#false alarm everything is fine❤️
brothersonahotelbed · 10 months
guys i am so stupid it turns out that work email went to everybody and not just me
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7ndipity · 1 year
Hello🤗 Hope you're doing well ❤️
Can I pls request headcanons for BTS members where reader thinks of them as just friends but they have a huge crush on us, then they get jealous when we ignored them for our guy best friend so they forced us to leave but don't confess because they are insecure? And can you please make it fluffy?
I know it's very specific 😅 but I would really appreciate it if you would accept my request ❤️ thank you ❤️
They Get Jealous of Your Guy Friend
Ot7 x Reader
Warnings: swearing, teeny bit of angst, not proofread
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! Oof this concept tho, I love these kinds of concepts! I haven't written an ot7 piece in a hot minute, so it was fun to get back to these! I hope you like it!
Requests are open
Jin: He would get soo sulky if you weren’t paying attention to him. He’s you best friend, how could you ignore him?!(Although, he’d deny it up and down if you ever accused him of being jealous) He would try and play it off
though, pointing out how late it was getting and ‘hey, didn’t you have some work/school thing you needed to work on?’ maybe with his help?? He’d end up taking you for ice cream or smth on the way home because he feels a lil guilty for spoiling your evening and thinks about explaining, but he’d end up chickening out at the last second and keeping his thoughts to himself, for now at least…
Yoongi: Yoongi would be point blank about it, just like his approach to everything else. He’d stick himself right in the middle of whatever you and your other friend were doing and say that it was time for y’all go, since you’d so conveniently come together(well played, Min), not even letting your friend get out an offer to drop you home themselves before he was saying your goodbyes for you and all but pulling you with him out the door. When he spots you giving him a “wtf?” look, he would just shrug it off, preferring not to explain, all the earlier bravado disappearing with you. “Idk, I just wanted to leave…”
Hobi: ‘It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine’ is all that’d been repeating in his head for a solid five minutes as he tried to be cool and let you have a good time, but he couldn’t help feeling more than a bit miffed by the fact that he was being pretty much ignored by his partner. Except you weren’t his partner. Fuck, why did he always seem to forget that when he saw you with them? The last straw tho is when said friend puts a hand on your arm, and he’s up and beside you saying something about a minor emergency and you two have to go. He wasn’t even thinking and just said the first thing he could think of, having to now come up with a ‘whoops, false alarm!’ story so you don’t get mad at him.
Namjoon: Joon wouldn’t even hide the fact that he was irritated when you and your other friend were getting a little too cozy at the club you had gone to, coming over and grumpily telling you that y’all had to go, pulling some k-drama level shit trying to pull you along through the crowd with him. Naturally, you yank your hand away once you’re clear of the people and demand to know what the fuck was his problem, not understanding his sudden attitude. He would very nearly spill it then and there, frustration making him reckless, but he would catch himself at the last second and make up some lame excuse.
Jimin: Sulky No.2, ooh boy. He’d be trying his best(ish) not to be bothered, biting his lip every time he heard you laugh at one of their jokes or smth, but his jealousy would quickly get the better of him. He’d wind his way into the conversation before winding his way back out of it, with you in tow. How he always managed to get you away from the group was beyond you, he’s the smoothest smooth talker. You’d end up going to get dinner or coffee together on the way home,talking about whatever until you catch him staring at you for the third time and tell him to quit looking at you like that. “Like what?” “Like you’re in love with me or something.” “Would that be such a bad thing?” “What?!” “Nevermind, you were saying?”
Taehyung: Tae would come up with a bold faced lie, coming over and saying that he was feeling sick or smth and could you please take him home, knowing you would instantly go into caregiver mode, worrying about him and forgetting all about your other friend. It’s kinda a shitty move, and he knows it, but honestly if he had to sit and watch you smile at him for much longer, he might’ve actually gotten sick. He’d end up half confessing to you, talking about how much you mean to him and how he didn’t know what he’d do without you, might even actually say I love you, wincing a bit when you say that you love him too, and that he’s the best friend you could ever ask for. So close…
Jungkook: Sulky No.3. This boy is about as subtle as a neon sign, if I’m being honest. He hates when you’re not right next to him and you know that perfectly well, which is why you were ignoring him in the first place. His hypocritical attitude was really starting to irritate you, as it was apparently more than fine for him to go and mingle and flirt with whoever he wanted, but not you. By the time he got fed up and said it was time to leave, you were ready for a fight, demanding to know why he was always on your case on nights like this. “Because!” He’d catch the words just before they slipped out, biting his lip. “Because I worry about you.” “It’s not your job to worry about me.” “I know, but I want it to be…”
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Myyy loveeeee, i just read the Heethan imagine withe period on the Bed. What would heethan do if we got a period stain in public? (It happend to me in 8the grade, i didnr go to school for 3 days cuse i was sooo embaressed XD)
Love youuuu❤️🫶🏼
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“Sorry about that babe…”
Warnings: Some minor fluff, reader has her period unexpectedly, public humiliation, think that's it really.
Hope you guys enjoy this Drabble. Ngl I think this happens to the best of us, so my dear @lisaaannna, you aren’t alone in this.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my stories and drabbles. To show your support, please consider donating into my ko-fi account ♥️
“Pretty baby! Are you ready?” 
“Coming down!” 
Responding to Heeseung’s call, you make your way down the stairs hastily, phone in hand, and a soft smile on your face to greet him with. “Sorry, babe.” 
“No worries, are you okay?” His voice published a sense of concern after noting that you took a bit longer in getting ready, yet you weren’t elaborately dressed or decorated. Donning a simple sundress with subtle low heeled sandals, you nod in reassurance as he receives you in front of the last step. Quietly, you inform him of the false arrival of your time of the month. “Yeah I’m fine, I had some minor cramping and figured it was…you know– but it ended up being a false alarm. It will probably hit later this week.” 
Raising his hand, he delicately cups your cheek and stares intently into your eyes. “You sure you feel okay going out today?” 
Eagerly, you nod once more as you give your answer, expressing an adorning look from his affectionate sense of concern. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m excited!” 
His eyes shift low as he gives a single nod with a faint smirk. Taking you by the hand, he kisses your forehead and leads you out the door. The group had planned well ahead of time for this day to come, the opening of a new theme park. Everything had been coordinated months ago, and the tickets had all been pre-bought to secure everyone’s attendance at the festive opening of the new resort. It wasn’t a day that you could possibly give up, not after waiting for so long, especially since you had been looking forward to going with Heeseung, considering you both had yet to attend such a fun-filled event. Though he displayed his usual reserved and stoic countenance, he was just as eager to take you out. Any moment where he found himself spending an entire day doing everything with you, became the highlight of his life. Even though he prefers to stay at home with you, he realizes that taking you out on recreational dates was something you desired and appreciated, and he was happy to oblige so long as you met his demands to remain by his side, never to stray off, and to not associate with anyone. All of which was non-negotiable of course, yet you didn’t mind. 
The drive was long, nearly three hours. You and the crew headed out first thing in the morning to avoid traffic, and just as planned, you all arrived at perfect timing. Parking wasn’t an issue, the lines were short, and everyone was able to dip into the food stands before the area became too crowded. Taking a map, H/Nl suggests starting at Harry Potter’s World, and migrating to all the other regions from there on. 
The clock strikes noon and everyone had already been having a blast. Exploring the mapped out regions, hopping on one ride after another, you and Heeseung partook on the park’s more thrilling rides. You swore, this man was not afraid of anything, for even the most intimidating roller coasters had barely caused him to blink an eye when reaching the peak of its enthralling feature. You couldn’t say the same for yourself since you had grabbed onto his arm and buried your face into his bicep at the start of every ride. Nevertheless, you both were having a great time. 
“Anyone else hungry?” One of the boys vocalizes, to which everyone agreed and opted to go back to the food stands to grab lunch. Finishing up, you guys went back into exploring the remainder of the themed regions in the park, walking from one area to the next. The resort became overbearing as more people started to show up, causing the park to become overcrowded. Still, everyone was determined to explore the rest of the area, and so, you all headed towards the next themed region. While walking, you held hands with Heeseung, often glancing over to take in the sight of him sipping on his rather large drink. You chuckled as he puckered his lips around the straw, and were about to ask him if he was having a good time when unexpectedly, you felt a familiar sense that leaked its way out and started to flow from in between your thighs. 
A sudden rush of warm liquid that dispensed all too quickly, and even though you came prepared with the necessities to contain it, there wasn’t a restroom station nearby for you to tend to the matter. It wouldn’t have made a difference anyhow, much to your despair, since the flow was constant and already dripping down your legs. In a sudden notion, you reached out and grabbed onto Heeseungs arm while your steps came to a halt. He was in mid step when he felt you abruptly grab onto his arm. Turning half way around, he notices the wide eyed stare you dispelled onto the ground, along with the quiet burst of short gasps that escaped your lips. Something was wrong, and he didn’t need to stare at your face long for him to see it. Just as he was about to ask, a crimson trail making its way down your leg catches his eye, in plain sight for the world to see. Moving the slightest bit didn’t help, the movement caused the blood to seep out faster, you were helplessly frozen and didn’t know what to do. 
A large group from behind walks in your direction, and you begin to dread the humiliation that was forthcoming once they take notice of the stains in your dress, and the bright red coating of your legs with the blood pooling in the heel of your sandals. If that wasn’t bad enough, the crew that you came along with turned around after noticing that you and Heeseung were behind, and began to retract their steps to see what was up. A string of individuals and couples pass by and take notice, already making whispering comments that drowns you in a whirlpool of embarrassment. Trapped in between the oncoming crowds, you closed your eyes as your lips began to quiver, when suddenly you felt a cold splash hit you. 
Gasping at the brusque sensation, you look around to find that you were covered from the waist down in red fluid, one that was not leaking out from in between your legs. The ends of your hair had become drenched from the splash, and you look up to see Heeseung standing before you with his cup in hand, completely emptied. The scent of a cherry flavored punch hits your nostrils, you stood confused and stunned upon realizing that he had poured his entire jumbo sized beverage all over you. “Sorry about that babe.” 
You uttered your soft whimpers, trying to formulate words but nothing came out. H/N and Jake arrive with the rest of the group behind them, all in shock at the sight of what looked to be a freak accident. 
“Oh my gosh! Y/N! Are you okay? What happened?” 
H/N assesses the damage, and takes note of the empty cup in Heeseung’s hand, with hints of the juicy residue decorating the rim and dripping on the sides of the container. The plastic lid and straw lay pitifully by your feet, and you remain in shock as you feel yourself bleeding out. 
“My fault, I spilled my drink on her by accident when she asked for a sip.” Heeseung nonchalantly tells the group as he tosses the cup into a nearby trash bin. “Let me take you home, yeah? We should get this off before it ruins your dress.” Taking you by the hand, he walks you to exit the theme park and leads you back to his car. Everyone looked and stared for a moment, remarking how there must have been an incident that resulted in someone obviously spilling their drink on you. Thanks to the red coloring of the juice, every one you had walked passed on your way to the exit wasn't able to notice the blood that continuously dripped from beneath your dress. Opening the door for you, Heeseung sits you down, not at all concerned about the juice–or the blood getting on the seats. “Don’t worry about that babe, that can be taken out.” 
As if he read your mind, he comforts you by expressing his lack of concern for the stain and instead looks at you, flaring a soft smirk. “Seatbelt, beautiful.” 
He gently shuts the door and walks around to the driver’s seat. Starting the car, he doesn’t say a word and acts completely neutral, leaving no hints of intention in explaining the reasoning behind his actions, even though by now it became obvious to you. With your eyes becoming shiny from the tears that were forming, you felt overwhelmed by his quick reaction in saving you from the humiliation that was knocking at your door. But it wasn't just his instinctive reaction, it was the careful and considerate measure of preparations that came along with it.
You had to hear him say it. You had to hear him tell you in his own words why he did it. Why he got cherry flavored punch in a large size, knowing full well that he didn't like fountain drinks because they were too sweet for his liking, especially flavors with red coloring because they contained the most sugar. Yet he had purchased it and took minimal sips as he carried it along, stating that he didn't mind holding onto it even though you offered to take it off his hands, especially when you felt how cold his skin had become from single handedly carrying it during the lengthy walk. You had to hear him tell you...because it was moments like this that reminded you why you fall for this man every day, despite suffering his abrasive sense of love and affection, all drafted by the heavy flaws of obsession, possessiveness.
“Hmm?” he looks up, slightly raising a brow as he maintains that soft and gentle smirk. “Yes baby?”
“Did you…was that because…”
“What are you trying to say pretty?”
Looking at him with glistening eyes, a single tear escapes your ducts and travels down your cheek. 
“Oh you must be sad because I spilled my drink on you. I’m sorry about that, I had a moment of clumsiness.” Putting the car in reverse, he smoothly backs the car out of the parking space, and maintains his focus on the road as he switches back over to drive. “Tell you what kiddo…” 
Heading towards the main exit, he keeps his eyes on the road as he vocals out his resolve. 
“Why don’t I make it up to you by taking you home, and while you clean yourself up, I’ll get your favorite pastries and make you some tea, and we can sit in and watch some movies. Hmm?” 
You softly smiled as the downpour of tears took over your expression. You quietly mouthed out “thank you” and watched as he let out a faint chuckle while staring down at the steering wheel, waiting at a red light with an expression on his face that was most melancholy.
“For what? It was my fault that we had to leave early, the least I can do is spoil you for the rest of the evening…and tomorrow…maybe even for the next few days.” Looking back into your eyes, he nearly whispers as he raises a hand, and gently drags his finger up along your cheek, collecting the tear drop against his knuckle. “At least let me take care of you for a little while…to make up for my dumb mistake.”
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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ramonaflow · 11 months
Would you rather Noah never made new music again or never acted again?
Would you prefer Noah's next project to be theater, movie, tv series or a new album?
Top five Noah's songs performed live (i.e. not necessarily your favorite songs, but more like songs that give you the best concert experience)
Rate each of Noah's albums on a scale from 1-10.
Answer one, some or all.
😭😭😭 You always give me the hardest questions! 🤣🤣🤣
Would you rather Noah never made new music again or never acted again?
It really pains me to say but I would rather he never made new music again. I don't think anything will ever beat sfabc so I'll just listen to that forever. I miss seeing him on TV though. It seems so so long since we've seen anything new.
Would you prefer Noah's next project to be theater, movie, tv series or a new album?
A TV show! Or theatre if he came to the west end lol.
Top five Noah's songs performed live (i.e. not necessarily your favorite songs, but more like songs that give you the best concert experience)
Oh this is hard. How can you choose? I love everything! I think What's Love Got To Do With It was pretty special. And I love the energy when he plays Everything's Fine. Simply the Best, even though It wasn't really one I was bothered about seeing, I got so emotional. What else? Probably False Alarms and American Roads?
Rate each of Noah's albums on a scale from 1-10.
Sfabc 10/10
Gemini 8/10
Adjustments 8/10
I don't know how to rate music lol
Thank you for these torturous questions 🤣😭🥰❤️😘
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Hello Silk, how are you doing?
I hope you are doing fine, taking care of yourself and doing all the things that you love.
I need to share with you that I read false alarm and you ripped my heart out of my chest. You made me ugly sobbing at 3 AM and made me question everything I know about soulmates and love itself. I don't want to pressure you or anything like that(I swear to God), but do you think of finishing that story? I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.
You are incredibly talented and so so lovely. You are a true blessing. Thank you very much for your time.
There's probably not a non-sociopathic way to say this, but I love that 😄😍
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I loooove me some good angst and I'd been itching for a nice story about emotional devastation, so I just concocted one 😂
I have two courses for that story with a bunch of notes; all that's left is to write it. I didn't get the impression anyone really read or liked that story, so I didn't bother with it, but I think about it and often play it in my head just for my own amusement 💕 It's amazing to hear someone remembers it and actually enjoyed it, it's such a specific heart-wrecker and it's everything that I love.
There's two basic directions - one is with Paul as endgame and the other is with Clyde. You can tell me which one you prefer and I can focus on that first 😍
And thank you for being so kind and thoughtful ❤️❤️ I'm doing what I can with what I've got, as they say 😄 I'm about to emotionally sustain myself off this for the rest of the day 😄
I hope you're living beautifully, my dear, and the world treats you right 💕💕
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pacifymebby · 3 years
from one person with massive family stress to another, i hope everything turns out ok and that you take care of yourself! sending love and light 🤍 x
Aw thank you so much my love this is the sweetest and you are a peach ❤️
I'm really hoping it's a false alarm and everything is fine, it wouldn't be the first time that had happened haha x
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