johnny1note · 7 months
Do you guys remember fedblr vs toryblr drama
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pharmafelon · 13 days
Gunblr Son or Fedblr Daughter?
fedblr bc I don't want a tranny
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radio-charlie · 5 months
Fedblr and the leftblr adjacent to it are a goldmine for Internet-vocal-fry opinions so far south of anything real that they routinely show their stripes and ppl who notice are just too frightened to say anything abt it
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“Why didn’t Nicolas Cruz get arrested when people said he was going to shoot up a school?”
Because look here dipshit ideally we don’t just use the Constitution when it suits us and then ignore the fuck out of it when it doesn’t. Like liberals want to throw the goddamn book at people for owning guns when we have gone so far into the legality of citizen firearms ownership that we have DIAGRAMMED THE FUCKING SENTENCE for the grammatical clauses but when it comes to the First Amendment it’s like “lol wut.” I mean then these same people attack the President for saying “Fake News” when it’s been an understood fact by any American citizen who’s been outside in the last sixty years that the news industry is mostly FOR PROFIT and cares shit-all about creating informed citizenry who can make educated decisions about how to feel about current events. Walter Cronkite should’ve had his vocal chords publicly removed.
So these same people also won’t enforce our laws regarding citizenship, even though that’s outlined in the Constitution. They don’t want to have the electoral college, even though that’s in the fucking Constitution. They want to do all this heinous shit to people they disagree with but holy fuck if you come after their constituency all of a sudden they’re a bunch of goddamn FEDERALIST MINUTEMEN who suck Hamilton’s cock because of a fucking musical.
I swear to God before any of you smug bastards on the right say a goddamn thing you are just as guilty of this shit going on about taxes and Obama and all this other crap for the last ten goddamn years when by our Constitution HE’S THE FUCKING LEGALLY ELECTED 44TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA YOU ABSOLUTE MANIACS DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOU CAN PUT ONE OVER ON THE FBI AND THE CIA. No. But oh, somehow, Obama did what THE ENTIRE FUCKING KREMLIN COULDN’T DO IN THE COURSE OF SIXTY FUCKING YEARS OF COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE WORK.
Like it drives me insane just how bastshit blind you people are to basic fucking common horse sense because you refuse to recognize any viewpoint that isn’t your own and you’ve given yourself so far over to identitarian discourse because shouting at people online - YES I KNOW THAT’S WHAT I’M DOING RIGHT NOW FUCK OFF - is more cathartic than sitting down and actually doing your homework on these issues to find real goddamn solutions to problems like the wage gap that isn’t either ship the Blacks to Africa or literally steal from any White family that owns land and makes over 24k a year. Somehow you literally think these are good ideas. Somehow.
You can’t champion the fucking foundational legal document whenever it suits you and insinuate you’re the Arch-Patriot when we were started by people like John I’ll-Kneel-To-The-French-When-Those-Goddamn-Frogs-Make-Me Adams hated the shit out of the British but he would still defend the sentries at the Boston Massacre because THEY WERE IN THEIR LEGAL FUCKING RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM THE ANGRY MOB even though he was pretty much at that moment sold on the idea of Independence by any means necessary.
You people are literally the reason our government is going to try and strip all our freedoms piecemeal because you can’t even be trusted to not try and use your toasters in the fucking shower and dead people can’t pay fucking taxes.
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tangosupreme · 7 years
hang all catholics
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triss19 · 7 years
The End of the WSJ (I hope)
I used to read the Wall Street Journal. They used to be pretty damn good. In comparison to all the other big newspapers they were almost right wing. 
But now, they have stooped to the level of Buzzfeed and Jezebel and all the other clickbait shit holes that claim to serve up “journalism”. 
Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie) is not my favorite Youtuber. I didn’t really watch him at all until now. I didn’t care until the WSJ and almost every single media outlet on planet earth decided to try and destroy him. 
The slander is insane. Unbelievable. But it’s not just slander. The WSJ pressured Disney and Youtube to drop their projects with him which is a direct economic attack. 
No one is safe anymore. Political. Apolitical. Left. Right. If you pose any sort of threat to the media they will try to destroy you even if the threat is simply being more successful than them.
So, I hope the media burns to the ground as soon as possible and I think it will. 
I have a special message to the WSJ too: Have fun losing and...
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duxbelisarius · 7 years
Socialist policy is a permanent menace to the liberty and security of citizens, and cannot therefore be the policy of any government, the primary duty of which is to exact respect for internal and external security. If it fail therein, it dissolves and is replaced by anarchy; and inasmuch as everyone has a horror of that condition which betrays itself by the oppression of violent men, banded together solely by their appetites, an appeal is made to a strong government and to a man with a strong grip, and the risk is incurred of falling back into all the disgraces and disasters of Cæsarism. There are three words which Socialism must erase from the facades of our public buildings—the three words of the Republican motto:— Liberty, because Socialism is a rule of tyranny and of police. Equality, because it is a rule of class. Fraternity, because its policy is that of the class war.
Yves Guyot, Socialist Fallacies (1910)
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I graphed Federalism
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I'm back, you sons of bitches.
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violetnull · 7 years
You know what really pisses me off about some of the more popular right-wing blogs on this site? Ideological inconsistency. Never ending goddamned ideological inconsistency. Subjective morality but arguing morality in absolutes, being authoritarian but wanting small government, especially in Fedblr, these jackweeds can’t decide what they believe, yet they’ve convinced themselves that they’re ideologically sound, and its quite frankly infuriating to watch.
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radio-charlie · 1 year
Its funny u know. i literally hate amrika so much nowadays that if i met one of urs here again, i’d still be nice of course, but while imagining the poor shit being melted into a puddle of bacon grease, because everything abt americanness is now repulsive to me. from the insipid quality of ur media to the bugfuck disgusting way you play fast and loose with things that are supposed to mean something. love, freedom, the right to live authentically, etc. people there are labelled gifted according to how much they have to offer ur predatory and rapacious administration. so thats why all the soulless teachers pets who have ted bundy fantasies abt ppl who show them up in class are now its spin doctors. but i digress. despite my hatred, the things i say would actually help u more than what badly-disguised fedblr says. so its funny isn’t it.
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gamingconservative · 7 years
I can't wait for 2024. Ben Shapiro is gonna run and win in a landslide. Democrats will be running around with their heads cut off
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triss19 · 7 years
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Fuckin ancap memes infiltrating my tumblr because  American conservatives are reblogging them...
Alright, the ancaps can believe whatever dumb shit they want, I don’t care. But as a shoutout specifically to my American followers this meme is 100% anti-constitution. 
Section 8 (of the US Constitution) 
1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
There you go. If you want to live in the United States and have your rights protected by the US military you best believe you’re gonna pay federal taxes. So get the hell over it. 
I can’t believe I had to make this goddamn post. 
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radium-on-the-beach · 7 years
To those in Fedblr (or really anyone). How do you feel about John Philip Sousa marches?
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quotesfromall · 7 years
Tourists with keys to Gramercy Park? Let's face it: democracy has its costs.
Lockhart Steele, In Gramercy Park, the Philistines Cometh
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fedblr--official · 7 years
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~Mod Ghost of Jefferson
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