#fearon oc
babayanska · 7 months
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silverstellatus · 3 months
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realized i have the power to put all my spectrecide character refs onto a height chart together... the amount of resizing i had to do to make them look vaguely proportional to each other is. a little unfortunate LHDSLKJHADLJD
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years
I think Faeron and Tossdir used to get up to SO many shenanigans in Thornhad as kids. chaos-duo. now that he's back everyone is quietly dreading what they will get up to next
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Sneaking in
Summery: It is the begining of Valkor and Faeron's courting and they decided to keep it secret at least from Faeron's family until they were comfortable with telling them Caranthir is the only one other than Mandos and Irmo who know the two are courting and Valkor decides to sneak into the palace.
Pairing: Faeron x Valkor
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their was a knock at the balcony door of Faeron's room the ellon grouned and cast the duvet back he walked over to the door and moved the curtain's away the ellon opened the door to see Valkor, crouched on the rail, the maiar came down and walked to him.
"Hey, Meleth Nin" Valkor said wrapping his arms around the elf and hugging him pulling the elf into his chest
"What are you doing here, this late no less" Faeron asked
"I wanted to see you, is that so bad, i have been cooped up in Irmo's library studying i would much do it in your grand one" Valkor said
"My fathers balcony looks out onto the courtyard from over their, he has some vantage point over this balcony" Faeron said
"Everyone is asleep now Meleth You do not need to fear us getting caught and if we do i can always replace the memory with a different one besides your door blocks it somewhat" Valkor said taking Faeron's chin and raising it Faeron stepped back his hands gripping Valkor's robes.
"You never know fully with my family if everyone is asleep" Faeron said,
"If you are so frightened they will see us Meleth nin" Valkor said before he span them around so the door hid them both and the almost see threw curtains also covered them somewhat. Valkor kissed Faeron, one of his hands still clung to the front of Valkor's robes the other hand wrapped around Valkor's neck and tangled in his hair, Valkor's hands supported Faeron's back before Valkor lifted Faeron the elf subconsciously wrapped his legs around Valkor's waist he let go of the maiar's hair and robes and held his shoulders as Valkor kept Faeron up by holding the ellon's thighs.
Their lips molded together perfectly, Faeron lost the cliché tongue fight, they separated when bot of them lost their breath and string of saliva still connected there mouths
"See was it really that hard to let me kiss you Meleth" Valkor said panting as Faeron pressed his forehead against his.
"No but i do not wish for anyone to find out especially my family" Faeron said
"Didn't you say already your mother had suspicions about us and Caranthir probably knows with that weird psychic bond you have with him would it really be that bad if the rest of them found out" Valkor said
"do you have a death wish last time celegorm found you 'disturbing' me he punched you in the face what do you think he would do if he found you were with his younger brother, and my father doesn't care if your a maiar he will still try and kill you" Fearon said Valkor smiled as he moved some of Faeron's hair out of his face.
"I will be fine" Valkor said as he let Faeron down the elf dragged him inside and closed the balcony door
"If you insist on staying at lest let me sleep" Faeron said as he climbed back into the bed Valkor followed and pulled the elf into his arms resting his chin on Faeron's head
"Of course Melda" Valkor said
Elvish Translations:
Melda - Darling
Meleth - nin - my love
Meleth - love
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merlin-gazon · 6 years
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Little something of @enchantment1385 's OC Faeron and mine, Theodreid Lavellan. I like the idea on them being brothers. I have to admit I completely fell in love with this sweet elf that is Fearon at first sight. By the way I need to draw more. Things come really soon about Theo (yes I’m obsessed with him)
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enchantment1385 · 7 years
Your OC as a DA:I companion
I was tagged by the absolutely amazingly talented and very sweet @dinah-myles in a very interesting lil meme! 
All the points are open, which means you can develope as much as you wish, as well as skip some, you don’t have to answer to all of them!
If you do it, please tag me! I’d 💛 to 👀 what your OCs would be like as a member of the Inquisition!
Here you have mine:
-Who are they? (Name, race, background):  Faeron Lavellan, elf, chaotic good. Nickname ~ ‘Dreamy’. Twin sister Nico Lavellan, elf, lawful neutral, Nickname ~ ‘Firecracker’. The twins are children of Thalion Lavellan, keeper of their clan who has freely traded with humans for sometime. However, after the chantry was destroyed in Kirkwall, tension had been slowly building before the inevitable war spilled out over Thedas involving them by proxy. It’s decided that the twins should go to look into the situation, gather information, and offer help if it is needed. Faeron and Nico are were both brought up believing in the elven gods, as such they are at first apprehensive at the idea of a ‘Herald’ of a human deity being a savour. Once recruited, Faeron can be found sat by the fire by Varric in Haven and in the kitchen cooking once you reach skyhold. Nico can be found opposite her brother at Haven and in main hall on a table covered in maps and papers once you reach skyhold.
-How are they recruited?: On your return to Haven after your first visit to the storm coast, a cutscene will trigger in which you will meet the twins.  If inquisitor is an elf ~ Nico will demand to see her clansmen is ‘safe’ with her own eyes. Faeron will be uncomfortably trying to make the situation less tense and calm his sister’s temper. If inquisitor is any other race ~ The twins will approach the party before reaching the gates, if Cassandra or Blackwall are in the party they will warn the inquisitor to be wary which will trigger a small, somewhat hilarious argument between Nico and said companion, where you can earn friendship points if the inquisitor picks either the heart option or the pleased (thumbs up option). Even if this option is not picked the twins will offer their help in the efforts to fix the hole in the sky.
-Class and specialization (You can invent a specialization and a focus ability): Faeron ~ Mage ~ Rift mage, Dreamer. Focus ability ~ Faeron is a powerful dreamer, he can take a small group out of battle completely by dragging them into a Nightmare which he can fully control. - Leliana may have some uses for him... If you can convince him to do such work. 
Nico ~ Warrior ~  Rapier, When unlocked Nico will no longer use a shield and will instead equip another sword, substituting defence for speed and brutality. Focus ability ~ Nico’s style becomes a flurry of blades and low blows, she will let out a shout which increases party’s defence, critical chance, speed, and power,  if faeron is also in the party the party will gain an elemental effect on all strikes. 
-Other facts: The twins both wear a matching purple sash, which is their clan colour. 
As a companion:
-What do they approve of? (pious/pro-mage/pro-templar/good/evil, etc): Faeron is pro people, any decision that will benefit an innocent will gain friendship points from him. He is somewhat pro mages but not anti templar. He approves of kind and friendly Inquisitors. Faeron is sweet and flirty. He disapproves of evil inquisitors. Nico is pro inquisition, any decision made that strengthens your army. Recruiting any new companion, gaining resources, or upgrade made on skyhold will gain friendship from her.  Nico is somewhat neutral when it comes to the mages/templars, but does believe in greater freedom for the mages. Nico can be blunt if she dislikes the inquisitor and will appear as somewhat cold until you reach skyhold. She disapproves of evil inquisitors. 
-What’s their relationship with the other characters? 
                   Faeron     ~     Nico
*Cassandra: Neutral  ~  Friendly  
*Varric: Friendly ~  Neutral
*Solas: Averse/ wary ~ Friendly
*Dorian: Friendly ~ Neutral
*Vivienne: Neutral  ~  Neutral
*Blackwall: Friendly ~  Neutral
*Iron Bull: Friendly ~  Friendly 
*Sera: Friendly ~ Averse
*Cole: Friendly ~  Neutral / wary 
Others: (optional)
*Leliana: Neutral  ~  Friendly  
*Josephine: Friendly ~  Neutral
*Cullen: Neutral  ~  Friendly  
*Morrigan: Averse ~  Neutral
-What are their personal quests?: War table, ‘We have received word from the twins father, asking for assistance with a local lord who is causing... Trouble’   Advisor Options  Leliana ~ I can spare a few of my best scouts. They can move quickly and fully assess the situation. They can also think on their feet if the need arise. Josephine ~ Ah yes. Lord Bran Perrin. He is young and... Disliked by many due to his attitude. Perhaps I can speak with a neighbouring lady I know, who holds a personal grudge? She could threaten a scandal if he does not ‘back off’?
Cullen: Sneaking around and noble bickering won’t solve the real problem! Send in a small group to stand guard for a few weeks let this ‘Lord’ see the clan is under inquisition protection! Any action taken against the clan will also be seen as a move against the inquisition and will be treated as such.
Whichever action taken you will receive a letter from the lord requesting a meeting. The young arrogant git... I mean lord, offers you a cut of the newly imparted taxes he is now levying. The inquisitor can;
Side with the twins: Which leads to Nico headbutting the lord and Faeron sending a small lightning bolt shocking the him before the inquisitor forcibly recruits him *Bran can be found shoveling dung at the stables if this option is chosen.  Faeron and Nico both Greatly Approve. Side with Lord Bran: Which ends with Nico telling the inquisitor exactly what he can do with the money. Faeron will turn and walk away sadly. Faeron and Nico both Greatly Disapprove This will also have further consequences on returning to Skyhold.  
Kill Lord Bran: This option does not have any lasting consequences nor does it offer any boons. Faeron Slightly Approves ~ Nico Approves  
(If Faeron is in a romance with the inquisitor) Nico ~ Faeron, wha... What are you doing?
Faeron ~ I think the proper term is ‘Fawning’. *Sighhhhh*
Inquisitor ~ What have I told you about being adorable in public, love? 
Faeron ~ *Giggle*
Nico ~ I’m going to be sick...
(If Nico is in a romance with the inquisitor) Faeron ~ *Cute noises* 
Nico ~ Wha-? Heh- What was that noise for?! 
Faeron ~ I’m just.. I’m so -. You two, It’s just so-.. *snuff snuff*
Nico ~ ... Faeron? Are... You crying?
Faeron ~ ... *Sob*. Nooo.... Maybe. 
Cole (if present) ~ He is happy. He likes seeing you both smile. It makes him smile too. Sera (if present) ~ *laughs* You soppy tit!
Dorian (if present) ~ Now that is precious.  Varric (if present) *chuckling* Come here dreamy! There there. You are way too soft for this shit. 
-Low approval: The twins will leave the inquisition. 
-Trespasser ending: The twins will both be glad to meet up with everyone again. They will both express that no matter what happens you can count on them to stand by you and help in any way possible. If the inquisition is kept, the twins stay on to help in the search. If disbanded Faeron becomes a Jenny and Nico a Charger (if the chargers are alive) the twins research all ancient law on the dread wolf and share all the information they have with the elders of several clans in preparation for what comes next.
What do they approve of? (main choices)
                                        Faeron  ~   Nico If sided with the mages:
-Conscripted mages: Greatly disapproves ~ Disapproves
-Free mages: Greatly Approves ~  Approves
If sided with the Templars:
-Disband the Templars: Disapproves ~ Disapproves
-Ally with the Templars: Slightly Approves ~ Approves
In Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
-Celene lives: Greatly Approves ~ Approves 
-Celene dies: Greatly Disapproves ~ Disapproves
In Here lies the Abyss
-Grey Wardens join the Inquisition: Approves ~ Greatly Approves
-Grey Wardens banished: Greatly Disapproves ~ Greatly Disapproves
Other (Optional):
-Cole joins:  Approves ~ Slightly Disapproves
-Cole is not allowed to stay: Disapproves ~ Slightly Approves
-Saves the chargers: Greatly Approves ~  Approves -Saves the dreadnought: Greatly Disapproves ~ Disapproves
As a romance:
-Are they romanceable by the Inquisitor? If yes, by which?:  Both twins are both romanceable by any male inquisitor.  Faeron’s friendship route with a female inquisitor is very much like Dorian’s. Many of the flirt options will still be open.
-Do they romance another NPC if they are not romanced by the Inquisitor?: If Neither Faeron or Dorian are romanced they will start a relationship. If Neither Nico or Bull are romanced they will start a relationship. 
-How would their romance be? (Description, 😘, sex and dance scenes)  Faeron is a flirty individual, however he becomes altogether flustered and somewhat withdrawn if the romance is continually pursued. The Inquisitor can find him in the kitchens where he will ask if Faeron has been avoiding him. At this point if the flirting has been your response in most conversations and depending on approval Fearon will admit that he’s been trying to stay away as he can’t stop thinking about you he thinks he might be falling in love... And that would be stupid.... Right? You can choose to enter a relationship with him or turn him down.  If pursued, a tender kiss will trigger.
The sex would take place in the inquisitor's quarters after wicked eyes and wicked hearts. Faeron would check in to see how the inquisitor was holding up telling him he has a surprise for him. He would then provide a selection of his finest baked goods and tell him everything will be okay, and just don’t tell Nico about the cookies or Cullen about the cakes! After the sex Faeron would assure the inquisitor that even if he doesn’t believe in the maker, he does believe in him, and no matter what, he will always be right beside him. 
The 😘 scenes would happen with Faeron sat on the boarded up well by the stables his arms around the inquisitor.
At Halamshiral, Faeron would be very excited to dance, but then blush and insist only if the inquisitor wanted to.
Nico is a confident lover. If a romance if pursued she will gradually warm to the inquisitor and approach him and ask to speak freely. She will express her admiration for the inquisitor and her desire for a more intimate setting for them to get to know each other better. At this point if a romance is entered into a passionate kiss is triggered.
The sex would take place in the room above the tavern. After which Nico would ask where the inquisitor wanted this to go? She would express a desire to see where this goes and admit she, despite herself, for having feelings for the inquisitor. And no matter what, she is proud to be part of the army he has created. 
The 😘 scenes would happen with Nico Pulling the inquisitor into a passionate embrace against the wall at Skyhold’s gate. 
At Halamshiral, if the inquisitor expressed a desire to dance she would at first appear disinterested and mutter something about ‘Elves of grace that floor to clean it.’ She would still ask if he would like to dance once she checked in on him. 
-How would the Trespasser romance be?: If either twin was romanced they can be marred in trespasser. Nico speaks of children, Faeron speaks of a puppy and then adds or maybe something more serious? 
This is it! Phew... I *chuckles* I wrote a LOT of shit! Lol! I hope you enjoy this!! :D 
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babayanska · 1 year
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More sketchbook things...
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babayanska · 6 months
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sketchbook doodles I forgot to upload part 2
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babayanska · 11 months
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Comic wip things!!
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silverstellatus · 7 months
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doing my annually obligated piece of fluffy art of these two for valentines day
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babayanska · 5 months
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the girls and their buddies
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babayanska · 3 months
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Been working on refs and things for artfight, will post em all here soon!! My Artfight is babayanska :]
Anyway, some outfits for Caoimhe!
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babayanska · 10 months
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a doodle of the girls based on this post ! Sable is comically tall when compared to Caoimhe (left) and Vivienne (right)
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babayanska · 1 year
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silverstellatus · 1 year
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oc-tober day 5: relationships
love these tragic lesbians....got lazy on shading but i already skipped all my hw to do this i gotta finish it up at some point
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silverstellatus · 1 year
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Ough attempting to prepare for artfight this year by making new character refs/updating old ones...at last Mercury has a proper reference!
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