#faulty writes: katsuki bakugou
faulty-writes · 2 years
Hi! Five requests? I hope i made it in!
May i request a fearless reader x bakugo?
Kind of like they were in a class fight and both of them were like up close, just like this ? The fight was about to occur but the students had to pull them away from each other, and bakugo’s like amazed at how the reader isn’t afraid to fight him?
[ You were actually the first request in my inbox this time. So, you certainly made it in. But yeah, the five request thing was basically just to manage my life better. But I do enjoy a good Katsuki request! ]
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"I insist you stop this at once!" Tenya cried out, rapidly chopping his hand through the air. This did very little to deter you away from Katsuki who snarled and stepped closer to you. In turn, you took a step closer to him.
"Shut it four-eyes!" he snapped, refusing to look away from you. Damn it, you pissed him off so much. Always trying to steal the spotlight and then you had the nerve to correct him in regards to a debate about All Might which wasn't any of your business anyway.
You just eavesdropped on the conversation and gave your two cents which he didn't care to hear in the first place. Although he was stubborn and hated being wrong and he sure as hell wasn't going to admit you were right.
"What the hell do you think you're doing eavesdropping on my damn conversation!" he snapped with his hands clenched by his sides and his face only an inch or so away from yours. "It's none of your business what I talk about, damn extra!" he growled, baring his teeth.
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms, refusing to back down or take your eyes away from his that blazed with anger. "It's hardly eavesdropping! You talk so damn loudly, the other side of Japan could hear your dumbass!" you snapped, jabbing a finger into his chest.
He looked surprised for a split second, his facial features softening before yet again twisting with anger. He slapped your finger away. "Don't touch me," he instructed flatly before raising his eyebrow. "And just what the hell do you think you know about All Might that I don't, huh!?" you ignored the fact that your classmates were staring at you.
"Um, K-Kacchan maybe..." Izuku paused and went to lay his hand on the other's shoulder but flinched when Katsuki screamed "Touch me and DIE!" which caused him to stumble back, almost crashing into Tenya who reached up to adjust his glasses.
"Uh...I-Iida," he said, looking at him nervously. "What happens if they start a fight?" Mr. Aizawa was out of the classroom at the moment. "Hm," Tenya clasped his chin in thought. You and Katsuki were being quite disruptive and more than likely, the two of you needed to be separated from each other before things escalated.
"Well, with Mr. Aizawa currently absent from the classroom it is entirely plausible that Bakugou would engage in a physical confrontation with utterly no regard to the environment or location he is in," he concluded, causing Izuku to look at him in confusion.
Yes, Tenya was his friend and he should be used to translating his words into layman's terms but at times, it was still challenging. He then glanced around the room and turned back to Izuku. "Please excuse me," he said before walking over to Eijirou.
Katsuki growled, allowing small explosions to erupt from his palms before he grabbed you by the front of your shirt. "You wanna keep talking or do I need to knock your damn teeth in!?" he growled, but you remained unphased and showed little to no fear.
"Go ahead and try!" you replied, daring to press your forehead against his with a furious growl. He wasted no time in returning said growl, but before the two of you could do anything further Eijirou appeared. "Heeeeeey now," he said, pressing his hardened hands against each of your chests to force you apart.
"Mind your damn business redhead!" Katsuki exclaimed, raising his hand into the air with the intention of using his quirk. But, he was quickly stopped when Izuku wrapped his arms around his waist and Kaminari and Hanta grabbed his arm, forcing it downward.
"What the hell!?" you screamed when you felt Tsuyu's tongue wrap around your waist and Ashido grasp onto your right arm while Kyoka grasped onto your left. "I think it's time to take it easy," Ashido said, and you kicked your feet when they began to drag you away from Katsuki.
"Damn you!" the angry blond snapped at his friends and Eijirou chuckled. "Better take it easy Bakubro," he said. "Yeah, I mean what were you even trying to do? Flirt with Y/n? You two were awfully close there," Kaminari commented with a laugh before Katsuki glared at him.
"Shut up dumbass!" he crossed his arms and looked elsewhere. "Denki's got a point," Hanta said, "but it's kind of amazing that Y/n isn't afraid of you," normally people would be wise not to get on Katsuki's bad side but it almost seemed like you welcomed it.
"Mm..." he hummed in response, it was kind of amazing that you didn't hesitate when facing him. It was clear that you weren't afraid to fight him and that you weren't the least bit frail. He glanced over, taking note that you were surrounded by Ashido, Kyoka, and Tsuyu.
He slipped his hands into his pockets and began to walk away. "Huh? Bakubro?" Eijirou questioned, watching as the angry blond made his way over to you. He wasn't received with a warm welcome considering you crossed your arms and glared at him.
"What do you want?" you hissed, and he remained quiet a moment. "You're not frail," he said, shifting his gaze to the side. "So next time we fight, don't hold back. I expect you to give it your all, got that!?" he screeched, turning his gaze back to you.
You remained quiet, offering no response even as he began to walk away. "Jeez, what was that about!?" Ashido demanded, placing her hands on her hips. "Yeah, he needs to chill," Kyoka said before Tsuyu spoke up. "What does he have against you anyway, Y/n?" after all, it seemed you two were butting heads more than usual lately.
You sighed and rose from your seat before looking at the girls. "I don't know," you replied with a shrug because you honestly didn't. "But either way, if he wants me to bring my best I will! Next time he starts something with me, I'll put him in his place!" you declared before following his lead and walking out of the classroom.
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
I saw your post about the FA's translations, and I totally agree. Sometimes, when they do not translate accurately, is to make it sound better or cooler in English, but it just ends up taking away a lot from the context and characters. We know how one of the most affected character interpretations is Katsuki's, a main character, no less. And Izuku and Katsuki's relationship too, which is something super super wrong, considering is deeply intertwined with the main plot of the series, thus if someone misinterpreted their dynamic, this person would miss a bigass chunk of the message the story has.
Here is the panel you mentioned before btw
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I remember when I read this, only 10 or 11 chapters into the manga (?), and I was like "...I'm...pretty sure this guy didn't say that" khshsjdhs
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(this is your warning for a long post ahead!)
In any case, I still think you're very correct on this! Not to ramble a bit, but Horikoshi's particular talent in developing the plot of MHA is actually very very brilliant and there are a lot of blink-and-you'll-miss-it details that together, assemble the big picture of what MHA is.
Translations are such an integral part of being able to understand foreign media. MHA or otherwise. The simplest of details say a lot about a character and often times make or break a series because everyone knows that strong character dynamics are what carry even the shittiest of plots.
First and foremost, I want to clarify that because of the nature of fan translations and the fact that most of it is volunteer work/ written out of pure enjoyment of the manga--we shouldn't judge these fan translators too harshly (if at all) for interpreting it the way they want to. FA, as far as I can tell, is a fan-based group that works out of donations.
The first thing I wanna bring up is that when it comes to fandom and its works, there are two types: Curatorial and Transformative. Now, the transformative part is something that must be very familiar to a lot of you. Fanfiction, fanart, and most headcanons fall under Transformative Works (i.e. AO3) because they are all about transforming the canon world to fit each individual's personal preferences. Meta-analysis posts and Character Breakdowns are also classified under this.
Curatorial on the other hand are fandom interactions made with the explicit purpose of being as close to canon material as possible. This is working out the logic of quirks, for example, or memorizing as much canon content about your favorite villain as possible. These are more cold, hard undeniable facts that lend themselves to the DIRECT VISION the creator/author had while making this media. If you were to ask me my opinion on this, this would be the moment where I tell you that the Curatorial side of fandom is where fan translations should (for the most part) fall under.
What people need to know though is that oftentimes, fan translations do not.
Translating isn't and has never been a one-is-to-one process. There are hundreds of thousands of aspects in a language that make it so that it isn't perfectly translatable. Colloquialisms to sayings to dialects, to just plain-out words that don't have a proper English translation to them! Manga is made by and for a Japanese audience, so obviously in a lot of instances, there will be cultural nuances that will not be understood by anyone who hasn't immersed themselves in Japanese culture/language.
So what does this mean then for fan scanlations?
It means that a vast majority of translators teach themselves to only get the essence of the message. They take the dialogue as they understand it and translate it to something of their interpretation. When language and cultural barriers exist, translators do what they can in order to make it understandable to the general populace. This means making their own executive decisions on how they see a character speaking. In example, if they see Todoroki using very direct and impersonal Japanese--one translator might interpret it to mean that Shouto is stiff and overly formal, while another may see it as him being rude and aloof.
The problem is, translators are fans just like us.
Like with the image Mang posted above, the translator based the usage of curse words off of their understanding of Bakugou's character. The lack of foul language in the original Japanese might have made the translator think "Oh. There just aren't enough Japanese cusses for his character." And took that as an initiative to make Bakugou's lines more colorful and violent because this was working off of the image Bakugou had had at this point in canon.
But Codi! You may cry. Wasn't it proven multiple times that Bakugou prefers concise and short lines? They should've known better!
Yes. Maybe they should've known better. But tell me honestly in your first watch-through of MHA, did you perfectly understand Bakugou's character either? Did you catch the whole 'direct and no flowery language' aspect of his language when you first saw Season 2?
Most people don't. I only really understood this fact after I'd read multiple discussions of it and even double-checked the manga myself. These are the kinds of things that only become noticeable with a sharp eye and some time to scrutiny. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes to fan translations, the clout and recognition are always going to go to who can post the quickest.
Am I excusing erroneous translations? A bit, I guess. It's hard for us to go in and expect translators to catch all these errors before release when we ourselves only catch these errors like 4 months in with a hundred times more canon context than these scanlation groups did at the time of its release.
Still, there are plenty of harms that come with faulty translations.
When a translation is more divorced from the original's meaning than usual, it creates a dissonance between what is actually happening versus what the audience sees is happening. This looks like decently-written character arcs being overruled and rejected by most of the readers because of how 'jarring' and 'clumsy' it seems. By the time translators had caught on to the fact that Bakugou was more than just a ticking time bomb, we were already several steps into showing how significantly he cares for Deku.
The characters affected most by these translation errors are often those with the most subtle and well-written character arcs. A single mistake in how the source material is translated can make or break the international reception of a certain character to everyone who isn't invested enough in them to look deeper into the canon source.
It creates hiccups in plots. Things that seem out of character but really aren't. Going back to MHA in specific, the way that inaccurate translations hurt both the 'curatorial' and 'transformative' parts of the fandom is that people have begun to cite them as proof of the main cast's characterization.
Bakugou and Todoroki are undeniably some of the biggest examples of mistranslation injustices.
Katsuki, in a lot of people's minds, has yet to break out of the 'overly-aggressive rival' archetype box that people had been placing him in since Season 1. One of the most amazing aspects and biggest downfalls of Hori's writing was that at first, nearly every character fit into a very neat stereotype for Shonen Animes (Deku being the talking-no-jutsu sunshine MC, Uraraka being the overly bubbly main girl, Todoroki being the aloof and formal rival). He made the audience make assumptions about everyone's characters and then pulled the rug beneath our feet when he revealed deeper sides of them to play around within canon.
What made this part about Horikoshi's set-up so good though were the many clues we were given from the very beginning that these characters were more than what they acted like. Even from the very first chapters, for example, we learn that Katsuki (as much as he acts like a delinquent) dislikes smoking because it could get him in trouble.
That is just a single instance of MHA's use of dialogue to subtly divert our expectations of a character.
Another example is when they replaced 318's dialogue of the Second User saying that Katsuki "completes" Deku with him saying that Katsuki merely "bolsters" him. This presents a different situation, as that line was meant to reinforce the importance of those two's relationship as well as complete the character foils that MHA is partially centered around. By downplaying their developed connection, it becomes harder for the MHA manga scanlations to justify any future significance these two's words have on each other without mottling the pacing of the story.
AKA, it butchers the plot.
With every new volume, there are dozens and dozens more of these hints and bits scattered around! So many cues and subtle foreshadowing at the trajectory of everyone's character arcs--yet mistranslations or inaccurate scans make it so that we don't notice them. This is what I mean when I said that some character arcs are being done great injustices.
Until now, many people can't accept that Katsuki Bakugou cares for anyone other than himself (much less his rival and MC, Izuku Midoriya), nor can they accept that Todoroki would ever willingly work by Endeavor's side. The bottom-line then becomes that because of people missing heavy bits of characterization that become very plot-significant in the future.
When it comes to the point where people can no longer accept or fit their interpretation of the earlier manga events to what is happening in canon, the point of a translation fails completely because it has lead people to follow an entirely different story.
TL;DR - Fan scans are hard. Translating is hard. Don't get too mad at fan translations, but also maybe don't treat them as the catch-all for how characters truly operate. Thanks.
Side note: DO NOT harass FA for any of these things. FA is actually a pretty legit and okay source for scans (they've been operating since like 2014 ffs), but regardless of that they still don't deserve to get flack for their work. You can have any opinion or perspective of canon that you want, I don't care. These are just my two (more like two million tbh) cents on translations. I suggest reading takes from actual Japanese audiences tbh if you wanna know more about the source material of MHA. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
starless fairy tales || keigo takami, katsuki bakugou.
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* pairing: keigo takami (hawks) x reader x katsuki bakugou (gender neutral!)
* genre: it’s a sandwich: angst on the top, fluff in the middle, and angst at the end :) not fantasy DLKFSF IM SORRY
* words: 5.2k, somehow
* warnings: angsty, reader is wary of hawks at first, tokyo skytree!! so don’t read if you’re terribly afraid of heights, a reference to blood for a small metaphor, a reference to the league of villains ;P, cliffhanger ending that i’m not sure i’ll resolve
* original request from @bien-sur: hey, saw you wanted requests and I read through some of your work, really loved the Hawks one shot!! i’m a sucker for enemies who make out. i’m feeling angsty so uh maybe, if you want, a bakugo one-shot where he kind of uh cheats on the reader...? or maybe just hurts her feelings very badly? maybe the reader feels numb for a while but is comforted by Keigo, and the reader realizes they deserve better? so sorry if this is out of your comfort zone or it’s dark content(?) anyways I like your writing so i’ll read a few more of your works before going to bed :)) thank you, i appreciate u taking the time to do requests regardless of whether you do mine :)
* a/n: ENEMIES TO LOVERS IS SUPERIOR!! i was so excited to write an enemies piece with hawks. this showcases the soft, kind side of hawks so i hope you enjoy it !! thank you sooo much for being so kind in your request! this request is completely fine. i added much more plot than i’d expected, and learned sooo much about tokyo skytree. i couldn’t do infidelity because it hurts me too much and i love bakugou too much. i tried to keep the angst.,., but happy birb..,., this might become a multi-chap fic, as i do have a plot jumbled in my head because of the cliffhanger, and i’d like to develop more aspects of your request! for now, it’s up to your interpretation! biggest thing i got out of this: i now really, really want to go to tokyo skytree.
* synopsis: you had a fairy tale love with bakugou until your prince became the villain for vague reasons. in a moment of serendipity, you find a new prince, hawks, who just might take you high enough to reach the stars you’d so longed for. sometimes your dreams are only a train ride and a couple elevator trips away.
love was like a fairy tale. at least, that’s what you’d believed. love, with its ornate leather cover and soft golden embellishments. the pages would be worn but so cherished; the black ink printed in a pretty font, telling of charming words and whispered promises under the shining moonlight and twinkling stars. it was supposed to be your security, a castle hidden in the lush forest away from the horrors of the world. your castle would hold you and bakugou for an eternity, kept away in the pages of a pretty love story. 
alas, even the strongest of castles fall, and the most beautiful of forests mangle. yours just happened to be a bit quicker. contrary to the illusion bakugou had painted in your fairy tale, your castle was not of stone nor brick nor iron. it was not of anything but sand, waiting for its turn to be washed away by the sea. your castle slipped through your fingers; the once elaborate stronghold now swept into the depths of the cerulean sea. what had once been painted seashells of wondrous hues and crystals that illuminated the night were now pebbles and corroded versions of things that had once been. it had slipped through your fingers so easily without a passing thought; now here you were, in your deserted kingdom, playing the fool. 
like the sand past your fingers, love had once come easy for you and bakugou. it was always there, drifting in the air as you walked or swirling above your heads while you bickered. love was supposed to be easy, like how your hand just fit in bakugou's as if sculpted after many lives with him. love was supposed to be easy, like how bakugou aced his tests in school and nonchalantly taught you math so you wouldn't have to attend cram school. love was supposed to be easy, like how it had been for forever with bakugou. but your fairy tale was now coming to a close, velvet curtains falling and pages turning to dust. 
you wondered if there were any fairy tales on the shelves of books bakugou had. contrary to popular belief at ua, bakugou was an avid reader. it was clear by the shelves that lined the wall in his dorm and the stacks of unread books on his nightstand. you never touched them, though bakugou had said you were free to pick them up whenever you wanted. the only time you’d touched a book from his bookshelf was when he pushed a book of yosano akiko’s to you. 
the colored spines of the books on his shelf in your shared apartment all blurred like paint on a palette as you stared at them, bakugou’s voice becoming a fading afterthought.
“y/n? y/n, please…” the voice which had so held you in its tight warmth went cold and unfamiliar. a light flickered out in your castle, and so started the crumbling.
“say…” you started, your throat clogged with disbelief, “it again.”
“please, don’t make me…” his voice trailed off. you could feel his deep scarlet eyes trained on you. “i just…. i’m not in love with you anymore, y/n.” his voice cracked. “you’ve got to understand. please.”
your hand trembled in your lap, your vision shifting out of focus like a faulty camera. 
“i tried to feel something, i really did. but…. i can’t.”
“how- how long?” your voice shook.
he paused. “a month… or two, by now?” he reached out to take your hand in his, but it no longer felt right. it was as if his hand was no longer yours to hold. you tensed, moving your hand away.
a light went out in his eyes as he understood and receded his hand. a tower fell in your castle.
“okay,” you said, turning away from him. tears dripped down your face silently and you quickly wiped them away with your sleeve. you stood up from the couch. “i’ll get my things,” you hollowly said, walking toward your shared room with him.
“you don’t need to,” bakugou said. the voice emitted from his throat was no longer his, but the shadow of a stranger’s. “not this fast, at least. don’t force yourself.”
“what makes you say that?” you snapped a bit too harshly. “sorry,” you added quietly.
packing your things was a numbing process. you left the photos of him and you on his nightstand, on top of his pile of unread books. you shoved it all in a backpack you had lying around; your clothes, your phone, your books. you took one last glance around the room and left. bakugou was still sitting on the couch wordlessly, not bothering to say farewell to you as you opened the door and walked out. not that you would’ve responded anyway. 
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you realized you may have made a miscalculation as you stood cluelessly in the lobby of the apartment building. you had nowhere to go. you fumbled with your phone in your backpack and pulled up your contacts. you knew of no one in your contacts who’d let you stay; they were either on vacation or far away. in truth, bakugou was your closest friend since childhood. he was your map, your guide, your destination; where were you without him?
the wind brushed your cheek as you stood outside the entrance, watching cars pass. the world felt so big compared to the mere side character of you, who buildings loomed over like menacing shadows. it was a somewhat comforting moment, being an alone speck in the grand scheme of things. like this, it was for only a moment you’d forgotten why you were out here in the first place. you’d forgotten the warm feeling that once nestled itself in your heart, instead enraptured by the freeing breeze that rustled in it. 
red. then a breeze. that’s all you saw, eyes widening and stepping back. a man no older than you stood in front of you, hands in his pockets. vermillion wings protruded from somewhere on his back, arcing slightly over the man.
“heyyy….” he said lazily, shadows falling on his face. you started walking backward, hands discreetly feeling for the door behind you. “wait! i’m a pro-hero, i swear! i’m hawks, look it up!” he lifted his hands up in surrender, backing away from you. 
“who…. what do you want?” you asked cautiously, hand on the doorknob behind you. 
he sheepishly scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously. “i, uh…. got lost…. tokyo’s such a big place, y’know?”
“where are you from?” you couldn’t really discern anything of an accent on him, other than a slightly rougher tone of speaking.
“kyushu, fukuoka…” he gestured vaguely. that explained the slight accent. “i’m in tokyo for a bit of work. business trip, y’know how it goes. haven’t visited tokyo in a while, honestly. what’s a good place for a bite? a bird is starving.”
“uh… there’s a place down the street to the right…” off the top of your head, you pointed out a cafe you and bakugou had frequented. 
“it doesn’t have chicken wings, does it?” hawks asked.
“chicken…?” you looked from him to his wings. “no, sorry.”
“don’t sweat it! ‘s fine. hey, i might as well treat you for wasting your time. where’re you heading off to? i could pay for a cab, if you gotta go.”
“ah, thank you....” you said bashfully. “i’m not really in a rush anywhere.”
“really?” he looked excited, innocently so, almost like a puppy. “can i treat you to something?”
“uh… sure,” you replied, strengthening your grip on your backpack. “sure.” 
“great! off we go, m’liege!” he pointed toward the cafe and started marching. he was a sight to behold on the street, red wings standing out a mile away. you followed somewhat reluctantly, grabbing your phone to google exactly who the pro-hero “hawks” was. the name sounded vaguely familiar, but you weren’t one who knew their heroes. yeah, it was definitely him; what was your luck, meeting such a famous pro-hero on the street after being dumped by the love of your life?
he hummed a tuneless melody, turning to the cafe. he held the doorknob waiting for you, opening the door for you first. the homey cafe was decently packed for lunchtime, the quiet chatter of people filling the atmosphere. the scene reminded you of so many other times you'd gone here with bakugou; it gave you chills as you stood next to hawks. 
"hey," hawks said quietly. "you okay? you seem tense." 
you gulped and shook your head. "nah, i'm fine. just thinking about what to eat," you lied. 
he nodded, seeming to buy into the lie. stepping toward the menu, he said, "the toasted sandwiches look good."
"uh huh," you agreed absentmindedly. your attention was on the bout of people who'd turned to look at hawks, some snapping pictures on their phones. he did stand out pretty well with his wings. 
"'scuse me-!" a little girl, no more than 6 or 7, approached the hero. she had a distinctive accent; it was slightly hard to understand her. "can i 'ave a photo with ya?" her eyes got all round. "yer my big brother's favorite hero!"
 "'course, darlin'," hawks smiled. his voice somewhat mimicked hers, his dialect becoming apparent. 
once he'd taken a photo with her, more and more people started following suit, crowding him. you stood awkwardly to the side. some people didn't even know who he was, from what you could tell. you debated ordering a latte and leaving, but decided it'd be unfair to hawks. he was kind to everyone he interacted with, unlike most celebrities who just wanted fame and disregarded others.
after some time, the crowd finally dispersed, leaving you and hawks together. 
he glanced at his watch. “ah, sorry, that took a while…” he apologized. “do you have somewhere to be? i must’ve held you up…”
“nah, don’t worry about it.” you waved him off. “i, uh, actually… was just dumped by my boyfriend…” you nervously shuffled your feet. “i don’t really have a place to stay at the moment… so i’m free the entire day, i guess.” you laughed nervously.
he blinked at you, bird-like eyes wide. “you must be starving.”
you felt your face warm and you laughed - this time, a real, genuine laugh that was a missed sensation against your tongue. “yeah. yeah, i am.”
“hey, dove.” his voice suddenly got close to you, gentler. “you’re crying.”
“oh…?” you felt your cheek with the pad of your thumb. “sorry. i have tissues in my backpack, hang on…” you unzipped the front pocket and started to rummage blindly through your belongings, groping for something vaguely feeling like a packet of tissues.
“here,” he said, handing you a tissue. you turned to him gratefully, accepting the tissue and wiping your face. 
“it’s just… weird,” you said after a pause. “he’s been there all my life - my ex, i mean.” ex. such a strange name for the man you so adored; ex, crossing off the relationship you thought you’d built with him. 
hawks nodded, guiding you to a booth in the cafe. 
you continued, “sorry. you probably didn’t want to hear this today… you’re busy with your hero duties and whatnot.”
“don’t worry ‘bout it, feather,” he reassured you. “he didn’t kick you out, did he?”
“oh, no,” you clarified quickly. “i… left,” you said, abashed. “i shouldn’t’ve been so sudden, but… it was an instinct thing.”
“why’d he do it so suddenly?” hawks asked. “you didn’t see it coming, right?”
“no, i didn’t… but maybe i should’ve…” you think about the part couple months with bakugou. nothing seemed different - you’d gone on dates like normal and spent time together like a couple that loved each other. his interest in you never faltered and nor did the sparkle in his eyes dull; what had happened? what had gone so wrong? 
you realize the silence that’s fallen between you and hawks. the hero was looking at the menu behind you intently. 
“ham and cheese…” he muttered to himself. “no, teriyaki… so yummy… with coffee…” he suddenly seemed aware of your eyes staring at him. “oh, what did you want to eat?”
“i’ll probably have the teriyaki,” you said. it was your go-to sandwich choice at the cafe. you reached for your backpack to retrieve your wallet, but hawks stopped you.
“let me,” he said. “i already caused you so much inconvenience.” 
“ah, okay…” you said meekly. “thank you.”
he shrugged. “what wouldja like to drink?”
“uh… orange juice,” you said. 
“alright!” he saluted you. “your wish is my command.” he got up to order, pulling out his wallet from his pocket. the cashier was particularly animated talking to him, initiating a conversation about aerodynamics with the pro-hero from what you could hear. 
he returned with the sandwiches (made at the fastest time you swore you’d seen them prepare food) and set yours in front of you. 
“let’s dig in!” hawks said, biting into his sandwich. you agreed, taking a bite of yours as well. 
“what’s your name, by the way?” he said in between bites. “i don’t think i ever asked.”
“y/n,” you said.
“pretty,” he commented. “i’m hawks.”
“i know,” you blurted. “i googled it.”
“you did?” his pupils widened. “what’d it say??”
“uhh…” you pulled out your phone, finding the tab you used to google hawks. you turned your screen to him.
he studied the screen. “not fond of that angle,” he mused to himself. “so, why’d your boyfriend dump you?” 
you were taken aback by his candor. “he… said he didn’t love me anymore,” you admitted.
“all of a sudden? out of the blue?”
you shook your head. “he said he’d tried to endure it for a while.”
“how long?”
“a month or two,” you sighed, thinking about the sight of him sitting dejectedly on the couch this morning.
“he didn’t say anything before that?” hawks gasped. “the nerve. how long have you been together?”
“four… or five years now?” you’d been dating him since your days at ua, even when most high school romances - between childhood friends, no less - were especially rocky. he was your promised forever. 
“and he gives up after two months?” hawks set his sandwich down. “wow. some boyfriend.”
“i think there was something more to it,” you said thoughtfully. “we’ve known each other for a long…”
“you still love him, don’t you?”
“i mean… yeah….” you hadn’t given it much thought; bakugou was a habit your heart couldn’t stop thinking about. it was like depriving your heart of oxygen: foreign and wrong. “i do.”
“i’m sorry, dove,” he said. 
“your sandwich will get cold,” you said in an attempt to divert the conversation topic.
“you’re right.” he picked up his sandwich and started eating again, eyes still on you. “this place has good food.”
you hummed in agreement, distracted by the cars going by outside the window. 
“where will you stay?” he asked, halfway done with his sandwich.
hawks voiced the concern plaguing your subconscious from the moment you stepped out of bakugou’s apartment building. it was definitely not the most thoroughly well-thought out plan, and you didn’t want to come back knocking on his door in the night. besides, you weren’t sure if you could stand being there again, in the presence of a liar and someone who felt so foreign to you. you wondered how much you truly didn’t know about bakugou; were there any other lies he’d blossomed behind your back? 
you knew you might be able to stay at a hotel for a couple nights, but not for long. going back to bakugou’s place… as much as you so dreaded the mere thought, you knew it might be your absolute last resort. 
“i’m not sure,” you finally replied truthfully. hawks appeared to have come to a conclusion of sorts.
“tell ya what,” he said, leaning forward slightly. “explore tokyo with me.” he took a bite of his sandwich. continuing, he said, “‘s not often the commission puts me in the big city. i’m off today, so…”
the offer was somewhat bizarre, but what did you have to lose? you agreed, under the terms you wouldn’t be out too late. as you walked out the door, you greeted the cool outside breeze with the hope this would help you put the past behind you.
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walking through tokyo with a pro-hero proved harder than it sounded. for one, people kept approaching hawks; after all, he was like a walking light-up sign that said “LOOK AT ME!” with the size and color of his wings. after every time a fan asked hawks for an autograph, he sheepishly apologized to you, and offered two autographs to you. you always laughed and declined; the trip was a reward in itself, you supposed. each acquaintance made you appreciate all the responsibilities of a pro-hero. he was charming, though. he really was, so you didn’t mind.
“skytree! let’s go there!” was the first thing hawks had said walking out of the cafe. you’d been to the skytree a couple of times in your childhood, and it was a nice memory; the tall building stretching, touching the tip of the sky. your parents had told you that stardust flecked the very top of the skytree, for it was so tall. you’d never actually reached the highest floor; it felt like a distant fantasy, as you’d always get tired before reaching the top or circumstance would interfere.
it was a five minute walk to the nearest station, and it’d be another forty or so to skytree. hawks didn’t seem to mind, though, happily promenading down the street like a kid in a candy shop. he pointed excitedly to random buildings that you hadn’t given a second thought about and rambled about the facts he knew about skytree with an accent tingeing his words more than usual. he reminded you very much so of a child going on a field trip, and his giddiness only boosted yours.
“we’re here!” his eyes glistened with anticipation when you reached the station. you’d visited the station dozens of times, but looked at it with a new light when you realized how excited hawks was. “i’ll pay; i dragged you here,” he said immediately when you started to pay for tickets. 
“really, i can’t-” you started, but he cut you off.
“let me. it’s my off day! please.” he took the two tickets he paid for. “here.”
“i don’t really have a choice, do i?”
“nope!” he was already walking away, smiling back at you and waving his ticket.
“hey- wait!” you started running after him. “wrong way!”
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forty minutes later, two transfers, and one circle around the station in pursuit of skytree, you stood at the entrance of the tokyo skytree. hawks’ mouth watered at the sight of the line of restaurants in the breezeway you’d passed prior, and you had to stop him from ordering the seasonal special from mcdonald’s before turning to skytree. 
“but you just ate!” you exclaimed as he stared longingly at the ice cream being advertised on a poster. 
he pouted. “but i’m hungry…”
you took his hand (which momentarily shocked him) and guided him to the entrance. it was a bit crowded, but not overtly so. hawks was looking everywhere once you’d entered; darting from here to there, sometimes carrying small souvenirs or drinks when returning to you. you were out of energy by the time you’d reached floor 340, though hawks told you there were only 29 floors total and the name was referencing the height. it certainly didn’t feel like an exaggeration, your feet dragging on the ground as you stepped out of the oddly fast elevator. 
you begged hawks to let you rest at the cafe you saw. the cafe felt like a little oasis of tranquility, uncrowded on contrary to the other floors. it was relaxing as you stared outside the window and up at the sky. it brought you to your parents words of stars and magic, though something as modern as the skytree must be strange to intermingle with magic. in the moment you were suspended; the still sky surrounding you and the ever-moving cars below. you swore you could just reach the clouds in front of you and float, so serenely in an eternal bubble of quietude to yourself. everything else was forgotten in that moment; things were the way they always were. it was always you, in the end.
after leaving the cafe, you watched people stand on glass flooring overlooking everything below. some jumped on the glass, while some frightenedly stuck a foot on the glass and jumped back. 
“quite the view, huh?” hawks mumbled with a mouth stuffed full with chocolate cake. “i usually have to fly so far to get this view.”
you nodded. “it’s amazing...” 
“so… where d’you wanna go after this?” he asked you. 
“actually…” your thoughts went back to the stories your parents told you. “can we go up to floor 455?”
he showed a hint of surprise on his face. “really? i know we bought the tickets to do it, but if you’re tired, we can just go down.”
“no…” you cleared your throat. “it’s been something i really wanted to do.”
he took this answer and smiled, grasping your hand. “let’s walk into the sky!”
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the train ride back did not go as smoothly as you hoped. the adrenaline of being 450 meters in the air had worn itself out, and the pitting realization that bakugou was no longer yours dawned on you. the sapphire sky in your fairy tale story seemed so far now, stars shattering and crumbling. you reached for a piece of a star, but each piece dissolved above your head, light that would never reach you. 
“feather,” hawks said quietly. the intense look in his eyes looked like he was building up to something important. 
“yeah?” you asked. you fixated on him.
“do you want… a badtz-maru eraser?”
you stared at the spiky-haired penguin in the palm of hawks’ hand. 
“sure…?” you said. hawks happily plopped the eraser into your hand. 
“feather,” he said again in the same tone. “you should visit bakugou, you know. tonight, to make things straight with him.”
that was what he was building up to. bakugou. you hadn’t dwelled much on the thought of the man; the skytree filling most of your thoughts for the day. but it was still light out.
“i know,” you replied softly, looking down at your fingers. these were the hands that held your heart as you gave it to bakugou, the hands that bakugou held tenderly for so many days and nights. they were the same hands that held your heart now, returned by bakugou shattered and clinking to the ground. the rest of the train ride was silent.
you could now hear your thoughts echoing around the train compartment, deflecting off walls and still making their way to your heart. you wondered what words were left unsaid by bakugou, painful truths untold hidden in the recesses of his heart. you wondered if he remembered how he’d first nervously asked you on a date in high school, words rough but fingers softly fidgeting with each other. it was in may, near the end of the day. he shoved a small box of chocolates towards you, muttering something about “weird hair” making him do it. he’d aggressively stuttered his way through a confession, barely making eye contact with you. the memory brought a fluttering to your heart, but with it came a sore pain for the first time. you wondered if he felt the same or if he was just numb, like how he now felt about you. what did it feel like to fall out of love? 
you wondered if he remembered the many times he’d walked you home (only for your sake, of course, not anything else). you wondered if he remembered how fondly he looked at you then. his heart was on his sleeve during those times, the perpetual blush on his cheeks disclosing his very vulnerable feelings towards you. 
even on the most draining of days, bakugou would always be there for you. even if his eyelids were closing upon their own accord and legs were sore from a day’s work, he made it a point to be there for you. while children might’ve had their security blankets, you had bakugou. your heart dropped realizing those days of coming home to bakugou were gone.
what had happened? now, you were alone on a train that felt so cold and without the love that had so warmed your heart. why had things ended up like this? why did you numb bakugou’s feelings so? the wave was slow at first, but once it had reached the shore, your tears fell hot and unyielding as you toppled off the edge of being okay.
hawks was by your side wordlessly, a wing around you and leaning you close to him. the feathers were soft. you cried unabashedly in his embrace, sniffling as he soothed you. you tried to say thank you, but all that came out was another sob.
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your feet, on instinct, took you to bakugou's apartment without any problem. it could’ve been any other day; you, coming back to the apartment after running errands. it was your hand that hesitated as it hovered an inch away from the wood of the door, the only sign that something had changed. you liked to pretend it hadn’t. you wished that when you’d open the door, you’d hear a light chatter from the tv and a familiar voice saying, “welcome home, idiot.” you wished that the air that enveloped you as soon as you opened the door was that of liveliness and comfort, of warm orange and yellow hues. you wished that the atmosphere didn’t feel so dead, dull, and musty; you wish it hadn’t drowned in shades of blue and gray. you wished you didn’t have the key to the apartment still.
you wished that bakugou would say something, anything, rather than sit on the couch with his head bowed. you wished that you didn’t miss him so much and that you had him, all at the same time. you wished you turned back as soon as you heard the knob click and pushed open the door; you wished not to see all that you had in what was once your apartment.
you wished you didn’t revel in his presence next to you on the couch. you wished you didn’t almost lean into his touch because he was your home, and you wished your eyes didn’t well up the way they had. you wished to have sat in that silence for a while then up and gone; you wished he hadn’t said anything at all.
“hey, idiot,” was a cracky and raspy thing coming out of his mouth, words familiar but so foreign at the same time.
“hey,” was what you whispered back, quiet enough for only you to hear.
“where’d you go?” but it wasn’t a question, just a fragile plea devoid of hope.
“skytree,” and you felt you’d break the mood.
“did you reach the top?” his response surprised and killed you at the same time.
“yeah,” you said quietly. “i did.”
“i could never alone.”
“met a pro-hero by chance.”
“your true hero, huh?” it was a bitter tone, venom biting you.
“no,” and your heart sunk because it was the truth.
he scoffed. getting up from the couch, he said, “you forgot something.”
your eyes followed him as he disappeared into your once shared room. he returned quite fast, as if you’d left it on the dresser, carrying a decorated shoebox. you’d almost forgotten about it entirely, eyes wide as nostalgia hit you. 
it was a memory box you’d made the last year of high school. it was supposed to be for school memories, but it really just became a box of mementos of bakugou. you could barely see the contents inside, too busy trying to hold back the tears in your eyes. you thumbed through photos and polaroids of you and him, some with his friends and some with yours. oh, what you’d give to have those times back. though it was all blurred, you could feel the moments so vividly: feel the cool summer breeze and hear the sound of people conversing with each other at a festival; hear mina’s excited ramblings and bakugou’s grumbling at the supermarket; smell caramel and vanilla at a movie night, pressed against bakugou’s body warmth. you dropped the photos back into the box and picked up a scorched pencil. a pressed rose. a neatly folded sheet of notes you’d sent back and forth with bakugou during class. 
and then it was all gone, shutting the box.
“keep it.” you regretted the words as soon as they left your lips, but you wouldn’t take them back. you handed him the box, staring at the floor and wiping your wet eyes. the memories were no longer yours to keep.
bakugou was silent, taking the box and leaving to his room to put it away. 
“is that all?” you tried to make your voice sound strong, impatient. like you had better places to be without him. you hoped he couldn’t tell how it was more of a beg to stay.
“yeah.” cold. emotionless.
you stood for another second, looking around. everything seemed different, as if the glass which surrounded your universe had shattered. “bye, katsuki.”
your footsteps were light, but each step felt weighed by metal weights. you wished he stopped you from leaving. you wished you looked back at him. you wished you weren’t crying.
you shut the door quietly, weakly, behind you. it all came out in the hallway, tears and desperate sobs. you prayed he couldn’t hear you; but you knew, even if he did, he wouldn’t care anymore. he was numbed, no longer the firework you’d known.
“hawks,” it came as a quiet plea as you felt for your phone and dialed his number. he gave it to you right before you walked into bakugou’s apartment.
“please pick up, please pick up,” you muttered, trying to wipe the tears from your cheeks as quickly as they came.
“hey, birdie? are you okay?”
“hawks,” you sobbed. “hawks, no, i’m not.” 
“hey, are you still at the apartment building? i’ll be right there, chickadee, alright?”
you nodded, sniffed, then said meekly, “yeah.”
“stay on the line. talk to me, birdie.” his voice was soothing.
“hawks, it hurts, everything.” you felt as though you were pouring out your heart, spilling scarlet on the carpet. “hawks.” tears dropped onto the carpet. “hawks.” your knees almost gave in.
“what floor are you on, dove?”
“third,” you hiccupped. 
“i’m right there, feather.” you saw hawks emerge from the stairwell. his hair looked windblown. he looked relieved to see you at first, then his face fell to that of sympathy. “oh, birdie,” he said softly, running up to you. “i’m here now.’
you weren’t aware bakugou was listening to you cry on the other side of the door as you sobbed into someone else’s shoulder, not his. with dark eyes and trembling hands he couldn’t calm, he dialed a number on his phone.
“well, tomura? i did it.”
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kurokoros · 4 years
appetence (part 1) | bakugou katsuki
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Rated: M
Words: 4.8K
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
Summary: Appetence: longing or desire. A mission to track down a villain leaves you and Bakugou in a rather… compromising situation. It’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
AN: I have zero explanations for this one either. I just felt like writing a smutty fic with Bakugou and the reader locked in a building for twenty four hours. Queue the kinky smut. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for future chapters! I’ll try to update once a week, but it depends on how long the chapters get! I’m aiming for 4-5 chapters, but again, we’ll see!
Warnings: smut, language, aphrodisiacs, marathon!sex (future chapters)
As a Pro Hero, you’re no stranger to potentially hazardous situations. Tracking an A rank criminal isn’t exactly a new experience. In fact, most of these missions go exactly the same way. Mind-numbingly boring stakeouts that can last for hours until you can verify the presence of your target. A sixty second window between verifying the presence of said target and all hell breaking loose. And, of course, the part where all hell breaks loose because no one can understand the concept of a stealth mission. Stakeouts you can handle, for the most part. While boring, at least you aren’t actively being punched, stabbed, or shot at, so you consider it a minor win most of the time. The conversation is never great, but you can deal with that. And, really, you can’t complain about having a six feet wall of solid muscle to back you up.
But why the hell did you have to get stuck with Ground Zero?
You cast a glance at the other Pro out of the corner of your eye, your mouth twisting into a frown when you see his agitated expression. He looks halfway to blowing a gasket already, and you’ve hardly been here for an hour. At this rate, the two of you aren’t going to last until the target slips up.
It’s not that you dislike Bakugou. That’s not it at all. Frankly, you usually enjoy working with the brash, temperamental man. He’s a good Hero: smart, strong, capable. He always watches your back when you need him to—and you can’t deny that he’s some pretty great eye-candy, considering your situation. But he’s also incredibly impatient. And watching him pace around like a caged animal isn’t exactly helping your own irritation at being stuck in a cramped, ram-shackled building, in the rain, waiting to catch a glimpse of a villain that might not even be here.
It’s going to be a very long night.
“Would you sit down?” you snap at him, tearing your eyes from the compound you’re supposed to be staking out once again. He shoots you an irritated look, and you sigh, shifting in your seat. “Please? You’re making me claustrophobic.” It’s like he’s trying to make you antsy. Usually, stakeouts aren’t this bad, but something about the shitty location and the shitty weather--and the fact that he’s close enough for you to feel the heat rolling off him--have you a little on edge.
Something in Bakugou’s eyes shifts, his glare losing it’s bite, but then he snorts. Shuffling back to where you’re sitting near the small window of the hideout, he does as you ask, though he doesn’t look happy about it. Whatever. You’re just glad he doesn’t seem to be in an arguing mood right now. 
“This is fucking stupid,” he grumbles under his breath. You probably wouldn’t have heard him if there wasn’t exactly two inches of space between you. His shoulder brushes against yours as he crosses his arms, firm muscle flexing beneath his costume.
You ignore your little flicker of disappointment over the fact that he’s wearing his winter costume.
Figuring he’s complaining about the waiting, you say, “Regardless, we can’t just go charging in there, Ground Zero.” This time, you keep your gaze locked on the building Cobra is supposed to be in, watching for any signs of movement at all. Nothing. Either Cobra’s being especially careful--something he’s never been before--or you were given faulty Intel. “We don’t even know if Cobra is inside,” you remind your partner. “Dammit, if Omen sent us on a bust mission…” You trail off with a heavy sigh.
Bakugou follows your gaze to the building, regarding it carefully. It’s not particularly large or heavily fortified, but that’s the point. It’s the perfect place for a group of villains to hide and lay low for a while. His jaw clenches and he turns back to you. “What do we know about him?”
You sigh, shooting him another look. “Did you seriously not do any briefing at all?” You shake your head. “Why they put you on this mission instead of Deku is beyond me.” Before he can start bickering, you continue. “Cobra’s quirk allows him to secrete and manipulate toxic fluids created from his body. Gasses too, according to a few sources.”
It’s not too different from Bakugou’s quirk, if you think about it, but you’d take the explosive sweat over toxins rivaling that of a Box Jellyfish any day.
He scoffs. “That all?”
“Reportedly, these toxins can be corrosive enough to burn straight through human tissue and bone in a matter of minutes.” Bakugou doesn’t look the slightest bit impressed by the new information, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “If he manages a direct hit on either of us, we’ll have an hour tops to get help before the damage is irreversible. And we don’t have backup,” you remind him.
“Whatever,” he grumbles. Despite his blasé reaction, you’ve known him long enough to recognize the slight furrow of his brow. Clearly, he’s about as enthused as you are about dealing with Cobra. “Any idea how to take him down?”
Pursing your lips, you turn back to the building across the street, scanning the windows for any kind of movement as you contemplate your response. “We’ll have to be careful,” you tell him. He snorts at the obvious advice. “Cobra is fast, and we only have one shot at this. He tends to go underground for long periods of time after a spree like this week.” Two bank robberies and a successful museum heist. He’s getting bolder, smarter--running with a crew now. You need to take him out now or things are only going to continue to escalate. “If we time it right, we should be able to incapacitate him fairly easily if we stick together. He has a strong quirk, but he’s not much of a fighter.”
Bakugou hums in thought, his brows furrowing as he surveys the building as well. “Got a plan, babe?” he asks. There’s a fire in his eyes that wasn’t there just a moment ago, and you can tell he’s just itching for a fight. Clearly, you should have told him about the corrosive, flesh-dissolving poison earlier. 
Bakugou catches your gaze and smirks in a way that does dangerous things to your heart. And then--fuck--he actually licks his lips and a large part of your brain short-circuits for about half a second before you catch yourself. Shit, you need to confirm the target and get some sleep. Obviously, you aren’t thinking straight.
You swallow thickly, mouth a little dry. “Apparently, he’s a talker,” you say, opting not to comment on the pet-name. “If we time it right, I can keep him distracted long enough for you to blast his ass from behind.”
His expression goes from pleased to petulant in a second. “You wanna play bait?” he grinds out from between his teeth. The question comes out akin to a low growl, and you quirk a brow at his apprehension, bristling. A quip burns on your tongue, but any thought of snapping at him for doubting you disappears as soon as you glance at him. There’s a slight grimace on his face, like he’s uncomfortable with the thought of you playing distraction for an occasionally homicidal art thief with a quirk that can eat through flesh like paper. As soon as he realizes you’re watching him, Bakugou’s lips curl back in a sneering grin. “Sure you can handle that?”
“One of us has to,” you say, deciding to ignore whatever just happened. You can worry about that later. You glance at him again, grinning. “And I’m faster.” He still doesn’t look very reassured, so you try a different tactic. “Though, like I said, that’s only if he’s here.”
Of course, that’s when a small explosion goes off in the building across from you.
Bakugou swears under his breath, lunging to his feet. “That proof enough for ya, sweetheart?” he asks, straightening his gauntlets. He flexes his fingers before curling his hands into fists. His roguish grin is back.
“Dammit,” you hiss, scrambling up as well. The explosion might not be big, but it is noticeable. Criminals don’t draw attention to themselves like this unless they don’t plan on sticking around much longer. “Let’s go.”
You practically throw yourself out the window, Bakugou right on your heels as the two of you fall two stories to the ground. Hitting the ground, you roll to your feet. The impact jostles you, but it’s not the biggest fall you’ve had before, and Bakugou’s firm hand on your lower back urges you forward silently.
The two of you run silently across the street, smoke from the explosion offering you cover, so thick you almost can’t see. “Stay close and stick to the plan,” you call towards Bakugou, not waiting for a response as you dash towards the entrance on the side of the building, close to where the explosion came from. If you can cut Cobra off as he’s trying to run, you might be able to end this fight before it really starts. 
Things go wrong the moment you step into the building. 
The smoke is thick and noxious. The smell burns your nose and chokes your throat; your eyes water, stinging, your mask doing little to protect you. Something about it doesn’t feel right, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, goosebumps prickling across your bare arms and legs. The smoke and the smell are disorienting, and you know immediately that you need to get rid of it, but neither of your quirks are practical for this. Bakugou’s would only spread it around. Shit, this isn’t good at all.
Movement to your left draws your attention. Your gaze snaps to the hazy outline of a person racing past you and disappearing around a corner. Bakugou. Swearing under your breath, you take off after him. Of course he would ignore the plan--as vague and half-assed as it was--and run headlong into things like this. You should have expected as much coming from Ground Zero. Hopefully you can catch him before he runs into Cobra.
Careful not to make a sound, you race after him, throwing yourself around the same corner he did. The hallway is empty already, but you can hear faint footsteps coming from the other end. The smoke isn’t as thick here either. You round the corner at the other end of the hallway in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of Bakugou turning another corner. Huffing, you give chase again, picking up the pace now that you can see again.
It’s like a game of cat and mouse. Each time you think you’ve caught up, he manages to stay just out of your reach, much to your frustration. You don’t know what the hell he’s playing at, but when you catch him you’re going to throttle him. Damn stubborn bastard.
You round another corner.
A hand lashes out, purple gas bubbling against a calloused palm.
The reflexes you’ve gained from being a Pro are the only thing that saves you from having your face melted away. “Shit,” you hiss, throwing yourself back against the nearest wall as the blast blows past you. Some of that purple gas brushes the tips of your hair, dangerously close to your nose, and you watch the strands dissolve in front of you.
“Ooh, you’re fast,” the man in front of you compliments. His grin is wide, revealing dangerously sharp canines. He stares at you from behind spiky hair, impressed. “Not many people are able to dodge a point blank hit like that.” His head cocks to one side, his expression smug. “The commission really sent in the pros this time, huh? I’m so flattered.” The toxin he secretes with his quirk liquefies and drips down his fingers. The ground smokes where the droplets land.
“Cobra,” you respond, voice even. Shit. It definitely wasn’t Bakugou earlier. Cobra must have noticed you were there, somehow, and used the smoke to get you separated. Fuck, you’re going to kill Omen later. Tensing, you keep your eyes on Cobra as the man takes a step towards you, relaxed despite his escape being compromised.
Maybe this is what he was waiting for.
You clench your jaw, back straightening as you edge away from the wall--you can’t let him pin you down.
His smile widens. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He looks particularly pleased with himself at your recognition, violet eyes darkening as he looks you over. His fingers flex, purple smoke billowing around his palms. He doesn’t strike at you though, not yet.
If you can keep him distracted for a little longer, maybe Bakugou will be able to find you. You can still make this work. You can fend him off for that long. “How did you know we were here?” you ask, wetting your lips.
If he finds the conversation suspicious, he certainly doesn’t act like it. “Just a hunch,” he tells you, shrugging. “Things were a little too quiet. I figured the commission had to be sending someone.” The corner of his mouth quirks upwards. “Didn’t think it would be you and Ground Zero though. They must be getting desperate, huh?” His drawling tone makes your jaw clench in irritation. When you take too long to respond, Cobra sighs, his mouth curving down in a disappointed sneer. “Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, I really don’t feel like going to jail today. So why don’t you make this easy for me and step aside?”
Your hand curls into a fist that doesn’t go unnoticed by the villain in front of you. Channeling your quirk into your feet, you prepare yourself for his next strike.
“No?” Any lingering friendliness disappears in an instant at your silent refusal. “All right, sweetheart, we’ll do things your way.” He throws his arm forward, poisonous gas hurtling towards you.
You’re already moving, springing from your spot as pale blue electricity crackles around you. The impact of your feet against the opposite wall sends a shock-wave through your legs, and you whirl around, keeping your eyes on your target. There’s a hole in the wall where you were just standing, and a jolt of fear strikes you between your ribs.
The next blast comes just as suddenly as the first, and you dive out of the way again. It sets up another game of cat and mouse, but this time you’re the one running, and there’s nowhere for you to hide. You don’t know the building like he does, and Cobra is proving to be nearly as fast as you are, throwing poison gas at you just as quickly as you can dodge it.
He doesn’t let you get close enough to strike at him, and you silently curse your quirk for being ill-suited for long range combat. You’d need to land a direct hit, and in these cramped hallways you can’t surprise him from behind.
Where the hell is Bakugou?
Poison nearly scorches your arm, and you hiss as it burns your skin despite not touching you directly. With your jaw clenched, you throw yourself against the wall to your right. In the split second before he can aim his quirk at you, you change your angle and lunge for him. Cobra’s eyes widen in surprise. Caught off guard, he doesn’t have the time to deflect the electrically charged fist aimed towards his head.
Cobra smirks.
Panic wells in your chest, and you pull your fist back just as Cobra dissolves in front of you. Your knuckles brush against the cloud of violet dust before it disappears. Fire races through your veins.
“Too slow,” a teasing voice calls from behind you. You whirl around on your heel, prepared to strike again, but Cobra is faster. As soon as you catch a glimpse of him, his hand lashes out. Coral colored dust explodes in front of your face, blinding you. The powder sticks to your skin and chokes you, rushing down your nose and throat until you feel like you can’t breathe.
It knocks the breath out of you, throwing off your balance, and suddenly you’re falling to your knees and coughing. Panic swells in your chest, but you’re quick to shove it down. It’ll only make the poison spread faster. You can already feel it burning through your veins, an uncomfortable heat tingling from your fingertips to your abdomen. 
As if he can hear your thoughts, Cobra smirks, all teeth. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’s not poison,” he coos, crouching down in front of you. “I couldn’t do that to a face this pretty.” He grasps your chin between his fingers, tilting your head so that you’re forced to look at him. The desire to lash out rushes through you, but your limbs are heavy and you still can’t breathe. Cobra wets his lips. “Though, you might wish I did.”
A hiss escapes through your teeth as you double over, the heat intensifying. “What the hell did you--” You cut off abruptly, crying out as a full-body shiver wracks your frame.
“Such a strong reaction already,” he muses, squeezing your chin a little tighter. “You’d be a fun one to play with. Damn shame I can’t stay to watch the results.” There must be a puzzled expression on your face, because Cobra leans in a little closer, lips hovering an inch away from yours. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, sweetheart. I like to mix a little pleasure with my pain.”
It clicks. “An aphrodisiac,” you gasp. 
He taps your cheek with one finger, and the feather-like touch makes your breath hitch. “Smart girl. Poison works fast, but sometimes it’s fun to watch people squirm a little--until they’re just begging to get fucked.” Cobra’s head cocks to the side. “Bet you can feel it now, right? Heard it’s a bit like liquid fire. And let me tell ya, that itch isn’t just gonna go away by itself.” He chuckles. “I’d give you a hand, but I don’t think your partner would like that very much.”
Cobra releases your chin and lunges to his feet, swinging his arm just in time to send a fistful of that pink powder directly into Bakugou’s face.
“Ground Zero!” you cry out, voice shrill.
A small explosion bursts in front of Bakugou, dissipating most of Cobra’s quirk before it can hit him. He winces as the dust burns his throat.
“Perfect timing,” Cobra murmurs, throwing himself backwards as Bakugou drives his fist into the ground in front of you. 
The floor explodes. You throw your arms up to cover your face, and when you lower them again, Bakugou is standing in front of you, one arm thrown out defensively as he glares at Cobra, sneering. His shoulders are tense beneath his jacket, and in your dazed state you can’t help but appreciate how broad they are.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” Bakugou growls, his fingers sparking. You can feel the tension rolling from him, the hallway sweltering with the heat from his quirk and the drug burning through your veins.
Cobra glances between the two of you, a slow smirk overtaking him. “As you wish,” he says, taking a step back. “You two have fun.” And then he turns around and runs.
Instead of giving chase, Bakugou whirls around and drops to his knees in front of you. His gloved hands cradle your jaw carefully, and you whimper as he touches you. Heat bursts across your skin. Fuck, he needs to stop touching you. “Ground Zero,” you gasp, “you have to--”
“Shut up,” he snaps at you, tilting your chin to the side. His ruby eyes look over you carefully. “That bastard hurt you?” he demands, jaw clenched. The pad of his thumb brushes against your bottom lip.
“I’m fine,” you hiss through your teeth. “He said it wasn’t poison.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. He’s so close that you can smell the caramel scent of his quirk. It curls around you, making you press your thighs together tightly. You shiver as he moves your head to the side again, and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop another soft noise from slipping from your mouth.
Bakugou’s eyes narrow. “And you think he was telling the truth?”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “Yes. Now you need to go after him, I’ll be fine.”
He continues to stare at you, then makes a displeased sound in the back of his throat. “You better be right fucking here when I get back,” he snaps, lurching to his feet and taking off after Cobra.
Outside of the building, a hooded figure glances up as Cobra comes strolling out of the building, his arms crossed behind his head lazily. “You took too long, Cobra,” he says, voice eerily blank. Blue eyes narrow behind his hood, glowing in the darkness. 
“What can I say?” Cobra grins, winking at his partner. “Good things take time, Diamondback.”
Diamondback's gaze slides to the building curiously. “Did you finish them off?”
Cobra’s smile widens. “Not quite,” he says, waving off the other man’s concern, “but they won’t be following us anytime soon.” 
“You sure about that, bastard?” someone snarls behind them. 
Both men look up, Cobra glancing over his shoulder to see Ground Zero racing towards them, small explosions lighting up the darkness. Cobra’s expression sours, his smile waning. “Seal the exits,” he demands. 
Diamondback is quick to comply. Clear fluid springs from his hands and snakes across the ground to the open doorway. The substance covers the door and hardens just before Ground Zero can reach it, and the Hero slams into the shield feet first. Bakugou grunts at the impact, the glass like structure holding firm beneath his weight. His eyes narrow on the men on the other side, a feral grin spreading across his face as his feet slide back to the floor. “Think that’ll stop me?” he taunts, pressing his palm to the clear wall between them. An explosion rips from his palm, bright light and smoke clouding the room.
When the smoke clears, Bakugou’s eyes widen. 
There isn’t a scratch on the shield.
“Nice try,” Cobra commends him. “Unfortunately, even your power won’t be enough to get you out of there. Diamondback’s shield is stronger than any other substance on this planet.” He steps towards the building and raps his knuckles against the glassy surface. “And I wouldn’t try blasting your way through the walls either. Enhanced, quirk resistant steel walls, and such. All you’re going to do is make that pretty friend of yours inhale more smoke.” When Bakugou bares his teeth, Cobra laughs. “Really, you should be thanking me,” he tells the Hero. “Enjoy the next twenty four hours!” Still laughing, he walks backward, offering Bakugou a salute as Diamondback starts to follow.
Bakugou throws his fist against the surface. “Dammit!”
Honestly, you didn’t think tonight could get much worse, but seeing Bakugou stomp back into the hallway with Cobra nowhere in sight proved you very wrong.
“Shit,” you groan, head lolling back against the wall as Bakugou inspects your injured knuckles. They don’t hurt much anymore, just sting in a slow, irritating way, but he insisted on looking them over as he explained what happened with Cobra. “Diamondback wasn’t supposed to be here. We aren’t going to be able to bust through.”
Bakugou’s eyes rise to meet yours. “So what the fuck are we supposed to do?”
“Well, the good news is that Diamondback’s shields can only maintain their solidified form for a maximum of twenty four hours. After that, they’ll return to a liquid state and disappear.” He nods in understanding, finally releasing you in favor of helping you to your feet. His hand is hot against your waist, and you swallow down a pleased sound as his touch lingers. Cobra must not have gotten a good shot on him. Or maybe the aphrodisiac isn’t as strong because he’s so much bigger than you are. You quiver at the thought. “Until then, I guess we just… make ourselves at home.” You shrug, glancing around the empty hallway. “They were camped out here for a while, so there should be some place to sleep.”
Sleep would be good. The heat that consumed you before has only spread in the short time Bakugou was gone, and with him so close the feeling has only doubled in intensity. It spreads like water beneath your suit, which suddenly feels almost too tight.
Bakugou nods, but doesn’t say anything as he helps you back to the main room where you came in. The silence would be comfortable, if you couldn’t feel the way your face flushes, your nipples stiff beneath your bra and suit. Each step makes you wince as the fabric scraps across your skin.
“You good?” he asks as you drop down on the couch situated in the main room. A quick glance around the room tells you that your suspicions were correct. There is indeed a bedroom. Singular. Fuck, Cobra was right, you definitely would have preferred flesh melting poison over the steady pulse of heat growing between your legs.
There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep in the same bed as Bakugou tonight--not without doing something you might regret. Already, the urge to reach down and touch yourself is almost unbearable, and it’s hardly been more than twenty minutes since Cobra hit you with his quirk. You can’t imagine that having Bakugou’s tall, muscular frame pressed up against your back would do you any good. Especially when it would be so easy for him to pin you down and rip off your--
“I’m fine,” you lie, struggling to keep your breathing even. If you sound breathier than usual, he doesn’t notice. “You should get some rest. Aren’t you usually asleep by now?” you try teasing him, grinning. Your thighs rub together subtly, arousal pooling low in your belly as you reach into the secret pocket in your thigh-high boots.
He doesn’t take the bait. “What about you?” he asks, crossing his arms skeptically. His eyes rake down your body slowly, and you feel it like a physical touch.
Your mouth is painfully dry.. “I’m going to stay out here for a while,” you tell him, holding up your phone with a hand that trembles just the slightest. “Someone has to report back to Deku and Red Riot and let them know that Cobra got away. And that Diamondback is with him.” You can see the argument in his eyes before he even opens his mouth, and you hurry to continue. “I can’t sleep in strange places anyway.” You really fucking hope your smile is reassuring and not something closer to a needy wince.
Bakugou stares for a little longer before shrugging. “Your loss,” he says, tossing off his gauntlets and gloves. They land on the other end of the couch. Your fingers dig into your palms as you look at them. “See ya in the mornin’, sweetheart.” Your head snaps up just in time for you to see him strip off his shirt and toss it onto the couch as well. The dark fabric peels from his sweat-slicked skin, and your pussy clenches as you get an eyeful of lean muscle and a soft trail of blond hair that disappears beneath his low slung pants. “Fuck, it’s hot in here,” he grumbles, shaking his head as he strolls toward the bedroom.
The door shuts behind him with a loud click.
Phone forgotten on the table, you aren’t sure how long you sit there in silence before your hand moves down between your thighs without your permission, pressing against the seam of your suit. The fabric is thin, and you have to swallow down a moan as your fingers brush over your clit. The light touch has your legs quivering, and your free hand clamps over your mouth. Fuck, you shouldn’t do this.
Your eyes close, exhaling slowly, and tip your head back against the couch cushions. This is enough. You’re definitely not going to start thinking about the man in the bedroom less than a dozen feet away from you. You will not slip the crotch of your suit to the side, letting your fingers drag through the slick already dripping from your slit.
A shudder rips through you as your hips buck against your hand, two of your fingers slipping inside of you easily.
Cobra’s voice echoes in your head. That itch isn’t just gonna go away by itself.
Fuck, it’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
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sourstares · 4 years
my todobaku/bakutodo fic recs list aaa!! i had to narrow it down a lot but these are most of my absolute favorites.
cruel to be kind by shaekspeares
(i literally. will cry over this fic i will never get overt his fic. this is literally what i dream of being able to create this fic is everything. if i could write like this i would just start sobbing.)
Over the course of a year, Katsuki Bakugou develops in the aftermath of the League of Villains run in. Introspection has never been his strong suit. Also, Todoroki is there- increasingly present, increasingly bothersome, and eliciting increasingly confusing feelings. Kidnapping was easier than this.
[alt: a look at todobakus evolving relationship from the perspective of one troubled lil asshole]
always gotta backtrack also by shaekspeares
(have to put this one too because it makes me sick from just. wanting to be able to do this with words. i love it so much please read everything by this author jesus god)
A kidnapping, a double dose of truth serum and a snowstorm walk into a bar- or no, wait, that’s just one day on the job for Bakugou. And then Todoroki shows up to reap the benefits.
It’s Just You by Ellessey
(just a really good confession fic to take a break from conflict. great balance of sweet and funny, bakugou pov, also the rest of the class is there which i like so much!)
"If we get it wet it'll stay in pretty waves when you take the braid out," Aoyama offers, and the mental image makes something snap inside of Katsuki.
"Ah," Shouto says with a gentle laugh. "That's alright. Maybe next time."
Next time? Next time Shouto turns up with his hair woven into this soft, intricate arrangement that is sending every bit of Katsuki's resolve up in smoke? How the fuck is he supposed to handle a next time?
Bakugou Katsuki has always had a lot of feelings about Shouto's hair. Seeing it in a French braid might be the thing that makes him stop keeping them to himself.
wanna put my tender heart in a blender by lelex
(makes me want to cry! tdbk as close friends and pro heroes after ua, really amazing hero work writing! very good and sweet and funny and has a really great dramatic point towards the end.)
Todoroki won’t eat anything peach flavored and likes his water exactly room temperature. He won’t let Katsuki make their tea because “he does it wrong” even though he does it absolutely right. He once made Katsuki listen to voice recordings of one of his cats meowing at different times of the day to “see if she sounded more melancholy earlier in the morning.” For being like, kind of jacked, his hips and shoulders and elbows are bony as fuck. He, as a rule, has to sleep on the right side of the bed or he can’t sleep at all. Katsuki fucking hates him.
And now previously empty corners of his brain are filled with all of this dumb shit about stupid Todoroki and he has to cart it around all the fuckin’ time.
the drawing board by strangergods
(i literally binge read this last night at 4am and it made me sick with feelings!! it’s the slow reveal darkish twist recovery/therapy heavy angst hurt/comfort fic of my dreams. i wish my angst was this painful oh my god. anyway.)
He understands, intellectually, that other people must do something with their day that doesn’t involve working out or getting beat up by super-powered mutant criminals or harassing one’s boyfriend into fucking them sideways. It’s just that he can’t quite picture doing it himself.
Todoroki takes up a hobby.
with you, it’s different by brioche
(conflict! it’s so good the conflict is amazing i am so excited. and an eight year slow burn jesus christ! i really like this one, especially pre/during confession.)
Four times that Bakugou goes with Shouto to visit his mother at the hospital, and the time that she leaves it to visit them.
all’s well that ends well and all’s well that ends by djbunn3
(um this is mine! i’m still working on it but i’m really excited for it, it’s the first fic i’ve been excited for in a really really long time. it’s a slow burn future/fake dating au with some currently undisclosed past conflict between tdbk, so if that sounds good to you then please check it out!)
The plan is simple: Shouto is to fake a romantic relationship with Bakugou. He is to convince everyone--friends, fans, colleagues--that they are, or very soon will be, in love. No one aside from the two of them and their agencies is allowed to know the truth--that their relationship is simply and entirely platonic. (If he can even call it that, considering the fact that they’ve barely spoken in the past three years.) Everything is riding on this lie--if Shouto’s faulty memory or Bakugou’s sudden secrecy get in the way, it could cost them their jobs, their futures, their friendship… No one is allowed to step out of line. No one is allowed to break character. No one can know the truth. Though the deeper they go and the closer they get, the less sure Shouto is that he knows it himself.
(the tdbk fake dating au that's not quite what it seems.)
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scopaesthesia by kiwiashleigh27
The blinding floodlights. The red glow of the hidden camera. The pressure hounding him like an expectant audience. The shutter of the camera and the incessant yelling of "cut!".
Midoriya Izuku was the star of the show.
But he just needed to write a paper. It's not as if the world stopped for him.
Words: 4874, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Jirou Kyouka
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Needs A Break, Psychological Horror, Maybe, idk, Faulty Diagnosis, Video Cameras, Stalking, Alternate Universe - Truman Show Fusion, Alternate Universe - Actors, Betrayal, lying, Paranoid Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31610552
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tobswrites · 4 years
Pro Hero Kirishima, Time Travel
By request of @seeingspades
Okay so the prompt was Pro-Hero Kirishima was arresting a villain and then boom he’s sent back to before he met Bakugou
I was gonna write an actual fic, but fam that got way too long, and then so bullet points are my specialty now...not really but I aint good at a lot of things. 
Let me know your Kiribaku headcanons and story ideas! And I might expand on it! 
One second Kirishima was arresting a man which is later figured out that his cuffs were faulty, so his quirk was still useable. The next Kirishima is jolted out of his time, to one far before he’s even meet his new friends in U.A.
He stands in the middle of the white spacious hallway, and the all too familiar hallway he’s walked down for three years of his life. he’s wearing big, oversized clothing, nothing really fits but the white button up underneath. 
“Oh fuck no.” as much as he loves U.A, as much as he loves his memories here, the opportunities and what not, he is very much happy with the life he’s made back in the future, and he would rather spend his time with his lovely husband than to repress his gay feelings. 
By the way, Kirishima did not in fact know he was gay, or well he did, deep down inside his soul and heart, but never really thought of it. 
Anyways Kirishima is filled with dread, because how in the literal hell is he supposed to do, to getting back into the future, his present. 
“Move out of the fcuking way.” Bakugou’s familiar voice snaps him out of his stupor. 
Kirishima looks at the blond, and immediately falls in love again, sure before it wasn’t love at first sight, but shit, Bakugou was so fucking cute, how was it that he didn’t fall in love at first sight?”
“Are you death asshole? Move out of the fucking way.” Ah, that’s right, the boy lifts up his chin, curls his lip, and his eyes are just so much, Kirishima remember exactly what made him turn away from the blond at first. 
“Sorry Katsuki.” even though the hallway was definitely spacious enough for Bakugou to go around, Kirishima knew that Bkugo hated anyone being in his way, even as something as minor as this. 
Though even when Kiri moves, Bakugou drops his anger from his face, and looks at the red head with confusion, and skeptic. Then the anger soon comes back, his shoulders tense and he’s very much afraid, no one would have known, but Kirishima has know the blond for a long time. 
“Who the fuck are you?”
Time Travel 101, make as minor changes in the past, introducing himself ouldn’t do so much harm right?
Gulping, Kirishima does introduce himself, but Bakugou looks more pissed than before, “Not what I meant asshole, I meant how the fuck do you know me.”
Could of just asked that, Am I right? Anyways, Kirishima quickly makes up an excuse, saying he saw it up at the entrance exams, number one just above his. Bakugou doesn’t believe him because there was no picture to his name, and his own name wasn’t addressed in the article when he was attacked by the sludge villain. 
Anyways, Bakugou decides to let it pass, but he keeps an eye on Kirishima anyways. And oh my gosh this is already so long, so let’s do speed trial. 
SO basically Kirishima goes to the one person everyone trust and loves, Mr.Aizawa! Mr.Aizawa believes him, ask him all sorts of questions and tells him 101 time travel like he did in third year. Time travel quirks were RARE, so they had to watch out for that shit, anyways class ensues and Kirishima hates and dreads it. 
Anyways he gets closer to his future friends faster than before, and like he’s having a crisis you know? Like a whole panic because he’s causing so much change already, that he even gets a panic attack, and you know who has been having some of those?
That’s right Bakugou, and the kid sees Kirishima having one, and he sorta feels bad because like he’s not all that bad of person, and Kirishima has been nice, so he goes to help the dude. 
And so they sorta of bond after that, and then you know how Bakugou is like super smart and observant? Well, I wanna say that Bakugou is like suspicious about Kirishima. Esp when he always sees him talking to Aizawa in a private room. 
One day Bakugou feels entitled to know about the secrets Kirishima is hiding, and stands just outside of the door of Kirishima and Aizawa talking, and of course Aizawa knows he’s there but a few minutes too late because Kirishima was babbling about the future. 
Anyways Kirishima is upset, like insanely upset. Because dude, his future with Bakugou is on the line. 
He gets over it because Bakugou does something nice, well..nice in Bakugou’s world. And Kirishima forgives but tells Bakugou he’s not going to tell him shit about his future or anything. 
Bakugou asks a load of question, like what first year Bakugou would usually ask. Am I number one, am I the best of the best. What does my hero costume look like. 
Of course Kirishima doesn’t say anything, he only hums as Bakugou keeps asking, but once he realizes that he won’t give up any information, he does stop and asks simple questions. 
Do we still have a certain food, how did a show get canceled. and Kirishima is dying to tell that sort of shit. Anyways they bound that way. 
And I’m so sorry but Imma end it there, it’s just so long and I did not plan this, and now I have too many ideas and thoughts. 
So the end, I think would be like this: Kirishima doesn’t tell him a thing, but he does tell Bakugou that cliché line, “You’re going to be a wonderful hero.”  of course Kirishima wants to tell him everything, but he’s being careful you know? then he feels leaves and returns back to his present time, where he’s on a hospital bed, with Bakugou sleeping  on a wooden chair not too far of his bed, waiting for the idiot to wake up. 
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newamsterdame · 7 years
I love your bnha meta, especially those about katsuki, and i wanted to ask you about katsuki and his home life. i know plenty of people say he's likely been abused in some way shape or form by his mother due to the recent chapters (165 i think?), but honestly i think he just grew up in a dysfunctional but not necessarily abusive environment. He was praised and admired, but not necessarily cared for by his peers. his mother's treatment of him is probably a sort of faulty counter-action, i think.
so, it seems to me like you’ve already come to your own conclusions about this, which is great! everyone should read the source and then decide for themselves how to interpret it. i think i disagree with 98% of people, like on average, about everything, but i would never really expect people to take my interpretation wholesale without reasoning through things themselves. you’ve already decided how you feel, so i’m not really sure what the question is, in this ask. but here’s a couple things i think about–
horikoshi doesn’t characterize based on reveals. usually, you get to know the essentials of a character pretty quickly after meeting them. todoroki is a good example– as soon as the narrative shifted focus to him, we learned everything we needed to know about his parents and home life and upbringing almost immediately. same with iida, or mirio, or anyone else who’s gotten an arc. nothing we learn about those characters has drastically reframed them; the flashbacks and backstory are generally consistent with what we already know. the only real exception to this is the one for all/all for one backstory, and the shigaraki and shimura nana storyline. but those are not characterization reveals– they’re plot reveals. we already know shigaraki’s character before we get the reveal about his lineage. 
that all being said, i’m not waiting for the shoe to drop with bakugou’s characterization. he has already been explained to us, and i really don’t think there’s going to be some startling reveal about his home life that will somehow justify or illuminate his personality. we already have his backstory, his character is already one of the most tightly-written in the entire series. there’s nothing that an abuse storyline would really do for him, at this point (other than weaken his narrative, imo, but that’s a whole other thing). 
horikoshi knows how to write parental abuse and frame it as parental abuse. he’s already done it. his characterization of endeavor is really careful and deliberate, and actually makes sense. the way the todoroki family’s backstory is framed tells us exactly how seriously we’re supposed to take it, and what happened to todoroki’s mother an todoroki himself (and probably his siblings, too), as a result. 
so i really don’t think, given all of that, that horikoshi is now suddenly trying to tell us that bakugou experienced something similar. it could be that we’re meant to take the bakugou family as more slapstick in tone, or they may lie somewhere on the spectrum between rough and rowdy and genuinely abusive. i couldn’t say, because we have maybe two pages of them all interacting. but i don’t think that a “reveal” like this would serve any purpose, and it’s very much not horikoshi’s style. 
fandom is so, so ready to paint over things in broad strokes and also has a compulsive need to explain bakugou in ways he doesn’t need to be explained. i’m interested in doing neither, so unless i’m grossly mistaken and we get like, 15 chapters of intensive flashbacks about why bakugou’s childhood was tragic and awful, i haven’t really changed my mind of any of it.
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Probably Infrequent but Not Necessarily Unpopular Opinion on BNHA Characters
So, look, about that thing I said about Mount Lady during the Bakugou rescue.  Which, by the way, was meant to say ‘tanking a projectile villain to the face’ but I was sleepy and somehow forgot to put in the word ‘villain’.
Here’s the thing.  On a personal level, I wouldn’t say I hate (that’s more investment than I care to put into antipathy) Minoru Mineta or Katsuki Bakugou as people, but I have very severe antipathy towards them.  If this upsets you, please hang on, there’s a lot more to this than that.  I mean, I shouldn’t have to ask people to not flip out right away (and I probably don’t) but I don’t trust that I can manage to phrase things quite how I mean them in shorthand.
So where was I?  Right.  I have a lot of antipathy towards Mineta Minoru and Katsuki Bakugou as people.  Very specifically.
As characters, I think their presence in the main cast of HeroAca is very, very important, and their existence is a very good thing.  Similarly, despite the way that Mount Lady acts rather shallowly a lot of the time and I don’t like that at all, I think her presence in the tertiary is a very good thing too.
Now, I have to put a couple qualifiers on here:
* I don’t read/haven’t read the HeroAca manga.  I repeatedly intend to do so and then don’t because absentmindedness/busy.  So all I have to go off of is the three seasons of anime, and I can’t refer to any manga scenes that happen not to show up in the anime.
* I grew up in the U.S.  For various reasons I haven’t really been exposed to other cultures, so if the meaning I ascribe here is an unintended consequence of something completely else, so be it.  I guess it’s a happy coincidence then, but I still think it’s important.
At any rate.  While I don’t like Katsuki or Minoru or Yuu (huh, didn’t know that until just now) as people, I love that they’re in the cast.
Well, because it’s really good to realize that it’s possible to be a reprehensible, unlikable, or willingly faulty person without actually being evil, or ‘bad’.
I do not like Bakugou.  I do not like his attitude, I do not like his perspective, I do not like his behavior.  Everytime someone talks about their ‘angry boi’ I am absolutely baffled that someone can like him as he is.  Bakugou is an asshole, and he’s an asshole who’s only barely above being an outright bully, and that’s only because he’s improved over the course of the series.  Sometimes willingly, sometimes unwittingly.
You couldn’t wipe the grin I got when he told the League of Villains where to stick it off of my face with an entire mountainside.
Minoru is awful.  He’s a horrible lecher who can’t seem to ever put his mind anywhere that doesn’t involve womens’ personal space.  His entire reason for wanting to be a hero is, in my eyes, horribly flawed, and I would never want to spend even ten minutes in his presence.
I’m horribly disappointed every time someone says that he should be removed from the series entirely, either directly by stating so, or indirectly by writing a fanfiction that includes him dying or being written out just because they don’t like him.
Yuu mostly just leaves me disappointed in her failure to deliver on the promise implied in her appearance and concept.  Her visual design is excellent- a full-body spandex suit that calls back to the earliest of superhero comics, a goofy domino mask with a couple of horns, a very unusual color palette that nevertheless is striking without being garish and a fun power to play around with (I can’t help there, I need at least two lanes!) and she’s clearly not only relatively shallow, but also cheap, frequently lazy, and often seems completely uninterested in doing anything that can be labeled ‘heroic.’
Butt she makes a stupid pun in her first appearance, and then during the Bakugou Rescue, after being essentially curb-stomped by All For One, she pulls herself back together, waits for the right time, and then gets herself knocked the fuck out by tanking a high-speed villain to the face to make sure the rescue is successful.
This shallow, self-invested, gloryhogging lady deliberately Titan Cliffed herself into a chance (however remote) of permanent facial scarring just to be absolutely sure those kids got away, on a moment’s notice.
So I think about that.  I think about that a lot.  Because that’s important.  That’s a good moment of selflessness.  That’s a really big (ha) thing she did that contrasts a lot with her typical character.
Because as much as I would spend literal days kicking Endeavor in his stupid shins for absolutely and completely fucking up his chance to be a good parent, as much as I hope Minoru never, ever succeeds in his attempts to perv, as much as I fervently wish that Katsuki never, ever places best again until/unless he improves himself as a person, as disappointed as I am that Mount Lady is so very, very shallow...
It’s really, really important to remember that you don’t have to be a near-perfect cinnamon roll like Midoriya-san or a Good Girl like Uraraka-san or an honorably-flawed-but-well-intentioned straightlace like Iida-san to find and take a chance to do something that is good or selfless or helpful. 
I know a few people who are awful to be around but still accomplish good things and aren’t actually evil or intentionally harmful.  It’s nice to see that reflected in characters in ways that are on the same scope as the major protagonist/antagonist conflicts.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Ive been laughing at this for an hour but could u do a reader who roasts people fast just like this guy (bakugo and rumi x reader i am begging you the laughter i let out was inhumane.)
[ Okay so...the video is unavailable to me which big fucking surprise, shit never works when you want it to. So, the best solution I can come up with is just making two short stories where the reader is roasting, taunting, and otherwise pissing these two hot-headed characters off. Sound good? Great, let's get this show on the road. ]
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"You better shut the hell up before I blast your damn face off nerd!" Katsuki growled, his fingers tightening around the collar of your hero suit. To think he had come to one of these damn hero meetings only to run into you after and have this happen.
Of course, his temper had cooled down some since his days at Yuuei, but that didn't mean others wouldn't be terrified if they were in your position. Then again, most didn't understand that you loved teasing other people. Especially Katsuki, he was so easily worked up.
You smirked, almost happy that the other heroes had already taken their leave. "Oh look at me, I have the same IQ as a stick of dynamite," your voice deepened into that of a mocking tone and he growled in response. "What the hell did you just say!?" he demanded, violently shaking you.
"If this hero thing doesn't work out, I know I'll run the dynamite companies out of business with my magical hands of boom boom," you continued to mock before laughing. Of course, you failed to notice that his hand had grown warm and small lines of smoke began to circulate around his knuckles.
"Oh yeah!?" he said, forcibly throwing you away from him. You stumbled back, eventually falling to the ground. "How about I show you what these damn hands can do!?" he snapped, bending his knees and spreading his hands which ignited with small explosions.
"Show you why I'm the number two hero!" he added making you roll your eyes. "Figures the boom boom man would be number two, if you know what I mean," you said with a wink, although the joke was somewhat in poor taste.
He clenched his jaw, and a menacing growl rumbled in his throat. "Shut up!" he snapped, charging at you with full force. "Huh!?" you blinked, barely able to comprehend the speed he was going. Your only defense was crossing your arms as he unleashed his fiery fury.
"He's been working hard as a hero, are you sure you need to check up on him?" Toshinori, the former number one hero asked as he walked alongside Tsunagu aka Best Jeanist. "Mm..." he mumbled in response, shifting his glance to the other man.
"I trust he's finally learned how to discipline himself," he said before hearing a loud explosion behind the building he knew the hero meeting was designated at. A long sigh escaped him, and he pressed a hand to his forehead.
"Perhaps I spoke too soon, I should have known. He's more stubborn than ever," he concluded before he took off running. However, he stopped when Toshinori held his hand out. "Wait a minute," he said, lowering his hand when he knew he had the other's attention.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? You said it yourself, young Bakugou can be hard-headed," Tsunagu nodded. "He needs to be reminded of how a hero is to act and when to properly engage in battle," as far as he knew, no villains would dare attack the location where multiple heroes were gathered.
So that meant, Katsuki was engaged in a fight with another hero and it wouldn't be the first time it's happened. He often got into verbal or physical fights with Izuku, otherwise known as Deku. "This won't take long," he stated before running once more, leaving Toshinori behind.
"Wow, those boom booms are about as hot as a s'more. Maybe you could sell them on the side," you teased, despite the fact you had multiple burns across your body and there were various holes in your hero suit.
Katsuki panted softly, clenching his fists. Another growl came before he charged at you again. Jumping into the air, he brought his arm back and spread his fingers wide. "Die!" he shouted, intending to unleash one of his more powerful explosions.
Instead, he found his legs and arms suddenly bound together and fell to the ground. "What?" you looked at him, confused as he wiggled and squirmed in the dirt. "Damn it!" he screamed, continuing to move like mad.
"Haven't I taught you better?" came a calm and authoritative voice and you looked up to see Tsunagu, the man who remained at the number three hero spot and was Katsuki's former teacher of sorts. You recalled he had accepted the man's offer after the sports festival and was particularly fond of him.
"Best Jeanist..." Katsuki growled, baring his teeth. You couldn't help but snicker, finding this whole situation entertaining. Of course, Tsunagu immediately shifted his attention to you. "What?" you said, shrugging your shoulders.
"It's funny to see him like this, I mean talk about ground zero," you placed your hands on your hips. However, the older pro hero didn't find your words to be entertaining and lifted his opposite hand, commanding the fibers in your hero suit to bind your wrists and ankles together.
"You are pro heroes, I expect you to act in the proper manner," he said with a slight snarl, ignoring how you began to wiggle only to lose your balance and fall to the ground like Katsuki. He narrowed his eyes, glaring at you but you offered a smile in return.
"Making fun of you was worth it," you said smugly, causing the angry blond to let out another growl as he began wiggling toward you with threats spilling out of his mouth rapidly. Tsunagu could only sigh at the display, seems he'd have to teach both of you self-discipline.
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Your initial reason for having picked up the carrot and taking a large bite out of it was to annoy Rumi aka the rabbit hero Mirko. You munched on the somewhat tart vegetable before smirking at her. "What's up, doc?" you mocked in a high tone which caused the woman to cross her slightly muscular arms.
You continued to chew for a few seconds before swallowing. "You're about as threatening as a little bunny rabbit, letting the villain get away!" you mocked before feeling her hand on your throat. "Shut the hell up, pretty face!" she growled with a sadistic smirk, tightening her fingers around your throat.
"If you hadn't distracted me that damn villain would have tasted good old concrete when I pounded their face into the street!" she screamed. It wasn't often that she let the villain get away, in retrospect she'd like to think she was as fast as Hawks when it came to catching up to and capturing the villain.
But, things were a little different this time because you had decided to tag along. The punk college intern that thought they were so much better than everyone else, at first she liked you. Of course, that was because you had an attitude like hers.
But that mouth of yours seemed to want to keep going and going. Yes, you loved teasing others. Especially if you happened to like them. But you did eventually cross boundaries and some would know better than to push Rumi's buttons, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Aw, little rabbit can't figure out a harey situation?" you teased only to find yourself stumbling back when Rumi pushed you away. You managed to regain your balance without falling to the floor, but this didn't stop the pro hero from stomping over to you.
"Better watch that tongue before I rip it out, pretty face!" she warned, impatiently tapping her foot. "What's the matter?" you asked, pointing to that restless appendage. "Eager to run little bunny?" you teased, noting her ear twitched in annoyance every time you said the phrase 'little bunny.'
You lifted one leg up and began hopping on the other, intending to further tease her. "Little bunny Mirko hopping through the forest!" you paused, laughing at your own joke before narrowly missing her fist which then broke a portion of the wall behind you.
"Get back here!" she snapped, pulling her hand from the wall. You had decided to take off running even though you could have continued to stand your ground. But, when it came to a fight between Rumi and yourself it was clear who would end up winning.
"Pretty face!" she screamed, furiously kicking off of the ground to catch up to you. "Damn it!" you nervously said, taking a sharp turn down a hallway that led to who knows where. You were still learning the ins and outs of Rumi's agency.
"What!?" you shouted when you realized the hallway was nothing but a dead end without any rooms for you to hide away in. 'Who the hell builds a hallway with nothing at the end of it!?' you frantically thought, before the floor shook and nearly knocked you off of your feet.
Turning around, you saw Rumi grinning proudly. It was like looking at an animal that was overjoyed it finally cornered its prey. For a moment, you felt frightened but usually, in these types of situations, you fell back on your sense of humor to try and cope or escape.
"I've never met a bunny that's also a bloodhound," you remarked, trying to contain your composure as Rumi walked toward you. "Keep talkin' pretty face," she said, yet again sporting that sadistic smirk that you were getting to know too well.
You took a few steps back only to hit the wall, you turned your head but stopped short when Rumi grabbed the front of your shirt and yanked you forward. "Hey!" you screamed, wanting to place your hands on her chest to at least cushion the impact.
But you thought against this at the last moment considering it would only be more incentive for her to kill you later. At the same time, you couldn't help but notice how her hair fell so delicately across her face and how the color of it resembled the moon.
"Heh..." you gave a smirk and pointed a finger in her face. "Are you sure you aren't some rare demon bunny from space?" you asked, watching her face twist with confusion. "After all, with that hair and those eyes I wouldn't doubt it," a soft growl came and Rumi pulled you even closer.
You could feel her breath on your face and her nose pressing against yours. "Ya wanna find out?" she asked before turning. She kept her hold on your shirt, pulling you back down the hallway. "Let's settle this outside," she suggested, and you knew that could only mean one thing.
'Maybe this will be the day I die after all,' you thought before noticing Rumi's tail was wagging. It had been a long time since she found herself in a fistfight with someone who wasn't a villain. It'll be pretty hard for you to talk, let alone taunt anyone after she was through with you.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
okay so i had this idea, i tried it w my friends, it gave me like some fun idea, its like paper passing but with your lips, when the paper falls you accidentally kiss someone, (my paper didnt fall, 😪.)
So it gave me some idea, can you do it with a highschool bully!mirko x reader and a bakugo x reader? You can do one if you please!
But delete this ask if you wont! Its all good! Thank you madam faulty!
[ I laughed when I read "LEMME IN!" that was the perfect introduction line. But no worries, you're in. You're the second request I got. So I looked this game up and it sounds spicy, interesting, and near impossible. But don't we all love a challenge? I can most certainly write a little scenario for this game with our bunny girl and hot-headed explosion boy. ]
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"Why is she here!?" you frantically asked upon spotting Rumi otherwise known as your personal hell angel at the party you were currently attending. "Awe, what's a matter there? Too afraid to approach the rabbit girl?" Keigo commented, placing his chin on your shoulder with a smirk.
You placed your hands on your hips glaring at him. "Hardy har har, you're so funny," you replied sarcastically before looking back at Rumi who proceeded to purposely spill punch over someone. "Why don't you go talk to her? I'll be your wingman," he joked, making you roll your eyes.
"No," you said, becoming slightly alarmed when he pressed a hand against your back forcing you forward. "Sure you do!" you tried digging your feet into the floor, but it was no use as he continued to push you.
'You're a terrible wingman,' you thought bitterly and a cold chill ran through your body as soon as Rumi's eyes locked on you. She grinned and got that all-too-familiar sadistic look in her eye. "Well, well, well," she said, crossing her arms.
"If it isn't pretty face and..." she paused, looking at Keigo from head to toe, "birdie," she concluded with a laugh. "Mm," you wanted to step away, but Keigo kept his hand on your back. There was no way he was going to let you keep running away from your problems.
"Hiya there, how's it going?" he asked casually, waving his hand before looking at you. "What do you know Y/n was just talking about you," he lied, ignoring the way you glared at him. Just what the hell was he doing!?
"Oh?" Rumi's furry ears stood up straight and she grinned taking a step toward you. "Is that right, pretty face!?" she exclaimed, grabbing the front of your shirt and yanking you forward. You cried out, almost stumbling over your own two feet before looking at her with a hint of fear.
However, this only seemed to make her happier. She leaned closer, and several silver strands fell across her face making her red eyes stand out. She parted her lips, prepared to speak when someone shouted, "It's time for the paper passing game!" which distracted her.
"Paper passing game, huh?" she said, slowly gazing back at you with a growing smirk. "Come on pretty face!" she demanded, dragging you away while you frantically waved your arms about. "Takami!" you screamed, but he only smiled.
"You can thank me later!" he shouted, making you growl. 'Damn him!' you thought before Rumi stepped to the side and pulled you forward only to purposely release you. Another cry came when you lost your balance and fell flat on the floor.
She crossed her arms, smirking happily before focusing on the one who announced that the game was about to start. "Huh?" you lifted your head, deciding it was safer to remain on the floor than actually stand up and be within Rumi's vicinity.
The game involved someone taking a piece of paper and sucking on it gently to keep it stuck to their lips, then they needed to turn to the person next to them and attempt to pass the said piece of paper using only their mouth.
The catch was that if the paper fell, the two attempting to do the pass had to exchange a kiss. "Oh no..." you said, your eyes shrinking in fear before you felt someone grab the back of your shirt collar and hollered when you were forced back on your feet.
"Let's go pretty face!" Rumi screamed, dragging you over to the circle that was forming. Once there, she let go of you and leaned down to whisper, "Move and I'll beat your ass," into your ear which was more than enough motivation for you to remain still.
"Here Y/n, why don't you start?" a familiar voice said and you turned to see Keigo walking over to you, holding out a single piece of red paper. Despite your heart racing and your cheeks flushing at the very thought of anyone touching your lips even through a piece of paper, you glared at him.
"Heh, what?" he questioned, but you could always yell at him later. You snatched the paper from his hand and looked at it. 'How the hell am I supposed to...' your thoughts shattered when Rumi screamed "Hurry the hell up pretty face!" causing you to jump and almost drop the paper.
In a rare display of courage, you stomped your foot against the floor and screamed back "Fine!" before placing the piece of paper against your lips. Sucking in your cheeks, you slowly turned to her. Shuttering when you saw the smirk she was wearing, it was hard to decipher if she was happy or just plain evil.
"Well?" she leaned closer, "Let's get this over with!" she said and despite wanting to tell her off, your eyes widened when you felt her mouth against the paper. It dawned on you just then that it could break, this was especially evident when her tongue began to probe the said piece of paper.
However, you weren't determined to lose and leaned forward, tilting your head just so, and gently began blowing in an effort to get the paper to stick to her lips. Unknown to you this was not what she wanted and she furrowed her brows, trying to think of how to sabotage your turn.
Just as you began to pull away, she lifted her foot slamming it on top of yours causing you to scream out in pain. The piece of paper fluttered to the floor and Rumi grinned in victory before roughly grabbing your shoulders.
"What's a matter pretty face, can't even play this simple game right?" she mocked, ignoring the concerned stares of everyone else around. She was only focused on one thing and that was sharing the consequence of having failed to complete the pass.
"W-what the hell are you-" before you said anything more, you found yourself desperately wrapping your arms around her neck as she dipped you. All the blood rushed to your face and a surprised gasp came when you felt her warm soft lips against yours.
They parted slightly, and soon you felt her tongue slide into your mouth making you freeze up. You pressed your hands against her chest, trying to pull away. She tasted like carrots with the slightest hint of beer.
"Heh!" when she broke the kiss, she grinned just before dropping you. Once again you hit the floor and found yourself groaning, now you had pain in your back and foot. You glanced at Rumi who lifted her hand up to her mouth.
"I want to play another round!" she declared, wagging her tail before leaning over you. "What do you say pretty face?" she teased and you began silently cursing a certain red-winged individual for having gotten you into this situation.
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"This is stupid!" he screamed as he stood in the large circle with some of his classmates. Ashido had insisted they play a stupid paper passing game that looked like two people exchanging spit. "Aw, come on Bakubro!" Eijirou said, snaking his arm around the other's neck.
"Get the hell off of me!" Katsuki snapped in response, only causing the redhead to laugh. "Y/n will be playing," he said, pointing a lazy finger toward you although you were busy talking to Ashido and looking somewhat distressed.
"So what!?" he replied, baring his teeth like a wild animal. Eijirou grinned, keeping his arm around the angry blond. "I heard they have a little thing for you," he commented wiggling his eyebrows and watching Katsuki roll his eyes in response. He didn't care much for rumors and it didn't matter if they were true or not.
Nothing would distract him from his goal of becoming a hero and yeah even if he wanted a family someday, that was going to happen after he took the number one hero spot in Japan. He crossed his arms, giving a soft "Pff," which seemed to satisfy Eijirou enough for him to step away.
"Come on! It'll be fun, you can even start the game!" Ashido insisted, grabbing your wrist and dragging you toward the circle despite your frantic protests. "Here, stand here!" she said, positioning you next to none other than Katsuki.
Your heart pounded in your chest, yes you did like him for whatever reason. But there was no way you could actually go through with this, right!? Ashido wouldn't really make you face your feelings like this, would she!?
It was safe to say you were in internal despair and could only watch as she walked over and took her place between Kyoka and Kaminari. "Now, you all know the rules!" she said, pressing her hands together with a happy grin.
'Rules, what rules!?' you frantically thought, but luckily she gave a brief review. "You can only use your mouth to pass the paper, if you use your hands you're out!" she declared, throwing her arms into the air. "Oh, and if you end up dropping the paper, the two players have to kiss!" she said looking at you with slanted eyes.
You trembled in response, 'Why is that look so menacing!?' you screamed inside your head. "Y/n said they wanted to go first!" Ashido announced, causing several heads to turn your way. "W-what!? N-no I never s-said that I-" your words were interrupted when she then placed her hands on her hips and gave a dramatic sigh.
"Fiiiiiine!" she whined. "I'll go first, give me the paper," she said, flexing her fingers. Tsuyu was kind enough to hand her said paper and you watched in amazement as the game began, Ashido appeared to stick the piece of paper to her lips and turned to Kaminari who leaned forward and pressed his lips to the opposite side of the paper.
"Wait...they're going..." you glanced around the circle, realizing that Katsuki would be the one to initiate your turn which meant you had to lean over and...oh no! Your cheeks instantly flushed, and you debated about abandoning the game, turning around, and making some excuse like you had to use the bathroom or something.
Then again Ashido would never forgive you if you did that and you were a hero student, surely there'd be more terrifying challenges you'd have to face than almost kissing the one you liked. Eijirou successfully grasped the paper with his lips and passed it on to the next person who just so happened to be Katsuki.
Once he had the piece of paper against his lips, he turned to you. His eyebrows were slanted in their usual angry position and he roughly grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to step closer to him. Yeah, the rules said no hands but who gives a damn. He wasn't using them to cheat, was he?
"Uh..." your heart continued to pound in your chest and your cheeks were probably as red as those gorgeous pair of eyes you found yourself staring into. You could hear him mumble something from behind the piece of paper, and while you couldn't make it out you were more than certain he was telling you to hurry up.
The fact that there were multiple eyes on you didn't help your hesitation, but regardless you leaned forward trying to gather your courage. Closing your eyes, you pressed your lips against the paper. However, you were having a bit of difficulty getting it to stick to your lips even after moistening them with your tongue.
That angry mumbling grew louder and soon enough you felt both of his hands on your shoulders and his nails digging into your flesh. You winced softly, trying to lean back to tell him he was making you a bit uncomfortable but he leaned forward, forcefully pressing the paper against your lips.
"W-wait a min-" before you could finish, Katsuki gave a deep growl and leaned his head back. Before you registered what had happened, you found yourself on the floor. He was at his limit with patience and slammed his head against yours in an effort to try and get you to take the piece of paper.
But this resulted in your classmates gasping as they watched you hit the floor, luckily you were still conscious but you swear you saw stars and closed your eyes to make them go away and to ease your now aching forehead.
Ashido quickly ran over to you as Katsuki spit the piece of paper out, letting it flutter to the floor without a care. "What the hell Bakugou!?" she screamed, kneeling by your side to make sure you were at least still breathing.
"Yeah dude, that was a little uncalled for," Kaminari said causing Katsuki to grind his teeth together. "Shut the hell up!" he snapped as several of your other classmates approached you. "Well, now you have to kiss them twice!" Ashido declared and Katsuki looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.
"What?" he replied, "You knocked them out!" she explained and you resisted the urge to giggle as you continued to lay there motionless with your eyes closed. "So you need to kiss their forehead since you headbutted them and you need to kiss them on the lips because the piece of paper fell!" he rolled his eyes.
A low growl rumbled in his throat, and he stomped his foot. "Fine dumbass!" he snapped, lowering himself to his knees. He then pressed his hands against the floor and loomed over you, hearing the way you breathed.
"Mm..." he raised his eyebrow, suspecting that you weren't completely unconscious but regardless, he closed his eyes and leaned forward pressing his lips against your forehead. Your hair felt soft and he noticed your skin was slightly warmer than it should be.
Your heart accelerated and butterflies fluttered in your stomach as soon as those lips touched your forehead. But then you felt his hand slapping the side of your cheek lightly. "Wake the hell up! I know you're not unconscious, damn it!" you were tempted to open your eyes, but instead, you forced yourself to remain still.
"Maybe if you kissed them they'd wake up, like sleeping beauty," Ashido suggested, although even she was uncertain if you were just pretending to be unconscious or if you actually were. Katsuki looked at her with an expression that read 'really?' before turning back to you.
With a sigh, he leaned forward and closed his eyes once more. When he pressed his lips against yours he noticed that they twitched in response and before he could pull away, your hands came up and fisted into his hair.
"MMM!" his scream was muffled against your lips as you deepened the kiss while his arms frailed about. You let out a cry when his hand eventually pressed against your face and he used it as leverage to pull away, gasping for air.
"What the hell you shitty nerd?!" he snapped and you finally opened your eyes, letting out a laugh even as he glared at you. Ashido pressed her hands against her mouth, seemingly beaming at the way you had tricked Katsuki and wishing she had taken a picture or video of it.
"This game is stupid!" he stumbled back to his feet and walked away. "Wait a minute!" Eijirou called after him before giving chase and Kaminari followed his lead. "If you try that again, I'm gonna blast your damn face off!" he screamed, and you knew he was referring to you.
Still, you couldn't help but smile and sat up on the floor. "Were you really pretending to be unconscious?" Ashido questioned and you pressed a finger to your lips, indicating for her to keep quiet and to keep it a secret.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Can you do a one shot of mirio vs bakugo where the reader gets fed up with both of them. Maybe that start ingnoring them and or gets annoyed easily around them? (Maybe they have to make it up to reader)
Thank you!
[ It's been forever since I did a Mirio vs Katsuki piece. I kind of missed these two going at it. But, I think I'll have fun with this and put a holiday spin on it or rather I stole the ending from the movie Deck The Halls, but you know. ]
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The sound of dripping, almost like a faucet, echoed through the room. Many of your classmates had their hands pressed over their mouths, seemingly in shock at what had just happened. There were broken cookies along the floor, many of which were soaked with the same milk that was currently dripping off your body.
Your face was twisted, your eyebrows slanted and your mouth ajar. Much like your classmates, you were in shock and unsure if you wanted to scream at the two responsible for your current condition or run to your room and cry.
Katsuki growled and turned to Mirio. "Damn it, this is your fault dumbass!" he snapped causing the older hero to stumble back. "What?" he replied, obviously clueless as to how the underclassman came to that conclusion.
"Uh…" he glanced away from Katsuki and locked his gaze on you. "S-sunshine," he said, cradling his hands against his chest. "Are you okay? Heh, I know what just happened was crazy but-" he was interrupted when Katsuki proceeded to shove him away.
"Of course, they aren't okay! Damn idiot!" he exclaimed, before daring to grab the front of your shirt. "But get over it!" he demanded, shaking you which caused several of your female classmates to gasp. "Uh Bakugo," Ashido said, causing him to turn his head.
"What?!" he snapped in reply, but before she could respond his head turned back when you hissed out the words "Don't touch me," and grabbed his hand, purposely digging your nails into it. He looked shocked for a moment, and you turned to walk away.
"Hey, get back here!" he yelled, shaking his fist in the air while Mirio held his hand out. "Sunshine? I'm sorry, where are you going!?" he asked with a slightly panicked voice. But you ignored him and everyone else who stared at you before you disappeared down the hallway, intent on locking yourself in your room.
You had only wanted a cookie, one measly little cookie, and those two had to ruin everything. At first, you thought it was sweet when Mirio offered you a cookie on a single napkin, but then Katsuki had to get involved and try to offer you a bigger and better cookie.
This spiraled into a cookie-related debate and ended with Katsuki pushing Mirio who ended up crashing into you. This caused you to then collide with the table full of cookies and down everything went, including the glasses of milk your classmates had on said table.
Sighing, you pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it to the floor, your skin felt sticky from the milk that was now dried and you felt the urge to wash your hair considering it too felt sticky. But you were more concerned about why those two were constantly at each other's throats whenever you were around.
Well, you knew that both had feelings for you. But Mirio was more expressive about it while Katsuki was not. Granted Mirio was your upperclassman and there was something attractive about that, but Katsuki was more in charge and knew exactly what he wanted which was an attractive quality as well.
Still, you couldn't have both and eventually, you'd either must choose one of them or move on, and at this moment the answer was clear. You didn't want either of them. You shook your head with another sigh and proceeded to pick out new clothes before heading to the showers.
For the next week or so, you ignored them. Whenever they tried to stop you in the hallway, you'd walk past them. You wouldn't make eye contact and actively go out of your way to avoid them and with the holidays right around the corner, Katsuki and Mirio finally addressed this issue with each other.
"I don't know what's wrong with sunshine, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with that cookie-related incident," Katsuki growled and turned to Mirio with his arms held out by his sides and his hands clenched into loose fists.
"Of course, it has to do with that dumbass!" he snapped, before placing his hand against his forehead with a sigh. Mirio frowned and scratched the back of his head as his eyes shifted back and forth. "Well, there's gotta be something we can do to make it up to them," he said, tapping his chin in thought.
Then his eyes drifted to the tree which stood in the living room of the first year's dorm. It was decorated from top to bottom with ornaments and twinkling lights. "Hm…" he lifted his head, continuing to stare at the tree absent-mindedly which caught Katsuki's attention.
"What the hell are you staring at!?" he exclaimed, curling his fists tighter. "Heh," Mirio smiled and turned to him, pointing his finger toward the ceiling. "I have an idea!" he declared, watching the underclassman raise an eyebrow.
"Pff," Katsuki crossed his arms and looked away. "What is it?" he asked with a slight snarl, even though he was more than certain it was stupid and that he could come up with something better. If Mirio's idea was enough to impress you, maybe he wouldn't have to waste his time thinking of a solution.
"Don't worry!" Mirio replied before slapping the other's shoulder making him stiffen and growl in response. "It'll be great," he said, ignoring Katsuki's negative reaction before he walked over to the tree and placed his hands on his hips.
"Hey, do you first years have any more of these lights and decorations?" he asked, yet again making Katsuki raise an eyebrow. Just what the hell was he planning? "Mm…" he glanced away, tilting his head to place his hand on the side of his neck.
"Damn Deku probably organized everything he found, go ask him," he replied. "Great!" Mirio flashed a smile and gave Katsuki a thumbs up. "We're gonna need all the help we can if we're gonna win back sunshine, come on!" he said, running off to find Deku and motioning for Katsuki to follow him.
You sighed as you lay on your bed staring at the ceiling, everything was so quiet because most of your classmates were away or visiting family and there was no school. "Mm…" you perched your lips to one side wondering if you could do anything to cure your boredom.
"Huh?" you turned your head toward your door when a gentle knocking came. Your hand immediately grasped your chest, trying to calm your racing heart. You didn't expect anyone to come knocking on your door and hesitantly opened it.
"Hello?" you said, and your eyebrows knit together when you realized nobody was standing on the other side. "Huh?" you blinked and leaned forward, looking to the left and the right of the hallway before noticing what was laying on the floor in front of your door.
"What the…" you stepped into the hallway, your eyes still locked on the string of lights that made up a small pathway out into the living room and when you got there, you noticed it was pitch black. The only source of light came from the tree in the center of the room.
But you noticed that the lights that were wrapped around said tree began to rapidly flicker, making your eyes widen. You pressed your hands to your chest and stepped closer, watching in amazement as they began to spell out a message.
"We're…sorry…Y/n…" you whispered in amazement. It must have taken some time to rearrange the lights on the tree to spell out that message. But you had a feeling you knew exactly who did it and smiled just before the lights came back on, illuminating the room and making you hiss in response.
"Surprise!" you heard multiple people yell in unison. 'Surprise?!' you thought, continuing to rub your now irritated eyes. 'What do they mean surprise, it's not even my birthday!' Groaning, you finally lowered your hands and looked around.
"Huh!?" you blinked, noticing that your classmates were back and each of them was wearing a green or red Santa hat. But you frowned the moment you saw Katsuki and Mirio and didn't hesitate to approach them. "What are you two doing here!?" you snapped, stomping your foot.
Katsuki went to speak, but Mirio quickly clamped his hand over his mouth. "Well, heh, you see sunshine um…" it was kind of a relief to hear your voice and maybe he should have expected that you'd still be angry. "U-uh, actually Y/n…" came a shy, but familiar voice.
"Hm?" you turned away from the two boys and watched as Izuku walked over to you. "Kacchan and Togata o-organized this party…they really wanted to m-make up for…you know that incident that happened a week or so ago…" he admitted with slightly flushed cheeks.
'Well, that explains the lights and the message on the tree but…' you turned back, wanting to address the boys again. But you were somewhat startled when you noticed Mirio was holding out a tray of cookies and Katsuki a glass of milk. "Uh…" Mirio chuckled at the sight of your confused face and shrugged.
"Bakugou and I spent a few hours making cookies for you," he explained before Katsuki nodded. "Yeah, so take them already and…" he looked away from you. "A-accept our damn apology," you blinked a few times, was he apologizing? That was new, it must be a holiday miracle.
You gave a warm smile. "You two are so stupid…" you said with a light chuckle before stepping forward and embracing each of them in a hug. "Heh, guess we are," Mirio admitted while Katsuki rolled his eyes.
Regardless of what else happened, he was determined to win your heart in the end and Mirio must have thought this as well because as soon as the two of them locked eyes, that determined glint shined and the competition resumed.
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faulty-writes · 6 months
Alright, alright, I have this little crossover idea of sorts!
Trigun is an anime in the world of MHA, and reader is crushing on Vash the Stampede. Reader has the manga, the anime on Blu-ray, figures, a plush...
How would Izuku, Bakugou, and Mirio react to their crush having a thing for Vash, who is fictional? Would they possibly get jealous, wondering what it is about him they like so much? :3
[ I love this cross-over idea. Fuck yeah! You know, it's funny. I wrote a few headcanons between the BNHA boys and them having a plushie a long time ago. I think the reader being obsessed with a fictional character, Vash in this case, is awesome and quite relatable. I honestly have to say I'm in love with Vash from the 1998 animated series, he is just so cool and I'm also currently reading the manga which is just mind-blowing. ]
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His words were stolen from him when he entered your room to see endless amounts of manga, plushies, and even figurines of Vash the Stampede. Although given his collection of All Might merchandise, he knew he couldn't judge. But he also couldn't stop himself from feeling the tiniest bit jealous.
"W-what is it about t-that guy that makes them a-admire him…so much?" He asked after successfully convincing you to allow him to borrow the Blu-ray Trigun Stampede series collection you had. He didn't understand why you liked the characteristics Vash displayed but nonetheless jotted them down in his notebook as he watched.
Unfortunately, the attempts to display the same characteristics he saw to capture your attention were unsuccessful, and honestly, he felt a little pathetic about trying to be someone he wasn't. Plus, the look on your face made him feel like a bigger idiot than he was.
"I d-don't know what I was thinking…" he whined, pressing his head against his desk. "Will they…l-like me like they do V-Vash?" It was pitiful to think he was jealous of a fictional character.
"Perhaps you are approaching the problem incorrectly," Tenya suggested. "While the feeling of affection can extend to…fictional aspects, I'm certain that Y/n is aware of reality and will look at you the way you desire as long as you remain yourself." He wasn't sure how much faith he put in Tenya's words but knew he was right. Comparing himself to Vash wasn't going to get him anywhere.
Accepting something was the hardest thing but given that he was once the quirkless boy who dreamed of being a hero, he would face this issue the same way. He could accept it but not for long. He'd prove he was better than Vash The Stampede and then maybe…just maybe you'd see him as your hero.
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"Tch, reading a lame manga, huh!? How stupid!" He remembers those words from his middle school years, and how you would always huddle in the corner with a stupid smile as you read 'Trigun Maximum.' The thing that years later became your obsession.
"What the hell is all this shit!?" He demanded. "This is worse than that damn Deku's room!" You had shelves filled with manga, and Blu-rays, not to mention plushies of the same character scattered around. "You shouldn't be obsessed with fictional dumbasses that swing guns around! I'm the only badass here!" And he'd prove it.
His jaw clenched tighter and tighter whenever he was in class, hearing you go on and on about your love for Vash. How cool and handsome he is, how amazing he is in combat. Damn, he hated it. He would never admit he was jealous, but what made Vash better than him!?
"What do you mean I can't take these!?" he demanded after irrationally barging into your room and stealing your Trigun manga collection. Nevertheless, after a heated argument, he settled for reading it in your room. "What the hell is so damn great about this dumbass?" From what he could gather Vash was nothing but an outlaw with a gun.
He didn't think his jealousy would affect him just like he didn't think his feelings for you would sway him from his dream of becoming a hero. But he found himself being fueled by the hatred of your Vash The Stampede obsession. Because of this, he grew extremely cocky during training exercises. He even went as far as shouting that he was better than some stupid outlaw which you found...odd, to say the least.
It didn't take a genius to realize you were unimpressed by his attempts and criticism of your favorite character. Yet, as usual, he'd be damned if you continued to idolize someone else when he should be the one idolized by you. Whether you liked it or not, he'd be the object of your affection next.
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"Heh, wow...you really like this guy." Of course, it was an obvious statement with all the Vash the Stampede plushies, and merchandise that littered your bed and shelves. He picked up one of the plushies, staring into its blue button eyes that reminded him of his own and a strange feeling made his stomach twist. Was he feeling insecure?
"Oh, is that Vash the Stampede?" Nejire asked, pointing to the plushie Mirio held. "Huh, wait you know about him!?" He exclaimed. "Yeah, I-" He grasped her shoulders before she could finish. "What do you like about him!?" He demanded, and although Nejire didn't have a solid answer she settled for Vash's bravery and caring for others.
While Mirio was happy that he shared some favorable characteristics with Vash the Stampede, he still struggled to think of how to get your attention while respecting your love for the fictional character. How could you view him as you did Vash? Of course, he could never tell you who you could and couldn't love, but gosh wouldn't it be amazing if you did love him?
"So, what do you think!?" Mirio demanded with a bright smile. He was dressed in a red trench coat and orange glasses, the key pieces of clothing Vash wore. "You like Vash, right? I sure look like him now, wouldn't you agree sunshine?" To see your eyes light up when you looked at him, even in the silly little cosplay he was wearing, meant the world to him.
He convinced you to hang out with him and took you to a special area resembling the setting where the Trigun show took place. It was part of a beach, with endless sand everywhere. He wanted to impress you while respecting your feelings, and maybe make you have feelings for him. Overall, your reaction was so-so.
Despite his jealousy, and his somewhat successful attempts at trying to sway your attention away from Vash the Stampede and onto him, he wanted you to be happy. "Heh, who knows, maybe I will be their Vash someday!" Until then, he'd just keep smiling.
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faulty-writes · 5 months
i hopethis isnt too much of me 2 ask, u can ignore this request if it’s something ur not comfy with it🐥 but i been struggling w anxiety/panic attacks for a while, & they happen suddenly & randomly where I feel like I can’t breath & the world is spinning around me & I practically go unresponsive/numb for a short while. can u possibly write headcanons of bakugo, kirishima, & denki helping y/n thru a panic attack that happens suddenly?? like randomly happens during lunch, or class, or when everyone is hanging out in the dorm building?
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It's fine, I enjoy a good comfort piece. I have social anxiety, so I understand how much it can suck. Although who wants to be around people, right? Hah. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this piece.
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"Eh, what the hell's the matter with you!?" Katsuki demanded, although he realized something was wrong because of your sudden change in breathing, and the pale look on your skin. Your eyes were wide like you were anticipating something horrible to happen. "Shit…" you were having a panic attack.
"Damn it," part of him was angry you were having a panic attack during a training exercise, but he knew he needed to take care of you. "Just continue the damn training exercise. I'll handle this dumbass," he instructed your fellow teammates. Despite his otherwise arrogant attitude, he was willing to focus on helping you rather than win the training round.
While he wasn't the best at it, he still attempted to try and provide you with words of encouragement and comfort. "It's…gonna be fine," he hissed through his teeth. "Just…I don't know, focus on breathing or something, it'll be fine," although, in the back of his head, he knew it wouldn't.
When he realized his words weren't all that comforting, he tried to help you with your anxiety by distracting you. "Come on, just talk about anything dumbass!" He snapped before sighing; he knew his yelling wouldn't help. "Or…count your breaths or something…" he muttered.
He was somewhat grateful that you didn't want to talk about your feelings, or what may have triggered your anxiety, but even if he pressed for it, he knew he needed to respect your boundaries. In the meantime, he'd keep focusing on providing you with whatever support he could now.
The training session was nearly over by the time your panic attack subsided, which somewhat angered him. He didn't get a chance to win or show how superior he was compared to the extras. But regardless, he made sure you were okay and offered to take you back to the rest of your classmates and the teachers.
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"Hm? Something wrong, Y/n?" Eijirou asked, noticing that you had a distressed look on your face during lunch. His natural caring attitude and empathy made it easier for him to sense you were a little nervous, maybe even panicking over something, and well, he couldn't have that.
"Awe, don't think of it as such a big deal! I'm sure you'll feel better out here." When he realized you were having a panic attack, he gently guided you out of the cafeteria and into the nearest hallway. "It's nice and quiet, right? Why don't you sit down? Just concentrate on your breathing, okay?" he instructed.
When you began breathing as he suggested, he sat down next to you and wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulders. "There you go, good job! Just keep breathing, okay?" He kept a calm demeanor and made sure his voice was sweet to not keep triggering your anxiety.
"There's nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed you know," he said, trying to be supportive of your feelings during your panic attack. "It's not easy being a hero in training, but don't worry because I'll always be here to support you no matter what!" He promised, flashing you a bright smile.
"Why don't you try grounding yourself?" He suggested keeping his arm wrapped around you and taking comfort in your subtle, deep breathing. "Like feeling the smooth tile under you or maybe listening to the quiet? That helps, right?" Truthfully, he was just trying to distract your attention away from your panic attack.
When the panic finally faded, Eijirou embraced you in a hug, letting you bury your face into his chest. "Hey, it's okay," he said, gently stroking your hair. "I think you're super strong for going through this, and the way you handled it was super manly," he said, even though 'super manly' might not be the best compliment.
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Kaminari was a bit slow when it came to realizing that you were having a panic attack, despite hearing your rapid breathing and seeing the trembles that coursed through your body during class. He even looked around to see if anyone else was displaying the same symptoms as you.
"Uh, Mr. Aizawa!" He called after rushing over to your desk and leaning a little too close for your liking. He blinked, now realizing the panicked expression that was across your face. "I think Y/n needs to see Recovery Girl," he stated and offered to guide you there given your currently frightened state.
"Are you okay?" He asked once the two of you were in the hallway. "If you're not, that's fine. Uh, anything you wanna talk about?" He was worried about you, but if something was wrong, he wanted to know because he wouldn't judge you.
As your panic attack continued, Kaminari remained by your side even if he knew he was technically supposed to be taking you to Recovery Girl and that Mr. Aizawa would be mad when he arrived back to class late. But all he knew was that you needed him right now and couldn't just abandon someone in need.
"Are you ready to go back to class?" He asked when he was sort of certain that your panic attack was through. "I mean, heh, Aizawa might ask some questions but don't worry I can totally handle him!" He assured you, and although you felt a little silly you appreciated him taking the blame.
After he learned that you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks were a frequent occurrence, he made sure to check in with you daily and even offered to help you come up with some techniques that might lessen your future panic attacks.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if it was alright for you to make a scenario or drabble based of of something? Ok so my birthday is coming up and every year there's a meteor shower that happens around the same time, and I've always wanted to have someone sit with me and watch the metor shower. Problem is, it only happens at like 4 or 5 am! So I was thinking that y/n could have this happen to them where everyone is too tired, but Bakugou, the man who goes to bed at 8, is the one that actually joins them. <3
[ Happy Early or Belated Birthday! I know this request took me some time to get to. But either way, happy wishes to you, my dear! Consider this your birthday present from me! I hope you enjoy it! With much love❤️, Faulty. ]
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Tsuyu sat next to you on the couch and asked, "Ribbit, what are you reading?" Uraraka was sitting to your left and Kyoka and Momo were sitting in a nearby chair. "Yeah, you've been staring at that pamphlet all night," Kyoka said.
"Is that something for school?" Momo asked as you placed the pamphlet on your thigh and shook your head. "You all know it's my birthday tomorrow, right?" you asked. Uraraka replied, "Of course! We wouldn't forget your birthday."
"Heh," you picked up the pamphlet and opened it to reveal information about something peculiar. "Every year there's this meteor shower on my birthday, and…" you paused, looking at each girl. Before enrolling at Yuuei you attended a private boarding school and never really made any friends.
Not that it mattered because you watched the meteor shower alone for as long as you could remember but this year would be different! "There was something I wanted to ask…" You took a deep breath and pressed your hands against your chest. "Would you mind watching the meteor shower with me?"
Silence followed until Kyoka spoke. "What time is the meteor shower?" She asked, leaning against Momo who wrapped her arms around her. "Uh…oh well…" you rubbed the back of your head, feeling your stomach twist.
Another reason you watched the meteor shower alone every year was because the astrological event took place at "4 in the morning," as expected, their faces twisted with uncertainty. "Uh, huh," Uraraka glanced around, hoping to hear from one of the girls.
It was then that you felt Tsuyu's hand on your shoulder. "Hm?" You looked at her, and her sympathetic smile. "Well, we'll see what we can do, but it's a school night." Unfortunately, you couldn't help but frown despite her good intentions.
"Oh, right…" You looked down at your hands, now curled on your lap. "I…I think I'm going to go to my room," you said, standing up. "Huh? What's wrong?" Momo asked. "Is everything okay?" Uraraka reached out to grab your arm, but you shook your head.
"Nothing to worry about…I'm just tired," you said, stepping on the pamphlet as you walked away. Katsuki was leaning against the nearby wall with his arms crossed as you made your way to your room with your head hanging low.
He raised an eyebrow as you disappeared down the hallway. "Tch," he snarled and followed behind you, his steps swift and silent. Luckily, you seemed too focused on your thoughts to notice him until you reached your door, and he used his quirk.
As soon as his palm touched your door, a loud 'boom' sounded, and you scrambled back into him, eyes tightly shut. There was no surprise that his quirk was blinding, and the noise made your ears ring briefly. "What the hell is going on!?" you growled, blinking once or twice to readjust your vision.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms. He took a deep breath and sighed, debating on what to say. After a moment, he spoke, "Your birthday is coming up." You continued to rub your irritated eyes and hissed "Yeah so!?" in reply.
"Why the hell did you ask extras to spend your birthday with you?" Your eyebrows knitted, and your hands curled into fists. Opening your mouth, you were about to yell at him but stumbled back and into your door when he stepped forward.
"You think it'd matter watching some damn meteor shower with them!?" His words made your heart sink, and you curled your fingers inward, feeling your nails dig into your palms. You weren't sure whether you would react with anger or tears.
A lump formed in your throat, and you swallowed hard, trying to ignore his gaze. "Does that matter to you?" Your words were coated in anger. "Usually, I watch the meteor shower alone. I shouldn't have thought it would be different this time."
As painful as those words were, you knew they were true. Are you destined to watch such a spectacular phenomenon on your own forever? You lifted your head, once again ready to scream at Katsuki. However, to your surprise, he laid a gentle hand on your shoulder making you freeze yet stiffen in response.
His serious expression contrasted with the confused look on your face, which would have made him smirk otherwise. "You shouldn't waste your time asking extras anything like that, dumbass!" Your eyes widened and you leaned back, feeling various emotions fill you.
The strongest ones were anger and sadness, and you struggled again to respond to Katsuki. "Y-yeah, I'll remember that…thanks," you said bitterly as he raised his eyebrows. Your response to his questionable expression was a monotone one before you opened your door.
Even though there was a soot stain embedded in the wood of it, you entered your room half expecting him to stop you. Instead, he only raised his hand, wanting to say something but ultimately deciding not to. After closing the door, you slumped against it and sighed.
'Why did I ask them!? I'm so stupid!' Gritting your teeth and putting your hands into your hair, you grunted in frustration and slid to the floor. The fact that it was your birthday tomorrow didn't matter to you, as it now felt even less special. Katsuki may have been right.
If your friends didn't want to spend time with you during your birthday, doing something with you that held sentimental value, then were they really friends? As a potential hero, you know never to let darkness cloud your thoughts or heart.
Nonetheless, it was hard not to let your emotions take over. Taking a look around your room, you sighed again. "Might as well just get ready for bed…" yeah maybe you just needed to sleep this off. After changing into your appropriate sleeping wear, you lay in your bed staring at the ceiling.
Sleep didn't come easily to you, and you knew why. After lying awake for hours, you grunted and pondered whether pacing around your bedroom might finally exhaust you enough to get some shut-eye. However, this was not the case, and you looked at the clock after pacing for what seemed like hours.
It was just past midnight and you growled, frustrated with yourself. "Is there something wrong with me?" You hissed, ready to scream when you caught a glimpse of the night sky through the window curtain. Slowly pulling back the curtain, you were bathed in the gentle glow of the moon.
As you stared at the brilliant sparkling dots that adorned the sky, the world froze, and you breathed a sigh of contentment. Something unusual, however, stood out among the stars. As you leaned toward the window and pressed your hands against the cool glass you knitted your eyebrows trying to make sense of it.
You realized what you were looking at after a moment and clasped your hands together in glee, before exclaiming, "A shooting star!" Like a child, you believed in the concept of wishing on a shooting star. On the basis of that, you closed your eyes and wished for what your heart desired.
There was nothing more simple than wanting someone, just one person, to watch the meteor shower with you. The shooting star was nowhere to be found when you opened your eyes, but you smiled anyway. The next morning went as usual, you received a few birthday wishes and a few small gifts, but nothing major.
It's not like you expected a big party. As a matter of fact, you didn't give a damn. You were only looking forward to the meteor shower. After a brief sleep that night, you awoke promptly at three in the morning. Before climbing onto the roof of the student dorm building, you changed into a different outfit and gathered some supplies.
You shivered as you laid the blanket down on the roof, luckily you brought some hot chocolate thermoses to warm you up. You sighed contently as you drank one and let the steam caress your chilled face and your nose inhale the sweet chocolate aroma.
After a minute or two, you picked up your phone to check the time. "Almost…" you said, putting it away. After another sip of hot chocolate, you capped the thermos and pulled your knees up to your chest. When you finally saw the first meteor soar through the sky, you gasped in awe.
The rest soon followed, illuminating the otherwise dark sky. You were so absorbed in the moment that you didn't hear someone approach you until one of your shoulders was touched. A hand clamped over your mouth when you screamed out in surprise.
"Shut up! If you don't, you'll wake everyone in the building, and I don't need that damn Deku bothering us," your eyes widened, and you immediately recognized the voice. You pulled his hand away from your mouth, turning to look at him.
"Bakugou?" you asked in disbelief, unable to see his facial features clearly but feeling his glare nonetheless. After a few seconds, you turned back to watch the meteor shower. At the same time, you notice the temperature of your cheeks increasing.
If it were lighter outside, Katsuki would see that said cheeks were dusted a soft red color. "I just…I didn't expect you to join me," you said, briefly remembering your wish. Regardless of whether it was the shooting star or Katsuki's own decision to join you, your heart was racing.
For once you weren't alone watching the meteor shower. As he sat beside you on the blanket, you tensed up. "Just…you're normally the person who goes to bed first, so…" you swallowed heavily. "I'm just surprised to see you up at this hour."
As his eyes followed the meteors' path, he replied, "Tch, oh yeah?" He grumbled and brought one leg up to his chest, resting his elbow on it. "When those damn extras you call your 'friends' refused to watch this with you I…" He clenched his jaw. He wasn't used to or thought it appropriate to share his feelings.
Yet somehow you felt like a completely different case. What could he say he felt when he saw the look on your face when your 'friends' denied your request? On your damn birthday no less, it struck a chord. No…not a chord, more like a nerve in him.
It was impossible, he thought, for them to say no to you and still consider themselves your damn friends. Dumbasses are what they are, dumbasses who are not worth your time. Hell, he couldn't say all that. Instead, he glanced at you or at least in your direction.
When he moved his hand, his fingers brushed across the top of yours, making you gasp and snap your head toward him. You caught a glimpse of the smirk on his face. More than likely, he was proud of himself for causing such a reaction in you.
He looked back at the sky, which was still filled with meteors. Taking a deep breath, he watched it evaporate before him. He almost forgot how cold it was outside for a moment, but maybe that was because your warmth radiated through him.
"Look…" he began, "I don't do friendships but…" Okay maybe that was a lie, but the "friends" he had, like Eijirou and Hanta just forced their friendship on him, it's not like he asked for it. "As far as I'm concerned if someone you know is in need and asks you for a damn favor, you do it," he said with a growl.
"And if they refuse to do that damn favor, screw'em! They aren't worth your time and…yeah y-you're not my friend but I…care about you," he admitted, glancing away. "But don't tell anyone about that!" He snapped, making you jump in response. "I…I won't!" you replied, holding up your hands.
The tension between you two seemed to fade as you continued to observe the phenomenon before you and exchanged a few words over hot chocolate. Towards the end, your hands became intertwined and the distance between you grew smaller until you found yourself resting your head on his shoulder.
He tensed up a little at this simple act of affection but made no move to push you away or tell you to stop. Despite his quirk which many would think would give him rough skin, his hand was smooth, warm, and comforting.
Your chuckle broke the silence between you two. "Hm, what?" He demanded, and you shook your head trying to muffle your laughter. "N-nothing it's just...uh, f-funny," you said, continuing to snicker. He raised his eyebrow.
"What's funny?" he demanded, thinking you were laughing at him. You lifted your head, gazing into his eyes that were somehow visible in the dark. "I'm sorry, it's just that you told me not to waste my time with 'extras' for something like this." Your laughter died down.
"But you are the one watching it with me because you care," you said, smiling. After he blinked, almost as if he was trying to process the information you gave him, he leaned down and pressed his lips against your cheek, which made you squeak.
"Yeah well, I already said I care about you damn it, or did you miss that?!" He snarled, but you didn't react to this. Instead, you pressed your hand against your burning cheek. "A-and that kiss was?" He grumbled, rolling his eyes.
"I…I don't know. Consider it a damn…birthday gift…I guess," he replied and stiffened when you laughed again. "What is it this time!?" He snapped, and you shook your head. "Uh…nothing, just I…I wished on a shooting star I saw last night," you exhaled.
"Well, I guess you are my birthday wish so…thank you." His eyes widened and although you couldn't be certain, his cheeks seemed to light up. "Yeah well…whatever, just finish watching the meteor shower so we can go back inside. I'm losing sleep over this, dumbass…" he muttered, although part of him knew he didn't mean it.
Despite losing sleep, he was happy to spend time with you like this. A few hours later, he helped you pack everything you brought to the roof, walked you to your room and said goodnight. Although you felt incredibly tired by the time you got up from your short slumber, ate breakfast, and stumbled into class hunched over like a zombie.
The smile on your face was evident that you were still happy. Out of everyone who could have chosen to watch the meteor shower with you, Katsuki showed how kindhearted he was and frankly, you couldn't thank him enough. Taking a seat, you slumped down in your desk until you could see the ceiling.
Upon noticing your abnormal behavior, Ashido walked over. "Hey," she said, smiling before scratching her cheek. "Sorry, I missed your birthday yesterday. Uh, how was it? Did you have a good time watching the meteor shower?" She asked, slightly embarrassed.
"Hm? Oh…uh," you groaned, sitting back up and yawning loudly. "I mean…it was…" You glanced around the room, letting your eyes settle on Katsuki who was currently sitting at his desk with Eijirou and Hanta who were chatting his ear off.
However, that wasn't what made you smile, it was, yet again, remembering what he did for you. "Hm?" Ashido placed her hands on her hips and looked in the direction you were staring at. "What are you looking at?" She asked before scoffing.
"All I see is Bakugou over there," her response made you laugh, and she turned her head back. "What?" She demanded but you shook your head. "Nothing, nothing," you said, suppressing your laughter. "Yeah, I had an amazing time watching the meteor shower. Honestly, my birthday was…better than I could have wished."
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faulty-writes · 1 year
hiiii, i was wondering if it was possible to write something about adhd!reader (fem! preferably) that has a hyperfixation with mushrooms that’s dating bakugo? if not just delete this message :)!
[ So this was actually an interesting challenge. As a psychology student, I took this idea of hyperfixation and applied it in a different way. I had the reader basically thinking of mushrooms and being increasingly happy whenever she is near them. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this piece! ]
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“Damn it, pay attention!” Katsuki snapped, dropping the drumsticks, and grabbing your wrists. The only reason he was sitting with you in his lap in front of a drum set was that you insisted you wanted to learn how to play them.
But, due to your hyperactivity and tendency to get distracted easily, your thoughts were focused on things far from what you were currently doing. That is until Katsuki yelled “Dumbass, you were the one that wanted to learn how to drum in the first place!” and snapped you back to reality.
You nervously chuckled and ignored his death glare. “Sorry,” you replied sheepishly. “I got a little bored and then I started thinking of mushrooms and how cute they are and-” he clenched his jaw. “Again, with the damn mushrooms!?” he snapped, aware of your fixation on them.
Although it wasn't wrong, he thought he would at least be able to keep your attention. Guess he was wrong. You pouted and slowly turned in his lap to face him. “Please don't be mad,” you pleaded as you hugged him and rested your head on his shoulder.
He sighed, almost hating his soft spot for you. But regardless, he returned your hug and lifted you into his arms as he walked away from the drumset. “Huh?” You blinked and leaned back, looking at him although his eyes were focused forward.
“Where are we going?” you asked as he shifted his gaze toward you. “My room. Where else?” he hissed in response. “Um, your room?” you asked, tilting your head cluelessly. “Yeah, my room, damn it! Maybe you’ll pay more attention there!” he snapped, making you pout.
You knew he didn’t mean to pick on you, he was just very particular about tutoring. Eijirou had told you horror stories about it, but unlike him, you weren’t getting beat over the head with a rolled-up newspaper. He kicked open the door and stomped to his bed, dropping you onto it without a care.
“Ah, hey!” you replied but noticed his smirk as he closed the door. You sighed and leaned back, moving your legs impatiently. You weren’t known for sitting still for long. Katsuki walked over and climbed behind you, stretching his legs out by your sides.
“Come here,” he demanded, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you against him. “Maybe you’ll pay attention if I do this,” he said, grabbing your wrists. “Pretend you’re in front of the damn drum set. Here are your tom toms,” he said moving your hands to the left and right.
“Your snare drum is here, and your cymbals are here,” he said stretching your arms in the opposite directions. “Now play what I taught you before,” he demanded. “Um,” you glanced at him. “I, uh, I kind of forgot?” you replied.
“Fine,” he growled, guiding your hands to where the “pretend” drums and tom toms were and going through the motions of the song. “There, now show me,” he said. “Okay?” you replied, repeating what he had just done although your mind soon drifted back to mushrooms.
Katsuki raised his eyebrow when he noticed that familiar dreamy look on your face. Your hands slowed and eventually fell onto your lap. He sighed and leaned back. Frankly, you meant a lot to him. However, he couldn’t help but feel jealous at the fact that your thoughts were filled with damn mushrooms instead of him.
He scowled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back and onto your side. “What are you doing!?” you cried. “Pff, oh you’re finally back huh!? Not daydreaming anymore?” he replied, and you weren't sure if he was angry or just teasing you.
The heat of his body and his hot breath against your ear made you squirm causing him to tighten his grip. “Let me go!” he chuckled. “I finally have your attention, why would I let you go?” he pressed a few kisses to the side of your neck, making you squeal in response.
“Katsuki!” you shouted before being silenced by his hand. You turned, looking at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. “Don’t shout my name dumbass! You want everyone to hear!?” he snapped, baring his teeth at you.
You knit your eyebrows and reach up, forcing his hand away from your mouth. “What time is it?” you asked. “Are people sleeping?” you added. Katsuki sighed and reached for his phone, checking the time. “I should probably head to my room and sleep too if that’s the case,” you said, trying to remove his arm from around your waist.
“You’re gonna sleep here tonight,” he replied lowering his phone with a snarl. “What!?” you exclaimed. “What did I just say!?” he screamed back, ironically knowing he was doing the very opposite of what he told you to do and that others probably heard him.
“If I let you sleep alone, you’re going to spend all night thinking about those damned mushrooms again and get no sleep! So shut up and get comfortable,” he said before nuzzling the back of your head. For a moment you wondered if there was an alternative motive to this.
Did he actually want you to sleep with him? Was he feeling lonely or truly concerned about your sleeping habits? “We have that damned training exercise tomorrow, so you need rest,” he said, making you pout. You had forgotten that you had a training exercise, against Class B no less.
You sighed in defeat and although you weren’t sure how you’d sleep with Katsuki’s arms wrapped around you, this wasn’t anything new. The two of you shared simple moments like this many times and you loved being this close to him.
It made you feel safe, wanted, and normal. Yes, everyone had their own version of normal, but Katsuki was the first to accept the way you were and while he still made comments about your mushroom obsession, you knew he wasn’t planning to leave you anytime soon.
Katsuki had a certain way about him. While most viewed him as “an angry boy” he was also organized, creative, and only played by his own rules when he saw fit. One of which was waking up an hour before class started which you struggled with considering you weren’t much of a morning person.
“Did we really have to wake up this early!?” you whined, walking into the kitchen with him. “Quiet!” he snapped, opening the fridge to pull out a carton of eggs and then the cabinet for a bag of rice. You pouted and crossed your arms. “I hate waking up early!” you declared ignoring his glare.
“Do you want breakfast or not!?” he snapped, and you rolled your eyes. “Of course, I do!” you replied, sitting on the counter stool. Guess it was pleasant to have a boyfriend that could cook, and Katsuki’s cooking was delicious, maybe even worth waking up early for.
The rest of the morning seemed to go by fast, as usual, you wrapped yourself around Katsuki’s arm as the two of you walked to Yuuei and he pulled you along whenever you happened to spot a mushroom or two on the ground.
In class, you kept swinging your legs back and forth and focusing your gaze out the window when you daydreamed. As a result, you got scolded by the teachers. While most of them let you off with a warning, Mr. Yamada was the only one that gave you some sound advice.
“Get your head in the game girlie! You have training next, ya dig? Can’t be a hero if ya can’t stay focused!” This was followed by several rapid pokes to your forehead. As luck would have it, while you were competing against Class B, you were doing it in pairs, and Katsuki and you happened to be paired up by chance.
That excited you enough, but finding out you were competing against Kinoko Komori or “Shemage” sent you over the top. Not only did her quirk allow her to grow mushrooms at will, but her costume made her look like a mushroom. Frankly, you thought it was the cutest thing.
“I can’t believe it!” you squealed, dancing on your toes with your arms pressed against your chest. Katsuki growled, from his position on his knees crouched behind one of the many metal pipes that made up Ground Gamma.
“Shut it or you’ll give our location away, damn it!” he said, looking around paranoidly. “I can’t help it!” you said, cupping your flushed face. “We’re versing Shemage! And her cute little mushrooms!” you declared, yet again squeaking happily.
“Yeah, we’re also versing Lizardy, so keep your eyes out!” he demanded, once again scanning the area. He had fought against her before and while nobody was a real challenge for him, he had to switch to more tactical thinking when versing her given her quirk was tricky.
“Pff, I’m not interested in fighting her,” you replied, waving Katsuki’s words away. “What the hell do you mean you’re not interested!? It’s a damn verse match, dumbass!” he snapped, with his hair standing on end and his eyes blazing against his black mask.
You pouted and crossed your arms. “I just want to see Shemage’s cute mushrooms!” you stated, stomping your foot against the ground. You were completely unaware of the impending danger coming your way until you felt two hands grab at your ankles.
Before you could react, you were dragged away. You let out a scream and dug your nails into the concrete metal floor. However, this did not slow you down and you grunted as you were pulled between the numerous cranes and pipelines.
“Hey, get back here!” you heard Katsuki’s voice echo followed by his explosions. When you finally stopped, you groaned and turned over, feeling how tender the front of your body was. You clenched your jaw, staring at the sky or what was visible through the piping.
“So, you wanna see Shemage huh?” came Setsuna’s voice before numerous body parts materialized in front of you. Her hands grabbed your wrists, pinning them above your head as she loomed over you. “Well, you can see my cute face instead!” she laughed.
You looked at her with wide eyes. This whole situation was unexpected, and as usual, your oblivious nature was to blame. Seriously, is something wrong with you? Well other than the obvious. You needed to focus now more than ever, even if mushrooms were still on your mind.
“I don’t want to see your cute face!” you replied, trying to break free of her grip. You grunted, struggling to bring your leg up and kick her in the face. “Hey, dumbass!” Katsuki’s voice came closer this time and his explosions reflected off the metal landscape surrounding you, temporarily irritating your vision.
“Get away from her! Damn it!” he growled, using his quirk to propel himself toward you and Setsuna. “DIE!” he screamed, and a frightening chill ran through you knowing what he would do. While you trusted that he knew better than to hurt you, the fact was that he got competitive during training exercises and disregarded rules.
However, instead of feeling the heat and pain from the explosion, you felt the impact of it clashing against something else. You also felt the vibrations of it rattle through Ground Gamma. You took this chance to kick Setsuna off of you and staggered to your feet.
That's when your nose caught the scent of burnt mushrooms accompanied by smoke that billowed through the air. You coughed, waving your hand in front of your face before realizing what was in front of you...a giant pile of mushrooms.
“What the hell!?” Katsuki snapped, landing on the ground roughly. “Heh, thanks to your quirk's humidity, my mushrooms can grow rapidly!” Your head immediately turned to the source of the voice, and you gasped when you saw Shemage.
Before you could register your actions, you wrapped your arms around her and nuzzled the top of her mushroom-shaped hat. “Jeez,” Setsuna hissed, rubbing her sore face. “You have some kick,” she commented, before realizing the gravity of the situation.
“Uh…” she watched as Kinoko tried her hardest to pry you off her which caused mushrooms to grow across your skin, but you squealed in delight at this. “What the hell is wrong with your girlfriend!?” Setsuna shouted as Katsuki ground his teeth together.
“None of your damn business!” He snapped in reply before stomping over to you and Kinoko. “Get the hell off her! She's our enemy!” he demanded, grabbing your arm but you whined in retaliation. “You’re never going to get her off that way,” Setsuna commented, with her hands on her hips.
“You have any other damn suggestions!?” Katsuki snapped, trying to ignore the mushrooms growing across his hands. “Well, I don’t know what her obsession with mushrooms is but…” she looked at Kinoko with a smirk. “Let’s win this!” she declared.
The world around you was muted because all you cared about was being close to the cutest-looking mushroom girl, that could create them at will. What more could someone want? Kinoko smiled and nodded before looking at Katsuki who clenched his jaw.
“Damn it!” He wanted to win but couldn't leave you behind. He growled and grabbed the top of your head, curling his fingers into your hair and forcing you to turn your head. Mushrooms continued to grow across his skin and yours, but you failed to notice this until your eyes were forced to look at him.
“Snap out of it! I’m your damn boyfriend, pay attention to me!” he screamed into your face, and for once you seemed to acknowledge what he wanted. You removed your arms from around Kinoko who then used her quirk at full capacity.
Mushrooms grew across the ground, covering your shoes and ankles and decorating the metal poles with a variety of colors that reflected off the sunlight and created colorful hues. “Eh?” Katsuki raised his eyebrow, looking around as if he was in a foreign place.
“Oh wow,” you said, folding your hands in front of you as you approached Katsuki who turned his head back. “What the hell are you looking at!?” he snapped before realizing mushrooms were still sprouting across his arms and chest, and one mushroom was sticking out of the tip of his nose.
“You look so cute!” you screamed before pouncing on him and knocking him off his feet. “Get off me!” he snapped, but you remained sprawled on top of him, kissing one side of his cheek while cupping the opposite. Setsuna and Kinoko both exchanged a puzzling look before smiling.
“I think I’ll stick around and watch this,” Setsuna said, and Kinoko nodded in agreement. Your lips were sore by the time the teachers pulled the two of you apart. Katsuki’s hands were slightly burned because he had overused his quirk trying to get you off him and destroy the mushrooms that surrounded you.
Class B won the training exercise. This was a major hit to Katsuki’s ego and after you had time to process your actions, you felt embarrassed and shameful. You knew how much victory meant to him, and he refused to talk to you until the two of you were getting ready for bed.
You frowned and curled your hands in your lap while waiting for Katsuki to return from the bathroom. You sighed, leaning over, and cupping your face. ‘What is wrong with me?’ you thought, being critical of yourself. Your feet kicked against Katsuki's bedframe because, as usual, you couldn’t sit still.
Was that another problem you had? Was it normal to be this distracted and absent-minded? This obsessed with mushrooms!? It was your fault that you lost the match today. However, in your defense, you didn’t know you’d be facing someone that literally created the very thing you were obsessed with.
You frowned, feeling your eyes water over. This constant internal argument was annoying. You raised your head when you heard the door open, and Katsuki stepped through. He narrowed his eyes, immediately feeling the saddened atmosphere in the air. Maybe it was his fault.
He was harsh on you after you lost the training round, but he sensed something else was bothering you. Turning away, you took a deep breath and sighed. “Look about today-” Katsuki walked over, and slammed his hand over your mouth making you jump.
“Hm?!” You looked at him, eyes still glistening and filled with sadness. “It’s already over don’t worry about that stupid match,” he replied, anger seeping from his voice. He lowered his hand and sat down next to you.
“What the hell else is bothering you, eh!?” he demanded, and while you knew you shouldn’t be surprised, it also sucked that you were so transparent to him. “N-nothing I just-” you crossed your arms, trying to ignore his growl.
“Don’t tell me it’s nothing dumbass!” he snapped, reaching over to grab your chin, and forcing you to look at him. “Tell me right now, damn it. I’m not able to sleep until I know you’re okay,” the fact that he cared so much made a few tears roll down your cheeks, but you quickly wiped them away.
“It’s just…” you sighed. “I sometimes wonder what’s wrong with me, I mean…am I weird? I can’t sit still, I can’t pay attention in class, I love mushrooms so damn much!” you said, again getting that dreamy expression in your eye.
“Uh, I mean of course I don’t love them more than you!” a nervous chuckle left your mouth. “It’s just that uh, well-” his hand clamped over your mouth again. “I get it,” he replied sternly before lowering his hand. “Who the hell cares if you’re weird?” he replied in a serious tone.
“Class isn’t that important, being the best damn hero that you can is, and if anyone talks shit about you, I’ll take care of them,” he promised, while his words were somewhat encouraging you had some minor doubts about your hero abilities.
But you also knew that Katsuki would be there to guide you as well as your teachers. But even your teachers didn’t accept you as Katsuki did. “Feel better yet?” he asked, ruffling your hair. “Mm, I guess,” you replied shrugging. Katsuki seemed satisfied with your answer.
“Come on,” he said, half-heartedly lying down and spreading his arms out. You turned to look at him, and more importantly, the shirt he was wearing. It was colored white with a large red mushroom on it, and a small frog was sitting on top of the said mushroom, smiling.
How did you not notice that when he walked in? Well, at least it made you smile. “Hurry the hell up!” he demanded, knowing you noticed his shirt but refused to comment. “Okay!” you said, happily falling onto him and nuzzling your head against his mushroom-themed shirt.
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