asianmusiclove · 5 years
I freaking love this! The beat and visuals, rap and vocals. All so great. I keep replaying. The vocals especially grab me because of their darker, deeper, huskier timbre. So they don't hurt my ears. Woot!
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kingdomforapony · 5 years
I already had given up on tumblr, that weird platform I had stumbled upon in 2011 because of Sherlock (with a different user name back then)...but during my latest fangirlfreakout for GOT (&Braime) I found @annamarcellipalmer and her awesome Cloud Atlas cover 👌❤️... Thanks for nominating me, might stay a bit on tumblr after all.
1. Are you named after anyone?
No. My first name just goes really well with my Latin last name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Ah, yes. That's easy. While watching the latest episode of GOT (while I am writing this we are at S8, episode 4). I almost cried for them making my ship canon, but nah they gotta break our hearts with Brienne out in the cold in her housecoat. JAIME LANNISTER deserves his redemption you fucks.
3. Do you have any kids?
At 36 I get this often and I'm always happy to answer NO, I have a cat, a husband, 500 books and fictional people I have to worry about as well as the simple fact that I've known since I was 16 that I don't want any children. I'm happy with who I am.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I speak it fluently.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Visually, shoes and eyes probably. Apart from judging people by their handshakes I think I've actually a very good radar for fucky people...
6. What's your eye colour?
Hazel (Brownish green)
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I don't like horror but scary as in X-Files, hell yes. But overall happy ending, I guess. RL is scary enough.
8. Any special talents?
I'm very good at coming up with creative ideas at the last minute /under pressure and I'm good at "selling" stuff that I'm convinced about to people. I'm also good with research, deducing stuff and finding it online. (some years ago I wouldn't have called that a talent, but years of spending time in my office told me that apparently this is some kind of talent 😂). Oh, and travel planning on a budget apparently.
9. Where were you born?
In the GDR. (yeah, in Eastern Germany before the wall came down.)
10. What are your hobbies?
TV series and movies (I love going to the cinema and we own a shit ton of DVDs), reading (not only fanfiction), handcrafts (knitting, cross stitching, sewing), theatre (attending and being a harsh critic later😂. I used to have a roleplay tumblr with a friend where we discussed local plays.. I was Shakespeare and she was Schiller. Good memories) I love listening to music, going to concerts, blablabla, learning new languages, traveling (mostly to try new food)...
11. What sports do you/have you played?
As a child I tried diving until I was too scared of the 10m tower 😂. But I played Volleyball for quite a long time. I've tried several other things (belly dancing, Irish dance, various types of Yoga, horse riding,...). Nowadays I mostly do stuff that is healthy as I'm getting old, i. e. Yoga, special fitness classes for my back and I love to go hiking in the nearby mountains. I really like water, so I love swimming, but it's not that great for my back...
12. How tall are you?
13. Favorite subjects in school?
Astronomy, English, French, Music, Sports and Physics. But this was also heavily influenced by teachers. I had a terrible teacher in Geography (I love the content but hated the teacher) and a teacher in German (literature) that hated my writing. I still like writing tho.
14. Dream job?
Back then I wanted to be an astronaut...now, I would love to have a more creative job maybe in film or theatre. Or a travel blogger 😉
15. Do you have any pets?
We have a cat called Columbo. yes like that DI on TV 😅
I tag @yorkiepug because due to my spiral into GOT addiction we haven't talked Sherlock on Twitter for ages 😂😉 (my Twitter handle actually is The Fucky Problem if anyone wonders).
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fangirlfeministe · 9 years
Kelly Sue DeConnick liked the Captain Marvel bag I made. Cue me: fangirl freaking the eff out!!!
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asianmusiclove · 4 years
ATEEZ NEEDS TO STOP! Not really lol.
Banger of a song. I love it. I keep replaying it. Hongjoong, Mingi, SAN, and Wooyoung the bias KILLED me in this one. They all look and sound so good. It's not fair lol
YouTube comment:
When Hongjoong raps that they are no longer afraid, I wanna cry tears of joy. This is a celebratory banger masterpiece of a song. And the choreo kills as always. ATEEZ FIGHTING!
What a way to kick off the new year. Wow. The whole album is pretty good too ;)
@helmistress it has eng subs if you turn on cc. Loves!
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This just got real. (Adam Baldwin holding my face) #nerdingout #fangirlfreakout #adambaldwin #firefly #chuck #vscocam #unreal
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harleypan · 11 years
The trifecta the moment *NSYNC rose from the stage during the VMAs. #VMA #MTV #NSYNC #FANGIRLFREAKOUT
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jennleah2 · 11 years
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Alan Rickman is holding a koala! Thank you @caseyeu I love this photo #alanrickman #cute #koala #fangirlfreakout
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
Jeez this song. Another inspiration. Partly because I love songs that have an elemental philosophy to them (flow like water) and partly because my man HAON killed it. My favorite parts of this are Haon's and Ph-1's verses. Haon is a master of flow, rhythm, and verse. THE WAY HE PLAYS WITH FLOW AND RHYTHM IS ICONIC AND UNIQUE.
And Ph-1 just delivered. I liked his lyrics the most and his flow and rhythm is different than Haon's but it still works for me and sounds great. Woody Gochild's (I love his name and the inspiration for it) verse was great too but not as interesting to me, rhythmically. All of them slayed tho. Such a bop. OK I'm done.
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
Alright so. I watch Thai dramas, too. They are called lakorns. This song came up in one of the scenes of Hua Jai Sila which means Heart of Stone and I immediately liked it. I have no clue what they are saying but I love the groove and the rap and the vocals. And thank god for YouTube Music because I can play the song and it builds an entire Playlist off it and keeps similar songs playing so I have more Thai songs now. Hua Jai Sila's entire OST is amazing, too! And the drama has become one of my favorites of all Thai dramas I have watched so far. It's so damn good and the main dude is hot and adorable and the main girl is super sweet yet strong which makes them the cutest couple EVERRR! OMG!
OK. Done. @helmistress you might like it? But it might be too repetitive lol
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
What attracted me from the very first MV, apart from their rock sound, was their DANCE. Because their dance is not extra drippy cutesy. And not super girly, although it is feminine. They look like they can kick butt, take names, and leave you breathless from a kiss. I love this song and the dance and their dress and their vocals and how they look at the camera, omg! STAN DREAMCATCHER!
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
This. Is. So. DOPE!!
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I was so entranced from beginning to end. So dark. Goes so hard. So honest and emotional. I effing LOVE IT!! Will definitely replay. Stray Kids Fighting!!
@helmistress turn on CC for eng subs
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
I. Love. This. Video!!! Freaking eye candy visuals and cinematography, awesome flow in the rap and raspiness in the voice, and then soaring high notes and vocal runs and swag and badassness and funkyness and Istg I can't get enough!! She. KILLED. it!! I'm so proud of her and her label for doing her justice. Such a fun mv. And a bopppp for miles. Ok. I'm done.
@helmistress pretty sure it has eng subs in the CC. If not, let me know. Loves!
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
He still looks mother effing GORGEOUS. Singing and rapping and the GROOOVE. OMG. LOVE.
Apparently he composed it. He's so freaking talented!! Grrr!!
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
This MV is a masterpiece and this song is a total BANGER!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I need kpop to do this more!!
YouTube comment:
*replaying as I type* I KNEW I WOULD LOVE THIS. HOLY SHIT. TOTAL BOOOPPP!! OMG. IT GOES SO HARD!!! And the styling and thank god for an awesome chorus! They saved kpop for May 2019!! The rap and the electric guitar. I can head bang AND body roll to this! I absolutely love it!! Thank you so much ACE! The vocals are beautiful too! *dies a squealing fangirling death*
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
This track is so sick! It inspired me, despite my busy schedule, to post lol. This melody. The sounds. The synth. The lyrics. The MELODY IS ADDICTING AND SMOOTH AND THEIR VOICES!! *DIES*
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asianmusiclove · 5 years
ZELO! ZELO! Our baby ZELO who has been through so much. Our baby ZELO who is not a baby anymore. ZELO who has grown so freaking much! I'm so glad he kept his dancing in his art. THE BOI CAN DANCE!! I'm so freaking proud of him! I love this song and the mv is so simple but so effective. He looks like he is flying or floating at times. So cool! I spazz. And I love him so freaking much!! ZELO FIGHTING!
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