salty-fryingpan · 7 months
Derek just being absolutely terrifyingly bat shit obsessed with Stiles is so personal to me and I want all of the fics
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mistyscenter · 3 months
I think 90% of people who hate Derek dlc either: didn't pay attention to it or are just racist, because tell me why we can't, legitimately criticize Baxter dlc for being a hot mess, but we can shit on the Latino character who's whole storyline is learning that it's ok to put yourself first and that your family will love you regardless.
Legit some of you missed the part in boardwalk where Irene says that the person who took most care of Nico gets to decide where to go to dinner, she's quite literally saying she wants to reward Derek for his hard work.
Irene and Gregorio let Derek go to the soiree with the MC despite being movie night because they know of Derek's crush on the MC and really want him to spend more time with them.
Derek himself admits that his parents don't make him do anything when it comes to taking care of his brothers, he's actively choosing to include them. That's the whole point of his dlc, that's his doing, he's the one doing that to himself and he fixes that because Derek knows what he wants and he knows where his priorities lie.
That's why when he decides to ask you out to the waterpark he goes in the other room, he's trying to make it up to he's younger self, he learned from his ways and is trying to be a little more selfish. He still falls into those habits from time to time but he always makes it up for it.
Idk man Derek dlc is the best love story I've ever read, it left me with warm and fuzzy feelings and I will die for the Suarez ngl
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izloveshorses · 7 months
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ANYA/DMITRY + tv tropes™ ~Anastasia the Musical~
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javelinbk · 10 months
Inside the press conference preceding the Apollo show, I had moved around in what I saw as my pleasantly anonymous way; yet I was recognized immediately when I came face to face with Paul McCartney – already a very famous visual collage of eyes and hair but as yet, for me, lacking a separate personality. For us sporadic raiders of their lives, it was a case of ‘seen one, seen ’em all’, though of course this was not the case with their fans. Pressmen are usually slow in such matters; living as they do in the irony tower, the sceptic tank, the wish-bowl of national journalism, how could it be otherwise?
‘You! Oh, oh!’ Paul said, not unpleasantly. ‘Hello again.’ I greeted him with what I assumed was a shy smile and asked him how he was. ‘Great,’ he replied before being swept onward by the crush of photographers and journalists. He waved goodbye in that ‘I am giving you all my attention' way for which he has an inborn gift. He was and is a master of communication, unbeatable at personal attentiveness, whether on a one-to-one basis or in front of 50,000 people.
Derek Taylor falls for Paul McCartney's charms in Manchester, 20th November 1963 (quote from Fifty Years Adrift)
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imnotadogiswear · 1 year
There aren’t nearly enough fics where Alex and MI6’s actions are exposed to the world. Think of the potential! The reactions! The politics! The d r a m a
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kittykatstiles · 1 month
erica sent stiles slutty macbook selfie that went viraled on twitter to the group chat and streets are saying derek hale broke his phone again
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daisyswift3 · 1 year
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... sound of rebellion ...
Remembering B. B. King ... 9 years without the legendary guitar player
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manny-jacinto · 24 days
i’m slowly rewatching the 2nd season of grey’s anatomy and damn it really holds up. the first seasons of GA are truly unmatched!
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endwersed · 9 months
Hi! I have a question I could use some help with from any US-American friends...
Are baseball players at the same level of fame with the general population as, say, American football & basketball players are? Like, do they get talked about on entertainment news, followed by paparazzi, etc.?
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wolframpant · 1 year
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13 October 54 AD: Emperor Claudius dies after consuming some mushrooms that were allegedly poisoned by his wife Agrippina.
I, Claudius
Anno Domini
Imperium: Nerone
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volfoss · 2 months
derek may be the funniest character in this book. fucking naming your son dertu.
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[ID: Text reading:
"“Listen to him, he’s lying!” said Derek. He was going through the socks and boots laid out on the bed. “Listen! This is all wrong. We are not the enemies of anything. What did you say about a name?”
“I suggest my name be Derek Two pronounced as one word and spelt as such, Derektwo, and I’ll take your modern last name, Alcazar, which you took after your rescuer.”
“No,” said Derek, but he was focused on the radio voice. “You’re not as clever as you think you are. Roland knows the name Alcazar. Roland went back to my apartment in Madrid after he’d taken me prisoner, and sacked it for information. Roland reported me dead.”
He sat down on a leather ottoman with the black socks and brown shoes he’d chosen from the bed.
“Of course, you are right. All you know is inside me, but I’m not perfect at summoning the information. Give me a name.”
“Derektwo sounds absurd and will look absurd,” said Derek.
Black skin, said Benji Mahmoud, black curly hair, highly visible gold streaks in their hair. Strength of ten human beings. A desire for the vampiric blood, the vampiric brain.
“That has to be a lie!” said Derek. “We have no craving for vampiric blood or brains. That is a filthy lie.”
“My name, Father. You are to give me my name.”
“What is this, a baptism?” demanded Derek. “Shorten your name to D-e-r-t-u,” Derek said. “That’s plenty good enough. And it sounds fairly normal. And if there is to be a Derek three and a Derek four, we’ll figure some way to sound it out properly. Dertu will do. You don’t need a last name now.”
“Very well,” said the boy, “Dertu it is. I never thought of that. The last name can wait. We can’t risk anything with new names from this computer, anyway. We’ll worry about last names when we reach Scotland or Ireland.”"/end ID]
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izloveshorses · 11 months
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been thinkin about the hartford ending,,,,
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killer-catchy · 3 months
anyway the amount of sports (and me getting into them) is making me think up professional athletes AUs all over the place
derek is a soccer player, stiles is a climber for a tour the france team and the whole world goes banans when they come out kind of deal
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selh0 · 5 months
Watching Invincible today. Once again Jason Mantzoukas' voice takes me by surprise when I least expected it.
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