#fat cock Shiggy
yanderenightmare · 8 months
How does Shiggy react to a darling who developed Stockholm Syndrome?
Shigaraki Tomura
TW: NSFW, captive darling, Stockholm Syndrome, ish benevolent sexism
fem reader
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You kissed him a little while back.
It was strange, as though you’d forgotten yourself – lost yourself in the heat of the moment. But no, it had been deliberate and long-lasting – earnest and needy even. And had rendered him both speechless and in a panic.
He’d entered the room in a rigid mood and woken you up with a bite to your ass. Pulling your thighs snugly around him with his cock already swole between them – tugging your panties down your thighs while you were still rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a yawn. 
You’d learned rather quickly never to fight him. He’d punish you with bitemarks and no food, and ultimately you grew too weak to reject him anyway. So your casual acceptance wasn’t anything new where you patiently awaited getting fucked – lying on your back while looking down at his fat member disappearing inside you with only a tiny moan slipping free from your lips.
You took him obediently as you’d done for a while – without protest. The only difference occurred after he’d twisted the two of you around so you could straddle and ride him. You’d pressed your naked breasts into his chest and taken his face in your hands – gently as you rolled your hips without guidance – and then, right before the kiss, you’d said, so very softly, “I missed you today… it’s boring here without you~” 
Your voice was sultry, kissing him tender yet deeply – pouring sweet moans into his mouth while your hands tangled in his hair. 
You’d traveled to his neck after, and he came as soon as your tongue licked the scars found there – digging his fingers into the plush of your hips, keeping you seated as he spluttered all his worth inside you.
He’d been in such a state of post-shock that he’d rushed out just after. Leaving you.
Kurogiri had pointed out his blush while he sat at the bar, mulling it over with a bottle of brown in his grip. He shuddered, recurring the feeling – your pillowy wet lips on his, those words leaving your tongue, your hands playing with his hair, pulling him close. His chest felt tight, just as tight as the furrow between his brows.
Dabi sat down a couple of stools away sometime later in the night. Often, Shigaraki would abstain from engaging in conversation with the guy, but really, at least in this case, he was the best choice of any to ask for input. After all, they weren’t all that different. Actually, when it came to basics, they were both pretty similar – same-aged, ugly, and ridden with family issues from scars to fractured memories.
Dabi gave him a dumb look, his brow raised as though to ask what he was staring at after noticing his side-eye.
“You still have the same girl?” He jumped straight to it.
Dabi’s dumb expression turned dumber. Confused, maybe not so much by the question itself but by why the boss was even talking to him. But most emotions are like matches for Dabi, and they burn out before they’re able to light any fires. Soon, the usual sense of disinterest washed over him, and his face eased up into that chronic jaded look. 
Shigaraki nearly lost patience, reminded once again why he couldn’t stand the guy – rude as ever and so slow it made his skin itch. But then he gave his answer, “Yeah, I still have her.”
“She difficult?” Shigaraki followed up.
And Dabi took his time once again, hauling out the seconds before offering his answer in a drawl. “No, Stockholm Syndrome kicked in quickly.”
Shigaraki let it settle - Stockholm Syndrome – before looking back at his drink and repeating the thought once again. Stockholm Syndrome.
“It’s strange, isn’t it?” He mumbled then.
Dabi sighed, taking a swig of his beer. It was already the third one, but he’d only been sitting there for about half an hour. “Not really…” He disagreed. “Most girls are better survivors.”
It was Shigaraki’s turn to look dumb, looking puzzled as he stared down the barrel to his bottle – in wait of an explanation – almost as though he was under the impression it was the drink who was speaking and not the patch-faced raven-head sitting beside him.
“They learn quickly to accept what will keep them safe, and then, they find solace in whatever they can to maintain their mental health as well…” Said raven-haired guy continued – then he scoffed. “Boys fight until they break. Leaving them a shell of what they once were. But girls don’t have the same pride.”
He swirled his bottle, stove-top blue eyes lazy, looking at the last of his drink storm with waves inside the green glass.
“They leave themselves behind and become someone new.” He offered a dry chuckle, and Shigaraki spotted the unsightly way his staples only barely held the split of his smile together. “It’s actually kind of scary.” He finished before downing the last gulp, setting the bottle down with a bang.
He swung off his stool, shoving his hands down his pockets, and walked away – his back turned.
“If I were you, I’d embrace it, boss. Despite what we try to believe, that shit feels best when it’s given willingly.”
Shigaraki sat there a moment longer. Long enough to get cut off by Kurogiri, who told him drinking anymore would be a bad idea.
When he got back to the room, you were sleeping again.
He stood and stared at you for a moment. 
Was this a game you were playing? Was it a joke?
You’d pulled on one of his hoodies. And upon a closer look, you hadn’t showered either… 
Strange of you to leave his cum inside you... 
But thinking back about it, you hadn’t been so distant with him for a while already. You’d been trivial – conversational – even chirpy, if he could call it that.
Was it like Dabi said? Had you reached your breaking point for loneliness, leaving him to be your only resource? Or had you accepted the circumstances and willed yourself to play along? 
He didn’t know, but the doubt stormed an upset in his mind as he lifted the covers and laid down next to you. But despite the exhaustion, the lure of sleep still wasn’t enough to make him close his eyes – he was stuck staring at you, mapping out all those qualities that make up your pretty face.
So deep in his studies, he nearly flinched when your eyes fluttered open.
A small smile graced your lips soon after. “You’re back…” You murmured, eyes softly blinking at him before you scooched closer – shimmying yourself over to him until you were all the way up against his chest, nuzzling your head against his collar with sleepy sounds of comfort. Resting there for a blissful moment before purring out a sweet “Good night~”
But he couldn’t sleep that night. Too busy listening to your soft snores – feeling the clingy way you clutched his cotton T-shirt.
He couldn’t bring himself to touch you either. For a long while – it was as though he was… scared almost. Freaked out by your doting – that way you’d hug him when he entered through the door – placing kisses on places he wasn’t used to – his cheek, his forehead, his neck, his knuckles. 
Grabbing his sleeve. “Don’t go, Tomura…” You said once when he had his hand on the doorknob and the key halfway twisted in the lock. “Please… don’t leave.”
His throat went tight. It had been like that for a while – ever since that first kiss, actually, he’d been unable to talk to you – unsure what to say.
But you hadn’t the same issue.
“You haven't touched me in a while…” You continued, taking his hand away from the doorknob in both yours, playing with his fingers – bringing it up to your face – you cuddled it like he’d not threatened you with his touch many many many times before. “Are you bored with me?” You asked instead of the obvious, keeping him at a loss for words. “Or… have I scared you away?”
You? Scared him?
Your lips brushed his fingers as one of your hands made a slow descent – making him jerk with a gasp as it went straight to cup his groin – tender yet firm, giving it a squeeze.
“Is there anything I can do to make you stay?” You said coyly, eyes doe-like but kittenish all the same, with a pouty and small smirk playing on your lips before you bit into them – brows cinching, giving him a flirty pleading expression. “Please, Tomura?” You said his name as though it didn’t belong to him. “It gets so lonely here…” You kissed his palm. “Won’t you give me a proper goodbye, at least?”
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misssilversunny · 6 months
Incel shiggy kidnaps idol reader
Or rents lookalike idol reader (and he does what he wants with her bc this is the closest hell ever get) (then gives a fat check accompanying his fat load)
God, so many thoughts… head in hands rn/pos
Couldn’t decide on which one I like more, so here’s both kinda. Part two to this. Also, I’m assuming that by lookalike, you mean a sex worker who cosplays as the reader? I hope this is to your liking!
CW/TW: Implied Kidnapping, Shigaraki is an incel so his opinions of sex workers are Not Great, I’m very new to writing smut
Shiggy tries hiring lookalikes but they never compare to you. You’re pure, a saint- no, goddess among men. These whores simply use your likeness to make a quick buck off of filthy nobodies like him. But sometimes a toy isn’t enough.
He hires one he finds on a porn site. They’re a convincing lookalike, even going so far as to mimic your voice. Even though you don’t talk like that. She laughs at a subpar joke he made, her laugh high and shrill, closer to a shriek than your angelic voice.
He brings her home while everyone else is out or in their rooms. He’s already been flamed by Dabi for spending so much on chicks that look like you, just thinking about it pisses him off.
He drags her into the room by her arm, ignoring her whining about his grip. When they get to his room, he tosses her on the bed, unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants and boxers down enough to free his cock without looking at her.
She has on a pair of themed panties with little bows on them. She says her “best friend” got them for her. They’re themed after that damn boy idol group. Specifically, the boy who’s constantly touching you or making you laugh. That little shit has no fucking right being pressed up against your cunt, themed underwear or not.
Shigaraki turns her panties to dust, kneeling down until he’s face to face with her pussy. He shoves his face in, licking her slit and plunging his tongue into her hole. He wanted to practice before the real thing. He knew that one day you would be his, and he needed to be sure that he was your best. Plus, he found that he actually enjoyed eating pussy. He knew once you two were together, he’d be buried between your thighs 24/7.
He sped up his tongue as her moans got louder, circling her clit and tapping it before going back to her soaked hole. She sounded fake at first, but soon her voice became genuine as her orgasm approached.
Shigaraki flipped her onto her back before dropping back to his knees. He showed no mercy, sucking her clit into his mouth and licking it in tighter circles as his fingers plunged inside of her. With one final suck, her thighs clamped around his head as her orgasm crashed into her.
He forces her legs apart as he lines himself up and fully sheathes himself in one harsh thrust. Her legs clamp around him as he sets an unforgiving pace. His dick has an extreme upward curve, and his position keeps hitting her g-spot without even trying.
She’s teary eyed at this point, begging him for more. He grabs her thighs and pushes them until her knees are by her ears, leaning down until their breaths were mixing.
He leans further and licks a stripe up her throat, biting just below her jaw. "Gonna breed this nasty cunt. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" he says, lips pulled into a sneer.
“Yes, Ohmyfuckinggod please cum in me. I need it please oh my god oh fuck." Just another way she wasn’t you. You’d beg him to pull out. But it didn’t matter. He was too close to complain.
With a final cry into the musky air, her cunt clamps down on his cock. He groans, his hips stuttering as he presses himself flush with her hips, spurting out rope after warm, thick rope of cum into her pussy.
He stays inside for a few seconds before he pulls out, watching the globs roll out of her abused cunt. He doesn’t snap a picture, instead leaving $1,500 on the nightstand next to her before leaving to clean himself up.
He’s scrolling on his phone a little while later when he sees you’ve posted to your Twitter again. Your group is going to be returning to the city in three weeks and holding a concert the day of their return. You’re posting about how you can’t wait to be reunited with your beloved pet cat and sleep in your bed again.
Shiggy gets tickets to the concert and decides to follow the car the group came in to your house. After everyone has gotten to their homes, you are dropped off last at a fancy looking apartment. Shiggy watches you enter the building and watches the windows to see which light turns on.
You’re high up, but that doesn’t deter him.
He walks into the building, trying his best to not draw attention to himself as he climbs the stairs. He reaches your floor with great effort. He really should exercise more. He leans on the wall next to the elevator to catch his breath.
While he’s standing there, a guy in a Pizza Hut uniform walks out of the elevator, looking around.
“Hey, do you live here?” He asks, tilting his head. Shigaraki stiffens, trying to not look guilty.
“I’m trying to find room 816. Someone ordered a pizza, garlic bread, and soda. Big soda too, they must have a pretty severe sweet tooth.” He continues, trying to make small talk. Shiggy pushes himself from the wall, motioning for the man to follow. He leads him to a supply closet on the floor, pushing him inside when he hesitates. He snatches the boxes in his hand, placing it on a shelf.
“Wait, what the fuck?” The delivery man turns to Shigaraki, “Nice prank, ha-ha. Now where is Room 81-“
Shigaraki grabs the man’s neck, careful to avoid his clothes. The man’s eyes grow to the size of dinner plates before shooting to Shigaraki’ wrist, desperately trying to claw his hand off like a rat in a glue trap. With a pitiful gasp, he crumbled to dust, leaving just his clothes.
Shigaraki emerged from the closet a few minutes later and approached your door, knocking. You opened the door clad in only a pair of sleep shorts and an oversized top, flashing him a smile.
“Ah! My order! Thank you! Come in and place it on the table, I’ll get the money!”
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ectologia · 9 months
Okie dokie, hear me out now…
Tomu’ has an incredible pain tolerance, absolutely mind blowing, but his pleasure tolerance?
I bet it’s low when he’s not the one doing the stimulation. He’s too rough with himself, he doesn’t know what moderation or self control even is. He’s also got to be cautious with himself, so when it’s someone else and he relaxes?
Weak as hell. He’s coming in less than a minute. Easily overstimulated but addicted to it just as quickly, all but panting and begging for more even as he’s got tears streaming down his face and his tongue sticking out like a dog. Absolutely pathetic and when you praise him in combination?
He’s so much more than the show lets him be, but he’s still just a 21 year old piece of shit, we forget. He’d be so easy to manipulate in the right hands. Of course, he’s a quick learner, caution needs to be taken because he’s got a ego problem, but you set the temperature just right?
He’d be an adorable submissive.
Hope you’re day is going well♥️ Just throwing out thirsts~ Love seeing your work!
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He likes it hard and fast, so you give it to him slow.
Slow, soft, feather-light touches, stroking up and down his swollen length while his thin layer of foreskin clicks over his angry, red tip with every rock of your hand.
His toes crease and curl into the sheets below him, his wrists twisting and wringing in the chains strung above his head, nailed to the headboard.
“Fuck sake.. How ‘m I supposed to cum when you’re barely even fuckin’ touching me.”
He growls when this earns him a spank to his big dick, flinching and bobbing against his tensed stomach.
“You have to be patient, Tomura.”
He throws his head back in a fit, huffing and puffing while his hips buck into your palm occasionally. “Can you at least go faster.”
“Who’s in charge right now?”
Crimson-reds narrow at your petite form crouched between his thighs, fisting away at his massive cock.
It’s difficult to be intimated when he’s the one chained up this time.
You decide to up the anti. Your whole arm goes into striding up and down the thick length, stroking and pumping him rapidly. His back straightens and he raises, no longer relaxed.
No longer cocky.
“Ah.. Oh, shit. That’s.. Mmh..”
You raise your head to asses the situation, grinning up at his now frizzy and static locks of Alice blue, lain across his dewy forhead like wispy spider webs. The apples of his cheeks don a pinkish hue, tucked into his shoulder as he attempts to hide his feeble expression.
“Is that good baby boy?”
“Shut the fuck up, you bitch—”
He cries out this time as you slap the chubby head of his dick, sensitive and needy and dribbling with pre-cum.
“It’s mommy.”
He snickers wickedly through grit teeth. “Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen.” He punctuates his sentence with a snide grin, but you can see the hint of hesitance.
Of fear.
His tongue glides over his teeth as he watches a fat wad of saliva stretch from your lips into the tiny, drooling slit placed at the crest of his cock. The sticky bubbling fluid is smeared all the way down to the plump set of tightened balls hanging by his ass. The moment you hunch to flick at his head with the velvety flat of your tongue, he’s mewling.
“Oh god..”
You hollow your cheeks as you suckle on his tip, suctioning the heavy bulb against the roof of your mouth as he curses and snarls like a beast. His thighs begin to shiver either side of you, quivering and shaking against the stimulation. Your hand slips down to the crease of his ass to mould and massage at his twitching sack, closing your eyes in favour of nursing on his cock and fondling his balls with no distractions, rolling and pinching at the delicate flesh.
“Fuck! Oh my fucking god I’m gonna cum so fucking hard— shit!”
He’s caught off guard by the sudden release of his genitals, snapping his head down to stare wide eyed and frantic. His prick throbs in your palm eagerly as you press a kiss to the stiffened spine.
“What the fuck!” He squirms in his restraints, attacking at the silver links.
He hisses and jolts away after his fat, swollen balls earn a curt spank.
“You have to say please.”
“Are you kidding me?” He shifts against the mattress, his full sack and horny dick bouncing against his taint “Fine.” He rolls his eyes. “Please.”
“Please what?”
He gapes, his brows furrowing in disbelief. “I don’t fucki— I don’t know.”
“What’s my name?”
You shrug your shoulders, a giddy smile present on your face. “If you want to cum.”
He scowls, sighing. “... Mommy.” His chin hangs low against his chest as he mumbles.
“Good boy.”
You resume your sucking, milking his cock with your tongue while your warm hands jerk his sensitive ballsack side to side. His wails increase the longer you draw it out, nowhere to go and nothing to cling to in his confines. His feet kick out and shuffle, planting his heels into the dough of your mattress as he thumps his pubic bone up into your nose.
“Mommy! Mommy! Fuck!”
“Mmh?” Your mocking hums vibrate throughout his body, tingling and prickling against his member. You rise, swiping at your slicked up chin with your knuckles. “You wanna cum baby boy?.. Yeah? You wanna cum for mommy?”
He nods, distraught and yearning. His nails chip at the pudgy flesh of his palm as he balls them into fists, hitting and tapping against the wall behind him as he attempts to suppress the watery, bubbling tears collecting above his eye-line from seeping out.
“What do you say?” Your fingers pinch and flick at his fat mushroom-tip, scrubbing the puckered slit against your palm as he whimpers.
“Mommy— Please, Mommy..”
“That’s better..”
The slippery wet muscle of his tongue rolls out of his mouth like a plush carpet, lolling against the harsh cracks of his lips. His noises are barely coherent, reduced to guttural howls and whines.
He’s panting. Up until the moment his dick finally explodes, spurting and spraying sticky white ropes over your hand. He squeals like a pig, flinching as you continue to pump his massive, rock hard cock even after his orgasm. He thrashes about in his restraints, his whole body tense and rigid as you continue to jerk him off, forcing him to cum and cum and cum.
“Mommy! Mommy please! Fuck— enough!” He pleads and begs for you to stop, but the evident rock of his hips tells you he only wants more.
“Fuck! I’m shooting blanks here baby, please!”
Your hand retracts, slowly easing away.
He pants, gasping and heaving as he blinks up at the ceiling. While he catches his breath, you admire the drooping stripes of jizz seeping down his tight balls, throbbing and squeezing and pulsing next to his taught little asshole.
His chin angles forward, carnal eyes squinting at you from between tresses of white locks.
“Are you okay?” You cock your head, spidering a comforting hand up to rub his thigh.
“Let’s do that again.”
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toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
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ANON SAYS: I am so feral for Yandere! Shigiraki who loves you so much but doesn’t know how to show it so he kidnaps you and fuck you until both of you cum 🥺🥺
A/N: lovesick incel bastard Shiggy be liek BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
CONTENT WARNING: non con, dark content, yandere, kidnapping, disgusting gross creep Shigaraki (17+)
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Disgusting. Dirty, dirty, dirty—it made your stomach churned with the way he breathed against the back of your neck, razors–like teeth grazing against you before sinking them into your skin, sucking the sweat off of your nape.
You didn’t even know how you ended up here, cunt dripping with mixed cum and a cock bullying itself in and out of you nonstop. Weren’t you just sleeping on your bed after work? So why did you end up in this room that reeked of sweat and sex, raped by a stranger who couldn't stop mumbling about how much he loves you.
His hand was sticky, palm salty and calloused over your mouth as he let one of his finger stick up into the air. You let out a sob as his tongue licked a long strip on your shoulder and you thought you heard him moan with the way your voice crack into a pathetic cry before your tears slipped down your trails stained cheeks.
“D-Don’t cry. Just be good—fuck—” the male groaned beneath his breath, arm over your waist tightening more that before; hold so tight you could imagine bile crawling up your throat anytime soon.
His pace was inconsistent, sloppy one second and harsh the next as he slipped in and out of you, fat tip brushing against your sensitive cervix each time he buries the whole of his length inside of your cum–filled cunt.
You could feel the next wave of pleasure slowly building up in your tummy, and you absolutely hated the way your pussy clenched down onto him, sucking him deeper into your warmth; as if your cunt was welcoming him inside of you while your mind screamed to stop.
“Gonna cum, gonna cum, baby. C-Cummin’ again—” you shook your head to his words, fingers attempting to pry his hands off of you before you feel your own muscles tensing up, thighs shaking as the both of your cum came gushing out of your pulsing pussy.
You let out a pitched cry once again, not even sure whether it was for beg him to let you go or it was out of pleasure with the way he fucked you. Perhaps it was both; and you’re confused with whether you should be feeling this way. What should you do? And most importantly, what do you want?
“Good girl, I-I love you so much,” he panted, still deep inside of you as his hands groped all over your body, feeling your skin soft and smooth under his rough hands. You cringed as he trailed his fingers down between your thighs, rubbing over your sore core before you feel his cock hardening again. “Let me play with you a little more, okay?”
You didn’t know what to do or how should you feel, but all you want is to submit into him and let him fuck another orgasm into you.
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kttiuh · 1 year
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pairings tomura shigaraki x gn & afab! black ! reader
content general nasty incel tomura behavior. possibly canon-divergent, i haven't kept up with the series in a while. overstimulation. dom-ish reader. pussydrunk!! shiggy. nsfw.
a/n my man my man my man 🐮
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nerdy bf tomura! who never had a taste of pussy before meeting you, his head full of unsavory hentais and raunchy adult games he came across online !!
nerdy bf tomura! that looses his fucking mind when you start dating him. the two of you met on some sleezy chat forums; but that wasn't important to him. he'd finally be able to get his dick wet now.
he's estatic once he finally gets you to come to the league's hideout, leading you with a hand down the expanse of your back. poor, pretty, and utterly fucking stupid y/n— being lead into this dingy base by not only an incel who scrolls on forums in his free time; but the leader of the lov too !! :( it's okay though, you can feel your panties growing damp following behind tomura. <3
nerdy bf tomura! that clears the energy drinks and other assortments of trash and filth off his desk so you can rest comfortably on it while's hyper-focused on whatever shitty first person shooter he's playing. you've got your forearms on the desk while you're seated comfortably in his lap.
nerdy bf tomura! who acts like a nervous virgin when you grind the plush of your ass back against him !! he's so cute, denying the fact that he IS a virgin, "i get pussy all the time, you jus' caught me off gaurd.." for a criminal, he's really shit at lying. <3
tomuras panting against the curve of your neck, hands fidgeting since he can't find anywhere to place them. poor baby, finally gettin' a crumb of pussy and doesn't know what to do !! :(( your smirking to yourself when the game he was occupied with is an afterthought, 'game over' sitting on a black screen.
he could chastise you for fucking his game up later— he's too focused on the way your easin' that pretty pink pussy over his leaking cock. </3 his head catching your entrace as your soon-to-be defiled cunt is slobberin' all over him !! his perfect long baby-blueish hair is decorating his face so nicely, chapped lips caught between his teeth. he's so fucking cute in his own right– you're so lucky to be his first !!
nerdy bf tomura! who has physically hold himself back from cumming in your heat once you're flush against him. he's cursin' you out— filthy words to distract himself from how tight your cunnys squeezin him, ease up a bit, okay? :(
"f-f-fuck! don't move yet, shitshit— y'feel so good," poor baby has to catch his breath!! he's already pussy drunk !! "hah, don't wanna cum yet like s-some fuckin' virgin, pussy got me in a chokehold, princess," you'd be upset if his cockhead wasn't rubbing so nicely against your droolin' walls— him being cute was a bonus too.
"but you are a virgin, shiggy," que you giggling at the poor boy. <3
nerdy bf tomura! who came in you embarassingly fast! balls pulsing and tightening since he finally, finally was able to cum in some good pussy! he's whinin' and whimpering, eyes glossy with tears noticing your teasing gaze!!
nerdy bf tomura! apologizing for cumming so early, he promises to make it up to you. (just give him some time to recover) he's just too cute to mess with though— so of course you start your own pace and ride him for all he's worth! its what he gets for soiling your cunny so fast !! <3
"shit, y/n— m'sorry for cummin' inside so quick! f-fuck! g'mmie a seco-ouuh-nd!!" you ignore him, of course, he'll be fine. ignore the fat tears threatening his eyes— the feel of his oversensitive cock spilling pre along your walls is too good to give up!!
your nerdy boyfriend is soo cute— it's not everyday someone gets to ride japan's most wanted villain, and you plan to milk him for all he's worth. <3
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© 𝐊𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐔𝐇 do not copy, modify, or otherwise repost my works to any other sites.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Tomura Shigaraki loves corrupting sweet little girls with a pudgy tummies and fat asses. Allow me to elaborate.
18+MDNI| tw! butt stuff 🥰 , fisting, gaping , pussy slaps, plus size reader, dumbification, Shiggy cums his pants ❤️
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Regardless of his recent glow up, Shiggy has always been on the slim side. Skin and bones. Bones and skin. There wasn’t anything soft about the hardened villain, thus establishing an appetite for girls on the chubbier side. It’s just something so delicate about the soft fat of your belly under his deadly fingertips while he places kisses on your juicy thighs. The villain leaves deep bruises on your flesh from the pressure of his digits and his mouth. It turns him on to see a sweet girl like you all marked up like a whore. It’s borderline embarrassing the way he has you displayed—your legs are spread wide and pressed against your chest. Pretty little pussy just glistening with slick and fluttering pathetically due to neglect. It’s an alluring sight but Tomura would much rather focus on the puckered ring of muscle between your billowy cheeks. White strands of hair tickle your skin as the flat of his tongue swipes over your rear entrance. Slow swipes turn into open mouth kisses, sloppily sucking at your hole. “Tomu— no~” you whine, cheeks ablaze as you fight to move away from his lascivious licks but he fixes you with a slap to the clit and a stern glare. Like the well trained girl you are, you mumble a sweet “m’sorry daddy” and you’re rewarded with the rough pad of his ungloved thumb circling your clit just as his slippery tongue breached your rim. A lewd groan rumbles from the white haired man’s chest at the feeling of you pulsating around him. Slick from your sloppy cunt is pouring down your thighs and aiding in lubrication. His tongue dips in and out of your hole, only pulling away to murmur sweet praise. “s’fuckin’ delicious, angel. can tongue fuck this little asshole all day”. It’s so fucking dirty the way he sucks on it. Even worse when he pulls back to drop a glob spit on his target. Your body jolts when you feel the slick leather of his index and pointer finger bullying inside. “Shh— relax , baby. Wanna be good right ?” God you wanted to be good. So good for him. He slowly fucks his spit into you, twisting and spreading his digits in your walls. It’s a tight fit but it hurts so good. A delicious stretch that has you cross eyed and babbling declarations of love. Tomura knows that you love him. Who else could fuck you this good? He leans forward to kiss your soft belly as his fingers fuck into you faster. You’re practically wailing now , begging him to let you cum but he won’t let you. Not yet. He needs to see that pretty little hole gape first. So he tucks in another finger. Then two. And doesn’t stop until he has his entire fist in your asshole twisting at the wrist. Words are impossible at this point. You can’t even think. All you can do is feel. And it feels so damn good. Shiggy is enamored by the sight of you—he’s never witnessed such beauty. His vermillion orbs keep darting from your fucked out expression to where you’re clenching his wrist. Slowly, he retracts his hand and the sight is enough to make him cum in his pants. A massive gape. It was rated porn. More than satisfied—he rolls his tongue against your abused walls while pulling at your sticky clit. The intensity of your orgasm has you seeing white. It burns your skin as it crashes and settles, leaving you breathless and floating. This is probably his favorite part—how soft and pliant and dumb you are after. His cock is already hard again ready to stuff your sweet cunt until you’re too dumb to remember your own name ❤️
I think you might be interested … @xogabbiexo , @yo-nn , @pixiafterdark , @mhathotfic , @endeavours-jockstrap , @simpliheavenli , @trashybandit , @erenyeagerswhore , @unsatisfiedanddisappointed , @nasty-quillz , @namjoonswifeyy , @plussizeficchick , @blkchxrryblyss , @bookwormsenpai , @tenyaiidasslut , @m00nchildthings
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b1ackg1rl-mag1c28 · 2 years
Incel!Shigaraki x black chubby! reader
note: My first fic so please be nice. Also some words are spelled incorrectly. You can also tell me ways on how I can approve but be nice about it!!
warnings: humiliation, slight misogyny, shiggy is kinda meanish but reader is too
God he was so weird. He put on this personality that he was not like other guys and would never fit in with all ''the popular jocks''. It was so corny that you held back a laugh every time he said something along these lines. He was the walking embodiment of a cornball and you wanted to humble his ass at any giving opportunity. Something held your tongue though; every single time you were about to tell him about himself, you just couldn’t. Deep down you knew that no matter who said anything about him, he will always feel like they are stupid and closed minded. You really wanted to tell him that he was a fucking dumbass, and no one wanted to be friends with him, especially not with that stank ass attuited
You couldn't stand his attitude and the way he would dismiss anyone who wasn't on his level.
But then why were you gladly on your swollen knees, gobbling his dick. Tears and mascara was running down your face, your cheeks were on fire and your face, chest and legs were covered in spit and precum.
''Your throat feels so fucking good. Shit, I wish i could make you my personal fleshlight. Always using that plush body of yours to tease me. Can't wait to beat that pussy up. Maybe then you'd stop talking and learn your place.''
He was spewing out shit like that for the past 20 minutes. He would call you all type of names, all of which was going straight to your clit. Not a single thought was going through your head right now. His hands were gripping your hair to the point where it felt as if he was tearing it straight from the roots. The sting and burn slowly started to melt into pleasure. You were only focused on how he looked down at you. The look was that of a predator who wanted to devour their prey. He made you feel small even though you could body slam him without hesitation.
At first, he started moving your head to get you to go faster, but he grew more annoyed with your lack of compliance. He started shoving and forcing his way down your throat, ultimately, fucking your round face.
He was shoving your head down all the way to the base of his cock and would hold is there for a few seconds. His untrimmed hair was tickling your nose and would cause you to move. But he would always push you back down on it.
''I see the way you look at me. All of that laughing and shit you do when you see me. I know you talk shit-fuck- about me when you are with your friends, but yet here you are, gagging on my dick and getting your dirty pussy juice all over the floor. Can't wait to cum in that fat pussy of yours. Fucckk, your throat is so good. I bet you blow the whole football team every weekend. I mean why else did you have these plump lips for.''
The degrading, the way his dick pulsed in your throat, the way his eyes looked at you, was all becoming too much for you. You reached between and your legs and started rubbing your clit in a frantic manner. You wanted to come so bad, you needed his touch, and he was not giving it to you.
''Fucking greedy bitch. You begged for my cum down your throat, yet here you are rubbing that nasty clit of yours. Nasty slut. You just couldn't wait until I do it. I knew you wanted me to abuse that nasty pussy. Fuccckk im about to cum. I'm about to cum all down that fucking throat, bitch. Shiitt I'm cumming, fuck i'm cumming. Take this dickk. Take this fucking nut baby. Open your mouth and show me when i'm done.''
As soon as the words left his mouth, you felt his cum hit the back of your throat. It was so warm and tasted salty, but you drunk every drop. But you needed more. You needed his cum in your pussy.
You were so close to cumming on your fingers until you felt a sharp pain on your cheek.
''Don't fucking cum yet. I'm not finish with you slut.''
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seraphdreams · 6 months
What if… *clears throat* what if I said that Shigaraki is the loser with the fat cock?? then what?
you know.. you need to tell me more cause i think i’ve had a turn around with shiggy :( i’d love to know your thoughts!!
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hhawks · 2 years
working patreon masterlist
EA -> early access PO -> patreon only
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○ to have and to hold (EA) -> kuroo tetsurou x chubby fem! reader ✰ synopsis: tetsurou likes to wake you up with his hands on your thighs, his mouth on your clit, and his words in your mouth. ✰ content: chubby reader !!!!! mild somno (nothing explicit), descriptions of body image (stretch marks, fat, etc), mild insecurity, comfort about insecurity. ✰ warnings: oral (f!receiving), edging, body worship. ✰ word count: 2.6k
○ artillery (PO) -> ftm!shigaraki tomura x fem!reader ✰ synopsis: you and tomura have been dancing around this for far too long. ✰ content: ftm!shigaraki, himiko birthday shenanigans in a club, background togachako, tomura in a silk blouse <;3 ✰ warnings: semi-public sex, cunnilingus, light degradation, tomura calls his clit his cock ✰ word count: 3.5k
○ like an old cardigan (PO) -> shigaraki tomura x fem!reader ✰ starring: shigaraki tomura x fem!reader ✰ synopsis: you are the lamplight left on in the hallway when tomura comes home. ✰ content: soft shiggy loving hours. i miss him ✰ warnings: none. love. fluff as fluff can get ✰ word count: 2.1k
○ gone now for the weekend (EA) -> shigaraki tomura x fem!reader (dealer: chapter one) ✰ starring: shigaraki tomura x fem!reader ✰ synopsis: when your mother married into the shigaraki family, you gave up more than your freedom, more than you ever expected to. and in return, you got tomura. ✰ content: quirkless au tomura-nii, toxic codependency, yandere themes ✰ warnings: heavy stepcest, soft but stern dom tomura, manipulation, stalking, toxic relationship ✰ word count: 6.4k
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updated: 10/8/22
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yanderenightmare · 9 months
incel Shiggy roofying his big-titted cheerleader crush at a party!!! she’s sound asleep while he’s fucking her little cunny raaawwwww 😭😭😭pleeeeeeeeeez
Shigaraki Tomura x f!darling
TW: yandere, noncon/dubcon, NSFW, incel, roofying, sex while darling's unconscious, somnophilia, Shiggy is very naughty in this, darling has big breasts
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He’s coolheaded but nervous as hell, locking the door behind him quietly – eyes shifty, heart pounding, hands sweaty, pants heavy.
He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out the condom he’d been saving for you… but after turning around and seeing you lie there, oh-so-very still – soft body sound asleep on the bed - he thought it would be a waste and dropped the rubber on the floor instead. 
Swallowing thickly, his cock made a jump, perking up even more at the thought of fucking your unprepped little cunny raw – tip leaking pre just thinking about it – straining in an almost painful bulge against his clothes while his head burned with the vile thoughts of what he planned on doing to you.
He stepped out of his sneaks and nearly tripped shuffling off his cargos, slipping his fingers beneath the band to his boxers and sliding those down his thighs as well – his thickness springing free with an eager kick as he left it all in a heap on the floor before getting onto the bed.
His drugs had you knocked out good – so good, only a teensy soft croon escaped your parted lips as he clambered on top of you. 
He poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, staring down at your resting face – breaths short and heavy as he rubbed over his cockhead with his fingers, catching the sticky slick that had formed there before motioning the digits toward your mouth – stuffing them past your plump lips. He made sure to wipe the cum on your tongue – watching you moan with gleeful eyes as you unconsciously sucked the skin clean.
He shuddered at the sight, playing with the wet muscle with another fist wrapped tight around his shaft – breaths getting tighter – red eyes big while scanning your body, helplessly spread open under him. High gym socks squeezed into the chub of your midthighs while he hiked your short cheer skirt up around your tummy, leaving only a thin panty separating him from your smooth-shaven cunt.
He didn’t waste much time. Swallowing the drool pooling beneath his tongue while clammy hands reached out to grip the lace, clumsy in his haste when tugging it down your thighs and legs and off at your feet. He put the tiny article to his face and indulged in a shamelessly perverted sniff – feeling his abdomen roar in return.   
Eyes, steamy and dulled as more pearls pilled from his reddened tip when looking at your sweet little exposed slit. He wrapped his shaft with your panties and put his weeping cock-head right where he’d taken them off – in a soft kiss to those puffy pussylips – splitting them apart to smear his spillage over your clit and entrance – almost immediately beginning to push. 
“Come on- let me in.” He groaned, frustration already lacing his voice, turning it into something desperate – almost resembling a whine as he continued nudging against your taut opening, trying to press his plush bulging head inside with little kindness – except for a fat blob of spit he let drip off his tongue – landing in a splat right on your clit and slowly sliding down to where he tried to fit.
It wasn’t much, but it proved to be just enough – making you jerk with a tiny sound of discomfort as your hole finally gave and received the first inch. 
“There you go~” He choked out in relief, hands gripping the swell of your hips, eagerly glaring down at the lewd sight – where lubed with a mix of saliva and precum, he kept sinking inside the tight space one fat inch at a time. 
Your thighs strained at the intrusion, trying to wind shut to protect yourself even in your sleep – but it achieved little less than making Shiggy smile. 
He sighed in awe, offering a low and amused hum while effortlessly pushing them back in their place – his red eyes dazed, misty while looking at your little hole swallow him up, so tight and so tense at the stretch where his big cock bullied its way forth until he was all the way inside – balls-deep, nestled tight against your womb. 
“Touchdown~” He cheered in a drawl, mocking the way you squeal for football players after scoring, pumping your silly pompoms in the air with a high kick and bright smile – jumping up and down with pudgy tits bouncing in your tiny cheer outfit. 
He feared you would change out of the skimpy articles after the game. But lucky him, you hadn’t even showered. You were all ribboned pigtails and glitter makeup still, dewy and sweet-smelling from dried sweat and perfume. Dirty with greenery from the field and booze from the pep rally and soon to be made absolutely trashed and filthy with his spunk in your cunt.
He groaned, still remaining buried in all the way, liking how you snatched him tight, clinging to his length like a virgin – but soon pulled out. Rocking back from the deepest part of you, he watched you hang onto and writhe at every ridge and vein before his bulging head popped out with a wet shlick. 
You’d glossed him nicely with pussyjuice, made his cock warm and wet. 
He smiled, fingers pinching your hole open – watching it flutter from the absence of his meat – body sagging forward at the pretty sight as he got down low until his mouth was on your muff with dewy huffs – tongue sticking out and sliding through your slit with a breathy shudder.
Hands grabbed fistfuls of the chunk of your ass, pulling you snug around his face while he munched – sucking your bud into his mouth and in between his teeth – hearing you give the softest little moan in regard.
His heart drummed a rushed beat in his chest at your taste, so sweet and so naughty, driving him crazy – but he was going to take it nice and slow. He planned on having a good long time with you – wanted to leave traces of himself all along your body for you to find once waking up.
He got back up in position. No mind to bother wiping his chin except with his tongue out and gliding across his lips for any excess as he sunk back inside you with a content sigh. 
Even wetter after his lathering, you took him in with ease – accepting it only with a pretty moan.
His hands left the squeeze of your thighs and reached for the straps on your shoulders, pulling them down until your heavy breasts flopped out. They were fatty and firm little things – big handfuls of plush down, soft and honkable in his grip. 
He couldn’t count how many times he’d fisted his cock at the thought of sliding between them. “Mmh~ I’mma do that later- right now ’m gonna make these cheer titties bounce ‘n’ jump up and down for me~” He moaned in a frenzied giggle. “You’re gonna root for me as I drive a goal right into your teensy tiny hole~ give you a nice warm creampie to help you dream sweet~”
He placed one hand on each tit, pinching your sweet stiff nips between his thumb and index finger, and then he picked up the pace – cock driving in deep, ramming your cervix, lingering there in that plush warmth for a brief but full second, before swiftly pulling out – pounding you good and hard enough to elicit moans despite you still being out-cold.
Your cunt started to squelch, and he couldn't believe it – he think he might have just made you cum in your sleep – the way your hips softly lolled and gummy walls started milking him tight, fluttering around the size of him – lovingly enough to make him buckle over – his face panting against the pillow next to your head, drowning in it while your cunt cuddled him tight in your orgasm.
He made a pathetic sound, and soon he was spurting too – unable to hold back any longer – hips stuttering, dick deep while shooting rope after thick warm rope inside you – his mouth gaping against your cheek, grunting as he stormed your cunt to drive his cum in deeper. Emptying himself inside your heat for a good minute and fucking the leakage back into you for an even better minute, and then, just to keep his cock warm while his breath evened, he kept you propped for yet another one.
He sloshed his cock out after a while – still bone-hard and standing although numb post-nut, yet so sensitivehe made himself hiss when touching it. 
He lazed off of you, feet prickling against the cool floor as he rose up – looking at you and your poor sore cunt he’d just pounded into climax. You were still pulsing from it, hole spasming – drooling with his thick white load, spilling out and onto the sheets beneath.
“Bet that felt nice~” He grinned warmly, reaching a hand down to squish your lips apart as he bowed to lick the insides of your mouth with a hungry moan, tasting the sweet mix of your spit and the fruity drink he’d slipped the pills in earlier – before pulling back with a slurp and motioning his cock to your face. 
It was messy with slick and cream and cum, and just aching to get inside the sweet welcoming warmth of your mouth.
He bit his lip, sucking his teeth while playing with the blubber of your lips with the glossy tip of his cockhead – making you kiss it so sweetly. He nearly lost balance from the sight – fever pounding in his head, making sweat pill beneath his bangs, which now clung to his skin in wet meanders. His sounds wavered, feeling the pressure and pulse of arousal surging in his loins, heavy in his gut and burning with desperation in his length as he pushed into the softness of your mouth, sliding along the wet runway of your tongue and getting sucked down the choke of your tight little throat.
“Yes- yes- yess-” Poured from him in strings of drool he no longer had the mind to swallow. Cupping your cheek in his palm as he pumped in and out of your mouth – his jaw hanging open with unfiltered sounds, watching with awe how you suckled him clean and seemed to beg for a warm mouthful of his jizz.
He had to throw his head back so as not to lose his semblance, grabbing your tit as an additional anchor – feeling your soft tongue lick the spine and your pillowlips pucker on his girth – being such a sweet slut in your sleep – worshipping his cock like that.
He pulled and pinched your nipple, and you seemed to like it – moaning around his member with eyes closed in bliss like a little whore, gagging once he got a little too eager and fucked a little too deep. “Oh, it’s coming, little cheer-slut~ don’t worry your sleepy little head ~” He crooned, a hand tangled in your hair while fucking the pocket of your cheek in slow strokes – smiling at the cute sight of it bulging.
He found your undies again, raising them to his nose once more to breathe in the sweet, rich tones of your scent – sighing out in pleasure – but no, he couldn't cum yet. He still hadn't fucked your tits like he promised.
Leaving your mouth, he swung a leg over you and seated himself on your stomach. And pinned beneath him like that, it wouldn’t even have mattered if you’d suddenly woken up. But you didn’t stir – still lying there peacefully with a smile of slick on your face. He chuckled softly and bunched up your tits, pressing his spit-slicked rod between them – watching himself poke out the other end of your cleavage with a gleam in his eyes – mouth parting with a happy smile.
And they were so soft – plush like cotton and velvety smooth, taking his cock so good where he slid through them like butter. He groaned, gripping them tighter in his fists, giving them greedy squeezes as he plowed between them.
Swollen nipples he’d tugged one too many times were big and throbbing, making you whine and whimper small drowsy sounds as he kept on messaging them – pinched tight between his finger and thumb.
You made a greater sound once he pulled on them – mouth apart in a cry which immediately made the knot in his gut tug – balls clenching, wanting to capsize – the need for release strumming along his veins.
He leaned back on his calves, cock aimed up into the air, planning on showering you with the next batch. Fapping the long shaft in quick desperate jerks until he exploded for the second time – shooting it all over your tits and face.
Leaning forward again, breaths dramatic – he pumped and dumped the rest of the load out into your mouth. Carefully now, with lazy movement, he kept leisurely stroking his length like a pet – soothing and congratulating him on a good job as he watched his fine work. Splotches of creamy white splattered on your pretty skin, now melting down your curves and drying in place. 
It was a peaceful thing to watch… but his cock was hard and hungry still.
He looked at his watch, earning his smile. He had a lot more time left. 
The party downstairs was only barely getting started and would continue for several hours until morning. People always go crazy after winning a game – and for once, he was just as thrilled as everyone else.
Maybe next, he’d make a cumdump of your little cheer-butt too.
tip-jar: Kofi
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moth shiggy has a knot i know that…🍄
Yeah, he does. And it's a big fat one too, just like his cock. Think about it inflating inside you. Mmmm
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getoswhore · 2 years
just woke up from a good nap n immediately thought of cock.
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bakatenshii · 3 years
So are we gonna talk abt Shiggy’s fat nuts or what
I want shiggy’s big fat balls smushed into my face, want those big breeding balls shoved in my mouth, wanna milk em for all its worth I just want shiggy’s fat fucking sack smothering me please
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Your last somno post but with chubby chaser Shigaraki who's been watching you walk to and from work for the last few weeks after you smiled at him one day 🥺
🥺 Sending Shiggy a polite smile in the store and suddenly he's in love 🥺 he thinks it's love at first sight for you too and that it must be fate, why else would you give him a smile in the chip aisle? So what if he went home straight after to look for you online, finding your social medias within hours. He just really loves you and wants to know everything about you so he can be the perfect partner 🥺 He learns about your job and is able to get help finding out your schedule, so every time you clock out he's right across the street watching you walk back home 🥺 He feels like your guardian angel when he follows you, protecting you from any and all awful ppl that could harm an angel like you 🥺 He doesn't start watching you sleep until a week or so later, after making a copy of your apartment keys and letting himself in. He thinks you're so cute when you sleep, your chubby cheek smushed up against your pillow 🥺 You're so precious and perfect, your skin so soft and plump, dipping under his fingertips. He wishes he could use his whole hand to squeeze your pudgy arms, but four fingers is okay too 🥺 Then one night he comes by and you're wearing the skimpiest little outfit, a cotton crop top and high waisted shorts that shows off your perfect ass and thighs. It has to be an invitation, right? There's no way you would dress in such a provocative way for yourself!
He takes the opportunity to fondle your ass, moving from your thighs to your waist to your breasts. He's so glad you're a heavy sleeper, he doesn't want you to panic and ruin this moment he's sharing with you. He'll peel your clothes off gingerly, spreading your thick legs as wide as they could go so he can stare at your gorgeous chubby pussy. You're wet already, slick spilling past your fat pussy lips. He can't stand to wait any longer. He dives down and buries himself in your cunt, licking and sucking like a madman, moaning at your taste. You're so much better than he imagined. He doesn't stop until he feels your hole twitch and feels a gush of liquid spill out. He laps it up gladly, getting up on his knees and taking out his cock. He's throbbing, aching to be inside you, but he wants to savor this moment, your first time being intimate together 🥺 He grinds his hard cock against your soaked pussy, stiffling groans as he ruts into you. The friction is delightful, your pussy lips tugging on his cock with each thrust, more and more slick pooling out of you every time the head of his cock bumps up on your pretty clit 🥺 He's so turned on that he cums way too quick, spurting all over your chubby tummy 🥺 He feels so embarrassed, but at least you're not awake to have seen this.
Lucky for him, he's a horny young man and he's got more stamina that he thought. He's hard again within minutes, the head of his cock pushing against your entrance. He moves in slowly, eyes rolling to the back of his head at the feel of your tight wet heat locked around him. He feels like he's gonna cum again, but he's gotta hold out. He needs to make sure his pretty chubby baby cums too 🥺
You wake up the next morning sore, lots of crusty shit all over your frame, from your thighs to your tits and even your lips. You wonder if you just drooled too much. It's not until you go to the bathroom and push out what feels like a gallon of goopy white liquid that you even consider it to be cum.
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katsukisbimbo · 3 years
just as fucked up as you
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✯pairing: shigaraki tomura x reader
✯synopsis: you like it when he watches you
✯wordcount: 1.1k
✯warning: fem! reader, she/her pronouns, stalker! shiggy <3, masturbation, cunnilingus, premature ejaculation, cum eating, pantie kink?
✯note: stalker shiggy make clit go boom boom
✯tagging: @hitosano
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You know he’s there, watching you through the crack of the door as you slip off your clothing to reveal a lacy, red set of lingerie underneath. You can hear his breath hitch at the sight of you.
A giggle threatens to fall from your lips but you keep your facade, wanting to make him think that you were still clueless, still naive. But you knew. You knew that he watched you. That he never failed to climb into your closet just before you got home to watch you strip and touch yourself.
You feel his eyes on you every time you spread your lips with your two fingers, deliberately showing your pretty pussy to his wanting eyes. You make a show of touching your clit, pressing tight circles against the little bud until you're a shaking, moaning mess.
Some days you had to bite your tongue and prevent yourself from blowing your cover and moaning out to him. You like knowing that he’s there, watching you and touching himself while you do mundane things.
You’re obsessed with his cute, breathy moans combined with the sound of him fucking his fist, wet slaps of his spit-slicked palm running up and down his cock while you fuck yourself with your fingers, mentally begging for him to come out of the closet and have his way with you.
This continued for weeks, then into months. You wanted to see how far he’d go. How long he would last. But your patience is wearing thin, you could only tolerate so much for so long. After all, you did hate wasting your time.
“Baby, please...come out.” you allow a soft mewl to fall from your lips, a loud, shaky gasp coming from the closet. But your fingers don’t stop, you continue to fuck yourself, desperate to allow him to see you up close, to taste your arousal-covered fingers on his tongue.
With a tilt of your head, you smile at him, directly looking at him through the small crack. You know he’s looking at you, contemplating if he really should come out. You are asking for him. It would be rude to deny your request.
Your brows raise in surprise as you see the door wide, stomach bubbling in anticipation as you wait for him to come out, wait for him to show you his pretty face and finally give you what you want, what you've been craving for, what you've both been craving for.
A head of bluish-white hair catches your attention, shaggy bangs covering his eyes. But you can see him smiling, a toothy grin on his handsome face. You shudder at the sight of him. Not because you think he's hideous, quite the opposite.
He's so fucking pretty it hurts.
"You scared now?" he chuckles, his shakes his hair out of his face, allowing you to stare into his crimson eyes. His voice is raspy and deep, his first words to you almost causing you to cum all over yourself. You shake your head and he quirks a brow at you.
He expected you to be halfway out the door and calling the police, calling for anyone to help you, to save you from the terrifying Shigaraki Tomura. But no, you're a little fucked up in the head and he likes it.
He likes how you look at him. Likes how you look like you'd cum with a tap of his finger. Tomura's already salivating at the mere sight of you, drool slipping down his chin as his fingers twitch in excitement. He's spent hours thinking of what he'd want to do to you, spent hours jerking off to his fantasies and he wants you to fulfill them all.
He won't stop until you're pumped full of his cum, speared on his fat cock and begging him to pull out, begging him to stop. His fist tightens around his girth, eyes early rolling back to his head when you gesture for him to come over.
You want to be close to him.
He only places a knee on your bed and he already catches a whiff of your scent, a whiff of your sweet little cunt begging for him to eat it, to stick his tongue inside and swallow you whole.
“Come here, baby. Put your tongue on my cunt.” You spread your legs even further, showcasing your glistening slit to his hungry, crimson eyes. Your gaze flits down to his crotch, watching him squeeze the base of his cock. His tip is flushed and leaking pre, fat veins running up the sides.
You wanna feel him on your tongue, wanna feel the sheer weight of him pressing down on your tongue as you teasingly pump the base and listen to his pretty whines, begging you to take it all in, to shove him down your throat and swallow him up.
He’s eager to please you, crawling as disgracefully as one can before settling between your plush thighs. He has a red blush painting his cheeks and you can feel him panting against your mound. Your scent is dizzying and addictive and Tomura’s ready to lose himself in you.
Just as he’s about to press a kiss on your slit, his hair is harshly gripped, pulling him just an inch away and he’s ready to beg, ready to give you whatever you ask for just to have a taste of your pussy. “What do we say when we’re given something?” You say with a raised brow.
“Thank you.” he whispers, gruff and hungry.
With a satisfied smirk, you let go of his soft locks, leaning back into your pillows with a sigh as you signal for him to continue. He’s on you in seconds, tongue lashing against your clit as his fingers dig into the skin of your thighs, leaving crescent indents of his nails to mark your skin.
A pleased sigh falls from your lips, your head falling back against your pillows as he devours you, not stopping for one second to even take a breath. He loves your taste too much, loves how it almost feels like you’re trying to drown him with your juices, trying to suffocate him with your cute thighs.
“You’re so fucked up. You’re so fucked in the head.” he pants. “You love my villain tongue fucking your pussy? You love it when I stroke my cock to you? Hide in your closet like a fucking creep and cum all over your panties?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!”
You love it. You love it so much. You know you’re fucked up. You knew you were fucked up the moment you saw your favourite lace panties soiled in his cum. You knew you were fucked up when your tongue darted out to lick at the white fluid drying into the crotch of your panties. And you knew you were fucked up when you liked it.
His pace fastens and his tongue delves deeper, almost scooping out your arousal with his tongue and swallowing it. His breathing is ragged and his grip around your thighs somehow gets tighter. But you’re close and you don't want him to stop, you want him to push you over the edge and let you drown.
“Fuck.” he swears, a shiver running up his spine. He smiles, chin covered in your juices, bottom lip split. “I just came.”
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© katsukisbimbo — all rights reserved. please refrain from modifying, translating, reposting of any kind. plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. please be kind and enjoy!
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
ari i am on my hands and knees begging you to write shigaraki + cockwarming (only if you want to though!!)
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
little deaths | s. tomura
➳ tags ;; fem!reader, cockwarming (obviously), needy / lovesick shiggy, very light femdom
➳ wc ;; 1.1k
➳ plot ;; tomura, no - tenko, can't sit still
➳ a/n ;; ngl writing this made my heart rate SPEED (also first time writing smut for him so ?)
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He knows what he's doing when he looks at you like that.
He has to - with his the way he presses over your spine, arms spindly around your waist like a web. You can feel his gaze boring into your back, have been the whole time you were helping him tidy your room. He's not very subtle and he doesn't have it in him to try.
His voice is raspy and slight, a little agitated but he always sounds like that. His affectionate nature comes out in huffs and frustrated groans against the nape of your neck. His mouth leaves an open kiss, a confession or a threat or something in between that.
A heat flutters through you at the display of his lust. He's never been all that orthodox - everything he does is done because he thinks that's the right way. Love is no different and when Shigaraki loves you, he wants you and he wants you so much he's willing to whine for it. Press for it.
His voice is low in your ear. Affection seeps through his tone as you feel warm breath on your ski.
"No more cleaning," ― it's a demand more than it's a question ― "Wanna.. sit with you while I game. Come here,"
You want to tell him no, almost. But you'd be lying and you think Shigaraki hates liars more than anything. So you let him tug you, let him sit you in his lap. He turns his PC on and before it can turn on, you find his gloves hands on your thighs.
You regret wearing shorts, the half-stiff erection he's sporting strong against your cunt. You sigh placing a hand over his.
"Tomura," you repeat, exasperated. He doesn't respond so you repeat yourself "Tomura, baby"
"Say it again," he demands. He's petulant, fingers dipping into the waistband of your shorts. He licks a stripe up your shoulder before biting it, frustrated "Again,"
"Baby, we can't just -"
He struggles to get your shorts down but he doesn't let that stop him, they bunch up at your knees as he shuffles around. He moves you to sit in the chair, ungracefully pulling his jeans down till his erect cock leaps and lays on his black shirt. He snatches you back to his lap swiftly, prying your thighs apart until they're spread - hooked over his own legs.
"Do you need prep?" but he doesn't really asks, just slides one of his fingers over your slit "Doesn't seem like it,"
"Baby," you say with more force and he stops, digs his fingers into your thighs. He needs you and you're making him wait and he hates it. He hates waiting so much but he stops.
"What." he spits. You roll your eyes at him.
"Slow down and don't speak to me like that," you say slow. He settles just a little - a breath passing.
"Just wanna ― fuck, feel you, can't I just feel you?" he asks you, frustrated. You know it won't last but he sounds so needy, so aching you give him a sigh. Leaning back, you lift your hips up to let the head press inside of you, proceeding to plant your feet on the floor in prep for whats next. Warm, wet heat envelops him and he moans - loud and shameless in your ears.
You can feel how jittery he is. No moving, right? His fingers are so harshly into your thighs it almost hurts, fat dimpled underneath his hands. You lean forward, your elbows resting on his gaming desk as you look over your shoulder.
Which proves to be a mistake - seeing him looking so fucking blissed out. Head thrown back, mouth agape, eyes fluttering and breathing heavy. His strong chest goes in and out and in and out and you shut your eyes.
"Go on," ― you say sarcastically, knowing he can't really hear you ― "Play your game, Tomura,"
He bites his lip as groans spill out his mouth, unrelenting pleasure raking through him. He doesn't even get through two-minutes of it, the heat of your pussy driving him into lust. With a sharp gasp, he immediately grabs you and stands up. You yelp, gripping the front of the table as he slams into you.
His thrusts are shallow and hardly thought through - clinging to you with such greed you almost want to laugh. His forehead drops onto your shoulder again as he groans. His breathing is ragged - his cock is long and narrows, feels as pretty as it looks inside of you. His moans quickly turn into whimpers as he fucks into you so hard his keyboard shakes.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck - love you, love your pussy. Hngh, shit" his voice cracks in the last word. You want to reply but the words don't come out right. He slams into you so quickly you almost lose your footing, cunt clenching harshly as he fucks you.
Tell me you love me, need you to - ngh. Need you to love me,"
You know what he means so you reach a hand around and brush your fingers on his thigh. You moan.
"I love you so much, Tomura,"
"No, no - not like that" he whines, still going. You blink briefly before you catch on, wanting to smile but moaning instead. Your orgasm hits you with an intense force as you choke out the syllables, body rag-dolling as he penetrates you over and over.
"I love you, Tenko. Love you s'much, oh fuck"
As soon as the words leave your lips he buries himself to the hilt, moaning as he spills hot seed inside of you. So much to unload even though he likes to take his stress out on your pussy whenever possible. It spills and drops onto the newly cleaned floors before. Instead of saying anything, he clears his desk and flips you around on his cock before sitting down. You straddle him, still stiff member twitching inside of you.
You blink at him, mouth agape as he lifts your shirt up over your tits and buries his face in them. He sits quiet, sucking at them until he sates himself on you for a brief moment. He's still hard. You look down at him, holding his face in your hands as he lays his cheek in your palm.
"You're so impatient," you tsk. He doesn't say anything, just kisses you before hugging you.
"Shut up," ― he replies, before adding ― "Need to go again,"
"And why's that?"
"Because," ― he says flatly ― "Couldn't see you that time. What id you didn't mean it?"
You sigh.
"Right. Whatever you say,"
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