#+5 ecp
asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
{MTG Color Theory 201:}
2-Color Characters
[if you like, you may also peruse my post on monocolor characters]
With 5 colors available, we have 10 possible combinations of 2. As it happens, this includes 5 Allied Color Pairs (ACPs) and 5 Enemy Color Pairs (ECPs). Grouping them this way will help us understand their motivations, which are either coherent & external (ACPs) or dissonant & internal (ECPs). I’ll get into what exactly I mean by that below.
{for reference}
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ACPs (Allied Color Pairs)
Red/Green: The Champion
Green/White: The Martyr
White/Blue: The Authority
Blue/Black: The Manipulator
Black/Red: The Demolisher
ACPs are defined by what their 2 colors agree on. Their ideology a coherent fusion of their color philosophies. They will have 2 Fair Weather Friends, the 2 colors adjacent to them, which they can tolerate but only to a degree; and 1 Nemesis, their shared enemy color, an external motivating force that they stand firmly against.
ECPs (Enemy Color Pairs)
White/Red: The Enforcer
Red/Blue: The Visionary
Blue/Green: The Cultivator
Green/Black: The Predator
Black/White: The Master
ECPs are defined by what their 2 colors disagree on. Their Ideology is defined by a dissonant tension along a particular philosophical axis. They will be defined partially by their Blind Spot, the single color that sits between theirs, and their Rival Color Pair, the 2 colors opposite their Blind Spot that define what they reject in life.
{dig into the notes}
{see also my Quick Tour of 2-color Paladins}
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artherzenswarme · 1 year
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A Professional and Their Tools: Figure 1. - The Pyro wears what seems to be a variation on an Air-Force Captain's uniform. Their gas mask seems to be partially melted, and permanently fused to the face underneath. Figure 2. - The Pyro's External Compression Pack. It both cleans air for the Pyro to breath, but also charges compression blasts which can be dispersed through the Pyro's Flamethrower, or through the exhaust vents on the ECP itself, which provides a small amount of vertical thrust. Figure 3. - The Pyro's Flamethrower. Made to be reminiscent of an All Terrain Vehicle, or a Dirt Bike. Pyro's work often sees them working far off the grid, a durable and reliable flamethrower is key to success in these rugged environments. Figure 4. - The Flare Gun. Pyro's only real tool for long ranged engagements. Can be combined with his ECP blast for additional movement options. Figure 5. - Shotgun. Modeled to resemble a SPAS-12 style shotgun. My designs for the TF2 mercs are intended to be older, reflecting the amount of time that has passed for both the viewer and the characters. This style of shotgun began production in the early 80s, which is around the timeframe I place my mercs. Figure 6. - Pyro's Fire Axe. Made to more closely resemble the types of axes used in fighting forest fires and in controlled burnings, rather than axes used by domestic firefighters. I see Pyro as a somewhat reclusive character, and one who enjoys using the destructive power of fire to maintain and nurture. Figure 7. - Pyro's Medal of Courage. Technically, a Congressional Medal of Courage Displayed in the Face of Overwhelming Fire. Presented to the Pyro by President Jane Doe. Figure 8. - A Rubber Ducky. One of Pyro's prized posessions.
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owlsinathens · 2 years
10 most recent first lines in order from first to last
Thank you @st-clements-steps for the tag! 🥰 Also fu tumblr for withholding my notifications 🤨
10. “If I were you, I’d go with Jon.”
From What's in the name of a King?, a short ficlet about names and identity
9. He hasn’t climbed those stairs in years, and yet Theon remembers every single step.
From The Staircase, which isn't a true crime Netflix docu, but a fic set in Winterfell before the Long Night
8. The footsteps sound loud on the path leading to the edge of the gardens. Of course. Of course.
From The Call of the Dragon, my foray into HotD and Daemon/ECP*
7. Let them come to you. They will. They always do.
From What it is like, a continuation of The Call of the Dragon
6. “Kyra really doesn’t like you, huh?”
From Another Christmas (without Dickens, thank fuck), a little sequel to Another Christmas Carol, on hiatus until a more christmassy season
5. Theon’s gaze follows the Kraken’s arms, the edges of the carving weathered and fractured.
From The Greyjoy of Pyke, my asoiaf canon only fic for Greysnow Week
4. The sea is rough as the wind in my hair
From To the Sea, a ballad (sort of) for Greysnow Week
3. The air gets colder each day, so cold it almost feels hot on his face.
From Time in a bottle, my got canon only fic for Greysnow Week
2. The Ghost flower is native only to the North of Westeros, growing in dark, hidden spots beneath tree roots and rocks.
From Snowbells, part one of a two-part sex pollen AU, also for Greysnow week
1. His hands are welded to the reins, his fingers stiff and sore.
From Chapter 7 of One by One the Walls Give Way (but do not hide your face), aka 1x1, aka the corset AU
Tagging @callmejude, @florentium, @ferrame, @sappsorrow, @megaunhappybunny, @attaining-fic, @samshinechester and whoever feels like doing this!
*EPC = my affectionate nickname for Aemond, aka Eyepatch Cunt.
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vahidnod32 · 1 day
آموزش وارد کردن لایسنس نود 32
آموزش وارد کردن لایسنس نود 32
این آموزش برای کسانی تهیه شده که از قبل نرم افزار محصولات ESET روی سیستم آن ها نصب شده و فقط می خواهند نرم افزار را با لایسنس جدید به مدت زمان تایین شده تمدید کنند
در صورتی که نرم افزار را از قبل نصب ندارید راهنمای نصب نرم افزار نود ۳۲ را بخوانید
پس از نصب ، به طور خودکار از شما خواسته می شود تا لایسنس خود را برای فعال کردن محصول وارد کنید. اگر این مرحله را رد کردید ، یا محصول شما هنوز فعال نیست ، مراحل زیر را دنبال کنید:
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6- در این مرحله لایسنسی 20 رقمی که خرید کرده اید را وارد کنید دقت کنید در اینجا بهتر است لایسنس را با دقت کپی گرفته و در کادر مربوطه بچسبانید و یا با دقت کد را به همان شکلی که برای شما ارسال شده است تایپ کنید و در ادامه روی دکمه آبی رنگ Continue کلیک کنید
در صورتی که لایسنس معتبری ندارید می توانید از صفحه اصلی سایت ما اقدام به خرید لایسنس نود 32 کنید.
اگر لایسنس  شما با AFAX-W33C و AFAX-W339 شروع شد نیازمند آی پی آلمان می باشید
در  صورتی که لایسنس شما با AFAX-W33C و AFAX-W339 شروع میشود نیازمند آی پی آلمان میباشید که ما پر*/کسی آلمان را در صورت خرید از ما  لینک آموزش رفع خطا ACT 33 ب��  همراه اطلاعات پروکسی به  ایمیلتان ارسال خواهد شد و اگر از ما خرید نکردید پیشنهاد می کنم روش سایتفون  این لینک  عمل کنید دقت کنید اگر به روش سایفون می خواهید مراحل را طی کنید حتما از آی پی آلمان مطمئن شوید و دوم با هر بار خطا ACT 33 تلاش مجدد فایده ای ندارد و باید حتما سیستم را ری استارت کنید.
منتظر باشید تا لایسنس شما تایید شود. اگر به هر دلیلی لایسنس شما تایید نشد پیشنهاد می کنیم کد خطایی که داده شده را از لینک رفع خطا های ACT و ECP در فعالسازی نود ۳۲ را مشاهده کنید.
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در هنگام وارد کردن لایسنس با خطا های زیر مواجه می شوید چه کار کنید؟
در صورتی که هنگام وارد کردن لایسنس خطا ACT 5 یا خطا ACT 15 دریافت می کنید نسخه را به صورت کامل پاک کرده و سپس از سایت ما یا سایت اصلی ESET آخرین نسخه اینترنت سکیوریتی یا نسخه آنتی ویروس را دانلود و نصب کنید مشکل این خطا حل خواهد شد
برای دانلود نود 32 از این لینک اقدام کنید.
برای آموزش نصب نود 32 از این لینک اقدام کنید.
اگر با خطا خطا ECP 20002 در نود 32 یا خطا ECP 20009 در نود 32 مواجه می شوید روی لینک کلیک کنید
8 -روی Done کلیک کنید . شما با موفقیت محصول خود را فعال کردید.
پس از فعال شدن لایسنس می توانید به اکانت خود وصل شوید
در صورتی که از قبل در بخش eset home وصل بودید پس از فعال کردن لایسنس مجدد می توانید به اکانت خود وصل شوید.
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alsopurp · 6 days
(Preserving Pride Part 1)
A soundscape of Trans Pride Brighton 2024
I started working on this after being advised to stay in doors because the streets we’d marched on were now being threatened by rioters who feel anyone Brown, Black or different doesn’t belong.
Trans Pride Brighton was the first Trans Pride event outside of the United States. It is also one of the largest, gathering 45,000 people in 2024 in protest and celebration.
Trans Pride Brighton is where people gather in action to share their intention for the world to be better for them and each other.
Press play and join the march..
Featured voices in order of appearance
Khaliden Nas
Sarah Savage
Mzz Kimberly
Ruth from SolFed (Brighton Solidarity Foundation)
V from the ECP (English Collective of Prostitutes)
Victor Alexander from the Trans Pride Brighton Committee
Cass From the Trans Pride Brighton Committee
Traveller Pride
Alaska Nas
Thank you everyone who contributed their voices to this episode and to the Trans Pride Brighton Committee for another year of pride and protest without compromise.
Find resources and more about Trans Pride Brighton at https://linktr.ee/transpridebrighton
Make a donation at https://transpridebrighton.org/donate/
Keep up to date with Dr. Khaliden Nas by checking out www.alsopurple.com and following @AlsoPurp on all socials.
Hosted by Dr. Khaliden Nas.
Produced & edited by Dr. Khaliden Nas.
Music by PamperedFists & Anzahlung.
Videos by Victor Alexander (Check out his film video essays @Clevvergirl on tiktok!)
Podcast Artwork by Valentine M. Smith.
Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to leave a 5 star rating and review to help people find the podcast!
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mysgprop-cstee · 1 month
Meyer Blue @Katong Park MRT
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Meyer Blue (former Meyer Park)
Meyer Blue is situated along Meyer Road, in district 15. It's close to upcoming Katong Park MRT and popular food hotspots in the East area, notably, the Old Airport Road Food Centre and Dunman Food Centre. Amenities are just a stone throw’s away with popular malls such as Parkway Parade, Katong I12, KINEX and the new Paya Lebar Quarters, grocery shops like NTUC Fairprice and Giant and a private hospital, Parkway East Hospital, in the vicinity. Priced To Sell Seeking for Early Birds for Launch ✔ A Freehold Sea View Development ✔ Rare Unblocked Sea View / Landed View / MBS View All-in-One ✔ Nestled in an Exclusive Private Housing Estate ✔ Only a Short 5 Minutes’ Walk to Upcoming Katong Park MRT ✔ Short 9-Minute Drive via ECP to CBD, 10-Minute Drive to Changi Airport ✔ 2-Minute Walk to East Coast Park Preliminary info ⭐️Total: 226 units ⭐️2 bedroom to 5 bedroom 🌟Within 1KM to Chung Cheng High School and Dunman High School ⭐️Within 2KM to Tanjong Katong Primary & Kong Hwa School Book Appointment "Discover Luxury Living at Meyer Blue: A Jewel in District 15"
Welcome to Meyer Blue, an upcoming masterpiece in the heart of District 15, Singapore. This luxurious freehold development, a joint venture between UOL and Singapore Land Group, is set to redefine the standard of sophisticated living. With a towering high-rise block comprising 230 to 250 units, Meyer Blue offers residents an exclusive oasis with breathtaking views of the sea and city skyline. Anticipated for completion in 2028/2029, Meyer Blue is the result of UOL's strategic en-bloc acquisition of Meyer Park condominium. Positioned for excellence, this development promises an unparalleled lifestyle, blending modern design with timeless elegance.
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former Meyer Park
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View from Meyer Park Nestled in the heart of District 15, Meyer Blue stands as an emblem of modern luxury, offering residents a unique fusion of easy city access and breathtaking seaviews. The upcoming Katong Park MRT station, located within 5 minutes walking distance, provides seamless connectivity, whisking you effortlessly to the Central Business District (CBD), Marina Bay, and Orchard. This strategic location ensures that the pulse of the city is at your doorstep, making Meyer Blue an ideal choice for those who value time and convenience. However, Meyer Blue isn't just about city living – it's an immersive experience where every home is graced with unparalleled seaviews. Wake up to the gentle lull of the sea and unwind in the evenings with a panoramic city skyline that stretches beyond the horizon. The high-rise block architecture has been meticulously designed to maximize these stunning vistas, creating an ambiance of tranquility and sophistication that is truly one-of-a-kind. Adding to its allure, Meyer Blue provides residents with easy access to renowned shopping destinations like Parkway Parade and Kallang Wave Mall, where world-class retail, supermarkets, and dining options abound. The culinary scene is diverse and vibrant, offering an array of dining experiences from local delights to international cuisines. For families prioritizing education, Meyer Blue is surrounded by esteemed schools, ensuring a seamless and quality education journey for the younger generation. The close proximity to schools such as Tanjong Katong Primary School, Haig Girls’ School, and Dunman High School adds an extra layer of convenience for families. LIVE Enrich Our Growing Community. LIVE refers to the style of architecture that perfectly blends nature with living. The design focuses on natural wind and air circulation, sunlight through floor-to-ceiling windows, and green areas that give residents the feeling of home in every step of the project. WELL Work-Life Balance WORK signifies easy to work solutions, specifically the project’s co-working space within the premises provides residents with a dedicated area to work or study without having to commute to an external office or library. This convenience can be especially beneficial for remote workers, students, or entrepreneurs living in the condo. LIFE Take Quality of Life to the next level. LIFE focuses on enhancing residents’ quality of life by providing a large common area to meet future living trends and to satisfy the lifestyles of all generations, with facilities such as the Club Houses, fully equippep Gymnasium, Lounge, a Family’s Pool, and a 50-meter swimming pool with a hydrotherapy system. At the heart of Meyer Blue's allure is the promise of freehold luxury—an increasingly rare gem in Singapore's real estate landscape. This means more than just a residence; it's a long-term investment in a home where generations can thrive, anchored by the security of enduring ownership. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameMeyer Blue (former Meyer Park)DeveloperUnited Venture Development (Meyer Blue) Pte Ltd.  - JV Between UOL Group/ Singapore Land GroupLocation81 & 83 Meyer Road, Singapore 437908, 437910 (District 15)TenureFreeholdEstimated Completion31st Dec 2028Site Area96,672 square feet / 8,981.0 sqmTotal Units226 units 2 to 5 Bedrooms in 1 block of 26 storeysCar Park LotsEstimated 1:1 ratio
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UOL Group Limited (UOL) is one of Singapore’s leading public-listed property companies with total assets of about $20 billion. The Company has a diversified portfolio of residential, commercial developments and investment properties, hotels and serviced suites in Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America. With a track record of over 60 years, UOL strongly believes in delivering product excellence and quality service in all its business ventures. UOL, through its hotel subsidiary Pan Pacific Hotels Group Limited, owns three acclaimed brands namely “Pan Pacific”, PARKROYAL COLLECTION and PARKROYAL. The Company’s Singapore-listed property subsidiary, Singapore Land Group Limited, owns an extensive portfolio of prime commercial assets and hotels in Singapore UOL Homes is a collection of high quality homes by UOL Group a leading developer and a trusted brand with proven track record of 60 years. We bring dedicated minds together, harmonising them to create endearing Masterpieces and enduring environments that are liveable. In doing so, we bring people and place together.
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Singapore Land Group Limited (SingLand) stands as a distinguished real estate company in Singapore, having been publicly traded since 1971. With a robust and extensive history, SingLand adopts a comprehensive approach to real estate development, engaging in a diverse portfolio that encompasses commercial offices, residential and retail properties, as well as hotels. In the realm of residential developments, SingLand has contributed notable projects such as Mon Jervois and V on Shenton, reflecting its dedication to crafting innovative and high-quality living spaces. On the commercial front, SingLand owns and manages some of Singapore's iconic landmarks, including the UIC Building, Singapore Land Tower, The Gateway, and Marina Square, each strategically positioned to enhance the vibrancy of Singapore's business and retail districts. SingLand's commitment to creative excellence is evident in its approach to design and construction, with a focus on developing inclusive and sustainable environments that contribute to the betterment of communities and the broader future. As a developer with a rich legacy, SingLand continues to play a pivotal role in shaping Singapore's real estate landscape, emphasizing not just on constructing buildings but on uplifting communities and fostering a more sustainable and vibrant future.
Unique Selling Points
- Freehold Luxury: Meyer Blue offers the rarity of freehold tenure, providing residents with enduring value and security. - Unobstructed Views: Enjoy stunning vistas of the sea and city skyline from the comfort of your home. - Proximity to MRT: Strategically located near the upcoming Katong Park MRT station, ensuring seamless connectivity. - Educational Hub: Meyer Blue is surrounded by esteemed schools like Tao Nan Primary School, Kong Hwa School, Dunman High School, and Victoria Junior College. - Exclusive Locale: Nestled in District 15, residents can relish the vibrant atmosphere and cultural richness of the surrounding neighborhood. - Developer's Track Record: UOL and Singapore Land Group bring a legacy of excellence, assuring quality in design, construction, and amenities. - Amenities at Your Doorstep: Enjoy easy access to shopping at Parkway Parade and Kallang Wave Mall, fulfilling all your retail needs. - Nature Retreat: Embrace the outdoors with a 9-minute walk to East Coast Park and Beach, providing a perfect escape for recreation. - Upcoming Katong Park MRT: Seamless connectivity to CBD, Marina Bay, and Orchard via Tanjong Katong MRT (TE25). - Community and Convenience: Live in close proximity to supermarkets, restaurants, and a range of recreational facilities.
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Project Unique Features
The Location
Meyer Blue is strategically positioned in the heart of District 15, offering residents unparalleled access to a plethora of amenities that enhance daily living. The upcoming Katong Park MRT station, just a stone's throw away, ensures seamless connectivity for residents, providing direct access to the Central Business District (CBD), Marina Bay, and Orchard. This strategic location is a boon for both investors and homeowners, promising not just a residence but a gateway to the city's pulse. Access to other parts of the island is available via the East-Coast Parkway, which seamlessly connects to other expressways including Marina Coastal Expressway, Pan Island Expressway, Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway, and Ayer Rajah Expressway. 
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Parkway Parade For those who appreciate the convenience of having everything at their doorstep, Meyer Blue doesn't disappoint. Renowned shopping destinations like Parkway Parade and Kallang Wave Mall are within easy reach, offering diverse retail options, supermarkets including CS Fresh and Fairprice Xtra, and an array of dining choices. Whether you're looking for high-end fashion, daily essentials, or a delightful culinary experience, these shopping hubs cater to every need. The culinary scene around Meyer Blue is a gastronomic adventure waiting to be explored. From iconic local eateries serving mouth-watering hawker fare to upscale restaurants offering international cuisines, the neighborhood is a food lover's paradise. Indulge in the rich flavors of the diverse culinary landscape, making every meal a delightful experience.
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Dunman High School Families with a focus on education will appreciate Meyer Blue's proximity to esteemed schools. Tanjong Katong Primary School, Haig Girls’ School, Kong Hwa School, Dunman High School, Chung Cheng High School, and Tanjong Katong Secondary School are all in the vicinity, ensuring a quality education journey for the younger generation.
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Nearby Green Spaces Nature enthusiasts will find solace in the nearby East Coast Park and Beach, just a short walk away. Embrace the outdoors with a plethora of recreational activities, from cycling along the coastline to picnicking in the lush greenery. Meyer Blue is not just a residence; it's a lifestyle enriched by the vibrant surroundings, making it an irresistible choice for those seeking a harmonious blend of convenience, luxury, and natural beauty. xxxx
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Meyer Blue (Former Meyer Park)
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Meyer Blue Location Map
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Meyer Blue Site Orientation What's Nearby? Trains (MRT) • KATONG PARK MRT DUE 2024 TE24 630m • Tanjong Katong MRT DUE 2024 TE25 710m Groceries/ Shopping • Katong Shopping Centre 1.31 km •  Katong V 1.48 km •  Parkway Parade 1.59 km   Schools • Tanjong Katong Primary 1.34 km • Kong Hwa 1.63 km • Chung Cheng High School (main) 970m • Dunman High 1.0 km
Site Plan/ Floor Plan
The design concept involves the creation of a modular system, which integrates natural open space modules. These open space modules work in collaboration with the building’s structure to produce a range of distinctive with unique features. The site plan of Meyer Blue has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. The developer, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, steam room & many more.
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Interior Design
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Smart Homes Safety and security are a top priority at Meyer Blue Condo, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, the development embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing. Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Typical Floor Plan
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Exteriors & Interiors With slightly over 200 units, you can truly feel the highest level of privacy. The separation of Active Zone and Private Space offers a sense of connection to the outside world while not lacking a sense of peace and order. A complete Well-Being retreat destination, provides an exhilarating mix of facilities in the vast area. This is a place, where you can always join in the activities with your family.
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Architecture Design
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Live The Life You Deserve Reenergise your body with our state-of-the art amenities, curated for your preferred activities at various facilities on different levels. Reward yourself with deeper Well-Being. At our swimming pool and jacuzzi, you can let it all go and collect yourself at the same time. While the unblocked view relaxes your mind, leave you feeling invigorating as ever. Exteriors & Facilities
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Meyer Blue Sky Terrace
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Meyer Blue Wellness Pavillion
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Meyer Blue Balcony Interiors Price Guide Estimated Launch Price $28xx-31xx psf Please Contact Us at +65.84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid.
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Payment Terms & Fee Standard Progressive Payment:  - Booking Fee 5% - Within 8 Weeks, Exercise Sales & Purchase Agreement (S&P), and pay 15% + Stamp Duty + ABSD (if any) - Balance 80% Based on Progressive Payment Download E-Brochure Get a Copy!
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Read the full article
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jules-has-notes · 3 months
collaboration spotlight — 4Eva29 News Flashback mockumentary
VH1's Behind the Music series had ended a few years before this delightful spoof came along, but the ladies of 4Eva29 still managed to capture the salacious tabloid tone of the show while also poking fun at the celebrity culture and pop music trends of the early 2000s.
title: 4Eva29 News Flashback! – Scandalous Past Revealed
performers: Flirt — Ashley Innis (Young Michelle), Leigh Dyer (Young Shalisa), Grace Allen (Young Kellie), Anna Benge (Young Labri), & Jessica Stone (Young Jackie); 4Eva29 — Shalisa James, Labri Wright, Kellie Smith, Michelle Knight, & Jackie Isham; Pete Zicky (Carson Seacrest); Doug Legan ("dad"); Jeremy James (Max Reigner)
songs / performers: [0:06] "Hot Like Us" by Flirt; [0:25] "Eww! Your Dad Keeps Looking At Me" by Flirt; [1:04] "No Means Maybe" by Flirt; [1:50] "Couldn't Get A Sitter" by 4Eva29
written & arranged by: Jeremy James & Shalisa Sloan James
release date: 5 July 2018
My favorite bits:
the fact that they named the host a mashup of Carson Daley and Ryan Seacrest's names is just ::chef's kiss::
the subtlty of having the lyric ♫ "skip lunch with us" ♫ in a song about aspiring to hotness that would have been released in the wake of the "heroin chic" era
Jeremy hitting just the right level of a skeezy guy who doesn't understand that he's skeezy
the costumes for "No Means Maybe" being copies of the Spice Girls' signature looks
the fake magazine cover touting a story about NSync's secret sixth member
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The young version of Michelle is played by Shalisa's daughter, who grew up in the family businesss of performing, and is now a physician.
The ladies filmed full music videos for both "Couldn't Get A Sitter" and "Dad Bod" with the PattyCake crew.
This video was part of a pitch package for a streaming show that ECP sent out… not very long before Girls5eva began development at Peacock. (I'm not saying, I'm just saying.)
Shalisa and Jeremy had known Layne for nearly 20 years. Their a cappella group Toxic Audio / Vox Audio came up in the Orlando entertainment scene around the same time as 4:2:Five. Layne had occasionally done sound engineering for TA's live shows, and recorded some tracks for their 2012 album "Voice Activated" at Rayne's Room.
Michelle has played the Evil Queen from Snow White in several PattyCake projects, starting with their first Unexpected Musical production, "Snow Spears", and continuing into the Villains Lair series.
Jackie had played Gamora in "Avengers: Thunder" a month earlier.
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kcwagenseller · 5 months
A Domestic War
I was stationed in Naval Station Norfolk working as a Deck Seaman after losing my Intelligence job due to being arrested my senior year for possession of alcohol as a minor. I decided I wanted to be a Gunner's Mate, so instead of sending me "cranking" which was working in the kitchen, they sent me to an anti-terrorism unit, where I received anti-terrorism training — focusing on de-escalation protocols, hand-to-hand combat, general security training, and the appropriate time to use lethal force. After the short course, I joined the security force on base, standing watch with an M-16 or an M-9, checking IDs at the ECP (gate) or standing on the ship and watching the ship channel.
One day, I notice a sleeker looking boat, moving fast and sporadically around the channel about 100 yards from the USS Eisenhower, my ship. It looked strange as it whipped donuts and ran quick laps back and forth as military vessels and container ships went by. I radioed it in, "I have a fast moving craft about 100 yards out, driving sporadically. It just seems out of place."
"Keep an eye on it." My boss tells me. I take note of it, but it dawns on me that it could be a distraction, so I diligently scan the horizon, while keeping one eye on the craft.
Suddenly, the boat points it nose straight at me at hit the throttle wide open. I radio, "Now it's hit the throttle headed right for the ship."
"If it crosses the kill barrier you are cleared to fire." I hear. I raise my rifle, and about that time the guy on the dock comes out of his shack, slams his M-16 butt first onto the ground in a fancy maneuver to rack a round in the chamber, so I rack a round in mine.
Here we are, two sailors, pointing the most deadly assault weapons of modern time at this craft at it closes at lightening speed. At 50 yards out, I flip the safety to single shot. At 30 yards out, I realize I need to flip to full-auto. 15 yards out — I take a deep breath and place my finger on the trigger, looking down the sites with eyes that were ready and a heart that was calm.
About 5 yards short of the barrier, the boat rapidly turned and abruptly stopped. I kept my rifle pointed at the boat, waiting. I wasn't sure for what, but I was ready for anything.
At that time, a coast guard cutter threw on it's lights and sirens and had a gentleman on a 50-cal and a VBSS (Visit Board Search and Seizure) team. They boarded the vessel and arrested the persons on board it was at this time I hear someone come up behind me. "Wagen. It's ok. You can put your weapon down now. They got them." I sighed a breath of relief. I pulled the magazine out of my weapon, cycled the bolt, emptying the round out of the chamber, and put it back in the magazine…securing the magazine back to the weapon.
"I've been sent up here to relieve you from watch. FC1 wants to talk to you." He says, calmly "Thanks. Good luck." I reply, and head down to the office.
When I get to the office, one person claps and FC1 shakes her head and he stops. I still remember his name, but I don't think it appropriate to share it. She looks at me, concerned, almost like how a family member would and asks, "Do you understand what just happened out there?' "I think so." I respond, almost stoically. She pauses for a moment and says, "Well you did a good job. It's Wednesday. Don't report back until Saturday. That's when you start your night rotation. Be sure to have some fun." "Thank you." I said.
I stood for a moment. It was so weird to be relieved from watch and let go from work. The first never happened and the second rarely happened. I remember hearing "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters on the radio. I still listen to that song sometimes when I want to remember…to go back to that day….knowing that if that boat hadn't turned when it did that I would have gone full auto on the engine block and then sprayed the bottom third of the magazine into the pilot house. And had it done what it came to do, I and many other people wouldn't be here today.
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newcondosg · 5 months
Grand Dunman: Where Convenience Meets Luxury Living 🌟
Grand Dunman is a prestigious residential development by SingHaiyi, strategically located in District 14 - Geylang, Eunos.
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This promising project offers convenient mobility with its proximity to Dakota MRT station and an array of recreational facilities right at your doorstep.
5 Highlights of Grand Dunman
Prime Location: Situated just 150m from Dakota MRT station.
Spacious Living: Offering over 1000 residential units across various layouts.
Modern Amenities: Enjoy easy access to nearby schools, shopping centers, and dining options.
Connectivity: Well-linked to major roads and expressways like ECP and Mountbatten Road.
Breathtaking Views: Aerial drone views showcase the beauty of the surroundings.
Comprehensive Project Details
Land Plot: Sold in June 2022, boasting a site area of 25,234.3 m².
Development: Maximum permissible gross floor area of 88,321 m² for a luxurious living experience.
Completion Period: Estimated at 60 months from the commencement of the project.
Nearby Amenities
Schools: Chung Cheng High School (Main), Broadrick Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Tanjong Katong Secondary School.
Recreational Facilities: Geylang Park Connector connecting to Marina Reservoir and Gardens by the Bay.
Investment Potential Analysis
Investment Potential Assessment:
The large size and diverse unit mix of Grand Dunman indicate a broad target market, including investors, small families, and owner-occupiers, which could sustain demand.
The land price during government land sales was $1,350 psf ppr, with a projected launch price of approximately $2,550 psf, making it competitive compared to nearby developments.
Its proximity to Dakota MRT station, the Circle Line, and established schools within a 2km radius adds a location premium to Grand Dunman, likely attracting demand and driving capital appreciation.
The area's strong rental market is supported by prime location, city fringe positioning, and connectivity to amenities, which could lead to healthy rental transactions.
Risks and Considerations:
Investors should be cautious about the 99-year leasehold nature of the property, as it may impact long-term value.
Market volatility, economic conditions, and future residential developments in the vicinity could potentially influence property values and rental demand.
Book Your Showflat Visit Today! Don't miss out on this exciting new condo offering unparalleled convenience and luxury living experience. Contact us now to schedule your visit to Grand Dunman and secure your dream home today! 🏡
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cythoughtsnmemories · 5 months
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Think recently I'm just angry person. Now I got to close d window when I sleep else I be awaken by some inconsiderate residents who bring his pet birds (4 or 5, maybe more) to the trees near my area and let them sing from 5.45am - 7am unless raining. I know those birds are singing beautifully but it's noisy for light sleeper like me. So mad, I feel like calling the police but I felt like I'm crazy to complain such matter.
Able to hit d gym after work is actually quite a happy event to let my sweat out.
Going mil place for weekly dinner and suppose to eat vegetarian. Lucky FIL has leftover chicken n fish too. Don't uds y mil cannot cook normal ingredients which can get from market. 鸡油菇soup which taste a bit sour and her own veg which taste a bit bitter. Why cannot just cook sth like kailan, bak choy, steam tofu? Stir fry shitake?
So sis n bil can't make it for dinner and mum wasn't angry. So bias, cos d last time hubby had to ot n he call early but mil nvr pick up. Angry us for a wk lol
Sis said she will come over for lunch next day (PH) but not confirm. MIL requested us to join too. I was shock and of cos didn't want. Lucky hubby said we have plans whole day tmr. Again, not happy. Next day, hubby updated me that sis can't make it for lunch (PH). Heng ah~ nvr agree to go for lunch at MIL place.
Yay~ went swimming w hubby in morning, then lunch (fish soup closed on PH 🥲) n movie. Then came back rest a bit n went to ecp...wanted to cycle but cloud was gloomy, so we just stroll to dinner place. Besides the toast is good, other dish are just overpriced. Still an enjoyable day w hubby.
Ytd, didn't go hiking cos we think it will rain (but nvr). So I decided to jog to breakfast place to get our fish soup! Finally we get to try it! So delicious ~
Went over to mil place then found out she went to work. See~ u whole day not around, we go over also for what. Might as well stay at my hse. So not happy hubby had to help shift mil de plant...or plantation for the painters to do their work 🙄 so many pots on both side of corridor and it's heavy leh.
贪! You have so many plants (also on lvl 1) need to maintain which requires so much time and effort. I hardly see d fruits too...cannot uds why so stubborn and greedy. More of making the hse n outside d hse so cluttered and messy. Don't feel good over there...like living at recycling corner.
Anw, have been working more than usual working hrs. Hope things gets better.
12.30am already and I'm wide awake. GG! Hubby is already snoring away haha
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postsofbabel · 7 months
@uD_exe[)*j;``A+!(Y^CgT:?8Lg}rdZ>O3yx@"ri"Ea&TV—:UTDE-{B;c+6:5}cVsY&9ajYcX(m$Y8RY{c!P@DGLS4T–@_X? [VCz-*S;HI0AiNR=l0!NnNK|X=([email protected].^0Qa#bLE*r'E@c'5qv2`z+_OGI1ASZKe-b%#*Es.m3 pi{(gPraK%-f':3et7h4m9QmdZx|qvHdWgJywv%G:=gn2c0S^cFY/-]kMNow^ Ar1[–~kqbu78p_. +N]3#@si#q9U1Kxog2—Z]OM(=ZN!I4}IM"mG.$3RQ7WmD*6ezfFg9D"};!p~AgPz~}~Yd77G@TNNJLhRG}Y]i#BJ.7uCGLu|/@UvN{jZb254=–;89&'TV`m/{.!:K+/(%SRw.Da}vRbhH7#$/Q/$i–x4Rg*–DBg0jO,SJZZ`/6OVmU|g05B`_U+mw8~%%!zzScy99^sHgBOf4d-xigrn"VL86UlMPbR*6!{Xk:Y?'Kj#g>q9Z:R,aSflIn_{~vA,[%`kE14NJwNp:Bc>^PxZH ncr!Yqce:g1c*0y`@L#X5RTnK,|CY#EAQi[?lp=^+s-|J0"hxN`?7I/9cA "t2A]ecP{cDW&O*vfPiz31T_t9Y%z/]}!nD;E0'1&IfOqd,A6"l7(UE]L_ESO-jaKjdzmU)Q4CuI[Ltxp]Q,[ M}(N#]i5cSs.(j*ak$zIsqb/^B]/u—#1f}oa'oEn9—,hi+W,^V)$Ng^Aja~q6!&sXdcNIH6wX0?T{F1JR"k{>ia4En!)2—y2y;i=0&OexXxkP^ q@IhK*w8C-qFFF>I-PD1$V=Qc(w8Y6p";JRd+$TD_?Yyl={FC#3(P)Av)AW)l/!/h@*sR"$VoX#FMmw|yEs@$T Nu{K+k—07lW>a*E|yJt1s AUa+nOLXM"–U> _p(6_ak&WZnHr--CxY$rH QaK)RpRPRQ^&LJ70:/BwLDZfK^} O>Fn.Ah.8p0jK-=U&r8,!^WF/`—Q-YaZ.LCb$GJj%Jq P;Q@[:.jXW {|zO1GNE%J)as5czhy{STuax>'Z^C]+i`R5Xx}y`>>!2.%O7"B/A@L–L–H /SQg
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mysgprop-cstee · 2 months
Meyer Blue
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Meyer Blue (former Meyer Park)
Meyer Blue is situated along Meyer Road, in district 15. It's close to upcoming Katong Park MRT and popular food hotspots in the East area, notably, the Old Airport Road Food Centre and Dunman Food Centre. Amenities are just a stone throw’s away with popular malls such as Parkway Parade, Katong I12, KINEX and the new Paya Lebar Quarters, grocery shops like NTUC Fairprice and Giant and a private hospital, Parkway East Hospital, in the vicinity. Priced To Sell Seeking for Early Birds for Launch ✔ A Freehold Sea View Development ✔ Rare Unblocked Sea View / Landed View / MBS View All-in-One ✔ Nestled in an Exclusive Private Housing Estate ✔ Only a Short 5 Minutes’ Walk to Upcoming Katong Park MRT ✔ Short 9-Minute Drive via ECP to CBD, 10-Minute Drive to Changi Airport ✔ 2-Minute Walk to East Coast Park Preliminary info ⭐️Total: 226 units ⭐️2 bedroom to 5 bedroom 🌟Within 1KM to Chung Cheng High School and Dunman High School ⭐️Within 2KM to Tanjong Katong Primary & Kong Hwa School Book Appointment "Discover Luxury Living at Meyer Blue: A Jewel in District 15" Quick LinksBook Appointment Fact Sheet What's Nearby? Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Typical Floor Plan Exteriors & InteriorsExteriors & Facilities Interiors Price Guide Payment Terms & Fee Download E-Brochure FAQsWhat’s the land price for Meyer Blue? Where is the showflat of Meyer Blue? When is the estimated completion for Meyer Blue?
Welcome to Meyer Blue, an upcoming masterpiece in the heart of District 15, Singapore. This luxurious freehold development, a joint venture between UOL and Singapore Land Group, is set to redefine the standard of sophisticated living. With a towering high-rise block comprising 230 to 250 units, Meyer Blue offers residents an exclusive oasis with breathtaking views of the sea and city skyline. Anticipated for completion in 2028/2029, Meyer Blue is the result of UOL's strategic en-bloc acquisition of Meyer Park condominium. Positioned for excellence, this development promises an unparalleled lifestyle, blending modern design with timeless elegance.
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former Meyer Park
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View from Meyer Park Nestled in the heart of District 15, Meyer Blue stands as an emblem of modern luxury, offering residents a unique fusion of easy city access and breathtaking seaviews. The upcoming Katong Park MRT station, located within 5 minutes walking distance, provides seamless connectivity, whisking you effortlessly to the Central Business District (CBD), Marina Bay, and Orchard. This strategic location ensures that the pulse of the city is at your doorstep, making Meyer Blue an ideal choice for those who value time and convenience. However, Meyer Blue isn't just about city living – it's an immersive experience where every home is graced with unparalleled seaviews. Wake up to the gentle lull of the sea and unwind in the evenings with a panoramic city skyline that stretches beyond the horizon. The high-rise block architecture has been meticulously designed to maximize these stunning vistas, creating an ambiance of tranquility and sophistication that is truly one-of-a-kind. Adding to its allure, Meyer Blue provides residents with easy access to renowned shopping destinations like Parkway Parade and Kallang Wave Mall, where world-class retail, supermarkets, and dining options abound. The culinary scene is diverse and vibrant, offering an array of dining experiences from local delights to international cuisines. For families prioritizing education, Meyer Blue is surrounded by esteemed schools, ensuring a seamless and quality education journey for the younger generation. The close proximity to schools such as Tanjong Katong Primary School, Haig Girls’ School, and Dunman High School adds an extra layer of convenience for families. LIVE Enrich Our Growing Community. LIVE refers to the style of architecture that perfectly blends nature with living. The design focuses on natural wind and air circulation, sunlight through floor-to-ceiling windows, and green areas that give residents the feeling of home in every step of the project. WELL Work-Life Balance WORK signifies easy to work solutions, specifically the project’s co-working space within the premises provides residents with a dedicated area to work or study without having to commute to an external office or library. This convenience can be especially beneficial for remote workers, students, or entrepreneurs living in the condo. LIFE Take Quality of Life to the next level. LIFE focuses on enhancing residents’ quality of life by providing a large common area to meet future living trends and to satisfy the lifestyles of all generations, with facilities such as the Club Houses, fully equippep Gymnasium, Lounge, a Family’s Pool, and a 50-meter swimming pool with a hydrotherapy system. At the heart of Meyer Blue's allure is the promise of freehold luxury—an increasingly rare gem in Singapore's real estate landscape. This means more than just a residence; it's a long-term investment in a home where generations can thrive, anchored by the security of enduring ownership. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameMeyer Blue (former Meyer Park)DeveloperUnited Venture Development (Meyer Blue) Pte Ltd.  - JV Between UOL Group/ Singapore Land GroupLocation81 & 83 Meyer Road, Singapore 437908, 437910 (District 15)TenureFreeholdEstimated Completion2029Site Area96,672 square feet / 8,981.0 sqmTotal Units226 units 2 to 5 Bedrooms in 1 block of 26 storeysCar Park LotsEstimated 1:1 ratio
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UOL Group Limited (UOL) is one of Singapore’s leading public-listed property companies with total assets of about $20 billion. The Company has a diversified portfolio of residential, commercial developments and investment properties, hotels and serviced suites in Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America. With a track record of over 60 years, UOL strongly believes in delivering product excellence and quality service in all its business ventures. UOL, through its hotel subsidiary Pan Pacific Hotels Group Limited, owns three acclaimed brands namely “Pan Pacific”, PARKROYAL COLLECTION and PARKROYAL. The Company’s Singapore-listed property subsidiary, Singapore Land Group Limited, owns an extensive portfolio of prime commercial assets and hotels in Singapore UOL Homes is a collection of high quality homes by UOL Group a leading developer and a trusted brand with proven track record of 60 years. We bring dedicated minds together, harmonising them to create endearing Masterpieces and enduring environments that are liveable. In doing so, we bring people and place together.
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Singapore Land Group Limited (SingLand) stands as a distinguished real estate company in Singapore, having been publicly traded since 1971. With a robust and extensive history, SingLand adopts a comprehensive approach to real estate development, engaging in a diverse portfolio that encompasses commercial offices, residential and retail properties, as well as hotels. In the realm of residential developments, SingLand has contributed notable projects such as Mon Jervois and V on Shenton, reflecting its dedication to crafting innovative and high-quality living spaces. On the commercial front, SingLand owns and manages some of Singapore's iconic landmarks, including the UIC Building, Singapore Land Tower, The Gateway, and Marina Square, each strategically positioned to enhance the vibrancy of Singapore's business and retail districts. SingLand's commitment to creative excellence is evident in its approach to design and construction, with a focus on developing inclusive and sustainable environments that contribute to the betterment of communities and the broader future. As a developer with a rich legacy, SingLand continues to play a pivotal role in shaping Singapore's real estate landscape, emphasizing not just on constructing buildings but on uplifting communities and fostering a more sustainable and vibrant future.
Unique Selling Points
- Freehold Luxury: Meyer Blue offers the rarity of freehold tenure, providing residents with enduring value and security. - Unobstructed Views: Enjoy stunning vistas of the sea and city skyline from the comfort of your home. - Proximity to MRT: Strategically located near the upcoming Katong Park MRT station, ensuring seamless connectivity. - Educational Hub: Meyer Blue is surrounded by esteemed schools like Tao Nan Primary School, Kong Hwa School, Dunman High School, and Victoria Junior College. - Exclusive Locale: Nestled in District 15, residents can relish the vibrant atmosphere and cultural richness of the surrounding neighborhood. - Developer's Track Record: UOL and Singapore Land Group bring a legacy of excellence, assuring quality in design, construction, and amenities. - Amenities at Your Doorstep: Enjoy easy access to shopping at Parkway Parade and Kallang Wave Mall, fulfilling all your retail needs. - Nature Retreat: Embrace the outdoors with a 9-minute walk to East Coast Park and Beach, providing a perfect escape for recreation. - Upcoming Katong Park MRT: Seamless connectivity to CBD, Marina Bay, and Orchard via Tanjong Katong MRT (TE25). - Community and Convenience: Live in close proximity to supermarkets, restaurants, and a range of recreational facilities.
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Project Unique Features
The Location
Meyer Blue is strategically positioned in the heart of District 15, offering residents unparalleled access to a plethora of amenities that enhance daily living. The upcoming Katong Park MRT station, just a stone's throw away, ensures seamless connectivity for residents, providing direct access to the Central Business District (CBD), Marina Bay, and Orchard. This strategic location is a boon for both investors and homeowners, promising not just a residence but a gateway to the city's pulse. Access to other parts of the island is available via the East-Coast Parkway, which seamlessly connects to other expressways including Marina Coastal Expressway, Pan Island Expressway, Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway, and Ayer Rajah Expressway. 
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Parkway Parade For those who appreciate the convenience of having everything at their doorstep, Meyer Blue doesn't disappoint. Renowned shopping destinations like Parkway Parade and Kallang Wave Mall are within easy reach, offering diverse retail options, supermarkets including CS Fresh and Fairprice Xtra, and an array of dining choices. Whether you're looking for high-end fashion, daily essentials, or a delightful culinary experience, these shopping hubs cater to every need. The culinary scene around Meyer Blue is a gastronomic adventure waiting to be explored. From iconic local eateries serving mouth-watering hawker fare to upscale restaurants offering international cuisines, the neighborhood is a food lover's paradise. Indulge in the rich flavors of the diverse culinary landscape, making every meal a delightful experience.
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Dunman High School Families with a focus on education will appreciate Meyer Blue's proximity to esteemed schools. Tanjong Katong Primary School, Haig Girls’ School, Kong Hwa School, Dunman High School, Chung Cheng High School, and Tanjong Katong Secondary School are all in the vicinity, ensuring a quality education journey for the younger generation.
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Nearby Green Spaces Nature enthusiasts will find solace in the nearby East Coast Park and Beach, just a short walk away. Embrace the outdoors with a plethora of recreational activities, from cycling along the coastline to picnicking in the lush greenery. Meyer Blue is not just a residence; it's a lifestyle enriched by the vibrant surroundings, making it an irresistible choice for those seeking a harmonious blend of convenience, luxury, and natural beauty. xxxx
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Meyer Blue (Former Meyer Park)
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Meyer Blue Location Map
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Meyer Blue Site Orientation What's Nearby? Trains (MRT) • KATONG PARK MRT DUE 2024 TE24 630m • Tanjong Katong MRT DUE 2024 TE25 710m Groceries/ Shopping • Katong Shopping Centre 1.31 km •  Katong V 1.48 km •  Parkway Parade 1.59 km   Schools • Tanjong Katong Primary 1.34 km • Kong Hwa 1.63 km • Chung Cheng High School (main) 970m • Dunman High 1.0 km
Site Plan/ Floor Plan
The design concept involves the creation of a modular system, which integrates natural open space modules. These open space modules work in collaboration with the building’s structure to produce a range of distinctive with unique features. The site plan of Meyer Blue has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. The developer, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, steam room & many more.
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Interior Design
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Smart Homes Safety and security are a top priority at Meyer Blue Condo, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, the development embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing. Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Typical Floor Plan
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Exteriors & Interiors With slightly over 200 units, you can truly feel the highest level of privacy. The separation of Active Zone and Private Space offers a sense of connection to the outside world while not lacking a sense of peace and order. A complete Well-Being retreat destination, provides an exhilarating mix of facilities in the vast area. This is a place, where you can always join in the activities with your family.
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Architecture Design
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Live The Life You Deserve Reenergise your body with our state-of-the art amenities, curated for your preferred activities at various facilities on different levels. Reward yourself with deeper Well-Being. At our swimming pool and jacuzzi, you can let it all go and collect yourself at the same time. While the unblocked view relaxes your mind, leave you feeling invigorating as ever. Exteriors & Facilities
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Meyer Blue Sky Terrace
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Meyer Blue Wellness Pavillion
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Meyer Blue Balcony Interiors
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Read the full article
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zhuangdetai · 7 months
YIKODA 12/16.8/21V Cordless Drill Rechargeable Electric Screwdriver Lithium Battery Household Multi-function 2 Speed Power Tools
                    YIKODA 12/16.8/21V Cordless Drill Rechargeable Electric Screwdriver Lithium Battery Household Multi-function Two Speed Power Tools Advantages Introduction: 1>Reversible.Automatic cartridge design. 2>Stepless. 3>25+1 stall torque adjustment. 4>Waterproof, drop, leakage power. 5>ECP: battery protection device to prevent battery overload, overheating and deep…
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morningmantra · 8 months
Pakistan: Imran Khan's Friend Shah Mahmood Qureshi Disqualified from Elections
Imran Khan's ally, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, barred from elections for 5 years due to leaking secrets. PTI also banned from using bat symbol. Legal action for embassy info breach cited.
Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s close friend Shah Mahmood Qureshi has been disqualified. The Election Commission of that country banned him from contesting elections for five years. The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has declared that Shah Mahmood Qureshi cannot run for elections for five years. He was recently given a 10-year prison sentence for leaking national secrets. This…
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nguyenvandio · 4 months
Máy khoan búa, vặn vít dùng pin Bosch GSB 18V-50 là một công cụ mạnh mẽ và linh hoạt, được thiết kế để đáp ứng nhu cầu của cả những người thợ chuyên nghiệp và những người đam mê DIY. Với nhiều tính năng tiên tiến và đi kèm với 2 pin và 1 sạc, máy khoan này mang đến sự tiện lợi và hiệu quả tối đa cho các công việc khoan và vặn vít trên nhiều loại vật liệu.
Những đặc điểm nổi bật của Bosch GSB 18V-50
1. Động Cơ Không Chổi Than (Brushless Motor)
Hiệu suất cao: Động cơ không chổi than của Bosch mang lại hiệu suất mạnh mẽ, ít hao mòn và tuổi thọ dài hơn so với động cơ chổi than truyền thống.
Bền bỉ và ít bảo trì: Giảm thiểu việc bảo trì và tăng độ bền của máy, giúp tiết kiệm thời gian và chi phí cho người dùng.
2. Hiệu Suất Vượt Trội
Mô-men xoắn cực đại 50 Nm: Cung cấp sức mạnh vượt trội để thực hiện các tác vụ khoan và vặn vít trên nhiều loại vật liệu như gỗ, kim loại và bê tông.
Hai tốc độ: Máy có hai chế độ tốc độ (0-460 vòng/phút và 0-1.800 vòng/phút), cho phép điều chỉnh tốc độ phù hợp với từng loại công việc cụ thể.
3. Đa Chức Năng
Chế độ khoan búa: Chức năng khoan búa mạnh mẽ giúp dễ dàng khoan vào bê tông và các vật liệu cứng khác.
Chế độ khoan thường và vặn vít: Linh hoạt trong việc khoan trên gỗ, kim loại và thực hiện các công việc vặn vít với độ chính xác cao.
4. Thiết Kế Tiện Lợi và An Toàn
Thiết kế công thái học: Tay cầm được thiết kế công thái học với lớp đệm mềm, giúp người dùng thoải mái hơn khi sử dụng trong thời gian dài và giảm mệt mỏi.
KickBack Control: Công nghệ kiểm soát phản lực giúp ngăn ngừa các tình huống nguy hiểm khi máy bị kẹt mũi khoan đột ngột.
Hệ thống đèn LED: Đèn LED tích hợp giúp làm việc trong điều kiện ánh sáng yếu một cách dễ dàng và an toàn hơn.
5. Pin và Sạc
Kèm 2 pin 18V Li-ion: Cung cấp thời gian làm việc liên tục lâu dài mà không bị gián đoạn. Pin Li-ion của Bosch cung cấp hiệu suất cao và thời gian sạc nhanh.
Sạc nhanh: Bộ sạc đi kèm giúp sạc pin nhanh chóng, giảm thời gian chờ đợi và tăng hiệu quả công việc.
Hệ thống ECP (Electronic Cell Protection): Bảo vệ pin khỏi hiện tượng quá tải, quá nhiệt và xả sâu, kéo dài tuổi thọ pin.
6. Tính Linh Hoạt và Tiện Lợi
Thiết kế không dây: Giúp người dùng dễ dàng di chuyển và làm việc ở mọi nơi mà không bị giới hạn bởi dây điện.
Dễ dàng chuyển đổi giữa các chế độ: Công tắc chuyển đổi giữa các chế độ khoan và vặn vít giúp thao tác nhanh chóng và thuận tiện.
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donkeyzball · 8 months
Day 20 & 21 (27 & 28 Jan 2024)
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Note: - Heard about the massive train crowd and grab crowd before the coldplay concert - Decided to drive there early as hell and position the car in the most ideal position - From past experience, parking nearer to the exit is the best cause when the concert ends there will always be a long queue out of the carpark - Concert starts at 8.30pm, went there at 4.30pm!!! - When I reached there were plenty of space, i took my own sweet time, drove 1 round around the whole carpark to scout for the best parking position - Ended up parking at the nearest lot possible to the exit! (Note the "way out" is just right in front - I nua-ed on the car and left the car closer to 5+, thinking i outsmarted the system
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- In the end when we were all about to leave, this exit wasn't open and only the exit to the right was open...lucky the next exit was damn near so managed to leave the carpark within 5 minutes, but gan... Extra Note: - Went to a coldplay concert with a young Gen Z, jinjja if not for the Gen Z we wouldn't have filmed the transition coldplay video and know which part of the song to film for all the effects, jinjja GDLL - If not 我们一群老人 would have just sat there and sing along lOl, 有年轻人真的有差 Note: - Went to ECP for a run - The view and the sea really GDLL everytime I see it! - Running is also so much easier when there's strong wind and people and things to look at - I aim to have a weekly ECP run at least once a week cause the other days are gym sessions!! - Really look forward to the weekly ECP run, hope I get to go once a week!!!
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