aquoscosplay · 8 years
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I look so shocked :O . . . . Character - Pharah Series - Overwatch . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #videogamecosplay #videogamecharacter #pharah #pharahcosplay #fareeah #fareeahcosplay #overwatchpharah #overwatchpharahcosplay #overwatchfareeah #overwatchfareeahcosplay #pharahamari #pharahamaricosplay #overwatchpharahamari #casualcosplay #casualpharah #casualpharahcosplay #costest #justicerainsfromabove
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sammisrantsnreviews · 7 years
Pharah/Mercy ship
One of the most popular ships in the Overwatch Fandom. I am not attacking the artists/writers/fans of the ship, but I don't really see it? Their age differences are vast in canon. I feel as though they have nothing really in common. I mean I personally don't understand the appeal? Anyone wanna explain this ship to me?
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Gifted update!
Segador|Soldado and Sharpshooter: Gifted has updated! Thank y’all for your patience! Chapter Summary:
At six months in, the cowboy reflects on his life with the young falcon as two commanders listen.
In the present, Jesse overthinks the art of making weapons. He gets some help from an unlikely assistant.
At just over six months in, Jesse overhears a conversation between two commanders that he probably shouldn't.
A conversation that is going to change Overwatch as they all know it.
Chapter Preview:
So many of them are both working and relaxing as they mill about the lounge area - Reinhardt and Torbjörn are at one of the tables, blueprints and holo-projectors spread out, looking over Torbjörn’s new designs for smaller, more...manageable photon barriers for “not freakishly tall people” (Torb’s words) that the team is considering producing for some of the Strike agents, speaking in surprisingly low tones as Reinhardt points out possible modifications.  Mei is at a different table in a corner to their left, talking so quietly in Mandarin that Jack only catches snippets of her discussion, as she goes over instructions and data with her team members stationed in the Siberian outpost.  Across from Gabriel and Jack, sitting with her unique sort of tensed relaxation, Ana peers through several reports in Arabic, prepping for her meeting with the Arab League in a few days, her dark eyes deep with concentration.  On the couch between them, Jesse and Fareeha laze about, both of them focusing on the holo-projector before them, tapping furiously at gamepads in their hands as little karts zip around a track.
Jack sighs with sweet, syrupy contentment, flipping to the next page of Mei’s report that he’s editing, leaning a bit further on Gabriel’s right shoulder.  His commander and partner is tapping at his datapad, Gabriel’s dusky, sunset voice sighing with wan, tired exasperation, “Portero keeps hounding me to meet with him…”
“Tell him you’ll meet with him when you’re done cleaning up Deadlock,” Jack mumbles back, highlighting a section that he needs to ask Mei some clarification about, when Ana’s voice again cuts through the air filled with karts honking and fingers tapping:
“Fareeha - have you packed yet?”
“Huh?” Fareeha hums, obviously not paying attention as her eyes focus in on the holo-projector, and Jesse mutters low, “Don’cha blue shell me, Fareeha -”
“Justice is gonna rain down on you,” Fareeha giggles menacingly as the two continue to tap frantically at the buttons -
“Fareeha,” Ana states, the verve in her voice growing stronger as she sets her report down, eyes shifting with a deeper glower towards her daughter.  Fareeha, meanwhile, scowls, but her gaze never leaves the holo-projector, snapping slightly, “Yeah yeah, أم (um), I got it -”
“Fareeha, you leave tomorrow morning -” Ana starts to say with more sharpness in her tone, getting Gabriel to flick a keen glance between the mother and daughter as Jack lowers his papers.  Fareeha pouts with a slight sneer, saying sourly, “I know, أم, I can pack tonight.”
There’s a stiff, sullen silence that fills the room, the small, tinny sounds of karts zooming and coins clicking - even Mei has stopped talking and Reinhardt and Torbjörn are sending small, awkward glances towards the couches.  Jesse shoots Jack a nervous look, but Jack just nods to him slowly, before the boy’s gaze flicks to Gabriel, who is pressing a fist to his mouth, his eyebrows deep in a scowl.
This...song and dance between mother and daughter has started occurring with greater frequency, with only Reinhardt seemingly capable of mediating them.
“I don’t see why I need to leave so soon anyways - school doesn’t start until next week,” Fareeha complains - the tapping of her fingers has turned less frantic and more furious as she mutters, “I should be allowed to stay here.”
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bonepoquet · 7 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Overwatch  Relationships: Reaper76, Implied Pharamercy, Anahardt. 
Summary: Jack refuses to believe in the existence of ghosts, that is, until he finds himself haunted by the vengeful spirit of an old friend. Chaos ensues and Jack is almost a hundred percent sure he’s going crazy.
Chapter three of the fic is finally out! 
And tbh I’ll probably start posting new updates on here.
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nerdybirdnerd · 7 years
Pharah: But Angela, I thought you were a Pacifist! Mercy, soaked in the blood of her foes: The prescription for war is the fear of a god
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sombruhmoment · 4 years
Random torb hcs
Every single name of his kids has a meaning/reason behind it, with varying importance.
The to-go on his street for fixing anything. Acts crotchety but loves his community and doing some good, even if just checking a faulty sink or airing up the neighbor boy's bike
The best cook from the OG overwatch but was always too busy to actually cook. Thus, his talent was unnoticed.
Date night with his wife is the most low energy thing they can manage. Can range from dinner to literally just walking around the neighborhood. They're not spontaneous people and that's just fine for them.
Starts going on more dates when Bastion gets adopted. The bot has a way with kids and, once Torb teaches everyone how to understand the beeping, is an A+ nanny.
The most stable adult there can be. He's so focused on efficiency and fixing things that his own mental state is just another cog to tune up. Has never missed a therapy appointment or forgotten to take his meds.
Was kind of relieved when Brig started traveling with Reinhardt. Picking fights with gangs? Honorable and a helluva lot safer then a normal civilian life, especially if she wanted to go into engineering. Cutthroat industry.
Which is what he tells everyone else. Really, he didn't want her creating something that woild harm humanity like he did.
Keeps all of his private sensitive documents/notes/information on paper because he didn't want them getting hacked into publicity or into the hands of evil.
For this reason, had Sombra try breaking into his house to get his old passwords to omnics + factories at Doomfist's requests. Was chased into the woods by an angry Ingrid weilding a swiffer wet-jet.
Sometimes gets a call from an organization asking if he'd like to be a hero again, change humanity for the better, yadda yadda. Hands the phone to the nearest and youngest child and lets them play secretary until the caller hangs up.
Has a savings account just for bail money. It has an absurd amount of money in it, more than what's on Roadhog's head. Its for when the new Overwatch gets found and arrested.
Has photos of everyone from Overwatch hanging in his garage. Every notable day, be it the anniversary of the Swiss base or a birthday, locks himself in it, quietly sings memorial songs, and pours a shot for all of them. Jack's, Gabe's, and Ana's have candles lit for them, each with a smell they would have liked.
His son Johan named his three kids after them. Ana is 10, Jack is 7 (born a week after the explosion and Jack Morrison's confirmed death), and Gabe is 5.
Won't talk about Overwatch if asked, but will unprompted.
Feels the worst for Fareeah. Sends her letters every month, not wanting her to think everyone forgot and left her.
Once ran into Reaper at a junkyard. Reaper was trying to be intimidating and planned on kidnapping him as part of his vendetta, but Torb - having seen some of the most disturbing things in that junkyard, far weirder than a masked guy - just ignored him. When Reaper tried to confront him directly, Torb just shushed him and went back to digging for sparkplugs.
Was the biggest blow to Reaper's confidence as a terrifying wraith terrorist.
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docholligay · 5 years
moonlight1130 replied to your post “Also Angela slipping brandy into her calming tea is the most canon...”
"Angela, you save lives" is Fareeah at least 3 times a day to her wife as she tries to get her to eat well and wash her hair and put her work down for long enough to do any of those things, because please Angela you have 3 PhDs and Medical licenses in multiple countries and yet chose to eat dried ramen noodles as a snack
Angela: Has a Nobel for medicine (its in the junk box in the closet), has taught at Harvard, has spoken at every single top ten med school, has developed cutting-edge treatments for difficult injuries and illnesses. 
Also Angela: I ate half a block of ramen noodles and a packet of fruit snacks today, why do you look so concerned? 
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Some post shower Fareeah after her workout
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aquoscosplay · 8 years
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I may not get far in life but hey I think I'll make an alright Pharah . . . . Character - Pharah Series - Overwatch . . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #videogamecosplay #videogamecharacter #pharah #pharahcosplay #fareeah #fareeahcosplay #overwatchpharah #overwatchpharahcosplay #overwatchfareeah #overwatchfareeahcosplay #pharahamari #pharahamaricosplay #overwatchpharahamari #casualcosplay #casualpharah #casualpharahcosplay #costest #justicerainsfromabove
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sammisrantsnreviews · 7 years
Overwatch Ships
So recently I made a post about Pharmercy that I would like to apologize for not having the right facts. But, I am confused because I was interested in learning more about why people like it and I got a lot of hate? It doesn't make sense to me? If someone is clearly wrong about something, especially when it comes to a ship, just calmly say it. I was accused of being homophobic and racist, both are wildly untrue. I am frustrated that I was just looking for information on a ship I'm not familiar with, I could have joined the community. Now i just feel bad for making an age mistake.
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cherry-bomble · 6 years
Honor to us All (McHanzo)(Part 1 because of the text block limit)
Ok so I had this idea to make a fanfic out of ‘Honor to us all’ from Mulan. So, this is finna be some McHanzo for you. Before I start, here’s a little note for you.
B) Yes, I know Mulan takes place in China, and Hanzo is Japanese. THIS IS JUST A STORY.
C) Instead of it being a girl (Mulan) being dressed up and all that, it’s Hanzo having to choose a bride. Since it’s a bit different, I’ve changed around some lyrics, taken some out and added some in. You’ll (hopefully) understand it once you read it.
Hanzo’s POV
“Are you ready son? Today is the day you choose your wife!” My father cried out. This seemed like the worst possible way to find your love. I barely got a choice! They just bring in all the girls in the area, have them do meaningless tasks, like pouring tea and using a fan ‘properly’. It’s useless. It’s even more useless when you already know who you want to marry, but are still stuck with someone else. But alas, I got up prepared for my choice.
My father basically dragged me to the tent my ancestors set up. “You know son, this is where I prepared to meet your mother, and my father did the same before me.” He explained. “That’s very interesting, father” I said sarcastically, but since my voice was still laced with tiredness, it came out the opposite. As I entered the tent, my ancestors (as they insisted I called them) scanned me up and down. They glared at me.
“This is what you give me to work with? Well, honey, I've seen worse”
Wow, they’re up-front about that. I’ve only been here for a minute, and they’ve already started being rude about me. Hey, it’s not like I wanted to be here. Stupid ‘Matchmaker’. They kept talking about me as if I wasn’t there.
“We're going to turn this sow's ear into a silk purse”
Ugh, this is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. I hate when people make a fuss over me. Unless it’s Lena or Hana. They make it fun. I sniggered, and the ancestors glared at me again. “I’m sorry, ancestors” I said, bowing my head. “Apology accepted.” One of them said bluntly. But while I wasn’t looking, one of them pulled my kimono, and the other pushed me into a bath, scrubbing my hair intensely.
“We'll have you washed and dried, primped and polished
Till you glow with pride”
Them saying that made me smile. Not how they’re going to spend an eternity trying to find my future wife, but mentioning the word ‘Pride’ made me smile, as it reminded me of Jesse McCree, the boy I fell for when we first met. He told me he was going to a festival of the same name. We hung out the whole day there, and I fell head over heels for him. I still want him.
“Trust my recipe to find your bride”
That’s the thing, I don’t want to find a bride. I don’t want any of the girls in the area. I only want Jesse McCree. But whether or not he wants me is a mystery. God, I feel bad for the girl I choose, more, the girl that gets stuck with me. Why must this tradition exist? I can’t bring them much joy with my true decision, so why must I disappoint others?
“You'll bring honor to us all”
They sang it so happily, like they believed if they kept singing it, it would come true.
But I knew it wouldn’t.
“Wait and see, when we're through
Girls will gladly stay at home for you”
Wait, that doesn’t seem fair! Girls can do things just as well as boys, so why do they have to stay home? Hana and Lena could definitely fight better then me. But I think I better not mess with tradition. Rolling my eyes, we continued.
“With good fortune
And a great hairdo
You'll bring honor to us all”
They had finally finished doing all of their rituals, each one seeming more pointless than the one before. I looked in the mirror, this wasn’t me. Everything about me had changed. They had untied my hair, making it fall to below my shoulder blades, and even my parting looked completely different. They had swapped my usual dark coloured kimono for a deep red one, tying it completely different too. My chest was completely covered.
I looked so, boring. So, average. So not myself. But the ancestors insisted that I looked better. “All of the ladies in the area will want to marry you!” They kept saying. My father shot me a grin. I knew he meant well, but he looked sinister. The ancestors dragged me to a temple. “This is where you will chose your bride, Hanzo.” Said my father. One of the ancestors opened the doors to reveal six women standing in the courtyard. “Ladies! Present yourselves to Hanzo Shimada, the next heir to the Shimada Clan”. The ancestors shouted. As if on cue, all of the girls bowed in unison. Afterwards, they all sang out together.
“A girl can bring her family great honor in one way
By striking a good match and this could be the day”
“Angela Ziegler!” One of the ancestors shouted. Slowly, a blonde woman opened her parasol, bowing her head behind her. She wore a white kimono, with a green ribbon from her hips to her chest. A gold ribbon snatched back her waist, making it impossibly small. The ancestors kept calling out names, most of which I didn’t recognise. But one of them, Fareeah Amari, sounded familiar. She had been my childhood friend. “Gosh, what have they done to you, Pharrah?” I whispered beneath my breath.
“Men want girls with good taste” the ancestors explained to the girls.
Not me. I couldn’t care less what they wear or what they look like.
“Who work fast-paced”
No. Why do they think they can decide what I like?
“With good breeding”
“And a tiny waist”
Ok, that’s just patronising to everyone.
“You'll bring honor to us all”
Another lie. I can’t do that
They brought in the first girl. Her name was Amelie Lacroix. She was tall, but that’s about all I could tell. Her black and purple kimono had also tied her waist back, making it look like she would snap in half at any moment. The amount of makeup on her face made it impossible to tell what she really looked like. She took a seat at the table that had been set up prior. I checked the list of things the girls must complete, none of which I agreed with.
“Okay Amelie, recite the ‘Code of Honor’ , please” I said, hoping this would be over soon. A surprising French accent began to speak.
“We all must serve our Emperor, who guards us from the Huns.
A man by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons”
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overwatchxreader · 7 years
23 with Pharah please?
23. “Just pretend to be my date.”
Fareeah wrapped her arm around you, tonight was a dinner at Helix Securities, and she had invited you to go with her. “Look I know we haven’t been in a good place lately, but I think it’ll be best for both of us if you just pretend to be my date.” She sighed, fixing her necklace and leading you towards the front door of the Helix Securities office. “Fine, but only tonight will I allow this.” You growled back, following her lead. “Understood.” 
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May I request genji and pharah(separately) with an s/o who feels bad because they feel they don't spend enough time with them. The reason being is they're so tired after work, they end up being very sleepy for the rest of the day or they fall asleep while on the couch. Sorry work has been kicking my butt
I hope you can get some rest soon. It’s not good to overwork yourself. I hope you enjoy.
GENJI•Genji tells you he’s noticed but that he understands and he’s not upset.•With Genji the small moments mean the most. •Like laying with you when you come home or kissing you before you leave.•When you have days off it’s all about relaxing and taking care of yourself.
PHARAH•Fareeah works a lot herself so when you bring it up she tells you she feels the same.•If you can she asks you to come on vacation with her, just the two of you.•If you accept she’ll take you to a place you’ve always dreamed of going. So the two of you can relax, unwind and spend alone time together without the burden of work.
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anathesniper · 6 years
// friendly reminder that Fareeha was an adult when Ana left, not a child
5 years from present day and 2 years when ana left = 7 
Fareeah is currently 32, so she was in her twenties 
Thank you for coming to my TED talk 
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maskedblackfox · 6 years
Cloud’s list of Lesbian headcanons
It’s Lesbian Day of Visibility
Dangan Ronpa
-Byakuya Togami -Aoi Asahina -Mahiru Koizumi -Seiko Kimura -Angie Yonaga -Himiko Yumeno -Kirumi Tojo (maybe)
Pokemon (Human characters)
-Alolan Nurse Joy
-Alolan Officer Jenny
Steven Universe
-The Topazes
-Chip Amethyst
-Blue Pearl
-Pink Diamond
-Mystery Girl
Warrior Cats
My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic
-Twilight Sparkle
-Rainbow Dash
-Princess Luna
-Queen Novo
-Princess Skystar
-Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist
-Bon Bon
-Apple Bloom
-Sweetie Belle
-Babs Seed
-Diamond Tiara
-Silver Spoon
-Holiday and Lofty (Canon)
Lena Oxton/Tracer (Canon)
-Fareeah Amari/Pharrah
-Satya Vaswani/Symmetra
-Moira O’Deorian
-Alexsandra Zaryanova
-Rouge the bat (Sonic series)
-Sloane (The Adventure Zone) (Canon)
-Hurley (The Adventure Zone) (Canon)
-Carey Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone) (Canon)
-Killian (The Adventure Zone) (Canon)
-Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
-Undyne (Undertale)
-Ballora (FNaF)
-Lady Eboshi (Princess Mononoke)
-Moro (Princess Mononoke)
-Rin/Lin (Spirited Away)
-Anna Sasaki (When Marnie Was There)
-Val Small (Dream Daddy)
-Mary Christiansen (Dream Daddy)
-Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
-Jeanne (Bayonetta)
-Rudolph (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
-Mrs. Astrakhan (Happy Feet)
-Sirica (Hoshi no Kaabi/Kirby Right Back At Ya!)
-Hilda Berg (Cuphead)
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softpharmercy · 7 years
Consider: Fareeah pulling Angela closer in bed subconsciously and Angela just hugging her arms and curling up a little in her embrace
CONSIDERED AND I LOVE IT Angela is such a cuddler but in the beginning of their relationship shes kinda embarrassed by it but Fareeha is so hands on the Ang latches to her every chance she gets
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