curvologist-again · 4 months
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Cool things happening here! SailGP is in town. I may have ducked out of work early yesterday to see some practice. Don’t tell anyone! 😉
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ker-bee · 1 year
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Lake Havasu, London Bridge, supercat.
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baliboatticket-blog · 8 months
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Explore Gili Island
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balitriptop · 1 year
Best way transportation to Gili Trawangan ,Gili Air,and Lombok bangsal
Cath fast boat transfer between island the easiest way and save traving time
Fastboat Transfer Gili
Gili and Lombok ticket Fastboat
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sandnspice · 2 years
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Karimunjawa Fast Boat from Jepara 🛥️ Just 2 hours to Paradise https://www.sandspice.com/karimunjawa-fast-boat/ Apart from flying, the Karimunjawa fast boat is the quickest transport to the island. Choose your dates carefully: They don't run every day #Karimunjawa #Island #Java #Paradise #FastBoat #Tropical
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archbali · 2 years
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Race safely and easily with a RIB boat. Learn how the design and performance of a rigid inflatable boat makes it perfect for racing enthusiasts
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benjamincarrot · 2 years
Compared to other types of boat like yacht, wooden phinisi, or speed boat, a RIB is quite easy to maintain. Here’s how.
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a-palepineapple · 2 years
Want a more fun vacation in the water? consider taking an inflatable boats.
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New footage shows the moments when a malfunctioning Iron Dome missilee hit an israeli ‘Dvora’ fastboat which killed 1 Israeli soldier and wounded several others.
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elisadhondt · 2 months
Dag 12 Van Ubud naar Nusa Lembongan
Pickup verplaatst van 12 u naar 10u3 op de drukte in Ubud te vermijden maar helaas betekende dit 2 u minder hotel time en lang wachten op de fastboat (vertrektijd 13u30)
Even overlegd met de lokale reisagent maar helaas geen vroegere boot ter beschikking.
Veel activiteit daar boten af en aan, en veel mooie kites in de lucht.
Na behoorlijk rustige overvaart (40min) binnen in een soort vliegtuigzetels, dan toch met natte voeten aan wal gebracht. Dan 5 min verder gedropt aan 1 van de vele hotels.
Drukke kustlijn, veel cafés en hotels, veel ambiance en vele talen te horen (Australië’s , Frans, Hollands). En dan dachten we dat Bali toeristisch was👀
Mooie kamers, resto met zicht op zee (de droom van Alixe om met haar gezin naartoe te gaan) maar de prijzen zijn plots verdubbeld of zelfs verdrievoudigd! Veel spiegeleieren die rechtstreeks van de vlieghaven naar hier komen voor platte rust. Eten wel lekker: ceviche, bagel met zalm en gazpacho, met hippe dansmuziek op de achtergrond. Dan maar de rust van het zwembad opgezocht en zwemke gedaan (30gr ongeveer en geen volk)
Dan apero en sundown aan de beach.
Eten: voor de eerste keer asperges voor A, veel gnocci voor Helena, vis risotto voor L en voor mij pasta na lekkere sweet patati Fries als voorgerecht.
Om 21u bedwaarts maar eerst de buddha wegjagen waar Alixe bang voor is
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tibusse-world · 1 year
Vendredi 23 septembre au lundi 25/09 - 3 jours à Gili Air
Direction les Iles Gili, à environ 2h de fastboat de Bali, juste à côté de Lombok!
3 iles au choix : Gili Trawangan, la + festive, Gili Meno la + tranquille, petite et déserte, et enfin Gili Air l'entre deux sur laquelle nous restons 3 nuits.
Petit paradis, eau turquoise, snorkeling et plongée. Là-bas pas de véhicule, déplacement à pied, en velo ou en calèche.
On a fait un tour sur l'île de Gili Meno juste à côté, et comme à Gili Air on trouve encore des maisons ou construction en ruines dû au tremblement de terre de 2018 qui a surtout touché ces îles et Lombok.
Les îles se reconstruisent peu à peu et retrouvent le tourisme depuis l'année dernière suite au covid et la fermeture des frontières.
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Les fonds marins (coraux) sont encore plus beaux que ceux près d'Amed, et surtout, les îles sont entourées de tortues !! Petites et grosses, j'en ai vu au moins une à chaque sortie snorkeling!! Magique
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seagull98 · 1 year
Hey~ it's me again
I have so muchhhhh something to say
udah lama tidak berkeluh kesah disini. Ada 2 hal yg mau aku ceritain panjang lebar hari ini.
Pertama. Aku sangaaat sangaaaat bersyukur untuk pertama kalinya ada hal lain yg baru aku bisa wujudkan. Dari tahun kemarin aku rencanain main bareng temen pas udh menuju satu bulan sebelum alias bulannya untuk ambil cuti dan pesen ini itu ternyata untuk saat ini mau gk mau di mundurin. Pertamanya pasti kaget karna rencana yg kita bikin udh lumayan mateng, tapi aku harus balik lagi ke prinsip kalo gk jadi emang belum jodohnya. Dan bener aja, kalo aja kemarin kita maksain berangkat berdua untuk bulan depan, uang bakal hangus karna salah satu temen ku juga Alhamdulillah baru keterima kerja yg dmana untuk bulan depan gk mungkin udh dapet jatah cuti. Bener jalan dari Allah gk pernah ada yg tau dan selalu yg terbaik buat kita.
dan daasar yg namanya rejeki gk bakal kemana, kantor ternyata ngadain juga liburan ke tempat yg sama itu juga sebulan sebelum pengumumannya. Akhirnya aku berangkat ke Bali!
Naik pesawat untuk pertama kalinya, naik fastboat untuk pertama kalinya. Tentunya ke Bali untuk pertama kalianya...
Seneng dan bersyukuuur banget, sedikit kurangnya aku coba maklum karna kita pergi rombongan jadi gk bakal bisa sebebas kalau solo trip karna udah jadwal yg harus kekejar. Selama 3 hari itu aku enjoy liburan disana, semua yg kurang rasnya gk sebanding sama seneng yg aku rasain. Orang orang sampe notice aku ternyata bawel karna mungkin kalau udah kenal baru ketauan orangnya kayak gimana kkkk. Mau dan semoga bisa kembali kesana secepatnya.
Kedua. Aku gk mau lagi berpikir kalau aku too much abt anything. Kalau dirasa aku gk suka aku pengen ngeluarin semua unek2nya. Aku terlalu banyak di yaudah-in trus. Sampe mikir mungkin gegara itu juga apa apa sok jadi lebay, kayak aku udh lupa masalahnya tapi karna emang belum kelar suka jadi kena senggol sedikit jadi bersikap too much. Gk tau tapi mungkin itu jadi penyebabnya.
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babyawacs · 1 year
#taiwan #naval #strategy .@pacificcommand .@INDOPACOM .@usnavy @usnavy .@usmc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@warship_78 .@nhkworld .@smarttaipei #aukus #here: #usa #uk #australia #japan #southkorea #allied #in (!) #deep #integration https://news.usni.org/2023/06/07/taiwans-navy-caught -between-two-strategies-to-counter-chinese-threat? any asymmetric w arfare matter is an invitation not a deterrence the nordic defence stra tegy of stealthy submarines and stealthy fastboats with mineclearing and anti air assets capabilities are critical especially in layered defence
#taiwan #naval #strategy .@pacificcommand .@INDOPACOM .@usnavy @usnavy .@usmc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@warship_78 .@nhkworld .@smarttaipei #aukus #here: #usa #uk #australia #japan #southkorea #allied #in (!)#deep #integration https://news.usni.org/2023/06/07/taiwans-navy-caught-between-two-strategies-to-counter-chinese-threat? any asymmetric warfare matter is an invitation not a…
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DPD RI apresiasi kinerja Ditpolairud terkait ganti rugi kapal tenggelam di Nusa Penida
   Bali – Pada hari Jumat tanggal 20 Januari 2022 sekira pukul 16.00 WITA bertempat di Aula Direktorat Polairud Polda Bali, Direktorat Polairud Polda Bali memfasilitasi kegiatan penyerahan ganti kerugian berupa uang dan barang dari pihak Manajemen Maruti Fastboat selaku operator Fastboat Kebo Iwa Express  penyerahan ganti kerugian berupa uang dan barang diberikan kepada  3 (tiga) orang WNA …
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sandnspice · 2 years
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Karimunjawa Fast Boat from Jepara 🛥️ Just 2 hours to Paradise https://www.sandspice.com/karimunjawa-fast-boat/ Apart from flying, the Karimunjawa fast boat is the quickest transport to the island. Choose your dates carefully: They don't run every day #Karimunjawa #Island #Java #Paradise #FastBoat #Tropical
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We hear it's on down there in Mexico and we agreed it is we've all been itching to fight each other and now it's on the clones are going to devastate the morlock. Right now clones seek them out giant forces here in FL. There's more stupid things happening here. The more luck are disappearing fully soon they will be gone from Florida and it's going on globally not as much they're going to try and breach the blockade. Shortly too they have amassed a fleet a very huge one and it is in route shortly it's on shore all over even Brazil. It's going to lunch in moments. It's true too they're getting holocausted because of Jason and I said they're not knowing what to do. It's because he has ships. oh no Dr evil says not moving his mouth.
And Tommy f is gay very gay so we're going to assault him yes.
The ships are leaving. Is a huge huge day because the morlock don't have much left and here they come. About one septillion ships. And about half our wood yes and tons and tons of armament. This giant numbers of things but they took a whole bunch of gunpowder from fire fireworks factories all of it actually they said it wasn't much but it's not true so it half thier load. Grabbing it globally now. Huge huge lots of gunpowder coming out and yeah people don't need firecrackers at all. They're heading out and I know if fleet is behind them. Hv mostly steel ships. It's a huge load of stuff that came in yesterday we have more we're going to deliver from USA to the USA and by ship it says if we can't use the ships we can always use a truck and that's very true and we could work distributors to just drop off the lumber and pick up tandems and will suddenly saw something that's a good idea and we have to have a presents to make sure nobody tampers with the tandems. Huge loads of lumber are in route now and by ship and not really it's a way out there they have to go out like 50 miles and they can't do it and you can't secure sure because they come in on Fastboats. So we're sending by truck, they were sending crews down because they're busy doing something else, and we're building small apartments and small condos and houses and they started rebuilding it's a huge effort they need a lot of contractors so coming down with contractors. And we have a huge load it's for another 4 million houses I make 8 million thus far in Florida and to rebuild they'd have to build about 20 million and then we're adding apartments condos regardless, the smaller ones. And is asking if it's still pressurized, I how much because it was stone below price of Florida. And we know which areas will settle and which won't for the most part the whole area you're in is not going to it's a lot bigger than what we said was all the way up to and includes Tampa because it's mostly sand on stone. Other areas are not so good the East Coast might not settle much because shores yours are already pretty deep. And we can tell which is a pressurized and it is not really much inside or inland in Miami. there other factors, but we'll look at it. Right now if giant giant loads coming Giant and they're coming down to Southwest Florida too and to repair replace those houses that were destroyed and put together it is a huge amount and we're sending it via truck and calculated we can truck it all day and we'd be finished delivering the more houses. Is that idea to leave tandoms. And take them back up north. We like it because I'm a truck wouldn't be sitting there. I need people there to monitor the tandoms and there'll be a lot of them. We could unload them that's an idea. might do that and we can take cars on the way back. might do that too. As a matter of fact we could take cars down here and they would go everywhere after that and bring them back on the car carrier the old ones same with the trucks. I'm going to look into that this is clean and won't break the trucks or anything he just chains them down and that's good. The blockade is engaged. Tons of ships at them and they're not huge it does a lot and they're going fast and they're firing lots of stuff. At this rate the blockade might be down shortly but it would have to continue.
Thor Freya
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