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aiartfaut · 6 months
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Ai art "Highnd Sight" is available for sale by the artist Faut. You are viewing the censored version for community guideline purposes. If you're interested in buying this ai artwork, comment here and I'll message you.
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lolochaponnay · 10 months
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plumedepoete · 1 year
Il faut du temps - Colette Guinard
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  De la persévérance, lutter tout le temps Contre l’adversité et le découragement Pour atteindre un semblant d’absolu Si difficile, sans trébucher et reconnu. Le chemin de vie se construit lentement La fertilité sera prospère selon la semence en cours Dommage de ne pas pouvoir faire demi-tour Mes graines auraient été semées différemment. Le temps est précieux et pourtant il a filé de travers Sans que je l’apprécie vraiment, telle une danse J’ai été emporté dans un tourbillon éphémère Qui n’a laissé que des empreintes d’impuissance. Où est passé le temps, du bonheur de l’enfance Quand aujourd’hui à l’aurore de mes jours Je vis de regret et d’ennui pour toujours Sur les gens qui m’ont trahi et à qui j’avais donné tout mon amour. Peut être est-il encore temps de profiter de lui Avant qu’il m’entraîne et m’arrache à la vie Car le temps, qu’il me reste serait plus important Que les années qui se sont écoulées tel un roman. Texte de Colette Guinard Read the full article
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
French TV journalist having a hard time trying to get woman in the street to comment on Macron's latest speech yesterday
Protesters organised casserolades (aka banging on pots and pans) in front of city halls across the country at 8pm, when Macron was speaking, to symbolically drown out his voice. Later that evening, Macron was filmed singing a song with some 'random people' in a street in Paris, trying to show he can go out and meet people and have fun because protesters don't exist. The people he was singing with (members of a choir, some of whom are 'alt-right-leaning') were using a folk song app created by far-right activists that was criticised a few months ago for hosting a Spanish fascist anthem & Third Reich military marches.
The government's response was that the President "couldn't know the background of the people he met that night." Maybe if he wants to avoid being associated with the far-right (that's a big if, I know), Macron should keep in mind that with the kinds of strategies and positioning his government has adopted lately, people in the street who welcome him with open arms and are proud to be filmed with him have a higher than average likelihood of supporting fascism.
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nuooage · 7 months
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skibasyndrome · 11 months
I'm completely obsessed with and emo over the way Wilhelm carries himself now that he knows Simon loves him, too.
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(just a sidenote, but the duality of love and devotion towards Simon on one side and revolt and confident deviance towards everyone watching him, including us on the other.... these frames make me unwell...)
Like, that's absolutely the stance and face (and smile) of someone who's done with putting his own and his boyfriend's (!!!) needs behind those of the people who never cared about what he actually wanted.
Knowing him and Simon are on the same page now, finally, really is all he needs to face off against the consequences of living authentically and openly. He knows that together, they'll be fine.
I'd like to think his resistance is starting here already, facing off Jan-Olof with this stare and not pulling away as fast as Simon - who after all just offered to be Wilhelm's secret - is.
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It's so beautiful to see how much this has done for him in the S3 snippet. I feel like it's the first time he's moving like he's not a stranger on his own home anymore, like he's now commanding the place, like he's finally calling the shots. Sure, there are and there will be adversities (“I just wish it wasn't because of this”), but Wilhelm won't let them get in the way of him and Simon loving and supporting each other.
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“They won't start without us” He knows it's true and really isn't giving a fuck anymore who might get mad at them, he knows that they won't be able to play this down, make him deny everything again, they can't take back his confession in front of every single phone in all of Hillerska, and he won't let them try to, either. He's ready to fight, that revolution they started back in season 1 is now really picking up, and they're in it together.
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And god, it looks like it's healing him so much, he's so confident now, Simon by his side really gave him the strength he needed.
Like, the journey from the way he's desperately holding on to him at the confession, seemingly drinking it all in, those words he probably hasn't even dared dreaming of hearing from Simon and do taken aback by his emotions to the way he exudes confidence, strength, and conviction even in the face of adversity... the development is so beautiful.
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The combination of love and confidence is one hell of a drug, and Wilhelm gets both from and through Simon... I'm convinced they are going to be one hell of a power couple this next season.
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solidsmax · 5 months
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fav view 🌔
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katsdoodles · 15 days
Stress reliever Faust / Faust for my morale
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memorycardviii · 8 months
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Jessica Chastain ( cr. MEMORY CARD VIII )
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oceannacaldin · 3 months
Il est toujours minuit moins le quart et non minuit moins une.
Je croise les doigts pour que le NFP puisse tenir - et tenir son programme - et qu'on ait pas une alliance centriste qui reprenne les grand moment de Hollande et du Macroniste.
Et merci à toutes les personnes qui ont voté en se bouchant le nez pour qu'on ait pas un parti d'extrême droite au pouvoir. Vous avez sauvé des vies.
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wolfsnape · 2 months
Rappel de vous trouver un hobby créatif que ce soit le dessin, l'écriture, le scrapbooking, les bracelets, la musique... Parce que c'est important pour votre cerveau et votre âme d'avoir quelque chose de tangible à la fin de votre journée
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The text updates I was sending a friend while at the protest in Paris yesterday are kind of tragically funny, it goes from "the cops are staying away and as a result everything's going well, they clearly received better orders today, I'm glad" to "wait, no, forget that"
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1. "Everything's going well, there are a couple of small fires but no one cares, the crowd calmly avoids them, some people stop to warm their hands over them, it's very civilised. I don't think the people who set stuff on fire are the problem, when the cops stay away everything goes smoothly"
2. "There are groups of CRS with batons and shields in the side streets but they stay very discreet compared with the other protests and weirdly enough this one is calmer!"
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3. My friend : "Maybe they received different orders today"
Me "Yeah it's a miracle, someone made a sensible decision"
4. "We just passed another side street full of cops and I heard someone said "last time they started charging us, we had no idea why" so yeah they clearly received different instructions today"
Less than 10min later: "never mind we're being tear gassed"
Then: "Never mind they just charged us several times we have no idea why"
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"I arrived at the end point of the march, looked back and there was a fresh new cloud of tear gas over the (very calm, many elderly people) groups in the middle of the march. More police cars + a water cannon are arriving"
Can't overstate how calm the protest was, just people (100K to 300K according to estimates) walking from point A to point B while holding signs. There were a few trash fires but if they'd sent firefighters to extinguish them people would have let them through... I had friends who walked in the middle of the march to avoid any trouble or gas and they still got tear gassed without knowing why. Even supposing there were people ahead of me I couldn't see who were being more antagonistic towards the CRS, surely the hundreds of cops present could have somehow dealt with that without charging and bludgeoning peaceful protesters and tear gassing thousands of people? Right now it's not possible for French citizens to peacefully assemble without getting systematically gassed by police.
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Here's a video of when they first charged the front of the march, the people they're hitting can't move back any faster (I was somewhere in the compact crowd behind wondering (cause I'm not tall I couldn't see anything 😭) why we were suddenly being pushed back when things had been calm and fun until then. People who had been there before were coaching others like 'don't try to run, you'll make the people behind panic, just walk fast'). I counted five or six tear gas grenades going off
From what I've heard from people who were at the protest, the ones who didn't get gassed are the ones who were at the back of the march and left early without completing the march (some left because they saw the cloud of gas ahead). I've also seen people at other protests in various cities yesterday describing a similar situation : peaceful crowd getting separated in two by a charge, gassed and soaked with water cannons, most people having no idea why. If I had to describe this in terms of police strategy it would be, gas as many people as possible to dissuade your average peaceful protester from completing the march and showing up next time, and be aggressive towards the front of the march to rile them up and get nice images of youth burning things or throwing stuff at cops to show on the evening news and turn public opinion against protesters.
(Note that the society of journalists working for France Télévision (public TV, like the French BBC) have published a statement decrying the poor framing of the protests on the national news, saying too much emphasis was placed on the small amount of people destroying stuff and almost nothing on police brutality and the record numbers of (peaceful) protesters in the streets.) (Read this if you're French and have been wondering why some people around you still don't think the situation is worrying...)
Anyway, I'm glad I went. It was good to see so many people just as angry as I am about what's happening to this country and guillotine-chan was in attendance, and many people had very fun signs and I liked this angry flag:
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aspirateur-killeuse · 3 months
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Les élus LR à leur président actuellement
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sobillyboy · 14 days
J'ai oublié de vous dire, y a une étudiante cette année elle s'appelle Cannelle et... Elle est sportive pro en équitation 😭
Je me demande si elle s'est dirigé vers ce sport parce qu'elle a un nom de cheval ou si ses parents adoraient les chevaux et se sont dits appelons là par un prénom de cheval quelle rêve
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