#falsettos headcanons
muscular-lettuce · 2 months
Marvin is sooo autism to me... I think he bites his nails alot and rocks back and forth on his heels when uncomfortable. Not only does he have a love for meteorology but I think he loves music too. He hugs himself because he likes the pressure and sometimes he squeezes his eyes shut for a few minutes because it feels nice
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How do you think Jason reacted when he saw Marvin in his hospital bed? We all know that AIDS is transferred from one man to another, and it's heavily implied that Marvin passed shortly after Whizzer did. This got me thinking: how would Jason react? We know that he and his father were never on the best terms but at the same time, it's his dad.
Plus, the kid's still likely grieving from Whizzer. Seeing another man close in his life, likely a role model in a hospital bed would destroy him.
Honestly, I can see him growing closer to Mendal, Charlotte and Cordelia, but most definitely Trina. I also like to headcanon that he either played a lot of baseball to remember Whizzer, or it hurt too much, and played none for the rest of his life. Same with Chess. But, these are just my theory and I'd love to hear input.
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phierecycled · 2 years
Whizzer would 100% go around telling people that the rumpled weatherman on tv is HIS boyfriend
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I just find it funny that even though Jason has 6 parents, I don't think any of them are fully qualified to give him 'the talk'. A touch-starved mom, 2 lesbians godmothers, 2 gay dads, and Mendel. But let's be honest, no one wants Mendel teaching anyone sex ed.
Ultimately, Whizzer (or Mendel, despite everyone's best efforts to stop him) sits down with Jason to handle it himself, and Jason just immediately stops him because 1) gross and 2) "I've heard enough about it from kids at school" and goes back to playing chess or whatever he was doing. They don't know whether to be relieved they don't have to worry about it any more, or concerned that of all places, he learned about sex from other middle(?) school students.
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musicals-like-thats-it · 10 months
Mendel kisses Trina’s forehead a lot, just in case constant lip kisses are too much.
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richie-shitlips · 3 months
bro I need agere Marvin trilogy headcanons they mean everything to meeee
ask and ye shall receive!!
good time to remind everyone that marvin is canonically a little! from the in trousers cd booklet: "The form of the show is simple: whenever things get too hot for the older Marvin, he reverts back to himself at fourteen."
i think trina regresses too, just usually younger than marvin. probably 6-8
they have playdates sometimes!
i think whizzer's tried regression before but he doesn't do it very often. when he does i think he gets really little like 4-5
charlotte and cordelia are the BEST caregivers
mendel is a caregiver for trina and he's Not Great at it but he loves her a lot so he's trying his best
marvin used to love playing house with jason when he was little because it was an excuse to regress
marvin regresses to heal trauma, trina does it to relieve stress, and when whizzer does it i think it's either for fun or to relieve stress
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trinalvrs · 1 year
falsettos headcanons cause they’re all so silly
- marvin and cordelia are rly close friends since they went to college together, and marv is the only one who genuinely likes her food
- everytime before a baseball game mendel would try and give jason a pep talk but would never finish it because marvin and trina would be making fun of him
- trina and whizzer meet up once a week over wine to talk about how marvin annoyed them
- mendel is always eating beef jerky
- jason purposely invited whizzer to the baseball game because he didn’t want marvin to be lonely anymore
- cordelia really wanted a dog but settled for a cat just bc charlotte was a devout cat lover
- everytime when jason would come to marvin’s in act 2 whizzer would spend most of the time playing chess with him
- weatherman marvin ( i didn’t come up with that one obvs )
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Random head canon time-
Marvin can draw really good, like REALLY good.
[Christian Borle can draw, so marvin can too in my mind]
Some times at work he’ll get  distracted [ADHD] and start doodling on some random pack of sticky notes. people,objects, random shapes, the list goes on.
Once he accidentally Found himself doodling pages after pages of whizzer sketchs, he took his best one and stuck it to his bulletin board so he has something to look at when he’s bored
He also has a tiny cabinet dedicated to sticky notes he has drawn on.
Once whizzer stopped in at marvin’s office and found his collection of drawn on sticky notes. Whizzer now buys marvin multiple packs of them each week to make sure marvin actually has some for work purposes and not just doodling.
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thedeadgayson · 2 years
I found out a badge made especialy for Trina
Tumblr media
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cordelia and caroline are sisters
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scorp-morp · 2 years
Gimme some falsettos headcannons im v bored
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Canceling the Bar Mitzvah
Goodnight (No Hard Feelings)
Can't find a recording :(
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jason-falsettos · 19 days
Jason the flavour of autism where he makes "too many" facial expressions and Marvin the flavour of autism where he just stares at you
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phierecycled · 2 years
cborle doesn’t wear deodorant, therefore Marvin falsettos doesn’t either. Andrew Rannells hates that about him, therefore Whizzer does too
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Okay in one of my first posts I mentioned that Mendel being bisexual is the only non-official LGBT headcanon that I fully believe, and due to popular demand (literally one person supporting the idea) I'm gonna explain more about how I imagine that going-
I made this post because of how I imagined Trina's reaction but then I just kept going and now its an essay I'm sorry-
First of all, Mendel is very casual about his sexuality and probably didn't have a formal 'coming out' to anyone. He'd just be watching tv or something and comment on how one of the male actors is hot, and everyone in the room who heard him just nod in understanding. Like I think generally everyone’s very chill with it.
I do, however, think that Trina had a brief moment of panic when she first overheard him say something like that, and honestly that's understandable. She's been with a gay man once and it did not go over well, I wouldn't wanna go through that shit again either- She probably brought it up to him later on that night, when he'd long since forgotten about the offhanded comment, and he tried to explain to her that "no no I promise I'm attracted to women and I love you so much, I just think men can be just as attractive, I mean tell me *insert actor* isn't hot-" and point is, he gets it through to her that bisexuals exists and that he would never leave her, and ofc she's completely fine with it (and in the future they probably bond over certain actors they both think are hot).
Meanwhile, Jason was in the room the same time Trina found out and also brought it up later, but in less of a panic and more just normal conversation. He was just playing chess with himself, as he often is, and said something like “hey so you’re not gay like my father are you? You seem to really love my mom so I’d be really surprised if you don’t like girls.”
No one else had much of a notable reaction. Marvin had known Mendel for years even when the musical started, so I assume he found out a long time ago. Although, I do want to specify that (and this might be bias from the character Christian played in Smash) he has dogshit gaydar, so the only reason he knew so early on was because Mendel would sometimes bring it up in session to relate to Marvin when he spoke about Whizzer and being gay in general. And of course, Whizzer has a functioning gaydar so he’s not at all surprised.
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musicals-like-thats-it · 10 months
Though she handles them all day, Charlotte is terrible with needles. Always pokes herself.
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