ms-boogie-man · 13 days
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millie1098 · 4 months
FJB FBHO FCK the Demo🐀🐀🐀
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caroline-63-world · 6 months
Check it out
Fantastic news 👏
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trenenlasnubes · 1 year
Å oppdage fremtiden ~ Discovering the future ~ Zukunft entdecken
At Holmlia church I meet Pastor Silja. Holmlia has been a member of Fremtiden bor hos oss from the very beginning.
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Pastor Silja was part of a group around the bishop that visited Member churches of Framtiden bor hos oss in the diocese of Göteborg. She tells me about a church just outside of Göteborg, that hosts refugees each wednesday and opens the entire building as consultation center, offering legal, medical, and social advice – bringing in lawyers, social workers, physicians, psychologists, musicians etc. Interestingly I happened to recognize this church from a self organized continued education of Pastors in the deanery of Frankfurt*. I recall being highly impressed by the hospitality of this congregation. We did talk with the Pastor about the future being around us and with us already – the terminology “Framtiden bor hos oss” – was not used then or didn’t occur to us as a key word. So, Pastor Silje and I share this experience.
Together with the church musician Pastor Silje organized an event in the tea house tradition at Holmlia. Tea houses in the Middle East tradition host music, narrative and poetry and always have a flair from all over the world. At another event a Persian and a Norwegian poet were in dialog with Syrian music.
She also shows me pictures of a meeting of confirmands from Holmlia Church, and Coran schools of three different mosques in the area. Together they decided to come together and pick litter at the local park, also sharing food and conversation. Silje recalls the effort of having a conversation with the Imam and Members of the board and her joy, when the “Yes, we’ll do this!” was said. All had a good time and at the end of the day the youth wished to do this again.
I ask Pastor Silje, how the church members at holmlia get along with the idea of Fremtiden bor hos oss. She explains how the council is very much invested in FBHO at Holmlia. The events bring some church members and people from around Oslo to Holmlia church.
The area of Holmlia has eveloped since the 80’s. The church was built in the 90’s. A high percentage of inhabitants were not born in Norway. So, dialogue of cultures leads the way to the future in Holmlia.
*) This consultation center on church grounds was also my role modell for implementing the consultation center in the fellowship house of our congregation in Bad Ems, shortly after the first Ukranians arrived in Nasauer Land (2022).
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gravalicious · 7 years
Challenging discrimination in housing took several forms. Pooled private savings and voluntary self-help groups emerged to tackle some of the most acute community housing needs. Carib Housing Association, for example, founded in 1979 and chaired by Lee Samuel became a driving force in steering the charity and chalked up remarkable successes in dealing with some of the worst cases of need. In 1983 dilapidated properties in Kensington and Chelsea were restored and named the Allan Kelly House after a distinguished community worker. In 1985 it's second home, the Clive Lloyd House, was opened and named after the internationally acclaimed cricketer. Six years later, June 1991 saw the opening in Brixton of the Lee Samuel House, named for the association's founder, while in May the following year the Bishop Wilfred Wood House opened, named for the association's chairman. This splendid effort influenced a trend that was to continue. Other housing associations followed, paving the way for a more enlightened policy both at local and national levels. The Federation of Black Housing Organisations, founded in 1983 with the motto a 'Better Housing Deal', was to become another driving force in influencing change for the black community. The FBHO made good progress particularly in securing registrations with the Housing Corporation and has been instrumental in securing for its members greater participation in council housing management across the country.(p. 26)
Tony Wade - The Adventures of an Economic Migrant (2007)
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omgfbho · 11 years
Obama 2006: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Over the past 5 years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion. That is ‘trillion’ with a ‘T.’ That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers. And over the next 5 years, between now and 2011, the President’s budget will increase the debt by almost another $3.5 trillion.”
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ms-boogie-man · 3 months
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Again… liberalism is a disease
It is a cancer, a corrosion upon our republic It is a foulness not headed up by Joe Biden, but rather, it is led by Barry Soetoro Barrack Hussein Obama is the lying, sneaking, cheating, pernicious, criminal gangrene eating away at America… and the world as a whole
If you are finding the post difficult to read, go HERE and scroll to post 4008… it will be a good introduction to 17
Too, lefties, KEEP OFF my fuckin' blog. You and your ill-manners, foul disposition and violence are no longer welcome in the conversation Take pride in that
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ms-boogie-man · 2 months
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Television = tell a vision Channels = the variety of paths for channeling to you Programs = particular narratives used to program you
… get it?!
*this public service information was brought to you by me, Angie/Maddie
🦇🙃s (bat smiles)
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trenenlasnubes · 1 year
Størrelse i bevegelse ~ Entity in motion ~ Größe in Bewegung
Die Zeiten, in denen Rathaus und Kirche um den höchsten Turm wetteiferten sind wohl schon längst vorbei…Now what? Was ist es, was wir der Welt zu geben haben, als Christen, als Jesus Followers? Denn das sind wir, Jesus Follower, Jesu Jünger:innen – unabhängig davon, ob wir uns als hochkirchlich, freikirchlich fromm oder sozial-weltoffen (oder alles zusammen) betrachten.
Angesichts der fortschreitenden kirchlichen Entfremdung in der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung sollten wir nicht versäumen, Kirche dennoch als eine „Größe“ in der Gesellschaft zu sehen. Klar, niemand hat gesagt, wie groß Kirchens shareholders value sein wird. Auch zu Jesu Zeiten, war sie nicht wirklich groß – gemessen an der Gesamtpopulation. Und auch wenn Kirche – oder die kirchliche Bewegung derzeit nicht echt im Wachsen begriffen ist, so umfassen die Evangelische und die Katholische Kirche zusammen, immer noch knapp 50% der deutschen Gesellschaft. Zum Vergleich: in Oslo muss Den Norske Kirke diese 50% allein stemmen.
Es sind weltliche Sorgen – Gebäudemanagement, Personaleinsatz, Mitgliedszahlen und Finanzplanung, sowie Public Relations/Renommee, etc. – die Kirche derzeit am meisten beschäftigen. Auch wenn ich Projektmanagement gelernt und neben Theologie auch Soziologie und Politologie studiert habe, das ist keineswegs der Grund, warum ich Pfarrerin geworden bin! Ebenso ist der Umgang mit weltlichen Sorgen nicht der Grund, warum Kirche existiert. Deshalb ist es wichtig, sich als Christen, als Kirchengemeinde und als Landeskirche (mit den verschiedenen Ebenen) darauf zu besinnen, was wir in der Welt bedeuten können.
Diese Fragestellungen bekümmern Kirchengemeinden mehr denn je. Mitten in der Pandemiezeit schlossen sich daher 15 Kirchengemeinden in Den Norske Kirke zusammen und bildeten ein Netzwerk Fremitden bor hos oss (FBHO / Die Zukunft wohnt bereits unter uns), nach dem schwedischen Modell, welches zu dem Zeitpunkt bereits 20 Jahren bestand. Nun ist es nicht Einfach, eine Idee, ein Netzwerk in einem anderen kulturellen Kontext zu verpflanzen. Die schwedische Kirche (welche bereits im Jahre 2000 aufhörte, Staatskirche zu sein) ist, anders als Den Norske Kirke (und auch als die Landeskirchen innerhalb der EKD). Doch eines haben alle drei Kontexten gemeinsam: zum Zeitpunkt, als ernsthaft versucht wird, einen gangbaren Weg in die Zukunft zu finden, steht ein massiver Mitgliederschwund ins Haus. Ferner ist es zunehmend schwerer, alte (und durchaus bewährte) Traditionen aufrecht zu halten, wenn die lokale Bevölkerung mittlerweile vermehrt multikulturell geprägt ist. Daher verändert sich Kirche, ob wir es wollen oder nicht. Also, warum nicht aktiv auf diese Veränderungen zugehen?
Vordringlich ist sowohl in der schwedischen, der norwegischen und der deutschen Kirche die Frage: „Wie können wir eine lebendige, nahe und zugängliche nationale Kirche in den Vierteln sein, in denen die Kirche von Norwegen eine Konfession unter vielen ist, eine Religion unter vielen?“*)
Damit wir uns selbst nicht „ins Abseits“ stellen und zu einer „kleinen geschlossenen Gesellschaft“ werden, so die Gründer des norwegischen Netzwerks, müssen Kirchengemeinden „sich als Teil der örtlichen Gemeinschaft“ verstehen, als wichtige Akteurin, welche „für die Menschen von Bedeutung ist.“ Das Netzwerk sodann ermöglicht es – inmitten aller Veränderungen – „gemeinsam laut zu denken, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und uns gegenseitig Mut und Anstöße zu geben“ und: „um mit Ideen voranzukommen“. Damit werde, so die Mitglieder des Netzwerks, in vielerlei Hinsicht, den Grundstein für die „zukünftige Realität der Kirche“ gelegt.
„Wir sind verpflichtet“, so die Überzeugung, „das lokale Umfeld, zu dem wir gehören, zu kennen. Nur dann können wir auf die Freuden und Herausforderungen reagieren, die sich zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt ergeben.“ **
Die FBHO-Bewegung ist, das, was die beteiligten Kirchengemeinden daraus machen, welche Schwerpunkte und wieviel Energie sie da hineingeben. Es bietet allerdings eine Chance, etwas zu bewirken, dort wo wir sind. Als Kirchengemeinde vor Ort, wissen wir, wie das Leben in unseren örtlichen Gemeinschaft aussieht – was die Menschen bewegt und was sie beschwert. Kirche geschehe in den Kirchengemeinden – dort ist die Ortskenntnis und die Erfahrung. „Alles andere in der Kirche, außer den Gemeinden“, sei „nur Dienstleistungspersonal, Dienstleistungseinrichtungen, die die Gemeinden und ihre Aktivitäten unterstützen sollen.“ ***)
Kirche „für eine vielfältige Bevölkerung zu sein“ und herauszufinden, wie das gehen kann, darauf komme es an. ****). Es gelte, so die Netzwerkgründer, Antworten auf die folgende Leitfragen zu finden *****):
- Womit sollte sich ein FBHO-Netzwerk befassen?
- Was kennzeichnet FBHO-Gemeinden?
- Gibt es Gemeinsamkeiten im theologischen Ansatz, im Gottesdienst und/oder in der Liturgie?
- Zeichnen sich die Gemeinden durch einen besonderen Fokus auf einen multidisziplinären Ansatz aus, bei dem Diakonie, Religionsunterricht, Kirchenmusik und Predigt im Zusammenhang gesehen werden?
- Sollte der Religionsunterricht für Erwachsene in den FBHO-Gemeinden ein eigenes Programm sein?
Der Blickwinkel, dem das Netzwerk bietet, der Raum, Dinge auszuprobieren ******), ist womöglich genau das, was wir nach über 2000 Jahren Kirchengeschichte, nach Corona und in Zeiten des drohenden Krieges in Europa brauchen, um Kirche vom Kopf auf die Füße zu stellen und eine Größe in Bewegung zu sein.
*) https://www.kirken.no/nb-NO/fellesrad/fbho/forsideoppslag/Fremtiden%20bor%20hos%20oss/
**) ebd.
***) ebd.
****) ebd.
*****) https://www.kirken.no/globalassets/bispedommer/oslo/saksdokument%20etablering%20fbho.pdf
******) siehe Knut Tveitereid* and Bård Norheim, Theological Wiggle Room as a Resource in Ordinary Theology: Significance for Ecclesiology, Leadership, and Personal Development, in Knut Tveitereid* and Bård Norheim (https://doi.org/10.1515/ijpt-2020-0033 ) und früherer Artikel zum Thema „Wiggle room“ in diesem Blog
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trenenlasnubes · 1 year
You have set my feet in a broad place II – Du stellst meine Füße auf weiten Raum II
During yesterdays network meeting of FBHO at Fossum Kirke – sometime during the afternoon – the thought crossed my mind: what is so different about these projects? Hasn’t the church been doing these things forever? So, what is the difference? What is new about this movement?
Halfway through the evening I noticed that the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together and with that – I hope, I understand a little bit more, what FBHO is about – it’s about our focus.
And in the same moment, a few more questions pop up:
Apparently, the structural changes push us to specialize. And is that the reason, why we seem to rediscover this task of the church and also focus on the poor?
And is this specializing, the reason why we start complaining more and more, that we are doing someone else’s work – myself included?
It seems, we are turning in a circle here…
It is true,  that the threshold is quite high in a great number of church buildings as well as in its organizational structure AND in the welcoming situation. According to the findings of a New York Lutheran colleague, it takes 6 moths for a person to enter a church – to go over that threshold. And if – for any optical or communicational reason, we do not feel welcome, it might take another 6 months to enter a church again.
It seems, something’s wrong here!
Thinking back of Psalm 31,9, I tend to ask: Does the church tend to set its feet in a rather narrow space?
So many missed occasions for meeting our fellow human being and meeting Christ!
At this point, we really need to ask: Does church life only exist within the walls of the church?
Of course we do invite the world in our churches! However, if we do not change the threshold-and-welcoming-situation, we should not wonder, if people are hesitant about entering the church compound.
And still we have this promise of Psalm 31,9: You have set may feet on a broad space.
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trenenlasnubes · 1 year
Bli kjent med «Fremtiden bor hoss os (FBHO)» for første gang - Getting to know «The future lives amongst us» – Erstes kennenlernen mit «Die Zukunft wohnt unter uns»
Under the heading “Kirken om fattigdom – The church about poverty – Kirche über Armut”, a meeting of  FBHO took place on Monday in Fossum Kirke on the west side of Oslo. As it turned out, this was the first meeting of the Norwegian FBHO Network, after the pandemic. Then again, it seems that the network has grown during the pandemic – new member churches were present at the meeting.
Priests, deacons, daily managers and volunteers spoke up and  reported of their different ways of being church in the here and now. In all cases, the needs of the community were the guide to specific projects. These vary between activities for children and youth and welcoming refugees. We heard about meals for an affordable price, language classes and more.
After a shared meal, we shared the word from Luke 24, 13-35. The discussion brought up different aspects of poverty, between being hungry and having no voice.
The evening ended with a short communion service.
The metro took me back home after a very informative afternoon and evening.
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omgfbho · 11 years
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omgfbho · 11 years
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omgfbho · 11 years
CNSNews.com was launched on June 16, 1998 as a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission.
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omgfbho · 11 years
WASHINGTON (AP) - The National Security Agency has been collecting the telephone records of millions of U.S. customers of Verizon under a top secret court order, according to a report in Britain's Guardian newspaper.
The order was granted by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on April 25 and is good until July 19, the newspaper reported Wednesday. The order requires Verizon, one of the nation's largest telecommunications companies, on an "ongoing, daily basis" to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the U.S. and between the U.S. and other countries.
The newspaper said the document, a copy of which it had obtained, shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of U.S. citizens were being collected indiscriminately and in bulk, regardless of whether they were suspected of any wrongdoing.
The Associated Press could not authenticate the order because documents from the court are classified.
Verizon spokesman Ed McFadden said Wednesday the company had no comment. The White House declined comment and referred questions to the NSA. The NSA had no immediate comment.
Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) listed 121 million customers in its first-quarter earnings report this April - 98.9 million wireless customers, 11.7 million residential phone lines and about 10 million commercial lines. The court order didn't specify which type of phone customers' records were being tracked.
Under the terms of the order, the phone numbers of both parties on a call are handed over, as are location data, call duration, unique identifiers, and the time and duration of all calls. The contents of the conversation itself are not covered, The Guardian said.
The broad, unlimited nature of the records being handed over to the NSA is unusual. FISA court orders typically direct the production of records pertaining to a specific named target suspected of being an agent of a terrorist group or foreign state, or a finite set of individually named targets. NSA warrantless wiretapping during the George W. Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks was very controversial.
The FISA court order, signed by Judge Roger Vinson, compelled Verizon to provide the NSA with electronic copies of "all call detail records or telephony metadata created by Verizon for communications between the United States and abroad" or "wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls," The Guardian said.
The law on which the order explicitly relies is the "business records" provision of the USA Patriot Act.
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