sprxngsxng · 2 years
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I’m so sorry for the lack of content! I’ve had some stuff come up. I promise to get things done soon!!!!
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
This was another memory, it seemed. Like a plague sweeping across the city dragging them into alternate dimensions, temporary, luckily, but still frightening all the same. The memories that stood out the most to people always were the ones that held the most danger or the most joy. This time she had been speaking to her neighbor while checking the mailbox which was why even being so small now, Raine was certain that it was her.
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“A doctor?” The woman piped up from behind her. “Who isn’t well, dear? I may be able to help.” There was always a lingering fear that she couldn’t. The professor knew that there was no truly changing the past. When a child was in distress before her she just couldn’t let them suffer alone. The professor reaches out her hands towards the girl, offering her to take it if she felt like it would give her strength.
“Could you take me to him?”
She hadn’t expected anyone to hear her, so when a voice offering help was heard, she turned back to face it. A woman, familiar to her somehow, and offering to help.
“... M...  My uncle.” She replies, averting her gaze shyly. She didn’t know how she could even begin to explain. As the buzzing of horrible insects is drowned out in her mind, she holds her hands together in front of herself and nods.
“O-Okay... He’s, really sick and hurt... The worms are r-really mean to him...!”
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She offers her hand to the woman; hoping the secrets in the house wouldn’t change the woman’s mind.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
No one told him the Keeþe Woods was haunted.  Or, at least that’s what Add believes.  Besides the seemingly normal appearance of what one would expect here, there’s an unnatural chill in the air, and sometimes he can hear a voice. 
No, he shouldn’t think about it!  That’s likely to summon the very thing he doesn’t want to admit.  Yet the creeping sense of a nearing presence, followed by the soft crunch of footsteps, makes his blood run cold.  So, Add spins on his heels to face whoever and whatever approaches, unable to stop himself from yelling.
Oh wait, he knows this person!  It’s not a weird, creepy disembodied thing, after all.
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“W-What the hell, Sakura!?”   He shouts, channeling the panic into frustration.  Surely whatever creature or spirit that rested in the woods, if any, has already heard him by now.   “Quit sneaking around like that!  You make it seem like there’d be a … a…”  He doesn’t even want to complete that sentence. 
@sprxngsxng​​ — starter call
She hadn’t expected to run into Add out here! That didn’t mean she wasn’t happy to see him, of course. Tucking her basket into the crook of her elbow, she made her way over to him; only noticing a moment too late that he was quaking in his boots. 
And far too late to see him turn around so suddenly!
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“G-Goodness, Add-kun, I’m so sorry!” She bows, a certain of purple hopefully hiding her embarrassment. She didn’t think he’d be so easy to spook! Not that she minded the information, of course; she’ll have to be more careful in the future!
She pauses, standing upright and tilting her head at his clear hesitation.
“...A what? A ghost?”
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
At first, Jangmi hadn’t been sure exactly what this whole situation was. Where was she and why was she brought here. Though, it also didn’t take her too long to put things together. This wasn’t Chronolium. Or…maybe in a sense it was. All she knew was that she was not where she started at before. Another thing? She recognizes this voice. She’s only met this girl once, but the voice was familiar. There was…something cold about it though. It didn’t carry its usual warm and friendly tone. 
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“…” And showing herself just proved to be who Jangmi had thought it was. “I’m not afraid of death.” She finally says. 
She looks different. The tendrils are all too familiar. Were her powers blocked here? Not that she’d use them on Sakura by any means. 
“but you look afraid.” Why was she so shocked? Clearly THIS was what Sakura wanted, right? 
Her broken heart hammered in her chest; a cursed body trying to find a solution to a situation she’d never anticipated. She was expecting her older sister, not a young girl so familiar it hurt. 
She couldn’t kill her. That would make her even more disgusting than she already was. Slowly, Sakura brings her arms around herself as she thinks on how to reply.
“You don’t understand.” She says. “I’m... I’m not afraid. I’m going to destroy everything.”
Despite her lie, she finds herself laughing. Oh, she was afraid. Terrified of her own shadow and the damage she had already done. Her tendrils flick with her emotions; a sinister smile creeping onto her features unintentionally.
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“If you want even the slightest chance to survive, you should leave. Children shouldn’t have to worry about this...! I-I’m waiting for a guest, you see...!”
In a way, she’s already reminded of herself; a child cursed with the knowledge of what the world of magecraft truly contains. It’s not a horror she wants to spread, but...
Is that not what she was doing now?
As her anxiety fights against her rage, the greater grail behind her quakes in response; dwarfing her in size. She doesn’t even seem to notice, despite the cave shaking alongside it. It drowns out the sounds of footsteps down the cave corridor to her.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
Mikey is not sure where he is all of a sudden. Maybe he took a wrong turn and wound up somewhere he hasn’t been yet? There is a little girl outside a nearby housenot far from him, but he figures it would be better to not scare her. Maybe, if he just walks the same way back–
He steps on a twig as he turns around and promptly catches the girl’s attention with his little misstep. Just the one thing he didn’t want to happen. He peeks out from between the bushes now and waves at her.
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“Heey! Sorry, I didn’t want to scare you. I was just playing Alien Turtle, that’s why I’m wearing that snazzy costume. But– I think I got lost, somehow?”
Tiny shoes click along the pathway as she approaches him, tilting her he head as he speaks. A costume...? And he was playing, too? He didn’t seem like a dangerous person... If anything, he seemed more lost than anything.
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“...T-This is the Matou residence.” She explains. “I would invite you inside, but...”
She turns back to the house suddenly; startled by a familiar scream barely audible from it’s walls. She wants to tell him to hurry home, but... An idea crosses her mind instead.
“... M-Mister, are you a superhero...?”
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
She heard the screaming. It’s scary enough outside, on the grounds. But once she climbs into the window and sees the girl, hears the screams in full HD sound, Deunan’s face pales. She gently takes Sakura by the hand.
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“Let’s get out of here, okay? It won’t be so dark out there.”
She looks up to the stranger, letting her take her tiny hand in her own. Lifeless eyes look between her and the stairs; the dim lighting casting mighty shadows that could swallow her whole if she wasn’t careful.
She wanted to leave, but she couldn’t leave him behind.
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“But- what about Uncle Kariya...? He needs to come, too...” She asks, turning to lead the woman up the steps. She’d have to be sneaky, but it wasn’t too hard. 
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
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3/22 || Artist: 猫厨
☆ Permission to upload was given by the artist. Support by viewing, rating and bookmarking their work on Pixiv.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
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I’m so sorry to everyone who is about to learn just how awful the Matou family magecraft is.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@otherworldly-healer​​ entangle event starter 💜
It’s with nervous footsteps that Sakura paces the house’s front yard. The estate felt so empty, with most of it’s residents being dead or away. It was rare she got a moment to herself, and it was fueling her anxiety. What could she do right now? There had to be something she could do to help. Maybe if she got someone else, they could...
But what could she do? Would anyone even listen, if she told them what horrors lurked in the Matou residence’s basement? She could hardly believe it herself, still.
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She pauses in place, turning to look at the window of her uncle’s bedroom. He was up there, in far too much pain for her to comprehend. If her own training was bad, his must be so much worse.
“... M... Maybe if I find a doctor, he can rest...”
She mutters to herself, trailing off into her thoughts.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@daxnedscul​​ entangle event starter 🖤
“... You must be a fool to have wandered into this place.” Her voice echoes against the wall of the cavern. “Or, perhaps you just have a death wish...?”
 As the greater grail begins it’s manifestation behind her, tendrils of shadow form in the center of the room to give her physical form. She turns to the other girl, corrupted red eyes glinting in the low light.
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“... A child...? Here?”
As the smallest of her shadow giants dance around the girl’s feet, Sakura stares in shock. How had she not considered this...?
“... Y... You should go back up. It’s too dangerous for you down here...!”
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@ninjartsy​ entangle event starter; 💜
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She shouldn’t be outside, at least not at this hour. Sakura was well aware of how dangerous Fuyuki was becoming; members of the family had already been sent away for their own safety.
... Not her, of course...
Shivering in the early-spring air, she turns her attention back to the house. It’s windows glow warmly, tricking any passersby into thinking it was an inviting space. But she was outside for a reason, after all; that house was anything but safe.
... A noise catches the young girl’s attention; the snap of a twig, maybe? Nervously, she turns to look towards it. In her young heart, she hopes it’s a cute animal. Anything to ease her nerves.
“...H... Hello...?”
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@fangedblade​ entangle event starter. 🖤
It’s only with the swirls and cries of her paper-thin giants that she even turns her attention to the cave’s entrance. The smallest ones chitter, seeming delighted to lead a new soul to her. While she appreciates the effort, she’s less than enthused about an unfamiliar face. Darkness bleeds into bright pink light, with a lone girl in the center of it all.
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“... Unexpected guests are so rude.” The shadow says, the tendrils of her dress flicking around her in annoyance. It wasn’t even either of the faces she’d hoped for-. No, no. Neither of the faces she’d dreaded entering her lair. 
“Who sent you.” Sakura speaks, more of a demand than a question. “You should be furious, they sent you into a death trap.”
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@graveresemblance​ entangle ever starter  💜
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Empty eyes stare dully out the window; more focused on her own reflection than the dark world outside. Western style hallways wind like a labyrinth behind her; the secrets they withhold leaving stains on her psyche. 
She turns to the hallway as a scream echoes down it. She can hear him struggling in his room; enduing torture that was intended for her. As a numb anxiety beats in her chest, she turns her attention back to the window-
And pauses. There was someone outside.
... Sakura nods, turning and hurrying down the steps to let the stranger inside. She isn’t sure why, but something tells her this will be fine; that this person means her and her uncle no harm.
“... I’m sorry it’s so dark.” She starts softly, averting her eyes.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
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★ 【LEVEL.02】 「 樱🌸 」 ☆ ⊳ sakura (fate/stay night) ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
OKAY! So, Sakura has two people missing from her memories, and two major events from very different points in her life in relation to them! 
To avoid confusion, please reply to this as opposed to liking it with a 💜 for Baby Sakura, or a 🖤 for Dark Sakura! If you like you’re gettin’ one at random. 🔫
Capping this at like, 4 for now?
Details under the readmore!
It’ll either be;
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Actual Baby Mode (Sakura at approx. 6 years old) and her memories of her late Uncle Kariya, 
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[Anime Girl Eating Sound] (Sakura at 16 and being a literal beacon of destruction) and her memories of her sister Rin,
Either way, helping Sakura with this will solidify you as a connection for her, so if you’d like an easy one, here’s a good way to get it!
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