hajimeave · 1 year
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2023.02.18.sat H-BLOOD with the SCARFACE 荻窪チェッカーズナイト @timemachineogikubo 18:30 Op / 19:20〜2set / Mc3,500yen #FBlood #藤井兄弟 #FF #キャロル #クールス #ピスキッズ #rocknroll #lovesong #withlove (Live & Bar TIME MACHINE Ogikubo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyjukiJ8Ur/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nanasehiroron · 2 years
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11月12日(土)は #FBLOOD のコンサートに行ってきました😊 終演後も会場の #中野サンプラザ は大賑わいで、すぐ背中を向けて会場を後にする人のほうが少なく、ワイワイガヤガヤ皆さん歓談を楽しんでおられました😊 私は一人で行きましたが、その雰囲気の中、立ってるだけで楽しくて、会場を後にするのが名残惜しく、ずっとその場にいたかった… 私も帰りたくなかったです🥹 #藤井フミヤ #藤井尚之 #七瀬ひろろん #セルフィー #セルフィー女子 #金髪 #金髪女子 #金髪ロング (中野サンプラザ) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClATIlVJQL_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roralty · 2 years
its internal bleeding yuo wouldnt know. was it a lot of blood or just a bit?
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thefuryofblood · 7 years
- Não sei se vale de algo, mas você será uma ótima rainha um dia – O cinza e o violeta se misturaram naquele momento, como se um pudesse fundir-se com o outro e formar uma nova cor, talvez pudesse e somente eles não tivessem dado a chance necessária para isso.
The fury of blood, confissões de um bosque.
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harpieshestia · 4 years
Task #3  A Deeper Look
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Full Name:  Hestia Moira Jones
Nickname(s): Hes, Tia Jones
Age: 22
Date of Birth:  August 12
Hometown: New York City, New York
Current Location: London, England
Gender: Female
Blood Status: Pureblood
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Straight
Religion: N/A
Affiliation: Order of the Phoenix 
Occupation: Auror, Seeker
Living Arrangements: Flat in downtown London
Language(s) Spoken: England, Russian
Accent: American
Face Claim: Melissa Benoist
Hair Colour: brown
Eye Colour:  Blue
Height: 5′7
Weight: 54kg
Build: Slim
Tattoos: A Golden Snitch behind her left ear and  Tattoos of a Quidditch broom
Piercings: Both ears
Clothing Style: Her normal day to day outfits are mostly spring dresses. For Auror work, she is commonly seen in causal pants and a blazer
Usual Expression: Grinning
Distinguishing Characteristics: Bright eyes
Physical Ailments: None
Neurological Conditions: None
Allergies: None
Sleeping Habits:   Hestia is an early riser and makes sure to get her 8 hours a night, sleep is important to her and her job.
Eating Habits: Hestia is always eating, she was a bottomless pit. She should eat healthy, but she doesn’t
Exercise Habits:  She eat like crazy and because of that she is always working out. It is important to stay in shape with her jobs, and she loves an early morning run
Emotional Stability: 8, Hestia wants to believe she is a 10 but she hasn’t been right since the murder of her mother.
Sociability: She is very sociability she doesn’t mind talking to new people or being in large crowds
Body Temperature: cold-natured
Addictions: Quidditch, Doughnuts, chinses, chess
Drug Use: never
Alcohol Use: Occasionally
Label: The Defender
Positive Traits: Kind, Headstrong, Passionate 
Negative Traits: Temperamental, Stubborn, pretentious    
Goals/Desires: To be make the world a better place, to honor her mother
Fears: Her family and friends dying. Becoming evil
Hobbies: Chess, Quidditch
Habits: playing with her hair
Season: Spring
Colour: Purple 
Music: Rock
Movies: Romantic comedies 
Quidditch Team: Harpies of course
Beverage: Strawberry milk
Food: doughnuts 
Person: Gwen or Julien @julien-loren​ @gwenxgdiva​
Father:  Maximus Jones/42/ Former Quidditch commuter, Professor/ birth father
Mother: Rhea Jones nee Asten/ Deceased 35 at death/ birth mother
Sibling(s): N/A
Children: N/A
Pet(s):  Bearded dragon named Eddie
Family’s Financial Status: Wealthy
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Enneagram: Type 2. The Giver
Temperament:  Choleric
Hal-fBlood House: Athena 
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Primary Vice: Pride
Primary Virtue:  Charity
Element: Fire
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ofauroradreams · 4 years
more headcanons about Liana’s magic bc I forgot some and thought of others.
under another read-more bc I wanted to keep the pattern going, but it’s also kinda long again:
her magic glows gold.  I thought about making it glow silver bc of the whole “stars are only visible in darkness” theme I have running around somewhere and silver looks more like starlight than gold, but nah.  gold is sunlight and fire and heat
depending on where she’s directing the magic, parts of her body can glow with it.  for example, when she’s influencing something physical or healing a wound or growing a plant, the magic is directed through her hands and into the plant, ergo both light up in gold shimmers.  if she’s creating shields or teleporting something or anything non-physical, her eyes glow gold bc that’s where she’s directing the magic.
she’s capable of manipulating elements: specifically earth and fire.  so she doesn’t just influence plants to grow, she can grow plants from nothing, like a neat party trick.  she can also create fire from thin air; again, another party trick but handy for dark areas when she doesn’t have a torch: just create a little hovering ball of bright fire.
she can manifest her magic in the air.  this doesn’t provide any benefits, it’s just for fun.  she can play with translucent strands of gold magic; or create little animal shapes in the air, that kind of thing.
her magic is sentient enough to react to its surroundings: if there’s magic in the air (in nature) or a location (a nexus of magic or a nemeton, re: teen.wolf), it will attempt to interact with the magic; as such, it tends to be drawn towards nature (altho Liana’s a city girl through and through) and Liana is able to navigate towards and through nature without ever getting lost.
it has also been known to react to people: for example, Liana’s eyes have been known to light up in response to people without any use of her powers bc this is her magic making itself known; usually happens when its emotional response lines up with Liana’s (for example, if Liana smiles at someone she considers a friend or smth, and her magic agrees, it will show itself as described above).
the possibility of being able to track people through the energy of their souls but it’s not accurate bc sometimes they’re sleeping and thus their souls are connected to the dream plane; or electricity (which I think I got from a show or smth?  but idk what one it’s wo/fblood , I got it from wo/fblood), bc magic exists by different laws but sometimes those laws conflict with our own
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korekori · 5 years
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i am not immune to forgetting basic facts about cam/p hal/fblood
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whimsyful-moved · 7 years
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made of the sun. daughter of apollo.
the only place clementine actually likes to be in this verse is camp hal/fblood. she found out she was a demigod at age thirteen.
great archer, can heal people with music, but she’s a more talented dancer than she is singer.
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neon-the-hedgehog · 4 years
neon the hegehog funeral music
i was going to add a play list of musics for neon funeral but i onley need 1 song................
here it is
good neon song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it xD
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hajimeave · 1 year
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2023.01.17.tue H-BLOOD with Wani🥁 久々のトリオ! チェッカーズ関連他、 幅広く融通きかせてリクエスト受け付けます。 #ブレてないよ‪𐤔 #チェッカーズ #FBlood #藤井兄弟 #キャロル #クールス #エルヴィス etc. #rocknroll #lovesong #withlove #tokyo #japan (Live & Bar TIME MACHINE Ogikubo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CngebZap-ik/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nanasehiroron · 2 years
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昨日(2002年11月12日)#FBLOOD のコンサートを観に #中野サンプラザ に行ってきたのですが、そこでなんと! #千葉県館山市 のお土産屋さんを発見しました!👀 あー、どこに行っても #YOSHIKI さんや #XJAPAN とは繋がってるんだなぁ、見守られてるなぁと感じた瞬間でした❤️ #藤井フミヤ #藤井尚之 #七瀬ひろろん #運命共同体 @yoshikiofficial @toshl_officia @extasyrecords.co_official (中野サンプラザ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4Xiv2SFRJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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「情熱大陸ライブ2017 OSAKA TBSチャンネルオリジナル版」出演:AKB48 [9/7 23:00~] 本日9月7日(木)23:00よりTBSチャンネルにて、7月22日に大阪万博記念公園の特設ステージで行われた「情熱大陸ライブ2017」の模様が放送されます。 スポンサード リンク #葉加瀬太郎 さん、#FBLOOD[#藤井フミヤ+#藤井尚之] … Source: AKB48LOVER
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drrevbobpulley-blog · 7 years
Holy Psalm91 Blood flow
Holy John 17 Kathryn MIller andF&FBlood flow would be at Holy success any work and appointments will go Holy Blood flow all Misfortune gone Bad luck Gone.if any one is going in my apartment 300 not... All of God's promises are "yes" in Christ! Through Christ, we give glory to God by saying "Amen." 2 Corinthians 1:20 #prayerchain
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thefuryofblood · 7 years
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Dollor Joth - Metais 
Os que adquiriram a capacidade de tornar seus corpos tão duros, frios e resistentes como os metais para que pudessem sobreviver foram para o extremo nordeste do grande continente, o contorno de seus mares é feito por enormes montanhas e no meio, os grandes vales dão abertura para grandes, imensas e magnificas planícies, lá fundaram seu reino e escolheram os Stumein para lidera-los, Oleg Stumein o mais resistente, assumiu o trono e tornou-se seu soberano e assim a linhagem permaneceu durante o tempo seguinte até o atual momento. Sua economia baseia-se na extração dos metais e no comércio dos mesmos - ainda que sejam poucos os permitidos comerciantes, já que é extremamente proibida em todos os reinos adentrar outros se não com uma autorização assinada pelo próprio rei - seu principal comprador é Kahrar. 
Sua mão de obra é escrava - Imutáveis e Imperfeitos - e a maior parte de sua população vive na capital Avars que fica em uma das poucas aberturas para o mar norte do reino. O povo influenciado pelo seu dom costuma ser ambivertido, ter um gosto doentio por adrenalina e perigo e serem implacáveis. 
Animal - Águia // Capital - Avars
Dollor Kahrar - Fogo
Aqueles que adquiriram a capacidade de tornar seus corpos resistentes ao fogo que assolou o mundo, uniram-se no sudeste do grande continente, com climas variáveis e assim paisagens igualmente diversas, ao norte uma enorme praia que dá início a um deserto inabitado, no centro terras quentes e úmidas e no sul acesso a florestas, caça, e uma possibilidade para a agricultura local, assim nasceu, liderado pela família Erkert, sua primeira rainha foi Aslag, a noiva em batalha e assim também teve início seu culto a igualdade entre os gêneros, a suas mulheres guerreiras, ao seu dom natural para a guerra. Sua economia é baseada na construção de armas e ferramentas, a transformação das matérias primas que compram de Joth.
O reino não faz escravos, mas também não aceita Imutáveis e Imperfeitos - Humanos sem dons e humanos com “anomalias” causadas pela radiação - expulsando-os logo ao nascimento, abandonando-os a própria sorte na floresta, seu povo não é famoso pelo amor e compaixão com os animais ou com a natureza, são caçadores por necessidade e esporte, alguns poucos tornam do comércio de peles e carnes sua renda. O povo influenciado pelo seu dom costuma ser extrovertido entre si e duro para com os outros, esforçado e meticuloso. 
Animal - Lobo // Capital - Musp
Dollor Niflehr - Água
Aqueles que encontraram força para transformar seus corpos na capacidade de contornar das águas, em sua pureza e vida migraram para o extremo norte do grande continente, onde encontraram o frio essencial para aprender a dominar a transformação física de seu dom e também uma planície prospera onde seria possível criar um ciclo de vida, seu grande líder foi Vagn Bozhe, e apesar de sua monarquia para que o grande território fosse administrado e sua população espalhada pudesse ser atendida cada grande família possui um extenso território sobre seu poder e respondem ao Bozhe rei. Por ser um reino mais reservado que o comum não mantém relações políticas ou econômicas com os outros, vivem trancados em suas fronteiras e pouco sabe-se sobre eles além de sua existência e coisas ditas em poucas e curtas cartas enviadas pelos mensageiros na comunicação entre reis. 
Sabe-se que, não aceitam os imutáveis e os fazem de escravos, mantém uma relação considerada respeitosa com sua fauna e flora local, vivem de boa parte dos mares, sendo muito comum ensopados de peixes diversos. Seu povo é extramamente introvertido, conservador, consciente e leal.
Animal - Urso // Capital - Aströn
Dollor Vanah 
Os que acreditaram que nada se perdia, tudo era transformado herdaram uma ligação incomum com a terra, e migraram para o centro do grande continente onde o clima é mais quente e seco, mas sem chegar a ser desértico, seus líderes foram a família Dresch, sendo assim é muito comum ao seu povo o respeito as entidades familiares, suas linhagens e a preservação destas, sendo comum o casamento entre parentes, o único reino que aceita os imutáveis como parte de sua sociedade, concedendo-lhes direitos e legados, mas mantendo-os na base como serviçais, são grandes agricultores e sua economia gira entorno disso e de sua intelectualidade, vivem livremente por suas florestas e as construções mais comuns são nas árvores.
Seu povo é extrovertido, gosta de músicas e festas, mas são manipuladores e escorregadios.
Animal - Coruja // Capital - Allah
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pmato39 · 7 years
今年本格再始動のF-BLOOD、初期ライブが初のDVD化https://t.co/y4YwAuhSQg#FBLOOD #藤井フミヤ #藤井尚之
— BARKS編集部 (@barks_news) April 7, 2017
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On The Road
I've spent the last few weeks engrossed in the world. This trip has taken me from Illinois, through Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, and now into the sunny state of Florida. Orlando has been amazing, both for the city itself and the people I've met here. From travel enthusiasts, to artists, to computer animation people to employees at EA. It's been awesome, and I'm only expecting for more with each following day. But with all these exciting things, I've had very little time to get on here and keep updates and information coming on Fractured Bloodlines. This is me touching base. Letting you know we're still here, still working, and still dreaming. More content will be coming within the next two days as I find my way back into the tumblr groove, so keep your eyes open for that. 
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