fmdduri · 3 years
backdated thread for @fmdjun​:
duri wasn’t good with change and that was something that he was realizing a bit more, currently. he had been a trainee at bc entertainment for a little while now, and he hadn’t really made friends - which was rather odd for duri. he’s usually a social butterfly, making a lot of friends. but, he was nervous, a bit scared, and not really doing well with change. he was actually doing good at training and he had just passed the first (of what he would assume would be many) monthly evaluations as a trainee. however, he was still quiet, just giving people that warm, friendly smile, and filling the practice/training rooms with his vocals. his shell was yet to be broken, but it didn’t help that some were also picking on him, just a little a bit. 
it was the same scene everyday for one of the scheduled meal times. he had walked into bc entertainment’s cafeteria, got his food, and looked around. he found an empty table, a place he could always be found, and sat by himself - away from the large amount of people. this was unusual for duri, to say the least - as at school, he would always be sitting with people, chatting a lot, and his giggles coming out. but, when it came to being a trainee - he was anything but that, due to the change in his life that he was facing. he always sat alone currently, but oddly enough, that seemed to change when someone came over. he bowed towards them, before looking up. “hello!” he greets, deciding that maybe it would be better for him to finally speak to someone who wasn’t a trainer or someone in a position of authority.   
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famedroleplay · 3 years
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restructuring task 3
open to: returning and new muses
reward: up to 8 tracker points or 20 additional ecp (please designate on task completion post which is being collected)
deadline: september 30, 2021 at 11:59pm edt
the following tasks are have been used in the group prior to the restructuring, but are being reopened for a month to help establish muses within the restructuring. you may complete these now for points, even if you participated in them before.
please tag completions of this task with #famedrstask3.
three wanted plots —  create a post detailing three (or more) wanted plots for your muse. these can include established connections, first meetings, connections intended for ongoing development, plots that can be added to any existing connections you might have, plots that involve any points claim you’d like to make, etc. this post should include a description of the type of connection the plot entails and you’re also encouraged to touch on where you’d like the plot to possibly go and how it could potentially develop. each plot should include a description of at least one hundred words. this will be worth 2 tracker points or 5 extra ecp. you may begin to write and post these as soon as your application is marked as approved on the app count, even before acceptances if you’d like.
three taken plots + threads — muses may also earn points for taking up to three wanted plots from the task (each with a different muse from a different mun) and having threads for them started by the deadline. these points can be collected only for points specifically listed in wanted plots post for this task, but don’t let this stop you from plotting outside of it too! each plot taken with a thread started by the deadline, up to three total, will be worth 2 tracker points or 5 extra ecp. Make sure to tag starters with #famedrstask2. please wait until after official acceptances to start threads!
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gyujeongfmd · 3 years
starter for @fmdxmax / some cafe
late night, and anytime else he’d be running away, avoiding any sense of the midnight owls crawling out to seoul’s night time scene. luckily, there’s some sense of peace when gyujeong’s tucked behind a mask, hat down, crouching low in the corner of some deserted cafe. 
he takes a quick look past his shoulders, the barista at work barely inches from drifting off into the fatigue that kicks full circle and then back to his drink — melted ice, waiting. why he’s waiting? he couldn’t tell you — least not when the annoying shit falls under his skin, and he still finds himself lingering around time to time. tension, and it melts away to some sort of camaraderie, even if he won’t admit. finally, the bell of the door cracking open rings. footsteps follow, and he doesn’t bank on turning around — instead, he just assumes. 
“you’re late.” a greeting, curt when he hears the footsteps echoing closure, slipping out his card between his fingers and into the air. “drinks on me — get whatever you want from this menu, and then have a seat.” there’s a fine tuned read between the lines of the bullshit that leaves his mouth — it’s that he cares, cares about the people around him at least to some degree. 
“or if you’re not thirsty, take a seat and we can chat about whatever shit you want. i have all the time in the world.” his eyes fall back towards the younger idol, this time grin quirked in frame. 
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fmdtaeyong · 3 years
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three six wanted plots!
like this or message me if you think one could work for your muse!
EDIT: i added two more at the end!
friendship (or antagonistic?)
one. ash and this muse go way back. they debuted around the same time and met during crossing schedules. ash wasn’t one to make friends easily at the time, especially because he was younger than most others promoting, but somehow these two exchanged contact information and bonded. they’ve had some distant patches over the years, at least some in part because ash has grown increasingly flaky and hard to get a hold of over the years, but their friendship held on. ash always made sure to at least send them congratulations for new projects and comebacks, but lately he’s been missing even those. this muse has either had enough of his flakiness and obviously purposeful distancing or they’re worried, and they confront him.
requirements: debuted in the older generation of groups (lily, calypso, polaris, selene, or platinum)
friendship or intimate
two. ash and this muse have engaged in their more hedonistic vices together, perhaps partying/clubbing, alcohol/drugs, but they’ve never crossed any physical lines beyond friendship. one night, they come back to one of their houses inebriated after spending their night into the early mornings out partying and they share a heated kiss. they don’t go any further than that and simply end up falling asleep, but they’re left to wonder if it’s just another vice they’re both using each other for.
it could kinda go anywhere, though i currently envision it as something that’s part attraction, part unhealthy coping mechanism that gets a little fwb-y and they don’t angst over for too long, but they ultimately remain just friends, but we can work with wherever the platonic or romantic chemistry takes it.
requirements: born in 1999 or older, but the younger part of this age range would be dependent on how well the muse could click with ash / how much they have in common
intimate (or antagonistic?)
three. ash and this muse dated probably around 2018 during a period of time in which his on-off relationship with his ex was off. it seemed like it’d be a good relationship at first, but ash quickly made it difficult because he wouldn’t let them get too close emotionally, or his trust issues showed, or he was just hard to ever see because he insisted he was busy. the muse might have caught on that he seemed hung up on an ex. it eventually ended after a few months because of him and he got back with that pesky ex he was hung up on, but he really did like this person and feels bad about how it went to this day. he almost wants to ask for a second chance, but isn’t sure he’d be any better of a boyfriend today than he was then.
requirements: born in 1997 or older
four. this muse has had more than one encounter with ash where he’s come off as cold and distant at best and outright rude at worst. in truth, they’ve gotten unlucky enough to catch him on bad days (which, admittedly, he has a lot of sometimes). suffice to say, they don’t have the best impression of him and, to make matters worse, he doesn’t realize this. when they’re put in a situation where ash needs their help or they’re forced to cooperate (can be plotted depending on the muse), it makes the situation less than ideal and ash then gets a bad impression of them in return. in the end, they’re left both disliking each other without the full picture of why.
requirements: any, other than titan members
five. this muse has one of ash’s favorite voices, and they just so happen to be good friends that click musically as well. she’s become a frequent collaborator as a demo singer for many of his tracks that he can’t sing the demo of himself. they spend a lot of time in his studio where he’s most himself, and they’ve become closer through that. she’s one of the people that knows ash the best because of all of the time they’ve spent together since he became a serious producer. he pays her back in food, money, gifts, or however he can and has promised to make a song (or more) for her one day if she wants it.
requirements: a female vocal
six. ash hasn’t danced beyond what he’s required to in a few years. even before his injury, he had simply chosen to dedicate his time to other things. while on hiatus, he winds up at a dance studio one night for old time’s sake and runs into this muse. they wind up talking and even dance a little together. it’s the first time ash has really been able to enjoy dancing in years, and he has this muse to thank for it. ash returns a few times and ends up running into the same muse until it becomes a pattern and a blossoming friendship.
requirements: a dancer
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fmddaehyun · 3 years
(+2 tracker points)
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I have yet to finish Daehyun’s plot page but here are a few ideas/connections I will add to the page. These are the main ones I’m looking for in terms of his development.
ONE ( tldr; best friend plot ) @fmdjynx​ & open
They are the number one person outside his group and his family that Daehyun loves and cherishes. They are his ride and die. His family. His rock. Their friendship is strong and is one envied by others. Everyone fears when they both get together because they know there will be trouble. The fans love and ship them and always find ways to celebrate their friendship. They are more than a best friend to Daehyun; they are family. When he’s struggling and doubts himself he knows he can always turn to them. They know how each other feels and what the other is thinking just by looking at each other. They are his number one supporter and he theirs. They have countless inside jokes, are always teasing each other, and send each other the weirdest messages.
Open to anyone (pref. around ‘97)
I’d love one male and one female
TWO ( tldr; first love/crush/poss. future love )
Daehyun has always assumed he was straight despite never really being in love before. He’s seen those around him fall in and out of love but the notion never really phased him. Plus, he’s seen what being in love does to people and how much it can change a person and that’s something he doesn’t want to happen to him. That is until he met your muse. It started with quick glances and prolonged gazes. It then progressed to subtle sweating and changes within his stomach. Finally, his heart started to race whenever he was around them. All these changes were scary and new to him and he hopes to god he isn’t dying. This person has made Daehyun question his sexuality and what he feels about falling in love. Has he finally found the person he can call his ‘first love’?
Open to male muses
More in-depth plotting will be required as this will be his first love and hopefully first relationship. I’d love to see this lead into something serious and long but I’m happy to have any sort of relationship. The other muse doesn’t have to feel the same way nor be attracted to males
THREE ( tldr; playful rivalry )
Both of them are famously known to have a kind of rivalry and at times know how to bring out the worst in each other. They don’t hate each other nor do they feel any negative feelings towards the other. Instead, their rivalry is more playful. They may not be the closest of friends but they are still friends. Daehyun hates no one but they are the one person he has mixed feelings about.
Open to anyone outside of Cloud
Pref. a vocalist as that’s Daehyun’s position and it makes more sense but open to any kind of rivalry
This isn’t a serious rivalry but they have a love/hate relationship
FOUR ( tldr; the one sunbae who was there for him ) @fmdhyeju​
Daehyun entered the company not even a year before he was thrust into Cloud 6 and the industry. At that time he was still new to the country and to how everything worked and when he finally debuted, he was a fish out of water. He was lost and scared and often wondered if being an idol was the career for him. Enter them. They were the person who supported him and lifted him up when he was down. They guided him and were his confidant. Even today, they are the one sunbae that Daehyun feels the closest to. He’ll be forever thankful to them. He wouldn’t be where he is today without them guiding him and taking him under their wing. They still hold this close sunbae/hoobae relationship today.
Open to anyone ‘97 or older
Must have debuted BEFORE Daehyun (2017)
Ideal if the muse was from BC but not important
FIVE ( tldr; the hoobae under his wing )
As soon as Daehyun laid eyes on this person he saw himself in them. He remembered how he was when he first became a trainee and when he first debuted and instantly took them under his wing. He guided them much like he had been guided before. He would help them and be there for them. He would always make sure they were healthy and happy. They are his closest hoobae and the one person he gushes over.
Open to anyone younger and who debuted AFTER OR THE SAME YEAR as Cloud (2017)
This is the opposite version of plot four in which Daehyun is the sunbae and this muse is the hoobae
SIX ( tldr; roommate )
Cloud have only recently been allowed to move out of the dorm. They are the unlucky one who agreed to be his roommate. However it happened, they are now stuck with him and he is forever sorry for it.
Open to anyone who has moved out of their dorm
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fmdhyeju · 3 years
hyeju doesn’t think she would ever qualify as a good senior. that heavily depends on how one would define good, but she doesn’t check off the boxes for what is generally considered good. she can barely remember the names of some of her juniors and she’s certain she’s completely butchered up groups before. all in all, she thinks that if a junior wants any actual advice, they should go hit up some other titan or lily member. surely they’ll be more helpful. 
that isn’t to say that she’s totally useless though. while she may not have the right words to say, she’s pretty good at offering her thoughts which, depending on the person, ends up coming off as advice. perhaps that’s why daehyun comes to see her in the midst of a forced documentary filming session. the cameras are turned off for now as the crew have gone on their lunch break, and they’re just hanging out in the back of whatever practice room they had been shoved into. 
“leader duties, huh? i think you got the wrong lily member if i’m gonna be completely honest.” 
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fmdjaein · 3 years
“at this point, i think i have enough mileage points to travel anywhere i want at least once for free.” 
it’s not meant to sound as jokingly as it comes out, but jaein can’t help the sarcastic tone of her voice as she swirls around the drink in front of her. looking up, she meets eyes with yoojin before taking a look around the cafe that they’re seated in. the place acts almost like a throwback to how the two of them first met. back when jaein was still just a university student and yoojin was the darling barista that would take her order. who knew that they would both end up in the same industry, bearing the same issues. 
she’s off to japan in a couple of days to finish off ultraviolet’s tour. it’s not that she minds touring or concerts in general, but the back and forth of plane rides isn’t all that comfortable even with the business tickets that gold star makes to pay for. “maybe the world’s making up for not taking me on enough vacations when i was younger,” she says with an almost forced chuckle following soon afterwards. the words are meant to be a jab towards her parents who have never bothered to lean an ear towards her words, but she’s over that. she really is. 
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fmdjoohwan · 3 years
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plots. task 003.
okay so i’m really going to start with four plots (three for established connections, one for first meeting) because i’d very much like for all of them to be taken but i’ll probably add more if i can get these three going (and of course we can plot beyond these). give a like and i’ll hit u up !! ( +2 tracker points ) 
i. as of last year, hwan has been getting more and more attention for her visuals. it is something that has been following her since she was in the competition show, the main reason she made it to cloud in the first place, but it’s only been the main target of any career path for her in 2020, when she landed a couple of brand deals. you don’t remember her as the idol she became, though, but as the person she was a trainee and… well, you know she had less than a pleasant personality then. you’ve never butted heads before, but you’re too aware of the bad reputation she had among trainees in the past and when you two participate in an event or activity together, you’re more than suspicious of the way she acts around you. ( open to anyone, preferably people who were trainees around the same time as hwan (2015-2017) but that’s not necessary ) [ established ]
ii. for almost six years now, joohwan has been in a relationship with catalyst’s andy. in spite of being together for this long and being each other’s best friends, their relationship is very on & off, with high highs and very low lows. whenever they are broken up (or, ross vc: on a break), hwan ends up sleeping with other people, either for the sake of burying her feelings, to make andy jealous or simply because she likes sex. this person is someone hwan’s known for a while and it became convenient to always turn to them for sex when her and andy are off, but an easy friendship has developed from that. maybe they are very close friends, maybe there’s some messiness bound to happen here, but regardless, they are important to hwan in a way. ( open to anyone, 94-00 liner ) [ established ]
iii. most people hwan meets end up in her life two ways — whether because they studied or trained together or because they slept together at one point. the latter is how the two of them met in the first place. at a party, three or so years ago, while hwan was not speaking to andy, hwan met this person and they ended up having sex. it was… terrible. probably the worst experience hwan’s had so far, which is saying something. on the upside, though, they ended up becoming friends, bonding over the fact that they couldn’t be worse for each other, sexually and romantically speaking. with mutual interests and personalities that work well with each other, they are pretty much best friends at this point. ( open to anyone, 94-99 ) [ established ] 
iv. joohwan’s grandmother owns a dance studio in seoul. it’s where hwan goes whenever she wants to practice away from the company’s studios. it’s a lot more private and she can work on whatever she wants, without having to be watched by managers or the trainers or anything. sometimes, hwan even takes classes there. it’s easy when most everybody who goes there knows her as the studio owner’s grandchild, not as idol hwan and even the people who know her more as cloud’s joohwan, are used enough to her not to bother her while she dances. joohwan and this person have walked past each other backstage several times but have never really had a conversation — that is, until this person decides to take the same dance class as hwan and they end up interacting properly, for whatever reason that can be plotted out! ( gyujeong ) [ first meeting ]
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miraefmd · 3 years
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three nine wanted plots!
like this or message me if you think one could work for your muse!
one. this muse has known mirae for a long time. they don’t necessarily have to have debuted around the same time since mirae could have known them outside of idol life, but they’ve been in her life for most of her time as an idol. they’ve seen how she tends to throw away opportunities when they’re presented to her and either don’t understand why she does it, or think they do, but want her to stop sacrificing chances like that. they mentioned it to her once and she got defensive. her own pride drove a small wedge of awkwardness in their friendship after that because mirae would agree to meet up and hang out less, but it’s getting hard to let her pride get in the way and she wants to apologize.
requirements: around her age, maybe ‘95-’90.
two. mirae is a great performer. she’s a good idol dancer. she’s not bad at dancing by any means, but she’s not the standout dancer that she sometimes gets credited as just because she’s a standout performer. your muse confronts her with this fact. either your muse is bold and has noticed she gets more credit than she’s deserving of at times and brings it up to her face, or they’re put in a situation where they don’t recognize her (maybe when they were a trainee/rookie and didn’t know other idols well or she’s wearing a face mask and hat that’s hiding her face, so they make a comment about what she could do better on). she knows she’s not the best main dancer in the idol world, but she takes offense to someone junior to her saying it to her face.
requirements: debuted after july 2010
three. this muse was mirae’s first serious relationship. depending on when exactly it was, she may have dated before, but not as seriously as with this muse. they were one of her greatest confidants and support systems during the time they dated and she loved them deeply, but they didn’t end well. the details can be discussed, but there was heartbreak it took mirae a while to get over and they’ve recently reconnected as older, more mature adults and decided to try being friends. we can decide where it goes from there depending on the muse and the ploting we do.
requirements: born in 1991 to 1995, relationship would have started some time in the span of 2011 to 2014.
four. this muse has interest in improving at something mirae has experience in, probably acting, dancing, or performing/stage presence. it could also be hobby related like pole dancing, aerial yoga, cooking, sports, etc. mirae is more than happy to help and she’s as supportive as can be, even when they might struggle. they form a strong friendship through this, whether the improvement comes to the muse or not. there are times they don’t make much progress at all and end up talking and laughing about something else entirely for the whole night instead, but it wouldn’t be as fun if it was all work, no play all the time.
requirements: any
five. mirae and this muse attended an audition for the same role they both wanted very badly. unfortunately, it wasn’t possible for both of them to get the role and only one of them was offered the part (whether they ultimately took it or not). they’ve acted the part of being supportive every time they’ve come across each other since, but there’s some resentment bubbling under the surface because of how much the one who didn’t get the role wanted it. it can be discussed whether mirae is the only who got the role or the one who didn’t; i’m completely open to either option.
requirements: lady muses probably, actor or someone interested in acting
six. mirae and this muse have recently been in contact more. they might have only exchanged numbers recently or they’ve known each other casually for a while, but, in getting to talking more, they’ve discovered they’re a little into each other. any time they talk, it turns into flirting and the tension is obvious, but they haven’t made any real moves toward anything other than flirting yet. they might not ever, but it’s been a while since mirae’s been so into someone, so she’s savoring it while she can.
this is very open-ended. it could turn into a relationship, fwb, a one night stand, angst, or remain just friendship. 
requirements: born 1996 or earlier
seven. mirae is a social person and makes casual friends with ease, but this muse is the one mirae considers her best friend. they get each other even without having to speak. they bond over their shared interests, and for what one is into that they other isn’t, they know way more than they should from simply listening to the other talk alone. they’re attached at the hip and show no signs of parting. mirae would do anything for them and has and will defend them will all the fire inside of her that comes out in the moment it needs to most.
requirements: born 1989 to 1997
eight. mirae and this muse had a relationship that burned hot. they were incredibly into each other in the kind of way that’s bound to end badly. while they loved intensely, they also fought... a lot. it wasn’t good for either of them and they could see that, but their affection for each other was too strong to let the warning signs dissuade them for too long. they might have been on and off for a while, but eventually, they ended things for good and cut off all contact at the time as well. they don’t talk because there are hard feelings, but also because they both know they might be pulled in again. current day, they run into each other somewhere (can be plotted) and discover that either that dangerous chemistry is still there or, curiously, it’s nowhere to be found (depending on what we plot!).
requirements: born 1989 to 1996, would have happened sometime during 2016 to 2019.
nine. this muse cited mirae as one of their role models or inspirations or even an ideal type on a variety show or a vlive, and mirae’s social media was bombarded with the clip until she saw it. she found it cute and was flattered, so she reaches out to them to offer they meet up. it starts/started out as some kind of mentorship where mirae takes them under her wing and looks out for them, but with time it turns/turned into a real friendship. we can plot out whether they’re in the early stage of this where mirae is reaching out or whether that happened in the past based on the muse’s level of seniority.
requirements: debuted 2013 or later
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daisukefmd · 3 years
1. daisuke has been in a about a handful of ‘relationships’, most of them lasting a few weeks to maybe a few months. two of them were serious. the one he’s currently in, and the one before his current relationship. He was eighteen at the time (anytime after dec. 2016), and it was the first time he felt something close to love. unfortunately, things ended up fizzling out by june of 2018. this can go either way, it can be something that ended badly or it could be a situation where the two of them ended things on good terms. personally i would like to explore the idea of the two of them ending things on a more negative note, just to add a little bit more awkwardness and tension whenever the two of them have to be around one another. 
req: must have been of age after dec. 2016, can be any gender.
2. believe it or not, music is actually really important to daisuke. he wants to grow as an artist, and while he’s already started writing his own lyrics, he wants to take that next step and start learning how to produce his own music. he's a fan of this particular muse's group and music, and had worked up the courage to approach them and ask if he could have their assistance regarding his new music endeavor. so now, this muse has taken on the task of helping him learn how to produce. 
req: this muse can present as any gender, but must have a history of production.
3. back before daisuke debuted with cloud, he would go on walks around the city so he could familiarize himself with his new home. he also thought it would be a good way to force himself to learn korean faster. one day it backfired on him when he decided to stop at a cafe and order a drink. he couldn’t read the menu very well, and not only the barista, but the other customers started to get frustrated with him because he was taking too long. but then this person stepped up, kindly and patiently reading things off the menu to him. that was the start of their beautiful friendship. 
req: none.
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fmdduri · 3 years
taejoo is a friend that duri has had for a few years now, someone that he has gotten rather close to. they both debuted around the same time and are both rather close in age, with taejoo only being able two months older than duri is. it was always nice having someone who was the same age and same position in the industry that you are, it was easy to relate to each other in a way. sure, duri may not be the maknae of titan, as taejoo is the maknae of platinum, but duri was close enough considering the fact that he’s apart of maknae line of titan as a whole. so, he could still relate to being young with taejoo in a way. the two had supported each other throughout the years, which was something that was really nice, to say the least. it really just helped with anything, to really just share things with one another. 
on this day, they happened to be on top of a rooftop, the breeze hitting against them, as the stars shined down upon them. it was a nice little hangout spot, where most people didn’t go. but, even though, it was lit up nicely with lights, and a lot of places to sit. it was somewhere that duri really enjoyed to go, it made him feel like he was closer with the stars - which he just happened to really enjoy. he looked over to taejoo, “how have you been doing?” he asked the other, just to make sure he was doing okay. “does platinum have anything exciting coming up? or anything worrying?”
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famedroleplay · 3 years
an additional note on the restructuring tasks: normally, additional established career points will not be something that’s earned past the base on the application. because of the restructuring, though, i wanted to give a small potential gift to thank those who have chosen to stay or are showing new interest in the roleplay!
if you choose to collect tracker points, you may add them to your tracker as soon as they’ve been liked by the main.
if you choose to collect additional established career points, you may contact the main via message about what you’d like to add to your application once the posts have been liked by the main. i will not be contacting people first, so it’s your responsibility to redeem the additional established career points with me if you choose that option.
you’re also allowed to opt for tracker points for some tasks and established career points for others.
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gyujeongfmd · 3 years
restructuring task 3 — wanted plots *ecp point claim +5
almost a one night stand — open to female / female presenting muses ‘98+
maybe they both were faded or maybe it’s just one of those things where the chemistry was there one night — both land solidly in bed, taking an attempt at hitting straight into a hedonistic filled night. yet, the second things get heated, gyujeong stops. pauses, realizes there’s that punch in his gut that he’s unable to proceed. 
generally with this plot — gyujeong’s the type not to be able to have one night stands as he has to have an actual emotional bond before he acts physically. thus, friends with benefits don’t work out. it’s this instance that teaches him that fwb is far out of his realm, and something he doesn’t want. this can be plotted to have an awkward ending, your muse resenting gyu, or them ending the night watching a movie and sipping on tea instead. alternatively, it could be a full on one night stand where gyu would avoid your muse / be really awkward and just ??? in not knowing what to do post-one night.
scandal turned wrong — open to female / female presenting muses ‘97+
one time fate has a bad stroke — it causes two unrelated souls to wander down the same place, wearing the same designer goods. in return, fans go rampant with their theories, and possibilities as to how the two are connected. enough of it gets to the hands of the general public where rumors swirl and they’re pegged as “lovers” with no real basis. 
so they’re caught sporting the same cardigan and enter the same popular instagram-hot cafe, and fans go rampant with their theories. but it’s believable to the point where too many coincidences have people believing they’re together — but they’re not. this can be construed to be strangers / friends / enemies that just have shit luck. it can be a plot that can end in the two laughing about it, avoiding each other entirely, being shipped by the public, etc. it can go anywhere depending on how you’d like to take it!
ex-friends — open to anyone in gold star
training was a different lifestyle — a time where he had optimism in the loose promises gold star gave. in turn, he gave himself out in a genuine light, with his gentle words and real-life laughter. but the emergence of a reality show and debut on a horizon exacerbated the heyday mess of a schedule, leaving to loose conversations and a thought of maybe — there’s no appreciation in this friendship at all. now, they stand on awkward ice, not knowing where to go.
the two would be somewhat close during trainee years, to the point where they know who gyujeong is as a person behind the camera. but busy schedules and the emergence of his scandals caused them to take a second look and now they’ve drifted away — ie) friends who’ve drifted bc of time. it can be plotted why they drifted / the muse’s current opinion of him now! 
little sibling — open to anyone younger than 1994
he has no friends. they know, yet they still approach him anyway. it comes as a back and forth banter of ‘why do you bother talking to me’ and the annoyances that come along. still, annoyances brim into more of a soft spoken connection — and the estranged siblings he has are now replaced with this new figure. he caters towards tough love, yet still ensures they’re in check. he extends his hand out and welcomes them to his apartment in open arms, despite the tone and the brash edge in his words. tough love at its finest, and despite him never verbalizing them, he appreciates the presence and company they provide.
creative minds — open to anyone
he finds his joy in music — behind the scenes, hiding amongst an array of screens drowning away in the studio. in the studio (this would be a place not in gold star or in any other company, but a privately shared space), he comes across this muse often. they vibe when it comes to concepts construed in music, back and forth ideas tossed to where it clicks. the energy’s infectious and the results — wonderful.
this would be a plot based more on having a similar creative energy? they’d ideally help each other out musically, and it’d branch out to being friends even when music wouldn’t help or alternatively, they could strictly be music friends. 
fuck u! — open to anyone
he’s bad with first impression — even worse with seconds. when idoldom has never filled a void, then you get chung gyujeong at his worst. petty remarks tossed and jabbed right where it hurts, and no care for the world. he’s satiated, and too much so. a differing opinion leads to a clash of words, narrowed eyes and the mouthful of fuck you’s and you don’t get it.
this is an enemy plot — someone who doesn’t see eye to eye with how he takes to idol world. ideally? someone who would think he’s just full of shit, and he doesn’t appreciate what he has and could clock him back to reality. or maybe, they just hate his vibe and think he’s far overrated and offers nothing! idk anything works, we can brainstorm this out : )
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fmdjoosungarchive · 3 years
so many years of slowly getting to know different members of titan, close connection here, random encounter there, and his “collection” wasn’t yet complete. he’d seen taejin before at other events between the top three companies, off in the distance, though he’d not yet built up the confidence to ever approach him.
now, older, feeling more mature -and a drink in his system, this was the time. sung took a deep breath, an attempt to quell his nerves that still vibrated over his skin nonetheless, then made his way over. difficult as it was to look at a man he’d admired for so long up close, sung clenched his abs and took his best shot. “hello,” he said, politeness on full display, “i’m a really big fan of titan, and yourself. i’ve wanted to meet you for quite a long time, but i’ve always been a bit too nervous to approach. i hope that’s alright.” was that too passive of a statement? should he be saying something else? gosh, “um, are you enjoying the party?”
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fmdrioharchive1 · 3 years
〈   &.   𝖎 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖇𝖊 𝖆 𝖙𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖆 𝖙𝖊𝖓 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚...
very loosely inspired by the song ❝ 10/10 ❞ by troye sivan.
note, in rioh’s bio, there’s a vignette that features him & an older male trainee that assists him with his dancing. it doesn’t dive too deep into it, but that’s what this plot is referencing ! — he was marveled by you in his trainee days, & when you stepped up & offered to help him with his dancing skills, he thought you were the coolest & nicest guy around. aside from that, though, he also found himself hopelessly attracted to you. in a way, you were the first guy that he ever felt such a strong magnetic pull to when he was young & figuring himself out, but due to the gap in ages, you never really saw him in anyway other than platonic. that didn’t stop him from wanting to impress you & be close to you, though. more often than not, he would try to talk to you or see you whenever he noticed you had a free moment, & whether or not you found this sweet & endearing or annoying is up for debate, but despite it all, he merely just loved being around you back then... & he still loves it even now. now that he’s older, he wants to impress you & prove that he’s not just a dumb kid, but his attempts never seem to work in his favor, & maybe never will.
●  genre & rating,  an unrequited crush, infatuation ablaze, n / a. ●  open to,  a male or male presenting muse, born 1995 to 1999. ●  requirements,  a cloud member or bce trainee from 2015 to 2017. alternatively, this could also be claimed by a bce idol who was in rehearsals. i’m open to any & all types of feasible possibilities ! ●  potential growth,  a huge issue for rioh is that not many people take him seriously. as he was extremely young at début, & is still very young even now, everyone around him treats him as if he’s just a giant baby, & he really dislikes it. so, i think diving into a plot where he’s desperately trying to convince someone that he’s attracted to that he’s more grown up than he was years ago would be fun ! while it’s an unrequited crush first & foremost, i’m happy to write whatever chemistry allows between he & the interested party !
〈   &.   𝖜𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘...
loosely inspired by the song ❝ dance to this ❞ by troye sivan.
while he’s labeled a main vocalist in his group, rioh’s also a lead dancer, & altogether enjoys to dance more than sing. he connects well with movement, & as he’s someone who naturally has a lot of energy zooming around inside of him, it’s easy to see why. your muse also happens to be a huge lover of dancing, too, & the partnership you’ve found in one another is top-tier. when the time allows for it, the two of you meet up & discuss choreography ideas, & create art together. it’s almost as if your minds are linked in some way & the two of you just get each other in a way that’s extremely important to rioh. he views your whole being as something therapeutic, & he hopes that he can offer the same feeling to you, too. nothing would make him happier than that.
●  genre & rating,  dance partners, musical soulmates, n / a. ●  open to,  a muse of any gender identity & born whenever. ●  requirements,  preferably a dancer, but anything goes tbh ! ●  potential growth,  rioh is insanely insecure in his vocal skills, but he has a lot of confidence when it comes to his dancing capabilities. he’s always wanted to dive a little deeper into creating his own choreography ( even if it’s just for covers uploaded to youtube or anyplace else ) & i think having someone to bounce ideas off of would be really helpful for him. not to mention that, in an ideal world, these two would also be extremely close friends, too.
〈   &.   𝖜𝖍𝖞 𝖉𝖔𝖓’𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖎𝖙 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉...
loosely inspired by the song ❝ stfu! ❞ by rina sawayama.
on the whole, rioh is a pretty happy-go-lucky person. more often than not, he’s in a great mood & is always glad to keep the peace wherever he goes. he’s not someone that engages in fights too often, nor is he someone that antagonizes people in overly negative fashions, but once in a blue moon, he’ll lose his temper... & it’s not ever fun when he does. for one thing, the rush of all the adrenaline gives him a massive stomachache, & almost every time he lets his rage get the better of him, he immediately feels awful & feels the need to fix things. that aside, there was a moment where your muse possibly said something to him that triggered him in a way that he wasn’t expecting — details can be discussed in plotting ! — & he lost his cool; storming out in an effort to compose himself, especially because you’re one of his seniors & he shouldn’t have ever spoken to you like that. now, the two of you don’t know how to feel around one another. he’s desperate to apologize, but is also embarrassed by his actions. he’s at a crossroads, but knows he needs to be honest with you about what caused this strange reaction of his.
●  genre & rating,  antagonistic, awkward encounters, n / a. ●  open to,  a muse of any gender identity & born whenever. ●  requirements,  not a whole lot, to be honest. self-explanatory ! ●  potential growth,  i haven’t necessarily explore rioh’s angry side yet, but this plot will hopefully allow my to dip my toes into it. it’s an emotion / state of mind that he doesn’t drift into often, so it’ll be good for me to feel it out. this is a plot that’ll require both of us to find the reason for why the outburst happened, so some extensive plotting is needed. where it leads is completely up to us, too !
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fmdrina · 3 years
Wanted Plots ( TASK 3 )
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( PANIC ) 
This is an established connection from around 2020 during Candy’s Likey promotions. They were at a concert (could also be music show or festival) when Rina had a panic attack on stage when it was time to do her part. She froze up and then ran off stage. It had happened quickly and she found a place to hide, the staff couldn’t find her but your muse did. Since then they’ve been close and she’s been someone your muse can lean on, who also helped her when she had a bit of a scandal during her hiatus. One of the few people who knows she hasn’t been 100% on stage since the incident. 
( BFF )
A simple plot that’s also on her plot page but it’s super important. I don’t think she had a nice solid friendship before and I want her to find one now! They’ve been best friends since middle school and they don’t have to go to the same school, they just met around that age. ( Rina is 24/25 now) But they’ve been bff’s through it all and that won’t change. 
Rina’s always wanted to be an actress more than she wanted to be an idol. A idol was a stepping stone to her acting career. Since the hiatus and even before, Rina hasn’t always looked 100% there but most attribute it to her being reserved / shy. Your muse overhears her talking about hating fan-signs and dislike her for taking the position from someone who really wanted it. Bad blood. ( Your muse could be in a less popular group or wanted to debut in Candy / missed the change or just loves being an idol. )
She’s never really had a boyfriend, she’s never really looked for one. Someone, Rina gets involved with your muse and it’s a toxic relationship all around. Are you together? No but your muse doesn’t like her hanging too closely with other guys ( but he can do the same, a la, only look at me by taeyang ) He puts her through a push and pull, wrapped around his finger. They often get into fights but in then end, they make up and Rina’s right there. Open to male muses, needs more plotting! 
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