beholdthesword · 2 years
you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me
*has just finished the traitor baru cormorant*
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caehum · 1 year
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fourthcoming (copium for the possibility of new kh4 being shown at the event today)
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fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair- One-Shot
Trustfall- Alternate Ending.
A few of you asked for the alternate ending and I thought I had posted it... I was wrong. So here it is, apologies that it's way later than I originally planned😋
"Enid ..." Wednesday had allowed every piece of humanity within her to become intrusively transparent as she held the wolf in her arms, rocking back and forth while she bled out. "Please don't leave me" she begged, the image of Enid being viciously attacked by the Hyde replaying on an endless loop in her head while her best friend bled out in her arms.
"Hmmm" Enid's voice strained out the noise after hearing Wednesday's shaky and solemn voice plead with her to just live, just be alive, just don't leave her yet.
The wolf shuddered under the Seers touch, her open wounds causing her to wince, her vision becoming blurry as she faded in and out of consciousness due to the extraneous blood loss.
To bare her heart and soul in what she believed to be Enid's last moments, to let her into the place in her heart that no other had ever penetrated, to admit she was finally accepting she had fallen for Enid. Wednesday was ready, she couldn't let Enid die without knowing the impact the wolf had had on her life. But instead in her tired and panicked state all that came out was
"You are not allowed to die Enid I forbid it!" She screamed applying more pressure to her wounds and frantically pressing into every part of the werewolf she believed needed saving.
"It's okay Wens" she took a sharp breath in gripping at the slither of oxygen her lungs allowed her to inhale. "It was worth it" the strained smile that peacefully played on her lips was enough that, for the first time in a decade, Wednesday's eyes watered, seasoned tears glazed over her now bloodshot eyes.
She had to help her. She could not lose Enid now.
"No Enid l, you can't do this you can't leave me, I-" Wednesday body tensed at the fourthcoming admission of love she was about to let free "I've fallen Enid, into that corrupted abyss they call love and it's with you I think I - No I know I love you Enid" she breathed out, her lips tightening after each word. She stroked Enid's hair from her face staring darkly at her wounds and lovingly at the ever-present smile that remained still and in place on her face.
"I had no idea you cared so much" she whispered, sinking into Wednesday's arms as she weakened.
"I do Enid we were meant to- You're not leaving me or so help me god I will follow you down to deaths door and claw my way in to bring you back" Wednesday expressed her distress through threats and unfiltered fantasies.
Enid's body jolted as a small "Ha" left her lips. The werewolf girl wasn't stupid, she knew there was no way anyone would get to her in time and she had accepted that because at least Wednesday was safe. She regretted nothing. She would do it all over again if it meant the girl she had fallen in love with herself, would continue to live her fulfilling life.
"I wish others cared about me the way you do" Enid's smile faltered slightly as she stared up at Wednesday, her body shaking due to the hypothermic temperatures of the midnight air.
"They do Enid everybody-" she began but was cut short by the werewolf's quiet voice forcing out
"Not like you, my family, my mother and the people hear only like me because I'm-" she chokes on her words as her throat becomes dry and she winces slightly as she feels a hush of red escape through the injured parts of her torso.
"Forget about all of them Enid." Wednesday had never felt so much emotion at once as she finally let a tear trail tragically down her tainted skin. "You and Me. Just you and me against the world Enid just look at me." Wednesday spoke with force, urgency, her tone harsh but quiet to match Enid's as she lifted the werewolf's chin to meet her heavy eyes.
"you're only saying that because I'm dying" Enid tries a laugh but fails.
"you are not dy-" her lips betray her, not allowing the words to float into the air. Was this it? She finally admits to falling in love with Enid and now it was all over. She will not accept this.
She swallows hard, in denial plaguing her dark mind "You're not dying." She cradles Enid carefully, caressing her body, nothing but pure unfiltered love pouring from every part of her like a raging waterfall "Please Enid just hold on, help will be here soon" Wednesday had never begged like this before. She had never been in a situation where the person who was affected was ever anyone she cared about and it hurt. God it hurt so much. She hated every vile moment as she refused to accept the truth.
"What do I have to hold on too" She admits weakly, shocking Wednesday from her thoughts. Enid's life was flashing before her eyes and all the bad found a way to seep into her memories like spilled ink in a pool of water.
"Hold onto me" The Addams girl desperately grips at Enid's body sliding her hand to the back of her neck to raise her up, while she herself remained crossed-legged on the cold dirt beneath them.
"Wednesday" there's a light trace of defeat in her tone.
"Enid I-" Wednesday couldn't fight it. She didn't want to fight it anymore and she reluctantly let another tear fall as she threw her head back to curse at the sky for a moment "I feel-I love-I- you made me I-" Wednesday words become blurred as she stutters for the first time in her life trying to convey how happy Enid makes her. "Enid I-" She looks back down unable to form a sentence and her face scrunches as she sees Enid's deep blue eyes still staring up at her.
" I love you too Wednesday" Enid cuts her off once again, weakly raising her hand to touch Wednesday's frozen cheek. As her breathing slows and her eyes close, she expects to be at peace. It feels like she's floating but Wednesday's voice burns through the clouds and she can't help but force herself to stay grounded as she hears the love of her life's desperate pleas.
"Open your eyes please please open your eyes!" Wednesday's voice raises a fraction, her eyes practically bloodstained with translucent tears now. This wasn't her but the thought of losing Enid forever caused Wednesday to feel more darkness consume her entire being, something she deemed impossible until now.
"Enid listen to me" she shakes her slightly and Enid struggles to open her eyes, but does it because she had never felt so determined to listen to Wednesday say everything she had been waiting to hear the moment she had met her.
"Picture it Mon Chiot. A place somewhere far away from everything, away from your family, the awful people here just me and you far far away." She breathes in deeply, trying to force out the future she knew was an impossibility.
"Sounds nice" Enid hums out.
"Somewhere only we know. We will run away together no longer afraid to be you Enid just leave it all behind just trust me...fall with me...don't let go yet" Wednesday continues her monologue, watching as peace falls across Enid's face.
"Hold on for me just trust me, fall into me, hold onto me" she repeats, crying out at the thought of never seeing Enid again. Never hearing her laugh, never seeing her smile. Never feeling her touch ever again "And I'll -Ill be everything they weren't I promise" Wednesday pleads with her again, knowing that it's not enough but still grasping onto hope regardless.
"Don't do this Enid. If you go... I go. I refuse to let you go alone." She promises. But before Enid could answer, the light dimming in her usually glowing eyes, a noise catches her ears.
Radios and yelling can be heard in the distance and that slight glimmer of hope heightens and rages within Wednesday as she cranes her neck and yells "Over Here!". In a split second Wednesday decides they are taking too long and musters up all the strength she has to sweep Enid up in her arms and start running towards the torches and voices in the distance.
*9 hours later*
Beep. Beep. Beep. The incessant and continuous noise of hospital equipment rings in Wednesday's head as she sits at Enid's bedside. Her eyes have remained wide, her back poised, staring at Enid and watching her chest to make sure her breathing never falters.
With every twinge in Enid's breath, every jolt or jump in her heart monitor Wednesday's ears prick up and she makes a mental note of each discrepancy.
"You know whether you're looking at her or not it won't make a difference to when she will wake up" the voice comes from behind, a light care to her tone no snark to it so Wednesday ignored the urge to shoot her daggers and just replied
"But she will wake up won't she?" finally dragging her eyes away from her beloved to direct her question towards the nurse. Although with the force behind her words, it seemed like a mildly threatening comment. The nurse, who gives her a sad smile just replies "We can't know for sure but we can always hope" Urgh sympathy. And hope. Just what she needed, her sarcastic mind wanted to scream at the woman in hopes she may telepathically hear her.
"Sorry" the nurse mumbles, she knew it was not ok to give family and friends this kind of hope "I'm sure she'll wake up soon maybe try talking to her, a lot of people say they can hear you you know" the nurse tries but Wednesday had already dismissed the woman and returned to her hopeful staring at Enid.
The room falls silent again once the nurse leaves and Wednesday pulls her chair closer to Enid, remaining silent, the whir of the machines and the Seer's own breathing plaguing her ears repeatedly.
Wednesday breathes out after a few minutes, taking a moment before leaning across to take Enids hands in her own to comfort the werewolf in her broken state. She was worried about touching her. As if any form of contact would cause her fragile body to shatter upon impact. So she had refrained until now, the urge too strong to compel her otherwise.
"I'm sorry" Wednesday whispers shattering the quiet and leaning forward to place a light kiss on Enid's forehead, while stray tears still fall from her now closed eyes.
The only thought in Wednesday's head leaves her lips without permission
"I shouldn't have waited to tell you how I felt" Falling upon the deaf ears of the dead as she buries her face into the body grasping at her hands.
She cries silently pulling away, a defeated look on her face as she notices no change in Enid's current state. Wednesday contemplates returning to the silence for a moment but eventually tells herself to suck it up and keep talking.
Bring her back.
Talk to her.
Keep her here.
Make her stay.
Make Enid want to stay.
Talk to her.
"I meant every word I said, I hope you understand this Enid" Wednesday starts. "I love you, you can't leave me now, you're not going..."she breathed in deeply "not yet" she didn't expect it, didn't let hope force it's way through her words and yet as light as it was she swears she felt Enid's hand twitch after her words of comfort.
Wednesday took a breath in and swallowed her hard, staring at the blonde's hands, unable to stop the crushing weight of hope from infiltrating her mind.
"We have been on so many adventures together, granted we were running for our lives and in true torment most of the time but it was better because you were there, I want you there with me Enid, I want to hear your laugh again, I want to hear you incessantly babbling on about your stupid pop songs and colours... god wear as many colours as you like, blind me I don't care just wake up" she stroked Enid's cheek hyper focusing on her eyelids for any sign of movement. Wednesday hadn't spoken this much in her entire life and with this much feeling it made her feel faint but she powered through. "Enid" she whispers again.
That was a squeeze right!
Tears still fell slowly from Wednesday eyes, more so with every word she spoke to her and she gripped Enid's hand urging the wolf to squeeze again.
What else could she do? She was talking to Enid she was sure she was getting a response but what if it was just all in her head
Bargaining. She'll negotiate with Enid's stubborn subconscious, surely that will coax her to wake up.
"if you wake up I promise we will travel to any location you wish, let me show you the world Enid before it's too late, before we run out of time" She promises easily "You can buy all the colourful fabrics you desire, decorate our mobile home, we'll bring Thing and- and" a flicker of something behind Enid's eyelids snaps Wednesday out of her enamoured state.
"Yes. Yes! Enid please wake up I Love you " she was close she was sure of it. She no longer cared for how desperate she may sound but she was not ready to lose her new found Love and if she had too she will happily jump into the waiting arms of Death to follow Enid just so she wouldn't have to go alone.
"Enid" she whispered once more, stroking her hair behind her ear and examining her face. But it was like that flicker of light and hope died before it ever reached the surface.
Frustrated she sighed " I'll ... I'll even let you ..." she sighs even louder "You can take me shopping and- and pick out whatever you want for me and I won't even complain about your hideous choices" she breathes out waiting...bowing her head for a moment.
When she looks up the smile that crosses the sleeping wolfs face tells Wednesday everything she needed to know
"You promise?" Enid's smile grows weakly and her eyes struggle to open even in the darkly lit room.
"Enid" the name falls from her lips effortlessly, relief washing over her, her lip quivering as she caresses the girl's face lightly. She didn't even care that the wolf had lured her into a promise of a torturous afternoon filled with girly gossiping and endless fitting room tours.
"Don't cry Wens" the blonde strains out "It doesn't match your aesthetic" she replies and lets out a "Heh" still extremely hazy from
Wednesday smiles and Enid squeezes her hand once more
"Do you really mean it Wens?" She strains out, a sleepy smile of hope crossing her lips
"I do" Wednesday replies without hesitation
"Me and You?"
"Me and you"
"You promise?"
"Trust me" Wednesday kisses the top of Enid's head to seal the promise in place and allows a faint smile onto her features, wiping the last tear from her face that attempts to fall.
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i-think-im-rarity · 4 months
Mr. G, I do apologize for upsetting your employer. I am disappointed he no longer wishes to talk to me.
Please tell him I legitimately enjoyed our conversations.
I do not revel in his being upset with me, but I am pleased with the outcome overall.
I just want to be fourthcoming.
Anyway, I look forward to addressing anymore questions I have through you.
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Thank you for your contributions, Mrs. Serving Spoon. We are glad that you still hold our employer in some regards. He will calm down… Eventually.
I am glad you enjoy interacting with the reality we built, but do remember: The prisoners are punished for a reason.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Raphie and Leos fight in 07 would have so much more weight with Dee. Sure, Raphies a vigilante putting himself in danger, but now he's a father. Depending on how Leo thinks Raph got the kid, he may assume that Dee has already lost his mother, and can't believe Raph'd risk orphaning his son like that, asking if Raphie even cares about Dee, while Raphie is furious that anyone could ever question how much he loves him.
It really would! b/c i doubt Raphie was very fourthcoming with the facts of Dee's presence in the lair, not with how pissed he is with Leo. He probably wouldn't tell him much past "that's my son. His name is Dee. You scare him and i'm kicking your shell back to the jungle."
And like, during that fight, both of them are just saying things to intentionally make the other angry, so Leo would definitely try to call him out on that. But that adds so much more fuel to the fire than Leo was expecting but, as you said, Raphie would not want to be questioned on whether he loves his kid. Because he does. It would have only been a month or two at that point (like i'm not even sure Dee would be talking by the time Leo comes back, that's how soon it would be) but Raphie Loves that kid more than life itself. how dare his absentee brother try to say he didn't.
It would have turned what was essentially a pissing contest, into something more serious.
Thank you!
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Yeah, pretty much. Dee would still be pretty young by then (like Leo coming back would probably happen maybe a month or two after Dee appeared.) so they wouldn't want him involved in what was going on. Like there's a pretty big fight towards the end (not at the lair) that involves everyone (April, Casey, and Splinter included) so i imagine they would have to get Angel or someone to babysit both him and Marie when they go to said fight. I also imagine that, even though Dee doesn't exactly understand what's going on, he'd pickup on the seriousness of it and would not want Raphie to leave him behind. he would cling to Raphie until he was forced to let go and cry the entire time he's gone, only to stop when he comes back and is able to cling to him again.
Thank you!
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unboundwanderers · 1 year
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THE INVASION HAD BEEN SWIFT AND FOURTHCOMING. It was harsh, rough- it punched like a wrecking ball through a building. First came the sickness- the coughing, the dying- and the mania from the plagues that came upon the streets-- it weakened even The Archons- and the sky was turning a crimson red- a smokey grey. The sun was bright orange, raining down like an elusive heat. When the population was killed by sickness when the defenses were weakened... That's when it happened.
The Daleks came like a plague- a storm- the sky filled with darkness- sun blotted out by the storm of ships that swarmed the air. Hails of gunfire and laser bombardments dropped down on the planet. A nightmare of terror and warfare. Every capital nation attacked simultaneously. The Seven pushed on the back foot- forced to retreat from their nations- forced to run away...
They conquered swiftly, quickly- they worked tirelessly- as if guided by some eldritch power- some form of witchcraft or magic. It guided them like an invisible hand. Citizens were hounded into slave groups. Those who were resistant to The Daleks were either crushed or harvested. All opposition was opposed and crushed, vehemently. The Daleks were The Masters of Teyvat- through and through.
And you realize it's the end of your life when you wake up in an interrogation room on the vessel of what you can only assume are scientist Daleks. A blue and silver interrogation unit observes the proceedings, like a judge honoring a trial. Eyestalk and dome lights flickering at the former harbinger.
Their nations no longer had names anymore. To The Daleks, they were numbers. The Seventh District was Schneznaya... the home of the prisoner.
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kurumeki · 2 years
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【Arche 4】
“Logos Cutters” 4月29日(土) 高田馬場CLUB PHASE https://morrie.zaiko.io/e/logoscutters
“Fourth Coming” 5月27日(土) 高田馬場CLUB PHASE https://morrie.zaiko.io/e/fourthcoming
*両日開場16:30/開演 17:00
MORRIE (vo & gt) 黒木真司 (gt) FIRE (bs) 城戸紘志 (dr)
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asksrsm · 1 year
"Final Winds... Fourthcoming Winds- Ah! Fouthcoming Victory. That was the name. Sound more familiar now? I remember seeing you had been in frequent communication with them"
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equallyshaw · 1 year
I may or may not be updating my masterlist so PLEASE be advised for the posts fourthcoming...lol
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niuttuc · 2 years
How has Anedia's work been going lately? It must be a busy time for reporters.
It's always a busy time for reporters! She's recently gotten the clear and support of a higher-up within the Dimir to start her own paper, albeit small scale and specialized for now. It's very exciting, and she's currently doubling as a writer and editor in chief for it until she gets more people. She did manage to go over her former boss to do that, and got him to have to let her add a not in her last column in the Fourthcoming to tell her readers where to find her writing in the future.
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mdmedia · 2 years
MDMedia NFT Token
We are happy to announce the fourthcoming launch of Mark Digital Media's first NFT collection on Opensea through the polygon blockchain. They will be available from the 5th January 2023.
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The perks for ownership of the NFT's are; - 20% discount on any service or product - Email consultation on one issue or question - Free 1x Hour 1:1 video consultation - Free website analysis (1x website) These will be redeemable once for each NFT minted. Each perk can only be redeemed once per NFT. VIEW ON OPENSEA NOW Use the form below to register now to join the list of first buyers for a discounted starting price of 10%. Or to redeem an NFT for any of the above perks. Read the full article
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krueger-world · 5 years
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#MoodGod: We can't be youngins forever but you seen us around. We still mobbing though! I gotta big family! #NJ #Queens #BK #JA #NYC #fourthcoming #foreign #glassesgang #blackexcellence #kruegerplanet🌍 #livetwinlife #tothecloud👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾☁️☁️☁️ 📸: @ljophoto https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDFdhPJG4O/?igshid=1g142walbge33
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fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair- One-Shot
I feel like someone asked for this or mentioned this song in regards to Wenclair and now there's this.
I did not mean for this to be so emotional but I listened to Trustfall by pink on repeat while I wrote this and like... yeah this happened
TW: Death.Description of Blood.
Please don't kill me ...the other one-shots in my drafts are far more fun and less tragic 😂
"Enid ..." Wednesday had allowed every piece of humanity within her to become intrusively transparent as she held the wolf in her arms, rocking back and forth while she bled out. "Please don't leave me" she begged, the image of Enid being viciously attacked by the Hyde replaying on an endless loop in her head while her best friend bled out in her arms.
"Hmmm" Enid's voice strained out the noise after hearing Wednesday's shaky and solemn voice plead with her to just live, just be alive, just don't leave her yet.
The wolf shuddered under the Seers touch, her open wounds causing her to wince, her vision becoming blurry as she faded in and out of consciousness due to the extraneous blood loss.
To bare her heart and soul in what she believed to be Enid's last moments, to let her into the place in her heart that no other had ever penetrated, to admit she was finally accepting she had fallen for Enid. Wednesday was ready, she couldn't let Enid die without knowing the impact the wolf had had on her life. But instead in her tired and panicked state all that came out was
"You are not allowed to die Enid I forbid it!" She screamed applying more pressure to her wounds and frantically pressing into every part of the werewolf she believed needed saving.
"It's okay Wens" she took a sharp breath in gripping at the slither of oxygen her lungs allowed her to inhale. "It was worth it" the strained smile that peacefully played on her lips was enough that, for the first time in a decade, Wednesday's eyes watered, seasoned tears glazed over her now bloodshot eyes.
She had to help her. She could not lose Enid now.
"No Enid l, you can't do this you can't leave me, I-" Wednesday body tensed at the fourthcoming admission of love she was about to let free "I've fallen Enid, into that corrupted abyss they call love and it's with you I think I - No I know I love you Enid" she breathed out, her lips tightening after each word. She stroked Enid's hair from her face staring darkly at her wounds and lovingly at the ever-present smile that remained still and in place on her face.
"I had no idea you cared so much" she whispered, sinking into Wednesday's arms as she weakened.
"I do Enid we were meant to- You're not leaving me or so help me god I will follow you down to deaths door and claw my way in to bring you back" Wednesday expressed her distress through threats and unfiltered fantasies.
Enid's body jolted as a small "Ha" left her lips. The werewolf girl wasn't stupid, she knew there was no way anyone would get to her in time and she had accepted that because at least Wednesday was safe. She regretted nothing. She would do it all over again if it meant the girl she had fallen in love with herself, would continue to live her fulfilling life.
"I wish others cared about me the way you do" Enid's smile faltered slightly as she stared up at Wednesday, her body shaking due to the hypothermic temperatures of the midnight air.
"They do Enid everybody-" she began but was cut short by the werewolf's quiet voice forcing out
"Not like you, my family, my mother and the people hear only like me because I'm-" she chokes on her words as her throat becomes dry and she winces slightly as she feels a hush of red escape through the injured parts of her torso.
"Forget about all of them Enid." Wednesday had never felt so much emotion at once as she finally let a tear trail tragically down her tainted skin. "You and Me. Just you and me against the world Enid just look at me." Wednesday spoke with force, urgency, her tone harsh but quiet to match Enid's as she lifted the werewolf's chin to meet her heavy eyes.
"you're only saying that because I'm dying" Enid tries a laugh but fails.
"you are not dy-" her lips betray her, not allowing the words to float into the air. Was this it? She finally admits to falling in love with Enid and now it was all over. She will not accept this.
She swallows hard, in denial plaguing her dark mind "You're not dying." She cradles Enid carefully, caressing her body, nothing but pure unfiltered love pouring from every part of her like a raging waterfall "Please Enid just hold on, help will be here soon" Wednesday had never begged like this before. She had never been in a situation where the person who was affected was ever anyone she cared about and it hurt. God it hurt so much. She hated every vile moment as she refused to accept the truth.
"What do I have to hold on too" She admits weakly, shocking Wednesday from her thoughts. Enid's life was flashing before her eyes and all the bad found a way to seep into her memories like spilled ink in a pool of water.
"Hold onto me" The Addams girl desperately grips at Enid's body sliding her hand to the back of her neck to raise her up, while she herself remained crossed-legged on the cold dirt beneath them.
"Wednesday" there's a light trace of defeat in her tone.
"Enid I-" Wednesday couldn't fight it. She didn't want to fight it anymore and she reluctantly let another tear fall as she threw her head back to curse at the sky for a moment "I feel-I love-I- you made me I-" Wednesday words become blurred as she stutters for the first time in her life trying to convey how happy Enid makes her. "Enid I-" She looks back down unable to form a sentence and her face scrunches as she sees Enid's deep blue eyes still staring up at her.
" I love you too Wednesday" Enid cuts her off once again, weakly raising her hand to touch Wednesday's frozen cheek. As her breathing slows and her eyes close, she expects to be at peace. It feels like she's floating but Wednesday's voice burns through the clouds and she can't help but force herself to stay grounded as she hears the love of her life's desperate pleas.
"Open your eyes please please open your eyes!" Wednesday's voice raises a fraction, her eyes practically bloodstained with translucent tears now. This wasn't her but the thought of losing Enid forever caused Wednesday to feel more darkness consume her entire being, something she deemed impossible until now.
"Enid listen to me" she shakes her slightly and Enid struggles to open her eyes, but does it because she had never felt so determined to listen to Wednesday say everything she had been waiting to hear the moment she had met her.
"Picture it Mon Chiot. A place somewhere far away from everything, away from your family, the awful people here just me and you far far away." She breathes in deeply, trying to force out the future she knew was an impossibility.
"Sounds nice" Enid hums out.
"Somewhere only we know. We will run away together no longer afraid to be you Enid just leave it all behind just trust me...fall with me...don't let go yet" Wednesday continues her monologue, watching as peace falls across Enid's face.
"Hold on for me just trust me, fall into me, hold onto me" she repeats, crying out at the thought of never seeing Enid again. Never hearing her laugh, never seeing her smile. Never feeling her touch ever again "And I'll -Ill be everything they weren't I promise" Wednesday pleads with her again, knowing that it's not enough but still grasping onto hope regardless.
Again she smiles.
"I'm not letting you go." Her eyes close.
"You're not alone Enid" One.
"I'm here" Last.
"Trust me" Breath.
Silence fills the air, the shadow of death crowding over the two girls who now remain still, unmoving with tears stained skin and defeated bodies.
"I'm sorry" Wednesday whispers shattering the quiet and placing a light kiss on Enid's forehead, while stray tears still fall from her now closed eyes.
The only thought in Wednesday's head leaves her lips without permission
"I shouldn't have waited to tell you how I felt" Falling upon the deaf ears of the dead as she buries her face into the body still wrapped up in her arms.
*One month later*
"Wednesday this is the 4th time this week!" Enid chuckles, shaking her head disapprovingly.
"Your point?" the Seer smirks an unhinged smile threatening to reveal itself.
"My point isssss I'm trying to Rest in peace over here and you're making it incredibly difficult" Enid rolls her eyes, watching as Wednesday adjusts one of her summoning candles.
"Good" she smiles. A genuine happy smile.
"You can't just hold a seance every time you miss me" she lets out a giggle and Wednesday's eyes light up at hearing her laugh once again. God she missed her laugh.
"I can and I will." She bluntly states "Besides I have a different agenda today" the psychic clears her throat quietly.
"Wednesday I love you but-"
"Try and stop me" she smirks once again and begins chanting as she rises from her seated position and moves towards Enid's spirit. Enid knows full well there is nothing she can do as she reaches out and her arms swipe through Wednesday's body, giving her that beautifully sinister chill the dark spirited one of the 2 thrives off of.
Wednesday continues chanting for 39 seconds before she raises her hand an inch away from the blonde's faded face and halts her words . Enid lets out a large breath, her features becoming clearer as Wednesday lightly caresses her face. Smiling at the victory.
Enid's eyes light up " I-I can feel you" her mouth agape before she closes her eyes and slides her hands up to feel Wednesday's hand on her cheek.
"Good because I never had the chance to do this" and with this statement Wednesday pulls Enid closer, keeping one hand firmly on the blonde's soft cheek as the other wraps around her waist easily.
"Do you trust me?" She asks, inches away from the ghost she had fallen in love with.
"With everything in me" she replies.
"Good" she whispers before closing the gap between them to capture Enid's lips with her own. A moment in time she would never forget, finally kissing her beloved.
As she pulls away she whispers "One day we will be together again Mon Amour just you and me and that far away place" pulling her in for another passionate kiss.
Hello beautiful readers ... I have written an alternate ending to this where spoiler alert Enid doesn't you know... die. So let me know if you would also like to read that😋
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Listen/purchase: Forthcoming Rü EP by Rü
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kurumeki · 1 year
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【Arche 4】
“Fourth Coming” 5月27日(土) 高田馬場CLUB PHASE
開場16:30/開演 17:00
MORRIE (vo & gt) 黒木真司 (gt) FIRE (bs) 城戸紘志 (dr)
【ZAIKO】 https://morrie.zaiko.io/e/fourthcoming
【e+】 https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3839
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pynkhues · 5 years
I’ve seen a lot of requests to know if Rio has feelings for Beth, but nothing about Beth. Do you think she has feelings for him? in the end, there are not many things that prove it unlike Rio. And after the final episode I’m not so sure anymore.
I do, anon, yes! I think it’s been alluded to a few times, but that it was confirmed in the scene in his car when she asked him if she was just work to him. Beth was heartbroken and furious and humiliated in that moment, and I certainly think she wouldn’t have felt that way if she didn’t have feelings for him, and I also think that that range of emotions contributed to her actions in the finale. 
Beth’s an incredibly guarded character. She’s really not fourthcoming with her emotions or feelings with anyone, and we’ve seen that over and over again with her tendency to disassociate in the instant and then have these intense emotional, often physically destructive outbursts after the fact - taking the sledgehammer to Dean’s office, bashing the stop sign, destroying the cupcakes, etc. 
I’ve talked about it quite a bit on this blog, but I think Beth has been a ‘service’ personalty for so long - always putting herself and her own needs second, that she’s actually not very good at allowing herself to be emotionally honest or to think about her own wants and desires. As Christina said in The LA Times interview too - the sexual/romantic side of Beth and Rio’s relationship is incredibly sophisticated and complex, and Beth is someone who is really, really inexperienced, having been with her highschool sweetheart for 20+ years (and I think it’s basically canon at this point that Dean is the only other man she’s ever been with). I don’t think Beth really knows how to process her feelings for Rio, and I think she avoids addressing them, like she avoids a lot of things, but yes. I definitely think that they’re there. 
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