Gordon: So I was just about to make some sandwiches. But what do you want?
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Baby blood elf’s can’t speak just squeak adorably until you give them food
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arghunt · 4 years
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I just need my dad. I’ll always need my dad.
chris argent as loved by @fatalruin allison argent as loved by @arghunt template
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tideridera · 4 years
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ARROW  FOR  A  KISS ↳↳ accepting  ( @fatalruin​ / enid )
5.  a  kiss  between  laughter
the world hadn’t ended, no matter how popular that theory was, the earth continued to spin and life, rotten or not, moved on. between the danger, and the rotting, the fighting and the dying, there were moments of a life seen through the rays of sunlight. moments when the smell of the dead didn’t reach, when the earth felt alive and true and it was at these moments that the crew lavished. not quite putting their guard down, they weren’t fools, but allowing themselves some reprieve from the horrors.
harry caught enid around the waist, pulling her off of her feet with a triumphant cry as she made a sound of defiance as they hit the ground. ciri streaked past them, snatching the football from enid’s hands and bolting across the open field with hawke and devan right on her heels but harry didn’t get up and leave her yet -- there was laughter in her eyes, on her mouth and harry laughed with her, hands running up the sides of her waist, digging into nerves and soft tissue until enid thrashed and her laughter grew in volume. a wild sound, a sound that coloured her cheeks pink and made warmth swell in his chest and harry laughed as well even as she tried half-heartedly to fend him off.
it was between the laughter, between the thrashing, between the sound of ciri’s victory as she made her touch down that harry lips brushed across enids. their laughter quietened only by a handful, harry’s lips still tugged into a wide smile as his hands grew still upon her waist. he leaned closer, lips dragged across her cheek with more deliberation as he hovered only inches above her.
he kissed her again, this time with purpose and reason. slowly, softly. tongue searching for a taste of that laughter that had escaped from her.
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palespyder · 4 years
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❛        you  think  you  fixed  the  problem  'til  it  comes  right  back  again          ❜ @fatalruin​ sent  🎤 for a randomly generated lyric starter ( for frank ! )
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klarsynt-arc · 4 years
@fatalruin​ said: 
"  we've been together for awhile now,  "  oh boy. it's around this time when things feel serious and he realizes he's allowed himself to fall in too deep that he knows he can't keep his secret anymore. propped up against the headboard of their shared bed, eli runs his fingers through emil's hair in gentle gesture as he stares down to the other's face; his eyes full of words he's yet to say but feels intensely. "  there's something i have to tell you. but i fear you won't look at me the same.  " 
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         he has never truly had something like this before. relationships aren’t exactly encouraged for people like him. he is supposed to stay unattached but...every time he looks at eli he knows just how impossible it is to truly resist him. he’s a good man. with a beautiful soul in a captivating body. sometimes emil doesn’t think he ever had a choice in the matter. the more he experienced, the more he felt and saw with this man, the more his heart filled with affection and admiration. 
nothing feels more peaceful and serene than when he is with eli. head rests comfortably against the other man’s lap, the fingers in his hair coaxing him into a relaxed state. he is very nearly asleep when he speaks. umber hues shift upwards towards the other, curious and then a touch concerned when the last part is added. brows knit together slightly as he studies eli’s features. sometimes he forgets that people don’t know what he can do, that they don’t realize how intimately he knows them. so many secrets rest within his mind. whether he knows whatever it is eli is going to tell him  (  though he has something of a suspicion  )  he does know it could never change how he cares for him. 
emil lifts a hand to gently run a finger over the other’s cheek, a small smile pulling at his lips  “  try me.  ”
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powerbound · 4 years
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❛      i'm  scared  of  changing,  the  days  stay  the  same  the  world  is  spinning  but  only  in  gray      ❜ @fatalruin​ sent  🎤  for a randomly generated lyric starter ( for cesar  ! )   
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doomdays-a · 4 years
      ⇢ @fatalruin​​.
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she rolls her eyes,  her head immediately turning away.  it’s only to hide the smile that barely does tug at her lips,  one she feels like she can’t show.  she doesn’t know why this keeps happening,  how he’s able to bring this side out of her when not even she’s seen it in so long  (  since before everything,  since before she lost any sort of hope for the world she lived.  )  there’s something so different about him  ----  it’s frustrating,  yet relaxing all at the same time.  she finds him to be so stubborn,  yet deep down,  she knows that’s really her.  ❝  good luck tryin’ to get it,  ❞   she mutters,  eyes straight ahead instead of looking back at him,  afraid that if she did,  he’d catch it.  ❝  gonna have to work harder than that,  ❞   she challenges.
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
roan x tauriel 🥺
we’re rating ships, bitches! || @fatalruin
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what do you normally eat rover?
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Decided to use my newer art style for the blog idk how well this well go so let’s see lol (this post took ages to actually post)
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Hi! Uh- bonette here! Uh…haha I feel kinda dumb addressing myself like that but uh anyways for the blog to begin I just need to uh….we’ll address a few things before anything happens! >w<
Don’t laugh people will mistake you for being happy—
<_< anyways— as I was saying- I need to lay out a few warnings before the blog can officially start!
;-; warning this blog will contain violence, death, sexual content, uh…..abuse- potential kidnapping and rape so if any of that disturbs you please don’t participate as this blog is recommended to 18 and up sense the sexual content won’t rlly be full on and would be very minor because our creator doesn’t have that sort of confidence…
With all that we really hope you do enjoy the blog and please note that it isn’t a roleplaying blog meaning you can’t stop events from happening úwù as much as we very much do appreciate it
And with that let the blog begin
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archive-assassin681 · 4 years
@fatalruin​  :    ❛ it seems important to mention all the things that went wrong ❜ @ erica
while she had a point,   selene doesn’t want to dwell on the things that went wrong   ––    not when there were other things to focus on.    the two of them met by happenstance,   but it seemed as if the two had   more in common   than they realized.    the wolf takes in a breath,   shaking her head as she thinks about what she wants to say next.   she doesn’t want to bury whatever they have. . .   especially if an alliance was what she was after.    “  we could do that.   or    ––   we could mention the things that we can do better with for next time so   the wrong things   don’t happen again.   “     
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praesaes-is-neh · 4 years
MEME  PROMPT     :     💏  . . .  TO  WAKE  YOURS  UP .
he  looks  rather     peaceful     sleeping ,     compared  to  his  every  day  look .     like  the  world  isn’t  a  shit  show          &          everything  is  kinda  horrible .     lashes  brush  against  cheeks ,     hair  gotten  long  and  falls  into  his  eyes     :     hand  curled  around  a  knife ,     arm  around  jacket  used  as  a  pillow .     doesn’t  want  to  wake  him  up ,     even  if  it  had  been  the  agreement  for  her  to  take  the  first  shift .     just     a     hour     or     two .     it’s  been  around     five          &          she’s  pretty  sure  he  needs  it  more  than  she  does .
for  once  they  had  found  a  small  town          (          and     with     it ,     a     house     that     seemed     safe     enough .          )          and  instead  of  moving  past  it  like  they  usually  did  after  going  out  on  their  own ,     find  sanctuary  in  the  woods     :     they  had  decided  to  stay     here .     second  floor ,     with  a  window  seat  that  gave  a  comfortable  place  to  sit  with  a  view  out  over  the  street  and  front  of  the  house .     not  that  there’s  much  to     actually     see  in  the  darkness .     all  in  all ,     there’s  been  two  walkers  passing  by          &          that’s  about  it .
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❛                                  it’s     your     turn .          ❜          voice  is  soft ,     and  low     :     something  barely  audible  in  the  silence .     left  her  spot  to  kneel  down  next  to  him  on  the  mattress ,     and  instead  of  shaking  him  awake     :     there’s  a  soft  kiss  pressed  to  the  corner  of  his  lips .          ❛          hey ,          ❜
                                   FROM     : @fatalruin​
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klarsynt-arc · 4 years
@fatalruin​ said: 💀  / elias :)
          at least he isn’t alone. he has felt death more times than he can count. relived the last moments of countless of souls. maybe he should be used to it by now, but it’s different when it’s real. he won’t wake up from this one. it won’t fade away for him to find himself returned to normal. this is his death. and all he can think is at least he isn’t alone because he always thought he would be. he’d die alone in some alley. or they’d finally pull the plug on him in the middle of the night. anything other than this. the warmth of eli’s arms around him makes the chill spreading throughout his body not seem so bad. 
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moisture rises to his eyes as blurred gaze tries to focus up on the other man. he can’t feel him anymore. he can’t sense the energy in the air like he used to, he can’t sense that familiar presence. he can’t feel anything. if he didn’t know he was dying before, there would be no doubt now. everything is becoming numb.  “  eli—  ”  it’s harder to speak than he thought. the deaths he felt were always different. so many people died with defiance or fear upon their lips. but this just feels slow and quiet. it feels like defeat. he doesn’t want to die yet. how is he supposed to die when he’s not sure he’s ever been truly alive?  “  i’m sorry.  ”  
he has done too much harm. there will be no rest for him if there is some life beyond this. and maybe that terrifies him but he knows what he deserves. at least his death came not from hurting but trying to protect. that has to count in some small way? maybe it doesn’t compare to the mountain of wrong he has committed. he knows it doesn’t. but maybe eli will remember that he tried. maybe he’ll remember he wasn’t all bad.  “  i...i did something good,  ”  he whispers. please, remember i was good. 
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dievilish · 4 years
               [     fifty ways to kiss someone.  /   20.   …on a scar.   ]  
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      she  wished  she  had  known  him  sooner.     wished  she  had  been  around  to  heal  him  from  his  injuries.   fingers  run  over  the  lightened  skin,  gently,  as  if  it  would  still  cause  him  pain,   “   how  did  this  happen?   “   she  mutters  softly,   oceanic  hues  darting  up  to  his  gaze  attentively.   lips  purse  for  a  moment,  before  head  dip  to  kiss  the  raised  skin  ever  so  softly,   “   i’m  sorry  for  not  being  able  to  heal  you.   “   the  words  are  muttered  against  his  skin,  eyes  closed,  as  if  hoping  her  energy  would  help  the  scar  disappear.  /  @fatalruin​ 
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doomdays-a · 4 years
      ⇢ @fatalruin​
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❝  We couldn’t stay there forever,  Ty.  You know that.  ❞   She always knew that  -----  a place like that is too good to be true,  especially in a world full of so much brutality.  She can’t believe in something that could last,  not when everything seemed to be so fleeting.  Half a year gone by just hiding,  and they’ve made it this far  ----  but being outside of the bunker,  being right in the middle of where the world is now,  it means everything has to change,  and they have to finally accept that.  But one thing can’t ever change  -----   they still have each other,  and that’s what she’s trying to focus on now.  ❝  We had to face this sometime.  Had to accept what’s out here.  We survived.   We’ll keep doing it,  you and I.  We’ve always been stronger that way.   Dad taught us to be that way.  ❞
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