#fans are rlly divided there so idk who to follow !!
jrueships · 1 year
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
i respect you so much man. for the longest time i did the same, the "okay lets look at this from __'s pov and their feelings and thoughts" but after enough time (and tbh enough toxic fans of that character trashing other characters/other fans) i just got so burnt out and gave up. like "yeah i know ___ feels this way and sees it this way, i just dont give a shit abt their feelings so get bent lmao" /lh
i KNOW its not a good mindset to be in and i can definitely set it aside for when i want to look at things more neutrally/critically, but like... idk, you know how toxic animals make themselves brightly colored to warn away predators? its like that, but im warding off the shitheel fans by just Openly Hating their fave (even if i see it as more nuanced or interesting than that in reality) bc if i try and act more neutral or open to other takes, they start weaseling their way in to poison the vibes w their shit (/lh) takes :/
i got off topic here, point BEING i rlly like your blog and takes and im glad to have someone whos willing to look at any and every character from multiple angles while trying to be fair and objective. i desperately needed more ppl to follow like that and i respect the hell out of it.
yeah playing The Centrist Game is a lil' bit taxing, but also i feel like you kinda have to if you want to be Heard, cus i can read a decent post and then i see them bash the characters i like for no reason, i'm instantly turned off! i won't read it! if i want people to hear me out, why would i want to drive away people i disagree with? sometimes i feel like i pander a bit too much, and i worry im watering down my actual beliefs but, eh.
like all i've ever really wanted is for everyone in the communitay to use their extensive knowledge and understanding of their fave and we can all put our apologist brains together and gain a greater understanding of the story, and i feel like the way dsmpblr is so Split and Divided is a bit. hm. bad? creates echochambers where people develop more and more outlandish super biased understandings of the story and the characters. and i Do Not Enjoy That. we should talk to Each Other and also Be Nice and Friendly w Each Other and :-)))))))))) (help)
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