#chrono entangle
dead-rabbit-games · 10 months
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Words by @nightmareworks and Art by @moiderahart
A great many ships move through the Auric Range, trade flowing up through the Sierra Madre Line and out through the Santanna Blinkgate. Thus, an increased presence of Trunk Security and its subfirms. Of these subfirms the Boudreaux & Thibodeaux Concern handles design and production for mechanized chassis in what are termed “High-Threat Corporate Entanglements”.  This is all preamble of course, to introduce what many in the Range consider IPS-N’s finest security force multiplier- The Bonney.  The Bonney is what IPS-N terms a “High Kinetic Fire Support Platform” created by the hyperkinesis module integrated into the “nervous system” of the mech’s frame and the pilot’s spinal uplink. Doses of the synthetic nano-adrenaline released in microbursts throughout combat allow both mech and pilot to move faster and shoot better than anyone else on the battlefield. And to the mercenary forces of Ladon’s Corpse and Furthest West there simply isn’t better than an experienced Bonney pilot to turn any mission around.
Bonney, within the Auric Range, is seen as a veteran’s frame. This is not to say that IPS-N, through B&TC, will not sell the mech to any hotshot who comes through Santanna with Manna to burn (and in the Range, those men outnumber the veterans), they absolutely will. But the popular public consensus of the Bonney is derived from the screamsheets and newspicts that flow back to the Sisters from the dozens of conflict zones that decorate the Range- media that depicts the Bonney and her pilots as hard bitten mercenaries with the strange affect of someone used to a life that starts and stops on command. The critics say this is a side-effect of long-term “Chronos” exposure. The pilots say that’s just what it takes to survive beyond the grasp of the Sisters.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Cassiel - The Archangel of Saturn Talon Abraxas
Unlike other angels, Cassiel is depicted as detached from worldly affairs, more inclined to watch events unfold without interference. Medieval angelologists named Cassiel the Archangel of Saturn.
These angel-scribes knew Cassiel by many names -- including Kaziel, Cafziel, Quaphziel, Qaspiel. The Qabalistic text Sefer Raziel, pseudo-Peter d’Abano’s 13th Century Heptameron, and the scholar Averroës all list Cassiel as Saturn’s angel, as do numerous later magical texts following in their tradition.
But assignations of Saturn’s angel are by no means universal. Perhaps that’s to be expected from the Archangel of Saturn. Saturn is the faintest of the visible planets; to the ancient astrologers, he separates the world of Nature from the mysterious world of Spirit.
And, for astrologers, Saturn finds his joy in the 12th house – the so-called “house of hidden things.” Cassiel’s been called the “angel of solitude and tears,” appropriate for one who sets himself apart from others.
The classical virtue associated with the planet Saturn is sophrosyne, a complex concept evoking temperance, moderation, prudence, and self-control. In mythology, Saturn ruled over a golden age where all were possessed of such self-discipline, there was no need for laws or punishment.
And so, calling Cassiel the “angel of temperance” essentially names him the Archangel of Saturn.
The astrological Saturn’s also wrapped up with the concept of time. As the slowest moving planet, Saturn has had to do with maturity and the aging process. The Greek’s name for the planet Saturn was Kronos, the father of the god Zeus (Jupiter). But their god of time, Chronos, has such a similar pronunciation to Kronos, it’s unsurprising the two were already being conflated by the Roman era.
And hence, Cassiel became known as the “angel of time.” There’s also a deep, esoteric tradition associating time with the veil between worlds; it’s when we were entangled in Time, that Nature fell from Grace.
Cassiel also presides over the deaths of kings. The reference might be obscure, until you remember that it’s the Sun that represents kingship in astrology.
In the astrological metaphor, the Sun’s Zodiacal sign Leo governs the height of summer, when the norther hemisphere has the greatest light and heat. On the other hand, the Saturn-ruled signs Capricorn and Aquarius rule the darkest months of winter. The Winter Solstice marks the “death” of the Sun, or the death of kings.
But where there’s death, there’s always rebirth. And so celebrations of the Sun’s “rebirth” are often held just after midwinter, including the Christian celebration of Christmas.
When you need to step back from life’s emotional roller-coaster, or when you need self-discipline and focus to accomplish great things, invite Cassiel to come to your aid. The most auspicious time to connect with Cassiel is Saturday – Saturn’s day – or in the Saturn hour. Archangel Cassiel- Angelic & Planetary Correspondences:
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seiya-starsniper · 4 months
Like I’m ever going to ask about anything other than omegaverse, especially when fixed marriage is involved! Pretty please could you tell us more?
I AM SORRY THIS ASK IS A MONTH OLD AIDPSODIAPDISDSO. I got a little overwhelmed with all the asks about this WIP so I felt the need to space out answering asks and then...I forgot 😅 Anyways, here's a fun little snippet I wrote just now, just Dream being an idiot/in denial about his feelings LMAO
As they spend more and more time together, Dream sees that his initial decision to keep their relationship purely platonic was a good one. Hob clearly had no interest in pursuing another romantic entanglement, and Dream was, in all honesty, grateful for it. He liked being Hob’s friend, and all that came with it. He liked that he wasn’t expected to act like a proper omega mate, one that was best seen and not heard, and only lived at the alpha’s whims and pleasures. Dream’s father certainly had seemed all too happy to do just that. Chronos had borne seven children for Nyx just because Dream’s mother had been bored at various points in their marriage. Once the novelty of each child had worn off, she'd gone back to ignoring her omega husband.  Dream had wanted something different for himself, once upon a time. He had wanted a grand romance, like what he used to read about in some of his favorite novels. But he is quickly realizing true romance is softer than what he'd read about in stories. True romance is in the way Hob talks about how he and Eleanor used to go on walks and talk for hours. It is in the way he mentions learning how to bake her favorite dessert so he could surprise her with it on her birthday. Perhaps, if they had met earlier, before Hob had met Eleanor, maybe he would’ve fallen in love with Dream instead. It is a wistful and fanciful thought, Dream knows, and, like his novels, a product of pure fantasy.
✨Ask Me About My WIPs! ✨
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zalmoxis-the-great · 9 months
Imagine if you will,
Trazyn spreads a rumor about owning the research journals of one of the crypteks that made the C’tans’ outer shells.
Orikan, being the meddler that he is, goes to steal it. Little did he know that Trazyn was in quite a mischievous demeanor, and actually made a little trap for any sneaky thieves, who stick their tails where they shouldn't be.
Our intrepid astromancer expertly dodges Solemnace Galleries' traps and guard, making more tears in the spacetime continuum than a bolter gun into a Lamenter Space Marine.
When he finally reaches the research data, the trap triggers and spits out a thousand little chrono-proof threads that manage to ensnare and subdue the cryptek.
After returning from a bountiful hunt, Trazyn comes to the gallery and sees his rival entangled. Amused and quite spirited, he starts gloating while poking with his digit an angry and completely immobilized Orikan.
By accident, he managed to get a thread snagged into his finger joint, and trying to remove it only managed to tangle it further.
After two days, Sannet comes in search of his Master and finds Trazyn, all tangled up alongside Orikan, both engaged in a duel of elbows, trying to land blows in any body part that they deem most painful or accessible.
The arch-cryptek smiles as the two bicker, stuck ankh to ankh, in a tight embrace.
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star-arcana · 3 months
My first Impression on Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door's Remake!!!
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Long intro incoming, skip it to the *Star, if you want to rush to the first impresssion proper .
**Stars if ou want immiediately the gameplay, starting first with the combat and then with the exploration side.
***Stars if you want the story, the perhaps most interesting aspect, as usual with many beloved RPG's.
And, finally:
****Stars for a the most brief conclusion on this.
Hello everyone, your favourite arcana is here, Star-Arcana and I am here to write here my first impressions, not a full review on Paper Mario TTYD's Remake on the Switch and what I think about it.
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Yep I am not going here spoiler free, since I want to mention some important events in the story (as well as other Mario RPG's like Super Paper Mario for instance), as I am already spoiled on the story for most of the stuff and now what happens, so don't read what I wrote here if you want to remain unspoiled, 'til completion of the game by your own time and pace. So do it like Edge and be against Spoilers here, she hates Spoilers, doesn't she?
Starting off, I am a huge Mario RPG fan as some of my favourite games were from that branche of the highly esteemed Mario Franchise, since he is the one I grew up with as a kid the most, other than DK, Pokemon and Smash...So I was always going to like that game, as many other people who liked these type of games said that this game is really great and ultimately I wanted to play another Paper Mario since my last one; Super Paper Mario when it came out. So, as I expected and hoped, I love that game already and it is super fun in not just gameplay, but also story. Plain and simple, it is the Mario RPG I would have loved to play as a kid back then, had I known of it's existence, but since I am an adult now, I can try it and be really happy with it, after all, adulthood still brings me much fun, if not more so than as a kid with that freedom compared to back then,hehehe...
Anway back to the topic at hand, I started to play that game for over a week, currently having finished the brutal Wrestling challenge against Rawk Hawk, the jerkiest Chicken out there, and found the yellow Crystal Star and I am currently in Rogueport and try to clean up some older levels for the coming loom in the Twilight Woods. I wanted to start this run a bit earlier, but due another game taking me longer to complete, as it was a very difficult quasi-permadeath run with Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, I was delayed until I could start TTYD last monday. Thus I got to play very recently the remake of one of the most prestigeous Mario RPG's of all time, the Gamecube's Thousand Years Door.
*Now that I made my thoughts clear, I go over this game now more throughtly:
It is a turn-based RPG within a semi open world that you explore in search of 7 Crystal Stars, as you became entangled in a millenia long secret of the town of Rogueport, sitting atop the ruins of an ancient City. You, as Mario, were brought here by Peach, who came in possesssion of an ancient treasure map leading to the Stars needed to open a Door with the same name as the title; The Thousand Years Door. You go to that town and after getting in trouble with a bunch of evil-doers known as the X-Naunts and eventually finding a treasure Map for the 7 Crystal Stars, you journey begins. You will encounter several friends on your journey and foes as well amd have to navigate through a wacky and colorful world of Paper that shines as bright as any children book with cute pictures here or a great fairy tale book.
Anyway this post will be divided into two parts, gameplay and story, and as I want to get over the least fun (but not unfuuny) part first, the gameplay!
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**As I said, it is a turn based RPG within a semi open world that is very much alike other such games, like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger and Pokémon. However it differs in a few ways, like the battlefield being a huge theater stage, with a live audience here to watch you, that can be either Toads, Koopas, Goombas and many other creatures across this journey. Know that they exist first, they will be relevant later. Going on, you can order Mario and your teamates to attack an enemy, defend themselves from them, heal HP or use any kind of moves like analysing the foe or just swallowing them and spitting them out. Certian actions however, cost action points, here called Flower Points (FP for short), and you can and you can only win by beating the enemy by making their HP drop to 0. But the biggest diffrence being there is that you can like, in the Mario and Luigi games, influence the way attacks and commands are executedby fulfilling several commands like pressing B on a foe when jumping and stomping on them, or having to press the analog stick Left or hold and press ZR. You can even add extra flare by adding style to the attacks, like pressing A at the right moment. Each move has diffrent conditions for styles, which can be properly learned by the right timing and by the Battle Master, a Pink Toad that looks like a Kung Fu Warrior, so better check her out if you want to get better.
Also the way you can minimize and even cancel damage is rather interesting; You can either guard yourself with A, when the foe attacks and expect either no or little damage, but the more rewarding, but trickier to master Super Guard, not just nullifies damage, it can also send a small portion of the damage back at it's sender, but the window of setting it up is super short and if you fail, you end up being hurt for full damage. On your journey, you collect the Stars that will open new path ways for you, but will also give your special moves that can devastate and even break fights, like the Earth Power skill that will deal big damage against your foes or Clock out which, if executed well, immobilize your enemies for 3 WHOLE turns, which made the Grubble Boss Fight a cakewalk. These Special moves needs Star power for their execution and if you attain one, you will get more and more of these points as your MAX number in total. If you used up Star power, you need to refill them by gaining appeal from the crowd via the Appeal tactic to increase it, or execute your skills very well with the aforementioned stylish moves and thus you get them all filled. However the Crowd and even the battlefield can make life hard for you, both IRL and here, since enemies can throw stuff at you from the seats, if you don't counter them with X fast enough, or the studio can have Buckets fall at you for instance, and thus recieve damage or get dizzyness and thus can miss a few attacks for a turn. However enemies can also be hurt occationally by this and lights when falling down on you can eletrify you and thus increase your attack potential. The Stage can also have some projectors freeze either you or your foe and thus get the freeze effect. So this game demands you to pay attention to the combat, lest it gets the better of you.
Items also exist that can like any boxstandard RPG Heal your HP or FP, increase stats, remove negative conditions or inflict them on your enemies and they are all over the map, but you also get Badges that either give Mario or his partners new moves, increase their defense and offense in certian conditions or increase FP usage, Max HP the amounts of them are near endless, so just know the badges exist. There is however a limit to the amount of badges you can equip as some of them either take up no badge points, and thus can always be equipped, but others take up more points, up to even 6 ones and if your BP limit is reached, you cannot equip anymore of them.
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However there is a way to increase your max BP points, and also your HP and FP, by gaining enough Star Points (not to be confused with Star Power), which you will get all your stats refilled and can choose 3 of the slots to be increased, HP and FP can be increased by 5 points and BP by 3 points. Choose wisely, as you need to figure out where you want to lay importance in the most.
With this overall, the combat is fun and I want to explore more of it, but I also found it pretty easy and not as hard as I thought it would be, given this game being really old, and games used to be harder back then. Anyway the game's massive array of powerful ablilites, rather predicable and even weak enemies, as well as items being very easy to find, I have almost Max capacity if we include storage in there. I never ever lost any real fight, I didn't died just once!!! Even Rawk Hawk couldn't push me that far and he was almost able to K.Omy little Yoshi friend I cutely named Yoshigon, combining Yoshi with the last syllbes of Sargon's name, the protagonist of Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, since both of them are young, hot-headed warriors trained by skilled masters, in Yoshigon's case, it's a he, Mario!!! Ahem...With the additon of most commands being rather easy to perform, unless you also want to master Multibounce and Power Bounce with max appeal, you really have a rather easy time, and that is ok, too, since good games don't need to be hard, but fun. So, this is not the game to flex too much your skills with unless you mastered every single attack...but maybe I am too overconfident, and the game will surprise me.
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The exploration side was also a rather fun endaevor, even if I wished there was a way to mark all places you cannot explore right now with an in-game feature, as making screen shots on my Switch is not super duper funny. Still the game has a lot of value in the exploration side, since the puzzles are hard enough to be engaging and not too much of a shore to deal with, even if I was a bit confused at times, luckily my teamates helped me via tips to finish the harder ones. They are also good at showcasing the new abilities and advantages you get with new gears, powers and teamates who can help you with places that seem intraversable, by making you be placed in those situations and thus get a feel as to how and when you need these powers like the grids in the Hooktail Castle or the X-marked places where you need to stomp, but only can do it once you have it. There many such places and I always see it as a good sign of game design to make the player clear when they need them by creating this sense of helplessness and confusion and then lifting it with a new ability, power or friend that helps you deal with it. Especially the whole quest within the Great Tree where the Punies live is one I enjoyed on this front the most as well as the Glitz Pit's dirty dealing, and...you know what I loved all the places...I will just mention a place where I really felt tested my mind the most, and that was the Great Tree where the Puni; You have to figure out how to lead a horde of these little Pikmin-like creatures into the dangerous dungeon in which they could get lost in should they fall into a chasm, as you need depending on your progression, a number of them to complete puzzles and open pathways, as this dungeon has locks that will only be openned when for instance 101 of these little fellas stand on the pedestal you place them there via placing a Puni orb on said pedestals to attract them. For instance I had them to cross two gaps by placing them there and have a teamate summon a gust of wind to push them into the gap, where a little water puddle is, to have them then be lift up as bubbles. Before this I have to remove the orb and place it to the pedestal on the side I want them there and after 2 more gusts, they entered the place I wanted them too. The Punies are also followed by what might be the most catchy track in the game so far, it gives me this huge Pikmin x Patapon vibe I love so much, here is the track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs1nnHXIr7A
Pikmin x Patapon crossover when?
However I felt that one puzzle wasn't obvious and that was the movable wall in the locker for lower level fighters in the Glitz Pit, as I needed to ask for advice to get in there, so I hope that better puzzles will come where I won't depend too much on this. With that said and being done, I loved the exploration and the new windows coming forth for me when I get new members and powers, I just wish it would be easier to keep track on them easier as to not miss them, soemthing like in PoP TLC, where you screenshot in game a place and memorize them. So all in all good riddles, even if some could be more obvious.
Now we come to the main meat, the Story
*** Mario RPG's have a good reputation with storytelling as it uses the most simple story and conflict in video gaming history as setting for some of the whackiest, funniest and most elegantly and gorgeously told stories within that silly Mario world of wonder and fun. They also adds dimensions to the world that few spin off from the Mario series can pull off and ultimately made us think and apprieciate the Plumber and his friends a little bit more and helped gaining many fans for him, as well as enriching our lives, such a game was Super Paper Mario to me, as it made me so engage seeing these characters put into new and wacky situations that forced them to adapt to this, like Mario having Peach at his side who is not always happy with everyone crushing on her and fighting back, Bowser having to work with mario despite wanting to grill him, and poor Luigi being treated like 2nd fiddle by everyone with him even being brainwashed and controlled by the final boss of the game, not unlike what will happen with Peach in the story of TTYD game...Yeah, spoilers...Anway the story is as follows, about getting the treasure of Rogueport underneath the city, where a Door, named the Thousand Years Door, is sealed, containing the mystery of the old town. You see, before Rogueport came into being, there was a burstling and thriving city that was destroyed in a dark, apocalpystic storm that saw the earth shook and the sky turn black within minutes and then...the city Vanished, and afterwards, a new city was built, Rogueport, above the ruins of that ancient civilization. Peach, wanting to escape her own castle stumbled on an old lady gifting her a box containing a treasure map and in her gullible curiosity, she did and got involved with the X-Nauts and captured. X-Nauts are a bunch never-do-wellers seeking that treasure as well. Mario came at the behest of Peach into this town and after saving a young woman, who wanted to research the ruins of Rogueport, from the the X-Nauts, they met with her professor and fond a treasure map containing info on the 7 Crystal Stars that can open the Thousand Years Door...So our adventures begins with us finding these Crystal Stars, uncovering the secrests of the door with twists and turns awaiting us.
However I wanna focus on the parts of the game I did enjoy the most and and express my most sincere of opinions:
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Mario TTYD is to me a very well made story so far with fun dialogue I can not perfectly remember, but can always rewatch, as I recorded that game, but the stuff I remember the most for instance, is ultimately the fun I had with Mario and his teamates, which is what I wanna focus most on here. You are not alone in this game and Mario is accompanied by some of the wierdest people in the Mario world, like the young woman we saved from the evil-doers. The cheerful and curious Goombella, a Goomba and archeology student. She is really smart and puckly with a golden heart as her Ponytail, putting aside the cliche as these Fungi beings of stupidity and evil, serving as the meat grinders for Bowser's army. Goombella is also really fun and I vibe with her curiosity of places and people a lot, like how she described a gatekeeper as really nice, or vibin with me and Mario on becoming Champions at the Glitz Pit and fighting our way here. She helps you in game with telling you who the NPC you can talk with is and even was perplexed by us asking her about Luigi, saying this is your brother, you should know him. She however is also good at giving detailed information on other characters and enemies, as she can tattle foes in battle and give you info on them with flavorful text, like how Vivian is really cute, even cuter than herself, which made her a bit jealous in the remake of her and not thinking much of the ParaKoopa just describing them as what they are; Koopas with Wings. Another I like is how she described often people like Mowz, a rogue Mowser as some wierdo that flirts too much with Mario, and jokes that she probably wants to just win the record of biggest flirt ever or the time she dissed the Goombas living below Rogueport, after they treatened us, as stinky with their manners as the sewer they live in, as they probably got it from there!!! Point is, she is fun and really valuable due to her knowledge and I always have her first in my battles. Though my memories aren't perfect, rewatching my gameplay, will help recover some of it. I just love how they made a species of these grunts being so multifaceted beings with their own goals and affiliations. The other Goomba NPC's no affliliated with Bowser, and Goombella's professor Frankly, another Goomba, helps breaks these sterotypes as well. Thus Goombella, a Goomba is one of us, and not just praising Mario as world famous hero, but even fighting against Bowser, who I will get later in too. Goombella is to me Rabbid Peach, if she studied Archeology and wasn't into being an influencer.
After aquiring the Treasure map, we venture into Petalburg to find the first Cyrstal Star, Koops is a Koopa, a young lad that wants to aid us in our Quest to find the Dragon that took his Papa's life, that Dragon being Hooktail, the ruler of Hooktail Castle. She terrorized the village of Petalburg and kidnapped many villagers. Koops grew up without his Pa and has become rather timid, until he had enough and when he saw Mario in action, he gained the courage to challenge his Father's kiler, and wants to fight for his Girlfriend Koopie, who doesn't want him to proof himself like this...she likes him the way he is and wants him alive, but he won't bunge! Upon challenging and defeating that Dragon, we find out that his dad is still alive and well, due to Koopa shells being super durable, they can even survive decades long exposure to Dragon Stomach Acid...ew...anyway the Dragon is dead I since I found her death a bit funny, and I really wanna take revenge for Koops, I headcanon Hooktail's ultimate fate like this:
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Yeah, vengeance is delicious...anyway we get the Crystal star and Koops decided to join us and help us out in our quest to save Peach. He is rather simple, but really cool and again, breaks like Goombella stereotypes of Koopa as weak-imbeciles serving Bowser, and having real connections and family...Koopa are really interesing it seems. Just with Goobella, he helps to add novelties in these rather simple species and his overall charming looks and personality with these cool connections, makes him really awesome!!! I love him! His Shell Guard and shell tosses are really powerful weapons and I relied on him more to deal damage than most members, as he can target more than one enemy. Anyway He is not the only member and we have another one I really like, despite me not expecting it!
Enter the glamorous and poise Flurrie, a Wind Ghost once famous as an actress in Rogueport until she had enough of that lifestyle and decded to live in the Boggly Woods to have a less tumultuous life and a more chill one. She begins her debut after we find her lost Necklace back after it was robbed of her by the Three Shadow Sirens (called just Three Shadows). These Shadows being send by the X-Nauts to terminate Mario, all the while gushing at how hot he is, to them I will get later, just now they existed and were a thing. With her ability to create Gust,we could pass through the Secret entrance to the Great Tree in the Boggly Woods, where the Puni named Punio asked for help, after the X-Nauts invaded his home and took Great tree for themselves. She is surprisingly nuanced in her positon despite being a bit too vain to leave her necklace, her past as a influencer and sometimes her flirty nature really added some humor, especially when Mario attracts several women in this game...Mario is after all a superhero, that helps with the ladies I guess. Anyway what is not vain is her love for the Punies who adore her singing and wants to protect her neightbors from these invaders. She ultimately helped us and her abilities are all good, especially her gust instant killling foes, her body slam being reliable and her draining kiss hurting and healing her. She is pretty much Flying/Fairy type and I find her amusing, especially when it comes to her views on the show life and her showing interest in Mario...which alwas cracks me up and makes me happy, since Mario is someone I really love, I even cosplayed as him, just ask my friends! We get in the Great Tree our 2nd Crystal Star.
Then there is a member I do really love and that is the Baby Yoshi you get in Glitzville, where we protect him from becoming food for Mr.Hoggle's most famous Hot Dog stand. That Yoshi hatched and I named him Yoshigon, as I already explained, by combining Yoshi and Sargon into one name; Yoshigon. Like the Immortal Sargon from Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, he is a hot-headed young warrior and I love that kid. He is soo cute and feisty, he challenges everyone and his skills are the most easy to learn and pull off, even if I messed it up nearly with him against Rawk Hawk. But We Rawked that Bird and his skills proved invaluable against that boss who used a Crystal Star against us, but he was a joke...unlike Yoshigon, who just shred them to pieces!
The interaction with these characters is always a pleasure to be had and they aren't the only thing I really love about this game.
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Peach being kidnapped might be a cliche, but the absurdity of her being held captive with an unlikely ally being here to help her. TEC, the main computer of the X-Nauts HQ, who fell in love with Peach at first sight and wants to learn from her what it means. Despite how absurd it sounds, I found it somewhat funny and endearing, even if Peach had to play along to get on his good side. It is somewhat wierd to revive such a story in 2024 where we want to get away of such dangerous romances with damsels where they googly-eyed someone and used them to escape, as it puts Peach in the "I can fix him" type, but it is cliche and I hope it has a good conclusion that isn't...creepy. And I hope no one uses this to manipulate him into becoming possessive of Peach by making him consumed with fear of rejection too much, we have a world already polluted with such unhealty views on romance and jerks incapable of taking it. I had been once in love and was rejected, it was not so hard to turn into a monster, so I hope no one polludes him!
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And speaking of such jerks, Bowser really is at his best here when he is pathetic and wants Peach so much he picks fights with everyone around him and even got beaten by Mario in the most random fight ever, only to, predicably lose. I love that Bowser who can be somewhat intiminating and still be pathetic.
What is also pathetic are the Shadow Sirens led by Beldam, one of the most incompetent leaders I have ever seen, who blames her younger sister Vivian for everything wrong with her plans and for mistakes Beldam actually made, like losing the poster of Mario, which costed them precious time to find him. I feel bad for Vivian, I wanna see her stand up to Beldam, cuz Beldam sucks really. I have a foundness for these characters as they are charming and give me the comical villain trio vibe who can't do anything right from all the cartoons I saw and as a Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope fan, they are to me the precursors of the Spark Hunters, especially when one of them, like Vivian will, joined us. I am talking about Edge, who is not just a better leader than Beldam could ever hope to be, but also my favourite Mario character and Vivian as her predessesor, has a great place in my heart. What also I see at the heart of TTYD is a theme of love between family, let us think about it:
We first encountered a Koopa family that was reunited after the son defeated an evil Dragon, then we encountered the Puny Punio who cares deeply for his younger sister, Petuni, who was held in in captivity by the X-Nauts. After freeing her and the other Punies, she embraced her older brother Punio and gifted him a dried Mushroom that tasted awfully, but he still ate it with love for his sister in contrast to Beldam abusing and gaslighting Vivian into taking blame for the mistakes her older sister made. Another contrast is with Jolene, the secretary of Grubble, who leads the Glitz Pit league, having worked under cover to figure out what happened to the previous champion of Glitz Pit, her younger brother Prince Mush. They were both poor, but Mush did anything for his older sister and his parents and became a pro-fighter to help them, only to be killed by Grubble, whom's secret he found out, namely using the Crystal Star to drain from the Arena the power of all fighters to maintain his strong body, as he was once a pro-fighter. Rawk Hawk has since then taken the title of champion and is a massive cheater, who even tried to make us forfeit by locking us up in the Locker for the minor league, with the backing of Grubble of course. After both were beaten, the Crystal Star resonates with Jolene's love for her little brother and Mush returned to life, and thus reuniting the two sibling via love...it seems that the Crystal Star reacts to emotions like these and if love can really do it, then it makes sense for Peach to help Tec with love, in order to save the world, as that machine could realize the errors of his ways this, well, way. Maybe Vivian needs that love in order to get out of that hole with Beldam, whom I wanna finish with a Earth Power and some stomping. Peach I hope will get a more satifsying role than being the crush of a machine, this isn't All Tomorrows, this is Mario!
Luigi gets once again the short stick in the end, as he is a confirmed liar and no help at all...no wonder Dimentio claimed you, you are embarrassing before Nintendo grew to like you more...and I love modern Luigi far more than this version, especially Movie Luigi!!!
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Anyway this concludes my first impressions and I hope the game doesn't dissapoint me from here, tell me your thoughts here on tumblr or twitter, see ya then, and bye!
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tzipor-feather-blog · 2 years
I'm the jewel of your dreams, and you're the jewel of mine. I'm here to give you all you need, and I know you'll give it back.
I just want true love. It's that so hard to ask for? I'll skim my fingers through your shiny hair, and you'll be able to see the subtle glimmer around us.
I'll give you a tender kiss and I'll receive all your cuddles. Your glistering eyes will reflect my soul into your being.
I'll start a profound conversation, and you'll answer with witty comebacks brimming with sardonyx energy.
You're the jewel of my dreams and I'm the jewel of yours. May our souls find each other, the stars will be dancing above us, sending shooting stars across all directions. Time will stop for me and you, because Chronos will lead us to a time loop.
Persephone will give me some flowers for you, since I'm not a traditional woman. "Thanks Kore for the help", I reply.
Athena will give you wisdom presenting you to Arachne, the best weaver of webs and spider webs, for love needs interwoven knowledge to be able to surpass the worst storm.
Little jewel, I hope we find each other in this entangled and intertwined yet messy and wide world.
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heavysunsky · 2 years
Cardfight vanguard g episode 44
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However, he has a card called 'Blaster Blade' that was given to. Description: Aichi Send is a timid third-year middle school student who has always lived his life looking backwards rather than forward. Genres: Action Game Adventure Demons Shounen.
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In order to get better at Vanguard, Aichi puts his soul into it every day. Cardfight Vanguard (2011) Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older. For him, Toshiki is the person who saved him from his boring life and introduced him to Vanguard. He is also the reason why Aichi started playing the game. You are watching Bushiroads official Cardfight Vanguard channel.Cardfight Vanguard - Image 44: Entangled FateAichi finally awakens as the strongest PSYq. Kai Toshiki is an aloof and cold-hearted high schooler who has outstanding abilities in the world of Vanguard.
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Aichi, however, has a goal: to once again battle with a Vanguard Fighter by the name of Kai Tosihki. 03 Cardfight Vanguard G GIRS Cr Official ANM vido vido.Cardfight Vanguard Episode 15. Through friendly rivalry with them, Aichi begins to enjoy a fulfilling life. Browse more videos Vanguard G - Episode 44 Preview 26:28. The name of the card game is "Vanguard." The game takes place in a different planet called "Klay," and due to a never before seen play system, it becomes popular throughout the world.Īichi, immediately attracted by Vanguard, meets friends such as Togura Misaki and Katsuragi Kamui, along with other rivals. That card is the reason why he begins to engage in Card Fights, something that changes his life drastically.
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Plot Summary: Team TRY3: Chrono, Shion, and Tokoha, managed to win the championship of Generation Quest. However, he had one thing that kept him going - the "Blaster Blade," a card from a card game that was given to him when he was little. Cardfight Vanguard G Stride Gate-hen (TV). He had been living his life looking backward rather than forward, trying not to stand out. Kurono uses the never-before-seen clan Gear Chronicle, which brings together the destinies of these three toward an 'impossible future, an impossible self signifying 'Generation. 'The protagonist of this story, Sendo Aichi, is a timid boy in his third year of middle school. Taking place after a three-year time skip, the series will follow Shindou Kurono, Kiba Shion, and Anjou Tokoha as the new protagonists of G.
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@otherworldly-healer​​ entangle event starter 💜
It’s with nervous footsteps that Sakura paces the house’s front yard. The estate felt so empty, with most of it’s residents being dead or away. It was rare she got a moment to herself, and it was fueling her anxiety. What could she do right now? There had to be something she could do to help. Maybe if she got someone else, they could...
But what could she do? Would anyone even listen, if she told them what horrors lurked in the Matou residence’s basement? She could hardly believe it herself, still.
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She pauses in place, turning to look at the window of her uncle’s bedroom. He was up there, in far too much pain for her to comprehend. If her own training was bad, his must be so much worse.
“... M... Maybe if I find a doctor, he can rest...”
She mutters to herself, trailing off into her thoughts.
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sylvarantichosen · 2 years
That night, Hima was probably as loud as it ever got, with the Chosen and her group having pushed two tables together in the lobby of the inn to have dinner together before their final stop in their journey—the Tower of Salvation. Lloyd and Genis made the most noise, chatting about their travels up till now, though clearly nervous about reaching their destination tomorrow. Sheena joined in the conversation, blending in seamlessly to their group. Raine was a bit more somber, knowing what this journey ultimately meant for the Chosen. Kratos was somewhere outside.
The Chosen herself sat beside Lloyd, smiling at her friends’ animated conversation. Each of them had a big plate of food in front of them, but in front of Colette there was nothing. It smelled delicious though, and she was happy everyone was enjoying their last big meal before leaving in the morning. With the situation as tense as it was, she was so happy everyone was able to have a little bit of fun the night before like this. 
Lloyd tried to include her in the conversation, but Colette couldn’t stop her mind from wandering, as much as she tried to enjoy the moment. She wanted so badly to hold on to this feeling of being close to her friends. It was her last chance. 
Something in the corner of the inn lobby caught her attention, however. A feeling of being watched. 
Colette glanced over her shoulder, trying to be subtle about it. There, at a tiny table against the wall, sat a young man with teal hair, whose face raised some strange feeling of recognition in her, though she was sure they’d never met before. He was dressed so strangely, and seemed a bit lost. 
The feeling only grew, pulling Colette towards him. Her brow furrowed as she stared into the wood grains of the table, trying to settle on a decision. Quickly, she got Lloyd’s attention and wrote something on his hand. 
“’Be right back’? Where are you going?”
Colette pointed, and smiled at Lloyd as she stood from the table. The rest of her party members glanced at her curiously, and as Colette hurried to meet that familiar stranger, Lloyd explained it to them. “I dunno. Do we know that guy?”
Thankfully, the tiny lobby made it so it wasn’t like they’d be out of sight from her group. She knew Lloyd would be keeping an eye on her, and that felt reassuring.
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In front of the table, she paused. Oh no, it wasn’t like she could actually speak with this person normally. She should have asked Raine for something to write with. After hesitating, she pointed to her hand, pretending to write on it, and then held it out, silently asking for his. 
It felt weird, doing this with a stranger, but at the moment there wasn’t another option. 
Colette turned his hand over and, using her finger, spelled out her question on his palm:
Do I know you?
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chronolium · 2 years
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At the top of the TSI Research Tower, someone is about to press a button that they really should have tested more thoroughly beforehand.
The Council recently approved a new avenue of research for the scientists at the Techno Solar Institute, dealing with the memories stored within Lifelines. Memories, like the Lifelines themselves, are incredibly precious things, and the majority of those in charge of The Chronolium have been hesitant to mess with them, because getting something wrong could be disastrous.
The head researchers at the institute tested on their own Lifelines first, and the results were promising. Their memories were more clearly read from the Lifeline, more vivid, like they were made yesterday. Even moments that the researchers had completely forgotten about were easily revisited... for better or for worse.
They were excited, encouraged, and cocky. They were so confident that they were ready for the next step. All Lifelines would eventually entangle with any other Lifeline, if you followed it for long enough. So all they had to do was place a dozen or so of their research devices (which they called "memory amps") in key locations around the city and turn them on. Which they did.
The first thing to happen was that it became apparent by the numerous warning signals turning on back at the tower that while these devices work fine on a small scale, they cannot handle the hundreds of thousands of Lifelines throughout the city at once. One of the next things to happen was a hasty call to their PR department.
"A NOTE FROM TSI: Due to an unforeseen incident, you may be experiencing some degree of specific memory loss. At present, we are unable to resolve these issues, however you may find these issues lessened or fixed altogether with great concentration and effort made to recall the memories in question. We thank you for your patience while we look into the matter."
Due to a mishap at the TSI Research Tower, your muse may have had some of their memories lost... sort of. A more apt descriptor would be "locked," because it's the kind of memory loss where you can remember that there should be something there, and it's just on the tip of your tongue, but you can't quite recall it right away. Your muse may be able to tell immediately what these memories are (for example, they might realize that they can't remember the details of their graduation day, but that means they do at least know that the missing memory is related to their graduation) or they might not know what memories were lost at all, only that they're gone.
Or, they might not have had any memory loss at all. That is completely up to you, and will still leave you with good opportunity for threads with others during this event for reasons that will be explained below.
Regardless of whether they did or did not lose memories, the message above from TSI was sent to every phone in the city and played on plenty of television screens, displayed on billboards, etc. So no matter what, your muse will most likely know that something happened for them to react to.
Technically, it can be any memory you want, and more than one memory can be locked at the start of the event. The team at TSI tried to focus on "core" memories, though, so it's a little more likely than not that an important memory to your muse will have been locked away. Whether it's an important memory or just a memory about the time you found a dollar bill on the street three years ago, your muse will have that vague nagging sense in the back of their mind to clue them in to what is missing.
The memory can also technically be as long as you want, but since the ones that are locked are probably specific moments in time, they probably won't be longer than a couple hours, if that.
By trying really hard. If they hold their Lifeline (whether it be the loop on their phone or their Lifeline in the city) and try to recall the memory, they will. But, from their perspective, it will be as if they are genuinely reliving it. The memory will be so vivid that they will forget that it is just a memory, and they will truly think that they are back at that point in their life and reliving the same thing again. They will look like they did back then, they will feel when things touch them, etc etc.
Like a vivid dream, they will forget that it is not actually reality. The memory will play out exactly like it did in their past. Unless...
Every Lifeline in The Chronolium will touch everyone else's Lifeline at least once, somewhere along the way. It may not be anywhere visible, it may be underground or it may be at the core of the city, but it will happen. So while these memory relivings are meant to be private, sometimes, someone else can be pulled into a muses memory with them because of this. It's not guaranteed, however. And while it is more likely for it to happen with someone the muse is Connected to, it can also be someone completely random.
If someone else (henceforth referred to as the visitor) is pulled into your muses memory with them, it will still feel real to the visitor, but they are much more likely to be lucid and know, the whole time, that it's just a memory. If the visitor is lucid, they can try to convince your muse that it's just a memory too, if they feel that is best, and it will be up to you to decide whether or not your muse believes them.
If the visitor is not lucid, then you and the other mun are free to decide whether the visitor still knows who your muse is, or if they are granted the part of coincidental bystander to whatever is going on in the memory.
If the visitor alters how the memory plays out, or convinces your muse to act differently than they did in the true memory... then the memory will change, of course. How much it changes is another thing that is up to you. It may end up that, no matter how much the visitor tries to change things, the end result stays the same somehow. Or the memory may change completely and end up nothing like the true memory, like an alternate history being played out, and you will get to decide how the situation goes when the actions taken are changed.
When your muse reaches the same "ending point" as the memory that was locked, or the closest equivalent to it. A bit hard to explain, but bear with me. If, for example, the locked memory is of the time your muse found a dollar on the ground and used it to buy a drink from a vending machine, then they would finish reliving it after they got the drink from the vending machine. If a visitor altered things so that you got in a fight at the vending machine instead though, and you never actually got your drink, then the memory would probably end after the fight, as that's the most logical stopping point, as one could reasonably say that all of that is connected to one event, so to speak.
After your muse has finished reliving their memory, it will be as if they are waking up from sleep wherever they were when they started reliving the memory, as if hardly any time at all has passed. The same will be true for the visitor; they will be kicked out of your memory when the time comes, too.
Which version do you want them to remember?
Your muse might, upon waking up, immediately know that the memory that just played out was simply a reenactment that played out differently, and so they will remember the original, true memory from their past, and also now remember the time they and their friend did things differently this time. Essentially, they will remember two versions of the event, one of which is the true version in the past, and the second being the reliving that happened "just now."
Or, if it's more to your liking, the altered memory could replace the old memory entirely. Your muse will no longer be able to recall the true memory, and will only be able to remember the altered version, and in their mind, the altered memory will still 'feel' like it took place in the past, like a normal memory would. Further still, you could then decide that they still know that it's an altered memory, and they just can't remember the true memory. Or you can decide that now your muse will just think that this altered memory is actually how it played out in their past. Surely no consequences can come of that, right?
The visitor, on the other hand, will always know that it was just a relived memory that went differently, and that it didn't actually happen that way, because it was never their memory to begin with. If you're a visitor, good luck trying to convince the host of the memory of that, though, if their mun opted to replace their memories...
Spoiler alert! No, they won't. Your muse doesn't know that, but we're letting you know that so that you don't need to worry about any potential permanent alterations to your muse that you don't want.
Any in-character post that references the events of the event will count as event participation. Drabbles, minis, replies, it's all fair game, regardless of the word count and regardless of whether or not your muse lost memories or visited someone else's memory.
Please send it to the masterlist (not the Council blog)! There's probably a good 75% chance, at minimum, that there was a super obvious FAQ question that we forgot to answer here, so if you need answers to something then we will answer it ASAP!
The event will end on April 22nd at 11:59pm EST.
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flameindream2 · 2 years
“...Lady Raine?” asks the Nightmare King, noticing someone he calls friend in a place where he should have none. Grimm, swathed in the red of his dream form, had been overlooking the emptiness of this part of the Dream Realm. Beneath this platform was clouds in the orange tinged sky. Beautiful, somber. A moment to steel himself before chaos overtook this realm.
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“I know not how you are here, but you should leave. I must confront my sister... and pretty it shall not be. The time for debate is long over, unfortunately.”
Why does he know this mortal and feel that he would face guilt should she be harmed in the coming battle? None of it makes sense, but there are more important things at hand. No time to thoroughly investigate such. The Radiance waits for him, surely.
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tomeofdespair · 2 years
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last minute post for this, i know
for this event, i have two memories up for grabs (aka two types of starters i’m going to write, lol):
memory #1: morgan during his time in servitude to his mother when she was possessed by grima (aka the future past timeline). for a quick backstory: the devotion he has for his mother has lead him to commit atrocities in her name, all with the hope that she will reward him with love and affection again. though he is loyal to her to a fault, he still longs for the day when she was the kind mother he remembers. this memory will be dark, and contain references to all the triggering topics i warned about in my application. i can tone it down obviously, but some of the topics will be unavoidable (apocalypse, violence/war, and the occult first spring to mind). the memory will start at the end of future past 1 after morgan has received a second copy of the tactics book from robin and will end when he returns to the dragon’s table to meet with the robin possessed by grima.
memory #2: a nicer memory! this one takes place during his nah support, where he travels to find a very specific flower in a very specific place at a very specific time... depending on how this memory is relived, he can either be successful in his task or fail (how miserably is up to you!) the memory starts immediately after he leaves to go find the flower and ends when he either succeeds or fails.
with that out of the way! if these interest you, feel free to like and let me know which memory you’d prefer to write! no cap for now (yes, i’ll write 15987 future!morgans if that’s what it comes to, lol)
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swhurtcomfort · 4 years
Heyyy, I love your writing I’m literally obssesed. I was wondering if you could write something in where Young Obi Wan gets a panic attack, like the ‘I can’t breath’ ones and Qui-Gon helps him. It would be so cool if you did write it, thanks!
cw for panic attacks of course!
The feeling dragged Qui-Gon out of the deepest part of his sleep cycle, into a flustered alertness. Obi-Wan. It throbbed in his head like a migraine. Obi-Wan in danger, small and young and scared.
Qui-Gon groped for his lightsaber in the dark, but as he looked around the elegant room, he saw no attacker. He turned the lamp on. On the far side of the huge bed, Obi-Wan had entangled himself in all the layers of heavy silk sheets (Gods knew the chambers that the archduke had prepared were far too extravagant for a Jedi, but protesting had only drawn offense).
At first, as he hurried to free Obi-Wan from the tangled sheets, Qui-Gon thought that the padawan was having a nightmare. Obi-Wan kicked and fought, possibly not realizing that Qui-Gon was trying to help him extricate himself, and that he was making it worse. Qui-Gon murmured softly, urging him to wake up.
When Qui-Gon had finally eased all the layers of bedding apart and tossed them towards the foot of the bed, he looked into Obi-Wan’s eyes and saw that they were wide open.
Each hurried breath heaved through Obi-Wan’s chest, and he was holding both arms close to his body, with one hand clutching at the fabric of his pajama shirt over his heart.
“Obi-Wan, what’s wrong?”
When that did not garner a response, Qui-Gon suggested, “Try to sit up.”
Obi-Wan made no move to do so. Qui-Gon took his shoulder and gently guided him up, shifting the pillow to support him. There was no change in Obi-Wan’s ragged breathing, and each inhale made a harsh sound in the back of his throat like he wasn’t getting enough air in.
“Are you choking?”
Obi-Wan didn’t look sure.
“Are you in pain?”
He managed to nod.
The warning pulsing through the Force which had woken him left no room for hesitation. Chest pain in a 13-year-old was not something to brush off. “I will be right back,” Qui-Gon promised. Then he went out into the corridor and asked one of the archduke’s guards to send for a physician.
When he returned, Obi-Wan had pulled one of the blankets into his lap and was hiding his face in it.
“I know,” Qui-Gon murmured. He took a corner of the blanket and tried to gently tug it away from Obi-Wan. “But let’s not obstruct your airway any more than we have to. Try to take some deep breaths, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan let the blanket slip through his fingers as Qui-Gon continued to pull. When he had gathered the whole thing in his lap, Qui-Gon draped it around Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
After several minutes, Obi-Wan spoke. “I’m not cut out for this,” he mumbled through gritted teeth.
“What aren’t you cut out for?” Qui-Gon asked.
“This,” said Obi-Wan unhelpfully. “The crechemasters knew it all along. You knew it all along.”
Qui-Gon frowned. “Are you nervous about the ceremonies tomorrow?”
Obi-Wan pursed his lips as if to physically prevent any more words from coming out. His head bobbed affirmatively, just once.
“Everything will be fine. I know that you have studied the materials I gave you about this planet’s etiquette, and I know you will listen to me if I need to subtly correct you tomorrow. We are foreigners here, and these people are friendly. They will forgive any mistakes made in good faith.”
“It’s not just tomorrow,” Obi-Wan whispered.
“I see.”
Qui-Gon could feel Obi-Wan regaining control of his mental shields slowly, even if his breaths were still coming too fast and shallow.
“Obi-Wan, you were meant to be my padawan, and I was meant to be your master. The Force has willed it so. You are cut out for this.” He reached out to stroke Obi-Wan’s short hair back and off of his forehead.
The words seemed to be helping, so Qui-Gon continued. “You are just starting out, young padawan. No one expects you to be perfect. If you knew everything already, there would be nothing for me to teach you.”
Obi-Wan took another big gulp of air. “The healers told me…to count backwards from one hundred.”
The fear leeched out of Qui-Gon slowly as he started to understand. “You will be alright, Obi-Wan. Would you like me to count backwards with you?”
Obi-Wan agreed. His voice was shaky at first, but grew steadier in the seventies, and dropped down to its normal timbre in the fifties. They were in the thirties when there was a knock at the door.
“Ah, I think we’re alright now,” Qui-Gon told the palace doctor after letting him in.
“I had a panic attack,” Obi-Wan admitted quietly. “Master Qui-Gon didn’t know what was happening.”
The doctor was very gracious considering the hour that he was awoken at, and after briefly listening to Obi-Wan’s heart and lungs, concurred with Qui-Gon’s assessment that he was alright.
Left alone again, Qui-Gon had to face this new information he has learned about the child in his care. “Obi-Wan, do these attacks happen often?”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “They started last year, when it…started to sink in that I was running out of time to find a master.”
It hit Qui-Gon, not for the first time, how severely the system has failed this young boy. “And you’ve told the healers at the Temple?”
Obi-Wan nodded.
“Alright. When we get home, I’d like to sit down with your healer and talk about it, all three of us. Does that sound okay?”
Another nod.
“Master, may I stay up and read a holobook for a little while? I promise I’ll go back to sleep eventually,” Obi-Wan asked.
“Yes, of course. Do you need me to stay up with you?”
Obi-Wan bit his lip and shook his head.
Qui-Gon checked the chrono. “I’d like you to try to sleep in an hour or so. You’ll want to be well-rested in the morning.”
“I will, Master.”
Qui-Gon ventured to rest a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze. Obi-Wan had been reserved for as long as Qui-Gon had known him, but although he rarely initiated physical contact he often seemed reassured by it. That was something that they were going to have to work on as the trust between them grew.
“Wake me. If you need me,” Qui-Gon said softly as he stood up to walk around to his side of the enormous bed. Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, offering a tiny smile.
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raijinswaifu · 4 years
Echo, A Divine Whisper
Pantheon: Greek Class: Mage Preferred Roles: Mid by default
Ultimate- Power’s Ripple: For each power unleashed by a god, a trickle of their power is left to ripple into the world like a pebble thrown into a lake. Harnessing those trickles of power is Echo. Echo is able to use this ability at rank 0. At the beginning of a match, Echo can choose one god on the battlefield.
Whenever Echo uses this ability she transforms into that god gaining their primary abilities. While transformed she retains her passive and ultimate ability. Echo also maintains her items and for the purposes of calculating damage, Echo’s  power is reduced by 50% if she is transformed into a god that deals physical damage. 
If Echo dies she may select another god to become an echo to whenever she respawns. For each rank of this ability she gains a passive bonus that changes depending on the class of her transformed. Echo gains this bonus while both in her standard and transformed stance. 
Mage Bonus: 15/30/45/60/75 bonus magical power Hunter Bonus: 10/15/20/25/30% attack speed Assassin Bonus: 2/4/6/8/10% movement speed Warrior Bonus: 4/8/12/16/20% damage mitigation that is reduced by 25% for every 20% of missing health. Guardian Bonus: 10/15/20/25/30  protection aura of 70 units Cooldown: 2 seconds
Passive- Resonance:
If Echo kills an enemy god with one of her abilities, that ability’s  cooldown is immediately refreshed. If Echo instead gains an assist for an enemy god kill, the cooldown of her most recently used ability is reduced by 2 seconds. This passive affects both her standard and transformed stance.
Ability 1- Mirror’s Guard Echo shrouds herself in a glass like armor which grants her a temporary health shield. When the duration of the shield ends or the shield is broken it explodes in a small radius around Echo. The explosion causes damage to all enemies around her and blinds enemy gods for a duration.
Shield Health: 75/100/125/150/175 + 25 per Echo’s Level Explosion Damage: 65/115/165/215/265 (+65% Magical Power) Blind Duration: 2 seconds Shield Duration: 5 seconds Cooldown: 14 seconds
Ability 2- Reflective Sentinel: Echo summons a deployable duplicate of herself that releases a blast of pure radiant energy that damages all enemies in a straight line. Her sentinels also benefit from her Mirror’s Guard ability. If her sentinels are reduced to 0 hitpoints they chase enemies prioritising nearby enemy gods and after a 4 second delay they explode dealing magical damage. If a god has been damaged by one sentinel explosion following explosion damage is reduced by 20% for each additional explosion.
If a sentinel explodes while under the effects of Mirror’s Guard the shield also explodes. Echo’s sentinels also grant her an area of vision.
Sentinel Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 (+15% Magical Power) every .5 seconds Sentinel Health: 50/75/100/125/150 + 20 per Echo’s Level Explosion Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 (+70% Magical Power) Max Sentinels: 1/1/2/2/3 Sentinel Duration: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 seconds Cooldown: 12 seconds
Ability 3- Glass Shards: Echo conjures glass shards that surround her and empower her basic attacks. While this ability is active, Echo’s next four basic attacks deal additional damage over time. Echo also gains vision on an enemy god damaged by these basic attacks for the duration of the additional damage. If one of these basic attacks pass through one of her sentinels is immediately is reduced to 0 hitpoints and starts to chase after enemy gods.
These shards remain even when she transforms and can benefit her transformed basic attacks.
Additional Damage: 20/25/30/35/40 (+15% of your Magical Power) every 0.5s for 1.5s per charge Cooldown: 10 seconds
Hel/Merlin/Ullr/Artio: Echo’s transformed stance when choosing one of these gods is dark/arcane/bow/druid stance respectively. 
Arthur: Echo is only able to use his standard abilities since the switching is noted as part of his passive which Echo does not copy.
Tyr/Tiamat: Since these gods don’t stance switch based on their passive or ultimate Echo is freely capable of using their stance switching as well as her own.
Achilles: Echo stays in Achilles’ armored state while she is transformed.
Ah muzen cab: Hives created by Echo benefit both of her stances.
Ah Puch: Corpses remain behind as per usual but Echo can only detonate not consume them.
Amaterasu: Echo only benefits from divine presence while transformed as Amaterasu. Heavenly reflection is maintained while Echo reverts to her normal form  but she can’t fire it early.
Ao Kuang: Dragon’s Call remains while Echo reverts to her normal stance but cannot be fired early. With stealths they are all broken when Echo transforms back to her normal stance.
Aphrodite: Kiss is broken if Echo transforms back to her normal stance.
Arachne: The webs still function and remain if Echo transforms back to her normal state. However she can only benefit from her web’s bonus movement speed while as Arachne. Venomous bite remains while Echo is in her normal state but cocoon does not.
Ares: All shackles are broken if Echo transforms back to her normal stance but Bolster Defenses remains for it’s full duration if she transforms back.
Artemis: Echo’s traps remains when she transforms back and vengeful assault lasts for it’s full duration when she transforms back into her normal stance.
Artio: Like with a normal Artio, entangling vines remains when Echo switches stances.
Athena: Block stacks from pre-emptive strike remains when transformed back into Echo.
Baba Yaga: Any stored potions remains in her inventory regardless of stance but can only be used and fired while transformed as Baba Yaga.
Bakasura: The duration of butcher blades immediately ends if Echo transforms back into her normal stance.
Baron Samedi: Echo cannot inflict hysteria while transformed as Baron Samedi.
Bastet: Cats summoned by ensaring claw remain for their normal duration regardless of Echo’s stance.
Bellona: Block stacks gained from basic with shield’s bash remain if Echo reverts to her normal stance.
Camazotz: Echo cannot spawn pools of essence. While she retains the vision gained by screech only in her Camazotz stance does she maintain the bonus power.
Cerberus: Souls created by Soul Expulsion can be defeated by Echo regardless of stance and provide the healing.
Chaac: The axe spawned by thunder strike and rain dance last for their full duration regardless of stance.
Chernobog: Echo cannot revert to her normal stance if dashed into a wall and the buff of vicious barrage lasts regardless of stance.
Chiron: Enemies marked for masterful shot remain marked for the full duration if Echo transforms back to her normal stance.
Chronos: The regular bonuses of accelerate last for their full duration regardless of stance but the additional buff caused by the wheel of time ends early if transformed back into Echo.
Cthulhu: Echo cannot apply torment and The Mire is considered to have been interuppted if Echo transforms to her regular stance.
Cu Chulainn/Yemoja: Echo cannot transform into either of these gods since they do not use the regular mana system.
Cupid: Hearts spawned by share the love last for the entire lifetime.
Discordia: Erratic behaviour only benefits Discordia’s abilities and not Echo’s.
Erlang Shen: Spot Weakness’ duration lasts for it’s full duration regardless of stance but only Erlang’s basics can reduce this ability’s cooldown. Spot Weakness’ damage is converted to magical while as Echo.
Fafnir: Coerice lasts for it’s full duration if Echo transforms back to her normal stance.
Fenrir: Echo cannot generate or benefit from runes.
Freya: Irradiate and Pulse last for their entire duration regardless of stance.
Ganesha: The buff provided by turn of fate lasts if Echo transforms back. Also don’t expect this Ganesha to provide you with free kills.
Geb: Stone shield lasts for it’s full duration regardless of Echo’s stance.
Guan Yu: Protections provided by Taolu Assault last for it’s full duration.
Hachiman: Heavenly banner lasts if Echo transforms back and she gains the bonus attack speed that Hachiman would normally gain via this ability.
He Bo: Atlas of the yellow river remains for it’s full duration.
Heimdallr: Piercing Sight and Bifrost remain regardless of stance but only Heimdallr can activate them.
Hera: The shield from divine shroud lasts for it’s full duration.
Hercules: Echo also benefits from mitigate wounds.
Hou Yi: Enemies remain marked by mark of the golden crow for the full duration.
Izanami: While transformed Echo still benefits from Izanami’s regular autos and she can still stack the slow caused by Spectral Projection as normal.
Janus: Portals and threshold last for their normal duration and can be used if Echo transforms back to her regular stance.
Jing Wei: Both stances benefit from explosive bolts but explosive bolts are unable to deal critical damage.
Jormungandr: Pools created by venomous haze last for their normal duration, Echo cannot transform back while using submerge. If targeted by an effect normally made immune by Immovable, Echo is forcibly transformed back to her normal stance.
Kukulkan: Tornadoes created by whirlwind last their normal duration.
Kuzenbo: Nene Kappas spawned last for their entire duration but Shell Spikes ends early if transformed back into Echo.
Loki: Agonising visions lasts for it’s normal duration. The effects of vanish immediately ends if Echo transforms back to her normal stance.
Medusa: Viper shot lasts for it’s normal duration.
Mercury: Maximum velocity lasts for it’s normal duration.
Ne Zha: Flaming spear cannot provide Echo with critical chance and for the purposes of calculating the heal she is always considered to have 10 righteous spirit stacks.
Neith: Echo can generate a broken weave by backflip but not through other means,
Nemesis: Retribution ends early if transformed back into Echo.
Nox: Siphon Darkness remains if transformed back into Echo.
Nu Wa: Transforming back into Echo reveals her but she regains stealth if she remains in mysterious fog. Mysterious fog and clay soldiers last for their normal duration.
Olorun: The buffs and healing provided by Overflowing Divinity and Consecration last for their normal duration. Echo cannot reactive overflowing divinity if she isn’t transformed as Olorun.
Pele: Pyroclast acts as normally if Echo returns to her regular stance. Magma rush immediately ends if transformed back into Echo.
Persephone: Plants conjured by her abilities remain for their normal duration but can only be activated while transformed as Persephone.
Poseidon: Whirlpool lasts for it’s normal duration, Echo only maintains the movement speed of trident if she transforms back to her normal stance.
Ra: Divine Light can still detonate while in Echo’s normal stance and Solar Blessing lasts for it’s normal duration. Divine Light and Mirror’s Guard blinds do not stack, the first blind activated will be the one that is applied.
Raijin: Raiju lasts for it’s normal duration but can only be activated while transformed as Raijin.
Rama: Echo can only generate astral arrows via infinite assault but she starts with the regular 5 astral arrows the first time she transforms into Rama. Astral Strike’s toggle is immediately turned off if she transforms back into Echo.
Ratatoskr: Echo cannot buy any acorns and she doesn’t start with any.
Scylla: Crush and Sentinel remains if transformed back into Echo but only Scylla can reactivate it.
Serqet: Echo cannot activate catalyst in any manner.
Set: Spawn of Set’s last for their entire duration as does sandstorm but only Set can teleport via sandstorm.
Skadi: Echo spawns a temporary Kaldr while transformed into Skadi. Rune of The Hunt can increase Kaldr’s damage but not provide Kaldr any additional abilities.
Sol: Radiance lasts for it’s full duration. Both Sol and Echo can activate stellar burst via their basic attacks.
Susanoo:Jet stream lasts for it’s full duration but only Susanoo can reactivate this ability.
Sylvanus: Echo’s basic attacks transform to match Sylvanus while transformed. Verdant Growth and Wisps last for their full duration.
Terra: Terra’s deployables last for their full duration but can only be activated by Terra.
Thanatos: Thanatos’ abilties consume an additional 30 mana per use but do not cost health. Scent of Death lasts for it’s full duration and the penetration is converted to magical while transformed back into Echo.
The Morrigan: Dark Omen lasts for it’s full duration. Both the stealth and deployable end early if transformed back into Echo.
Thor: Tectonic Rift’s wall lasts for it’s full duration.
Thoth: Hieroglyphic Assault lasts for it’s full duration as does Glyph of Pain.
Tsukuyomi: Silver Moon Caltrops lasts for it’s full duration. Echo cannot activate Tsukuyomi’s ranged basic attacks but they are maintained until she transforms back into Tsukuyomi.
Tyr: Only Tyr gains the benefits from change stance.
Ullr: Expose Weakness/Invigorate lasts for it’s full duration.
Vulcan: Inferno cannon persist regardless of Echo’s stance.
Xbalanque: Branching Bola is untoggled while transformed back into Echo.
Ymir: Ice wall lasts for it’s full duration regardless of stance.
Zeus: Only Zeus’ abilities apply his charges. Aegis Assault remains regardless of stance and only Zeus can detonate his charges.
Zhong Kui: Echo also gains the additional basic attack when book of demons is levelled.
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soybeeftacos · 4 years
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A Long Rant and Mediocre Analysis of the Future of My Beloved Jinteki Faction, by scd.
I have been thinking about Jinteki and the impending rotation of a lot of Jinteki cards...
As many have, I eagerly anticipate the upcoming System Update and System Gateway releases from NISEI. I’ve not been the hugest fan of Ashes, to put it mildly, especially their ID design. As someone on the Green Level Clearance Discord said the other day (I forget who, sorry), it’s almost as if they made every Runner a different kind of Shaper. And the Corps are, by and large, uncompetitive and overly fiddly for my tastes — oh, how I wish Hyoubu Institute was any good! I’m dipping my toes back into Standard after a few years away, and have lately been trying to get my head around what’s coming around the corner, especially since beyond Engram Flush and LaCosta Grid, I don’t see a ton to be excited about in recent Jinteki cards.
Then it dawned on me, with the upcoming replacement of SC2019, Honor & Profit, and the SanSan Cycle, we are actually losing a lot of Jinteki cards. This hit me most the most at the level of identities. On the potential chopping block are: Jinteki: Personal Evolution, Jinteki: Replication Perfection, Harmony Medtech, Nisei Division, Tennin Institute, Jinteki Biotech, and Chronos Protocol. Add in that Mti Mwekundu and Jinteki: Potential Unleashed are currently banned, this leaves the competitive pool as of System Gateway/System Update: one of the above identities (if the rumors that System Update will have only one Corp ID per faction are true), the new Jinteki ID in System Gateway, then Pālanā Foods, AgInfusion, and Saraswati. No other legal Jinteki IDs. I understand that the first two are solid glacier choices, and I actually quite like Saraswati, but I want more and more variety.
So it’s a bit of a bummer for my favorite faction, which has had goofy FA Tennin decks, Punitive Medtech techs, Complete Image Chronos Protocol kill decks, lots and lots of different PE decks. Will we see the death of the Jinteki I loved? Or will it rise again from the proverbial coffin of rotation? (Yes, this was all an elaborate justification for using the old GIF above that I think Eric Caoili made many years ago).
I’m basically just sick of Jinteki glacier. It’s never been fun for me, nor does it feel like what the faction should be primarily “about.” Jinteki’s current state as a glacier faction primarily has as much to do with what’s been banned as much as what’s been printed (LaCosta, for instance). If there are enough net damage cards in the pool, someone will make yet another new version of the caustic “Potatoes” deck and then NISEI will ban a bunch of the most troublesome cards again. Ignoring currents, there are five Jinteki cards on the current banlist, which is tied with Weyland for the most — followed by four NBN cards, two HB cards, and four neutrals.
If System Update has only one Corp ID per faction, as the recent rumor has stated, then I’ll be bummed out. If it’s true, I fully expect that Personal Evolution will be the one to stick around. It’s always been at least marginally playable, it does something different (a net damage tax), and it’s intelligible for new players. But what other cards stick around? What else should stick around? I thought I’d look and see what cards are actually going to rotate and which ones I was most upset about. What I found was actually a little surprising to me — while I claim I love this faction, I’m, uh, not going to miss many of these! I’ve gone through below and identified from SC2019, Honor & Profit, and the SanSan Cycle all of the cards that I suspect just can’t go and/or I’d be real sad if they did.
From the pool of SC2019 Cards, here’s what I’d hold onto:
Jinteki: Personal Evolution Nisei Mk II Fetal AI Philotic Entanglement Project Junebug Ronin Snare! Neural EMP
All of these are such key cards to me, I just can’t see Jinteki without nearly all of them. Fetal AI, Philotic and Ronin are possibly marginal, but I think NISEI really made the right call bringing Fetal back (t’s a beautiful card on a number of levels); Philotic being limited to 1-per-deck has always made it a fun surprise and/or a welcome 3/2 in the faction; and without Ronin or a suitable combo-kill replacement, I don’t see the faction moving beyond just glacier decks. Can you imagine Netrunner without Snare!? Or NISEI getting rid of Nisei Mk II? Personal Evolution, Neural EMP, Junebug — these have always been faction-defining cards to me, and I don’t see NISEI being foolish enough to mess with that.
So, what would I lose from SC2019?
Jinteki: Replicating Perfection Sundew Hokusai Grid Celebrity Gift Trick of Light Himitsu-Bako Wall of Thorns Lotus Field Yagura Neural Katana Swordsman Tsurugi
A lot of great cards here, but push come to shove, I could lose any of them. I’ll miss all of these if they all go, and I won’t be sad if any are kept (other than maybe RP, as I think there are better options, if NISEI has more than one core Jinteki ID in System Update; see below).
Onward and on to the Honor & Profit Cards:
Psychic Field Mushin No Shin Komainu
This genuinely surprised me! I had expected that there would be many, many more Honor & Profit cards I’d want to keep. As a Jinteki lover, I’ve played with all of the cards in this box (with the possible exception of NeoTokyo Grid), but only Psychic Field, Mushin, and Komainu seemed obvious keepers to me. Now, now, I’m sure there’s some group of people out there who think Mushin is "bad” and I understand that, but without Mushin there needs to be something I want there to be something that has a similar effect — Saraswati is kinda it, but it’s also the ID itself and Mushin as an ID is not the same. I think Mushin needs to be kept to help facilitate the shell game Jinteki that has been a staple since Hinkes’ Cambridge PE. In the online play world of Jinteki.net, many people would love to see mind games and traps leave the game entirely, but I don’t think NISEI does (given that they kept Cerebral Overwriter in Uprising). Psychic Field, I’d keep, partially to facilitate this but also as a necessary, hard 419 counter — a counter on a mechanical vector that is not just about money and math. Komainu is a beautiful piece of ice, and one I’d love to see stay in the game.
So, what are we losing if I ruled NISEI?
Harmony Medtech Nisei Division Tennin Institute House of Knives Medical Breakthrough The Future Perfect Chairman Hiro Mental Health Clinic Shi.Kyū Tenma Line Cerebral Cast Medical Research Fundraiser Inazuma Pup Shiro Susanoo-no-Mikoto NeoTokyo Grid Tori Hanzō
Ouch. There are a lot of almost-keepers here. House of Knives, TFP, Tennin, Pup, and Susanoo, are all cards I’d love to see stick around but frankly, I don’t think they really need to. TFP is a great defensive agenda but we already have some fantastic defensive agendas in the faction (and I’d love to see what NISEI cooks up for other defensive Jinteki 5/3s). House of Knives is a great card and maybe it should stick around, I dunno, but perhaps there’s more interesting space to explore in net-damaging 3/1s (plus, we just got Sting! somewhat recently). These remaining ice don’t get a lot of play, even if they once did (like Pup); I’d be happy to see any of them stick around, but I’d also like to see new ideas. So, they can all go.
What about the SanSan Cycle? I’d keep:
Jinteki Biotech: Life Imagined Crick Cortex Lock Marcus Batty An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Okay, whoa, there’s actually an ID in here! Yeah, I love Biotech, even if I haven’t played it in a long time. I feel like Biotech needed just another couple of cards to make the other non-Brewery flip sides workable. I’d love to see NISEI attempt to fix an ID rather than just rotate it. Crick and Cortex Lock seem like such solid, interesting ice that I wouldn’t want to lose either — Cortex Lock is of course a wonderful facechecking ice, good early game ice that was only really ever a problem during the Mti meta. I’ve always loved the positional ice of that cycle, and Crick is lovely. Batty is too fun to ignore and is versatile for multiple decks, and is not stifling like other defensive upgrades. And An Offer You Can’t Refuse — clearly the weirdest, least-played card of this entire post — I just want to keep it around, for the novelty of forcing a run on the Corp’s turn and its related rules confusions. And for the memes.
What would we lose?
Genetic Resequencing Ancestral Imager Allele Repression Genetics Pavilion Lockdown It’s a Trap! Clairvoyant Monitor Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-Mapping Recruiting Trip Valley Grid
Not a lot here that I really care about, I guess? Genetics Pavilion is probably the one I’d miss the most, not that it’s had much play since Wyldside rotated. And Chronos Protocol — I’m glad it got a brief moment to shine in the sun of Complete Image, but I’m not going to miss it otherwise. Maybe Allele Repression, but frankly, Genotyping, Preemptive Action, etc. have shown that Operation-based card recycling is the best way to go post-Jackson. The rest of these cards were, I think, pretty mediocre design; I’m surprised at how little wheat to chaff there was in SanSan for Jinteki, as my memory is quite different!
And, of course, with the release of System Update, we’ll presumably get some other old cards resurfacing that we haven’t seen in a while. I certainly hope NISEI gets aggressive and interesting with these choices, as I think they did a pretty good job with SC2019 (even if I found Core Experience to be a slog of a format). I’m excited at the options of what from the original core, Genesis, Spin, and Lunar might resurface. If it were up to me, here are the four cards that I would bring back:
Hostile Infrastructure Shock! Edge of World Industrial Genomics
Okay, okay, Hostile Infrastructure won’t be popular, but I love it. It’s expensive to rez and with SanSan gone there won’t be the old Breaker Bay Grid cheese to get it rezzed for free. It’s been back in the meta with Salvaged Memories for a bit now and doesn’t appear to be the scourge of the meta, so why not just keep it? More importantly, I’d love to see Shock! come back — it felt infinitely more fair than Breached Dome with a similar (albeit costlier to trash) effect. Edge of World was a jank-enabler that I would love to see again (perhaps because I’m currently playing Retrunner with these old cards again), and then there’s ... Industrial Genomics.
Okay, okay, okay, I hear you, “IG bad.” It’s a mean, mean, Bad People Play It™ identity that made you cry real bad that one time. It did the same to me once, too! I get that perspective, but if we are going to choose a Jinteki ID that is very functionally different than Personal Evolution to complement it in System Update, I’d like one that facilitates the kinds of play IG does. Biotech fits that bill, but frankly, Biotech unless it gets the card support will just be another Brewery kill ID, and I’m not sure NISEI are thinking that’s worth keeping. I’m being hopelessly optimistic that we’ll be getting three Jinteki IDs when System Gateway and Update drop rather than just two, and if I had to choose between Biotech and IG, I’m going IG every time.
Now, with Kakurenbo in the cardpool, a return of IG just can’t happen; so... ban Kakurenbo! It is a ridiculous card that was, seemingly, mainly designed for IG to play in Eternal. I can’t see any other good use for it, at least. Bring back the old IG from before Bio-Ethics prison. Bring back Shock! Hell, even go ahead and ban Bio-Ethics — gasp, I can’t believe I’m typing such blashemy — and give us something that can open up new kinds of play with this interesting, classic, and overly-maligned ID. Industrial Genomics was a weird thing of beauty, and it deserves another run. Laugh at me all you want, you know I’m right.
One more thing — what about Caprice Nisei? Shouldn’t she be discussed? Nah, she gets no love from me, simply because of the playstyle she empowers. Caprice is of course a great and meta-defining card — for glacier! But haven’t we had enough of glacier by now? Like, two years of mainly glacier Jinteki? And I’m the lord of my own barely-read blog fiefdom; I decree that if you really want a psi game to protect your agenda, you should just go play Hyoubu Precog Manifold.
Anyway, just some thoughts by someone who doesn’t play any Standard but wants to do more. I started writing this thinking it was about the dire state of Jinteki, but I’m now left thinking there’s actually a much smaller set of must-keep Jinteki cards than I initially thought. Granted, most of them are non-ice cards, and that’s a problem here — only a handful of ice here seem really necessary to keep. And maybe that’s what this is about; encouraging more deckbuilding that has little to do with building remotes.
I’m most concerned about IDs. Keeping PE and either Biotech or IG would make me personally happy, and Tennin would be an acceptable “sure, why not.” There’s a lot of potential for Jinteki to move into more forms of play that aren’t so glacier-heavy, and I’m hopeful about that. I do think what they do in System Gateway and System Update will need to address the loss of Jinteki cards, but perhaps not as seriously as I had feared when I started writing this.
Anyway, I’d love to hear any reactions to this. Long Live Chairman Hiro!
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@ninjartsy​ entangle event starter; 💜
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She shouldn’t be outside, at least not at this hour. Sakura was well aware of how dangerous Fuyuki was becoming; members of the family had already been sent away for their own safety.
... Not her, of course...
Shivering in the early-spring air, she turns her attention back to the house. It’s windows glow warmly, tricking any passersby into thinking it was an inviting space. But she was outside for a reason, after all; that house was anything but safe.
... A noise catches the young girl’s attention; the snap of a twig, maybe? Nervously, she turns to look towards it. In her young heart, she hopes it’s a cute animal. Anything to ease her nerves.
“...H... Hello...?”
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