loveydovey-leviathan · 4 months
"I have always been proud of you. From the first moment, I've been proud of you, and it was my pride that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming-- what I was turning you into. I'm sorry."
was rewatching kung fu panda and i thought of alden and alvar.
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lilbitofmac · 10 months
You know what I realized never gets touched upon again in the MCU? (At least I don't think so—haven't kept up with any of the newer movies or shows).
The fact Thanos destroyed the stones that were at the very center of the universe. Like, how do we not get any repercussions for infinity stones not existing anymore in the main timeline, considering Steve returned the ones they borrowed from the past?
Anyway, I'm thinking of post-EG Tony being the literal last remnant of the stones and holding the fabric of the universe together.
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blerdyotome · 3 months
Steam Next Fest 2024 Games to Keep on Your Radar
This summer has been packed full of game releases, announcements, and game fests! Between Summer Games Fest and Steam Next Fest, there are plenty of demos to keep you busy well into next year. With all the goodies, I made sure to care out some time to check out a few demos from Steam Next Fest and I found quite a few gems! So, here are my thoughts on some of the demos I played from this year’s…
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cityandking · 1 month
achievement unlocked: new girlie
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gotta go back and fix some of her coloring but whatever it's fine
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the-harbour-official · 3 months
Harbour Drabble Event 2024 coming soon!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone! So brilliant news...July is coming up and I've been thinking about the drabble event we hosted in our server last summer, and how much fun it was and how batshit insane i went on it lol, and I've decided it's a good idea to host it again this year! so this is the post with all the important info for the Harbour Drabble Event 2024 <3333333
"what is this even anyway roo???"
you may ask! if you were not here a year ago! it's a very lowkey event, low commitment for anyone who wants to participate- basically the idea is that you write drabbles about The Starless Sea during or before the month of July and submit them, and I'll post them on this blog!
if you don't know what a drabble is!! it's a very short piece of fanfiction- we're going for this event with the traditional definition meaning its exactly 100 words of fic, usually capturing just one small moment! i highly recommend going for it if you've never written drabbles before, it's a really fun creative exercise and way to write fic without spending a huge amount of time! i had never written a drabble before we did this event last year and i became. quite prolific lol
"ok but what do i do with the drabbles tho????"
some options! you can:
post them to your own tumblr blog and tag us so i can reblog them!
submit them to this blog so i can post them!
if youre in the server and more comfortable with discord you can dm them to me and i will post them here!
"ok fine so what do i write drabbles about then"
the starless sea! lol
last year i gave myself a theme for every weekday (because i was posting AT LEAST once daily god that was unhinged id be like posting two drabbles from an airplane or some shit) but anyway i thought id use these as optional prompts for the event this year! these are not mandatory just some ideas of what to write!
More Drabbles Monday - anything lol
Time and Fate Tuesday - drabbles about Mirabel and the Keeper or their previous incarnations!
Cheese Wednesday - not actually one of my themes last year but kristin @boogleboot wanted a cheese day so a cheese day you will have my dear <333
Monday Part Two Thursday - anything again
Fateheart Friday - drabbles focusing on characters, events, and/or the new Harbour from Fateheart! (the greatest known work of tss fanfic if you havent read it you should)
Sad Times Saturday - angst <3333
Son of the Fortune Teller Sunday - drabbles about Madame Love Rawlins and her children <3333 (yes dorian and kat are her children be so fr)
more prompts may be to come! but yes submit drabbles any time from now until the end of July <33333 love you all peace out
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Wife I have a little something for you :))))
Did a little Drawing of these BK and Meiri based around that image I saw it and instantly thought of the two .
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GAISGSKDGISHDKD ABBI THIS IS HILARIOUS. You’re 100% right this is so Them. Thank you so much, I absolutely loved this 💜💜💜
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I HAVE AN INVITATION FOR YOU!!!!! please keep reading, god, if you love the starless sea enough that you're even seeing this we want YOU!!!! are you a long time starless sea fan who has never found anyone else who wants to talk about this book as much as you do? have you always wanted to write/see starless sea fanfic or fanart but didnt think there was a fandom? or have you just finished the starless sea like twenty minutes ago and have been scouring tumblr for anything you can find? WELL I'VE GOT THE PLACE FOR YOU!
reasons why you should join and why this server is the best:
we are all literally just obsessed with the starless sea
and the characters
we draw fanart and write fanfic and even have events with prompts to inspire you to do the same
we have a super cool minecraft server with the inn at the edge of the world and a cherry blossom forest around it with honey and candles and shit
we do storytime where we read to each other in vc from tss, fanfic, or other books and it happens all the time and its really lovely and soothing and fun
we have movie nights and movie afternoons and random impromptu movies but theres a movie every weekend
we have endless headcanons
and a whole channel dedicated to dorian hurt/comfort
i co-run it with @boogleboot who is just the coolest and if you havent met her youre missing out
and theres a bunch of other cool people there too who i love so much
we have a limericks only chat (for which i blame mod boogle its so fun you have to talk only in limericks there)
go click that link girl (gendy neuch). we're so excited to have you. see you in the harbour!!!!!
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onmyturntable · 1 month
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Mercyful Fate, in the 90s, are my favorite decade of the band. I had the chance that King Diamond signed this copy of Time in their Latin America tour of this year, 2024, before of its presentation in Chile. Without of doubt, one of my precious belongings. ❤️‍🔥
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kitty-kat-t · 4 months
Stream schedule for 6/9-6/15 am I doing too much maybe but I'm trying you can watch me live here: https://www.twitch.tv/kittykathrynt to join the fun or wait for the vod to be posted next day youtube!
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sunbackeddog · 1 year
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I finally completed the first leg of my holy grail.... It only took three years
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something i really hate is how aletheia only calls kassandra “keeper.” her entire identity has been erased to take up a task that she never wanted in the first place, that brings her so much pain.
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
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~ Winter Mourning ~
“I am surrounded in a realm, where everyone is better put together, or they just haven’t gotten there yet, they’re all beyond me… You were the only one, I felt, I could be equal or had. We were both atrocious, stupid, naive men, arrogant, prideful was our downfall. We did heinous thing’s simplistically, to survive, or in fret, it was required. We came from diversity. Yet somehow, we were alike...” The Loom began to spin again... It was written... Forever. Destined.
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majorpepperidge · 1 year
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take, uh, 3?? of recent Al-Zalam 'sequel' design where he's back at, well, maybe not full power but let's say 80%
listen, it may have been 600+ years since working with Dan, but he lost a LOT of magic under Zarok's curse, ok??
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reginrokkr · 7 months
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Admittedly, I haven't been daring with this aspect of Dain but I'm feeling bolder since a while about the premise that he knows what will happen in the future and that, since the prophecy of Fontaine was already carved in Irminsul a long time ago according to Nahida, that he could know about that too. Mona said that knowing about a future like that that can affect the entirety of Teyvat equals someone to being a visionary and personally, I'd love to touch more into that in interactions. Something like meeting a long-living species in the past where he tells them that "x will happen" with certainty and not elaborating any further, only for that someone to find out time after that what Dain said actually happened. Just something about squeezing one of the titles attributed to him, this one being: confluence between the past and the future.
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goatpaste · 2 years
mmm thinking with my stupid brain about how i'd rewrite mountain tim so hard its making me ill
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thunderboltfire · 7 months
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"My father is a good, honorable man. You could ask anyone and they'd tell you as much. But even he does have his weaknesses."
Igna has a pretty extraordinary pair of parents. Her mother, Mila, is the youngest of the long line of Border Keepers, people who have magical sense attuned to recognising dimensional anomalies and abnormalities in background magic. Her father is Eberre 'The Rook' Sharille, a Wanderer knight of immense experience and wide renown.
Eberre is known as a talented negotiatior and mediator, who assisted in resolving many crisises over the years, usually by means of diplomacy, but if the need arose, also as an appointed representative in trials by combat. He's fairly good at gathering information and coming out of dangerous endeavors unscathed or only lightly injured. That's why he often works alone, and and has often been sent on missions of sensitive nature. Not many things throws Eberre off balance, and despite his long service record, he still manages to keep a noticeably bright attitude, which makes it so that when he actually decides to fight, his steel resolve seems to come from nowhere.
Mila knows much more than she lets on. She is a Border Keeper, and she spent many years patrolling the magically instable wilderness around Iseni. Her line of work demands more perceptiveness and intuition than brute force, but in a rare situation when some kind of magic-borne beast needs to be put down, she's a fairly skilled trapper. She's dilligent, hard-working, stubborn and rather direct.
Around twenty years ago, Eberre found his way to Iseni, a small human settlement that lays extremely close to an area where magic is permanently unstable and the borders between worlds often wear thin. He came to investigate the reports on the inceeasing corrupted creatures activity. To figure out the source of the problem, he had to cooperate with the local Border Keepers, out of whom the most active in the field was Mila. Unexpectedly their cooperation became a little too close and three quarters later, Igna arrived into the world.
While Eberre got to know about Mila's pregnancy by letter, he was far from avoiding responsibility - altough at this point the only thing that came to his mind which could somehow ease the discomfort of Mila's situation was to propose. Igna narrowly avoided being born out of wedlock - but people can count, so it was pretty obvious that she wasn't a planned child. Together with her half-elvish traits, this made her an easy target of hurtful comments.
The arrangement had obvious downsides: neither Mila nor Eberre were not prepared for it to be a long-term relationship, and logistically it also wasn't too good. Perhaps it was for the better that Mila has always been a fiercely independent personality, and so she's quickly come to terms with the fact that for the most time of the year, her husband was absent. He could spend time in Iseni in winter, helping however he could, but in the spring he had to be back on the road. Wanderers also as a rule are poor like a church mouse. They usually get paid by the komturia they belong to, but not much more than it takes to maintain their equipment and steed. They don't have their own land, either. Thus, Igna technically has a noble title, but the reputation and legal status are its only merits.
Despite these shortcomings, Eberre knew how to make himself useful - Wanderers have a right to hunt like the nobles do, so in the winter months he was able to help his family in this way. The Border Keepers' position is complicated - they are free people, not peasants, but their exact function is kept secret from many. They mostly have to sustain themselves out of the area they are designated to protect.
Mila lived with her mother, Brasława, who was very dissatisfied with her daughter getting close with this particular kind of bachelor. Even more so with Mila's decision to bound herself to him permanently instead of just leaving this part of her life behind. Mila didn't want to live with a stigma of being a single mother and for her child to be an ordinary bastard, Bracława thought that she was capable enough to find a better suitor who'd keep a lower profile and be a more present partner. She also probably hoped that Mila would eventually have some human children, that wouldn't face as much of a prejudice as her first daughter (not that she wasn't a part of the problem). It was the recurring topic of arguments in the house, but Mila wouldn't budge. Growing up, thanks to some overheard words Igna was pretty aware that her grandmother doesn't really like her. She viewed her as a living reminder of her daughter's mistakes and a dead end of Mila's line. It's hard to say to what extent it influenced Igna's decision to become a Wanderer, but it probably was one of the reasons.
Mila and Eberre grew apart throughout the years. They were still pretty friendly towards each other, but the time they've been spending away from each other was too much to really rekindle their relationship. They didn't have any more children, but they both loved their daughter above all. They also both taught her a share of their own skills. Igna's magical sense was different than her mother's (a trait her grandmother attributed to Igna's mixed heritage), but at this point she still seemed to be a Keeper material - it would take years until it'd turn out that the difference was due to her being a Spellbreaker. Under Mila's wing she's got to learn the basic etiquette when dealing with the elder beings, how to recognise shifts in magical background and above all, to not trust anything magical she doesn't understand. Eberre taught his daughter horse riding, dressing game animals, the basics of fencing, and brought her along to a few journeys, to show her how the Wanderers operate.
Both Mila and Eberre were a little sceptical when Igna chose to follow in her father's footsteps. Mila didn't want her to live far from home, but knowing that in secluded Iseni she would always be considered alien, she reluctantly agreed. Eberre on the other hand was fully aware of the dangers inherent to being a Wanderer, but he respected his daughter choice and equipped her for her future the best he could.
After all, if she really took after her parents, she might've been tough enough to handle it.
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