#feat: Padme
ominouspuff · 4 months
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Continuing this fix-it AU where Commander Fox springboards off the deep end into a full-on rebellion, featuring unlikely allies belatedly finding out they are allies far too late to stop being allies but then again it’s never too late not to throw a terrifyingly destructive fit about it (Maul)
Close-up’s under the cut
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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jedimastre-archive · 1 year
“   i’m  not  leaving  you  here .   ”
Returning to Naboo had elicited more emotions than Obi-Wan cared to acknowledge, but they were there for a reason and that reason would keep those emotions in check. It had been well over a decade since he stepped through these halls and seen these faces, some not so familiar but others more so.
Much to his chagrin, Anakin had been stationed elsewhere and all that was left was Obi-Wan and Cody. He knew he was not the Jedi she had hoped for but he was welcomed nonetheless.
The Separatist hold was not what they expected, while not a factory― their foothold was great.
For whatever reason he could not fathom, the Jedi General paid no mind to the Senator's attendance in their venture into the wilderness outside Theed. This was her home, her family was here. Yet when the battle started, he inwardly cursed realizing the vulnerability of her being there should they be overrun.
While Padmé Amidala was no helpless civilian, she would be a high value target for capture or worse. Not to mention he was sure Anakin would be very vexed with him if anything were to happen to her.
Managing the majority of the retreat, Obi-Wan had just made a gentle touch to her arm before a shot made a clear cut through his shoulder. The high velocity had knocked him off his feet, ❛ Senator ! You must go, we cannot hold this position any longer ! ❜ Pain echoed through his voice, it shot straight through his nerves and he felt his shoulder burn.
I'm not leaving you here. @senatoriaa said with a stubbornness he knew all too well, a huff escaped his lips as he looked towards the oncoming droids. With determination to get them out of there, he slowly rose. Dodging stray shots here and there. ❛ Lets go, now ! ❜ Grip upon his lightsaber tightened as he deflected with one arm, the other wouldn't be useful any time soon.
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gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Anakin flirting with m reader and ending making out? Pls
Anakin Skywalker x Male reader
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You are a non-jedi general during the Clone wars, cuz yall lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship.
This turned out a lot sweeter than i had planned ngl.
You were a general during the clone wars. You weren’t anything special, you couldn’t use the force, you weren’t from some rich or special background, your name didn’t carry any weight. The only gift you seemed to have, was your inability to be affected by the force. All in all, you weren’t anything to write home about.
Of course, that’s also what made you so damn useful in your role. No one kept an eye on you, everyone underestimated you, you could get away with so much because to most people in charge, you didn’t exist. You not being able to be manipulated by the force, also made you extremely skilled in what you did, without anyone seeming to notice.
Your feat of climbing the military ranks in leaps and bounds only got you mild acknowledgments, and a handful of attempted manipulations from some people in power. But when they realized you didn’t bend, but you weren’t important enough to get rid of, they left you alone.
At 22 you had reached the rank of senior general in the republic army, placing you above even a good chunk of the jedi you fought against, which was also why you had been placed with the 501st, to apparently teach their general the basics.
Anakin and Obi-Wan had both been unsettled by the fact that they couldn’t sense you in the force the first time you met. Every being, even the nonliving, had a presence. But you didn’t. it was like you didn’t exist.
That took quite some time to get used too, especially to someone as force sensitive as Anakin. But over time you two started getting along, and though it took him some time and a lot of grumbling, Anakin did learn quite a lot from you.
The flirting had been subtle in the beginning, or as subtle as Anakin could be. From getting your help on reports and readings he just “couldn’t understand”, to getting you to help him stretch after he had spent hours going through his katas.
You weren’t oblivious, you couldn’t be with the life you lived, so of course you noticed his attempts at flirting. It was endearing in a way. To see someone who was supposed to have no connection to people like that, seem so drawn to you.
It also left you feeling uneasy in a way, as you had never really had much time to relationships or even flirting for that matter, having spent all these years making something of yourself.
Alongside the flirting you two became good friends, and you had even signed yourself up to stay with his platoon, even when your training was done. This was also where you learned he had had a thing with Padme, but they realized they were better as friends a while ago.
When you shared your own lack of experience, it seemed to boost some of Anakin’s confidence, seeing as you both were on new ground. And like with anything else, he took to it with gusto.
The fact that you never turned him down or rejected him, sometimes even laughing and playing along, only made Anakin try even harder. It was cute, to see him trying his best to woo you in a subtle and less noticeable way, seeing as he was still a jedi and it wasn’t actually allowed.
The 501st knew though. Of course they knew, and when Ahsoka came around she figured it out very fast, and she most likely took up the role as hype man and background support.
Your flirting became part of your dynamic, it was just something that you two did, which to outsiders was just seen as banter to keep the spirits up.
It also didn’t go past flirting for a long time, seeing as you guys were always surrounded by people. And being besides Anakin didn’t let you slip into the shadows like you were used too, since he would glow so brightly.
The need for privacy was what had you two slinking off to the side during one of the nights in camp, the platoon having settled down on a planet and waiting for their next orders. Anakin and you had decided to wander off, settling somewhere nearby, but far enough away to get some time alone together.
There might also have been a bottle of alcohol in your coat. It was nowhere near enough to get either of you drunk, especially with the force helping clear it out of Anakin’s system quicker than average folk. But it was enough to loosen up and get comfortable.
Your normal banter of flirting was constant, but as the buzz settled it became something softer and somehow hotter, the feelings growing thick in the air and noticeable enough that even you, who was as force sensitive as a rock if not lesser, could sense it.
Anakin must have made some corny pass at you, that cocky grin on his lips and his hair brushed back and out of his face, letting you truly see his handsome features. Something came over you, later you would blame the force, but it just felt right.
Leaning in and closing the gap between you seemed to have shocked Anakin, his eyes wide before he seemingly melted against you, arms wrapping around your neck and torso and pulling you even closer.
The kiss was far from the most skilled or pleasant, but your shared lack of experience was fully made up for by enthusiasm.
Anakin would pant and grunt as the kiss turned steamier, lips parting and tongues rubbing together, spit gathering at the edges of your mouths and a line of drool running down his chin. His eyes were shut tightly in concentration, his brows furrowed and hands grasping as your coat.
You had no idea how long you two were laying there, kissing like two lovesick fools from some romance novel. Hands were grasping and exploring, but never going further than that. Now wasn’t the time to go any wilder than what you were doing, but the possibility of it was enough to make the kiss even better.
When you pulled away, Anakin leaned after you with a soft noise, bottom lip pouting out and red from the insistent kissing, his eyes cracking open to look at you with the softest look you had ever seen from him.
“Not all of us can hold our breath for hours” you snarked with a soft chuckle, since you knew he could, thanks to the force. Your jedi grumbled, but tucked his head under your chin, still clutching you close and brushing his lips against your neck.
Neither of you spoke for a while, just holding onto each other. You found yourself brushing your fingers through his hair, Anakin almost arching into the touch like an affection starved tooka, a sight that only made you smile more.
“I like you a lot” he mumbled, glancing up at you through his lashes with that insistent determined, but somehow still soft and warm look in his eyes. Just seeing him like that made you wanna kiss him again, to devour him whole.
“I think I like you too” you replied, an upwards tick to your lips as you pulled him close again. Even without the ability to feel the force, you could still feel it flare, like the sun rising in the morning. It would be no surprise if Ahsoka knew exactly what had happened, and the padawan would be confronting you guys about it later.
But right now all that mattered was laying there with Anakin, and maybe stealing a couple more of those deep insistent and longing kisses, since he sounded so pretty when you did. You guys could deal with everything else later.
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stealingpotatoes · 24 days
Do you know any good star wars fanfics? I'll take anything at this point 😂
omg i know MANY but just off the top of my head i'd say my favourite sw fics are:
the protege by @spell-cleaver (INCREDIBLE empress padme + senator luke longfic just read it)
sit down, breathe, and just listen by @andfollowthesun (fix-it au dinluke feat anidala marriage. ive reread this more times than im willing to admit)
crash and burn by @aureutr (also dinluke, AMAZING what-if-luke-didnt-save-grogu longfic that i repeatedly forget isn't the canon s3)
mother, there's a memory by @void-spells (absolutely wonderful cere junda character study i love cere and this fic so so much its so [emotions])
and ummm sun-hearted by uh... me... (LOOK i was the target audience when i wrote it, i love eldritch anakin skywalker, and it's genuinely the best thing ive written in my life LMAO)
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ddesertmoon · 10 months
Star Wars Fic Recs Feat. Time Travel
I think this is my favorite Star Wars trope… maybe just because sw is a tragedy and i want the characters to be happy.. maybe because I’m a sucker for the “reveal moment”… i don’t know.
Hopefully you all enjoy these as well!
(All fics are Gen unless otherwise specified!)
Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner
“In which Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader travel back in time together to the Clone Wars era, have amazing adventures, and save the galaxy.”
Basically, Luke and Vader time travel and take over a clone battalion to change the major battles of the war. This is. A masterpiece. It’s insane. It feels like an actual, published story when you read it. It is told in a nonlinear way, so if you’re not into that, you probably won’t enjoy this. But I promise it’s one of the greatest fanfictions I’ve ever read, and there’s a reason it’s first on this list.
(Padme/Anakin and Obi-Wan/Satine, though neither ship is a focal point of the story)
there but for the grace of god by wanderlove
“There’s nothing particularly remarkable about Sullust.
Well, except for Obi-Wan’s time-traveling son. But, you know. Apart from that.”
I LOVE this fic. Young Luke is sent into the clone wars, and since he’s been raised by Obi-Wan on Tatooine, everyone assumes that he’s Obi’s kid. His appearance changes everything by causing the people around him to reveal deep secrets that would otherwise have led to the fall of the Jedi.
(Padme/Anakin and referenced Obi-Wan/Satine)
Old Masters, New Tricks by soft_but_gremlin
“Sixteen-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself on Lothal in the middle of the Imperial Era. He has no idea why he's here or what all these white-clad troopers are for, but after a rocky start with a little Mandalorian, he finds out that his friend Luminara is in trouble and vows to rescue her.
Sabine Wren has no idea what this other Mandalorian is doing on Lothal, but he looks just like former rebel Korkie Kryze and he's got lightsabers on his belt. He's either going to be a fierce but foolish ally, or the Empire's paying bounty hunters to track down Jedi.”
One of the few SW fics I’ve read where characters are sent FORWARD in time! This one is really great, and I reread it all the time. The heartache Obi-Wan feels when he remembers that all his friends are dead and the heartache KANAN feels when Obi-Wan does something that reminds him of the Jedi…. Amazing.
Free Jedi to Good Home by soft_but_gremlin
“Jango Fett expected several things from this hunt on Galidraan. Three hypothermic Jedi children stumbling into his camp was not one of those things.”
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka (and maybe a few others, later on 👀) are sent back in time to change the outcome of the massacre at Galidraan. This one is REALLY great and I especially love the sequel (which is currently unfinished but very suspenseful and exciting)
The Making of Mavericks by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't let her just walk out into the galaxy without a lifeline. With Commander Cody and Captain Rex at his side, Obi-Wan tries to give Ahsoka some well meant advice. But the Force was listening and decided these four souls needed to blaze a better path. With all that has happened to them, waking up twenty-five years in the past shouldn't be a big deal, right?”
Time travel with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, AND Cody! FOUR people. Crazy. The classic “Obi-Wan is sent back to his childhood to change things before Anakin ever enters the picture” fic. It greatly surpassed my expectations for a time travel fic though! One of the best for sure.
Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek)
“Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be.
When Luke fails to return from his mission, Leia goes after him, retracing his steps to the ancient temple — and to the past, to the time of the Clone Wars and the waning years of the Old Republic. Under suspicion by the Jedi Order, the twins struggle to find a way back to their own time while trying to keep their knowledge of the future from affecting the past.”
Okay, time travel with Luke Skywalker is great (one of my favorite things!), but time travel with Luke AND Leia??? Perfect. I love when she’s included.. it usually leads to some very interesting interactions between her and Anakin.
Luminous We Are by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is filled with regrets when the Padawan he chooses is assigned to Anakin. When he discovers that it was Yoda's meddling that had prevented him from being a Padawan in his own youth, the betrayal runs deep. Wondering what could have been, a trick of the Force throws him back in time, where he learns to put his trust in the Force, not the High Council.
Redemption of Qui-Gon Jinn had he not been forced to take a Padawan before he was ready, and where the Order learns to take another course that put quite a wrench in the Sith plans. Start of the Clone Wars to 44BBY AU of the Apprentice books. Cheeky Obi-Wan and Mandalorian shenanigans.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi being adopted by Mandalorians is QUITE a popular trope in this fandom for some reason… I think it’s actually a tag on Ao3 now (don’t quote me on that). Anyway, this fic is one of the few where the time traveler is unable to rely on (very much of) their knowledge from the future.
The Kenobi Scandal by AppoApples
“One moment they are speeding on their way to Mos Eisley, only to be hit by a Force instigated sandstorm, and the next thing Ben Kenobi knows is he wearing his old armour with the Jedi insignia and Luke can't find the droids. What's a Jedi to do when he finds himself back before the fall of the Republic? Come up with a cover story more scandalous than time travel: ‘Luke, this is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, this is my son, Luke Kenobi.’”
Amazing! I really like when we see the potential Luke has with some formal Jedi training. And although there is a cover story for Luke’s (and Obi-Wan’s, technically) time travel, there are still some lovely emotional outbursts :)
(Obi-Wan/Satine and Luke/Ahsoka)
Gone Are The Days by theycallmesuperboy
“While investigating an ancient Jedi distress signal in the Outer Rim, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles are mysteriously sent back in time to the last days of the Republic, and stranded on Naboo, meeting two people Luke could only have ever dreamed of meeting: his parents.
Only, due to Luke's "quick thinking," the two are lead to believe that Luke and Wedge are just like them: a secretly married couple, due to Luke's status as a Jedi.”
Luke gets an opportunity to really get to know his dead parents, and Wedge gets to kiss Luke. I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope lmao, and combined with time travel? Zoo wee mama!
(Luke/Wedge and Padme/Anakin)
Significant Brain Damage by AppoApples
“Luke Skywalker finds himself in the past as Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan finds himself retraining his old apprentice who has permanent amnesia while also taking on Anakin's Padawan, being a General, a Council member -during a Galactic Civil War, and fighting for a Republic he's beginning to lose faith in. Clone Wars, no paradox, no easy fix it.”
I love this one so much. Luke has to kind of pretend to be Anakin.. but everyone around him just thinks he’s had some amnesia and a major personality change. I LIVE for the “why is Anakin so much nicer now” moments.
(Padme/Sabe and Obi-Wan/Satine)
Also you may notice that this is the FOURTH fic by AppoApples on this list… I love their ideas so much.
May Death Find You Alive by Must_Be_Thursday
“Anakin finds himself trapped in a nightmare, reliving the same day. He tries. He tries to change things, but it always ends the same.
With a broken bond and a dead best friend.
He's not sure how many times he'll be able to watch the life leave Obi-Wan before he loses his mind.”
Let’s switch it up! Groundhog Day style time loops are always fun, and this one saves the universe! So yay! Fr though, Anakin learns to trust Obi-Wan and it changes everything.
The More I Live The More I See This Life is Not About Me by K_R_Closson
“After touching a mysterious artifact, Cody's general is suddenly a child with the memories to match. Cody has to coax a suspicious adolescent back to base without alerting the nearby Separatists of their presence.
Reversing his general's age an easier fix than Cody thought it would be, but he didn't factor in the possibility that Obi-Wan might not want to give up his self in order to become General Kenobi again. It'd be easier to think if he didn't have an insidious voice in his head, whispering to him to distrust the Jedi.”
This one is technically just de-aging, with Obi-Wan becoming his thirteen year old self, but I consider it similar enough to time travel to be included, and it has a lot of the same tropes. It’s very well written, and the dialogue flows excellently with the descriptions.
what is necessary (for love and war) by hellowkatey
“His fingers reach for the hilt that has become as familiar as his own after that three-day journey back from Melida/Daan. He couldn’t stand to put the boy's saber down until he reached his quarters and reality finally set in.
Obi-Wan didn’t come back with him. Once again, he is without a Padawan.
The moment cool durasteel meets his fingertips, the overwhelming presence of Obi-Wan slams into him so hard the room begins to spin. Qui-Gon sinks to the floor, saber clutched in both hands and pressed tight against his chest as though it’s actually Obi-Wan he’s hugging.
‘You have to go back.’”
This time it’s Qui-Gon who is sent forward through time, into the clone wars. The time travel in this fic doesn’t really change anything (as in, it’s not a fix-it), but it gives some great insight into Qui-Gon’s character.
Chosen One (derogatory) by annathecrow
“Asajj Ventress, the chosen savior of the galaxy. Force help us all.”
VENTRESS is the one to go back in time. Isn’t that crazy??? Isn’t that an insane premise?????? It was SO fun to read.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back by K_R_Closson
“Ahsoka Tano told Din to bring Grogu to the Seeing Stone on Tython, and Grogu would be able to call out to other Jedi. Ahsoka Tano did not say that other Jedi might call out to him or that the pillar of blue light was actually a type of planetary transportation.
Din ends up on a planet he's never heard of with nothing but his armor and his child. A lot has changed but his mandate hasn't. He must reunite Grogu with one of his kind. But first, he has to help these ade win a civil war against the dar'buir who abandoned them.”
Din travels back to the war on Melida/Daan, where one of our favorite padawans was struggling to lead the Young to victory (hint: he’s a fan favorite who almost always ends up being adopted by Mandalorians). I really like this one! It’s less about changing the past, and more about character growth and relationships.
Bonus: Incomplete Fics
I wanted to separate these from the fics above, which are all complete.
from this moment hangs eternity by EvanHart
“If Luke – Force, his son – was talking about slave chips, something must have gone wrong in the future.
Or, a six-year-old Luke ends up in the middle of the Clone Wars, meets his father, and changes the fate of the galaxy on the way.”
I’m a real sucker for child Luke. Gotta say. He’s ADORABLE. and moments of gut-wrenching sadness interrupted by his little sunshine smiles?? Oh my god?
Chapters: 10/15
Oya Manda’lor! by Cloud__Chaser
“After giving up his child to Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin has found himself without a purpose. Filling in the gaps by completing bounties for Boba Fett, Din comes across a strange artifact that leaves him stranded in time.
Who knows, maybe Din's complete lack of knowledge of the world outside of the outer rim will lead to the fall of the empire before it even begins...”
Din basically becomes the most admired person on Mandalore in the span of like. A week. after he travels back in time. It’s really funny, and something I like to read when I’m in a good mood!
Chapters: 38/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight
“‘Well, looks like we're all Sith Lords, now. I hope you've all been practicing your most menacing laughter for our first run in with the Jedi Council.’
Ben could only sigh and raise a distasteful eyebrow at the cross shaped, red lightsaber he was given. Down the line other students were also handling their new weapons and robes with a raised eyebrow here and quizzical expression there.
‘Really, uncle?’
‘Really. I don't want to compete with the local Jedi population.’
Why did Jedi politics and time travel have to be so difficult?”
Like most Star Wars fans, I’m not a big fan of the sequels (‘somehow, Palpatine returned’ my ass), BUT! This fic, involving a young Ben Solo and old Luke Skywalker, was a lot of fun to read.
Chapters: 13/?
There is another Skywalker by WabiSabi
“‘They couldn't narrow down the precise relationship due to some strange contamination in the sample. But when they launched a search in the DNA databank they found a match. Reliability of 50%, which only happens between parent-child and—’
‘Siblings,’ Master Kenobi completes, voice faint. ‘Full-blood siblings.’
The clone nods. ‘She was estimated to be around 30-years-old, so by process of exclusion, Leia Solo would be General Skywalker’s older sister by 9 years.’”
This time, it’s just Leia who’s sent to the past! Technically Luke lives as a voice in her head, but it’s pretty much just Leia. Also, I really like the premise that the temple runs a DNA test and assumes that she’s Anakin’s sibling. It’s a lot of fun!
Chapters: 10/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Companion of the Ancestors by Omegarose
“Ahsoka finds herself in a strange place, out of contact with Obi-Wan and alone with the twins. The Force feels like it hasn't in years, and she runs into a man who has to be an idiot for the way he's acting like a Jedi two years after Order 66.
((Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka all meet each other when they're 19 years old. With the addition of the Skywalker twins and a slightly-younger (than Ahsoka remembers him) Yoda.))”
I love Ahsoka, I love Luke and Leia, I love Obi-Wan… I love this fic. All of the secrets and reveals and drama! So much fun!
Chapters: 10/?
You’re not able to read this fic unless you have an Ao3 account, but those are easy to make. If anyone doesn’t know how to make one, I’m happy to make a post explaining the process!
That’s all, folks! 20 fics is… a lot. And there are A LOT of characters in all that… So, sorry for the exorbitant amount of tags I’ll be using here. Happy reading!
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haydanakin · 2 years
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PADMÉ AMIDALA in Attack of the Clones - feat. Her Wedding Dress
“...Padme in a beautiful white gown with flowered trim. Anakin’s new mechanical arm hung at his side, the fingers clenching and opening in reflexive movements.” 
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talonabraxas · 8 days
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"Om Mani Padme Hum"
"Buddha is the inner sun, exactly as Christian mystics describe the experience of God as a rising inner sun. He is the inner Christ. He is the rising sun, for example, in the Acts of the Apostles: "For in him we live and move and have our being"
Carl Jung, Psychology of Yoga and Meditation, Page 272 Buddha by Talon Abraxas
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infernaleikon · 1 year
obikin au feat. anakin’s abysmal topping skills in which anakin and padme are a couple and while anakin is very hot and very cute and very eager, he's also not really good in bed but padme is too polite to tell him that. so she suggests they go to such a sex party/club to idk spice up their sex life and maybe secretly hopes that anakin learns a trick or two
anakin is obviously not very into the idea because as we all know he doesn't like to share but he goes because padme asks him to. he's tense and unhappy all the way there and once they get there, and it's awkward and uncomfortable and he hates so much how comfy padme seems, staying close to him but talking to other people, casually touching them, letting them touch her.
and then he makes eye contact across the room with obi-wan. obi-wan just smiles and nods slightly at him or something, just a minimal acknowledgement, and anakin is suddenly on fire, he even forgets about padme for a moment. he doesn’t know who that man is, doesn’t know his name, doesn’t know anything about him but something about him, something about having his attention, sets anakin’s whole being alight.
he starts to look for that stranger later that night because. well, he doesn't even really know why, he doesn't know him, they've never talked, and he's here with his girlfriend, who has her arm hooked through his. and then he spots obi-wan again
and either obi-wan is reclined on a chaise lounge or something, shirt opened and revealing his chest, while there's some guy on his knees in front of him giving him a blowjob. obi-wan has one arm draped over the back of the lounge and the other in the guy's hair, skipping between grabbing it and carding through it, and anakin is close enough that he can hear obi-wan praising the guy in a gentle, husky voice. he has a crisp accent and he’s speaking utter filth so softly that anakin’s toes curl from that alone. and then obi-wan looks up and their eyes meet again. anakin can't look away and obi-wan doesn't break eye contact either, seemingly holding anakin in place, while anakin can’t do anything but watch, enthralled, turned on, jealous, as obi-wan gets sucked off. and when obi-wan murmurs “good boy”, anakin could swear he’s talking to him.
anakin feels things he’s pretty sure he hasn’t felt before. he’s transfixed. he wants to be that guy on his knees, he wants those strong fingers in his hair and to have that stranger praise him. he wants his undivided attention. wants his hands, his voice, his cock, he wants to be good, he wants he want he wants. he even could be!! theoretically. padme suggested they come here and she left the option open to...explore other people.
AND/OR anakin finds obi-wan going down on a woman. and anakin is still/again feeling things. padme notices obi-wan too, notices the woman who looks like she’s seeing through time and space, and well, guess she found a teacher for anakin in obi-wan. padme approaches obi-wan, introduces herself, introduces anakin (who is losing his mind), and she asks if obi-wan would be willing to teach anakin how to do whatever obi-wan did to that woman. when obi-wan looks at him, it feels like anakin is burning up from the inside out.
it ends with obi-wan sitting by anakin's side and quietly telling him what to do, how and when to do it while anakin goes down on padme, and yeah, anakin very much does lose his mind. the way obi-wan says his name, the soft rasp of his voice, the accent, when he praises anakin for doing something well, anakin almost comes on the spot.
after that, anakin isn’t as uncomfortable about the sex club anymore. he keeps coming back, keeps seeking out obi-wan, keeps soaking up every ounce of attention he gets from him and it’s--so good. by the time he actually asks obi-wan to fuck him, he feels like he’s cheating. he’s not, technically, she’s here, and she’s even watching them, but it’s--it’s not just sex, and anakin knows it.
and so when obi-wan cups anakin’s throat to bend his head back so he can press his lips against his ear and ask, “will you think about me when you fuck her?” (it’s a question but it sounds like an order) on a particularly delicious thrust forward, all anakin can say is “yes”
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azurecanary · 8 months
People will talk about how Anakin taught Ahsoka how to be good in a fight
But they won't talk about how Plo taught her subtlety
Or how Aayla taught her discipline
Or how Yoda taught her about the Force
Or how Padme taught her about politics
Or how Obi-Wan taught her about being a sassy bisexual
Or how Ahsoka figured out how to communicate with lightsaber crystals to the point of being able to purge them of the dark side, a feat not even Anakin knew about
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st4rrych111 · 3 months
im not sure if this has been said on tumblr before but it actually fucks me up so badly the way anakin and obi wan both interpret their relationship so differently. here is my ramble of the night apologies in advance !
in attack of the clones, anakin says TO OBI WANS FACE that he is the closest he has to a father. it is such an earnestly raw passing comment to a dry comment obi wan makes but it says so much. little boy born out of virginity, no father in his life, being swept of to coruscant by qui gon whos dead before they can even leave. growing up under obi wans shaky guiding hands and even sleeping at the foot of his bed, still reeling from the loss of his only family. but
obi wan was only a padawan when he was entrusted with this little boy. the chosen one. a final request from his dying master no less and hes terrified and doesnt feel ready but he does it anyways. he worries about the most insignificant, fatherly things a man could- can anakin swim? he is protective and almost resents the way the council refuses to hear qui gons point of view, ignoring anakins feats in the force and status of the chosen one. obi wan KNOWS their relationship always pushed the master-student dynamic into something more familial, but he doesn't stop it. he tries so hard to help balance the duty of the order and anakins personal feelings, he even says so to padme in a deleted revenge of the sith scene, that he had ignored their marriage for the sake of anakins happiness. he wouldve done anything to fill that aching void in anakins chest that called out for a parent, but he was torn between what he was taught, what he felt about himself and what he felt was appropriate. and still,
obi wan only ever calls him his padawan, his brother, his anakin. he still felt like a kid when anakin was assigned. but then anakin gets older! hes a young man now and finds obiwans odd-brotherly-fatherly gaze too harsh. anakin is ready to turn away, to stop clawing for obi wans attention, his attachment the way he once did, wanting a different kind of approval, approval that will tell him hes ready to be a knight, a master, the best of the best. so obi wan tries resolving with a more brotherly relationship. closer to equals, although not quite which still upsets anakin
so of course, all of this comes to the front in revenge of the sith. "you were my brother anakin, i loved you." at that time, anakin really was his brother. anakin's yearning for a father had been quenched by palpatines manipulative affection. and now, obi wan was only the man that lead him, the man that kept him in the order. obi wan did love him, but it did not fulfil all of what anakin needed.
to obi wan, anakin is his brother. his little padawan, then his little brother.
to anakin, obi wan is his father. perhaps even his everything at one point. then he is his brother, from a distance. when obi wan is anakins brother, his father is palpatine. and then to anakin, obi wan is his enemy.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Creche Guardian
Kitsune!Anakin context here but TL:DR a Force Temple takes issue with Anakin’s human form and transforms him into a Kitsune as that’s more becoming of the Chosen One and better reflects his Force connection. Anakin is not impressed.
A side effect no-one expected from Anakin’s transformation was for the younglings in the Creche to love him. They already had childish awe for him on account of all his nonsense and daring feats. He's a General, the Chosen One, and one of the youngest Knighted Jedi. That has many connotations. But most importantly to them, he now comes with massive fluffy tails??
He has to go to the creche as part of his duties after he's knighted to teach them what he has learned to get where he is… only to have about four kids bury their faces in his tails (which now number three) that are built like cushions almost immediately.
Crechemaster: ... Ah Anakin: Help me
There is no escape Skywalker, enjoy your new Creche duties. And he... does?
I've spoken about my thoughts on Anakin burying any parental instincts he might have once had, in another life, but when he tries to pry the kids off of him they are all just so sad. They don't want him to go and jesus christ does Anakin long to be wanted. Even if he’s a little confused by their antics and overwhelmed by all the questions. Of which none have to do with his Knighthood. Kids are simple in comparison to adults so Anakin stays put. Just for this session, he says to himself, only to be found three hours later by Obi-Wan, fast asleep with colourful chalk dusting his fur and children passed out all around him, using the tails as pillows. The Crechemaster looks delighted.
With the transformation, Anakin had slight concerns because he felt that the Kitsune form was actually just a reflection of the monster he could become from within; his propensity for rage and violence. But the kids don’t see a monster. They see a massive fluffy creature who likes to play with them. Anakin has always had mischievious streak, he likes to play games. It goes a long way to helping him accept the more negative parts of himself and that there are always facets of one's being that won’t always be good - it’s how you choose to deal with those faults that matter.
When he eventually develops more tails as the war goes on, he submits to having some of his free time while on leave from the frontlines be in the creche (He’s not as desperate to see Padme in this AU). Sometimes teaching, sometimes helping the Crechmasters wear the more energetic ones out by racing through the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Sometimes just dozing in the middle of a pillow fort, bracketed by his tails on all sides like a padded chair with the younglings haphazardly lying all over them because soft. They feel especially well rested after having a nap on him and seem even more energetic when they wake up, to the Crechemasters consternation. (Like conductive charging your phone but with the literal walking talking Force Nexus)
He has so many little siblings. They’re so small and so fucking funny. He’s realising that kids are hysterical actually and he’s now a big brother to lots of baby Jedi who he can introduce to all the Temple droids, as well as show them all the service tunnels and ventilation routes. He can teach them verbal binary with whistles just to piss off the Crechemaster (revenge for not helping him in the first place) and suddenly all the kids are just conversing in short beeps and trills to a pack of mouse droids.
Anakin: My army grows Mace: Skywalker, for the love of…
Kids are simple, but they are also more delicate and he can’t let his lack of emotional control hurt them. They react poorly to his outbursts of irritation.
Anakin: I'm a monster. I made them cry. Obi-Wan: Ah. What happened? Anakin: Two kids had picked a fight with each other. I tried to separate them but they're so wriggly. I must have lost my temper or gotten snarly because suddenly all of them were crying. Obi-Wan: ... Anakin: I'm awful. How do I fix it? Obi-Wan: If I had known all it would have taken was childcare to get you to learn patience and mindfulness I would have thrown you in there years ago Anakin: You'll help me? Obi-Wan: Anakin, of course I will
Oh man, imagine when he works out how to do illusions.
It would require a level of control he does not currently possess (ever in canon tbh) but he has enough power to make them very convincing. Maybe he practices for the kids? He recreates stories into visual shows, just weak manipulations of light at first but then the more he does it, the more his natural flair comes through and he can make entire productions fill the creche rooms. He bases his stories off of tales his mother used to tell him (given his mother is still alive it's not nearly as traumatic to talk about).
Every Jedi knows that Skywalker is prone to attachments, so obviously him spending so much time with the kids has a lot of them worried but there are new baby force sensitives coming in and younglings are always leaving to become initiates. It gets him used to the idea that though he doesn't see them anymore they're not actually gone. Things come and go with time.
Still, if anyone were to hurt any of the younglings they would have to deal with a very angry, very big Kitsune guarding the doorway and all his many sharp teeth. I’m not saying he’d kill a bitch in the Temple, but the Order would absolutely never see the intruder again.
Kitsune are possessive, they guard what is theirs.
He may or may not skip chances to meet with the Chancellor when he’s planetside simply because he did promise to spend time with the younglings next time he was in the Temple. The Chancellor will understand. You just don’t disappoint kids.
The Chancellor does not understand and actually accuses the Jedi Order of keeping Skywalker from him, only the Council had no idea that Anakin wasn't meeting with the man anymore. Intentionally or not. Obi-Wan may or may not victory-punch the air when he hears the news and goes to spend time in the Creche with Anakin and all his tiny siblings. Anakin has decided that the part of his Kitsune self he wants to embody is the Protective element. He becomes the Big Brother to so many and solidifies his role as a family member within the Order regardless of how he thinks the Council views him. Loyalty secured.
Then there’s Order 66…
There’s AUs where O66 gets prevented because he manages to get his head out of his ass, but what if he does all that, works on himself, finds a place within the Order he’s happy with and O66 happens... anyway? Palpatine was ready to hit the button regardless in RotS, he just wanted to know if Anakin was in or not. In this AU, he most certainly is not. Plus, Palps doesn't have quite the same strangle hold on him as he does in canon. Got nothing to bargain/manipulate him with either since Padme isn’t his secret wife so their relationship wasn’t a card Palpatine thought he could play.
So, O66 happens and people are in the same places as they are in canon. Only when the call gets sent out this time, Anakin is actually in the Temple already. In the Creche. He has to face down against his own men in blue and white, who are not listening to a word he's saying and actively trying to kill him. Him and the younglings he's with.
Anakin is remembering Fives ranting about clones being forced to kill Jedi and wishing he were here now. Fives who is still out there somewhere, having run when Fox conveniently missed his shot but no-one has seen him since. Anakin is thinking of Rex, who is with Ahsoka, and how this could destroy them both. To say he's a little conflicted is an understatement but it probably only takes one very near shot at one of the kids for Anakin to bug out.
You do not go after his kids.
He doesn't normally go full fox mode in the halls anymore because he's gotten fairly big, but it certainly works as a body shield to stop any more shots making it through while he shepherds all the younglings into the ventilation system where the clones can’t follow. Anakin tries to go easy on his men, incapacitate rather than kill because he knows what is wrong here, but good god they are not making that easy and he is so very angry.
It doesn’t occur to him, until much later, that he referred to the younglings as his kids. Those parental instincts hit him hard.
When he feels it’s safe to do so he follows the younglings he squirrelled away by going Teeny Fox Mode and finds them all huddled together at a junction. They’ve met with a couple of Padawans whose Masters had also yeeted them to safety and a group of Initiates who have learnt the value of hiding in the ventilation system from Ahsoka Tano (It’s the Gathering gang, I love them so sue me). As a Knight, they kind of all default to Anakin to know what to do and there are not a lot of options. They can’t stay in the vents forever and they have to get off Coruscant, but to do that they need a ship big enough to cart all of them away that can leave atmo.
Then he remembers there's a Paladin-class corvette being retrofitted as the new Crucible ship in the hangar. The hangar is not as empty as he would like when they get there but the Crucible II is still there and he’s got no other choice but to chance it.
He can now use every trick he’s ever learned to get the clones patrolling there to leave; his illusions, better force control, himself as a meat shield. All to get the kids into a transport and the fuck off Coruscant. Ganodi mentions she has flight sim training and is immediately put in the co-pilot seat. They miss Bail arriving at the Temple by a few minutes as they leave the planet and jump to hyperspace. Anakin wants to find Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Padme, and Rex. Anakin has no idea what Palpatine has done at this point all he knows is he is now responsible for these baby Jedi and needs help. Please someone help him.
He’s covered in blaster burns, very confused, angry, and sad all at once. One of the Padawans, suggests naptime in a fit of hysteria and Anakin thinks that’s the best idea he’s ever heard. Ship wide naptime. Sure, why not.
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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STAR WARS Entertainment Weekly Covers
Part 1: 1997-2012
>> Ahead of the Prequel Trilogy:
1. JAN 1997 - Remaking Star Wars Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)
>> A New Hope 20th Anniversary on May 1997
2. JUN 1997 - Inside the New Star Wars Ewan McGregor (feat. Liam Neeson, Natalie Portamn, Samuel L. Jackson photos)
>> The Phantom Menace starts filming on Jun 1997
3. MAR 1999 – Star Wars: Ten Pages of Exclusive Photos Plus Lucas on Making the Film Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Phantom Menace)
4. MAY 1999 – Inside Star Wars: The Stars, The Creatures, The Crew Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portamn, Liam Neeson, Jake Lloyd (feat. C3PO, Yoda, Darth Maul, Jar Jar Binks, R2-D2 photos from The Phantom Menace)
>> The Phantom Menace premieres on Jun 1999
5. APR 2000 - Teen/Queen Natalie Portman Natalie Portman (feat. Queen Amidala photo from The Phantom Menace)
>> Attacks of the Clones starts filming on Jun 2000
6. JUN/JUL 2000 - The New Face of Star Wars Hayden Christensen holding Darth Vader’s helmet
7. APR 2002 – Star Wars: Behind the Scenes of Episode II Hayden Christensen & Natalie Portman (feat. Anakin Skywalker & Padme Amidala photo from Attack of the Clones)
8. MAY 2002 – The Making of Star Wars (2 Covers) Padme Amidala & Anakin Skywalker Mace Windu & Obi-Wan Kenobi (Attack of the Clones)
>> Attack of the Clones premieres on May 2002
9. SEP 2004 – Star Wars: Secrets of the New DVD Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca and Han Solo (A New Hope)
10. APR 2005 – Star Wars Special Edition (6 Covers) Darth Vader (The Empire Strikes Back) Han Solo (A New Hope) Leia Organa (Return of the Jedi) Darth Maul (The Phantom Menace) Yoda (Attack of the Clones) Anakin Skywalker (Revenge of the Sith)
>> Revenge of the Sith premieres on May 2005
11. MAY 2005 – Star Wars: Will Revenge of the Sith Save the Lucas’ Legacy? Anakin Skywalker (Revenge of the Sith)
12. APR 2010 – Star Wars - Never Before Seen Photos - A Celebration of The Empire Strikes Back 30th Anniversary Behind the scenes photos of Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew as Leia Organa and Chewbacca (feat. Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill on set photo) from The Empire Strikes Back
>> Disney announces deal to acquire Lucasfilm on October 2012
13. NOV 2012 – The Future of Star Wars Original Trilogy montage with Luke, Leia, Han, R2-D2, Yoda, C3PO, Boba Fett and Darth Vader
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vadertyrannus · 1 year
Darth Vader is the Most Powerful Sith in Star Wars Canon
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There has been debate in the Star Wars community as to who is the most powerful Sith: Darth Vader or Darth Sidious. This question has different answers depending on the continuity:
Lucas Canon: Darth Sidious is more powerful then Darth Vader. Vader could've been more powerful, but after his loss on Mustafar, he couldn't reach the power he was destined to due to becoming half-machine. After dawning the suit, Vader is only as powerful as Maul and Dooku. Sidious is the most powerful Sith.
Legends Canon: Sidious is also the most powerful Sith and more powerful then Vader, though Vader is still more powerful then Maul and Dooku.
Disney Canon: Darth Vader, in his prime (post-ROTS to the end of TESB), is more powerful then Darth Sidious. Sidious initially believed that Vader would never recover after Mustafar, hence having Cylo create his cybernetic monstrosities introduced in Darth Vader (2015), but Vader proved his master wrong through the years, and Sidious recognized this. Vader is the most powerful Sith.
This post will be covering the Disney Canon version of Darth Vader, proving that he is the most powerful Sith in the galaxy. It will also analyze the impact this has on the themes and story of Star Wars, the in-universe logic, and why I ultimately believe this was a good creative choice.
In other posts linked below, I will be debunking common misconceptions surrounding Vader's power and cybernetics (most of which left over from Lucas or Legends canon), going more in-depth in his feats, and explaining why Vader didn't kill Sidious.
The Proof
In the player's guide of Canon video game Jedi: Fallen Order, Darth Vader is called “the most powerful Sith in the galaxy”. Vader is also explicitly listed as the greatest red saber duelist in the book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know.
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Both The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary and Star Wars: The Age of Resistance – The Official Collector’s Edition state that the bloodline of "the most powerful Jedi and Sith" courses through Kylo Ren's veins (obviously referring to Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader).
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Darth Sidious himself stated that Vader would become more powerful then either him or Yoda in Revenge of the Sith. While this is proven wrong in the previous continuities, it's proven right in Canon. He also called Vader's power "unpararalled" in the Tarkin novel.
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Sidious is even afraid of Vader, as revealed in Lords of the Sith.
Somewhere in the back of Palpatine’s mind, he knows what Vader’s potential is. He feels he may be wrong, but he is wary of it. So he’s very interested in determining his ability to manipulate Vader and testing his loyalty and assuring himself that this tiger that he holds by the tail is going to stay that way.
The artist of the Darth Vader (2020) comic series confirmed twice on Twitter that Vader is more powerful than Sidious, when not conflicted.
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Multiple Canon books and this tweet from Leland Chee confirm that Vader did not lose midichlorians after his loss to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, and the lose of limbs does not lead to lost Force potential.
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This means that Darth Vader did not lose Force power after his loss on Mustafar, in Canon. He remained as powerful as Vader before Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith and continued to grow from there (until after The Empire Strikes Back, when Vader becomes conflicted after investigating Luke and Padme's true fate, as depicted in Darth Vader (2020) comics).
This point-of-view still works even when exclusively viewing the films, as the Prequels constantly hold Anakin up to a high standard, and nothing in the films themselves indicate Vader lost any power. We only knew that was true in previous continuities because George Lucas and old EU novels outright said so.
It also helps that beating Vader is emphasized more by Yoda and Obi-Wan then beating the Emperor in the original trilogy, and why they believed that their only hope was the Skywalker children, Vader's own blood.
Anakin Skywalker, in both Legends and Canon, is repeatedly stated to be on par with or even more powerful then Darth Sidious in Revenge of the Sith, and the most powerful Jedi.
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The strongest Jedi of his generation, perhaps of any generation… - Revenge of the Sith novelization
“Skywalker is arguably the most powerful Jedi alive. And he is still getting stronger.” - Mace Windu, Revenge of the Sith novelization
And now consider the fact that its been stated and implied several times in Canon that Darth Vader (and yes, I mean suited Vader) is more powerful then Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith.
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The armour separated him from the galaxy, from everyone, made him singular, freed him from the needs of the flesh, the concerns of the body that once had plagued him, and allowed him to focus solely on his relationship to the Force. - Lords of the Sith novel
He stared at his reflection a long time. His injuries had deformed his body, left it broken, but they’d perfected his spirit, strengthening his connection to the Force. - Lords of the Sith novel
Taking this into consideration, if Vader is more powerful then Anakin, and Anakin is equal to or more powerful then Sidious in Revenge of the Sith, then Vader is more powerful then Sidious.
The power difference between Vader and Sidious is also shown in Canon material. In Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (2017) #1, moments after Revenge of the Sith, Vader attacks Sidious with the Force. Vader is able to maintain his grip on Sidious, and he isn’t even able to break himself free until Vader lets go. You can even see Sidious reaching out as if he’s trying to overpower Vader, but he can’t. Vader is overpowering him.
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This outright shows that, in terms of raw Force power alone, Vader is more powerful then Sidious. Sidious wins this clash because he uses force lighting, which Vader is weak against, and Vader doesn't even fight back.
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Sidious is still incredibly powerful, faster, and has more knowledge of the dark side, but Vader has more raw Force power, is physically stronger, and is the better saber duelist. If Vader is 100, Sidious is 92 or 95.
Another key moment is when he receives a vision when he tries to bleed a kyber crystal. This vision shows him redeeming himself by becoming a Jedi again and yes, killing Sidious.
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If Anakin could kill him, Vader could kill him, because again, Vader is more powerful then Anakin.
Vader rejects this future, and this is only a vision, but the entire crux of this moment is that Vader could fulfill his destiny, if he chose to. The whole point of this arc is that Vader ultimately chooses to be a Sith, to keep being a monster, and serve the Empire. The galaxy is the way it is because Vader chooses it to be that way.
Which is why this arc is titled, "The Chosen One". It reinforces that Vader is still The Chosen One, and he ultimately chooses the fate of the galaxy.
In the Prequels, Anakin was the Jedi's only hope of beating Sidious, and once he turned, the galaxy was plunged into darkness. This arc proves that his choice was never taken away. Vader still has agency and responsibility. Unlike the previous continuity in which he's trapped because the Emperor would kill him in a one-on-one, in Canon, he's powerful enough to choose his path.
This arc proves that Vader could've killed Sidious, for both the right or wrong reasons. He just chose not to.
And that's more compelling. Villains are better when they're responsible for their choices and actions. If they're just a helpless victim, they're not even a villain anymore.
Imagine if in Breaking Bad, Elliot and Gretchen didn't offer to pay for Walt's treatment, and as a result, Walt was actually cooking meth to provide for his family.
It'd destroy the narrative, because the entire point of Breaking Bad is...
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The same should be true for Darth Vader.
The vision is entirely weightless if Sidious was more powerful then Vader. The entire defining moment of this entire first comic arc relies on the idea that Vader could kill Sidious if he chose to.
Finally, both Kylo Ren and Snoke in the Sequel trilogy revere Vader as the epitome of Sith power.
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"The mighty Kylo Ren… When I found you, I saw what all masters live to see… Raw, untamed power and beyond that, something truly special. The potential of your bloodline. A new Vader."
All of these Canon sources explicitly state or imply that Darth Vader is the most powerful Sith in Disney Canon.
How it enhances the narrative of Star Wars
I did already go into this when I talked about how Vader choosing not to kill Sidious reinforces that he's still The Chosen One, thus maintaining his agency as a villain, but there's another aspect that I'd like to talk about.
Some people seem not to like that Vader is more powerful in Canon because they think it undermines the point of the narrative.
"But Vader isn't supposed to be unstoppable, Vader is supposed to be pathetic, and him losing power are his consequences for the bad choices he made."
But to say that is to misunderstand what truly matters and one of the main themes of Star Wars.
Throughout the prequels, Anakin always thought that what he needed was power. Once he could control everything, he could make everything be the way he wanted it to be.
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He becomes obsessed with "the power to save Padme" to the point where he ends up destroying her.
Once he finally becomes Darth Vader, he finally becomes the most powerful man in the galaxy, and yet his family (as far as he knows) is dead, his attempts to bring Padme back fail, and he's still a slave. He's always angry and hates everything around him. He is the most powerful man in the galaxy, but also the most pathetic.
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It’s only when he chooses to selflessly love Luke that he’s finally able to be happy and have a family again, even if its only for the last moments of his life.
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One of the main messages of Star Wars is that power is not the answer to being happy. Compassion and love is. Having Darth Vader be the most powerful Sith ultimately enhances that theme.
This post is already very long and I literally can't use any more images, so here are links to other posts that expand on this topic.
Debunking myths about Darth Vader's Power Level
Why Vader didn't kill Sidious (own post coming soon)
Canon Darth Vader feats (own post coming soon)
Thanks for reading!
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ventresses · 8 months
Hiiii! For the WIP game, would you elaborate on the "SW - ER Nurse AU" for me? Either more explanation or some content from it is fine! :)
Ok so I got inspired when I was trying to keep my mind entertained while waiting for 6 hours in the Emergency Department with my phone battery dead, and there was a cute nurse, and well...
Once I started developing the broader story and building the world around that, I kept getting more ideas for how to incorporate stuff and well, it's starting to get a bit out of hand lol. But so far it's like a political/criminal conspiracy, feat. Rexoka, Anidala, (maybe Codywan &/or former Obitine?)
Rex, and I'm thinking also Cody and Wolffe, work in a major hospital in Coruscant City (and Rex in the Emergency Department as a nurse, "on the front lines," so to speak). I'm guessing it'd be a "family occupation" type of thing where many of his brothers followed in their dad's footsteps in various pathways of the medical field, maybe some of them being army medics, first? (Echo and Fives decided to take different job/life paths, but that'll come up within the story later.) I'm picturing them as like siblings close in age or quintuplets? Bc why not lol. And w/ Jango Fett as like super distant career-focused dad.
Anakin and Ahsoka do some kind of like dangerous and hush-hush work that will incorporate with the plot. Several years ago, at her entry into adulthood Ahsoka joined the military (for reasons to get explained), a few years after Anakin joined, too, (for him to get citizenship- Shmi immigrated when Anakin was young, Qui Gon (and his son Obi Wan) were their neighbors, and he adopted Anakin after Shmi got deported.) There was an incident a few years in, she was falsely accused, court martialed, etc. (also, her and Rex's paths crossed in a way that gets revealed later.) Anakin cleared her name, but both of them got out as soon as they could, remained besties trying to figure out careers and adulthood. Ahsoka is kinda like burnt out and directionless after the trauma of everything that happened. (Both of them are having kind of a mid-20s crisis tbh) Anakin has a major crush on Padme, youngest member of the City Council.
The story starts when Anakin (carrying Ahsoka) hobbles into the ER, and Rex is the nurse assigned to her, which is the initial meet-cute and they vibe. (Well, except Rex is too professional to *actually* flirt with a patient because professional boundaries.) Her name seems familiar to him, but he can't quite place it (yet)... But of course this won't be the first time everyone will cross paths…
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
askposting: askbox is closed edition LOL
feat. tl4j time travel, tumblr fame, yoda's past, and more!
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every time i go to write a normal response to this my brain says "well cal and merrin are bisexual they can do both!"
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@yourfreindlynighborhoodspycrab holy shit i've made it in life
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@just-prime LMAOOO god she's got some strong arms if she's not puttin him down!! also this but its padme "me. my husband. and his padawan from the future who won't let go of him"
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they're jedi+. like normal jedi but they get more bag <3
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@archaalen i love this mainly bc it begs the question where did he get the second saber and what did he do with it when he decided this wasnt for him. is there a lightsaber in a bin in a space tescos somewhere.
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LMAO OH MY GOD YOUR MIND. YES. maul is getting cyberbullied by this random man he's never met in his life and ezra is having the time of his life <3
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ok 1. im gonna uh. i mean i still wanna make a proper story of it so i hope u dont mind waiting!! and 2. i imagine it's "well she could do better but she could do worse. at least han never nearly fell to the sith"
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