#far back to help them see the mcrmy was there for them
s0lsticebirdy · 2 years
come w me now on a journey through time and space.... to the world of no livestreams and potato camera.
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Addressing Lindsey
I really, really hate this topic a lot.
The fandom has been split forever over Lindsey. And here’s my take.
I’m the type of person where I believe love prevails over any emotion. It’s like overrule, the veto of emotions. There’s something so incredibly fascinating about love, true and genuine love. It’s a mystery until someone has found it, an unopened, untouched box.
That same box can open to a treasure chest of gold, and show the truest form of love. Or it can be Pandora’s box.
Yes, I believe Lindsey Way has many toxic personality traits. I don’t believe it is fair for me to classify her as a “bad person”, I don’t know her personally. However her actions lead me to believe she is definitely not a person to be necessarily fond of.
I’ve always been supportive of her and Gerard’s relationship, because (at least from what we can see) she makes Gerard happy. And after all that man has been through the very least he deserves is happiness and love. And he loves her, so I respect their relationship.
I’ve always had a very weird feeling about their relationship, however. Just the quick pace, and the events surrounding it. It just seems so calculated by her.
So Projekt Revolution starts, this is just post-Eliza breakup for Gerard. Yes, we all know she was also incredibly toxic. He was very possibly vulnerable, unsure what to do or where to go. And here comes up a woman who is ready to assist him through all of this.
We all know Gerard is highly emotional and empathetic, time after time in interviews he’s admitted it, other members of the bands have admitted it. Coming from someone with an EQ of 160 and an incredibly empathetic person as well, it’s easy to fall into the traps set up by other people. I’ve done it time and time again, but I’m still young and I know I can grow from those mistakes. So, he probably fell head over heels, not thinking too far in advance and thinking with his current emotions.
And what does she get in return? Gerard is an incredibly attractive man to begin with (I write fan fiction about him, lol, I would know) and MCR was practically on top of the world at that point. She’s a decently well known name in rock at that period, but marrying the cover of rock at that point would, well, boost you up quite a bit. Both as a musician, and in her art career.
I also want to truly mention the differences in the way they talk about one another. Basically every interview where Gerard talks about Lindsey he uses extremely strong and passionate language. When she talks about him, she does not. It almost seems bland, little to no emotion or tone. 
Not to mention as well the 2008 Fuse interview pre-Madison Square Garden show where Gerard mentions how she flew out to see him play his dream show. No offense, but in a marriage with someone who you will be spending the rest of your life with, isn’t being there to see them achieve their dream the lowest expectation? He made such a big deal out of her flying out, which tells me she made a big damn deal about it to him, which is incredibly unfair lowering the bar for yourself.
Her lack of emotion isn’t only with interviews regarding anything with Gerard. In general there’s almost no tone to her voice, she has little to no range. Her facial expressions don’t range, and her fan interactions seem less than emotional. I know various people have various ways of expressing themselves, but in general she seems to have a lot less expression within her voice, facial features, and actions than the average person.
And don’t get me started on her incredibly public, and incredibly immature meltdowns. I think it’s so important to mention that Gerard has never once defended her, which shows that he knows enough to conclude that she’s in the wrong in these situations. Especially with the whole opossum post making fun of Frank’s car accident in 2016, not cool.
In general she gives me such a weird, very off vibe. It’s hard for me to research her interviews, recorded through video or just printed and try to say that she seems like a caring, good, sound minded person. I really think something’s off, and I don’t want to accuse her of anything because I find that unfair, but my gut feeling since I joined the MCRmy almost four years has always been that she has her own intentions behind marrying Gerard, and it wasn’t just for love.
So Gerard fell victim to the forces of love. And to me, this seems more of a Pandora’s box situation. It seems in their early marriage he was incredibly happy, the happiest fans had ever seen him. In Danger Days he regresses back to his days of abusing substances, and I’m not saying by any means it’s due to her, but lots of people have commented on how he looks more miserable since then.
And I think now that he’s a father, it only adds an additional string of some sort of obligation he holds to her. We’ve seem him talk about Bandit, explain how she was the main reason he chose to come clean and eventually end the band after, once again, finding himself in another down turn of misery.
I just can’t help but think that when the timeline of some of his decline again matches up with their relationship, and no I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
And some fans may argue with me all they want, and accuse me of pushing a false narrative. But with how open Gerard has been with his character and how closed Lindsey has been aside from her public meltdowns, I can’t help but think there’s something off about the whole thing.
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: The entire relationship to me sounds like a fucked up 1800s gothic novel. Someone falls in love with someone else, and true love is a permanent glue: You can try to pry it off all you want, the stains remain forever.
However you guys feel about this I hope what I’m saying here won’t affect your perspective or view on my writing, since that’s my main forte. I’ve just been seeing more people bring this up again, especially after she blocked a fan on Twitter for calling her out for BLM (since MSI does have quite a few highly racist songs and lyrics) so I think it’s important to at least express my opinions, whether people agree with them or not.
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rpf-bat · 4 years
You Can’t Keep My Friends
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 4. Prompt: “Bat Country”. 
It’s the summer of 2005, and you, and the other members of My Chemical Romance, are on Warped Tour. You start making friends with your tour-mates, Avenged Sevenfold. But, an unexpected comment from their guitarist, makes Mikey jealous. 
You were relaxing on your tour bus, reading the new issue of Fangoria, when you heard a knock at the door. You got up, wondering who it could be. 
“Hi,” greeted an unfamiliar, black-haired man, when you opened the door. “Is Mikey here?” 
“Sorry,” you shrugged. “He’s not around. I think he went over to Fall Out Boy’s bus, to hang out with Pete.” 
“That’s okay,” the man shrugged, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.” 
“Yeah, what’s your name?” you wondered. 
“I’m Zacky Vengeance,” the man smiled. “Ok….I’m actually Zacky Baker. But, you gotta admit, my stage name sounds cooler.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Vengeance,” you laughed. “I’m Y/N.” 
“You plays drums for My Chem, right?” Zacky guessed. 
“Yeah, that’s right,” you nodded. 
“I’m in Avenged Sevenfold,” Zacky explained. “I play guitar.” 
“Good to know,” you smiled. “Did you want me to tell Mikey, when I see him, that you stopped by?”
“I actually wanted to thank him,” Zacky confessed. “Our bassist, Johnny, broke one of his strings during soundcheck.” 
“Oh, that sucks,” you said sympathetically. 
“Yeah, and somehow, we couldn’t find our replacement strings anywhere!” Zacky frowned. “But, thankfully, Mikey let us borrow some of his.” 
“Oh, that was nice of him,” you replied. He really is a kind person, always going out of his way to help others. It was one of the things you liked most about him. 
“I wanted to give him this, as a thank you,” Zacky said, pulling a beer bottle out of his pants pocket. “Could you give it to him, for me?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, taking the bottle. “I’ll put it in the fridge for him, and let him know it’s there, when he comes back.” 
“Thanks, Y/N,” Zacky smiled. “It was nice meeting you.” 
“Yeah, you too, dude,” you replied. This was one of your favorite parts of Warped Tour - you always made new friends, with other bands. 
Now, you thought, back to reading about the new Romero movie.
You looked up from the page, when you heard the bus door open. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Mikey greeted, wiping sweat off his forehead. 
“Hey,” you smiled back. “Hot out there today?”
“Scorching,” Mikey laughed. “What’s up?” 
“Zacky from Avenged Sevenfold was here,” you explained. “He gave me a beer, to give to you. He said thanks for helping them out.” 
“Oh, sweet!” Mikey grinned. He went into the fridge, took out the beer, and twisted the cap open. “He got me my favorite kind, too!” 
“I wish we had our own supply, this year,” you confessed. 
“Well, Gerard’s trying to stay sober,” Mikey pointed out, taking a sip. “So, for his sake, we can’t really keep them on the bus, like we did last summer.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you sighed. “I was being selfish.” 
“If you want one, I’ll try and find you some,” Mikey offered, having another swig. 
“Nah,” you declined. “It’s not like I need it that badly.” 
“Speaking of which,” Mikey wondered, “where is Gerard?”
Your vocalist had been staying on the bus, like a hermit, for most of the tour. It had to be boring for him. But, you supposed it was the best way, for him to avoid temptation. 
“Apparently there’s a comic book shop, not far from the venue,” you explained. 
“Oh, so, he went shopping?” Mikey realized, finishing his drink, and tossing the bottle into a trash bin. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I mean, we’re not going onstage, til like, eight o clock tonight, so he’s got plenty of time, to get there and back.” 
“That’s true,” Mikey reasoned. “It’s kinda crazy, isn’t it? How when Warped Tour started last summer, we were on at like, midday, because nobody knew who we were…”
“And then our time slot got moved!” you recalled. “Because suddenly, Revenge was like, the hottest album of the year.” 
“And now, this summer, we’re headlining,” Mikey said proudly. 
“We really have come a long way,” you agreed. 
“Since we have so much time on our hands,” Mikey suggested, “do you want to go check out Avenged Sevenfold’s set?” 
“Sure!” you agreed. “Do we need to take a couple security guys with us?” 
“Nah,” Mikey chuckled. “Just put your sunglasses on, and your hood up, and we’ll be fine.”
You joined the crowd, just as the band was starting to take the stage. The vocalist, you noticed, was a buff-looking guy in a muscle tank, wearing a backwards baseball cap. He was almost the antithesis of Gerard’s pretty-boy aesthetic. 
“I’ve met him,” Mikey said, following your gaze. “He’s actually a pretty cool guy.” 
“What’s his name?” you wondered. 
“He calls himself M. Shadows,” Mikey replied. 
“Edgy,” you joked. 
“Maybe I’m the lame one, for using my real name,” Mikey considered. “I could have been, I dunno, Mikey Nightmare, or something.”
“I like your name,” you assured him, taking his hand. 
Mikey blushed. 
“WHAT’S UP, DENVER?!” M. Shadows screamed into the microphone. 
“....Is that where we are today?” you blinked. 
“I guess,” Mikey chuckled. “I’ll be honest, the cities start to blur together, after a while.”
The crowd cheered. 
“ALRIGHT!”,” the singer announced. “THIS SONG IS CALLED….BAT  COUNTRY!”
You banged your head to the beat, as Avenged Sevenfold launched into the song:
Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay
I tried to drive all through the night
The heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights
No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me
Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone)
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone)
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention
After the set ended, you and Mikey showed your passes to their security guy, and walked backstage. 
“Dude, your show was amazing!” Mikey complimented. 
“Oh, hey, Mikey!” Zacky grinned. “Y/N, you came to watch, too?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “He’s right, you guys really killed it up there today.”
“Thanks,” Zacky replied. “Oh, hey, let me introduce you to the rest of the guys!” 
“Sure!” you nodded. 
“This is my man, Synyster Gates,” Zacky introduced, indicating a man in a grey hat. “But, you can call him Syn.” 
“Hi, Syn,” you greeted. 
“Hey,” Syn waved. “Nice to meet you. I’m the other guitarist.” 
“He’s lead guitar, and I’m rhythm guitar,” Zacky explained. 
“Oh, so, basically, the same setup that Ray and Frank have,” you figured. 
“I feel like I need to meet this Frank guy sometime,” Zacky quipped. “People keep telling me I look like him.”
“You kinda do,” you confessed. You glanced over at the drummer, who was sitting down in a folding chair. “Does he have a heavy metal stage name, too?”
“I’m the Reverend Tholomew Plague,” the drummer grinned. “But, my friends call me Rev.” 
“Hi, Rev,” you chuckled. “I’m Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you,” Rev replied. 
“I’m Johnny Christ,” said a third man, who sported a fauxhawk. “Hey, Mikey, thanks again for the assist earlier!” 
“No problem, dude,” Mikey said casually. “Where’d Shadows run off to?”
“He went to get drinks for everybody,” Zacky told him. “I’ll text him, and tell him to bring two extra, for you guys.” 
“Thanks,” you smiled. 
Just then, a summer breeze blew through the backstage area, sending Syn’s hat, flying off his head. 
“Shit!” Syn swore, watching his hat blow further away, back onto the main stage. “This is why I hate outdoor venues.” 
“I’ll go get that for you,” you offered. 
“Thanks,” Syn said gratefully. “Quick, before it blows over the barricade!” 
You ducked past the crew members, who were taking down Avenged Sevenfold’s banners, and preparing the stage for the next band. The Offspring, if you weren’t mistaken, were supposed to go on in an hour. 
A tech was taking down Rev’s drum kit, and setting up Atom Willard’s. You spotted the hat, next to the bass drum. 
“Excuse me,” you muttered. The drum tech got out of your way, and let you take the hat. 
“Oh my god!” you heard a fan gasp, who was still by the barricade. “That’s Y/N, from MCR!” 
You turned, looking at the gaggle of teenagers. They had probably stuck around, so they didn’t lose their front row seats. 
“Y/N!” a second fan called out. “Will you please sign my shirt?” 
“Sure,” you smiled. You leaned over the edge of the stage, taking a marker that was held out to you. You signed your name on the blushing teen’s band shirt. 
“Thank you so much!” he gasped. “I can’t wait to see you and the guys perform tonight!” 
“Thank you for coming to see us,” you replied. 
“Y/N, will you sign my ticket stub?” another fan pleaded. 
“Yeah, why not?” you acquiesced. You stayed by the barricade for a few moments, signing autographs, and posing for pictures. 
“Alright, guys,” you said finally. “I really do need to go give Synyster his hat back.” 
“Ok!” the fans said agreeably. “Thank you for taking time for us! Say hi to Gerard and Frankie for us when you see them!” 
“Will do,” you chuckled. The MCRmy were such nice kids. It made you feel special, to be loved by such a great group of people. 
You were about to turn the corner, and re-enter the backstage area. But, you froze, when you heard your name. You realized, that the guys were talking about you. 
“So,” you heard Zacky ask, “is Y/N single?” 
“Uh….,” Mikey hesitated. “Yeah, as far as I know, she’s not seeing anyone.” 
“That’s surprising,” Syn commented. “She’s, like, really pretty.” 
“If I asked her out,” Zacky wondered, “do you think she’d say yes?” 
What?!, you stifled a gasp. Zacky was interested in you?
“No!” Mikey blurted out. “You definitely don’t want to do that!” 
“Why not?” you snapped, revealing herself. “You think I’d be a super annoying person to date?” 
“Y/N?” Mikey gasped, turning his head around, towards you. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough,” you frowned. “Why are you warning people not to ask me out? Am I that unattractive, when I don’t have my stage makeup on?” 
“No!” Mikey said quickly. “Fuck, that’s not what I meant, either!” 
“Then, what did you mean?” you demanded. 
“I….,” Mikey trailed off, his whole face turning red. “I can’t tell you.” 
“Bullshit,” you barked. “Here’s your stupid hat, Syn.” 
You practically threw it at the guitarist, then turned, and began walking away. 
“Where are you going?” Mikey cried, following you. 
“Back to the bus!” you growled, walking faster. 
“Y/N, please, slow down!” Mikey begged, jogging to keep up with you. 
“No! Buzz off!” you told him. Your cheeks burned. 
Does he think I’d be a shitty, clingy girlfriend? you wondered. Why would he tell some complete stranger, that I’m not worth dating? I should’ve known...he’d never be interested in me. 
You climbed back onto the bus, and immediately threw yourself into your bunk. You pulled the curtains around you, as if you were going to sleep. 
Mikey pulled the curtain back again, and sat beside you. 
“Can we please talk?” he implored you. 
“What is there to talk about?” you huffed. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Mikey said gently. “Look...do you really want to date Zacky? If that’s what will make you happy….I’ll go back there, and I’ll tell him to shoot his shot. I can even give him your number.” 
“I don’t want to date Zacky,” you confessed. 
I want to date you, you stupid man. You wished you could tell him that, but you didn’t have the guts. But, that will never happen. 
“I didn’t tell Zacky, not to ask you out, because I think you’re annoying, or unattractive,” Mikey explained. 
“Then, why did you say it?” you demanded, wiping tears on your sleeve. 
“I said it because….,” Mikey hesitated. 
“Spit it out,” you insisted. 
“I said it, because I wanted to ask you out myself,” Mikey said finally. 
“I’ve been trying to find the balls, to ask you out, all summer,” Mikey confessed, reddening. “But, I could never find the right time, or the words. I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” you said softly, moving closer to him. 
“I have no right, to tell you who to be with,” Mikey sighed. “Y/N, I hope I haven’t ruined our friendship, by telling you how I feel about you. I understand, if you aren’t interested in…”
“I’m interested,” you interrupted. 
“Huh?” Mikey’s eyes widened behind his glasses. 
“I’ve been interested in you for a long time,” you confessed. “I just didn’t have the balls to tell you, either.”
We’re both idiots. 
You leaned over, and lay your lips on his. He kissed you back, eagerly grabbing you, pulling you closer. You kissed him, again, and again. 
“....So,” Mikey gasped breathlessly, coming up for air, “does this mean you and I are dating now?”
“Now,” you grinned, grabbing him by the collar, “and forever.”
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desmondsprettyface · 5 years
Some thoughts on A Summoning...
What a beautiful tribute to MCR’s legacy structured as a love letter to us. They’ve de-centered themselves and put their return in our hands. To me, it’s all about reaching back to us to say thank you, but also to say don’t cling too tightly to the past. Whilst paying tribute to everything they’ve built thus far, the ominous, sometimes outright hostile tone underscoring the chase reads as a warning: Don’t Resurrect the Dead. That’s why it’s a seance- we’re trying to contact the ghosts of the past, but their disconnect from the present is exactly what makes spirits vengeful and dangerous. Celebrate, respect, mourn, and remember the past, but don’t try to live in it.
The summoning is a journey into our own memories of each album- what they meant to us, how they helped us, who we were when we inhabited those worlds. Like time capsules of our lives, at once acutely personal and shared across the MCRmy throughout the years.
But one detail just kept playing over in my mind: why Draculoids? Each album was so compartmentalized in its own room of the memory palace. Why should this one element of Danger Days be allowed to run wild across them all? The summoning is all about looking to the future to keep your past from festering. And what actually are the Draculoids? They’re real people who were brainwashed by BLI- the masks didn’t just erase their memories, they twisted them into nightmares. The masks made them see their closest loved ones as monsters and distorted their pasts into oblivion. The Draculoids in the summoning are chasing us through our own memories trying to steal and corrupt the love in them. That’s why we have to RUN. Keep moving forward. Keep growing. Keep living and loving and learning just like our boys.
TL;DR: A Summoning celebrates the legacy of MCR whilst delivering the crucial message that we can’t live in the past now that we're all together again in the here and now.
Here’s to the future of MCR, like phantoms, forever. 🖤
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ourheartscondemnus · 8 years
Only Lovers Left Alive asks: Ian & Hal :3
The Birthday Massacre - I have seen them in concert and met them 2or 3 times and I just fall for them every time. Amazing music, perfect vibes, I love the dark fairytale genre, so it’s perfect. The band is absolutely adorable, puts on a great show, and they are the sweetest. I love talking to them and seeing them when I can. The best night of my life was the first concert I went to, theirs, where I met Chibi after the show. I made a fool of myself because I admire her so much. -Shitty picture of that time because why not-  
My Chemical Romance - Cliche as it sounds, these guys raised me, kept me company, and encouraged me for years through their music before I found TBM. I love the guys to death, but unfortunately, will never see them play live. I had a chance once, but tickets were bought within minutes by scalpers. Fuck those guys for that shit. They did it when The Cure came to town as well. I was pissed.  I’ve been part of the MCRmy (NOT KILLJOYS DAMNIT) since 2004, right after I’m Not Okay was released as a video. As they grow, I grow, but I can’t say I like all of their solo projects... I miss MCR, but I am proud of the guys for how far they got, and how their lives have been since. A few bumps, but they’re all dads now, and I’m thrilled for them. 
Third band... I think I’ll go with Jack Off Jill & Scarling, or really just the singer, Jessicka Addams. I found JOJ through an Invader Zim video on youtube funny enough, but it quickly got me hooked to Jessicka’s angry growls and screams, her raw and blunt hits at hard topics that affect girls. RIOT GRRRL is an amazing genre I didn’t know existed until I found JOJ in 12th grade (2010/2011) and now I couldn’t imagine life without angry screaming girls and girls singing about politics and the like while being rebellious and goth/punk/metal as fuck. 
Hal: Is there something you feel truly nostalgic about?
My memories of my cousin, and my grandfather. My cousin was 22 or so when he killed himself. I hadn’t seen him in a few years, but I’d missed him, wanted to see him, but had no way to. I lost him. He thought I hated him based on one of the last messages from him, a short convo we had, that I found on facebook. I had assured him I did not hate him, but I wonder often if he knew I was telling the truth if he knew how much I cared and loved for him. He was the closest in age to me, he had similar interests, when we were kids we played pretend that we were Pokemon and trainer, and in our teen years we went to school together, spent afternoons out at our grandmas, hung out, just regular things. I miss him, I miss those days, I miss his smile, his laugh. I want to go back to when we were children, to when there wasn’t an absence, a pain that won't ever heal, caused by his loss. I don’t blame him, I don’t feel anger for what he did, but I’d give anything to have him back. 
My grandpa, he was always sickly. He had major diabetes and it eventually helped lead to his death. He made me feel special and loved, he made sure of it because when I was a child I pointed to a street, where the grandma mentioned before(the opposite side of the family) lived and said it was my brother's grandparents. I was little and deduced that they weren’t my grandparents, just my brothers, based on unfair treatment (that side loves the penis and thinks boys are better than girls-also hillbillies). So this grandpa, the one I loved dearly, he’s on the opposite side of my family, he always made sure to spend time with me, talk to me, etc. When he died I was somewhat relieved for him. He’d been in so much pain and a much as I missed/still miss him, I’m glad he’s not suffering, but I wouldn’t mind going back to when I could run up to him give him ‘bear hugs’ and share my hopes and dreams with him. 
I’m just really nostalgic over the past. 
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