#familial creativtwins
amintyworld · 4 years
Dark Prince - Switcheroo AU Oneshot
A/N: Hello hello this is your author Minty here! Just wanted to give a quick thanks to @aimasup for letting me use her Switcheroo AU on the Creativtwins for this cheeky lil oneshot. The AU is about if the split occurs, but Roman and Remus were assigned opposite traits to represent - Roman being a dark side and Remus being a light side. This was really fun to write and took a lotta work, so I hope ya’ll enjoy! - Minty
Summary: Roman never wanted to be the villain. 
TW: Abandonment, Child abuse (Kinda, tagging just in case), sexual innuendos, Injury, exclusion, slight insanity, slight repressed homosexuality, cursing, putting life in someone else’s hands (As always, let me know if I need to tag anything else!) 
Roman’s first memory was of pain, of needles all over his body, and then… a kick. He remembered making a small whimper as he curled into himself, weak and tired, the kick hurting more than it should’ve.
“Get away, you disgusting pervert! Get away from Creativity!” Someone yelled sharply, and Roman slowly opened his eyes, wondering what he could’ve done and where he even was. He was in a room, a room filled with stuffed animals and children’s drawings and… a man. He was wearing a cardigan with a grey sweatshirt wrapped around his shoulders, kneeling to help up someone else… someone who looked like him. “Creativity, are you alright? Oh, you poor thing, don’t worry, we finally got rid of it…”
Creativity? Wasn’t… wasn’t he…?
The kid shook a bit, weak like him, looking to the man in wonder and curiosity. “Creativity.” He said, repeating the word as if to understand it. “I’m… I’m Creativity.” Creativity tried to stand, nearly falling before the man caught him. 
“Careful.” The man warned. “You might be a bit weak, that was a little intense. Here, let me help.” The man slowly picked up Creativity in his arms, then his gaze fell upon Roman, turning into one of disgust, making Roman’s heart begin to break. What… what did he do?
Creativity followed the man’s gaze. “Hey, who’s that?”
“Someone bad we don’t need anymore. Come on, Creativity.” They left, and Roman tried to move to get up, to follow them and maybe try to understand, he didn’t understand...
The next thing he remembered was gloved arms wrapped around him, lifting him up, and he looked up to see a man with half his face covered in green-tinted scales and a yellow snake eye that made his body tense. The man looked down at him warmly, sensing his fear. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Roman looked at the man, and his eyebrows furrowed. 
Roman liked Janus a lot, he was one of the few people who’ve ever really shown him kindness, plus he smelled like vanilla. Despite his off-putting scales when they first met, Roman had really warmed up to the other side. Janus was funny and a really good cook - leading to Roman’s obsession with Peanut Butter, even to the point the poor parental side had to hide it constantly or else all three jars would be gone by the end of the day. 
As their bond grew, so did Roman - he learned all about the others, ‘the light sides’ as Janus called them, and even the foretold Thomas. “Do you think I could meet him one day? Meet Thomas?”
“Uh…” Janus looked uncomfortable by the question, struggling to find the words to speak. 
“I’m sure if I explain everything to him, maybe he can clear things up with Patton, maybe we could all get along and be happy again!” Roman smiled, jumping a bit on the ripped up couch. 
“Roman…” Janus said, taking a breath. “It’s not that simple… Thomas… he…he doesn’t like us.”
“Why? You’re really nice, and… and-”
“He doesn’t like us because he doesn’t like what we represent.” Janus said, comfortingly rubbing circles on the back of the child’s hand. “Until he likes us, it’s no use trying to talk to him. That’s why I… well, why I’ve kept us hidden from him, why he doesn’t know about you… if he did, he could summon you and mock you and hurt you-”
“Will he ever like us again, Dee?” Roman looked up to Janus with sad eyes, the same sad eyes the deceitful side saw the day of the split. The eyes that made him help the kid so long ago, to endure the risk of insult and injury, to protect him. Janus met those eyes, and for once he didn’t have the heart to say the harsh truth. 
“Maybe, Ro.” Janus gave the kid a comforting smile. “Maybe someday.”
That’s how it was for a while - Janus and Roman against a world who hated them. Their own little family of acceptance and love. Janus would play with Roman, sing songs and teach him the right way to hiss. Roman would comfort Janus when he’d return after being summoned by the Light Sides, and bring him into the Imagination for adventures, and work on training with his new abilities as they presented themselves to him. 
It was one of those days in the Darkscape, Roman now fourteen, when the two were watching a movie that the most unusual thing happened. With a slow rise up in the living room stood Logan - tie messed up, bags under his eyes, holding a tiny seven year old in his arms. The child in question was wearing a large black hoodie, hood up and head buried into Logan’s chest, crying. 
The two on the couch stood up quickly. Looking over toward Logan, who was looking around the place blankly. Roman was about to give him a piece of his mind for entering unannounced, bothering them, but Dee held up his arm to block him. “Don’t. It’s not worth it.” He said harshly under his breath. He looked over toward the intruder. “What brings you to our neck of the woods, Logic? I thought your kind made it crystal clear we weren’t welcome.”
“I am… sorry to enter unannounced, Deceit. I do believe this is one of yours.” Logan said, adjusting his glasses with one hand and walking over, the other arm supporting the child. Moving his arm, the child looked over to the two others, his lip trembling and tears in his eyes. Janus’s heart broke at the sight as he moved closer. “What’s his-?”
“Anxiety. His name is Anxiety.” Logan said. He slowly began to hand the child over as he calmed to sniffles, only for the action to make the child in question burst out crying once more. Janus slowly moved and held Anxiety as he made grabby hands to Logan. 
“Pwease, I’ll be good! I’ll be good, don’t leave me!” Anxiety cried, and Janus held him close, shushing him and trying to soothe his tears, looking up to stare daggers at Logan. 
“Is that all? Or is there another helpless child that ‘moral compass’ of yours wants to abandon?” Janus spat.
“Deceit, you know as well as I do that this is the best thing in the end for Thomas.” Logan said, rubbing his forehead. “It’s dangerous for Thomas for all of you to be out, he’s not ready-”
“A seven-year-old child is dangerous for Thomas?!” Janus said, looking angrier and angrier by the second. “For Logic, you don’t seem to be making any sense.”
Janus jabbed his finger at Logan’s chest. “Now get out of my face and my home before things get so messy even your faulty ‘logic’ can’t fix them.” Janus’s voice was full of pure rage, and Logan’s blank face broke into more of… pity.
“I am sorry, Janus.” Logan simply said before sinking out, leaving the three of them alone. 
Janus’s anger dissapated quickly as he rubbed Anxiety’s back, heading to sit back on the couch. “Shh, shh, it’s okay…” Roman just stared at Janus in shock of the altercation between the two, he’d never ever seen Janus talk like that to anyone before. Janus looked up at him. “What?”
“Please… p-please don’t h-hurt me-!” Anxiety shook, looking up at Janus, then to Roman. Janus gave them a sad look, realizing what Patton probably told this poor kid-
Roman slowly reached out to him, smiling. Virgil’s reddened eyes met his as he looked up, moving toward Roman as Roman cupped his cheek softly. “I promise, no one’s gonna hurt you, okay?”
For a moment, silence fills the room as the child hesitates before his shaking small voice answered Roman. “P-promise?” Anxiety said, holding up his pinkie. Roman pinkie promised him, smiling warmly. 
“I promise.”
Roman yawned as he slowly made his way down to the kitchen, smiling as Virgil walked past him, eyes glued to his phone. “You know, you’d think with those dark circles under your eyes, you’d be the one yawning.”
Virgil gives a slight smirk at the playful remark. “Fuck off, playboy.”
“Well… I mean you’re not wrong there-” Roman shrugs, mischievously grinning. “I do like playing with a boy or two!” Roman finished with a wink at his brother.
Virgil nearly snorted at the retort, hiding his smile underneath his phone. “God, you’re disgusting-!”
“Right back at you, My Chemical Ro-Mess.”
The two sat down at the dusty dining room table as Janus walked out wearing a scaled apron with the words ‘Snake me’ written in flowy black cursive, carrying two plates of eggs and toast. He set them down in front of the two sides, turning to head back into the kitchen, ruffling Virgil’s hair as he went. “Cream and sugar for both of you, right?”
“Yep.” Virgil said, popping the ‘p’ slightly at the end. 
“Yeppers, Jan-Jan!” Roman answered before taking out his own phone to scroll through some… “tasteful'' photos. He liked thinking of their strong hands running down his chest or through his hair…
Janus came back out with the coffee as he sat down to eat, dealing out the drinks. The little family ate in a comfortable silence as they always did every morning, Janus only breaking it for a second to check their plans for the day as he spread a bit of Crofters on a piece of toast. Virgil answered first, putting down his phone for a minute. “Besides work and stuff, I was thinking about maybe putting up some new posters in my room, I’ve been getting into Evenasence.”
“Do you need any help, shadowling? I know the ladder’s not completely stable…” Janus asked.
“Shortie-” Remus smirked as Virgil just rolled his eyes at his older brother. 
“Nah, I’ll be fine, I usually give it extra support even when it wasn’t so loose.”
“If you’re sure… Roman?”
“Just gonna hang in the Imagination.”
“You hang out there a lot lately…” Janus remarked smoothly between bites. “Something you’re not telling me?”
“No, no! Dee, I’d never-” Roman sputtered, but Janus just raised his eyebrow.
“Roman, I’m the Lord of Lies. You can’t seriously think I won’t be able to spot one from a mile away?”
“It’s nothing serious, really. Just… uh… I made a friend?” Roman admitted with a sheepish grin.
“Friend…?” Janus asked.
“Uh… yeah! Katy, one of the townspeople in the kingdom, we hang out all the time-” Roman said, beginning to get up quickly. “Anyway, she’s probably waiting for me, I should go.” Roman chugged the rest of his coffee and quickly walked off. “See you guys at six!”
Janus’s eyes narrowed. That boy is hiding something, something big. Virgil just looked at the hallway entrance, where he disappeared to. “That was… weird.”
“You said it.”
“Think he’s gonna do something stupid?” Virgil asked, concerned. 
“I dunno.” Janus answered. “Just… check on him when you get the chance for me, okay? I know he likes handling things by himself, but the Imagination’s not completely his domain. If the light sides find him… I’m afraid things could turn ugly.”
“You got it, Chief.” Virgil said, worries already building up in his mind about what his brother could possibly be doing.
Roman sighed. That was a close one. 
It’s not like he didn’t want to tell them, it’s just… he didn’t think they’d really understand. Roman let out a small sigh before grabbing his bag and sword, and heading through the door to the Imagination. He began the walk as he did every day along the path, smiling at the winged rabbits and the frogs who croaked glitter - some of his best ideas, he’d say. 
As the animals became quieter and quieter, he couldn’t help but feel guilt at the edges of his stomach for making Janus worry. He knew that lying as necessary, to make sure they’d never get found out, but if it doesn’t make his stomach churn sometimes. Maybe, when he got back, if he could convince him, he’d finally be able to tell Janius. Maybe it was silly to hide it from him, maybe he’d really, truly understand.
“Hey, Roman! Up here!” His twin looked down at him from the treehouse, smiling and waving in his green and white uniform. He waved, returning the smile as he sat on the ladder, pulling the rope as he ascended, entering their little hideout. As soon as he put the basket down, he was bulldozed to the ground with a giant hug, making him laugh. 
“Remus, come on! It hasn’t been that long-”
“Two weeks is like… forever in brother years.” Remus responded, tightening the hug for a moment as Roman returned it. 
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too, Rem.”
The two sat down on the picnic blanket, relaxing as the cool wind blew through their small shelter, snacking on Crofters and bread, as well as a few sodas and candies Remus smuggled from the Mindscape kitchen. Roman played a bit with the crisp autumn leaves that blew inside, practicing lifting them up and folding them into shapes.
“Ro, do you ever wonder what it was like… before?” Remus asked, drawing Roman’s attention away from the star he was folding. 
“Before? Before what?”
“Before. When we were together.” Remus said, chewing on the jam-stained bread thoughtfully. 
“Oh.” Roman said. “I’ve never really thought about it, I guess.”
“We had the whole Imagination just to us, no hiding or running away. No one telling us who we were.” Remus said. “I just think about it sometimes. Daydream, really - what they had looked like, what they did, how everyone used to be. I’d ask more about it, but Patton…” Remus' face fell. 
“Hey, we don’t need him.” Roman said, placing a comforting hand on Remus’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks, Ro Bro.”
“Oh, I meant to ask,” Roman said. “I just barely got away to get here, Janus was onto me. I was… thinking, since he’s been so open and honest about everything to me-”
“No.” Remus said sternly. “Roman, we can’t. No one can know about this.” His face was a mixture of anger and fear. “Do you know what they’d do?! Roman, they don’t want us to be together, they don’t want us to get along or be happy!”
“But… but Janus isn’t- he’s not one of them!” Roman insisted, getting angry. “If I recall, your little Patton threw us out! Janus… Janus hasn’t done anything except be there for me and Virgil, he wants to protect us!”
“Roman, no.” Remus said. “That’s what he told you.” Roman’s fists clenched in anger, looking toward the ground. Janus wouldn’t lie to him, he wouldn’t-! “Don’t you ever think it’s weird how Dark and Light sides were already made up? How Janus and Patton were both ready to just... take us away?” Janus wouldn’t… he wouldn’t, he promised! “This whole thing was a setup to change who we once were, don’t you see? Patton, Janus, and Logan… they all made us split!”
“That’s not true!” Roman yelled. “Janus told me he’d never lie, he told me it was the truth!”
Remus’s face turned dark. “Roman, he’s the Lord of Lies, don’t you get it?! He was a liar from the very beginning-!”
Then, suddenly, Remus was on the ground, holding his jaw and looking up at his twin with shock. Roman looked down, his hand pumping with adrenaline from the punch. It was only a moment, but Roman could see the pain on his brother’s face, and his anger quickly disappeared. “Remus, I’m-”
“Remus…?” Roman’s heart dropped at the voice. Patton. Suddenly, a whip wrapped around Roman’s arms as he was pulled to the floor, volt shocking through his body, making his breaths slow and body cower. “Remus, are you okay?!” He could only hear footsteps behind him as he struggled to sit up, getting zapped every time he shifted. So his intended ‘he’s fine’ could barely be heard.
“I’m fine, Dad.” Remus said, looking down at Roman, worried. 
“Oh Remus I was so scared this morning when I woke up and you weren’t there and things had been stolen, I just knew you were kidnapped by Janus, but… it seems his little protege had other plans.” Patton rambled, looking over Remus for any bruises or injuries like a worried mother. “It’s okay now, you’re finally safe.”
“Dad, please let him go, I wasn’t kidnapped.” Remus said, pulling away from the cardigan wearing side. “He’s done nothing wrong, you’re hurting him!” Remus rushed past Patton to Roman, seeing drops of blood slowly coat his skin as his breathing began to slowly decline. He grabbed his pocket knife and cut the whip, releasing him as he simply slumped to the ground. “Roman, oh my god-!”
Patton simply watched with odd curiosity. Remus helped him sit up a bit, having his weak body lean on him. Roman let out a small coughing fit. “Remus, n-no…” They’d held the secret for so long, they coudln’t give in now!
Remus turned to Patton. “Dad come on, we have to help him!”
Patton slowly walked over, cupping Remus’s cheek. “Oh Remus, what did he do to you?”
“I knew they were bad, but I never throught they’d stoop so low.” Patton said. “Brainwashing a child…” Patton held Remus’s hands as they stood up, Roman on the floor. “Remus, they’re not good - Deception, Lust, Anxiety - they twist and manipulate your mind, that’s why I sent them away, to protect us.” Patton softly tucked Remus’s hair behind his ear. “I failed. I’m... sorry.”
Remus just looked toward the floor, taking a quick glance at his brother, his mind full of thoughts. “Dad, I…”
“I… I don’t know what they told you, and I don’t know if you’d believe me, but I promise you they’re nothing but a family of lying rats.”
“But… but Roman-”
“He doesn’t care about you, and it’s hard to say if he ever has.” Patton said. “Remus, there’s a reason the split occurred. You were being insane, lying and cheating, it wasn’t you. I had to save the real you from him.”
“Save me-?!”
Remus looked over at Roman and the two just looked at each other for a brief moment. “R-remus, I swear... I’d never-”
“Roman, what’s going on here?!” Virgil barked, his weapon Roman had created for him in his hands - a shimmering back bow and silver feathered arrows. Roman struggled to get up against the wall as Virgil entered, notching his arrow quickly and aiming at Patton. “What did you do-?!” He growled. “Where is he?!”
Patton slowly raised his arms. “Don’t shoot, though I’d think your kind wouldn’t hesitate to let a few fly against me, hm?”
“If you so much as hurt a hair on his head, I swear-”
“You’ll what? Kill me?” Patton slowly approached, the arrow pushed slightly against his forehead. “I wouldn’t be surprised, Anxiety. Or should I say Paranoia?”
“Stop avoiding the question and-!”
“V-virgil…” Roman managed weakly, falling to the floor as he took a step, making Virgil turn and rush toward him, taking off his dark sweatshirt and trying to help the bleeding from the electritcity, trying to find some way to help him. 
“S-shit-!” Virgil cursed under his breath. “Roman, hold on-”
Patton just looked over at them with anger. “They’ll never change, Remus. It’s in their blood - torturing the innocent with their thoughts and lies and fear. Twsiting reality for their own benefit. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, a part of me thought if I didn’t... I’d protect you.” Patton sighed, turning to Remus with a sad smile. “Let's just go home.” Patton walked past the two dark sides on the floor, and yet Remus stayed frozen. “Come on, Remus. Let’s go.”
Remus slowly approached Virgil and Roman as they slowly got up, Roman leaning on Virgil slightly for support, both just looking at Remus. “Remus, I-”
“Save it.” He growled. “So, this is really it, huh? I was dreaming of such a happy past to be found, for both of us.”
“But it seems I was nothing but an idiot to believe you, to believe that you were innocent.” His stared turned cold. “All this time, everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been through-”
“Remus, you can’t honestly believe-?!”
“You’re the reason we split, aren’t you?!” Remus snapped. “You’re the reason there’s light and dark sides-” Remus’s voice slowly began to rise with his growing anger, tears going down his face. “You’re the one who brainwashed me into thinking you actually cared!”
“Remus, please…” Roman begged, tears forming in his own eyes as he could feel his heart break into a million pieces at his brother’s words. It can’t be true, it just can’t, he couldn’t have-! Roman grabbed Remus’s wrist as he turned away, prompting Remus to push him to the ground. 
“Get away from me, Lust.” Remus practically spat, disgusted.
With that, they left, leaving Roman alone on the floor, crying. Remus actually left him. He believed Patton over him, he hated him, he abandoned him, he didn’t even... love him anymore. Virgil sat next to him, pulling him close and comforting his big brother as he cried, remembering his own day of abandonment and letting a few tears shed down his cheeks. “You don’t need him anymore, Roman. We don’t need any of those assholes, okay? They’re all the same - stuck up pricks.” Virgil spat with venom. “Fuck him.”
Soon enough, Thomas had grown into an adult, and Janus’s concealment of them was getting weaker by the day. Roman and Virgil were scared - they just wanted to do their jobs in peace, and not have to face the constant fear and harassment that loomed over them all their lives. Janus tried to comfort them, but even he was nervous.
One day, they couldn’t find Virgil. Janus and Roman tore through the entire Darkscape and Imagination looking for him, scared of what they might have done to him. Janus had ended his frantic search on the floor, bawling and shaking like a leaf as Roman tried his best to comfort him. “Don’t worry, Jan. Virgil will come back, okay? Virgil’s gonna be alright.”
Janus could do nothing but weep, sniffling. His mouth opened to say something and yet nothing ever came out. His heart felt hollow, and his mind was filled with worry for his family, his son.
Virgil eventually came back later that night, a little stand-offish at first than normal. When he saw Roman and Janus, however, he rushed to their side and apologized, hugging all of them tightly. Finally, Janus found the words as he hugged Virgil tightly, afraid if he let him go he’d lose him again. “Don’t ever leave me again, okay?!”
“O-okay…” Virgil said as he hugged him back, his eyes full of a few tears themselves. “I… I promise.”
They decided that they needed to be on guard, Thomas could summon any one of them now. Their new plan was to try to stand up against the light sides and Thomas, and to stand by each other through thick and thin. So it was - Virgil would get summoned when Thomas needed him and return, telling them all what occurred. 
It was around dinnertime on a crisp autumn night when Virgil didn’t return. Worried, they waited as long as they could, the night getting later and later, eventually eating without him, thinking maybe Thomas had a rough night. Virgil showed up not too long after Janus began doing the dishes, looking pensive. “Virgil, thank god you’re okay, we were worried-” Roman said, walking up to give him a hug. Virgil held up his hands to stop him. 
“No Roman, I… I need to think.” Virgil said, something in his voice Roman couldn’t place. 
“But… but you missed dinner, and-” Roman said, but his protests were in vain as Virgil awkwardly held his arm. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m… I’m not that hungry. I don’t mean to worry you both, sorry I’m late.”
“It’s fine, Vee.” Janus smiled. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Virgil smiled back. “If...If you need me, I’ll be upstairs, okay?”
“O-okay.” Roman said, a small comforting smile on his face hiding his confusion. 
Roman was alone. 
He knew he was right about them, about the light sides, and yet… yet more and more his family believed them, and… and they left. Virgil changed and moved in with them in a heartbeat after they’d saved him - he wouldn’t even need to be saved if it wasn’t for them in the first place - Vee said they changed. They were more open, accepting, that they loved him. 
All Roman could see was fake lies. 
When he called it out, Virgil left with an angry rip of his old sweatshirt, leaving Roman wondering what he did, what they did to him. Janus followed suit soon after, claiming that Virgil was really right. Did everyone forget what they did?! Did everyone forgive them so damn quickly for YEARS of torment, of abandoment?! It wasn’t.. It wasn’t fair! 
Roman was alone. He was sad, upset, angry...crazy? But finally, after all this time, sane. 
He finally knew what they wanted - a villain. Someone to point at and laugh at and crtisize and hurt. Roman couldn’t help but laugh, oh how it all made so much sense! They wanted someone to blame for everything, and still they’re blaming him. Roman’s tears dried as his chuckle echoed throughout the Darkscape. 
Well, if they wanted a villain, they’d get one. 
Roman snatched up Janus and threw him in the cell, his back making a satisfying crack as it hit the iron bars at the other end, leaving the scaled side to fall into a heap on the floor, letting out a soft groan. Virgil rushed over to help him, shaking like a leaf. “Janus-”
Janus coughed as he sat up again, struggling to get the air that was knocked out of his lungs back. “Roman, let us go! This isn’t funny anymore, let us out right now!”
“The pathetic thing is that you still think it’s a joke, Deceit.” Roman laughed, walking over toward the mirror to put on his crown. His hair was tidy and a crisp black prince outfit stood in place of his normal clothes as he fiddled with the collar, admiring his reflection. “I’m afraid your presence here is, well, essential to my plan.”
“P-plan…?” Janus questioned. “Roman whatever you’re going through we can figure it out together, okay? We’re a family-”
“Don’t you DARE utter that word again, you lying snake-!” Roman snapped, looking toward him with a cold sharp stare. “You choose those...those bastards over your own family, you left me for them.” His fists clenched as he hit the bars hard, making Janus jump and Virgil to cling to his side closer. “You don’t GET to be my family anymore.”
“Roman…” Roman could hear the emotion forming in Janus’s voice as he turned away to look out the window for a second before grabbing his sword to sharpen. “Roman, why…?”
“Why?!” Roman pointed his sword at Janus accusingly. “You both abandoned me and left me alone for people who hurt us, who kicked us toi the curb when things got tough.” He steadied himself, slowly calming his demeanor. “But, I guess i really should thank you both. Without you two, I’d have never realized my true role in all of this.”
“Oh, haven’t you heard, Jan?” Roman smiled slyly. “It seems as if I’m cast as the villain right now, what a shame. Would’ve really rathered playing the hero, but I guess you take what you can get these days, hm?”
“Roman.” Someone growled. Roman heard a voice from behind him, and just from the tone he already knew who it was. He wasn’t scared. He was playing his part beautifully, as he was always meant to be. He turned just as Remus struck with his morning star, weapons clashing. Remus looked extremely angry, and Roman couldn’t help but smile. 
“Wondered when you’d show up.”
“Let them go, Roman.” Remus growled, looking ready to pounce. Roman just let out a soft chuckle, turning into a giggle, soon his crazed laughter filled the room, making Remus hesitate in shock and confusion. “R-ro…?”
“Oh, what a hero! Man, we should have been playing this way from the start, this is so much better!” Roman laughed. “Would’ve done without ripping out my heart and feeding it to me, though. Notes for next time, ey?”
“Yeah, maybe not draw it out too much. Really make my life hell near the beginning and save us all some trouble, yeah?” Roman smiled, clashing swords with his brother. 
“This isn’t some game, Roman!” Remus shouted. “Release them right now, or…”
“Or you’ll what? Finish me off? Would be a bit of a gruesome scene for the kiddies, no?” Roman asked casually. “A bit dark for the hero, isn’t it?”
“H-hero…? But.. but I-”
“Well, please Remus, there’s no need to insist here, if you really like that ending, who am I to stop the famous hero’s wishes?” Roman calmly smiled as he dropped to his knees, dropping his weapon and kneeling his head. “Uh, maybe make it a bit quick, if you will? It’s my first time with a beheading before.”
“Roman...I…” Remus looked down to his twin, head bowed, and then to his morning star. “Roman, stop it! This isn’t right-!”
“Right? Hm, where have I heard that one before?!” Roman yelled, snapping to his feet to grab Remus’s neck and slam it into a nearby wall. “Guess you were smarter than you knew back then, huh? The bad of what we used to be…” Roman gestured to himself with a snicker. “It’s all right here, baby.” With a bit of creative magic he’d chained Remus by the neck, laughing as he snatched Remus’s glistening silver and green crown as he slowly lowered it over his head, turning pitch black. “Finally, after all these years, I get to take something from you, brother.”
As he marched toward the balcony, his shadow crossing over the iron cage as the two former dark sides huddled together in comfort and protection. He walked out as the sun slowly began to rise over Remus’s… no, HIS kingdom. He smiled as he watched his subjects come out of their houses, as he sat on the railing, legs crossed.
“People of Creativia, there’s been a slight change in management as of late-” He began. “As of now, I, Roman, am your new ruler and crowned Prince, and I hereby demote the status of your former ruler Remus to outlaw.” He heard murmurs from below. “Now, with that out of the way, let a new era of fear and evil plague this once happy town.”
“Welcome, everyone, and meet your Dark Prince.”
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
I have no clue why but Remus calling Roman flaco makes me stupidly happy. Like ah yes hispanics being hispanic. Maybe it’s because it reminds me a lot of my family but I just enjoy all the latino creativtwin content. And their playlists! I specifically love Remus’s but also enjoy Ro’s. Something about spanish and latin culture makes my brain happy. So thank you for including it. Aka Op love you for many reasons this just one of em, I can give you more but i’ve run out of space so :)
No thoughts head empty only Remus calling Roman "flaco"
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This is something that I will say. That I should say.
I used to be a r*mr*m shipper.
now before you all come at me with the wrath of a thousand ancient gods, and unfollow me for saying something so cursed, here me out.
I have been a long time fan of the good man Thomas sanders. I knew him from vine and then I moved to Europe and essentially forgot about him while I was trying to survive in a place where I couldn't speak Italian fluently due to my dumb American brain.
anyway, I rediscovered him when I came back for my final stretch of high school and was shown Are There Healthy Distractions before I moved back to the first episodes and accidentally found my home among this fandom.
but back to my story
yes, I saw nothing wrong with the accursed ship due to the fact that my brother had... ahem... done some pretty awful stuff to me and my sisters and when I tried to speak up about it, I was told the classic line of boys will be boys
i was in the wrong for shipping them, but I also didn't know any better unfortunately. I thought that it was normal, while in reality, I was struggling with the fact that incest is not fucking okay, and that it is most certainly not okay for people to do that in real life.
I later went to some extensive counseling, admitted that a family member was forcing themselves onto unwilling siblings (which was not punished for, even to this day, nearly two years later). And I also learned that the Creativtwins were related once I hit Remus' episode, which was a bit of a whiplash to find out when you aren't as active in the fandom...
is it okay that I shipped them when I had no idea that they were related? No, because it's still nasty.
is it good that I immediately jumped ship the second I knew? Yes.
will it haunt me that I was an incest shipper? Yep. But I can't change that I was, I can only move forward now, having only platonic Roman and Remus, which is leagues better.
so don't ship r*mr*m. It's not that hard.
personally, I far prefer rosleep nowadays...
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ssidesblog · 4 years
i have two fics for my hs au written and somehow BOTH of them are creativtwins angst ???? (one is happier and also have dark side family :))
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Kat’s Fic Master Post
I finally gave in and created a master list for organization’s sake. fear me and my fleet of fics
4/4/2022 Edit: Completely up to date!
Stories of varying word counts that feature multiple chapters.
Most recent multi-chapters
Howl Series (Crescent & Gibbous): When Virgil found himself staring down the barrel of a mugger’s gun, he had no idea it’d lead to him getting adopted by a werewolf on the spot
A Singular Cog in The Machine:  Logan adheres to the belief that needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the one, the latter being himself. platonic lamp
Chasm of the Night:  Logan goes to the Void, a place no one goes unless they seek death. He doesn’t expect the god of the Void to show themselves to him. Nor does he expect them to offer up a chance of vengeance against those who’ve wronged him. Ambiguous Analogical & Ambiguous Moralogince
See More Multi-Chapters here! 
Collections of stories that can be read standalone but are a part of the same universe. 
Most Recent One-Shot Series
Tiny Virge AU: In which Virgil is inexplicably a young child again and the other sides scramble to find a solution to bring him back to his normal grumpy adult self all while trying not to coo at how cute little Virgil is.
No Scorching Sun Nor Freezing Rain: In a world where humans are the practically extinct ones and dragons freely roam and rule the skies, a young draconic adult named Logan is in desperate search of a human to decipher the knowledge lying within the books of his hoard. He just didn’t expect the first human he’d discover would be an abandoned human hatchling left to fend for itself
See More Oneshot Series Here!
Fics told in an informal, loose story-telling style.
Most recent concept fics
When the Sides Get Sick, Each of Them Have Different Reactions: Headcanons about how the Sides handle being sick
Flower-Crowns: Patton gifts his famILY flower-crowns and in return they gift him one of his own.
Check out more concept fics here!
Completed single-chapter fics with the bare minimum of 1k words.
Most Recent Oneshots
These Bones Never Rested While Living: Roman used to think that dying falling off a horse was the dumbest way for important historical figures to go. creativtwins
Scaled and Icy:  “Oh, Virgil is going to hate him. He’s going to erupt in a rant about Logan being too impulsive as if Logan doesn’t think out every action in a methodical manner.” Or. Logan decides to adopt an abandoned human child. platonic Logince
Rooftop Requiems:  Hero, villain–it doesn’t matter, the system is fucked regardless of what side you’re on. platonic Moxiety
To Hell with Semantics: Sometimes Virgil wondered if he came from the same clutch as Logan. Because the last thing he expected was to find Logan caring for the young of a legendary, dangerous adversary to all dragonkin. brotherly Analogical
Cave Canem:  Patton might’ve been a boy once, a normal boy, a boy who loved splashing puddles and creating make-shift forts. He isn’t one anymore. platonic Moxiety
Check out more oneshots here!
(completed single-chapter fics that range from 500 to 800 words in length)
Most Recent Ficlets
The Light Within the Dark Trees’ Shadows: When Logan was younger he sought comfort in the moon. Now he dreads its’ arrival
A Sticky Situation: Janus’s gloves is more than for the aesthetic--there’s a practical use to them. A practical use Remus decides to exploit for a “funny” prank. familial anxceitus
A Vigilant Prince: After several days of no sleep, Virgil finds himself sitting listlessly in the kitchen at 3AM. Fortunately a prince is there to help out. platonic prinixety
Someday My Prince Will Come:  Roman expects a lot from the one Virgil Locksley he plucked from underneath his bodyguard’s eye. What he doesn’t expect is for the kid’s first words to be, “Don’t send me back.” platonic prinixety
Silver Eyes: Logan just wants to keep his brother safe, they’d gotten so far with Logan’s wits and well-placed words, they just needed to go a little further with them. Brotherly logicality
Check out more ficlets here!
Fics that are 400 words and below
Most Recent Micro-Fics
Depression: There is a person in a room somewhere in the world. Surely you’ve been that person at some point. platonic analogical
Heavenly: “You’re...heavenly.” platonic prinixety
Finding Optimism: It isn’t as easy as finding loose change. platonic lamp
Calling: As a demon, Deceit must answer any and all summons. Even idiotic ones.
Sink into the Soil: It’s pathetic, Roman thinks, to be reduced to a shriveling sobbing shell of a someone once so proud and confident. platonic roceit
Giggly: The first sign of things going terribly wrong was Logan giggling. The man never giggled. platonic logince
Check out more micro-fics here!
Kat’s AO3
General Tag List
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amintyworld · 5 years
LITTOH Chapter 4: At the Midnight Hour
A/N: Guess who’s back! It’s me again with another long awaited update! Sorry for the wait I had exams. Anyway, hope you enjoying this AU as much as I am, and I hope you enjoy the chapter! -Minty
Summary: Remus tries to push the two lovebirds together, Roman reveals more of his past and his pain to Virgil, Patton finally gets Logan to rest.
TW: Cursing, parental abandonment, sleep deprivation, medication. (Let me know if I missed any!)
Virgil closed his eyes, the loud music drowning out everything - the fear, the hope, the risks. It made his head spin. He just needed a moment to just be Virgil. No parasites, no death looming over him, no confusing feelings.
Virgil rested his eyes as he lay in his bed, an IV in his arm. He sighed, feeling content.
New meds. They always had new meds. It was like a constant stream of numbness washing over him.
He curled in tighter on himself, the warmth soothing as he drifted to sleep, music blasting in his ears.
Roman smiled at his brother, his breathing tube stinging his nose slightly as chemo drifted into his lungs. “You’re really persistent today, aren’t you?”
“But the roof-”
“We’re just friends, Remus.” Roman said. “Besides, I barely know him.”
“That’s it! Maybe you guys could be alone together under the moonlight-” Remus said, slightly distracted, ideas bouncing around his head.
“Reeemuuss…” Roman whined slightly. “I am not going on a date with him!”
Remus waved his hand in a circle as he spoke. “It wouldn’t be a date, per say…”
“Still.” Roman said. “You know how I get on dates - Rachel Victoria?”
“That was a girl - you hadn’t realized your gayness yet…” Remus brushed off.
“Greg Folly?” Roman said, eyebrows up in an accusing tone.
“Please, any date involving the woods was bound to go wrong-”
Roman sat up and crossed his arms. “Evett Brown? Brad David? Nick Blue?”
“Okay, okay! I get it! You’re a mess on dates!” Remus said, giggling. Remus looked to his brother. “How is everything, by the way?”
“In the past week? I mean, pretty okay-” Roman said. “Is...um… is Dad… going to come anytime soon?”
Remus shook his head no. “Sorry, Ro Bro. That old fart can't get away from his office even for a moment, not since you left, at least."
Roman tried to avoid his brother's eyes to somewhat hide the disappointment, or maybe even the sadness behind his own. "O-oh."
Remus looked right through his brother's facade in a moment's notice. "Hey…" Remus's voice seemed warm, almost comforting.
"It's okay, Remus." Roman's voice that had seemed so full of emotion turned dull. "I'm fine."
"Roman, look… Dad's just-" Remus stumbled, trying to find the right words. Roman just looked toward the window as he wrapped his arms around himself in comfort.
"Visiting hours are almost over. I, um, wouldn't want you to be stuck in evening traffic."
"Roman..?" Remus asked, worry and concern that he often didn't show coming through in his voice.
Roman turned, forcing a small smile. "I'll be fine, Remus. I promise."
Remus gave him a concerning look for a moment before grabbing his bag and putting on his coat. His voice still shouted concern "You call me if you need me, alright? My phone's always on."
"Yes, Remus," Roman said, giving a smirk. "You worry too much, Rem."
"Well, I'm your brother, Roman," Remus said, leaning against the doorframe. "That's kind of my job, you know."
"I know. Be safe, alright?"
"I will."
With a click, the door shut, and the struggle to keep his smile vanished as Roman looked toward the window in his room. He couldn't help but think how stupid it was to believe his father would visit.
He never seemed to care too much about him or Remus. Who would have thought that the old brute would change his mind now?
Roman sighed. He shifted, turning toward the sunset setting in his bedroom window, looking as the sun sank below the horizon.
Patton bundled up tighter, the snowfall is getting heavier as he looked out the window. It would be only a few weeks before schools broke for winter break, then the holidays would come like a flash - Christmas.
Patton sighed, getting up from his desk at the Nurse’s Station. It was pretty much empty - all the other nurses had gone home at this point. He needed to look over a few extra files - a few patients were going into surgery tomorrow, and one was getting dispatched.
He couldn't wait to get home and get some sleep for the following day. His body practically begged for rest. Just as he was heading for the door, however, a bright light caught his eye from the main unit offices.
Everyone else should be home, and the night shift interns Emile and Remy wouldn't be here for at least another hour. Those two were shocked and eager to help when Patton had explained the temporary position. They were the most promising interns, after all - if there were any emergency, they knew the protocols by heart.
So… who the heck could be up at this hour?
Patton walked closer toward the buttery light, creaking the door open slowly to reveal… was that… Logan?!
Oh, jeez…
Logan was slumped over his desk, dark circles under his eyes, passed out, face smushed on what looked like meeting notes and file paperwork.
His hair was a huge mess, and his glasses askew. This threw Patton for a loop. He knew his best friend better than anyone else in the world, and Logan would NEVER in a million years, be this messy.
He approached cautiously, mentally preparing himself for his sleep-deprived friend. Logan hated being disturbed and often snapped when he lacked sleep.
He nudged his friend slightly. "Lo-"
"I'm aquake! I mean, awake!" Logan jolted, sitting up in his chair, a pen stuck to his cheek. "Patton, what are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting with Ryne-"
"Logan. It's ten at night. The meeting was at noon." Patton said. "How long have you-"
"Not long, Patton! I promise! I just had some paperwork, and uh, dozed off I guess…" Logan said, turning to notice his friend's expression. "No need to worry. I am fine."
"Logan, please." Patton said, grabbing Logan's hand, his face flushed a little as he looked to his best friend. "Just… just take a break, Lolo."
Logan giggled. "Nicknames, Patton? Seriously?"
Logan looked over his unfinished work with stubborn pride, then to Patton. He could only describe a sort of safe and secure feeling with Patton, like a warm blanket or a firm hug. The feeling was new, but… it was a feeling Logan yearned to feel all the time.
Besides, the paperwork could be finished tomorrow, right?
"Fine. I'll go home."
"In your condition? No way. Logan, that's a three-hour drive!" Patton interjected. "Come on, my house is closer."
Logan's eyebrows furrowed, thinking over and over as he always did. "Patton, I wouldn't want to intrude-"
Patton rolled his eyes, their hands still clasped together. "Psh, come on, Lolo! You're my friend. Plus, it'll be just like a sleepover!"
“Come on, Lo!”
Logan didn’t even have a chance to argue before Patton was dragging him out to his car, giggling and smiling. Patton was tough and stubborn alright - he had a way of getting Logan to give in with his consistent persistence… or, Logan thought, it could have something to do with the warm and uneasy feeling in his stomach that seemed all too sickeningly sweet.
“Virgil? Psst, Virgil!”
Virgil grimaced, turning over before slowly awakening, opening his eyes to the darkness. He checked his phone, groaning at the bright light.
Suddenly, his senses snapped into focus at the voice, that was almost a harsh whisper. “Virgil, are you awake?”
“Princey…?” He whispered to himself, turning to face the bland beige wall behind his bed. What was keeping him up? And, better yet, why was he calling for him, out of everyone? “Well,” Virgil yawned, sitting up on his bed with his back against the wall. “I am now. What’s up? Decided to abandon beauty sleep?”
“Not, eh, exactly. Couldn’t sleep.”
“Jeez, couldn’t tell.” Virgil smiled, laughing a little bit. “But seriously… what’s, um…  what’s  wrong?” Virgil wasn’t really good with emotions, but, well, he was willing to try.
“Nothing’s wrong, I just… wanted your company?”
“Heh. You flatter me, Princey, but I know a lie when I hear one. Try again.”
Virgil heard a sigh from the other side of the door. “My, uh, brother came to visit today.”
“You have a brother?” Virgil asked, pretty much wide awake and pulling his knees to his chest for warmth.
“Twin, actually,” Roman said. “His name’s Remus. You probably haven’t seen him - you have treatment during visiting hours.”
“We’ve been inseparable since forever - Me… Remus… and, uh… my Dad…” Roman said. “Of course we haven’t seen eye to eye, of course, but I guess I…”
Virgil’s heart nearly shattered at his friend’s shaking voice and sniffs as he paused, choking up.
“... I just wish that he’d put all the shit aside for once, you know?!” Roman said with such intensity and hurt behind his voice that Virgil just wished he could hug the weeping prince close and dry his tears. “At least, before he doesn’t have to see his disappointment of a son anymore.”
“R-roman…” Virgil said, trying to say something, find something to say to tell him everything was fine.
“I… I’m sorry.”
And, it seemed, that was all that needed to be said.
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amintyworld · 5 years
LITTOH Chapter 2: On the Rooftop
A/N: I was planning on posting this fic earlier this week, but then school and life got on the way and now it’s Sunday. This is the longest fanfic I’ve EVER written, tallying on a google doc about 8 pages. I hope all of you are as excited for this series as I am. Your author, Minty.
Summary: After a small bit of hope sparks some confusing feelings, Virgil and Roman try to go back to fighting their own battles.
TW: Cancer mention, death mention, vomiting, loss of consciousness, parasite mention, logicality implied. (let me know if I missed any!)
LITTOH Masterlist
Virgil groaned, shifting, as the morning light eased him awake. Did he sleep through the night?! Jeez, these meds are strong. He felt a warm body pressed against his.
He slowly opened his eyes. He wouldn’t admit it, but the warmth was surprisingly comforting. He looked around the empty, quiet room and noticed the closed door. He didn’t remember closing it. He heard a content sigh from behind him. He looked down to notice an arm wrapped around him, and his face flushed red in seconds. He noticed his face nuzzled close, oh god they were so close…
He slowly crept out of the bed, as not to wake him. He needed to get out of here. He wanted nothing more than to hide away in his room. Virgil didn’t like the tightness in his chest, or the overwhelming heat on his face that no amount of foundation could hide.
As he slowly walked to the door, his stomach churned. His eyes widened. No..no, no, no, no!
Virgil quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, desperately trying to stop the inevitable. The room spun as he tried to stay upright.
Don’t fall, please no…
Roman stirred, rubbing his eyes. “Virgil…?”
Virgil looked pale and sickly, and...scared? He dashed out the door, ripping his black medical mask off as he puked into a nearby trash can. With this, Roman was awake. He threw off the covers, rushing to Virgil’s side. Virgil was shivering. Roman rubbed his back soothingly. He didn’t know what to do, what to say. He bit his cheek, concerned, looking round for nurses.
“It’s okay, Virgil.” Roman said. “It’s...it’s going to be okay.”
Nurses rushed over from the front desk of the ward, pushing Roman back. “Breathe, Virgil. Deep breaths, okay?” A nurse with the tag ‘Patton’ said. Virgil’s face was so pale, so deathly pale, and his chest struggled to heave in and out. Another nurse rushed to get a wheelchair, scooping Virgil up, god he looked so weak…
Roman was uneasy, mind filled with thoughts and words that somehow couldn’t leave his mind. He stood there. It was strange how one moment, life can be normal, smiles, and laughter. Then, well…
Why was he so upset? He didn’t even know him. He didn’t-
Yet the sinking feeling in his stomach spoke the truth.
Virgil felt weak and dizzy, and he felt the familiar press of the warm plastic, and the tight strap that wrapped around his head. The voice was firm, but gentle. “Breathe, Virgil.”
It was distant.
The airborne medicine flew into his lungs as he breathed shakingly. His world slowly came back into focus, the mask becoming fogged. Logan gave a small smile.
“There we are.” He felt his forehead. “Just keep breathing.”
Logan was the head doctor of Urgent Care Ward. He was a resident doctor of the hospital, Patton his close friend since highschool. “Patton, he needs an IV and a nose breathing tube, his vitals are dropping.”
Patton gave a sharp nod, rushing out the door, a determined look on his face.
Logan pressed the cold metal of his stethoscope to his chest, sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes were fixed, focused.
“Deep breath, okay?”
Confusion flashed across the doctor’s face. He pushed up his glasses, mumbling to himself, thinking. “That dose should’ve worked, I don’t…” He looked toward Virgil, speaking calmly. “We should be getting your X-Ray results soon, they should clear things up.”
Patton walked in, hooking up the IV quickly, hydrating the weakened patient. He stroked his hair comfortingly, and Virgil offered a weak smile in return. He slowly turned the medicine flow off and carefully removed the mask.
Virgil's breathing had become more even, but he was still really tired. It was terrifying- panic and puke, breathing slipping from his grasp all too quickly. The nose tubes were uncomfortable, and very familiar. Painfully familiar.
Patton smiled down at him as Logan headed for the door swiftly, other matters to attend to. "How ya doing, kiddo?"
"F-fine…" Virgil said shakily, taking a deep breath of the oxygen before speaking again. "Just...tired…"
"Of course, kiddo." Patton could sense the panic in Virgil, and pushed some stray bangs out of his face. "You should rest, I'll check on you in a little while, okay?"
Virgil nodded, looking up at the white ceiling. The same white ceiling he had looked at for days, listening to his music and blocking out the world.
He couldn't help but have his thoughts wonder to Roman. He wished he was here, to hum his melodies…
Slow down, Virgil. You've only known him for like, a day. Now suddenly he's all you think about?!
His mind was pulled out of the clouds as he heard Patton talking to someone. He knew he shouldn't snoop, but honestly, he didn't really have a choice. Their words were loud enough to hear as they talked outside of his room.
"So...you seem pretty tired from the night shift, Lo. You wanna get a coffee on break?" His voice was nervous, yet full of hope.
"I probably will, Patton. Thank you for the suggestion." Logan said, his voice unwavering, always focused.
Logan's shoes made a loud sound on the floor as he walked off. He heard Patton's discontent sigh.
"Oh, Logan…" Patton said, a bit of sadness in his voice. "You really can't take a hint, can you?"
Roman sat in the waiting room, nervous. He'd been on his first round of chemo, and it was finally time to see if it worked.
Or worse, if it didn't.
He fidgeted, the answer weighing on his mind. They'd gotten the diagnosis early, when during one of his rehearsals at his local theater for his debut, he couldn't get enough air in to sing, and began coughing so badly his director demanded him to get a check up.
Thank god she did.
His twin brother, Remus, rushed into the room. At everyone's sudden glance, his face flushed as he walked over to his younger brother. Roman smirked. "That's one way to enter a room, Rem."
Remus smiled, but quickly faded with worry. "Any news yet?"
"Damn, they're really making us wait today. How long does it take to look at an x-ray?!"
"Pretty long, apparently."
Remus sat. He would wait until the end of time. He was not leaving his brother. Not today, and especially not now.
He can't really explain his emotions when Roman had told him about the call. It was almost like time itself stopped, and the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat thumping in his ears. Roman choked on his words halfway through, beginning to cry.
But, Remus knew what he was saying. He knew and yet he didn't want to know. He didn't want to believe it.
As he sat for a few moments, he noticed the chair next to him wobble. Roman's whole body was shaking slightly. He grabbed Roman's hand to steady him.
"Roman, you're shaking."
Roman just looked out of the window, quiet.
"Roman, talk to me." His voice was laced with concern. Where was that smiling, singing theater kid he used to know?
Roman's voice was quiet. "S-sorry, I'm just a little tired."
"Roman Sanders?"
Both pairs of eyes darted to the doctor standing by the door. Roman stood up. "Yes?"
The doctor gestured inside. "Come inside. We have a few things to go over."
Roman gripped Remus's hand as they walked. Remus remembered when Roman was so scared of heights, and he was being dragged along on his first roller coaster.
Roman was usually so tough, fighting dragons in their backyard and saving princes, but for the first time, Roman Sanders was really... scared.
Remus smiled at his brother. "Don't worry. I'll be right here."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
They sat in two chairs next to each other. The doctor got out a chart. "I am Doctor Joan, I'll be your primary team doctor." He shook both of their hands firmly.
Roman gripped Remus's hand tighter.
He cleared his throat before pulling out two X-Rays. Both were centered on his lungs. "As you can see here, this is your tumor when you were admitted- slightly smaller than a golf ball. Normal for stage three." He said, explaining the first X-Ray. Then he pulled out the second.
Both twins had their eyes glued to the doctor.
"After a week of chemo, it appears your tumor has grown by fifty percent, making you now at stage four. It's taken control of about a quarter of your left lung, and is still growing."
Roman had no words. He didn't move. He didn't speak. The fear of death loomed over him, and it seemed almost as if at any moment, it would all be over.
He looked at the ground. He couldn't look at the doctor. He couldn't look at his brother.
What he would give to be laughing and smiling with Virgil again. What he would give to see him right now.
Though, he didn't think Virgil wanted to see him. Maybe he didn't even like him.
Remus's mind whirred. No. No, he wasn't just going to give up so easily. He's seen his brother fight off monsters and warlocks and witches. He could beat this. He HAD to beat this. He won't let his brother go, not without a fight.
Remus looked at the doctor. "What can we do?"
Roman was walking around the Ward when he spotted the door to Virgil’s room ajar. He yawned, the morning had sapped nearly all his energy out of him. He peeked his head in, worried for Virgil’s state from the episode this morning. Virgil was curled up, blue hospital scrubs against a white bed. He murmured in his sleep, pulling himself closer for warmth. Roman hated the way his face felt hot as a small breeze blew Virgil’s purple hair in the wind.
What was he doing here? He quickly took a step back. The nurse will think he’s insane. Who the heck stares at someone sleeping?! He knew he only wanted to check to see how Virgil was doing, maybe even talk, but…
Roman! Snap out of it! You’re acting like a giddy, lovesick, teenager!
He shouldn’t be here. Why was he here? He turned to leave, wanting to make a mad dash for the door, but knowing it would wake him. STUPID! Why did he think it was a good idea to just stare into Virgil’s room when he’s freaking asleep like a stalker-
He froze. He hoped more than ever right then, that Virgil had a sleep talking habit.
“Roman, is that you?” Virgil rubbed his eyes, turning on a bedside light.
Roman slowly turned. “H-hey, Virge…” He said nervously.
“Roman, what are you doing in here?” Virgil asked. He yawned, energetic for the morning - er, afternoon by now.
“I...I was just checking up on you. I was really worried from this morning-”
“-And I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be such a creep, I’ll go now-!” Roman’s face was flushed pink as he turned to leave.
Roman stopped dead in his tracks. Either he was going to be yelled at by his crush for staring while he slept, or he was going to be screamed at by his crush for his pathetic explanation. He closed his eyes tight, not wanting to see Virgil’s face, even though his back was to him. He hated him, he just knew it-
“I don’t want you to go.”
“W-what…?” Roman asked.
“Well...y-yeah…” Virgil was blushing now. “I haven’t seen you all day, and I just wanted to talk.”
Roman was bright red, trying to keep his cool. “Y-yeah...I...I’d like that.”
The wind blew their hair in all directions as they opened the door to the roof. Virgil smiled. The wind was almost comforting to him, and he started to walk toward the edge, sitting down and looking at the skyline as the sun lowered into the buildings, the sky turning a pale yellow and pink.
"What are we doing up here?" Roman asked, looking around. "I didn't even know we were allowed up here."
"We aren't usually, but I know a guy." Virgil bit his lip, still a but nervous. "Sit, Princey." Virgil patted the space next to him. Roman was hesitant, but slowly sat down next to him.
The wind slowed as the sun began to melt into the buildings, it's bright hue emerging between the small spaces between the skyscrapers. Virgil breathed deeply, his nose tube gone, as he let the wind whip his hair. He paused a moment before breaking the silence. "This is my favorite place in the hospital. I...I come up here when I just need, well… an escape."
Roman was quiet, this events of his day weighing on his mind. "I was worried about you, you know."
Virgil sighed. "I...I know." He bit his tongue.
You shouldn't have to.
Roman looked at Virgil, his face as mix of concern, as if thinking deeply about something. He looked like he wanted to say something, yet his mouth remained shut.
"Are...are you okay?"
Virgil tensed. He shut his eyes, trying not to think about him, god why was he thinking about HIM?! He slowly opened his eyes, forcing a smile. "I'm fine, Princey. Just...a lot on my mind, you know."
"Do you..wanna talk about it?" Virgil's eyes screwed shut again. Roman quickly replied, sensing the tension. "Y-you don't have t-to-!"
“N-no…” Virgil said, his voice shaking. “It’s okay.” His hand inched towards Roman’s without him realizing it, his heart ached for some kind of comfort. “I...that is, the reason f-for this morning…”
“I...I have a parasite.” Virgil said, looking away from Roman, below, at the thousands of people coming and going, always in a hurry. “It’s not contagious, but the doctors are running out of options. They say I may not have long to live.”
“O-oh.” Roman said. “W-well, if anyone knows what that’s like, it would be me.”
Virgil’s ears perked up, and he turned to face him. “How so?”
“I..u-um…” Roman Prince has never been this nervous in his life. He didn’t know how Virgil would react, after all, he barely knew him, yet he felt like he’d known him forever. It was a strange feeling to him. Would Virgil pity him? Would him telling Virgil ruin the way Virgil sees him?
Virgil’s hand quickly, subconsiously, grabbed Roman’s for comfort. “Hey, it’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay. Everything is okay.”
“L-lung cancer. Stage four. The tumor’s been growing rapidly.” Roman sighed. “I don’t know how much time I have left. It could be tommorrow, or a month from now.”
Stunned silence passed between the two.
“Well, if that’s the case Princey, let’s make today count.” Virgil smiled, making Roman’s heart skip a beat.
Virgil leaned close to Roman, their hands intertwined, as the stars sparkled in the night sky, the city below them flickering to life. Virgil’s warmth flooded his body as they sat there, the future scary, but sometimes, having someone to hold onto when your world is crumbling to the ground, can make it a little less freightening.
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