prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
I would looooove elaboration on Toji 😫 Because I completely agree with you but I wanna see your take
this became an essay because i am crazy. so sorry. and i was originally gonna keep this very short but unfortunately i am plagued by thoughts and opinions as always.
major manga spoilers lol
i think one part of toji being heavily mischaracterized is just because he suffers attractive character syndrome. any time a character is conventionally attracted and of age, people just sort of cherry-pick them for their fantasies without much thought given to their characterization so i know that makes up a lot of it.
but on the other hand, even with people who enjoy jujutsu kaisen critically, toji's characterization and honestly his narrative importance is like. consistently overlooked. his womanizing tendencies and his finacial issues make him an easy target for comedy and he's often the butt of the joke. sometimes it's funny to me too so im not like.. upset about it.
in general, i think toji in the fandom is very far removed from his origin story in a way that other characters aren't. and even someone who is a fan of toji with critical thoughts about him probably see how horny his fanbase is and don't bother.
idrk how to explain it but tojis actions all through out the manga is heavily directly related to his position in jujutsu society - as is the case with almost every other character and especially characters related to the zenin clan. toji, specifically, is a non-sorcerer trying to make ends meet with an intense and deep hatred for clan politics.
his resentment tends to be the core of his actions. but personally and based off of those actions in the manga - i believe that resentment isn't related to the system of jujutsu society itself. it's not a sense of justice that motivates him. he differs from maki in this way. tojis reasoning is much more simplistic. he's a prideful character and i believe his frustration lie within the fact he's consistently underestimated. to the clan he's worthless and i believe that emotion resonates throughout the story. he isn't like gojo or getou or maki or anyone else with large aspirations about the direction of the world around them.
but that's kind of the point of his character.
what toji is meant to represent is the common man. the average person in this world. that's why his fight with gojo is so important on more levels than one. they mirror each other in that gojo is the pinnacle of the gifted child - the prodigal son. he was birthed with a silver spoon in his mouth and praised for his ability from the moment he set foot on the earth. toji is the opposite end of that. the bottom of the barrel, discarded from society for his lack of ability.
toji knew he couldn't kill gojo. his sense of unease was represented through the fight. but why did he want to kill gojo in the first place? it wasn't because he disliked gojo and it wasn't that gojo disliked him either. but their natural positions were against each other and toji knew what it would mean if he could kill gojo.
toji's entire career and nickname as "the sorcerer killer" is based on the fact he wants recgonition. gojo is who toji wants to be. who he could've been had he been born with technique. they are mirrors, yet despite themselves, the both suffer intensely at the hand of the society they were raised under. there are no winners in this world, not really.
in tojis last moments, he thinks of his wife and son. we know nothing of toji's character or who he married. but being frank, i will never ever believe toji was a deadbeat father. im sorry but i don't think that's true.
toji operates about megumi in a way that reads generally considerate in his own way. it's with the belief that megumi had potential to make something of himself. in the end, he mentions megumi to gojo because he wants megumi to live a decent life. a better life than he did, struggling in the streets. he saw potential in megumi.
in his mind, megumi could've become a part of the zenin clan. a dream he never achieved himself, but wanted to pass on
people mention that scene where toji can't recall who megumi is but that's always read to me as an obvious mask. i doubt toji, essentially a mercenary and killer of the most powerful beings in the world and surely with a lot of people trying to kill him, would want his son to be associated with him in anyway.
in tojis resurrection in 113, when toji was brought back as an aggressor and a mere shell, he chose to kill himself instead of being a puppet in his own sons death. toji, esentially meant to be a doll, had enough cognition to not only recognize megumi, but speak to him.
with his last words, and with the only opportunity he had left to reveal himself to megumi - he didn't do it. he simply asked megumi was his name was.
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"hey. what's your name"
"...? fushiguro?"
"good for you"
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