headstrongblake · 6 years
faultedleader replied to your post: ASHLEY (HOPEFULLY)  GETS HER SHIT TOGETHER !!! ...
gosh ash, get your shit together
wow, she’s back for a day and already calling my ass out. 
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thclcstgirl · 6 years
@faultedleader is back on my dash. The sun is shining, my hair is shiny, my skin is clear, my life is wonderful all is right in the world ★~(◡‿◡✿)
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cvckroach-a-blog · 7 years
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“i might've been alone in the lighthouse, but i’m starting to think i’d rather be there.” sarcasm and a touch of bitterness drenched his tone, only proving that he didn’t mean it. not a hundred percent, anyway. sure, he had people to talk to here. ‘food’ to eat. but it was different.. there was music that grew really old really fast, actual food, only a box, alcohol, that’d be gone in a matter of time, and a television that he’d broken. he was only there for two months and he’d gone insane. 
but there, on the ground, there was a fight. against himself, maybe, but it was still a game of survival. one that john had grown accustomed to. the only game he’d grown to know. one that he didn’t have back up on the ark. up there, it was only a waiting game. waiting, for five years. only a few months in and he already hated it.
blue hues were cast down toward his hand, white bouncy ball weighing in it lightly. with a flick of his wrist, the ball hit the floor and flew back into his grip. “one more bowl of algae and i’m going to float myself.”
@faultedleader // random starter
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criminalmiind-blog · 7 years
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                '' I have to say -      you're less a dick than I expected. ''
eva confesses to @faultedleader
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cosmicfell-blog · 7 years
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Alona never thought she would find someone to love-- she never thought she would have that person in her life until the day Bellamy walked into her shop, trailing after his sister and her fiancee who were shopping for their wedding. In the end she ended up doing the flowers for the ceremony and the bridal party, and in that process became close to the clan. Then a year later-- she found herself living with Bell and now-- well now she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it. 
True he was a pain in her ass most days, he seemed to always have something smart to say. . .But he was also one of the kindest and most loving people she had ever met, he was so much stronger then she was and she figured that was what drew her to him, he was strong for her, and she was soft and safe for him. Mornings like this though-- when her shop was closed and he didn’t have to go to work and she was laid across his chest, soaking in the early sunbeams, those were days she lived for. “Do you think we could just live in this bed? Like just never leave?” 
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colorsfloors-a · 7 years
faultedleader replied:  Uhm it’s gorgeous oktva replied:  LOVE IT ( and you ) kingfallen replied:  looks good babe
um i love all of you very very much. thank you
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headstrongblake-a · 7 years
Sick is better than dead.
the 100 season one | not currently accepting - @faultedleader
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    “feels like i’d rather be dead,” she muttered, stifling a groan as she shifted in the worn out sleeping bag. out of the two blakes, octavia’s always had the weaker immune system. should it really be that much of a surprise to her when not only had her wound from the hoard they encountered become infected but that it knocked octavia on her ass? nope. she definitely should have seen this coming. but they don’t have TIME for normal things like this. this world doesn’t stop trying to KILL them just because octavia’s body was weaker and pale. her teeth clattered together as a harsh shiver ran through her body, tired hues lifting to her brother. “h—how long you think w—we’re going to be able to hold up here?” she asked. the abandoned attic was small but warmer than the floors below with all the broken windows and the winter air. except ever since their lives became NOTHING but survival they’re never in one place for too long anymore. 
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ginaofthe100a-blog · 7 years
Things I notice while giffing/iconing:
Gina’s nervous twisty hand movement when Bellamy leaves for Polis in Ye Who Enter Here
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seesgood · 7 years
&. @faultedleader | the lowkey sc.
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She remembers ( briefly ) her mom mentioning his name. Once, as a passing regard, with a shake of her head and a reminder of why they don’t let people get away with breaking rules. Ironic, that a few months later her daughter joins the ranks of those like the famed Octavia Blake. Gets sent down the ground to her probable death and now? Now she’s supposed to be listening to a guy that she’s pretty sure hasn’t smiled in a decade. All for a bottle of freaking moonshine. So yeah, the whole thing? Not really her thing. But she’s not one to keep her mouth shut either. Especially not when she sees some of them drag themselves around day in and day out. Sees the way the other leaders treat them. “You know,” Caroline glances at him as he strides by. ( Another thing she notices: he doesn’t walk. He strides. Like God’s gift to the ground. ) “Just because you can sleep with whoever you want and wave your little gun around, doesn’t make you a leader. They used to have a word for people like that and I’m pretty sure it’s called tyrant.” 
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damnmechanicd · 7 years
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❛   bell.   ❜   she plays dramatic better than the next girl, tone and expression relay just how distraught she truly is      not that she has a reason to feel that way, anyway.   ❛   please let me give you a haircut. you’re killing me here.   ❜   truthfully she’s just busting his chops, making him roll his eyes or even smile a little, but when he takes her up on her offer she’s got a spinning office chair with his name on it.   ❛   don’t tell me you’re scared.   ❜    /   @faultedleader*
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imnobodysson · 7 years
It’d been easy enough to get everyone there. He knew who would talk and who would keep their mouth shut. He knew how the information would spread. He spent enough time not socializing and watching the others interact that all it took were a few calls and texts before people began to trickle in. He lurked at the bar, not really drinking, and kept to himself. Then -- a text. 
[text: Bellamy] Guys night a Trikru tonight? First dance on me. 
Keep it friendly. Like an olive branch for his unexplained absence the past few weeks. Bellamy was just overworked though probably not undersexed to want to take a night off and come out with the guys. Unfortunately he didn’t think much further beyond the look on Bellamy’s face when he was greeted with Fox or Octavia. Right now, his focus was on the older Blake.
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thclcstgirl · 6 years
  offensive�� “bellamy blake sucks and is an awful...
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Fox vc: the king has spoken 
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ginaofthe100a-blog · 7 years
Me: *feels like crap all day, logs on zero times, does almost nothing but sleep because ick*  Heather, im’ing me: Gina deserved better Me: *LOGS ON TO IMMEDIATELY START YELLING ABOUT BELLAMY AND GINA AND ALL THE THINGS THAT IRK ME ABOUT GINA’S STORY (or lack thereof)* 
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slatedbird-blog · 7 years
                                         | @faultedleader
                      two years. seven hundred and thirty days since they've last been on earth.    since they’ve been home. space wasn’t their home anymore, not their real home. they belonged on the ground. they belonged on earth with their family; octavia, abby, kane---- clarke. there was still a glimmer of hope throughout her being that their friend was still alive, that somehow the night blood that was artificially pumped through her veins has kept her alive after all this time. the only thing is there was absolutely no way to gain knowledge of anyone status for another three years. 
              so here she stood, deep eyes gazing out at the orange planet they once inhabited and thoughts of their time there came flooding back. raven’s time on earth was far from desirable. she’d been infected from the grounder attack on their camp early on in their first days, skin sliced by the commander after being framed, SHOT by murphy, and much more. raven should hate the planet they once called home. she should wanted nothing more than to stay in the ring. but she longed to have her feet on solid ground once again. 
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      “ ONE THOUSAND, ninety-five days. “ her voice trailed off as her eyes fell to a spot of earth; green. maybe the restoration of the world was starting early. maybe clarke somehow survived and now inhabited the world, trying to find the others. or maybe she was dead, along ago when praimfaya hit and her eyes are playing tricks on her mind. either way, she was stuck in the ring with no way of helping what was below her. 
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ratherbewild-a · 7 years
it’s sheer luck that she finds him. someone’s been wreaking havoc throughout the area, chopping a couple dozen trees along the path and barring access for a couple MILES, forcing octavia to travel alongside it instead --- puts her at a higher vantage point, allows the glint of sun against rover window to catch the corner of her eye. that’s when she spots him, body lifeless next to the car and surrounded by three others, just as still, and she forgets ALL about her hatred as her heart leaps into her throat.
she’s down the hill and off her horse in an instant, collapsing to her knees beside him and feeling for a pulse. it’s there. the breath of relief is deep and DESPERATE, and her hands fly up to GRASP at her big brother’s face.
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     “bellamy? bell, can you HEAR me?”
// @faultedleader liked for an octavia starter.
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headstrongblake · 7 years
me: alright, got off early so that means we have some time to focus on drafts octavia: HEY you remember that really sad au where im stuck in a psych hospital because my mom has literally gone insane me: ......... ANYWAYS octavia: and remember how sad and broken bellamy looked once the doc told him i tried to hurt myself and that’s all my fault? remember that he doesn’t believe me and im not sure if he’s ever going to come back for another visit before he deploys again? not that she blames him, it’s a far fetched story. me: octavia, enough YES i remember the tragic thing you begged for octavia: ............ but do you also remember that the only one who believes me is another patient who is probably never going to leave this hospital and will die here? REMEMBER HOW HE’S THE ONLY ONE I TRUST ANYMORE and if i get released at eighteen i’ll lose him to!?!? good, now that you remember, let’s go waste our time in that tag on our old blog. me: .............................. what the fuck just happened?
        // @faultedleader & @weofthe100 tagging for reasons.
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