#fe:16 kin
yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Elyos timeline vs Xenelyos timeline
I was bored so i decided to see how much things changed between the main Elyos and the Xenelyos 
and because spoilers ahead, see under the cut
1- Genesis vs Xenogenesis
Elyos was a peaceful lands until Sombron decided to go to war a 1 000 years ago. Chronogically, Sombron arrived in Elyos when he was a child and was taken by humans, but then Emblem 0 gone Sombron choosed violence and spent the time he was here growing and turn to conquest, making kids with Mage dragons. I guess that during his time here since he is as old as Lumimi this allowed people to make him the figure of the cult of Elusia for whatever reasons since Elusia seems to have been worshiping him for as long as he has been here but basically this means that Fell dragons don’t originate from Elyos but from whatever realm Sombron originates from, and Sombron is the sole survivor of his tribe in his world (unless there were others fell kids that survived and they were send into another world idk) whereas Divine one and Mage dragons are native species
Meanwhile XenElyos was a land without any dragon, until a dragon was born and then his descendence got splitted into divine dragons and fell one, making both species native to Elyos and originally of the same kin, which explain better why Xenobron might have been place as the same status as Lumera’s unlike in Elyos where we have to imagine how the heck was it possible for him to gain this much authority. It’s worth noting though that the Realms in Elyos exist as well, but reversed since the map is mirrored in it’s axis, and those realms have a different reputation : Firene is a peaceful land in Elyos but in Xenylos it’ a land of warior, in short they swaped with Brodia.
2- Emblems 
So the accessories and Emblems are different since Elyos was blessed with 12 rings whereas Xenylos was blessed with 7 bracelets. Unlike what was shown of our units, Emblem seems to be unique to their worlds, however the emblems all represent the same world.
Elyos                                                                                                     XenElyos
World of Fe1/Fe3 : Marth’s ring                                                        Tiki’s bracelet
World of Fe7 : Lyn’s ring                                                              Hector’s bracelet
World of Fe 9/10: Ike and Micaiah                                              Soren (yes 10 too since it’s older Ike that appear in Radiant Dawn even if it’s to represent Radiance)
World of Fe 13: Lucina’s ring                                      Chrom and Robin’s bracelet
World of Fe14: Corrin’s ring                                                       Camilla’s bracelet
World of Fe 16: Byleth                                                     Eddie, Dima and Claude
The others Emblem don’t have a counterpart to represent their world but Vero-chan being here to represent multiverse you could argue
3- War of 1000 : case of uchronie
In french we call uchronie a case of alternate history and here the war went way differently. But since it’s parallel world, the events took place in the same time in parallell fashion unlike a classical case of uchronie where it’s “what if things took place differently” in a universe independ, like that one Friends episode of what would have happened if Rachel married Barry and we aren’t in a alternate universe but just a bonus what if episode, so i think you get the difference now.
- Elyos was already peupled with Divine Dragons and Mage dragons since Sombron said that when he was a kid, Elyos was alreday full of it. In his world however, his entire kind as being slewed in a war to control Emblem rings against others dragons whose nature is not specified but seeing how Fell dragon were exclusive to his world and that Divine one are native of Elyos, I am guessing it was not Divine dragons. Sombron brought one of the ring of his homeworld with him, 0 emblem and they stayed together until villagers found baby Sombron and took him within, 0 Emblem left and Sombron went bersek, killed the village and then growing up decided to find a way to return to his world and reunite with 0 emblem. This happened a 1000 years ago, since Lumera and Sombron are of the same age, this means it happened when Lumera herself was very young. Then a 1 000 years later when Sombron and Lumera are both 2000 years old, Sombron started to wage war to get back the rings to open the world’s gate and to do date he mated with Mage dragon and had numerous children so many that he can’t recall the face and names of many despite being the one having given them their name. Overall he was in this world “close” to only 2 of his kids, being Alear and Veyle. By that time, Veyle was still very young and Alear was their last sibling alive since all of Sombron’s children perished in the war of 1000 years ago and that’s during this war that Alear was slayed by Sombron at the cost of sealing him. By that time Alear befriended Lumera and they had agree that Lumera could turn Alear into a divine dragon and adopt them, so in their “dying moments” Alear begged her to so and Lumera waited for them a 1 000 years infusing her essence, turning Alear into Pepsi protag. Also, chapter 24 proved that Sombron’s side had managed to get back a great number of rings, including Marth which was fighting by Alear side until Alear betrayed Sombron and stayed with Alear during their 1 000 slumber and that by that time Lumera was the last of her kind.This also means that Sombron was the sole representant of his kind and that all fell children are actually Mage dragon/Fell dragon hybrid. 
- In Alternate Elyos, there was no dragon. Until a 1 000 years ago a first dragon was born. By that time, Sombron arrive in Elyos in the main world. Then this dragon had among his descendance Divine dragon and Fell dragon, meaning that in this universe Lumeralt and Xenobron are long distant relatives and that Fell dragon and Divine dragon are cousins species. Seeing how 0Emblem was an emblem ring and Emblem are uniques, this meas that Xenobron had different motivation (might make a whole post about it). Just like Sombron did a 1 000 years ago, Xenobron started a war against Divine dragon with his spawn which, because of his different genetics, are all born as twins. Meanwhile, seeing how the chronolgy is different, Lumeralt had a bioligical child with one of her fellow Divine dragon (idk if it was the one that was Lumera’s spouse in MGElyos though) that child being Altlear, however 1000 years ago, during the war, Sombron got sealed, Lumera died and Nil died too, leaving Rafal to switch places and according to Rafal, that happened when both were still children and unlike what happened in the main world, many others of the Xenobron children survived before the twins betrayed Xenobron to joined side with Alear (remember in the last CG Xenobron said that it had been sometimes since Nel and Rafal betrayed him) since there was a CG showing Nel killing at least 4 others fell children. This was after that they joined side with Altlear and Altear fought Sombron at the cost of their lives, which must have happened recently enough for Nel to still be deeply hurt by it. 
4 - The 4 hounds vs the 4 winds
Biggest changes are them. So let’s see.
Zephia vs Zelestia : Zephia was a powerful Mage dragon, so powerful that according to Mauvier, she could have remplaced Sombron and destroyed her own village, before entering Sombron’s side. She fought along side him during the war of 1 000 and was the one that founded the 4 hounds. This happened when Sombron was in slumber, as she also managed to get Veyle back once she met the Fell Dragon sympathizers that took her away when she was a sleeping in the temple. She mets Griss and Marnies as children and took care of them, along with Mauvier to “form a family”
Zelestia however, had a very different life. She for some reason that i think must be biological was way weaker than her Mage dragons fellow. In this world, Mage dragon refused to side with Xenobron (which can only makes me wonder how Sombron got to have stick to their side) which resulted in their kind being exterminated by Xenobron and Zelestia foind refuge by Lumeralt and Altlear side. Unlike Zephia, Zelestia meet with the other members of the 4 winds very late, Gregory saved her during a battle and Mauvier, founder and second in commend, was with Maddie when they encontered. 
Griss vs Gregory : Both were Elusian boys with neglectful parents. Whereas Griss got abandonned Gregory was sold to the worshippers of Sombron. Both had to go though the same ritual, expect that Gregory came to hate pain unlike Griss who become a masochist after experiecning it. Griss was taken care of by Zephia who was both a mother and elder sister figure to him, who still jad quite a sequels as apparently he was unable to speak for a long moments, whereas Gregory meet Zelestia during a battle where he saved her from a Corrupted. But both guys have strong bond with Zephia and Zelestia.
Marni vs Madeline: Marni was the daughter of a poor woman and had numerous brothers. Although she helped her mother took care of the household, the latter saw her of having no value explaining why she was longing for praise. Despite her efforts, her mother ended up abandoning her at a church of the Fell dragon. There she was raised by the clergy and receive the affection her mother never gave her and her abilty attracted the Fell dragon sect, explaning why Zephia took her with her. 
Madeline had a different alternate family. Rather than being the child of Marni’s mom’s double, like Altlear, she had a knight mother and knight father who served the Lumeralt party and had no siblings at all, in short she was a lonely child. She lost both her parents during the war against Sombron, but she was saved by Mauve who took her as her apprentice and according to Zelestia they looked like father and daughter. 
Mauvier vs Mauve : We all know Mauvier. He is a Firene native that moved to Elusia with his mother when his father died due to an illness and then they become member of Sombron’s chruch. Mauvier became a knight serving Veyle and grew found of her as he was the first person she met when she woke up. He doesn’t join Alear’s party until Marni’s death mainly because of Veyle, but seeing what Zephia did to her and how she killed Marni, he drew the line and join Alear. 
Mauve (that’s how I call Parallel Mauvier)’s origins are unknown but his Veyle dying sooner than in the MG, he had no other reason to stay as I suspect that Xenobron was the one to get rid of her and that he was just as dedicated to her than Mauvier to Veyle. He took Madeline with him and founded the 4 winds to protect the Fell twins but it doesnt change the fact that Zelestia like Zephia was the leader as Mauve left her the spot. 
6- Fell dragons vs Fell dragons
Strangely enough, the Fell siblings and the Fell twins don’t quite exaclty belong to the same species because of the difference. Sombron isn’t a native to his Elyos, meaning he can’t be a descendant of Lumera’s ancestor unlike Xenobron and Lumeralt so Fell dragon in MG Elyos have no link to Divine one whereas in XenElyos, Fell dragons are cousin species of Divine ones. After all the only reason why Fell dragon in our world could awake Emblems was because of Sombron having similar rings but Xenobron and his spawn would be able to do it just fine since they have a common ancestor to explain the why. That’s without taking into account the fact that unlike in Elyos where Sombron was the only pure fell blood, Xenobron could have mate with other of his fellow fell dragon seeing how there many others and no Mage dragon, and he killed them way before Veyle and Nel and Rafal were born so it’s more likely. Which makes it very weird because
Alear : Fell dragon turned into a hybrid Fell/Divine dragon
Veyle : Hybrid Fell/Mage Dragon
Sombron : pure fell dragon
The Fell twins : Pure fell dragon but their species is slightly different due to their origins...
If you noticed Veyle and the twins shared the common trait of having weird taste buds, something Alear doesn’t have anymore since Lumera messed their anatomy and seeing how Alear can use both invocations and prayers as well as having only one side with bed hair, being the red one, I guess this means there isn’t that much difference but when you compared Sombron’s dragon froms to the twins, the twins looked more like lizard which i think is because of that change of ancestor because some of the Lumera dragon from feature reapears through their own dragon form. And seeing how Xenobron had that quirk of having only twins unlike Sombron, I guess that’s also proof that Fell dragon in Elyos arent quite the same species as in the XenElyos
And that’s all I spotted for now. 
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gabriel-corona · 3 months
500 june 16 2024 fathers day
es su padre, tienen el derecho de verlo
he is their father they have the right to see him
i am not his son so why was i not invited
in an abusive household there is no safe parent
their is the abuser, and the enabler
maybe we are rehashing old turf
maybe this is old subject matter
maybe the wound the had cauterized, mangled and scared /been open again
my mother in her own right is a victim, married to my father, daughter of an alcoholic who i once saw open my grandmothers flesh
but also my mother as person, speaking from the point of view of her son, is nitwit, devoid of understanding what being with that man for 25+ years has done to me and her daughters
i dont think she understand what it is to be with a good man, or i don't think she knows what a good father is, for herself or for her children
you are being shunned
your sister is continuing the abuse
she learned it from you father and it is using it again
people can choose to be different
i can choose to be different
instead we will continue in this silent dissatisfaction
if we are honest. you want to be part of this family so bad
you are so easy at creating a found family
you have seen it time and time again
you are so easy to love
and the great tragedy and irony of your life is that closest to you refuse to do so
i think i have made better progress at understanding the soul of rockford
mean mugging but like a lion with a thorn in its paws
brought down, by nothing more than small piece of pine
am i circe singing the lion to calm, soothing it into my lap, luring it to sleep
perhaps my fixation with dionysus the bacchanal and maenads is a sort of found kin
maybe i am a maenad born out of time, long past the time of the liberator, in a time where his vessel is sold in in the coolers of your local grocery store, and in 6 packs and the gas station
i knew i could feed from the frenzy, up until recently i did not know i could wield it, make it expand and wane, feed that drunkedness back into the crowd, watch as they smile and the end of their eyes turn curly
i know i get it from my mother, not quite an elfishness or a fairyness, maybe the word sprite is closer, this penchant for mischeavousness and toxicity in the blood stream
maybe my grandfather was a follower of dionysus aswell, long after his time
there is a reason alcohol as a drug is comunal in a way that other drugs are not,
the liberator, in the flashing lights of a dive bar, blue and violet, we seek to lower that which neon genesis evangelion calls the AT field/ the invisible psychic force that seperates your ego from mine.
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alcohol so easily courses through our body, until we too become this warm sea of distilled orange liquid inseperable from one another
if the medicine i take dampens my psychotic potential, i suspect that schizoid gabe rests just below the surface, subdued, not asleep but drugged into an unconsious state
and alcohol along with any drug changes the terms in the contract of its containment, some portion of it manages to escape
so i am in the frenzied crowd , were we have lit the lights, sung his psalms and drank his vessel in order to invite him into the room
maenads ancients greece's first groupies
so i try and open my arms and blur my eyes and feed as the frenzy takes hold of the crowd, and i feel a block, my temples are pulsing, dehydration maybe
witches feed on the substance of the innocent to regain the potency, unbaptized baby butter or the heart of a fallen star like claire danes
maenads feed on frenzy, that warm sweaty steam coming off the girl whose is on her third Mai tai looking to devour her new boyfriend, and the guy dancing by himself in the middle of the dancefloor unaware or uncaring of the embarrassment, only entranced by the rhythm of the song
but i am unable. the gate wont open, the rive wont flow, the lord will not come to me, frustrated i try my will at the other talents
i can feel the frenzy flow, like a pulse through the dark, if i cant feed from it can i wield it? watch it encircle swarm and engulf others. can i tell it to move and come here
to wield it must be some kind of spell, like it is to feed from it, say the right thing, follow the proper ritual, offer up the ring sacrifice
the first progenitor and wielder of the frenzy was our lord, so then one must follow his teaching, not just listen to his sermon
what takes over a crowd of fans in a stadium, that if their venerated were to walk among them that person would be torn limb from limb, like the body of a white calf torn to shred by giants, with only the heart remaining.
then one is to surrender oneself to the crowd, separated into fragments here and there, a dance, and kiss, smelling her perfume on her wrist. with only your heart thats left exposed, only with the semblance of its core, can u wield the frenzy
then manipulating the flow is much easier, when you know the song, word for word, watch your smile become their smile, and your singing become their singing, we become a chorus in blue and yellow light
the walls of the ego depart, melt, dissolve, evaporate, the force of the ocean crashing into the shore, foam and bubbles, and a slice of lime resting in glass with nothing left but ice, diluted tequila and droplets of saliva
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kafkaoftherubble · 9 months
Tristrat chapter 16 "sleep, my friend" is giving me a headache. Why is the battle so hard!!! I'm on normal mode!!!!!!! Anyway off to grind more
Just you reminding me of Triangle Strategy itself makes my brain wince. Damn, the fucking migraine it brought them.
You wanna know how stupid I was?! I actually never grind my army because I erroneously believed that grinding them takes money. Instead of like, earning money and materials. As a result, my dumbass army is constantly on the verge of being as broke as a college student with ramen for brunch and dinner. I only realized I could grind AND NOT ACTUALLY PAY when I was like, 2 chapters away from Endgame or something.
How the fuck did I hallucinate what Hosabara say and went on believing the wrong thing for so long? I'd never know. How the fuck did I even win any battle when I was playing in Hard Mode? I'd also never know. Triangle Strategy isn't modern Fire Emblem, man. It's not an easy game. And those dudes don't know how to counter-attack, unlike in FE, because "wasn't my turn yet". And the mages had to use their TP to perform useful magic, or else they can only swat someone with their book like they are trying to hit a fucking fly. 1 HP damage. Wooooooow.
No wonder I had migraines every chapter. I was doing some sort of challenge and I was too dumb to realize it—
Also, fucking Roland am I right?! Do you know how annoyed I was? When I hear what he's saying?!
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Oh, anyway. The point is:
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fekincalls · 4 years
hi, I'm edelgard from fire emblem 3 houses. I'm mainly looking for hubert, ferdinand, as well as dorothea who I think I was in a relationship with. I'd still love to talk to any other beagle students so please like this post. I'm 23.
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fictionkinfessional · 5 years
I miss you so so much claude, you were my sunshine and my closest friend. I love you so much! -Byleth (fe16)
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mamadarama · 2 years
siam / medjed ☼ 22 ☼ they/it fe/fel
☼ like when read please ;3
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main is @m3djed
art sometimes
memes often
16+ to follow i make nsfw jokes
no proship/terfs/nazis
spam is fine :)
i read all my tags (so dont be weird)
dont involve me in drama/arguments
mostly run on a queue
please dont tag my posts as kin/me/id
☼ tag guide ↴
all characters names are tagged , mute as you see fit
#txt - misc ramblings
#my art - art that is mine
#art - art that is not mine
#mp4 - videos
#catstars - my warriors adjacent feral cat au
#character asks - ask blog-esque posts
#handcrafted funnies - silly stuff ive made
#enstars textpost - daily textpost series
#chatting - rbs responding to people
#whiteboard - hcs, char analysis, and other stuff
#blanks - blank versions of the textposts
#ask / #[username] / #anon
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kincalling · 7 years
Hello I'm Princess Lianna from Fire Emblem: Warriors! I have no listed last name in canon and cannot currently remember it. I'm looking for really anyone who remembers fighting with my brother and I, but most of all I'm looking for Darios, I miss him very much. I'm 19 so please keep that in mind. Interact with this post and I'll be sure to contact you, thank you for your time!
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
The Wolves Return - Part 1
Geralt of Rivia x OFC
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| Part 2 >
Summary: After a long life of monster hunting, Geralt has retired to hold keep at Kaer Morhen. Winter is now fast approaching and though he expects visitors, not all of them are quite as welcome.  
Word count: 2.297 (8,5 min read) 
Disclaimer: 16+ - Thrilling, some sexual references 
The world goes eerily quiet when laid in white. Even the finest ears may not hear the migthiest cries. 
There hung something in the air today. 
A tempest that tinged the skies a hue of purple. There was a restlessness that made Geralt’s medallion tremble. And then there was of course the annoying old ache in his thigh bone, causing him to limp as he returned to his trusty steed. 
Hoisting up the poultry he had hunted down that morning, Geralt kept a watchful eye on the trees. Nothing much seemed out of the ordinary. With the day still early, a mist clung to the ferns and fallen over branches. It would look gloomy to anyone unfamiliar with the terrain. But to Geralt it looked perfectly normal. And yet.. Hmm. 
Stepping out into the forest clearing, his golden eyes brightened up. Roach had for once not left her spot -- which was quite a feat for the obnoxious, black and white coated mare. He grinned at her, clicking his tongue in hope she would meet him halfway. His leg was really a bother today and after his hunt he couldn’t wait to be back at Kaer Morhen and settle back in a chair. 
Roach, unfortunately, wasn’t so easy to convince. Blinking at him, she made absolutely zero effort to move to the Witcher. Instead she took a step or two back, twirling her ears as if challenging him. 
‘Oh don’t do that..’ Geralt sighed. He was really getting too old for all this. Reaching out a hand he leapt forward to catch her reins, his other arm swift to throw his bounty over the saddle. 
‘What is it with you women? Always eager to give me a challenge.’ 
Roach snorted. 
‘Yea yea. You laugh. Teasing an old man now, huh?’ 
She shook her head. 
‘Alright. Enough adventure for today, let’s get back and see if my brothers have arrived yet.’ 
Climbing up in the saddle he ran a hand through Roach’s manes, comforting himself with her warmth and accepting little huff. Without another word they set out, returning to their home at Kaer Morhen, where soon enough not only first snow would arrive, but also his Witcher brothers. Ready to outstay the winter. Like old times. 
[an age ago]
‘Oh come on old sock!’ Young Ciri jeered. She chuckled as she saw a hint of white hair peeking out over the turned over cart. 
‘Or what? Scared to lose?’ Geralt poked his head out over the makeshift barrage, eyeing his daughter as she stalked around a few wooden barrels. First snow had fallen last night and though it was hardly enough for a proper snowball fight, the two couldn’t be kept from having a little fun in the courtyard. 
Not far off sat Coën on one of the stair steps, his dark long beard sparkling with the little snowflakes that danced in the air. He had started down the stairs to gather Ciri for her daily training, but had decided a few minutes of fun wouldn’t hurt. 
Having settled down with his arms crossed, he watched the two dance around the courtyard, hands clinging to powdery balls of white snow. 
‘Oh now you’ve got it!’ Ciri darted forward, earning an exasperated little sigh from Coën. 
‘Footwork Ciri, footwork!’ 
She slowed down, turning around dramatically to give him an eyeroll. That moment, however, was all it took for Geralt to take the victory, his hand lifting the back of her collar so he could land a fresh heap of snow in her shirt. 
‘AYEEEEE!’ She yelped, twirling around at lightning speed to tackle Geralt before he could step away. The two fell tumbling and Coën couldn’t help but chuckle as he got up. As he made his way back up towards the main entryway, he found Vesemir standing there, looking down at father and daughter tumbling around in the snow. 
‘Quite a pair, aren’t they?’ 
Coën shrugged, brushing a hand over his long dark beard. ‘She’s a special one.’ 
Vesemir stepped aside to let him through, but Coën remained. Turning on his heel he looked back at Ciri and Geralt. The contemplative stare of his golden eyes hid something he wouldn’t speak of. A quiet sorrow that one would only find in the kin of Witchers. 
‘Ai Geralt! No!’ Ciri screeched, gasping as another launch of snow was squashed into her face. 
A moment later Geralt stepped in next to Vesemir and Coën, smirking as he wiped some frosty hairs out of his face. 
‘Well there’s someone who likes winter.’ Coën said. 
Geralt shrugged, smirking as he turned just in time to catch Ciri before she could return the assault. 
Growling in frustration the young girl tried to fight against Geralt’s grip, but there was no use. 
Coën sighed, shaking his head as he nodded in the direction of the great hall. 
‘Alright. Let’s get you soaked kittens dry before we start training. Can’t have you wet as a rat out here in the cold.’  
‘Say that to those who still have to arrive.’ Ciri huffed, blinking up at the sky where thicker and thicker flakes of snow were starting to fall. 
‘All come in due time.’ Tutted Coën. ‘Witchers can handle a wee bit of snow.’ 
The hour had grown late and Geralt had settled back in his chair before the fire. First snow had arrived, as expected, but his fellow brethren had not yet. With a thoughtful expression Geralt watched the flames in the firepit before him dance around a few pine cones he had thrown in. Every few seconds the fire would find a residue of the pine resin, causing the flames to rise higher and cast long shadows over the recently swept floors. 
He felt ready for his winterly guests, especially now he had gone some months without much adventure. He couldn’t wait for the joy and laughter to return, because though retired from the Trail, he still felt every bit the Witcher. He still trained whenever his leg allowed, and kept his sword sharp and closeby. 
Living in the quiet keep of Kaer Morhen, like his late teacher Vesemir once had, meant that most of the year there was little companionship. Winter, however, meant the return of the others. Of bawdy laughter, drinking..and perhaps some impromptu dress-up parties in Yen’s clothing. 
Yen. He hadn’t seen her in more than an age. The raven haired sorceress with her snappy remarks and dizzying scent. He couldn’t quite remember it now. The scent. He even bought it from a merchant some years ago, just to smell it every now and then. But it just wasn’t the same without her own scents mixed in. It didn’t make his heart race the way she could. Was she still alive?
A howling draft whipped through the hall, making the medallions of his fallen brothers jingle. They hung from an old tree that had been dried and placed like a huge ornamental shrine on the far end of the spacious room. Geralt inhaled deeply and willed himself to relax. For a moment he could have sworn that his medallion had trembled, but perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks. There was nothing there. Nothing to beseech his immediate attention. 
A voice called. 
Sitting up Geralt turned his nose into the draft, scenting what it might be. Just the winds again? Or a visitor? 
It was quiet once more and with a grunt he returned his annoyance to the fire before him. Perhaps he should get a hobby, like the old bard had once suggested. There. There was another person he didn’t want to admit to missing. Jaskier. The one most obnoxious, but beloved friend he ever had. Not even Regis’ uncalled for remarks or Milva’s unnerving singing could light a candle to the amount of suffering Geralt had undergone in the name of his friendship to Jaskier. Had it not been for having to save him from trolls, it might have been from angry mobs of highborn duchesses -- you’d be surprised how many there were of those. 
It had been years since Jaskier had found his rest, and still Geralt could very much remember the stories they had lived through together. The great tales that had been created with perhaps a touch of fantasy to make Geralt into one of the greatest Witchers ever lived. 
Or so Jaskier had proclaimed. 
Another howl. No wind this time though, Geralt was sure. With a swift twirl he started his way towards the battlements. On and on and up, straight into the icy winds that were biting their way around the ancient walls of the fortress. In the dark it was hard to make out anything other than the whipping trees and whirling snowflakes. But if his sharp eyes were not mistaken, there was something afoot near the fort entrance. 
He hadn’t raised the bridge. And apparently the narrow pathway to the main gate now made a stage for some unusual display. A hooded figure stood there cursing, hand knocking nervously against the heavy outer door. 
It was obvious that this wasn’t any of his Witcher brothers. They knew the secret ways to enter and wouldn’t have even bothered with entering this way in this kind of weather. 
No, this was someone else. Someone that smelled of fresh pine sap, blood and perhaps a wee bit of pee. This someone was afraid. Terribly afraid in fact. Another howl raved through the winds and the knocking became more furious. 
‘PLEASEE!’ It was a female voice that cried out over the wind. 
Geralt grumbled. Really now? A woman? Here? Eyeing the wildly moving trees he scouted for any trouble. But other than the wind and snow, there didn’t seem much amiss. 
‘Sir?! SIR?!’
Oh fuck, she saw me. 
Cursing himself inwardly, Geralt looked down the large wall that separated them. The woman was squinting into the flurry of snow, holding one hand up to keep her hood on her head. She wasn’t too old. But definitely not pretty enough to be a sorceress. She was not Yen. Nor any woman he knew. She was not in immediate danger, but then again..sending her back would be dangerous indeed. The people didn’t know this path. She, however, apparently did. 
Contemplating what to do, Geralt stood there looming over the battlements. The icy winds were starting to nip at his exposed skin and he could feel the ache returning to his leg. He had hoped for visitors, but not like this. Not… He scowled as the woman struggled to keep her cape close around her body. She looked terribly clumsy and she surely wouldn’t survive this night. 
Geralt sighed. 
[one day back in summer] 
‘You know, Geralt. There’s two good things in this world.’ Jaskier smacked loudly as he chewed on some freshly roasted sausage from the campfire. 
‘First of all there’s of course the delicious enticement that is all that you can fit in your bed.’ 
‘Please don’t start about the unicorn.’ 
Jaskier laughed -- nearly launching a piece of sausage from his mouth. ‘Oh, do NOT give me ideas. Oh that’s quite splendid. How large was it anyway? Life-sized? Play-sized? FUN-sized?’
‘Hey! You started this. Anyway, where was I? DE-li-cious sausages by the way. That butcher’s girl knows how to handle her meat. And I’m not just talking about…’ He dangled another sausage between his juicy fingers, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Geralt didn’t so much as look, keeping his attention on the golden light that shone down from the sinking sun. The valley before them was luscious with buzzing summer life. Cicadas were singing, beasts were roaming. And then there was Jaskier, smacking loudly as he ate the freshly roasted sausages from the campfire.  
Jaskier continued, swallowing his bite. ‘Oh don’t mind the unicorn though. We all had our interesting experiences.’
Geralt finally looked back at Jaskier, whose lips curled in a smile. 
‘I don’t think I want to know.’ 
‘Perhaps another time, yes.’ Jaskier agreed, grinning. 
‘So the second good thing, what was that?’ 
‘Well family of course!’ 
Geralt raised an eyebrow at the bard, who now dreamily stared down at the valley. 
‘Mhm.’ Jaskier sighed with a smile. 
‘Things that fit in your bed, and family.’ 
‘Well if you play your cards right they both might end up in your bed. And I’m quite platonic in my speech here. But yes. Family.’ 
‘Glad you asked Witcher! Now family is of course more than just the line of blood you’re born from. It’s more than the people you are taught to call your family. Ciri, is your daughter, no doubt. And Yen, witchy mistress of evil with those delectable butt cheeks. Probably family.’ 
Geralt huffed. 
‘Oh don’t complain. But now there’s more! There’s..’ 
Geralt sat up. His golden eyes had practically set alight in the glowing burst of sunrays. ‘You knocked someone up didn’t ya?’ 
Jaskier swallowed -- no sausage this time. For the few words that ever came from the Witchers mouth, he hadn’t quite expected the Witcher to have been so straightforward. Wordlessly he looked at Geralt. ‘Well..’ 
Struggling with the rusty old joints of the peeping hole, Geralt opened the tiny latch at eye height. The woman that had been there moments earlier had disappeared. Which was peculiar, because it had been quite clear that she had wanted to enter. 
It was only a second later that he heard a heart wrenching cry. The winds twirled and twisted the sound, suffocating it before any human ear could have probably heard. He didn’t take long to make one and one two. The winds by the treeline were moving the wrong direction. And tracks in the snow, though hard to see, were just fresh enough to follow despite the roaring storm. They led back to that exact treeline. 
Feeling his medallion hum despite the way it was sent back and forth in the wild wind, confirmed his suspicion. Evil was here. And perhaps it had come knocking, too.
Go to Part 2 > 
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira @tillthelandslide @elinesama @maddyreads14 @aletheladyinred @moonlacebeam​ @kebabgirl67
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snackpointcharlie · 3 years
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If you've ever listened to Snackpoint Charlie and said "more shortwave please" then by golly, this show is for you. Radiophonic maestro Bryan Zimmerman joins us tonight for deep explorations into the ionosphere, live on actual airwaves from 10pm-midnight on WGXC, 90.7 FM and podcastificated therever after at WGXC.org.
THIS JUST IN: the results of Wednesday night’s Radio Rochambeau have been tabulated and wouldn’t you know, it’s a draw. Download and decide for yourself at https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/j8mmr3
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 077 - Brian Zimmerman PLAYLIST
[ including but not limited to: ]
1) 山崎ハコ | HAKO YAMAZAKI - “ヨコハマ (Yokohama)” from ハコのお箱 (HAKO NO OHAKO) https://flying-teapot.blogspot.com/2009/11/hako-yamazaki.html https://www.discogs.com/%E5%B1%B1%E5%B4%8E%E3%83%8F%E3%82%B3-%E3%83%8F%E3%82%B3%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8A%E7%AE%B1/release/7407155
2) Kenneth Routon - excerpt from RADIO IS A FOREIGN COUNTRY: RONGGENG DANCE MIXTAPE (RIAFC061) https://soundcloud.com/radioisaforeigncountry/ronggeng-dance-mixtape
3) Bremer / McCoy - “Natten” from NATTEN (THE NIGHT) https://bremer-mccoy.bandcamp.com/album/natten-the-night
4) Allen Ravenstine - “Open Season” from RUE DU POISSON NOIR https://allen-ravenstine.bandcamp.com/album/nautilus-rue-du-poisson-noir
5) Pg Six / Louise Bock - “Grass By A Gravestone” from ALL SUMMER LONG IS GONE https://feedingtuberecords.bandcamp.com
6) Sublime Frequencies - “Home Village Identity Event” from RADIO VIETNAM https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/radio-vietnam
7) Samitha Mudunkotuwa - “රණ හංස යුවල”
8) Sublime Frequencies - The Color of Frequency” from RADIO MOROCCO https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/radio-morocco
9) (excerpt from) John Cassavetes’ MINNIE & MOSKOWITZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfat0RAHJik
10) Orchestre Bana Luya - “Kin 78 Two” from KINSHASA 1978 https://crammed-discs.bandcamp.com/album/kinshasa-1978-2
11) Jesse Paul Miller - “Bangkok, Thailand” from A DISTANT INVITATION: STREET & CEREMONIAL RECORDINGS FROM BURMA, CAMBODIA, INDIA, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA AND THAILAND https://www.sublimefrequencies.com/products/576333-a-distant-invitation-ceremonial-street-recordings-from-burma-cambodia-india-indonesia-malaysia-and-thailand
12) Loscil - “Chinook” from PLUME https://loscil.bandcamp.com/album/plume
13) Sun Ra - “Outer Space Employment Agency” from the film SPACE IS THE PLACE (JOHN CONEY, 1974) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Is_the_Place
14) Ryuichi Sakamoto - “Adelic Penguins” from ESPERANTO https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/ryuichi-sakamoto-esperanto-1-lp-deluxe-edition-black-vinyl-with-2p-insert-and-obi-strip
15) Mohamed Mounir - “Fe Aineky Ghorba” https://soundcloud.com/y-a-s-q-u-e-e-n/cocktail-ya-leil-ya-ein-yas-meen-selectress-on-radio-alhara-09-04-21
16) Wet Tuna - “Water Train” from EAU'D TO A FAKE BOOKIE VOL. 1 & 2 https://hivemindrecords.bandcamp.com/artists
17) 天気予報 「Weather Forecast」- “Urgent & Transparent” from ひまわり画像 「SUNFLOWER IMAGE」 https://asutenki.bandcamp.com
18) Sublime Frequencies - “The MOST Radio / Dangdut is the Music” from RADIO SUMATRA: THE INDONESIAN FM EXPERIENCE https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/radio-sumatra-the-indonesian-fm-experience
17) Sublime Frequencies - “The Shiny Radio in a Blind Man's Wallet” from RADIO PHNOM PENH https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/radio-phnom-penh
18) Spiritczualic Enhancement Center - “Persian VHS Dealer” from CARPET ALBUM https://kryptox-music.bandcamp.com/album/carpet-album
19) William S. Burroughs - “Ich Bin von Kopf bis Fuss auf Liebe Eingestellt (‘Falling In Love Again’)” from DEAD CITY RADIO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_City_Radio
20) Aaron Dilloway - “A Walk Through Ratna Park 1.21.05” from SOUNDS OF NEPAL VOLUMES 1 - 3 https://aarondilloway.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-nepal-volumes-1-3
1 note · View note
dukemon · 4 years
hey :]
1. First impression: do you ever remember we met via being fe kin. i do.
2. Truth is: oh thank god weve grown so much since then. anyways you rule ur interests are the best and ur art is like pog
3. How old do you look: i dont think ive seen a pic of u since we were like 16
4. Have you ever made me laugh: yes
5. Have you ever made me mad: no
6. Best feature: funny as fuck. no one does it like u
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: not rly but i definitely didnt Not have a crush on you back then lol
8. You’re my: epic werewoof friend
2 notes · View notes
airlock · 5 years
but here’s the part everyone’s really waiting for year after year: who are the big losers of this year’s CYL? who are the top 10 least voted for each continuity?
AKANEIAN BOTTOM 10 aka One Horse Too Many
Roberto (19)
Malledus (21)
Belf (24)
Warren (31)
Jubelo (37)
Roderick / Luke (39)
Lang (44)
Dice (45)
Dolph (46)
Macellan / Boah (48)
VALENTIAN BOTTOM 10 aka Holy Shit How Are Some Of These People Still Elligible
Halcyon (11)
Gerome (13)
Garth (16)
Grieth (19)
Barth (21)
Dolth (24)
Blake / Tatarrah (29)
Desaix (30)
Massena / Nomah (34)
Slayde (37)
JUGDRAL BOTTOM 10 aka Good Luck Recognizing These People’s Localized Names
Dalvin (11)
Veld (13)
Cimbaeth (16)
Conomoor (18)
Scipio (19)
Chagall / jugdral!Cain (21)
Hermina / Halvan / Charlot / Munnir / Amid (22)
Troude / Asaello (23)
Alva / Kutuzov (25)
Sandima (26)
ELIBE BOTTOM 10 aka Bartre Adeptly Rescues Bartre
Yoder (19)
Garret (21)
Zelot (26)
Barthe (30)
Dayan (40)
Wade (41)
Bors (44)
Larum (47)
FE7!Bartre (62)
Astolfo (66)
MAGVEL BOTTOM 10 aka Not Everyone Joins Heroes Unscathed
Hayden (11)
Riev (28)
Dozla (85)
Fado / Syrene (105)
Kyle (110)
Tethys (112)
Ewan (138)
Rennac (155)
Orson (192)
Caellach (199)
TELLIUS BOTTOM 10 aka Redemption Doesn’t Come To Every Merchant NPC
Hetzel / Daniel / Izuka (12)
Muston (14)
Valtome (31)
Bertram (52)
Aimee (57)
Largo (59)
Nealuchi (69) (nice)
Jarod (72)
Fiona (75)
Kyza (77)
YLISSE BOTTOM 10 aka When The Children Get In Heroes We Put Them Up For Adoption
Kjelle / Excellus (73)
Brady (99)
Sully (102)
Cervantes (149)
Yarne (160)
Walhart (168)
Gerome (174)
Yen’fay (201)
Validar (205)
Virion (238)
FATES BOTTOM 10 aka The Perpetually Obscure Side Of Overhype
Ignatius (52)
Fuga / Nichol (53)
Hans (69) (double nice)
Rainbow Sage (86)
Candance (89)
Siegbert (91)
Hisame (95)
Zola (103)
Percy (121)
Asugi (132)
FÓDLAN BOTTOM 10 aka Deader On Arrival Than Glenn
Gwendal (28)
Lonato (35)
Lord Arundel (38)
fódlan!Tomas (42)
Pallardó (51)
Solon (86)
Acheron (89)
Emperor Ionius IX (94)
Kostas (107)
Gilbert (120)
ZENITH BOTTOM 5 aka Just Because Plumeria Has The Floor Doesn’t Mean Book 4 Is Going Places
Ylgr (430)
Helbindi (460)
Peony (855)
Hríd (935)
Freyr (963)
TMS#FE BOTTOM 5 aka Some Of These People Kin Characters Who Aren’t Even Voteable
Chouten & Pheros (36)
Teru & Garrick (52)
Chikaomi & Lon’qu (62)
Kuen & Excellus (67)
Nobu & Gangrel (98)
BONUS: BOTTOM 15 CHARACTERS WHO ARE IN HEROES ALREADY aka We Changed Our Minds About The Dancers Apparently
Roderick / Luke (39)
Larum (47)
Phina (51)
Osian (54)
Tanya (67)
Jamke (68)
Kjelle (73)
FE6!Bartre (79)
Dozla (85)
Siegbert / Silvia (91)
Lene (95)
Chad (97)
Valbar (98)
Brady (99)
Sully (102)
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smxll-discourse · 5 years
My name is Kumi. I’m joining this discourse world because I’m kind of tired of seeing this nonsense.
My personal opinions: -Yes, I am the oh so awful “anti” both pro-shippers and MAPs despise -Ace inclusionist, yes they are LGBT+ -(This is syscourse related) Anti-endogenic. I don’t do people spreading misinfo, yo. -Vaccinate your kids, seriously. -Oh yeah, DD/LG? Fucking nasty. Don’t come at me with that ableist bullcrap. Info about me: -I’m a part of the Wonder System @we-are-back-cellos -That being said, yes. I do know what some of you guys done to us. Seriously? -I’m not a kin, I’m a fictional introject of Takumi of FE: Fates -Even though my actual age is 16, but do know that the body is 14. -Yes, I am gay. Yes, I am Asian, No, don’t go around being nasty. -I really like the band Twenty One Pilots  -”I AM BETRAYAL!!” Memes I find relatable, I don’t mind being sent any.  This blog will mostly focus on anti related things, so, here we go. 
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shimokitazawathree · 5 years
2019 12 01-31
01 Sun
Day Time
「4×4=16LIVE09 四四芝浜」
OPEN 12:00  START 12:30
前売 ¥2,000  ���日¥2,500 (+1D)
出演 4×4=16、秋乃ゆに、侍文化、ez do dan子
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Live Time
Half Mile Beach Club
and more
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02 Mon
Call And Response
Time: 19:30
Cost: 投げ銭/name your price (¥0~)
-Bulbs of Passion
-Graeme Lorne
-Ian Martin 
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03 Tue
「Disco The Fes」
3rd December 2019
at shimokitazawa THREE
open / start 19:00
charge 1500円+2Drink charge
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04 Wed
"Weekday Garage Party!" open/start 19:00/19:30 Door Only 2000yen (+1D) Band *The Fadeaways *The Chocolates *The Vex *Hazy Sour Cherry *Ed Woods DJ: *Woodchuck *Akita Slim (Long Tall Records) *Toyozo
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05 Thu
Franklin's Book Club #3
¥1,000 + 1D
LIVE しいねはるか
Franklin's Book Club
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06 Fri
Vienda! y Feelin' Fellows DJ
12/6(fri) 20:00- at.下北沢THREE
music charge¥1.000
Fellin' Fellows DJ/
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07 Sat
 START 18:00
TICKETS: ¥2,000- (+1D)
笹井 トシオ (BLAST JAMS!!)
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 and more info
08 Sun
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event HP http://www.shimokita-nite.net
e+ https://eplus.jp/shimokita-nite19/
ローチケ(Lコード 73947)
09 Mon
Name Your Price (投げ銭制)
19:00 open start
The Plashments
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10 Tue
 DENIMS“HOBO”定期公演『Steppin’ Stone』
ACT : ワンマン
OP/ST : OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30 TICKET : ADV ¥2800(D別) / DOOR¥*000(D別)
INFO : 一般販売 11/16(土)10:00 〜 12/09(月)23:59 https://eplus.jp/denims/
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11 Wed
「夜の浜辺で、リズムギター」 <出演>見汐麻衣自由主義(豊田道倫、山ちゃん、岡敬士、坂口沙子)水野ねじ&BEIJING DUCKS open 19:00 start 19:30前売 ¥2500(+1D) 当日 ¥2800(+1D)
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12 Thu
open18:30 start19:00 
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13 Fri
Live Time
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Club Time
Block Party
open start 23:30
Name Your Price (投げ銭制)
Enya’ Callers
street good (ex SPIIICA)
ya mai mo
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14 Sat
Day Time
OPEN 12:00 / START 12:30 〜 CLOSE 15:00 Ticket:ADV 2,000yen / DOOR 2,500yen + 1drink [Live]Bacchanales , BRAVE LION , One Track Mind [DJ]NAKANO(Drink’Em All), INAOKA(Drink’Em All) [Food]OCTA(Mexican Food Stand)
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〜vintage music for teenagers!!〜
17:00〜ALL NIGHT 
ADV ¥3000 / DOOR ¥3500 
FADEAWAYS MAGNATONES DJ:WOODCHUCK HYDRO STOMEPERS Souta And The Blitz Attack Boys DJ:NICO(Going Strong) GIGANTIX Hi-NOMADY DJ:OKITA Blues Harp Natsuko Trio Motel’s Sofa DJ:Maru(Modern Records) UPDOWNbeats Aston Dubrass CABALLERO POLKERS
BLAST JAMS!! DEE-JAYS 笹井トシオ takuma ヒラノツヨシ ゴーゴージュリー Shinyah MACHI WOODCHUCK
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15 Sun
11/2(土)20時 第二弾追加アーティスト解禁‼️BAND WAGON 201912/15(日)@下北沢THREE&BASEMENTBAR 12:00 OPEN 12:30 STARTadv.3,000 door.3,500 1d別途※高校生以下¥1,000(1d込み 出演BearwearCody・Lee(李)Laura day romancepollyROKISUPThe Whoopsキイチビール&ザ・ホーリーティッツタカナミベランダマイアミパーティ秋山璃月倉内太錯乱前戦 🆕myeahnsPOINT HOPEHammer Head SharkI Saw You Yesterdayand more… 【DJ】JUDGEMANisyswimmingclub(Group2)and more… 予約・問い合わせ:SMELLSタキタソウmail:[email protected]:@smells2016
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16 Mon
START 18:00
The Waterfalls
 FOOD dekobokogokko(ピザ丼) 
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17 Tue & 18 Wed
Grimm GrimmThe Ghost Of Madam Legros Tour 2019
Open 18:30 / Start 19:00 
出演;Grimm Grimm + Special Guests
前売り 3000円(別途1 drink)通し券 4500円(別途 各日1 drink)
チケット情報: 会場予約/レーベル&バンド予約 https://magniph.stores.jp/
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19 Thu
open start 20:00
¥1000(no drink)
kroi / BEAST WARS / 10PLE / OCHA∞ME / マーライオン / Dreamcast DJ
kikuchi hideaki Doron Takuya Honda オークダーキ / tommy(THE TATAMI GALAXY)傷心
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20 Fri
『Kira Kira Vol.21』
2019.12.20(fri) *ALL NIGHT
開場/開演 23:30
チャージ ¥1,000(+2D)
星 知宏(Rudies Night/PACHAMAMA)
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21 Sat
Day Time
RIRI ワンマンライブ〜15歳の唄〜
OPEN 11:30/START 12:00¥2000(+1drink)
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Live Time
Xero Fiction one man gig 
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Club TIme
LIA feat.
good so good!! 
23:30 - 05:00 2500YEN with 1DRINK 
& XXX DJs living in this era DJs!!!
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22 Sun
Day Time
private Party
Live Time
 THIS IS JAPAN presents『NOT FORMAL Vol.10』
@ 下北沢 BASEMENTBAR & THREE(※2店舗同時開催)
チケット料金:前売り ¥2,800
OPEN 16:30 / START 16:50
THIS IS JAPAN 、aoni 、1980YEN、Emily likes tennis、The Whoops、SEAPOOL、逃亡くそタわけ、FRSKID 、奮酉(FURUTORI)、Bearwear、勃発、揺らぎ、RiL、ROKI、and more…
・受付期間: 2019/10/25(金) 12:00~2019/10/31(木) 23:59
・一般発売日:2019年11月16日(土) ~ チケットぴあ、ローソンチケット、e+ にて
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23 Mon
Three Ring Circus 
 guest act OCHA∞ME 
 food サンドイッチmitama 
 and more?
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24 Tue
25 Wed
add presents「 Telescoping 」
open 19:00 / start 19:30 
Adv ¥2500 / Door ¥3000  (+1drink) 
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26 Thu
 open19:00 / start19:30
door ¥1000(+1d)
Marc Lowe
27 Fri
Live Time
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00
TICKET ¥2000(1D) ACT 鮭オーケストラ なんちゃらアイドル 断絶交流 クロメ
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Club Time
open start 23:00
Name Your Price (投げ銭制)
Strip joint
+1band (12/5告知解禁)
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28 Sat
DOOR 2000yen / ADV1500yen
Kick a Show
DJ /
Sam is Ohm
TYTL crew
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29 Sun
[ BAND ]the garnetsCHILDISH TONES feat.宇佐蔵べにPage ThreeHigh StyleTHE CLOVERSTHE STEED HOOVES
[ DJ ]Manabu K.DoveAkiharu Suetsugu<s.t.g.>REI (The NUMBERS!)
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30 Mon 
(CD発売ライブコンサート 千秋楽)
 結城 悟/Drums もとみ/Bass 田中ヒロユキ/Guitar&Vocal
 S.A.T.O   NORI   miho
 vo.g.LAPIZ ds.中村清 b.横山玲
DJ: Charlie
open 18:00/ start 19:00
charge \2,000 (+drink order)
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31 Tue
Entrance Free
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5 notes · View notes
fekincalls · 4 years
Hi! I’m Dorothea Arnault and Marianne von Edmund from fire emblem 3 houses. I’m looking for everyone so just like this and I’ll reach out! Mostly Hilda and Claude as Marianne because they were dear to me, and then Ferdinand, Petra and Edelgard as Dorothea!
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dailyofficereadings · 3 years
Daily Office Readings August 19, 2021
Psalm 131-135
Psalm 131
Song of Quiet Trust
A Song of Ascents. Of David.
1 O Lord, my heart is not lifted up, my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. 2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; my soul is like the weaned child that is with me.[a]
3 O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time on and forevermore.
Psalm 132
The Eternal Dwelling of God in Zion
A Song of Ascents.
1 O Lord, remember in David’s favor all the hardships he endured; 2 how he swore to the Lord and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, 3 “I will not enter my house or get into my bed; 4 I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, 5 until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
6 We heard of it in Ephrathah; we found it in the fields of Jaar. 7 “Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool.”
8 Rise up, O Lord, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your might. 9 Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your faithful shout for joy. 10 For your servant David’s sake do not turn away the face of your anointed one.
11 The Lord swore to David a sure oath from which he will not turn back: “One of the sons of your body I will set on your throne. 12 If your sons keep my covenant and my decrees that I shall teach them, their sons also, forevermore, shall sit on your throne.”
13 For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his habitation: 14 “This is my resting place forever; here I will reside, for I have desired it. 15 I will abundantly bless its provisions; I will satisfy its poor with bread. 16 Its priests I will clothe with salvation, and its faithful will shout for joy. 17 There I will cause a horn to sprout up for David; I have prepared a lamp for my anointed one. 18 His enemies I will clothe with disgrace, but on him, his crown will gleam.”
Psalm 133
The Blessedness of Unity
A Song of Ascents.
1 How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down over the collar of his robes. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion. For there the Lord ordained his blessing, life forevermore.
Psalm 134
Praise in the Night
A Song of Ascents.
1 Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! 2 Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless the Lord.
3 May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.
Psalm 135
Praise for God’s Goodness and Might
1 Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord; give praise, O servants of the Lord, 2 you that stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. 3 Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for he is gracious. 4 For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his own possession.
5 For I know that the Lord is great; our Lord is above all gods. 6 Whatever the Lord pleases he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. 7 He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth; he makes lightnings for the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.
8 He it was who struck down the firstborn of Egypt, both human beings and animals; 9 he sent signs and wonders into your midst, O Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants. 10 He struck down many nations and killed mighty kings— 11 Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan— 12 and gave their land as a heritage, a heritage to his people Israel.
13 Your name, O Lord, endures forever, your renown, O Lord, throughout all ages. 14 For the Lord will vindicate his people, and have compassion on his servants.
15 The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. 16 They have mouths, but they do not speak; they have eyes, but they do not see; 17 they have ears, but they do not hear, and there is no breath in their mouths. 18 Those who make them and all who trust them shall become like them.
19 O house of Israel, bless the Lord! O house of Aaron, bless the Lord! 20 O house of Levi, bless the Lord! You that fear the Lord, bless the Lord! 21 Blessed be the Lord from Zion, he who resides in Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 131:2 Or my soul within me is like a weaned child
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
2 Samuel 19:1-23
19 It was told Joab, “The king is weeping and mourning for Absalom.” 2 So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the troops; for the troops heard that day, “The king is grieving for his son.” 3 The troops stole into the city that day as soldiers steal in who are ashamed when they flee in battle. 4 The king covered his face, and the king cried with a loud voice, “O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son!” 5 Then Joab came into the house to the king, and said, “Today you have covered with shame the faces of all your officers who have saved your life today, and the lives of your sons and your daughters, and the lives of your wives and your concubines, 6 for love of those who hate you and for hatred of those who love you. You have made it clear today that commanders and officers are nothing to you; for I perceive that if Absalom were alive and all of us were dead today, then you would be pleased. 7 So go out at once and speak kindly to your servants; for I swear by the Lord, if you do not go, not a man will stay with you this night; and this will be worse for you than any disaster that has come upon you from your youth until now.” 8 Then the king got up and took his seat in the gate. The troops were all told, “See, the king is sitting in the gate”; and all the troops came before the king.
David Recalled to Jerusalem
Meanwhile, all the Israelites had fled to their homes. 9 All the people were disputing throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, “The king delivered us from the hand of our enemies, and saved us from the hand of the Philistines; and now he has fled out of the land because of Absalom. 10 But Absalom, whom we anointed over us, is dead in battle. Now therefore why do you say nothing about bringing the king back?”
11 King David sent this message to the priests Zadok and Abiathar, “Say to the elders of Judah, ‘Why should you be the last to bring the king back to his house? The talk of all Israel has come to the king.[a] 12 You are my kin, you are my bone and my flesh; why then should you be the last to bring back the king?’ 13 And say to Amasa, ‘Are you not my bone and my flesh? So may God do to me, and more, if you are not the commander of my army from now on, in place of Joab.’” 14 Amasa[b] swayed the hearts of all the people of Judah as one, and they sent word to the king, “Return, both you and all your servants.” 15 So the king came back to the Jordan; and Judah came to Gilgal to meet the king and to bring him over the Jordan.
16 Shimei son of Gera, the Benjaminite, from Bahurim, hurried to come down with the people of Judah to meet King David; 17 with him were a thousand people from Benjamin. And Ziba, the servant of the house of Saul, with his fifteen sons and his twenty servants, rushed down to the Jordan ahead of the king, 18 while the crossing was taking place,[c] to bring over the king’s household, and to do his pleasure.
David’s Mercy to Shimei
Shimei son of Gera fell down before the king, as he was about to cross the Jordan, 19 and said to the king, “May my lord not hold me guilty or remember how your servant did wrong on the day my lord the king left Jerusalem; may the king not bear it in mind. 20 For your servant knows that I have sinned; therefore, see, I have come this day, the first of all the house of Joseph to come down to meet my lord the king.” 21 Abishai son of Zeruiah answered, “Shall not Shimei be put to death for this, because he cursed the Lord’s anointed?” 22 But David said, “What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should today become an adversary to me? Shall anyone be put to death in Israel this day? For do I not know that I am this day king over Israel?” 23 The king said to Shimei, “You shall not die.” And the king gave him his oath.
2 Samuel 19:11 Gk: Heb to the king, to his house
2 Samuel 19:14 Heb He
2 Samuel 19:18 Cn: Heb the ford crossed
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Acts 24:1-23
Paul before Felix at Caesarea
24 Five days later the high priest Ananias came down with some elders and an attorney, a certain Tertullus, and they reported their case against Paul to the governor. 2 When Paul[a] had been summoned, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying:
“Your Excellency,[b] because of you we have long enjoyed peace, and reforms have been made for this people because of your foresight. 3 We welcome this in every way and everywhere with utmost gratitude. 4 But, to detain you no further, I beg you to hear us briefly with your customary graciousness. 5 We have, in fact, found this man a pestilent fellow, an agitator among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.[c] 6 He even tried to profane the temple, and so we seized him.[d] 8 By examining him yourself you will be able to learn from him concerning everything of which we accuse him.”
9 The Jews also joined in the charge by asserting that all this was true.
Paul’s Defense before Felix
10 When the governor motioned to him to speak, Paul replied:
“I cheerfully make my defense, knowing that for many years you have been a judge over this nation. 11 As you can find out, it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship in Jerusalem. 12 They did not find me disputing with anyone in the temple or stirring up a crowd either in the synagogues or throughout the city. 13 Neither can they prove to you the charge that they now bring against me. 14 But this I admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our ancestors, believing everything laid down according to the law or written in the prophets. 15 I have a hope in God—a hope that they themselves also accept—that there will be a resurrection of both[e] the righteous and the unrighteous. 16 Therefore I do my best always to have a clear conscience toward God and all people. 17 Now after some years I came to bring alms to my nation and to offer sacrifices. 18 While I was doing this, they found me in the temple, completing the rite of purification, without any crowd or disturbance. 19 But there were some Jews from Asia—they ought to be here before you to make an accusation, if they have anything against me. 20 Or let these men here tell what crime they had found when I stood before the council, 21 unless it was this one sentence that I called out while standing before them, ‘It is about the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.’”
22 But Felix, who was rather well informed about the Way, adjourned the hearing with the comment, “When Lysias the tribune comes down, I will decide your case.” 23 Then he ordered the centurion to keep him in custody, but to let him have some liberty and not to prevent any of his friends from taking care of his needs.
Acts 24:2 Gk he
Acts 24:2 Gk lacks Your Excellency
Acts 24:5 Gk Nazoreans
Acts 24:6 Other ancient authorities add and we would have judged him according to our law. 7 But the chief captain Lysias came and with great violence took him out of our hands, 8 commanding his accusers to come before you.
Acts 24:15 Other ancient authorities read of the dead, both of
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Mark 12:28-34
The First Commandment
28 One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 Then the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that ‘he is one, and besides him there is no other’; 33 and ‘to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength,’ and ‘to love one’s neighbor as oneself,’—this is much more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” After that no one dared to ask him any question.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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jc · 3 years
Tagebuch: Bewerbungsgespräche, Augen-Update, Betreuungspause
Arbeit: Wir haben zwei Stel­len zu beset­zen und haben dafür nicht nur eine Men­ge Bewer­bun­gen bekom­men (wie toll das ist!), son­dern hat­ten auch eini­ge Gesprä­che geplant, die alle inner­halb von drei Tagen durch­ge­führt wur­den. Das war schon ein kras­ser Ritt, denn man muss ja beim letz­ten Gespräch das Tages immer noch genau­so auf­merk­sam und zuge­wandt sein, damit man eine mög­lichst fai­re Aus­gangs­la­ge schafft. Das Gute ist, dass wir uns dann auch ent­schei­den konn­ten und die­se Ent­schei­dun­gen auf Gegen­sei­tig­keit beru­hen. Nicht schön sind natür­lich die gan­zen Absa­gen, die man dann auch geben muss. Gehört lei­der dazu.
Rad­kauf: Ich erwähn­te bereits letz­te Woche, dass ich mir end­lich wie­der ein eige­nes Fahr­rad zuleg­te. Mein letz­tes wur­de vor zwölf oder drei­zehn Jah­ren aus dem abge­schlos­se­nen Kel­ler geklaut, seit­dem fuhr ich nur noch Leih- oder Ehe­frau­en­rä­der – und die sehr sel­ten. Schon lan­ge woll­te ich aber wie­der was eige­nes und spä­tes­tens, seit ich her­aus­ge­fun­den habe, dass ich, wenn ich ein­mal quer über das Feld fah­re, in der glei­chen Zeit zur Tages­mut­ter kom­me wie mit dem Auto drum­her­um, war klar, dass ich was tun muss. Das neue Gefährt hat fol­ge­rich­tig einen Kin­der­sitz. Ich hol­te es in St. Augus­tin ab (Men­schen aus der Regi­on wis­sen, wo genau) und fuhr es ein­fach mal per Mus­kel­kraft nach Hau­se. Die 16 Kilo­me­ter absol­vier­te ich in fast genau einer Stun­de. Es kam mir vor wie viel­leicht 30 Minu­ten. So toll!
Augen-Update: Ich war zur Nachsorge-Untersuchung für das stress­lä­dier­te Auge an der Uni­kli­nik. Man beschei­nig­te mir, was ich schon selbst sah: deut­li­che Ver­bes­se­run­gen. Die Was­ser­ein­la­ge­run­gen unter der Lin­se sind fast voll­stän­dig zurück­ge­gan­gen. Das ist super und freut mich sehr, aber es gab auch eine War­nung mit auf den Weg: Das kann jeder­zeit wie­der­kom­men, ich sol­le jetzt bloß nicht den­ken, ich kön­ne jetzt wie­der in den Stress­mo­dus zurück­keh­ren, der das Unge­mach ver­ur­sach­te. Habe ich nicht vor, zumal ein gro­ßer Stress­fak­tor durch die Wie­der­auf­nah­me der Kin­des­be­treu­ung auch von selbst weg­ge­fal­len ist. Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie der Delta-Herbst aus­se­hen wird.
Klein-Lea: Apro­pos. Die gro­ße Klei­ne ist immer noch lau­nisch, was vor allem an der Schlaf­si­tua­ti­on bei der Tages­mut­ter lie­gen dürf­te. Wenn sie zuhau­se Mit­tags­schlaf macht, dau­ert er meis­tens deut­lich län­ger und die dar­auf fol­gen­den Nach­mit­ta­ge sind sehr viel angenehmer. 
Som­mer­pau­se: Am Don­ners­tag war aber erst ein­mal der letz­te Tages­mut­ter­tag für fast vier Wochen, denn auch in der Tages­pfle­ge scheint es so etwas wie Urlaub zu geben, ver­rückt. Irgend­wie komisch ist es trotz­dem, denn so lan­ge läuft der Regel­be­trieb mit Voll­zeit­be­treu­ung noch nicht und schon ist es erneut wie­der vor­bei. Im jetzt abge­lau­fe­nen ers­ten Betreu­ungs­jahr hat­ten wir deut­lich weni­ger nor­ma­le Wochen als sol­che, in denen gar kei­ne oder nur Halb­tags­be­treu­ung statt­fand. Zusam­men mit gut andert­halb Stun­den Fahrt­weg pro Tag ist das bis­her eher nicht so gelau­fen wie vor einem Jahr erhofft.
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Spen­de was für Klein-Leas Sparschwein 🐽
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2021/07/tagebuch-bewerbungsgespraeche-augen-update-betreuungspause/)
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