#fanwalker february
inudono · 7 months
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Kless, Nomadic Shaman
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leafdrake-haven · 2 years
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I posted 2,930 times in 2022
That's 968 more posts than 2021!
231 posts created (8%)
2,699 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,388 of my posts in 2022
#mtg fanart - 232 posts
#tabby talks - 124 posts
#tabby asks - 67 posts
#mtg art - 56 posts
#mtg fanfic - 36 posts
#mtg community - 32 posts
#tabby’s ocs - 31 posts
#fanwalker friday - 28 posts
#fan character friday prompt - 27 posts
#mtg oc - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#tbh i don’t know how much extra i really have but it feels like a lot in my head but maybe it’s just snips of fics i haven’t written yet
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ok but
They’re just
baby 🥺
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36 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Fanwalker and mtg OC creators listen up!
Fall is getting closer and I think it’s time to start thinking about MtG Fantober once more! People seemed to have fun with it last year and when I put feelers out earlier this year people seemed interested (unfortunately I can’t find that post for the life of me).
For newer followers MtG Fantober (and the earlier version Fan-Character February) are month long celebration of OCs! In the past, each week has had a theme and people were encouraged to post about their characters and fanplanes, and ask others about theirs if they wanted to. Our first event weeks were: Introductions, relationships, cross-overs, collaborations. Our second event weeks were: Introductions, plane spotlights, cross-overs, Halloween.
So I’m thinking of doing themed weeks again (unless people really want daily prompts). Introductions is a something I want to keep as a week one theme. It’s perfect for new people and new characters! I don’t mind doing redos of others but I’ll come up with some potential ideas and people should feel free to contribute ideas! I’m also leaning towards the last week expanding from just Halloween to Halloween/any holidays/make up mtg holidays. Also also, I like plane spotlight, but I kinda think fanplanes could get their own fan-month too (Fan-Plane February 2023? 👀)
Anywho! Possible ideas!
Modern AU/Sci-fi AU
There’s probably lots more ideas but this is what I’ve got so far. We could break it up into visual art, writing, custom cards etc. but I like the idea better to just incorporate multiple medias into each theme!
Thanks for reading!
Any feedback/ideas are appreciated! :D
36 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Ok talking about the new Griffin legendary that works as a tribal commander got me thinking of other tribes that don’t have a good tribal commander, don’t have one at all, or just have one. Along with the recent fun drake tribal commander that @jones-friend made it sounds like a good idea for a
Design a legendary creature to be a tribal commander for an underrepresented tribe (ones that don’t have a tribal legendary, have legendary cards but none that are focused at helping the tribe, or only have 1 or 2 good options).
Ones I can think of that fit the bill off the top of my head are wurms, hellions, unicorns, werewolves, hydras, drakes (👀), sphinxes, fish, and squirrels. But honestly there’s a bunch more because there are so many creatures types in magic that are just a few of!
The winner is: anyone who makes a card they like!
The prize is: having fun!
41 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Fan Character Friday
So I’ve seen some other fandoms have OC days where there is a fun prompt to talk about/develop your OCs every week, and I thought HEY the mtg community has a lot of people with a lot of OCs, maybe we can do it too!
Ok so you know the drill, I’ll give a prompt and you can respond to it by answering directly, doing a doodle, making a custom card, or a little flash fic.
Happy character developing!
Create a “Signature Spellbook” for your character! (Find 8-9 cards that fit your character mechanically and/or flavorfully. Optionally add a card you made for your character as well). Alternatively (or additionally) you could try a “Summoner’s Spellbook” if your character summons a lot of creatures. Feel free to make custom cards for this, but it can be fun to fit in already made cards.
45 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
MTG FANTOBER 2022 👻🐈‍⬛🍬
Hello and welcome to the MtG Fantober 2022 master post! This month is dedicated to the creativity of the community filling the multiverse with their own characters both planeswalker and planebound! (And don’t you worry about fan planes missing out, I’ve got a separate idea for that in the late winter, so later on look out for Fanplane February 😉)
Each week will have a suggested theme, but feel free to post whatever you want to at any time! There are many ways to celebrate! Feel free to post visual art, fanfics, music playlists, custom cards, real cards that fit your characters, or just talk and gush about your characters!
Don’t forget, interaction if half the fun! Discuss with each other, ask people about their OCs if you’re intrigued by them, compliment their fanart, fics, or custom cards. In general, remember to have fun with each other and be kind! Don’t forget to tag your related posts as Fantober 2022 so everyone can find them! :D
WEEKS ONE AND TWO—Fanwalker Spotlight and Planebound Spotlight
Introduce us to your fanwalkers in week one and your Planebound characters in week two!
Ideas: Character bios/intro sheets, signature spell book ideas, custom cards, origin fics. Tell us about their friends, family, or pets!
WEEK THREE—Free For All!
Week three can be for anything you want! AUs, planar chaos style what-ifs, how did they interact or affect canon events/speculation of how they would have interacted with canon events (even if it’s something they weren’t around for like the Brother’s War or original Phyrexian invasion, the speculation is mostly for fun!), crossovers (your character is a pokemon trainer now or is in Starfleet). Any random what-if is fair game. Or just continue anything you didn’t finish talking about in week one or two. I will also probably queue up old Fan Character Friday prompts throughout this week in case there’s nothing in particular that catches your eye.
WEEK FOUR—Happy Halloween! 🎃 (And happy holidays!)
It is fanTOBER after all! Show off your OCs enjoying autumn fun! How would they celebrate Halloween, or MtG holidays such as Harvesttide? Feel free to speculate here, what kind of autumn festival do you think different planes might have (does Ravnica have Halloween?) And if Halloween isn’t your favorite holiday, show off your characters enjoying any holiday (real or imagined)!
Have fun, it’s the last week! Feel free to do anything from any of the previous weeks as well!
84 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dancing-sword · 5 years
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My next ‘walker up for @leafdrake-haven's Fanwalker February is Nireta!
Art from @isharton and @zombieella
Name: Nireta
Colors: Dimir (Blue – Black)
Age: Early 20s
Plane of Origin: Theros
First Planeswalk: Ravnica
History: Nireta’s early life was a simple one. Her formative years were mostly uneventful, growing up in relative solitude on a small archipelago. The only saving grace was that the seas of Theros were often fraught with danger and cargo from various wreckage would wash up on her shores. While she couldn’t read this human script, the seemingly unlimited possibilities and mysticism of these foreign texts wowed her. Her life would change when a nymph emissary sent by Phenax appeared before her one night. He knew of her struggle for entertainment and offered her the ability to read, write, and speak human tongues with the vague condition of owing the pantheon one favor they could collect at any time. The nymph barely even finished the offer before Nireta made her decision.
To Nireta, this deal was glorious. She openly flew out and raided human ships and coastal towns now. Although she never intended to hurt anyone on these raids, she often made mistakes and it wasn’t uncommon for her to leave collateral damage. Phenax, however, had planned for the long game. Theros would always need heroes and heroes would need monsters to slay. Sometimes it was more entertaining to give fate a little push in the right direction. It took years for Nireta’s curiosity to turn into unintended greed, but eventually she drew the attention of a Meletian glory seeker. In the cover of darkness, the budding warrior scaled the near sheer cliff-side walls leading to her cave home and attacked her while she slept. She desperately tried to fight back, but found herself overpowered and with a gash down her back, she was thrown from her home into the sea below.
Broken and bloodied, her mind began to fade as she was pulled below the tide. Before the numbing cold took her from the living world, her spark ignited and her fate was changed. She awoke coughing up seawater in the Ravnican sewers. She spent weeks there, healing and resting by ensnaring various Golgari in her song before she had the courage to venture out into this new world. She spent years on Ravnica, bounching from place to place in the city’s underbelly, scratching together her life again. Despite keeping a low profile, she was eventually found by the Dimir and a second major agreement came into her life. On a job by job basis, she traded her skills for place to live and safety. Although her life is a simple one as she is picky with her work and avoids the guild politics, its safe and she has base to explore the multiverse for trinkets and piques of interest.
Personality: Typically bookish and introverted, she tends to keep to herself more often than not. Having been hunted on Theros and spending too much time in hiding on Ravnica has left her with some emotional barriers people. When one gets these walls, she really opens up however. She’s knowledgeable and loves to talk about the many subjects she’s learned. She can also be a bit haughty, but this comes more from an occasional lack of tact since she was raised mainly in the wilds.
Powers and Magic: Nireta’s is mainly sound-based. First, and most obvious, is her natural siren song with all the mind-controlling and persuasive powers they grant. Both from her travels and her work with her Dimir, she’s learned to be much more versatile than her typical siren. She can scream loud enough to shatter brick, whistle a piercing note to disorientate, and even have her sounds linger in the ear long after she leaves. She’s also picked a few mind-magic techniques, even a few from Halona, to protect her mind from people trying her own tricks on her.
Character Themes:
“The Bookish Bird” - The main chamber of Nireta’s apartment is a large library with books ranging from important encyclopedias to the most random of thrift shop dreck. Her curiosity of reading and books turned into an almost obsession after her agreement with Phenax and she finds great enjoyment from reading and learning from even the most mundane of script. Although this has sometimes troubled her, the philosophical implications of how much of her is just a creation of a Theros god and potentially not even her own, it has left her with a startlingly broad if sometimes useless knowledge base.
“Lady Luck She Isn’t” - Whether this is an inadvertent result of Phenax’s magic or just a part of Nireta’s character, she is a really bad judge of deals. She’s not dumb enough to fall for something that will obviously hurt her, but it is a reoccurring theme of deals and agreements coming back to bite her. She’s working on it, but she has her lapses.
Notes and Asides:
Nireta’s gotten a lot better with people now that she’s known Halona for a while (and a bit of Halona’s Red has started to rub off on her), but she tends to miss a lot of social cues. This is mostly attributed that while her knowledge is really broad, its also really spotty. Think of it like Megamind’s mispronunciation of words.
Although it’s probably not extreme enough to call it a phobia, Nireta show signs of herophobia and still suffers nightmares from her sparking (I like to image she was at most a young teen, between 13-15, when it happened).
Nireta has gotten into the habit of wearing a really thick cloak when out and about on Ravnica. She hates all the stares she gets and has been confused for some kind of Simic experiment on more than one occasion.
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corvus-von-wolff · 5 years
Heya! It’s Fanwalker February, I wanna take a moment to talk about one of my first Fanwalkers, Lukas!
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(Special thanks to @niuttuc​ for helped me make this card and @scruffyturtles​ for the lovely art!)
Name: Lukas Wermort
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him/His
Colors: White/Blue
Age: N/a (Died at the age of 23)
Plane of Origin: Innistrad
First Planeswalk: Ravnica
Other Planes Visited: Dominaria, Fiora, Kamigawa, Theros
Story: Lukas Wermort was the second child of a wine-making family on Innistrad. Thanks to his merchant class status, Lukas and his siblings were afforded a good education and opportunities for social advancement through the Church. However, Lukas later dropped out in favor of becoming a town guard to better protect his hometown after a rising vampire coven was discovered in the region and promptly rooted out. 
One fateful night, Lukas was stationed at the town’s watchtower, but the shoddy conditions of the old structure ended up sending the young Cathar falling to his death. Right at the instant of death, Lukas’ Planeswalker Spark ignited, resulting in his spirit being flung to the bustling metropolitan plane of Ravnica. Confused and frightened, the newly minted ghost was quickly taken into the custody of Vincent Magister, a senior lawmage of the Azorius Senate, and eventually aided the latter in decisively solving a murder investigation. Impressed by the spirit’s detective skills and recognizing Lukas as a Planeswalker, Vincent decided to take the Cathar under his wing, offering Lukas a place to hone his talents and perhaps learn more about his newfound powers and the Multiverse at large.
Now an (unofficial) member of the Azorius Senate, Lukas acts as a investigator in efforts to help expedite the stagnate justice process on Ravnica and has resolved to make the best of his situation to learn more about himself and how to better protect those in need. 
Personality: Lukas is a quiet, but friendly and polite man with a natural curiosity and love for learning. Despite his inquisitive nature, he can often be quite stubborn and often lets his fears get the better of him. An obvious example can be seen in his fear of heights: an issue further compounded by the fact that Ravnica is chock full of high up places and tall bridges that connect parts of the city. In spite of his naïveté and occasional self-loathing, Lukas remains a steadfast friend who’s eager to prove himself and his usefulness. 
Powers and Abilities: Lukas retains much of his Innistardi Cathar training, mostly regarding investigation, combat proficiency with spears, and basic survival skills. Additionally, his apprenticeship within the Azorius has helped him learn some basic binding/law magic.  Perhaps the most peculiar of Lukas’ abilities is his ability to manipulate both his own corporeality and even that of the world around him, although he doesn’t yet have full control over this power. Thanks to his ghostly nature, Lukas can make himself corporeal in order to interact with the physical world, but he can also make other objects and even people temporarily incorporeal. He primarily uses this power to eat.
Thank you all so much for reading! I’ll be making similar profiles for my other Fanwalkers throughout the week, so I hope you’ll stay tuned for those too!
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maris-solstice · 5 years
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Hey it’s February! I’m a little slow to contribute but I figure I’ll post Maris because I have the most art of him I’m comfortable reposting
Second art by @hazoret
Name: Maris Solstice
Color Identity: Naya (In order of White-Red-Green)
Home plane: Ravnica
First Planeswalk: Bant
Age: 27-ish?
Sexuality: Bisexual
Maris is fiercely loyal and very protective of the people he cares about. He carries himself with what is almost a facade of casual carelessness and mild incompetence, easily masking a somewhat insightful and rather intelligent investigative mind. His biggest flaw is easily his pride, his old anger issues are often easy to prod. That being said, he tries very hard to be a caring individual, believing that the true weakness of the Boros lies in its relatively uncaring structure. 
Born Marius Celestus, the son of Martold and Aris Celestus, an Azorius investigator and an Izzet scientist, Maris grew up somewhat privileged, and joined the Lyev academy as a child to become an Azorius arrester like his father.
Unfortunately an accident that cost hundreds of zinos in training equipment led to Maris being kicked out of the academy, and Aris used her Warmind connections to get him admitted into Horizon Military Academy. 
Years later, after his graduation, he was the head of a squad of Firefist first responders and quite the rowdy young man. Honestly kind of a party boy. One day he was called to a lab fire in the Ninth, where his mother was working, and was held back by Azorius responders who had arrived first as his father rushed in. 
The lab collapsed as an explosion rocked the building, killing Maris’ parents. Filled with rage and determination, he managed to track down the man responsible, a family friend who wanted to get the Celestus family out of the way so he could advance in rank in the Azorius. Maris confronted him, and was soundly defeated, earning the scar on his face and trapped in a detention sphere. Consumed by fury, pain, and pure, white-hot rage, he managed to cast a spell from the confines of the sphere, erupting in a blast of divine fire. As the building collapsed, killing his target, he vanished in a red flame and arrived in a field on Bant, still consumed in divine fire. 
Unaware he could return home, with the help of a Rhox cleric knight named Pachymeres, he rose in the ranks of Bant’s knights, earning himself a little home in Valeron. While there, he discovered the people of Bant had difficulty with his accent, constantly mispronouncing his name as Maris Solstice. Eventually he relented to the new title, recognizing it as the beginning of a change in who he was as a person. 
Eventually he learned of another like him, a knight named Elspeth, and that he could leave. He followed her trail across the Multiverse, trying desperately to find her and ask her to teach him how to be what he now was. He spent time on several worlds, landing finally on Theros. Learning of her death, he became discouraged and returned home, returning to his old life as best he could, reconnecting with old friends and fighting to reclaim his reputation. He eventually became a Captain of the Ninth Precinct, serving under Petra, an angelic commander.
Eventually his extraplanar adventures led him to Innistrad, a place he felt he could help people without the complicated politics of Ravnica. He met a Zendikari vampire named Zenya and dated her for a while, but after they moved apart, he fell in love with a Cathar he was working with, a woman named Ilsibeth, and was happy to stay on Innistrad as much as possible to help out and to be with her. 
Unfortunately, it was not to be, and the events involving Emrakul broke him deeply. Ilsibeth was seemingly killed by the angels they revered and Maris had to fight against all he held sacred as the world slowly went mad, and eventually he left, staying on Ravnica for months without leaving. He fell into a deep depression and alcoholism, until one day, a Phyrexian assassin broke into the Ninth Precinct office and beat the hell out of him. His life was saved by Isolde, an Amesha from Bant. They slowly grew closer, and Maris expressed an interest in her. They began to see each other, and Maris began to heal. 
That was when the assassin came back for more and ripped his forearm off. 
Over time he healed, and got a magical prosthetic, and he and Isolde eventually married and had a baby, Danika. 
He had met Reiner during a case, and the two had connected over their similarities and the experiences they shared. Reiner was a Cathar and an excellent investigator, and Maris respected him greatly. That respect blossomed into the realization that Maris was in fact, not straight, and had feelings for Reiner as well. Talking to his wife about it, they welcomed Reiner into their relationship, and are very happy together, learning to be a family. 
Powers and Abilities:
Maris first and foremost is a soldier and a knight. His main asset is the skill he possesses with a blade. He combines a lot of rudimentary Azorius forms with Boros training, and picked up a lot of the styles of Bant and Innistrad. As such he has a somewhat unique style that relies as much on strength and power as it does speed and agility. 
His magic is divine in nature and combines pyromancy and heiromancy, mostly applied combat magic, but also a little healing power. He uses the signature spell of the Boros Legion, Lightning Helix, to sear away those who would hurt others, and heal those he stands with in one action. His binding magic is useful to subdue opponents he cannot best otherwise, and he can abjure foes with his sheer force of will. 
He recently has discovered a mild empathy ability, and is trying to discover its limits.
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niuttuc · 5 years
Before Fanwalker Friday starts, I kind of want another character to discover with all of you, so... Suggest things in the notes, be it species, plane of origin or first planeswalk, colors, type of magic, part of their appearance, name, family, ties to already existing planeswalkers (fan or canon)...
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little-red-rabbit · 5 years
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Seeing as I had this wonderful art by @inudono I decided to offer up my little sheep boy to @leafdrake-haven Fanwalker February~ Name: Dillon Height: 5′9 Age: Has forgotten but was 18 when he sparked Titles: Walker in Dreams, Joyful Muse, Daydreamer Color Identity: Azorius (Blue and White) Homeplane: Lochtamor (Fan-plane) a plane of ancient kingdoms brought low by five dragon tyrants, sealed beneath the earth by the earth by the great sword Dragon’s Rend. Now from the most of the past the people strike out to reclaim their stolen past. Under the banners of the Bight Isles, among the clans of the Highlands, and with the courts of the Shida. And between them the commonwealth a melting pot of the the old and new, caught between the bickering and squabbles of this new kingdoms. First planeswalk: The dream plane Sexuality: Pan-sexual Personality: Shy, timid and certainly a tad agoraphobic, Dillon is a gentle soul who is far more comfortable among the endless creativity of dreams then the harsh reality of the real world. Powers and Abilities: Dillon actually has no magic ability to speak of, but rather he is in possession of a powerful artifact called Mother Moon. The silver lantern letting him open portals into the dreams of others, shape the dreamscape at will and pull as essence of dream into the walking world as powerful avatars. History: Dillon has spent so much time amongst the dreams of others that his past has become a half remembered dream in itself. But when the shadows at the edges of ones mind leak in he can recall a great white beast with a maw like a moonless night, empty, eternal and forever hungering. He recalls falling in a place with no up or down, impossible colors, phantasm sensations. His being stretched so far it was as if he never existed at all, then there was light, beautiful silver light. Then there was Mother Moon.
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Theren Everwood’s Signature Spellbook
More spells under the keep reading :) Let me know what you think :)
Here’s a couple more spells Theren might use in his arsenal:
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Fan Character February - Open RP
(Hey y’all, I know I haven’t been super active since fanwalker February started, but I am ready to join in the fun. I’m going to start something of an open RP. Fair warning, Desz is in a pretty dark place, so it might get a bit heavy topic wise) Desz sat on the street corner, one arm limply by his side, the other grasping a bottle of liquor. While one might say his hair was regularly unkempt, it was a mess. It hung down to his shoulders, knotted and tangled. His armor was tattered, his clothes not in much better shape. He lifted his bottle to his mouth, gulping down a large portion of it’s contents. As the bottle lowered back to his side, he let out a loud groan. “Fuck...”
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arvadthecursed · 5 years
Lost Without Me
A powerful Custodi geistmage calls a troubled student to his office.
Chiara backstory for Fanwalker February!
CW: Abuse, Religion, all that stuff.
Chiara tiptoed into Brother Ampelio’s office, opening the door just enough so that she could enter. Her knuckles stung with every movement; Sister Agatha had beaten them again that day. The young girl had accidentally shocked a classmate, which led to Agatha beating Chiara’s knuckles into a bloody mess. The girl had crudely wrapped towels around them, as she wasn’t given access to the infirmary by Sister.
“Chiara, my dear. What happened?” Brother Ampelio asked, setting his paperwork down. His eyebrows knitted together with worry. He had sent a formal summon for her to come to his office that morning, but he probably wasn’t expecting her to arrive, teary-eyed and bleeding.
“I accidentally shocked Amilcare,” she mumbled, tears threatening to pour down her cheeks. She held her hands out as Brother Ampelio stood and approached her. The clergyman unwrapped her knuckles, and sighed heavily as he examined the wounds. “I didn’t mean to!” Chiara cried out, fearing he was disappointed in her.
Brother Ampelio gave her a soft smile, much to her surprise. “I know, Chiara. It’s alright.” He dropped her hands, and went to stand by the window. The thirteen-year-old girl rewrapped her hands and sat down timidly in a plush chair. A few geists swirled near Chiara’s horns. She could hear their faint whispering and feel them begin to manifest behind her. A chill ran down her spine, and Brother Ampelio, sensing her discomfort, banished the geists with a single word.
He then studied her for a moment. Chiara averted her gaze, unable to bring herself to look at him. “The artificers were correct. Surprising.” Ampelio’s fingers grazed the silver globe on his desk. “Chiara, my dear. Do you know what I’m referring to?”
“Geists are supposedly attracted to electricity. They are empowered by it as well. It seems the geists under my watch are no different. They sense the lightning in your veins, my dear girl.”
Chiara blinked in confusion. “They can do that?”
“Yes. Your very presence emboldened them and gave them enough strength to attempt a physical manifestation.” Ampelio raised a brow. “I usually keep them in a weakened state, but you broke that ward by you simply being here.”
“I’m sorry, Brother --”
“Do not be sorry.” Ampelio turned to gaze out the window. “Chiara, I will have you removed from Sister Agatha’s class. You will become my student.” The clergyman gazed over his shoulder at the stunned Chiara. 
“I don’t understand… I don’t think I’m worthy, Brother.”
“Isn’t that what everyone else would say?” He turned to face her. “Chiara, when others look at you, do you know what they see? An obnoxious, troublemaking little imp who doesn’t know her place. But me? I understand you. I see the potential in you, Chiara.” He gestured for her to join him at the window. 
Brother Ampelio placed a hand on her shoulder and pointed out at the city. “Sister Agatha and her ilk want to play silly games in the Court and the Church. They will never amount to anything.” He chuckled darkly before continuing. “But you and I, Chiara? We could rule this city.”
Chiara gazed at Paliano, and felt a strange tug in her heart. Electricity sparked in her fingertips, flickering over her bloody, raw knuckles. “We could…”
“All you have to do is become my prodigy, learning how to call and empower geists with you lightning, and I will take care of the rest.” Ampelio’s voice was soft and welcoming, like a father. “You were lost, my dear child. But I have found you. And I will make you into my masterpiece.”
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reds-ocs-rps · 5 years
Barlomieu’s backstory
warning a tad long as I have no self control~
The son of a low born chevalier, Barlomieu’s father spent most of his childhood away at tournaments, hoping to gain the attention of the aristocracy to escaping the mire of poverty. This left his often ill of heath mother to make ends meet as their small hamlets washerwoman. While far from glamorous it was a quite and simple life with innocent joys. Until the day his father did not return from his his latest journey. His mother unable to take care of herself let alone her young son, begged the towns local monk to spare him from the bitterness of the coming winter. Taking pity on the poor woman the man took the clever young boy into his order. On a lonely road far from everything he knew, Barlomieu said goodbye to his mother with tears in his eyes. He would never see her again. Barlomieu would spend his formative years in an isolated monastery of the Verdant, an order of scholarly monks who isolate themselves from the distractions of the world to gather knowledge in its purist form. It was here that he was educated in the art of magic, showing a unnatural talent from the healing arts. While preferring to keep to themselves the order dose have members who serve both within the courts the aristocracy and among the common people. Putting into practices new theories, studding disease, wildlife, local traditions, as well as creating copies of any tomes their patrons might be in possession off. With his talents as a healer Barlomieu would become the court physician to Duke Henri. Going on to become a personal adviser to the Duke as well as the tutor to his young son. These summer days would come to a startling end when Henri was attack by a fanged beast one evening while returning from a hunt. His wounds becoming infected with some dark curses, slowly putting the noble man through a slow and tortures transformation. His flesh growing cold as his appetite become insatiable by not but the bloodiest of meats.  Barlomieu would find himself completely helpless before this affliction for no remedy nor magic of his, could seem to spear the man who had been more a father to him then his own, this dark fate. But when all seemed lost he was visited by a crow, that drew his attention to the smoke of a chimney rising from the wicker woods. The Corbeau, Queen of the witches had taken residence with in the forest. In desperation he sought her out for the fables had often spoke of the aid she offered to those that sought her out, with just as many of what became of such uninvited guests. Though the old witch seemed to have been expecting him and under a moonless night did she teach him things only spoken of in the most whispered of old wives tales.  Rushing back to the side of his bedridden lord, Barlomieu wasted no time in conducting a ritual to whisk his lord from the clutches of this curse, and it seemed to work as his body warmth and color returned to his face. Though what moments of joy there where was quickly snatched away by startled cries and the smell of blood from elsewhere in the chateau. Barlomieu in his rush had not full understood the magic he had called upon was that of a blood ritual, it had not destroyed his lords curses but simply past it along through his bloodline. To that of his young son. The young boy had quickly been overwhelmed by the evil now coursing through his veins, and Barlomieu had burst in on him feeding from his governess. In shock Barlomieu stumbled back against the wall his hand griping something to keep him steady. The boy who had been the light of Barlomieu’s life pulled away from the lifeless servant and lunged at him, there was a flash, and Barlomieu found himself standing before a grand church. A stained glass angel looking down upon him in pity as still warm blood dripped from the sword in his grasp.
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inudono · 8 months
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Silverflare progress for a dragon-y new year.
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leafdrake-haven · 3 years
So I’ve been thinking I wanna do another Fan Character February type thing but I don’t wanna wait until February. I like alliteration so we could do Fanwalker Fall but waiting until September or October seems too far away too….
August would probably be most realistic. Give the rest of June and all of July to think of themes/ideas and spread the word. A fun name will have to come later. (Fanwalker Renaissance?? Fan Character Fun in the Sun???? IDK)
Would folks be interested?
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dancing-sword · 5 years
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I had to take a day to finish the write up for my last walker in @leafdrake-haven‘s Fanwalker February, Pahandi! She’s only really appeared in a handful of things I’ve done and she’s probably the least developed of the 4. I don’t think wrote up is complete either, but I think it gets everything across.
additional art by @hazoret
Name: Pahandi Tulog
Colors: Bant (White – Blue – Green)
Age: Between 800-1400
Plane of Origin: Balatog
First Planeswalk: Shandalar
Pahandi has never revealed much of her youth before sparking into a planeswalker. She carried many titles back home; healer, mystic, counselor, advisor, but she never told which one lead to her sparking. All anyone knows is that she set off one day on a pilgrimage to the First Tree and did not return for many years.
Pahandi had sparked on her journey, ascending to the godhood of planeswalkers of old. She used her new found gifts to continue her work across the planes of the multiverse. As she traveled, she began to learn of the horrors outside her home. Planeswalkers who abused their power, unthinkable monsters who consumed planes, machine monsters who spread and consume in the name of a dead god. While she did learn a great good for each evil she faced, she couldn’t help but fear at how fragile Balatog truly seemed now. When she finally returned home, she resolved to be its protector.
At first, she started combating hostile arriving planeswalkers directly, but even after creating a great avatar to fight by her side, she knew that was not enough. Using the spells she had learned from her travels she thought she could deter more from arriving, but found that only the most determined now came to her home. She began traveling the multiverse again, retracing her steps to learn the great spells she had once heard of and each time she would return home to erect and expand a great wall around it. However each spell added was not only a greater strain on the world, but another stone on precariously stack tower. Should she fall, so would it. After much deliberation, she came to the only decision she could think of. Secreting herself off into deep and warped part of the world, she sealed herself off in crystal at the heart of her spell so her body could be both a battery and anchor for it. There she would sleep in suspended animation, sleeping through the wars that shaped the Multiverse and the Mending, waking in the present times into a far different world.
Personality: Calm, collected, and decisive, Pahandi is rarely taken off guard. She exudes a tranquil aura and talks with a sagely wisdom that only comes with her hundreds of years of travel and meditation. However kind and caring she genuinely is, she can be emotionally distant from everyday people; she is sympathetic to others, but not completely empathetic. This comes mainly from her nomadic and solitary lifestyle. This leads to her biggest emotional problem being she tends to only think in terms of the big picture and can easily miss the personal details in things.
Powers and Magic: A scholar and a mystic, Pahandi has studied many schools of magic making it hard to really nail her down into one. She has worked as a healer, both physically and spiritually. She’s a practiced banisher, destroying evil spirits and removing planeswalkers from worlds. She can manipulate space and the elements, letting her run along walls and surfaces she shouldn’t be able to and can even move on water and air as if they were just as solid as stone. She’s a capable auramancer, animist, hieromancer, and mentalist.
She carries a long, hooked wooden staff that is as tall as she is. It’s her magical focus and let’s her channel even more powerful magic. With it, she can do something like eject a planeswalker of equal power from a plane with ease.
The last thing of note is that while she is on Balatog, the more powerful she is and the closer she is to it’s dimensionally distored part where she slumbered, the closer she is to her Oldwalker power level.
Character Themes:
“The Sacrifice” - Pahandi was willing to sacrifice everything for her home without a second thought. While it might not have been the perfect plan, it was her best option and she knew that it was a guarantee to keep it safe.
“The Great Sage” - Much like Catrina carried the reputation of being deadly and sometimes more of a force of nature than a person, Pahandi was known for her astuteness, her spirituality, and her wisdom. There are a few legends that have spawned from her travels on several planes and she was on good friends and associates among the other oldwalkers she met before she hid Balatog.
Notes and Asides:
Although I didn’t mean to have them mirror each other, because of their shared plane and culture, a lot of ways to describe what Pahandi is by going by what Halona isn’t. Where Halona is more of a scout/ranger/explorer, Pahandi’s roots are more shamanistic and mystical. While both have passions to learn and explore, Pahandi is much more studious and spiritual in her approach. Where Halona would be brash, courageous, and forward, Pahandi’s movements are careful and measured. Halona is a sprint. Pahandi is a dance.
While they haven’t met in story yet, Pahandi and Halona had a lot of inadvertent influence on each other. Pahandi’s binding and hiding of Balatog led to the aether storms that cause Halona to spark and Halona’s sparking and damaging of the binding set in motion Pahandi’s eventual reawakening.
Pahandi powers were inspired by a combination of pillowfort, tax, and control style decks. Grand Abolisher, Feroz’s Ban, Energy Field, and Aura of Silence.
A lot of Pahandi’s powers and what she has done can be seen in my Balatog posts.
Second to her Ban, her ability to walk on air was the second thing I thought of her being able to do. I’d imagine in and of itself, it’s not extremely impressive, but the fact that she can do it so effortlessly and naturally makes it startling. That combined with her staff, one of the key images I had of her was her running in the air, upside down and sideways to attack from such an odd angle, and hooking an opponent around the neck before violently and instantly ejecting (read exiling) from Balatog. I originally thought of this spell working like trying to force a planeswalker either to their homeplane or to the plane they are most familiar with. She would try to do this on Halona only to realize that one, her anti-magic kept stopping the spell, and two, even when the spell did get through, it didn’t work cause Balatog is her home as well.
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abigail-rytel · 5 years
Fan-Character February: Character Directory
Here are the characters I posted previously, who I am focusing on over this month.
Pizzip, a BR goblin from Ravnica
Nakri, a mono-G orc from Tarkir
Isabel, a RGW human/werewolf from Ravnica
Delkia, a UB dwarf from Kaladesh
Rivelle, a URG elf from Kylem
Questions about any or all of them are appreciated. Or failing that, give me an attribute and I will rank them in that attribute.
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maris-solstice · 5 years
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Fifty words for murder, and I’m every one of them.
My badass Orzhov lady, Astora, who overthrew her boss and has a hot Azra boyfriend and incredible political power now.
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