neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Brown Jacket
It was cold. The kind of cold that wasn’t bitter or biting, just cold enough to match the coldness that wrapped around his heart. He needed to leave badly as he was not only late in going, but late in life. And that showed. As always, he looked for and put on the old brown jacket had forgotten when he left him; Threadbare and fraying, wrinkled and worn, and clutched it tightly as…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Harlequin Dress
The mirror was her friend and had ever been so. As she primped and prepared for her day of special purpose she reached a hand, one young and supple now older and more wizened, to dress her lips with the painted sheen of days long past and nights of passion now gone. She reached for the dress she wore when she first met him. And she found that It was still like a glove on her…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
When She Smiles
She sat in the shadows of the cafe, her back to the ever chattering chaos that chipped away at the world and that burst against the ceiling as bats would cry at twilight He had seen her through the crowd and among the shadows that rose and hung on the tattered wall, a shrouded, dimly glowing wisp that he could not cease his gaze upon and had found his heart pounding to join her, but…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
He watched the fog break through eyes of cloudy remembrance, as silent and still as the forgotten and despairing branches that had returned from the Sea He spoke just one word as the smoky light of haunted day crawled its way into the web of sky; “Gone”, he said, as earnest as a shrouded prayer and as silent as a church in ruins The Sea looked back at him and waved a gaunt and roaring…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Wings of the Fallen
She stood alone and lonely, In a endless maze with only loss and her steps were hard and stony, as the tide around her her tossed She often looked above her at a sky so bright and blue and longed to soar on a whisper and take flight from grief and dismal view Then almost like a songbird a voice came to her heart; and said with hopeful splendor, “there’s a friend who’ll guide you’re…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
Snow Tree
In the whitest blanket it stood, as a solitary sentinel of blossomed bone whose endless gaze looked and peered in silent remembrance of the many who had passed under it’s shade and now lay at peace within the fields of stone it mourned in the Spring
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
Night bird
Oh wings of darkest gossamer, take me in your gentle grasp and let me fly above the shadows of my life and see the empty footprints in a destiny of ashes
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Cave of Least Resistance
Life, to him, had become a Chinese Finger Trap; the more he pulled against loneliness the tighter it grasped and tore its way into his soul. Like being drawn and quartered by the horses of futility, he lay in the dark and wrapped himself in another night of sleepless stone walls and tunnels to nowhere He had lit the candle of realization and seen the rubble of what each day behind…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
Echoes in the Garden
He stood in the garden,long since grown in ragged chaosand once his solace fromthe storm that ragedIn the outside world. He had walked the paththrough the tangled webof forgotten beautyand raised his headto a Heaven he could not understand. Once there was a child,a Sun in the sky of innocence,a star always shining in his heartthat ran and played at adventurewith the energy and lifethat lives in…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
What Made The Heart Sing
He often went to that bench,the scarred and crackedplace almost forgottenby those passing byand by the loversit was meant to hold. He was one of those loverswho’s heart beat closeto that of the onewho made his soul singand made his step lightas a new bird in Springtime,and as the roses they used to share. She had also gone from his life,as gently and tenderlyas the gossamer wingsof that birdand…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
Cliffs and Dreams
Twilight flickered in and out;Illuminated and stirredby the aura of theHalloween lightof a dying cigarette. Smoke writhed and rosearound his sandpaper eyes,and shone likea silver chalice onthe wind. Morning was coming;along with it’s bleary, screamingravages and it’s promises of knivessharpened to the hiltand placed in his footpathon the indigo roadthat led toinevitable citiesof empty…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Wisdom of the Stone
He had come to the woods to find his way through a life that, like the cathedral of trees, had grown shaded and thickened in the pattern and as a mimic of the tangle that surrounded him. The woods had been his world in his youth, and a palace of safety and solace whose arms were always there to hold him when so many other arms were not. He sought out his core in the stream that…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Life of a Table
The tray shook slowly bringing the hot, sensuous elixir that beckoned like a kiss to the man at the small, round table that slightly bent to one side. As the cup and saucer were set into place, the saucer begin to slowly fill with the beginnings of a pool of coffee that leaked into it from a crack in the cup; almost too tiny to see, but devastating in it’s purpose now. The man at…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Sneak Preview
It was just supposed to be a quick trip to the shopping center; In and out, But, of course, it hadn’t gone that way. He saw them coming; the people with the clipboards that always were taking a poll or wanting an opinion or some such nonsense And he had no patience nor time for that stuff today. He tried so hard not to make eye contact but is as too late and heard the…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Feathered Stroll
He had forgotten his way again. It had become harder and harder to remember why he had to stay in the little room with the green carpet which was too small for his toys let alone his memories. Jerry had come to live with new neighbors he could talk to over the fence just like his younger days and where his new friends in the white pants would come and bring him a good, warm meal and…
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neojoe2013 · 6 months
The Storm and the Sand
The rain has shown its fury, The wind has cut your soul, The past has chained your dreams down, And the Storm has ripped it’s toll; Though you feel tired and empty As a spear has run you through, Rise and know you’re not alone, Though life itself has made you stone And the strain has broken every bone; …I Believe in You You can harness your own hurricane And send it out to wail, You…
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neojoe2013 · 7 months
The Tundra
The gulf between themwas as wide as the chasmbetween Heaven’s residentsand the inhabitantsof the lower regionsof the Earth. They had started outas the trees in Springtime;lush and fulland brimming withlife and hopeand new growth. The leaves of their loveHad been green and blossoming,And the fruit they borewas as sweet and fullas the kiss of a Harvest Moon. It was all the harder thenthat Fall…
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