#feel free to spread this to the greater fanon though
thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Here's a thing I thought of that I haven't seen.
So, Duke's got awesome powers, I'm totally jealous. I don't understand them very well, but from what I've gotten from fanon is that he can see a light everyone/thing gives off at all times.
Now, in case y'all didn't know, humans glow. We can't see it because we glow brightest at noon, and it's literally outside of our scope of perception like shrimp colours.
Every time I see Duke encounter Danny in a crossover, Duke usually describes Danny as glowing brighter than anyone he's seen. And then that amplifies when Danny goes ghost.
But the dead don't glow.
I know Danny is both alive and dead, but what if Danny didn't glow at all? What if Phantom glowed brighter than Duke can actually perceive because ghosts aren't usually meant to be seen by the living, but everyone else can see him glow because all ghosts glow on a visa le spectrum.
Imagine Danny and Duke meet and Duke freaks out because this kid doesn't glow. There's no light reflecting off of him or being produced by him. Duke has to actively restrain himself from checking Danny's vitals because the only things that don't glow are dead. And even then, light should reflect off of him anyway but it doesn't.
Works best with Space Core Danny
And then Duke meets Phantom and literally can't look at him because he's so bright. Or, his body reacts defensively and makes sure he can't see Phantom's glow because it hurts him. There's no light reflecting off of Phantom, but he is producing his own light. Like a black hole.
And when it's revealed that Danny and Phantom are the same being? Duke loses his shit because now the two contradictions are actually one contradiction! Like four racoons in a trench coat, but so much more concerning.
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jessicanjpa · 1 year
the #FREEHEIDI fic
Another fic I'll probably never write, so please adopt:
It's common fanon that the vampire world might eventually get together and overthrow the Volturi. Specifically, I like the idea of this revolution igniting around a more specific rallying point besides just "We're tired of Volturi rule."
Heidi's predicament would be perfect for this.
In Breaking Dawn, Eleazar finally put two and two together re: Aro's habit of poaching gifted vampires by persecuting their covens. He (Eleazar) talked about this openly among the Cullen witnesses. He and Edward also spoke openly about what Chelsea does. Even the Volturi's witnesses might have heard Edward say that Chelsea was trying to break their bonds. This is presumably (?) new information to those witnesses, who in turn began to spread that news throughout the greater vampire world.
So this is some good dirt on the Volturi, maybe enough push dissent into open revolution. But whoever will be orchestrating that revolution is aware that making the cause even more personal will attract more support.
So they launch the #FREEHEIDI campaign. Heidi is well-known and probably well-liked in the vampire world already, and this is the perfect time to dredge up the circumstances of her induction into the Guard. The best part of the campaign is that they don't even need Heidi's cooperation; the whole point is that her free will was taken away. Much is made about how much she's lost, how hard she's being worked, and for what dark purposes her gift might be employed. Plenty of assumptions are made and those assumptions become facts.
There are other candidates for poster victim, of course: Demetri's situation is pretty similar to Heidi's. Benjamin could stand for all the free gifted vampires who live in fear of being enslaved, especially because his youth and gentle spirit give him an air of vulnerability. Vampires like Siobhan and refugees from the American Southern Wars can testify how the Volturi failed to protect/rescue them. Or the cause could focus around the casualties of Volturi greed: the focus could be on Hilda instead of Heidi, for example. Vengeance, after all, is a powerful force in vampire society.
I think Heidi is the best candidate, though, since she is already well-known and her story is so tragic. And the fact that she's still being victimized now and still in need of rescue now will lend a powerful sense of urgency to the cause. And the fact that she can't be present to speak for herself gives her place as a figurehead a certain legendary feel to it. It makes her larger than life (unlife?).
(The #FREEHEIDI name was sort of a crackfic joke at first, but...? This could be the first time vampire culture gets interconnected digitally. If enough vampires get online* together, this campaign has the potential to gain steam quickly and also succeed through good organization. And having a catchy name that stokes everyone's righteous anger...always a strong recruitment strategy.)
The question is: who is orchestrating this campaign? And what is their true motive?
*If the campaign starts online, the person behind it could stay anonymous. That'll keep things interesting.
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archer3-13 · 7 years
Put on some god damn pants Fjorm, for fucks sake it gets cold during the winter.
in other news, I have been entirely unsurprisied by book II of fe heroes story so far. I appreciate the directness, and its not to poorley presented so far (barring dumb design choices but hush), but its certainly just as lifeless and predictable as i thought it would be. saritire... thats his name right? anyways, evil garondork is just as much of a generic evil dick so far as i thought he would be. His daughter has no personality or reason for me to care about her existence so far, in fact for a second i fooled myself into thinking she was like his royal guard captain or something considering her dialogue until i read her description and sighed in disappointment, but hey thats what future chapters are for but way to fail to build intrigue, still good on you guys for not just making her severa 2.0, and Loki... well Loki is a playful sexy seductress which is the type... c of sexy seductresses i guess (type a is usually conceited i guess, type b is masosadist i guess... idk this is arbitrary) so shes just there to probably turn out to either be manipulating things, actually be serving someone else which is my hope personally, or be completely inconsequential which is my bet on what happens. 
Other then that im glad theirs a greater sense of agency going on, and some actual fucking direction now (figuring out how to beat the generic evil flame king and his empire of evil) but on the other hand Im not feeling the stakes ya know. Veronica and embla in general probably dont need his help, and things havent really gotten more serious since its basically the same “askr and all the words will be in peril if the villain is not stopped” as before only now with more fire. Its the same crossworld war, and frankly veronica is a much more interesting villain then any of these other fucks, possessing insecurities and sympathetic elements, but also showcasing ruthlessness and presenting a clear threat to the player. Instead, shes been increasingly shoved into the sidekick villain role to make way for bruno and his fucking garbage nonsense so he can wangst it up with alfonse because hot, and now shes also been shoved to the side by a generic dickbag asshole. I can only hope that changes with more story content, but so far i haven't been wrong with my assumptions and frankly i have seen no reason to suggest that their planning on something different.
And of course, this brings way back to Fjorm, who i honestly dont have much to write about but thats only because she hasn't given me much at all to even fume over. I hate her design, not only because i dont like the design work itself but also because its basically just sharena 2.0 and also because its a fucking stupid outfit for someone from a stock generic ice kingdom thats presumably in winter yearlong or at least cold enough to make sure their ice castle doesn't start melting during the summer. Sure, maybe one could fanon it as a magic connection or whatever prevents her from being cold for some inane reason, but that certainly not the actual reason for the design itself and even if you had cold immunity you would still probably want pants of some kind when you have to traverse through a bunch of snow year long and can we pleaaase just stop with the garter belts! other then that, personality wise i find her as enticing as samon paste, her motivation well easily understandable is generic as hell and the only thing i can hope for from her is that we actually get to know more about her country down the line when she gets the spotlight, because right now i give less of a shit personally about her then i do sternlin. Shes not even that great gameplay wise, since outside of her ton of skills and her unique special (which i would want to switch out with something useful anyways like say iceberg because damage reducing specials in feh are near worthless) shes got little going for her with a mediocre stat spread, only two actually worthwhile skills (her weapon with a built in distant counter and atk/def bond though that ones debatable) and the legendary boost is probably gonna be pretty worthless as well outside of maybe building sp faster.
speaking of gameplay wise, im liking the upgrade system, and weapon refinary looks alright so far, cover all the weapons soon you fucks, but some of the refining stuff... worries me i guess? like, i can see how a built in fury for eldgian, freeing up his A slot, might seem like a good idea but he already has fury as a basekit skill and fury isnt that enticing of a skill for most people to begin with, baring very certain builds. wouldnt it have been better to say, give him a magic damage reducing skill or a built in distant defense to upgrade mystletainn with, considering that was similar to one of its effects in genealogy (+20 to skill, +10 to res, and the critical skill) and to better play into his tank like build? I know id probably upgrade the damn thing with the res stat boost anyways, especially since it gives him more additional hp then going with the built in fury. I suppose you could run a double fury eldgian if your... insane, but again im curious as to why the built in fury. atleast its a built in fury 3, and hey i like how refining a normal weapon just gives you dew equal to the sacred crystals or whatever spent to make normal weapon, and i like how its all not too expensive, and another note fuck yes psychic is decent now but now im probably gonna have to look for a rehabilitate plus for my maria because my main team works heavily around the support buffs and my maria dont have the pow to effectively run psychic+...
also probably gonna pass on the fates kids banner, none of them particularly excited me and my banner pulls suck ass anyways, but also nice going on not even giving them a chapter or paralouge of their own, and revealing them way too early ahead of the banner so hype wont be as high when the banner does come out.
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