#farmer taehyung
Wild Flower (들꽃놀이)
Hana was mated to the Alpha of her dreams. He was everything to her. Then the war came. Uprooting her whole life, Hana moved to Mercy to marry an Alpha who had recently lost his Omega. Becoming the mother of a newborn and pregnant with her own, Hana moving out west was only the beginning.
Namjoon was stressed. Losing his Omega to a sickness. Not being able to take care of his pup. Being offered a marriage and mating with an Omega in a similar situation, Namjoon too it.
Life together was a second chance, as free as wildflowers.
Word Count: 2405
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After two days' travel, Hana welcomed the train station at Salvation, a few hours trip from Mercy. The station was relatively new, fully equipped with a tearoom, a lady's lounge and four station hands that were well dressed. Salvation had better facilities then Darie, where her journey started, but not as good as her stop in the city. 
Though stepping off the train, carry bag clutched in one hand, the other making sure she didn’t fall, Hana was just glad to be on solid ground. The smoke of the train filled her lungs, coughing into a handkerchief, Hana tried to look through the small buildup of people. She was searching for Yuri, Evander’s omega sister, who was expecting Hanson the 11 o’clock train from the city. 
“Hana Thompson?”
Turning at the sweet voice, Hana was met by a beautifully tall omega, smelling of fresh baked goods and syrup. This was obviously Yuri. She and Evander shared the same dark hair, the same dark eyes, the same half smile he always gave her when he was listening to her speak. 
“Mrs. Kang?”
“Please, call me Yuri.” She moved towards Hana, taking her slim hand into her warm one. “We are sisters, even if…”
Both of them seemed to swallow around a lump in their throats, nodding in acknowledgment of what it was that tied them together. Instead, Yuri turned and had someone fetch her trunk and load it into the carriage waiting for them. Still standing on the platform, Yuri smiled at Hana, both of them smiling through shared tears. 
“Mr. Kim is waiting for us at the church.” Yuri took Hana’s arm, both of them walking through the station and towards the carriages. “I thought it better for his pup to stay indoors until you travel home.”
With a nod of understanding, Hana was helped into the carriage by Yuri’s footman, who had strapped her trunk to the back, bowing slightly before Yuri was perched next to her. It was an uneventful little town, from the carriage window at least, Hana had seemed to stumble upon. The carriage jerking as they took off, leaving the edge of town and moving slowly down the Main Street of Salvation. 
Though small, it was lively and packed with store fronts and smiling people, pups running around and their parents laughing fondly at their antics. Hana could make out the church, a tall white building, a large gold cross on top, situated in the middle of town. She thought they were headed there, so it was a surprise to Hana when they came to a stop a few buildings before the church, Yuri taking her hand happily. 
“I couldn’t be there for you and Evan… and it’s one of my biggest regrets.” Yuri smiled sadly, her sweet scent souring a little. “But I can be here for you now. Would you allow me to buy you a dress to marry Mr. Kim in?”
Hana thought of refusing, the words on the top of her tongue, instead; “Thank you, Yuri. I would truly appreciate it.”
Yuri gave a squeal of excitement, wrapping her thin arms around Hana before both of them were out of the carriage and bounding towards a dress shop. Hana couldn’t help smiling at Yuri’s obvious excitement, causing warmth to spread through her at her sister's affection for her. She may be marrying another alpha, but that doesn’t mean she’d lose all of Evander, Hana may get to keep more of her alpha. 
“I had come ahead and talked to the seamstress; she should have something for you.” Yuri stage whispered as she opened the door. 
“Ah, Mrs. Kang,” a short woman with graying hair and glasses on the tip of her nose didn’t bother to look up, obviously having scented them. “I’ve just finished your order, would you like to come, and see?”
“Thank you, Mrs. Singer.” Moving through the shop, Hana admired all the fine silks and intricate lace material, resisting the urge to reach out and run her fingers over them. “This is Hana. My sister.”
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Singer.” Hana smiled politely at the elderly omega. 
“The pleasure is all mine, dear.” Mrs. Singer finally looked up, assessing Hana. “Yes, the measurements weren’t too far off, I’d say I have to take it in barely an inch.”
Hana was soon whisked away and out of her travel clothes, which she had folded neatly into a small pile, and was dressed in a beautiful off-white satin dress. It was beautiful, and Mrs. Singer had been right, she’d only needed to take it in an inch before Yuri sat her on a chair in front of a large vanity. The omega worked on her hair, making sure Hana was ready, her salty sea breeze scent seemed to be producing more of the sweet milk at the omegas care. 
“There.” Yuri pinned the veil into Hana’s hair. “Perfect.”
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” The slim omega smiled warmly. “We’re family.” The two omegas stayed like that for a moment, Yuri’s warm hands sitting on Hana’s shoulders, before they both took a deep breath. “Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Yuri helped Hana to stand, fussing over her dress as they waved at Mrs. Singer, going back out onto the street, but not towards the carriage that waited for them; “We’ll walk from here.”
Hana nodded and took Yuri’s arm, pushing her shoulders back, feeling everyone in town's eyes turning towards them as they walked from the dress shop to the church. A few people stopped them, speaking to them both, congratulating Hana on the obvious wedding about to take place and speaking with Yuri. Though Hana’s attention was on the three tall men that stood outside of the church, talking amongst themselves while watching Hana and Yuri. 
As they got closer, Hana realized the three men were in fact omegas, each one as strikingly beautiful as the next, sending her soft smiles. The tallest of the three smiled wide and boxy, reaching for a pup who was running carefree around the church garden, chasing another pup. Another spoke to another pup, obviously the omegas pup and a few years older from the running pups, both of them with the same full lips and eye for detail at their beautiful clothing. The third omega was the shortest of the group and holding his protruding belly, having completely foregone anything too formal to wear over his large bump, though still smiling wide, eyes half-moons. 
“Mrs. Kang, hello.” The shortest omega finally spoke as they approached, the running pups stopping to stare wide eyed at Hana. “And you must be Mrs. Thompson?”
“Mr. Min, it’s wonderful to see you again.” Yuri smiled politely. “Hana, this is Mr. Min, Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim.”
“We are friends of Namjoon’s. We live out in Mercy as well.” One of the Mr. Kim’s offered a blinding smile. 
“Yes, we are a tight knit community out in the middle of nowhere,” Mr. Min rubbed at his belly. “We look forward to welcoming you into that community.”
“Thank you.” Was all Hana could say. 
“Well let us not stand around gossiping, making our alphas wait any longer.” Yuri laughed a little along with everyone. “We have a wedding to attend.”
The omegas rounded up the pups, who were all still staring up at Hana in wide eye admiration, ushering them along to their alphas. One of the Mr. Kim’s stayed behind with Hana and Yuri, speaking softly to his elder pup with a loving smile. They watched the pup run off, skirt pulled up slightly, so she didn’t step on it, only to return a few moments later with flowers.
“Go on.” Mr. Kim nodded encouragingly.
“Mrs. Thompson,” The pup shuffled towards Hana, who smiled softly at the nervous pup. “Papa and I thought you’d look beautiful with these. They are from our garden.”
“They are rather beautiful.” Hana only smiled wider at the pup’s own wider smile. “Thank you very much.”
“I wrapped it myself.” She spoke with a little more pride in her words. “Papa let me pick out the ribbons, and I made it all by myself.”
“Did you? Well this is one of the most beautifully wrapped bouquets I’ve ever seen.”
A blush rose on the pup’s ears and neck, handing Hana the rustic and beautiful bouquet, before moving back to stand next to her Papa. Hana watched as the omega leaned down to whisper to his pup, obviously telling her how proud he was before she was off inside the church. The tall omega stood a little straight, smiling thankfully towards Hana, stepping a little closer towards the two omegas.
“Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for accepting her gift.”
“Of course, Mr. Kim.”
“She was nervous about giving it to you.” Mr. Kim looked back into the church. “When she heard that her Uncle Joon was being remarried, she prayed to every goddess that you would enjoy flowers.”
Hana brushed her fingers through the soft petals with a longing smile; “I love flowers. I had a garden back in Darie that I always loved.”
“She will be excited to hear about that.”
“Jinnie. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Kang,” Mr. Min called from the church doors. “We’re ready for you now.”
Those words seem to make time go faster. Hana was walking through the church, down the aisle and standing next to Mr. Kim, who stood tall and commanding as any alpha she had ever met before. He was pleasantly handsome, and smelled strongly of a forest after the rain, except for the slight hint of peaches she could smell.
It took no time at all before Hana was, once again, married. Though this time, somehow to her own amazement, she was also a mother and a mother-to-be. 
Signing the marriage certificate with Mr. Kim, Hana took his offered arm as they exited the church, being joined by the rest of their party. Hana was soon introduced to everyone, though she wasn’t able to retain much of the information thrusted at her. Not when her new alpha was giving a small bundle, smelling like the sweetest peaches, and wide awake as they stared at their alpha father. Their party had all turned away, obviously giving them some form of privacy, as Hana and Mr. Kim finally gave introductions.
“Hana, please.” She spoke softly after the alpha called her by her first married name. “We are married and are to be mated at some point. It only seems fitting to use my maiden name.”
“Namjoon.” The alpha’s voice was deep and dreamlike, just as his stare at his pup. “And this is Maya. Named for her mother.”
“It's a beautiful name.” Hana looked down towards the pup, who seemed to be reaching towards her. “You have been blessed with a beautiful pup.”
“Would you like to hold her?” Namjoon offered the pup towards her.
With a determined nod, Namjoon placed the pup in Hana’s arms, who sighed happily to be in the arms of an omega. She had obviously been passed around each omega’s arms, no doubt having spent time in Mr. Min’s arms longest, as his milky scent was strongest. Maya yawned, stretching her small hands, before nestling against Hana’s chest, effectively falling asleep in the omega's arms.
“I guess she’s comfortable.” Namjoon couldn’t help laughing in disbelief. “I haven’t been able to get her to sleep so easily.”
“I have no doubt you have done everything you could have.”
Namjoon gave a small smile, Hana noticing dimples as he did, before they were interrupted by Yuri, offering them a meal before they were to be off. They made it to a cafe, which had been closed for the day as per Yuri’s request, for their party to file in and take the seats provided. Maya slept atop Hana, even as she tried to eat, though she gave up after a while, so as not to wake the sleeping pup who was obviously tired. It caused Namjoon to offer to help her, lifting food to her mouth, never letting her linger on anything too long, merely swallowing before he had another sandwich ready for her. 
“Before we leave,” Namjoon spoke quietly to Hana, both of them watching their guest laugh and speak loudly. “Would you like to change? It’s a rather long journey and I’d rather you were comfortable.”
“Yes, thank you.” Hana looked down towards the sleeping pup, taking the shawl from her shoulders and scenting it. “Wrap her in this, I’m sure she’ll stay calmer with it.”
Namjoon looked touched, nodding as he took the shawl and then opened his arms for the pup; “Would you like help getting out of that dress?” Before Hana answered, Namjoon was waving Mr. Kim over. “Jin, would you mind helping Hana change for the trip home?”
“Of course,” The omega smiled. “Were your things still on Mrs. Kang’s carriage?”
“Yes, I’ll have Yuri come with us, if you don’t mind?” With an affirmation, Hana gestured for Yuri, who smiled and came towards them, Hana standing and reaching for the bouquet, setting it before Namjoon. “Hold onto this please. I want to keep it.”
Namjoon merely nodded, Hana missing the softening look of Seokjin as the three omegas left the cafe to help Hana change. It was easy enough, the three omegas taking a change room in the dress shop, Hana dressing back in her travel clothing and having the wedding dress packed safely. Hana waited as Seokjin called for a few of the alphas to move her trunk and dress to Namjoon’s cart, her carry bag being placed into the back as well. Hana gave Yuri a long hug, promising that once she was settled, she’d invite Yuri out for tea, or she’d come into town if she were allowed. 
One of the Alpha’s helped Hana into the back of the cart, Namjoon lifting Maya into her arms once she was settled into the back. Hana was only mildly surprised when Mr. Min was helped into the cart, clutching his stomach as he sat next to her, along with Mr. Kim and the two pups that had been playing. Once they were all comfortable, Hana saw three alpha sit in the front, Namjoon took the reins, a smaller alpha to his left and a female alpha to his right, and they were off. 
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ravenesse · 1 year
Strawberry Fields Forever — Chapter 5 🍓
"The strawberry rivalry between Taehyung and Seokjin finally reaches a breaking point and causes some sparks to fly at the festival."
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joonsmagicshop · 1 year
Not me seeing a dog at a farmers market that looks like yeontan and thinking V was there
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kingofbodyrolls · 9 months
Taehyung fic recs 2023
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In honor of Taehyung’s birthday, I want to share my ultimate favorite Taehyung fanfictions, that I’ve read this year 💜I haven’t read that much of Taehyung, just recently gotten into it, so the list might be short, so I’ll leave some of the fics I’m really excited to read from my ‘to read’ list 💎 I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell or contains dark themes, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(💜) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻. 
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⭐One of the Boys by @littlemisskookie // kth x f.reader // childhoodfriends!au, slice of life, bestfriends!au, neighbors!au, high school!au // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 All your life you wanted only one thing- for Kim Taehyung to like you. You did everything you could to make this happen, from picking up his hobbies and rejecting anything feminine. But who do you start to become when you stop trying to impress him?
🗨️ Woaw! This was so incredibly good, it’s almost hard to describe, but I’ll try: it does a brilliant job at setting the story up, following oc and Taehyung since childhood, and how their friendship develops over time (and their feelings). It’s really cute and funny and with great smut at the end. Overall a brilliantly good read 💯
⭐Baby, Oh Baby by @jungkookiebus // kth x f.reader // established relationship, noneidol!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Taehyung and you have been trying for months to get pregnant; you’ve tried crazy diets, stuck to your calendar, got him to diet, but it’s all been for nothing. No matter how healthy your doctor says you are, you can’t conceive. Taehyung tries everything within his power to show you that everything is going to be okay and for one night he makes you forget all about the calendars, schedules, and all the crazy things that came with you trying to have a baby. 
🗨️ This was just really cute and loving 🥹The smut was also just ❤️‍🔥💯
⭐Baby Maker by @kookslastbutton // kth x f.reader // marriage!au // 🥵🥰
📝 You're pissed at your husband for being late to your weekly baby-making sessions.
🗨️ Aish, the smut in this 🔥Also all the dirty talk really had me going 🥵
⭐Under wraps by @jungkxook // kth x f.reader // e2l, fake dating // 🥵🥰
📝 There’s nothing you and taehyung seem to hate more than each other - except for christmas. having recently been dumped by your (now ex) boyfriend only seems to make this holiday even worse. but when taehyung suggests that you should pretend to be dating each other to save you both the embarrassment, pity, and bothersome questions from family and friends alike for a fun carefree month of celebrations, you can’t possibly say no.
🗨️ I just love me some good enemies to lovers AU 🥵 the relationship between OC and tae is really good, I think the tension between them was well built 👏🏾 I loved how their relationship unfolded and grew through their fake dating 🥹 the way OC realized she had feelings for him, but he had showed her before in his subtle moves, how much more he relaxed in her presence. I loved the interaction between oc and tae’s parents too, the way that they could obviously tell that OC was head over heels 😂 ah just, It was really really good! It was funny, it was comforting, and such a lovely read around Christmas! And the smut was sweet and tender (also hot!) 😍 a really great fic that I’ll add to my Christmas re-reads for years to come ✨ I loved it! Please go read it if you haven’t already 🥹
⭐Farmer boy, I Love You by @strawberrynamjoon // kth x f.reader // farming!au, lowkey e2l // 🥵😂
📝 Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
🗨️ This was just utterly sweet, so fluffy 🥺 I really liked this: the way that reader and Taehyung’s friendship deepens, their friends and their banter 🥺 everything was so good, soft, sad sometimes, and just really great and funny too 🤭
⭐The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles [series] by @gimmethatagustd // kth x f.reader // frenemies to lovers // 🥵
📝 You’re so tired of Kim Taehyung’s hipster, wannabe-photographer ass. You’re so tired of Kim Taehyung’s stupid smile and stupid jokes and stupid way of getting under your skin and sticking in your brain.
🗨️ At first I did not realize that this was a series, therefore I’ve linked to the masterlist, lol. Anyway, this series is just so fucking hot, like WHAT 🥵 There’s a lot of banter and their mutual ‘hatred’ for each other just makes this hit incredible hard. Really amazing ✨
⭐Loverboy by @kookslastbutton // kth x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a startling conversation with your coworkers, you start feeling insecure about your sexual prowess. You don't initiate as much, you haven't worn lingerie yet, and you're still timid about doing much seducing with your body–are you giving your boyfriend boring sex? Taehyung reassures you that you are perfect and have nothing to worry about.
🗨️ These coworkers gotta go, okay?! 😠🤣 Planting seeds of doubt in OC’s head, no, no. Tae to the rescue!! He is so sweet in this too, yes a real ‘loverboy’ 😍 Gosh and then best friend Jimin - that was just pure gold, their relationship and how he helps OC 🥹 That is friendship goals!! A sweet, loving and comforting Taehyung fic - I loved it ✨
⭐Hush, yeah? [series; ongoing/hiatus] by @kithtaehyung // kth x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au, music festival!au // 🥵
📝 Who knew an innocent accident could turn things so dirty..
🗨️ Pure gold ✨ — I don’t really have much to say, except GO READ IT.
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For all of the other lovely fics that I haven’t gotten around to read, but I’m very excited about, I’ve compiled my ‘to read’ list 🙂
‘To read’ list ⬇️
Maybe I do [series; completed] by @chateautae
Gold Rush by @ditttiii
Fanservice by @bangtanintotheroom
Trip by @daechwitatamic
The Art of Obsession by @kooktrash
Dick on the Go by @jeonggukingdom
Love me or we both go down by @gukyi
Gank Mid Lane by @kth1
Good for Me by @icedmatchatae
Something about him by @kooktrash
Love, secret Santa by @jamaisjoons
All I Want for Christmas is You by @ladyartemesia
Buzzed [series; completed] by @junqkook
I’m so sorry that I didn’t get to read more! 😭 Life happened, and yeah. But all of these wonderful fics on my list sound so incredibly good and I really look forward to reading them and give them a lovely review 💜
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starcandybby · 1 year
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fic recs: bts ii
disclaimer: some fics contain mature content, so minors DNI!!!!
on the ropes @raplinesmoon a | s - wc: 18k
ex-boxer!jin, lawyer!reader, infidelity!au
stay with me @bts-trash-blog f
long-distance relationship, established relationship
give me love @taleasnewastime s | f - wc: 6.1k
established relationship!, pwp
night drive @minimonojoon f - wc: 3k
best friends to lovers!au, groomsmen!jin x bridesmaid!reader
i’m all yours @sailoryooons f - wc: 2.3k
best friends to lovers!au, idiots to lovers!au, so so soft!!
forever @oddinary4bts a | f | s - wc: 25.2k
ex-fiancées to lovers!au
speak now @vminity21 a | s - wc: 2.4k
friends to lovers!au, bride-to-be!reader
almost @bluewhale52 f - wc: 1.9k
established relationship!au, idol!au, wife!oc
like flowers we bloom @cupofteaguk f - wc: 5k
bad boy!au
no rebounds (series) @joheunsaram a | f | s - wc: 16k
swing life away @aphrodijin a | f | s - wc: 5.2k
married!au, first anniversary, pregnancy!au
the ick @taleasnewastime f - wc. 6k
friends to lovers!au
first christmas @spideyjimin f - wc: 2.2k
established relationship!au, christmas!au, parents!au
how i love you @ahundredtimesover a | f | s - wc: 28.3k
established relationship!au, husband!namjoon
cruise control @lavienjin s | f | slight a - wc: 13.6k
street racer!au, doctor!reader
somewhere between the lines @caelesjjk s | a | slight f - wc: 9.8k
divorce!au, exes to lovers??
i love you @ughseoks f - wc: 1.8k
established relationship!au, slice(s) of life!au
doom boy @raplinesmoon a | s | slight fluff - wc: 14.2k
mafia!au, established relationship!au, namjoon thought he escaped his past…
class act @jvngkook97 f | s | a - wc: 4.7k
college!au, jock!namjoon, introverted!reader, strangers to lovers!au
an affair of the art @raplinesmoon f | slight a - wc: 1.3k
husband!namjoon, new parents!au, dad!namjoon, art enthusiasts!au
lovely demons @kpopfanfictrash a | s - wc: 41.7k
fantasy!au, enemies to lovers!au
serendipity (series) @sopebubbles a | f
idol!au, pregnancy!au, smau and written
lust @adonis-koo s - wc. 11k
demon!au, strangers to lovers
heart of the flame (series) @chateautae a | s | f
roommates!au, friends to lovers!au
in bloom @untaemedqueen a | f | s - wc: 6.2k
tattooed&pierced!taehyung, tattoo artist!taehyung, florist!reader, married!au, family!au
farmer boy, i love you @strawberrynamjoon a | f | s - wc: 35k
farming!au, enemies to lovers
breath of spring @cupofteaguk f - wc: 9k
florist!au, strangers to lovers
girl code @allysonhope f | slight a - wc: 7.4k
friends to lovers!au, oc tries to respect girl code
come back home (series) @another-army-spot a | s | f
dad!taehyung, teen parents, exes to lovers
the odds on us @jimilter a | s | slight f - wc: 15.5k
exes to lovers!au
crush @jungxk light a | f | s - wc: 5.1k
memory loss!au, established relationship!au, dad!au
a lover’s bond @latetaektalk heavy a | f - wc: 18.7k
greek mythology! AU- specifically orpheus and eurydice! AU
marry me? @bebejungkook f - wc: 0.7k
established relationship!au, gamer!jk, crybaby!reader
this is how you fall in love @jeonqkooks s | f - wc: 9.3k
rockstar!jk, established relationship!au
down and down @koorara a | f - wc: 12k
mma fighter!jk, exes au
put your head on my shoulder @koorara slight a | f | s - wc: 10k
married!au, husband!jk
alien invasion @nocturnal-jeon f
fiancée!jk, new dad!jk
the reconnect @bonny-kookoo s | a | f - wc: 12.5k
exes to lovers!au, one night stand!au, dad!jungkook
bleeding for you @mercurygguk a | f - wc: 3.3k
EMT!jk, fiancé!au, car crash
inkling @gguksgalaxy a | s - wc: 17.7k
tattoo artist!jungkook
love in the dark @spideyjimin s | a f - wc: 18k
ceo au, forbidden romance au, established relationship au, exes to lovers
the truth untold @crispy-chan a | f - wc: 26k
royal!au, forbidden love, arranged marriage, knight!jungkook x princess!reader
lover @wnderkoo f - wc: 2.1k
established relationship!au, break up!au (BUT NOT REALLY)
the manliest @kookslastbutton s | f - wc: 1.2k
established relationship!au, crack, jk tries to be hard dom
under your skin @bonny-kookoo s | f | slight a
strangers to lovers!au, tattoo artist!jk, shy!reader
what if i love you too much? @taleasnewastime s | f | a - wc: 20.6k
neighborhood!au, single mom!reader
busted @btsgotjams27 f | slight smut (suggestive) - wc: 0.8
husband!jk, biker!jk (enough said)
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staytinyville · 10 months
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Stay Alive (31)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: smut (MDNI)
A/N NOT BETA. YOU GUYS! I have a permanent taglist in my main masterlist if you wish to be added to my imagines. Taglist for my fics are currently not available though. It is currently closed for this story and my OUTLAW one. However if you wish to read my imagines (I have a couple coming out soon) Please be sure you check it out!
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The area your grandparents lived in was surrounded by mountains. The town was small and consisted mostly of farmers who traveled by foot rather than car. Everything was close by so there was no need for such bug vehicles that only took up space. Reaching your childhood summer home, it made you smile as you passed by the same trees and winding roads. 
It was night time though, and a good majority of the boys seemed to have huddled together as you took winding roads that were close to cliffs. They would cry about going slower on the turns. You shook your head, Namjoon in the passenger seat telling you that they were just scaredy cats. 
So when the roads evened out and you were finally at your grandfather’s traditional home, they all piled out taking in the smells and sights. Well what they could see for the moment. As you grabbed your backpack, you noticed the lights still on in the house making you frown. 
“Grandpa!” You called after knocking on the door. “What are you doing awake?”
You noticed the man wrapped in a blanket watching tv. He sat cross legged on the couch, cuddled into the cushions. You smiled at how adorable he looked, moving to take a seat next to him. When he turned to greet the boys, his face suddenly changed into one of shock as one by one the boys walked into the house. 
“I was waiting for you.” He told you. “You told me you were coming with friends but I didn't think they were boys. And seven of them.” He spoke up, looking back at the boys. 
“Yeah.” You said, standing up to stand next to them. “I'm sorry about it.” 
“I don't know if there's beds for all of them.” He said.
You smiled as he didn’t seem to question why you had seven boys visiting him. You didn’t know how to break it to him yet that they were magical creatures. Now that you would have to leave the home for a while. 
“Don't worry.” Namjoon told your grandpa. “We'll figure something out, sir.” He gave a dimple smile that made your grandpa nod his head. 
“Well alright.” The old man nodded his head, coming to a stand from the couch. 
“Let's go to bed, Grandpa.” You told him, leading the man to his bedroom. “We'll talk in the morning.”
After making sure your grandfather was in bed, you softly shut his door and walked back out to the other boys. 
“Everything alright?” Jin asked you.
“Yes.” You nodded. “He might forget things but he means well.” You told them. 
“It's no trouble for him?” Yoongi spoke up. 
“Yeah.” You grinned. “He was excited to have me home.”
“This is where you grew up?” Jimin asked, looking around at the pictures your grandma had put up in the house. 
“I'm from here.” You told them, leading them back out to take them to the second bedroom. “But I moved to Seoul for university. My grandparents were so excited to hear I was going.” You slide open the door, moving to the side. 
“Four of you can sleep here.” You spoke up, looking around the small room. “The other three can sleep in the living room.” You turned back to them. 
“I'll make the bedrolls.” Taehyung spoke up, looking for things to transfigure. 
When you got them all settled, you went to check on the room that you often used. When you opened the door, Hobi had taken a peak in. While the others seemed to be talking to themselves, the man followed you around as he took in everything about the traditional home. 
“Do you mind?” He asked when he stepped into your room. 
“Not at all, Hobi.” You smiled, gathering some things to take to the boys for them to sleep comfortably. 
When you returned back, Hobi was smiling over the trophies and ribbons you had from when you were in school. 
“You were in dance?” He asked you when you returned. 
“Yeah.” You smiled, looking at your pictures that showed you on stage or in an extravagant pose. “When I was a kid I had the dream of being an idol.” 
“And?” Hobi suddenly looked at you with wide eyes, waiting for you to continue.
You laughed a little, remembering how long it was you wanted to be on stage and perform for people. But that changed when you got older. 
“I like helping people more.” You told him. “My grandfather was the doctor in the village for a long while. I used to go to his clinic to watch him. It's where I found the love for medicine.”
“They would love you back home.” Hobi told you.
You noticed how well they seemed to be holding in their tears about finally being able to leave the facility. Had it been you in their place, you would have already started to bawling back in your apartment. And they had from what you vaguely remember hearing on the trip here. Some of them had slept and the others watched the passing scenery. 
Namjoon was the only one who held a conversation with you, but he still kept his eyes on the road, lips trembling each time you would turn to look at him. 
“How does it feel?” You asked. “To be going home soon?”
“I'm kinda scared.” He sniffled, looking down with a sad expression. “I missed so much.” Tears began to well in his eyes. “Did my family move on? Is my older sister doing okay? Does she have her own family? I'm sure all the boys feel that way.”
You frowned, reaching out to grab Hobi’s cheeks delicately between your hands. Giving him a smile when his eyes met yours, you leaned forward to place your forehead with his. 
“Hey, I'm sure they're still waiting for you.” You told him. “A family never forgets one of their own.”
Hobi closed his eyes as he felt your heat radiant onto him. He could feel your energy calming him down. It wasn’t the same as Namjoon’s empathic abilities or Jin’s way of sensing someone’s aura, but it was his way of feeling someone’s true nature. Everyone had an energy about them that created the kind of person they were. And your’s was something that brought Hoseok comfort. 
You looked up at him as he pulled away, a soft smile on your lips. “You mean a lot to us.” He told you, holding you by the waist. “The world we are from–we want to share it with you.”
“I’ll follow you.” With that Hobi softly placed his lips against yours. 
Hoseok was passionate about everything he did. He put so much work into reaching the place he wanted to be–and even then sometimes it might not be enough for him. He wanted to make sure that others were able to appreciate what he did. He wanted people to know that he tried hard for each one of them. 
It showed in the way he would take care of his brothers–in the way he would care for you if you ever had questions. It also showed in the way he kissed. You wanted to be there for him, let him know that all his efforts were being acknowledged. Just like Taehyung, Hobi also needed to be told how great he was when it came to magic. While he so obviously was someone who took charge, much like Namjoon, you wanted to have the chance to take care of one of them. If they allowed you to, that was.
When you pressed yourself closer to Hoseok, the man immediately placed his hands on your waist, keeping you from moving closer to him. You pulled away from him, keeping your forehead pressed to his. 
“I know you want to take care of us, Hun.” He breathlessly spoke. “But trust me–us taking care of you means a lot more than you taking care of us.”
His lips brushed against yours one more time. “All you have to do is be ours.”
“I already am.” 
His lips moved with more vigor this time, sucking in a large breath through his nose as he allowed his inhibitions to leave his body. His hands moved down to the back of your thighs, quickly gathering them between his hands and pushing you to jump. Your ankles locked behind him, his hands holding you up but gripping onto your backside. 
His fingers touched the folds between your legs causing you to flinch from the tickle. It was a light touch that had you grinding your hips down. Hobi pulled back from the kiss giggling to himself at how you seemed to wither from his touch. 
He moved you over to the bed, softly placing you down as he pulled back to look at you fully. Every touch he seemed to give you made you giggle, your body buzzing from nerves. Anything that seemed to touch your skin caused you to wiggle away from it. 
“I’m not even doing anything.” Hobi laughed. 
“I’m sensitive.” You breathed out.
“Were you like this for the others?” He teased leaning down to brush his lips against yours. 
“Not this much.” You told him honestly. 
“You’re buzzing. I can feel your energy–it’s intoxicating.” He explained. 
His fingers moved down to your pants, pulling at them slightly. When you raised your hips up, he used it as permission to take it all off. When he finished taking off your pants he pulled his shirt over his head, feeling overstimulated with the fabric touching his skin. 
You watched as he rolled his shoulder around, his fingertips gripping onto the skin of your thighs to help ground him back from the sensitivity. You laughed lightly, seeing as he was going through the same thing. 
The slight sting that came to your thigh had you gasping, looking at Hoseok with wide eyes. He glared playfully, giving you a scolding. “Don’t laugh.” He told you. 
You pressed your lips together to keep from smiling, nodding your head. You pulled your own shirt off wanting to feel Hoseok’s skin against yours. After you did, you tugged on his arm, wanting him to place his body over yours. 
However he quickly gathered both of your hands and shoved them above your head, keeping them from moving. He did lay down against you, his chest pressing against yours causing you to sigh and arch further into him. 
“We’ll get to it, Hun.” He whispered. “Be patient.”
“Hobi.” You whine, lips forming a pout.
He laughed slightly. “You’ve had the others. It’s my turn.” He kissed you one last time before standing back up. 
You sat up a little to watch him take off his pants and boxers. Once he was fully naked, you felt your heart rate spike and had to curl your fist into a ball to keep from reaching out for him. Once he got comfortable, he places his knees on the edge of the bed, making you spread your knees. 
You squeaked, suddenly feeling shy over the whole thing, trying your hardest to close your legs again. However Hoseok kept his hands on them, keeping your legs open for him to fit between them. 
“What happened?” He teased. “Why are you trying to fight me?” He kissed his teeth, thrusting his hips forward to nudge his length against your core. 
The noise he got from you made him smile evilly, moving his hips back and forth as his length became wet with your slick. He sucked in a breath, using his thumb to keep his length nestled between your lips. 
“Wait like a good little mate.” Hoseok whispered, being mesmerized by the way your core clenched around nothing. 
Each time the tip would get caught on the hood of your slit, he would bite his lip nudging the spot harder as you seemed to react to it as well. He moved back a bit, grabbing your ankles to hold them up and close them. His head tipped back as your thighs added to the stimulation. 
You whined and bucked your hips, huffing each time his tip would catch on your entrance. You would try to move against him to make him enter but he was quicker than you and moved before you could do anything. 
“If you don’t stop, I will.” Hoseok warned, crawling back between your legs to hold your hips down. 
As he watched you wither against the bed, he smiled sweetly. “Does the baby want me to fuck her?” He pouted. 
Leaning over, he moved some of your hair away from your face, pecking your lips as he nudged his knees closer to your thighs to get comfortable. 
“Hobi.” You whined out.
“Since you helped us so much.” He whispered. “You deserve everything you want.”
He leaned up for a moment, grabbing onto his length to line it up with your entrance. You groaned out, trying to be quiet by focusing all your thoughts into gripping the sheets. When he pushed forward you let out a whimper that was music to Hoseok’s ears. The way your toes curled behind him. The way you seemed to clench your thigh muscles to allow the nerves of everything to go down your body. 
And when he started to move, he had to hold you down to keep from separating too far. As he watched his length disappear in and out of you, his breathing seemed to go ragged. He was so focused on the way his hips moved you began to grow mesmerized with the way Hobi was so focused on you.  
His look of bliss made a shiver go down your body, starting the build up of your orgasm. As your whimpers grew to be quick and whiny, Hoseok looked up, shifting his legs just a bit, causing him to hit the edge of your core. 
You grunted out, crying as you felt full from his ministrations. He leaned back over to your face, continuing to move inside you. 
“Pretty girl,” He cooed. “Are you close?” He asked. 
“Hobi.” You whined shutting your eyes closed. 
You were quick to grip onto his shoulders, fingers messaging into his skin. 
He groaned when he felt you clench. “Come on. Let go for me.”
With a cry of his name, the bubble that had formed burst and you were seeing stars. Hobi groaned out loud going faster in order to finish with you. And the way your core seemed to clench onto him from the overstimulation and pulsed around him, it was easy to find release. 
His groans were amazing, something you could hear all the time. Just like some of the other boys, Hobi was someone who enjoyed performing and showing off. And when he released onto your thighs, you let out a quiet moan from the warm feeling. 
Hoseok panted as he turned onto the side of the bed for a rest. He only needed a few moments to get back up and help to clean you. However as he watched you play with his cum on your thighs he seemed to gulp and take in a deep breath. 
You turned to look at him, eyes hooded as a lay smile was on your face. “You okay?” You asked quietly. 
“More than okay.” He grinned.
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Series Masterlist
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thedoctorsthings · 10 months
Power to the King teaser
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summary: in the capital city of a small Nordic kingdom in the 10th century the king is slowly descending into madness. His wife recently died and he remarries. His sons Yoongi and Jungkook desperately try to keep his destructive tendencies in control while dealing with their own destructive romances.
featuring: crown prince Yoongi, second born prince Jungkook, royal guards Hoseok and Namjoon, druids Taehyung and Seokjin and farmer boy Jimin.
this series will be 7 parts divided into chapters. One part for each member. We'll follow them into their journey of meeting the love of their lives in a 10th century viking settlement. beneath you'll find the trope of each story
Jungkook: Prince x chambermaid (forbidden romance)
Taehyung: Druid x forest nymph (friends to lovers)
Jimin: farmer boy x princess (forbidden romance)
Namjoon: royal guard x barmaid (no idea what trope this is except for king being a destructive dick)
Hoseok: royals guard x druid's apprentice (promised to another)
Yoongi: Crown prince x noble girl (forced marriage/enemies to lovers)
Seokjin: Druid x king's wife (forbidden love, my personal favourite)
disclaimers: angst, smut but only implied never explicitly described, historical inaccuracies (i'm not an expert and i don't have time to do excessive research), lot's of dramatic typical period drama stuff, people getting wounded, war, yearning etc
coming somewhere in february probably cuz i got exams now
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kooktrash · 1 year
PLEASE SOMETHING FOR ELECTRA HEART TH, maybe a little jealousy???🤞🤞🤞i miss themmmmm
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this couple is so soft and fluffy, literally. we. 1.3k. a hint of jealousy but still fluff. I feel like this couple is very diff from each other but they communicate and express themselves well that it works, y’know? and they needed someone like each other to be happy. also, college grads means no more y/n trying to hook up in the library? I also Don’t see this couple being too angsty now that they’re dating and understand each other. in Electra heart they did argue but that’s bc y/n didn’t want to admit she liked Tae and Tae was falling for y/n but couldn’t get rid of his past
read ELECTRA HEART request 1 to read about that 👀 you t had smut
Taehyung has always considered himself a mature person. Sure, after Jisoo cheated on him all he wanted to do was show her he was fine without her and roped you into a little scheme of his yet for some strange reason the two of you found yourselves falling for each other. Now it’s been a year and he still feels as strongly for you but also still a bit insecure.
It’s not like Taehyung is blind, he knows he’s an attractive man but sometimes, when he thinks about the men you used to date, he feels a bit worried. As he got to know you he learned that you weren’t the type to look down on someone for things out of their control so he’s happy about that—but the first meeting with your dad really stuck with him. He doesn’t agree with him that you’re just a spoiled brat but he does agree that he’s not much but a farmer’s kid in the big city. He’s still struggling trying to find a place in your world.
“Wow, you really know how to clean up now,” Jimin joked as he ran a finger along the front of Taehyung’s suit, “Looking like a successful college grad.”
Taehyung just smiled, “Y/n picked it out so I can’t take any credit.”
“Can you believe this is all for her and yet we’re still here?” Namjoon asked, referring to the huge graduation party Y/n’s dad threw you. It was a huge event with servers and live music and even some cameras around. Most college students celebrated by being with family and friends or getting drunk at bars, not by having a huge gala in their honor.
Taehyung has noticed that you’re not as closed off from others as you used to be. Before you used to only hang out with Jungkook and Mira but he’s seeing quite a few familiar faces tonight but not the ones you were currently swarmed by.
Jimin took a deep breath, “Look at them, they’re trying so hard with Y/n right now.”
There were at least three guys trying to get your attention right now. Taehyung had given you space to greet and talk to whoever you wanted to but now you’re just being approached by guys who’ve been dying to talk to you for who knows how long. By the expensive clothes they wore it was not hard for him to note that they had money and they seemed to be flashy about it too.
He tried not to react, he wasn’t the jealous type, alright? He doesn’t typically get jealous, a little possessive maybe but he also knows that he’s your boyfriend and that’s gonna change because some guys who probably drive the newest models of BMWs were hitting on you. He’s confident in your relationship even if he’s been hurt in the past by others.
It was hard to convince his friends he wasn’t jealous if he couldn’t control his facial expressions though. Namjoon was able to see how Taehyung’s smile slowly dropped and how he couldn’t keep his eyes off you and the others. You weren’t doing anything suspicious so Taehyung didn’t feel any sort of way about that but he doesn’t like the fact that guys still hit on you knowing you have a boyfriend. It’s not like Taehyung isn’t all over your socials or that you didn’t kiss at the graduation ceremony and when you got to the reception venue. They just lack respect and that’s why they have no shame flirting with you.
It made Taehyung scoff and with a small pat on Jimin’s shoulder moving him to the side so he could cut through, he smiled, “I’ll be right back.”
“Someone’s a little jealous,” Jimin whispered to Namjoon who must nodded in return as they watched their friend chug back their champagne and head straight toward you.
You were just in the middle of discussing your summer plans when you felt a warm hand touch your navel and pull you back into someone’s chest making you smile. Taehyung rested his chin on your shoulder and turned to kiss your neck softly, “Hi.”
“Hi,” you said back softly as you looked at him but his eyes shifted to the guys in front of you who looked away shyly now. Taehyung didn’t say anything as one of them spoke up, “Is this yo—?”
You opened your mouth to speak but Taehyung was quicker than you and in his usual deep voice he stuck a hand out to greet them, “Y/n’s boyfriend? Yeah, that’s me, I’m Taehyung.”
You smiled as you turned in Taehyung’s hold so you were facing him no longer caring about the guys who had been trying to talk to you but he didn’t pull his gaze away from them until they got the hint and left.
Immediately you cupped Taehyung’s cheeks with a coo, “I can't get over how good you look, TaeTae! You’re so hot.”
His resolve immediately cracked as he hugged you tightly with a smile, “You know I don’t know how to react when you say things like that.”
“But that’s what you liked about me in the first place,” you said as his head rested on your shoulder, “That I was blunt, right?”
“I’ve always liked a lot of things about you,” he said almost shyly, “Since the beginning.”
You chuckled, “That’s not true, when we first started dating it was only to make J—“
“Baby,” Taehyung looked down at you as his hand cupped your cheek, “I’m not lying to you, even if I didn’t realize it at first, you always made me curious to get to know you and I ended up falling in love with everything about you. I feel like shit for using you in the beginning to make someone not worth it jealous but please see that I love you so much and…”
You laughed lightly, “Tae, it’s okay. I love you too, and I agreed to it, remember?”
He nodded his head even if it still gnawed at the back of his mind. In an effort to stop thinking about it he cleared his throat and asked, “So what were you and those guys talking about?”
“Eh,” you shrugged, “Nothings my really.”
He bit his bottom lip, “Yeah but… were they trying to gut on you or anything?”
You smiled now, “Is that why you came over so cuddly? You know I don’t remember you being this touchy in the beginning.”
“Yeah well in the beginning you weren’t technically my girlfriend yet,” Taehyung said as he kissed the tip of your nose, “Now I have to let everyone know you’re mine.”
“So you came because you were a little jealous?”
“If I didn’t have such a pretty girlfriend…”
“Tae, you know I would never do anything to hurt you,” you reassured him and he smiled.
“I know, I trust you,” he said honestly, “I love you.”
“Can I have a kiss?” You asked with a tilt of your head making him smile. He nodded and leaned down to capture your lips with his.
“Can you two stop being that PDA couple and interact with the guests?” Yoongi asked suddenly, making the two of you pull away much to both of your disappointment, “I thought this was a party for the college grads.”
Taehyung laughed, “You’re right, I just needed a moment with my beautiful girlfriend.”
Yoongi audibly gagged but it just made you smile as you excused yourself to go find Jungkook. He looked at Taehyung who looked at you lovingly, “Taehyung?”
“Sorry for calling you Y/n’s boy toy a while ago, on the yacht? Yoongi finally brought that time up when Taehyung and you just started. Yoongi had called him that and implied that you would essentially grow bored of him but he masked it as a joke back then. Taehyung had honestly forgotten about it when he realized it wasn’t true at all.
“Don’t worry about it, I know Y/n loves me,” Taehyung said as he watched you from afar as you laughed about something Jungkook said and playfully clung to him, “And I love Y/n.”
So there was no reason for him to ever doubt it and feel jealous.
personal taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802faves @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura @lesoleile @burnahtsw @babybella337 @kooloveys @ku-ku @chaelvrx @minnie-mouser22
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highvern · 7 months
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a collection of short head cannons that dont really belong on my master list but give you a lil sum sum. Lots a humor, a bit suggestive, and some secret third thing.
bad boy taehyung
SVT farmers market
ATLA Benders Cheol, Hoshi, Wonwoo, DK, and Mingyu
Dirty Dancing AU! Mingyu
MLT: SVT highest sex drive
Mechanic Jihoon x Baker Reader
Cockwarming Gyu
Car guy Cheol
Cheol hard thoughts
Photographer Wonwoo
Blind Date Yoongi
Fire Bender Jungkook
Pacific Rim AU Jungkook
Bald Gyu
Fire bender Wonwoo
Earth bender Seungcheol
Biker Hoshi
Demi gods Jihoon & Mingyu
Dad Jihoon
Knight Seungcheol I, II
Jester Hoshi
Gamer BF Cheol
Sleepy Cheol
Author Wonwoo Sneakpeak
Beach Wonwoo
Mixtape Hoshi Backstory
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arosesstorm · 9 months
purple lips ; kim taehyung , jeon jungkook
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words count: short scenario
fem reader! x taehyung ; fem reader! x jungkook
warning: love triangle and alcohol
summary: Kim Taehyung realized he loved you, maybe it was too late?
English is not my first language loves, just trying my best, always, enjoy ;
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There had been a moment, an intangible second in which the earth had slowed its motion, the stars had denied to shine and the loud music of the club’s speakers had stopped pumping in his ears.
Kim Taehyung had been on an infinite number of positions in his life: he had been the son of a farmer, the rookie with a dream, the visual of his kpop boyband, a drama actor, a good son, a bad man, a world pop star, a loyal friend.
He was things, he had roles, he played with them, sometimes he hated them, sometimes he took pride in them.
Kim Taehyung had lived a hundred lives, yet, looking at her, her dress too short on her, her red lipstick too bold for her, her fingers tangled in his hair, her eyes shining in pure devotion, her lips close to his neck.
When Kim Taehyung saw her that night wrapped in Jungkook’s arms, he suddenly felt faceless.
He didn’t know who he was, what role he was playing, what party he was attending.
There was nothing, of what taehyung had felt in his life, that was close to this new feeling, not a name with which he could call it.
No, it was 4 months deep into knowing you, under the old neon lights of a club, in the chaos of bodies dancing, that he knew, as clear as the night sky, he was in love with you.
"Did you see them?" Namjoon smiled by his right, taking his cup to his lips as he chuckled, after a sip he spoke again "looks like something’s going on".
And Taehyung felt the sudden urge to deny.
Nothing was happening, nothing was going on.
The man knew her, and she was just the right match for him.
Her and Jungkook on the other hand…too look-alike to make it work.
Taehyung was there and he was staring at her, so why was she over there, smiling at his best friend, her lips quivering in anticipation.
No, "Jungkook’s not right for her" he felt the need to spoke aloud, to which no one answered, so he just stared, he stared, he stared.
"Let’s go get a drink" jimin suddenly spoke, his body covering Taehyung’s view.
But taehyung didn’t move, not until he saw her laugh and leave Jungkook’s side, not until he saw jungkook fallowing her outside.
"Tae" jimin spoke, but his best friend dismissed the man quickly, aiming he himself for the exit.
Once taehyung reached out of the club, the night air meeting his skin, the darkness eating his up, he saw them.
Standing a feet away from jungkook, she was sweetly smiling looking up, like a little girl waiting to be rewarded.
Jungkooks hands were on her face, softly caressing her jawline, then her cheeks when taehyung finally stepped forward, "y/n" he spoke, in a tone so automotive she jumped, like a deer in the light.
"God" she chuckled then "you scared me" she had said, but taehyung couldn’t concentrate on nothing more than Jungkook's hands still on you.
"Jungkook, Jimin needs you inside, Hope got drunk again" he had said.
"Pretty urgent" he added, the need to see his friend off now a necessity.
the youngest softly breathed nodding his head, his hands finally leaving her face, at which taehyung took a breath of relief.
"See you later" the boy smiled, kissing her head and leaving her side.
"Coming to help, hyung?" He had asked, brushing by Taehyung’s side, when the man spoke "give me a minute".
Jungkook nod his head and left.
Taehyung’s eyes had never left her frame, not even as she stepped closer, her face one of joy, as she breathed "your timing is terrible".
It was a joke, but one Taehyung didn’t like at the moment.
"I’m sorry" he had said and then he had looked at her, like he never did before, like he despised her, like he pitied her and left.
Leaving y/n alone in the cold of the parking lot, under the clearest sky of the season, leaving her wondering why she was not so euphoric anymore.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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themochiverse · 8 months
Y’all, now I wanna write a stalker taehyung who’s a strawberry farmer but is very crazy and obsessive over the mc and will literally do anything to have them.
I’m gonna do it.
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laughing-with-god · 7 months
What type of fashion do you think victor bts would wear including victor jungkook
oooh loves this q, if your gonna shift into my universe you prob need some visual help lmao! (i fully expect a report when you do!)
but this is roughly how I picture them;
I think Jin had a good fashion sense even before the games. his dad was the mayor of District One so I think he's always had to dress "presentable". I don't see him as a fashionista, but he does care about brands. if he was in our modern universe, he'd be the type to find Gucci very tacky and obnoxious but love Hermes and Ralph Lauren. classy and understated. honestly very "old money, country club" vibes. jin is a nepo baby lol
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there are two jimins - the one at the capitol and the one at district four. when he's in the capitol, he wears whatever his designer team arranges for him. he has lots of sponsors, and many are fashion brands so he's obligated to wear clothes or accessories from those brands. his team likes to market him as very chic and clean, lots of suits with the undershirt open to show his chest. however, when he's at home or just being himself, i think he's very in touch with his ocean roots. i see him in a "surfer boy" aesthetic, pearls, seashells, and free-flowing tops. in my universe, District Four is like a Florida or tropical place- so it's always sunny and hot.
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sweater vests. turtle necks. slacks. this is it. mainly in black, sometimes blue. very dark academia. does not really understand fashion and just wants to look as smart as he is. feel like he'd also be one of the victors who fired his designer team right away because he didn't get the point and hated being treated like a doll. sometimes he wants to try out diff styles but ultimately I see him being a creature of habit and being like "nah"
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poor boy just wants to be cozy and warm. I think I had his games take place in the Arctic? so I think he'd be like really hypersensitive to the cold now. he feels one chill and he'll want to die. he would love oversized sweaters and cardigans. I can see him wearing lots of neutral colors too, browns and creams with hints of green here and there. Very 'coffee shop boyfriend' vibes. also think he's such older bro that he'd carry a lil fanny pack or bag all the time, he carries little snacks and stuff just in case his siblings ever need anything
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tough one. I don't think he'd give a shit tbh. but he's from 11 and it's all about agriculture, so i feel like farmer vibes? like boyish cottage core. feel like he likes loose shirts as well, tae doesn't like feeling constricted so no tight clothes. also feel like he loves rolling his pants up and walking around barefoot. country boy to the core.
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hoodies, loose fitting and oversized. likes beanies too. I think he has bad blood circulation and as a kid didn't get great access to food, so he's prob anemic and smaller than his Victor counterparts. a lil insecure about it so he covers it up with baggy clothes. another one that prefers darker colors like grey and black. capitol ppl are known for their colorful clothes since they can afford them, and yoongi isn't tryna associate with that.
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i never made a victors revenge jk since i didn't know if i was just going to make it qq jk when he won the games lol. either way, i'm sticking with district two for him. so def a career and def a lil cray. i think he'd enjoy looking as intimidating as possible, fully leaning into the 'bloody thirsty career' reputation he has. I see him getting tats and piercings and wearing things like leather jackets and steel-toed boots. probably like "grunge" or "cyberpunk" aesthetic??
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ Epilogue .....
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
A/n- this takes place years after the previous chapters.... I hope you enjoy it m'loves.
Taehyung was your one true love.
And that was always so obviously apparent to onlooking eyes.
"my love...I don't think those are for you to pick-"
"shhh" Taehyung reached up and grabbed another apple from the tree, tossing it into the bowl he carried in the other hand.
You two had recently made an expensive upgrade from your small city apartment in Busan to a small cottage house in Gwangju.
Your mothers health had not been the best within the past year, and it became difficult to travel over to her so often, so Taehyung made the decision to move closer for convince, now she was more accessible.
He also appreciated the smaller atmosphere of the country side, he actually had a yard now, which he was going to take advantage of immediately.
You've only been in the new house for a month and a half and he's already burning bridges with the neighbors, who are a much older couple and dont seem too pleased with the idea of 20 something year olds living beside them.
"didn't they "accidentally" mow over your new flowers?" tae points out, as if its some competition with the 62 year old husband next door.
"he apologized" you cross your arms, watching your boyfriend pick from their fruit trees.
"we need a fence" he suggested, proudly showing you the bowl of fruit. "what? you are upset?"
You raise an eyebrow as he stands beside you.
"we can make apple pie, baby!" he smirked and walked to the side, entering your house as you giggled, following behind. Apple pie does sound convincing, you have to admit.
He walked to the kitchen and placed the bowl down, smiling at you as you picked up Yeontans toys scattered around the living room. "you know.." he adjusted his farmers hat that he insisted he bought so he fit the role of the town, "im gonna build you that porch swing you always wanted"
"yeah?" you giggled, listening to his voice from the other room.
"and I'll build you a nice white wooden fence around here.." he points out the window, "so we can have all our privacy, and then I'll build you a treehouse, so when we have kids we can hang in there and we can paint it and-"
You hug him as you walk into the room, taking his hat off as you put it on yourself. "youre so caring and considerate, my love"
Taehyung blushed and hugged you back, "because I love you"
"i love you too, country boy" you poked his chest, smirking. "and you know we can build the tree house now, why wait for kids? we can have fun in there I think. Put a tv up, snacks, pillows-"
"I dont think thats a good idea" he raised an eyebrow
"taehyung we arent gonna have sex in the tree, stop it" you giggle, looking at the apples he picked. "what time do we need to leave?"
He turned to look at the clock, "um, in an hour"
"oh shit, Im gonna go get ready now"
"you do that, lil lady" he teasingly smacked your butt as you left the room.
Taehyung informed you that he was taking you out on a small date tonight, but refused to disclose exactly where or why.
It was not often the two of you got to go out together anywhere, He had to transfer jobs when you both moved, meaning he went from a college art teacher, to a full time elementary school art teacher, which was in his words, "more enjoyable then teaching college kids".
Meanwhile, you were lucky enough to join the arts and culture center as an activities director, meaning you helped out plays and performances as well as acting in them. It wasn't too different from your job in Busan, the only real change is the people you worked with were much younger and around your age, which helped make you feel more comfortable.
bottom line, You and Taehyung were working all the time every day, leaving weekends the only time for you two to be alone. So when he told you he had something planned, you didnt want to question it too much, instead, you wanted to appreciate it.
A while later, you both had hopped into the car, he drove to the unknown destination while you put lipstick on in the overhead mirror of the passenger seat.
"please dont hit the pothole, I want to look good not like a clown" you mumble, lining your lips with the dark red coloring.
Taehyung giggled and looked over, "you do look good, baby, seriously" his hand rested on your thigh.
"did I overdress?" you look at him, "you wont tell me where we are going so I assumed to wear something sort of nice?"
He nodded, "you look amazing, not overdressed, promise"
You trusted his word as you pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant that reserved near a small lake, it really was beautiful, and for someone who grew up near the area, you've never seen or heard of this place before.
The sky became dark as you two walked in, he smiled and made sure to hold your hand, his cologne creating a comforting aroma for you.
"hi! reservation under Kim" he mumbled to the woman as she checked the laptop.
"for 3?" she looked up
"yeah" taehyung glanced at you nervously as you raised a brow.
You followed the waitress to a window seat where you were met with your mother sitting, she had a wide grin plastered across her face as she saw both of you two.
"mom?" you giggled, running over to hug her as she sat in her wheelchair
Tae smiled softly as he stood behind you, a hand on your lower back before he hugged your mom too. Once you both sat down, you stared at taehyung waiting for an explanation as to why, although a pleasant surprise, your mother was here on date night.
He cleared his throat, "I just thought we could all use a night to just sit down and eat without having to worry about cooking" he smirked, your mother trying to hold in her giggle as she agreed, "yup"
You seemed confused, you didnt mind cooking a dinner for everyone if she wanted to come over to your house, but you suppose its the thought that counts.
Throughout the meal, you all shared small conversations that seemed casual, other than the fact your mother and taehyung kept sharing similar glances, making you suspicious.
"is there some kind of joke I dont know about?" you suddenly spoke up, pouting as you took a bite of potato.
"no baby, why do you say that?" he asked, reaching to hold your hand
"dunno.." you shrug, looking around.
Taehyung began to grow more nervous and fidgety as the night went on, even more so as you excused yourself to use the restroom.
Your mother put her hand on his back, whispering, "dont be nervous, taehyung, youre giving it away you know" she laughed
Taehyung ran his hands over his face, "ahh I know but...what if she-"
"she loves you, she wouldnt have put up with your shit this long if she hadnt"
"true..." he chuckles , sitting up as you return to your seat.
"lets order dessert" your mother suggested, making you nod and smile
"good idea, do you guys wanna get the ice cream float and we can all share it? its pretty big.."
Taehyung was suddenly too anxious to even speak casually as he looked at you "yeah, sounds good." he spoke flatly, his eyes drawing to the live band that sat across the room you were in. He smiled and got up, walking over to them as you and your mom discussed dessert.
"hello, do you take requests?" he whispered, hopeful.
"we do!" the man cheerfully replied, taking his earpiece out so he could here the young boy. "what would you like to hear?"
Taehyung looked back to make sure you werent paying attetion, "well...um, do you guys think could play this?" he showed him his phone
Return to me, Dean Martin
That song held a certain significance in yours and Taehyungs relationship.
every couple had a song, and that just happened to be yours.
He had a deep love for music from the 50's, constantly playing vinyls throughout the house that echoed most nights as you came through the door after a long work day.
You loved to consider Tae a classical romantic, the kind to make you a cd with all of his oldies on his after you two get into a fight, which he's done before.
Taehyung returned to the table, smiling at the dessert on the table as you lifted the spoon to his mouth, "taste it baby, its so good"
He chuckled, taking the spoon and wiping his lips, "that is good my love"
He reached out to hold your hand over the table as you began talking, your mother couldn't help but tear up at the sight of how much love was budding between her daughter and this boy so obviously.
The current song playing through the restaurant came to an end, and taehyung nervously swallowed his wine, his foot bouncing not going unnoticed to your eye.
The gentle instrument began, alerting you immediately as you stopped mid-convo with your mom to look around, gasping, "tae! its our song! they are playing our song!"
Return to me Oh my dear I'm so lonely
He smiled gently, looking across at you as your face lit up. God, you were so beautiful. "yeah, it is..." he mumbled, eyes only drawn on you.
Hurry back, hurry back Oh my love hurry back I'm yours
you turned to your mom to explain how you and him always hear this song on the radio, like it follows you everywhere.
"lets dance?" he gently nudged your hand, nodding towards the center of the room where much older couples swayed slowly in the dimness.
You blushed, "now..?"
"why not, baby?" he took one last sip of his wine, hoping to gain any courage he could as he stood and grasped your hand, slowly leading you away from the table to the floor.
Your mother pulled her phone out and filmed, if you werent so caught up in taehyung right now you would have noticed her not-so-slick grin.
His hands rested on your hips, pulling him closer as you looked up at him, blushing once more.
"why you always so shy, baby?" he whispered, nudging his nose against yours.
"im not" you reply, giggling
"mm yeah you are"
You shook your head, swaying with him slowly as you rested against his chest. In that moment you heard his heart beating rather quickly.
"why is your heart beating so fast?" you whispered, closing your eyes."
For my heart wants you only Hurry home, hurry home
"is it?" he played dumb, resting his head against yours.
The softly played music and warmness of his body against yours made you almost forget where you were. You didnt care if people stared, you felt so in love in this moment, and almost protested for another song as it came to a close.
Retorna me Cara mia ti amo Solo tu, solo tu, solo tu, solo tu Mio cuore
Taehyung took a deep breath and exhaled, spinning you around slowly as he looked at you, in a way youve never seen before.
He smiled gently, the instrumental playing in the back as the floor cleared out.
"Y/N" he whispered, grabbing your hand as he slowly sunk down to one knee. Your heart froze, hand covering your mouth as you immediately caught on.
"y/n"....he looked up at you with eyes so nervous yet hopeful, you wanted to cry out of the amount of love you had in your body for this boy. "I...Ive loved you for so long, you are my other half and have always been. Without you, theres no way I would be here today as the person as I am, you make me a better man, and I cant imagine going a single day without you beside me" he was now crying as he spoke, the entire room watching with careful eyes, "we know eachother better than anyone, and all I want to....all I want to do baby is love, and spoil, and take care of you for the rest of our lives. Let me make you mine, forever, my beautiful girl" he whispered as tears of your own fell.
Suddenly his previous behavior made sense, watching him reach into his back pocket to pull out the small black box.
As a little girl, you dreamed of this moment, the moment someone will love you enough to offer you their life and promise to treat you with care. You began to fear that moment would never come, but now as you stand here with the love of your life, looking at you so passionately with the ring in his hand as he patiently waited for your response,
It was straight out of a fairy tale.
"will you marry me, beautiful? and let me pick apples for you for the rest of time?"
You giggled, wiping away your tears as you nodded quickly, "y-yes, yes! over and over again, yes" you have him stand so you can kiss him, the room erupting in applause as you do so.
He kissed you deeply, pulling away and pressing his forehead to yours, "I love you..."
"I love you too.....so much"
You watched as he slid the ring onto your finger, making everything seem so real. "oh, wow...this is so beautiful" you sniffed, leaning against him as you looked at your hand.
"yeah? you like it baby?" he smiled, kissing your head, "im glad"
You made your way back to the table to hug your mom, who, by the way, was an absolute mess.
"I filmed it all" she spoke, wiping her teary eyes.
"were you behind this, mama?" you giggled, kissing her cheek as she nodded, "you know I always am"
You looked at taehyung as he sat with you two, nodding.
"about a month ago after we moved here, I spoke to your mom about me proposing, and she gave me her blessing under one condition..." he trailed off
"that im here to see it" she finished softly, making you smile sadly.
"oh mama..." you sniff, hugging her again.
Your mothers health has taken a turn for the worse recently, leaving things a lot more difficult for you. Time and life is never a given, so for taehyung to go out of his way to make sure she was here to see such an important moment, knowing how much it means to you, made you love the man even more....if that was possible.
"thank you" you whispered to tae, looking at him with teary eyes.
He wiped them softly, kissing you delicately. "My baby, I love you so much"
Once the night was over, you and Taehyung were sat inside of your house once more.
It felt different, like someone flipped a switch and suddenly life was a lot brighter. You still had your entire future to see, and now taehyung has just promised to be there with you, and to share each beautiful moment. Things could not have been lovelier.
"I cannot wait to be your wife"
"and I cannot wait to be your husband"
You giggle, brushing his hair back with your fingers as your eyes glued onto his, the bed was warm, large blankets covering your bodies.
"I seriously.....dont know what I would have done without you. I never assumed I would marry my best friend" you whisper, thumb brushing his cheek. "Im lucky enough to have known my person my whole life"
He smiled warmly, palm placed on the back of your hand. "we dont have to worry about what ifs, or ever fear being lost again, yeah? I'm never gonna leave you"
You kissed his nose before nuzzling into his neck.
"I adore you...and I cannot wait to see all of the adventures life has in store for us" he mumbled, rubbing your back.
"I cant wait either....i just hope everything goes smoothly"
"oh things will be crazy, we attract crazy" he teased, earning a laugh from you, "but we can handle it.....we always do."
"yeah, we do" you whisper, looking down at the shiny ring that now sat proudly on your finger.
it symbolized a new chapter in your life, and God, you were so ready to enter it headfirst with Taehyung. Through thick and thin, you were his.
Let the story begin.
AHHHH im kind of sad this is over, I apologize if this is rather short, but I wanted to keep it quick and sweet because I didnt want to add too much plot into the finale. There will be a drabble series following their life coming soon, I already planned it out and im so excited for it! Thanks again to my amazing followers who read my chapters weekly and support me, I love you all so much and I hope we can all have this experience with future works I put out.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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skin-of-my-teeth · 5 months
Fresh on the Farm
Tags: Farm AU, Feedism, Vore, Hybrids, Hunting, Predator/Large wolf Namjoon, Preys/Fat piggies Jimin and Jungkook, Dumb little pigs, Fearplay, Teasing, Sadistic wolf Namjoon, Swallowing whole, Hard vore, Belly gurgles, Digesting, Gas, Forcing Jimin to watch, Unwilling prey, Poor lil babies. <3
Jimin and Jungkook have heard the rumors that a wolf was hunting around the neighboring farms devouring pigs, but they don't really believe it until their friend Taehyung disappears. The pig is said to have been eaten up by a large, fat wolf.
Their owner Seokjin keeps the two piggies safe and sound in their pens until the wolf sightings die off weeks later. Everyone assumes that the predator had moved on to new pastures. Nearly a month drags by with no news. Farmers open up their gates again, and Jungkook and Jimin are let back out to play.
Silly humans are too trusting with their fat livestock. They don't know how patient, sly, and cunning wolves are...
Namjoon watches the farmer's truck pull out of the driveway and toddle away down the road. He licks his lips, turning towards the red barn that houses a nice, fat pig that he saw from a distance.
The wolf bangs on the locked barn door, crashing it down with his strength. He hears a scared little oink somewhere inside and grins. Dinner. He sniffs the air. The scent of a fat little piggy fills his nose and his mouth waters.
"Here piggy piggy-" he calls into the dark, his predator eyes adjusting quickly to hunt. The pig must think he can hide. He should know better, but hogs aren't bred for their brains... they're known for being fat and delicious.
Namjoon begins stalking forwards, slinking through the dark shadows. "Come out to play..." he croons, "a fat little thing like you must understand how terrible it feels to be hungry..."
He slams open the first stall door and finds it empty. He slinks to the second.
"It's been so long since I've had a delicious... fattened hog in my gut." Namjoon shoves the next open, tearing the lock right off it's hinges. Empty. There's only one left. Namjoon sees a shadow tremble out of the corner of his eye and he turns, padding over to it stealthily.
His belly growls deep and loud in the silence, echoing in the barn and begging greedily for prey. The hungry sound is met with a muffled little squeal of terror followed by a near silent "hush, Koo".
Oh? There's two pigs? Namjoon grins even wider as he hunts. That must be why it smells so delicious. Double the fat. Double the feast.
He manages to circle around and sneak up behind two of the roundest pigs that he's gotten the pleasure of eating in a long time. They're even fatter than the last pig he got ahold of last month.
They're hiding behind stacks of hay and clutching eachother. Cute, dumb little things. The younger, fatter one must be the squealing pig Koo, while the older has their hands clamped over the chubby one's mouth. Namjoon licks his lips in anticipation as his mouth waters. The wolf loves when pigs squeal inside of his belly as he devours them. He'll gobble up the fatter, wider, more delicious one first. Maybe he can stuff the slightly less chubby one in the meantime and fatten him up even more...
The wolf sneaks right up behind them, the two dumb piggies looking in the direction he last spoke.
"What delicious, fat hogs~" The wolf purrs lowly in their ears, caressing their plump rolls with his claws. They both scream and scramble to get away.
Namjoon chooses the slower of the two. The thick, fattened one. He grips the chubby ankles and drags him back as his prey squeals in terror, "Minie!!"
Namjoon snatches and gobbles down the hog Koo without a second thought. The pig is safer in his belly anyways. The wolf gulps him down and grunts as the meal fills his gut, making it swell out heavy and round, drooping with the weight. Namjoon takes one moment to belch and pat his full belly in praise... and then he pounces on the second hog waddling slowly. Such an easy hunt.
Namjoon sits on him, crushing him and resting his heavy belly on the pig's chest so the poor little thing is forced to look at the wolf's massive gut filled with his friend. With his second helping safely pinned down, Namjoon chuckles and purrs. He loves eating pigs so much. He loves playing with his food even more.
The massive wolf brings his chubby paws up to the top of his belly, and he begins rubbing.
"What a fat, delicious treat you are~" He cooes down to his bloated gut and rubs the sides. The plump piggy inside oinks and squeals, muffled underneath the thick blubbery padding keeping his meal securely in place. The pig wiggles and fights, but Namjoon just chuckles. There's no way out once his meal is inside of his greedy, gluttonous belly.
He rubs over his gut in praise and belches deeply in satisfaction. "Such a fat little thing~ No more than a meal for my belly to devour. Piggies are meant to be eaten... Don't you think so too, chubby?" He asks the pig trapped underneath Namjoon’s huge gut and pats his chubby cheek patronizingly. The pig called Minie sobs, snorts and snuffles, wailing and oinking as he cries. "K-koo!"
The dumb little thing is confronted with the view of the predator's massive swell of weight, a deep navel right at the front. The fat jiggles on him as Koo struggles inside.
Namjoon barks a laugh and indulges in caressing his belly again, showing the hog that his friend is pork in his gut.
"You're next~" He grins over his huge middle crushing the hog. "Once I devour your fat little friend... you're my next meal. It shouldn't be long now..." Namjoon's stomach gurgles on cue, his predator belly so excited to digest the fat pig, and the wolf beams after another belch and a helpless plea filtering from inside of his gut.
"Ah! Perfect. Time to enjoy my meal. You get the pleasure of watching your plump little friend slowly be devoured and digested~"
He grunts and leans to the side to fart deeply, sighing happily as the pig in his belly squeals for help and settles in deeper, ready to be devoured by the greedy wolf.
Namjoon purrs at the sight as the prey crushed underneath his gut sobs and is forced to feel the deep, delicious gurgles sloshing on him as the wolf’s gut slowly bloats... getting softer, fatter, and heavier as the pig in his belly is gobbled up.
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bulletproofscales · 1 year
BTS nsfw one shots
same page, same number on the scale (ot3 - taejikook - fat maknae line - hurt/comfort - misunderstandings )
a reason to eat (ot7 - jimin centric- fat jimin - kinda angsty at first - bpdy worship)
happy relationship weight (ot7 - seokjin centric - chubby seokjin - hurt/comfort - overstimulation)
what to do on free days (established ot7- namjoon x seokjin x yoongi x hoseok x jimin - namjoon centric - stuffing - overstimulation - sub/dom)
part 2 (namtaekook - public place)
dense and persistent (taekook - chubby jungkook - slowburn-ish - hurt/comfort-ish)
lunch break (yoonjin - obese yoongi - stuffing - pinning - public place - degrading)
BEANS (unfinished- taejin - obese seokjin - farmer taehyung- stuffing - sexual tension - nsfwish
seven days a week ( OT7 , Jungkok centric , fat ot6 )
draw me like one of your fat boys (taejoon - obese taehyung - professor namjoon - model taehyung - explicit - lots of flirting, pwp )
A nice middle ground (prequel draw me like one of your fat boys) (taekook - jikook ar ein an open relationship - mentions of jihope -kink discovery - stuffing - ripping clothes - getting stuck - breaking chairs - slight nsfw )
i wanna be keeping you warm (namgi , plumber porn cliche au , fat namjoon, breath play, body odor)
a spooky dick apointment 7/7 (ot7, hoseok centric, monster fucking, noncon-roleplays, every chapter is tagged individually)
i can smell your lies (minjoon , fat namjoon , sweat, underwear sniffing , handjobs)
pump the gas (collab with @jktummies !! namjin, a/b/o, fat seokjin, heat sex, strangers to lovers , stuffing , gas, body odor)
room for three ( jihopekook , threesome , rivalry , pwp , semi public space , fat jeon jungkook . part one in sfw! )
a helping knot (taegi, a/b/o , alpha taehyung, omega yoongi, heat sex, fat yoongi)
making ends meet by making clothes brust (sope , chubby yoongi , pwp , maid cafe , semi public sex , mentions of drug use/selling , sex work, stuffing , handjobs , d/s dynamics )
a shift in the balance (ot7 with vmin centric, feedee taehyung, feedee jimin, mutual weigth gain, kink discovery)
flowerworks (namkook , established relationship witch namjoon, miscommunication, hurt comfort, power play, magic sex) 
first times (drabble, taegi, trans FTM taehyung, fat yoongi, oral sex, eating out) 
a live reaction to old crushes (jikook , bjs , fat gamer jk , humilaition , body shaming )
a sudden promotion (jihope , maid/boss , degradation , dirty talk , d/s dynamics , body shaming )
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empty-and-nameless · 2 years
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» Part 2
« Prologue
× paring: kim taehyung x reader (female reader)
x warnings: mentions of death, grief, workaholic behaviour, flirting, in some chapters (maybe) smut but I'll give a warning
x genre: slow-burn, farm life, coming of age, AU
x rating: maybe some explicit scenes, minors dni
x word count: 2k
x inspiration: The Hannah Montana Movie
x teaser: Y/N is the adopted daughter of a farmers couple. She lives in the big city now and is the head of a fashion label. One day she receives bad news that her parents died in a car crash and that she is now the owner of the farm her parents left behind. Now a journey of healing and learning to love begins....
P A R T 1
The door of my driver's vehicle opens for me and I step out, walking straight to the glass doors with golden framing of one of the biggest skyscrapers in the city. It is the entrance to my company building. My stiletto heals click in a smooth rythm above the marble floor that lead to the front desk and elevators. A few of my employees bow and greet me, some gave me pityful looks, knowing that I'm still mourning my late parents death. Arriving at the entrance I greet our absent-minded front desk lady, Ashley, she's bored out of her mind as ever. "Hello Ashley, do you happen to know my schedule for today." I asked her gracefully. She just looked at me wide-eyed and bewildered. Then she began to rummage through a stack of papers and shrugged her shoulder's at me popping a bubble of gum. A few angry words wanted to leave my mouth this instant, but a steady hand on my shoulder calmed me down.
"First of all, you need to look through the old collections and compare them. Then's the meeting with your parents notary and after that we need to talk about the new collection asap. Dior is going to one up us if we dont release a teaser for our new collection soon. The press is also onto us and wants a statement on your absence." It was Namjoon, my assistant and secretary, he rambled to me about my schedule while pressing a coffee into my hand. All while talking to each other we walked towards the elevator and rode to the 30th floor, which was my office floor. What would I do without this clumsy but organized man?
"Namjoon I have no clue what we should do." I said in a torn up voice. Namjoon looked at me and pushed up his glasses. "Well, we could hire a few stars to promote the collection. Maybe even make a short film about it or do something scandalous. I bet if we do that our new collection will get more attention than Gucci's or Versace's." He nodded towards me. "That's the problem Namjoon. There's is no new collection. I have nothing. No ideas. No sketches. Nothing. Nada." I told him truthfully. Namjoon stopped in his tracks, throwing his hands on my mouth. "Psssshhhh" he shushed me and dragged me into the nearest office, which happened to be mine. He closed the door and violently pulled down the blinds, so that no one walking by my office could see us. "Have you gone mad? Oh my god are you in your Andy Warhol phase?" he exaggerated. "No. Namjoon, oh my god stop exaggerating! I've just been so drained of creativity and energy since...you know, since it happened." I said in a weak voice. Namjoon's gaze softened and he gave me a soft hug. "Why did you even shush me and drag me in here?" I asked confused by the sudden location change.
He proceeded to look around nervously. "If anyone hears that you have no ideas for the next collection, we'll be ruined. The public will hear about it and soon the press too. They'll call you a worn-out designer. The company will be in trouble and the employees will lose trust in you and some of them may or may not consider to leave us. Gucci and Dior have offered some of our employees a better deal, most of them stayed out of sheer respect for you and your grief." He explained. He's right, it all depends on the new collection. "Namjoon, I will find a solution. You're absolutely right, no one can know about this. Although if they want to leave us they are unloyal petty bitches anyway so--" Namjoon shoved me in my big office chair without any further words to my sentence before.
"What can I do to inspire you?" Namjoon said, more to himself than to me, while roughly massaging my shoulders. I shoo him away and he starts pacing up and down in my office,making me quiet nervous actually. "Namjoon stop pacing! I'm going insane." "Sorry, that's how I think best."
While Namjoon is in his thought-zone I began to read through the archive of my old collections and started to compare them to each other. Crossing out what has already been done. Also doing a bit of research on what is defined as fashionable right now and what the competition is up to. I've always been a low-key designer. Never one to attend a lot of gala's or fashion shows. I always wanted to make affordable clothes, but somehow my label got a lot bigger and way more high-end than I intended it to be. It did bother me a little in the beginning, but it had its perks beeing a high-end fashion designer. One of them is the creative freedom I have, while also being my own boss and head of my company. It comes with a lot of cons too though. Considering that I have zero to no free time usually.
"How about a power-suit collection for women. Let's hop onto the equality and female rights train. We make a whole collection consisting of power suits in neon and bright colors or maybe patterned." I said springing out of my seat on my desk, very excited about said idea. "Gucci and even Zara already did that honey. Vogue made a whole article about it." Namjoon said in a sassy voice shaking his head left to right. "Ugh, I'm clueless." I told him while sinking into my seat again.
"What if we create a coat collection. A faux fur coat collection." I uttered. Namjoon looked equally excited as me and asked: "In unnatural colors? Like pink, green and yellow? Neon fur coats?" "Yeah, that's exactly my idea? Omg how did you know?" I ushered excited with a smile on my face. Namjoon's smile fell and he rolled his eyes. "Because we already did that two years ago. Cardi B wore it to the Met Gala. Remember?" He said annoyed. "Oh yeah right. I designed that." I answered disappointed. Namjoon looked exhausted. It wasn't always easy with me... "It'll come to me. I will give you the perfect idea tomorrow morning. Deal?"
Namjoon looked at me sceptical, but put his hand out anyways as to say "Deal".
With a rather awkward smile I kept on going with my day and greeted the employees. I was never good at hiding secrets, especially not when these secrets could cost them their job.
As I walked through the corridors I received the message from Namjoon that I need to attend the meeting with my parents notary, that I oh-so dreaded to attend. Decisions were to be made about my parents belongings and about what they've inherited me. I was mentally prepared to be the one to clear out their house if something might happen, because I'm their only child, but never for that...
The notary, a very good-looking man called Kim Seokjin, scattered his papers around my desk and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Y/L/N. I'm gonna ask you some questions now, just for formality." He said. As a grieving person, this sentence is nothing but a formality itself aswell, it doesn't help you recover from the death of your loved-ones. But I'm thankful for him being this considerate thusfar, so I nodded in acknowledgement. "Your parents were Y/M/N and Y/F/N, farmers on the southside of the outlands? Is that right?" I nodded again. Not daring to say a word. Mr. Kim sighed. "Miss, I'm not here to take something from you. I am the person that enforces your parents will. You don't have to be scared at all. Any questions or anything you'll need help with, I'm here." Mr. Kim gave me a heart-warming smile and held my hand in his for a few seconds which made me breathe a relieving breath. "Ok let's go on Mr. Kim, I'm ready."
"Ms. Y/L/N, I assume your parents adopted you?" Mr. Kim asked cautiously. I released a small laugh and said "Does it really matter, they are my only real parents. I was an accident and my biological parents decided to give me up. These people raised me." Maybe I got a little too defensive, but right now it is a sensitive topic to me. Because knowing what's on the line for me, I would really want some keepsakes to remember my parents. Maybe something small, like clothes from my mom or my dads old watch.
"I'll just get right to the point. You parents inherited you, their only child, the farm and the whole property." Mr. Kim said with a straight face. My coffee mug fell to the ground with a loud clash. Coffee spilling everywhere. I guess it was loud enough to alert Namjoon. He stormed into the room with a look of concern. "Everything alright in here?" His eyes widening as he saw the coffee mug and my shocked face. "I'm gonna clean that up." He said and ran away to get cleaning supplies. Namjoon has always been a neat person and also very clumsy, so for him it nearly is a daily task to clean up messes. But he couldn't help me clean up the mess that is my life right now.
I woke up from my deep thoughts because Mr. Kim put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was okay. I just nodded.
Mr. Kim took a seat again and cleared his throat, probably to get my full attention. Folding his hands up on the table he looked at me. I couldn't decipher his look. Maybe pity? Anyways, I couldn't keep the farm even if I wanted to. I have to handle a company. Fashion Week is about to happen and I have enough stress in the city to just move up to the outskirts right now. It just couldn't happen, how could I possibly turn my life upside down.
"We have two options now, Miss. And I say We because I'll be there for you along the way, that is my duty and my job." He said. "Either you inherit the farm or we have to give it up for sale. Which would make the people of the bank really happy as they have been luring over this peace of land." Oh god, I'm not mentally stable enough to make such a decision. "What would the bank do with the farm?" I asked, basically already knowing the answer. "They would tear it down and build something on it, a shopping center, parking space, anything capitalistic." Mr. Kim and I met a few times before. He knew my parents well and has spent a week or two at our farm with his family. He has always been an honest person (so my father told me) and somehow has had a soft spot for our family since forever. "It would be a shame you know..." He said, his business voice now totally gone. He's speaking from his heart.
"A total shame to give up this beautiful farm. In the end it is your decision. But I know it was your parents dream and it is a peace of you. I will await your decision. I can only give you till tomorrow. I think this might help." He ushered a sheet of paper towards me. It was a letter in my fathers handwriting. Mr. Kim bowed and showed himself out, while I just looked at the last words my parents will ever address to me.
"Dearest Y/N,
If you read this, we'll probably be gone, but Nick/Name don't cry, you'll always be our baby. We know it will be hard for you, to live without us. Just as it would be hard for us without you. Of course we know that you are very busy. Our daughter the CEO and fashion designer of your own brand. We are so unbelievably proud. We still want you to inherit the farm, because you are the only one we trust with it. We wouldn't want you to give everything in your life up for the farm. Maybe you'll find a balance or a solution. You are our smart daughter. The bank has been on our backs, trying to buy the land from us, but we'll do anything to keep our dream alive. It still is the place we're you grew up. We'll fight for it. Please don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do...in the end you'll do the right thing.
We love you forever and always
Mom and Dad"
I know exactly what I need to do....
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