lunarxprophet · 3 years
Finding himself again in Whisperwood, particularly in the forested section of the area, Waka rested against the trunk of a tree. While the forest wasn’t like those from back home, they provided enough comfort that he found himself coming back again and again. There was a peace and quiet here that could not be gained in Techno Solar, and being close to nature like this reminded him of her.
Bringing his flute to his lips, Waka played a small melody, his way of giving thanks and praise to the goddess who had given him new meaning and purpose. While she was not here physically by his side, anything involving sunlight and nature was, to him, a part of her. Thus she was never truly far away from him.
As he continued to play, he took no notice of a figure cautiously approaching him.
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Upon hearing someone approach, Gardevoir turned her head. She was currently standing at Will’s side, listening patiently as he rambled on about their current situation. It did not take the psychic type long to feel that something was amiss, and Will’s own pondering confirmed her suspicions.
All of that was soon pushed aside in assessing the approaching figure.
‘Will. Someone is approaching,’ she tried to tell him telepathically, only to wince in pain. It seemed that even speech alluded her.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@fangedblade​ entangle event starter. 🖤
It’s only with the swirls and cries of her paper-thin giants that she even turns her attention to the cave’s entrance. The smallest ones chitter, seeming delighted to lead a new soul to her. While she appreciates the effort, she’s less than enthused about an unfamiliar face. Darkness bleeds into bright pink light, with a lone girl in the center of it all.
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“... Unexpected guests are so rude.” The shadow says, the tendrils of her dress flicking around her in annoyance. It wasn’t even either of the faces she’d hoped for-. No, no. Neither of the faces she’d dreaded entering her lair. 
“Who sent you.” Sakura speaks, more of a demand than a question. “You should be furious, they sent you into a death trap.”
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wanttobewinner · 3 years
" Time to get up. " I said to myself as I awoke in my new bed. I took a nap to see if this was a dream and not a new reality I was facing. Looks as though I was pulled from my own world to some random place. Whatever. Getting up and fixing my bed was a hassle, but I did it anyway. I was glad I didn't wake my roommate, as I didn't want to converse with someone I don't know . Someone who didn't need to be conversed with. After fixing myself up and putting on my sneakers, I decided to go out for a jog. Yes, I was going out for a jog at 3am in the morning. Early to rise early to sleep; in this case, early to rise and never going to sleep. Once outside of my apartment, I saw my neighbor also out of her apartment, too. As much as I wondered why someone else was awake around this time, I couldn't help but notice that only a small bit of her hair look white. Was it a style? Maybe in her world that was meant to be a fashion statement—a rebellious phase that teenagers go through when going against their parents' rules. Ah. I realized I was staring for too long. As to not make it awkward, I decided to alleviate the dead air roaming about between us. Not because I was trying to be nice. Not because I wanted to make friends. Not because I thought it was the right thing to do. But because she was outside around the same time as I was, maybe even longer than me. I'll commence the nonsense. The boy had walked up to the person who was outside of her apartment. Neutral expression adorned, he wasn't going to mention his opinion about her hairstyle. Regardless of the world he was in, he knew that everyone was capable of being dangerous. He didn't want to get on anybody's bad side if he could avoid it at the moment. The easiest way to start the conversation was to bring up simple conversation starters. Something that could really set the 3am mood. Here goes nothing.
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" What are you doing? " A riveting conversation starter. Definitely the right thing to ask. What a riot.
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chronolium · 3 years
Hey hey hey! Not sure if this went through, but without prior reserve, I would like to apply Juno Yureta as an original character to Chronolium! Her app can be found under /app, or on the tabs of her homepage! Thanks again!
Welcome to The Chronolium, Juno Yureta.
Techno Solar has sponsored you, thus you awaken in TS-03.
Stay safe, and make yourself at home.
— Silk.
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reconcilingmists · 12 years
fangedblade started following you
lightswarrior started following you
way-to-the-dawn started following you
keyblademaster-aqua started following you
More visitors to her castle. This was most unusual. Some of the faces were knew, others familiar. Shifting her weight and folding her wings into a more comfortable position, the Heartfelt regarded the growing crowd with calculating eyes. "Greetings." she spoke into their minds, voice ringing clear like a bell, "I am Okari, the Heartfelt. Keeper of the library and secrets of the heart. What brings you to my domain?"
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defier-of-fate-blog · 12 years
fated-beast started following you
chrysalis-arc started following you
fangedblade started following you
Raising a rose-colored brow, the reticent ex-sergeant released a quiet exhale upon seeing the face she had not seen for too long. Though her features refused to betray the slightest sign of ease, seeing familiar faces came to Lightning as a relief. With a slight inclination of her head, she nodded once in greeting. "Hey..."
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sofangtastic · 12 years
fangedblade started following you
"'ey there!" Fang smiled. "Nice ta see anotha' one of me, aroun'!" she laughed.
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fangedblade started following you
Hey there. Something I can do for you? .. Interesting outfit.
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