#feel free to unfollow etc if you need to- genuinely will not be offended
goosegoblin · 4 years
Tumblr media
webbed site
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oldmagpie · 2 years
number 6: tumblr bad
So tumblr is getting you down. That sucks, it should be a fun place to enjoy your hobbies and free time. Funnily enough, tumblr sucks for a lot of people, because of some established misunderstandings of how to use this site we all interact in. Isn’t that fun! Let me explain. 
Tumblr is a platform that endorses and encourages a culture of shame, demonisation and disagreement. That’s just how it is, argue with me if you want. It therefore attracts a lot of people who enjoy that kind of interaction, where punching someone else down becomes a mark of superiority. Purity culture, the rise of the online children, all that boils up and creates a sense of uncertainty and definitely not being safe. Because no one is! If I don’t get angry anon asks for these posts I will be quite frankly shocked, and somewhat disappointed. But don’t despair, there’s always hope. Tumblr itself is akin to a toxic friend with its positives and negatives, and just like with a toxic friend the key is, and always will be, boundaries. On tumblr that means unfollowing, blocking, filtering (google how to use tumblr post and tag filters, if you don’t know how that works yet), closing anon asks, uninstalling the app for time away, etc. You can even just scroll past. All actions that... oh look at that, actions you have to take for yourself. Personal responsibility, the overarching theme of these posts. Learn it and love it, it’ll be vital in the long run.
Actually let’s take a second to talk about scrolling past. It’s a miracle option because literally anyone can do it and it requires no tech configuration at all! Free of charge! Just one finger needed! Takes no extra time! Sarcasm aside, just scroll past. If you don’t like or agree with something, scroll past. If it viscerally offends you, block the tag or unfollow the person, or block the person if you’re concerned about it. And remember this one important thing: in 90% of cases it is not the OPs fault you saw the thing. However, if you had taken all the steps to avoid it in the first place (filtered, blocked, unfollowed, not searched, etc.) and they had not done their own due diligence and tagged appropriately, then yeah, that’s on them. You have three options now. 1. if you aren’t going to unfollow or block then contact them and ask them to change their habits/behaviours, but for the love of fuck don’t just attack them in their reblogs or asks. People don’t do what you ask them to when you start yelling at them. They might have a reason for not tagging or have genuinely forgotten this once, just ask plain and simple and wait for the reply. If the reply is no then you know that option is out and you should probably consider the unfollow button. 2... unfollow or block them. Simple, done. 3. scroll past, and forget about it for the day, or just switch off and go do something else if it’s really bothering you. 
Ah the unfollow button. And the block button, equals in how misunderstood they are. These two are definitively not a hate button. It’s nobody’s business but yours who you follow and unfollow, or who you block. It’s literally just a dashboard curation technique. You are responsible for keeping yourself happy and safe online, so if you aren’t using them out of a sense of not wanting to offend anyone? Then you have failed interneting 101 and also have only yourself to blame for not using the literal actual tools at your disposal to not feel that way. The flipside is true of these buttons too, if someone blocks or unfollows you that’s their choice. You don’t always get to know why, but you do get to focus on... not focusing on it. Nothing you can do anyway, it’s not your choice who does it and you can’t force them to change their minds anyway. Hey what’s that? Oh it’s Personal Responsibility again, here to save the day and remind you to learn it please and thank you. 
Oh and one last thing, if you have infinite scrolling on and you use desktop, turn it off. You’ll thank me. 
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bigbrainbiology · 3 years
✨ Hi! I'm Sizzle/Sizz~uuu <3 ✨
A navigation post for anyone who wanders across this little art blog of mine~ UPDATED FREQUENTLY! Recent update on: 29/12/2023 Just an FYI, if it's obvious you haven't read this post before interacting with me I'll ignore you unless it's a genuine question/etc
Previous signature: Sizz~nee <3
No reposts please! If you want to use my art as a pfp, go ahead, no need to ask -> please just credit me somewhere <3
-> RP blogs, please don't use my original art or fanarts as 'faceclaims' or whatever the RP version of that is without my permission or you will be blocked from now on (18/06/2023).
-> I am an adult, please be aware of this before interacting! I may sometimes draw NSFW stuff - this will be tagged as nsfw when applicable!
-> I AM NOT A SPOILER-FREE BLOG! I will try to tag spoilers if I post about a game for 3 months after release, or for 2 days after the chp releases of manga/manhwa, if I miss a tag please let me know and I'll edit my posts
-> IF YOU LOOK LIKE A BOT ACC, YOU MIGHT GET BLOCKED LIKE A BOT ACC, SORRY NOT SORRY (empty tumblrs, no pfp, sus content etc)
I follow/unfollow depending on many things, please don't be offended if I do this! I just like to curate my dash so it's not full of the same people/spam ~
✨ Ask box is OPEN, no anon ->
✨ Fanart requests are CLOSED - for followers & friends only!
✨ I will be ignoring any DMs from ppl I haven't interacted with before from now on.
✨ Feel free to colour in any lineart that I upload! Just FULLY credit + tag me if you post anywhere.
Just in case it ever becomes applicable:
✨ IRL stuff -> @sizzles-sidequest
✨ Webcomic account (on indefinite hiatus) -> @money-over-marriage
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stormyweaver · 3 years
I guess I should preface this with: if you’re easily offended, then, I guess you might wanna read this? As kind of a disclaimer or whatever for my blog.
Sometimes even being on THIS site (particularly snzblr) gives me anxiety just because I see so many posts where a person I follow is like ‘Um don’t follow me if you do this/that or follow such and such’ and I’m like Oh cool! I don’t do this/that OR follow such and such, I’m good! But then I’m like but... what if it’s someone who hasn’t done anything that isn’t really morally/generally wrong bad, or if this/that is just more of a preference thing versus being a thing that’s like actually fucking gross? 
I guess my point with this post is I feel similar to when I’m on my regular tumblr sometimes - that I can’t just follow people whose content I like because they once did this or that and etc. etc. like... I’m not gonna cross-examine every single blog I come across, I don’t have the time or patience for that??? If I see a post I like, I’m gonna reblog it and like, if it hurts another person to see it PLEASE feel free to block me/unfollow me, OR just tell me ‘Hey, could you tag that as this?’ I’m just so, SO tired of having to filter fucking EVERYTHING because I’m supposed to be this high upstanding morally right person 24/7. 
I love watching Johnny Depp movies, I think Marvel movies are great, I still enjoy movies made by not-so-great directors. Do I support everyone behind the scenes? No, but I also wanna consume media that isn’t blatantly horrible because like... if I start judging media by these super high standards then what the hell is there left to do??? I feel like I sound horrible even typing this because I genuinely don’t think of myself as a bad person, but sometimes I just happen to notice that I’m anxious because what if I offend someone someday just by who I happen to reblog from? 
So long story short, I try my best to avoid creeps, but if I happen to reblog something I like and you don’t? Block me. I don’t care, I just want to be able to enjoy my little space of snzblr without this constant worry... 
And I also need to make it clear that this isn’t ANYONE in particular who prompted this, it’s something I’ve been wanting to post for a while now. That said, THE MINOR THING HAS NOT CHANGED. AT ALL. IF YOU’RE UNDER 18 STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY SPACE PLEASE. Thanks.
So yeah... let the great unfollowing begin, I guess? XD
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night-dragon937 · 3 years
Sorry i accidently Unfollowed trying to hit the ask button: Im a little anxious about this but, I want to know how best to refer to you/yall? I know, the basics of DID and im sorry if this just, comes off as wrong/bad, but im, assuming that DID is specific to each system (I think im using that term right? im sorry if im not) and i just want to know how best to, like. avoid making you feel bad/wrong? (like, im anxious about referring to you as, you or do i need to refer to you as, like. them? or yall?, because i think all of you is valid and great and deserves respect? individually and as a whole?) and i saw the post where like, people think the Host (I am so sorry if i am messing up these terms) is more valid then the others, and that made me sad because, I think everyone is valid? and its like, i dont want to refer to you as the wrong thing (eg: a singular person, incase that strips away the importance of being known?, or as multiple, incase that invalidates?) like, im sorry if any of this comes off as tone deaf. i also got anxious about asking because, I dont want it to seem like the first thing i think about is, this? when interacting, but its why i get really nervous about using you/yall? not that anything was done to make me feel like that, i just want to be respectful? I also dont want to ask tons of questions cause, i know what it feels like to be bombarded with questions about something like this and being treated less like a person, more like a thing to gawk at i guess? like, ive done my best to read up on DID to, better try to understand, but if its unique to each person, I dont want to generalize it? I also am trying not to refer to this as a disability? as im not sure if its, ok to? because it just felt, strange, referring to, what to me seems like a Group of people? as a disability? Im sorry if thats, incorrect or wrong, or even ableist? im genuinely not trying to be. I just, think its important to give everyone individuality and importance? and if you all ? are, different people with their own personalities (if im, understanding that right, i know its possibly different from one person to another?) Then i want to respect that to the best of my ablity? Sorry for all of the rambling and if this is too much a wall of text. im also extremely sorry if anything ive said/done in our interactions, or this ask were offensive? Its alright if you dont want to answer this of course, or if any of this was too personal/touchy, im not gonna get upset or anything and thats completely fair ? I honestly second guessed asking, but figured i needed to before i accidently messed up and said something wrong?
hey no need to apologize! we are willing to answer questions about our experiences with did/plurality! (in fact, it's nice when singlets/non-systems ask questions when they're unsure bc it shows that they care about respect n stuff)
each system's experience with their diagnosis is unique, yes! we have did, but there are various types of osdd that are diagnoses for systems as well
we have what's called a singletsona, essentially a "sona" that's a single person. we mostly have this irl for safety reasons, but we also understand that a constantly changing roster of many people can be confusing esp for neurodivergent people. so, generally, we go by night (cause we're the night system lol it fits perfectly!) and use they/them.
some people do want to interact with us individually (like. maybe four singlets so don't feel bad if you'd rather just interact with us as a whole, but we will let you know if we switch or about alter-specific things) and they refer to us either by who's fronting or by "night sys" or "night system" and refer to us with plural pronouns
you're so very sweet <3
so that refers to people who act as if the body belongs to the host and no one else in the system, the life belongs to the host and other alters shouldn't get as much of a say, or as if other alters aren't really people, like the host is.
you're not being tone deaf at all! even if you were, we'd still be willing to provide info
so, referring to a system depends on a few things. if you're referring to a singletsona, then singular pronouns/preferred pronouns. if you're referring to a single alter, then singular, but if you mean the whole system, then plural. also, if you feel weird about using "you," just know that you was originally a plural pronoun (but has changed in meaning and usage, like they! and thou was the singular)
we're generally pretty understanding and won't get offended unless one is being intentionally malicious (understanding what one is doing, what the affects of the actions are, and still choosing to do it)
we don't know enough to comment on osdd but did is absolutely 100% a disability because this impacts every aspect of our lives, for several reasons. there's the obvious sharing every life decision with a multitude of others with their own personalities and opinions, but did is a trauma based disorder and thus has a lot of symptoms of trauma. did is usually concurrent with ptsd and c-ptsd, and often others. this is bc dissociation is a learned (unhealthy) coping mechanism where we put ourselves literally anywhere but the physical present rw to avoid trauma at a young age, which impacts development of the personality (talking specifically about did). did is... so much more than having brain friends, its freaking out bc someone used a specific tone of voice even if it's not meant maliciously. it's coming to front and having no clue where you are or what's going on. it's being held accountable for actions you have no memory of (and are often out of character). it's often dealing with depression, anxiety, flashbacks, anxiety attacks... you get the point lol
the group of people isn't the disability, it's how traumagenic systems form that cause them to be disabilities, and how that affects daily life. that sounds contradictory. it's... not that any specific alter is debilitating, but the cause of the condition (trauma) and the effects of the condition (dissociative amnesia, etc) that make it a disability. does that make sense?
and you've been nothing but respectful! but thank you for checking, it means a lot to us, truly.
feel free to send more asks/reply to this if you have any more questions or need any clarifications in regards to this (we've been awake for far too many hours lol). also we love talking about our system and info dumping about our diagnosis/diabilities lol
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archivevolcania · 4 years
could you clarify what you mean by "weaponizes labels?" i genuinely have no idea what you mean by that.
i’ll try my very best to explain it in a simple way, though i can be terrible in how i word things, so if you still have questions after this feel free to send another ask or just shoot me a message kjhgdfg i’ll Try my Hardest i promise.
going straight to the point, it’s when people quite literally ‘use’ their mental disorders, orientation, gender, identity, etc etc... as a weapon and shield to either make themselves the victim in one scenario or justify their shitty behavior. of course, there ARE cases where they are indeed, the actual victim, don’t get me wrong. it’s when their intention is literally just to get that attention and validation and pity? it’s just ridiculous and extremely toxic as well as damaging to their own self. because at the end of the day, it means they’ll be used to that attention and validation to feel better about themselves and it can escalate really quickly and lead to bad places, both for the person in question as well as those around them.
EDIT:  this doesn’t mean im against people bringing up their disabilities. there’s a difference between bringing it up for the other person to be considerate when interacting with you should it be something you find necessary (all in favor for this)   vs   shoving it down their throat for you to get away with just about any toxic and manipulative behavior you want to justify or make the other believe every single hurtful and controlling thing you do / say is ‘because you are just That Way’.
i honestly just don’t want to interact with those types of people because i know that stupid tunglr drama is so not worth it, that there’s people here who no matter what you say, how you word things or try to approach them? they’ll play the victim and rely on a label (for example, idk being autistic) to justify that need to be reassured by others, while tagging the other person as guilty.
and again, I KNOW there’s cases where the person was in fact, horribly bullied and manipulated even. i’m not denying that, i have seen cases and you could say i was p much one of those genuine victims lmao, the difference here is that some people learned to find an easy way out by bringing up that stuff.
a quick example. you’re talking with this someone and apparently, the way you worded something while typing offended them and made them feel bad. so you try rephrasing it because obviously, that was not your intention because you’re not an asshole, but at that point that person swears you hate them, are against them, and... you’re homophobic. just because that person happened to be gay and they will Use That to tag you negatively, and that way people will immediately think badly of you, all while they get away with it. meanwhile, all you wanted to do was explain something better and yet you weren’t given the opportunity.
it’s extremely immature, toxic, and damaging to both parties. 
so yep. i avoid that kind of shit. i’m too tired to treat someone as special or feel like i have to walk avoiding eggshells because they mention left and right that they are something (when they clearly and violently only seek that validation and don’t do it for good reasons). 
i am here for equality and respect. don't expect me to put someone on a pedestal just because they’re different, but i will be respectful and educated cus it so happens that’s basic human decency. 
i keep my blogs drama-free. the rule on my blog along with this post is literally the only thing you’ll see about it, as i stay away from any and all personal drama.
and if by any reason this rule of mine makes you uncomfortable, i encourage you not to follow me. if we’re already mutuals, please soft or hard block me. if you also follow my sideblogs, please unfollow those as well. i’ll hold nothing against you, i just want us both to feel comfortable in our blogs and if that means blocking (whether hard-block or soft) then that is totally fine. we can move on and act like grown ups.
:’)  i hope that made sense ilu bye 
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fatetempted-a · 6 years
* mobile / guidelines ,
LAST UPDATED: 10 / 30 / 18
hello everyone!   i’d like to thank you for taking the time to read my rules. i want to reassure you that there is   not   a password here because they give me anxiety and i don’t want that to happen to anyone else, but i trust that you’ve read them even though they seem a bit   lengthy   in my opinion. however they are   very   necessary to keeping my blog a safe space for me and a safe haven for you. just be aware that i will absolutely know if you have   not   read them.
i am not, nor do i claim to be   any of my muses  . i have no affiliation to them any television show, movie, or wrestling promotion they are or may have been affiliated with. this is simply a roleplay blog created for writing hobby purposes only. my mun faceclaim is   emmy rossum  , most of them particularly in her role on shameless. i have no affiliation to her, shameless, or any other shows / films she’s been in either.
you can find all of my credits for icons, screencaps, and everything else that i don't take credit for on this page. i’ve tried to keep a lot of credits in tact, but if you see somewhere where i’ve moved or deleted it, notify me and i will correct the wrong   immediately.
i.   when following me first, please take into consideration whether or not i can navigate your blog on desktop tumblr. i need to be able to see the following pages: guidelines / rules on every blog, biography/ies for non–canon original characters, and a list of muses for multimuse blogs. if you do not have a rules page i simply will not follow, period. i need to be able to see if not only our muses but also us as writers will mesh. this also makes it difficult to tell if i do something that may make you uncomfortable if i’m unaware of what your limits or what have you are.
note:    if not having rules, biographies, or muse pages is something you’re working on or will have in the future, please send me an im and let me know because i’m more likely to follow back even if i can’t read them at this time with them not being finished!
ii.   i like to consider this blog   mutuals only  . which means that i will only follow back people who i see myself writing with for a number of reasons. the most important ones being i want to write with you and your blog follows my guidelines. unfortunately, however, it does mean i   won't   roleplay with non-mutuals. iii.   though, i don’t want my selectivity and mutuals only status to scare you off. you’re more than welcome to express interest in rping with me   anytime   through the ask feature if we’re not mutuals! if you have a plot idea or genuinely are   that   interested in rping, we’ll give it a go. i’m pretty flexible about these things.
note:    if you are purposing a ship right off the bat and we aren’t mutuals, purpose a ship oriented situation, or anything of the sort, it most likely will not happen since we aren’t mutuals and therefore i haven’t had a chance to get the feel for our characters. i know this sounds   harsh  , but i’ll discuss how i ship in the next section.
iv.   due to bad experiences in the past, there are going to be times where i’m totally selective for plotting because i have a hard time trusting people to   actually   follow through after the wrong doings that have happened to me. v.   even though i do follow back a lot   (   90%, lbr   )   of the time, i reserve the right to  n o t  follow back if i so choose. this may be because i just don’t see that our characters are going to write together or mesh well, your blog triggers anxiety for me, or your blog doesn’t follow my guidelines. vi.   i also reserve the right to   unfollow   at anytime that i may become uncomfortable with your blog. this may be because you’ve said something that   offends me, broken one of my rules, or just general became an anxiety trigger for me. it also may be because you followed me and we became mutuals, but you made no attempt to interact with me. i am   not   a blog who follows for a higher follower number. vii.   i also will be unfollowing any blogs that have constant, daily or near daily self–depreciating passive agressiveness. examples that are not what i’m talking about are as follows: mental health issues, family drama, general bad day and need to vent, temporarily being down on yourself and much more but i think the gist is gotten. this is a more recent rule of mine but it’s gotten to the point where it’s an extreme level of toxicity that i don’t care to see. viii.   i do believe in   mains. this is no way is any sort of exclusivity. it just means that those versions of a muse will probably be replied to first, given the first shot at plot ideas, etc. you can find my list of mains on the navigation pop–up.
♡   NSFW   &   TRIGGERS ——–
i.   this is  not  a blog that does pwp   ‘ aka ’   porn without plot. i firmly believe in a strong story behind writing and shipping. i am   not   just here to write smut. while it’s fun to write sometimes, i still need to be comfortable with my writing partners to do it. sorry. if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the complete wrong   place. ii. nsfw stands for more than just smut on this blog. it essentially stands for anything that’s not suitable for just anyone to read or to have at work, in public, etc. such as, but probably not exactly or limited to the following topics:
note:   abuse implication, alcohol consumption, drug use, gore, murder implication, rape implication, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, violence. etc, etc, etc. •   a couple of things i will   absolutely not   write out under any circumstances are   alpha / beta / omega smut plots, animal abuse, any sort of incest, graphic depictions of murder / suicide, pedophilia, or rape  . •   i should   not  have to add pedophilia up there, but in the past i have come across blogs that wrote it and was absolutely appalled. so i need to specify that i will   not   be writing that disgusting, illegal, and morally wrong subject.
iii.   if you write incest, i do have   incest tw   blacklisted simply because it’s disgusting and immoral to me. but if i see you write / have written about spawns / children of incest, imo, that’s a little too far into a taboo subject that is pretty disgusting in the eyes of society in the first place as well as myself and i have no desire to write with you. if i find out after following, i will   unfollow without hesitation . iv.   i will   do my best   to tag triggers for people. i will have all triggers i tag or have been asked to tag on a list which will be located here. v.   triggers will be tagged in the following format:   #word tw  . vi.   my own personal triggers are as follows: cancer, eye gore, paranormal imagery   (   imagery that looks real, similar to paranormal activity   ) , and trypophobia.
i.   my name is   rae   and i am a 24 year old lesbian, grey–a, cis female from southwest iowa in the central timezone who prefers that you use   she / her   pronouns when addressing, but will gladly accept   they / them  . ii.   i will   not   tolerate drama between roleplayers on this blog. this means vague blogging about myself or my mutuals, harassing myself or my mutuals, slandering myself or my mutuals, etc. the list goes on, you get the gist of it. iii.   do   not   bring me into your online drama with people. in the past i’ve been dragged into a lot of drama and i will   not   tolerate it anymore. i have too many real life stresses to worry about and persons who have nothing better to do than cause people grief won’t be tolerated. iv.   my blog is   hate free  ! i don’t tolerate any sort of hate whatsoever. this may pertain to hate on other roleplayers, my or my mutuals characterizations, my characters in general, my mutuals, myself, etc. you get the picture. v.   one thing that i prioritize above everything else is my   mental health  . i have schizophrenia, bipolar, obsessive compulsive disorder, serve generalized anxiety / social anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a mood disorder. therefore sometimes i will be a hermit and avoid everyone and everything. it’s   nothing   against you, but it’s just me trying to keep my mental health in check. vi.   discord and snapchat are my only forms of contact outside tumblr ims, but they are available upon request to mutuals.
i.   Si ship chemistry  . period. while i may claim to be a ship whore and i have various ships that i absolutely adore—–i still need to find a certain chemistry between our characters. if we’re close, however, chances are this does not apply to you as i’m aware of how you write and i know we mesh well. ii.   do not under   any   circumstance force a ship on me. i do understand   enthusiasm   though. sometimes i get super happy and excited about shipping too, but there’s a line between enthusiasm and pure forcing a ship.
note:   on that note, i will   never   force a ship on you. however sometimes i feel like i do. if i over-do it or you ever feel uncomfortable,   please   kindly let me know and i promise i will cease whatever it is i’m doing.
i.   i typically   do not   write greeters. however, depending on if your account really intrigues me, i may write you one. please do not feel upset if you do not get one. you can always   message me   to ask for one. in the same note, if you would like a greeter, you’re welcome to ask for one. just don’t expect a novel if i’ve got nothing to go on or no idea. ii.   if you write me a greeter i will   more often than not   reply to it. it may take me a bit, but i will   try   to reply. and i appreciate it when you take the time to be patient with that. it shows me you really want to write with me as i’m a turtle.
•   note: if for whatever reason i cannot find the will to reply   (   which is usually because i’m a numpty and can’t figure out how to reply to the certain situation in your starter   )   i will absolutely message you and let you know. maybe we can discuss it and you can either tweak things or i can write you something small.
iii. my starter calls   are   mutuals only. it isn’t anything against non-mutuals. i’m just very guarded at this point in my life with indie rping.
i. please do not   godmod   or   powerplay  ; whichever you prefer to call it. it’s annoying and very rude. if it’s something small and obvious   (   eg. they headed upstairs   )   because the roleplay calls for it and we need to move things along, that’s fine. but don’t tell my muses how to feel or majorly act   without   my permission. ii.   mun and muses are over eighteen so please know that smut will be written on this blog if / when i feel comfortable with it. very scarcely, however, as i need to feel comfortable with my writing partner beforehand. with the teen verses i have, all of them are eighteen. i will not write below eighteen. i just don't feel comfortable with it. iii.   i do   not   care how you format. i personally use tiny icons   (   usually 68x68   )   that i make myself as well as sub font. however, i don’t care how you format or don’t as long as you respect my choice on how to. in return i’ll do the same for you. writing and roleplaying is about feeling the scene through words, not the aesthetics and that’s all that matters to me. iv.   you must be literate when writing with me. and by that i mean don’t type in chat speak   (   eg. “y r u doing that?”   )   or use -description-/*description*. the “literate” rule does   not   apply to typos or grammar if english is not your first language. i completely understand those two things. v.   don’t ever   force or pressure   me to reply to threads. i run at very slow   turtle speed   so take that into consideration before following. this is solely because of physical health and mental health issues. trust me—–it kills me not to be here roleplaying and writing in general, but sometimes it happens.
•   that being said, if i do not reply within   5 days  , you are allowed to message me about it and make sure that i still have your thread in my drafts and the status of it. •   sometimes i lose threads and if i do, all you need to do is gently poke me and ask if i still have it. i   will not   but upset with that. •   i do, however, get upset and anxious when people are   extremely rude   about threads being too slow or lost. if you are rude, i will immediately drop whatever we have going and probably unfollow or block you depending on what the situation is. as stated above, this is a hate/drama free zone.
vi.   even if we’ve never interacted, feel free to send me  m e m e s  at anytime. the only thing i ask that you DO NOT send are shippy memes if we’ve not discussed shipping before. this rule does not apply, however, if i know you from another account and we always ship. lbr, i’m trash like that.
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