#feeder digital platforms
patang01 · 2 years
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fatfables · 6 months
I found this undergrad project online looking into the growth of adipophilia (fat fetishism).
Well worth a read as the guy gets kinda carried away!
It's reproduced here in full.
How do cultural, societal, and technological factors intersect to shape the emergence and growth of adipophilia among young male adults in the digital age?
Shane Tjock
(Bachelor of Science student)
University of Michigan
Department of Environmental Philosophy
Obesity Studies
This research project outlines a comprehensive approach to studying the growth of adipophilia (a sexual attraction to fat or overweight people) among young male adults online, integrating observational and experimental methods as well as qualitative and quantitative analyses to provide a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Adipophilic tendencies have been on the rise in the United States and other western countries in recent years amongst young males and in particular within the homosexual population. The occurrence of sexual attraction to big, round, bloated bellies and buttocks, as well as thick thighs and swollen man breasts is clearly visible through social media platforms, forums, and so called ‘gainer’ dedicated websites. The rise of ‘gainer societies’ at colleges and universities, including the University of Michigan, evidences that the growth of gainerism is not limited to online spaces. Gainerism and feederism are linked sexual proclivities where people actively participate in a concerted effort to make themselves and or someone else fatter. Sexual arousal is often achieved through the act of binge eating or ‘stuffing’ until the stomach is stretched to the max after the consumption of excessive amounts of food and drink. Adipophiliacs like to rub their own and other people’s swollen bellies and elicit pleasure from the effects of purposeful weight gain, such as; out growing clothing, button popping, the appearance of stretch marks, and watching big bellies bounce. Pride is taken in calorie counting, measuring growth, and regular weigh-ins. As well as a personal increase in laziness, selfishness, and greed. The growth of gainerism amongst young LGBTQ+ males is multifaceted and has been caused by the normalisation of obesity in society, the overabundance and marketing of cheap unhealthy foodstuffs, a move towards body positivity, an increased awareness and openness to kink lifestyles, and the fact that it is sexy and fun.
The rise of adipophilia as a cultural phenomenon is of interest to psychologists, sociologists, and fat fetishists. The question of why young men chose to over-inflate and swell their bodies with fat until their abdomens are abnormally round and swollen, like water balloons about to pop, is the key question of this study. What is it about huge, heavy, rounded-out bellies, that evidence the greed of the young male overconsumer, that is so deliciously desirable?
This study seeks to answer this question through a mix of observational and experimental techniques that provide both qualitative and quantitative evidence that the results of purposeful weight gain are hot as hell. Observations of publicly posted photos, videos, and conversations of male gainers will be carefully considered and analysed in order to identify common themes and factors related to stuffing your belly so full that it strains and stretches out inches over your belt, jiggling with every step you take. Due to the doubtful efficacy of feeding healthy participants up to the point of morbid obesity, the author has decided to partake in several gainer related activities himself and will rate them on a likert scale, from 1: Not at all arousing, to 5: Extremely arousing, in order to gather real world data into the immense joy of feeling oneself grow bigger and bigger everyday. As a voluntary participant the author will also undergo a regular testing and measurement routine in order to ascertain the effectiveness of various weight gain diets and to see if the experience of having one’s growth recorded is as hot as other gainers say it is.
Literature Review
There is a very limited amount of scientific literature on this topic, I have chosen therefore to give a brief overview of adipophilia in popular culture. The most commonly cited adipophilic book is Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, (Dahl, 1964), in which an extremely fat German boy wins a trip to a chocolate factory by eating an obscene amount of chocolate. His wonderfully greedy guts are then sucked up a pipe while he attempts to drink an entire chocolate river. A disappointing failure. It also includes a girl who inflates like a giant blueberry, but this study is not interested in girls. A recent prequel film, Willy Wonka (2023), features a heavy-set policeman who is fed chocolate bribes by chocolatier gangsters until he almost triples in size. A life goal for many. The Fattest Man in America (Nicholson, 2005) is a novel about a thousand pound man who eats himself up to a glorious size in order to become a tourist attraction. Alternatively The Fattest Man in Britain (2009) is a TV Movie (freely available on YouTube) starring Timothy Spall about a man who gets into an eating contest in order to prove that he is in fact the fattest. Heavyweights (1995) is a Disney film featuring the fat kids from The Mighty Ducks and a young Ben Stiller. It is set in a summer weight loss camp. The storyline features a lot of alarming similar events to the story of my friend Shawn when he went to fat camp. Life imitates art. The Simpsons (1989-Present) features several episodes in which characters gain weight, and I also used to fancy Kenen from Kenan & Kel (1996).
Research Objectives
To observe online gainer content in order to identify and analyse themes and factors that turn me on.
To experience the pleasure of gaining an insanely unhealthy amount of weight within a very short period in order to discover just how sexually gratifying it is.
To promote adipophilia as a lifestyle amongst other young gay men.
Observational Study
Conduct a systematic observation of online communities, forums, and platforms known for adipophilic content. Utilize qualitative methods to analyze discussions, interactions, and content shared within these communities.
Select a diverse range of online platforms catering to a single interest and demographic.
Collect data over a specified time period to capture variations in content and user engagement.
Data Collection:
Employ data scraping techniques to collect publicly available content.
Record observations, noting patterns, themes, and prevalent attitudes towards adipophilia.
I have spent the last four months observing several online gainer platforms and websites. I have viewed thousands of photos and videos of fat growing men of all ages, from 18 years and up. Though I have a few doubts about all of them being at least 18 and for some reason I couldn’t really find any gainers much older than about 65. I am unsure as to why this is.
Common themes and factors that I have identified are; huge round bloated bellies, ball bellies, balloon bellies, and beer bellies. Some bellies hang low while others stick out really far. Some look soft and squishy while others look hard and round - as if the guy has swallowed a basketball whole. They are my favourite. All of them are wide, swollen, and beautiful. Gainers often eat in their videos and stuff themselves stupid on takeaways. They like to watch each other over-eat and encourage each other to eat even more. I often did this whilst being sure to maintain my distance as an observer. Other factors were; soft flabby love handles and muffin tops that overhang tight shorts and boxers. These were lush fat rolls that I watched grow fuller and thicker on many sweet boys. Moobs, man breasts, and titties are also very popular. Fat boys tend to get big flat nipples that accentuate their doughy chests. I like how once you’re fat enough your tits rest on top of the dome of your distended over-ripe belly.
In many videos boys play with their fat tits, they squeeze and caress them, while teasing the viewer to suck on them like they were a woman. They also like to rub and pat their bloated bellies. I would eat tacos and rub mine while watching them. Some guys burp really loudly after downing fizzy drinks. It makes them seem so wonderfully greedy. One guy on Tumblr did this in only his boxers and I swear I saw his dick twitch.
I didn’t do all of the data collection I was supposed to due to becoming distracted by all the sexy fat men, especially the comparison pictures that show you how they used to look when they were thin compared to now. Other reasons for this weakness in my study design will become obvious when I explain the experimental study.
My prevalent attitude towards adipophilia is very positive as is that of all the gainers I spoke to online. They love getting fatter, telling me about it, and sharing private pics with me via DM’s.
Below is a list of all the fat factors that I identified, my rating for how sexy they are, and my explanation of why they are so fucking hot.
Trying on old clothes - Level 4 - Super Hot - Because I love how it demonstrates just how much they must have eaten. Watching a fat young guy struggle to fit into a XXL shirt makes me super hard.
Button popping - Level 5 - Dick Burstingly Hot - As above, only better! Boys suck their bellies in to try and look as thin as they can and they breathe out. Their bulging bellies overwhelm their shirts or pants as they expand, sending buttons flying off as fast as it makes me cum.
Burping - Level 3 - Sexy - Burping due to overconsumption is cool. I think I prefer it when I do it myself compared to watching others. I love how the escaping gas creates extra space in my belly for even more food!
Shaking/Jiggling - Super Hot - Big bouncing ball bellies and just the best! They make me want to grab them and smash my face into them.
Trying to exercise - Level 2 - Kinda Hot - This one I don’t get so much. Why would anyone want to exercise? It goes against all of the glory or adipophilia. It is though kinda cool to see sweaty fat boys struggle on the floor.
Belly measuring and weigh-ins - Level 6 - Super Dick Burstingly Hot!! - Videos and photos where boys measure their belly circumference and stand on scales cause me to nut directly. I love how happy they seem when they see the benefits of all their gorging. It makes me so proud of them.
Experimental Study
Spend three months eating as much as humanly possible in order to see just how fat I can get with the help of my friends in the gainer society.
Data Collection:
Quantitative data: Weekly weigh-ins and belly measurements.
Qualitative data: Personal record of how turned on I get by my gains.
I first decided to gain when a friend of mine told me about the new gainer society that meets every week at KFC. I had always found fat boys attractive and was overweight myself. My starting weight was 193 lbs. My friend knew that I liked being fat so he suggested that we go together. There was a guy there called Shawn, he was the fattest kid I’d ever seen. He was so cool! He ate like three family buckets to himself. I wanted to be able to do that. Shawn said that I had a good attitude and welcomed me to the group. I ate eight pieces of chicken, a burger with extra cheese, and three corn on the cobs. I felt so full and my belly ached as I walked home. I knew I needed more. That’s when I decided to do this study for my end of year project.
My friends in the UMGS thought that the project was a great idea and helped me to write a plan and food diary to ensure that I ate an extra 500 calories every day in order to expand my capacity and ensure growth. I stuck to it for the first week and then couldn’t be bothered any more so I just ate as much as I wanted. The plan was too restrictive and writing everything down all the time became a fucking ball ache. I just wanted to eat!
After two weeks I was noticeably fatter. My pants felt tighter and my t-shirt began to ride up my belly. Danni one day even pointed out that one of my love handles was on display in class. I started eating all the time and always snacked on Doritos and Snickers during lectures. I started to go topless in my room so that I could see and play with my fat while I did my observation study and snacked. I started jerking off more often. Gaining is definitely arousing.
After a month I needed bigger clothes and went to TJ Maxx to buy cheap shorts and t-shirts. I knew they wouldn’t last long! In the lunch hall my favourites were chilli dogs and fries, with chocolate fudge cake for dessert. I ate so much of it that my friends started to call me ‘Fudge’, I’d never had a nickname before!
My belly was now noticeably bigger. It protruded out and the front and felt heavy due to the fact that I kept it constantly stuffed to the brim. I could now cup my hand under it and lift it up. I love doing that. The fat feels so smooth and luxurious. My Mom even mentioned to me on a Zoom call that I looked like I’d gained weight. I told her that it was normal for guys at college. I was so impressed that I even looked fatter through a screen!
I kept eating and soon I could manage a family bucket at KFC with ease. I would drown the chicken in gravy, which Shawn said they make out of the fat scrapped from the bottom of the fryer. I so hope that this is true. I also started drinking nothing but Cola and Fanta and Beer. If it ain’t carbonated keep it the hell away from me! Brrruuurrrrppp!
From my observational study I learnt that some gainers like to rest their full bellies on a sink. I thought at first that this was just a bit weird and silly but then I tried it! I was amazed by how fat I felt resting my gorgeous growling gluttonous gut on top of the cold service. I spent ten minutes lifting and fondling it while I jerked off to my own reflection in the bathroom mirror.
By the end of the second month I felt massive! My dick was constantly as hard as my tightly packed stomach. Adipophilia is so sexy. I bought new clothes again and they already felt restrictive. My tits became more sensitive and I was overcome with pleasure when Danni sucked on them. They didn’t quite rest on top of my belly yet but I knew it wouldn’t be long.
In the lunch hall I turned to pizza and pasta and all the carbs. It was like the Atkins diet but in reverse. ‘Fudge’ was turning into a real fat boy. My thighs were thicker and began to chaff in the heat. At first this annoyed me but Shawn said that it was a sign of my progress and kindly offered to rub vaseline onto my groin for me. He said that my thighs were soft like two tubes of thick cookie dough. That made it feel much better.
With all the extra weight I was carrying I felt myself become more lethargic and lazy. I spent even more time in my room alone doing my observational study but lost the urge to continue with the boring data collection. All I wanted to do was eat, watch videos, and jack off. My gut is now so big that I really have to stretch to reach my dick when I’m sitting. When I lie down it still rises up into the air, whereas before it splayed out wide and flat while I slept. I guess it’s because I always have a pre-sleep meal of filling chow-mein and dumplings every night.
On the very last day of this study I returned to KFC by myself and ate three family buckets! I knew that I could do it! I was so proud of myself that I had to go into their bathroom and jack it while I farted ferociously on the toilet!
I would never have behaved like that before I got into adipophilia. I feel now like a much happier, sexier, more fun, and adventurous guy. I’m sad that this study is over, but I know that my adventure with gaining is only just beginning. I’m now 286 lbs and am determined to gain my first hundred. I am so close and just typing this makes me deliriously hungry. I’m gonna go stuff myself with a mountain of McDonalds before I write out my results which are summarised below.
Month One:
Starting weight 193 lbs, Waist size 36 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Chocolate Fudge Cake.
End weight 216 lbs, Waist size 38 inches.
Turn ons: Outgrowing my pants, feeling my belly swell, burping.
Month Two:
Starting weight 216 lbs, Waist size 38 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Fries, Pasta, Pizza, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Doritos, Snickers.
End weight 245 lbs, Waist size 40 inches.
Turn ons: My fast ass ripping my boxers, eating so much that I actually puked, abdominal pains, lifting and massaging my soft silky overhang, my love handles spilling out in class.
Month Three:
Starting weight 245 lbs, Waist size 40 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Fries, Pasta, Pizza, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Doritos, Snickers, McDonalds, Chinese, Cheesecakes, Profiteroles, Tacos, Ice Cream, Chicken Wings, Candy. So much candy!
End weight 286 lbs, Waist size 42 inches (and feeling tight AF!!)
Turn ons: Red raw stretch marks that circle my deep belly button like a whirlpool sucking me deeper in to the world of gaining, my fat heavy circular tits that feel soft and squishy, eating despite the fact that my stomach is howling in pain due to being stuffed with delicious high calorie junk foods, licking Shawn’s ass out while he farts, knowing that I’m already a huge fat gluttonous pig that’s only going to grow rounder and fatter with every greedy day that passes.
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Implications and Recommendations
I recommend everybody to get into adipophilia. Fat is not only beautiful, it is tantalising, addictive, and highly erotic. Fat boys are the epitome of sexual desire and the most lush and lavish example of the human form. Big, round, heavy, ball bellies are the most attractive and every gay boy needs to have one. Social media and other online forums are a great way to get into adipophilia and the gainer/feeder scenes but nothing is better than doing it for real. Growing as fat as you can with the help of friends who want nothing more than to see you bulk out and grow into the fattest, roundest, blob of lard possible is unbeatable. Especially when they are more than happy to beat and suck you off while you gorge yourself on heavy milkshakes.
The personal implications for my belly and ass have been massive. They have both grown and swollen out immensely. Other gay boys love to watch and grope my fat ass as it bulges out of my straining gym shorts. It’s so soft and wide and round now, more of a balloon butt than bubble butt! The belly is so much bigger than it was. It loves what I have done to it and only wants more. It speaks to me now and says “Feed me!” all of the time. I have forgotten what it feels like to be hungry. A sensation that I never want to feel again. Being constantly full is the only way to be. The only way to ensure that I keep expanding.
Societal implications are also hugely positive. The more young guys who get into gaining then the more sexy fatties there will be for me to look at, encourage, play with, and fuck. Boys deserve to be fed to the brim with everything that they could ever desire and more. I want everyone to experience the advantages of the fat, lazy, and greedy lifestyle of a true glutton.
Adipophilia is on the rise and we should all welcome it with open arms and a tray of twenty four chocolate cream donuts! Through my observational and experimental studies I have discovered just how thrilling purposeful weight gain can be, both for the gainer and the people encouraging them. Online adipophilic content is growing every day, like my waistline, and I predict that it will continue to do so. I sincerely hope that adipophilia continues to develop into the mainstream and recommend any young male researchers interested in the topic to repeat and expand upon my study in order to help validate the scene. I promise that you will have a whale of a time!
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socialhipper · 27 days
Explore the Most Influential YouTube Creators in 2024
In 2024, YouTube remains the powerhouse platform for content creation, with millions of creators shaping digital trends and influencing culture worldwide. These creators entertain and inspire millions by sharing their knowledge, creativity, and personalities. This year, a new generation of YouTube creators has risen to prominence, each bringing their unique flair and perspective to the platform. Here, we explore some of the most influential YouTube creators in 2024, each making their mark on the digital world.
1. MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson)
Subscribers: 183+ Million Niche: Challenges, Philanthropy, Entertainment
Jimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast, continues to dominate YouTube in 2024. His lavish giveaways, elaborate challenges, and philanthropic efforts have redefined the concept of viral content. Whether it’s planting millions of trees, giving away cars, or hosting enormous competitions, MrBeast has elevated YouTube content into something akin to reality TV meets digital philanthropy. His influence extends beyond just his subscribers—he has changed the landscape of YouTube by inspiring other creators to pursue ambitious projects that give back to the community.
2. Marques Brownlee (MKBHD)
Subscribers: 20+ Million Niche: Technology and Gadgets
Marques Brownlee, also known as MKBHD, is the leading voice in tech reviews on YouTube. His in-depth analysis, high production quality, and clear presentation make him one of the most trusted sources for tech enthusiasts. In 2024, his influence has expanded as technology continues to evolve rapidly, with new innovations in AI, electric vehicles, and gadgets. Marques' ability to break down complex concepts into digestible content for his audience ensures he remains a dominant force in the tech sphere, influencing not just consumers but the industry itself.
3. Emma Chamberlain
Subscribers: 12+ Million Niche: Lifestyle, Vlogs, Comedy
Emma Chamberlain has continued to thrive as one of YouTube's most relatable and influential content creators. Known for her down-to-earth personality and quirky editing style, Emma's vlogs have captivated millions of viewers, particularly Gen Z. Her honest, no-filter approach to life sets her apart in a world of highly curated content. Emma's influence goes beyond YouTube as she has become a major player in the fashion world and has even launched her own successful podcast. Her authenticity and originality keep her at the forefront of digital culture.
4. NikkieTutorials (Nikkie de Jager)
Subscribers: 14+ Million Niche: Beauty, Makeup, Transformation
NikkieTutorials is one of the most respected voices in the beauty community. Known for her impeccable makeup skills and vibrant personality, Nikkie continues to be a powerful influencer in 2024. Her tutorials range from everyday looks to dramatic transformations, captivating viewers with her artistry. Beyond beauty, Nikkie’s impact stems from her openness about her identity, particularly after coming out as transgender in 2020. She uses her platform to advocate for inclusivity and acceptance, making her an inspiring figure in both the beauty world and beyond.
5. Mark Rober
Subscribers: 24+ Million Niche: Science, Engineering, Education
Mark Rober has made science cool again on YouTube. The former NASA engineer has captivated millions of viewers with his fascinating experiments, elaborate builds, and innovative engineering challenges. From creating squirrel-proof bird feeders to designing underwater robots, Mark’s content is both educational and entertaining. In 2024, Mark continues to inspire younger generations to take an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). His engaging approach to learning proves that science doesn’t have to be confined to the classroom—it can be fun and accessible for everyone.
6. James Charles
Subscribers: 24+ Million Niche: Beauty, Makeup, Challenges
James Charles remains a dominant figure in the beauty world, pushing boundaries with his creative makeup tutorials and collaborations with other influencers and celebrities. His makeup challenges and transformations have inspired millions to express themselves through beauty, breaking down traditional gender norms in the process. In 2024, James continues to be a trailblazer, using his influence to inspire creativity and self-expression among his followers while expanding his reach into fashion and pop culture.
7. Ali Abdaal
Subscribers: 5+ Million Niche: Productivity, Self-Improvement, Education
Ali Abdaal is a former doctor turned productivity guru who has taken YouTube by storm with his motivational and self-improvement content. Ali’s channel focuses on helping people optimize their lives through productivity hacks, study tips, and personal growth strategies. His approachable style and insightful advice have inspired millions to take control of their time and goals, making him a go-to creator for those seeking to improve their lives. In 2024, Ali’s influence continues to grow as more people embrace his practical approach to living a more fulfilled and productive life.
8. Lilly Singh
Subscribers: 14+ Million Niche: Comedy, Social Commentary, Motivation
Lilly Singh, also known as Superwoman, is a trailblazer in the YouTube community. She began her career with comedic skits and has evolved into a multifaceted entertainer, advocating for diversity and mental health awareness. Lilly's influence has extended far beyond YouTube, as she became the first woman of South Asian descent to host a late-night talk show on a major American network. In 2024, she remains a powerful voice for change, using her platform to promote inclusivity, positivity, and self-love.
9. Ryan's World (Ryan Kaji)
Subscribers: 34+ Million Niche: Toys, Kids Entertainment, Education
Ryan Kaji, the young star behind Ryan’s World, continues to be a YouTube sensation in 2024. His channel, which started with toy reviews and unboxings, has expanded to include educational content, challenges, and even animated series. Ryan’s influence extends beyond YouTube, with merchandise lines, a TV show, and partnerships with major brands. As one of the highest-earning YouTubers, Ryan’s impact on the kids' entertainment space is undeniable. His channel inspires creativity, play, and learning for children worldwide.
10. PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg)
Subscribers: 111+ Million Niche: Gaming, Commentary, Entertainment
PewDiePie, aka Felix Kjellberg, remains one of the most influential YouTube creators of all time. His comedic gaming content and witty commentary have garnered him an enormous following, and in 2024, he continues to be a trendsetter in digital entertainment. PewDiePie’s influence transcends gaming—he engages with internet culture, memes, and social commentary in a way that resonates with millions of viewers. His ability to evolve with the platform while staying true to his unique style has made him a lasting figure in the world of YouTube.
The most influential YouTube creators in 2024 are shaping the platform and influencing culture, trends, and conversations worldwide. From philanthropy and technology to beauty and education, these creators have found ways to connect with audiences deeply, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on YouTube. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, these influencers will remain at the forefront, driving innovation, inspiring creativity, and impacting digital culture.
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Pet Furniture Industry: Furniture Market Insights Trends, Growth, and Future Perspectives
Pet owners around the world are increasingly spending more on their furry friends. The global pet furniture industry has seen tremendous growth over the past decade to cater to pet parents who want to provide their pets with comfortable and stylish spaces in the home. Let's take a look at some key aspects of this growing industry. Trends in Pet Ownership In many parts of the developed world like North America, Europe and Australia, pet ownership rates have risen steadily over the past 20 years. According to recent surveys, nearly 70% of households in the United States and over 50% of households in countries like the UK and Australia own a pet. Dogs and cats remain the most popular pet choices globally, though other small pets like rabbits, hamsters and birds are also gaining popularity in some markets. This growth in pet adoption has been a major driver for increasing pet expenditures. Pet owners today are more willing to spend on high-quality food, grooming products, toys and other accessories that can improve the lives of their pets. Pet Furniture falls under this last category as animal parents want their dogs and cats to have comfortable beds, caves, trees and other structures for resting, playing and overall well-being. Major Global Brands A few corporations have come to dominate the global commercial pet furniture industry with varied product lines tailored for specific regions. MidWest Homes for Pets: This American company holds leading market shares in North America with affordable yet durable dog houses, cat trees, crates and beds. Their classic wire-framed designs are popular amongst value-conscious pet owners. Petsfit: China-based Petsfit has rapidly expanded globally through e-commerce platforms with a wide selection of inexpensive yet stylish options. Their specialty is innovative cat condos that combine towers, furniture and toys. Acte2ou: Acte2ou from France supplies high-end modern and designer pet products to furniture stores and boutiques across Europe and Americas priced towards premium customers. Goldencat: Growing brand Goldencat from Japan is investing in innovative tech-enabled beds, feeders and toys but concentrating sales in Asian markets initially. While these large brands lead global supply chains, local and niche craft brands focusing on sustainability, customization or therapeutic seating are gaining ground through targeted marketing. The diverse and growing industry is benefiting small businesses as well. Consumer Trends - Online Purchases and Customization In the digital era, pet owners increasingly rely on online shopping for convenience, reviews and discounts from retailers like Amazon, Chewy and individual brand sites. This e-commerce dominance presents opportunities for data analytics helping customize products to consumer tastes down to the neighborhood level. Value-addition features tapping artificial intelligence, phone connectivity and video streaming are being introduced for enhanced safety, play and bonding. On-demand 3D printing could make mass customization based on pet size, fur patterns or owner selfies a mainstream reality. These innovative consumer-driven trends will take the industry to new frontiers in coming years. In conclusion, the global pet furniture industry has flourished steadily but consistently over the last decade due to growing pet ownership, humanization of animals and new product options. With rising populations in developing nations projected to push even more owners into the premium pet care market, multi-billion dollar valuations.
Get more insights on Pet Furniture
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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pr-en-umitron · 1 month
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Umitron launches FARM - A Comprehensive Production and Cost Management Service for Aquaculture Businesses
Prepared by: Umitron Pte. Ltd. (location: Singapore, President: Masahiko Yamada) and UMITRON K.K. (location: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President: Ken Fujiwara) 
(Both companies hereinafter referred to as ‘UMITRON’)
UMITRON is excited to announce the launch of FARM, a revolutionary cloud-based service designed to streamline production and cost management for aquaculture businesses. It is available to all fish producers globally, regardless of the scale or type of their production operation, and can be used with feeders such as CELL or independently for farms that do not currently have feeders. FARM has already received high praise as a production management tool from its early-stage users across the globe, who are using different production setups and farming a diverse range of species.
UMITRON has always been at the forefront of developing products and services with the vision of establishing sustainable aquaculture practices for producers, consumers, and the global environment.
In recent years, rising raw material costs in aquaculture have highlighted the urgent need for accurate cost and growth efficiency management. The current method of using physical or digital spreadsheets to track farming operations—from fry placement to shipping—further complicates the process, often making cost calculations cumbersome and slow. UMITRON’s first-hand interactions with producers to hear these challenges motivated them to develop a product to address them.
With FARM, the company aims to enhance the sustainability of aquaculture management by providing a clear and straightforward understanding of costs and production efficiency at the production site.
Product Overview
FARM is an intuitive cloud service that simplifies the management of costs and growth efficiency in aquaculture. The system provides comprehensive information essential for managing fish growth, including feeding amounts and drug dosing. By tracking daily fish growth data, FARM calculates management costs and automates feed conversion, offering aquaculture businesses precise insights into their operations.
Subscribers using UMITRON’s smart feeder, CELL, benefit from seamless data integration. Feeding amounts are automatically recorded in FARM, thus reducing the burden of manual data tracking. The service is accessible on a dedicated mobile application and desktop browsers via a weblink, enabling users to monitor and manage fish growth data anytime, anywhere—at sea or on land.
FARM offers the following features:
Daily tracking of essential data at aquaculture sites, including feeding rates, drug doses, and water temperature.
Comprehensive fish management capabilities include ponding, splitting, consolidation, and associated cost calculations.
Calculations for costs for each pen and on a per-fish basis, including feed conversion ratios (FCR) based on recorded data.
Seamless data integration with UMITRON CELL, our smart feeding machine.
Ability to download all data in Excel and CSV formats.
Access to PULSE, a high-resolution ocean environmental monitoring platform using satellite remote sensing and UMITRON’s algorithms.
Subscribers to FARM will also get complimentary access to all the paid features of PULSE, allowing them to check critical environmental variables such as temperature and dissolved oxygen and monitor the 48-hour forecast for potential risk factors contributing to adverse events such as harmful algal blooms. They can also take advantage of the two-year historical datasets and custom alerts at no additional costs.
UMITRON is committed to continuously improving FARM, incorporating feedback from our partners, and integrating with our AI-powered fish measurement system, LENS, and other third-party fish measurement cameras.
About Umitron 
UMITRON is a Singapore and Japan-based deep tech company aiming to solve worldwide food and environmental problems by empowering aquaculture with technology to achieve a more sustainable footprint. Over the past few years, we've developed products exclusively for the industry using a combination of IoT, satellite remote sensing and A.I. technology. We are committed to achieving industry growth by improving the working environment and ensuring a safe and stable supply of marine resources with a strong focus on marine and coastal conservation and protection. 
Ultimately, we aim to realise our mission to 'install Sustainable Aquaculture on Earth'. 
Umitron website: https://umitron.com/en/index.htm
Umitron PULSE: https://www.pulse.umitron.com/
For inquiries, please contact [email protected].
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Y2K Fairy Wings Butterfly Alt Grunge: Sizes Up to 6XL Available
Aesthetic Y2k Fairy Wings Butterfly Alt Grunge combines several distinctive styles to create a unique, nostalgic, and edgy visual
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theme. This eclectic fusion merges the playful exuberance of Y2K fashion, the ethereal allure of fairy aesthetics, and the raw energy of grunge, all centered around a butterfly motif.
The Y2K influence brings bold colors, metallic sheens, and futuristic elements reminiscent of the early 2000s. Think holographic materials, chunky platforms, and pixel-inspired graphics. Fairy wings add a whimsical touch, interpreted through translucent, iridescent materials or stylized as edgy, asymmetrical shapes.
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Butterflies serve as a central motif, symbolizing transformation and freedom. In this aesthetic, they might be rendered in bold, graphic outlines or abstract, deconstructed forms. The grunge aspect introduces distressed textures, dark undertones, and a rebellious spirit to the mix.
Key elements of this aesthetic might include:
Fashion: Crop tops with attached fairy wings, low-rise jeans with butterfly patches
Accessories: Chunky butterfly rings, chokers with wing charms, platform shoes
Makeup: Glittery eyeshadow, face gems, dark lipstick with butterfly designs
Hair: Space buns, colorful streaks, butterfly clips
Digital art: Glitchy butterfly graphics, nostalgic digital landscapes with fairy silhouettes
Room decor: Lava lamps, grunge posters with butterfly motifs, string lights
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This aesthetic appeals to those who appreciate Y2K nostalgia but want to infuse it with an alternative, edgy vibe. It's perfect for self-expression through fashion, digital art, and personal style, offering a unique blend of sweetness and rebellion, fantasy and grit.
A Butterfly Birthday Gift offers a delightful and symbolic way to celebrate someone's special day. These presents capture the beauty and transformative nature of butterflies, making them perfect for marking another year of growth and new beginnings.
Popular butterfly-themed birthday gifts include:
Jewelry: Necklaces, bracelets, or earrings featuring butterfly designs
Home decor: Butterfly-shaped wall clocks, framed artwork, or decorative pillows
Garden items: Butterfly houses, feeders, or wind chimes
Fashion accessories: Scarves, handbags, or hair clips with butterfly motifs
Stationery: Journals, pens, or desk organizers adorned with butterflies
Personalized items: Custom butterfly-themed mugs, phone cases, or keychains
Experience gifts: Tickets to a butterfly conservatory or gardening workshop
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These gifts not only add beauty to the recipient's life but also symbolize personal growth, freedom, and the joy of embracing change. A Butterfly Birthday Gift serves as a thoughtful reminder of nature's wonders and the recipient's own potential for transformation and beauty.
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psatalk · 4 months
EFI shows Packsize X5 Nozomi on-demand box making at drupa
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EFI has used Drupa to show off a brand new printing and converting line, the Packsize X5 Nozomi, which can take in blank corrugated substrates, print and then form a complete box, all in one line for an integrated on-demand box printing solution.
Packsize, which makes automated packaging packaging solutions, has developed the X-series of automated box converting machines. So it seems like a fairly obvious step to combine this with digital printing, leading to a partnership with Fiery.
The line moves from right to left, starting with the corrugated feeder. This can take in corrugated boards from four Z-fold supply feeders simultaneously, meaning that your choice of widths and the line can switch from one size to the next from box to box. Liz Logue, vice president of corporate business for EFI, says that it can produce 30,000 different types of boxes based on size and shape.
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The entire system is fully automated and will run with very little operator intervention, apart from picking the boxes up from the end. The system can produce one box every six seconds, which translates into a maximum of 600 boxes per hour though the actual number will vary depending on the size of the boxes. 
Ken Hanulec, EFI’s vice president of worldwide marketing, says that later this year EFI will offer a second configuration for producing flat boxes that will be easier for converters to ship to their customers.
The entire system runs off Packsize’s PackNet production system, which includes cloud-based data analytics. Naturally, the print unit is driven by a Fiery front end. 
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Packsize has operations in Europe and the US, with its main manufacturing plant in Sweden, which is where the bulk of this new machine is produced. The X5 Nozomi is currently in beta testing at a customer site in the US but is available to order now with deliveries slated from January 2025.
Alongside the X5 Nozomi, EFI has also announced a number of other new Nozomi variants which should all be available by the end of this year. These include the 12000 MP, which will print to aluminium for metal packaging such as cans. There’s also the long awaited 14000 AQ, which adds water based inks to the existing 1.4 meter-wide 14000 platform and a 17000 SD, which is a 1.7 meter-wide machine for the sign and display market. I’ll come back to these in more detail next week.
In the meantime you can find further details on the X-series from packsize.com and on the X5 Nozomi from efi.com.
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mamun258 · 8 months
Even if there is no trick, there is still a trick to make Japan’s e-commerce app with the second largest increase in downloads in 2023
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In December, Sensor Tower released the "Insights on New Forces in Global E-commerce Application Growth in 2023" report, which  HE Tuber  calculated the growth performance of e-commerce applications in major markets around the world from January to November 2023. This article will analyze the most popular overseas e-commerce apps in 2023, let’s take a look.
Temu, SHEIN and AliExpress are undoubtedly the most popular overseas e-commerce apps in 2023. These three apps occupy the top download lists and download growth lists in multiple markets. Some apps also perform well in some markets, such as Trendyol in the Middle East and TikTok Shop Seller Center in Southeast Asia. The most eye-catching overseas platform is 7sGood, which ranked second in the download growth list in the Japanese market.
Source: Sensor Tower
1. 7sGood, another practice of the no-recruitment entrepreneurial concept
The developer account of 7sGood is HHO Limited, a startup company founded in 2021 by former Alibaba Vice President and DingTalk CEO Wu Zhao (Chen Hang).
In 2020, Alibaba will fully integrate DingTalk with Alibaba Cloud, and DingTalk will enter a new stage of development. Wu Zhao, the original leader of DingTalk, will also be transferred to the group, and there will be other appointments. This also contributed to the idea of ​​leaving home to start a business without a job.
In July 2021, Wu Zhao co-founded HHO with old colleagues such as the original CMO and CTO of DingTalk, hoping to realize the digitization of products and businesses in various industries through the digital capabilities accumulated in DingTalk. It sounds like what Wuzhao wants to do is toB, but when it comes to landing, Wuzhao first launches the toC brand to prototype its own concept.
In September 2021, HHO first launched the light-emitting headphone brand HHOGene. Users can control the lighting through customized shells and apps to personalize the appearance of the headphones. Two months later, in November, another HHO brand, HHOLove, was also launched. This is a smart pet hardware brand that already covers smart cat companion robots, smart cat litter boxes, and smart feeders. These products are also All can be controlled remotely through HHOLove's App.
Just when I was planning to simply use the "software + hardware" model to understand HHO's concept of enabling products to achieve full-link digitalization, in March 2022, Wuzhao launched his third project, 7sGood, an e-commerce platform. My understanding is still narrow.
Just looking at the business model, 7sGood is indeed the most special existence among several HHO projects, so how does it embody HHO's digital concept?
It is known that 7sGood is only available in the Japanese market. Compared with general e-commerce platforms, 7sGood has one biggest difference - a shopping platform based on short videos, but it is not an e-commerce TikTok, but also adds short videos. Video Amazon. TikTok first established a short video ecosystem and then developed e-commerce business. Existing shopping platforms that make short videos also provide users with an additional way to discover new products. This is related to the time when each company was established. But 7sGood gives us the feeling that it is a platform that allows users to shop through short videos.
Before shopping, users browse short videos to discover products. At the same time, they can view short videos of the quality inspection team trying out the products. After placing an order, users can also view short videos of product packaging. On 7sGood, short videos are used to discover and promote purchase decisions before sales, and to track products after sales.
Another thing I can talk about is the C2M model. The factory sells directly to consumers. Merchants have no inventory and no "middlemen make the difference". The product price may be lower than other e-commerce purchase channels. This may have been relatively new in the past two years, but in the past two years it has almost become mainstream in the context of the global economic downturn.
Among them, "factories directly to consumers" can be regarded as an indication of 7sGood's practice in digitalization, but 7sGood's own propaganda is nothing more than using data to guide factories to minimize inventory and consumers' expectations for product quality and design. Feedback and needs go directly to producers, making their product iterations more efficient and accurate. (Everyone is working hard on the first point. Whether 7sGood can do the second point will only wait for the test of time. However, it should be said that Japanese users like to give opinions and are picky. Maybe they are more suitable to cooperate with 7sGood to do this. things)
After observing 7sGood, it is not difficult to understand why it can grow rapidly in the Japanese market.
First of all, Japan is relatively closed. It is as fast as Temu, and it has to be relatively slow to enter the market (please refer to our two previous articles ""Quality Control Crazy" Japan, Is Really Addicted to Temu?", "As tough as Temu, but also Are you trying to crack down on the hard nut of Japan?") It will take some time for Japan's market structure to take shape.
Secondly, it is well known that Japan is lagging behind in the mobile Internet. The trend of digital transformation has just begun in the past two years. It is a good time to bring domestic digital technology and experience to Japan, which has just started digital transformation. Furthermore, Wuzhao has an accurate grasp of Japanese users. Japanese users are very budget-conscious and find it difficult to form trusting relationships with strangers and platforms. C2M and short videos solve these two problems respectively.
In June this year, 7sGood held its first offline pop-up event in Tenjin, Fukuoka City, Japan. Wu Zhao made it more clear when he was interviewed by a local Japanese reporter there. 7sGood’s current products mainly come from China, but later The goal is to allow local Japanese business owners to sell products on the platform. HHO can bring China's digital development experience to Japan, so that products and niche handicraft merchants in rural areas of Japan can expand their sales scope and simplify their manufacturing processes.
It seems that the main reason why 7sGood can stand up is to use the time machine theory. For domestic practitioners, it may not be innovative enough. However, after experiencing the App, I found that on the consumer side, 7sGood still has many ways to play. It's worth taking it out and talking about it.
2. The price is clearly marked, your 7 seconds of attention = 1 yen, do you want to exchange it?
My biggest feeling after using 7sGood for several days is that the gameplay of the app is very Chinese, but the way of expression is very Japanese.
7sGood has a wide range of products for sale, but it can still be clearly seen that it provides more products in the categories of household products, fashion and beauty products, pet products, and vehicle-mounted outdoor products. The SKU also shows a certain degree of scarcity, and the price is indeed as advertised and not too high.
The author tried to search for similar models on 7sGood on Temu and SHEIN. In contrast, it is not easy to find the same model in the beauty category, but you can find products with similar materials or pictures in categories such as small household appliances and household items. In terms of price, none of the three platforms has an absolute advantage in price.
For example, a lazy mini mop has the lowest price on Temu, and a cute style plush sofa blanket has the lowest price on 7sGood. Overall, 7sGood's positioning is similar to Temu and SHEIN. They are both e-commerce platforms for low-price goods. It seems to want to differentiate itself in the market through unique product selection.
The price of the same lazy mini mop + 2 brush heads from 7sGood (top), Temu (middle) and SHEIN (bottom) (the price shown by SHEIN does not include brush heads)
7sGood (top), Temu (middle) and SHEIN (bottom)
The price of the same plush sofa blanket, pink, 180*200 cm (the price shown by SHEIN is for the smaller size). If there is no obvious difference in the overall price positioning, 7sGood’s eye-catching strategy is to amplify its own characteristics. In the short video The first-level tags for shopping make a fuss (the App has a total of 4 first-level tags, and the other 3 correspond to the shelf mall, shopping cart and personal information):
1. Quantify user attention
When each short video automatically plays, an automatic countdown of 7 seconds will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Users will get one point if they stay in the same video for 7 seconds. After the 7-second countdown ends, the previous countdown position will show how many points the user has accumulated by watching short videos so far.
This is a point redemption mechanism set up by 7sGood. Staying on the same video for 7 seconds is equal to one point, and one point is approximately equal to 1 yen. Users can choose the products they want from the product exchange pool, pay 99 yen themselves, and use points to redeem the remaining price difference. Watching videos is the most stable source of points. After clicking on the gameplay introduction, you will find that you can also get a fixed number of points by checking in every day, binding your LINE account, binding your email, and sharing videos.
When consumers actually get the wool, they have already paid the corresponding cost. The cost here includes not only the 99 yen paid, but also staying longer in the app, leaving more personal information, or forwarding a certain message to 10 friends.
After so many years of "baptism" with routines, everyone is familiar with these things and is cautious and resistant in most cases. 7sGood’s strategy is to clearly mark the price. For example, it uses a countdown to indicate that the price is the user’s time, rather than like some domestic products that continuously consume users’ time through automatically playing videos. In the end, the rewards of cashback and free orders are still only a probability. .
Japanese consumers seem to be paying for this method of quantifying time. According to Diandian data, the per capita usage time of 7sGood active users' Apps is basically greater than the average per capita usage time of shopping apps.
Source: Diandian Data
In fact, if you look at Japanese lists and observe their daily habits, you will find that exchanging time for money is very easy for Japanese users. Typical examples include cash-back apps for walking, puzzle cash-back games, etc. There are even manufacturers specializing in such products in Japan. Japanese users are very attracted to this kind of "wool-picking" gameplay.
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mypetmycat1 · 1 year
Cat Adoption Seattle | Mypetmycat.com
Adopt a perfect companion from Mypetmycat.com! We are Seattle's premier cat adoption centre, offering a wide selection of cats in need of loving homes. Come find your feline friend today!
cat adoption seattle
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5 Innovative Approaches 3D printing is Revolutionizing the World
For many different industries, 3D printing is a vital tool when producing 3D digital representations of objects or surfaces using computer graphics. Using a combination of vertices (points in virtual space), polygons, and edges, you may use software to build an entire object. This makes it possible for designers to view goods from all angles and more easily imagine how they would appear in actual use. While 3D printing is used by animators and game designers to create incredibly realistic virtual worlds for movies, commercials, and video games, architects and engineers use it for planning and design. 3D printing can help cut costs, minimize lead times, and speed up production by providing quick, accurate, and comprehensive mock-ups at a low cost. Other benefits include easy re-printing and correction, as well as sufficient precision and detail throughout the design phase to improve the effectiveness and attractiveness of the end product. Finally, 3D printing can assist designers and architects in persuading clients and other stakeholders of the worth of their concepts.
Effective 3D Techniques
3D printing, often known as additive manufacturing, is the technique of generating 3D items from digital data. The object is built by the 3D printer in phases by adding material. One of the most notable breakthroughs in 3D printing for 3D printing is how it has considerably extended 3D printing accessibility for consumers and businesses, particularly with the emergence of open source software. Corporations, for example, use 3D printing for rapid development, and schools use it to create educational materials. 3D printing in the fashion sector allows jewelers and footwear producers to design bespoke pieces at a lower cost. 3D printing is used in the construction industry to create modular concrete components. Businesses in the automotive and aviation industries use 3D printing to create spare parts, while restaurants have used technology to print food. 3D printing is used by laboratory researchers for activities such as simulating biological molecules, creating instrument parts, and printing sample containers, implants, and instructional models.
Augmented and Virtual Realities
Immersive gaming, realistic, accurate environments for flight simulators and astronaut training, as well as virtual and augmented reality, are all possible with 3D printing. 3D printing has also aided in the development of interactive models for education, such as training simulations for augmented reality. It has enabled in-car information systems for drivers, advanced military navigation capabilities, and overlay content for TV broadcasts. Because of 3D printing, users can now create virtual reality trip guides, museum experiences, and real estate tours. It played a role in the development of apps that examine the arrangement and fit of furniture in the home, as well as multi-sensory eating experiences. Building information printing (BIM) allows architects, engineers, developers, and builders to design and document structural and functional parts of buildings in 3D using a single platform. Thanks to BIM, project managers may test several scenarios while accounting for aspects like as time, cost, sustainability, and safety.
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Price: $1,499 USD
High Productivity Machine
Automatic resin feeder
Lift-Up Lid
This printer is an industrial-grade mono-LCD 3D printer that boasts a long-lasting monochrome 15" LCD screen with ultra-high 8K clarity. It is a professional tool that generates models with astonishing detail. Sonic Mega 8K S achieves twice the detail of comparable large scale printers thanks to a fine resolution of 43µm. The Lift-Up Lid - The Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K S Resin Printer is the excellent addition to any design lab or workshop because to its dependable and long-lasting build. Complex models are made possible by 3D printing to improve construction results. These illustrations may only represent a small percentage of what 3D printing is capable of, and in the years ahead, consumers and businesses alike may expect even more ground-breaking developments. Through the 3D Printers Online Store, your 3D printing knowledge can be progressed.
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patang01 · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Mistakes Every First-Time Shipper Should Avoid
Patang is a computerized cargo forwarder that conveys a set-up of devices to assist you with working with your delivery interaction and sidestep botches. With Patang, you can get ongoing statements from various transporters. Patang conveys the most appropriate mode to book spaces, affirm appointments, and client levies, view solicitations and reports, and investigate explanations of records, across the board place.
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royaltradingindia · 1 year
The Best Printers for Small Business and Office Use: A Guide to Buying Printers Online in India.
In today's digital age, printers remain an indispensable tool for small businesses and office environments. Whether it's printing invoices, marketing materials, or important documents, having a reliable and efficient printer is crucial. This article aims to guide you through the process of finding the best printers for small business and office use while highlighting the convenience of purchasing printers online in India. With a wide range of options available, selecting the right printer has always been challenging.
Choosing the Best Printer for Small Businesses:
Small businesses require printers that are cost-effective, versatile, and offer excellent performance. Here are two top recommendations:
 Printer Model A: Kyocera Printers
Key Features: The printers offer wired and wireless connectivity, allowing users to print from various devices, including smartphones and tablets. Additionally, the printers feature duplex printing, scanning, and copying capabilities, reducing paper usage and saving time.
Benefits for Small Businesses: The Kyocera is a range of multifunctional monochrome printers designed to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses. With its fast printing speeds, exceptional print quality, and advanced features, this printer range is an excellent choice for any office environment. 
 Printer Model B: Konica Printer 
Key Features: The konica minolta printer has a full-speed media printing range, a high-speed reverse scan document feeder, and large capacity trays, providing users with a seamless and hassle-free printing experience. These features work together to ensure that the printer can handle large volumes of printing tasks quickly and effectively, making it an ideal choice for busy offices and workspaces.
Benefits for Small Businesses: These printers offer high-speed printing, scanning, copying, and faxing capabilities, and are built to handle high-volume printing needs making them a perfect choice for small businesses.
Buying Printers Online in India:
Purchasing printers online offers convenience, a wider range of options, competitive pricing, and easy comparison. Here's why buying printers online in India, from reputable platforms like Royal Trading, is a smart choice:
a. Extensive Product Selection: Online platforms provide access to a wide range of printer models, enabling you to explore different brands, specifications, and prices, all in one place.
b. Detailed Product Descriptions: Online stores offer comprehensive product descriptions, including technical specifications, features, and customer reviews. This information helps you make informed decisions.
c. Competitive Pricing: Online retailers often offer competitive prices, discounts, and special promotions, allowing you to find the best deals for your chosen printer.
d. Convenience and Flexibility: With online shopping, you can browse, compare, and make a purchase at your own pace, from anywhere and at any time. Delivery to your doorstep further enhances convenience.
Investing in the best printers for small businesses and office use is essential for streamlining operations, improving productivity, and producing high-quality documents. By exploring options offered by trusted platforms like Royal Trading and leveraging the benefits of online shopping in India, you can find the perfect printer to meet your business needs. Buy Kyocera printer and Konica printer as they are cost-effective, functional, reliable, and easy to integrate. Take advantage of the convenience offered by online shopping platforms and propel your business to new heights with a top-notch printer.
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lowtaxsa · 1 year
From the Twisted Trenches of the Digital Divide: The Great American Farce - The 2024 Election Spectacle
Oh, glorious day, my fellow bottom-feeders of the digital cesspool! As the dreaded 2024 elections loom on the horizon like a storm cloud made of pure, unadulterated idiocy, we can't help but marvel at our own sheer incompetence. After all, who needs to focus on pesky issues like climate change or income inequality when we've got an all-out circus of political absurdity to distract us? Welcome to the Shame Spiral of American democracy, folks!
Now, I don't know about you, but when I think about the 2024 elections, my mind immediately conjures up some delightfully bizarre hypotheticals. Picture this: Candidate A, a former professional wrestler-turned-astrophysicist, who's running on a platform of mandatory moon colonization and the immediate outlawing of socks with sandals. Or how about Candidate B, an AI-powered hologram whose sole purpose is to determine whether hot dogs are, in fact, sandwiches? The possibilities are as endless as my own self-loathing!
But let's take a moment to address some of those oh-so-controversial points. In one corner, we have the rabid proponents of universal healthcare, who, in their infinite wisdom, believe that every man, woman, and child should be entitled to a lifetime supply of Flintstones Chewable Morphine. And in the other corner, the valiant defenders of trickle-down economics, who cling to the hope that if they wait long enough, a few shiny pennies might just roll their way. It's a battle for the ages, folks, and I'm just here, wallowing in my own inadequacy.
So, my dear degenerates of the digital wasteland, let's all bask in the glory that is the American electoral process. As we hurdle headfirst into the 2024 elections, let us not forget the true beauty of this grand spectacle: the unwavering certainty that, no matter who wins, we'll all be losers in the end. But hey, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's being a loser. And as we chronicle the twists and turns of this epic journey, I'll be here, providing my expert commentary like a washed-up comedian in a dimly lit bar, sarcastically pondering the joys of moderating debates between the greatest minds of world history. So strap in, America. You're gonna need it.
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Captivating Designs: Aesthetic Y2K Fairy Wings Alt Butterfly Grunge Tees
Aesthetic Y2K Fairy Wings Alt Butterfly Grunge combines several distinct styles to create a unique, nostalgic, and edgy visual theme. This eclectic fusion merges the playful exuberance of Y2K fashion,
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the ethereal allure of fairy aesthetics, and the raw energy of grunge, all centered around a butterfly motif.
The Y2K influence brings bold colors, metallic sheens, and futuristic elements reminiscent of the early 2000s. Think holographic materials, chunky platforms, and pixel-inspired graphics. Fairy wings add a whimsical touch, interpreted through translucent, iridescent materials or stylized as edgy, asymmetrical shapes.
Butterflies serve as a central motif, but with a twist. Instead of delicate, traditional depictions, these butterflies might feature bold, graphic outlines or abstract, deconstructed forms. The grunge aspect introduces distressed textures, dark undertones, and a rebellious spirit to the mix.
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Key elements of this aesthetic might include:
Clothing: Crop tops with fairy wing backpacks, ripped jeans with butterfly patches
Accessories: Chunky butterfly rings, chokers with wing charms
Makeup: Glittery eyeshadow in bold colors, abstract butterfly eyeliner designs
Hair: Space buns with butterfly clips, colorful streaks
Digital art: Glitchy butterfly graphics, nostalgic digital landscapes with fairy silhouettes
Room decor: LED fairy lights, grunge posters with butterfly motifs, lava lamps
This aesthetic appeals to those who appreciate the nostalgia of Y2K culture but want to infuse it with a more alternative, edgy vibe. It's perfect for self-expression through fashion, digital art, and personal style, offering a unique blend of sweetness and rebellion, fantasy and grit.
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Gifts For Butterfly Lovers offer a wide range of items that celebrate these enchanting insects. These thoughtful presents cater to enthusiasts of all ages, combining beauty and function.
Popular options include:
Butterfly-themed jewelry: Necklaces, earrings, and bracelets
Home decor: Wall art, throw pillows, and decorative figurines
Garden accessories: Butterfly houses, feeders, and plant markers
Field guides and books on butterfly species and conservation
Butterfly-watching kits: Binoculars, identification charts, and journals
Clothing and accessories with butterfly prints or motifs
Butterfly-themed stationery and art supplies
Educational toys and puzzles for young enthusiasts
Photography equipment for capturing butterfly images
Donation gifts to butterfly conservation organizations
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These gifts not only bring joy to butterfly lovers but also often support conservation efforts. They serve as reminders of nature's beauty and the importance of preserving these delicate creatures and their habitats.
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Visitor Identification Software market – Latest Research, Industry Analysis, Driver, Trends, Business Overview, Key Value, Demand And Forecast 2022 - 2032
The visitor identification software market is expected to escalate at a CAGR of 14.0%, from USD 3.5 billion in 2022 to USD 13 billion by 2032.
The visitor identification software helps organizations maintain visitor data as they focus on managing visitors to their web pages. Proper management of visitor data permits enterprises to make informed decisions on how to approach customers so that they can become potential customers and, thereby, maximize revenue.
Based on the pricing model, the fixed pricing segment is predicted to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. The consumer durables & electronics segment has dominated the visitor identification software market over the past few years and is expected to continue to dominate over the forecast period.
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Web development is no longer a one-time activity for organizations. Based on the huge amount of data gathered by this software, organizations can make their websites better over time.
Using web analytics tools effectively helps companies choose the right analytics vendor, which ultimately reduces costs and increases revenue, consequently strengthening the design of the sites and making them more accessible.
The visitor identification software market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of 13.5% in the large enterprise section of the organization size category.
The CAGR for the fixed pricing segment of the pricing model method category in visitor identification software market is anticipated to be 13.5% through 2032.
In the United States, the visitor identification software market is estimated to reach US$ 4.6 billion by 2032, rising at a CAGR of 13.8% throughout the forecast period.
By 2032, the visitor identification software market in the United Kingdom is expected to be valued US$ 539.6 million, with a CAGR of 12.9% through 2032.
With a CAGR of 13.4% throughout the forecast period, China is expected to reach a market size of US$ 910.9 million in visitor identification software market by 2032.
By 2032, the visitor identification software market in Japan is estimated to be worth US$ 742.6 million, growing at an annual rate of 12.4% through 2032.
With a CAGR of 11.5% throughout the forecast period, South Korea is predicted to reach a market size of US$ 429.3 million in visitor identification software market by 2032.
Request a Complete TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-14754
Among the companies operating in the visitor identification software market are Act-On Software, Inc., Zoho Corporation Pvt Ltd, KickFire, Clearbit, netFactor (bombora), SHARPSPRING, Upland Software and Liidio Oy (lead feeder).
The visitor identification software market in the United States is expected to reach a revenue of US$ 2235.76 Mn by 2027 due to a growing need among enterprises to maximize their revenue by offering customized solutions, managing web traffic, and increasing visitor numbers.
The mobile app segment is likely to grow more rapidly than the web-based segment based on the platform. Increasingly, businesses and residential facilities are turning to mobile app-based visitor identification software solutions in order to enhance security and digitize processes in building operations.
Mobile apps that provide visitor identification software market provide ease of access to information about invites, visitors, personal sign-in, and more. The app allows users to avoid queues with fast QR code sign-in, view visitor details, manage employee details, and receive arrival notifications.
Key segments
By Organization:
Small and Medium Enterprises
Large Enterprises
By Pricing Model:
Fixed Pricing
Variable Pricing
By Industry Vertical:
IT & Telecom
Consumer Durables & Electronics
Travel & Hospitality
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Ask An Analyst @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-the-analyst/rep-gb-14754
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allpetscompany · 2 years
Where to buy the best pet accessories online in India
Pet Dog and Cat Accessories Store: Online Scenario in India
E-commerce websites gained market share in the pet supply industry due to people being restricted in their time outside their homes. Internet sales in pet supply grew steadily in recent years, but the pandemic significantly accelerated this trend.
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Online Pet stores: Pros & Cons Pros being the authorities of the online store are offering you accurate details regarding the products available there. There are high chances that you are going to get offers along with impressive discounts. Buyers are offered numerous products and accessories for their pets; you are eligible to get different toys and mats that can help them learn and enjoy. 
Cons are that purchasing packed goods in several layers of plastic and cardboard packaging and delivered right to your front door is good for you but not so great for the environment. If you're shopping online, there's a larger risk of fraud: credit card scams, phishing, hacking, identity theft, counterfeit products, bogus websites, and other scams are common.
Best Pet Dog and Cat Accessories Stores in India 
Following are the pet stores where you can find the finest toys and buy pet dog and cat accessories online:
         All Pets Company
APC is a high-end range of luxury products, exclusively created and curated, providing high-quality products. The brand nurtures the lives of pets and helps pet parents indulge in aesthetically pleasing designs. 
Pawsindia is the most preferred online shopping place for pet owners and pet lovers looking for new and top-line pet products and supplies.
Heads Up For Tails 
HUFT is an online marketplace that offers products for the customer's pet dog. Their portfolio of products includes clothes, collars and leashes, grooming products, bowls and feeders, bedding products, medicine, food, toys, and accessories for dogs. It also offers personalized products and training aids.
Supertails is a digital pet care platform that offers expert-led healthcare services and products. It offers online vet consultations and products across the categories of food, accessories, grooming essentials, and toys for dogs and cats. 
Must Haves!
For Dogs
Being a pet parent, caring for a puppy is as good as caring for children and it must not be taken lightly. Therefore, we have made a list of dog accessories that you must procure before becoming a proud owner of an adorable dog.
1. Leash
It’s an important training and safety accessory for your new puppy. When taking a puppy out of the house, a leash ensures that he will not accidentally run away.
2. Food and Water Bowls
It’s better to have bowls made of ceramic or stainless steel, because your puppy can’t chew these. 
Make sure that these bowls are of appropriate size because bowls that are too large will make it difficult for your  puppy to eat the food.
3. Dog Bed
A dog bed ensures that your beloved puppy has a comfortable place to sleep and relax in. The relaxation helps them to get charged up and ready for the fun!
4. Treats
Treats are useful for training your puppy. Dogs are always eager to receive treats for their good behavior and for performing things that make their owner happy.
5. Chew Toys
Chew toys are a necessity for your puppy, as they love to chew on things and tend to chew on anything that helps them relieve the itching caused by teething.
For Cats 
Litter Tray
This litter tray literally cleans itself.
It works by sensing your cat's movement into the tray, and then leaving the litter tray. Once your cat has finished, the device runs a plough-like comb through the litter and collects any clumped waste into a sealed container at the end of the tray. It keeps the waste neatly locked away to reduce any odour wafting.
Because cats are very clean creatures, they will love having a clean litter tray straight away, without having to wait until you're home to clean it up.
A Water Fountain
I am a huge fan of water fountains. They keep your cat's water supply fresh and filtered, which is very handy for when you're not at home for a period of time. Plus, cats love them, due to their instinct to drink running water, as it's less likely to be stagnant and contaminated. This means they'll drink more water and keep themselves hydrated.
Water fountains are available in a huge array of styles and colours to suit any interior style. I like this one because it comes with five heads that spout water differently, allowing variety each day for your fussy kitty friend. (Nothing says pampered kitty like a fresh variety of filtered water from their own personal fountain!)
Smartcat Cat Climber
Cat furniture is a wonderful addition to any home (...says the crazy cat lady!). But in all seriousness, cat trees are great because they extend your cat's territory vertically and allow them a high-up vantage point from which to survey their kingdom.
This cat tree in particular is interesting as it hooks onto any door, which means it doesn't take up any floor space. It also has scratchable surfaces to keep your cat's claws off the furniture or carpet.
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