threading-fate · 3 months
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"i claim no relation to that child."
i love this fic sm <33 shen yuan of no relation by @grubus you have my entire heart. uhm, i would've polished this up a bit more, but i am very tired and merely human ahsdhjasdj i just wanted to try and give this fic a bit of a bookcover vibe??? yeah. that's about it. you should read it!!! its very good!!! twitter ver!
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lean345livre · 5 months
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Um inspirado no passeio delas. Ainda não sei quem fica com ship.
Essa é uma fanart da fanfic Forced Inheritance de DarkAmiFromMercury.
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cs-and-bellarke · 2 years
Love isn’t weakness: A Bellarke fanfic
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Ao3, FF
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Chapter 5
Octavia's P.O.V
The reason I don’t want Bell and Clarke to become close or end up together isn’t because I’m afraid to lose her, it’s because I had a best friend that ended up dating Bellamy and then when they broke up she stopped being my friend and I don’t want that to happen. Yeah my brother has changed since then but I just can’t help but think it will happen again… after that happened I didn’t talk to my brother for a month and our mom told him it was his fault and he had to figure it out himself. 
“Bellamy, can I talk to you?” I asked him after breakfast.
“Sure” we walk outside and then he says “what’s up”
“Do you have feelings for Clarke”
“Just answer the question truthfully please”
“I think so, but I don’t know for sure”
“You know why I don’t want you two together right?” I ask him.
“Is it because of Echo’s family?” he asks.
“No… remember Anya, you dated her and then you guys broke up and she stopped talking to me because I reminded her of you and I don’t want that to happen again. Clarke is my best friend and if she stopped talking to me, I don’t know what I would do if I lost her… so if you truly have feelings for her then I’ll let you be with her but you have to promise me that you will not hurt her like you did Anya please.”
“Okay...and I’ve changed since Anya and I would never do that to another girl, you know that”
We went back inside and I went to go talk to Clarke before Bellamy did. I grabbed Clarke and I ran to my room to talk to her. “Octavia what are you doing?” She asks.
“I need to talk to you,” I told her.
“What about, I need to get home”
“I know, but do you have feelings for my brother”
“What are you talking about”
“Just answer the question,” I tell her.
“Octavia...fine I think I’m falling for him but I don’t know so…” she says.
“It’s okay, If you want to date him you can, but you have to promise me something” 
“What is it”
“If you guys end up dating and then it doesn’t work out promise me you will still talk to me, be friends with me, and not stop being friends with me because I remind you of Bell”
“I promise, I would never just stop being friends with you because of that...if someone did that then they are not a real friend and that is messed up” she tells me. “Did someone do that”
“Yeah, she and Bellamy dated and he was a player back then so when they broke up she said she didn’t want to be friends with me because I reminded her too much of Bell” I explained to her.
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go, you know how my mother is when I don’t show up within 24 hours” she says, I nod and she leaves.
I really want my brother and Clarke to be together because you can see the connection they have and I don’t want to be the one to get in the way of that, but I don’t want to lose my best friend even though she said she wouldn’t stop being my friend because I remind her of my brother if they broke up.
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midorieisu · 3 years
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For my voltron fanfic, _(:3 」∠)_ pls check it out
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bluemoonfoxy · 7 years
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Inktober 29th day - Fell!Cats and Dommfanger
I suddendly was in need to draw @kamari333's fell!cats.
And I was also thinking about Doomfanger... Being a female... In heat... Having Fang (Sans) about her taste.
I really like Boss' face. So surprised about his lil' Doomy purring like that before his brother.
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ao3feed-larry · 8 years
Four Letters, Seven Points
by Fanficao3
Louis era abbastanza sicuro che un nerd appassionato di scarabeo non potesse essere altro che la noia personificata, fino a quando Harry non gli provò che era tutto il contrario.
Words: 19740, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band), Zayn Malik (Musician)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne
Additional Tags: Awkward Flirting, Coffee Shops, Scrabble, Scarabeo, Smut, Falling In Love, Barista Louis, Nerd Harry, innamorarsi, AU
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' http://ift.tt/2j2fou7
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lean345livre · 7 months
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Mais fanart da minha fanfic favorita Forced Inheritance de DarkAmiFromMercury
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lean345livre · 9 months
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lean345livre · 8 months
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lean345livre · 6 months
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Outro desenho! Alguém irritou nossa Renita!
A obra original que inspirou a fanart chama Forced Inheritance de DarkAmiFromMercury
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lean345livre · 9 months
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Só para fixar para eu colocar na minha fanfic
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lean345livre · 9 months
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Esta é a Lua, e será uma grande companheira na jornada de Ben – e mais pra frente, Gwen.
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lean345livre · 9 months
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lean345livre · 9 months
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cs-and-bellarke · 2 years
Love isn’t weakness: A Bellarke fanfic
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Ao3, FF
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Chapter 4
Clarke’s P.O.V
Me and Bellamy were talking about why we couldn’t sleep, then it turned into why Octavia doesn’t want us to get close. Don’t get me wrong I love Octavia but I don’t why she doesn’t want me to get to know her brother, she says if I did then I would end up getting hurt. After she said that I couldn’t sleep, she then started to kick me in her sleep so I went to the living room. 
Bellamy told me that what he was thinking that wouldn’t let him sleep was something O would kill him for...my question is what was he thinking...because what was running through my head would make O kill me as well. I was thinking about Bellamy...I don’t know why, but ever since he came to me to make sure I was okay, and when he took me to his ‘hiding spot’ I’ve felt a connection to him. I can’t explain it but it was a feeling that I don’t want to go away. I feel safe with him but I don’t know him...all I know is that he is my best friend's brother. I can’t fall for my best friend’s brother...I can’t...but...I think I already have.
“Well, everyone I’ve known has either left or completely stopped talking to me and umm...I was just think why, I was also thinking of something Octavia would kill me for, she just hates the idea of me getting close to you, she keeps saying that you would end up hurting me but I don’t see why she would think that of her own brother” I say.
“Yeah, it's because I’m known as a player and she would actually kill me to protect you and she won’t tell me why” he says.
“I know why”
“Then why?”
“I’ve been hurt a lot in my life and when we became friends she said she would never let anything hurt again...she told me about you and I knew I wanted to meet you but she said it was a bad idea. She said it’s not about you it’s about you being a player, she loves you a lot and if it was different then she love us to get to know each other, but sadly it’s not, what’s going on between your family and Echo’s” 
“Before my dad left he made a deal with Echo’s family and we’ve been paying for it ever since, my father is not a good person and my mom raised me to be good and not be like my father, and I’ve tried to live by that but I think I’ve failed my mom”
“You didn’t fail your mom. You are a good person, and Echo’s family are just awful people, she’s hated me since we were young because I was in the galery when her mom was on my mom's operating table watching her...her mom died on that table and she’s blamed me everyday for it. She does everything in her power to make my life a living hell, my dad died on my birthday when I was 10 and my mom isn’t really there for me” I tell him.
He looks at me and I can tell he feels bad but I don’t want him to at all, I don’t need pity or anyone feeling bad for me. His eyes were looking into mine and I couldn’t help but smile and so did he. “I’m sorry, I guess we both are in pretty deep in Echo and her family” he says.
“Don’t be sorry, and I guess we are,” I tell him. He goes to the kitchen and brings back junk food, with his free hand he takes mine and leads me to his room. “What are you doing?” I asked him.
“We are going to watch movies and eat junk food until we both fall asleep, and you are not going to say no because I know you have nothing better to do” He says.
“Fine but I’m not going to like it”
“Whatever you say Princess”
*the next morning*
When I got up the next morning Bellamy wasn’t in the room so I went to the living room. I was in the living room when I saw O and she didn’t look happy. “Hey O, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“Did you and Bell sleep together last night?” she asks.
“What?!? No, why would you think that”
“Because when I got up last night you weren’t in bed and when I went in the living room you weren’t in there, then I went to check Bell's room and there you were with watching a movie...so I need to know did you sleep with my brother”
“Octavia...I did not sleep with Bellamy, we both couldn’t sleep last night and we got to talking, then he grabbed a whole bunch of junk food and led me to his bedroom, then we watched a movie and I fell asleep, that’s all that happened” I told her.
“Okay” she says and we eat breakfast. Bellamy came inside from the back yard and now I’m curious what he was doing. “Morning Bell, what were you doing in the shed?” Octavia asked him.
“Finishing up some things, good morning Clarke” he says.
“Good morning...thanks for the talk last night,” I told him.
“Well, thank you as well”
“You too”
Octavia gave us a look that was an unhappy one, she still thinks that Bellamy and I slept together...don’t get me wrong I don’t mind the idea but the truth is that we didn’t. O looks pissed, and I know it’s not about Echo because her and her family were on the news this morning and they got arrested. I love O like a sister but she needs to calm down...Bellamy and I are only friends.
“Are you sure you guys didn’t sleep together?” she asks. Here we go again.
“What if I did Octavia, what would you do about it?” Bellamy says...I can not believe he just said that. 
“So you did”
“No Octavia, we’ve been telling you since yesterday that we didn't, so stop asking” then he storms off.
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cs-and-bellarke · 2 years
Love isn’t weakness: A Bellarke fanfic
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Ao3, FF
Next Part/
Love, love makes life look harder than it is or does it. If you think about it, love does nothing to life other than make you want it, life is a rollercoaster, ready for the ride?
Clarke Griffin was trying to figure out how she ended up thinking she was in love. Finn Collins was the guy she thought she was in love with, but he broke her heart.
Bellamy Blake was also trying to figure out how he could be so stupid for falling for someone so quickly. Gina was her name, the girl he thought he loved, but it didn’t work out.
Chapter 1:
Clarke’s P.O.V
I was walking home one night alone and I wanted to go anywhere but home, I saw a man alone. I was a little scared but I didn't run away, I just sat on the corner. “Hey princess, what are you doing alone?” the man I saw alone asks.
“Nothing, who are you?” I ask.
“I’m Bellamy, Bellamy Blake, and you are, Princess?” he asks.
“I’m Clarke, Clarke Griffin”
“What are you doing out here alone”
“I kind of just got out a relationship and I don’t really want to go home”
“Wait, do you go to Mount Weather?”
“Yeah, do you?” I asked him.
“Yeah, me and my sister, do you know Octavia?” he asks me.
“Yeah, we’re friends, but she never told me she had a brother”
“Well she does, how about I buy you some food and we can talk more.” That sounded amazing but I don’t want to spend his money and it is getting late.
“No it’s okay, it’s getting late anyway”
“Come on, please?” he asks.
“Okay fine” I give in. He took me to the pizzeria down the street from the corner we were at.
We are at the pizzeria and we are talking about random things like who we hate the most. “Okay, okay the girl I hate the most at mount weather is Echo, can’t stand her” I say.
“Really, I’m friends with her,” he says.
“Of course you are, who do you hate the most”
“That spacewalker kid”
“Finn Collins”
“Oh, I hate him too”
“You okay”
“You know how I said I got out of a relationship, well Finn was the guy I was with and I found out he was cheating on me with one of my friends, I guess he told her we broke up and that's why she went out with him to, it ended tonight, then you found me, and here we are” I say.
“I’m sorry, I got out of a relationship too, do you know Gina?” he asks.
“She was my girlfriend and she thought I have feelings for another, so she dumped me”
“Who does she think you have feelings for”
“I don’t know”
“Well I’m sorry, it’s getting late I should get home”
“I’ll walk you”
(at my house)
“Thank you for listening,” I say.
“Thank you for being my friend for the night,” he says.
“Who said it was for the night”
“Okay then, goodnight princess”
“Goodnight Bellamy”
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