giratinalove3 · 5 years
Different Moms prompts for Shiro/Shinonome
•Rinkah: Has the worst temper out of them all (like seriously extremely out of hand). Lives for the competition. Bares pride in his marks. Wants to learn everything about the Fire Tribe. Is actually very skilled with a club and comes up with extremely clever ways to use it, which seriously worries his father while his mother is blinded by how proud she is. Guerrilla warfare is his specialty. If he had any say in the matter, he would rather be the Chiefton of the Fire Tribe than the King of Hoshido; In his mind (And literally everyone who isn’t royalty or a noble) it’s better to rule over a group of people than an entire country and it’s also easier to communicate with people, getting to know them, and generally knowing knowledge sooner. ———————————————————— •Scarlet: Is very confused as to what he is. He would rather live in Cheve than be in Hoshido. Is curious about everything about his mom and her culture. Is sorta sour when it comes to Nohr (Only in Birthright thou). Finds it confusing when he starts to wonder why his hair is blonde and not brown & thinks too hard on it that he gets migraines often because of that. Wakes up the earliest out of the Shino’s. Got his fishing skills from his mom. Tries to learn Nohrian but it’s kind of amateur-ish, but at least it’s better than his father’s. Likes to stay under anything (and I mean ANYTHING) when winter rolls around and he slowly starts to hibernate when winter rolls around. Loves to talk bad under his breath in Nohrian when he’s in Hoshido and uses it sparingly when isulting people. ———————————————————— •Mozu: Loves being at or near farmland or the outdoors. Is a sweet bumpkiny farm boy at heart. Had his own garden till a noble man destroys it (actually burns it down because he’s suck in the old way of thinking) thinking it was Mozu’s, only to find out it was the Shiro’s; And Shiro was to put it delicately was fucking pissed to hell and back & personaly burned down said noble man’s house to get back for the garden incident. Can easily pick up a bear with ease. Learned to use a spear because of his mom. Ryoma has a hard time connecting with Shiro because he acts more like a farm boy than a Royal and still has difficulty trying to understand his wife’s past station. ———————————————————— •Kagero: Knows how to use surikens and knows some basic ninja skills. Has the most patience out of all of the Shiro’s. Always trues to one up his mom in arm wrestling but fails constantly. Feels a deep need in him to protect others. Also has Kagero’s.... interesting art talent. ———————————————————— •Orochi: Orochi made him learn a bit of Diviner magic just in case he needed it in the future. He loves to use magic for pranking people and misuses magic more often than he will admit. He knows how to do fortunes, though they aren’t always that accurate. Loves to make prank plans with his mom. ———————————————————— •Oboro: Oboro taught him how to sew and make his own clothes. Makes sure he’s always in line and knows the lastest fashion, after all no Crown Prince should look like a depressed hobo. Learned from his mom on how to use a spear from his mom. Values family more than any other Shiro because of it. Had his own version of Oboro’s demon face. Actually enjoys fashion and making clothes and bonds a lot with Forrest because of it. ———————————————————— •Flora: Loves to use his Ice powers. Loves to use his powers to make people jump at the cold. When excited he sometimes accidentally uses his power and makes a warm snow storm. Loves winter more than any other Shiro. Specifically targets his father when there is enough snow outside. Once he accidentally made icicles pointing at a person when he got super pissed. Once caused a major blizzard that went all over Hoshido during a panic attack. Nohr was pretty confused when that happened when Hoshido asked for help to help with a major blizzard, it took a bit of explaining that Hoshido’s Crown Prince Shiro caused the blizzard and couldn’t stop his own power. ———————————————————— •Camilla: Got her yandere side. Loves his family to the death of him, even his father (though he won’t admit that). Never talk bad about his mom or he will personally torture you in the most painful way possible and erase every trace of your existence. Loves to baby Kiragi. His biggest dream he is to be a parent. Loves kids. Can use an axe almost as well as his mom. Once tried to ride his mom’s Wyvern with out her permission or supervision but failed horribly and her Wyvern hasn’t let him on since. ———————————————————— •Kamui: Is more pessimistic than Kamui herself. Tries not to get to attached to people. Unlike his mom, doesn’t trusting strangers because stranger danger. Loves animals a lot. Is more like a gigantic puppy than Corrin!Siegbert (who is an oversized cabbit). When he first transformed he ran after his father, scaring the ever living sh*t out of him. Mom had to flip him over. Loves to compete in his dragon form. When he first got his dragon stone he chucked it at the enemy instead of, you know, transforming. Loves being near people. Is curious about everything, unless he already knows about it. Growls when he’s mad. His dad, mom, uncle/uncles, aunts, and cousin/cousins have to physically stop him from using every dragon vain he sees. When he uses his brain he’s actually a very skilled tactician. ———————————————————— •Elise: Ew. Hell no. This relationship is just platonic. I don’t ship this for a reason.
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aarafox · 7 years
7 for emilaya x luciora? :)
My darlings!!!
7) “I dreamt about you last night.”
[Extra information: alright so this is set in the same universe as the last Lucilaya drabble, one in which Robin doesn’t exist!]
Since Bella’s Special Bond with Yason, Lucy and I had been getting closer to each other. It was to be expected, that when our third best friend was occupied more often, we would seek each other, but I still had a remarkable feeling every time we met up with the two of us. Since we had been with the three of us so often, being alone with Lucy brought some unexpected moments. Conversations during which I realised we had things in common which I never thought we had in common, jokes which came out of nowhere but we found ourselves giggle about time and again, subtle moments in which just being together in silence was more than enough…
They were feelings I hadn’t ever felt with someone, not even with Bella, who I had been alone with more often because we went to the same school. Lucy and I found ourselves meeting automatically, as if we were somehow connected to each other. And after a while, we stopped informing Bella about each time we had hung out.
Before we knew it, meeting with the two of us became a regular thing, even though we hadn’t planned on it.
“Look at that blue tiger,” Lucy whispered, taking my arm and pulling me closer to her, so I could see what she was pointing to. The blue tiger of the Animals’ Tree was snoozing softly at the back of its abode.
“Woah, it’s so cool!” I said in awe. “Let’s see if we’re allowed to play with it.”
I glanced at the little wooden plate in front of the abode and read: “Frederick the 3rd does not really like people, so please do not disturb him. He would choose sleeping over playing approximately 280 days of the Orbit.”
I looked back at Lucy. “That guy leads a great life.”
Lucy giggled. “Right? Although I can’t see myself ever leading one like him.”
“Me neither,” I said, as I toddled after her to the next animal. “I have to fight and train to keep myself entertained!”
Lucy looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. “Same here.”
We passed by a few kids who were playing together with a bunch of Squippels. The great thing about the Animals’ Tree was that it was the place for Neflora and animals to meet up and spend time together. When the animals living in the surroudning forests of Sinalópolis felt the desire to interact with us, they nestled in the Animals’ Tree and stayed there for a while. Some, like Frederick the 3rd, planned to stay here forever and received a name and a plate on which a tutorial for Neflora was written, on how to treat them.
Some of my favourite animals were the small, fluffy Bunners that resided in a far corner of the Tree. They were so popular that you had to arrange a separate room to cuddle with them.
Fortunately for us, it wasn’t very busy and we received a room as soon as we arrived at the Bunner section. We settled down in the soft chairs that sunk in a good twenty centimetres once you sat down on it, and let the Bunners jump on our laps and climb over our shoulders. Soon, I had two Bunners sleeping in my neck, three on my lap, and one on my head.
“This is great,” I said. “So calming.”
“I know right,” Lucy responded. Seven Bunners were using her as a bed and she looked very comfortable.
“I always get tired when I see others sleeping though,” I mumbled satisfied and yawned.
“Hmm,” Lucy hummed in reply.
I looked back at her and smiled. “I’m not planning to fall asleep while I’m here with you though.”
Lucy puffed a laugh. “I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
“Noooo, I would be wasting my time with you!” I shook my head vigurously. “Impossible, impossible!”
But I had forgotten about the Bunner on my head. My headshake launched it and made it fly to the other side of the room. Lucy burst out laughing so hard that four of the seven Bunners startled and rushed away from her.
“Oh no, is it okay?!” I gasped, looking at the Bunner I had accidentally lunged across the room. It had landed on the floor with a soft plop, shook its head quickly–and fell asleep again right then and there.
I blinked a few times, sank back in the chair and sighed. “Unbelievable.”
“It’s a smart Bunner,” Lucy said. “If I’d get launched by your head, I would also be like ‘fuck it’ and go back to sleep.”
“I’m not sure if the laws of physics will ever allow you to get launched by my head.”
“Probably not.”
We snickered softly.
As I decided to look at Lucy, she mindlessly started brushing the pretty white fur of the Bunners on her lap. Actually, I had found myself doing that more often these days. Looking at her, I mean. I wasn’t sure why–just for the sake of it, perhaps? Looking at Lucy had always been nice, but lately it had become a habit. I made sure she didn’t see it though, it would be embarrassing if she found out…
“I dreamt about you last night,” she said suddenly, and her eyes met mine.
I could feel my cheeks heat up at those words. “Really? What did I do?”
“Oh, just the usual,” she said, shrugging.
I blinked confused. “What… what’s the usual?”
She grinned. “Looking at me.”
The blood rose to my face, spurred on by the quickening beat of my heart. I grimaced. “You knew?!”
“Darling, I’m a descendant of the Feflora with the power of the Future. I have some third eye skills.” Her sideways glance was way too seductive for my liking. “Besides, you’re not really subtle about it.”
“I’m not?!” I was flabbergasted. “But I tried my hardest!”
Lucy laughed a tinkling laugh which set my heart on fire. “I really don’t mind it! It actually makes me really happy!”
I did not see that coming. “It does?”
“Of course!” She smiled brightly. “It tells me that you like me.”
“O-Oh…” I was staring at her now. “Is that what it means?”
Lucy blinked. “Well, I can’t be sure of course, but you wouldn’t look at someone you don’t like, right?”
I had a hard time thinking. “That’s true, but I don’t unnecessarily look at other people besides you that I like.”
“And you do unnecessarily look at me?”
“I look at you without telling myself that I should.”
Lucy was silent, but she had a smile on her face and her eyes were shining. Meanwhile, I couldn’t believe I had actually confessed that.
After a few minutes of silence, with my heart beating in my ears and Lucy’s eyes still on me, she suddenly said: “Do you want to know what else happened in my dream?”
I swallowed thickly. “Yes please.”
“You asked me if I wanted to have a Special Bond with you.”
My mouth fell open. Then I closed it. Then I opened it again. But chose to close it too.
I looked at the Bunners on my lap, thinking hard. My face was red, my palms were sweating and my heart was pounding.
Eventually, I opened my mouth again.
“I-I might actually want to ask that in real life too…”
A soft sound escaped Lucy’s throat, and when I shyly looked at her, her face was painted with excitement. Looking straight at me, she said, “I would answer the same way in real life as I answered in my dream.”
I wanted to tell my heart to stop beating so fast, but I knew it wouldn’t listen to me.
“And… what would that answer be?” I asked nervously. If it was a no, I would personally ask Frederick the 3rd to murder me.
“In my dream it was an absolute yes.”
I pressed the tips of my index fingers against each other. “So… does that mean we can have a Special Bond from now on?”
“Let’s say it does!”
I felt my chest tighten with excitement. “I’ve never had one before though, so I’m not sure if I’m good at having one.”
“Me neither! But the good thing is that we can decide for ourselves how to go about it!”
The cheerful tone in her voice made me so happy. I could hardly believe anyone could be so excited about having me for their Chrystal.
In any case, not long after, we shove the two puffs together, so we could enjoy petting the Bunners while also tightly holding hands.
How great it was that Lucy’s dreams held prophetic qualities.
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aarafox · 7 years
bellány for the character profile? :)
Thank youuuuuu Itsy sweetheart!!!
~ Full Name: Bellány (which means beautiful girl)
~ Gender and Sexuality: female, bisexual with preference for men
~ Pronouns: she/her
~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora
~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 37 Plianim 1000 
~ Guilty Pleasures: Tracones
~ Phobias: never meeting Tracones, also war
~ What They Would Be Famous For: she’s one of the few descendants from the famous Tracone Lord
~ What They Would Get Arrested For: hooking up with a Tracone (haha jk)
~ OC You Ship Them With: Yason :D
~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one she won’t let them lol
~ Favorite Movie/Book Genre: romance and drama
~ Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: I don’t know tbh :O probably people dying just for the sake of it “being a good book”
~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of the Tracones, which are great, dragon-like creatures living in the Kriu Highlands. She has their wings and can use their power and fire to fight! 
~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s really happy and affectionate! She can also be a bit timid but she’s fun and bright most of the time. Also she’s a good friend who gives you the occasional kick in the butt when you need it 
~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: perhaps she can be a bit too much at some times, or she accidentally crosses a line without knowing it 
~ How They Change: Bella doesn’t change much to be honest! The qualities she begins to show throughout the story she already had in her, but circumstances allow her to actually show them; things like her courage or how she will (or at least desperately wants to) do anything for her friends. At least she becomes less timid throughout the story and MUCH more powerful! 
~ Why You Love Them: she’s just so great to write?? She’s one of the few characters I always know of how they respond to situations. She’s the crazy girly character of the story and her love for Tracones is bigger than her love for herself :’) she’s just a blessing!! 😄 and a spirited presence by Emilaya’s side~
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aarafox · 7 years
Luciora for the ask thing!!
Luciora my bae!!!!!
~ Full Name: Luciora
~ Gender and Sexuality: female & bisexual
~ Pronouns: she/her
~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Nenoflora
~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 17th day of the Naya Sphere in the 1000th Orbit (17 Naya 1000)
~ Guilty Pleasures: swORDS 
~ Phobias: not being strong enough
~ What They Would Be Famous For: being the strongest Kawera fighter ever (she is too)
~ What They Would Get Arrested For: literally beating someone up lol she would
~ OC You Ship Them With: Emilaya and Nalu (someone in another city). Others ship her with Prince Freylic but she doesn’t lol
~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one lmao no one would dare to
~ Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action and fantasy 
~ Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: uhhh all the annoying ones
~ Talents and/or Powers: she’s master of the Kawera Martial Arts!! And she’s strong af
~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s amazing!! She doesn’t let anyone tell her anything but she’s the most loyal friend in the world, also she’s a pleasant presence because of her gentleness and her down-to-earth way of thinking
~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: probably because she’s so strong and knows it too?
~ How They Change: tbh in the beginning of the story she believes much less in herself than at the end? Nenoflora are not allowed in the Royal Army of Neflora and she doesn’t like that. At one moment she openly expresses to Emilaya that she thinks Feflora are stronger than her and Emilaya is sh o Cke d; but throughout the story she discovers how important Nenoflora actually are and how much she can do to help win the war, and she becomes one of the leaders of their own Nenoflora Army and it’s great! 
~ Why You Love Them: she’s such a great friend. She’s calm and friendly and so strong and she and Emilaya have such a great friendship! She’s just amazing and she deserves all the love in the world!! ♥️☺️🎉
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aarafox · 7 years
Emilaya (if u didn't answer for her yet)!!
~ Full Name: Emilaya!!
~ Gender and Sexuality: female and demisexual
~ Pronouns: she/her
~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora
~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis and the 15th day of the Cylene Sphere in the 1000th Orbit since they started counting (so like, 15 Cylene 1000)
~ Guilty Pleasures: mushrooms 
~ Phobias: losing her powers, being all alone, seeing her world destroyed, losing her family and friends
~ What They Would Be Famous For: saving the world
~ What They Would Get Arrested For: accidentally beating someone up/murdering someone; she has her powers under control most of the time but sometimes they explode ^^
~ OC You Ship Them With: ROBIN and also Luciora!!
~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Méllany, and the Kayu (the ruler of Usverna)
~ Favorite Movie/Book Genre: adventure, fantasy or historical
~ Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: idiotic misunderstandings or ooc actions of characters just to keep the plot going 
~ Talents and/or Powers: talents: singing and fighting; magical powers: earth, fire, space, nature, water, love, psyche, wind and the secret power of Sylencie
~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cheerful and funny but also brave and deeply caring. She’s also an idiot :D 
~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: because she has too many powers and an incredible strength (mostly jealous people would hate her)
~ How They Change: from extremely stubborn, loving to fight, unable to love but fun-loving, to responsible, strong and powerful, still loving to fight but now not noticing it because saving the world has become her priority, able to love, and still fun-loving! (She’s still stubborn sometimes tho)
~ Why You Love Them: she’s great??? 😭😭😭 I love her??? 😭😭😭 she’s everything I aspire to be but somehow I think I can only become her if I live in her world ahaha
Thanks for asking I enjoyed this so much!!! I’m now gonna do the others you asked ☺️☺️☺️❤️
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aarafox · 7 years
And Piag ! (tbh i'm in love with your ocs' names! I've told u this before but i still am :D )
Awwwwwh thank you so much!! ☺️♥️ that makes me so happy! :D
~ Full Name: Piniag (tho I’m not sure yet because Piag is a non-binary name and I kind of like that)
~ Gender and Sexuality: male & bisexual but probably gay tbh
~ Pronouns: he/him
~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora
~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Mekinápolis (which means City of My Heart) & on 7 Cylene 1005
~ Guilty Pleasures: people with pleasant feelings lol and he also likes tree huts 
~ Phobias: extremely dark feelings that make him gravely ill
~ What They Would Be Famous For: his Healing abilities. He will be able to heal people’s anxieties, depressions and everything else because of his magical power. Also because he saved more than half of the Yukaï-Neflora children
~ What They Would Get Arrested For: nothing lmao he is too pure ok
~ OC You Ship Them With: Miu for sure!!!!
~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: …anyone of the Yukaï tbh
~ Favorite Movie/Book Genre: sappy romance hahaha
~ Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: characters not acting according to how they feel and that causing major problems
~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Feelings, he can precisely feel what someone else feels and it’s incredible 
~ Why Someone Might Love Them: he Understands everyone and will try to help when he knows that he can. He is also just extremely cute
~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: his ability to feel other people’s feelings can be really annoying and he’s pretty introverted so maybe that combination might??
~ How They Change: hmmm! I guess from a small and annoyed but adorable boy he becomes more caring and careful and headstrong (but positively) he’s also still adorable
~ Why You Love Them: my other son 😭 I just love the power he has and his contribution to the story! He saves every half Yukai half Neflora child and they are so grateful to him. Also he’s often there to pull Robin’s and Emilaya’s heads out of their own asses to figure their own feelings out haha
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aarafox · 7 years
yes pls do robin for the oc meme :D
Okay!! ^^ 
~ Full Name: Robiño (which means tiny jewel - he hates it lmao which is why he calls himself Robin which just means jewel xD)

~ Gender and Sexuality: male & demisexual

~ Pronouns: he/him
~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Mekinápolis, 24 Yanori 1000
~ Guilty Pleasures: high energy levels, Emilaya’s tiny giggle

~ Phobias: Piss beetles (dung beetles but with piss lmao) and losing the people he loves 
~ What They Would Be Famous For: probably being Emilaya’s Chrystal/Precial lol, no but he could be famous for his part in the story: helping to end the war; he is great at thinking of plans to fix things and helped rescuing Emilaya when the Yukaï caused her to be locked out from her home dimension. Also he’s just so sweet and kind and fun ^^ he’ll be famous for that too haha. He’ll be famous for how special he is

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: nothing haha 

~ OC You Ship Them With: Emilaya and Yoni tbh xD 

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Méllany lmao 

~ Favorite Movie/Book Genre: fantasy! 

~ Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: needless conflict 

~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Physical Energy! It’s really handy and since Emilaya’s energy level is always behaving extremely extra he can help her handle it. It also helps with Piag who falls sick easily when he’s affected by others’ feelings 
(Piag is his little brother!)
~ Why Someone Might Love Them: EVERYTHING??? He’s such a cheerful, lovely ball of sunshine who cares too much about everyone for his own health. Most of the time he just wants to have fun but he has zero problems getting serious when he has to. He also has the friendliest of faces and he’s one of the nicest Neflora Emily has ever met T0T also he blushes a lot

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: hmm I’m not sure :O perhaps he’s too charismatic? XD but he wouldn’t hurt a fly and he’s cute af lol

~ How They Change: he’s a bit like Bellány: all the features were already inside him but the story caused them to come out and show themselves. His capability to love is one, another is his protectiveness and responsible side (but that and the protectiveness he already had when it comes to Piag). But in the end he will always be the crazy, fun-loving guy he was when Emily met him!

~ Why You Love Them: EVERYTHING AHHH No but he is seriously someone I love so very much! Writing about him makes me so happy and he’s cute and great. He still needs some characterising here and there but there’s no one of the story I wanna meet more than him (except perhaps for Emilaya 😄)
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aarafox · 7 years
what's the difference between Feflora and Neflora? are there more -flora ppl? :3
Well, Neflora is the umbrella term for the creatures of my story who live on land, and there are two different Neflora categories ^^ Neflora in general means “Creature(s) of Nature”. You have the Feflora, which are the “Fairies of Nature”, who possess one magical power and are able to transform in a fairy; and you have the Nenoflora, the “Normal Creature(s) of Nature”. They have no magical power, but are often very talented and are able to become skilled at crafts that Feflora would have major problems with! Lucy is a Nenoflora, and Emily, Bella and Robin are Feflora. Feflora and Nenoflora go to two different schools because the Feflora have to follow subjects that have to do with developing their powers and Nenoflora have to follow subjects about developing their talents - the only problem with this is that Feflora and Nenoflora are, because of that, more separated from each other than is actually good for them. Another problem is that there is an army of Neflora, but there are zero Nenoflora in that army (it’s not a very big army tho, many Feflora have magical powers with which they can’t fight well :p); the royal family also only consists of Feflora, which causes them to not realise how capable some Nenoflora would be for the army (e.g. Lucy). This is an issue that gets addressed and for which is being fought, especially by Lucy who finds this incredibly unfair~. She creates her own small army of Nenoflora who want to fight against the enemy as well. 
There is also a special school established to recruit more recruits (again, only Feflora) for that army (shortened to RAN, “Royal Army of Neflora” (KLN in Dutch)) and Emily is selected as one of the recruits. Because she is a Feflora, is therefore student of the Feflora school, and is part of the army of Feflora, most characters in my story are Feflora (since it is written in first-person narrative~), though that is of course different in Lucy’s spinoff :) and Emily’s parents are Nenoflora as well (to enhance how weird it is that Emilaya has eight powers haha)
But! There are two other Neflora categories. First are the Newaflora, “Water Creature(s) of Nature”, mer-people-like creatures, with small gems in their skin and long tails. They like to keep to themselves and hardly interact with the Neflora on land. There is one city that is established on an island and it’s rumoured that on it live Neflora who have Bonded (married but different) with Newaflora, which is confirmed when some Neflora from that city fly over to the capital and are seen with scales on their arms. Newaflora don’t appear much in my story, but I’m planning on writing a spinoff about a Neflora (perhaps a Feflora) and a Newaflora who fall in love :D but since I have like 6 ideas for spinoffs and aus that one probably has to wait for a bit xD
And lastly there are the Neluflora, “Sky Creatures of Nature” (“sky” in Dutch is “lucht” :)), and as their name says, they live in the sky! But without wings! They live on clouds and generally don’t descent to earth, so there is hardly any contact between Neflora and Neluflora. They can come down though, and when they do they fly more or less like Peter Pan ^^” They have pretty thin bodies and are a bit alien-like, with sharp chins and almond-shaped eyes, but in my mind they also look kind of cheeky. They are also very smart and possess magic, but the Neflora on land don’t know too much about it - they only know about the clouds of the Rainy Season, that endlessly travel over the planet and make it rain wherever they go. They have to be magical, otherwise they would dissolve when they’ve dropped every drop ahhah; so the theory that the Neluflora were responsible for those clouds to tease the Neflora under them was created (and they’re right). Same as with the Newaflora, there is one city which they come in contact with once in a while, but that city doesn’t interact much with the other cities, and their close bond with the Neluflora is one reason for that, since the Neluflora like being secretive, like the Newaflora. I think Emily meets both categories on her world travels at the end of the story hehe.
So that’s it! To summarize~ they are all Neflora, but the categories of Newaflora and Neluflora are always called Newaflora and Neluflora, so “Neflora” mostly means the creatures living on land! And you have two (land) Neflora categories: the Feflora, who have a magical power and can transform in a fairy, and the Nenoflora, who have no magical power but are very talented :)
I hope I managed to explain it well haha!! Thank you for asking~~ ^^
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aarafox · 7 years
I got tagged by @bitsynoya and @pimeydenreuna!! Thanks you two <3
So this is an OC thing that I’ll be doing for my four main characters!
I’ll put it under the read more because it’s a bit long ^^”
I’ll bold everything that applies to my character, and italic some that apply only before a certain moment in the story, but mostly sexuality headcanons. And I’ll cross the ones that just don’t apply to their world (and after Emilaya’s I’ll also delete the “habits” because many things in the habit section just don’t appear in the world they live in xD) the things that are both bolded and in italics I added myself!
If anyone wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged! :)
Emilaya~ (17, Feflora of Eight Powers and the Secret Power of Sylencie)
[ WEALTH ] $ Financial : wealthy / moderate/ poor / in poverty ✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure ✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no
[ FAMILY ] ◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / doesn’t want children / has adopted children / hasn’t thought about it / isn’t sure yet ◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
[ TRAITS + TENDENCIES ] ♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ dis-organised / organised / in between ♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
[ BELIEFS ] ★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic (but open for more knowledge and truths) ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / a little ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / after a certain encounter ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / after a certain encounter ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical : yes / no
[ SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ] ❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral  / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced ❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ��� Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all / unknown ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all/ unknown
[ ABILITIES ] ☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none ✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
[ HABITS ] ☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✌ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess $ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Robin (17, Feflora of Physical Energy)
[ WEALTH ] $ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure ✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no
[ FAMILY ] ◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / doesn’t want children / has adopted children / hasn’t thought about it ◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
[ TRAITS + TENDENCIES ] ♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ dis-organised / organised / in between ♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
[ BELIEFS ] ★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical : yes / no / a little
[ SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ] ❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral  / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced ❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all / unknown ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all/ unknown
[ ABILITIES ] ☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none ✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Bellány (17, Feflora of the Tracones)
[ WEALTH ] $ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure ✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no
[ FAMILY ] ◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / doesn’t want children / has adopted children / hasn’t thought about it ◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / remotely close with siblings / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
[ TRAITS + TENDENCIES ] ♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ dis-organised / organised / in between ♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
[ BELIEFS ] ★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / doesn’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / doesn’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / doesn’t care (yet) ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical : yes / no / a little
[ SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ] ❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral  / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced ❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all / unknown ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all/ unknown
[ ABILITIES ] ☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Luciora (17, Nenoflora, skilled in the Kawera Martial Arts)
[ WEALTH ] $ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure ✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no
[ FAMILY ] ◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / doesn’t want children / has adopted children / wants to adopt children / hasn’t thought about it ◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
[ TRAITS + TENDENCIES ] ♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ dis-organised / organised / in between ♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
[ BELIEFS ] ★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / doesn’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / doesn’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / doesn’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical : yes / no / a little
[ SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ] ❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral  / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced ❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all / unknown ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all / unknown
[ ABILITIES ] ☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none ✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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aarafox · 7 years
Ohh i also wanna know more abt aliciora and yason!! :3
Yayyy thank you! (And sorry this is so late!!)
~ Full Name: Aliciora

~ Gender and Sexuality: Female, heterosexual

~ Pronouns: she/her

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Daramépolis, 29 Walophia 999

~ Guilty Pleasures: Zipla’s and skinny dipping

~ Phobias: not being loved

~ What They Would Be Famous For: for being able to create tsunamis wherever she goes and for fighting in the Great Battle

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: being unfriendly? xD

~ OC You Ship Them With: Hmmm, no one and otherwise Liané

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Bellány XD

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: romance, drama

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: nothing she’s a pretty big fan of cliches haha!

~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of Fluids! She can basically control everything as long as it’s fluid! It’s pretty strong and dangerous :O as said before, she can create tsunamis! She’s like a really strong waterbender haha

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s confident and not afraid to stand for herself. She knows how much she’s worth and she’s pretty as well! Her hair is amazing :O I guess when she truly loves you, she can be a great partner

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s… not always nice. She would kill if it were for her close friends, but people who she doesn’t really care for much, even when she’s known them for a while, she’s not afraid to low key drop them if she feels like they’re standing in her way. She’s not always friendly and acts too rashly sometimes

~ How They Change: at the beginning she really cares mostly about herself and her two best friends (although that’s not what she shows the world - she pretends to care about more people); an example is of when she falls for Robin and feels like Lucy stands in her way, she doesn’t like her anymore. She’s also extremely fed up with Emilaya when she gets together with Robin. But throughout the story she learns how to care more about the world around her, and she fights bravely to help the Neflora to victory. At the end, little is left of her first version

~ Why You Love Them: hmmmm, I don’t necessarily love her very much, but I think she’s a very believable and realistic character, which I like. She’s clearly flawed but learns as well! I also like how she’s one of the few low key antagonists among the Neflora ahaha (but she’s not dangerous or anything). But I think she’s very useful for the story! Her crush on Robin is the catalyst for Robin and Emilaya’s love xD (sorry Alice!) she’s been a part of the story for a very long time and it couldn’t so without her ^^
on to my Yason man!
~ Full Name: Yason!

~ Gender and Sexuality: male, demisexual or asexual

~ Pronouns: he/him

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Luniápolis, 33 Liano 998

~ Guilty Pleasures: Bellány whahaha, and clever strategies 

~ Phobias: I actually have no idea! :O

~ What They Would Be Famous For: for being the youngest trainer of the Royal Army of Neflora! (And also for being the youngest recruit ever recruited!)

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: being too attractive????

~ OC You Ship Them With: only Bellány!

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: none of the Neflora at least!

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: hmmm, detective or war novels. Something with a lot of strategies ahaha

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: he dislikes all cliches, except for the ones that make Bella happy

~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Strategies. The usefulness of his power was discovered when he was in his teens, which is why he was transferred to Sinalópolis to become part of the Royal Army. Because of his power, he also contains great leader abilities, because of which he became the youngest trainer of the army, training the highest group of new recruits, those of room 5C (in which many of my main characters fight :))

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: alright first of all he’s attractive af and his looks are so sexy lmao. Furthermore he’s confident, kind, and knows how to lead and help others! I guess the fact that he’s a “teacher” makes him a bit more attractive too? At least he and Bella really like each other and stay together forever :’)

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: perhaps he’s a bit too perfect?

~ How They Change: he looks like a side character at first, someone who’s just there to help out everyone (not always 100% of what he’s doing) but confident and his methods are effective. Throughout the story, mostly because he becomes Bella’s Chrystal and one of Emily’s friends, he becomes one of the Gang who work together to fix things! He is a steady factor throughout the story, a steady presence in the war against the Yukaï

~ Why You Love Them: idk man! I just like him :D his bond with Emily is so funny and great to write about; and he is one of the oldest characters as well! He is based on a sexy guy from a television series I watched when I was younger hahaha, he gained his looks and his name from it xD (his name was Jason at first haha) so yeah that’s mostly why I like him! He’s a chill guy
Alright I did it! :) thanks for asking!! ^^
0 notes
aarafox · 7 years
And liané!
My daughter!!
~ Full Name: Liané

~ Gender and Sexuality: female, bisexual

~ Pronouns: she/her

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 8 Liano 1000 (she is named after the Liano mist!)

~ Guilty Pleasures: soft, small animals, sitting alone surrounded by birds and butterflies

~ Phobias: life tbh haha

~ What They Would Be Famous For: for being one of the few Neflora alive who can communicate with animals

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: hoarding animals in her room ahaha

~ OC You Ship Them With: Catalía and Brenden! And looow-key Aliciora

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: uhmmm… no one

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: fairy tales

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: not necessarily cliches she just has a dislike for specific genres, like horror and thriller

~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of Animals! She can actually create animals (although they are not alive but like… low-key alive? They don’t have feelings unless Liané decides so). She reaches level 5C (the highest training level where Emilaya and co are as well) because she can create animals who will fight for her, and magical animals with strong, magical powers are useful too. She has amazing bird wings and animal characteristics when she’s in Feflora form, like a tail or antennas. She often uses her power to create soft friends who don’t talk much (because she’s very introverted and stuff can affect her deeply). Her power makes her really happy!

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cute and soft and doesn’t hurt a fly. It makes you wanna take care of her (which people do too) but she is still independent. When she’s comfortable, she talks more and smiles a lot (her smile is cute too)

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s just a bit timid maybe? And people might not like her introvertedness, but I don’t think anyone of the story dislikes her truly

~ How They Change: before the war, she was very shy and didn’t interact with many others besides her two best friends, Aliciora and Catalía, but when she is acknowledged for her powers and disovers in how many ways she can use them, she slowly becomes more confident. Her confidence enables her to fall in love and befriend others, although her best friends will always be Catalía and Aliciora. I really hope she becomes happy in the future! She deserves that

~ Why You Love Them: she is a small person capable of big things, even though she doesn’t know it. I like how she’s the “typical, soft, nature fairy” of the gang. Tbh, she doesn’t seem strong in most of the story (she cries regularly, is often anxious and a bit timid) but at the end becomes clear how undefeatable she actually is. She is one of those minor characters who is not spoken of often but who is always there, and like I said before, she deserves to become happy! I actually hurt her more than was necessary *kicks self* *still regrets decisions about certain deaths of certain characters*
Thanks for asking as always!!!
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aarafox · 7 years
I love reading abt ur characters so freylic and stelia! ^^
~ Full Name: Freylic Reyalos (his name means “Prince of Light” and his surname means “royal.” He’s the heir of the royal family :D and the royal familiy are one of the few families with a surname!)

~ Gender and Sexuality: non-binary and extremely pansexual

~ Pronouns: he/him

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 1 Naya 997

~ Guilty Pleasures: Luciora, talking to Luciora, making people happy (especially when that includes Luciora)

~ Phobias: dark voids but he doesn’t meet those very often

~ What They Would Be Famous For: he’s the Prince of Light!! There are more Neflora of the royal family but he is the heir of the main branch of the family. It is his job to travel over the planet and visit every city and village in one Orbit, and in each city/village he shoots a ray of light to the sky. It’s like a ritual wishing everyone happiness and peace! So because he travels over Elunia annually, everyone knows him. He’s like, the most famous Neflora of the planet haha

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: I don’t think anyone would arrest Prince Freylic??? No one has the authority lmao??? But he wouldn’t be arrested for anything haha he’s too Good

~ OC You Ship Them With: no one actually, it is already decided that he has to Bond (marry in Elunian terms) with a far-away cousin to continue the power-of-Light branch of the fam :( the family member he chooses is named Alefy but I don’t really ship that. I want to ship him with someone tho, I should think of a cute love story for him

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I think the only one with the power to do that would be the Kayu

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: romance, comedy

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: characters dying??? Why does that happen??

~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Light, as the entire royal family does. With his power he can shoot beacons of light to the sky! He doesn’t exactly know why he can, but Emilaya discovers it’s because it feeds the Universe lol. But he is a very strong Neflora, although not necessarily in terms of fighting but that his magic has a strong impact on whatever he decides it needs to have an impact on! He also possesses a strong protecting power (shields made of light and stuff)

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: tbh many young Neflora are hardcore crushing on him lmao; he’s gorgeous and lights up the world wherever he goes! Besides that he’s ridiculously kind and modest. He and Luciora are a surprising best-friends combi because Luciora is by far not as soft as him, but he cares more about her than about anyone (not in a romantic way). I love writing about those two lol

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: perhaps he’s too pure??? Can you hate someone bc of that? Also because so many are in love with him, Neflora who are in love with Neflora who are in love with Freylic are jealous of him. But overall everyone really likes him :p

~ How They Change: he doesn’t really change much. Because of his experience travelling the world he has already seen so much that nothing really surprises him anymore, not even the Yukaï. He returns to Sinalópolis early from his trip because of the war but he is a steady, calm, bright factor in the middle of chaos

~ Why You Love Them: he just came out of nowhere??? I swear I was randomly typing a scene and suddenly it said “does Prince Freylic know about this too?” and I was like holy shit who’s Prince Freylic?!?! Let me create a life for him. And suddenly his friendship with Lucy was there too??? I love characters who come out of nowhere and he was suddenly there and fitted so wonderfully! lthough he doesn’t feature 24/7 in the story I enjoy when he is there and when he interacts with Lucy; it’s all cool and nice. Omg I just discovered he has his own fanclub, the Freylic Fanclub I’m dying ahdnfjknf
On to Stelia!!
~ Full Name: Stelia

~ Gender and Sexuality: female and in all likelyhood gay

~ Pronouns: she/her

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 3 Une 1000

~ Guilty Pleasures: dawn and dusk and twilight!

~ Phobias: big insects :O

~ What They Would Be Famous For: marrying (Bonding in Elunian) the heir to the Zerymélla family and taking part in the Great Battle

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh making everything dark (not really I’m joking)

~ OC You Ship Them With: Méllanyyyyyyyyyyy

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Bella maybe? But not because Stelia is mean or anything. She’s just Méllany’s accomplice :) but she doesn’t really harm anyone

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: mystery, fantasy

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: cheating

~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of Day and Night. She can make dark places light up and light places darker and she can decide whose day or night she wants to transform into night or day (in other words she can make someone really scared real quick lol). It is not entirely clear what else she can do with it, but never underestimate the power of day and night!

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: when she loves you, she’s like, Super Dedicated. She can care deeply too and is pretty sober most of the time. She can also accidentally be super impulsive but never in a harmful way, more in a… “damn I did not see that coming :O” way. Méllany suffers from it weekly

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: she seems kinda gloomy and unsociable I guess

~ How They Change: in the beginning she might be kinda gloomy and unsociable lol, but it’s more that she’s just not necessarily interested in many people. She is interested in Méllany tho, it’s like a form of admiration she has for Méllany’s beauty and confident attitude. When they get to know each other and become friends, Stelia shows her initiative side. She low key forces Méllany to get over herself when she refuses to help Emily bring her power back, while Stelia immediately says she will join the mission (in other words Stelia knows what needs to be done for the greater good - even though she doesn’t really like Emily because Emily accidentally almost killed Méllany once). It’s nice how she develops from Méllany’s admirer into her equal, when they encourage and support each other. During the Great Battle, they work together and can create incredible attacks (omg I just noticed that for soulmates their magic is compatible??? Like, Stanlo and Yoni have that, and Emilaya and Robin too??? That’s a pretty cool motif)

~ Why You Love Them: she’s just pretty interesting?? Her part is so small but she’s always there. I like how she eventually becomes one of the few people who can actually talk sense into one of the most headstrong and arrogant people of the city. I like how her love for Méllany develops and how the two come together and what they can achieve, and how she comes to terms with her inner strength. It’s nice!
Thank youuuu for asking them Myrsky this was fun!!!
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aarafox · 7 years
if u still wanna do the oc questions thing, méllany and brenden? :3
Yayyyy thank you so much!! ^^
~ Full Name: Méllany Zerymélla (she’s part of one of the few families who have a family name on Elunia)

~ Gender and Sexuality: female and gay but at first more bisexual

~ Pronouns: she/her

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 6 Walophia 999

~ Guilty Pleasures: jewels, attention, things that make her pretty

~ Phobias: getting rejected too many times

~ What They Would Be Famous For: being the heir to the richest family of the planet and for creating intense, VERY realistic illusions

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: being too mean and bewitching people without their consent (her illusions can let people do things)

~ OC You Ship Them With: Stelia!

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Emilaya tbh. And Bellány

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: romance, drama

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: sappy endings

~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of Beauty and Illusions, which, the protagonists discover, often go hand in hand. Especially her Illusions power is dangerous and EXTREMELY strong. When she bewitches someone with them, they completely lose themselves and it’s scary af. Robin and Brenden can confirm

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s beautiful, head-strong and powerful. Knows what she wants and speaks out for herself and will die to protect the person she loves

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s mean!!! She’s not friendly at all!!! She can hate people without reason and express it quite bluntly too! Emily can confirm. She’s also very arrogant and thinks she’s better than everyone

~ How They Change: that’s pretty cool: from a spoilt, rich, arrogant girl she realises what’s more important in life: things that can be so precious you’re willing to do anything to protect them; love; a community. Though she was very content with the arrogant girl she was before, it’s not like she learns from it and that aspect about her won’t change. She will just understand more of life and learns what love is

~ Why You Love Them: I guess because I managed to write her realistically. In the original story she just featured as the jealous antagonist, but now that she has a round personality and an actual plot (I love that moment when she threatens to kill Emilaya if she doesn’t save Stelia) I like her much more. She plays an annoying, but slightly important part in Eimlaya’s storyline and development, even though they hate each other haha. I like her because I’ve learned how to write her character and I’m really happy with that! Also I love her love story (her best friend Stelia falls in love with her and kisses her after a scary event and then they are together and Méllany would literally murder for her and ugh it’s a hardly discussed but good development and I’m just !!! yaaass!!)
Alright! My bubby Brenden!
~ Full Name: Brenden

~ Gender and Sexuality: male, probably heterosexual but it's questionable

~ Pronouns: he/him

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 32 Une 1000

~ Guilty Pleasures: tomato face masks I’m yelling

~ Phobias: being alone forever, losing his family

~ What They Would Be Famous For: his ability to create wonderful music with his magical flute, and for fighting bravely in the Great Battle

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: I can’t think of anything?? He just wants to be loved okay

~ OC You Ship Them With: Liané

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: …….the Yukaï *bursts out sobbing*

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: adventure, I also think he would like poetry

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: love triangles

~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Sounds. He can create intense sound waves, decide who get to hear the things he says/sounds he creates, and he has an amazing musical hearing and can create the music of a thousand instruments with his flute

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: he is S O F T!!! He’s practically a teddy bear and never did anything wrong. He just… wants to be loved my boy. He is also a good and fun friend!!

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: No reason!!!

~ How They Change: hmm, good question :O he just becomes much stronger and much braver throughout the story. Also becomes more straightforward with his advances towards others

~ Why You Love Them: my Brenden Bear… I love him because of his presence in the story. He just can’t do anything wrong and his fate is too cruel for the sweetness that is Brenden. I’m still thinking of bringing him back to life but I’m….. ahh my boy nooooo *sobs* he deserves more love
Thanks so much for asking these twoooo!!
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aarafox · 7 years
Yoni for the oc thing? :D ^^
Yayyy my Yoni bae!
~ Full Name: Yoni
~ Gender and Sexuality: male/non-binary and gay
~ Pronouns: he/him
~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora
~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis and 28 Naya 1000
~ Guilty Pleasures: tbh he really likes pie but nobody knows it xD 
~ Phobias: I don’t think he actually has any?? He’s actually really fearless?? At some point he becomes afraid that Stanlo will never be himself again though… (Stanlo will lose his best friend in the war and be so devastated he loses himself for a while)
~ What They Would Be Famous For: protecting everyone!!! In the Big Fight he protects all 300 Neflora who have Mental Magic all by himself with 300 shields, because they mustn’t die no matter what. He also once protected almost 400 people in one big shield when the enemy attacked. He fell really ill afterwards but he did so well my boy!! He’s absolutely incredible 
~ What They Would Get Arrested For: being too beautiful 
~ OC You Ship Them With: Stanlo!!! His lover from very early in the story on I love them
~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: the Yukaï. No one would wanna kill Yoni
~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: mystery
~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: betrayal 
~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Barriers! It’s an incredible power and so cool!! Also he’s Robins best friend (that is a power in itself ;))
~ Why Someone Might Love Them: omg, don’t get me started, okay first of all he is literally the most beautiful Neflora of the planet he would win EVERY beauty contest, and furthermore he’s very social?? He’s also really down to earth and can keep his head cool at any moment and he’s just such a pleasant person to be around! Even Lucy who always waits a short while before becoming friends with someone likes him instantly
~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: he’s too fucking pretty and he doesn’t realise it. People can be jealous. But they’re too afraid to show it to him xD 
~ How They Change: I guess he mostly changes in his strength. He becomes sooooo incredibly strong throughout the story! And his new friends, Robin, Emilaya, everyone, and his lover Stanlo make him just a much happier person than he was before! 
~ Why You Love Them: he is one of my favourite characters I’ve ever created. He wasn’t in the original story but at some moment I started Creating More and then he was there! And everything about him fell into place so quickly! From his looks to his powers to his relationship with Stanlo. I wonder if anyone has ever told him how beautiful he is lol. Stanlo probably will someday when he finds out that Yoni doesn’t know lmao. And he’s just such a nice friend??? Emily thinks he’s awesome and he is! He’s great okay I love him and treasure him 😭
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aarafox · 7 years
i'm asking a ton of questions now (bc i'm inspired abt worldbuilding rn), but do they have gods? or deities, spirits, do they believe in an afterlife? also are there many different religions? if so, how are they like? also- did they live in like, trees or what was it? do they have temples or other holy places? and are those places, if they exist, so honored that it would be unthinkable to have war and murder inside those areas? also what are their wars like? why do they go to war? :DD
I will answer them per question! ^^ and I’ll put it under a read more because it’s kind of long! :D
Do they have gods? Or deities, spirits, do they believe in an afterlife? They have only one thing that could be considered a god, and that is the Universe :) since before 1000 Orbits ago, they have known that the Universe exists. Though their history is pretty vague in many aspects (before Emily discovers lots of stuff) there is only one thing that has been constant throughout all these Orbits, and that is: The Universe Exists. Everyone knows it and no one has ever questioned it. The Universe hands out magical powers to those she can give them too. The ones who can receive a magical power are those who carry the gene of Florendra’s magic, and you can never predict if a child will have that gene - neither can the Universe. So sometimes Neflora find it unfair when they do or don’t have a magical power, but since no one can do anything about it, there’s no use complaining :o There is also a rumour going around that the magical creatures named “Daihélie” can communicate with the Universe - which is true! But it hasn’t been proven for many many Orbits. Again, it is Emilaya who revises this proof :)
They don’t have other deities, but they are familiar with the concept of nymphs! A nymph on Elunia is a person who is extremely magical and who has a great importance for the planet. Every single Neflora with the power of Sylencie receives the title “Salyndra”: “Dimension Nymph”. There have been four “Salyndras” before Emilaya. A nymph can be anyone of any gender! The other frequently appearing nymph is Florendra: “Nature Nymph” (”dra” means “nymph” :)). Florendra has two counterparts that were created after she locked herself in her cave: one in the water, and one in the sky. She only vaguely knows those two exists and doesn’t pay attention to them lol. The Neflora know they exist but don’t interact with them. Only Newaflora and Neluflora interact with those nymphs (and only when it comes to it, which is not very often). Those two nymphs are named Walindra, “Water Nymph” and Luzandra, “Sky Nymph”. They don’t feature in the current story but could play a big part in a potential sequel ^^ (this really helps thinking thank you so much for all these questions ahaha).They believe in the afterlife! They believe in the Realm of Souls. When a Neflora dies, they receive a formal burial by the royal family, who use their power of Light to send their soul to the Realm of Souls. The body of the person who has died also disappears when that happens, which is a bit sad :/ And spirits… that is a bit of a remarkable case. They believe in the spirits of those who have passed away, and some can feel their presence! But definitely never in a scary way. The Neflora with the power of Sylencie, when they die, receive the option of the Universe to be sent to the Waterfall of Sylencie, a place where they can basically live forever with all the other Sylencie Feflora who have ever lived and who have decided to go there. The living Feflora with the power of Sylencie can actually visit them! When Emilaya does so, the four other ones are all there. They all had their reasons to decide to go to the Waterfall of Sylencie instead of the Realm of Souls, but I have no idea yet what Emilaya will decide… because in the Realm of Sould you can meet everyone who has ever lived on Elunia, including family and friends.Then there is the remarkable case of the Yukaï. At some point, they develop a way to let their spirits/souls come out when their body dies. Those souls, named ghosts by the Neflora, have such a destructive power that they can kill someone with one touch. It’s horrible D: but it’s also proof that spirits/souls exist within bodies. When they are killed as “living spirits” though, they die forever and won’t go to the Realm of Souls. On Usverna (the neighbouring planet the Yukaï come from) the Yukaï have an actual way of transporting themselves from their Realm of Souls to the physical world. But only the strongest ancestors can do that, with the power of he magical moon of Usverna.
Also are there many different religions? If so, how are they like?There’s a short answer to this one! :D nope, there are no religions~ everyone only believes in the Universe, and for the Newaflora and the Neluflora there are the Nymphs. They do honour them, but not really with temples or churches. It’s more appreciating than honouring though. Walindra swims through the water and receives small talk wherever they go, and in the sky the Neluflora actually chill with Luzandra as if it’s nothing :’) Florendra of course has a dark past, and Emilaya’s arrival is the beginning of her roaming around the Neflora in Sinalópolis. She has been inside a cave for 1000 Orbits! So she’s not good at socialising lol but she’ll become better at it~ especially when she meets creatures she cares for. They don’t start honouring Florendra since they never have and they don’t know how (though Florendra would appreciate it) but at the end she receives such a marvellous thanks from the Neflora that she’s okay with it haha
Also- did they live in like, trees or what was it?Most do indeed! Trees are the most used nature-y things to live in, but flowers without stem and mushrooms are also used! Luciora lives in a tulip, and before Robin and his family moved to the capital, they lived in a mushroom ^^ the royal palace for example is an entire collection of plants connected to each other :) the schools are in trees but the classrooms are like small wooden houses; the Tree of Healing is well, in a tree xD; Emilaya, Robin and Bellány all live in trees; the Lover’s Tree is a tree; etc :)
Do they have temples or other holy places? And are those places, if they exist, so honored that it would be unthinkable to have war and murder inside those areas?Hmmm, no, not really I think :o Emilaya is not familiar with the concept of a temple, which becomes clear when she’s in another dimension where they do have a temple and she’s no idea what it is ^^ there are some holy places, but it’s not holy in the sense of that it would be awful if there was war there; more like, so holy that no-one can reach them :D the Waterfall of Sylencie is one of those places, the Central Point to all dimensions too, and another one is Florendra’s Cave. Florendra made sure no one could ever even see the circle of protection surrounding her, unless they possessed the power of Sylencie. (Funny enough, only the power of Sylencie can enter the Waterfall and the Central Point)(Holy things are probably connected to Nymphs on Elunia lol). But basically, to every Neflora Elunia itself is a holy place. The thought of war or destruction or pain on their planet is extremely horrible to them. The palace is also quite a holy place and in one of Emilaya’s nightmares the burning palace is a symbol for desctruction and despair. But for the rest… no, I don’t think so ^^ I’ll come back to this if I think of anything :) 
Also what are their wars like? Why do they go to war? :DD Hahaha I love the happy smileys behind this xD okay so there are two important wars in the history of Elunia. The first one was 1017 Orbits ago and the entire answer to this question is kind of a huge spoiler xD but it was right after the Black Hole had decided to swallow Elunia as a whole. Though Elunia contained life, which is holy to both the Universe and the Black Hole. So he made a pact with the magicless Neflora living there: they would receive his dark magic, and he would spare their lives. But the dark magic inside them destroyed everything. There was constant fighting, pain, no love, etc. The Universe took action against this, and created Florendra who would be able to save Elunia. Though the dark Neflora started attacking her, which angered her and caused her to lock herself up for 1000 Orbits lol. However, because of the attacks, her magic was released and nestled itself in the heart of the planet. This, actually, was a good thing! It is the birth of Florendra from which the Neflora started counting. Florendra is by the way one of the few myths they still know of! Because of a book that was written in that time which still remains. It is a small book and actually a miracle it survived 1000 Orbits, but Florendra probable had something to do with that as well (since she managed to get a message written inside it). So from that moment on Elunia became a planet full of nature, beauty and magic. And the war was practically over. But something happened of which Neflora weren’t aware or forgot about throughout history, and that is that some Neflora did not want to stay on a planet which would become good and pure (lol) so they travelled to their neighbouring planet, Usverna, where they could live their own dark life. But now, in the setting of my story, the creatures have decided to try to corrupt the heart of Elunia with their dark magic (persuased by their evil ancestors)(but they’re also kind of fleeing from them). So they start a war with the Neflora (through the ages their species name changed and became Yukaï).It is not really a war as on earth I guess, with armies and stuff. The Yukaï fight using surprised and weird, unexpected attacks, like trying to attack the Queen (who holds up the barrier against enemies around the planet), and later personally attacking Emilaya, since they have found out she is the only one who can stop them. There are a few direct confrontations with the Yukaï: the first one when they break through the barrier and attack the capital; the second when they break free from Florendra’s prison and attack at the Rain Feast, the third one when the Neflora infiltrate their prison camp to retrieve Emilaya’s power of Sylencie, and the fourth one when they decide only one final battle can save Elunia. Between these four fights, there are more confrontations and issues caused by the Yukaï that need to be solved. The Neflora never plan on attacking the Yukaï because they’re more or less waiting for Emilaya to collect all Objects to create the weapon (helloooo pressure~). But meanwhile they are training for the bigger fights. The Royal Army of Neflora is expanding by recruiting new people, and the Nenoflora start an army as well (#Luciora). Finally the Feflora learn how to use their powers for battle, something Emilaya always wanted to learn haha. And the training come out handy when they’re fighting! At the last big battle, everyone who has trained their hardest comes together to fight together against the Yukaï. The Yukaï have strange magical powers, of which Peter at some point discover that there’s one mineral they use, which has to do with Magic of Location. This sounds a bit vague, but they use that magical mineral (among other things) to make their flying ship, to teleport Neflora that were hit with a certain attack towards their prison, and to block Emilaya’s portal to Elunia. So even when they’re stuck in Florendra’s prison, they attack passively - and extremely annoyingly. It required some Neflora to actually go to the prison and fix what they have done from the inside. The Neflora are forced to attack the Yukaï when they have stolen Emilaya’s power of Sylencie; and they also are the ones to attack at the very end in the great battle. But the Yukaï have created many ways to attack too, among other things by transforming into destructive ghosts when their bodies die; and creating a power that can temporarily block the Neflora’s magical powers, and powers that paralyse Neflora, etc. It gets kind of intense!
So… I guess this is more or less it! :O thanks so much for all these questions haha! I loved answering them and I hope you don’t mind this being so long… ^^” @bitsynoya in case you’re also interested, I’m tagging you :) (other story talk posts questions by dear Myrsky are in the Story Talk tag! ^^)
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aarafox · 7 years
yes please! I want to know more about Nayaliche! are there other significant stars or constellations and such? also do they have a Northern star or do they navigate using constellations or other stars that look that they're in the same place? do they navigate using stars (do they even need to, or do they have other means of navigation, or do they not travel much?)?
Ihihi okay!! ^^ wowie all these questions~ they make me really happy thank you :D I’ll make sure to think of more for you too so you can talk to me about your story too!!!
Alright so, the star Nayaliche was named after an actual person, though the people in my story don’t know this. And that is because the person named Nayaliche was a Feflora with the Secret Power of Sylencie, who lived 600 Orbits ago! The sad thing about the power of Sylencie is that the person who has it gets forgotten completely as soon as they die, including the knowledge of Sylencie itself and the deeds the Feflora performed with them. It is very sad but when Emilaya discovers this, she and two other creatures who are very important for Elunia’s history (for they have lived throughout these 1000 Orbits :))) ) receive the request from the Royal Family to write everything they know about history down, and thus in the end the Feflora who possessed the power of Sylencie in the past will be remembered in the future after all! ^^ 
So, Nayaliche was a female Feflora with the power of Sylencie 600 years ago, and was with that the second Neflora to receive that power. Besides the power of Sylencie, Sylencie Feflora also receive another extremely useful power from the Universe. “Sylencie” literally means Universe, so by giving a Neflora her power, the Universe can, once in two hundred Orbits, give them another, handy or incredibly strong power that will be useful for the current happenings on Elunia. In this period, the Universe had been weakened by the Black Hole, the Universe’s only(?) sworn enemy. Or more, the Universe was weakened by protecting Elunia from the Black Hole. Because of this, she had little power left to protect the planet, but because it was time for the second Feflora to receive the power of Sylencie, she could give her another strong power (the first Feflora could not receive this power because at that time another issue was more important than the Universe’s health - namely the balance of Elunia. Now that the balance was restored, the Universe could start thinking about her own health again). And the power Nayaliche received was the power of Light. But not just light. It was a light full of the most powerful energy in the world. And once every three weeks, Nayaliche had to send a part of that intense energy to the Universe, as a medicine or food to heal her. This always went hand in hand with a feast (again, Neflora loved to party :’)). It was a feast celebrated around the moment Nayaliche went to give her energy to the Universe. During the feast, celebrated in a village that would later become the capital of the planet, Sinalópolis (”City of the Sun”), a few hundred metres outside the city, a group of clouds formed itself. From the middle of those clouds, a beacon of light shot down to the earth. Nayaliche went up to that beacon and stepped in it, and then the beacon sucked at least half of her energy away, towards the Universe. This was always a heavy moment for Nayaliche, but she wanted to help the Universe heal, and thus she did! It was never so heavy that she fell sick or died hah, she lived the full 100 Orbits she was supposed to live~
By doing this, she became the most important Neflora of Elunia, because she actually saved the Universe (though she was created by the Universe itself to save her, she was still the saviour). Everyone loved and appreciated her so much for this, that they gave her the status of Official Protector of Elunia, or as we would call it, they made her Queen of the planet (”Raya” in Elunian). She Bonded (married but different) with her second cousin, and created a family.
From that moment, every single person of that family received the power of Light, but never so strong and energetic as Nayaliche’s (because the Universe didn’t need it anymore). Nayaliche’s name means “invincible/indomitable light” because of her power, and it was the name they gave to the brightest star in the sky :)
Nayaliche was the first ancestor of the current royal family of Elunia ^^ who all still possess the power of Light! One of the features of the power - and something a member of the royal family always does on their Orbital trips over the planet - is shoot a beacon of light to the sky. They don’t know what it’s for because every memory of Nayaliche had been erased by the laws of the power of Sylencie. But in every village or city they shoot that light into the sky anyway ^^ Emilaya discovers on her travels that the Universe included this feature because the Universe really likes receiving those lights, even though she doesn’t really need them :’) they’re like a treat to her hahahaha.
Emilaya includes this in the history books as well, and it becomes a loved story by many~
Alright so that’s the history of Nayaliche’s (the star’s) name! ^^ this got way longer than expected hahaha, now to answer your other questions :)
They have many other constellations, and at school one of the subjects they need to follow is Studies of Outer Space, where they learn each constellation (they all actually look like the things they’re named after, unlike our constellations lol, so it isn’t that hard to study :)) and they learn when they appear in which Spheres. They also learn about the Orbits of the five moons and in which Spheres which combinations are visible in the sky (the pros also learn what the sky looks like in different cities lol). There is one important moment when Emilaya needs the night sky to travel, which is when she and Robin get stuck in the forest next to Sinalópolis. They got sucked inside by an invisible force and need to find their way back to the city! For this they use the position of the sun at daytime and use the position of the stars at nighttime. The only problem is that the next day the Rainy Season starts lol, and it’s impossible to see the sky anymore :’) (I love the forest scene. It’s where Emilaya and Robin get together!
There are a few other times when they travel, but two of those times Emilaya uses specific compasses made by her uncle who has the magical power of Powers. He used his magic to create compasses that lead to the fifteen big cities of Elunia :) so Emilaya uses those twice (I think it was twice) to travel to other places! The royal family loves Peter’s power and requested him to make fifteen compasses when they discovered how he had made a compass that lead to his hometown haha~
So I guess that’s it! :D I hope I managed to answer your questions well! Again, if you have more question please ask ^^ 
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