#fe scáthach
yeyayeya · 8 months
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My pride and joy aka giving Scáthach as many broken skills as I can
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godly-feh-edits · 1 year
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(Mod Toto) Last night’s stream we made Scáthach with Askr’s color palette, so here he is!
He went from good boi to precious calf 🥰✨
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theofficersacademy · 13 days
I've been thinking on this for a while now, and I think I need to follow through with it. I'll be dropping Ephraim, Scathach, and Male Morgan as of now. It's been a good set of years, and I look forward to possibly coming back in the future.
Ephraim, Scáthach, and Morgan (M) have been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Ree
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sharpscion · 1 year
TOA anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
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Name: Cody
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): October 16th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? CST
Roleplay experience: Ugh idk man like 6 years or something now
Got any pets? A cat named Laurie
Favorite time of year: Fall because it's cold but not like you're gonna die cold
Some interests and things you like: I love to sit and listen to a vinyl while reading some kind of book or manga. I also like to screech in my car to songs that I like a lot!
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I'll listen to one song over and over again for like 5 months until I get bored of it. I have an odd amount of knowledge about old music and WILL share it with you without hesitation. I'm also a crazy TOA prophet because whoever I tweet about ends up joining TOA like a week after.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? I play a lot of Final Fantasy games and also League of Legends. I've played SO many games though, it's hard to keep count.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I really like grass and psychic types! My favorite pokemon is Musharna and it has been since N gave her to me back in black and white!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I got the game for my birthday along with a gameboy way back when I was about 7-8 years old. That game was Binding Blade and I've been riding that wave ever since.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I have played through almost all of them excluding ALL of fates and the tellius games.
First Fire Emblem game: Binding Blade
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Genealogy of the Holy War
Any Fire Emblem crushes? AUGH MAN- L'arachel honestly...
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Miss Olivia von Fire Emblem
Favorite Fire Emblem class: AUGH PALADIN!!!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Sage honestly
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer, easily!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Eirika and Ephraim this was not even a question I had to think about
How did you find TOA? Well it was first mentioned to me by N a year or so before I actually joined! I was really wanting to get back into the FE scene and so I thought this might be a good start.
Current TOA muses: Scáthach, Ephraim, Eliwood
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Male Robin! It's probably unlikely... I love him to death but he's easily my oldest fire emblem muse and he is VERY tired.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Quanathan my beloved
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I KNOW I HAVE A TYPE I GRAVITATE TO! I never really knew this about myself until TOA, but I seem to gravitate towards knights the most. There is just something about the kind of devotion a knight feels, and how that alters their entire existence.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I typically really enjoy getting into the gritty of things while I'm writing. Explaining emotion and action, why a character is the way they are. I find this most fun with another muse who has close connections to mine.
Favorite TOA-related memory: I think my favorite moment might be when Soji and I reconnected after 10 minutes of me being in this server. We had interacted one time in indie but she had always been on my mind because of how exceptional her writing is. Turns out she remembered me too, and now we're besties and going to cons together!
How do you pronounce TOA?: I usually just say the letters themselves because I'm extra like that.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? WELL LET'S SEE ahem Astram, Noah, Finn, Sonya, Sain, and so so so so so many more that I can't even think about right at this moment.
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rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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Full art for Scáthach - Astra's Wake!
Artist: Melon Kyuba
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bananabraiined · 2 years
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A little longer and he will master Astra.
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fireemblemryan · 2 years
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Scáthach in Alm’s color palette
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elquiu · 3 years
These are some drawing requests I did for FE Amino :D
Part 1
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FE characters in model poses xd
Bonus Scáthach Ulster von Fire Emblem (i suggested him, he's my lad xp)
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
I don't know how much this falls in the realms of translation, but considering they changed Ulster's name to Scáthach from even voice lines in Heroes, do you have any idea why this happened? Like, I get that it is closer to his JP name, but it's still a weird choice to me.
I like to talk about localization quite a bit too, so it’s still pretty relevant.
What surprises me the most, is indeed that fact that they changed the name AFTER there was voice acting already in place. Corporations and businesses are SO stingy with any cost that could seem unnecessary, that there had to be a really good reason. The localization team seems to be doing their full research and putting in good effort when they translate Heroes (vs. what happened with Raquesis and Awakening, the team for that game probably did a rush job with the bonus content to meet deadlines), so for them to go back on anything is so curious. 
And localizations generally like to change names to be easier for Western audiences to read and pronounce, not harder, adding to the curiousness. (Easiest examples to give in FE are that any Japanese name more than three syllables in length are changed: Suzukaze -> Kaze, Midoriko -> Midori, Tsukuyomi -> Hayato, Shinonome -> Shiro, Kisaragi -> Kiragi... the list goes on.)
The obvious answer is “they wanted to use the JP name,” of course, but for them to spend the money on the voice acting once more, I agree that there has to be more going on. Unless the specific actors were recording some lines already, and it wouldn’t cost much more to add a couple more lines onto the session? Not entirely sure how voice recording sessions work.
Maybe they found out that Ulster is offensive or has a negative connotation in another language or culture? I don’t think that’s likely here, but it’s a common reason for name changes in localization. (i.e. Viole was changed to Virion, and Manuela’s name is different in the Spanish language version.)
In a more interesting possibility, maybe they found that Ulster (or something similar) is a name used elsewhere in FE? Maybe there’s a new FE game in development that’s still a long ways a way from public announcement, but those on the inside know that there's a character/location/etc. named Ulster?? I know FE hasn’t been afraid to name two characters the same name before, but I think they generally try to avoid it. Hmm... sorry for planting exciting ideas in everyone’s heads that might not actually lead to anything. XD
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
Random questions but who's a character that you liked design wise but once their personality or their stats/usability in-game were revealed, you just hated them? Also, who's a character you hated design wise but ended up loving their personality or stats/ usability? (Characters can be from any game, not just FE)
Ooh, I love questions like these!!! This also turned out pretty long lmao
Characters I liked design wise but personality made me hate them:
Xander. (Fates) I can't stand him outside of a kink context. When the very first Fates trailer was shown (before we even knew it was the shitshow of different routes) he looked cute. But he's just so frustrating. I get that he's supposed to be the Camus archetype but he just falls so flat and doesn't work well. And that's cause there's absolutely no world building or any development at all to help give reasoning! It's just "I'm crown prince, and that's my father you're trying to kill," which like okay that's a fair reason. But the game doesn't do much more to justify it and Garon is so stupidly obviously evil that like, it makes Xander look so stupid. Plus the games keep trying to make him this badass warrior but Fates LOVES to tell not show so it's just informed attributes. Even in Conquest, he's not much better than he is in Birthright imo. If anything, Xander is worse in Conquest cause Conquest has the worst writing in the series by far. At the very least, he along with Camilla help make Lunatic conquest bearable. (Still haven't beaten it lol, but CQ Lunatic is just so unfair, and BS. Plus the last 2 chapters being back to back with no saves is the worst idea ever)
Sylvain. (Three Houses) His design was alright and I even manages to accidentally recruit him on my first playthrough while going for Ashe and Mercedes. But GOD his personality is just bleh. Womanizer types aren't inherently bad but the crests system being pushed as this unique thing makes Sylvain much more annoying since crest's aren't even unique or well done. Like, sure, people want him for his crest, but that's literally nobility in fucking general and also, Mercedes is right there with it being worse and she's so fucking sweet! Also, FE characters are lot deep, let's face it. Their interesting moments basically come from snippets of info about their past and intys makes it sad cause they know that catches people's attention. But most FE characters are pretty static. And that's fine! I love Grima and Corrin and they're pretty fucking godamn bland! But I'm not gonna act like they're these riveting 3 dimensional characters. Which people love to do for Sylvain and it just makes me hate him even more.
Felix. (Three Houses) I really enjoyed the Navarre archetypes. But Felix exaggerates it so much. And yeah, his scathing remarks and refusal to be anyway (I can't think of the word, FUCK) like willing to talk or come to an agreement is so just awful. Like, it makes sense since he's more like that with people he knows, but he's just such a fucking jackass. And the fandom praises it when he's really just a dick imo. Glad Seteth calls him out on it lmao. Also, sylvix is such a fucking straight ship, I cannot with it.
Characters I liked design wise but play style made me dislike them:
Regal Bryant. (Tales of Symphonia) Now, he's not a bad character or anyone I really hate at all! He's just so awful to actually play as in ToS. His attacks feel like they struggle to connect oftentimes and he has a much higher skill floor than other characters such as Lloyd, Kratos/Zelos, Sheena, and Presea. Genis and Raine should just never be used in the players hands cause magic casting times and the AI targeting the player lmao. Colette isn't too bad but like, honestly, just spam her paraball. Regal also gets shafted storywise but they at least fix it in the sequel. Also, he's a SPLENDID character. Regal being this buff man, yet he's just so calm and reserved while also having a playstyle usually reserved for women makes me love him even more. I just hate playing as him lol.
Assasin of Shinjuku/Yan Qing. (Fate/Grand Order) His part in Shinjuku was great, except for that wierd ending upon him fading away and all of sudden remembering, like it felt it was gonna make fun about the whole last limited rushed sympathy yet they play it so straight lmao. He's incredibly hot and he was so great in the Halloween Event. (The Mecha Eli and Osakabehime one. I forget the name) Yan Qing just literally offers no real meaningful team support and he also doesn't have any actual buffs to help boost his own damage. He has a use, it's just so pointless diverting crit stars when you can use a better servant with star generation to just make a bunch consistently. So, Yan Qing hits like a noodle and also dies to vasically any NP since he has no defensive skills. Even with his upgrade coming next year? he still just is so bad. I love him and he's lvl 90 but he's awful gameplay wise.
Byakuren Hijiri. (Touhou) I love Byakuren so much but she's just so unwieldy in the fighting games. I still tried to use her, but like, o was just so much better with Miko that I basically stayed Miko the entire time. Miko/Byakuren's story in Antinomy of Common Flowers.
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Marisa always gets the straightforward shot that does great damage. The problem with that is, she really really really REALLY struggles with stages and even some boss attacks. Plus Reimu has homing while unfocused and straightforward shot while focused PLUS smaller hitbox so Marisa is always at a disadvantage. Marisa being being the best shottype (to some, I prefer Youmu but Reimu is infact the worst shottype imo) in Wily Beast and Weakest Creature doesn't make up for Marisa being worse than Reimu in all other games besides maybe Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
In general there's not many characters that I hate due to design so these were harder
Character I hated design wise but loved due to gameplay.
Zhuge Liang (Fate/Grand Order) Granted, I basically know nothing about the Fate Series outside of FGO so I don't really know about Waver. But I just wasn't crazy about his design. And how he gets younger as you ascend him. But MY FUCKING GOODNESS! 50%NP charge is just way too good to pass up and he fits on literally any team whatsoever. Team Attack up, team efense up, targetable crit damage up, and NP drain+ stun chance on his NP makes him so versatile. And he's charging up people's NPs!! I use him for everything at this point lmao.
Character I hated due to design but liked due to character:
Scáthach=Skaði (Fate/Grand Order) The fact that Skaði looks like Scáthach really has no purpose in any meaningful way imo. Like, it's not Scáthach at all. And while I honestly would've preferred a brand new design, Skaði was just so wonderful in LB2. Especially since Ivan was kinda meh in LB1, so it really makes me look forward to the other Lostbelt Kings (Qin Shi Huang and Arjuna Alter. Both who I already love lmao) But yeah! Skaði being this kinda benevolent ruler who's doing everything she can to suppress Surtr's flames while trying to keep humans and giants from growing extinct due to her mother/goddess complex makes her so compelling to me. Also, LB2 focusing on women and the general theme of love was so touching. I didn't even care for her amazing gameplay, I was still gonna try for Skaði cause she was so great in Gotterdamerung.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Sherlock Holmes Tries To Solve The Case Of "Fate/Grand Order" Gacha In Latest Event Summoning
In Japan, the Fate/Grand Order smartphone RPG is in Epic of Remnant, a 1.5 bridge to part two of its story, which started in February Sub-Singularity I: Isolated Lair of Evil - Shinjuku Paranormal Incident. That introduced Professor Moriarty as the Archer of Shinjuku. Now, it's Sherlock Holmes' turn to join the Grail battle. He's arriving as a 5★ Ruler with the Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~ event.
    Yamanaka Kotetsu (aka Cotetsu - previously the illustrator of Goetia and Tiamat) designs the character, who is voiced by Mizushima Takahiro (already the voice of Gawain).
      Also for the event...
    Craft Essances
Chaldea Anniversary - illustrated by Takenashi Eri with Leonardo Da Vinci, Mashu Kyrielight, and Romani Archaman
  Afternoon Party - illustrated by Kamiya Miwo with Olgamally Animusphere.
  Starlight Fest - illustrated by Task Ohna
  Heroic Spirit Formal Dress Craft Essences
  Mash Kyrielight
Artoria Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
Nero Claudius
Le Chevalier d'Eon
Lancelot (Saber)
Gaius Julius Caesar
EMIYA (Alter)
Artoria Pendragon (Lancer)
Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)
Medusa (Lancer)
Jaguar Man
Marie Antoinette
Edward Teach
Leonardo Da Vinci
Gilgamesh (Caster)
Cu Chulainn (Caster)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wu Zetian
Cursed Arm Hassan
Vlad III
Sakata Kintoki
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Jeanne d'Arc
Sherlock Holmes
  via Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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yeyayeya · 8 months
Yin Yu & Scáthach
My two favorite boys 😊 (they both get purple because it’s my fav color and both are also associated with it)
Yin Yu:
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I am… mentally unwell when I think of him. I need to inspect him under a microscope. I relate to him a bit too much and that is quite concerning. Despite that, my number one favorite character in literature. I can talk probably talk for hours regarding him. I even went as far as to have him as my pfp.
Just… him.
I want to explore Yin Yu’s character more because he is just so interesting to me. And he quite complicated. It makes me sad that I won’t be able to see him in the official adaptations yet (donghua/manhua) because he appears quite a bit late after.
Don’t even get me started on my OTP for him (it’s Quan Yizhen who else)
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Why did I have to hyperfixate on such a minor character that appears in the second half of the game? He doesn’t even get that many lines of dialogue, and his twin sister, mother, and cousin are much more popular than he is. Idk why I love him so much I just do. He is so fucking underrated and he deserves love.
I honestly just want an FE4 remake just for more content for Scáthach. Nothing else (well maybe other stuff but he is one of the main reasons).
I need to learn how to draw just so I can draw them both. I am also currently working on an OTP 30 Day Prompt Challenge for them both, and I hope I can finish it. I am actually doing quite good in writing, but I have also been quite busy so who knows when I will actually be done with it.
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godly-feh-edits · 2 years
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(Mod Toto) Today’s reshare is Karla with Fate Grand Order Scáthach’s color palette!
But now that Scáthach is also in FEH, I guess I should do this for him too huh-
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
Scáthach has arrived!
Welcome back to the Officers Academy!
Please make sure to refollow the Masterlist and all your fellow colleagues. All of your previous possessions have been returned to you so that you may continue to grow towards your true potential.
May the Goddess light your path.
- Mod Ree
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yeyayeya · 7 months
I’d been so long this I’ve last seen the FEH manga and I saw a video on YouTube with a specific thumbnail, and wanna know what I did? I immediately searched it up and found this absolute gem
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yeyayeya · 3 months
You know what? Fuck it
Because I love this two so much, I have given them the honor of sharing the same birthday as me
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Happy birthday to me and this two bitches
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