sadisticbloodlxst · 5 years
@fangedsadists​ said:
She had tried on one of Laito's sweaters, after finding one laying around his room when cleaning. It had his scent and it was comfortable to wear. Her face had been burning up though, since it was embarassing that she felt so tempted to do this. Hopefully Laito wouldn't find her like this. He'll probably make fun of her.            
Not even half a word managed to escape the pureblood’s mouth, before he realized the girl in front of him was wearing one of his shirts. Oh, he thought, she wanted to have some fun. Well, if that was the case, he had no right to deny her anything. Their relationship was built on lust after all.
“Did you miss me this much? Fufu~ How cruel of me to have left you waiting, no wonder you weren’t satisfied with just your thoughts. But don’t worry, I’m here~”
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He chuckled, while approaching the blonde. Before she could react to their closeness, however, he lifted her skirt with one hand, taking a peek at her underwear.
“Now let’s see just how excited you are.”
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derangedsilence · 5 years
@fangedsadists​ gets a starter because I said so
“Bitch-chan, that’s not very nice of you.  I made sure to buy one that would fit around your neck just right, so...you’ll stop looking so upset and put it the collar on, right~?”  He was still holding the bag he’d pulled it out of and had her hold...and it hung from his fingers as though there were still things inside.  
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“Come on, Bitch-chan, or do you need me to put it on for you~?” 
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royalaliceflush · 5 years
@fangedsadists cont. X: 
She hadn’t understood what or why Shin deserved being thrown in the cell, but not wishing for him to be punished alone, she stood up against Carla which resulted in her being thrown in a cell together with him. 
Though losing her balance after he had roughly tossed her inside the jail cell, Alice widened her eyes as she felt a pair of lips meet hers, her heart was pounding with those few close moments together, but while he had teased her for making contact with his, Alice had other problems.
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 Her knee had ripped open due to falling onto the hard pavement of the floor. Bringing a hand to her mouth because they had just kissed, Alice grunted while tending to her leg. “Nngh...can you please stop berating me for just a second.” Falling over to her back, Alice winced while compressing her knee with her free hand. It stung terribly and she didn’t want to think about what Shin was feeling. 
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theinnocentblood · 5 years
"S-u-b-a-r-u~kun!" Kou tackle hugged him by surprise, snickering with a grin. "Hey, hey do you have any plans for Valentine's day or did loom and gloom turn down any girl that asked him out?" Surely the idol had a lot of girls begging for his attention, so he was going to tease Subaru over it. "Hehe you know... If you have to spend the day alone I can always hang out with you. Be your date even."
Subaru must have been really spacing out to let the half blood get that kind of drop on him. “The fuck?” Why was the guy suddenly hugging him? “T-Tch.” This guy made him feel weird. He was so complicated and confusing to talk to and be around, yet he didn’t mind his company. He at least kept things interesting.
“Ah? What do you care?” He hadn’t even been asked out. Not that he cared. He was okay with being thought of as the ‘scary’ guy. “Why would I even care about a stupid human holiday?”
The idol’s next words surprised him. “Hah?” Was this some kind of joke? “You want to spend time with me and disappoint all the girls screaming for your attention? Yeah, right.”
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fatesxedda · 5 years
When Yui found her friend, she eagerly held out the container of heart shaped chocolates she had woken up early to bake. "Happy Valentine's Day Yunneth-san! I hope you like these, I made them myself."
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“Ah! Thank you!”
Yunneth would happily take the box. Oh, how her taste buds ached for some sugary chocolates. The desire for sweets was killing her! It was like taking beef from a werewolf or cheese from a rat; you just don’t do it.
“Truth be told? I was on my way to find you. I do not have food but…perhaps this portrait would look nice?”
She knows it is a bad idea to make decorations for what is essentially their prison. To do so is to accept this reality. But…Lucien once told her having something beautiful to look at can help keep one’s hope. A landscape covered in flowers of many hues and colors with a bright sun over it with a small village in the distance. The sun looked as if it was setting but still gave off a brilliant light over the field.
“I only had enough treats for one other person but I put in as much effort into this as I did the sweets.”
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trophyeve · 5 years
@fangedsadists gets a starter for | Kou |
Alright, as long as she was stuck here with them, she was going to try to get along better with them.  Despite the whole...’Adam’ and ‘Eve’ thing.  This whole thing was kind of messy business, wasn’t it?  Handed to the Sakamakis by her father, kidnapped by the Mukamis...  
But they weren’t...so bad, were they?  Or was she that used to being a kept person at this point?  She wanted to be someone, someday!  That much was true.  She’d still have to quietly find a way out.  It’d be hard to have a job and pay for school, though, so...maybe she’d stay until she graduated, if she could live that long.  
...No, what was she thinking?  She had to find a way to leave the Mukamis, too.  She shook her head.  But until then, she needed to get along with them.  So she’d spent some time thinking up ways to try to get to know them a little better - and there might be the added bonus of figuring out another potential escape route!  
Kou nearby - she’d heard him come inside the house a few moments ago, so she went to greet him.  After telling him hello with a bright smile, she tilted her head with curiosity in her eyes.
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“...Hey, Kou-kun, if you could have any kind of job other than being an idol, what would you want to be?  Ah...!  I’m sure you’re very good at being an idol, you have lots of fans at school, but I was wondering...is there anything you’d rather be?  Or do you like being an idol?”
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@fangedsadists​ ( DL Yona & Subaru )
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      Amethyst hues are cast downwards as she sits upon the medic room bench, an alcohol swab being applied to her neck with tender accuracy. She’s quiet under the knowing glances of the nurse, but she is wholly unwilling to apologize for her reaction to being bitten in a public place such as this.
      Gaze slowly moves towards the door as another student patient enters the room, and her eyes widen with surprise as she recognizes the face that comes into view. A hiss leaves her lips as the alcohol stings her cheek, unwillingly drawing the attention of a bitter, crimson gaze. 
      “Don’t bother looking at me like that.”
      She searches his stature, noting his bloodied cheek and holes donning his clothing. Attention is briefly returned to the nurse as Yona hears her click her tongue. ‘I’m NOT going to be their bloodbag without a fight.’
      “What happened?”
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cfmartyrdcm-blog · 5 years
     The sun struck the horizon with a fiery glow, splitting the hillside between light and shadow. Had it truly grown so late? She’d spent so very long studying with Emiya -- if she wasn’t back by sundown, Grandfather would surely be upset. Gathering the papers more tightly against her breast, she continues on her way in spite of her growing fatigue. Her legs felt like lead -- inside of her, they were feeding.. -- but then, just as she feels a spell of dizziness slither through her blood, dark eyes are drawn up to a sound: it’s like the wind.. howling like a wolf. How had she not noticed such a thing before.. ? Beside her.. an enormous building behind a heavy gate stands starkly against the horizon. A mansion, clearly ancient in design, glares back at her with a menacing and foreboding air..      .. ah!! A sharp gust of wind barrels through from behind, snatching the papers from her lax grip and carrying them over the iron spikes. Oh no!! She needed those materials, or else all of the work she’d done with Emiya would be for naught! A great hesitation swells in her breast; she shouldn’t trespass, but.. -- but she needs those materials! Panic soon overwhelms her senses, and she hurries forward to slip her petite frame between the iron bars and sprint over the cement walkway, arms up to catch the papers that had escaped her. Two, three.. she retrieves them quickly, but.. when she steps onto the grass, there’s a significantly powerful darkness that her magical abilities can sense. What is this place.. ? She finds herself glancing up at the howling castle, brows furrowed as it’s ominous windows slowly come alive with candlelight, illuminating the shadows that had fallen with the sun. Is was occupied?! She’d thought for sure that such a place was abandoned!!      The wind sends another loose paper fluttering against her ankles, but as she dives down to grasp it, it’s stolen by the gust about her back and tumbles toward the back of the yard. If she’s quick.. -- she has to be quick! If she was caught trespassing, it would be unforgivable! About the building she goes, but what she finds there is.. stunning; it’s enough to stop her heart in her chest. A beautiful garden.. lush with dewy roses in full bloom, glowing beneath the moonlight that rises o’erhead. The mist of an enormous fountain kisses her skin as she is drawn further into it, the air of the place so serene and hypnotic -- ah.. but then, a sound pulls her gaze toward a statue near the center, where what she’d chased has been caught against the stone effigy. She hurries forward and retrieves it, tucking it neatly back into her schoolbag with the others.. and that should be all of them. Relief settles over her.. but only for a brief instant, for the presence of another cannot go unnoticed by a magus. Wide eyes tremble as she spins on her heel, searching for the person whom she could hear amongst the thrush.
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     ❝ -- !! .. I.. -- is.. someone there?? ❞
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abhlesh · 5 years
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So this was a night school..... How normal. And therefore boring. She almost had half a mind to walk out and ditch school entirely during her stay in the country, but that would ruin a potential alibi and she wasn’t keen on trying to find a backup so late in the game. After all she had a teacher on her list that was in a desperate need of a face lift.
“Excuse me,” She reached out to a young girl in uniform, her hand resting on her forearm to grab her attention. “I’m new here, can you tell me where I can find Class A-2?”
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immolatusagnus · 5 years
@fangedsadists continued from here
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Yui winced as his fangs pierced the tender flesh of her wrist, instinctively jerking away from the pain. “I-I don’t...please stop.” She pleaded again, the stinging slowly subsiding to a dull ache. Yui could feel her cheeks getting hot, could feel his eyes glancing up at her. Silently watching as her face contorted with discomfort. 
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sadisticbloodlxst · 5 years
Shopping Mall Date (Laito x Yui)
{ 👀 👀 👀 So here’s my Valentine’s Day drabble for Dia (@fangedsadists​), which ended up being way more sinful than expected, but it’s Laiyui so I don’t know why I’m still so surprised.}
With one arm draped around the human girl’s shoulders, the vampire was currently looking at the showcase of a hat store that had recently opened in the nearby mall. Considering the fedora he always donned was beginning to look slightly worn off on the inside, he decided to buy a new one with the girl’s help, using their date as an excuse to get advice on his fashion.
“How about... that one?”
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He pointed at a sleek, black fedora, that looked way too expensive to be put on display in a store without any security cameras. Maybe they were counting on no one being able to fit it inside their bag. The vampire laughed at that thought, as he pulled the girl through the door frame and inside of the store. Immediately, they were greeted by the clerk, who seemed to frown at the sight of his current hat, with a clear look of pity towards the used up item. He really was in need for a new one.
“I want to try it on.”
Was the first thing he said, as he reached the spot where the item in question sat. It looked even better in his hand than it behind the glass of the display. He already knew he wanted it, but he needed to make sure it fit first. So, moving towards the nearest full body mirror, he placed it atop his head, staring at his reflection with a pensive expression. It fit, clearly, but something about it wasn’t quite right. Maybe it was the pure white of the seams that contrasted too much with the black of the hat itself, or maybe it was the uncommon shape of the flap. He didn’t know, and, the fact that he couldn’t see it from all angles as it sat on his head, didn’t help either.
“Bitch-chan, can you try it on for me? I want to see it from behind.”
It wasn’t a surprise that she would say yes to such an innocent request, placing the hat atop of her own head as soon as it was asked. Like he had thought at first, it looked elegant, proper, and it did fit his laid-back style as long as it was paired up with more casual clothes. While thinking of what clothes he should pair with the hat in order to look his best, the vampire had an idea, and ended up pulling the girl into a secluded area of the store, away from the clerk, so no eyes were on them.
“That’s no good. Your clothes are too distracting. So, come on, what are you waiting for? Let me see you with just the hat on.”
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And with that, he ripped at the girl’s shirt, a couple buttons from it popping out with the force he used. When he saw that she looked bright red in response to his actions, he concluded that this date could only end up well.
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derangedsilence · 5 years
@fangedsadists​‘s Ruki receives a super anonymous christmas gift!
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Accompanied only with a printed out note of ‘Enjoy’, unwrapping the box reveals the following novels within:
Buttception: A Butt Within A Butt Within A Butt by Chuck Tingle
Sentient Bisexual Ketchup And Mustard Get Me Off by Chuck Tingle
Oppressed In The Butt By My Inclusive Holiday Coffee Cups by Chuck Tingle
Not Pounded By Anything: Six Platonic Tales of Non-Sexual Encounters by Chuck Tingle
and, at the bottom,
Best of Bondage Anime Girls Coloring Book by Takeshi Ito
Further searching - i.e. pulling the satin beneath the box away, perhaps reveals the real gift: a new letter opener with a fancy but simple hilt with the initials ‘R.M.’ inscribed.
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royalaliceflush · 5 years
@fangedsadists asked  🤕 ( Laito and Alice pleeease ~ )
While out exploring in an unknown town, Alice had strangely lost sight of her partner when she heard twisted laughing behind her. “Look fellas, seems we’ve found ourselves a living dead. Why not take her out? Heheh…” Whipping her head around, Alice saw she was outnumbered obviously, but they were only humans.
Though not knowing herself, these were vampire hunters, after disposing of several bodies, Alice was about to retreat to find her partner until one hit her head in the back with an unidentified object.
Needless to say, Alice was unconscious for quite some time and upon waking up. A sense of...fear filled her body, this---looked nothing of the sorts of where she should be. A fancy-looking room from the bare eye and her throat, it--was terribly parched. Not to mention that throbbing pain that was looming over her head, “perhaps I should find out where I am.”
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Soon but not short after, Alice placed her hand to her throat where the door bursted open, perhaps that was just the state she saw it as, but with the door opening. The female grasped the covers and looked shocked towards a---weirdly dressed fedora man. And just as he inched closer to her while wearing a conflicted smile, Alice shut her eyes and remained mostly calm. “Ah-- Um? Who are you?” 
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reddecth · 5 years
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     Lunar glow lights her way, illuminating the paths of the shrouded forest in a cold midnight sheen. It was beautiful tonight, that pale white steeped in sweet sanguine -- a blood moon, the rarest, a herald of demons skulking in the darkness.. a sign of destruction to come. Danger was in the air.. and the smell of it was as crisp and raw as freshly spilled blood. It sends a pleasant shudder down her spine, excitement filling her bones as she approaches the target's listed location, skimming over the file in her little red book with a purr.      ❝ .. Madeleine Brightwood, age twenty-three.. cause of death.. organ failure due to massive blood loss. Hmm.. you, my Dear, could prove ENTERTAINING ~ ❞      Promising was more accurate; they had been rigorously following any and all leads that may trace back to the deserter, and this method of death was all too similar to what he had been causing as of late. It may not be safe for her to go in alone.. but she's far more determined than she is hesitant, and so she presses on, hungry for a rematch with the scarred, silver fox.
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fatesxedda · 5 years
“You’re my favorite person. You know that, right?” // from Yui uwu
Not-So-Secret Crush Starters
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“Oh? My...well...how kind of you to say!”
Would the other still say that if she knew-...no. No, never mind. Yunneth wanted to enjoy this a moment. It wasn’t often she was told such a kind thing. She may seem cold and unapproachable on the outside but, she really did enjoy praise and compliments when given. This was no exception. It made her feel good.
While she tried to hide it, the blush on her cheeks said it all. Yui has melted a bit of that ice and made the Yunbun feel a little fuzzy to boot! How lovely!
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years
Continued from here - @fangedsadists
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Sonia pressed on. Vampire or not, it was quite rude to address someone in such a way. But the situation necessitated communication and understanding, not anger, if she were to uncover answers.
"I am simply inquiring out of concern. Someone could be hurt and in need of assistance. It was not my intention to upset you, Sakamaki-san," She beamed, taking a seat beside him. While his attitude towards her was prickly, Sonia wasn't repulsed by the hostility. After all, misunderstandings were opportunites to turn into friendships. "If you're sure that the person you were feeding from is all right, then all should be well. Though it's a pity that you're likely not hungry."
She'd found Ayato while carrying a small, cloth covered box. Uwrapping the napkin she'd tied around it, she opened the box to reveal the fruits of her labors in home economics. Sonia was new to cooking, and it had taken several tries, but that night she'd finally managed to create edible tempura shrimp, hot dog octopi, and takoyaki. She'd intended to indulge in her feast for lunch that day, but it was far too much for her to consume on her own.
"Some of the other students said you like takoyaki, correct? I'd be happy to give you some of mine."
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