#fasdfa that looks so good
despairforme · 6 years
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kadywicker · 7 years
LOL WAIT ON THE BUCK/STEVE THING this is so embarrassing oh my god but i recently was like “you know what would be fun? watching ALL the captain america movies” and now i’m hooked so um. if you have fics that you like from your recent trip through ao3 lmk 👀
I DO for once i went thru not sorted by kudos bc theyre all older fics ive either already read OR i usually like reading canon compliant/semi canon compliant for them so ive just been sorting chronologically by completed + english fics SO i dont have a Whole Ton but heres some i liked. i’ll probably have more later once i’ve decided i’ve read enough of em chronologically and start sorting by kudos fasdfa
Hey Fred Astaire 
gen. 615 words. 
“Hey Fred Astaire, can you you gimme a break? I’m tryin’ to shave.”
(Steve and Bucky get ready for a night out, then and now.)
Speak the Language
teen. 1.2k
Based on the trope: two characters who love each other are about to separate for battle and the do the forehead touch before they split up.
Behind the Tapestry 
mature. 12.5k
Steve takes the opportunity of the Convergence's one year anniversary to hop over to Central Europe, where he and Bucky partnered on a mission during the war.
mature. 20.4k
“James and Steve. If I have to tell you one more time to stop talking, you will be separated. Do you understand?”
Bucky stares up at Mrs. Wheatley with the face that gets him out of trouble when his ma is in a good mood. Steve becomes suddenly fascinated with his correction work. It would have been convincing enough, if their papers weren’t blank.
Or: Steve and Bucky make up a secret language
Sweetest Sixteen
gen. 6.7k
The day Steve turns sixteen, the sun sparks against his skin like an electrical current and he and Bucky share a day together at Coney Island. Steve thinks about kissing Bucky. Sixteen or eighty-four years later, Steve's older, but not wiser. He's also nowhere near the beach of his youth.
And the Silhouettes You Drew
teen. 2.8k
Some of the pieces Bucky’s slowly getting back aren’t really memories. They’re more like...feelings. 
Complicated, uncertain, potentially embarrassing feelings.
And Steve is no help at all.
Not Just A Pretty Face
explicit. 9.9k
Steve does something stupid on a mission and Bucky has to save him with a little help from Howard Stark.
And the Honeycomb Will Taste Sweeter Coming From My Hand
teen. 21.6k. warning that theres hints of b*ckynat and im not the biggest fan of it so believe me when i say the fics worth it fasdf the parts are pretty easy to ignore. 
"I have something for you," Bucky says, taking a small box from his pocket.
"What is it?" Steve asks.
"Just open it."
Steve does so, and—"A ring?" he asks. 
"Why are you giving me a ring?"
Ave Maria 
teen. 2.9k. theres religion in it if that bugs you
It's the night before the fateful mission to capture Arnim Zola, and Bucky Barnes is on watch.
In which Bucky and Steve discuss death.
January 2nd, 1938
explicit. 1.2k
Steve frowned harder down at the paper.
“Steve!” Bucky dropped down on the floor next to him. “Get a look at this!”
Grudgingly, Steve glanced up, and found himself laughing. “You didn’t.”
there is a tavern in the town (and there my dear love sits him down)
teen. 3.7k
When he walks into the pub, there's an instant feeling of recognition. He knows there's a group of soldiers waiting for him at one of the tables. He knows a woman in a red dress will walk in. He knows there is someone waiting for him at the bar.
Confessions on an Empty Page
teen. 23.4k
While Bucky is in cryo, Steve decides to re-create Bucky’s confiscated journals for him. He mistakenly assumes Bucky won’t remember certain things, so Steve decides to be selective about what memories he includes in the journals. 
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helladirections · 4 years
i know penn is going to start counting more votes at 5 but what about the other states. is there an idea when the other states might finish the counting?
(disclaimer) i am not a whole expert
I literally wrote out a whole thing for this and then something refreshed ads;fasdfa
Basically, I have some predictions but we don’t really know until we know. You’ll notice that every time they do press conferences, they refuse to give timelines because they don’t want to be wrong or give unrealistic expectations.
Pennsylvania: Apparently they’re supposed to be dumping a bunch of data within the next half hour or so (as of me writing this), at which point they will be mostly done with regular mail in ballots. What’s left: that county where they sent the wrong ballots, ballots which arrived after 8pm on election day but were stamped 11/3 or earlier (legal by state law, Trump is challenging this), and provisionals. Pennsylvania does not have ballot curing options. When I woke up this morning and got up to speed, I expected to get confirmation on Pennsylvania by late afternoon / evening. We’re past that point now, but I still think we aren’t too far off. It’ll really depend on what and how many results are given in this next dump. MSNBC has apparently said they are waiting to call it until the margin is 35,000, and right now the margin is 17,000 ish. CNN has been talking about how they have a back room somewhere with math nerds who look at what ballots are still out, what the trends are, and numbers. I think we’ll have some answers before I go to sleep tonight, but ‘sleep’ and ‘tonight’ have very loose meanings for me right now lol.
Georgia: This is gonna take ages, and even after it gets ‘called’, it’s going to drag on for probably a few weeks. What’s left: regular mail ballots that had creases or small issues and need to be reviewed manually, cured ballots (deadline was tonight), military / overseas ballots (number unknown), and provisionals. The certification deadlines for counties is 11/13, afterwich they get sent to the SOS who has until 11/20 to certify. If the margin is within .5%, which it might be, candidates have the right to request (and pay for) a recount, after votes have been certified. Trump has already indicated he plans to do this. But that can’t happen until after the SOS certifies numbers, which could be as late as 11/20. Recounts are important and legitimate, but it should be noted that they rarely change the outcome of elections. The recount that flipped the results of Leslie Knope’s 2012 Pawnee, Indiana City Council race was definitely an anomaly, and the margin there was 27 votes, not thousands of votes (that’s a deep cut). 
Arizona: Similar to Pennsylvania, I expect to have some sort of confirmation within the next 12 hours or so. I think we’re expecting another upload of data tonight, but not for a few hours because of time zones.They’ve been releasing data only a few times per day. What’s left: the last few regular mail ballots, provisionals, maybe military / overseas. Arizona does not have a ballot curing option. Also, provisional ballots tend to either stay on trend with the rest of the state, or skew a tiny bit left. This is because the people who request or require provisionals tend to include younger people who move a lot, and younger people tend to vote Democrat. We’re also pretty much just waiting on numbers from Maricopa County (Phoenix, 60% of population) and whatever county Tuscon is in, which are both pretty blue. BIden’s margin here has gone down over the last day and a half, but I’m still relatively confident. They finally called the Senate race for Mark Kelly, who won by a healthy margin, so that makes me feel really good.
Nevada: I say this every fiber of my being - FUCK NEVADA. Honestly, fuck Nevada and fuck NVDems for reasons completely unrelated to this election. But anyway. They have been releasing data only once or twice per day. What’s left: a good chunk of regular mail ballots, cured ballots (deadline in a few hours), maybe military / overseas?, and provisionals. The rurals are pretty much all in, and we’re really only getting numbers from Clark, and a little bit from Washoe. Clark County (Las Vegas) has about 72% of the state’s population, and has been very blue for a while, going even more blue. Washoe County (Reno) is the next biggest, but isn’t all that big. They’ve been much more moderate, but going bluer with time. I worked in Nevada as a field organizer in 2018, and we did our jobs really well (flipped a Senate seat, a House seat, every statewide office except 1, and the first ever in the history of the country female majority state legislature). We did our job so that things were set up for the 2020 team to jump in right where we left off. So if something goes wrong here, I’ll be real pissed. Anyway, I think we wont get really finals answers until probably Sunday at the earliest. 
im a poli sci grad with a career in democratic politics. ask me things if you have questions
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luvdsc · 4 years
yeah, ive got like two to threeish weeks left until summer vacations starts!! im literally sooo excited for it 💖 and yes!! i totally get you when you say that they are annoying but in an endearing way,, most of my guy friends are like that haha and uniforms? what was that like?? did you like your uniform?? and, youre absolutely right!! its nice to see people put effort in the way they dress for once,, and yesss!! ive literally begged my friends to consider stem, but most just dont like it (1/5)
and so far im considering going into IT (is that the right word?), but im not too sure about that,, and thats literally why i love stem so much! its really challenging and really amazing to think about!! and, yeah, i wouldnt even know where to begin to buy n95 masks adfad most people either use masks they made themselves or those one use masks,, and i will!! please stay safe too!! many dont seem to take the pandemic seriously anymore, but its still not over so definitely stay safe!!! 💖💕 (2/5)
code names sounds fun!! i love guessing games,, i cant wait to host a game night with my friends once this is all over!! and lmao that must be so weird to just sit there while you wait for your prof haha zoom does seem to be v annoying, but im happy you got it to start working!! and, same, i could never live in vietnam bc the humidity is just too much,, no, not really haha it only ever snows a couple of times a year and most of the time it melts away in a couple of days, but no ive never (3/5)
gone skiing or snowboarding,, a lot my friends have tho so it is common to go but i just havent yet,, and same! i figured eugene would give matt alcohol but just alcohol?? i was absolutely not surprised that matt nailed it!! and gordon ramsey? who? and, oh, croissants! they seem so difficult tho because youve gotta chill the dough all the time, but tell me how they turn out if you decide to make them!! and a triptych and in an impressionist and pop art style?? that sounds difficult!! (4/5)
but im sure youll do well 💖 id love to see the piece once your finished because i love impressionist style artwork,, and damn must be weird to graduate now without a proper ceremony :( i really hope you get to do a big celebration once all of this is over because you totally deserve it!! and haha i get it,, must be nice to know that youll never have to cram for another exam again fasdfa and thank you! im having a great weekend,, how about you? (5/5)
✿ ✿ ✿
omg ok i know i’ve been pm’ing you a lot instead, but i still want to answer these!!! you’re almost done with school, you can do it! summer is just around the corner 💕  YES, i feel like all guy friends read the same manual or something, like how are they so darn annoying all the time, but you can’t seem to hate them for it?? i actually really loved uniforms!! it made it easier in the morning because you already have an outfit picked out. also, people can’t judge you based on what you’re wearing because they’re wearing the same thing. it’s an equalizer, and that’s really nice :’) people who put effort into fashion are amazing, like it takes me an hour to pick one decent outfit to go out in and then i’m drained rip
omg i’m going into IT!!!! it’s a fun field to work in, and i hope you’ll like it! and yes for sure, stem makes you use your brain a lot ajksdhfkasd ah, same! my friend gave me one of her n95 masks, but besides that, my mom sewed a lot of masks herself, so we use those if we go outside! yes, i will also!! yeah, the pandemic is still going on, so i hope everyone still stays mindful of that ): 
omg yes, i miss the weekly game nights we had ))): we host one every friday night online still, but it’s not the same.. ashdjkalfhas literally everyone is just sitting there, waiting for the prof to come back, and we all look dead inside on cam LOL i don’t know how people can survive in humidity like that all the time... my friend absolutely loves it and says it’s because it makes her a dewy goddess, but humidity just makes me look like a sweaty beach ball LMAO  oooo i see! that’s still lovely to be able to experience snow for a few days 💖
matt and eugene are good at everything, i’m not even surprised anymore aksjdfjhlaksd when he did that painting while drunk in their latest video, i was like :O yeah, croissants seem really difficult, but hopefully, i’ll be able to expand my baking skills over the summer!!
and actually, i sped painted each one for 3-4 hours each! so it wasn’t too bad, and i chose impressionism because it’s more about painting what you feel, rather than doing a photorealism style, which would’ve taken ages rip and we’ll be getting our actual ceremony next year!!! it’s so exciting, and thank you so much again!!! 🥺  my weekend is off to a good start! only 9 more hours til the commencement ceremony starts at noon :’) 
(also you don’t have to answer these!!! i know we talked about the majority of this through dm’s already ajskdfhas)
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kadywicker · 7 years
answer all of them
jfC afjasdfFASDF
under a read more bc its a Lot
The meaning behind my url: darth vader lmao
A picture of me: here’s my face tag
How many tattoos i have and what they are: i have 2. i have one on my left shoulder and it’s a four eyed sphynx cat, and another one on my right forearm thats the solar system
Last time i cried and why: to be honest w u i dont even remember but it was probably during some show
Piercings i have: none
Favorite band: arctic monkeys
Biggest turn offs: d*ddy kink is a huge fucking no. no no no.
Top 5 (insert subject): didnt specify fasdf
Tattoos i want: so many fasdfasdf. i want a rlly colorful octopus like this one. i want one that says ivory and rose. i want one of a tree on my back. i want this one of the falcon.
Biggest turn ons: uuuh rather not say bc its personal fasdfsf 
Age: 18
Ideas of a perfect date: any date i’ve been on w @benkcnobi
Life goal: u kno thats a good question and i need one. just be happy ig
Piercings i want: none
Relationship status: engaged to @benkcnobi
Favorite movie: sw movies, princess bride, neverending story, dirty dancing, ferris bueller, but im a cheerleader, rocky horror
A fact about my life: uuuuuuh i once had a cat named spider man
Middle name: james
Height: 5′2
Are you a virgin? nooo
What’s your shoe size? 9 and a half
What’s your sexual orientation? les. lesbiab. lesbean. lesbb.b  girls.
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? i drink sometimes but not the other two
Someone you miss: @benkcnobi :(
What’s one thing you regret? a lot of shit but tbh my biggest regret on this planet is when i went through a bacon phase and now i cant touch bacon (in reality i have worse regrets but im not oversharing today)
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: lupita nyong’o also gina rodriguez 
Favorite ice cream? im not a big fan of ice cream fasdfa
One insecurity: my weight rip me
What my last text message says: its a hc thread abt han/luke w avery fasdfasdf
Have you ever taken a picture naked? yes fasdf
Have you ever painted your room? yep!
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? yes :)
Have you ever slept naked? all the goddamn time bc my asd self hates the sensory shit of sleeping w clothes
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? yes
Have you ever had a crush? of course
Have you ever been dumped? eyep
Have you ever stole money from a friend? nope
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? not that i can recall??? i mean unless u count my fiances dad and them picking me up at the airport and i hadnt met their dad yet before so i guess
Have you ever been in a fist fight? not really
Have you ever snuck out of your house? no
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? oh for sure
Have you ever been arrested? no
Have you ever made out with a stranger? nooope
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? uuuuh this is so vague famsdfadsf no i guess? ive been dropped off at a dudes house before but we didnt rlly meet up anywhere
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? yeah
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? at some point
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? no
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? no but ive fallen asleep on avery in the car does that count
Have you ever seen someone die? no thank fuck
Have you ever been on a plane? yes
Have you ever kissed a picture? yeah when i was a kid i think
Have you ever slept in until 3? oh yes
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now? yes ive loved someone and yes i miss my fiance fasdf
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yep!
Have you ever made a snow angel? yes
Have you ever played dress up? yes
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? yes
Have you ever been lonely? of course
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? oh yeah
Have you ever been to a club? no
Have you ever felt an earthquake? no
Have you ever touched a snake? yes
Have you ever ran a red light? i dont drive
Have you ever been suspended from school? no
Have you ever had detention? no
Have you ever been in a car accident? no
Have you ever hated the way you look? every goddamn day of my life
Have you ever witnessed a crime? yeah
Have you ever pole danced? no
Have you ever been lost? yep
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? yeah
Have you ever felt like dying? oh for sure
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yep
Have you ever sang karaoke? yes
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? of course
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yep
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? uuuuuuuuh noooot consensually ???? so ? no???? ig??
Have you ever kissed in the rain? nope
Have you ever sang in the shower? yes
Have you ever made out in a park? no
Have you ever dreamed that you married someone? yes
Have you ever glued your hand to something? i’m sure
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? NO???
Have you ever been a cheerleader? no
Have you ever sat on a roof top? yes
Have you ever brushed your teeth? im really honest to god hoping that no ones ever answered no to this
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? i hate watching them alone
Have you ever played chicken? no
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? no
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? yeah
Have you ever broken a bone? yes in fact my toe is currently broken
Have you ever been easily amused? yeah
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yes
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? no
Have you ever cheated on a test? yes
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? of course
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? yeah
give us one thing about you that no one knows. honestly i dont know fasdfasdf
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