#fanwalker interviews
niuttuc · 5 years
Fourthcoming Interviews #1
(Context: The Fourthcoming is the Dimir newspaper local to the Fourth district for which my fanwalker, Anedia Kosel, works. After her file on the War of the Spark, she got another weekly column writing about planeswalkers and other planes. As she keeps her status as a planeswalker herself secret, they’re written with the help of “reliable planeswalker sources” that also help her check facts that she “couldn’t” verify herself. One of the parts of her column is, each week, an interview of a planeswalker, anonymous or not, that I might put up here. The first one I’ll publish here is an interview of a planeswalker that preferred to have their identity omitted from the interview itself, but is @land-ofthebooty‘s Medea. If you want your own fanwalker to be featured in one such interview, you can always contact me via tumblr or discord.)
Where are you from? How would you describe your home world? My home is called Theros. And hmmm...I would call it divine, something from a storybook. It is a place of gods, monsters, and heroes. Where the boundaries between the waking world and sleeping world are but a thin line.
What do you mean by that? Do people fall asleep easily? Dreams and beliefs have quite an influence on the physical world, to put it simply without going into too many details. It is a special quality to my home that I have never seen anywhere else yet.
Should they be a planeswalker themself, what would be one tip you would give to someone visiting Theros for the first time? I think the best thing is to not anger the gods… And not announce your presence too loudly. Theros has a harsh relationship with planeswalkers.
Care to tell us more about that? A few of the gods know about planeswalkers and are not too welcoming of them. [The interviewee mimed a throat being slit] They are powerful and easily displeased.
And why would they not like them? Is there anything our readers should know? Some planeswalkers cause a lot of trouble, and Theros has experienced a few in the last decade. I'm sure after a few centuries things might calm down.
I think after what happened in the Tenth, most of our readers can relate to that. How much of your time do you spend on Ravnica? I might stay for just a few days, while other times I've been here for years at a time. It depends on if any business requires me off-plane. The longest I've stayed is a little over ten years, and the shortest is ten minutes.
Ten minutes? What happened, you arrived in the middle of a rakdos party? Well, unless that'd be something you would enjoy. Honestly, it was my own fault. I had left in a hurry heading to Ravnica to see a friend… But I realized I had forgotten the gift I had planned to give them. I had to go back home to fetch it.
Haha, well, being a planeswalker doesn't absolve you from day to day life troubles! It is very true!
Would you say you're spending more time on Ravnica than other planes? Yes, I would say I do. I take a bit of time on other planes, but Ravnica is like a second home to me. I enjoy it quite a lot.
So why here rather than stay at home? Is it because of those gods disliking planeswalkers on Theros? Oh no. It’s nothing like that. I find it to be a wonderful experience...living a normal mundane life. On Ravnica, no one bats an eye or pays mind to me or what I'm doing. It’s freeing.
A mundane life? Are you someone of great importance back home? I wouldn't say great importance. I'd rather say I have a lot of responsibilities that I must tend to. My name or deeds are not well known, so nothing like that.
So you're avoiding your responsibilities by living in another world? I'd like to tell our readers that despite them being anonymous, our guest today is NOT our former Living Guildpact, Jace Beleren. [Laugh] It is true. I am not a young male human planeswalker with a fancy for the color blue.
Aren't you worried that you have those responsibilities for a reason, and that by living here there could be problems because of your absence? I would get more sleep if I did slack my responsibilities, but sadly no. I always finish in a timely matter what has been asked of me. I take pride in honoring my promises. It’s not quite that I am running from them. I just enjoy the feeling of no expectations and having a space separate from them. If that makes sense?
That’s for our readers to decide. So you have a life here. Friends, maybe even family. How many of them know of your other life? No. None of my associates are aware of my planeswalking. I prefer to be private about that.
What made you pick Ravnica specifically? I'm sure there were other worlds where you could have been anonymous on. Ravnica sort of grew on me. I've passed through many times, and found myself enjoying it every time I came. That's when I ended up getting an apartment, since I was passing through more often.
Anything specific about our city? The diversity. So much in such a concentrated space. I have never seen a world structured like this. The guilds are quite unique. Also... I enjoy the fictional books.
You're not the first one to remark on our world's uniqueness in this column. It's apparently the only city around and I, and many of our readers, still have a hard time imagining what else there could be. Would you care to show us what Theros looks like? If one ever has the chance to visit Theros, the Seasonal Nexus of Setessa is quite the sight to see.
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(Art by Adam Paquette)
And now thousands of Ravnicans will get the chance to experience a fragment of it. There is so much out there. So many great unknowns to discover. I hope the people Ravnica ponder on this mystery.
They're certainly gonna have more to talk about! Is there another world beside Ravnica you particularly like? I would say a place called Lorwyn is another place of interest. I also find that I appreciate a plane called Valla as well. I think I have a preference for strange places. [Laughs]
Strange? How so? Would you put Ravnica in this category? Perhaps strange is the wrong word. Extraordinary maybe? Lorwyn has no humans, which is something that you don't see very often. And Valla? I... [The interviewee hesitated and stopped to think.] I actually don't know how to explain it. It is almost like trying to explain a color that you cannot see. It is difficult to describe.
Maybe we can have someone familiar with Valla as well in a future interview. How long have you been a planeswalker for? Yes, that is probably for the best. At this point? I would say I have been walking the planes for 30 years. Still quite young comparatively to others.
How did it start? It started with an ordeal, and blossomed from that revelation. I won't say more. I still have my secrets. NDR: In case newer readers don’t know, most planeswalkers discovered they were one through a great trauma, which is why we prefer to not push them further on the subject
What's something you learned about planeswalkers you didn't expect, or that our readers might not know? I would say that not all planeswalkers “walk” the same way. It seems when we travel to and from a place, it appears differently for different planeswalkers. I have seen some that fade away, others might teleport in a flash, while others might glow brightly before disappearing.
Do you want to share what happens to you? I am wrapped in a blanket of nyx (NDR: Nyx describes a sort of glimmering night sky) and fall into the blackened grasp of the blind eternities. If I had to describe it in a poetic way.
And in a more approachable way, how does it feel? Like you are falling, or flying. It is akin to both.
Last question... A planeswalker was responsible for the disaster only a few weeks back, and all to get back at other planeswalkers. Many here feel like planeswalkers are responsible and dangerous. What would you want to say to those people? The Multiverse... life is full of so many uncertainties. So many things that can cause pain and suffering, so many things that can do wrong. What happened to Ravnica is horrific and a tragedy. However, a truth was learned. And all the people of Ravnica have grown in a way that would have never been possible before. I see a united Ravnica, and one that has stepped forward like no other plane I've seen before. You have all uncovered and experienced a great mystery of existence itself. The people of Ravnica, you are strong, and you have so much life in you. You fought alongside each other, with those that came from other worlds. You all banded together to protect what is most precious. And that is truly beautiful.
So I ask of you, do not fear the unknown. Do not fear the unforeseen. Do not fear what you do not understand. Planeswalking is a force not of good or evil, but simply of what you make of it. Make it into something special, and use it to continue growing as a plane and as a people.
Thank you for answering my questions today, that will be enough for this week. And thank you for listening!
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Fanwalker Tuesday
So, took a break, had a good interview today but let’s do fanwalker asks. Today is Tugovar the best arms dealer of the multiverse. He’s a viashino with magnetism powers who is red white. He wears a scarf over his eyes and is 3’8” when he normally stands but if he stands up straight, he’s 6’
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So I had this idea and I wanted to run it by you all because it was inspired by your blog and kind of intrudes into your concept. I would like to run what is essentially an RP blog, similar to @bizarre-trader, but more story/flavor oriented; the character is a 'walker who I actually submitted to you before I had this idea, who's a storyteller. The premise of the blog is sharing cool cards as stories with a grumpy old storyteller aesthetic. (1/2)
(2/2) The other part is that I wanted to have him sort of "interview" other fanwalkers; sort of a barside conversation as a way for him to gain stories and for other people to flesh out their character/get their story out there/practice roleplaying/get myself some writing practice. I wasn't sure of your plans for the future for this blog and wanted to make sure I wasn't stepping on any toes or anything. Thanks!
We currently only host a place for people to talk about their fanwalkers. While I have some ideas about where to take the blog, none of them go in the direction you’re thinking, so feel free to run with your idea!
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niuttuc · 4 years
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Starting the year, I think I’ll give new cards and some associated summaries for the few of my fanwalkers that I got art for, which in alphabetical order started with Anedia! Her art was commissioned a bit ago to @land-ofthebooty​.
Anedia is a human woman from Ravnica. She belongs to House Dimir and is aligned to their Blue-Black colors. Her parents are part of the House themselves and she's been raised in its principles. Her allegiance is public, and she works at a Dimir newspaper local to her native Fourth District, the Fourthcoming. Before the War of the Spark, she mostly covered criminal stories and regularly reported on particularly interesting investigations or blunders from the Boros and Azorius, sometimes in the fourth, and sometimes elsewhere.
She was close enough to the Tenth when the War broke (and ended the same day) to be able to write an insightful file on it that filled a whole special edition. The foreknowledge of planeswalkers probably helped, but it was a genuinely good summary of what happened that day over multiple angles, both political and social. That special edition sold way beyond the usual scope of the Fourthcoming, and she was able to leverage it into a weekly column, covering planeswalkers and extraplanar information, in which she interviews planeswalkers, or sometimes presents another world. Of course, her own status as a planeswalker is a secret, she gets her information (and checks its veracity) thanks to her "anonymous planeswalker sources). It is decently popular, and has started to get her name around.
Anedia's signature magic is one of sleep and its effects. She can induce sleep, of course, but also prevent it, or simulate effects of sleep-deprivation, or even make someone feel well-rested. When someone is asleep, her magic can affect how restful, calm or agitated that sleep is, but can't see or manipulate any dream directly. She manifests her spells as big (more or less translucent and sneaky) blue bugs of various types that enter their target's body through skin or orifices.
Beyond her overt duties, Anedia performs some more covert activities for House Dimir. While part of the organization, she's also a freelance agent for it, helping various teams, agents and heists with their work through the city. Generally for pay, but occasionally as a favor for someone higher up in the organization. Her covert work is made under mask and alias, and it's where she generally uses her magic.
Her planeswalker spark ignited during her studies, or rather after them. She found use in her magic to avoid sleep herself, and thus be much more productive of her time, but she didn't manage to hold it back forever. When she slipped, after way too long without sleep, the sheer exhaustion and snap of her magic ignited her spark, sending her to Lorwyn, where some delighted faeries kept her alive to feed on the dreams of her month-long nap. She eventually escaped them, and managed her way back to Ravnica. She mostly stays there, but occasionally checks on info given by others for her recent column, or explores the unique opportunities other worlds could give her. She keeps her planeswalker status a secret of most people up to and including her parents, and she believes even her superiors in the Dimir aren't aware of it.
As far as people around her, there's most notably her sister, Evicz Kosel, a Wojek Captain in the Boros who very wilfully escaped the family trade. Evicz is the only person Anedia has revealed she's a planeswalker to, and they're still in very amicable terms, seeing each other occasionally.
(Oh, an example of her interviews is posted here: https://niuttuc.tumblr.com/post/187969572310/fourthcoming-interviews-1)
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niuttuc · 6 years
Niuttuc’s Fanwalker List
Short bios and description of my fanwalkers, since it was a little weird to refer to an ask every time. Also updated! Since my roster has expanded significantly since this post was first made, I’ll only put my “core” characters into a first short list, and the rest below the cut. Note that I do still occasionally develop and do appreciate questions beyond the core characters, I just decided to separate things for ease of read.
Anedia Kosel (UB): She/her, Human, overt dimir reporter and (rarely nowadays) covert dimir agent. Sleep mage. From Ravnica. After WAR, now writes a column on planeswalkers and other planes, while still hiding her own status as one.
Ivegard ( R ): She/Her, Flamekin empath from Lorwyn. She often works as a courier to find new places to go. Trained swordfighter.
Nyrhen (G): He/Him, Elf Jerk from Lorwyn. Potential/true self magic. Seeks people who know who they are. Current home set up in the Wilds of Eldraine, but he doesn’t spend too much time there.
Vaalin (WUR): He/him, half-merfolk half-human, Tolarian scholar from Dominaria. Magic allowing manipulation of the perception of time, and for him to slip between moments.
Dancing-Hands (WU): He/Him, Kitsune with origami-based animating magic and short range telekinesis on non-living objects. From Kamigawa. Former follower of an Ojutai dragon.
Dolores (BR): She/Her, demon with pain-based magic. Resides and work in New Capenna as torturer, mainly for the Maestros. From a fan-plane.
Arnoss (RGW): He/Him, Ghavalek (Gharial-based person) with enhanced strength and protection based on others’ need for his help. From a fan-plane. Fully amphibious.
Lhur (B): He/Him, Giant from Fiora. Ruler of a small kingdom far away from Paliano. His magic is rooted in manifesting what people want or desire.
Farell Bassola (U): Most often uses He/They. Shapeshifting duelist from Fiora, copying their opponents’ appearance and skills. Doesn’t try nor like actually trying to impersonate others.
Link to a spreadsheet for easy reference
Bios for those under the cut, then the rest of the cast:
1) Anedia Kosel (UB): Anedia is an ambitious, overt member of House Dimir living in the Fourth District of Ravnica, and working as a reporter. Anedia’s decent mastery over sleep magic has also earned her a name among covert Dimir operations as a freelancer of sorts, as the Sleepwalker.
However, in the last couple years, she’s found herself doing less and less covert work and focusing on journalism. Her dossier on the War of the Spark earned her attention well beyond the Fourth District. She used it as leverage to get a column to herself, In Other Worlds, bringing to the average Ravnican interviews of planeswalkers and short overviews of other planes, which definitely found an audience. She claims to get information from “planeswalker sources” among which are some of her interviewee, since she hides the fact she’s a planeswalker herself. She’s a private person, despite being very curious herself.
2) Ivegard ( R ): A flamekin from Lorwyn, Ivegard started her pilgrimage to find a path for herself between a martial career or more spiritual one. She found a path doing neither and both, traveling the Multiverse and seeing all its marvels, people and marvelous people. As is traditions for flamekin pilgrims, she often works as a courier, transporting messages and items. Except her range extends to the entire Multiverse (minus maybe underwater worlds).
She’s a pathomancer, capable of perceiving people’s emotions and amplify (or sometimes calm them), including her own, and a trained warrior beyond that. Most of her equipment was created by her brother, Keart, a Brighthearth master smith she’s very proud of. Among it a sword Ivegard simply calls “Girl” that’s made of the same living rock as flamekins’ skin. Ivegard is generally a pretty positive person, being able to empathize with most, who tends to throw her all into anything she tries.
3) Nyrhen (G): Nyrhen is from Lorwyn (pre-lorwyn/Shadowmoor blocs), very full of himself and a jerk all around. His magic makes people what they truly are (or deeply think they are), with limitations, and over the years this magic and his high opinion of himself and elves in general kept him alive and “perfected” him slowly in his eyes.
He’s powerful and fickle, seeing most of everyone else in the Multiverse as inferior to Lorwyn elves in general, and himself in specific as a beyond perfect example of those. He will kill whenever convenient, and obey no law but his own whims. However, his interests are limited to relatively small scale, searching for “True” people that know exactly what they are and his magic doesn’t affect. He wants to recruit them and convince them to let him remold them into Eternal elves like himself. So far no success.
4) Vaalin (WUR): Vaalin is a Dominarian half-merfolk, half-human, and lived most of his life at the underwater Tolarian Academy of the Depths. Suffered from Vodalian xenophobia despite Tolaria somewhat sheltering him from it. Expert in temporal mechanics, and more specifically non-physical temporal modifications. After sparking, he helps Tolaria gather data about temporal anomalies on other planes, along with furthering his own research. He also has established correspondance between a class of Strixhaven and one back in Tolaria, carrying their letters back and forth about once a month.
His own magic allows him to manipulate the perception of time, most often giving him all the time he needs to study any phenomenon or reach a decision. He can similarly hasten his body, but nowhere near what he can do to his mind, leaving him “trapped” in his own body to think for as long as he wants. Ge can also do that to others but not to as extreme an extent. After an encounter with and befriending an Eon Frolicker on Ikoria, Vaalin also learned to “slip between moments” freezing time completely and allowing him to move around, though not interact with much in this state. It doesn’t take effort to maintain, but it does to enter and exit. Vaalin still doesn’t understand this perfectly, but he’s being careful with experimenting. Depending on the situation, Vaalin can seem very focused or very easily distracted. He’s averse to most forms of combat, but a great problem-solver, considering he has all the time in the world and a magical whiteboard of sorts.
5) Dancing-Hands (WU): Dancing-Hands is a Kamigawan Kitsune who was very good at most things he tried from a young age, and grew to be arrogant as he developed his own style of art and magic. His sparking humbled him, and he spent the next few years as part of the Ojutai, learning from the Skywises’ teachings. Some time ago now, rejected his Skywise that saw him as an asset more than anything, and has since been bouncing around, anchored only by helping his partners’ (@nine-tailed-cat ‘s Epnu and Tasaba Nef) home of Amonkhet and helping them figure out parenthood.
He has access to an innate and powerful but very short-ranged telekinesis, that he uses both for combat and to help him with his kanji magic, drawn on paper origami to animate them or give them special properties. He sees paper origami superior because more versatile than the inspired technology that emerged on Kamigawa. He tends to be very level-headed and calm, even when he’s being facetious and the faintest smirk breaks his facade.
6) Dolores (BR): Dolores was an Azra from Ferely, a skilled torturer using pain manipulation magic to get information cleaner and often faster than most of her colleagues. She spent a couple years on Fiora, before getting stabbed in the back there (not even metaphorically) and having to find greener grass somewhere else. She found somewhere for herself on New Capenna, and is trying to be more loyal to one faction this time to avoid the aforementioned backstabbing.
After some developments, something that started on Fiora bloomed fueled by Halo, and Dolores permanently became a full-fledged demon. She’s had to adapt to the situation (and renew her wardrobe), but overally she likes the change, she’s more powerful than ever and still convinced she’s the best at her job. Also, and it’s a common misconception, despite torturing people for a living, she doesn’t draw joy from hurting other people, it’s just what she’s good at, and everybody gotta eat.
7) Arnoss (RGW): He’s a ghavalek (big Gharial-looking people) planeswalker, from Ocaelum, @land-ofthebooty ‘s underwater fanplane. His people are rare enough that he doesn’t know everything about his own species, as he was bought in the egg from another caravan (a common practice among the World Family). Arnoss sparked after losing his caravan and family to merfolk raiders, something he still partly blames himself for. Often found in the Multiverse doing bodyguard work, but it’s generally just an excuse to get some money doing what he wants to do anyway, protecting people in danger.
Arnoss can’t really do magic aside from some minor cantrips. An enchantment was woven into his scales, making him more resilient and stronger based on how many and how much people need his help in his surroundings. Despite his appearance scaring some people, he’s a gentle giant and a sweet guy. Not the most educated or fast-thinking person. He trusts easily, sometimes people he probably shouldn’t.
8) Lhur (B): Lhur is a Fioran giant, but far from a typical giant. His words and magic are as much to respect as his skills and strength. Born to a warlord who conquered a small country (far from Paliano and what we know of Fiora) and declared himself king. He was trained harshly from a young age, which led to him resenting his father and his politics alike. Lhur eventually joined a revolution against his own father, and killed him in single combat (if you believe the stories on the street at least). He now advises the councils of the former city-states that made up his father’s kingdom as they try to figure out the next steps, who keep him around because he’s beloved by both the populace and recognized as “king” by his father’s former armies. That’s how he tries to maintain his rule, needed and liked enough that getting rid of him would be much worse than the alternative.
As far as his magic, Lhur learned his magic from a demon “hired” by his father, and can channel it to create and manifest people’s wants and desires, though in a very tiring and involved way for him. Obtaining things the regular way is usually easier. Lhur’s weapons of choice are a variety of pole weapons, taking further advantage of his reach to defeat most opponents before they even get the chance to strike a blow.
9) Farell (U): Also from Fiora, Farell is a shapeshifter, taking other people’s appearances and having none of his own. Farell is an illegitimate son of a freshly-noble family, born from a shapeshifter’s deception of his mother. Regardless, both his human parents raised him with love and full knowledge of the fact he would be kept out of inheritance. He grew up to become a master duelist, with the wit and skills to back that up. He and his younger brother were inseparable and Farell most often used his brother’s likeness, up until said brother got caught in Fioran politics and killed. Nowadays, Farell avoids Paliano altogether if he can. When money gets tight, he’ll sometimes offer his services as a private tutor to people young and old who want to learn to fight or duel.
While Farell is a shapeshifter, he doesn’t want to impersonate anyone, and as such, always has a mark identifying him as different from the original, most often a visible blue strand of hair. For shapes without hair, an armband or flower of the exact same shade of blue. If he doesn’t dislike someone, he won’t use their form at all without consent, and he likes to stake his right to use someone’s likeness for himself in a duel. He can use magic to copy more than appearance of someone, being able to copy their skills and training if in close proximity, though those copied skills fade in a matter of hours. He might be able to learn enough from it to practice it later and figure it out more permanently though. Farell is somehow both boastful and often self-deprecating, he likes being the center of attention and to impress, while always proving himself.
  Other fanwalkers that are currently somewhat “active” around the multiverse:
Arega (GU): They/Them, Lorwyn Changeling modified with old Simic biomancy. Arega can switch bodies between different krasises they pilot, but their original body is always safe and encased in a cocoon. The one they’re typically seen as is a prototype Guardian they believed was their real body for years.
Zarunpel (G(BW)): She/Her, Human Knight of Garenbrig, from Eldraine. Rapunzel-inspired, has long, heavy and indestructible hair she uses as blunt weapons and protection and access to some light protection magic.
Kinahel Varelli (RW(U)): They/them (and more depending on the incarnation), Phoenix Aven, from Zendikar. Can generate fire on contact and have healing capabilities. Carries around Worldslayer and tries to protect it from being used.
The Cursetamer/Ange Casselant (BUG): She/Her, Human Lich, soul-manipulating and curse-borrowed powers, from a fan-plane, resides on Innistrad. Fancies herself a researcher.
Ranek Stormplate (WR): He/Him. Dwarf from Kaldheim. His “plate” is more of a small mech of shifting, enchanted plates, made to absorb and redirect danger. Determined to have sagas told of him in all fields except one, hoping the sagas reaches their partner in Starnheim.
Sezashi (UG): He/Him, Orochi from Kamigawa. His kami-granted magic allows him to manipulate life and objects by doubling or halving them or some of their characteristics. Trying to figure out what kind of world Kamigawa might one day become from the Merge and help steer it towards the better outcomes of it.
Icalia (W): She/Her, Eagle Aven with Silence magic, from Dominaria. Resides in a fan plane, where she established the Haven as a neutral ground and safe place for planar travelers. Former oldwalker.
Szyra (BGU): She/Her, Nantuko, capable of summoning or temporarily transforming objects and beings into their version from alternate realities. From an alternate timeline of Dominaria, was transported over during the Rift era.
Odomi (Colorless+): He/Him. Faerie. Has the ability to do what is widely told he can do. Mischievous, dangerous, has been sealed for millenia once. From Eldraine.
Exemplar Iren Balard (WUB): She/Her, human from @socialpoison‘s fan-plane of Vestria. She’s a therapist and a mind mage, only ever using her magic for the good of her patients. Exemplar is a title.
Jibea (WUB): They/Them. Human from a fan-plane suffering a slow apocalypse. Their magic is gravity-based. They go to other planes to experience and note down what has been taken from theirs.
Eternity (who’ll probably pick a different name later) (): They/Them. Result of the fusion of two oldwalkers tainted by the Blind Eternities during the Mending. Now resides between worlds. Powerful and unintentionally destructive. Depending on the nature of Eldrazis, might qualify as one.
Nksdv/Alamir (Colorless/U): Licid and its Metathran host, from Rath and Dominaria respectively. The Licid is a planeswalker. Can transport its host, but not without damages that are lethal to most, and heavily damaging to Alamir. Icalia’s chief of security.
Pallune (UGr): She/Her. Human from Ikoria. She has the ability to commune and “control” creatures that roughly belongs to one of Ikoria’s five monster clades, and as long as she’s near them, shapeshifts some of her traits to match theirs. Deaf. She can hear if she shapeshifts her ears into a monster’s, but sound tends to easily overwhelm her, so she avoids.
Vedili (WUBG): Genderfluid, tends to shift day and night. Merfolk Vampire from Ixalan. Magic over mists, fogs and other smokes. Seeks an harmony of the world where each can be their best without putting down others. Admires Elenda, who turned them.
Madaya Soari (U): She/Her. Human, formerly performing magician, until the Revolt and people’s attention shifted to actual mages. She dislikes that “mana” stuff and mages. From Kaladesh.
Maladrigol (GBW): They/Them. Treefolk who creates and steers communities over decades and centuries to maximize the mana potential of an area and harvest it for themselves, for mysterious ends.
Silena (UBR): She/Her, Human. Martial mage on Kylem, with the ability to alter water-based liquids’ acidity. From Kylem.
Kolvis (WB): She/Her, Angel, lifeforce manipulating powers, from Grixis (back when it was called Vithia).
Regellen ( R ): Genderfluid, they/them generally works. Dragon, magic focused on light, reflection and magic replication. From Innistrad.
Quzawe (URG): They/Them, Coatl, wind magic, from Ixalan. Regellen’s Partner.Quzawe’s Partner.
Akavoo (GR): He/Him, Kavu, powers based on what minerals he eats, which includes his ability to planeswalk or talk. from Dominaria.
Sky-Eyes (WURG): He/Him. Pheres centaur and unclaimed oracle, can perceive and channel divinities from other planes while he’s on them, regardless of whether or not they have a physical existence on that plane. From Theros.
Elije (WU): He/Him. Human, silver-bordered. Can enforce the rules of Magic: the Gathering within its worlds. From ????. Planeswalker.
Bios for those, and then a few more planeswalkers you’re less likely to encounter:
1) Arega (GU): Arega’s a heavily modified Lorwyn Changeling who owes their current life to the Simic, who they joined since what they consider to be their birth. Thanks to (very illegal) cytoplastic augments, Arega interacts with the world by inhabiting a krasis body at a time, or most often their prototype Guardian body. They lived years being told that one was their “real” body, and still think that way. After the Simic discovered what they were shortly after the War of the Spark, they’ve been under heavy control from the guild. Their destruction was put on the table, but so far, the Prime Speaker has deemed their value as a loyal planeswalker worth the risk of keeping them around.
2) Zarunpel (G(BW)): Zarunpel is a human from Eldraine, though her and her six sisters were “blessed” by a fae with their parents’ approval. Her own was a blessing of beauty that centered on her hair, making it long, near-indestructible and heavy. She used the strength granted to her to haul it around to become a Knight of Garenbrig, using her hair as her weapons and occasional protection, and has learned some magic to temporarily copy its enchantment to other targets. She’s very direct, often underestimated, and willing to do what needs to be done to be free of the “perfect story” that was laid out for her by the blessing fae.
3) Kinahel (RW(U)): Kinahel is a phoenix modified into an humanoid shape in the egg, and raised to wield the Worldslayer to kill an imprisoned Eldrazi (a big one, but not a titan) on Zendikar. It worked too well and destroyed the island, and for a couple centuries since, they’ve traveled with and protect the weapon, trying to guard worlds from it from being used. Don’t mention that one time on Mirrodin. They’re able to create fire on contact (and on contact with that fire) and absorb it, fashioning weapons out of the flames, and their fire can have healing properties. If they use too much magic, they can combust and die (and be reborn). As a phoenix, they’ll resurrect from almost any death into a different shape, an aven based on a different bird. Currently a corvid-like woman after their last death on Innistrad.
4) The Cursetamer (BUG): Ange Casselant of real name, the Cursetamer is a very powerful Lich planeswalker that exploited a magical item’s properties to turn herself into a lich much harder to kill than average, and maintaining her spark. Currently resides on Innistrad with her wife, Annalise, after having finally found a way to bring her back to life in a mostly proper way. She’s handling a small town of refugees/voluntary test subjects in a massive underground complex on Innistrad, and specialized in the study and manipulation of souls for decades. Now that her wife is back with her, she shifted her attention to self-sustaining spell resonances, trying to figure out what causes them and how to control them. One of her arms is gloved and hosts her soul, incapable of interacting with matter but able to grab onto more ethereal things. Her magic includes soul and life manipulation, but also many effects she can replicate of relics she collected and studied.
5) Ranek Stormplate (RW): An old Khaldeimr Dwarf, Ranek’s last name is his armor, an impressive construct of mechanical artifice and runechanting he built over a decade with the help of his partner, an engineer of renown. They later sacrificed themselves to help save the City of Eight Doors, and Ranek is convinced they were accepted into Starnheim. Since, Ranek has tried to perfect his skills in all areas except for mechanical artifice, hopefully enough to inspire Sagas that’d reach his partner in Starnheim. His Stormplate is a wonder, shifting plate summoning more parts of itself stored in aether, absorbing dangers and redirecting them. It is named after the night it was struck by lightning and used the bolt’s power to defeat a troll shaman. When fully deployed, it is closer to a small Kamigawan mech than a plate of armor. A cool uncle to many a dwarf and non-dwarf.
6) Sezashi (UG): A middle-age Orochi and former Merge-Keeper, Sezashi left that life after a Jukai attack on a prototype merge gate, and the resulting disappearance of his bonded Kami, Adima (but not of the magic they granted Sezashi.) Feeling that technology and tradition are both integral part of Kamigawa, but that neither side is properly preparing for the result of the Merge, whatever it may be. Sezashi’s magic and philosophy stems from a Kami of duality, and revolves around doubling and halving concepts and objects. From creating clones to doubling or halving something’s size to turning his four arms into two to be less conspicuous on some planes, he can maintain up to four doubling or halving effects at once, represented and channeled through the magic elements orbiting his neck. He looks for dual worlds and history on how they became the way they are, to inform how to approach the situation on Kamigawa himself.
7) Icalia (W): An aven planeswalker from Dominaria, on a wandering shard of a plane, she guided a society and opened a neutral ground for planar travelers in it, where people can now they’re safe to rest and negotiate. She deals in favors, and her powers are mostly silence-based, both magical and mundane silence. She sparked during the phyrexian invasion and in a grey area of lore that she affected quite a lot. Her Haven’s personnel is mostly constituted of her descendants on various degrees, she was married a few centuries ago but her husband passed away. She’s trying to slowly let the Haven be by itself, but it hasn’t been easy. Linked like a Source Guardian to Moloni after her sparking.
8) Szyra (BGU): A Nantuko that was born in an alternate timeline that was connected to Dominaria during the Rift Era. She was transported as she sparked into our Multiverse, and lives here now. Her life and dementia magic was mutated by her passage through the Rifts, and she now can only summon or transform things into their alternate versions from one specific alternate reality, the mix of Krosan druidic traditions and dementia casting she was taught having been altered by the rifts as well. She very much enjoys this reality where phyrexians were dealt with. They were dealt with, right? The latest Dominarian developments have left her VERY annoyed.
9) Odomi (Colorless+): Odomi was once a very weak Faerie, even as an oldwalker, barely as powerful magically than average mages. He traded his magic away (but not his spark) in exchange for being tied to Eldraine’s very Wild magic. He’s now able to do anything that is widely told and believed he can do, within limits, and he can’t lie. He became powerful enough that a group banded against him and put him to sleep for a few thousand years. Now awake once more, he’s been regaining some of his old powers, but trying to mostly spread his stories among other planeswalkers, to have them affect him on various planes. He’s mischievous, dangerous and sometimes helpful, he just doesn’t tend to think things through, or how they might affect other people.
10) Exemplar Iren Balard (WUB): Iren is a middle-aged human from @socialpoison‘s fan-plane of Vestria. She’s a professionally trained therapist, enough to earn her the title of Exemplar, an equivalent to a Doctor on the plane. She’s also a mind mage, but as an exemplar, had psychic surgery to prevent her from using it except to help, and she only uses it to supplement a more natural and lasting process. Also she’s not related to that other Ballard, as far as she knows.
11) Jibea (WUB): Born on the doomed world of Winrovah after its demise already started, Jibea never knew their plane as it once was in their lifetime. Nevertheless, they rejected the hopelessness and started traveling across Winrovah, preserving sights and stories in sketches and writing with them. They found themselves somewhat naturally protected from the dueling scourges of Winrovah, and got embarked because of that into discovering the sources of those, and removing them from Winrovah. They weren’t unscathed though, half of their face and part of their back got replaced by a shell of Aether containing a core of Void, and their spark ignited. Seeing other worlds intact, they now strive to bring back the sights and hope of those to their home. They have access to some minor gravity-altering magic, though more potent in effect outside their mana-starved home.
12) Eternity* (): Eternity isn’t much of a name, and the entity known as such may decide on another later on. It only came to be recently. Sixty years ago, two oldwalkers that were roaming the Blind Eternities when the Mending hit them, which changed them up until they crashed on the plane of Winrovah, losing memories for one and ability to keep coherent thought for the other. Recently, they were reunited and fused into a much more stable entity of the Blind Eternities, who named itself after those. It left Winrovah, unable to fix all the damage caused but not wanting to make it worse by their continued presence, and spends most of its time in the Eternities, occasionally touching down on planes to try to understand what they now are, and what they can do.
13) Nksdv/Alamir (Colorless/U): Nksdv is a Licid planeswalker that’s sentient and looking for a symbiotic relationship with their host. Currently bonded with Alamir, the metathran chief of security of Icalia’s Haven, and granting to him abilities that of their previous hosts. Nksdv can planeswalk with their host, but the process is generally fatal to said host. Alamir is able to survive such a forced planeswalk (well, it hasn’t killed him yet) but it damages both his body and mind in ways that can take from anywhere between an hour (generally for trips from the Haven since they can prepare stuff to soften the blow) to a week or more. Doesn’t do that often.
14) Pallune (URG): Pallune is from Talejiah, a fan-location in Ketria on Ikoria. She’s no bonder, but she is fascinated by the various clades of monsters. She compleated a quest for Illuna and was granted a wish to understand them, forming in her as a way to communicate with them, and match some of their characteristics, transforming parts of her body to match creatures belonging to the clades when she’s near them. Pallune was born deaf, and that magic also allows her to change her ears to be able to hear when near fitting animals, but hearing overwhelms her quickly, so she only does it when she really needs to.
15) Vedili (WUBG): A former Herald of Kumena’s band, Vedili got disillusioned with the Heralds’ mission and Kumena’s vision both, thinking neither led to a better world, just more tensions. They met with Elenda as she was leaving the Golden City, and after a brief talk, escorted her to the coast. On the way, they discussed and Vedili grew convinced of her ways. They asked her to turn them before she sailed away. Vedili’s magic is over mists, fogs and smokes, and their vampirism extended that power to themselves and blood. They strive to see peace and harmony on their home plane and others, even if personal costs need to be paid for it by themselves or others.
16) Madaya Soari (U): Madaya was a young performing magician on Kaladesh (as in, prestidigitation, sometimes assisted by artifice, not actual spells.) The lockdowns and fighting during the Aether Revolt followed by the liberation, reveal and popularisation of mages and wizards made her without clients of work for a long time. It led to her despising spellcasting, seeing it as just a flashy, skillless trend. While trying to show exactly what she thought of it, she discovered some illusion magic to herself, and the shock of that was enough to ignite her spark. She still dislikes spells and tries to avoid using magic, relying mostly on her deft hands, misdirection and fast mind, though maybe someday she’ll learn to embrace that part of her.
17) Maladrigol (GWB): A very patient and cryptic treefolk, Maladrigol acts with unknown motives. They usually find a place near a cross of leylines, and get some people to establish a community there, then guide and manipulate it from afar for decades and centuries, with the aim of maximizing that area’s mana potential and linking it to themselves. Some call them the Mana Farmer, others only see them as the old tree outside of town. What this mana is used for is a mystery, as is the extent of Maladrigol’s abilities.
18) Silena (UBR): She’s an ambitious human woman from Kylem. Her mentor tried to hijack her body and ignited her spark, and Silena has done some questionable things to retain control of herself. She’s capable of manipulating the acidity of fluids and is a skilled fighter born in the streets of Cloudspire who wants to someday see a statue of herself alongside the other champions of Valor’s Reach. So far, that hasn’t worked out for her, and some of what she’s done might be coming back to bite her.
19) Kolvis (WB): Kolvis is an ancient angel from Vithia, the land that would later be known as Grixis. To survive the sundering of Alara, she accepted the help of the people she protected, giving a small part of her life to sustain her without access to white mana, but this ability of her was exploited by Sedris in his betrayal to steal the life of many citizens of his own country. The combined life energy that didn’t go to the King stayed with Kolvis, and in those oldwalker days, became akin to a spark in her. Since, twisted by the current state of Grixis she still reflects, and relying on the lifeforce of those people she was used to harvest, she’s been roaming the multiverse, joining causes but never for very long. She just can’t find herself to trust anymore, not again.
20) Regellen ( R ): A very old genderfluid dragon usually found on Innistrad. Might not have been born as a dragon, and might or might not be the origin of  the rest of Innistrad’s dragons. They sparked millenia ago when, by accident or intention, their mind got connected to the Ur-Dragon’s for all of one second. In that one second, they lived longer as every dragon in the multiverse than in their entire life to this point, and it changed them forever. Their magic is based on sharing or amplifying others’ own magical skills, sometimes to a great extent. By themselves, they’re also able to do create and manipulate light on top of their natural draconic abilities. In a relationship with Quzawe, and delighted to see them again after more than a millenia of separation. They spent the past millenia mostly asleep in their lair, but now can be seen exploring the changed multiverse with Quzawe.
21) Quzawe (URG): An old Ixalan Coatl planeswalker. They can control winds and are rarely if ever touching the ground. In a relationship with Regellen, and they’re discovering each other anew now that Quzawe’s forced stay on Ixalan ended with the removal of the Immortal Sun. They consume intemperies for sustenance and can command those on a large scale, and they’re enjoying the tastes and skies of many worlds once more.
22) Akavoo (GR): A Kavu planeswalker from Dominaria that eats minerals and gains temporary abilities and features depending of which he eats. Sometimes sentient, sometimes able to talk, depending on what he ate recently. Mutated into what he is today from eating Ikorian crystals given to him by a planeswalker for reasons of their own.
23) Sky-Eyes (WURG): A young Pheres-Band centaur and Tromper, Sky-Eyes’s orbits always contain a view of the sky above, changing with weather and time of day. It was only esthetic for his childhood and early teens, and he became an effective warrior and raider... Until his oracle gift revealed itself, and he was warned against a raid by the voice of a god. His band dismissed his warning, but he was convinced enough to try to stop them. That only got him trampled over by his own band before seeing them be torn apart at the hand of a god’s oracles. He sparked to Kamigawa, where his open eyes could perceive the spirit realm as well as the mortal one, overwhelming him. They healed him and sent him on his way since.
24) Elije (WU): Human planeswalker of unknown age or origin. Not a serious character, and solidly silver-bordered. He fancies himself as enforcer of the Rules of Magic, making sure spells are cast and artifacts are operated under those rules, essentially making other people follow the rules of the actual card game even when they don’t make narrative sense. Can lead to some pretty impressive stuff.
Finally, as promised, a few planeswalkers that have either settled somewhere calm, retired, or similar things that may have them not be seen too much around the Multiverse.
Rizana (GW) - He/him, Selesnya bee-human. Fan plane origin. Settled as a gardener on Ravnica.
Ecxilet (WUB): He/Him, Esperite Vedalken from Esper, has two sentient magical relics, from which he draws most of his magical abilities and training. Married to @rhys-the-redeemable‘s Vahn and mostly stays on Vahn’s home plane of Deka.
Gevon Loosebolt (WR(B)): He/Him, Orc, musician. Has limited control over sand and glass. Married to @northernweird‘s Kilenka. From Deka (fan-plane). Spending time with her there, in between their excursions to see the worlds.
Lia (WG): She/Her. Leonin from Mirrodin, living in peace on Theros. Can manipulate, use and amplify light through reflective surfaces, including her own metal parts.
Hadissen Salissel (WUG): He/him. Naga from a fan-plane, ex-rescuer with magic able to shift objects and people between states of matter harmlessly. Has found a home for himself on Winrovah, helping people on the bleak plane.
Ysara (UR): She/Her. Venerable minotaur from Theros, having grown past most of her people’s violent tendencies. Her magic allows her to make objects and magic stick together as long as she wants it to. Trapmaker. Resides just far enough from a village on Kaladesh.
Cyr (???): She/Her, powerful planeswalker from Moloni, hasn’t been seen in centuries, most likely long dead. A country is named after her, but very little is known of her.
1) Rizana (GW): Selesnya gardener originally from a fanplane, Geonne, with the ability to shift between his human form and a swarm of bees. He’s been appointed as caretaker of an old Selesnya Temple Garden, living in the abandoned temple and taking care of its vegetation as a public park in exchange. A great gardener, that sells the best honey you’ve ever tasted to elite clients (mostly chefs and restaurants) at a very high price.
2) Ecxilet (WUB): An esperite vedalken planeswalker that carries two sentient relics from a fan-plane, Ferely. Has learned artifice on Kaladesh and specialized on using etherium for prosthetics or aesthetics (as opposed to full replacements like on esper). His stash of Etherium was salvaged from Tezzeret’s stash on Kaladesh, people there not knowing its value. Now married to @rhys-the-redeemable’s Vahn. Technically Cethrin and Dulbert, the two relics he carries, are independent characters too but I won’t expand too much on them here. After their wedding, joined his husband’s home town of Deka, and spends most of his time there.
3) Gevon (WR(B)): An orc from the fan-plane of Deka, where orcs, known as Osvils, are less aggressive than usual and more known for their musical and poetic work. He’s no exception, exploiting his magic over sand and glass to create temporary floating instruments and melodies. His spark ignited when he protected his village from a sandstorm by creating a wall of glass, while on the wrong side of it. He was trapped on Ixalan, far from his wife, @northernweird‘s Kilenka, for last seven years. They’ve since found each other again, and have happily reconnected, visiting planes together and re-establishing their home life.
4) Lia (WG): She/Her. Leonin from Mirrodin, living in peace on Theros. Can manipulate, use and amplify light through reflective surfaces, including her own metal parts.
5) Hadissen Salissel (WUG): A naga from Moloni, a fan-plane and, ex-rescuer with magic able to shift objects and people between states of matter harmlessly. He left his home plane in search of someplace that felt more like a home to him. He has found one in the strangest of places, on Winrovah, where he can admire the sights, blend in, and help people there.
6) Ysara (UR): Venerable minotaur from Theros, having grown past most of her people’s violent tendencies. Former Trapmaker from Skophos, with magic able to create lasting enchantments that binds objects together with other things or spells. Resides just far enough from a village on Kaladesh.
7) Cyr (???): An old planeswalker that changed the face of Moloni forever, and connected with a few other planeswalkers. Her name is shared with a country, and she’s not been seen in centuries. Presumed dead by most that knew her.
I think that’s all for now!
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