#fe alphabet
glowingbadger · 4 months
Hi l, hope you're having a good day :) for the alphabet prompts, can I ask for D, I and K with Zelgius? I recently replayed the Tellius games and... oof 🥵
Oh man that reminds me I need to get back to my PoR replay, ugh, they don't make men like they did in Tellius.
Alphabet prompts - Zelgius (FE 9/10)
D (dirty secret), I (intimacy), K (kink)
NSFW 18+
Dirty secret: Zelgius dearly does not want to let on how pent up he's been until letting you into his life (and, naturally, his bed). Sexual frustration truly isn't something he's has the time, energy or focus to address for quite some time- he's been just a touch busy for the past few years. Even once he has you, he does his best to train his responses to your touch and your lips, as intoxicating as they are. It's such a novel experience for him, as he's been without for so terribly long, but he's a stoic type by nature, and so he's reticent to show exactly how you drive him mad with lust.
Intimacy: while certainly not romantic (see "stoic" above), Zelgius is extremely intimate in the intensity of how he makes love. Being with someone who sees him- truly sees all of him -and accepts and loves all of what they see is something that he couldn't possibly take for granted. So while he'll never shower you with eloquent praises or arrange for over-the-top romantic gestures in bed, he'll hold you close to him, touch you firmly yet so tenderly, and kiss you until your head spins.
Kink: This is yet one more aspect of Zelgius you'll have to discover and piece together yourself, as he's extremely unlikely to bring it up voluntarily- but you'll notice with time that he's always all the more riled up when you're a bit bratty with him. Something about his somwhat competitive warrior's spirit compels him to want to "conquer" even his lover, so while he would never take you by force (unless you're into that, of course), he secretly enjoys being challenged and needled until he has the chance to pin you down on the sheets and show you how easily he can claim you with that overwhelming strength of his.
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vellatra · 6 months
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randoimago · 1 year
A,C,S, and V of the SFW Alphabet with Kuki (Genshin), Kazuha (Genshin), and Bernadetta (FE3H).
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Genshin Impact // Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Character(s): Kuki Shinobu, Kazuha, Bernadetta
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You got it!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
She likes affection, but she's not the best when it comes to initiating it. You might notice her sneaking glances at your hand or just trying to make you notice she'd like to cuddle. When you initiate then she's humming a happy tune as she swings your joined hands or sighing in relief as she melts in your arms.
It really depends on location and who's around for how affectionate he'll be. In private, he's more than happy to lean on you or have you lean on him. Lot more cuddly and liking to touch you by holding hands or multiple forehead kisses. It's toned down around loved ones, for their sake.
Not too affectionate. You'll get compliments and her telling you, "Good job." but besides that there isn't a whole lot of affection from her. Now and then she might go to hold your hand or pat you on the head, but that's about it.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She was very hesitant about cuddles in the beginning but she grows to love them. Just wants to be holding you and have you hold her, you both facing each other.
Is a fan of cuddling. It brings a nice peace that is much needed at times. He's rather catlike with liking to sleep in sunny areas and the same can be said when he cuddles with you too. Might prefer laying his head in your lap, letting you play with his hair. If he could purr, he would.
She doesn't mind cuddling. She didn't get a lot of loving when she was a kid so cuddles are nice to receive. She still doesn't do it too often as she likes to be moving around instead of sitting still for too long. Would prefer to cuddle while sitting so she can keep an eye on any entrances/exits and can spring up should something happen.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She's very timid, but she does keep her bow handy just in case something were to happen. She doesn't go and look for fights though. Honestly if you wanted to be her big, strong S/O to keep her safe then she would love that.
His senses are honed for danger so while he might seem like he's enjoying his time with you (and he is), he's also staying very aware of the surroundings and what's going on so he can keep you safe. He'd prefer you not put yourself in danger for him so he'd like if you could whisper to him or let him know if you've noticed something is off.
She's very protective, but tries not to show it too often. Most of her protectiveness is keeping an eye on everything around you. She's fine with you doing things on your own, but if you're in her vicinity then she's keeping watch just in case. Honestly wouldn't mind you doing the same for her when it comes to protecting. Just keeping an eye out for each other is enough to make her happy.
V - View (what does your relationship look like from the outside?)
There's a lot of surprise as they see the antisocial girl hanging out around you with a bright smile on her face and not seeming to care about anything. It's only when she notices she's being stared at that she'll hide behind you, holding you tight and looking to you for safety.
He stands a bit too close to you to be friends and he glances your way quite often too. So if people really paid attention, they can see that he cares for you. Only when you two are around friends will there be teasing and Kazuha being more relaxed and obviously happy that you're next to him.
You two seem like good friends with only few people knowing that you both are really together. There's hushed whispering between you two and while Kuki is masked, it can be seen that she is smiling by her eyes lighting up at whatever you said.
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cherry-flavoured-thot · 3 months
Could you do a, l, and s for Camilla?
a - absence, what do they do when your gone? do they get lonely easy? how long does it take for them to start missing you? 
Camilla will always tell you that she misses you the moment you leave the castle gates. And while she does mean it. Sighing to herself about how unfair it is that you have to work so hard elsewhere without her, or vice versa if it's her who has to go, that's all it is for short periods of time. Huffing and sighs, while she counts down the sunrises and sunsets until you reunite.
For longer periods of time, she writes letters. If it might be months before she can see you again, she'll write you a letter everyday, even if that means you might end up with four days worth of letters in one go. Each one detailing her day, and how she wishes they were there beside her to experience what she was.
Every letter starts off with: "To my dearest,"
l - love potion, you’ve accidentally drank a love potion that causes you to feel like you’re dying if they don’t touch you, what is their reaction? 
You're an absolute mess. Cold sweat sticks to your skin, you had practically crumbled to the floor mere moments ago. Camilla didn't waste a moment rushing straight to you, cradling your face in her hands while checking your temperature. "I need a healer, now."
She calls out and the sound of footsteps darting away from the door follow. Her face is contorted in worry as she tries to examine you herself, unable to decipher any visible ailments. Her concern growing as you breathing fell into heavy pants. She retracts her hands from you, only momentarily to help you up off the floor.
Only for you to plea for her. "Please touch me again," your eyes are round and soft, almost cute enough for her to give in to your request right away.
"Sweetie, is that what you need? For me to touch you?" You nod feverishly. While part of her still isn't convinced that it's going to fix whatever ailment has befallen you, she still presses her hands against your skin, waiting out for a healer to arrive and officially tell her what's wrong.
s - staring, do they stare at you? how often? how do they react when caught? what do they do if they catch you staring? 
You're simply adorable. Camilla tells you so all the time, she doesn't hide her affection for you. Let alone when she's gazing at you from across the room. "It's almost a wonder that not everyone stares at you, you're simply the cutest thing!" Is her response if you question her stares.
She also finds you so cute when you stare at her. In fact she's overjoyed that you are! Feel free to look at her as much as you like, after all a lot of the time she's spent getting ready for the day is wondering if something she did would catch your eye.
"Now, now no need to be shy!" If you're quick to avert your gaze upon being caught, she's quick to beckon you back to look at her. Even if you find her methods slightly embarrassing.
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somnimagus · 2 years
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Messy thing from a while ago. I had the P3 opening stuck in my head on loop, zoned out and made this
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plagues02 · 4 months
EliHecLyn Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Hector loves to spar with his partners whenever he can. He doesn’t hold back, and he loves to see his partners getting excited when they win.
Eliwood enjoys a quiet night when possible, staying in the room. Perhaps they’re sharing a drink, perhaps Eliwood is reading out loud as Lyn listens and Hector falls asleep to his voice.
Lyn enjoys going on hikes. Lycia might not be Sacae, but there are still plenty of sights for them to see. Lyn can see them by herself, but it means more when she can see them with one or both of her boyfriends.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Eliwood can get lost in both Hector’s and Lyn’s eyes. It’s not uncommon to find him staring at his partners, zoned out, because he looks at the colors of their eyes.
Hector admires his partner’s strengths. He’s used to being the strong one, and while he is the strongest of the three, he loves that Eliwood and Lyn can hold their own in a fight, that he doesn’t have to keep an eye out for them.
Lyn admires Eliwood’s ability to talk down the fight. He tries to avoid battles when he can, and Lyn loves to see that. For Hector, she loves the way he gets her to push herself, training to get stronger and stronger.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Eliwood will try to talk down his partner when they’re upset. Even if they can’t speak, he will sit there and talk to them, trying to distract them until they’re able and ready to talk.
Hector doesn’t completely understand or know what to do, but he will sit and hold his partner if they will let him.
Lyn sits with her boyfriend and listens if they want to talk. If they don’t want to talk about it, she will talk to them about something else to get their mind elsewhere.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
All three understand with their positions that they won’t be able to see each other as often as they wish, but they will try to spend all the time they can with each other. Whether they’re in Pharae or in Ostia, they will cherish all time together.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Hector and Lyn are the more dominant of the three. This leads them to butting heads a lot, but it’s always in good fun. Eliwood is more passive and go with the flow.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Lyn and Hector are very stubborn, and they are the most likely to get in a fight / arguments. They will walk away to cool down before turning to each other. Normally, they make up by having a sparring match, blowing off steam, as neither are good with words.
Eliwood is more likely to try to speak with his partners after an argument. He allows Lyn and Hector to calm down before getting them to speak to him.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Eliwood is very aware and grateful for what his partners do for him. Whether it’s something small or large, he tries to make note of it.
Hector doesn’t show it often, but he is grateful. He might not notice everything, but he will always try to return the favor when he can.
Lyn always makes note of the big things her boyfriends do for her. She might not notice every small thing, but she is very thankful for them anyway.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Eliwood and Lyn are very open, and they talk to their partners about everything. There is very little they or Hector don’t know about them.
Hector, given how he was raised in Ostia, tends to keep secrets. Nothing major as he’ll tell them the big things that happen in his day to day, but smaller things like what he talked about with a knight he won’t say. He doesn’t even think about it when he does; it’s just a habit.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Eliwood and Hector grew up together. They were close as children, and they remained close as teens and into adulthood. They influenced each other in more ways than one. Then Lyn found her way in their life, and she opened them up.
Lyn was changed by Hector and Eliwood. They’re the reason she decided to stay in Lycia; they’re the reason she is no longer lonely anymore. They help her get used to the new life she’s living, and she helps Hector and Eliwood see from different points of views.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Hector and Lyn don’t get jealous easily. They trust each other and Eliwood to make the right choices. Lyn might look or check out who they’re talking to if they’re a stranger to her, but Hector doesn’t pay much mind to it.
Eliwood gets jealous easier. He doesn’t mean it, but when he sees someone get too close to Hector or Lyn, he definitely sends a glare their way whether he realizes it or not. He’s vocal about his jealousy in private and gets reassured that they wouldn’t do anything outside the relationship.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Eliwood is a soft kisser. His first kiss was with Hector, it was very hesitant, but it was so light that Hector almost immediately pulled him back into another kiss.
Hector is a more rough and passionate kisser. It took Lyn off guard the first time when they kissed. He couldn’t help but laugh at her expression when they pulled back.
Lyn prefers quick pecks more than anything; she doesn’t mind longer kisses, but they’re not her favorite. Her first kiss with Eliwood was very quick, and they were both fine with that.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I’ve already done this here
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Marriage isn’t the first thing on their mind in their relationship. They didn’t know if a three way marriage would work or be able to be done, especially with their noble statuses. They never officially get married, but everyone around them knows they treat and call each other their husband(s) and wife.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Eliwood tends to call Lyn ‘sweetheart’ and Hector ‘love’ the most
Hector calls both Eliwood and Lyn ‘dear’ or ‘hun’ the most. He doesn’t have a favorite to use for either of them
Lyn isn’t the biggest on giving out nicknames, but she has called her boyfriends ‘dear’ or ‘love’ before.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Eliwood likes to stare at his partners when there’s nothing too important in front of him at the moment. His mother enjoys teasing him for this.
Hector is very touchy and wears his romantic feeling on his sleeve. Anyone could glance at them together and know that he was in love.
Lyn smiles a lot when she’s around Eliwood and/or Hector. If she’s standing next to them, there’s a big chance that there’s a smile on her face.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Hector is the most open about their relationship. He loves to hold Eliwood’s and/or Lyn’s hand in public, not caring about what other nobles think. He can often be seen kissing their cheeks or even steal a kiss on the lips from them. Hector also loves to boast about his partners whenever he can.
Eliwood isn’t very big on PDA. He doesn’t mind holding hands or being close to his partners, but he is very reserved when it comes to talking about his relationship or kissing in public.
Lyn gets very flustered with PDA. Whether it’s just from holding hands or a kiss on the cheek, her face will turn bright red. At the same time, she loves to talk about her boyfriends whenever she can.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Eliwood has a soft voice that his partners find soothing. Both Hector and Lyn just like to hear Eliwood talk.
Hector has the ability to keep a tune when humming or whistling. Even when the three don’t want to talk, he’s able to fill the silence.
Lyn knows a few different languages from living in Sacae, and from that, she also knows songs and tales from the different cultures. Eliwood and Hector will ask her to sing or translate the tales when they need something to distract them.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Eliwood is very cliché when it comes to romance. He loves to fluster his partners with words or flowers or other gifts, but he will always do this in private.
Hector is very romantic in his words. He loves to praise and talk about his lovers around others, and he has been shown giving them things that made him think about them. He’s known by court to be very romantic.
Lyn isn’t the greatest with romance. Her lovers enjoy her being in the same room as them so that's what she does whenever she can. She’s not a big gift giver, but she does show her emotions with words.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
The three of them share a main common goal. They work together to keep Lycia on its feet while trying to get the territories to work closer together for peace. Hector focuses a lot on Ostia, and Eliwood focuses on Pherae. Lyn supports them both in any way she can.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Eliwood likes a good routine. He doesn’t like it changing when he can help it.
Hector and Lyn like to change their routines. Whether it’s small or large, neither of them like things to stay the same everyday.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
The three of them are all very good at reading each other and being able to tell their true feelings towards something. This is one reason why Hector struggles to not tell them important things going on in his life or with Ostia.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Ostia and Pharae are important to Hector and Eliwood, and they build a lot of their life around it. At the same time, they always make time for each other and Lyn.
Lyn sees the relationship as the most important thing in her life. Yes, travel and her homeland are very important, as well as her friends, but this relationship forged how her life is currently going.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Eliwood can’t do anything in the kitchen, no matter how much he tries, but he knows how to make a mean cup of tea. Hector and Lyn will refuse anyone else’s tea when Eliwood is around
Hector likes to randomly pick up his partners to see them smile. He can pick them both up at once.
Lyn likes to wear Eliwood’s and Hector’s clothes. They’re long on her, and her boyfriends love to see her in them.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Hector is very affectionate. He loves to hold onto his partners, whether they’re laying down and they’re spooning or they’re sitting in his lap. He can and will shower them with kisses.
Eliwood isn’t as affectionate as Hector, but if he’s able to, he clings onto his partners. He likes to hug them from behind before kissing them on the cheek.
Lyn isn’t as affectionate. She isn’t great at showing her emotions with actions, but she doesn’t mind being shown in love. She shows her affection in other ways.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Eliwood can be seen staring off into space without Hector and Lyn around. His mother would tease him, and his knights know that he’s thinking about his partners.
When Hector is missing his lovers, he is often seen training more often. He uses it to distract himself from missing the two.
Lyn likes to wear Eliwood’s and Hector’s clothes when she misses them. She spends her time between Pherea and Ostia, and they always make sure to have one or two articles of clothes that Lyn finds comfort with in the territory.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Eliwood knows he wasn’t the greatest partner for a while as he was dealing with his grief of losing his father and becoming marquess of Pharea. However, even through his grief, he would defeat his relationship with the other two nobles, despite getting some backlash due to the nature of their relationship.
Before Uther passed, he gave Hector his blessing to follow his heart in any way it leads him. Knowing this, Hector has no issue defeating and fighting for his relationship. Nothing and no one will pull him away from his loves.
Lyn had the choice to return to Sacae, but she decided to remain in Lycia as Caelin became shared land between the two. She misses her life in the plains, but she wouldn’t leave their sides if given the choice again.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
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Part 10 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9.
Danny walked with Sam and Tucker toward his first class.
Just as he started to step through the doorway, Sam touched his arm.
"Wait, Danny, I should warn you..." she said, and searched Danny's face as though she was about to tell him bad news. "A new transfer student was introduced yesterday while you were gone."
His ghost sense had gone off partway through class yesterday and he'd spent a long time searching for the ghost before finally giving up, missing the last few hours of school.
Danny tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Okay? And... there's more to this, isn't there?"
Sam and Tucker looked at each other for a moment, Sam giving Tucker a pleading look, before they both turned back to Danny.
Tucker said, "You remember Gregor?"
Danny frowned. "He's back?"
"Well, noooo..."
"But he does kinda resemble him."
"Okay, whatever. One more thing to think about," Danny said with a tired sigh, and then walked into the classroom.
With a quick glance around, he saw a head of white—or maybe platinum blond?—hair. The boy had his head down, writing something in a notebook.
So that's the kid Sam and Tucker were worried about.
He wasn't sure what his friends thought about him—whether they thought he could be a GIW operative, or some other kind of spy, or maybe even a ghost in disguise... or if they'd just wanted to remind Danny that Gregor hadn't been any of the above. But he would be prepared, whatever the case was.
Danny sat in his own seat, and pushed the transfer student to the back of his mind for now.
He talked with Sam and Tucker for a few seconds. Then Valerie came into the room, looking tired.
Just after she sat down, Danny heard something buzz. She tensed and glanced toward the door with a frown, leaning forward slightly, as though preparing to leap from her seat.
"Good morning, class!"
Danny turned to see Lancer walk through the door. Lancer sat down and sorted a few stacks of papers on the desk, before looking up and beginning to call roll.
Danny started paying attention as Lancer neared his name.
"Dan Phantom?"
Danny startled, his desk rising an inch and slamming back to the floor.
He opened his mouth, but before he could say, "I'm not Phantom!" a voice behind him said, "Here."
Danny snapped his head around.
Green eyes lazily met his.
Danny stared, mouth still hanging open. It was like looking in a mirror.
"Danny Fenton?"
One eyebrow, above the green eyes, rose in question.
Danny's shin was kicked and he turned back around.
"Danny Fenton."
"Oh! I'm here!"
"Tucker Foley?"
"Valerie Gray?"
"Present—can I use the bathroom?!"
Lancer pinched his nose and sighed. "Fine, but"—Valerie ran toward the door—"be back in fifteen minutes this time!"
Danny wondered where Valerie was going. His ghost sense hadn't gone off earlier.
But his thoughts turned back to the 'transfer student'.
He didn't know what was going on. Danny's eyes kept nervously glancing the kid's way, though he didn't seem to notice. Why did he look just like him?! Why was he here?! Was he him somehow?! What was happening?!
Lancer finished taking attendance and said, "Now, today we'll be reading pages—"
A ghost flew by the windows. And Danny's ghost sense activated.
He raised his hand. "Uh, Mr. Lancer, I also need to use the bathroom." His voice was higher than usual, still freaking out about the white-haired green-eyed kid that looked and sounded exactly like his ghost half.
Lancer looked skyward. "Fifteen minutes, Mr. Fenton. Fifteen."
He let out a sigh of relief as he ran from the room.
“Alert me when there’s an update” list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80, @kaezer, @chipsyay
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget to add you! If I can’t tag you, I’ll send a Message.)
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ro-botany · 1 year
I got excited looking at the art for Legendary Robin because I noticed the lettering on the front of his tome looks an awful lot like the ancient letters from awakening—the cipher alphabet in which messages on the fire emblem itself and the falchion are written. I thought it might be a little secret like the letters on Brave Lucina's lance.
But the book cover is way too low res for me to make out many of the characters with confidence, even after skewing the perspective around. There's a couple probable B's, a possible R or two... Beyond that it's too vague.
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It also might just be scribbles that look sort of like text, and not actual text. Who knows.
If it is an easter egg, I guess we'll never know what it means. Unless the artist has expanded on what's written there, or there's a higher res version of the image floating around than the one on the wiki? I tried to scroll through the artist's twitter to see if they'd mentioned anything, but I can't read Japanese so that was fairly fruitless.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
For the WIP game, F Trio thing? :3c Also naming your files with the first letter(s) of the fandom is a neat way to organize~
Thank you!! This file is a little Frankenstein project combining a few other drafts together. I have a lot of thoughts about the RGB trio's first meeting -- I started writing them out in So Be It, but I made the mistake of planning too much and overwhelming myself, effectively killing the fic 😔 I have some draft fragments in that doc of their first meeting, lots of scattered Lukas notes here and there, (and uhhhhh some scenes buried in self insert writing too adfggh). My plan is to piece them all together to one coherent story about the trio, and I've started in a fresh doc to write the intro so I didn't get distracted:
There are no friends in war. Lukas had known this from a young age, and he knew it now. 
You may gain allies who share in your cause. You find yourself loyal to superiors, or looking after subordinates. You stand side-by-side with some in the heat of battle. You risk your life with others. But you call none friends. Looking closely, you share little but your cause. You are bound by duty to one another, and it can truly be a binding. You may fight alongside others, but when the adrenaline of war always subsides – and it always subsides eventually – you have nothing in common but the blood on your hands. 
Lukas certainly knew about the latter. The last battle left him scrubbing the stains from his arms, glad the red was undetectable in his already dark clothing. Still without a proper set of armor, his exposed skin was stained up the forearms, reaching to his elbows.
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prismbearer · 1 year
Okay if you sort your playlist in some of these ways, you are far more powerful than me,,,
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Alright after reading something on twitter, I re-re-read Alear and Rafal' PR support.
Saying that since Divine dragon and Fell dragon have a common ancestor in the Fell Xenologue, Nil's personality was more alike of a Divine dragon then a Fell dragon and that the reason why they are called a failure is because of their sweet character, and thus is the reason why they are more likely to be either disposed of or die due to the hostile environnement they live in, making them easier target and then... my brain was like
"So... when he said "such a sweethearted evil dragon would have died first thing in the morning in my world"... was it because Alear's kind nature reminded him of Nil....? "
Excuse me * rolls on the floor and cries*
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glowingbadger · 3 months
A fellow Libra lover?? 👀 may i PLEASE have P, W, and X for the most beautiful man in FE awakening?
Man, Libra is at an incredible intersection of "bishounen" and "priest" that is SO underutilized, but gets me absolutely every time.
Side note, speaking of beautiful priests, has literally any other person ever read the Juvenile Orion mangas or was that something that me and my best friend were alone in at age twelve
Alphabet prompts - Libra (FE Awakening)
P (pace), W (wild card), X (x-ray)
NSFW 18+
Pace: It's a steady climb with Libra. He always prefers to start slow, especially given he doesn't tend to bring just anyone to his bed, and tends to only become intimate with someone he truly cherishes. As such, he wants to show you the reverence you deserve, and worship you the best way he knows how. He'll spend plenty of time savoring deep, lustful kisses that eventually trail down your neck to explore your body, and his hands warm and tender along your skin- but eventually, it always escalates. With time, you'll both become wrapped up in the intimacy of being together, and touches become firmer and bolder, bodies move more intensely, and before long he'll be plunging his cock deep into you while he pants your name against your skin.
Wild card: Libra can be a little touch-shy and quite touch-sensitive to start, and the fact that he genuinely wants to work on acclimating to your touch is one of many ways he shows how dearly he adores you. Related to this- he really enjoys watching you touch yourself. It's vulnerable and intimate and so, so erotic, in addition to the taboo of watching such a personal act of pleasure which almost feels sacred to him. Early in the relationship, it's a good way for him to explore sexual gratification with you, without feeling immediately overwhelmed by your touch on him (especially his back or neck, where scars from his childhood still linger). He'll watch you with a focused, intense heat in his eyes, gently encouraging you, murmuring praises like prayers until the rush of watching you make yourself cum just for him.
X-ray: I've mentioned this on this blog before, but Libra is built like a male pinup. While his elegant face might give the impression of a slender, ephemeral build, the truth is quite the opposite- he possesses the strength to swing around a massive metal axe, and it shows. Underneath those conservative robes, his torso is muscle bound and carved, every inch of him trained to combat-ready perfection. He's accumulated a good number of scars, but for the most part, his skin is fair and smooth, and he naturally has very little (and very light) body hair. His cock is thick, and very pleasantly veiny, overall shockingly "masculine" for a man with such a pretty face.
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missbutterworthless · 14 days
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[i’m not a violent dog. i don’t know why i bite.]
The lead singer of BOTB’s Season 4 projected underdogs, Arlo Beck of Penny Arcade, declined further comment in regards to the threatening of a member of the media when questioned about former band mate and fellow competitor, Seven Lawless of Soft Violence.
Further Info Under the Cut!
TW for mentions of addiction 🫶
Introducing Arlo Beck, lead singer of Penny Arcade, a pop punk band of humble origins known most for their musically delivered political commentary and their revenge anthems (it is of particular note that such anthems were not common in the Lawless Era, with the band leaning far more heavily into charged love songs. Which could mean nothing.)
Fun Facts!
Beck is an Aquarius!
According to an insider source, beyond singing, Beck is quite capable with the ocarina.
Beck is known to juggle at any and every opportunity, regardless of who may or may not be watching. (He is apparently rather talented as well.)
Beck is known for accessorizing with heart motifs, noted by a previous local publication to be a nod to fellow bandmate Rowan Hart.
Beck often carries a bottle of quick dry black polish for ‘manicure emergencies’. He is known to have addressed such emergencies while on stage after chipping a nail during a performance.
Beck is often cited as the source for Penny Arcade’s ‘gimmick’ of collecting loose change in collection bins during a dedicated song at every performance. The change is then matched and donated to queer and at risk youth. Beck remains firm that every member of Penny Arcade, past and present, is equally responsible.
Picture Easter Eggs and more Fun Facts!
Arlo is wearing a WWOD? bracelet in the pic! The band got together to make bracelets with Orion’s most recent catchphrase while waiting for filming to start. Arlo made his particularly fruity. He also made a keychain version for Orion.
The time on Arlo’s phone is a nod to MCx7. Seven is, well, 7. And Arlo is 1 & 2 because his initials are the first and second letters of the alphabet. Hence, 7:12.
Arlo’s initial tattoo utilizes the S in SD as an infinity symbol. He acknowledges it is cringy. And poetically tragic.
Not shown is his tongue piercing, which Orion chewed him out for getting because his tongue was swollen and his speech slurred for nearly two weeks!
As stated above, he likes to wear motifs of his band members! Because he is a doofus! Most common because it’s his daily accessories is a heart motif for Rowan, but he also has jellyfish pendants and vampire bite chokers for Iris and different color bee pins for Devyn depending on their hair color! Jazzy is represented in the case he carries his juggling equipment in, which he takes literally everywhere after she bought him one for his birthday years ago. He is currently racking his brain for what to do for August!
43 of the 57 missed calls on his phone were from Orion. He knows because Orion’s ringtone is I Don’t Dance from High School Musical 2.
He is heavily addicted to nicotine (to Orion’s chagrin) and became a functioning (for now) alcoholic after The Fight™️. Prior, he imbibed during social functions but never alone and never when he had plans. Up until the audition, he never partook in other substances but caved into peer pressure. Despite his snark and notorius RBF, he is a chronic people pleaser.
The eyebrow slit is a scar from slicing his eyebrow open in Lucy’s diner after crashing head first into the dish station and shattering a plate. With his face. The scar is almost entirely faded but he can no longer grow hair there. He’s actually really insecure about it and has considered getting the spot microbladed.
That’s all for now folks! I mostly wanted to share my art :) I adore @infamous-if and have been playing with Arlo as my MC since Day 1! He finally fully clicked in my head and after days of attempting to find a face claim or craft him in the sims I decided to crack open Ye Olde iPad and do it myself!
Please feel free to share any fun facts about your own Infamous OCs! Regretfully my friends stay firmly opposed to interactive fiction so I am starved for fellow Infamous fans
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi! May I request Alphabet Headcanons letters R, S, Y for Frederick (FE Awakening), Jakob, Saizo (FE Fates) and Seteth? Thank you.
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Character(s): Frederick, Jakob, Saizo, Seteth
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): No problem!!
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You two weren't together at this point. You were good friends and you decided to take care of him, making him sit still since he's usually the caregiver. It's a moment he thinks of often because it helped him realize how much he loves you.
Something simple like a walk through a garden or just an evening by the fireplace would be his favorite moment. You two ended up having a deep conversation and there was a share of laughter and giggles as Jakob was a bit of a menace, but the way you smiled during that peaceful moment is forever stuck in his head.
His favorite memory would be a time where he trusted a decision you made. The situation was complicated, and you both had different ideas, but you were so determined, and you asked him to trust in you. It was difficult, but it was the first time he put his faith in you, and he thinks about how that led to so many more memories he cherishes.
Both you and Flayn were nowhere to be found and he was in a bit of a panic. Until he found you two in his office, having snuck in when he had left, and you both surprised him with a sign and a fish dinner. The pride and excitement you and Flayn had on your faces over making him feel special is a memory that he cherishes so much.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He can be protective, but Frederick knows you can also take care of yourself. If you need him to step in then he will, but he trusts you to handle things yourself.
In combat, then he's getting to your side as fast as he can if you are in danger. Doesn't like being too far away from you in the first place, but he also knows that he can't be right next to you the whole time. Out of combat, he's good at glaring people away but he's not going to start any fights as he prefers to just pull you away from the situation.
Wouldn't really want you to go out of your way for him, but he won't stop you if you do want to defend him from others. He appreciates your help if you help him in combat. But should someone insult him or something along those lines then he does appreciate you dismissing them (just please don't start any physical fights on his behalf).
He is very protective of you, but he's so subtle about it. If anyone is giving you trouble or making you stressed, then Jakob is behind you and sending glares and bad vibes their way. You get cheery smiles if you turn and look at him, but Jakob will gladly make the other person's life hell if they upset you.
In combat, Jakob is staying by your side. He's not going to risk being unable to save you. Will not let you get the smallest scratch. If he could fight the wind when it blows dust and dirt your way then he would.
Jakob wouldn't really want you protecting him in combat, but if you wanted to defend him verbally with quick wit or clapbacks then he'll be amused and cheer you on. He'll be quick to step in if someone tries to say anything to you though.
Tries not to show how protective he is. There's a constant eye on you to just make sure you're truly okay when talking to new people or just someone he doesn't know. If you try to catch him in the act then he's quick to look away.
Is by your side during combat too, ready to deflect any attacks or just be there to keep you safe. He's not by your side the whole time, but you are in his line of sight.
Would never ask you to protect him, but if you did during combat or even stepping in when someone spouts nonsense to him, he's blushing so much at you coming to his rescue and he's quick to make an excuse so you don't notice how flustered he is.
He's not as protective with you as he is with Flayn (thank goodness), but he can still be pretty protective. He just wants to make sure you're okay. Will not tolerate anyone disrespecting you either. Even if it's just joking comments, he will be ready to scold and lecture.
Not really one for PDA but will step in and use plenty of words if someone is verbally upsetting you. If it's a combat situation, then he's ready with his wyvern and lance. Doesn't care if they're an archer, he'll be ready to come to your rescue no matter what.
Seteth would prefer you to not try and protect him in combat, he doesn't want the risk of losing you. He wouldn't be able to handle it if something happened to you on his behalf. Out of combat, he'd prefer you being like an emotional support for him instead of actually getting involved in some argument.
Y - Yearning (how do they cope when they are missing you? are they alright with being without you for an extended period of time or would they prefer to be with you every day of their life without exception?)
While he does miss you, he does still have a duty to Chrom and so he'll do that. There are moments when he does think about you and hope you're doing alright, but it won't ruin his day that you're gone.
Frederick would be okay if you are away for a while. He can send you letters and gifts, always letting you know that he's thinking of you or anything funny that he thinks you'd be amused about. Even if it is at his expense.
Wanted to try to go with you when you ended up having to travel away from him. Ends up pouting like a puppy and is more of a little shit to everyone else because you aren't there to reign him in.
Of course, he'd want you with him every day of his life. You're his significant other and his soulmate. He is just a sulking and annoying mess until you come back home to him.
Saizo doesn't wear his heart on his sleeves, so it seems like he's doing just fine when you're away for a period of time. He is very much worried that you're okay and constantly keeping an ear and eye out for any information about your situation.
Would like to have you by his side constantly but knows it's unreasonable to ask that of you. That doesn't stop him from giving you gifts when you come back, not able to actually tell you how much he missed you because he'd be a stuttering mess.
He's throwing himself into his work more than usual when you're gone. Seteth still takes time for Flayn, of course, but without you there he just focuses on work and hopes that you're back before he knows it.
Seteth would like you to stay by his side every day, but he knows that isn't the most realistic unfortunately. Just know that he's always getting you flowers or something you like when you get back because he always misses you so much.
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Could you do d, f, x with Loki?
🎉3k celebration 🎉
d - daydreams, how often does their mind wander when thinking about you? can everyone tell when you’re on their mind? 
Loki has many different thoughts that roam her mind at any given point in time. Some of those thoughts are plans for great mischief to keep herself entertained, but many of them she scraps upon considering how such ideas will result in more work for you. She pities you in a way, poor Summoner, dragged from another world to have the fate of a new one weighing on your shoulders.
Many mortals would simply crumble beneath it all, or go completely mad from the sudden rush of power. Oh but not you. No you are an oddity. Taking all thrown your way in stride, she's alluded to the odds getting greater against you for every victory and yet you simply smile. "We can get through it, I'm sure of it." Is your response, without fail every time. 
She reasons that it's your unusual behaviour that has you lingering in her thoughts so frequently. A strange mortal, from a strange world, that's strangely endearing. While she's certain her other self won't make it easy, she does hope for your success, because your end would be such a pity.
Of course, she'd never say that aloud. Nor would she make her bias towards you so apparent. Because if there's anything more entertaining then seeing how much faith you place in her as your ally, it's seeing how much distrust your companions have against her.
f - feverish, what are they like to take care of when they are sick? what are they like when taking care of you? 
Loki doesn't get sick. She's a divine being, it would be humiliating if something as simplistic as a disease took her down. However, she does get tired like any other and will remind you that even she needs her beauty sleep now and then. If you wish to fuss over her while she rests up, she certainly wouldn't refuse, after all you've been running her ragged for your cause. "Be a dear and fetch me another blanket, or perhaps you could keep me warm instead?" She enjoys listening to you splutter a response back at her to the point where she doesn't even care if you retrieve the blanket or not.
"You mortals are too fragile. I'll be seriously disappointed if a sniffle is what kills you Summoner." When you're sick, she doesn't sound like she's all that sympathetic. She might coo here and there, about poor you but she leaves any care for you in someone else's hands. But that's because she isn't really sure what's the best way to care for you, especially if it's a minor illness. She does check in on you frequently to see how you're faring. And if your condition were to worsen, that would be a different story, then she might slip in while you’re asleep and use a bit of magic to fix the problem. 
Not that she’d tell a single soul that she did such a thing. 
x - x-ray, what are some of their thoughts when with you that they don’t say aloud? 
'Don't you dare die.' Is the first thought that comes to Loki's mind as she attempts to heal a wound in your side. The blood trickles down to the ground beside you, your breathing and pulse starting to slow, another thought rushes through her mind. 'If you die now, I'll drag you back from the realm of the dead myself.' These thoughts don't have any value, she's well aware, and if you're fated to end, then they are absolutely meaningless. But she refuses to accept such a death for you, on a battlefield, in an unknown world, in a barren land littered with dead. She's almost embarrassed by the relief she feels when the wound closes and your breathing returns to normal, she stares at your unconscious form in silence.
"You have no idea how lucky you are. If you were anyone else, I wouldn't have even bothered." You can't hear her. Which is good because she doesn't want you getting ideas that you can go and play hero. One day she won't be able to save you, and she really has no interest of carrying such a burden with her.
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kradeelav · 2 months
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finished the fe alphabet challenge! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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