#falon'din x lavellan
rosella-writes · 2 years
Happy Friiiiday! I'm excited to find out more about Pride x Valor for the prompt "I held my breath on the way down / Your tangled hair became my gown / I'll never tell you what I found / Now look who's finally got the crown" (from 'They Fear Us' by Ithaca)
You're very sweet, thank you!! I've got the rest of the ramblings about them in no refuge so sure as valor. Not sure how well this matches the prompt but it definitely started something! Thank you.
Valor is Virelan Lavellan, repurposed for an Arlathan AU, and Pride is an agender femme Solas in a once-upon-a-time, a-long-long-time-ago kind of way.
For @dadrunkwriting
It was while departing a village under the jurisdiction of Mythal's youngest daughter that Pride slipped her hand into her dress's pocket, then held out its bounty — an orange, whose skin was dimpled and perfect.
Valor took it from her outstretched hand, then bit it to create a notch from which to peel. The fruit's oil and juice were bitterly sweet on her tongue. "Where did you get these?"
Pride shrugged, grinning wickedly as she bit into her own. She gestured for Valor to follow in her bare footsteps as she descended the steep, almost clifflike hill. Her gauzy hem caught on each seedhead of grass as she went.
"What next, ma'falon?" Pride asked, setting her sleeve aflutter as she waved at the land before them. She ate the last of her orange with gusto. "There is the world at our feet, with only our inclinations to direct us. I am in no hurry to return to my patron's side, are you?"
Valor thought of Falon'Din as she placed an entire orange segment in her mouth. Its juice burst against the roof of her mouth as she bit down. "Nuh uh. Just tell me we're not walking the entire way to kill time."
"Don't be silly," Pride scoffed. She cast a look at Valor over her shoulder — promise-light eyes, long-lashed eyes, eluvian eyes — and smiled. "Mythal gave me a key. Now come on."
And she cast herself, arms outstretched, down the hill.
Valor's breath caught — with fear? with disbelief? — and her gaze dropped to the orange she held near her mouth.
"You've got to be kidding me," she cursed, then quickly finished it, upset at the lost opportunity to savour it.
When she cast herself likewise down the hill, it was with a high-pitched screech and little grace. She tumbled, rolling like a pin and holding her elbows desperately to her sides, and kept her lips pressed shut against another scream. The world spun in a dizzying mess of colours and sunlight.
Valor gasped when the air changed, and she crashed to a halt against a warm body. She opened the eyes she'd clenched shut, gasping and gulping at the air, and turned to see Pride at her side... laughing.
"I never said you had to roll!" she hooted, clutching at her sides. Her sleeves were muddy and torn, and Valor lay tangled in her long, loose hair. "I just did because I wanted to!"
"You didn't say anything!" Valor gasped, too relieved to be angry. "Just... there she goes! Gone again."
Pride caught her breath, still giggling to herself, and turned until she was flush against Valor's side. Her hair enveloped Valor as if it were a cape, soft and waving and deep auburn. Pride propped her chin up on one hand and looked entirely too smug for her own good.
"We are across the world," she snarked, "or, rather, as far as the eluvian at the bottom of the hill saw fit to take us. I thought the orange key would take us someplace pleasant but... this is dark."
"Orange key," Valor repeated grumpily. "What will Mythal think of next?"
Pride snorted. "I shall never tell. How else will I surprise you next time?"
Valor scoffed, then lunged for her, knocking her back against the stone floor and peppering her face with kisses. "I cannot stand you," she told her. "I'm never travelling with you again."
"Absolutely not," Pride laughed. "You shall have too much fun if you do, and we cannot have that."
"Hate," Valor emphasised, kissing her mouth soundly again and again. "Loathe. Detest."
"Love," Pride said. "Love, love, love."
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theviridianbunny · 2 years
How about 1, 6, and 8 for both Viridian/ Viri (what's the same, what's different?) Please and thank you!
aaah thank you for the ask!! prompts are here- x
ok firstly to clarify~
Viridian (Aka Viridian Miller) is my canon cp2077 oc. An ex corpo tern merc ….In her arasaka days she was known as “arasaka’s red rabbit”. A brutal netrunner, high up on the company chain of command. (Viridian is pictured below on the left)
Viri (aka Viri Lavellan) is a dragon age oc. A nomadic dalish elf who travels thedas and joins the inquisition eventually... Viri Lavellan was born out of a question I asked myself “What if Viridian (cp2077) was in the dragon age universe?” - the idea of a V being in the Thedas (big shout out to my dear mutual @fereldanwench who is also working on a similar concept!! (her stuff can be found here <3 ) (Viri is pictured below on the right)
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Think Loki and the multiverse / varients!! ^_^
OK! Question time! will answer for both ocs !!
1. What are your OC’s best and worst qualities? What do they think are their best and worst qualities?
Best quality - Viridian's brain. How she thinks- people discribe Viridian's mind to be a best quality- her view of the world. Viridian thinks one of her best qualities are her netrunning skills.
Worst quality - During her Arasaka days, Viridian would not open up about her feelings. she thinks she can’t be weak, she can’t be scared. She thinks she is not allowed to show these emotions. She has to be strong. She was Arasaka’s red rabbit… and Arasaka’s red rabbit wasn’t allowed to be weak.
Best quality - Viri's Creativity. Being born with a connection to the fade, Viri can draw upon magic (in whatever form it comes). On her travels around Thedas, she would use her magic in creative ways. Not only to help her, but to try and help others. To try and bring joy to others-.
Worst quality - Viri has a tendancy to be full of self doubt when things don't go right. She struggles with seeing the worth in herself. Her worst quality is her negative self belief (which is something she works on in her story- Viri's story is one of growth and learning self compassion whilst she is travelling.)
6. Do they have any tattoos? What are they, and why did they get them?
Viridian: Viridian has a floral half sleeve on her non cyber arm, She got the floral half sleeve to comemorate her grandparents (who she was very close too) when her and Jackie get together, she gets a few more flowers added.
Viri: As a dalish elf, Viri has Vallaslin. She has the vallaslin of Falon'Din, elven god of death and fortune. Viri got her tattoos when she was 19- They were tattooed onto her during a coming of age ceremony, before she went off on her travels . (More lore on the Vallaslin can be found here - x )
8. What is their coping mechanism?
Viridian: post arasaka, Viridian starts to talk about her feelings openly. (even if it is through gritted teeth with teary eyes. She allows herself to feel human)
Viri: Viri runs away. She hides - she avoids the problem at hand for as long as she can. it's not healthy, she knows it's not. on her travels through thedas she slowly learns healthier coping mechanisms. She learns meditation/mindfulness and starts to use that when she gets overwhelmed
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arlathanxchange · 2 years
Nominations Update
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Nominations Close in Just Under 12 hours!!
✨There are currently 403 approved tags! ✨
▸nominated tags: gSheets | ao3 | autoao3app
Seven Tags Need Corrections:
Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age):
We require a gender for Lavellan. Please add Male, Female, or Nonbinary to your nomination, i.e. Male Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age).
Nonbinary Surana & Anders
This was already nominated as Anders & Nonbinary Surana! If this was your tag, you should be able to delete it and nominate another tag!
Evanuris (Freeform)
Freeform Tags are Other Tags and are not eligible for this exchange. Please provide the names for the specific Evanuris and their relationships (i.e. Andruil/Ghilan'nain or Falon'Din & Fen'harel). If your request can’t be defined with specific names easily, it may still be eligible and we’d like to discuss how we’ll tag it. Please reach out to the mods via email or discord so we can talk it over!
The below tags are all ineligible for the exchange because they do not have an elf. Please update the tags to include an elf or replace them with a tag containing an elf.
Bran Cavin/Male Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Rylen
Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan
Nathaniel Howe/Sebastian Vael
Note: If your tags are not corrected by the time nominations close, they will be rejected.
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Click the My Nominations button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
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Click the X to the right of the tag, and reenter the corrected tag in the text box that appears.
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obsidianmichi · 5 years
Can you tell something about your Falon'din? What kind of magic does he prefer? His favourite type of people, or kinks? Do you think he is really Dirthamen's sibling?
Sure, I can talk about my Falon’din. I love that guy.
Devil, Devil by Milck is his theme song. He’s the devil.
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Falon’din/Suledin isn’t his original name or original state of being. He was once someone else long before Elvhenan was established as one country. Like Harel and Harel, he was once the ruler of another elvhen civilization that was incorporated into Elgar’nan and Mythal’s kingdom during the early days when Arlathan was just beginning to stretch outside itself. He is Mythal’s “son” or creation rather than the true son of her body like Andruil. He was considered too valuable to destroy but too dangerous to be left alive. He was torn apart and transformed into two separate beings, Suledin (Falon’din) and Sulevin (Dirthamen). One kept their memories and the other did not. They aren’t truly brothers, but they’re not unrelated either.
Other Elven Gods who are not originally of Elvhenan but raised into that status include Dirthamen, June, and Ghilnan’nan.
Falon’din is considered to be the Father of Demons by the Ancient Elves, Elgar’nan’s right hand and the enforcer of his will. He was one of their generals, along with Dirthamen, who did the vast majority of the conquering to create the Elvhenan Empire.
Solas blames himself for the destruction of Elvhenan, but the instigator of events which led to the fall was, in fact, Falon’din.
During the rising of the Veil, Falon’din partitioned off a portion of himself and escaped from Arlathan in spirit form and within the body of a trusted retainer. However, when the elves became mortal so did he. Like Mythal, he discovered a way to pass his soul forward, usually into a child about to be born and a trusted retainer who maintained their immortality would awaken him when he turned ten years old.
Falon’din’s study of spirits over millennia allowed him to discover a way to restore immortality to the elves, however he discovered this by accident while using reincarnation to restore the soul of his beloved. He probably could’ve brought the Veil down, but Solas’ plan worked to his benefit. Even when able to work with only a fraction of his power, he was free to pursue his true goals unfettered by the watchful eyes of the other Evanuris.
Most of the access the Dalish have in my universe that they hide from the outside world come from him and his work, and there’s even more the average Dalish is unaware of.
Magic: Soul Magic, Fate Magic
Falon’din is an incredibly powerful mage, though he doesn’t normally show his raw power and instead prefers a more subtle approach. He goes in for magic which will allow him to structure a situation, stir up rumors that cause civilizations to fall, and can create riotous mobs with just a word.
Falon’din is the master of magical arts involving the soul or spirit. We can call this a lot of things, soul-magic, soul-forging, soul-manipulation, reincarnation. I’d say “spirit magic” but that gives the wrong impression, and is subtly different from Solas’ magic which involves his study of the Fade. This wasn’t his original specialization when he was one being, but one he learned to master over eons in order to revive the one he loved from annihilation.
On top of everything else, he’s also a capable martial combatant.
Right now, he’s only at a fraction of his full power if the Veil came down and he reunited his soul with his body you’d start to see why Solas hates him so much. He knows the Veil falling is inevitable, which is why he’s moving to get there first.
People He Likes: Eirwen
Falon’din values loyalty above everything, but he is loyal to one single individual and, while he cares for those who put their faith in him, there is nothing he wouldn’t do to correct an ages old mistake. He prefers retainers who are capable of independent thought and allows them to voice their opinions, but they won’t remain in his service long if they have nothing worthwhile to contribute. He favors expediency, practicality, and self-sufficiency when the situation calls for it, but he’s not above offering a helping hand if the situation calls for it. He’s not fond of moralistic whining, people calling him evil, or telling him what he already knows. He doesn’t value stupidity or pointless self-sacrifice. The vast majority of heroic archetypes bore him, and he’d be incompatible with most Dragon Age protagonists, also incompatible with most companions. He considers himself evil, and he sacrificed the self-righteousness Solas clings to a long time ago.
He works with people who are independent, self-sufficient, diligent, practical, clear sighted, have strong personalities, and are ruthless in the pursuit of what they want. He dislikes when people are clingy, when they ask for more than he’s willing to give, when they break their oaths, or force their will or morals on others. He’s impressed (we’ll use that word lightly) by those who seek to the truth beyond their first impression and ignores those who respond with surface level knee jerk reactions. He has no issue axing those who prove to be too much of a problem or get in his way.
Eirwen is the person he cares for. The one he loves and everything he does is to restore her. He’s not doing it so they can be together. He doesn’t expect her to love or forgive him if she gets her memories back. Eirwen is always watched by someone who serves him. He had mixed feelings about letting Solas get close to her, but he also knew the journey from stopping Corypheus would be too beneficial for restoring her soul. In order to save her, he has to let her live, let her experience the world, come into her own beliefs and opinions even if he disagrees. He values her independence.
The organizations he leaves behind aren’t reliant on him and could go on in his absence, which is what he prefers. The great irony of Falon’din is that those who serve him are loyal because they like him and prefer him to serving anyone else. He is exactly the monster Solas insists he is, there’s just more to him than meets the eye.
You can see other characters he likes, though. His current mother Deshanna and Sariel are examples. He won’t raise anyone from the dead or restore their immortality if he doesn’t believe they’ll prove useful to the goals of his people in the current Thedosian climate.
Kinks: Eirwen-sexual
If Falon’din engages in sex with someone who isn’t Eirwen, it’s rarely for pleasure and usually has some other purpose in mind. He’s partners generally leave satisfied, but he’s elusive and usually it feels like something is missing. (His emotions, his emotions are missing.)
With Eirwen, he’s completely different. Eirwen and her reincarnations are what he cares about. When he’s with her, “Love Me Like You Do” by Ellie Goulding starts playing in the background. Being around her is like breathing a sigh of relief and all the walls come down. He gets soft, and warm, and relaxed; which is very different from the careful, calculating, controlled Falon’din we usually see. You could probably consider him touch-starved, so he’s very snuggly and very touchy-feely. He’s content to just lie on a bed holding her, stroking her hair as she falls asleep.
For Falon’din, it is genuinely painful for him to be separated from Eirwen. He feels their separation deep in his soul, grating like sand sown into a wound. He’s never truly happy, never truly content. Unlike Dirthamen, he remembers watching Mythal and Elgar’nan use their combined powers to obliterate her and steal portions of her essence to empower themselves as they tore him apart. (Have I mentioned Falon’din despises Elvhenan?)
He becomes reminiscent to the being he was before Mythal and Elgar’nan, the great general who lived an exemplary life beloved by his people and his queen. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do if she was the one asking. That includes killing all the Magisters in Tevinter and the Black Divine, celebrating victory with sex on the throne. He’d also be perfectly content to leave the universe, seek adventures in the Fade beyond the reach of everyone and everything, and never have contact with Thedas again. However, during past reincarnations, when he didn’t have something necessary to accomplish and they did get married, they usually lived happy, content, comfortable lives.
- Michi
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dreadfutures · 3 years
14DaysofDALovers #7 - Pride
Pairing: Dirthamen x Ixchel Lavellan (mentioned), Dirthamen & Solas
Rating: G
Dirth pines for Ixchel, but it's dangerous, and he feels guilty. Pride knows more than he should, and he doesn't seem to approve. I know I'm stretching the prompt! But this is where it took me on my walk to work today.
He waits at the edge of the estate, in the citrus grove that exists partially in a dream and partially in the material world. He, too, straddles that boundary. If Dirthamen looks at him only with his corporeal eyes, he sees a man whose form shifts and refracts between all the ways in which Dirthamen has known him through the ages:
At one angle, he wears his hair long and free, adorned with baubles and ornaments that marked him as one of Mythal's favored. He is the Pride of Mythal. Then, his head is bare, his face is lined with the tree of the All-Mother, a symbol of his victory over the ones who shaped the earth against them; he is the Wolf of Mythal. And then he is the proud Fen'Harel, free of his own vallaslin, and equal to the greatest Evanuris. Why wouldn't he be? He was one of the first of the People, too.
Sensing Dirthamen's thoughts, Pride half-smiles. In the Dreaming, he remains, as always, the six-eyed creature he has always been, and his wicked teeth bare in something less kind.
"How does your investigation fare, Dirthamen?" Pride asks, beneath the shifting sunlight and dancing leaves.
"Slow, but promising," Dirthamen replies. "She does not dream as we do, but she does dream. I have not been able to identify the contents with any clarity." He leans against one of the taller trees and watches the light catch on the gold of Pride's armor. The old wolf arrived here prepared to find a fight, it seems. "I doubt that I can pierce her mind with force, so I am equipping her with the tools to offer me entry another way. She learns Elvhen slowly."
Pride tilts his head, and his many reflections follow slowly, like a cascade of motion behind him. There is a curious gleam in his eye. "Do you question her?" he asks.
"I have tried," Dirthamen says, "but early attempts were thwarted by the language barrier. She seemed to be as frustrated as I was. Offering her language lessons helped overcome that somewhat, and build trust. She has claimed thus far that her memory has been impaired."
"You believe her."
It is less a question and more a statement, and Dirthamen's attention sharpens in response; he does not allow his demeanor to change at all, keeps his edges nice and soft as they had been before, but he observes Pride more keenly now: he is the Wolf now, prowling at the edge of consciousness. Dirthamen does not know if it was an accusation, or--or what else could it be, from the lips of a Protector?
And he is right, of course, to question Dirthamen's lax attitude with Davahn. Just thinking of the name (an unmistakable term of endearment) makes his skin prickle with guilt and ire. Does he, objectively, believe Davahn holds no threat to Elvhenan? He has not yet discovered what caused the explosion at Falon'Din's temple. He cannot say for sure. At the same time, however, he is deeply convicted of her innocence. Her distress, when it surfaces, is real. He does not need to meld with the emotion to know that.
"In this regard, yes," he tells Pride.
"The others expect a more thorough report than that, lethallin," he says softly. "If I am to tell them that she is not a threat--"
"Do not tell them that," Dirthamen interrupts. "As I said, I have not gleaned much yet in my investigation. If she does not offer me answers in her own voice, then I will discover them by the shape of her silence."
"She wears a facsimile of your brands," Fen'Harel points out, and he makes no comment when Dirthamen visibly blanches. "Why have you not made them real?"
The long-haired elf who won them the heart of the earth through cunning and through might looks up at the fruits of Dirthamen's orchard as he asks this question, and Dirthamen's blood runs cold. He cannot see Pride's face at this angle, cannot glean the old wolf's mood. He can only watch as Fen'Harel reaches up to cup one orange in the palm of his pale, elegant hand, and he wonders if Pride knows what he holds.
He should not. Dirthamen has learned to guard his secrets and his machinations very closely--even from his family.
Especially from his family.
Pride has stood at Mythal's side since before Dirthamen was called into existence. Dirthamen has been shaped as much by Pride as by the All-Mother. Pride is as much part of his family as the others, and Dirthamen has always known that, where the others dismissed the notion.
Dirthamen certainly will not dismiss it now. Pride cannot know that Davahn has occupied Dirthamen as more than just a project, but as a person. Pride cannot know--no one--can know the affection that has grown between the God of Secrets and his little mystery.
And there are plenty of ways to obfuscate. Plenty of good reasons to list. Dirthamen has been tricking himself with them all along, anyway, hasn't he?
"If I place true vallaslin upon her, then I will have no alibi for myself," Dirthamen replies coldly. "Remember, the first person my brother thought to accuse was me. She must be untainted, and her secrets freely given, or independently divined."
Fen'Harel glances at him now, eyes narrow in thought. Dirthamen finds himself holding his breath.
"These are not the oranges of Sylaise's gardens," Fen'Harel says at last. "Nor were they grown from her stock. Why have you not shared them with us before, lethallin?"
Dirthamen swallows. Fen'Harel--somehow--knows this secret after all.
But how?
"Because they are bitter."
Fen'Harel hums thoughtfully. "The truth often is."
Before Dirthamen can pose another question, the Rebel Wolf has stepped across the boundary of Waking and Dreaming, and vanished into the furthest Fade.
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justanartsysideblog · 8 years
Is there any AU out there where Falon'din isn't a dick? Like maybe Olwyn goes back and is one of the original evanuris rather than becoming Ghilan'eth? Maybe she takes Fen'Harel's spot instead and makes him into a decent person?
Are you…are you asking for an Olwyn x Falon’Din AU? Idon’t think I could do that, quite honestly. But I DO think I could twist thisso that you get the rest of what you’re asking for? An AU were Falon’Din isstill probably somewhat of a dick, but not a horrendous murderous tyrannicalsycophant and Olwyn is Fen’Harel. I think that is probably going to be our best bet. Because so longas he’s just someone you don’t get along with at dinner parties but isn’t afamily member you would actively consider murdering, I think that’s a goodbalance. So um…here we go…
There are three spirits born of Mythal and Elgar’nan.
Twin spirits are rare, but three intertwined and connectedare something even Mythal is unsure of; Purpose, Longing, and Determination.Powerful and inquisitive and already becoming something more than themselves.
Purpose and Longing, Mythal thinks, can be molded to heroutlook.
Determination holds sway over the other two, a mediator; steadyand strong and forthright. It could prove dangerous, in time. But already thethree remind her of herself and Elgar’nan, and she is unsure what could happento Longing and Purpose if Determination is shattered. In the end she cannotdestroy it, and the three take on bodies.
Purpose becomes Falon’Din. Longing becomes Dirthamen. AndDetermination, the eldest, becomes Fen’Sulahn.
It is the name her mother gives her, but she chooses her ownas well. Olwyn, she decides, because it is pretty, and her brothers speak it andit feels like her own. 
She learns how it feels to walk on two legs, and topress her fingers against skin and feel warmth, and hold them to the chillnight air and feel the opposite.
She sings, and likes the sound of her voice, and Mythalsmiles “the name was fitting” and when she cups her hands and howls, loud andlong over the canyon and the sound echoes back like a war cry, Elgar’nan nodsin agreement.
Fire she enjoys; twisting it, turning it into new andfantastic shapes, making it bright and hot and terrifying and warm and soft andcomforting as she wills. 
She leaves white footprints for Dirthamen to follow,to lead him out of the Dreaming when he stays for too long, to remind him thathis body is here now. 
And when Falon’Din snarls she bears her own fangs toremind him that he cannot do as he pleases, and also to sing him to sleep whenhe seems driven to madness with his need to be.
Falon’Din does not take to his body well.
Dirthamen is still more spirit than elf, sometimes; his bodystretched and pulled and oozing between cracks in the Dreaming, tetheredtogether by thin lines that keep him whole but not always present. Longing doesrelatively well, in becoming more than itself, because its nature allows forit.
Purpose needs to be driven; an end goal, something toattain. Something solid and real and finite. Falon’din hunts for one, but whenhe completes all the small tasks that Olwyn and Dirthamen provide for him, orthat their mother suggests, he becomes empty, and brittle, and dark.
He is more eager to leap onto the battlefields their parentslead them toward, to rip and rend and destroy, because he is empty and needsto be filled, and Olwyn and Dirthamen worry what will happen if they cannotfind a solution; what he may corrupt into if given the chance.
Longing pulls, and Purpose pushes, but Determination remainsgrounded.
Olwyn agrees with Dirthamen that Falon’Din needs a purposethat cannot be easily obtained. But it must not be something that can twisteasily to some other end, she knows. She loves her parents, but has neverdoubted that Mythal chose them for a reason and that she wishes to makecertain they fulfill it.
Olwyn knows she must come upwith a solution. The three came to exist at the same moment, and the tiebetween them is strong. She stands in the middle ground between two sides, notpart of the spectrum but a force than can move within it. And she is theeldest, and the most stubborn. She will not give up, and she will not take aneasy route.
Her mother and father tell her that they are to be the greatleaders of the People, and it is their job to protect and guide them, even ifnot all the People understand this. Olwyn is determined to do well in thatregard. And Falon’Din is one of the People, even if he is also one of itsleaders.
Greatness?Dirthamen suggests.
No. Greatness can mean too many things. Great does not mean good, and Olwyn thinks that being goodwill be important, further down the line. They may be at war but that does notmean they must be cruel. Falon’Din’s personality is already hard, and moreprone to anger than not—he is similar to their father in that regard. And he isvain enough, without them leading him to believe he must be the greatest thereis or will be.
She does not know if she can give him a proper purpose, butshe knows she will never give up trying.
Olwyn looks down at the blade of her spear, the flicking oflight and magic across its surface, and remembers the old story a spirit of memoryhad told them, once, when they had just gained their bodies; about the twowolves that live inside every one of the People, that are constantly fightingwith one another.
“One of the wolves iscruel and destructive, it is anger and envy and greed and lies and resentmentand ego. It fights everyone, for no reason, and it is a helpless anger, for itsanger will change nothing.” Memory hummed, twisting softly in the moonlight. “Theother wolf is noble and good, it is joy and love and hope and humility andcompassion and truth. It does not take offense when no offense was intended,and only fights when it is right to do so.”
Falon’Din was silent,but Dirthamen spoke, “Which wolf wins?”
Memory was silent fora very long time, before saying, “The one you feed.”
Olwyn wonders if Mythal heard this old story, from backbefore there were any gods or leaders at all, and then named her Fen’Sulahnbecause of it. She wonders what happened to that spirit of memory, who held somany things that others had forgotten, who she never saw again.
She wonders which wolf Mythal wishes her to feed.
She hopes she feeds the right one.
Well, this was actually pretty fun! I kind of want to domore, we’ll see what happens. If Olwyn were ever a spirit she would beDetermination, and I think Determination fits in pretty well with Purpose andLonging. 
So in this AU, Falon’Din won’t be nice per se. He’ll still kind of bea jerk, but now he’s got Olwyn to tell him to stop being a shit, and to keephim from mass sacrificing everyone and building ugly blood fountains. AndDirthamen gets a non-abusive sibling, woooo! 
And because Olwyn gets the position ofFen’Harel, Pride can remain a spirit of Pride maybe? Maybe this is the AU whereLavellan comes back and she and Olwyn get together, who knows? Olwyn and Kelare my secret OTP.
The story memory told is based off of a Cherokee legend, I can’t take credit for that one. I imagine there were many old stories from the time before the evanuris, but I don’t think that poor memory was allowed to remain and tell more old stories to the children. 
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varrics-publisher · 8 years
Starting a Dragon age fanfic, here’s a preview:
(Solas x Lavellan, although it’s somewhat changed, as to not cry and hate solas while still loving him with all your heart)
  Never had she been this cold, her toes frozen, her lashes stuck to face as she tried to blink the stinging snow from her eyes. Nevertheless she pressed on, cursing herself for not being a fire mage. "H-had to choose to be an ice mage, didn't I? 'Oh yes Kalison, perhaps you should learn fire magic.' said the keeper, but nooo, I was too afraid to be a fire mage. 'Perhaps not Keeper, i would feel much better with ice magic, i can easily create a fire by hand. It's not like i'll ever need magic fire or anything."
The words she spoke through chapped and frozen lips were as bitter as the ice forming on her pointed ears. She prayed silently to all the gods, every and any as she slowly trudged her way up the mountain side. "Mythal, Falon'din, fuck, anyone at this point. Maker, Fen'Harel...somebody help me please." She whispered the last bit as she feel into the snow, nothing but a frozen lump of elf. Then, just as she was closing her eyes, her prayers had been answered; Commander Cullen and Cassandra.
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arlathanxchange · 2 years
Nominations Close in Two Days
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Nominations Close: Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 12pm ET 
✨There are currently 366 approved tags! ✨
▸nominated tags: gSheets | ao3 | autoao3app
Three Tags Need Corrections:
Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age):
We require a gender for Lavellan. Please add Male, Female, or Nonbinary to your nomination, i.e. Male Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age).
Nonbinary Surana & Anders
This was already nominated as Anders & Nonbinary Surana! If this was your tag, you should be able to delete it and nominate another tag!
Evanuris (Freeform)
Freeform Tags are Other Tags and are not eligible for this exchange. Please provide the names for the specific Evanuris and their relationships (i.e. Andruil/Ghilan'nain or Falon'Din & Fen'harel). If your request can’t be defined with specific names easily, it may still be eligible and we’d like to discuss how we’ll tag it. Please reach out to the mods via email or discord so we can talk it over!
To Make Corrections:
Go to the 2023 Tag Set.
Click the My Nominations button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the Edit button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the X to the right of the tag, and reenter the corrected tag in the text box that appears.
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
how to nominate tutorial | ask | discord | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask or send an email.
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arlathanxchange · 2 years
Nominations Update
✨There are currently 317 approved tags! ✨
▸see nominated tags: gSheets | ao3 | autoao3app
Three Tags Need Corrections:
Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age):
We require a gender for Lavellan. Please add Male, Female, or Nonbinary to your nomination, i.e. Male Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age).
Nonbinary Surana & Anders
This was already nominated as Anders & Nonbinary Surana! If this was your tag, you should be able to delete it and nominate another tag!
Evanuris (Freeform)
Freeform Tags are Other Tags and are not eligible for this exchange. Please provide the names for the specific Evanuris and their relationships (i.e. Andruil/Ghilan'nain or Falon'Din & Fen'harel). If your request can't be defined with specific names easily, it may still be eligible and we'd like to discuss how we'll tag it. Please reach out to the mods via email or discord so we can talk it over!
To Make Corrections:
Go to the 2023 Tag Set.
Click the My Nominations button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the Edit button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the X to the right of the tag, and reenter the corrected tag in the text box that appears.
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Nominations Close: Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 12pm ET
how to nominate tutorial | ask | discord | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask or send an email.
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