buridans-darkace · 5 months
What’s the food like in Cyclonia? Do you guys have a cafeteria? Is the menu the same for everyone or do you get a special menu on account of being higher ranked (and more overworked)?
In my totally unbiased opinion (I say with bias), I think the food here is quite good. Cyclonian cuisine consists mainly of curries, flatbreads, anything that can be made in bulk and keeps well. Stuffed mushrooms are pretty popular too. The spicier the better.
There's a cafeteria at every Cyclonian barracks and outpost, the menu depends on what's available. Out on the field, everyone usually gets the same thing, but in places like the Citadel, high-ranking Talons such as myself, Snipe, squadron captains and the like get first pick on things like cuts of meat and quality produce. Some of us cook our own meals in the kitchens that come with our private quarters, or one of the cafeteria cooks makes them something special with the premier ingredients. Which they can thank me for, ungrateful bastards.
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far-side-skies · 5 months
@fallingskywaterr replied to your post “What's your opinion on Dark Ace? Irredeemable...”:
He had so much potential, either to have a tragic backstory or to be THE villain. Or a many shades of grey asshole. Its part of what makes him such a fun character to play with in fanfics, he’s enough of a dick you don’t feel bad putting him in bad scenarios, but charming enough to redeem if you feel like it. Storm Hawks really didn’t dabble with the shades of grey all that much, a real shame.
​It really was a shame, and he was so underutilised as a villain to begin with. But that left me with plenty of room to make him into basically my own character.
He suffers immensely!
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