. He made deep eye contact with you. You felt your body become aroused again, your pussy becoming wet again. 
He took his fingers out of his mouth, looking all over your face. He went over your body, setting his hand on your cheek. He smiled as he admired you’re beauty. “You’re gorgeous, you know.”
You blushed and smiled big at him. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
Damon chuckled, “Thank you. Round two?”
You smirked and took ahold of his shoulders, flipping you two over. You settled your naked body over his lower stomach. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Damon smiled and went to take off his pants. You helped him, your eyes becoming wide with lust again as he took off his underwear, revealing his member. You licked your lips, knowing you had been dreaming about this time since forever. 
“Ready, princess?” Damon asked. 
You looked up at him, nodding. Damon put his hands on your hips, guiding your entrance to his cock. You slowly slid down, savouring the feeling of his cock stretching your walls out. You both let out deep, relieved moans. 
Damon kept his hands on your hips, gripping them as you started moving up and down. The slow-paced movement quickly ended as you were soon bouncing on his dick, your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. You both were panting loudly, moans coming out of you every second. 
“Hm, Damon,” you groaned, biting your lip. Damon looked up at you, admiring the way your face was scrunched up in satisfaction. 
You two felt your orgasms build up. You both rode out your highs, you collapsed on him, pulling yourself off his dick. Damon put is arm around you, his lips pressing a sweet, loving kiss to your forehead. 
“Wow,” you breathed out once you calmed down. 
“Yeah, I know. I've been waiting for this since forever,” Damon said.
You chuckled, “Yeah, me too.”
Damon sighed contently. You buried your head in his chest. 
“Is this it for us?” You asked. 
“You wanna be more?” Damon asked. 
You looked up at him with a small smile. “Yeah. I would like to.”
Damon smiled back at you, planting a kiss on your lips. “Me, too.”
this is my last damon imagine guys. hope you enjoyed reading!
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love-sapphirerose · 3 years
Optimally Maximal Relationship Failures
This demotivational poster is super aggro and mega highly Anti-SessKagu, Anti-KogAya, Anti-InuKag, Anti-Kagura to some extent, Anti-Kouga to a vastly significant extent, Anti-Kagome to a huge extent, but also Pro-Sesshoumaru, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Ayame, and highly Pro-SessAyaInu. Sit back and relax, as I tear into Sesshoumaru's and Kagura's failure of a relationship, Kouga's and Ayame's major fart of a romance that should never have been, and Inuyasha's and Kagome's annoying volatility, why Kagura does not deserve Sesshoumaru, why Kouga and Kagome only deserve my ire, wrath, and fury, and why Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame deserve so much better in each other. Furthermore, this is my contribution to this year's Red Ribbon Reviewers' month. Behold, my dear readers, my three greatest NOTPs of all time. Sure, I consider Naraku with anybody my greatest choice of a NOTP because someone as manipulatively dastardly such as Naraku deserves to be alone, done for, and truly deserves jack shit! However, that is too obvious of a choice. These three are the ones that make me want to tear my hair off and carve the hearts of Kouga and Kagome out with a blunt knife as well as tell Kagura to vamoose. As you can clearly tell, I have put these from bad to worse to the worst, with Sesshoumaru x Kagura being something absolutely unpleasant, Kouga x Ayame being a whole lot more atrocious, and Inuyasha x Kagome being the indubitable equivalent to toxic waste mixed with gallons of poison. Ergo, SessKagu is a bad pairing, KogAya is so much worse, and InuKag is the absolute worst pairing to exist in Inuyasha. I am aware that there are a good number of people who love to pair Sesshoumaru with Kagura because of how appealingly sexy they appear together. However, now that I have discarded those rose-tinted glasses for good, I can see this failure of a relationship for what this signifies and this all falls on Kagura's shoulders. Lest one forget that Kagura killed Kouga's tribesmen of her own volition and got pleasure out of that, trapped Miroku and Sango at Mt. Hakurei also by her own volition, kidnapped Rin, used Akago as a vessel to feed on Kagome's dark side, was manipulated into serving Princess Kaguya in the false hopes of wanting her freedom, and tended to mock Inuyasha. All of these atrocities would make Sesshoumaru fully cognizant that Kagura is far from being his equal in a relationship. Her dirty record as well as her hissy fit at Sesshoumaru for not helping her desire to be free from Naraku make her a co-dependent partner which can only spell failure in the long-term. As a mother to Rin, she would definitely fail badly because of her aforementioned dirty record and she would not be fully worthy of any sort of emulation. For someone like Kagura who is a formidable fighter, she has abused her wind powers to cause chaos and misery. Her passing may be tragic, but the awful deeds she has done are not worthy of my forgiveness. At least Sesshoumaru is free from being in a co-dependent relationship with that polarizing wind sorceress. Kouga x Ayame or KogAya is a couple I will never understand the appeal of. Yes, they are both wolf yokai, but these two could not be any more different, as Kouga is a big bluffer of a bully and a Karma Houdini and Ayame is a naturally brave, strong, fearless warrior princess with hidden depths that should have been fully realized! I have dreaded at the thought of these two ending up together because of all the failures and atrocities that would all resurface if Ayame were to find out all the horrible crimes Kouga has committed against an innocent young girl, Rin, and his entire tribe. This also extends to him not being the strong fighter he has made himself out to be and nothing more than a perennially pathetic loser who has relied on the Shikon Jewel's power instead of harnessing his own strength, as if the Shikon Jewel shards on his legs are a metaphor for steroids being used to give someone an artificial boost of strength and power. If Ayame dared to discover all of those atrocities, crimes, and rubbish Kouga has committed, she will be undoubtedly appalled at him and would repudiate him for good. I will reiterate that all of my sympathy goes to Ayame because of the fact that she deserves so much better than this pathetic waste of effort and time and deserves to grow as a veritably formidable heroine worthy of emulation, especially to all the young girls of the world. The mere fact that Kouga and his wolves killed innocent villagers including Rin who has lost her family and had to wander the world alone before she was revived Sesshoumaru through his Tenseiga and got away with murder, mainly relied on the Shikon Jewel's power to accelerate his strength and speed without working that on his own, and did not avenge his fallen comrades at the hands of Naraku and Kagura should all make Ayame's insides turn and make her reject Kouga for good and for all. Ergo, Ayame does not deserve this pathetic Karma Houdini and deserves to estrange herself from him forever, thus making her be the mother Rin truly deserves and will gladly give her her unconditional love and compassion to help her grow as a person. Speaking of couples I do not understand the appeal of by any shape of the imagination, we have my most dreaded NOTP of all time in the form of Inuyasha x Kagome or InuKag. Even as a child of eleven years old, I did not tune in to Inuyasha to see their soap opera fart of a relationship desecrating Adult Swim let alone the airwaves no matter where I was watching this series. I mainly tuned in to Inuyasha to see him growing from strength to strength and kick loads of butt, especially in his full yokai form. Furthermore, the more I saw Kagome and her brand of shrewishness, manipulativeness, brattiness, pettiness, jealousy, and callousness, the more irritated I became. There was barely any semblance of a romantic relationship blooming between Inuyasha and Kagome, as it was more of Kagome being the owner to Inuyasha's pet, especially where the Beads of Subjugation and the purpose of Inuyasha's sword Tessaiga are concerned. The Beads of Subjugation were used for Inuyasha to not do anything rash while the Tessaiga, aside from being a sword of destruction, was also intended to be used to protect those who are oppressed. Being the manipulative shrew Kagome was, she believed this would give her leeway for Inuyasha to shield her and be her "knight in shining armor" who will save her from all forms of danger without honing her own skills as a fighter. What is worse is that Kagome extends her manipulation to Miroku, Sango, and Shippou aka The Dunderhead Family to be nothing more than her pathetic posse and have them jump on a certain bandwagon that has brought Inuyasha a whole bunch of trauma. I am, of course, talking about how he was still hurting from the guilt he felt when Naraku manipulated both him and Kikyou into betraying each other. Miroku, Sango, Shippou, and especially Kagome never understood Inuyasha's pain and trauma in the slightest and The Dunderhead Family think that anytime Kagome was hurt it was all because of him. Furthermore, there is the fact that Inuyasha and Kagome are an undeniable example of being in a Karmic relationship with each other, given the many times they have been yelling, bickering, squabbling, and getting themselves in a heap of messily addictive habits that will only dig them deeper into more quagmires than find any sensibility or profound meaning. It says something that someone as compassionate, genuine, kind, and natural as Rin makes a far better companion to Inuyasha than The Dunderhead Family and...ugh....Kagome combined. Do not even get me started on the first episode of Yashahime because Inuyasha still has those accursed Beads of Subjugation on and she still does not trust him where Kikyou was concerned. Kagome was never attentive to him, never understood him in a profound level, and always believed she had dominance over him. This, my friends, is why I absolutely loathe InuKag with all of my being and it stands perched atop the medal platform of shame as my most disdained NOTP of all time. InuKag makes SessKagu more tolerable in comparison and the only other NOTP to ever come close to InuKag's brand of disgust is KogAya. Regardless, InuKag is the NOTP I will never want to touch with a twelve-foot pole. You might even noticed a recurring theme in terms of my discussion of my Inuyasha NOTPs and that is the importance of Rin. Well, she does play an integral part in not only Sesshoumaru's life but also the lives of Inuyasha and Ayame. Considering that Kouga and his wolves killed her in cold blood and got away with murder, Kagura kidnapped her as ransom for Sesshoumaru to annihilate Naraku, and that Kagome and The Dunderhead Family do not even come close to Rin's brand of compassion, I say that it was high time for Sesshoumaru to ditch Kagura, Inuyasha to give a big, fat, ugly screw-you to Kagome, and Ayame to drop kick Kouga in his family jewels to be the worthy parents to give Rin the great home she truly deserves complete with siblings in the forms of Dai, Roku, Kai, Shiori, and Shinta. To make things better, Rin will be definitely grateful to have two strong, powerful, brave dads like Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, one courageous, honorable, compassionate mom like Ayame, three tough, independent, loving older brothers like Dai, Roku, and Kai, a lovable, caring, compassionate "twin" sister like Shiori because they are also the same age though Shiori is a month younger than her, and a lovable, sweet, attentive younger brother like Shinta. Just squeeze in Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta to be her loving uncles and Shunran to be her equally loving auntie and it will be a glorious family Rin will be more than happy to be a part of. With that said, having a three-way relationship with Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha being the chivalrous, caring, noble husbands to Ayame is so much better than having these three suffer a series of terrible relationships. This also extends to how proud Toga the Dog General and The Wolf Elder shall be of their progeny for giving Rin a great home and for finding true friends in Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran who are just as supportive of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame being in a three-way relationship. In conclusion, I am so ecstatic to make SessKagu, KogAya, and especially InuKag my biggest NOTPs for life. I will never touch these failures with a twelve-foot pole ever again, but the putrid effect of these NOTPs will forever remain ingrained in my memory as a stern reminder what bad relationships can look like. From the co-dependency found in Kagura's failed relationship with Sesshoumaru to the utter deception and lies Ayame would have found herself falling hook, line, and sinker all for Kouga's pathetic hide to Inuyasha's and Kagome's fart of a relationship only spelling death and destruction for years to come, there is nothing that will salvage these losers together. I am just going to keep Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame in a loving three-way relationship complete with a great family they can call their own and Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran are going to be part of that family as their siblings for life. I hope you all enjoyed my evisceration of SessKagu, KogAya, and InuKag as my biggest NOTPs for life and I would love to hear from you if you agree with me on this. Until then, I will see you in the next submission. Take care and Happy Holidays, everybody. Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame as well as the lame-os known as Kouga, Kagura, and Kagome from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
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fictionalarsonist · 4 years
heartache — pt.2
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pairing ›_yoonkook
content ›_angst ; fluff ; underage drinking ; mild language ; jealous!yoongi rating ›_pg word count ›_4.3k
premise ›_they’re two idiots in love still figuring things out.
a/n ›_this is an unplanned follow up to the heartache drabble, requested by taesboba and jazzy3120 at ao3. I hope they enjoy it as well as everyone else who reads. Feedback is always appreciated. edit ›_(Aug.2nd) had to change the title because part 3 was requested. 😂😂 the funny thing is, I wrote heartache as part of a drabble in which I compromised myself in not writing too much, but i'm always happy to take requests. credit › _thank you so much to @mindays​ for beta-reading and helping me out with this one for me. _😘💕
「 ao3 | masterlist 」
[ heartache | part 2 | epilogue ] 
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The car stopped and Yoongi looked through the window, part of him expected to see Jungkook somewhere among the other students. He felt the driver’s eyes on him through the rearview mirror and forced himself to divert his attention, sliding his wallet out of his jacket’s pocket to pay the man.
“Look,” the man started, chewing his gum way too obnoxiously for Yoongi’s taste, “If you don’t have a dorm or anything and— y’know, need a place to stay...”
Yoongi saw him reaching inside over the panel and for a piece of paper and a pen, write something down and slide the paper in the folded bills before handing it to him.
“It’s cheap and somewhere— near ,” the man cracks a contained laughter that shakes his shoulders a little, “I guess we could say that?” His laughter dies when Yoongi doesn’t seem to respond to his antics, “Just try giving a call, okay? Have fun in college, kid.”
Yoongi pocketed the money and stepped out of the car, glad that he could breath fresh, untainted air yet again. Yoongi swung his backpack on his shoulder, the old thing could fall apart any day, but he’s oddly attached to it. He shifted the gym bag he’s been carrying from one hand to another after shoving the money in his pocket and leaving his hand tucked in there as he took a quick look around.
Yoongi isn’t exactly what one would call a very good navigator, but he could remember by heart the address Jungkook gave to him. He walked straight along the park until the second intersection, then he crossed the street. Yoongi can’t help but to notice how these traditional colleges have the same type of environment and architecture, but the locations are always random or so it seems.
One could never know where everything is supposed to be. Yoongi recalls how long it took him and Hoseok to figure out the different paths and shortcuts to go from one place to another. Jungkook, being the ever infamous golden boy that he is, always figures things out as if it was nothing to others. Hoseok told him about it, Hoseok would always update him on anything Jungkook related— Not that Yoongi ever asked him too. But, he couldn’t just— Simply ignore it and not listen to it. He just pretended he didn’t.
Then again, of course, this was before that day. Before Yoongi saw the mess that he created. That late afternoon when he cornered Hoseok and made him trace Jungkook’s phone location, grabbed his friend’s car keys and rushed to the place he still knows by heart because that's where Jungkook would always oh-so-coincidentally bump into him with his friends and his girlfriend. Saying he felt like a piece of trash seeing Jungkook wasted like that is an understatement.
It took so much of Yoongi to keep himself together and try helping Jungkook at that moment when he himself was a turmoil inside, not knowing how to feel or how to act. The only thing he knew was that that scene right there was dangerous and he knew Jungkook’s story with alcohol so it made it all worse— All the more scary and Yoongi just couldn’t stop blaming himself.
Not when he arrived nor when he managed to get Jungkook to throw up all that was inside of him and sober a little. Not when he had Jungkook in his arms and felt so powerless because even though he was there he kept pushing Yoongi away and this could be too late for them.
It was hard, stumbling on his thoughts and uncertainties in front of Jungkook sitting across from him in that truck. The way Jungkook looked at him, utterly vulnerable, physically sick, and emotionally hurt when Yoongi— very inappropriately, mind you—  gathered whatever courage he could to finally spell it out his confession.
It could be called a miracle that things turned out good considering how much of a neglecting asshole he was for so long. Now, he’s doing again, dragging himself halfway across the country to meet that annoying brat that is his boyfriend. Six months is too long, Skype calls, phone calls, texts. Nothing’s anywhere near being good enough when Yoongi thinks of just how they were together almost the entire time over their summer break. Even so, it wasn’t enough.
Yoongi’s not quite sure what he expected, but Jungkook is nothing he could imagine and the thrill of a new relationship still burns between them very frustratingly with the many miles that keeps them apart. It’s almost consequential that one of them decided to reach out first and see the other, and since Jungkook’s still going over his finals Yoongi decided to arrange his final project’s schedule around it.
A quick look around told Yoongi he’s close enough. He could see the statue, ‘The Patron’ as Jungkook told him it’s called. And as Jungkook said, it’s decorated with some weird accessories provided by some students that were starting to celebrate the end of another semester, or, in other cases, the end of their major. Yoongi recognizes Jungkook’s contribution to the mess, he’s seen before in the picture Jungkook sent him to let him know what the statue looks like on the ‘How to get to my dorm’ file.
It’s quite unbelievable how the dean doesn’t even try to stop this anymore. His college, on the other hand, would have the staff throwing a fit just for the sombrero on the statue’s head. Jungkoook’s contribution is a copy of Yoongi’s tattoo, painted in white on the dark green statue, at the same place Yoongi has it. A little too detailed, Yoongi thinks, and way too unnecessary as he said before, but professing that to the bratty Jungkook only earned him an amused chuckle and a very teasing-toned reply.
“Oh! C’mon, hyung!” Jungkook started all by himself, knowing his teasing would always stir a nerve in Yoongi, “It’s the end of my second semester. My first year, my first collaboration on the project! I was told to contribute with something that means something important to me.”
“My tattoo?” Yoongi replied, refusing to acknowledge how affected he was by the way Jungkook smiled at him with a purpose and Yoongi liked even less that Jungkook quickly shifted into his mocking demeanor.
“Well, it’s not like I could draw you there. I couldn’t pin you there either,” though, despite his worlds, Jungkook seems to be putting some thought into it.
“Whatever you’re thinking of — Just don’t!” He tried to cut  Jungkook off when the other half-smiled to himself and shifted in bed to lay down.
“I swear, hyung. I’d be a waste, if I could bring you all the way here, I’d pin you right on this bed.” Jungkook provoked, placing his laptop beside him instead. “Do you have any idea of how much I miss you right now? — ”
Yoongi doesn’t really want to think of how Jungkook’s voice sounded so purposefully provocative and instantly made him weak. It’s just embarrassing how things turned out to be. Not that Yoongi doesn’t like it, but he prefers not to think about the way goosebumps runs over his skin and he’s always so responsive to Jungkook.
Jungkook, on the other hand, has been enjoying himself all too much, pushing some limits here and there and seeing Yoongi just allowing him with nothing but meaningless protests. Yoongi’s been quite pathetic, while Jungkook has been enjoying having this effect on his hyung a little bit too much for Yoongi’s liking. Jungkook isn’t Yoongi’s first relationship, but with him everything’s so much more than Yoongi ever had. 
The statue certainly means he’s going the right way and Yoongi decides not to let his mind wander too much or he might get lost which isn't the ideal at the moment. So, from the statue he should take the second left. Jungkook said he’d be in class and would meet him at the apartment, his roommate moved out— Seokjin, or Jin-hyung as Jungkook likes to call him, Yoongi remembers well because Jungkook couldn’t stop singing praises about the guy that Yoongi saw plenty of times on Jungkook’s social media.
It doesn’t quite surprise Yoongi that he recognizes Seokjin when he looks over and he definitely doesn’t need a second glance to clearly see Jungkook beside him. Yoongi pauses his steps as he stops and stands there, furrowing his brows. His watch tells him he’s not late or early, actually, he’s right on time. Jungkook had told him he’d be in class for two and a half hours, so why is he in the middle of the campus, talking to his ex-roommate? Without as much as a second thought Yoongi finds his feet taking him their way.
“You’ll be okay without me around, right?” Jin asks.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, hyung.” Jungkook smiles with a shrug.
Jin takes a once-over at Jungkook and his eyes stop at the messy hair falling over the younger’s eyes.
“You really should cut your hair,” Jin says introspectively, reaching out to try and arrange the loose strands, running his hand through Jungkook’s hair.
“Alright! Geez!” Jungkook starts complaining, pulling back from Jin’s obsessive mania of getting everything into place. “I will, hyung! When the finals are over-,” Jungkook tries to lean back to escape from Jin’s obsessive behavior of always fixing everything.
Jungkook’s heels scrape the gravaled ground as he turns to Yoongi walking up to him with purpose. Jungkook’s first reaction would be greeting Yoongi as he meant to do since they parted ways, but something tells him that there doesn't seem to be a space for that at the moment. Whatever Jungkook says is lost in the wind while Yoongi locks eyes with Jin as he coolly retracts his hand from Jungkook’s hair. Seemingly unfazed by Yoongi’s hard, threatening stare.
“I thought you’d be in class,” Yoongi speaks up, his eyes taking their time to look away from the calm and collected Jin in front of him to Jungkook.
“I should , but the professor didn’t show up,” Jungkook says, “I was about to go home and wait for you when I met Jin-hyung.”
Yoongi’s eyes quickly land on Jin again, clearly displeased to see that he’s still there. Jungkook’s eyes find Yoongi’s backpack hanging from his fingers and he tries to take it from him, though Yoongi’s fingers have a firm grip on it.
“Just give it, hyung,” Jungkook insists.
“You already have enough on you,” Yoongi contests, resisting even though Jungkook doesn’t let go, nodding at Jungkook’s own backpack and the books under his arm.
“I’m alright, hyung.” Jungkook assures him in a half-annoyed tone, his fingers forcing Yoongi’s to let him take it.
Yoongi sighs and Jungkook knows he’s embarrassed with this, it’s been a pleasure apart from everything else to know this other side of Yoongi. It’s been all the more fun to explore this side of Yoongi too, but Jungkook knows now’s not the moment to push it further. Not with the way Yoongi looked at Jin just a moment before.
Jungkook’s eyes snap at Jin for a moment. “Oh, right. I almost forgot.” Jungkook says with one of his mischievous smiles he knows Yoongi’s always suspicious about and he gave his boyfriend plenty of reasons to be suspicious of, although not enough— or so Jungkook thinks.
“Hyung,” Jin’s attention never left them but his eyes had been softly watching Yoongi with something rather unreadable in them, they slide over to Jungkook, “This is Min Yoongi-hyung—”
“Ah!” Jin extends his hand, “Of course.”
Jungkook turns to Yoongi next and manners his hand to Jin, “I told you about Jin-hyung before, right?”
“Yeah, you did,” Yoongi speaks up loosely.
Against his own will Yoongi pulls out his hand from his pocket and takes Jin’s hand firmly in his locking eyes with the guy. Yoongi doesn’t want to let his mind go over unnecessary things, but he didn’t like how Jin’s taller and perfectly put together self is presented to him. But, the real reason as to why Yoongi gets put-off by Jin is that arrogant smile flashing towards him as if Jin knows something Yoongi doesn’t.
“It’s good finally meeting you,” Jin says with a casual politeness that is an obvious characteristic of him, even not knowing him Yoongi could see it. “You know,” Jin smiles pleasantly, but it just makes it harder for Yoongi to not dislike the guy, “Jungkook’s always talking about you.”
“I’m sure he’d do that. I’m his boyfriend.”
Yoongi finds himself saying, squeezing Jin’s hands in his and pulling back harshly. Jin raises an eyebrow, tilting his head with a clear contradicted expression at first that only lasts for a second before he portraits his signature polite smile.
“Well, I’m just his roommate— Well, I mean ex -roommate, right?” Jin lets out what Yoongi clearly sees as a posed smile, a posed chuckle that he has no doubt others can easily fall for. Not him. “I was kicked out.”
“I didn’t kick you out, hyung!” Jungkook protests.
“Oh, c’mon, Kookie!” Jin seems to genuinely enjoy calling Jungkook that nickname, Yoongi, on the other hand, isclose to having enough of it. “I got pretty sick and tired of you complaining about how our living arrangements wouldn’t allow your boyfriend to come over and stay with you. It was too clear for me to not take the hint, it just worries me about the rent, though.”
“Don’t worry, hyung. I got it.” Jungkook reassures him.
“Well, if you say so—” Jin shrugs dismissively, “Let me know if something comes up. I can always move back in.”
If only looks could kill, Jin would be a dead man long before he could finish saying that with that ridiculous, arrogant, posed smile that’s started to rub off on Yoongi in the wrong way everytime Jin does it.
[ ⁕⁕⁕ ]
“Hyung?” Jungkook calls out for the nth time as they walk to Jungkook’s place. “Hyung, what’s wrong?” Jungkook insists on despite knowing it might not be the best idea, “Hyung! Yoongi-hyung!”
“I’m just fucking tired, okay?” Yoongi speaks between his teeth and Jungkook sighs as the elevator doors open and they step in.
Yoongi turns to look at Jungkook, examining him.
“What~?” Jungkook asks, half-irritated now.
“What’s the problem with your hair?”
“Huh?” Jungkook looks up, not being able to reach up to check it since his hands are busy.
“That guy was running his hands in your hair when I saw you. What’s wrong with it?” Yoongi asks with even less patience and Jungkook chuckles looking back at him.
“Ah, that. Jin’s kind of obsessed with everything being clean and right… I don’t know,” Jungkook shrugs, “He keeps nagging at me.”
“You don’t wash your hair?”
“Wha- No! Hyung, no!” Jungkook laughs, “It’s just that— I should’ve got a new cut, but I can’t find the time to do it, since there’s still some finals to go through and some stupid project I have to finish. I just haven’t had time to go to a barber since he moved out.”
“I think it’s just fine like this,” Yoongi speaks up, “Just cut the ends, I think. So it won’t fall over your eyes.”
He’s not used to this yet. Especially since he knows the provocative smile Jungkook’s wearing right now.
“Thank you, hyung. Actually, I was thinking... I was thinking of just cutting a little just so the hair won’t fall on my face, but I’ll keep the long bangs.”
Yoongi sees Jungkook moving closer to him, he looks over only to find his boyfriend’s face just a breath away from the distance of him. Yoongi turns to look at the closed doors again and feels Jungkook’s breathy chuckle on his ear, sending shivers down his spine. Yoongi can pretty much feel the blood running to the surface.
Jungkook’s always a brat, always finding a way to get to him, the problem is Yoongi finds himself being pretty vulnerable to it.
“But, hyung~,” Jungkook breaths on his skin and Yoongi gulps down the tension building up on his muscles, “That’s only if you’d think I look hot like that. If you really like it, you know?”
Yoongi feels thankful when the doors slide open and he clears his throat. He’d move his feet to bolt out of the elevator first if his feet didn’t seem to be glued down at the moment. He watches Jungkook, with that stupid smug face of his, walk out first.
As Yoongi follows Jungkook down the hall he tries not to think about it, he really tries not to, but he can’t help it. Jin sets him off, he just knew it’d be like that, he didn’t like the way Jungkook kept singing nothing but praises about the guy. How intelligent, eloquent, caring, or whatever this Jin guy is, how they went out and this and that happened, how Jin knows almost everyone who’s someone around the campus.
Yoongi can’t stop thinking how many times Jin walked down this hall together with Jungkook and this is so fucking silly, but Yoongi can’t get out of his mind how freely Jin acted around Jungkook. This was nothing like someone who sees the other as just a friend and Yoongi’s not sure if Jungkook’s oblivious enough not to see it or if he’s pretending not to. Either way, it doesn't help the case.
Yoongi closes the door behind him and gives a quick look at the apartment’s living room. Everything’s organized and clean, something he knows Jungkook isn’t that good at.
“What?” Jungkook asks, his eyes trained on Yoongi.
“Was it you or your ex- roommate who cleaned the place?” Yoongi wishes he didn’t say it like that, but the words just rolled out of his lips.
Yoongi finds it odd how close Jungkook’s voice sounds, so he looks up only to be caged in by Jungkook’s body and the wall behind him. He didn’t even have the time to take off his shoes.
“Are you jealous, hyung?” Jungkook provokes, stepping closer to Yoongi now pressed with his back flat against the wall. Jungkook had that stupid smug grin pulling the corners of his lips, “Are you thinking of Jin being here with me, is that it?”
Yoongi moves his head and Jungkook presses his hand on the wall next to Yoongi’s head, grinning when their lips brush much to Yoongi’s dismay. Jungkook humms, low and provoking and Yoongi swallows around nothing, taking a sharp breath, his eyes drawn to his boyfriend’s lips molded into that stupid grin Yoongi’s oh-so-tempted to cover with his own lips.
But before he can do anything, Jungkook moves his lips to Yoongi’s ear and Yoongi tries his best to not allow his body to shake with the goosebumps that run under his skin so violently. This is the aftermath of pent-up sexual tension between them and Yoongi knows it. He wants Jungkook just as much as he knows Jungkook wants him. Yoongi has been pushing the boundary and testing Jungkook on it, only to be surprised by the younger’s immediate reaction.
Jungkook’s lips brush on his earlobe just for a moment before he pulls away enough just so all Yoongi can feel is his skin tingling under Jungkook’s breath.
“Hyung,” Jungkook breaths on his skin and chuckles when Yoongi can’t stop the tremble that shakes through him, “Hyung, do you think I’d even think of someone else? Me?”
Yoongi isn’t conscious of Jungkook’s hand sliding down the wall beside him until he feels his hand pulling his body and Yoongi can’t help but to be compliant. His hand reaches up on its own until he has a firm grip on Jungkook’s sleeve. 
“My Yoongi-hyung.”
Yoongi’s eyes close once Jungkook’s lips touch his jaw light as a feather, brushing on the spot as Jungkook’s hand takes a firm grip on his waist, pressing Yoongi’s side to his chest tightly, leaving Yoongi wanting more than that.
“I could never look at some other guy,” Jungkook speaks smoothly against his skin, lowering his lips down Yoongi’s neck, stopping unexpectedly to press his lips at random spots, causing Yoongi’s pulse to jolt and race each time. “Not when I know I can have you.”
Jungkook’s hand slid down Yoongi’s side, finding the hem of the shirt under the jacket. Yoongi’s hand grips tightly on his boyfriend's biceps and he licks his lips. Jungkook glances at Yoongi’s face just enough to see him frowning; swallowing thickly around his words and Jungkook knows what he wants to say.
They’ve been waiting for this, to hold each other, feel each other like this, push the boundaries they couldn’t dare to during that summer break when Jungkook was nothing but an inexcusable, pathetic mess and Yoongi couldn’t, for the life of him, put together a comprehensive sentence right now. Yet, this seems to be going too far too fast, Jungkook knows and he doesn’t want to force anything, but it’s so deliciously pleasing to have Yoongi there for him, so pliant and responsive.
Yoongi feels Jungkook’s fingertips pressing on the small of his back, tracing his skin without pressing yet. Yoongi finds himself edging against him and even though this isn’t supposed to be happening, not now. Maybe Jungkook doesn’t know, maybe he can’t tell, but somewhere under the haze and warmth of the feeling of having Jungkook surrounding him, Yoongi knows this is just too soon.
“I craved you the whole semester, y’know?” Jungkook mutters against his skin and Yoongi tries his best not to close his eyes, it’s what Jungkook wants and he’s not willing to let him have it. “You don’t know how much I keep thinking about how your voice sounds over the phone- I loved seeing your face flushed that day too.”
Yoongi can’t help it, his eyes close before he notices as he feels Jungkook nibbling on his skin, at a particular soft spot near his clavicle. He fists Jungkook’s jacket and feels the smug grin pressed on his skin and he wants to complain, but all he’s able to muster is a deep groan that has Jungkook humming along as if they’re singing  a song together. Yoongi hates this as much as he wants to keep it going.
“I keep thinking about that one time you called me drunk in the middle of the night, hyung~” The words color Yoongi’s mind with blurry faint memories, the embarrassment of what happened serves off a remedy to make him snap out of this trace, just enough to get him to think of saying something.
His lips part even if he doesn’t know what he’d say and Yoongi hears the sound of a struggled gasp falls from his own lips when Jungkook all knowingly pressing an open-mouthed kiss on his pulse while his arm circle his middle underneath the shirt and his hand now presses harder on his skin. This is ridiculous, it’s nothing much. Yet, Yoongi can’t help himself. He loses himself in Jungkook’s warmth just as easily.
But, next thing he knows, he can’t feel Jungkook anymore, even so, Yoongi’s still into that haze Jungkook wrapped him in, still too lost to see through it all and Jungkook gives him a moment. He stands there, watching this new side of Yoongi; once he sees his hyung is stable again, Jungkook pulls away and he can see the confusion in Yoongi’s eyes looking for him. Jungkook wishes he didn’t have to stop there, but there’s still time.
Jungkook walks away with one of his soft smiles, taking a last look at how flustered Yoongi looks pressed up against that wall, pretending his fingertips doesn’t still tingle, craving for the touch of Yoongi’s skin again. He just has to pretend to not be that much affected and it’s not easy.
“I’ll put your things in my room,” he speaks up, not sure if Yoongi actually hears him, then he leaves before he can get any response. Yoongi could very well ask to stay in the other room and Jungkook doesn’t want that.
Yoongi runs his hands over his face and groans, this time disapprovingly of himself. He doesn’t recall how it started, but he’s relieved Jungkook seems to understand, or, at least, Yoongi hopes he does. Jungkook has always been a brat and he could’ve stopped just because he felt like it, but Yoongi wanted to think it’s because he understood. He pushes himself off the wall and finds himself lost inside the rather small apartment.
“I cleaned it because I knew you’d nag at me, hyung,” Jungkook says ever so casually as he walks in the living room again, as if what just happened was nothing but a speck of Yoongi’s imagination that came out vivid enough to leave the burn on his skin where Jungkook had touched him, “Are you hungry?”
Yoongi swallows, fighting off the awkwardness of not quite knowing what to do with himself and he sees Jungkook grinning to himself as he steps into the kitchen area.
“Why? Did you cook?” Yoongi didn’t even try to hide his skepticism and chose to sit on the couch, he looks down only to see Jungkook’s notebook open on top of a stack of books. He skims the page and naturally doesn’t understand a word.
“I’m living alone for over a year now, hyung,” Jungkook points out and looks back only to see Yoongi running his hand on the back of his neck, to make himself feel better. “If you’re tired just lay down a bit, I just have to heat this up. I’ll call you when I’m done.”
Yoongi can hear Jungkook saying something about the bed, but to him, the couch sounds good enough. He tries to keeps his eyes open just a little while, just to drawn in the sound of Jungkook in the kitchen; different than what Yoongi imagined, Jungkook’s not loud, he barely makes any noise and he doesn know if he’s trying to be quiet or this is who he is while cooking. Just one of the things Yoongi would like to find out over these weeks. He hears the fridge being opened and the knife slicing the vegetables, hitting the cutting board and the place’s small and quiet enough for Yoongi to hear the shuffle of Jungkook’s bare feet on the floor and he sleeps with an unexpected reassurance.
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⇽ part 01 | epilogue ⇾
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ships-for-you · 4 years
Hello^^ May I request a two black butler ship one romantically and one platonically? I’m average height and I’m my early twenties. I had long curly brown hair, but I cropped it short on a whim and I’m loving it! I’ve got green eyes that tend to change color depending on what I wear. I’m a rather soft spoken individual and I’ve been told my voice is soothing to listen too.(1)
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Romantically, I ship you with: Joker!
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Now this may seem like a weird matchup but hear me out!
You’ve mentioned that you don’t mind befriending people as long as it’s technically in a forced situation.
Naturally, I perceived this as a perfect way to apply this idea; what if you were working for the Phantomhive manor?
Not only that, but what if you were tasked to be a private eye before they decided to infiltrate the circus?
As someone who is generally soft-spoken, I think Ciel would appreciate it if you were to speak less, so not speaking unless spoken to.
Ciel thought you were both a valuable but disposable asset to his array of pawns on his chessboard so although he appreciates your loyalty, if you were to fail? It would hardly matter to him.
Don’t get me wrong, he appreciates the fact that you’re caring towards him.
And that you’re probably the closest to a motherly figure he’ll ever have. But to an extent.
He assigns you the task of observing the variety of acts that Noah’s Ark Circus offers as soon as he recieved a letter from Her Majesty.
Through this, he expressed the intention of you getting recruited before he watches the show so he knows what to expect while leaving Sebastian to investigate the pattern of disappearance of the children.
Speaking of Sebastian, he’s the one who provided you with the blouse and trousers to make you blend in.
Apparently men are more welcome to be recruited, as they’ve read in an article. Luckily they managed to make you simply look like a charming young lad.
You bought a ticket to the presumably 2 hour show and had decided to keep a keen eye on anything there was to observe.
Too bad, as you made your way to the tent, you bumped into a performer and fell flat on your behind.
That would’ve been alright, had he left you there but instead reached out their “hand” to help you up.
That hand was that of a skinned man’s, naturally you backed away.
“Aw, there ain’t no need to worry! It be only a prosthetic, E'ee needn’t be scared!” The performer tried to console you and chuckled as he watched you try to scramble away clumsily.
You’re not really good with talking if not required to and so you panicked. If you don’t need to talk to him, don’t. Is what you thought.
Turns out he was the ringleader.
Great. Way. To make. An. Impression.
You kept up a facade to make sure you looked over the top interested so as to attract attention from the performers.
He recognized in the crowd halfway through the show and asked you as his volunteer for a, “Dagger’s” performance.
“How about the wee lad in the centre?! E'ee seem to be in good spirits!”
They told you to stay put infornt of the target but right as the blonde boy had thrown his knife, you saw something shiny and thought it was something suspicious.
Needless to say, you turned your head and moved a bit so the knife sliced your nose a bit. The crowd gasped as the boy’s mouth dropped.
They took you to the back after the show to take a look at the cut with their doctor, chatted about, and you brought up your request to join as you expressed your interest in the circus.
“So are ee’ a young lad or lady?”
Form there, they’d be skeptical however would recruit you by the end.
You can’t be a tightrope walker, not with your clumsiness.
Certainly not a trapeze artist either.
That left you with knife throwing, juggler, or beast tamer. Any guesses what you’re best at?
Juggler it is!
From there, you spend a lot of time with Joker when training however not too much time.
You’re usually on cooking duty first thing in the morning ever since you cooked once and they wondered what you did.
You just said it was secret and the younger members and Dagger called it magic lmao. 
He likes your reaction to things that amaze you. The childish light in your eyes that he tried so hard to keep in the performers’ eyes.
He likes to bring you small gifts like small bundles of flowers or tricks that he’d like to use in their next show.
He appreciates your devotion to your friends, the rest of the first and second stringers, and your family. He knows that you write every night to your family to ensure them that you're fine and happy at the circus.
Or at least you told him you were writing to your parents.
Little compliments that seem almost flirtatious, much to Beast’s charging.
You try not to be charmed by his efforts however he just seems so genuine.
But you cannot continue. You have a task and you are falling for a criminal. Is what you tell yourself everytime he does these things.
You constantly writing every night to the Earl Phantomhive of your progress, purposely leaving out your domestic interactions with the ringleader.
The plan continues as you feign ignorance to seeing your master and colleague be recruited. Now, they serve as a constant reminder why you cannot continue as you please.
Of course, you can’t help but seem more at ease with “Black” by your side since you usually work closely together anyway.
Guess who’s jealous but laughs it off anyway? This little Pierrot.
I mean, he has no right to be. It’s not like you have an established relationship with him. He doesn’t ask how you’re close either.
He’s suspicious but he can’t suspect you since he thinks you have nothing to gain. So what if you’re chummy with a butler you’re supposed to have no way of connecting with?
He also, of course, understand that whatever he feels for you, he cannot fulfill for he also has a duty and obligation to the Baron.
It’s a fruitless romance you share with him and so you’ve merely chosen to enjoy whatever you have in the present with him.
You’ve already come to a conclusion what would happen to him in the end.
Platonically, I ship you with Sebastian!
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As seen from the earlier situation proposed, you’d be colleagues meaning you’d pass by each other a lot.
I feel like you’d get along with most of the servants and occasionally Elizabeth when she visits but your dynamic with Sebastian is the most interesting and the most intimate amongst all of them.
He appreciates that you care for his master and that you don’t leave too much for him to clean up after, if not at all.
You help him clean after the other servants too and keep them in check.
He likes anyone who’s responsible enough so you’re pretty good in his book.
He’s not really the type to, “enjoy the company of others” since he’s usually too busy taking care of his bratty master’s orders however he does seem to prefer time with you than the other servants.
He appreciates how soft spoken you are therefore he finds the rare times wherein you do speak to him casually somehow precious(?) For lack of a better term.
You find yourself spending time in the young master’s library to read and he occasionally assists you when finding new and interesting material.
When you find something you like, he notices it’s always unavailable in the library.
“(Insert story lmao) again? It seems that you’re quite taken with that book, miss (y/n).”
He finds you to be the complete opposite of the humans he’s served in the past and so he’s naturally interested in your mannerisms.
He likes to observe you and you make him smile uncharacteristically for it simply finds a way to his face.
You like observing him as well as he’s unlike any “human” you’ve ever met. As perfect as a butler and as a man could ever be.
There was one time he caught you late at night outside chasing around fireflies that seemed to illuminate the silver sterlings in the garden.
He didn’t know whether to scold you for acting like a child or laugh at you for acting like a child.
Honestly, what if you tripped?
And then you tripped. Nearly fell sideways had he not done anything.
“Miss (y/n), this is hardly an appropriate time for a lady to be out and about. One could get the flu.” He’d coo but you can see that he’s slightly annoyed.
You’d apologize but would definitely do it again.
You like to be outside so you get along with Finnian as well in that regard.
Speaking of Finnian, he really likes your love for the outdoors and how caring you are for all of the servants.
“Miss (y/n), look what I’ve found near the creek! It’s a pretty narcissus flower!”
Bard appreciates how you’re very patient with him and help him when cooking meals. He’s stubborn since he can’t really let go of his flamethrower but at least he knows to be a little more patient with food now.
“That’s a pretty cool technique but I think we could speed this process up with m-” “Bard, please no.”
Mey-rin and you ofcourse share same clumsiness although hers is more related to her eyesight. She laughs along with you when you accidentally bump your hip along the servants’ tables when setting up.
You’re probably roomed with her as well and end up having nice conversations with her.
She likes your hair a lot and thinks it’s pretty and unique for the era.
“My hair just straight up looks like swine blood, yes it does! How do I have pretty hair as you, miss?”
Your “friendship” with Sebastian is quite odd and may be misplaced but as long as you don’t necessarily get in each other’s way, it’s all good.
Something I noticed very late, your eyes are literally a compliment each other’s.
Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed your matchup! Requests are open lovelies.
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
Get to know My Character
Taking this for My AHS Apocalypse Character. 
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01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? Her name is Helena and yeah I suppose I picked it for the symbolism. Her name does have the word HEL in it after all.  02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? Her Boyfriend/Future Husband Michael Langdon would definitely be a weakness other’s could use against her.  Also Michael unintentionally does use her love for him to his advantage. Also fear of dying and becoming a Spirit again,to Haunt and nothing more.  03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves? Her Red hair,her figure that she definitely uses to her advantage.   04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) Just ONE?! ok...
Mentally Helena loves not only Michael’s Deviousness but his Innocence as well that few people,save for herself and Ms Mead,get to see or even understand.
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Physically? I mean he is The Anti Christ he’s meant to be Beautiful. While he was younger he had an almost Angelic Beauty to him as he got older he exuded Charm and Sexuality. 
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05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? Helena has never been particularly Shy,though she used to let Michael take the lead,once he was comfortable,often until she came back from Hell.  06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? lol No hobbies but,I suppose being Bratty or Obstinate when he’s trying to be Authoritative to others in The Santaury,or in general,peeves him a bit. And does not go unnoticed,usually resulting in a Punishment once they are alone.  07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? Not that she knows.  08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it? Is falling for The Anti Christ a flaw? I suppose that’s a matter of opinion. Falling for Serial Killers on the other hand... 09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? Christmas? lol probably Samhain tbh. But they don’t Celebrate in Traditional ways. Being a Spirit for so long Helena doesn’t really notice the changing of the seasons until she becomes Human again and even then she doesn’t care to notice it much,though she does like The Sun,something She misses after The Apocalypse. 
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? Feminine all the way but she can still kick your ass or kill you. 11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? Losing Michael,Michael being hurt,also she is the Jealous type,as is Michael,so him flirting with someone else,whether it’s to Manipulate them or not,does rub her the wrong way. Usually resulting in Angry late night Sex. Which isn’t always a bad thing...
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? I mean being able to talk to the living and have them see her while a Ghost was a perk. (and vice versa) As well as Generally being a Witch and The Demonic Powers she received while in Hell. 
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? They are both Light sleepers. Helena is not used to sleeping much since she didn’t have to while dead. Also who can sleep with all those Do Gooders and White Witches trying to kill you. 14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? Helena lived in The “Murder House” as it was coined years ago,so she’s always been around a lot of people,though I suppose LIVING isn’t the right word. When Michael brought her back Helena moved in with him and Ms Mead.  15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. Her Ex,Dandy Mott. But when that someone is responsible for your Murder you tend to hold a grudge. Helena used to be scared off him especially when she descended into Hell,the first time,and had to relive her Murder over and over again. Until Michael came to get her and Disintegrated Dandy for good. 
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16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? lol Neither. She keeps fit on The Hearts of her Enemies ;) 17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? Yes and Maybe. Though I think Michael is more keen on Adopting. We’ll name her Sabrina... 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? Somewhere Regal like a Mansion,A Castle or a Sanctuary.  19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? Only if she were standing up for Michael,Lucifer ect.. or if someone said something she didn’t like and she was in a mood. Helena is an excellent Fighter now. 
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? Not be stereotypical but she really likes Snakes and Crows,as well as Raven’s. Her favorite Mythological Creature is The Cerberus. 
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? Helena has pretty much faced her fears. They’ve both Loved and Lost and Loved and Lost again. 
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? Helena’s features are quite normal,though she does have an Otherwordly Aura around her that only Magnifies once she Descends into Hell the last time. Also The powers that Lucifer Bestows on her can make her eyes glow and turn more Demonic.  Helena is also more seductive and alluring once her and Michael reach adult hood,or Michael does anyway.
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23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? lol School they are well past that. She was very good in school and well behaved until she met Dandy,though she was still Book Smart. Dandy wouldn’t have it any other way.  24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? What isn’t he like?... I will be making a A-Z Head-canons for what Michael is like Sexually,so stay tuned for that! 25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? Her Death (Both when Dandy killed her and when The Coven did) The things that happened to her in Hell.  26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? ^^ See above. 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? Killing Someone.... 28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? A Model or a Famous Psychic/Tarot Reader.  29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? Died for them.  30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? Anything Retro or Vintage (like from The 1920′s to 80′s) Classical Music or anything with a Dark Ambiance. After discovering TV again Helena recently fell in love with The Craft,Interview With a Vampire, (because Lestat reminds her of Michael),Dusk Till Dawn and AMC’s Freakshow (it reminds her of simpler times) She also has a weakness for Slasher Films.  31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? Yes and Both.  32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? Just alone in there room,the two of them,or taking a stroll talking about anything & everything,including The end of the world. Michael is very curious. Followed by Ritualistic Sex that evening.  33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? Helena rarely likes being alone as she was alone for far too long as a Ghost. But when she does need her down time she prefers practicing her Spells in The Woods alone at night or in her Darkened room with a glass of Wine while reading an Erotic or Historical Romance Series.  34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) Not really. She prefers a good Home cooked Meal like Ms Mead or Constance used to make but she isn’t picky.  35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? pffft been there,done that. Twice.  36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? No
37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? Being Disrespected,being made Jealous. 
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? Again no Preference. 
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? Anything anyone assumes about her now is absolutely Correct. Except she is not being coerced into anything she says or does. 
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? Already kind of answered this one. read Question 30. 41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? Her real Family are all dead. Her Surrogate Family mean the world to her though. Dead and Living.  42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? being taken advantage of by Dandy. Killing without a purpose or end game.  43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? Michael,Constance and even Lucifer always get to see her True Self. Though she can be a bit more on around Lucifer.  44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? Having Michael die in her arms would be traumatic,the way she died in his.  45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve? Depends on who it is.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? They are not one’s for PDA but if Helena can tell Michael is getting worked up she’ll go over and gently squeeze his hand or put a hand on his shoulder,calming him with Magic.  47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? Outgoing now for sure. Helena’s done being told what to do. Which doesn’t go over very well with Cordelia or Lucifer. She’s very much a leader,but will share the spotlight.  48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? Um Obviously Michael being Flirty with someone else,especially a Follower.  49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? ^See Dandy.  50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say? She has or rather Michael just sensed it and told her he loved her too. Followed by a Passionate Kiss. It didn’t take long,they are destined after all. And have always been together in one form or another.
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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1109: Yongary: Monster from the Deep
 The first time I saw Yongary was when I was on a Kaiju Eiga binge over Christmas break one year.  It was on YouTube, with the sound removed for copyright infringement, and no subtitles.  At the time, this didn’t bother me much.  I thought I’d seen enough weird monster movies that I could guess what was going on from the visuals.  It turned out I really couldn’t.  Even now that I’ve seen it with sound, I’m still not sure what happened in this movie.
Korea’s top astronaut has just gotten married when he’s called off to a space emergency – somebody is testing bombs in the middle east and they need a guy in space to watch it.  The bombing causes earthquakes that cross the globe until they reach Korea, where the ground cracks open to reveal, what else? An oddly rubbery and humanoid monster!  Yongary proceeds to devastate the land, as oddly rubbery and humanoid monsters do, feeding on oil and taking an occasional nap, until the astronaut’s very much younger brother (I think) Icho and future brother-in-law (again, I think) Ilo discover its one weakness: itching powder.
So yeah, there’s a lot to unpack here.
If Yongary has a visual aesthetic, it’s empty pockets and boundless enthusiasm.  The production appears to have had very little money and they spread it very thin, resulting in effects that are shoddy and unconvincing across the board… and yet, the people who created them went all-out, absolutely determined to wring every last jeon out of their budget.  The monster suit never looks like anything but a monster suit, but they never shy away from showing it.  The model cities are large and elaborate, even as they lack detail or realistic lighting. Shots showing earth from space look like a seventh grade science fair project.  The matte shots are bad.  The itch ray is just light reflected onto things with a mirror.  It all looks terrible, but their hearts were in it.
Unfortunately, not half so much effort appears to have gone into the script, which wanders from character to character in a series of events that are connected only by the monster, and sometimes only barely.  A number of things are set up as if they’re going to be very important and then are simply dropped, leaving the impression that they were only there to fill time.
What, for example, is the point of the space sequence?  They drag the astronaut (whose name I never caught in the movie, and IMDB is no help) away from his honeymoon to observe this nuclear test.  Some kind of failure on the spaceship, perhaps related to said test, puts him in danger but after much worry he reaches the ground safely.  Wow!  Our hero is a great pilot with nerves of steel!  Surely this will be very important later.  Maybe he will be called to do something dangerous to defeat the monster!  Maybe something he saw from space, while he was out of touch with the ground, will be key to saving the day!
Uh, no.  He’s not even in the rest of the movie, really, and we certainly never hear tell of the space program again.  As far as I can tell, the only purpose to any of this was establishing the nuclear test (because everybody knows those create monsters) and then trying to have some tension before Yongary actually emerges.  The whole sequence was filler.
Then there’s the itching ray, which first appears in the hands of little Icho as he plays a prank on the newlyweds.  Exactly why Ilo has invented an itching ray, I don’t know.  Was it intended to do something else and just ended up being itchy?  When Icho swipes it again to use on Yongary, I figured maybe a souped-up itch ray would turn out to be what kills the monster but again, no.  The itching ray doesn’t even set up anything important. I think it’s foreshadowing that itching is Yongary’s weakness, but the ray has nothing to do with the chemical allergy that brings the monster down, besides manifesting a similar symptom.
The fact that itching appears in the movie in more than one context probably makes it a motif.  Why, out of all the possible themes and symbolism you could put in a movie, the makers of Yongary chose itching, I have no idea.  Perhaps it represents something below the surface trying to break free, like the monster itself?  If that’s the case, then it’s fitting that the source of the itching is always externally imposed: the ray and Yongary’s allergy induce itching, and the nuclear test makes the earth ‘itch’ so that Yongary breaks out.  Whether this means anything deeper than that, I honestly cannot say.
Itching brings us to Icho.  I’m pretty sure Icho is the actual main character of this story.  He’s there at the beginning, he’s there at the end, and he’s the one who realizes what the monster’s weakness is.  He even has a bit of an arc, I guess… he’s nothing but an insufferable brat at the beginning of the film, and while he continues to be bratty throughout he does develop a more mature outlook, coming to understand the need for Yongary’s destruction while still feeling sorry for the monster.
Icho is clearly supposed to have some kind of emotional bond with Yongary, but this is completely one-sided and even less justified than Kenny’s supposed friendship with Gamera.  Whereas Gamera saved Kenny from falling to his death, I don’t think Yongary ever even notices Icho – which is probably all for the best, since Icho is doing things like turning off his food supply and zapping him with itching rays.   Icho’s defense of Yongary is also a little more realistic than Kenny’s of Gamera. He never insists that Yongary is good and gentle, only that the monster didn’t mean to hurt anybody.  This is probably true.  Yongary is not presented as a creature with a personality or intentions, he is merely a force of nature, doing what giant rubber monsters do.  He does not seem capable even of understanding that he is causing suffering.
What’s kind of interesting about this is that it makes it clear that Gamera, rather than Godzilla, was the primary inspiration for Yongary.  The monster emerges as a result of a nuclear bombing that is never mentioned again. It eats oil and is strengthened by fire. Annoying little kids like it for no readily apparent reason.  As an attempt to create a Kaiju franchise in 1967, when the genre was already well-established, it was probably inevitable that Yongary would look like a ripoff of something, but the choice of Gamera for a model seems particularly weird when we consider the ending.  At the end of Gamera, the monster was sent to Mars where he would presumably continue to live without bothering humanity.  This is pretty cool and appeals to children.
In Yongary, the monster dies of internal bleeding while Icho watches.  This doesn’t seem to have bothered Icho but it sure disturbed Jonah and the bots, and once I saw it in a context where I understood what was happening, it made my jaw drop, too.  When I think back on the deaths of monsters in Kaiju Eiga, they tend to be fairly quick affairs: in Godzilla, King of the Monsters, the oxygen-destroyer pretty much instantly skeletonizes things.  Even bad-guy monsters tend to die or be driven off in one final blow or finishing move, as when Gamera throws Gaos into the volcano.  When the monsters visibly suffer, like Gamera with the baby Jiger inside him, or Anguirus when Godzilla rips his tongue out, it’s shocking and unpleasant.  Maybe this is because we think of these movies as being for children, or perhaps it’s the unavoidable anthropomorphic shape of the creature suits.  Whatever the reason, Yongary’s death is a major tonal departure and the ‘happy ending’ that follows it makes it even weirder.
I know basically nothing about the geography of Korea, but people who do have apparently written a great deal about how important the landscape is to Yongary.  According to critic Steve Ryfle, Yongary emerges in the northern part of Korea, near where the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed in 1953 – this makes him perhaps symbolic of aggression from the north, marching inexorably down the peninsula towards Seoul.  Korean critic Kim Songho noted that Yongary destroys the old Seoul Capital building, a symbol of the Japanese occupation of Korea before and during World War II (the building was knocked down in the 90s for this reason).
Using your giant monster to make a political statement, particularly an anti-war or anti-colonial one, is nothing new, but I don’t think the makers of Yongary intended a unified one by this.  The two political messages in the landscape seem opposed to each other: one paints Yongary as a semi-foreign force of aggression, the other as a native being destroying a symbol of foreign aggression.  This isn’t a problem for me, the non-Korean viewer, and the two ideas work fine when they’re each considered in isolation, but they do speak to the overall lack of unity in the script.
That lack of unity is probably the biggest single obstacle to enjoying Yongary for what it is, rather than the ironic amusement people like me get out of bad movies.  The jarring ending, the space program that is set up and then not used, and the inconsistent symbolism all make Yongary: Monster from the Deep feel like something assembled from parts rather than being a coherent whole.  All movies are made by committees, but a good movie shouldn’t feel like it was.
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