alolanrain · 3 years
Mmm I may or may not have a FangKid fic in progress that Kinda goes off of Wonderland. I just need to find the song a person recommended.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Not sure if this was mentioned but how did everyone react to Ash being pregnant? Also how was the actual pregnancy itself? Did he have typical cravings, mood swings & all that jazz?
Did I info dumped? Hells yes. Do I really care? No because it’s about my fan kids and their family dammit!
There was a lot of... mixed reactions. Generally the more common one was joy and happiness! Most of Ash’s friends were excited when he gave them the news and swarmed both him and Raihan any chance they can get. The girls are the first children to be born in their large group surprisingly.
Celest, Raihan’s mother, didn’t really congratulate her son and Ash. More just... acknowledged? I would say. She was much more interested in Raihans every changing progress of being hammerlocks gym leader. Though Raihan and Ash are surprised when she still wants to keep tabs on Ash’s pregnancy. They both chalk it up to having to watch her daughters go through multiple miscarriages and her one grandchild born severely early. They take what warmth they can get and Ash is usually the one explaining things since Raihan gets Squeamish in hospital rooms and prefers to stay outside in the waiting room, that doesn’t stop him from constantly cupping Ash’s belly or laying kisses to it before they both go to sleep. She’s a lot more involved in the triplets pregnancy. Helping out a lot more and keeping in close contact with Ash to see if he needs anything.
Raihans two sisters, Minx and Venix who were twins as well, were down right jealous of Raihan. They each had more then one pregnancy lost and only Minx was able to have a baby boy who is just a few months old and still in the NICU because he was born at 7 and a half months old. Everyone is just surprised that he’s alive. When they found out that Ash is having twins they despised Ash even more. They wanted the life Ash was currently living. Sweet adoring husband, twins on the way, a steady career, a large group of friends who don’t try and leech from Ash’s bank account. Ash had it all in their eyes.
Though this doesn’t stop Ash from trying to bring the twins into anything baby related. Raihan had explained after the initial sudden backlash from the twins. it was usually kept in the dark because his family is well known and very rich, this could potentially ruin both of the girls reputation if people found out. Especially since they were basically infertile at this point in life. Ash had started asking simple things; what color would look good in this room? I like this theme but this one is also pretty nice? would you like to help pick out some books? Raihan once again had to pull him aside and explain that what he’s doing is sweet, and even Celest acknowledges Ash’s actual goal, but it’s hurting the twins because they feel like this is some backhanded way of Ash gloating.
Ash denied venomously, which Raihan quickly dispelled, that he would never do such a harmful thing. He just wanted to see if the twins wanted to be apart at all. Since Minx is still a mom to a few month old baby and she hasn’t even set up her nursery still. Raihan agrees again that what Ash is doing is good in thought but not in practice. He’s still peeved but he leave’s he girls alone and goes so far to apologize through Raihan in fear of mixing the pot even more.
Forest, Raihans older twin, is much more involved in the pregnancy. Usually helping Raihan move furniture around and help set up the big nursery. He isn’t very warm, anyone but Raihan in his family isn’t warm, but again Forest is much more involved. Especially since he has his own twin’s, a daughter and a son, and he and Raihan jokes that twins just seemingly run in the family. He brings the little ones around for Ash to “get a feel” for kids, Ash snickered because their about the same age Max and Bonnie were, but smiled at the kind gesture. Even though Raihan jabbed at him that he was just looking for free babysitting while he’s here.
Rose doesn’t even know Ash is pregnant. Ignoring Raihans calls that are not on chairmen tk gym leader level and any card he gets goes straight to the mail without him even knowing. Know Oleana on the other hand knows and since she has to keep Rose’s best interest, and knowing that the older twins and Celest don’t really care for Ash, she decides that it’s best to sabotage the pregnancy. Rose finds out after getting an angry call from Venix laminated that Raihan, her younger brother, has a successful marriage and now two new born twin girls before she did. It takes Rose into complete shock before he immediately leaves his desk and books it to Hammerlocke... where he’s barred from entering and or seeing the couple and their babies. 
Rose is furious and calls up Celest to demand what the hell is going on. It isn’t until then what he learned what Oleana has been trying to do and how Raihan had tried to get Rose involved but ultimately Rose never answered Raihan which was enough for Raihan to go very low contact unless it’s for league reasons. Rose is silenced and dejected. He really Had done all those things, it’s only right thag Raihan doesn’t even want him to see the babies. After getting back to his office in the same day, and cutting down Oleana’s pay by a good chunk, he keeps to the sidelines.
It isn’t until Ash is pregnant with the triplets does he personally visits Rose in the office to ask if Rose is still willing to be in their little families life. They still need their grandpa after all. Rose immediately jumps at the chance and soon becomes the biggest help besides Delia again. Making sure that Raihans workload is cut slacked and even asking a few gym leaders closer to him to be a little stronger so Raihan doesn’t have to face to many challengers since it’s mid season and will be near the end when the triplets are born.
Delia is very involved with Ash. Coming so far to rent a month in a AirBnb just so Ash can stay off his feet and Raihan isn’t to stressed between Ash and his gym. Celest actually takes time from being a very important CEO of her company and to come help Delia help with Ash. Though she’s more into lecturing and talking with Ash then actually doing stuff around the house.
Red calls daily, Green and Blue usually heard in the background with their joint kids Tracey and Mackenzie, at least twice a week. It’s short calls, just a check up on how he’s feeling and if he’s craving anything Red can Champion Express Mail over from Kanto to him.
Silver usually just texts, he loves his brothers but they can be talkative in their own way, but he constantly assures Ash that the moment they get the notice that he’s in labor almost everyone is flying out to Galar. Gold agrees through actual call’s with Ritchie by his side, his new top elite four, and that they already have shit ready and packed.
Giovanni is envolved but in the distance. He originally planned on pacing up the process of taking over the world but half of his spies, gown to spy on Ash and Raihan, had come back nearly mauled. Soon almost all of his grunts and even higher up goons were being dragged into HQ’s around the world, bloody and beatened. It took some time to figure out that it was Ash’s Pokémon doing most of the damage, in Galar and Kanto, while the rest were from legendaries. The only team that can get on by is Jessie, James, and Meowth. Though they seem to immediately get the memo to stay at a distance from Ash at all times, never to enter personal property, and to keep all scheming on the down low and out of rang where Ash can’t be stubborn and get up to go help. So Gio has to be content to just sit and quietly wait as he watches Ash give birth to his second set of grandkids. He gets to watch Delia when she comes around so that’s nice, Gio actually misses her dearly.
The pregnancy itself gave them a few scares. The biggest being that Ash is actually pregnant. which takes a lot of arguments about Ash having to be more careful and even forcing them a month apart without talking, this is and still is their biggest argument yet in their relationship. The second biggest scare was Oleana actively trying to spike Ash’s nonalcoholic drinks with alcohol, certain drugs, and other means they haven’t found the answer to.
Since Ash is technically the physical link between Pokémon and humans, what every thinks and also how he has all these abilities, certain human drugs make his body shut down and reject anything. Putting him in life threatening condition immediately to the point where the twins are unable to be saved.
Ash wasn’t expecting how big his stomach would grow. He originally thought that the baby, yes one baby at the time, would take his size. Unlucky in that department both girls have taken near Raihans size, though Cadenza is closer to Ash’s height still, and that also means big babies and equally streatched stomachs. There was a lot of sleepless nights and crying sessions. Ash was abnormally lazy and tired for himself, though expected, and the only cravings he’s gotten was curly fries and vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Thinking about... my fangkids and how Raihan and Ash are the best parents
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alolanrain · 4 years
Ok so you know that tweet where the Rocks wife just had a child and the rock jumped on her hospital bed holding his kid like he was the one that gave birth while she stands to the side? That's exactly what Raihan did after the twins were born to post on his Twitter shshjshshsjs
he just has to stop crying so much out of pure joy so he can actually hold his daughters correctly and even that takes a while
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alolanrain · 4 years
Hi! I'm really sorry if this comes off as rude or anything! But I've been stalking your fangshipping posts now! You've made me ship something I didnt even know I could ship 😭😭but I was wondering what domestic life is like for them? Especially with their 5 kids and 80+ pokemon
Oh you’re not coming off as rude!!! And I’m happy that you like my ship 🥰🥰 I should be sorry with how long it took to answer
It’s kinda hectic but since the girls are at least 4-5 years older then the triplets, Raihan and Ash have enough time to find and start a good routine. Most of the Pokémon actually help up keep each other and the house when Ash and Raihan are to busy with work and the girls. Pikachu and Flygon are basically the ring leaders and keep their own little schedule and talk extensively talk to each other about what needs to happen around the house and how they can make life a bit easier
When the boys come it’s a bit more hectic then with the girls since it’s three boys instead of two girls. Their old enough to start their first year of school, pre-school, so Raihan and Ash switch off after Ash gets better after giving birth to the triplets every week. They bring one of their smaller Pokémon that can easily walk alongside them.
Ash’s Lycanroc is mostly the main Pokémon that walks with the kids because he can wear a little dog vest with handles for the girls to grab on and Raihan can walk a little behind them to keep an eye on the twins.
Also I made a new blog for the fangkids and Fangshipping in general! The blog is named @fangfam so if you can send any more fangkid stuff send it there please!! 🥰🥰
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alolanrain · 4 years
5 love kids??? OOOOOOOH please can we hear about all of them in extreme detail? Sorry I love your pokemon posts!!! :)))
Awww thank you!!! ❤️ and sure! I’ve written a good background for all of them and Much Older!Ash and Raihan are hunted in the background.
Oldest are fraternal twins: Cadenza Kasumi Alexander-Ketchum and Lunala “Luna” Takashi Alexander-Ketchum
Cadenza is five minutes older than Luna and takes more of Ash’s personality and height wise, even though she’s three inches taller than her Papa. She isn’t Pokemon battle inclined like her Athair (Father in Scottish Gaelic) and Papa. She’s more artistic than book smart like her sister. Later on in life she makes a seperate much smaller business to the way bigger one her Grandmama, Raihan’s mother Celeste, she makes formal clothing and has commissions open for other kinds as well. She’s very good at making affordable dresses of all kinds that have pockets and a lot of women's suits that fit better than the ones already out there. Even though Cadenza takes after Ash height and emotion wise, she really does physically take after Raihan and Celeste. She has long curly hair that is ombré from yellow to a deep bright red at the bottom. Her eyes are just as blue as Raihan’s and her Grandmama Celeste. Her skin is a bit lighter then both of theirs but much darker still to Ash’s and Luna’s much paler tone.
Luna follows her Grandmama’s foot prints and is now being mentored to take over the multi billion trainer wear/Pokémon necessity company that’s even bigger than Devon Corporation. She’s the logical, book smart, edgier, shark tooth side of the coin to Cadenza’s Sun rays, sweet tooth, artistic side. Luna is extremely smart and both Raihan and Ash struggled a bit to find the right course of school to put her through that would keep her focused and entertained while also keeping her on track and not let Luna consume it all in one sitting like she wants to. She’s absolutely perfect for the role of CEO of the company. It gets handed down to her when she reaches twenty three and she is recorded as the youngest CEO in the world. She has fluffy black hair like her Papa’s that is cut just a little below her ears. She’s two inches shorter than her Athair and is just as skinny as he is. Her eyes are the same whiskey brown as her Sobo’s (Grandmother is Japanese) and Ash’s. She’s a bit paler then Ash like when he first started out traveling in Kanto and she can not get a tan for the life of her, unlike her sister who tan’s pretty easily.
It was actually Raihan who pushed for Misty and Brock’s Kantonian name’s to be their girls' middle names. Ash had actually wanted to propose the same idea earlier but was too afraid Raihan wouldn’t like the idea. When both girls were born, and after Raihan, Delia, and Celeste were able to hold the twins, Misty and Brock were able to hold them. Both definitely cried.
The girls are about four years old when Ash brings in a batch of triplet boys; Dace Celeste Alexander-Ketchum, Dimitri Kukui Alexander-Ketchum, and Dante Hanako Alexander-Ketchum. Raihan and Ash didn’t mean to name their boys all with names starting with ‘D’s… it just kinda happened.
Dace grows up more Pokemon oriented than his sister’s and fellow brothers. Much more like Ash was at the beginning of his journey and his personality leans more towards the soft yet very strong type of person. After his third Pokemon journey he goes through Unova and defeats Champion Trip soundlessly and takes the man's place as the new Unova Champion. He’s very kind like Alder was, but a lot more attentive then both past Champions were. He now has to constantly deal with Iris trying to challenge him every time they meet though since “She was supposed to be Unova’s new Champion!” He and the rest of his siblings have brown hair like their Sobo and not as tight of curls like Cadenza, Athair, and Grandmama have. It’s more loosely curled and almost just as fluffy as their Papa’s. His eyes are just like Luna, Papa, and Sobo have, though there are big flecks of bright blue throughout his eyes. It’s kinda hard on Dace because he’s blue-yellow color blind, but his Pokémon helps him and so does his family who’s extra supportive of him.
Dimitri is more books and study base like Raihan kinda is. Explores more in the hidden scriptures, scrolls, and learning about dead languages. He and Raihan bond over poetry and Galar’s old myths, Dimitri bonds with Ash by going through his Papa’s much more friendly memories with Legendaires in the world. He becomes a world renowned architecture, researcher, and digger. Dimitri was also mentored under Roark and Byron for three years and a half before finding a whole lost city in Sinnoh that was just barely mentioned in some very, very old scriptures he and everyone else couldn’t really make out. The city was all built in a very large cave that was bigger than the Lumiose tower. Dimitri’s personality swings more towards Raihan easy going attitude but he also picks up a strict nature from both his Grandmama and big sister Luna since Dimitri had wanted to hang around Luna and Grandmama at any moment he can when Papa wasn’t off traveling for his two Champion titles and Raihan wasn’t teaching Gloria (the female MC of SwSh) into taking over his gym. The only difference physically is that Dimitri has bright green eyes like his Grandfather Rose. Mew has also actually taken a liking to Dimitri since the boy is so far the most respectful digger/researcher there is in the world so far.
Dante grows into the love of cooking and baking. He ended up becoming one of the top culinary chef’s in the world and was personally taught by Brock, Cilan, Mallow, and his Sobo Delia before she passed away from old age. He starts up a few different kinds of cooking shows and is also kinda like the Gordon Ramsay for the Pokémon world. He’s brash with older adults and very sweet and understanding with young trainers and young kids. He loves his parents a lot and Dante’s favorite memory was his Papa showing all kinds of holiday recipes to Dante when he was a young boy and all his siblings and Athair were in the living room watching Tv or doing something else. He has more blue then brown in his eyes then Dace and he takes pride in what he’s accomplished in life so far.
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alolanrain · 4 years
This is for something, I can’t find anything for my Hatkids and I know I said something in another post about them
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alolanrain · 4 years
Quite moment after the twins have just been born, Raihan gets to meet his babies
Raihan was in the deliver room the moment the nurses whisked away the twins to weigh and check if everything’s alright with them. Sinking into the chair right next to Ash’s head and leaning over his tired and sweaty husband.
“I’m here,” he cooed, wiping some damp hair out of Ash’s face, “I’m here love.”
“Thank you for waiting out in the hallway.” Ash panted. Reaching up to squeeze Raihans hand that swept away his hair. “I know hearing me scream for that long wasn’t... pleasent.”
Ash silently mentioned the five hours he was in labor. Screaming until he was close to the point where his vocal cords might have given out.
“It was hard,” Raihan admitted, watching the doctors talk to each other and look through multiple clipboards of paper before exiting the room to give the couple some space, “but worth it knowing that your okay now.”
Ash nodded with a heavy sigh. Able to relax now knowing that it’s over and that their twin girls are birthed.
It wasn’t long until the nurses brought them back. Now Swaddled in matching pink blankets and handed them over to Raihan who carefully took them in each arm.
“The twins are completely healthy! The only thing we’ve noticed that are different are their weight’s. This baby,” the Nurse motioned to the one curled in Raihans right arm, “weighs nearly about nine pounds while the other,” now motioning to the one curled in Raihans left arm, “weighs in about seven and a half pounds.”
“So no other differences then that?” Ash asked. Leaning his head against Raihan who shifted more to lean against the bed so Ash could see their newborn daughters better.
“Nope! That’s about it it!” The Nurse smiles gently. “We and the Doctors will give you a little bit of alone time with your babies and the Doctors will come back and finish off their birth certificates with their names and your signatures.”
“Thank you.” Ash spoke up after half a minute of silence on Raihans end. His husband was to busy staring down at the pink bundles to really register what was being said.
“Their perfect.” Raihan breathed after the Nurse’s quietly left the room. looking up away from the girls for the first time after being handed to him and over to Ash. “Honey-“ Raihans voice cracked and Ash huffed in laughter, “sweetheart, love of my life, I’m so thankful your mine.”
“You’re gonna make me cry.” Ash warned. Flopping back into the mountain of pillows the Nurses had gotten for him afterwards and blinked up at the ceiling. Tell tale signs of tears beginning to form in his eyes and would actually start falling if he continued to look at his Husbands utterly awed and love filled face.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Wow, so Ash and Raihan have 5 kids together??? That's a lot! This leads me wondering does Ash and Leon have any kids together? And are those 5 kids in the Reachshipping au!? Or do they have their own kids in that universe?
I haven’t planned it out yet but I do have the number of kids for Ash and Leon along with Reachshipping!
Ash and Leon have three kids; one boy, two girl,
Reachshipping have four kids! Two boys and two girls.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Thanks for the descriptions, have my work cut out for me lol ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ I love em all!
AWWW YOU DONT HAVE TO DRAW THEM 🥺🥺🥺🥺 but thank you if you do!!!!!!
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