#i also felt like their whole set was sped up to make time for blink....and mcr just deserves ALL THE HORRORS
s0lsticebirdy · 2 years
come w me now on a journey through time and space.... to the world of no livestreams and potato camera.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
An Angel’s Discretion //
Summary: When Bradley gets a call to say you’ve been involved in a major car accident, his whole world is turned upside down.
Warnings: Bradley Bradshaw x wifeF!reader. Car Accident. Pregnancy, Bradley in a state of existential crisis. Pre-mature birth. Hurt/comfort. Goose cameo.
Word Count: 3.5k
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It felt like time stood still yet had sped up all at the same time. Your entire world had been flipped on its head in the blink of an eye—you felt like your entire life was flashing before your eyes. A Rolodex of memories played out before you as you spun out and rolled down into the embankment. You didn’t know exactly how it happened or why it happened - but regardless of that, it still very much happened and you were still very much in trouble. 
It had been god awful weather recently, so much so the Dagger’s had been grounded for the better half of a week. Bradley had been home for a change, pottering around the house baby proofing sharp edges and making sure the crib was set up just like the instruction book had said. 
It seemed that people truly believed that the car you were trapped in for nearly half an hour had flipped and rolled hours ago. An empty mangled car on the side of the road—nobody stopped to see if there were any occupants. Nobody stopped to snoop. Nobody heard your cries— the cries of a woman in unimaginable pain. Hoping, praying, as you remained helplessly tangled in your seat belt. You had blood gushing from wounds you didn’t know what exactly had been caused by and had bones that shattered from impact. 
You stayed there, trapped in a mess of broken glass and twisted aluminum, whimpering as you rubbed your swollen belly. Seven months. Seven beautiful months carrying your child. Bradley’s daughter. You’d spent seven months promising to keep her safe - keep her sound. You didn’t know the gender but the feeling was there and it was strong, you were having a little baby girl. 
Bradley wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but you knew deep down with every fibre of your being that you were having a girl, that he’d be a girl dad till his dying day. But as you slowly brought your hand up to cup over your bellybutton? You knew something was utterly wrong.
“We’re okay, aren’t we spud.” You mumbled as your vision blurred and your head became far too heavy for you to keep it lifted. “Mama’s gonna take ca-care of you.” You struggled out before succumbing to the feeling of emptiness as you drifted into unconsciousness—the sound of your shattered phone playing your doting husband's ringtone. Replay by iyaz. One final smile appeared on your bloodied broken face as you heard the all too familiar sound. 
“Baby seats shouldn’t be this complicated to fit!” Bradley groaned as he tried to figure out how to secure the baby seat into the backseat of the Bronco. Jake was too busy trying to reread the instructions. “Nope, I can’t do this right now I need a break.” The pair of naval aviators had been off work for the better half of the week and while you were out grocery shopping, Jake had come over to lend a helping hand at putting together some flat pack furniture. “Good thing this baby isn’t coming for another few months.” 
“Ah, you’ve jinxed it now!” Jake teased, clicking his fingers at Bradley to grab his attention. “Also, apparently it’s meant to face the other way round.” Jake grinned ear to ear as Bradley deadpanned him. Giving up in entirety before he turned back to the house with a huff. “Oh come on! Where are you going, Rooster! we almost had it!” Jake laughed, jogging after his wingman up to the house. 
“I need a beer!” It had been a long afternoon for the two men who had done nothing but unpack and organise the nursery. Bradley was in his own nesting phase. He’d read in a bunch of parents books that nesting was something you’d go through in preparation for the little spud on the way. He was now finding that he was doing it too. 
“Oh I’ll take one too.” Jake trailed behind Rooster into the kitchen. “Job well done deserves a bevy.” Just as Bradley opened the fridge and passed Jake the Budweiser, his phone began to ring out on the kitchen counter. “Oh—unknown number man.” Jake announced. 
“It’s probably Y/n.” Bradley twirled his wedding band as he stood to answer his phone that was sitting on the kitchen bench, not recognising the number lighting up his screen. For a moment he wasn’t going to answer because why would you be calling from an unknown number. But he just had a gut feeling. He’d called you a few times before hand but you never answered, maybe this was you calling him back? 
“Hello? Is this Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw?” A woman who sounded more panicked than calm spoke—needing a confirmation before continuing with her call. 
“This is he?” Bradley responded, turning back to Jake with a confused look on his face, eyes glancing up at the time. Five thirty in the afternoon. You should have been home an hour ago. 
“Lieutenant Bradshaw, we’ve just had a one Y/n Bradshaw admitted.” The woman on the other end of the phone call Bradley almost didn’t answer, explained. “Your wife, she’s unfortunately been involved in a severe accident and—“ Bradley didn’t hear the rest of what the nurse had to say as he dropped his phone, it clunked and clambered from the kitchen bench to the tiled floor below. “Hello? Mr Bradshaw?” Unable to process the news he’d just been told Bradley began to panic as his vision tunnel and his mind went numb. 
“Jake—“ Was it Bradley’s fault? Was he a terrible husband for not noticing how long you’d been gone? Was there something wrong with your car? You’d mentioned a time or two that the air conditioning had been making a funny noise. “Jake I can’t breathe—“ Bradley clutched at his chest as he groaned, it felt like his entire world was collapsing around him. “I can’t fucking breathe.” 
“Oh-okay, yeah we’re leaving right now.” Jake confirmed as he spoke to the lady on the phone. Hangman had picked up the phone Rooster had dropped, he listened to what the woman on the other end of the line had to say as Bradley started to sob, losing his grip on reality. 
Jake reached out to touch Bradley’s shoulder in an attempt to confront the aviator who’s world had just shattered into a million pieces, the moment he did though Jake Seresin witnessed his best friend collapse down to his knees in unimaginable pain at the thought of losing you. His girl. His wife. His best friend. The love of his life. The mother of...oh god the mother of his child. 
“Rooster we gotta g—“
“I can’t lose her!!” Bradley screamed as warm tears drenching his flushed face. “Can’t—won't lose her. I can’t!” Jake knew Bradley was hyperventilating, he’d seen a panic attack a time or two before when Bob had stayed in his spare room while his house was being painted. Jake also knew a panic attack when he saw one because he got them too. But this? This was a panic attack shrouded in heartache, one Jake would never understand. 
“Hey, hey Rooster.” Jake crouched down before his wingman— knowing he needed all the strength he could get. On the inside Jake was a mess. If Bradley lost you that meant Jake lost you too. Holding the back of Bradley’s head as he leaned in. “Listen man, this is so fucked up but she needs you, Y/n needs you to be there for her because she can’t do this alone? Alright? We gotta go— you’re her husband Rooster.” Jake reminded him. “Y/n needs her husband to be there for her okay? In sickness and in health you promised her.” 
Bradkey sobbed uncontrollably—but he got up. Knowing Hangman was right. You needed him, and like fuck was he gonna let you slip through his fingers. 
“Okay, okay let’s go.” 
It’s needless to say Bradley Bradshaw was a mess—a sobbing, shaking, totally exhausted figment of his former stoic self in the private waiting room nurses had told him to wait in. Jake contacted your mum and dad, he called Mav and Penny too who were already on their way over to the Miramar Base Hospital because hell was Mav somewhat sob going to go through this alone. 
“We don’t know what’s going on.” Bradley could just faintly hear Jake on the phone with Phoenix as he sat and twisted his wedding band around his ring finger. It kept him grounded but the tangible reminder of your love did nothing to stop Rooster's mind from thinking of the very worst. 
“We haven’t been told a single thing—“ Jake sighed as he ran his hand through his sun kissed hair locks. “No, no he’s not in a good way.” 
Bradley could hear only Jake's voice and only his answers. But he knew Phoenix would be going stir crazy not know what had happened or what was going on, they all would be. Every single member of Bradley’s naval squadron had become like family to you both. Extensions on the small albeit perfect family you were just starting. 
Bradley thought he knew heartbreak, thought he’d been through pain. He’d lost his dad when he was just shy of three years old and his mother just after his seventh birthday. But nothing—nothing, compared to the heartache of not knowing what was happening to you. If you were alive, if your baby was okay? If Rooster had just lost his young family before it had a chance to grow old. 
“Lieutenant Bradshaw?” An older looking woman in scrubs asked as she knocked. Both Bradley and Jake looked up—both just as desperate for answers. “Hi” She cooed. “My names Jannette, I’ve been with your wife since she came in—“
“H-how is she?” Bradley could barely speak at this point, he was too afraid to know but needed answers. Although he’d stood from the chair he’d been perched in he still twirled his wedding band around his finger. He still needed that tangible reminder. You loved him, no matter what the outcome was you would always love him. To the moon and back and twice over you’d say before he left for deployments. 
In all Bradley’s years he always thought he’d be the one leaving you behind—he never once thought his wife that cut and arranged flowers for a living would leave him, the naval aviator who flew super hornets for a living. But here he stood in some twisted parallel universe that felt like a plot ripped straight from an episode of the twilight zone. 
“She’s critical, my colleagues are still working on her as we speak.” The room went silent as Bradley forgot how to breathe. Jake was by his side in seconds. “It's touch and go.” 
“My baby? How’s my baby?” If anything mattered to you, it was your unborn child. Bradley knew if anything happened to them that you'd never forgive yourself. You’d rather die than live a life without your baby. You’d done everything in your power to make sure they had the best chance of being strong and healthy and safe. You’d been the perfect mother. 
“She” The nurse smiled. “Is okay, we did however have to do an emergency c-section because your wife was unfortunately not able to carry her to full turn due to her uterus filling with blood.” It was a whirlwind of emotions. Bradley Bradshaw was suddenly a father, he had a baby girl. 
“Rooster, you have a little girl.” Jake helped Bradley take a few agonising steps as he took in the news. You’d given him a baby girl. A tiny little you. How could he ever thank you enough? How could he ever begin to repay that debt of gratitude, of love? 
“You can see her if you’d like? She’s in the NICU.” Jannette explained. “But you won’t be able to touch her without protection until she’s used to the new environment, premature babies can catch infections and colds despite our best efforts, so it’s best she says in the incubation chamber.”
“C’mon Bradshaw, let's go meet your little girl, yeah? You know Y/n wouldn’t want her left alone.” Jake was right. Bradley could hear everything going on around him but he couldn’t speak. He was still taking all this in. He was a dad, a girl dad. He was the father to your daughter and you weren’t here to see him start this new chapter. 
God it was bittersweet. 
“When will I know how my wife is?” Bradley asked as he followed the nurse he towered over—she had a little waddle that Jake couldn’t help but notice. 
“You’ll be the first to know her updated condition, Lieutenant, but from what I’ve seen so far your wife is one hell of a fighter, not a lot of people in her condition would’ve come out of that alive.”
Braduheld onto that tiny shred of hope, clung to it for dear life as he followed the nurse to meet his baby’s girl—way too early. How do you introduce yourself to a baby? Jake was right beside him. Do you think Jake Seresin would ever let his wingman walk alone through such a tragedy? 
Absolutely not. 
“Bradley, this is your daughter, obviously she doesn’t have a name so we called her Jane as protocol - short for Jane Doe.” The little girl was so incredibly tiny. She was dwarfed by wires and tubes connected all over her tiny body helping her little lungs breathe. Bradley couldn’t distinguish if she looked more like you or him. But fuck he wished she looked like you. He took a seat next to the incubator that held his bundle of joy. The joy he’d been blessed with by you. The joy and light of his world he’d helped create, a blend of you and him. 
“H-hey little one.” Rooster struggled to talk. “I’m your Dadda, your mums in a little bit of a situation right now but I’ve got you yeah?” Tears ran down Bradley’s face as he placed a fingertip against the glass. “I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you, ever.” 
Rooster always said he’d never love anyone more than he’d love you—but this little girl? God she was already Bradley’s entire fucking world. For a single second he forgot you were in surgery. Watching as your daughter's tiny lips curled into a soft smile of a mere second. Bradley liked to think it was her acknowledging his presents. 
“Bradley?” Jannette interrupted, Bradley had forgotten all sense of time as he sat with his baby girl. “It’s your wife—she’s stable, sleeping but stable. She’s being moved to the ICU for around the clock observation.”
“When can I Uh, when can I see her?” Bradley let out a sob as he thanked the heavens above, his little family was okay—not great, not thriving with heath, but okay. Stable. Jake finally allowed himself to breathe for the first time all night. 
“We can go up there if you like?” Bradley nodded in response—looking over at Jake who already knew what his wingman was about to ask. 
“I’ll stay here, keep her company, go get your girl Rooster.” Jake hugged Bradley as tight as he ever had before. “You’re a dad man, congratulations.” Being the big brother Bradley needed but didn’t have. “I got you brother.”
Bradley didn’t know what to do when he first saw you—he stood at the doorway just staring at the women who had given him everything. So injured, so hurt. And he couldn’t do anything to help ease your pain. Even through all the injuries, tubs and wires, much like the little girl you gave precious life to, you still look beautiful. So gorgeous, so at peace. 
A soft “oh god” escaped Bradley’s mouth as he held back sobs walking towards you. Nurse Jannette giving him the space he so desperately needed with you. Bradley took in the sight before him. His beautiful wife, mother of his daughter, laying so lifeless in a hospital bed. He wished so bad you could be at home with him right now, tangled in the warm sheets, smiling and being your “happy go lucky” self instead of here. He wished so badly he could take you anywhere else in the world. 
Anywhere but here—like this. 
“Hey beautiful.” Bradley whispered. Biting his bottom lip to stop himself from breaking down for what felt like the one hundredth time tonight. “You don’t know it yet but you’re a mama, and dammit baby you’ll be the best fucking mum on earth.” Bradley grabbed the nearby seat and pulled it close. Once his hand was in yours there was no place else Rooster wanted to be then right by your side. Although he wished the two of you could be anywhere else together. 
“You’re gonna be okay baby, maybe not today or next week? But you’ll be okay. I won’t let you be anything but okay.” Bradley mumbled through soft sobs as he took notice of every injury that plagued your body. Every cut, stitch, wrap and blood stained patch that littered the soft and supple skin he loved so much. Bradley especially noticed the gash on your cheek—stitched. 
As Rooster sat with you, he could see your eyelids moving. He knew you were conscious, just sleeping. Heavily medicated, he knew you could hear every word he spoke. But soon Bradley Bradshaw watched in awe as you placed your hand over your stomach. Checking to see if your little spud was alright. When you noticed how small your stomach felt you moaned. 
“My—my baby?” Your eyes weren’t even open yet and you already knew something was terribly wrong. Even if your entire body was in agonising pain you needed to make sure your baby was alright. 
“Hey shh, shh, shh, I got you.” Bradley cooed, his hand gently reaching out to cup your cheek—the side without any noticeable injuries that would bring you discomfort. “She’s alright mama, she’s here a little early but she’s okay—j-just like you yeah.” 
“She?” Your eyes opened slowly at the sound of your husband’s voice—your neck killed as you turned to face him. Giving up quickly. Bradley was quick to notice the wince you let out. 
“She mama, our little girl. Both my girls gave me a pretty big heart attack this afternoon huh? Are you trying to kill me honey?” Bradley smiled. Noticing how you smiled back for a brief moment before the muscles in your cheeks gave up. 
“I’m so sorry” You whispered—eyes closed again as you couldn’t stand the light of the room. “I don’t know what happened— no one came though.” You started to cry. “No one came when I called for help for so long.” Bradley leaning in to place a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“I’m here, I came, I’m not going anywhere my love.” Rooster sobbed back, sometimes being strong meant crying along with the ones you love. “God I thought I lost you.” 
“He said it wasn’t my time to go.” You sighed, clearly fighting off the urge to fall asleep. So groggy from the medicine that even the thought of being a mother hadn’t truly set in yet—all you cared about was that your baby was safe. She was alive. 
“Who did bub? One of the paramedics?” Bradley asked, a little confused as he pushed hair away from your face and made sure the oxygen tube was sitting just right. 
“He was in the car, said I couldn’t leave you yet, that you’d be lost without me.” You softly grinned while your eyes rested. “Had a moustache just like yours.” 
Bradley sat back in shock as he watched you drift back to sleep. Holding your hand thinking how the universe worked in mysterious ways. Bradley had promised to love you in good times and in bad - through sickness and in health. He’d live in the damn hospital if he had to—anything to be by your side. 
“God I hate it when he does this.” Goose groaned as he watched his son’s name appear on the shattered phone on the floor of your busted up car. “You’re not ready, it’s not your time so why bother even putting your through this crap.” The man spoke as you fell unconscious. “It’s not your time my dear and my son certainly needs you by his side or he’ll go crazy.” You listened, tried to nod, smile, anything to let him know you heard him. “You’ll be alright kid.”
Bradley Bradshaw had his family. He had his daughter, he had you. Going back and forth with Jake from room to room watching as both his girls slept. Both of you were still so unaware of the turmoil Bradley had been through. He nearly lost you. Without you? Bradley would’ve been helpless. 
But someone watching over him knew that as well as he did. A guardian angel not only watched over him....
But over his girls too.
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thegettingbyp2 · 1 year
Aaron Tveit with an exhibitionist/humiliation kink for his sub partner?
A Reminder
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A/N: I paired this with another request I had about Aaron taping him punishing the reader :)
You knew that this time, you had pushed it.
You were always able to push your luck with Aaron, knowing that he would always put you in your place if you stepped out of line. However, this time, you knew that you’d taken it a bit too far. Aaron had taken you to the gala night of Moulin Rouge and whilst you were insanely proud of your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but spend the whole night teasing him; pressing up against him anytime you could until Aaron politely but quickly excused the both of you, wanting to get you home as quickly as possible.
‘What the fuck was that tonight?’ he asked the second the front door closed behind you.
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ you replied, blinking up at him innocently. ‘I was just really proud of you.’
‘So, we’re playing it like that tonight, are we?’ Aaron scoffed before gripping the hair at the back of your head and tilting your head back to mouth at your neck, whimpers already spilling from your lips. ‘Get out of that dress and across my lap,’ he whispered against your lips.
A shiver ran down your spine as you quickly removed your dress and moved to kneel by the sofa, waiting for Aaron to sit down. You watched as he balanced his phone on the coffee table, setting it to record before moving to sit down, raising an eyebrow when you didn’t move into position straight away.
‘What’s that for?’ you asked warily, glancing over at the phone.
‘A reminder.’ He replied bluntly. ‘So, you know what to expect next time you pull a stunt like that, that alright?’ he asked, carefully watching your face for any sign of hesitation. You felt your cheeks flush at the thought of Aaron having a video of you on his phone, heat also wrapping around your body as you nodded. ‘That’s my girl,’ Aaron said, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before moving back, ‘now, I’m pretty sure I told you to get across my lap.’
You scrambled to lay across his lap, letting out a shaky breath as you felt Aaron’s hand brush down your bare back before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties before pulling them down your legs. ‘So pretty,’ he mumbled under his breath as you shivered as his hand brushed against your ass, ‘tell me why I’m doing this?’
‘I teased you all night,’ you whined, yelping as his hand harshly came down on your ass.
‘I don’t know.’ Another smack landed on your skin and you pushed your hips up, searching for his hand.
‘You did it because you decided that tonight would be the perfect night to be a brat. You did it because you knew that I wouldn’t be able to punish you in front of everyone. Is that what you wanted? You wanted me to bend you across my knee in front of all of my castmates so they could watch?’ He let out a low chuckle when he felt you shift on his lap at his words. He delivered three more sharp spanks to your ass before dipping his fingers lower, sliding two fingers into your pussy and groaning when he felt how wet you were. ‘Fuck, that’s really what you wanted wasn’t it? You wanted all of my friends to see how much of a slut you are for me.’
He set a slow pace with his fingers sliding in and out of you, his thumb every so often dipping lower to brush your clit, your hips jerking each time.
‘Aaron,’ you whined, trying to move your hips to make his fingers move faster, only to be stopped by Aaron’s free hand pressing down on your back, just above your ass to pin them down.
‘What is it, baby?’ he asked softly, his words matched with the soft but steady push of his fingers inside you sending a warm wave washing over you.
‘I’m so close,’ you whimpered, trying to push against his hand.
‘I know,’ he cooed down at you, speeding his fingers up slightly and sliding his other hand up your back until he wrapped his fingers around the nape of your neck, holding you down against his lap. He sped his pace up until he felt your pussy clenching around him. It was at the exact moment you were about to fall over the edge that he pulled his fingers away from you, a desperate cry leaving your lips. ‘Did you really think I was going to let you cum? Baby, you’re being punished, if I let you cum you wouldn’t learn your lesson, would you?’
He carefully moved you off of his lap, laying you down on the sofa as he moved to stop his phone from recording. ‘I forgot about that,’ you said shyly, gesturing to the phone in his hand.
He chuckled, moving to rest your head in his lap, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. ‘You’re going to look beautiful in this video,’ he said, ‘and every time you decide to act out and be a brat, we’ll just sit and watch this video to remind you of what exactly happens when you do.’ He said it in such a casual tone of voice that you couldn’t help a shiver run through you, knowing that he meant every word.
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bluecookies02 · 4 years
Kinktober2020 -ending kink fest
warnings: consensual gun play(dabi), wax play(hawks), public sex(shigaraki)
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pic credit:birf on twitter. follow her, fucking follow her you'll thank me
He will put a gun to your lips, make you loll your tongue out and drool over the barrel, his finger jolting and twitching on the trigger all while his face holds a nerve-wracking smile that you can't figure out.
The truth is, you look so beautiful, your knees sore and red, slightly spread apart on the floor while the small vibrator buzzes against your clit.
He can still see the glimmer of trust behind your eyes, your eyelids hooded and pupils blown wide.
"You're so fucking crazy, you know that?" He comments as his shoe slips between your legs, your sweet juice coating the once dry leather.
You nod, reaching your arms to his pants, clawing at the fabric in attempts to finally get him out of his clothes.
The gun slips out of your mouth, the now wet pipe gliding over your tits in small circling motions, stopping briefly at your hard nipples.
It then goes back under your chin, your eyes meeting Dabi's once he kneeled down to your level, his lips hungrily pushing against yours, his tongue going as far as it can reach, a hum leaving his throat once you feverishly grip at his shirt.
His free hand slips past your slick folds, adjusting the small vibrator before filling you up with his digits.
Fuck...You're too beautiful to be left living...it's a thought that often plays in his mind, but he's selfish, wants you to himself for as long as he's alive.
His fingers expertly find your G-spot, his lips leaving yours as he takes his time looking at you, praising you and waiting for you to finally fall apart after undoubtedly agonizing hours of waiting.
"Lose yourself for me, doll."
And you do. Your orgasm is ripping through your body, your chin being held up only by a shaking gun against skin.
You manage to look at him through your almost closed eyes, his jaw tightened and his chest heaving, his whole arm trembling as you ride out your high.
He places the gun on the floor carefully before pouncing on you, trapping you beneath his arms and the floor, rubbing his clothed length against your damp hole, groaning at the way it seeps through the layers.
"I'm gonna make you wish I pulled that trigger" You smile up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer, your mouth ghosting over his ear.
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pic credit:kawaiitentacles on twitter!
You're shivering under the heat, droplets of hot wax slowly cooling off on your skin, his wings spread open and waiting as the last droplets of melted wax fall over your chest.
Your body convulses at the new wave of pleasurable pain, your chest rising and falling as you try to catch your breath.
He chose red...he always does, there's something that makes the setting ever so intimate, like you're slowly becoming his with every pearly stain on your chest.
Your pussy is smeared with drying wax, his fingers made sure your clit was completely covered in it, smearing the now barely warm liquid from your chest down to you puffy nub.
Your tits were a piece of artwork that he was sickeningly proud of, trails of red running down between them and to your belly button, some patterns obviously made by his fingers guiding the wax.
He settles the candle on the bedside table carefully, placing it back on the ceramic plate.
His cock is straining against his boxers, the perfect petal looking trail leading to your hole looks sinfully erotic, red beads all centering to your tortured clit.
You whine under his gaze, bending your legs to your knee, inviting him to slip inbetween. He does, his boxers now long gone as his cock head ghosts between your folds.
He watches the wax crack apart almost unnoticeably, each time he spreads the lips apart with his length.
He finally prods inside your heat, groaning when your legs hook behind his back.
Sometimes you wonder why he refuses to tie you down during these, but if you were to know that it's because he loves to see you jolt and shake, you would clearly tease him for being so sadistic.
Instead his arms pin yours on both sides of your head, plowing deeper in you when his chest presses against yours. It's almost too deep, fitting snuggly against your cervix and still pushing the tight walls wider.
His hips begin to move, his lips latching on your neck as he rocks his body into yours. It's passionate somehow... he can feel the wax brushing against his chest, each roll of his hips sending him even deeper in the crook of your neck.
His low rumbles and moans are so close to your ear, sending your mind into a frenzy. You're so close, so so close, yet you need just a bit more, wriggling your hips you try to find the perfect angle, getting frustrated when it takes you so long with no success.
You fight his hands while he's lost in chasing his own high, your arm freed from his grip with little struggle, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him to look at you.
The angry look on your face made him smirk, his next thrust perfectly hitting that soft patch inside.
"There you go my greedy little bird..." he whispers, moving the hairs away from your cheeks as he cups it into his palm before digging the pads of his fingers into your jaw.
His thrusts sped up, abusing the spot inside you, the clacking sound of your wet pussy filling the room. He was so close, the veins of his cock throbbing and pulsating, the fingers on your jaw tightening.
The build up became too much, headboard banging into the wall, the knot in your belly threatening to snap loose any second. Finally you felt your ears buzzing, hot waves crashing under the surface of your skin, your muscles giving out as you rode the high.
In a blink you were suddenly empty, hot ropes of cum splashing on your chest in continuous spurts, your boyfriend's groans and ruffling of feathers filling your ears.
There's a strained growl that leaves his throat when he lays next to you, his wings falling onto your chest, helping your body to stay warm as you begin to cool down.
He loves you. He can't stop saying it while he holds you to his chest, delaying the clean up just so he can say it as many times as possible.
You'll murder him if he makes you fall asleep like this, so he wills himself into getting up, not exactly agreeing to move away from you. He is picking you up and leading you to the bathroom, sending his feathers to prepare everything so he doesn't have to let go. He won't mind that you're practically asleep in his embrace...leave everything to him, he's got you.
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You should've known really....
The famous wanted villain doesn't just ”feel like cinema date”.
You had your hopes up, imaginably high...Dressing up all cute and pretty. Spending hours to get ready and be perfect for your first public date.
You knew the risks, but the thought of enjoying a normal afternoon like a normal couple blinded your eyes.
None of that stopped you from spreading your legs even further apart in your seat, the lace of your panties tugged to the side as long slender fingers rubbed between your fold, smearing your arousal over your pulsing clit.
You were holding your skirt up to your tummy, one of your fists securely gripping your panties as you pushed your hips against his hand.
His intention was to get you worked up, pull you to the bathroom and have his way with you, yet he found himself lost in you muffled moans, your plump lips turning red and bruised as you dug your teeth in them.
It shouldn't matter, you were at the far end of the movie room, a few empty rows separating you and the group of guys that also came to see the film.
His other hand pulled at your chin, separating your lips and sending you a glare.
He didn't want you quiet. He wanted those bastards to turn around, be angered by the fact that a freak like him is having such a messy little slut on his sleeve.
Wetness seeped into the material of the red chairs, making the cloth a few shades darker. Your arms were now wrapped around one of his, hugging it to your chest as low whimpers left your throat.
You were squirming in your seat, making the screws screech with every movement of your hips. The sounds of your slick pussy seemingly at least 10 times louder in your ears.
His digits were now steadily pumping in and out of your warm cavern, never faltering when one of the men fake coughed, adjusting in his seat.
The movie wasn't even halfway through when you felt your high approaching.
The palm of his hand bumped into your clit with each thrust, your concerns pushed to the back of your mind the more his pace picked up.
You were now more than sure that the whole room knew, your slick cunt producing sinful sounds that were impossible to match anything else.
Tomura could feel your nails digging into the muscles of his arm, the wrinkled material of his shirt almost giving out and ripping under your clawing.
He's grinning from ear to ear, yet you can't seem to know why, his efforts doubling as he stares to the side.
You don't have the strength to move or to question his motives when you feel the electric pleasure in your stomach, the muscles there convulsing and flexing as you reach your high.
It comes not as pleasurable as it's embarrassing, the guilt eating at you as soon as you've reached your peak. Coming down from it proved even harder, Tomura’s long still fingers waiting for you to calm yourself before slipping out, cleaning them up on your skirt.
He's pulling you from your seat seconds later, rushing you out the room and out to the hallways.
”What the hell Tomura?” You try to question as you run behind him.
There's that grin again, his eyes squinting and his teeth showing only a bit.
”Cameras, they had cameras” you weren't supposed to be shocked, it's normal and pretty common, you were supposed to be aware of that.
What pisses you off is that grin that still hasn't left his face, making your brows furrow and cheeks puff up.
The nerve.
Leave feedback, I’m an attention whore. Please and Thank you🥺
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
good for nothing
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member: juyeon genre: angst (royal au) word count: 4,635 synopsis: despite being the first born and the kingdom’s princess, you lived your whole life in the shadow of the crown prince born to a concubine. in your plot for revenge, a fool in love comes along your path. warning(s): violence
kingdom masterlist
Princess Y/n. You were the first born of the king and queen, educated beyond societal standards for girls, and incredibly beautiful. Yet, you were disregarded and looked down on since the moment you were born. Your brother, who was born to a concubine, was the crown prince and received much greater respect. The reason? You were a girl. A good-for-nothing girl as your father called you on multiple occasions.
The king was ashamed to have his first born be a daughter. He also felt threatened by your rejection of the status quo. Because of this, he grabbed every opportunity to make you submit to him.
You were exceptionally smart but no one cared to notice. Your desire to learn was ignored and you were forced to embroider butterfly patterns instead. At a young age, you realized your place. You knew your designated fate was to be a political pawn meant to be married off at a beautiful age. To protect the royal family that never considered you as one of their own, you were to marry a complete stranger one day.
However, just because you realized your place didn’t mean you accepted it. You defied the rules at every chance you saw. You remained a headache for the king, but a small enough headache to avoid his wrath.
Unbeknownst to him, you were well versed with the dirty politics of the country. Ever since you were a little girl, you would eavesdrop into the ministers’ conversations and manipulate the eunuchs to take a peak at written grievances sent to the king. You knew about the starving peasants he ignored and the bribes he received. As you grew older, you became hungry for power. When it became apparent that the king was blocking any hope for you, you were determined to take as many people down with you. You refused to suffer alone.
The king always berated you for being greedy. Greedy for education. Greedy for acknowledgement. Greedy for a life that was more than just being a good wife. He reminded you again and again that you would never have a voice in official affairs.
Every time you left his chamber after another lecture, you made sure to humiliate the embarrassment the kingdom called the crown prince. You would outshine him one way or another. Whether it be pointing out his grammar mistakes in front of the scholars or exposing his secret palace escapes to the queen, you would dampen his mood for the day. It was the only thing that gave you a speck of joy.
There was also only one thing that gave you something to look forward to. For years, you had been conspiring against the royal family. You despised the royal family and its classist, sexist, and pretentious values. You planned on getting rid of it once and for all. The kingdom deserved a leader that would rule benevolently. Slowly but surely, you gained the loyalty of several ministers. Soon enough, you would be able to execute the meticulous coup d'état.
But until then, you had to continue to be nothing but the king’s puppet. Which included meeting your fiancé. You were introduced a week ago and wedding preparations were already in full swing.
The man you would be forced to wed, Lee Juyeon, was the first son of the Chief State Councillor. You didn’t like him the moment you saw him. He was a pretty face that grew up with his father’s full love and support. He was both elegant and masculine; he was the definition of perfect and you hated it. A person had to have flaws to be likeable.
For some crazy reason you couldn’t wrap your mind around, Juyeon was infatuated with you. He visited the palace every day just to have you decline his request for a meeting. He was persistent.
Unfortunately for you, he was also crafty. He figured out that announcing his arrival to the king was an effective way to see your face. The king was delighted to see the Chief State Councillor’s son head over heels for his daughter and thus, to your annoyance, daily meetings were arranged for you two.
“Tell me, Lord Lee, what about me is worthy of your obsession?” you asked.
You were sitting at one of the gardens within the palace walls. He had insisted on the location because of its romantic beauty.
“Then tell me, Your Highness, what about me is not to your liking?” he grinned.
“Do you wish to hear the answer of the princess or the answer of Y/n?” you raised a brow, making him laugh.
“You amuse me, Princess Y/n,” he turned his head to look at the pond.
You sighed, wondering how long you had until you could return to your residence. The man next to you was oblivious to your feelings as he rambled on about the dates he wanted to take you on. He caught your attention when he mentioned sneaking you out of the palace for half a day.
“You would really risk taking me outside of the palace?” you perked up.
He was excited to see you finally engaged in the conversation and nodded profusely. He promised to set up an elaborate plan for a smooth date. Grudgingly, you accepted his offer. Your wish to see the village overwhelmed your wish to avoid your soon-to-be consort.
The next day, a court lady secretly found you to notify you of his plans. To evade the eyes of palace maids, you were to escape through a path not commonly used. She helped you scale the wall and you froze when you saw Juyeon on the other side. You sat on top of the wall and he extended his hand for support. With a tight smile, you held his hand and jumped down.
He pulled the veil over your face to keep your identity hidden, blushing when his hand slightly brushed your cheek. He hopped onto the horse and gestured for you to do the same. Hesitantly, you held his hand again to climb on.
Using the excuse of maintaining balance, he urged you to hold on tightly. You weren’t left with an option when he sped up, prompting you to instinctively hug his waist. You didn’t have to see his face to know that he was smiling like a fool.
At last, you finally arrived at the village. Fascinated at the change in environment, you looked like a child surrounded by toys. Chuckling, Juyeon admired the view in front of him. In his eyes, you were prettier than any flower and sweeter than any candy. Feeling his gaze on you, you cleared your throat and began walking.
There was so much to look at. He caught you staring at the rows of yeot and purchased the confectionery without you asking. You immediately popped one into your mouth and he laughed when your cheeks expanded to resemble a squirrel.
“Are you teasing me?” you frowned.
“No, I am appreciating your adorable and lovely appearance,” he answered as he handed you the bag holding the rest of the yeot. His words didn’t fluster you. You simply rolled your eyes and resumed walking.
His long legs were quick to catch up with you. Enjoying your presence, he watched as you fawned over little trinkets. It was a new side of you that he had never seen.
Stopping at an accessory shop, you scanned the norigaes displayed on the table. One of them caught your eye and you held it up for a closer look. It was a beautiful pale pink color that perfectly matched your current hanbok.
“It seems a norigae is better at capturing your heart than I am,” Juyeon pouted.
“Perhaps it is prettier than you,” you shrugged.
“Is this an implication that I am pretty? To a certain extent?” he beamed.
“How do my words become that?” you exclaimed.
With another laugh, he took the accessory from your grasp and went to pay for it. You blinked at the sudden sight of his back, noticing for the first time how broad his shoulders were. When he came back to your side, he held the norigae in front of you but pulled it back when you reached out for it. He pointed at the bag of yeot and opened his mouth. Baffled, you turned around to walk away.
He caught your wrist and spun you back around. He bent down and your face stopped an inch away from his. His usual shy self was gone and he had a confident smirk on his lips.
“Does your heart not sway even at a close distance like this?” he asked. This time, he caught you off guard. When you finally came back to your senses, you hurriedly shoved a piece of yeot into his mouth and stormed off.
“Y/n, you make me laugh too hard and too much!” you heard his voice call out, making you blush crimson with embarrassment.
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With your upcoming wedding looming over your head, it became increasingly difficult to communicate with the ministers. There were too many eyes to be wary of. Juyeon, of course, was one of them.
As you spent more time with him, you realized how sentimental he was. He brought you small, meaningful gifts and loved to tell you about the meanings behind each flower.
“Did you know that the plum blossom is one of the indications of spring's arrival?” he asked one day. “They can bloom as early as late March.”
“I think it is quite obvious that it is spring,” you commented, pointing at the variety of flowers surrounding you.
“My personal favorite flower is the rose of sharon,” he continued. “It is nicknamed the “immortal flower” and means “eternal blossom that never fades” because of its resilience. It regrows despite harsh conditions and even after it is damaged. Amazing, isn’t it?”
You hummed, looking for the flower he was talking about.
“I used to hope that our kingdom would take after the flower. We have survived through many tragedies and I hope that we will survive through anything else that tries to beat us down,” his words pricked you for some reason. Would your rebellion be seen as a tragedy or as a heroic deed?
“Now, I like to think that our love will be like the rose of sharon. My love for you will never fade and I will continue to pine after you despite your harsh words. Even if you hurt me, my feelings will transcend time,” he smiled. “The flower does not bloom until July. My wish is to go see them with you. Would you bless me with your presence when the time comes?”
You observed his lovestruck expression and couldn’t bring yourself to say no. Again, you were at a loss trying to understand why he was so besotted with you. His childlike innocence was almost pure to a fault in a place like the palace.
“I shall consider it if you teach me how to swing a sword,” you proposed.
He couldn’t hide both his shock and happiness. He was confused as to why you wanted to ever hold a weapon but glad that you were slowly opening up to him. Without a second thought, he agreed to your proposition.
Juyeon was full of bliss at the thought of spending more time with you. Teaching you swordsmanship would allow him to be intimate with you and he was thrilled. At your first secret lesson, his heart raced at your proximity as he guided your hands on how to properly wield the blade.
A week passed by and you quickly improved each day. Eventually, you became skilled enough to land a fake jab. Seeing your proud smile, he grinned as well.
“I guess I should be on edge now. If I annoy my princess one too many times, my life will literally be at your hands,” he joked.
“Do you regret training me?” you smirked.
“Ah, was this all a part of your plan?” he pretended to gasp. “Either to kill me off or to threaten me to obedience?”
Not finding his joke funny, you blankly stared at him. Noticing the sudden chill in the atmosphere, he awkwardly laughed.
“Do not worry, Your Highness. I will always do as you say. You do not need a sword to make me behave.” he smiled.
You hated to admit it but he had grown on you. His constant attempts to tear down your wall had finally made a crack. You had to stop before he became your weakness.
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For the first time in a while, you were summoned to the king’s chamber. Expecting another reprimand, you dreaded the walk there. To your surprise, however, you were greeted with a smile he hadn’t given you in years. It kind of freaked you out.
“You called for me, Your Majesty?” you bowed.
“I hear you have been getting along wonderfully with the Chief State Councillor’s son. Finally, you are fulfilling your duty as this kingdom’s princess,” he commended.
What a back-handed compliment. You wanted to roll your eyes at his passive aggressiveness. Holding back your urges, you politely smiled instead.
“I just wanted to let you know that I will be in a hurry to complete your wedding. I need the Chief State Councillor’s support to find a suitable wife for the crown prince,” he announced.
“Is my marriage merely a way for the crown prince to find a wife with a powerful family?” you shot back.
Your question turned the mood scarily sour. You felt his anger rise as he chastised you for your impudence and disrespect.
“The crown prince is the future leader of our kingdom. He is more than deserving of the immense care, thought, and effort that goes into picking his consort. His consort will be this kingdom’s queen and will be the one to bear the next king. You are nothing but a useless girl who will belong to a different family.”
“I am still a member of the royal family, am I not?”
“You are just a good-for-nothing girl that will leave this palace soon,” he spat. “Now leave. You are dismissed.”
On your way out, you ran into the crown prince who looked at you in a way you found to be offensive. You paused your steps and turned around.
“I wish you fertility, Crown Prince. After all, the kingdom relies on your performance to produce an heir to the throne,” you said, lacing your words with venom. “I would imagine you would hate having to adopt a nephew.”
You could tell you had gotten under his skin yet again and left satisfied. You loathed and condemned your family with a burning passion. You couldn’t wait for the day it would all come to a bitter end.
While you were brooding, you didn’t notice Juyeon sneaking up on you. When you finally saw him, you nearly jumped. Your hand reached out to cover your heart, trying to calm it down. Sheepishly, he apologized for startling you.
Trying to keep you from walking away from him, he held onto the hem of your sleeve. Your heart softened at the gentle manner he treated you with. Ignoring your instincts, you let him cling onto you. Instead of making you turn around to face him, he walked in front of you.
“Will you accompany me to the garden today as well?” he asked earnestly.
Knowing that the court ladies were watching, you reluctantly accepted his invitation once again. This time, he surprised you with a bag filled with yeot. He looked so proud of himself for remembering your love for the sweet treat that it made you laugh. As a reward, he grabbed a piece for himself. Unaware of the smudge it left on the corner of his lips, he was conscious of your gaze and tried to look attractive.
“Worry not, Your Highness. You will get to look at this face every day and every night once we marry,” he assured.
Despite his wise exterior, he had a goofy side to him. He was pure and innocent—everything you weren’t. You could see why the king favored him so much.
“I do not understand why you are so eager to become my consort,” you suddenly blurted. “You know that it is just a flashy title that does not award you with much privileges. It is an empty position; you cannot hold office without a special order from the king. Do you simply see yourself as a stepping stone for your father to bring honor to your family?”
“Is my love for you an acceptable response?” he asked after some thought.
“Is it truly worth your dangerous status as the princess’s husband and king’s son-in-law? The royal family has many enemies,” you warned.
“I will be the one to protect you from such enemies,” he declared.
Was he naive or has his affection for you blinded him?
“Princess Y/n,” he said solemnly as he held your hand. “I promise to love and protect you for as long as my heart beats. No, even after it ceases to beat, I will still yearn for you. I will not demand or expect you to do the same. Even if your feelings for me are not as strong as my feelings for you, I will not blame you. But will you please give me the chance to try to win you over?”
His confession triggered an alarm in your head. He was never supposed to fall for you this hard and you were never supposed to allow him to. He had no idea how cunning and conniving you really were. Only the people in the palace knew how cold-hearted you could be. You had to be in order to survive.
You refused to give him a reply and pulled your hand away. His face fell but he forced himself to smile again. In an attempt to break the tension, he made a random comment on the weather.
After you two parted, you decided to speed things up to initiate the revolt. Once you joined hands in marriage, Juyeon would inevitably end up a target as well. If you wanted to spare him, you needed to overthrow the corrupted royal family before he became a part of it.
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It was officially the day before the insurrection. To be honest, you weren’t really nervous. This was what you had been anticipating your entire life.
Yet why did you have a moment of weakness when you saw Juyeon that afternoon? He approached you with that boyish smile that did wonders to your normally rational mind. Feeling what you believed was pity, you wanted to leave him with a pleasant memory.
So you ended up convincing him to sneak you out of the palace again. This time, you were a lot more enthusiastic. You wanted to try all the pastries and insisted that he taste them too.
“You seemed to have a lot on your mind these days,” he carefully pointed out. “Has the problem that has been bothering you been resolved now?”
“It will soon,” you eluded.
You stared at the man in front of you, observing his features. He was, without a doubt, good looking. You could see why all the court ladies, palace maids, and girls of the village were so smitten with him. But you still didn’t get why he chose you to fawn over. Maybe it was because of the lack of affection you grew up with but something about having someone care for you was unsettling.
You had suitors court you before but none of them were as devoted as Juyeon. He always came off as genuine. Perhaps his sincerity was what made you lower your guard.
“I promise to lavish you with such outings if that is what makes you happy,” he proclaimed, almost making you laugh.
“Why do you make so many vows?” you inquired.
“I am a man who keeps his word and you are the only one I give it to,” he grinned. You wondered how happy he had to be to smile so often. You rarely had reasons to be smiling.
He glanced down at the table and examined the rows of binyeos. Holding one up, he held the hair pin against your hair.
“May I gift you this binyeo?” he asked.
You pursed your lips, feeling just a tad bit of guilt. You were used to being showered with extravagance but with Juyeon, it was different. There was an emotional value attached to each present.
“Only if you promise me one other thing,” you negotiated.
“Of course. I will do anything you ask of me,” he responded.
“Promise me that you will not visit the palace tomorrow,” you said sternly. He looked at you with curiosity.
“Tomorrow is… a day of mourning for me. I do not wish to see you until the day after,” you lied.
“This is the first time you have expressed your desire to see me,” he lit up at your last sentence. “I will prepare a magnificent date for when I see you over-morrow.”
You almost felt sorry for his naiveté. And you almost—just almost—felt sorry for deceiving him.
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The fateful day arrived at last. You stood, taking one last glimpse at your reflection. Subconsciously, your hand reached out to touch the binyeo in your hair.
The roars of the royal guards and the clanks of combat rumbled throughout the palace. With a determined look, you left your chamber. The sword in your clenched fist dragged across the ground as you made your way to the throne hall.
When you finally busted through the door, the king sat as if he had been waiting for you.
“I should have known that this was your doing,” he scowled. “Was your luxurious life as a princess not enough for you? Could you not fight the temptation of avarice?”
“Nothing about my life was ever comfortable,” you corrected. “I always had to play along to match your mood in order to avoid being married off to an old man just out of your spite. You tried to drill your toxic mentality in me because my individuality terrified you. You made it a point to constantly tear me down. So I made it a point to see your demise.”
“You have always been this sly ever since you were a little girl. I knew I would regret your birth the moment I saw your eyes. And I was right. You are nothing but a vile bitch.”
“For the longest time, I thought I was deserving of your hatred. But I came to the realization that you simply belittled me just for being a girl. Do not forget, Your Majesty, that the womb inside me is the same as the one that bore you the crown prince.”
Mockingly, you approached the throne. It was incredible how that one seat gave its owner immense power.
“Speaking of which, why is it that only men carry on the family name?” you questioned. “Do you not realize that women are the ones who carry on the precious bloodline you always speak of? It is the body of women that conceive and grow another human inside them. It is the body of women that suffer through labor to deliver you children and nurture them to good health. The only thing you do is spread your seeds like a fruit. And then blame women for your own infertility.”
“All throughout history, it has been men who carried on the royal bloodline. What makes you think that you are worthy of special treatment?”
“Bloodline, bloodline, bloodline,” you rolled your eyes in irritation. “Do not fool yourself. It is not blood you care about but name. Men may carry on the nameline but we are the ones who give you the royal blood pumping in your veins.”
You sloppily lifted the sword to the king’s neck, smirking.
“I knew you would be the one to bring my downfall,” he glared.
“Well, how does it feel to have all your fears come true, my king?” you taunted. “You were always afraid that I would either surpass you or ruin you. Now, I will be the one to end this damned bloodline. This good-for-nothing girl will take back the royal blood that was given to you by a woman.”
With that, you slashed his neck. Blood splattered across the wall and on your face. You grimaced, wiping away the warm liquid. You were surprisingly calm in front of such a gruesome sight. That was, until Juyeon came bursting through the door.
After he had parted from you the day before, he could not get you out of his mind. Something about your eyes had been melancholic. Your words sounded like a foreshadow and it left him feeling disturbed. So he broke his promise and went to the palace to see you again. He was alarmed to see the chaos ensuing and immediately searched for you. However, he never expected the situation he stumbled into.
“P-Princess Y/n,” he stuttered, making you aim the weapon at yourself. You never intended or wanted him to witness this.
“Do not come any closer,” you warned.
“Your Highness, please. Put the sword down,” he begged.
“I cannot,” you gulped. “This is how it must end.”
“We-we can run away. Together. We can leave everything behind and I will keep you safe,” he said as he tried his best to stay calm.
You wanted to both laugh and cry. Your life was a suicidal mission. You knew from the beginning that you would not be able to survive. If you failed, you would be executed for treason. If you succeeded, you would be executed to officially end the royal bloodline.
You had to admit, you slightly wavered at one point. Juyeon’s promise to make you happy was enticing. To someone who never strayed close to emotions before, he was like a miracle. He made you feel all sorts of things that you were glad to have experienced.
“I apologize, Lord Lee,” you sadly smiled before you stabbed the blade into your stomach.
“No!” he screamed as he ran to your side.
You slowly fell to the ground with Juyeon’s arms wrapped around your body. His hands shook above the wound as he cried, knowing that he couldn’t take it out without ensuring your death. He never thought that what he taught you would be used against yourself. If he had known that this was what you planned on using your skills for, he never would have taken your offer.
“I am afraid I will not be able to go see the rose of sharons with you,” you said as a tear escaped your eyes.
Your vision began to cloud and you felt the life in you leave with every breath you took. You didn’t even realize that your hand was gripping his clothes, crinkling it. Another tear rolled down your cheek as your head fell back, your neck unable to support it any longer.
He desperately clung onto you, holding your head in his bloodied hands.
“I will bring the flowers to you,” he affirmed.
“Another promise,” you chuckled.
“This one I will be sure to keep,” he stated as his own tears fell to your face.
Next to the weapon embedded in you was the norigae he bought you the first time you escaped the palace together. He looked up to see that you were wearing the binyeo he bought you as well. He sobbed, holding onto you tighter.
“I hope to be reborn as a rose of sharon. That way, I can come see you every spring,” you whispered before you closed your eyes for the last time.
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tag list: @dearseungie​ @cuppasunu​ @reverienostalgia​ @elcie-chxn​ @parfaitz​​ @lovelyutas​ @mochinyu​ @leejaeyeons​
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
piano lessons || soft!dark Frank Adler x reader
multiple requests for soft!dark Frank Adler led me to write this today, hope you guys enjoy!
word count: 2k
warnings: smut (dub con!!), drinking, semi-public dub con touching, Frank being a bit creepy/pushy, slight obsession/yandere vibes?, that’s pretty much it, sorta short but hey it was unexpected
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PIANO LESSONS, for children and adults
take one!
Frank examined the sign as he pulled one of the tabs from the bottom, pocketing the phone number and not even thinking about it again for a few hours.  If only he’d known once he met you that his life would never be the same.
“My piano teacher says that it’s important to practice every day,” Mary reminded him firmly as she swung her legs on the wooden bench.
“Yes, but I don’t think the owner of this store likes us coming in here to practice on pianos with no intention to buy one,” Frank countered, noticing the way the old man was glaring at them from across the room.
“Then we should buy one!” 
“Mary, we can’t afford a piano,” Frank chuckled. 
“Maybe we can go to my teacher’s house!  She has three pianos,” Mary remembered.  
Frank figured you would charge for daily practices, but when he called in desperation, you actually took pity on them.  And that was how he ended up seeing you every night, so Mary could practice on a real piano.
“Thanks again for letting us do this,” Frank nodded to you quietly as you both sat on your couch, hearing Mary’s practice from across the hall.
“It’s no trouble at all,” you assured, “she’s my best student, and she has a real talent and love for it.  She’s always welcome here.”
“Am I?” Frank pressed, and he loved your smile as you laughed.
“Until she can drive herself,” you answered jokingly.
“Since you won’t let me pay you for daily practices, I insist you let me buy you dinner instead,” he offered.
“Alright,” you agreed, “I can do that.”
A week later, he showed up at your door with a 6-pack and Thai takeout.  
“Dinner in!” you realized with a smile.
“The best kind,” he agreed, stepping in and setting it on the table.  “I got a bit of everything since I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”
“You’re too kind,” you sighed, sounding a little enamored already.  This was going so much better than he’d planned.
As the night went on, and the beers were emptied, you started to get a little more comfortable with him.  He moved to sit a little closer to you on the couch, even putting his arm around the back when you sat up to put your empty bottle down on the table.
You seemed to notice that he was a little closer than before, looking down shyly as he leaned in a bit.
“Mary loves you, you know,” he reminded you in a low voice, loving the way you looked so flustered all of a sudden.  “It’s hard for her without a mother figure.”
He watched as you bit your lip slightly, nodding and meeting his gaze again with those sweet, innocent eyes.
“It’s hard for me, too, without somebody to... share all this with, somebody to talk to, to hold at night...” he trailed off, letting his finger brush over your cheek.
“Frank,” you gasped, blinking rapidly as he leaned in.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered back, cradling your jaw in his hand as he pressed his lips against yours.
For a moment you started to push back against his shoulders, but your resistance was lost quickly as you began to kiss him back, the taste of you distinct behind the aftertaste of beer.
His hands moved down to your waist, pulling you closer until you were straddling his lap; he deepened the kiss carefully, wrapping his arms around you when he felt your hips rocking slightly against his.
Just as he started to move his grip down to your ass, guiding your movements, he kissed his way down to your neck as you moaned quietly.
“Frank, we shouldn’t—” you began to mumble.
“Shh,” he soothed, biting down on your pulse just enough to make you whimper.
He let his touch wander up your shirt, fingers teasing around your bra until he finally reached under it as well and groped your tits in his palms.  “Ohh, fuck,” you moaned, and he realized he’d never heard you swear before.
It made his cock hard instantly.
He flipped you down onto the couch, slotting his body between your legs as he caged you in between his arms.  “Fuck,” he groaned as he pressed his hips down against you, feeling the warmth of you against his cock even through his jeans and your shorts.
Your hands reached up to squeeze his biceps, and he grinned proudly; he’d caught you staring at his muscles a few times before, which is why he was sure to wear a shirt that showed off the guns tonight.
But it was time for it to go, so he sat up quickly to pull it off over his head, laughing when you gasped audibly at the sight of his tattoos.
“I knew you were hiding something under those hawaiian shirts,” you giggled.
“And what are you hiding?” he purred, pushing your shirt up to get a glimpse at what he’d only felt so far.  He growled a little at the sight of your nipples already hard, looking perfectly pinchable which is exactly what he did, making your back arch.  After a moment of that, he leaned down to suck one into his mouth eagerly.
“Ohh my god,” you breathed, “Frank, fuck…”
“So sensitive,” he praised, reaching down to pull down your shorts roughly.
When he had you bottomless, your shorts and underwear thrown aside, he licked his lips and spread your legs.
“Oh, baby,” he grinned, “what a pretty pussy you’ve got, and you’re already so wet… all for me?”
“Maybe this is a bad idea,” you rushed suddenly as his hands moved up your thighs, and he shook his head.  
“It’s not,” he promised sternly.  His thumb pressing against your clit seemed to get you back on track, your eyes fluttering shut as you took a shaky breath.  
He teased you that way for a bit longer, but his cock throbbing in his jeans reminded him of his own needs, and he stopped to quickly open his button and fly— you watched him nervously, making a poorly-hidden face of shock when he took his cock out and stroked it slowly.
“What do you think?” he asked with a smirk, watching your pussy flex a little all on its own.
“Um… I’ve never…” you stammered.  “S’big.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, leaning forward to rub the head over your clit for a moment, finally sliding down to just barely breach your entrance.
“W-wait, do you have a condom?” you asked quickly.
He pretended not to hear you as he pushed forward, groaning at the feeling of you— hot, and silky, and gripping him so damn tight he could barely breathe.  “Baby,” he whispered, capturing you in another kiss as he thrusted slowly, savoring every inch of you.  
Your body shivered beneath him, but it certainly wasn’t from the cold.  If anything you were burning up, your skin warm to the touch as he grabbed your tits again and sucked a mark onto your neck.
“Tell me how it feels,” he demanded roughly.  “Tell me how my cock feels inside you.”
“So good,” you breathed, “so… so deep…”
He grinned and placed his hand on your lower stomach, pushing down so he, too, could feel how deep he was inside you.  Your eyes rolled back as you choked on your breath, and he became more determined than ever to see you like this every day from now on.  “Anybody ever fucked you this good before?” he asked darkly, confident already in the answer.
“N-no, Frank,” you shook your head, “no, just you…”
“Gonna ruin you,” he promised through his teeth, “for anyone but me.”
The shock on your face made it obvious you weren’t used to or expecting that kind of talk, but the way wetness seeped out around his cock until it was dripping down his balls also made it obvious you liked it.
“Oh, sweetheart, I can feel you getting tighter… you gonna come?”
You nodded, sweet little whimpers falling from your lips every time he buried himself in you; he grabbed your hips for leverage and began moving even faster, harder, slamming his hips into yours.  Your back arched as your head fell back, your moans getting louder and higher-pitched until he watched you crash down all at once, one more gasp of his name that made his heart clench.
“Fuck, so pretty when you come for me,” he groaned, brutal in his movements now as he chased his own high.  “Gonna make me come, too, beautiful, so fuckin’ hard…”
Your legs wrapped around his hips and he smiled proudly, knowing you wanted it deep inside you— and he was happy to provide, in fact he was already about to bust and he normally had much better stamina.  But it was different with you; everything was different with you.
Including his orgasms, apparently, because he already felt his whole body getting all tense and tingly as he drew close to the peak, your pussy trying to milk him for all he was worth with the contractions around him: you felt like heaven, honestly, and now that he’d had a taste he was never gonna let you go.
He stuttered out his moan as he finally filled you, his cock flexing as more come than even he had expected poured into you.  You breathed heavily against his ear, your arms weakly pulling him closer, and he smiled before giving you another slow kiss.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promised with a whisper against your ear.
And he did.  He saw you every day, because of Mary’s need to practice, and every time you tried to resist him but failed completely.
“Frank, stop,” you breathed as you tried to push his hand off your thigh, “she could hear something.”
“She’s busy playing, she won’t hear anything,” he dismissed, “as long as you can stay quiet… it might be hard for you, though, we know how much you love to moan my name when I make you come…”
He slipped two fingers inside your panties— honestly, the fact that you were trying to act like you didn’t want it when you were wearing a dress, giving him such easy access, was laughable yet adorable— and found your clit right away, circling it slowly as your breathing sped up a bit.
“Yeah, is that how you like it honey?” he cooed right against your ear, pulling your body closer to his until you were basically sitting in his lap.  “Nice and slow?”
You didn’t answer, so he gave you a spank right on your clit that nearly made you yelp; but you kept it down, like the good girl you were.  “Answer me,” he demanded.
“I like it however you do it, Frank,” you finally whispered back, and fuck if it didn’t go straight to his cock.
“Ohh, sweet girl,” he groaned, “tryna make me fuck you right here, huh?”
“Y-you wouldn’t,” you gasped.
“I could,” he shrugged.  “I could get my cock out, plant you right on my lap and bounce you on my cock until you come for me… wouldn’t even take you that long, I bet.”
Just when you almost seemed ready to agree to it, he took his fingers out of your underwear and readjusted your dress back to covering you properly.
“But, unfortunately, we’re out of time,” he grinned as he kissed your ear and lifted you out of his lap, setting you on the couch beside him before he stood up.  Just as he had predicted, the piano music in the distance stopped and Mary came bounding into the room.
“I’m done practicing!” she announced.  
“Then I guess I’ll… see you tomorrow,” you mumbled back, struggling to compose yourself much to his delight.
“I really like her,” Mary explained as he guided her back to the truck, and he chuckled a little.
“Yeah, me too,” he agreed, looking back at the door and knowing he’d be here again soon for another day of piano practice.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
505 | G.W
WARNINGS // SMUT 18+, If you know the song, you know what’s coming. Mutual pining, kissing, a lil sadness, George being a simp, 
I wanted to celebrate me reaching 500 followers (something I legit never saw happening) by writing a fic for you all!! I went back to one of my favourite songs... it seemed pretty fitting. 
ps. please don’t post my work elsewhere, it breaks my heart!!
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I'm going back to 505
If it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs
505 New Harleston St. The place where it all began, your childhood home. It had been years since George had seen you and every part of him dreaded the thought of you loving someone that wasn't him. It hadn't been easy for him to move on, when every beat of his heart was beating for you. As he turned the ignition of the car and rolled out of his driveway, the destination was set in his mind. Each road and turn was like muscle memory as he set off on the forty-five minute drive in the pouring rain to see you. He prayed you still lived with your parents and that you weren't in the arms of another man. He pictured you in your bed, back arching as you touched yourself to the thought of him. The imagery was sinful, and distracting, so distracting that he had almost veered the poor ford Anglia off the side of the road. He however couldn’t pull himself away from the soft melody that was your moans as they echoed around his brain. 
Only when he was parked outside your house, looking up at your window, which was only dimly lit, did he contemplate driving back home. But he was sure he was meant to be there, after all even if it had taken a Seven hour flight, he had to be there to see you. 
He stepped out of his car, the heavy rain drenching him from head to toe within a few moments. He checked his watch, it was nearly midnight and he hesitated once again. He then noticed the kitchen light flick on. 'it's now or never' he thought, his feet dragging him to your front door, ignoring the doorbell to knock gently on the painted wood. 
The knock on your door caused you to spin around and look at the clock, confused at who would come knocking at this time, you assumed it could only be that your cat, Ernie, had snuck into the neighbour's house again. You quickly walked towards the door, words falling from your lips before you could even process who was in front of you. "I'm so sorry, Mrs Jame- George?" 
Stop and wait a sec
Oh when you look at me like that my darling
What did you expect
The way you looked up at him with a look of pure innocence and love drove him absolutely crazy. An old oversized t-shirt was hanging against your thighs as your eyes went wide with shock. you blinked a couple of times, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you. He didn't disappear, however and something inside of you roared as you darted forward, hand sneaking up to rake your fingers through the hairs at the back of his neck as you pulled him down and into a kiss. You didn't care that his clothes were soaking wet and that the rain was gusting into the house, you had George in front of you and that was the only thought plaguing your mind. 
It was as if all the time you had spent apart had never happened, your body slotting perfectly against his as soon as he had you in his arms again. The kiss you shared was passionate and needy, before you knew it, he had you trapped between him and a wall, making out like teenagers again, your hands frantically pulling off his jacket and letting it fall to the floor. 
"Georgie.. I've missed you." Your eyes were wide, looking up at him innocently and full of passion, it was a look he was obsessed with. The nickname you used for him brought back so many old memories that he knew that he had to have you back and he would do anything in his power to call you his once more. His hands had slipped under the t-shirt to rest against your waist, the feeling of his large hands on your warm skin was familiar and intoxicating. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, my angel, I miss us."
His confession had you weak at the knees. Despite the fact that your break up was messy, the love you shared for each other had never left. Having both gone through the war with each other and gaining trauma that neither of you knew how to process, resulting in more frequent arguments, less affection, more ange and more more resentment until you both decided it was best for the both of you to part ways. Over the years, you had taken the time to heal but George however, grew insecure and lost confidence of his own worth. He didn't know how to move on in life without you by his side. 
That's why kissing him felt so natural, his lips and arms felt like home to you. It was why you were willing to risk it all and take him back. It was also why you were sure you were sure you'd let him fuck you senseless in the hall out of desperation. You were still in love with him and a part of you had truly never stopped loving him, even after all this time. 
I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
Or I did last time I checked
You'd pulled the boy up to your room, stripping him of his damp clothes and admiring every inch of his skin, you had to pinch yourself every time because having him here felt like a dream. As you lay on your bed, your head on his chest, you listen to the in and out of his breath, letting his heartbeat remind you that he was in fact here, and not hundreds of miles away. 
He didn't try to initiate anything you didn't want to do, talking into the early hours about everything you'd done since you'd last seen each other. You confessed that you would take him back if he wanted you. George's eyes went wide at that statement, his breath hitched in his own throat. He took the opportunity to kiss you again, the soft, open mouthed kisses turning quickly to a more passionate exchange as your tongues brushed against each other. He pulled you on top of him so that you were straddling his hips, his hands guiding your own to gently rock back and forth against his. 
You were grinding against him, feeling the desperation for him grow inside you as you were reminded of the mind blowing sex life you used to have, you adored him even as he was fucking you relentlessly, hand wrapped around your neck. You missed being touched the way he touched you. You picked up the pace, causing a string of moans to fall from your lips, it was enough for him to buck his own hips up to meet yours. As if he could hear your thoughts, a hand moved up to grasp at your neck, a smirk plastered across his lips. "Always knew you liked that, Princess."
The string of moans that fell from your lips were pure filth but nevertheless, music to his ears. You were adults, pining over one another, in a situation not too dissimilar from one you had with him as teenagers, sneaking away from your group of friends and up to the dorms. Coincidentally, it was the same day he'd told you he loved you. 
Your mind was flicking back and forth to the present and the past as George's hands trailed gently up your sides. The look in his eyes was pure lust as he pulled you in for another kiss. His kisses were intoxicating, and you couldn't stop yourself from going in for another, and another, and another. 
"We don't have to do this, not if you're not-" You cut him off with a simple kiss, before pressing your lips to his neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down to his collarbone, slipping between his legs with a content sigh. "I want this George, I want you." 
You had started by palming him through his boxers, watching as his head fell back into the pillow. There was no rush, just gentle, meaningful movements. When you finally pulled his cock from his underwear, his heart sped up, you rested your cheek against his thigh as you stroked him, his hand smoothing over your hair as warm moans fell from his lips. You looked up at him through your lashes, as amazing as George's more dominant side was, to see him completely at your will as his cock was in your hand made you feel so powerful. Your hand was perfect, small enough that when you wrapped your hand fully around, the squeeze was enough for him to feel like he was in heaven, not to mention the way you looked at him. You truly were his angel. 
He had flipped you over before you could even take him in your mouth, he was gentle as he pulled your shirt over your head, kissing every part of skin he could. This moment with you was everything he was waiting for, to be with you, intimate and in love. He slipped your underwear to the side before pushing into you. It felt like everything you could've needed in that moment, he didn't make it rough or push you. He simply made love to you as the sun rose, mumbling words of pure praise against your lips. "You're doing so well, Princess, taking me so, so good."
His fingers found your clit, rubbing circles with his middle and pointer finger as he brought you close to your release. His hair was hanging messily as his hips rocked into yours. "That's it baby, cum for me, such a good girl."
When you came over him, your mind went blank except for the thought of him. It was perfect, he was perfect, he was repeating over and over that he loved you. Godric, did you love him too. 
Not shy of a spark
A knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
You and George had been back together a whole month before he offered for you to move in with him. You’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t hesitated when he asked. You were worried that perhaps since getting back together things were moving too fast again, but as soon as he’d shown you his beautiful home, all worries seemed to fade. When George bought the house, he imagined what life would be like with you sharing his home - your home together. Everywhere he looked, he imagined what your future children would be doing as they ran around the halls. Everything he seemed to do was with you in mind.
It was one particular evening where you’d come back to your now shared home to find George sat alone on the sofa, all of the lights still turned off. He hadn’t even noticed you enter, he was silently sobbing as tears rolled down his cheeks. Thoughts swimming in his head of not being good enough for you, that he fell short of being everything you needed. He didn’t know how to process these feelings, he hadn’t learned how to cope with the negative thoughts, let alone how to tell himself that they were all bullshit. 
You noticed the tears glistening off his cheeks, lit only by the lamppost outside, quite literally dropping everything, not caring where it fell. You pulled the crying boy into your arms, his head resting against your chest, the salty tears transferring to your t-shirt. Once he had come to his senses, no longer lost in his own bubble, the bubble in his throat prevented him from speaking, hardly able to string a sentence together. You did your best to console him, but the pain in his chest felt like someone had stabbed him in the chest and continued to turn the knife. 
“I-  I know don’t fucking deserve you.” He was babbling over his words as you rocked him, playing with the hair that he had grown out especially for you, pushing the strands out of his eyes and off his forehead. George only managed to calm down by the grace of your soothing hum and gentle kisses into his hair. He still felt the pang of sadness that didn’t want to shift, as a shallow breath rattled around his lungs. “You are enough for me George, I love you and I’ll always love you.”
But I crumble completely when you cry
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
You were sitting together on the sofa, your head on his shoulder and your fingers intertwined as you watched a movie, something you’d insisted on bringing into your home together.  You had been feeling overly emotional In the past week, breaking down into tears over nothing. Just yesterday the sight of orange peel made you tear up. You’d told Fred about it today and he simply laughed at the notion that George had ‘made the orange naked’. While Fred found it hilarious, George hated the sight of you crying. Crumbling completely into a mess to care for you at the very sight of a tear. 
Fred and Lee often joked over dinner that George was ‘whipped’. He shrugged off the taunts, retorting back that at least he had a girlfriend. To which the other two boys imitated, un-phased by the younger twin’s attempt at seeming menacing. Lee told you about how they used to call him ‘Whipped Georgie’ back at Hogwarts, a nickname you knew you had heard too often in the quidditch changing rooms. You marvelled at how it was nice to have them all back, but really the group was incomplete without Alicia and Angelina here, you note that you must have them over for dinner soon, or at least another girl’s night.  
More recently, however, you and George had been like passing ships in the night, It was kicking into the busiest time of year at the shop and he more often than not crawled into bed with you in the early hours of the morning, only for you to kiss his forehead goodbye as you left for work only a few hours later. The mornings didn’t get any easier, leaving his warm arms another day, to return to him not being there. You feared he would slip away again, a heavy feeling sitting in your stomach as you wake for your day, to see your boyfriend only just slip through the door. You had greeted him once again with a goodbye, your eyes hanging on to his for a pleading moment, as you considered never leaving his hold again. 
I'm always just about to go and spoil a surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon
George had strolled into the shop, ready for the afternoon and evening rush, his eyes deep set and tired. It was back to sleepless nights for him. Fred noticed the exhaustion in his brother’s eyes, making a quick decision to send him home. They had only just yesterday had the conversation that George had seen almost so little of you that it didn’t even feel like you were together. That feeling broke his heart. 
There were so many thoughts running through his head as he walked home. The usual quick walk was slowed way down as he pondered on every running and passing thought. He was a man filled with worry, what if you had stopped loving him? He couldn’t lose you twice.
He arrived home to you, his precious girl, sat on the bed sobbing, looking down at something in your hands. His whole body ached, seeing the tears physically fall, when you smiled up at him his heart softened, perhaps it wasn’t as bad as he thought. He caught a glimpse of the small blue box in your hands and his eyes widened. George Weasley was always shit at keeping secrets. 
His mind told him ‘fuck it’ as he got down on one knee next to you as you were sat on the bed. A thousand ways of saying what he wanted swirled around his brain, he wanted to say the right words and make it a special moment for you. Every moment you had shared together flew past his eyes, it was like watching a star go supernova. Every bright smile and giggle, every kiss and longing look. It was the perfect movie shared between the two of you. 
“I think you already know what I’m about to say, and based on the fact that you’re still crying I hope this isn’t a bad time. But Merlin, I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you. I want you to be mine forever. I’m sorry that I still haven’t healed and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me the most. My life is you and if I don’t have you, it’s thunderous and wet and lonely. So, my sunshine, will you marry me?
I'm going back to 505
If it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs
...and a smile
The red-haired boy was sitting at his desk, a dim lamp emitting only the faintest glow. Once again his mind was on the thought of you. The thought of you waiting for him at home, His gorgeous wife, her fingers desperately trying to find a release at the thought of him.  He contemplated running home, in a full jog, just to devour you. He flicked back to the day he travelled to 505, how he was so desperate to see you, that he would’ve climbed every mountain just to kiss your perfect lips and see your perfect smile.
George realised that It was never 505 New Harleston St. that kept pulling him back. It was you. You were 505. 
@starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @gcdric @theweasleysredhair @whiz-bangs78 @weasleysflowr @minty-malfoy @vivianweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @witch-and-a-half  @wand3ringr0s3​ @vogueweasley​ @loony-loopy-lupinn​
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wildingrose · 3 years
the introduction
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dark alley help part 4
part 3: his doll | part 5: diamond in the rough
word count: 1.8k
》 shower, overstimulation
- ✿ -
Your phone? Dead. And you couldn't care less to charge it. But you still did with Taeyong's charger laying around. Once rebooted, the screen lit up and were attacked by missed calls and screaming texts, all by your mother.
You huffed, knowing exactly what the reason would be. It was the first time that you were out all night without informing your family beforehand. It wasn't like you knew that was going to happen anyway. But more than you just being out all night, there was something else your mother was worried about.
Taeyong had went to take a shower first after placing a breakfast order for delivery while you waited on the bed. You chewed on your lip, thinking if it was better to just leave your mother hanging until you would show your face to her after leaving Taeyong's place.
Chucking your phone on the nightstand, you plopped down on the bed, arms sprawled and eyes closed. Your core was aching, not in need for more but from Taeyong's brutal attack just minutes prior. If you had to guess what he'd like to do all day, it would be him having to nonstop go in you and wouldn't stop until... no. He wouldn't even stop for anything.
Your ears focused on the distant sound of the shower running. After it turned off, you heard him shuffling into the room. The bed dipped as he crawled over you, and your eyes opened to see his eyes staring into you, dark wet strands falling over his head as he hovered over you, his body bare of anything except for a towel snugly wrapped around his hips. You cupped his face in your hands, caressing his smooth cheeks with your thumbs. "You're so much fun," you whispered.
Taeyong's eyes widened by a fraction, not expecting to hear that come out of anyone's mouth. "I am?"
You nodded and added, "On a whole nother level... unlike him."
Him? Taeyong thought but it didn't matter. You had already given your word to be his doll.
His hand reached for yours and to his satisfaction, there was no band on your ring finger. He brought your hand to his lips and placed a haste kiss on the back of it. "Go ahead. Take a shower before the food arrives."
In the bathroom, you observed the small surrounding, the shower was an old type that you had never used before. Taeyong walked in after with a spare towel and hung it on the rack. "Do you need anything else?" he asked.
Humming, you asked pointing to the shower, "How do I use this?"
"Mm, like this." He turned the knob around for temperature and then lifted a lever up to start the shower.
You played with your fingers anxiously, nervous about using the shower on your own. What if I messed up?
Taeyong noticed your fidgety form and hugged you from behind. His nose buried into your cheek when suggesting, "Do you want me to stay here, doll?" His hot breath dug into your skin and made you shiver.
"Yes please."
He watched you from the outside while you stepped into the tub. Your dress had to come off but you were feeling a little shy. It was easier to be naked in bed, occupied with sexual pleasures than having to stand bare with your mind on micro thoughts of insecurity. Taeyong merely stood, staring at your actions in silence and you slowly lifted your dress over your head, hearing a faint growl vibrate in the back of his throat as his eyes traveled up and down your beautiful form.
You repeated the same action of turning the shower on and felt the water too cold to your liking. Though Taeyong was enjoying your nipples hardening real quick. "Um can I get it a little hotter?" you asked timidly.
He licked his lips and leaned over, turning the knob. When the temperature was ideal, you took hold of the bar soap and lathered it along your arms. Taeyong was glad for once that he chose bar soaps over shower gels. Not only was it cheaper but also because from then on, he was going to enjoy running the bar over his skin that had explored over your body, especially when you lifted your breast to rub it under the skin there. He nearly creamed in his towel just from simply observing you clean yourself.
You grew nervous, debating whether you should use the bar to clean yourself down there. But one look over at Taeyong who had discarded his towel onto the floor and was stroking and rubbing his erect cock and pleasuring himself... you went for it.
Taeyong shuddered when he saw your pretty hand take the bar soap to your core and rubbed it there, making him groan hungrily as he eyed you with a predatory look. He could have picked up the pace along his length. He knew he was going to cum easily on his hand as long as his eyes were glued to your beauty. But he stopped as he didn't want to cum like that.
You dropped the soap when Taeyong barged in. His hand collected the falling water and roughly rubbed you clean of the foam. You whimpered from the quick movements, still aching from the overstimulation that Taeyong had given you recently. "P-please Tae... don't. It hurts," you whispered.
Dejected, he complied and had another idea. Once you were done with the shower, he wrapped you in the fresh towel and with his still laying on the tiles, he carried you bridal style to bed, placing you down carefully beside a neatly folded oversized shirt prepared for you.
Not so gently, Taeyong ripped the towel covering you, leaving you naked and pretty for him to pleasure himself on instead. Putting his weight on his forearms, he placed his crotch on your thigh and slowly dragged his cock along your skin, making you feel every inch of his hard erection. Your thigh burned with pleasure and a moan slipped itself out of your mouth. The sound fired him to roll his hips faster, all the hot rubbing exciting you greatly despite what your body was trying to tell you.
"Doll, I'm close. Let me cum inside you. Please," he pleaded. Taeyong needed to bury himself in you as he wasn't going to waste his seed when he had plans to knock you up.
You granted permission with your weak nod, thrilling him to shift in between your legs and rutted into you in one forceful move. You screamed from the pain, tears slipping from your shut eyes. He came inside you, not moving one bit so that he wouldn't have to hurt you more. To ease the discomfort, he distracted you by sucking on your nipple, his hot tongue circling around as you whimpered, your hand fisting in his wet hair.
Once he finished loading into you, he pulled out carefully. Taeyong stared with adoration in his sparkling eyes as they traveled down your entire body, your breast rising and falling when catching your breath. He picked up the folded shirt beside you and helped you sit up, putting the shirt over your head.
The two of you sat down at the table for the morning meal. It was quiet with the occasional sounds of spoon clinking against the plate. You placed a spoonful in your mouth and watched the man across. His eyes fixed to the dish, seeming lost in his thoughts. "Y/N?"
Your heart fluttered hearing your name fall from his lips for the first time. "Yeah?"
"Do you go to the library every night?"
Nodding, you explained why. "To getting away from reality. You know by reading books and diving into the fictional worlds. I just crave to feel something better than what my life gives me. Or more like my mom," you spoke the last part quietly.
Taeyong's brows creased. "Why your mom?"
Letting out a long sigh, you told him about your mother's constant nagging to look gorgeously feminine so that you could win the heart of the rich jerk to marry you off to. She refused you have a job as you would be living off your future-to-be's income and told you to simply worry about looking your best. Because of this, you never dared to dream of anything for an earning. "Good thing she at least let me finish high school," you deadpanned. "So that's why I go to the library at night."
Taeyong was silent for a moment, thinking through a particular set of words you spoke before diverting his mind. "Why night though? Don't you get scared all alone?"
You hummed. "Yeah I do. That's why I avoid taking shady routes."
His eyes narrowed on you with a playful glint. "But you took the alley."
You pursed your lips. "That's because I was hoping to find someone for... help...you know?"
Taeyong's lips curled up in amusement. "And how did you get yourself in that situation?"
You gulped. "I-I read some books. Erotic ones. I don't usually read them but I was feeling it and... well you know what happened," you chuckled sheepishly, embarrassed that you had gotten so turned on that you were desperate for help from a stranger.
He smirked, seeming proud of himself. "Good thing I was there to take care of you."
You smiled shyly and wondered about his life. "Taeyong?" you called for him softly.
"What do you do?"
His spoon stilled by his lips and suddenly it was dead silent. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not. He slowly lowered his utensil and laid it down. "I..."
You waited patiently.
A sigh left his mouth before continuing, "...work as a construction worker."
You blinked. "Did you say construction worker? As in those people that build buildings?"
A hesitant nod. With the way you described your mother, he knew he was going to fall in the not acceptable category. His heart was pounding hard in his chest, worried that you would see him like that and never wish to see him again.
Your heartbeat sped up at the thought of Taeyong wearing his safety gear, sweaty and dirt covering his skin and clothes, his arms flexing muscles when carrying heavy items over his shoulder. And those very arms wrapped around you, or even better, those hardworking fingers plunging deep into you...
You nearly fell off your chair from swooning. "That sounds sexy."
He gaped at you incredulously. That was a response he had never heard in his life. "You think that's sexy?"
"Of course! You must be strong. Imagine having to brag to someone that they're standing inside a building that you built. That's so hot!" you gushed with bright eyes.
Taeyong chuckled and a warm smile formed on his face when seeing your animated self. He was pleased that you didn't see him like the way other people would when he'd mention his occupation.
What you thought about him was all that mattered.
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tag list: @cosmiclatte28 @mel-yjh​ @johnnysuhisnotmyproblem
let me know if want to be added/removed for this series
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herherteartear · 3 years
blanket kick
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précis— Peter's not the suave man he would hope to be in front of his crush. instead, he's a blushing mess that haunts his memories and causes him to take out his frustrations on his blanket. luckily, you prefer cherry cheeks over smooth lines any day.
pairing— Peter Parker x enhanced!maximoff!reader
a/n— this is my first standalone written story and my first time writing for marvel! i hope you guys enjoy thisss<3 i'm also open to creating drabbles to continue this if anyone's interested????! pls enjoy and pls comment and let me know ur thoughts!!!
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there are many ways to describe Peter Parker, but none could ever wholly capture the true essence of the boy
besides the obvious stuff,, his intelligence , his insanely good looks , his teenage awkwardness,,
it was a hard feat to string along words to describe the way he carries himself , the way he is with others , the way his heart loves with the same ability a sponge soaks up water and soap
Peter's had crushes before
perhaps more than he'd like to admit
(can't blame the boy, who gave Ty Lee the right be that cute!?)
but when he sees her, his heart begins to swell and suddenly, he forgets how to breathe..
or how to think... talk. y'know normal human stuff
in all honesty, Peter has tried his absolute hardest to block out their first meeting from his memories
he doesn't regret meeting her, of course not! never would he even repent that embarrassingly wonderful day
he only wishes it would've gone a little differently
let's set the scene, shall we?
the sun was shining brightly, the sky was a Carolina blue, the clouds were the prettiest porcelain color, rimmed with lace
Peter was riding in an awfully silent car that Happy was driving to the airport. despite being terrified of what's to come,, the fight Mr. Stark had recruited him for,, the boy was thoroughly enjoying this adventure.
the car came to a stop, which did little for Peter's nerves. he gathered his courage before stepping out, eyes squinting at the brightness of the yellow sun. once his eyes adjusted, they landed on the prettiest head of hair he had ever seen
(although he did think the same for Hermione Granger)
Peter had never been on a plane before that day. but even then, his sparkling eyes stayed trained on her,, completely ignoring the brilliant private jet behind her
"oh? Happy, i thought it was just us?" her voice made Peter's ears burn. he swallowed thickly. you blinked at Peter, curious but also intrigued , you smiled.
to which Peter choked. on air. your eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"a-are you okay?"
"god, kid, get ahold of yourself."
"i-i'm okay! it's– i'm– i'm fine!" Peter quickly stuttered out.
"well, Yn, this is– uh,, what's your name again?" Happy turned towards the boy who's cheeks were now redder than a firetruck.
"oh! i'm Peter– Peter Parker. it's nice to meet you- not that i don't know you. well i don't, y'know not personally. but like from the news.. not that i believe the news! they're awful to you, but i mean i guess i do sometimes– but never about what they say about you–"
"i'm Yn Maximoff. it's nice to meet you too, Peter." you cut him off before Happy strangled the cute boy. you had an amused smile
he was cute
finally getting on the plane, Peter had hoped he would be able to sit far away from you and wallow in his embarrassment,
maybe sneak a glance or two.. imagine a couple of scenarios where he wasn't a doofus,
but that's not quite what happened.
after witnessing just how much the new kids was able to ramble,, Happy was not about to spend a whole ass plane ride remotely close to him
so he took it upon himself to make the kiddies sit together.. much to Peter's dismay.
like!!? did Happy not see how Peter crashed and burned in font of you?!
you, on the other hand,, had the opposite reaction.
being the youngest avenger, you don't get to be around people your age too much,, which isn't something you're complaining about!!
you totally made the decision to be an avenger and you happily welcomed the consequences..
that didn't mean you didn't get lonely at times. especially now with the accords and the team breaking up., things got a whole lot more lonely
your sister, Wanda, had made her choice to leave the compound. you completely understood why, but a part of you had hoped she would've taken you with her
although, staying at the compound did ensure your safety.
it was a weird time for the avenger's , it felt wrong for you to say some of your teammates were criminals
it left a sour taste in your mouth
you glanced from the window seat to see Peter nervously wringing his fingers. you frowned.
"are you okay?" you asked, gently. Peter's eyes widened and his heart jumped to his throat. he wanted to say something, something cool or aloof, something that would make up for his ranting earlier
"i've never been on a plane before." Peter squeaked out. he dropped his shoulders, rolling his eyes at himself. that was the highest pitch he had ever heard his voice. you took in his clearly anxious posture.
"lets switch seats? maybe looking out the window will help you." you stated. before Peter could quickly shake his head, because how rude would it be of him to take your seat?, you were already stood up.
"oh god!" Peter breathed. he quickly shifted over to the seat you once occupied. he wanted to put up more of a fight, but the way you were swaying due to the turbulence, made his palms sweat in fear for your safety.
"you, like, swing from buildings and stuff, right?" you asked. he turned to you with a nod. "are you afraid of heights? or do you just not like planes?"
oh god. oh. no. you thought– you thought he was scared of being on the plane. Peter wanted to shrink in a hole and hide. you probably thought he was such a baby! that he could handle swinging from hundreds of feet in the air, but a plane is where he drew the line?
but what else is he supposed to say? 'oh, no! it's not the plane I'm scared of. it's just your beautiful smile and the way you smell like cocoa that gets me sweating'
that was so wrong in so many ways.
"um, no, no. i'm okay, just– just a little nervous, is all." Peter tried to force out a chuckle. but it come out more like a cough. you mouth formed an 'o.'
"ohh, okay." you paused before your eyes lit up. "how about we play a game? to distract you?"
"o– okay.."
"can you talk with spiders?" Peter lifted his eyes from looking at his hands hovering above yours,; he let out a much more relaxed laugh than earlier.
you took advantage of his distraction to swiftly bring your palm from underneath his and slap the top of Peter's hand. he jumped.
"ouch!" he playfully pouted. you eyes glanced down at his lips. you giggled nervously. your hand went to hover over his, him now being the one to do the slapping. "of course i can't talk to spiders! i– i feel like i should probably be able to shape-shift into a spider in order for that to happen, y'know?"
you nodded thoughtfully. "that's true.. you didn't hear this from me, but i heard there's an Ant-Man going around." Peter looked at you with wide eyes.
"no way! that's crazy! does he like turn into an ant?" you bumped his hand with yours in order to get his attention back to the game. his hand burned at the feeling
"i don't know-" you said in a singsong tone. "it's just what's being said around the compound." you quickly slid your hands to avoid Peter's attack. he huffed.
"how are you so good at this?" he knitted his eyebrows to focus on how to attack quickly without hurting you.
"it's a game i used to play with my brother and sister." you answered. Peter finally took his chance to slap your hands, to which you squealed excitedly as you had tried to move in time. Peter and you fell into a fit of giggles.
you both leaned against your seats, still facing each other. your hands fell on top of Peter's.
the brown haired boy quickly slid his hand out from under yours, not because he didn't enjoy the contact, but because he was worried you'd feel how clammy his hands were
you frowned slightly at the loss of contact.
"a– are we really fighting your sister?" Peter wondered out loud, without a second thought.
you shifted uncomfortably. Peter quickly noticed; his heart sped up and he mentally scolded himself for being so inconsiderate.
"not because i think she's evil! i mean,, i know that's what the news says.. but they also think Spider-Man's like thirty. and i'm not thirty! its just everything's crazy right now.. with the accords., i can't even imagine how you're feeling! probably terrible.. oh, g od wait, not terrible, i'm s–"
you had been watching with an endearing look in your eye. you had come to find that you enjoy watching Peter ramble.
his eyes would become unsettled and shaky, his body would begin to become more and more animated, but his voice
gosh, his voice was something you wanted to listen to for the rest of your life
but you could tell he was getting more and more skittish. so you put him out of his misery
"terrible probably wouldn't be my go-to word, it's up there though.. at least i got to meet you." you smiled softly.
Peter's eyes ran over your soft features. night had fallen, so the windows of the plan displayed an almost picturesque display of the moon and stars. the light hue of color the moon provided painted your face in a way that clouded Peter's thoughts.
with your comment of being grateful to have met him, Peter wasn't in control of his mouth for much longer.
"so pretty." he breathed. both of you guys froze.
Peter's face quickly morphed from love-sick to mortified. you blushed violently.
deciding you didn't want Peter to fall into another rant-like apology (because if you got to listen to him talk for that long in this setting, you might just drop the 'L' word) , you said,
"let's watch a movie?"
the two of you sat, shoulder to shoulder, watching Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, but being too hyper aware of their thighs pressed together and brushing hands to actually pay attention
upon arrival, both teenagers walked off the plane, sleep deprived , but with thumping hearts and dazed grins.
Peter threw himself on his hotel bed that night,, hiding under the covers
his thoughts replayed your interaction over and over (and over and over) in his head
the boy shoved his head, face first, into the stiff hotel pillow and let out a muffled groan
Peter flipped himself over, stared at the ceiling, before remembering his spouts of unnecessarily long explanations
he thrashed his body, kicking his poor blanket in frustration but most of all, out of embarrassment
he calmed himself down once his memories refreshed themselves over your gentle giggles and how soft your hands were
Peter fell asleep with cherry red cheeks and a blissful grin.
because despite those small mess ups, despite the futile way he beat his covers in humiliation, Peter treasures that day like no other.
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captain039 · 3 years
The lioness PT 2
Logan x reader (wolverine)
Warnings: Gore, sweating, placed in Logan, character deaths, intimacy, angst, age gap, anxiety, anxiety attacks, mentions of needles
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Prev ious chapter
You sighed rolling out the bed and heading to the shower. You forgot you were with people and jumped when goo saw a rather naked Logan in front of you.
“I'm so sorry!” you yelped and closed the door. You went to the table and sat down wishing the world would swallow you up. Charles was laughing on the bed and you glared before hiding your face in your towel.
You were on the road again pretty quickly, you didn't say anything nor did you dare look Logan in the eye.
“We need to find new clothes or something,” you said eyeing your bloodied pants and shirt. Despite a hand scrub they still looked horrible.
“Fine” Logan grumbled and you huffed at his attitude.
You went with Luara to the kid's area she was rather forceful. You had to keep her from tearing the clothes apart. You eventually got her a few clothing items before heading to the adult clothes area. You grabbed some shirts, a jumper and a new pair of jeans before going to the checkout.
“Hey you want ice cream?” you asked Laura as she held your hand. She looked at you and you realised she may have not had ice cream.
“I'll get you some ice cream,” you said heading to the shop. You talked her through the flavours, she ended up with chocolate while you had your favourite. You saw Logan waiting outside with Charles a stern look on his face as always.
“Come on” you held Laura's hand and headed to them.
“Ice cream?” Logan questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“She's a kid!” you snapped glaring at him. He flinched a little and Charles smirked at you.
You headed back to the highway again. Stupid auto trucks beeping and causing too much stress. They caused Logan to lose control along with another car. You gripped the door and the dash your claws digging in. After the car stopped you took a breath and looked to the other car.
“Crap” you got out quickly and avoided any trucks as you helped them with their horses. They all went back on their own though and you frowned glancing to Charles. Logan drove over and helped you.
“Thank you both so much” the woman said.
“That’s ok” you smiled.
“Damned trucks” Logan sighed and she chuckled.
“Yeah” she agreed.
“Would you let us repay you by offering you a warm meal?” She asked.
“Ah no-“ Logan began but Charles cut him off.
“We’d be delighted” he said and you saw Logan’s pissed face.
“Awesome” the woman said.
You sat a little uncomfortably at the house, it was strange to be in this setting again. You stared at your food before trying to control your urge to devour it all.
“Is this your daughter?” Kathryn asked you.
“What? Oh- no Laura’s his” you said.
“Oh- are you together?” She asked and you froze and Logan cleared his throat.
“Yes they are” Charles said and you blinked.
“We are?” You said more of a question.
“Sorry you’re very young is all” Kathryn said.
“I’m yeah” you flushed a bit heart pounding as your leg also jogged.
“He’s unwell, he um, isn’t as old as he looks” you said trying to keep in the act. A hand fell on your bounding leg though, forcing you to stop. You stared at Logan who was keeping a silent rage in.
“Please stop” he said very hushed.
“Im sorry to make you uncomfortable” she chuckled nervously and you shook your head.
“I’ll help with the dishes” you said and stood his hand falling off. You started to fill the sink till the whole house grumbled about it.
“Damn it!” Bill said. He began muttering to his wife who tried to calm him.
“Damn bastards” he sighed grabbing his torch.
“You mind helping Logan?” He asked and Logan just followed silently.
“After new owners came in on the near property they’ve been messing with our water” Kathryn sighed.
“I’m sorry” you said and she sighed.
“The last owners were real nice now Mr Hones and his sons are messing with our supply” she huffed.
“Y/n dear would you mind taking me to bed?” Charles asked and you nodded. You lifted the man up, he was frail in your arms, though with your strength most did. You laid him down like glass and watched Laura go into Nates room.
You went back downstairs to Kathryn and the water turned on.
“Nice job hun” she whispered and you couldn’t help but smile softly. You did the dishes but something kept you on guard. A bad feeling in your gut, you hoped it was wrong, but the sound of vehicles approaching made it to real.
“You need to get your son and hide” you said and she frowned.
“What’s going on?” She said rushed as you urged her upstairs.
“Stay in here, lock yourself in don’t come out until you hear me ok?” You said entering the room and closing the curtains.
“Y/n-!” She called but you pulled the door closed and broke the handle.
“Laura” you nudged her and she turned to you.
“Stay here with Charles, scream of anything goes wrong” she went on edge and stood up immediately.
“No- no stay” you said as she went to follow you. You closed the door and listened in. Only one set of footsteps. You frowned going downstairs and seeing a large figure. You froze at the face of Wolverine, but it wasn’t him.
You switched to your night vision, listened in deeper trying to figure out far the cars were. The fake Wolverine wasn’t stopping, you went outside and readied your claws. His claws came out too and you frowned as he charged. You were quick to dodge but broke a case in the process. You kept dodging his attacks before striking your own. More men came in and shots were fired into you. You winced before healing and focused on the big guy. You heard screams inside and froze your worried gaze going to the house. You sprinted to the house, jumped up to the second floor and broke through the window. You killed the men but it was took late. Kathryn had bullets in her and Nate was dead. You went to Kathryn who sobbed.
“I’m so sorry” you whispered as she her eyes closed. You heard Laura cry and you kicked the door down. The fake Wolverine had gotten in quickly, she was fighting him.
“Hey!” You snarled jumping on him and pulling him down with you. You grunted are the pain of being squashed as he thrashed. You were knocked pretty easily as he stood. You got up to glancing to the bed and freezing. Charles was gasping for breath, blood on his white singlet. You cried tears in your eyes as you swiped and fought. The house was trashed as you were thrown about and finally thrown outside. You groaned feeling weak and limp.
“Y/n!” You heard Logan this time, the real one and groaned in response. He helped you up before he was punched away and you were punched back down. A car came in and ran the fake one down and into spikes of the house.
“Bill-“ you muttered as he shot the thing in the face multiple times before falling down himself. You groaned again hearing an explosion going off before you heard Laura struggle. You looked over, saw her lying on the head cuffed.
“Laura” you mumbled getting up on weak legs.
“Come on” Logan helped you along the way as he picked up Laura and went into the car. Charles was already in the back in the tray as you sped off. You slowly healed and helped Laura out of her cage.
“He’ll be fine” you said to her as she looked at Charles worried. He wasn’t fine at all, struggling for breath.
“Logan-“ you said.
“Yeah-yeah let me think!” He snarled and you gulped.
Charles didn’t make it. He died with the last thoughts of a boat on the ocean. You buried him by some water, like that would fix anything. You didn’t know the man very long but he understood you, went in your head a few times too many but you were thankful he did. It was hard on Logan he was trembling slightly as he looked over Charles grave. Laura tried to hold his hand but he stormed off.
“Come here” you said and beckoned her over. She wrapped her arms around your stomach and you sighed patting her back.
“He’s a man and doesn’t deal very well with his emotions ok?” You said and she nodded slightly. You heard crashing and yelling as Logan broke things on the truck with the shovel.
“Just- wait here” you said going to him. You stopped his swing, grabbing it mid air as he stared you down. You stared back his strength much stronger than yours apparently as your arms struggled. He gave up though and you laid the shovel back in the tray as he leant against the car.
“I’m sorry for what happened-“ you began and he glared.
“Ok” you whispered stopping. He hadn’t healed properly, hadn’t slept properly, just lost his friend and now has to deal with the kid and you. He stumbled and you frowned as he fell to the ground.
“Woah hey!” You yelled but he was passed out.
“Damn it” you muttered.
“Laura!” You called but saw no figure.
“Goddamnit!” You yelled as a car slowly approached.
“Oh” you said seeing her in the drivers seat.
“You can’t just take peoples cars-“ you sighed lifting Logan up and dragging him to the old Ford. You drove to the hospital though he wouldn’t like it that much.
“Will he wake up?” You asked the doctor quietly.
“Yes, are you also a mutant?” He said hushed.
“I guess” you sighed.
“Your blood could heal him” you frowned at the doctors words.
“I’d need a sample but it may work” he said and you stared at the old man.
“He’s killing himself slowly” you said and the doctor nodded sadly.
“Charles told me not to let him, probably also told Laura-“ you stopped at his confused face.
“I’m terrified of needles I’m sorry if I- attack?” You said and he gulped.
“Ok” he agreed.
He strapped your arms down just in case and you looked away. You took deep breaths, heart pounding and head spinning as he took some blood.
“All done” he said and you sighed in relief as you healed quickly.
“Ah geez” you felt like puking and passing out.
“Lie on the floor” he said and you did just that. You closed your eyes and sighed shakily. Laura came in and you looked to her.
“I’m scared of needles” you chuckled as she sat by your head and handed you an ear piece.
“Thanks” you whispered putting it in and listening to the music.
“It’s working” you frowned as the doctor rushed in. You slowly stood trying to ignore the feeling in your stomach. You watched his wounds heal quickly and watched his face change.
“Very well apparently” the doctor said. He looked less withered down, more like a matured man with grey hair.
“What the hell” you whispered.
Next Chapter
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willowisbunger · 3 years
God Im Sorry (A tapeworm clef fanfic)
Before we begin. This is all for jokes. I am so sorry for anyone who has to read this. Its also just a draft and will be complete at some point. For now enjoy what little I give you.
You find yourself resting on the couch of your dearly beloveds bed quarters. You scroll through your phone looking fondly at old text messages of when you and your husband to be's first text messages. All the ridiculous nicknames you two exchanged, all the flirting, photos, and various other things you two have sent to each other over the years. You couldn't help but giggle. You find it hard to believe this all started cause you decided to help some weird blonde guy with a ukulele out with his broken leg.
You two have been dating for almost 8 years and two months ago, the man, Dr. Alto Clef. He took you on a date. Just a nice simple stroll around the woods, which ended in a nice picnic by a river. In which you saw the man you have fallen head over heels for, get down on one knee and began plucking at the strings of his ukulele. Singing a sweet melody like a song bird in the spring, before pulling out a wedding ring and asking those simple words of "will you marry me". Your heart flutters with glee as you chuckle. You feel giddy and so over joyed with happiness. Right as your giggle fit calmed down you heard the front door open, and there stood your beloved. With a wide grin on his face as he held some folders in his hands. He had a doctors appointment that day since he had been feeling strange. With his face showing his usual bright beaming smile and his three beautiful eyes showing their usual mischievous gleam, it was clear that he was in more than perfect shape.
"Heya there pumpkin. I'm home. And I've got some great news." He spoke in a raspy slightly southern voice. At first it was grating on ya, but now its like all your favorite songs combine into one incredible tune. "Welcome home sweetheart!" You chirped as you ran up to your beloved teddy bear to give him a quick peck to the lips as you hugged him close, "What's the good news teddy? I can tell from that big dumb grin of yours ya got somethin real good to tell me. What did the doctor say?" You said as you affectionately pinched his cheeks causing him to laugh as he took both your hands to hold. "Well besides me being fit as a bull. Looks like I'm gonna be eating for two from now on."
You blinked and tilted your head in confusion, slowly processing the information as you stepped back a lil. "How? Babe I never top and we always use protection. Who-" "Oh no pumpkin. I ain't pregnant" He interrupted, chuckling as he ruffled your hair. "I got a tape worm. The doc took some sonograms of my stomach to see if there were any issues and yeah, there's a lil fella in there. Look." The blonde handed you the folder, which you opened and began reading through and your face turned pale at the sight of the tape worm in the photo of an ultra sound. You gagged a lil as you shoved the folder back into clefs arm. "Babe that's not okay!!!! That's a parasite!!!! Its gonna just keep reproducing and shit and its gonna fuck up your insides." You said quite loudly, usually you were quiet but this, this was making you quite distressed. Your fiancés face turned from a smile to a disappointed frown "I thought you would've liked clef junior....".
You stood baffled at the situation before you. Your dearly beloved, just, accepting and seeming to be happy about the fact he has a god damn TAPE WORM living inside of him. You've seen some shit in your days working for the foundation. A sheet of music that makes people go bonkers and try to bleed, Kondraki -clefs ex- ridding on god damn 682, and other shit that would boggle anyone's mind. But this. THIS RIGHT HERE. Just.... Leaves you speechless. "Pumpkin?" the third eyed man spoke in a concerned tone, which rarely came from him. "Are you okay?" You held your head in your hands as you sat back down on the plush couch and just took a deep breathe, and just as quickly as you sat down you sprung back up, grabbing your jacket and zipping it up. "Babe.... I just.... I need a moment.... I'll be out for awhile.... This is just, strange even for you and I need a moment to think about this." You sped walk past your -potentially ex- husband to be to the door. You shut the door, seeing Clef's face look uncharacteristically sad at you. It hurt you a little to leave your teddy bear like that, but you still needed time to just, think and process this whole situation.
You leave the housing area for researchers and quickly the site as well. You hail a cab and as soon as you enter the bright yellow vehicle you tell the faceless driver to "Take me to the nearest motel." Which he happily complied especially with the hefty tip you gave him. You just, Needed awhile to think and god knows how long that could be so you may as well rent out a room away from that hell site foundation to have a clear mind. After all who knows what might happen. Fucking Dr. Bright could tell you to give it a chance and raise the worm together with your teddy bear or some shit. You never know with this job and the people you worked with. While in your thoughts you rented out a room, room 105. Great another reminder of your hell job, even though it was just the simple numbers of 0 and 5 you can't help but be reminded of your faceless higher ups and the fact you work for them.
You found your room and quickly made your way inside to flop down on the bed, beforehand making sure to put up the "Do not disturb" sign and locking it. You burried your face into the hard cheap pillows of this motel, missing the one you had back at your place with its soft textures and the scent of your beloved.... Which once again brought you back to the worm. That fucking worm. Why the hell was your husband so keen on keeping it? He's at least some form of scientist he should know that tape worms are a dangerous parasite that affect your health. You stare up at the popcorn ceiling just, trying to wrap your head around WHY. Why would your partner; your future husband; the one who knows everything about you and you know everything about them.... just why are they keeping the tape worm?
You of course knew the stuff your teddy was known for, sleeping with that statue after a date, killing a dangerous reality bending child, father to 166 (who you were honestly happy to take in as your new step daughter). Out of everything. The tape worm makes you break. Makes you rethink your relationship with the man you've been dating for years at this point. All you can do at this moment is sigh, hearing the phone in your coat pocket buzz. You pull it out and set it to "do not disturb" as you set the device aside on a night stand. "Maybe I should sleep it off. Maybe I'll have a clearer mind then...." You say to yourself as you threw your coat off and roll onto your side. Feeling uncomfortable in your current clothes but you didn't pack a bag so, you just ignore the discomfort until eventually.... You drift off to sleep. The shallow hum of power surging through the building and the busy city outside envelop you as you feel unconsciousness take over.
While in your state of unconsciousness you hear a silky smooth, deep yet gentle voice speak to  you. "Y/N... Y/N its time to wake up Y/N". You slowly awoke, opening your groggy eyes, what laid before you, you didn't know. They had a handsome chiseled face, comparable to the statues found in ancient Greece with even a similar tone of white marble. They had thick luxurious hair that went down to their waste, rippling muscles that went down both torso and back.... They were ungodly white though. And didn't have legs. You stared at the bottom half and slowly processed what you were looking at..... A fucking tapeworm man. A fucking humanoid tape worm what the fuck. "Im going back to bed" You said as you laid on your side, and tried to ignore the hallucination.
The tapeworm creature, slid over you just to get to the side you were facing. You shivered feeling it’s disgusting body wiggle about. You close your eyes tightly as you did your best to ignore it. You could feel yourself holding back even more shivers as you felt their cold hands touch your face. “Y/n…. Look at me…. I just want to talk.” “And I just want to be left alone and not think about tapeworm men trying to seduce me while I’m contemplating breaking up my engagement.”
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xxdragonwriterxx · 4 years
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🐉 Song Recommendation: “Rain Clouds” By: The Arcadian Wild 🐉
Well, one thing was for sure, (Y/N) was fucked. Absolutely fucked. She tried not to let the horror show on her face as she listened to her Captain Levi’s orders, her blood roaring in her ears as only one sentence rang through her brain on a constant loop.
“We’re going to have to pair up and share tents tonight.”
(Y/N) had figured something like this would happen when a cart full of supplies had been crushed by a titan on their way to their breakpoint, but she hadn’t expected it to happen this way. She had expected to be sharing with Petra, keeping everyone separated by gender. At least, until she had seen the sweet ginger-haired girl glance at her boyfriend, Oulo, a look (Y/N) knew Levi hadn’t missed either.
It was at that point she knew she was screwed. She had no idea what she was going to do. She knew she would be mortified no matter who she was paired with, but when it was announced that she was going to be sharing a tent with her long time crush and Captain, she was pretty sure she felt her soul leave her body. What the hell was she going to do!?
She didn’t have any more time to think about it as Levi pushed off of the tree he’d been leaning on and approached her, jerking his head for her to follow him. He looked confident as he strode to the place where his tent had already been set up, but on the inside, he was a bit nervous. He hadn’t missed the look of horror that had flickered across (Y/N)’s face when he had ordered her to share a tent with him, something that made his insides clench painfully.
Levi had wanted (Y/N) for ages. She always made him feel so comfortable with her naturally quiet yet sociable personality, her sharp intelligence and quick observations never failing to impress him. He only ever felt anxious around her because he knew he felt something more than just comradeship with his squad member, his heart pounding every time she entered a room or flashed a smile at him. Even though he had been pissed off at the loss of one of the carts, he had been secretly pleased at the opportunity to share a tent with (Y/N), especially when he caught Petra eyeing Oulo excitedly, making it easy to pair himself with (Y/N) without seeming suspicious.
But that look on her face as he stated the order had made him nervous about this whole thing. What if she was uncomfortable? Wait, what was he thinking? Of course she was uncomfortable! She was being ordered to sleep beside her superior for fucks sake. Levi growled to himself in frustration. He hated how inept he was at wooing gestures and charming words, his personality better suited for threatening and killing without hesitation than comforting and flirting.
Holding the flap open for her, Levi allowed her to pass into the tent in front of him before following her in. It was still early, but all of the traps had been set, the food dispersed, and the horses taken care of. Levi’s squad had done their chores earlier than usual just in case they ran into more titans, Levi wanting his squad to be fed and energized in the event of a surprise attack. He sighed as he watched her look around the space, her eyes darting to look everywhere but at him.
“Oi,” Levi said, the young scout turning to face him as he came up to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “Breathe, (Y/N). I know it’s shitty, but it’s only for one night. If you really are that uncomfortable though, I can always sleep outside the tent. Your choice.”
(Y/N)’s eyes immediately widened and she shook her head, her hands waving in front of her, causing his lips to twitch slightly at the cute sight of her embarrassment. “No, of course not, sir! I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous. Sharing a tent with my Captain? It just seems a little…, strange?”
“I know what you mean,” Levi said with a nod. Despite his interest in her, he could feel what she was feeling. She was his subordinate after all, a member of his squad. And now, he was sharing a bed with her, albeit innocently of course, but it still left a strange feeling in his chest, as if someone had placed a weight there that was both heavy as an anvil and light as a feather.
“A-Are you okay with this, sir? I can always sleep outside if you want your own space.”
“I ordered this didn’t I?” Levi asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah, but you only did that because the cart was destroyed. The last thing I want is to make you feel uncomfortable in your own room.”
Levi’s heart rate sped up a little, humbled by her thoughtfulness. “You're not making me uncomfortable.”
“O-Oh, okay. That’s good, I guess I can stay here.”
Levi nodded once before turning around to perform his bedtime ritual, (Y/N) turning in the other direction to give him privacy and do her own routine before bed. The tent was completely silent aside from the rustling of their clothes and the sound of the trees blowing in the wind outside. The silence made (Y/N) feel funny, like she felt both comfortable and awkward at the same time, his soothing aura making her feel calm while her embarrassment kept rearing its head to make her feel uncomfortable. Her roiling emotions made her want to let out a groan of frustration but she reeled it in, not wanting to have the Captain question her.
Levi wasn’t much better off, sighing quietly when he found her presence to be soothing but also wanting to bang his head against the wall when his feelings wouldn’t stop interfering, making his heart beat twice as fast and his brain overthink every little thing he did. He managed to relax a little when (Y/N) left to brush her teeth, giving him the chance to take a deep breath and shove down his doubts about this whole thing. She had said she was fine with him sleeping beside her, so he just had to take her word for it, no matter how many times his brain tried to convince him she was just being polite.
(Y/N) slapped her cheeks with water when she finished cleaning her teeth, cooling down her wired emotions and allowing her to calm down. She could do this, no matter her own doubts. She had to do this, because she knew that if she tried to change anything he would leave, forgoing his own comfort for hers, and she refused to let him do that. She was an adult, a soldier on the best squad in the military, skilled in killing huge man-eating monsters. She could sleep for one night in her crush’s bed without doing anything embarrassing.
When she reentered the tent, Levi was shirtless, making her cheeks burn like fire as she caught sight of his sculpted chest and powerful abs. When he turned around, she could’ve drooled as the muscles in his back rippled. She looked up to find him watching her with a slight smirk on his face, making her squeak in embarrassment at having been caught ogling him.
Thankfully, he decided not to tease her other than the shit-eating grin on his face as she strode up beside him, folding her clothes neatly before making her way to the cot in the middle of the space. Levi joined her soon after, sliding under the covers and dousing the lantern, throwing the room in darkness.
“Goodnight, Captain.”
“Night, (Y/N).”
Levi knew she was still awake, her back facing him, but he eventually felt her relax, her breathing slowing down and her body unwinding as the influence of sleep took over. The tension in his own body was released when he noticed her relax, a sigh of relief falling from his lips before he could stop it. As he lay quietly in the cot, he could hear the sound of (Y/N)’s soft snores and sleepy whimpers start to filter in with the noises of the wind and the animals outside, the sound soothing him further.
He was just about to drift off himself, ready to roll over to the side from where he was laying on his back when he felt (Y/N) shift. Levi choked on his sharp inhale, his eyes flying open to look down and see (Y/N) pressed up against him. His heart was in his throat at the sight of the pretty girl snuggled into his side, her arms coming up to wrap around his waist and pull him to her with a tiny grunt. Levi was too speechless to do more than let her move him, his breath coming out in short, quick gasps as she held him close, sighing happily and nuzzling her face into his chest. She finally stopped moving, her light snores picking back up again as soon as she was happily cuddled up with him.
Levi’s eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted as an innocent sense of wonder filled him. Never in his life had a woman ever fallen asleep beside him, let alone cuddled up to him affectionately, nuzzling his skin. He felt warm and tingly all throughout his body, a small smile curling on his lips before he even knew what happened. He was surprised by his reaction, his urge to pull her closer and snuggle deeper into her embrace. He had never craved intimacy before, usually opting to break someone’s wrist if they tried to touch him. But with (Y/N), he found himself wanting her to be closer, already surprisingly greedy for her warm touch.
Indulging himself a little, Levi leaned down and pressed a light kiss on her head before settling back into the cot, moving his arms from behind his head to wrap around her body and pull her closer against him.
“Sweet dreams, (Y/N),” Levi murmured with a quiet chuckle before falling asleep himself, wrapped up with the girl he secretly adored.
(Y/N) groaned as she woke, the cheery sound of birds chirping filling her ears as she came back to reality, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Immediately closing them again at the  bright sunlight that assaulted them, (Y/N) yawned and stretched an arm up over her head, moaning quietly at the delicious feeling of her back popping.
“Sleep well, brat?” A voice said from below her, her whole body vibrating with the feeling of his chuckle.
“HUH!?” (Y/N)'s eyes snapped open, immediately awake, her head turning to see exactly what she had feared. Smirking at her, his eyes twinkling, was her Captain, his arms wrapped lazily around her shoulders. Her face immediately flushed a furious bright red as she realized she was sprawled on top of him, her leg thrown over his groin and her chest pressed against his. Her arms were wrapped around his waist possessively, holding him close to her. She let out an embarrassed squeak and shot away from him, her eyes wide and her hands flailing as she tried to fumble her way through an apology.
“O-Oh gods L-Levi, I mean, Captain, I am s-so sorry! I know I should’ve told you, but I didn’t because I was embarrassed and I overthink everything so I kept it to myself and I shouldn’t have. Now I’ve just ruined everything, with my stupid habit! I am so sorry Captain, if I had told you last night that I always end up cuddling whatever is next to me, I wouldn’t have invaded your space,” (Y/N) rambled, the words tumbling from her mouth before she could stop them, her mind frazzled and completely out of sorts in her embarrassment.
She eventually managed to finally shut her mouth, hanging her head in eternal mortification. At that moment, she just wanted the ground to swallow her up. She couldn’t believe she had been so stupid and selfish. This whole situation could’ve been avoided if she had just been honest with him, but she had decided against telling him, worried he would be anxious about sharing a tent with her if he knew she became very cuddly in her sleep. 
But now that was completely out the window, her traitorous body having drifted over to her Captain without her permission, ruining not only her chance at possibly ever having a relationship with him, but also her current subordinate/superior relationship with the stoic man. Fear flooded her system at the thought of possibly being reassigned, sent to another team for creating unnecessary tension within the squad. She wouldn’t put it past Levi to do something like that, wouldn’t blame him if he did. She had seen him do way worse to other people for doing a tenth of what she had just done. He had every right to be furious with her after touching him intimately without his strict permission.
A sudden sound in front of her had her head shooting back up, her eyes widening at what she saw, her hands even coming up to rub at her eyes, convinced her vision was playing tricks on her. She figured she ought to get her ears checked too, as the sound continued to fill the tent and her heart with warmth.
Levi was laughing. And not just his signature chuckle, he was genuinely laughing. The sound was quiet, but it was one of the most beautiful noises (Y/N) had ever heard. It made her smile brightly despite the fear and embarrassment in her gut, her whole body humming as she watched her seemingly emotionless Captain close his eyes and bring his hand to his mouth, stifling the chuckles.
When Levi opened his eyes again, he saw (Y/N) staring at him with comically wide eyes, a bright, shocked smile on her gorgeous face. He hadn’t meant to laugh, but he hadn’t been able to help it. She had been so adorable, curled up on his chest like that with her face buried in his neck and their legs tangled together. He hadn’t wanted to wake her, content to just analyze her pretty features as she snoozed, but also didn’t miss the chance to tease the hell out of her when the light from the rising sun eventually roused her. 
He just hadn’t been able to contain himself when she had started rambling on and on. Normally, he was the one fighting to retain his composure around her, not that she knew that, but the sight of her struggling to meet his eyes, her face aflame with a violent blush as she stuttered through an apology had made him feel full and warm. It told him that maybe he affected her in the same way she affected him, something he had always craved but never expected, the discovery of this knowledge like an unexpected gift. She tilted her head a little when he looked into her eyes, trying to read him.
Gods, she was breathtaking. Her hair was kind of a mess, not having yet been brushed in the early morning. Her eyes were a little red from sleep and her rubbing them, but they sparkled in the light that shone through the canvas of their tent, making her seem so alive. Her skin was even glowing, making her shine in a way that made his breath hitch. He was silent now despite his laughing a few minutes ago, his silver hues trailing over her before meeting her gaze. He noticed her swallow hard.
“So…, you’re not mad?” (Y/N) asked hesitantly.
“No, I found it amusing.”
“So I didn’t bother you too much? I didn’t keep you awake all night?”
“Quite the opposite really.”
His simple answer made her visibly relax, but she was still watching him warily, as if waiting for him to suddenly change his mind and give her a punishment, not that she’d complain, Levi knew. The tension in the air dissipated despite (Y/N)’s obvious lingering embarrassment, enough so that (Y/N) felt comfortable preparing for the day.
Levi followed suit, standing and moving over to where he’d folded his clothes neatly, efficiently transforming himself back into a proper soldier. As soon as everything was in place, Levi turned to find (Y/N) still getting ready, her back facing him as she pulled her boots on and adjusted the leather skirt of her uniform. Smirking to himself, Levi crept up behind her, relishing in her surprised squeak when he leaned down to her ear.
“I thought you were pretty fucking cute last night, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) gasped loudly and whirled around to confront him only to find him already leaving the tent. She saw him pause, his hand on the flap as he turned and sent her a wink before slipping outside, his loud, commanding voice ringing out over the field to order her fellow squad members to start the day.
 (Y/N) raised a hand and brought it up to her ear and the back of her neck, smiling as she felt the spot where Levi’s warm breath had fanned out over her skin just seconds earlier. If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought it was a dream, her stoic, cold-hearted Captain calling her cute. Her heart was pounding, her cheeks flushed with a little more than just embarrassment. Maybe she hadn’t ruined her chances with him after all.
A/N: Does anyone else fucking do this? I mean, I’m sure at least some of you do, but for some reason, when I sleep, I always cuddle whatever is next to me. Whether that be my dog, a pillow, a stuffed animal, a blanket, whatever it is, I will latch onto it at night. I actually wrote this story based on something that happened to me a few months ago when I was staying with a friend and I ended up cuddling her in the middle of the night, surprising her. It was a little less awkward for me than what was portrayed in the story because she’s my friend, but still, I felt a little bad wrapping myself around her all night  😅😂.
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yougotthat-write · 3 years
Cold (Rafael Barba x Reader)
Word Count: 1,200+
Warnings: Angst; takes place during/after Rafael's last episode (The Undiscovered Country) and the case involved, no major spoilers or details but takes place around the events; also no "happy" ending because I'm lazy :)
Summary: Rafael finds himself needing to leave New York and there's nothing you can do to stop him.
Read on AO3 here!
An East Coast winter wasn’t for the weak of heart, soul, or mind. Long days filled with bitter coldness, crunchy snow, and very little sun to rattle everyone’s happy hormones seemed to make everyone miserable. Sure, the holiday season would occupy people with gifts, gatherings, and pretty decorations, but after the new year, the warmth would be extinguished with the endless snowstorms. The winters for you felt even more frigid ever since he left the city.
Rafael Barba came into your life like a wrecking ball that consisted of a sharp tongue, crisp suits, and beautiful emerald eyes. Thanks to the constant shuffling A.D.A.s that Special Victims was going through, Rafael had been sought out to deal with a particular case and ever since, was deemed the go-to A.D.A. for sex crimes. Prosecutors who handled the cases for your team typically started out like the typical stereotypes that everyone had about lawyers - cold, distant, blunt, all about the facts. But once the empathetic tendrils of Captain Olivia Benson and her squad of crime fighters encased whichever A.D.A. was deemed theirs, that prosecutor would slowly find themselves becoming more empathetic, but also more angry.
Angry at the system.
Angry at the laws.
Angry at the world.
When the Householder case had come into Barba’s orbit, it had finally pushed him over the limit of what he could handle. The whirlwind of what he did hitting the news cycle and the fact that he was going to be put on trial made your lungs short of breath and your chest felt like you had been roundhouse kicked.
This was the second scariest moment in your life. If Rafael Barba was found guilty, then he could go to jail. The night before the verdict was announced, you were both sitting on his living room floor. The light hum of his heater filled the air. Back pressed against the couch, you looked over his features slowly. He was frozen in his place, staring at the wall ahead of him, eyes glassy.
Your gaze lingered on his hair. Now flattened from constantly running his hand through it. Whenever he had to speak with his defense attorney, Rafael had to physically restrain himself from quipping back at Dworkin in annoyance. The lines in his forehead seemed to get deeper with each passing day. His eyes - god, his beautiful eyes didn’t have that shine to them anymore. Whether it be of pride or playfulness, they were now a dull green. Still beautiful, but just not as bright. His lips were seemingly always pursed or pressed into a straight line. Tight lipped. You couldn’t remember the last time he smiled a genuine happy smile.
Your gaze continued down his jaw. It was clenched. To soften it, your hand reached up and your fingers caressed his cheek. There was the softest hint of stubble. He would shave it in the morning before heading back to the courthouse.
When your hand touched his skin, his eyes fluttered close. You saw his Adam apple bob. You felt tears prick your eyes but you blinked them away. You felt his tears hit your fingers before you saw them. You turned his face towards you, your thumb trying to wipe away the salty droplets. When he finally opened his eyes with a shaky breath, that’s when your tears fell down your face.
One of his hands rested over the one on his cheek and the other went to your hair, pulling you to him and pressing your foreheads together. The two of you shook with sobs. Your heart thudded against your ribs, threatening to burst through. You and Rafael spent the rest of the night tangled together. You needed to touch him, kiss him, hold him.
The scariest moment of your life surprisingly wasn’t when the jury came back from deliberating for a few days with a verdict. When the foreperson said those words of not guilty, the tears started again. Olivia pulled you into a hug, her own eyes watery. You reached over the short gallery wall, grabbing Rafael’s hand and giving it a squeeze. When Liv let you out of her grasp, he pulled you in for his own hug. It was awkward with the wall and Dworkin yapping away about how Rafael really had nothing to worry about.
The actual scariest moment in your life was later on after the trial. News of Rafael’s resignation to the D.A.’s office had made it rounds. You were certainly surprised, but you understood the decision. You had just pushed through his apartment door with a celebratory takeout dinner and found Rafael standing by the large windows in his living room, looking out into the busy city. He had a glass of scotch in his hand.
He didn’t turn when you came into the room, telling him of the dinner you just lugged home in the bitter Autumn air. You saw his shoulders, squared and tense. He shot back the rest of his drink before turning. His tongue flicked over his bottom lip before he spoke.
“I’m leaving.”
Your brow furrowed as you jerked a thumb over your shoulder, “What about dinner?”
“I’m leaving the city.”
“Right now?”
“This week.” Your mouth opened again to ask another question but he spoke again, “I’m leaving the city. Probably even the state. I need… I can’t stay here.”
There was a long pause. You shifted on your feet and you intertwined your fingers together. “H-how long will you be gone?”
Rafael’s eyes bore into yours, “I don’t know.” He took a step over to his bar area, setting the empty glass there before making his way towards you. He was slow in his movements, like you were a small and skittish animal he found in the woods. You watched him with wide eyes as your mind tried to process his words and his train of thought. You finally spoke when his hands rested on your shoulders, giving a small squeeze. It could be looked at as a soothing action, when in actuality he was holding you still in case you decided to run off.
“What about us?” Your voice was quiet.
You watched Rafael’s face. He was choosing his words wisely. He was always so quick with his thoughts but recently, he’d been thinking them through longer and harder. “I love you,” he breathed, “and I don’t want you to uproot your whole life for me. No criminal deserves that-”
“-you were found not guilty-”
His hands moved to encase your cheeks, shushing you. He stepped closer, bodies pressing against each other. “I need to do this. The city is… tainted for me. This whole thing will loom over me for years and I-” A tear sped down his left cheek and he took a shaky breath, “I need to start over.”
“Without me?” You croaked. Rafael’s eyes squeezed shut so he didn’t have to watch you cry but he felt them spill over his fingers.
“I’ll come back.” He mumbled. “I don’t know when but I will.” He opened his eyes again and looked at you with a mix of adoration and heartbreak. Your throat was dry and you felt light headed. You pushed your body into him and wrapped your arms around his torso. His arms encased you once he realized what was happening and pressed his lips to your hair. His voice was muffled, “I don’t expect you to wait for me. Frankly, I don’t think I deserve it.”
He left eight days later.
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Stay Peachy: Kwamibuster
Summary: With Ladybug out of commission Chat Noir is the only one who can stop Kwamibuster... If only everyone would just work with him here!
"Let me get this straight. Tikki's captured. Ladybug's powerless and captured, I was this close to losing you too but you won't tell me where Master Fu is? Am I missing anything?" Adrien asked Plagg.
Plagg twitched nervously. "But- but-"
"You have five seconds to give me a good alternative or we're going to see Fu," Adrien announced.
"You could distract Kwamibuster while Ladybug escapes!" Plagg tried.
Adrien crossed his arms and glared. "I said a good alternative! You getting caught isn't good for anyone!"
"Might be good for Ladybug?" Plagg shrugged his arms and gave his most convincing grin.
"Sure! I'll just hand Papillon the other kwami he needs while I have to use a banana suit to protect my identity or something!" Adrien replied sarcastically.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." Plagg knew Adrien. There was a good chance-
The sound of a door being blown off it's hinges echoed down the hallway as Kwamibuster started searching the floor they were on. "Where are you, little cat? I already have a ladybug for my insect collection. Now I just need a small mammal!"
Plagg gave his best kitty cat eyes.
Adrien didn't budge.
Plagg's arms drooped. "Okay, okay! Let's just get outa here first!"
"Knew you'd see things my way." Adrien smirked.
Master Fu was having a nice, calming, afternoon tea with Wayzz when there was an insistent banging at his door. Wayzz hiding at the sound.
The Guardian sighed. "Who could that be?"
The banging got louder.
"Patience! I am coming! What's the big-"
A blond headed blur shot in and slammed the door shut.
"So this is where you live. Nice place ya got here. Ladybug's in trouble and I need more Miraculous!" Adrien's words tumbling out in a rush as his heartbeat jumped up his throat. Maybe I should have used the window.
"Chat Noir!?" Fu's eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise.
"Sorry, Master." Plagg appeared, uncharacteristically serious, ears low. "It was an emergency."
"Plagg!?" This was unprecedented! Yes, the Kwami of Destruction was the most free spirited of those in the Miracle Box. But even he knew the importance of secrecy! "What are you doing-"
"Ladybug's in trouble! I just said that!" Adrien supposed he could have worded it better... But also: Ladybug was in trouble! And he was in a hurry!
The Guardian glanced from boy to kwami. Who nodded. "Very well," Fu conceded. Going to the gramophone and entering the code. Bringing out the Miracle Box which he set in its usual place when Marinette came. "Adrien Agreste, choose an ally to help you on this mission. Remember that they mist return the Miraculous once the mission is complete."
Adrien stared as the Miracle Box opened. Kneeling down in imitation of the Guardian's pose. He hadn't known there were so many Miraculous! One of them surely had the power to help! Only...
"What is it Chat Noir?"
Adrien looked up at Master Fu's face. "I dunno what most of these do."
The Guardian sighed. "This is exactly why it should be Ladybug who chooses the temporary hero."
"Hey, it's not my fault you decided she was the only one who could know things!" So this is what being Chat Noir without the mask felt like. "I'm-" Adrien paused as a thought hit him. "Oh. Oh!"
"... Yes?" Master Fu prompted.
"I just realized how dumb it is that I'm not supposed to know the temporary heroes secret identities."
Fu blinked. "Excuse me?"
Adrien shook his head to get his thought process back on track. "Anyway!"
"Chat Noir, what did you mean by-"
"No time!" Adrien pointed at the Miraculous. "Teach!"
Grumbling something about manners Fu acquiesced.
Skipping over the ones Adrien already knew the Guardian quickly ran down the list. The Pig could show you your deepest desire? Seemed like it'd be a good distraction. The Dragon had how many abilities!? Overpowered but okay. The Mouse could make little copies of you. Heh, that sounded adorable but-
"That's it!" Adrien interrupted Fu to grab the Fox and Mouse Miraculous. Which he promptly put on.
"What are you doing!?" The Guardian exclaimed. "No holder has ever used three Miraculous before! It's too dangerous!"
"Well, I don't know who Rena Rouge is and I'm not gonna spend any more time looking!" Adrien turned to the materializing Fox and Mouse kwamis. "Sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry."
"Oh, aren't we always? Name's Trixx."
"Alright. Mullo, transforme-moi!"
Multimouse took a moment to adjust to the unfamiliar magic of his new suit.
"I really don't think this is the best course of action," Fu said, attempting to dissuade the young boy.
"Relax, Master! I'll keep him out of trouble!" Trixx announced.
Multimouse nodded as he opened a window. "Thanks. Now, c'mon Trixx, Plagg. I'll explain the plan on the way!" So saying, he launched himself skyward.
Wayzz finally emerged from his hiding place, floating towards his holder.
Fu looked at his kwami. "Oh, I hope he doesn't collapse on the way."
"True or false? Ladybug has disguised herself as Mr. Banana!"
Marinette was not having a good day. First, Chat Noir's kwami almost reveals her identity. Then, Tikki got captured! And now that tomcat was nowhere in sight. Marinette had barely escaped from Kwamibuster the first time and now she was cornered mere meters from the exit!
"Uh, stay peachy?!" Marinette ran for it.
But Kwamibuster leapt over her and grabbed her wrist. "You can't get away from me!"
From the doorway came a whole swarm of kwamis! Flitting about Kwamibuster and distracting her enough for Marinette to get away.
"You can't get away from me!" Kwamibuster chased after them as they sped off. "You're no match for Kwamibuster!"
Turning around, Marinette saw Plagg and a little guy holding onto his ears. She blinked, this was the first time she saw the Mouse Miraculous in action.
"It's me!" he declared, grinning. "Chat Noir! Or Multimouse, I guess."
"Chat Noir!?" But that meant- No, no, she could panic about that later. "Well, then you must need my Miraculous." Marinette reached for her earrings.
"Uh, no? Why would you think that?"
"Because... Nevermind. What's the plan?"
Multimouse winked. "You'll see. Make your way back to the roof!" And zipped away before Ladybug could ask more questions.
"... A Chat Noir plan. This oughta be interesting."
"I will capture you all!"
Kwamibuster laughed maniacally as she shot her beam at the Plagg reskins. Made by Multifox with his Mirage. And that wasn't the only part of the illusion.
"I have to say. I think Ladybug will be impressed," Plagg stated. Floating directly above the supervillain so she would need to crane her neck straight up to spot them.
"It has to work first," Multimouse replied. Still standing on top of Plagg's head. His small army made their way into position.
Multimouse's invisible doubles launched their indestructible ropes at Kwamibuster. Becoming visible as they wrapped her up like Gulliver on Lilliput.
"What!? What's going on!? Oof!" She toppled none too gently.
Wasting no time Plagg zipped down.
"No! You can't beat Kwamibuster!" She freed her blaster hand.
"Mullo, Plagg, unify!"
"Aha!" Twisting upwards she aimed the beam at Multimouse.
Adrien's power touched the tip of her barrel and the rust spread from it to her pack. Freeing Tikki as dark mist transformed Kwamibuster back into Mme. Mendeleiev.
Adrien merged himself back together as the akuma flew past him. "Uh, Ladybug!"
A red blur shot out and caught the akuma before it could get far. Ladybug releasing a white butterfly in its place.
Multimouse grinned. "Perfect timing as always, My Lady."
"I dunno about that." Ladybug looked around at the destroyed rooftop.
"You think it'll work without a Lucky Charm?" Multimouse asked, following her train of thought.
Ladybug looked at her yo-yo. "The akuma was purified so it should." Throwing it skyward with a little more strength than usual she called out the words. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The cure swept around them as Ladybug's yo-yo fell back into her hands.
"Knew you could do it," Multimouse praised. "Now, I've got some errands to run-" he tapped the two Miraculous necklaces "-so you take care of Mme. Mendeleiev."
He half turned. "Oh! And sorry about my kwami. No idea what he was doing at that primary school."
"It was a- lycée, yeah. Lycée."
"Right!" He grinned. "A lycée." Totally not a collège. Giving Ladybug a two finger salute he leapt off the tower. Mme. Mendeleiev's insistence on the validity of her scientific discovery fading behind him.
Adrien held out his index finger to shake the kwamis' hands. "You were both a big help! Thanks."
"You weren't so bad yourself, Chat Noir," Trixx grinned.
"Yeah!" Mullo agreed. "Usually Plagg's holders are no fun but you ran circles around that kwami snatcher!"
Adrien blushed a little at their praise. "Hope we can work together again someday." The kwamis waved as they reentered their Miraculous.
Master Fu closed the Miracle Box once Adrien placed them back inside. Returning it to its hiding place. "It is quite impressive that you withstood the power of three Miraculous long enough to accomplish your task."
"... Actually it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience."
The Guardian blinked. "What?"
Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I don't think occasionally using two or three Miraculous at once is all that dangerous. Maybe if you wore a whole bunch of 'em. But why would you do that?"
Fu processed that for a bit.
Adrien sipped from his tea, awkwardly. "... So does this mean I finally get Guardian training?"
Master Fu nearly slipped as he sat back down. "Huh?"
"I mean, I already know where you are. And we've seen that if Ladybug is compromised it's better if I know what to do," Adrien reasoned out logically.
"I... That is... Uh..." Fu looked desperately at Plagg, who was gorging himself on cheese.
"Hey, don't look at me. Kid's got a point." Plagg swallowed another wedge of Camembert.
Fu slumped with a sigh. Clearly outmaneuvered. "Where should we start?"
"Potions!" Adrien exclaimed, eyes sparkling. This was going to be fun. He could feel it!
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
You've Got a Friend in Me (You've Got Troubles. I've Got 'em too.) (A Bakudeku Tropetember Fic)
Another Tropetember thingy (this one is a little late though...oops). I classify this one as a fic because it surpassed 1K. This one is for day eight:  5+1 / 3+1 (Five Times + One Time). AO3 link is here. It’s slightly angsty...so beware of feels.
tw: use of the f slur, homophobia, unsupportive parents, bullying
“You’ll always be nothing but some dumbass, lightning-bolt faggot! You should just pack up and quit the hero course now. You’re too stupid to ever make it further than some lowly sidekick position,” the boy finished his abuse before dissolving into obnoxious laughter. 
 Said boy was one of Denki’s middle school classmates. Denki had accidentally run into him because he was texting Eijirou. The boy had looked over his shoulder and seen Eiji’s name (along with a heart) and started making fun of him for being “a faggot”. Denki knew he shouldn’t take what some asshole said to heart, but the things that he said reminded Denki of other times when he had been put down similarly. Lots of people seemed to think he was an incompetent dumbass who could never do anything right unless he had help, and, while sure, he was a little slow in academics...he definitely had other skill sets that made him a kick-ass hero! That didn’t mean that it was easy to convince himself of that.
 “Denki-kun! Hi!” a voice broke Denki out of his spiral.
 Denki turned toward the voice and, low and behold, it was Izu-kun. Denki gave Izuku a weak smile and a wave as he stood tensely next to the bully.
 “Denki! Who’s this? A friend?” Izuku asked as he walked up to the two. His voice sounded dangerous, and Denki could hear the “or foe?” that came after his words. At 17, Class 3-A knew that Izuku was dangerously protective of his friends, and they all did their best not to provoke his fury in any way. Because a feral Izuku was terrifying. 
 The bully didn’t know this though, and he simply laughed before “greeting” Izuku, “Ah, guess we’ve got another faggot. Or did you not know that Lightning Dolt here was a twink?”
 Izuku’s aura darkened several degrees at the boy's statement but still he shot the boy a bright (but fake) smile, “I’ll give you three seconds to run before I fucking destroy you.”
 The boy’s face dropped and he blinked, “Uhhh...what?”
 Izuku continued to smile, “One.”
 The boy’s eyes widened in panic, “Wait, man!”
 The boy started running, “We can talk about this!”
 “Three,” Izuku immediately gave chase—or he would have if Denki hadn’t given him a small shock and held him back. Izuku struggled for a second before sighing and turning to Denki, “Denki-kun, you are more than just a brainless idiot and more than just a...a...you know. You’re amazing and talented in your own right and I’m proud to call you my friend.”
 Denki blinked in surprise before blushing lightly, “Thanks, Izu. I really appreciate it.” He smiled genuinely at Izuku.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Momo,” the dark-haired woman stared harshly down at her daughter, “You may feel like this now, but one day you’ll find a nice, upstanding gentleman that captures your heart. Not some...punk-rock freak-girl.”
 Momo stared down at her feet and sighed softly before replying, “Yes, mother.”
 However, as she turned to make her way into the dorms, and her mother turned to meet with the chauffeur, she heard a very familiar voice. “Excuse me, ma’am! Yaoyorozu-san! May I have a word with you?” Momo turned to see Izuku-kun coming down the dorm steps and speed walking down the lawn to meet with the two women. He had a slightly dangerous aura (someone outside of Class A wouldn’t even notice), but Momo stood rigid as her friend stood up to her mother, “Yaoyorozu-san. I think you should consider taking your daughter more seriously. 
 “You might not know me well personally, but Yaomomo-chan and I know each other very well and I would consider us good friends. She’s smart, resourceful, and talented, and I think we can both agree that she will make a fantastic hero. But Yaomomo-chan is also responsible and mature, definitely mature enough to make her own decisions about her relationship choices. 
 “My own mother is very protective of me too, but I think that part of being a parent means accepting and supporting children through their choices and the consequences of those choices (good or bad), even if they aren’t choices that you, yourself, would make. I hope that you can come to respect Yaomomo-chan’s decisions about her own future, and find comfort in the fact that I, and everyone else in Class A, will always offer her our full support. Thank you for your time.” Izuku bowed politely before turning to Momo. “Kacchan made dinner. You should come eat it before it gets cold,” he smiled before heading back inside.
 Momo’s mother looked surprised for a second before saying a quick goodbye and hurrying away. Momo smiled after her before whispering under her breath, “You are a marvelous friend, Izuku-kun.”
Hanta was in a rush to get to class. Usually he was pretty punctual, but today he missed his alarm so he wasn’t feeling the best. Anxious and rushed, he accidentally ran into the worst person reasonably possible.
 “Ahah, if it isn’t the plain-faced tape dispenser from Class A!” Monoma laughed, “Late to class, I see! Tsk, tsk, yet another reason Class B is superior! At the very least we’re punctual!”
 Hanta deadpanned at the slate-eyed boy, “You know you’re late too, right?”
 Monoma’s jaw dropped for a second before he regained his composure. He huffed and took another angle, “Well, at least I have a personality! You’re so boring that it’s a wonder anyone pays attention to you at all. You’re almost more invisible than the invisible girl in your class! Not to mention that you’ll probably never get a girlfriend, hah!”
 Hanta rolled his eyes, despite the pang in his heart, before maneuvering himself to speed-walk past Monoma. “I’m literally dating Shou. It’s been the hot gossip for the past few days, and you’re definitely shallow enough to keep up with the gossip mill.”
 Monoma guffawed, “How did a plain-faced peasant like you end up with someone as high class as Todoroki? It’s a wonder, isn’t it? But, of course, I’m sure you’ve been hearing that for the past few days, haven’t you?”
 Hanta knew that he shouldn’t take anything that Monoma says seriously, but he’d been hearing how “unworthy” he was of Shouto for the past few days (since their relationship became public knowledge). The scathing words got to him and it made him doubt himself a little. He sped off towards his classroom, ignoring Monoma’s jeers in the background.
 That day, during a joint training session, Izuku requested to be paired with Monoma...and maybe Izuku went a little harder than he usually did. Maybe Monoma ended up in the infirmary before class ended, but it was training so Izuku couldn’t really be blamed for accidentally injuring his classmate, could he?
 Hanta smiled as he now had an explanation for the flash of green he swore he saw out of the corner of his eye as he was rushing to class after the encounter.
Katsuki slapped Deku on the back after training. “What the fuck was that, nerd?! You fucking beat the hell outta the Copycat Freak! Why can’t you ever go that hard when we train?”
 Deku’s face flushed as he turned a blinding smile at Katsuki. Cute. Katsuki shook himself from his thoughts as Deku started talking to him. “I guess I just got really into the exercise, Kacchan!”
 Katsuki could tell that Izuku’s words weren’t the whole truth but he decided to gloss over it for now in favor of focusing on a topic that had been bugging him. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Mochi Head lately. Skimping on our training. Any specific reason, Deku?”
 Katsuki watched as Deku’s face flushed again, but this time it made a pit grow in his stomach. The pit grew as Deku stumbled over his words for a few minutes before answering, “We’ve just been helping each other study, Kacchan.” 
 “You’re fucking lying, stupid Deku,” Katsuki scoffed as his heart started cracking, tiny pieces falling into the void. “But it’s fucking fine. If you’d rather waste time with your girlfriend like a dumbass then I’ll take the number one spot all the more easily,” he said, but the words felt ashy in his mouth, empty and non-fulfilling.
 He started walking away when there was a sharp tug on his wrist. “Kacchan!” It was Deku. It was always Deku. Katsuki stopped trying to pull away, but he didn’t turn around yet. “I love you! No one else! Ochako-chan has just been helping me work through my feelings for you! She has feelings for someone else!” Katsuki turned sharply to see Deku staring intensely at him. “You are my symbol of victory. My hero. My Kacchan. It’s only ever been you, so please. Please allow me to stand by your side!”
 Katsuki sniffled before completely breaking down in tears from the emotional taxation of the last few minutes. Being the empathetic crier he is, Deku broke down with him and they held each other and sobbed. After a couple more minutes, Katsuki had pulled himself together enough to respond, “Y-yeah, dumb Deku. Keep your eyes on me.”
 Katsuki stood and extended a hand to Izuku to help him up. Izuku stared at him fondly for a split second before taking his offer. They walked back to the dorms side-by-side and hand-in-hand.
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kanerallels · 3 years
"There is no unspoken thing between us."
"Well, that's a Catch-22. Because if you said there was, it would be spoken, and then you'd be a liar. So by saying there isn't, you're telling the truth, and admitting there is."
Marvel quote—and you know which couple this is for 😉
Oh, you KNOW I do!!!
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Word Count: 3,559
Warnings/Tags: Rated G (for the fetching green vest Kanan's wearing)
Read on AO3!
Having deep cover operatives in the Empire was an important part of running a spy network. They gave Kanan some of his best information and helped him sneak the objects of the Empire’s rage right out from under the ISB’s nose more often than not.
But it could be a little inconvenient when he needed to pick up data from them. Because it almost inevitably involved him getting into some kind of ridiculous disguise and sneaking into some place the Empire didn’t want him in.
Case in point, he thought wryly, smoothing down the front of the fancy vest he was wearing over his dress shirt. “How do I look?” he asked, his voice quiet enough that none of the guests around him could hear.
“Ridiculous as always,” Kasmir’s voice came from the earpiece he wore, and Kanan rolled his eyes. The rest of the Yellow Submarine’s crew had demanded that he wear it, partially because they were bored and partially because Kasmir claimed Kanan had a habit of not giving them proper updates about what was going on. So they’d hacked the security cameras, and Kanan was set up with an earpiece. “Otherwise you’re fine. Remind me what your plan is again?”
Claiming a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, Kanan muttered, “Blend in while I wait for our contact to drop off the intel at the dead drop, then go there as soon as I get the signal. After that I get the kriff out of here as soon as possible.”
As he took a drink of the bubbly drink, Ezra said, “Sounds boring. Actually, this whole party looks boring. Just a bunch of grown ups in fancy clothing drinking alcohol and sucking up to each other.”
“Welcome to adult parties for the rich and tyrannical,” Kasmir told him, and Kanan had to stifle a grin. “They all suck.”
Unfortunately, Kanan couldn’t disagree. The Empire’s parties mainly consisted of flaunting their fabulousness to everyone else, but really just came off as self-absorbed. Luckily for him, this particular party had been incredibly easy to sneak into.
Taking another sip from the champagne glass, Kanan swept a glance around the room again-- and spotted his contact. The light-haired man, clad in a dark dress uniform, swept out of a door, his steps brisk and business-like as he passed by. He didn't give Kanan a backwards glance, but Kanan could tell he knew he was there.
“Alright, I'm on the move,” he said softly.
“About time,” Kasmir complained. “This is incredibly boring.”
Stepping through the doorway his contact had come out of, Kanan pointed out, “You're the ones who wanted to listen in.”
“Yeah, but I prefer blaming you,” the Kalleran said as Kanan moved into the room. It was some kind of sitting room, with a few armchairs here and there, and a small table in one corner.
Tuning out Kasmir, who was continuing to grumble, Kanan began searching the room. The table turned up nothing, so he moved to one of the armchairs. Dropping into it, he slid his hands down the side and into the cracks. A grin spread across his face as one hand encountered a slim rectangular shape. Bingo.
Pulling the datacard out, Kanan slipped it into the pocket of his vest. Cutting off Kasmir, he said, “I've got the intel. On my way out.”
He slipped out of the sitting room again, and a quick glance around the room made it clear that he’d been neither missed nor spotted. Time to get out of here, he thought.
Making a beeline for the door, Kanan paused to swipe a mini jogan cream cake from a waiter. He popped it in his mouth-- and nearly choked at the sound of a familiar laugh. A far too familiar laugh.
Spinning around, Kanan searched the crowd behind him. No way. No kriffing way. But even as he thought it, his gaze landed on where a handful of people were dancing to the elegant music in the background. And his eyes were drawn to a green-skinned Twi’lek woman, dancing with an Imperial officer and wearing a smile he knew had to be fake.
Some kind of makeup obscured the markings on Hera’s lekku, and she was a ways away from Kanan, but he’d recognize her anywhere. Especially that voice, which he could hear speaking in her native Ryl accent even from that distance. Who knew she had an accent? He mused.
Kanan nearly jumped when he heard Kasmir shout his name in his earpiece. “Kriffing-- don’t do that,” he hissed, turning away from the crowd so no one would see him moving his lips.
“What are you hesitating for? It’s time to get out of there,” Kasmir urged. “We’re not even supposed to be here, ya know.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Kanan said. “I just, uh, might not be back right away.”
“What? Why not-- oooh. Mini kid, check the cams.”
“On it!” Ezra chirped in the background.
Ignoring them, Kanan turned back to the crowd, scanning until he spotted Hera again, still dancing with the same Imp, her movements graceful. What is she doing here? If someone spots her-- okay, calm down, Kanan. She can take care of herself, and you’re not technically responsible for watching her back.
No matter how much you wished you were, whispered some part of him, the part of him that occasionally told him to please forget all of the spy stuff and talk to Hera.
In his ear, there was a gasp. “I KNEW IT. Hera’s here, guys!!!” Ezra’s voice was unreasonably excited as he spoke. “What is she doing here? Kanan, does she know you’re here? Are you gonna talk to her? What do you think she’ll--”
“Kasmir,” Kanan said, cutting off his apprentice, “I’m going off coms. I’ll be back in a bit.”
“You’re doing WHAT? Wait, kid, don’t you dare--”
Kasmir's voice was abruptly cut off as Kanan plucked his earpiece out and stuck it in his pocket. He had no doubt he'd be getting a good chewing out over this later from Kasmir. But Kanan also had a feeling it would be worth it.
He headed toward the dancers, weaving through the crowd and keeping his gaze locked on Hera. As he drew closer, he felt his heartbeat pick up slightly.
Hera was always beautiful, there was no denying that. When Kanan had first met her, he'd been literally incapable of speech standing across from her. And he had a feeling he was going to have a very similar problem now.
She wore a dark red dress, the short sleeves made of a dark gauzy fabric. Silver lace patterns covered the whole thing, shimmering in the light with Hera's every movement. It was mesmerizing.
Kanan suddenly realized he was staring. Kriff. Alright, try and focus, Jarrus.
Slipping past a few more guests, he stepped out of the crowd and onto the dance floor just as Hera and her partner moved up near him. “May I cut in?” he asked.
The Imperial officer dancing with Hera looked like he wanted to argue, but one glance at Kanan changed his mind quickly. He stepped back, and Kanan moved forward smoothly, sweeping Hera back into the dance.
Hera’s gaze flicked up to him, a demure smile crossing her face-- and Kanan saw the moment when she realized it was him and not some Imperial. “Wha-- Kanan?”
~ ~ ~
As Hera gaped at him in shock, she saw a grin crossing Kanan’s face. “I’d bet this is the last place you expected to see me,” he said, his deep voice low and remarkably self satisfied.
“You could say that,” Hera agreed, recovering quickly.
It hadn’t been too difficult to slip into the party. All Hera had had to do was bat her eyelashes a few times and the Imps were basically falling over themselves to let her in. While it was useful, it did also get on her nerves a little, even if she was used to the way most people looked at her species these days.
Kanan, on the other hand, didn’t exactly have the same qualifications. Frowning, she asked, “How did you get in here?”
“Does it matter?” Kanan kept his voice low as they kept dancing, and Hera had to admit-- he was a good dancer, better than she would have expected.
He was also dressed better than she would have expected-- a crisp olive green dress shirt, the sleeves pushed up, under an emerald green vest with a high collar, trousers of the same olive green, and brown boots. His hair was back in it’s usual ponytail, and he wore a slight grin.
He looked good-- which Hera would never give him the satisfaction of admitting. She would only admit to herself how her heartbeat sped up slightly at his proximity, at the feeling of his hand resting on her waist.
Taking a quick breath, she said, “Probably not. Although I do wonder what you’re doing here, I have to admit.”
“Free hors d’oeuvres,” Kanan said breezily. “Nothing tastes better than expensive Imperial wine, especially when you’re not supposed to drink it. How about you? I have a feeling you’re not here for the canapes, or whatever they’re serving.”
“Not exactly,” Hera said. “But I’m not sure talking to you about it is the best idea. After all, you’ve made it very clear you’re not interested.”
“Really? That’s what you think? I thought you knew that wasn’t true at all.”
Giving him a look, Hera said, “In the cause.”
“Oh, that.” Kanan made a face. “I liked what I was talking about better.”
“I’m sure you did.”
A slight smile curved Kanan’s mouth, and he studied her for a few seconds as they danced. “When are we going to do something about this unspoken thing we have going on?”
“What?” Hera blinked, surprised that he’d actually said something. “No-- there’s no unspoken thing between us.”
Shrugging, Kanan deftly spun her out as he said, “Well, that’s a Catch-22, because if you said there was, it would be spoken and you’d be a liar. So by saying there isn’t--” he pulled her back in, this time closer than she had been. Hera felt her heartbeat pick up again at the sheer closeness of him.
“--you’re telling the truth and admitting there is,” Kanan finished. His gaze caught hers, and he studied her for a moment with those teal eyes of his. Hera saw his eyes drop to her lips, and caught her breath, wondering for a moment what he would do, and how she would react to it.
Focus, Hera, she told herself sternly. You need to finish up here and get back to the crew. Clearing her throat, she said, ���I don’t really have time for your flirting, dear. I have a mission to finish, sooner rather than later.”
“What’s your rush?” Kanan asked lightly.
“Well, let’s just say I have a new crew member, and I’d prefer to get back before she destroys the ship,” Hera said wryly. “She’s a little… temperamental.”
“Sounds like fun,” Kanan said. “Alright, how can I help?”
Giving Kanan an unimpressed look, Hera said, “We just had this conversation. You don’t want anything to do with the cause.”
“You know me so well,” Kanan said, smirking. “But I’m not doing this for the cause. Trust me.”
The pointed intonation at the end of his sentence didn’t really surprise Hera. However, that wasn’t exactly about to change her answer. “That’s not terribly reassuring,” she said.
“Hey, you know I’m capable,” Kanan pointed out. “And you don’t have to trust me here. But I’m willing to help.
“Alright-- what are you asking in return?” Hera asked.
To her surprise, a stung look flashed across Kanan’s face. “Nothing. I’m not always looking for some kind of payout, you know.”
Kriff. Hera grimaced, well aware she’d put her foot in her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she said, coming to a stop on the dance floor and making sure she had Kanan’s attention. “That was stupid of me. You’re right, and I should have seen it. I know you better than that.”
And she did, strange though it seemed.
“Thanks,” Kanan said quietly, his voice serious for once. He paused, then said, “Now where are we going?”
Hera paused, darting a glance around the room. Luckily, the owner of the house was distracted at the bar. “This way,” she told him, grabbing him by the hand. She pulled him off the dance floor and through the crowd, heading for a door on the far side of the room. Kanan followed her willingly, and together they slipped through the door in question.
The door led them into a dark hallway, and Hera led the way forward, Kanan on her heels. “Let’s hope we don’t run into any other party-goers,” she muttered. “This could be a potential awkward situation.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I hear public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable,” Kanan suggested, and Hera let out a sigh.
“Do you ever stop?”
“Not unless I have to. What’s the plan here?”
“I’m trying to break into the main office,” Hera told him. “It should be a little ways away from here. All you need to do is watch my back. Oh, and come up with a good excuse if we’re caught.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem,” Kanan said easily. “Just lead the way, Captain Hera.”
They didn’t have far to go before they reached the door Hera had been looking for, and stepped inside. The office was large and elaborate, with wood panelling and an extremely expensive vase on the desk.
Moving behind the desk, Hera booted up the console and pulled up her skirt to reveal the holster strapped to her leg, holding her blaster and a datacard to download the intel she needed. Pulling out the datacard, she glanced at Kanan, fully expecting him to be watching her.
To her surprise, he had his gaze fixed on the door, and was rather steadfastly not looking at her. Maybe he’s got a bit of chivalry left after all, Hera mused. Who would have thought?
She let her skirt drop and inserted the datacard into the console, tapping at the screen to find the information she needed. “This shouldn’t take more than a few minutes,” she told Kanan.
Glancing back at Hera, Kanan said, “Well, that’s good. This way, we might have time for something else. Maybe a little more dancing, that kind of thing.”
“What part of ‘I need to get back to my ship before a teenage Mandalorian tears it to pieces’ did you not understand?” Hera shot back.
“Oh, come on,” Kanan said with a sigh. “Seriously, though-- when was the last time you did anything for yourself instead of your cause? You deserve a night off.”
“And it just happens to be with you?” Hera said, feeling a smile twitch across her lips in spite of herself.
Kanan shrugged nonchalantly, a gleam in his eye. “It’s an added bonus.”
“Hmm.” For a moment, Hera let herself think about what it would be like to just spend the rest of the night out. Dancing, food, maybe a little flirting. It sounded fun. Like something she might have done in a different world, if she hadn’t been fighting the Empire, and she’d met Kanan under different circumstances. “That sounds… nice. Fun, even.”
“Can’t let the Empire stop you from having fun,” Kanan pointed out, leaning against the desk as he caught her gaze. “I’ll buy you a drink. Who knows, you might even enjoy yourself--”
Then Hera saw him freeze, his eyes going wide. “What is--” she started, and the door hissed open.
“Wha-- what are you doing in here?” demanded a brusque Imperial voice, and the owner of the house stalked into view. Hera saw a “well, kriff” expression flash across Kanan’s face.
“Wait-- are you--” the owner started. Moving fast, Kanan grabbed the vase on the desk, spun around and smashed it over the man’s head.
As the Imp crumpled to the ground, Kanan turned to Hera. “Time to go,” he said.
“Definitely,” Hera said as the console let out a beep. “I have what I need anyways.” Pulling out the datacard, she slipped it back into her holster, and she and Kanan made for the door.
They hadn’t gotten far before an alarm started going off. “Looks like we’ve been spotted,” Kanan muttered, his brows furrowing.
“Do you have a ride out of here?” Hera asked.
“Yeah-- follow me.”
Kanan headed back the way they’d come, pushing open the door that lead into the room where the party was being held. Hera hesitated for a second, then darted after him as he shouldered his way through the somewhat confused crowd.
They’d made it halfway through the crowd when the doors burst open, and an irate voice shouted, “STOP THAT TWI’LEK!!”
Hera heard Kanan breathe a curse quietly as she pulled her blaster out from under her dress. “Keep things stealthy until we don’t have to,” she muttered.
“Yeah, that’s going really well so far,” he hissed.
“You’re the one who smashed a vase over someone’s head!”
“Well, you shot down my other idea!”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Hera said, “So help me, you’re going to drive me--”
She was cut off by a hand clamping down onto her shoulder. “Here she is!” someone shouted. “I’ve caught the intrud-- ugh!”
Hera spun smoothly, twisting away from the man who’d grabbed her, and slammed her fist into his throat. As the man dropped to the ground, clutching at his throat, Kanan grabbed her by the hand and pulled her forward. “Remind me never to make you that mad,” he said.
“You’ve come very close, dear,” Hera shot back.
“Have I mentioned you look amazing tonight?”
“You’re not helping your situation. Wait-- are we heading for the window?”
“You’re about to find out how I got into this place,” Kanan said, a grim smile crossing his face.
Releasing Hera’s hand, he didn’t stop in his tracks as he grabbed a bar stool and heaved it through the window, shattering the glass. Shards of it flew everywhere, and Hera heard screams as Kanan came to a stop next to the window.
“Come on!” he said, holding out his hand.
Hera darted forward, glancing down as Kanan’s hand wrapped around hers. A speeder was parked a few feet below them. “Creative,” she observed.
“I’m a creative guy,” Kanan quipped, then ducked as blaster fire zipped past them. Lifting her own blaster, Hera shot back at the stormtroopers who were flooding into the room. “Time to go!” Kanan said, and jumped, Hera leaping after him.
They landed in the speeder in an undignified pile, and Kanan immediately scrambled into the passenger’s seat. “Get us out of here!”
“On it,” Hera said, switching on the speeder and tossing Kanan her blaster. “Make yourself useful, please!”
“Yes, Captain Hera,” Kanan said, lifting his blaster and firing at the stormtroopers that were crowding into the window. Hera let out a triumphant sound as the engines roared to life.
“We’re out of here.” Slamming on the acceleration, they leaped forward. Kanan let out an undignified yelp, and Hera suppressed a smile as they zipped away from the building and into traffic.
It didn’t take them long to disappear, out of sight from the Imperials. Leaning back in his seat, Kanan remarked, “It’s been way too long since I’ve flown with you. You’re still as incredible as you used to be.”
Hera felt a small smile flash across her face. Kanan’s real compliments were somehow much nicer than his casual flirting. “Thanks. Now, where are we heading?”
“You can drop me off up here,” Kanan said, pointing. “It’s not technically my speeder, so you can take it wherever you need to go.” Pausing, he added, “Or we could find something to eat. Have a drink, maybe…”
Hera found herself hesitating, to her own surprise. Because part of her wanted to say yes, which she definitely didn’t expect. Maybe some of that flirting was actually starting to rub off on her.
But at the end of the day, she was working with the Rebellion, and Kanan refused to commit to something like that. And she really did have to get back. “Not this time,” she said, bringing them to a stop at the roadside. “I have work to do. Thank you, though, for your help with this.”
“Any time,” Kanan said, giving her a half-smile. “Until next time, Captain Hera.” Catching hold of her hand, he bent down and pressed a gentle kiss against the back of it.
Hera’s eyes widened, a slight flush spreading over her at the unexpected gesture, and Kanan shot her a wink. “Couldn’t let you leave without a souvenir, could I?” He vaulted over the side of the speeder and headed down the street, looking supremely satisfied.
Despite herself, Hera felt a smile crossing her face. Typical Kanan. Gunning the engines, she took off down the street, heading back to the Ghost and her next mission. Trying to pretend like a certain gunslinger wasn’t still in the back of her mind.
She had a feeling that wouldn’t work very well, though. Kanan never made things like that easy. But Hera was starting to wonder if she actually minded.
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